AGCC1623 Chapter3
AGCC1623 Chapter3
AGCC1623 Chapter3
Gene Segregation
• In 1909, Wilhelm Johannsen (1857-1927) pointed out the difference
between phenotype and genotype.
• In the lifetime of this individual, therefore, the phenotype may change but
the genotype remains constant because the phenotype results from
complex network of interactions between different genes and between
genes and the environment
Mendel’s work on garden peas – testing of 7 characters individually by hybridizing 2
varieties showing alternative traits like tall and short or yellow-seeded plant and of
green-seeded plant.
The parental plants (P generation) were from pure breeding lines or varieties and
were therefore homozygous for the specific character.
Ex. The cross between round-seeded plants and wrinkled-seeded ones yielded a first
generation progeny (F1 or fist filial generation) that produce round seeds. When F1
plants were self fertilized, ex. of round seeds and wrinkled seeds appeared in the
second generation or F2.
The following patterns was established from summarizing the results of Mendel’s
hybridization works:
1. For any character, the F1 showed one of the alternative traits. Such character that was
shown was dominant and the character that was hidden was recessive.
2. Reciprocal crosses gave the same results.
3. The trait that did not appear in the F1 reappeared in the F2, but in a frequency of ¼ of the
total number.
Self-fertilization of the F1 causes the random combinations of the male and female gametes
to form the F2 embryos, accounting for the 1:2:1 genotypic ratio and 3:1 phenotypic ratio as
The inheritance of seed characteristics follow complete dominance.
The homozygous dominant (RR) and heterozygous (Rr) exhibited the same phenotype
For completed dominance, the presence of 1 dominant allele will be enough to express the
dominant trait.
States that genes for different characters are inherited independently of one another
or alleles of different gene pairs separate independently from each other and
randomly combine during meiosis.
The phenotypic ratio is 9:3:3:1. Chi-square tests on the data showed good fit to the
expected 9:3:3:1 ratio, proving the independent assortment of the two gene pairs.
The formula regarding the progenies of hybrids between parents that differ in the
number of genes is as follows: number of gene pairs = n; kinds of gametes = 2n, kinds
of genotypes = 3n; kinds of phenotypes = 2n.
Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri in 1900 found correlations between the behavior
of the allele in a gene pair and homologous chromosomes during meiosis.
The correlations noted were as follows: If the allele exist in pair; if the alleles in a
gene pair separate, the homologous chromosome also separate at anaphase I of
meiosis; and the allele and the chromosomes are in pairs immediately after
When there are two gene differences, an independent assortment of genes can also
be observed. However, the ratios will not be the same as those of diploid organisms.
I.e., in addition to the yellow vs normal alternatives, the mating type alternatives mt+
vs mt- are considered.
One advantage in using microorganisms like Chlamydomonas and Neurospora is their ability
to recover all four haploid meiotic products (tetrad) of an individual zygote
Each product can be separately cultured and the products’ phenotypes and genotypes
First division segregation means that the separation of different parent alleles occurs in the
first meiotic division
Second division segregation is the result of a crossover between two chromatids of the
homologues in the region between the genes and the centromere so that the two different
alleles remains together in the a Meiosis I products, but separate in Meiosis II.
Mendel’s work demonstrated complete dominance relationship between two
different alleles for each gene pair
As more experiments were conducted, some phenotypes and ratios could not be
explained on the basis of complete dominance
These exceptions did not in any way disprove Mendel’s principles; rather, they
extended and developed them.
1. Incomplete dominance or no dominance
In this case dominance is absent and the
progeny does not resemble any of its parents.
Landsteiner and Levine (1927) were able to classify people into three general
types based on the agglutination characteristics of the red blood cells.
It is generally assumed that a gene pair has only two alleles
This condition arises from the presence of homologous pairs of chromosomes in the diploid
organism and each one contains one allele of the gene pair
However, there are many reported cases where more than two alleles exist in a gene and are
defined as a system of multiple alleles.
In the multiple allelic system, the alleles act within the same phenotypic range and are called
Many such isoalleles have been discovered, some within the phenotypic range of an abnormal
character, mutant isoalleles, and some within the phenotypic range of a wild type, normal
A multiple allelic system may, therefore, be quite complex, including various subsidiary
isoallelic systems.
Haploid organisms also have multiple allelic systems but unlike the diploid organisms which have two alleles at a
time, they only have one allele in every organism.
Certain genes can cause death of an organism
These genes may exert their effect early in life so that death comes when the embryo
is newly formed.
In other cases the embryo may develop normally for a time and then die at later stages
of embryonic development
The specific modes of action of the modifiers are not always known but as a rule,
modification is achieved either through dilution or enhancement of the effects of the
major genes.
Modifiers of mutant genes also exist and in some cases they completely suppress the
phenotypic expression of he mutant gene.
Such modifiers are called suppressors. Modifiers may be dominant or recessive; they
have large or small quantitative phenotypic effects.
Bateson and Punnett (1905), discovered that genes were not merely separate
elements producing distinct individual effects, but they could interact with one
another giving entirely different phenotypes.
New phenotypes result from interaction between dominants, and also from
interaction between both homozygous recessives, e.g., comb shape in poultry
2. Recessive Epistasis
There is complete dominance in both gene pairs, but one gene, when homozygous
recessive, hides or masks the effect of the other, e.g., mouse coat color
Interaction: Dominant color inhibitor (I_) prevents color even when color gene is present; color gene (cc)
when homozygous recessive prevents color even when dominant inhibitor is absent.
4. Complementary Genes
There is complete dominance at both gene pairs, but either recessive homozygote is epistatic
to the effects of the other gene, e.g., flower color in pea. Both genes P and C are required for
pigment production.
4. Complementary Genes
Interaction: The genes P and C produce enzymes that catalyze successive steps in a chemical
process leading to production of pigments, as follows:
5. Duplicate Genes
There is complete dominance in both gene pairs, but either gene, when dominant, is epistatic
to the other, e.g., seed capsule of Shepherd’s purse (Bursa)
Interaction: A dominant allele at either gene pair hides the effect of the ovoid
First demonstrated by E.B. Lewis in 1951 when he analyzed the Star-asteroid case in Drosophila.
He found a recessive mutation in Drosophila producing a small rough eye when homozygous.
The criteria of multiple allelism include satisfying same location on the chromosome and having similar
However, when a large number of progeny of Star x Star-recessive were classified, a few wild type
recombinants were identified which represented the crossover between the 2 loci
This indicate that Star and Star-recessive were 2 different mutants closely situated on the chromosome,
therefore, they are pseudoalleles.
The Star-recessive was then renamed asteroid (ast) and the dominant mutant Star (S).
Further observations showed that the 2 types of heterozygous produced different phenotypes as follows:
This phenomenon was called Lewis Effect or Position Effect where phenotype was determined not only by the
genotype but also by the position of the alleles on the chromosome.
When 2 dominants S and AST, are on the same chromosome and their recessive counterparts are on the
other chromosome (cis form), normal eyes are produced.
The Trans form, one dominant and one recessive on one chromosome and their respective recessive and
dominant alleles on the other chromosome produced much reduced eyes.
K. Environmental Influence on Gene Expression
The phenotype of an organism is the product of interaction of its gene and its environment.
The genotype provides the messages and direction for phenotypic growth and behavior; and the
environmental factors, such as food, suitable temperature, and light must be supplied so that the
organism may develop and continuously exist.
The developmental stage has many individual steps and at each step, interaction between
genotype and environment occurs.
One cannot definitely say that a particular gene determines a particular character, much true to say
that phenotype is the result of the close-knit interaction among many factors at many levels of
Genotype may give rise to different phenotypes in different environment which certain genotypes
may be adapted to one environment and may not survive in another environment
K. Environmental Influence on Gene Expression
Its now easy to see that the genotype determines the range of phenotypes that may
develop which referred to as the range of reaction of the genotype.
Phenotype that will be realized depends on the environment in which development takes
place, meaning, one will not be able to know the entire range of reactions of genotype
because it is not possible to expose an individual to all possible kinds of environments.
K. Environmental Influence on Gene Expression
A. Definition of Terms
1.1 Penetrance refers to the proportion of genotypes that show an expected phenotype. It
is a statistical concept of the regularity with which the gene is expressed
1.2 Expressivity is the degree to which a particular phenotypic effect is expressed by the
1.3 Pleiotropy is a situation in which one gene has multiple phenotypic effects
2.1 Temperature. There is a close correlation between the rate of chemical reactions and
temp. Since basic developmental effect of many genes is to control the rate of specific
reaction, a change in temp can be expected to have widespread effect on
2.2 Light. Energy provided by light and light itself is essential for growth and development
of plants and animals. Ex. Seeds grown in the dark cannot survive long because
chlorophyll is not developed event though there are genes for chlorophyll
K. Environmental Influence on Gene Expression
B. External Environment
2.3 Nutrition. Food provides energy for carrying out necessary processes and materials
that must be incorporated into necessary structures. Genetically, different organisms,
even of same species, usually differ in kind and amount of nutrients they require.
Depending upon its genotype, simple dietary changes can lead to different phenotypes
2.4 Maternal Relations. In case of mammals where the body relations between parent and
progeny extend beyond fertilization, interaction between the fetus and the maternal
environment occurs.
K. Environmental Influence on Gene Expression
C. Internal Environment
3.1 Age. As individual grow older, there are certain phenotypic changes that occur which
allows further genotypic effects to be expressed.
K. Environmental Influence on Gene Expression
C. Internal Environment
3.1 Age. As individual grow older, there are certain phenotypic changes that occur which
allows further genotypic effects to be expressed.
In all cases, the genes responsible for the particular trait are present after fertilization;
only the appearance of the effect depends on the age of the organism
K. Environmental Influence on Gene Expression
C. Internal Environment
3.2 Sex. Sexual phenotypic differences
are evident in the reproductive
structures and specialized behavior of
each sex.
K. Environmental Influence on Gene Expression
C. Internal Environment
3.2.1. Some traits are sex-limited in the sense that they appear in one sex and not in the
other. E.g., genes that influence milk yield in human and dairy cattle.
3.2.2. Some hereditary traits are more common in one sex than the other. These are
called sex-controlled or sex-influenced traits such as harelip, pattern baldness and
gout occuring more frequently on men than in women.
K. Environmental Influence on Gene Expression