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Sqa Unit-1

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Introduction to software quality
What is software?
An accumulation of programming language instructions and
statements or development tool instructions that together form a program
or software package. This program or software package is usually referred
to as the “code”.
Software – IEEE definition
Software is:
Computer programs, procedures, and possibly associated
documentation and data pertaining to the operation of a computer system.
The IEEE definition of software, which is almost identical to the
ISO definition lists the following
Four components of software:
■ Computer programs (the “code”)
■ Procedures
■ Documentation
■ Data necessary for operating the software system.
All four components are needed in order to assure the quality of the
software development process and the coming years of maintenance
services for the following reasons:
■ Computer programs (the “code”) are needed because, obviously,
they activate the computer to perform the required applications.
■ Procedures are required, to define the order and schedule in which
the programs are performed, the method employed, and the person
responsible for performing the activities that are necessary for applying
the software.
■ Various types of documentation are needed for developers, users
and maintenance personnel.
■ Data including parameters, codes and name lists that adapt the
software to the needs of the specific user are necessary for operating the
software. Another type of essential data is the standard test data, used to
ascertain that no undesirable changes in the code or software data have
occurred, and what kind of software malfunctioning can be expected.
Software errors, faults and failures
The origin of software failures lies in a software error made by a
An error can be a grammatical error in one or more of the code lines,
or a logical error in carrying out one or more of the client’s requirements.
However, not all software errors become software faults. In other
words, in some cases, the software error can cause improper functioning
of the software in general or in a specific application.
In many other cases, erroneous code lines will not affect the
functionality of the software as a whole; in a part of these cases, the fault
will be corrected or “neutralized” by subsequent code lines.
We are interested mainly in the software failures that disrupt our use
of the software. This requires us to examine the relationship between
software faults and software failures.
Do all software faults end with software failures?
Not necessarily: a software fault becomes a software failure only
when it is “activated” – when the software user tries to apply the specific,
faulty application.
In many situations, a software fault is never activated due to the
user’s lack of interest in the specific application or to the fact that the
combination of conditions necessary to activate the fault never occurs.

Figure illustrates the relationships between software errors, faults

and failures. In this figure, the development process yields 17 software
errors, only eight of which become software faults. Of these faults, only
three turnout to be software failures.
Importantly, developers and users have different views of the
software product regarding its internal defects. While developers are
interested in software errors and faults, their elimination, and the ways to
prevent their generation, software users are worried about software
Classification of the causes of software errors
A software error can be “code error”, a “procedure error”, a
“documentation error”, or a “software data error”.
(1) Faulty definition of requirements
The faulty definition of requirements, usually prepared by the client, is
one of the main causes of software errors. The most common errors of this
type are:
■ Erroneous definition of requirements.
■ Absence of vital requirements.
■ Incomplete definition of requirements.
■ Inclusion of unnecessary requirements, functions that are not
expected to be needed in the near future.
(2) Client–developer communication failures
Misunderstandings resulting from defective client–developer
communication are additional causes for the errors that prevail in the early
stages of the development process:
■ Misunderstanding of the client’s instructions as stated in the
requirement document.
■ Misunderstanding of the client’s requirements changes presented
to the developer in written form during the development period.
■ Misunderstanding of the client’s requirements changes presented
orally to the developer during the development period.
■ Misunderstanding of the client’s responses to the design problems
presented by the developer.
(3) Deliberate deviations from software requirements
The developer reuses software modules taken from an earlier project
without sufficient analysis of the changes and adaptations needed to
correctly fulfill all the new requirements.
■ Due to time or budget pressures, the developer decides to omit
part of the required functions in an attempt to cope with these
■ Developer-initiated, unapproved improvements to the software,
introduced without the client’s approval, frequently disregard
requirements that seem minor to the developer. Such “minor”
changes may, eventually, cause software errors.
(4) Logical design errors
■ Definitions that represent software requirements by means of
erroneous algorithms.
■ Process definitions that contain sequencing errors.
■ Erroneous definition of boundary conditions.
■ Omission of required software system states.
■ Omission of definitions concerning reactions to illegal operation
of the software system.
(5) Coding errors
A broad range of reasons cause programmers to make coding errors.
These include misunderstanding the design documentation,
linguistic errors in the programming languages, errors in the
application of CASE and other development tools, errors in data
selection, and so forth.
(6) Non-compliance with documentation and coding instructions
■ Team members who need to coordinate their own codes with code
modules developed by “non-complying” team members can be
expected to encounter more than the usual number of difficulties
when trying to understand the software developed by the other team
■ Individuals replacing the “non-complying” team member (who
has retired or been promoted) will find it difficult to fully understand
his or her work.
■ The design review team will find it more difficult to review a
design prepared by a non-complying team.
(7) Shortcomings of the testing process
■ Incomplete test plans leave untreated portions of the software or
the application functions and states of the system.
■ Failures to document and report detected errors and faults.
■ Failure to promptly correct detected software faults as a result of
inappropriate indications of the reasons for the fault.
■ Incomplete correction of detected errors due to negligence or time
(8) Procedure errors
Procedures direct the user with respect to the activities required at
each step of the process.
(9) Documentation errors
Typical errors of this type are:
■ Omission of software functions.
■ Errors in the explanations and instructions given to users,
resulting in “dead ends” or incorrect applications.
■ Listing of non-existing software functions, that is, functions
planned in the early stages of development but later dropped,
and functions that were active in previous versions of the
software but cancelled in the current version.
Software quality – IEEE definition
Software quality is:
1. The degree to which a system, component, or process meets
specified requirements.
2. The degree to which a system, component, or process meets
customer or user needs or expectations.
■ “Quality means conformance to requirements”
■ Quality consists of those product features which meet the
needs of customers and thereby provide product satisfaction.
Quality consists of freedom from deficiencies.

Software quality – Pressman’s definition

Software quality is defined as:
Conformance to explicitly stated functional and performance
requirements, explicitly documented development standards, and
implicit characteristics that are expected of all professionally
developed software.
Software quality assurance – definition and objectives
Software quality assurance – The IEEE definition
Software quality assurance is:
1. A planned and systematic pattern of all actions necessary to
provide adequate confidence that an item or product conforms to
established technical requirements.
2. A set of activities designed to evaluate the process by which the
products are developed or manufactured. Contrast with quality control.
SQA – expanded definition
Software quality assurance is:
A systematic, planned set of actions necessary to provide adequate
confidence that the software development process or the maintenance
process of a software system product conforms to established functional
technical requirements as well as with the managerial requirements of
keeping the schedule and operating within the budgetary confines.
The objectives of SQA activities
Software development (process-oriented):
1. Assuring an acceptable level of confidence that the software will
conform to functional technical requirements.
2. Assuring an acceptable level of confidence that the software will
conform to managerial scheduling and budgetary requirements.
3. Initiating and managing of activities for the improvement and
greater efficiency of software development and SQA activities. This
means improving the prospects that the functional and managerial
requirements will be achieved while reducing the costs of carrying
out the software development and SQA activities.
Software maintenance (product-oriented):
1. Assuring with an acceptable level of confidence that the software
maintenance activities will conform to the functional technical
2. Assuring with an acceptable level of confidence that the software
maintenance activities will conform to managerial scheduling and
budgetary requirements.
3. Initiating and managing activities to improve and increase the
efficiency of software maintenance and SQA activities. This
involves improving the prospects of achieving functional and
managerial requirements while reducing costs.
Software quality factors
The need for comprehensive software quality requirements
There is a need for a comprehensive definition of requirements that
will cover all attributes of software and aspects of the use of software,
including usability aspects, reusability aspects, maintainability aspects,
and so forth in order to assure the full satisfaction of the users.
Classifications of software requirements into software
quality factors
McCall’s factor model
McCall’s factor model classifies all software requirements into 11
software quality factors. The 11 factors are grouped into three categories
– product operation, product revision and product transition – as follows:

■ Product operation factors: Correctness, Reliability, Efficiency,

Integrity, Usability.

■ Product revision factors: Maintainability, Flexibility,


■ Product transition factors: Portability, Reusability,

McCall’s factor model tree
Product operation software quality factors
■ The required accuracy of those outputs.
■ The completeness of the output information.
■ The up-to-dateness of the information.
■ The availability of the information.
■ The standards for coding and documenting the software system.
Reliability requirements deal with failures to provide service. They
determine the maximum allowed software system failure rate, and
can refer to the entire system or to one or more of its separate
Efficiency requirements deal with the hardware resources needed to
perform all the functions of the software system in conformance to
all other requirements.
Integrity requirements deal with the software system security, that
is, requirements to prevent access to unauthorized persons, to
distinguish between the majority of personnel allowed to see the
information (“read permit”) and limited group who will be allowed
to add and change data (“write permit”) and so forth.
Usability requirements deal with the scope of staff resources needed
to train a new employee and to operate the software system.
Product revision software quality factors
Typical maintainability requirements:
(a) The size of a software module will not exceed 30
(b) The programming will adhere to the company coding
standards and guidelines.
The capabilities and efforts required to support adaptive
maintenance activities are covered by the flexibility requirements. These
include the resources (i.e. in man-days) required to adapt a software
package to a variety of customers of the same trade, of various extents of
activities, of different ranges of products and so on. This factor’s
requirements also support perfective maintenance activities, such as
changes and additions to the software in order to improve its service and
to adapt it to changes in the firm’s technical or commercial environment.
Testability requirements deal with the testing of an information
system as well as with its operation.
Testability requirements related to software operation include
automatic diagnostics performed by the software system prior to starting
the system, to find out whether all components of the software system are
in working order and to obtain a report about the detected faults.
Product transition software quality factors
Portability requirements tend to the adaptation of a software system
to other environments consisting of different hardware, different
operating systems, and so forth. These requirements make it possible to
continue using the same basic software in diverse situations or to use it
simultaneously in diverse hardware and operating systems situations.
Reusability requirements deal with the use of software modules
originally designed for one project in a new software project currently
being developed. They may also enable future projects to make use of a
given module or a group of modules of the currently developed software.
The reuse of software is expected to save development resources, shorten
the development period, and provide higher quality modules.
Interoperability requirements focus on creating interfaces with other
software systems or with other equipment firmware.
Interoperability requirements can specify the name(s) of the
software or firmware for which interface is required.
The components of the software quality assurance system – overview
The SQA system – an SQA architecture
SQA system components can be classified into six classes:
■ Pre-project components. To assure that (a) the project
commitments have been adequately defined considering the resources
required, the schedule and budget; and (b) the development and quality
plans have been correctly determined.
■ Components of project life cycle activities assessment. The
project life cycle is composed of two stages: the development life cycle
stage and the operation–maintenance stage. The development life cycle
stage components detect design and programming errors. Its components
are divided into the following four sub-classes:
– Reviews
– Expert opinions
– Software testing.
The SQA components used during the operation–maintenance phase
include specialized maintenance components as well as development life
cycle components, which are applied mainly for functionality improving
maintenance tasks. An additional sub-class of SQA project life cycle
components deals with assuring the quality of project parts performed by
subcontractors and other external participants during project development
and maintenance.
■ Components of infrastructure error prevention and
improvement. The main objectives of these components, which are
applied throughout the entire organization, are to eliminate or at least
reduce the rate of errors, based on the organization’s accumulated SQA
■ Components of software quality management. This class of
components is geared toward several goals, the major ones being the
control of development and maintenance activities and the introduction of
early managerial support actions that mainly prevent or minimize
schedule and budget failures and their outcomes.
■ Components of standardization, certification, and SQA
system assessment.
These components implement international professional and
managerial standards within the organization. The main objectives of this
class are
(a) utilization of international professional knowledge,
(b) improvement of coordination of the organizational quality
systems with other organizations, and
(c) assessment of the achievements of quality systems
according to a common scale.
The various standards may be classified into two main groups:
(a) quality management standards, and
(b) project process standards.
■ Organizing for SQA – the human components. The SQA
organizational base includes managers, testing personnel, the SQA
unit and practitioners interested in software quality (SQA trustees,
SQA committee members and SQA forum members). All these
actors contribute to software quality; their main objectives are to
initiate and support the implementation of SQA components, detect
deviations from SQA procedures and methodology, and suggest
SQA system component classes
Pre-project quality components
Project life cycle quality components
Infrastructure error preventive and improvement components
Software quality management components
Standardization, certification and SQA assessment
Organizing for SQA – the human components
SQA Architecture
Pre-project components
Contract review
Accordingly, contract review activities must include a detailed
examination of (a) the project proposal draft and (b) the contract drafts.
Specifically, contract review activities include:
■ Clarification of the customer’s requirements
■ Review of the project’s schedule and resource requirement
■ Evaluation of the professional staff’s capacity to carry out the
proposed project
■ Evaluation of the customer’s capacity to fulfill his obligations
■ Evaluation of development risks.
Development and quality plans
Once a software development contract has been signed or a
commitment made to undertake an internal project for the benefit of
another department of the organization, a plan is prepared of the project
(“development plan”) and its integrated quality assurance activities
(“quality plan”).
The main issues treated in the project development plan are:
■ Schedules
■ Required manpower and hardware resources
■ Risk evaluations
■ Organizational issues: team members, subcontractors and
■ Project methodology, development tools, etc.
■ Software reuse plans.
The main issues treated in the project’s quality plan are:
■ Quality goals, expressed in the appropriate measurable terms
■ Criteria for starting and ending each project stage
■ Lists of reviews, tests, and other scheduled verification and
validation activities.
SQA standards, system certification, and assessment components
External tools offer another avenue for achieving the goals of
software quality assurance. Specifically, the main objectives of this
class of components are:
(1) Utilization of international professional knowledge.
(2) Improvement of coordination with other organizations’
quality systems.
(3) Objective professional evaluation and measurement of the
achievements of the organization’s quality systems.
The standards available may be classified into two main sub-classes:
quality management standards and project process standards. Either
or both of the two sub-classes can be required by the customer and
stipulated in the accompanying contractual agreements.
Quality management standards
These standards focus on what is required and leave the decision
about how to achieve it to the organization.
The most familiar examples of this type of standard are:
■ SEI CMM assessment standard
■ ISO 9001 and ISO 9000-3 standards.
Project process standards
Project process standards are professional standards that provide
methodological guidelines (dealing with the question of “how”) for the
development team. Well-known examples of this type of standards are:
■ IEEE 1012 standard
■ ISO/IEC 12207 standard.
Organizing for SQA – the human components
Management’s role in SQA
The responsibilities of top management (through the executive in
charge of software quality), departmental management and project
management include the following:
■ Definition of the quality policy
■ Effective follow-up of quality policy implementation
■ Allocation of sufficient resources to implement quality policy
■ Assignment of adequate staff
■ Follow-up of compliance of quality assurance procedures
■ Solutions of schedule, budget and customer relations difficulties.
The SQA unit
This unit and software testers are the only parts of the SQA
organizational base that devote themselves full-time to SQA matters. All
other segments of the SQA organizational base (managerial and
professional staff) contribute only some of their time to software quality
issues. Thus, the SQA unit’s task is to serve as the main moving force,
initiator, and coordinator of the SQA system and its application. This task
can be broken down into a number of primary roles:
■ Preparation of annual quality programs
■ Consultation with in-house staff and outside experts on software
quality issues
■ Conduct of internal quality assurance audits
■ Leadership of quality assurance various committees
■ Support of existing quality assurance infrastructure components
and their updates, and development of new components.
SQA trustees, committees and forums
SQA trustees are members of development and maintenance teams
who have a special interest in software quality and are prepared to devote
part of their time to these issues. Their contributions include:
■ Solving team or unit local quality problems
■ Detecting deviations from quality procedures and instructions
■ Initiating improvements in SQA components
■ Reporting to the SQA unit about quality issues in their team or
SQA committee members are members of various software
development and maintenance units, and are usually appointed for term
or ad hoc service. The main issues dealt with by the committees are:
■ Solution of software quality problems.
■ Analysis of problem and failure records as well as other records,
followed by initiation of corrective and preventive actions when
■ Initiation and development of new procedures and instructions;
updating existing materials.
■ Initiation and development of new SQA components and
improvement of existing components.
Organizing for SQA – the human components
SQA forums are composed of professionals and practitioners who
meet and/or maintain an Internet site on a voluntary basis for discussion
of quality issues pertaining to development and maintenance processes.
They share their experiences and difficulties as well as try to initiate
improvements in the software process. The forums can therefore be
considered as important sources of information and SQA initiatives.

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