Bacteria Summary - 3
Bacteria Summary - 3
Bacteria Summary - 3
Results of OF test
Oxidative organisms: glucose used only in aerobic tube, need
oxygen to grow and oxidize substrate
Fermentative organisms: Use glucose with or without oxygen,
Common Non-Fermenting genera
3 Pseudomonas
Alcaligenes Flavobacterium Acinetobacter
1. Pseudomonads are Gram-negative, aerobic, rod-
shaped bacteria with widespread occurrence in nature
2. Occurs in damp biotopes
3. The most important species from a medical point of
view is Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Occurrence, significance:
1. Widespread in nature
2. They are regularly found in soils, surface water, including the ocean,
on plants and, in small numbers, in human and animal intestines
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
1. Pseudomonas infections occur only in patients with weakened
immune defense systems,
2. Pneumonias in cystic fibrosis, colonization of burn wounds,
endocarditis in drug addicts, postoperative wound infection,
urinary tract infection, sepsis.
3. Multiple resistance to anti-infective agents presents a
therapeutic problem
3 Morphology and culture
week Pathogenesis and clinical pictures
3 -Opportunistic organisms
-UTI in catheterized patients
-Wound infections: in burn patients, ulcers
-Septicemia and meningitis in neonates
-Chest infections: ventilated patients
Cystic fibrosis patients
-Major cause of cross-infection in hospital
( easily multiplies in any moist environment)
Infections are exceptionally difficult to treat because of antimicrobial
Although pseudomonads are easy to identify in the laboratory,
antimicrobial susceptibility testing is indicated.
Burkholderia mallei
Burkholderia pseudomallei
1-The diagnosis of melioidosis should be considered for a patient from
an endemic area who has fulminant upper lobe pulmonary or
unexplained systemic disease
2-A Gram stain of an appropriate specimen will show small gram-
negative bacilli; bipolar staining (safety pin appearance) is seen with
Wright's stain or methylene blue stain
*Melioidosis has a high mortality rate if untreated *Surgical drainage
of localized infection may be
*Antibiotic susceptibility testing is an important guide for treatment
*B pseudomallei usually is susceptible to a variety of antibiotics,
including tetracycline, sulfonamides, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole,
chloramphenicol, amoxicillin or ticarcillin with clavulanic acid,
piperacillin, imipenem, and third- generation cephalosporins
Classified based on
Cell morphology and arrangement
Atmospheric (aerobic/anaerobic)
Catalase (+/-)
Spore formation (sporing/non-sporing)
Aerobic spore former
Habitat saprophytes, soil , dust, water
Species:human infections
- B.anthracis
- B.cereus
- B.subtilis
Large gram positive bacilli (Streptobacilli)
May appear gram variable
All species motile ( except B.anthracis)
dry beta-hemolytic colonies on blood ( except B.anthracis)
B.anthracis anthrax
B.cereus Food poisoning
B.subtilis infections in immunosupressed
week Anthrax
*disease of animals
4 *Organism in soil, form spore, remain viable for long time
*Human infected after contact with spores
Types of Anthrax
* b b
Lab diagnosis
Risk group 3
Gram stain:
Specimen: large capsulated gram pos bacilli From culture: gram
• •
positive, spore , Streptobacilli,
• no capsule =
Capsule detection
McFadyean reaction
Stain: Loeffler’s Polychrome Methylene
Blue stain
Result: Organism (blue)
Capsule (red)
week Laboratory diagnosis of Anthrax
4 Specimens: Blood culture, Sputum, swabs from cutaneous lesions,
CSf, dry nasal swab*
Environmental: air samples & surface swabs.
Transport with extreme care!
Stains: Gram’s, Spore,capsular
Culture on BA/PEA.
PCR, DFA, Strain typing
(Ames, Vollum,Sterne) & Serum ELISA for antibodies
Bacillus anthracis Vegetative Cells and Spores.
A shows a Gram's stain of B. anthracis vegetative bacteria.
B shows an electron photomicrograph of a B. anthracis spore
(arrowhead) partially surrounded by the pseudopod of a cultured
macrophage (x137,000).
- Effective sporicidal decontamination solutions: Commercially-
available bleach, 0.5% hypochlorite (a 1:10 dilution of household bleach)
-Do not open the letter.If the letter has already been opened and
powder spills out, do not clean it up.
-Keep others away from the area.Double bag the letter; plastic is
best (use plastic/rubber gloves and a mask if available).
-Immediately wash your hands with soap and water.
-Notify your supervisor & Infection Control team.
-Evacuate the area & Ensure that all persons who have handled
the letter wash their hands.
-Make a list of names of all persons who have handled the letter
-Place all clothing items worn when in contact with the letter
into plastic bags & Keep these bags with you, so that they are
available for law enforcement officials.
-As soon as possible shower with soap and water
week Gram Positive Bacilli Corynebacterium
General characteristic
- Corynebacteria are Gram-positive
- catalase positive,
- non-spore-forming,
- non-motile,
- rod-shaped bacteria that are straight or slightly cur ved
- Metachromatic granules are usually present representing
stored phosphate regions
It is also known as the Klebs-Löffler bacillus
* Genus has many species
* Most commensals called Diptheroids
Human pathogens
1. C.diphtheriae- Diphtheria
(3 biotypes) gravis, mitis, and intermedius
2 .C.hemolyticum sore throat, ulcers
3 .C.jeikium or Corynebacteria JK systemic infections in
immunosuppressed, heart valve infections (endocarditis)
4. C.ulceranspharyngitis like diphtheria
Respiratory diphtheria- more serious
Cutaneous diphtheria –skin infection, wound
contaminated with C.diphtheria,
rarely systemic
Respiratory Diphtheria
• Serious and fatal, if untreated
5 • Begins upper resp. tract
• Organism inhaled
• Exotoxin( neurotoxin) spreads via blood to other organs (heart,
muscle, kidney, liver)
• Throat acute inflammation – white membrane over the throat ,
can spread down and cause death from asphyxia (Laryngeal
• Clinical diagnosis : presence of membrane
• Major infection in the past prior to anti-toxin and vaccination
Cutaneous diphtheria
Bullous neck
White pseudomembrane
of Diphtheria
Lab diagnosis
Specimen: nasophyrangeal swab , wound swab
Gram stain: pleomorphic gram pos bacilli,gram variable,
coryneform (Chinese letter arrangement)
Lab Diagnosis
Identification by
• Biochemical tests: Hiss’s Serum sugars.
• Glucose & maltose +, Sucrose –
• Urease + : C. ulcerans.
• Gelatin liquefied.(C.ulcerans+ C.diphtheriae)
Virulence testing of C.diphtheriae
Umbrella motility of
Listeria monocytogenes on SBA
Listeria in semisolid agar
Listeria hysteria
Several reported food borne Listeria outbreaks:
• Coleslaw, milk, soft cheeses (Brie,camembert,blue vein)
• Deli ready meats, especially chicken, had highest rates of
• CDC study:
– 11% of all refrigerator food samples were
– 32% of sporadic cases can be attributed to soft cheeses or deli
– 64% of pts had at least one contaminated food
Populations at risk
mechanism of pathogenesis
• Listeria’s surface protein “internalin” interacts with
E- cadherin, a receptor on epithelial cells.
• Phagocytosis induced.
7 • Listeriolysin O lyses the phagolysosomal membrane.
• Bacterium escapes into cytoplasm and avoids intracellular
I killing.
• In cytoplasm, bacteria divides.
• Doubling time ~ 1 hr
• Listeria uses virulence factor Act A to induce host cell actin
• Actin filaments propel the bacteria to the host cell
• Listeria has successfully hijacked the contractile system of
the host cell for cell to cell migration.
Listerial infections
Infection in Pregnancy
• 26-30 weeks gestation: decline in cell- mediated immunity
• Listeria may proliferate in placenta – Acute febrile illness
– Arthralgia
– Headache
– Backache
6 • Result of infection in pregnancy:
– Stillbirth, neonatal death (22%)
– Premature labour
– Spontaneous abortion if amnionitis
• Untreated bacteremia self-limited
• Early antimicrobial therapy results in healthy infant
• CNS infection rare in pregnancy
Neonatal infection
1. Granulomatosis infantiseptica
• Disseminated listerial infection
• Caused by in utero infection
• Infant stillborn or dies within hours of birth
• Widespread microabscesses and granulomas, especially in liver and
• Listeria visible in meconium
3. Late-onset meningitis
• Acquired from birth canal at delivery
• Occurs at ~2 weeks of age in term infants
CNS Infection
• Listeria has a tropism for the brain, especially
brainstem, and meninges
• Meningitis most frequent listerial infection
• 5th most common cause of bacterial meningitis, but
has highest mortality (22%)
• 3rd major cause of neonatal meningitis
• 2nd major cause of meningitis in elderly
• Most common cause bacterial meningitis in pts with
Listeriosis Diagnosis
• Isolation of L. monocytogenes from CSF, blood
• MRI superior to CT for identifying parenchymal brain
involvement, especially in the brainstem
Listeriosis Treatment
• Meningitis:
– Ampicillin + gentamicin x 21 days
– or TMP-SMX (Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) x 21 days
– Avoid corticosteroid therapy (?) to avoid impairment of
cellular immunity
• Bacteremia only:
– Amp + gent (or TMP-SMX) x 14 days
• Rhombencephalitis or brain abscess:
– treat minimum 6 weeks
– Follow with serial MRI or CT scans
• Listerial endocarditis:
– treat 4-6 weeks
• Always include ampicillin in empiric tx for
septicemia or meningitis in infants < 3 mo.
• Withhold iron replacement tx during listeriosis infection
• ? Combination of TMP-SMX + amp may have lower rate of
tx failure with fewer neurologic sequelae than amp + gent.
No cheese please!
Listeriosis prevention
For everyone:
• Thoroughly cook raw food from animals
• Thoroughly wash raw vegetables
• Keep uncooked meats separate from other foods
• Avoid raw milk
• Wash hands, knives, cutting boards after handling uncooked
week In immunocompromised, elderly, pregnancy
6 • Avoid soft cheeses (feta, Brie, Camembert)
• Reheat left-overs and ready-to-eat foods (e.g. hot dogs) until
steaming hot before eating
• +/- avoid deli foods and reheat cold cuts before eating
General characteristics
• Caused by Clostridium tetani
• Gram-positive, endospore-forming, obligate anaerobe
• Grows in deep wounds
• Tetanospasmin released from dead cells blocks relaxation pathway in
• Prevention by vaccination with tetanus toxoid and booster
• Treatment with tetanus immune globulin
• Acute infectious disease is due to the toxin of tetanus
bacillus Clostridium tetani
• Characterized by convulsions and intermittent tonic
spasms of voluntary muscle.
• Characteristic symptom is stiffness of the jaw
• Difficulty opening their jaws; spasm of the facial muscles produce a
characteristic expression with a fixed smile and elevated eyebrows (risus
• Rigidity or spasm of the abdominal, neck and back muscles-even
opisthotonus- may occur.
• High mortality
Gram stain
Infant with Tetanus
week C.Perfringens-Gas gangrene
7 • Begins as wound infection – accident or surgery
• Spores germinate and produce toxin
• Metabolism of bacteria- produce a lot of gas
• Cure: - amputation
- Intensive antibiotic & antitoxin.
Gas Gangrene
Cl. difficile
Pseudomembranous colitis(PMC) Antibiotic
Associated Diarrhoea(AAC)
• 3 forms of Botulism:
1. Food borne botulism (which is usually caused by eating home-
canned foods that contain the toxin)
2. Wound botulism (when the bacteria infect a wound and produce
the toxin inside of it)
3. Infant botulism (Bacterial multiplication in the gut)
Infant botulism
• This illness usually affects babies who are
bet ween 3 weeks and 6 months old, but all babies are at risk for it until
their first birthdays.
• So if an infant ingests them, the bacteria germinate, multiply, and
produce a toxin. That toxin interferes with the normal interaction
bet ween the muscles and ner ves and can hamper an infant's ability to
move, eat, and breathe.
Also know that honey is a known
source of the bacteria spores that
cause botulism. For this reason,
honey shouldn't be given to babies
younger than 1 year old.
week Laboratory diagnosis of Clostridia
7 • Microscopy: Thick gram pos bacilli, with square ends
• Culture: anaerobic
- Cell morphology
- Colonial morphology
- BBL crystal/API anaerobes
- Toxin tests -- eg Nagler test
C.perfringens-Nagler test
• Principle: toxin neutralization test
• Detects toxin A -The toxin is lecithinase which hydrolyses the
phospholipid lecithin (a component of cell membranes)
• Method:
-Egg yolk agar (source of lecithin)
- Antitoxin spread half of the plate
- Organism spread over the whole plate
- Incubated overnight
Cell morphology.
• Shape: Bacilli, some are short others long.
• Some species are arranged in a serpentine cording
Auramine stain
This has the same principle as the Z.N. Stain but the
stain used in place of Carbol fuchsin is the fluorescent
stain Auramine. The counter-stain is potassium
permanganate. The smear is examined using a
fluorescent microscope.
Species of Mycobacteria
Opportunistic Mycobacteria
Infections by MTB
• One third of the world is infected
• 8 million have active disease
• 3 million deaths annually, 98% in Africa/Asia. • 50%
mortality, if untreated.
• One person infected every second
• 14-30% of TB cases, HIV-coinfected
• Can occur in different organs
Mycobacteria tuberculosis
• At the present time there is a huge increase in the number of
tuberculosis infections, many of which are caused by strains that
are highly resistant to many antibiotics.
• Some years ago with better living standards and immunization
it was thought that this disease would become less important but
today there are more cases than ever
Pathogenesis of tuberculosis
• Infections start as respiratory infections, person-person
spread- during coughing, sneezing, talking or singing!!
• If the infection is not contained in the lungs it may spread via
the blood to other organs.
• When several organs are affected at the same time the
infection is regarded as systemic and is called Miliary TB
Pulmonary tuberculosis
TB skin test
Mantoux test
• Microscopy.
• Prepared Smears are stained with the Z.N or
Auramine stain,
• It is essential to include a known positive smear
as a positive control.
• Most diagnoses are made by microscopic
examination of the stained smear so a well-
prepared and examined smear is important.
Specimens in which commensals are found need to be decontaminated
before culture.
• This involves killing the commensals before the specimen is
inoculated on to the media.
• This is usually by adding 4% NaOH to the specimen and incubating
for 10-15 minutes. This kills all other bacteria and spores but not
the Mycobacteria
There are both manual and automated methods used for culture of
Manual methods
• M. tuberculosis and other pathogenic Mycobacteria are
slow growing fastidious organisms that will not grow on
routine lab media. All cultures are incubated for a minimum
of 6-8 weeks at 37oC
• Fluorescent Detection:
• There are now newer automatic methods that do not use
radioactivity but other products of metabolism which produce
fluorescent metabolites & are detected using a fluorescent
TB lab
• Remember Risk Group 3 organism.
• Strict Biosafety precautions.
• Biosafety cabinets
• HEPA filters
• Remember Universal precautions + Masks & Gowns while
handling cultures
• Important cause of lab acquired infections among
week Microbial Diseases of the Respirator
The Upper Respiratory System
Pharynx (throat)
Middle ear
Eustachian tubes
Streptococcal Pharyngitis
-Also called strep throat
- Streptococcus pyogenes
-Resistant to phagocytosis
-Streptokinases lyse clots
-Streptolysins are cytotoxic
-Diagnosis by enzyme immunoassay (EIA)
Scarlet Fever
-Streptococcus pyogenes
-Erythrogenic toxin produced by
lysogenized S. pyogenes
-Corynebacterium diphtheriae: Gram-positive rod
-Diphtheria toxin produced by lysogenized C.
Diphtheria membrane: Fibrin, tissue, bacterial cells
Prevented by DTaP vaccine
-Diphtheria toxoid
-Cutaneous diphtheria
-Infected skin wound leads to slow-healing ulcer
week Otitis Media
14 -S. pneumoniae (35%)
- H. influenzae (20–30%)
- M. catarrhalis (10–15%)
- S. pyogenes (8–10%)
- S. aureus (1–2%)
- Incidence of S. pneumoniae reduced by vaccine
2-Tuberculosis d
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Acid-fast rod; transmitted from human to human
-M. bovis: <1% U.S. cases; not transmitted from human
- -
to human
-Legionella pneumophila
-Gram-negative rod
-Found in water
-Transmitted by inhaling aerosols; not transmitted from
human to human
Symptoms: Potentially fatal pneumonia that tends to
affect older men who 00drink or smoke heavily
Diagnosis: Culture on selective media, DNA probe
Treatment: Erythromycin
Psittacosis (Ornithosis) - -1
-Chlamydophila psittaci
-Gram-negative intracellular bacterium
-Transmitted toO humans by elementary bodies from bird
Q Fever
Causative agent: Coxiella burnetii
Reservoir: Large mammals
Tick vector
Can be transmitted via unpasteurized milk
Symptoms: Mild respiratory disease lasting 1–2 weeks;
occasional complications such as endocarditis occur
Diagnosis: Growth in cell culture
Treatment: Doxycycline and chloroquine
Causative agent: by Burkholderia
Reservoir: Soil
Mainly in southeast Asia and northern
Symptoms: Pneumonia, or tissue
abscesses and severe sepsis
Diagnosis: Bacterial culture
Treatment: Ceftazidime
week Types of sputum specimens & processing
13 4 terms commonly used
14 1.Mucopurulent Thickgreenishyellowmucus
(indicates infection)
2. Purulent Yellow-Green mucus thinner consistency
( indicates infection)
3. Mucoid Clear colorless white mucus.
4. Blood-tinged Hemoptysis (indicates Tuberculosis,
pneumonia etc.
Sputum Vs Saliva
Gram stain
Count Epithelial cells and WBCs (pus cells)
Greater than 25 epithelial cells = saliva
Greater than 25 pus cells = sputum
10-25 equivocal, interpret with culture report.
week Infectious Diseases Affecting the
15 Genitourinary System
Structure and Function of Urinary System
Urinary system:
Two kidneys
Two ureters
One urinary bladder
One urethra
Infection prevented by:
Valves prevent backflow to kidneys
Acidity of urine
Mechanical flushing
An inflammation of the urinary bladder
An inflammation of the urethra
An inflammation of one or both kidneys
Interestingly, daily ingestion of cranberry
juice prevents E. coli from adhering to epithelial cells
In 25% of untreated cases, cystitis may progress to
Causative agent: Usually E. coli
Symptoms: Fever; back or flank pain
Diagnosis: 104 CFUs/ml and + LE (leukocyte esterase) test
Treatment: Cephalosporin
15 Pyelonephritis
-f pyelonephritis becomes chronic, scar tissue forms in the
kidneys and severely impairs their function.
-Because pyelonephritis is a potentially life- threatening
condition, treatment usually begins with intravenous,
extended term administration of a broad-spectrum
Causative agent: Leptospira interrogans
Reser voir: Dogs and rats
Transmission: Skin/mucosal contact from urine-
contaminated water
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) that can affect
15 urinary tract
-Prevented by condoms
-Bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics
Caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae (also known as gonococcus)
If left untreated, may result in -Endocarditis
-Ophthalmia neonatorum
Men: Painful urination and discharge of pus; most of the
cases are limited to the distal urogenital tract but can
spread to the prostate
Women: Few symptoms but possible complications, both
genital and urinary tract can be infected, pelvic
inflammatory disease (infertility)
Diagnosis: Gram stain, ELISA, PCR
Treatment: Fluoroquinolones
Ophthalmia neonatorum
Transmitted from an infected mother to an infant
during its passage through the birth canal, 1 day after
Most common reportable infectious disease in the U.S. at
least t wo times more common than gonorrheia.
Majority of cases are asymptomatic
symptoms in males
-Inflammation of the urethra (nongonococcal gonorrheia)
-Symptoms mimicking gonorrhea
-Untreated infections may lead to epididymitis
Symptoms in females
Cer vicitis
may lead to pid
Conjunctivitis (trachoma)
Chlamy'dia trachomatis
produces conjunctivitis after day three post birth, but
may occur up to t wo weeks after delivery,
Less inflamed, more watery