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CnA1Lk 6 |ann|ng and Manag|ng Change
Intervent|on Lo lnLervene ls Lo enLer lnLo an ongolng sysLem of relaLlonshlps Lo come
beLween or among persons groups or ob[ecLs for Lhe purpose of helplng Lhem 1here ls an lmporLanL lmpllclL assumpLlon ln Lhe deflnlLlon LhaL should be made expllclL Lhe sysLem exlsLs lndependenLly of Lhe lnLervenor (Argyrls) LlLher Lype of acLlvlLy could serve as an Cu lnLervenLlon provlded Lhe evenL 1 esponds Lo an acLual and felL need for change on Lhe parL of Lhe cllenL 2 lnvolves Lhe cllenL ln Lhe plannlng and lmplemenLlng of Lhe change (lnL) 3 Leads Lo change ln Lhe orgs culLure Cr|ter|a for effect|ve |ntervent|on (Argyr|s) 1 Ia||d and usefu| |nformat|on respondlng Lo an acLual and felL need for change on Lhe parL of Lhe cllenL 2 ree cho|ce Lhe locus of uM ln Lhe cllenL sysLem no parLlcular or speclfled acLlon ls auLomaLlc preordalned or lmposed 3 Interna| comm|tment Lhe cllenL owns Lhe cholce made and feels responslble for lmplemenLlng lL |ann|ng the |ntervent|on or change 1 eadlness for change 2 ower and Leadershlp Manag|ng the change process 1 ulsengagemenL from Lhe pasL a unflnlshed 8uslness someLhlng ls noL compleLe we humans Lend Lo aLLempL some form of compleLlon b rlde one of Lhe seven deadly slns c nadler managlng change prlnclples a 1he need Lo moLlvaLe change b 1he need Lo manage LranslLlon c 1he need Lo shape pollLlcal dynamlcs of change 2 Managlng Lhe 1ranslLlon a lnvolvemenL lnvolvemenL leads Lo commlLmenL b MulLlple Leverage c leedback d Symbols and Language 3 SLablllzlng Lhe Change MCDLL Ck MANAGING CnANGL 1 LANNING nASL a CeneraLe need b ueLermlne fuLure sLaLe c Address organlzaLlonal power and pollLlcal dynamlcs 2 MANAGING nASL a ulsengage from Lhe pasL b Crganlze LranslLlon managemenL Leam c lnvolve organlzaLlonal members d use mulLlple levers e rovlde feedback f CreaLe symbols and language 3 S1A8ILI2ING nASL a uLlllze reward sysLem b ueploy guardlans of Lhe new way Measur|ng rogress of the Change Lffort 1 1he quanLlLy of problems LhaL organlzaLlon members musL handle may noL be any dlfferenL 2 Jhen organlzaLlon members express frusLraLlon abouL a lack of progress regardlng Lhe change efforL 3 Jhen lssues concerns and progress reporLs regardlng Lhe change efforL rouLlnely become a parL of Lhe agenda for regular managers and sLaff meeLlngs LhaL ls a slgn of progress Jhen speclal evenLs are held from Llme Lo Llme LhaL assess progress reevaluaLe Lhe dlrecLlon celebraLe mllesLones achleved and recognlzed lndlvlduals for Lhelr accompllshmenLs ln helplng wlLh Lhe change AN LLC1IIL IN1LkILN1ICN IS CNL 1nA1 (argyr|s) 1 rovldes valld lnformaLlon for Lhe cllenL org 2 Allows for cholce by Lhe cllenL regardlng Lhe speclflcs sLeps Lo be Laken 3 Leads Lo commlLmenL on Lhe cllenL's parL Lo Lhose acLlon sLeps for change
CnA1Lk 7 DCLS CD WCkk?
9 sLudles LhaL consldered supporLlve of Cu's effecLlveness 1 8reakLhrough ln Crg uev (8lake MouLon 8ranes Crelner) 2 Mana by arLlclpaLlons (Marrow 8owers Seashore) 3 ShorL and Long range effecLs of Leam dev (8eckhard Lake) LclecLlc Approach Lo Crg uev (Puse 8eer) 3 arLlclpaLlve uM (8ragg Andrews) 6 Cu Lechnlques and Lhelr resulLs ln 23 org (8owers) 7 LxpecLaLlon effecLs ln org change (klng) 8 LffecLs of org dlagnosls and lnLervenLlon (PauLaluoma Cavln) 9 Crg uev and Change ln Crg erf (klmberly nlelsen)
rlmary research lssues (6 quesLlons) 1 JhaL ls organlzaLlonal effecLlveness (crlLerla) a Coal model b SysLem resource model c rocess model d SLraLeglc consLlLuencles model Cameron's 6 crlLlcal quesLlons 1 JhaL domaln of acLlvlLy ls Lhe focus 2 Jhlch consLlLuencles' polnL of vlew are belng consldered 3 JhaL level of analysls ls Lo be used JhaL Llme frame ls Lo be used 3 JhaL Lypes of daLa are Lo be used 6 JhaL referenL ls Lo be used 2 JhaL ls Cu ln Lhe Crg uev efforL? 3 JhaL ls lndependenL varlable? (od lnLervenLlon lLself) Pow can we conLrol varlables 3 JhaL changed? a Alpha comparaLlve measure of before and afLer lnL b 8eLa recallbraLlon of lnLervals c Camma redeflnlLlon of some domaln or ma[or change 6 Jho wlll conducL Lhe research and who wlll use Lhe resulLs?
CCAnlC ACACP (Argyrls) Lhe researcher lnvolves ln Lhe cllenL ln 1 ueflnlng research goalds 2 ueLermlnlng research meLhods and sLraLegy 3 lnLerpreLlng Lhe resulLs
ressures Cpposed to Lva|uat|on 1 1he manager or uMaker managers wanL resulLs 2 1he org members lnvolved ln Cu efforL 3 1he od consulLanL 1he evaluaLlon researcher
keasons for conduct|ng eva|uat|on phase 1 An evaluaLlon forces Lhe def of Lhe change ob[ 2 lorces Lhe clarlflcaLlon of Lhe change ouLcomes are expecLed 3 lorces clarlflcaLlon of how Lhese change ouLcomes are used Lo be measured lorces speclflclLy of wlLh respecL Lo how cerLaln procedures evenLs and acLs wlll be lmplemenLed 3 An evaluaLlon helps Lo slgnal many of Lhe problems and obsLacles Lo be anLlclpaLed ln Lhe Cu efforL 6 An evaluaLlon faclllLaLes plannlng for nexL sLeps and sLages of org lmprovemenL and developmenL
Consu|tant ls one who provldes help counsel advlce and supporL whlch lmplles LhaL such a person ls wlser Lhan mosL people
Context for ko|es and unct|ons
Interna| CD Con operaLe ln sLaff funcLlon and Lhey serve llne managers ln org Lxterna| CD Con may be employed ln consulLlng flrm or self employed Shadow Con serves as a soundlng board consulLanL who ls worklng dlrecLly wlLh a cllenL urchase Mode| ls Lhe mosL prevalenL form of consulLaLlon essenLlally conslsLlng of Lhe cllenL's purchase of experL servlces lnformaLlon
Doctor at|ent Mode| Lelllng Lhe consulLanL whaL ls wrong wlLh Lhe org usually ln Lhe form of sympLoms and expecLlng Lhe consulLanL Lo prescrlbe a remedy for Lhe problem
rocess Consu|tant 1 ulagnose lLs own sLrengLhs and weaknesses more effecLlvely 2 Learn how Lo see org problems more clearly 3 Share wlLh Lhe consulLanL Lhe process of dlagnosls and Lhe generaLlon of a remedy
ko|es and unct|ons 1 LlpplL and LlpplL Model means LhaL Lhe consulLanL's behavlour assumes a leadershlp posLure and LhaL hes or she lnlLlaLes acLlvlLles Lhe con Merely provldes daLa for Lhe cllenL Lo use or noL a Advocate con aLLempLs Lo lnfluence Lhe cllenL b 1echn|ca| spec|a||st con provldes a parLlcular experLlse c 1ra|ner or educator ls frequenLly casL ln Lhe role of Leacher or manager d Co||aborator |n rob|em So|v|ng e A|ternat|ve Ident|f|er consulLanL performs all Lhe acLlvlLles f act |nder con as a researcher lnLervlew survey observlng g rocess spec|a||st h kef|ector asklng quesLlons LhaL wlll clarlfy or change Lhe slLuaLlon (SocraLlc MeLhod) 1 1o help lndlvldual arLlculaLe Lhe reallLy based soluLlon he would llke Lo pursue 2 Assess Lhe poLenLlal reallLy of Lhe fanLasles whlch are prevenLlng hls Laklng acLlon 3 1o recognlze Lhe lnds fear of separaLlon 1o recognlzed Lhe need for connecLlon as parLlal proLecLlon from Lhe real sLress 3 1o help lnd face Lhe reallLy 6 1o asslsL lnd ln belng commlLLed wlLh Lhe consequences
Marg|na||ty lmplles ln beLween or on Lhe edge Lhe perlphery and accordlngly anoLher Lerm LhaL Margulles uses ls boundary'
Ab|||t|es of Consu|tant 1 Lhe ablllLy Lo LoleraLe amblgulLy 2 Lo lnfluence 3 Lo confronL dlfflculL lssues Lo supporL and nurLure oLhers 3 Lo llsLen well and empaLhlze 6 Lo recognlze ones own feellngs and lnLulLlons 7 Lo concepLuallze 8 Lo dlscover and moblllze human energy 9 Lo Leach and creaLe learnlng opporLunlLles 10 Lo malnLaln a sense of humor
8ecom|ng an CD consu|tant
Academ|c 1ra|n|ng 1 organlzaLlonal psychology 2 group dynamlcs 3 research meLhods adulL learnlng 3 career developmenL 6 counselllng and lnLervlewlng 7 organlzaLlon developmenL 8 Lralnlng and developmenL 9 acLlon research and consulLaLlon 10 human resource managemenL 11 process consulLaLlon 12 organlzaLlon Lheory
Non academ|c tra|n|ng 1 baslc laboraLory Lralnlng program 2 personal growLh laboraLory 3 Lralnlng Lheory and pracLlce consulLaLlon skllls 3 organlzaLlon developmenL laboraLory 6 Leam bulldlng programs 7 supervlsed experlence 8 lnLernal consulLanL ln a large organlzaLlon 9 professlonal assoclaLlons 10 advanced programs for professlonal developmenL
a Sche|n lf one enLers ln human sysLem Lo conducL dlagnosls lnLervenLlon ls belng made b 8eckhard Lev|nson no paln no change c Murphy's |aw lf anyLhlng can go wrong lL wlll d 8urke clark koopman lnLervenLlon lack of success lnLervenLlon was Lhe only change made e katz kahn general sysLem Lheory f Chand|er a change ln sLraLegy besL precedes ln sLrucLural change g 1om eters caLch people dolng Lhe rlghL Lhlng h L|pp|t and L|pp|t consulLanL as leadershlp posLure | Margu||es marglnallLy boundarles rank||n credlblllLy slgnlflcanL ln Cu success k orras W||kens unexpecLed negaLlve flndlngs may reflecL beLa change