Title: Substation Earth Unique Identifier:: Controlled Disclosure
Title: Substation Earth Unique Identifier:: Controlled Disclosure
Title: Substation Earth Unique Identifier:: Controlled Disclosure
Revision: 2
Total Pages: 31
Supported by SCOT/SC
Subhas Maharaj
Substation SC Chairperson
Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5
2. Supporting clauses ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1.2 Applicability ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Normative/informative references ...................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Normative ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.2 Informative ............................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3.2 Disclosure classification ......................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Roles and responsibilities .................................................................................................................. 7
2.6 Process for monitoring ....................................................................................................................... 7
2.7 Related/supporting documents .......................................................................................................... 7
3. Conducting earth electrode resistance tests ............................................................................................... 7
3.1 Background ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3.2 Measurement frequency .................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Measurement method comparison ..................................................................................................... 7
3.4 Factors affecting the accuracy of measured results ........................................................................11
3.5 Determining where measurements should be done ........................................................................12
3.6 Safety precautions while doing tests ................................................................................................12
3.7 Tagg Slope method ..........................................................................................................................13
3.7.1 Equipment and accessories needed for the Tagg Slope method ........................................13
3.7.2 Tagg Slope method description ...........................................................................................13
3.8 Variable frequency method ..............................................................................................................18
3.8.1 Equipment and accessories needed for the variable frequency method .............................18
3.8.2 Variable frequency method description ...............................................................................18
3.9 Final report .......................................................................................................................................22
4. Authorization ..............................................................................................................................................22
5. Revisions ...................................................................................................................................................23
6. Development team ....................................................................................................................................23
7. Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................................23
Annex A – Values of L1/(E(C2) for various values of z ....................................................................................24
Annex B – Tagg Slope method example ..........................................................................................................28
Annex C – Variable Frequency method example .............................................................................................29
Annex D – Impact of chosen distance “E(C2” on test results ...........................................................................31
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Executive Summary
As described in IEEE Standard 81-2012, IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and
Earth Surface Potentials of a Grounding System, connections to earth have complex impedances that include
resistive, capacitive, and inductive components, all of which affect their current-carrying capabilities. The
resistance of the connection to remote earth is of particular interest to those concerned with power frequencies
because it is affected by the resistivity of the earth in the area of the connection assuming the earthing system
is small enough that the resistance dominates the overall impedance. The capacitance and inductance values
are of interest to those concerned with higher frequencies, such as radio communications and lightning
applications, or very large earthing systems when the resistance does not dominate the overall impedance.
A substation earthing system typically consists of buried earth conductors connected to several transmission
and distribution structure earths and interconnected by shield and possibly neutral conductors. The
interconnected impedance of this type of earthing system will be referred to as the earthing system impedance.
Isolated pole earths and most distribution substations with typical soil resistivities are predominately resistive.
On the other hand, large earthing systems, especially in low soil resistivity areas, will have a significant reactive
The impedance of an earthing system largely depends on the resistivity of the surrounding soil and the extent
and configuration of the buried electrode. Earth at a given location can be composed of various combinations
of natural materials of widely varying resistivity. The soil can be relatively homogeneous over a large area, or
it can be made up out of layers of different materials.
Calculations and experience show that, in a given soil, the effectiveness of an earth grid is dependent largely
on the overall size of the earth grid and the resistivity of the soil. The addition of conductors and earth rods
within an existing earth grid system can also aid somewhat in reducing the earth grid impedance. This
reduction diminishes with the addition of each successive conductor or rod.
After the installation of a substation earth grid, the settling of the soil with annual cyclical weather changes
tends to reduce the earth impedance during the first year or two.
The impedance of an earth electrode is usually measured in terms of resistance because the reactance is
generally negligible with respect to the resistive component. The reactive component increases with the size
of the earth grid and especially when the earth grid is interconnected with earthed neutral and shield wire
systems. Determination of the reactive component is necessary when the analysis involves surge or impulse
currents. To avoid confusion, the term “resistance” will be used to mean the impedance of an isolated earth
The resistance will not usually vary greatly from year to year after the first year or two following its installation.
Two measurement methods are proposed for use:
Tagg slope method for small substations (typically sub-transmission and distribution size), and
Variable Frequency method for big substations (typically transmission size).
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1. Introduction
In order to evaluate the new or existing substation earth electrodes (also referred to as earth mats or earth
grids), the earth electrode resistance of the substation needs to be tested. For new substations this is a
verification that the substation earth grid as installed complies with the associated design, and for existing
substations this gives an indication of the grid condition if measured periodically over time. The result of this
test is not a definitive indication of the grid condition, but must be compared to the original design value and/or
previously measured values.
2. Supporting clauses
2.1 Scope
This standard details the methodology to be followed in measuring the earth electrode resistance. The
principles prescribed in this standard are applicable to conducting electrode resistance testing at new or
existing substations as long as cognisance is taken of the factors affecting the measurement accuracy.
2.1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this standard is to provide employees and contractors with a process to be followed in
measuring the substation earth electrode resistance of new or existing substations in order to evaluate the
earth grid condition.
2.1.2 Applicability
This document shall apply throughout Eskom Holdings Limited Divisions.
2.2.1 Normative
[1] EPRI 1013793, Substation Ground Grid Impedance Measurement, Field Demonstration of Meters
[2] EPRI TR-106661-V1, Distribution Grounding Volume 1: Handbook.
[3] IEEE Std 81-2012, IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth
Surface Potentials of a Grounding System.
[4] ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems.
[5] SANS 10199:2010, South African National Standard, The design and installation of earth electrodes.
[6] 240-44175132, Eskom Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
2.2.2 Informative
[7] DPC 34-227, Pre-Task Planning and Feedback Process
[8] SANS 725, Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding (IEEE Std 80-2000).
[9] 240-105197930, Variable Frequency Earth Electrode Resistance Measurement Result Sheet
[10] 240-105197932, Tagg Slope Earth Electrode Resistance Measurement Result Sheet
[11] 240-134369472, Substation Earth Grid Design Standard
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2.3 Definitions
2.3.1 General
Definition Description
Earth electrode The vector sum of resistance and reactance between the earth electrode, grid
impedance or system and remote earth.
The impedance, excluding reactance, between the earth electrode, grid or
Earth electrode system and remote earth. Note that some sections of this document refer to
resistance impedance as resistance if the reactive portion of the impedance is deemed
Earth An earth electrode consisting of a large rectangular arrangement of conductors
electrode/grid/mat buried in trenches and divided by longitudinal and transverse conductors into a
number of smaller rectangles.
Earth grid resistance Refer to the definition of earth electrode resistance above.
Earthing The electrical connection between an apparatus and the general mass of earth
in such a way that it will ensure a safe discharge of electrical energy at all times.
Earthing system A system intended to provide at all times, by means of one or more earth
electrodes in a specific area, a low impedance path for the immediate discharge
of electrical energy, without danger, into the general mass of the earth.
Remote earth A theoretical concept that refers to an earth electrode of zero impedance placed
an infinite distance away from the earth electrode under test. In practice, remote
earth is approached when the mutual resistance between the earth electrode
under test and the test electrode becomes negligible. Remote earth is normally
considered to be at zero potential.
Stake Firm stick or post sharpened at one end and driven into the ground as a support,
boundary mark, etc.
2.4 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
Dx Distribution
I Current, measured in amp (A)
Combined three-phase neutral electromagnetic couplers with neutral earthing
resistors and auxiliary transformers
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
R Resistance, measure in ohm ()
s/s Substation
Tx Transmission
V Voltage, measured in volt (V)
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2.5 Roles and responsibilities
All designers shall utilise and implement this standard during the substation earth grid design or evaluation
process. This is applicable to all new as well as existing substations.
3.1 Background
The purpose of this document is to give guidance on the acceptable methods to be used for substation earth
electrode resistance testing.
There are a number of documents available indicating how the earth electrode resistance should be measured.
The concern however is that most of these documents are generic in their proposed application, i.e. measuring
equipment manufacturer manuals or application guides. Unfortunately these documents are not directly
applicable to measurements associated to transmission, sub-transmission or distribution substation
applications and as a result omit important practical requirements to be adhered to when conducting these
Irrespective of the test method used, it is always important to gather sufficient data to plot the actual
resistance/impedance curve, and to use this curve as visual confirmation of the test result integrity while still
on site.
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Table 1: Comparison of the various test methods
Method Description Advantages Disadvantages
Fall-of-potential Inject a current between the grid Simple to carry out. Only suitable for complex
electrical centre and a remote Requires a minimal amount systems only if the full
current probe at least five times the of calculations to obtain a resistance curve is plotted,
(refer to Figure 1) grid largest diagonal away. otherwise suitable for small
Take resistance measurements earth electrodes only.
Same test-set can be used as
(Typically for between the grid electrical centre for soil resistivity testing. Applicable to uniform soil.
small installations) and the current probe at distances Electrical centre of the earth
varying from 10% - 90% of current electrode must be known.
probe distance. Plot resistance
values versus distance. Current should be injected
over a distance 5 times the
Earthing system resistance is largest diagonal of the earth
represented by the area where the electrode to minimise inter-
curve flattens. electrode influences.
The non-linear slope is as a result of
the varying soil structure.
61.8% This is an adaptation of the fall-of- Simple to carry out. Suitable for small earth
potential method. Requires a minimal amount electrodes only, not
Inject a current between the grid of calculations to obtain a applicable for distribution or
(refer to Figure 2) transmission size stations.
electrical centre and a remote result.
current probe at least five times the Same test-set can be used as Applicable to uniform soil.
(Typically for grid largest diagonal away. for soil resistivity testing. Electrical centre of the earth
small installations) Take 3 resistance measurements electrode must be known.
between the grid electrical centre Current should be injected
and 60%; 62.5% and 65% of the over a distance 5 times the
current probe distance. Plot largest diagonal of the earth
resistance values versus distance. electrode to minimise inter-
If these values correlate well then it electrode influences.
can be used as the earthing system
This point might vary based on the
soil structure.
Tagg Slope Inject a current between the grid Suitable for use with larger Not as simple to carry out as
edge and a remote current probe earthing systems, typically the fall-of-potential or 61.8%
preferably three to four times the grid distribution size substations. methods.
(refer to Figure 3) largest diagonal away. Electrical centre of the earth Requires a few calculations
Take resistance measurements electrode is not important. to obtain a result.
(Typically for Dx between the grid and the current Current should only be
sized substations) probe at distances varying from injected over a distance 2 - 3
10% - 70% of current probe times the largest diagonal of
distance. Plot resistances values the earth electrode.
versus distance.
Same test-set can be used as
The theoretical optimum location at for soil resistivity testing.
which the electrode resistance
should be measured is then
determined through a few basic
calculations and from tabulated data.
Measure the grid resistance at the
distance calculated, or determine it
from the graph of the measured
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Method Description Advantages Disadvantages
Variable This is a modification of the Tagg Suitable for use with large Specialised test equipment
Frequency Slope method taking the effect of earthing systems, typically needed.
earthing system reactance into transmission size stations. Current injection and voltage
consideration and is applicable to Electrical centre of the earth measurements must be done
(refer to Figure 4) especially large earthing systems. electrode is not important. over long distances.
Inject a known current (preferably Requires a number of
(Typically for Tx 1A) between the grid edge and a calculations and graphs to
sized substations) remote current probe preferably obtain a result.
three to four times the grid largest
diagonal away. Substantial current needed
for injection, preferably 1A,
Take impedance measurements but not less than 0.5A.
between the grid and the current
probe at distances varying from
10% - 70% of the current probe
distance for frequencies ranging
from 60Hz to 180Hz excluding
multiples of 50Hz at each distance.
Plot the impedance values against
frequency, the DC (0Hz) resistances
is obtained from the extrapolated
graph for each measurement
distance (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%,
50%, 60% and 70% of current
injection distance).
Apply the DC resistances to the
Tagg Slope method to determine the
grid resistance.
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f) Test lead resistance: if C1 and P1 are connected together at the test set with a jumper and then with
a single lead connection to the earth electrode, the resistance of the lead from the test set to the
earth electrode adds to the measured results. This is mitigated by connecting C1 and P1 with
separate leads to the earth electrode.
g) Measurement errors or localised inconsistencies in the soil: mitigated by calculation and plotting of
the results as the measurements are performed. It is advisable to do a second set of measurements
but in a different direction to the first set for result comparison and verification purposes.
h) Coupling between test leads: mitigated by ensuring all leads are properly uncoiled, crossing each
other at 90° only and separated by at least 500mm at all times to prevent self and mutual induction.
i) Current injection distance: ensure that current is injected over a long enough distance. Refer to
Annex D for an indication of the impact when the current injection distance is not sufficient.
j) C1/P1 connection to earth grid: ensure that this connection is at a point that has been verified by an
earth continuity test as connected to the earth grid to ensure a valid test result.
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3.7 Tagg Slope method
This method is applicable for use on Distribution size substations with typical maximum earth grid diagonals
up to 150m, with current injection distance between the edge of the grid and C2 of up to 300m. This distance
is primarily a function of the test set used for current injection, i.e. maximum current that can be injected.
3.7.1 Equipment and accessories needed for the Tagg Slope method
The following minimum equipment is needed:
Four terminal earth tester (e.g. Megger DET 2/2 Auto Earth Tester):
o The test instrument needs to inject sufficient current into the test circuit to ensure acceptable
test measurements and reliable test results.
o The test instrument must have a valid calibration certificate.
1 x 450m 1.5mm2 lead (typically red panel flex cable) with heavy duty welding clamps for current
injection. Alternatively multiple shorter leads (3 x 150m) that can be securely connected together to
make up this length.
1 x 320m 1.5mm2 lead (typically black panel flex cable) with heavy duty welding clamp for voltage
measurement. Alternatively multiple shorter leads (2 x 160m) that can be securely connected
together to make up this length.
2 x 30m 1.5mm2 leads with heavy duty welding clamps for connecting to the substation earth
2 or more probes. (SAP 0168669, EARTH ROD Cu 1500x16D THREADLESS D3091, cut in three
equal lengths)
4 x 500mm long 1.5mm2 connector leads, two red and two black.
3 x 100m measuring tapes.
2 x hammers.
4 x 1.2m long stakes and 16m danger-tape to cordon current probe C2 off if necessary (refer to bullet
2 of 3.6 (Safety precautions while doing tests)).
Water for wetting the current probe to reduce probe resistance. (Typically 5 litres)
Documentation to capture results (refer to Table 1).
Appropriate PPE in accordance with [6].
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Assess the area around the substation by making use of GIS aids such as Google Earth or
SmallWorld Geoviewer, identifying infrastructure such as overhead power lines, fences and
pipelines around the substation and determine possible areas where the measurements can
be done, taking cognisance of the linear distance needed for the measurements. Refer to
Figure 6.
Considering the information gathered in the previous bullet points and the requirements as
stated in section 3.6 (Safety precautions while doing tests), determine the minimum number
of people needed to conduct the test.
2) At the substation, carefully assess the area where the measurements will be done and do a risk
assessment by using [7] as a guideline.
3) Determine the point at the edge of the earth grid where the equipment will be set up and unpack all
needed equipment. This point is labelled “E”.
4) Connect current lead C1 and voltage lead P1 to the transformer or NECRT earth connection to
ensure a proper connection to the earth grid. In cases where no transformers or NECRTs are
available a reference point should be chosen that has been verified to be connected to the earth grid
through earth continuity measurements.
5) Roll the measuring tapes out in the direction the measurements will be done up to the distance over
which current will be injected. This point is labelled “C2”. Hammer the current probe into the ground
at this point.
For earth grids with a maximum diagonal length of 150m or less, current should be injected
over at least three times this diagonal length (minimum of three times the maximum diagonal
For earth grids with a maximum diagonal length of more than 150m, current should be
injected at least over a distance of 450m (minimum of twice the maximum diagonal length)
but preferably more.
6) Roll the leads out in the same directions as the measuring tapes, one for voltage and one for current
ensuring a separation distance of at least 500mm between leads.
7) Connect the current lead to current probe C2.
8) Hammer the voltage probe P2 into the ground at a distance 70% “EC2” and connect the voltage
9) Connect all leads to the test equipment by making use of the connectors if necessary.
10) Take the measurement and note the result in the table (refer to Table 2 for an example).
11) Plot the result on the graph paper (refer to Figure 8 for an example).
12) Repeat steps (8) to (11) above for the following distance fractions of “EC2” by moving probe P2:
60%; 50%; 40%; 30%; 20%; 10% (refer to Figure 7).
13) From the graph select three measurement points that are in a straight line and equal distances apart,
i.e. from Figure 3 typically R20; R40; R60.
It is important that the values selected are in a straight line and equal distances apart.
Capture these values as R1; R2; R3 in Table 2.
14) Calculate z, with z = and note the value in Table 2.
15) From the calculated z value and the table in Annex 1 determine L1/(“EC2”):
The value of z is given in column 1 for the first two decimal places, the third decimal place
being given opposite "z" in columns 2-11.
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Alternatively set R1; R2; R3 equal to R30; R50; R70, recalculate z and verify if this z value
is reflected in the table (Annex 1). If this z value is in the table, use it to determine the
distance at which the grid resistance must be measure.
A value of z not reflected in the table (Annex 1) means that the distance “EC2” must be
increased and the measurements redone because the variance between R1; R2; R3 is too
16) The distance L1 from point E where the actual grid resistance should be measured is given by the
value obtained in Annex A multiplied by the current injection distance “EC2”.
17) Measure the resistance at distance L1 and note the value in Table 2 as RG1 (in ohm).
18) Repeat steps (5) to (17) for the second test.
19) The results of both tests should correlate reasonably well with each other. Earth electrode resistance
is the value associated with the largest injection distance, the additional test is done to verify the
applicability of the results obtained.
Refer to Annex B for an example on determining R1; R2; R3; calculating z and L1 and determining RG.
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Figure 8: Example of graph paper to be used for the Tagg Slope method
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Table 2: Tagg Slope measurement results
R1 R1
Choose R1; R2; R3 from the
R2 R2
measured values above
R3 R3
Calculate Z: 𝐳 = Z z
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3.8 Variable frequency method
This method is applicable for use on Distribution and Transmission size substations with typical maximum
earth grid diagonals more than 150m, with current injection distance between the edge of the grid and C2 of
preferably three or more times the largest grid diagonal.
3.8.1 Equipment and accessories needed for the variable frequency method
The following minimum equipment is needed:
Variable frequency power source:
o The instruments need to inject preferably not less than 500mA into the test circuit considering
the applicable injection distances.
o The injection frequency must be selectable.
o The instrument must have a valid calibration certificate.
Selective frequency voltmeter:
o The measurement frequency must be selectable,
o The instrument must be equipped with a selectable narrow band filter.
o The instrument must have a valid calibration certificate.
o The instrument must have a valid calibration certificate.
Alternatively a single test set that comply with all the above stated requirements can be used.
1 x 16mm2 lead for current injection, as long as needed with heavy duty welding clamps for
connecting to the probes.
1 x 16mm2 lead for voltage measurement, as long as needed with heavy duty welding clamps for
connecting to the probes.
2 x 30m 16mm2 leads with heavy duty welding clamps for connecting to the substation earth
2 or more probes. (SAP 0168669, EARTH ROD Cu 1500x16D THREADLESS D3091, cut in three
equal lengths)
4 x 500mm long 16mm2 connector leads, two red and two black.
Additional connectors as needed.
2 x hammers.
4 x 1.2m long stakes and 16m danger-tape to cordon current probe C2 off if necessary (refer to bullet
2 of 3.6 (Safety precautions while doing tests)).
Water for wetting the current probe to reduce probe resistance. (Typically 5 litres)
Documentation to capture results (refer to Table 1).
Appropriate PPE in accordance with [6].
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Determine the maximum earth grid diagonal by making use of the substation earth mat layout
drawing or any other aids such as Google Earth or SmallWorld Geoviewer. Refer to Figure
9 for an example. Note that, where a third party substation is connected to an Eskom
substation, the total combined grid size must be considered.
Calculate the distance needed from the edge of the earth grid to point C2 for current injection.
This linear distance should preferably be between three and four times the largest diagonal
of the earth grid.
This linear distance from the edge of the earth grid is labelled “EC2”.
Assess the area around the substation by making use of GIS aids such as Google Earth or
SmallWorld Geoviewer, identifying infrastructure such as overhead power lines, fences and
pipelines around the substation and determine possible areas where the measurements can
be done practically, taking cognisance of the linear distance needed for the measurements.
Refer to Figure 10 for an example.
Considering the information gathered in the previous bullet points and the requirements as
stated in section 3.6 (Safety precautions while doing tests), determine the minimum number
of people needed to conduct the test.
2) At the substation, carefully assess the area where the measurements will be done and do a risk
assessment, refer to [7] as a guideline.
3) Determine the point at the edge of the earth grid where the equipment will be set up and unpack all
needed equipment. This point is labelled “E”.
4) Connect current lead C1 and voltage lead P1 to a structure in the substation that is properly bonded
to the earth grid to ensure a proper connection to the earth electrode. The integrity of this structure’s
bonding to the earth grid must be verified by referencing the substations latest continuity test results.
5) By making use of the measuring wheel determine the positions for “P2” and “C2” based on the
predetermined distance over which current will be injected. Hammer the voltage and current probes
into the ground at these points.
The linear distance “EC2” should be between three and four times the largest diagonal of
the earth grid.
The linear distance “EP2” should be 70% “EC2”
6) Roll the leads out from point “E” to points “P2” and “C2” ensuring a separation distance of at least
1m between leads.
7) Connect the voltage lead to voltage probe “P2” and the current lead to current probe “C2”.
8) Connect all leads to the test equipment by making use of the connectors if necessary.
9) Take the measurement and note the impedance in the table (refer to Table 3), ensuring that:
The variable frequency power source is set to 60Hz,
The selective frequency voltmeter is set to 60Hz,
The current injected is 0.5A (preferably).
10) Calculate the impedance and plot the result on the graph paper (refer to Figure 11 for an example).
11) Repeat steps (9) and (10) above for the following frequencies as well:
70Hz; 80Hz; 90Hz; 110Hz; 120Hz; 130Hz; 140Hz; 160Hz; 170Hz and 180Hz.
12) On the graph, extrapolate the measured result to intercept the 0Hz axis and note this impedance
(resistance) value in Table 3.
13) Repeat steps (9) to (12) for voltage probe “EP2” distances 60%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 20% and 10%
of the “EC2” distance.
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14) Transfer the 0Hz values obtained to Table 3 for “EP2” distances 70% 60%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%
and 10%.
15) Follow the steps 11, 13 – 16 described in section 3.7.2 (Tagg Slope method) to determine the
distance at which the grid resistance should be determined.
16) At the distance calculated determine the grid resistance from the Tagg Slope graph.
Refer to Annex C for an example on applying the Variable Frequency method and determining RG.
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Table 3: Variable Frequency measurement results
Substation Name
Date: Time:
Weather conditions:
Site conditions:
Soil conditions:
Earth electrode largest Distance “EC2”
diagonal (m) (m)
“C1” and “P1” connection
point in substation
Point “E” coordinate: S E
Point “C2” coordinate: S E
Distance “EP2” (%) 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Distance “EP2” (m)
Impedance ()
0Hz resistance from graph
Choose R1; R2; R3 from the 0Hz values
R1 = R2 = R3 =
𝐑𝟑−𝐑𝟐 From calculated z value and Annexure 1
Calculate 𝐳 = = L1/(EC2) =
𝐑𝟐−𝐑𝟏 determine L1/(“EC2”) from the table
Distance at which earth
0Hz earth electrode resistance
electrode resistance must L1 = RG =
at distance L1
be measured
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Figure 11: Example of graph paper to be used for the variable frequency measurements
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Name and surname Designation
Kabelo Molapise Engineer, Dx, Network Engineering & Design, Dx, Mpumalanga OU
Mark Peffer Chief Engineer, Tx, Substation Engineering
Modiri Seate Senior Engineer, Dx, Network Planning, Free State OU
Nkululeko Mazibuko Engineer, Tx, Substation Engineering
Sydney Mukhawane Senior Technologist, Dx, Network Engineering & Design, Northern Cape OU
Vusi Cele Senior Engineer, Dx, Network Engineering & Design, Gauteng OU
5. Revisions
Date Rev Compiler Remarks
Table 1 Variable Frequency description updated.
Figure 4 updated.
Section 3.4 (d) and (j) added.
Section 3.7.1 updated.
Section 3.7.2 (4) updated.
Section 3.8.1 updated.
Sept 2021 2 TJ Marais
Section 3.8.2 points (13)-(15) updated and (16)
Figure 9 replaced.
Figure 10 replaced.
Table 3 updated.
Annex C updated.
Dec 2015 1 TJ Marais First issue
6. Development team
The following people were involved in the development of this document:
Theunus Marais
7. Acknowledgements
Not applicable
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Annex A – Values of L1/(E(C2) for various values of z
As per table F.1, Annex F in SANS 10199:2010
The value of z is given in column 1 for the first two decimal places, the third decimal place being given opposite "z" in
columns 2-11.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Values of L1/(EC2)
z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.40 0.6432 0.6431 0.6429 0.6428 0.6426 0.6425 0.6425 0.6422 0.6420 0.6419
0.41 0.6418 0.6416 0.6415 0.6413 0.6412 0.6410 0.6410 0.6408 0.6406 0.6405
0.42 0.6403 0.6402 0.6400 0.6399 0.6397 0.6396 0.6395 0.6393 0.6392 0.6390
0.43 0.6389 0.6387 0.6386 0.6384 0.6383 0.6382 0.6380 0.6379 0.6377 0.6376
0.44 0.6374 0.6373 0.6372 0.6370 0.6369 0.6367 0.6366 0.6364 0.6363 0.6361
0.45 0.6360 0.6359 0.6357 0.6356 0.6354 0.6353 0.6351 0.6350 0.6348 0.6347
0.46 0.6346 0.6344 0.6343 0.6341 0.6340 0.6338 0.6337 0.6336 0.6334 0.6333
0.47 0.6331 0.6330 0.6328 0.6327 0.6325 0.6324 0.6323 0.6321 0.6320 0.6318
0.48 0.6317 0.6315 0.6314 0.6312 0.6311 0.6310 0.6308 0.6307 0.6305 0.6304
0.49 0.6302 0.6301 0.6300 0.6298 0.6297 0.6295 0.6294 0.6292 0.6291 0.6289
0.50 0.6288 0.6286 0.6285 0.6283 0.6282 0.6280 0.6279 0.6277 0.6276 0.6274
0.51 0.6273 0.6271 0.6270 0.6268 0.6267 0.6265 0.6264 0.6262 0.6261 0.6259
0.52 0.6258 0.6256 0.6255 0.6253 0.6252 0.6252 0.6248 0.6247 0.6245 0.6244
0.53 0.6242 0.6241 0.6239 0.6238 0.6236 0.6235 0.6233 0.6232 0.6230 0.6229
0.54 0.6227 0.6226 0.6224 0.6223 0.6221 0.6220 0.6218 0.6217 0.6215 0.6214
0.55 0.6212 0.621.0 0.6209 0.6207 0.6206 0.6204 0.6203 0.6201 0.6200 0.6198
0.56 0.6197 0.6195 0.6194 0.6192 0.6191 0.6189 0.6188 0.6186 0.6185 0.6183
0.57 0.6182 0.6180 0.6179 0.6177 0.6176 0.6174 0.6172 0.6171 0.6169 0.6168
0.58 0.6166 0.6165 0.6163 0.6162 0.6160 0.6159 0.6157 0.6156 0.6154 0.6153
0.59 0.6151 0.6150 0.6148 0.6147 0.6145 0.6144 0.6142 0.6141 0.6139 0.6138
0.60 0.6136 0.6134 0.6133 0.6131 0.6130 0.6128 0.6126 0.6125 0.6123 0.6121
0.61 0.6120 0.6118 0.6117 0.6115 0.6113 0.6112 0.6110 0.6108 0.6107 0.6105
0.62 0.6104 0.6102 0.6100 0.6099 0.6097 0.6096 0.6094 0.6092 0.6091 0.6089
0.63 0.6087 0.6086 0.6084 0.6083 0.6081 0.6079 0.6076 0.6076 0.6074 0.6073
0.64 0.6071 0.6070 0.6068 0.6066 0.6063 0.6063 0.6061 0.6060 0.6058 0.6057
0.65 0.6055 0.6053 0.6052 0.6050 0.6047 0.6047 0.6045 0.6044 0.6042 0.6040
0.66 0.6039 0.6037 0.6036 0.6034 0.6031 0.6031 0.6029 0.6027 0.6026 0.6024
0.67 0.6023 0.6021 0.6019 0.6018 0.6015 0.6015 0.6013 0.6011 0.6010 0.6008
0.68 0.6006 0.6005 0.6003 0.6002 0.5998 0.5998 0.5997 0.5995 0.5993 0.5992
0.69 0.5990 0.5989 0.5987 0.5985 0.5982 0.5982 0.5980 0.5979 0.5977 0.5976
0.70 0.5974 0.5973 0.5971 0.5969 0.5965 0.5965 0.5964 0.5962 0.5960 0.5959
0.71 0.5957 0.5955 0.5953 0.5952 0.5948 0.5948 0.5947 0.5945 0.5943 0.5942
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The value of z is given in column 1 for the first two decimal places, the third decimal place being given opposite "z" in
columns 2-11.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Values of L1/(EC2)
z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.72 0.5940 0.5938 0.5936 0.5935 0.5931 0.5931 0.5930 0.5928 0.5926 0.5924
0.73 0.5923 0.5921 0.5920 0.5918 0.5914 0.5914 0.5912 0.5911 0.5909 0.5907
0.74 0.5906 0.5904 0.5902 0.5900 0.5897 0.5897 0.5895 0.5894 0.5892 0.5890
0.75 0.5889 0.5887 0.5885 0.5883 0.5880 0.5880 0.5878 0.5877 0.5875 0.5873
0.76 0.5871 0.5870 0.5868 0.5866 0.5863 0.5863 0.5861 0.5859 0.5858 0.5856
0.77 0.5854 0.5853 0.5851 0.5849 0.5846 0.5846 0.5844 0.5842 0.5841 0.5839
0.78 0.5837 0.5835 0.5834 0.5832 0.5829 0.5829 0.5827 0.5825 0.5824 0.5822
0.79 0.5820 0.5818 0.5817 0.5815 0.5812 0.5812 0.5810 0.5808 0.5806 0.5805
0.80 0.5803 0.5801 0.5799 0.5797 0.5794 0.5794 0.5792 0.5790 0.5788 0.5786
0.81 0.5785 0.5783 0.5781 0.5779 0.5775 0.5775 0.5773 0.5772 0.5770 0.5768
0.82 0.5766 0.5764 0.5762 0.5760 0.5757 0.5757 0.5755 0.5753 0.5751 0.5749
0.83 0.5748 0.5746 0.5744 0.5742 0.5738 0.5738 0.5736 0.5735 0.5733 0.5731
0.84 0.5729 0.5727 0.5725 0.5723 0.5720 0.5720 0.5718 0.5716 0.5714 0.5712
0.85 0.5711 0.5709 0.5707 0.5705 0.5701 0.5701 0.5699 0.5698 0.5696 0.5694
0.86 0.5692 0.5690 0.5688 0.5686 0.5683 0.5683 0.5681 0.5679 0.5677 0.5675
0.87 0.5674 0.5672 0.5670 0.5668 0.5664 0.5664 0.5662 0.5661 0.5659 0.5657
0.88 0.5655 0.5653 0.5651 0.5650 0.5646 0.5646 0.5644 0.5642 0.5640 0.5638
0.89 0.5637 0.5635 0.5633 0.5631 0.5627 0.5627 0.5625 0.5624 0.5622 0.5620
0.90 0.5618 0.5616 0.5614 0.5612 0.5608 0.5608 0.5606 0.5604 0.5602 0.5600
0.91 0.5598 0.5596 0.5594 0.5592 0.5590 0.5588 0.5586 0.5584 0.5582 0.5580
0.92 0.5578 0.5576 0.5574 0.5572 0.5570 0.5568 0.5565 0.4463 0.5561 0.5559
0.93 0.5557 0.5555 0.5553 0.5551 0.5549 0.5547 0.5545 0.5543 0.5541 0.5539
0.94 0.5537 0.5535 0.5533 0.5531 0.5529 0.5527 0.5525 0.5523 0.5521 0.5519
0.95 0.5517 0.5515 0.5513 0.5511 0.5509 0.5507 0.5505 0.5503 0.5501 0.5499
0.96 0.5497 0.5495 0.5493 0.5491 0.5489 0.5487 0.5485 0.5483 0.5481 0.5479
0.97 0.5477 0.5475 0.5473 0.5471 0.5469 0.5467 0.5464 0.5462 0.5460 0.5458
0.98 0.5456 0.5454 0.5452 0.5450 0.5448 0.5446 0.5444 0.5442 0.5440 0.5438
0.99 0.5436 0.5434 0.5432 0.5430 0.5428 0.5426 0.5424 0.5422 0.5420 0.5418
1.00 0.5416 0.5414 0.5412 0.5409 0.5407 0.5405 0.5403 0.5400 0.5398 0.5396
1.01 0.5394 0.5391 0.5389 0.5387 0.5385 0.5383 0.5380 0.5378 0.5376 0.5374
1.02 0.5371 0.5369 0.5367 0.5365 0.5362 0.5360 0.5358 0.5356 0.5354 0.5351
1.03 0.5349 0.5347 0.5345 0.5342 0.5340 0.5338 0.5336 0.5333 0.5331 0.5329
1.04 0.5327 0.5325 0.5322 0.5320 0.5318 0.5316 0.5313 0.5311 0.5309 0.5307
1.05 0.5305 0.5302 0.5300 0.5298 0.5296 0.5293 0.5291 0.5289 0.5287 0.5284
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The value of z is given in column 1 for the first two decimal places, the third decimal place being given opposite "z" in
columns 2-11.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Values of L1/(EC2)
z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1.06 0.5282 0.5280 0.5278 0.5276 0.5273 0.5271 0.5269 0.5267 0.5264 0.5262
1.07 0.5260 0.5258 0.5255 0.5253 0.5251 0.5249 0.5247 0.5244 0.5242 0.5240
1.08 0.5238 0.5235 0.5233 0.5231 0.5229 0.5226 0.5224 0.5222 0.5219 0.5217
1.09 0.5215 0.5213 0.5211 0.5209 0.5206 0.5204 0.5202 0.5200 0.5197 0.5195
1.10 0.5193 0.5190 0.5188 0.5185 0.5183 0.5180 0.5178 0.5175 0.5173 0.5170
1.11 0.5168 0.5165 0.5163 0.5160 0.5158 0.5155 0.5153 0.5150 0.5148 0.5145
1.12 0.5143 0.5140 0.5137 0.5135 0.5132 0.5130 0.5127 0.5125 0.5122 0.5120
1.13 0.5118 0.5115 0.5113 0.5110 0.5108 0.5105 0.5103 0.5100 0.5098 0.5095
1.14 0.5093 0.5090 0.5088 0.5085 0.5083 0.5080 0.5078 0.5075 0.5073 0.5070
1.15 0.5068 0.5065 0.5062 0.5060 0.5057 0.5055 0.5052 0.5050 0.5047 0.5045
1.16 0.5042 0.5040 0.5037 0.5035 0.5032 0.5030 0.5027 0.5025 0.5022 0.5020
1.17 0.5017 0.5015 0.5012 0.5010 0.5007 0.5005 0.5002 0.5000 0.4997 0.4995
1.18 0.4992 0.4990 0.4987 0.4985 0.4982 0.4980 0.4977 0.4975 0.4972 0.4970
1.19 0.4967 0.4965 0.9620 0.4960 0.4957 0.4955 0.4952 0.4950 0.4947 0.4945
1.20 0.4942 0.4939 0.4936 0.4933 0.4930 0.4928 0.4925 0.4922 0.4919 0.4916
1.21 0.4913 0.4910 0.4907 0.4904 0.4901 0.4899 0.4896 0.4893 0.4890 0.4887
1.22 0.4884 0.4881 0.4878 0.4875 0.4872 0.4870 0.4867 0.4864 0.4861 0.4858
1.23 0.4855 0.4852 0.4849 0.4846 0.4843 0.4841 0.4838 0.4835 0.4832 0.4829
1.24 0.4826 0.4823 0.4820 0.4817 0.4814 0.4812 0.4809 0.4806 0.4803 0.4800
1.25 0.4797 0.4794 0.4791 0.4788 0.4785 0.4783 0.4780 0.4777 0.4774 0.4771
1.26 0.4768 0.4765 0.4762 0.4759 0.4756 0.4754 0.4751 0.4748 0.4745 0.4742
1.27 0.4739 0.4736 0.4733 0.4730 0.4727 0.4725 0.4722 0.4719 0.4716 0.4713
1.28 0.4710 0.4707 0.4704 0.4701 0.4698 0.4696 0.4693 0.4690 0.4687 0.4684
1.29 0.4681 0.4678 0.4675 0.4672 0.4669 0.4667 0.4664 0.4661 0.4658 0.4655
1.30 0.4652 0.4649 0.4645 0.4642 0.4638 0.4635 0.4631 0.4628 0.4625 0.4621
1.31 0.4618 0.4614 0.4611 0.4607 0.4604 0.4601 0.4597 0.4594 0.4590 0.4586
1.32 0.4583 0.4580 0.4577 0.4573 0.4570 0.4566 0.4563 0.4559 0.4556 0.4553
1.33 0.4549 0.4546 0.4542 0.4539 0.4539 0.4532 0.4529 0.4525 0.4522 0.4518
1.34 0.4515 0.4511 0.4508 0.4505 0.4501 0.4498 0.4494 0.4491 0.4487 0.4484
1.35 0.4481 0.4477 0.4474 0.4470 0.4467 0.4463 0.4460 0.4457 0.4453 0.4450
1.36 0.4446 0.4443 0.4439 0.4436 0.4432 0.4429 0.4426 0.4422 0.4419 0.4415
1.37 0.4412 0.4408 0.4405 0.4402 0.4398 0.4395 0.4391 0.4388 0.4384 0.4381
1.38 0.4378 0.4374 0.4371 0.4367 0.4364 0.4360 0.4357 0.4354 0.4350 0.4347
1.39 0.4343 0.4340 0.4333 0.4333 0.4330 0.4326 0.4323 0.4319 0.4316 0.4312
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The value of z is given in column 1 for the first two decimal places, the third decimal place being given opposite "z" in
columns 2-11.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Values of L1/(EC2)
z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1.40 0.4309 0.4305 0.4301 0.4296 0.4292 0.4288 0.4284 0.4280 0.4275 0.4271
1.41 0.4267 0.4263 0.4258 0.4254 0.4250 0.4246 0.4242 0.4237 0.4233 0.4229
1.42 0.4225 0.4221 0.4216 0.4212 0.4208 0.4204 0.4200 0.4195 0.4191 0.4187
1.43 0.4183 0.4178 0.4174 0.4170 0.4166 0.4162 0.4157 0.4153 0.4149 0.4145
1.44 0.4141 0.4136 0.4132 0.4128 0.4124 0.4120 0.4115 0.4111 0.4107 0.4103
1.45 0.4099 0.4094 0.4090 0.4086 0.4082 0.4077 0.4073 0.4069 0.4065 0.4061
1.46 0.4056 0.4052 0.4048 0.4044 0.4040 0.4035 0.4031 0.4027 0.4023 0.4018
1.47 0.4014 0.4010 0.4006 0.4001 0.3997 0.3993 0.3989 0.3985 0.3980 0.3976
1.48 0.3972 0.3968 0.3964 0.3959 0.3955 0.3951 0.3947 0.3943 0.3938 0.3934
1.49 0.3930 0.3926 0.3921 0.3917 0.3913 0.3909 0.3905 0.3900 0.3896 0.3892
1.50 0.3888 0.3883 0.3878 0.3874 0.3869 0.3864 0.3859 0.3854 0.3850 0.3845
1.51 0.3840 0.3835 0.3830 0.3825 0.3820 0.3816 0.3811 0.3806 0.3801 0.3796
1.52 0.3791 0.3786 0.3781 0.3776 0.3771 0.3766 0.3760 0.3755 0.3750 0.3745
1.53 0.3740 0.3735 0.3730 0.3724 0.3719 0.3714 0.3709 0.3704 0.3698 0.3693
1.54 0.3688 0.3683 0.3677 0.3672 0.3667 0.3662 0.3656 0.3651 0.3646 0.3640
1.55 0.3635 0.3630 0.3624 0.3619 0.3613 0.3608 0.3602 0.3597 0.3591 0.3586
1.56 0.3580 0.3574 0.3569 0.3563 0.3557 0.3552 0.3546 0.3540 0.3534 0.3528
1.57 0.3523 0.3517 0.3511 0.3506 0.3500 0.3494 0.3488 0.3482 0.3477 0.3471
1.58 0.3465 0.3459 0.3453 0.3447 0.3441 0.3435 0.3429 0.3423 0.3417 0.3411
1.59 0.3405 0.3399 0.3393 0.3386 0.3380 0.3374 0.3368 0.3362 0.3355 0.3349
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Annex B – Tagg Slope method example
Two sets of measurements taken in two different directions from the substation.
Measurement set T1 Measurement set T2
Distance “EC2” (m) 300 250
Distance Resistance Distance Resistance
m Ω m Ω
R10 10% “EC2” 30 0.50 25 0.46
R20 20% “EC2” 60 1.06 50 0.92
R30 30% “EC2” 90 1.20 75 1.25
R40 40% “EC2” 120 1.32 100 1.35
R50 50% “EC2” 150 1.45 125 1.44
R60 60% “EC2” 180 1.55 150 1.52
R70 70% “EC2” 210 1.68 175 1.62
R1 1.06 R1 1.25 For measurement set T1: R1; R2; R3 is selected equal to R20; R40; R60 because
these are the standard selection and they are in a straight line.
Choose R1; R2; R3 from the
R2 1.32 R2 1.44 For measurement set T2: R1; R2; R3 is selected equal to R30; R50; R70 because
measured values above
although these are not the standard selection they are equal distances apart and
R3 1.55 R3 1.62 in a straight line.
Calculate 𝐳 = Z 0.885 z 0.947 For measurement set T1 the following is applicable:
Distance at which earth electrode For measurement set T1: L1/(“EC2”) = 0.5646
L1 (m) 169.4 L1 (m) 138.1
resistance must be measured Thus L1 = (“EC2”) • 0.5646 = 300 • 0.5646 = 169.4m
Measurements are done at calculated distances L1. Earth electrode resistance is
Measured earth electrode
RG1 (Ω) 1.51 RG2 (Ω) 1.48 the value associated with the largest injection distance, i.e. RG1 therefor
resistance at distance L1
RG = 1.51Ω. Measurement set T2 is used as a check / verification.
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Annex C – Variable Frequency method example
Earth electrode largest diagonal = 356m Distance “EC2” (m) = 800m Method
“C1” and “P1” connection point in substation Line reactor earth connection 1) Determine the earth electrode’s largest diagonal.
2) Determine the distance over which current must be injected.
Distance “EP2” (%) 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
3) Determine the area where the measurements can be done.
Distance “EP2” (m) 80 160 240 320 400 480 560 4) Do the measurements as described in section 3.8.2:
Resistance () 5) Note the measured results in the table for each frequency per distance.
6) Plot the impedance values against frequency for each measurement
60Hz 0.267 0.343 0.406 0.476 0.519 0.633 0.697
distance, refer to Figure C1.
70Hz 0.278 0.355 0.449 0.503 0.548 0.640 0.718 7) Extrapolate the curves to intercept the 0Hz axis.
80Hz 0.284 0.368 0.467 0.524 0.579 0.679 0.757 8) Note the 0Hz values for each “EP2” distance in the table.
9) Plot the 0Hz values against distance on the graph, refer to Figure C2.
90Hz 0.297 0.379 0.486 0.548 0.621 0.718 0.798
10) Select R1, R2 and R3 equal to the “EP2” 20%, 40% and 60%
110Hz 0.312 0.407 0.527 0.600 0.679 0.802 0.890 distances.
120Hz 0.324 0.423 0.548 0.628 0.711 0.848 0.958 11) Calculate Z.
12) Determine L1/(EC2) from the table in Annex 1.
130Hz 0.343 0.440 0.569 0.657 0.736 0.894 0.995
13) Calculate the distance L1 at which the grid resistance must be
140Hz 0.349 0.461 0.588 0.677 0.771 0.945 1.040 measured.
160Hz 0.371 0.494 0.644 0.728 0.847 1.026 1.123 14) At distance L1 measure the impedance for all frequencies and plot it
on the graph.
170Hz 0.387 0.504 0.663 0.774 0.874 1.082 1.198
15) Extrapolate the curve to incept the 0Hz axis.
180Hz 0.389 0.521 0.689 0.808 0.899 1.130 1.250 16) This 0Hz value is the grid resistance.
0Hz resistance from graph 0.2011 0.2461 0.2819 0.3074 0.3251 0.3424 0.3892
Choose R1; R2; R3 from the 0Hz values above R1 = 0.2461 R2 = 0.3074 R3 = 0.3424
𝐑𝟑−𝐑𝟐 From calculated z value and Annexure
Calculate Z: 𝐳 = = 0.571 L1/(EC2) = 0.618 14) From the Tagg Slope graph at distance L1 determine the grid
𝐑𝟐−𝐑𝟏 1 determine L1/(EC2) from the table
resistance as indicated in Figure C2.
Distance at which earth electrode Earth electrode
L1 = 494.4m RG = 0.352
resistance must be measured resistance at distance L1
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Figure C1: Measured Impedances plotted against frequency Figure C2: 0Hz Impedance plot against distance
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Annex D – Impact of chosen distance “E(C2” on test results
The accuracy of the measured results can be verified by carrying out additional tests at varying distance of
“EC2” and comparing the results from the different tests with each other. This is applicable to both the Tagg-
Slope or Variable Frequency methods.
Perform the test according to the Tagg Slope or Variable Frequency methods for varying distances
of “EC2”, or in different direction away from the substation.
From the results obtained for the various test at the different distances for “EC2”, a graph should
be plotted as indicated below. The graph will show that as the distance for “EC2” increases the
associated measured resistance decreases asymptotically.
It can be seen from this curve that “EC2” distances chosen for tests 1 and 2 were insufficient
because the measured resistance is still reducing substantially as the distance increases, while those
distances chosen for tests 4 and 5 yielded the more correct “stabilised” results.
It is unreasonable to expect an accuracy of readings better than 5% because of various external
impacts such as soil non-homogeneity and seasonal soil moisture variations. If the current injection
distance “EC2” is sufficient, realistic measured result accuracies will typically be around 10%.
The best guarantee of a satisfactory measurement result is to apply the guidelines with regards to the proposed
minimum current injection distances for “EC2”. That is:
Tagg Slope method: At least 2 – 4 times the maximum earth grid diagonal distance.
Variable Frequency method: At least 3 – 4 times the maximum earth grid diagonal distance.
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