CESocSCI4 Reviewer
CESocSCI4 Reviewer
CESocSCI4 Reviewer
Cesocsci 4
The entrepreneurial mind
profile should be created for each customer 4. Unexpected gains - These gains are the
segment, as each segment has distinct gains, potential benefits of the product and/or
pains and jobs. service for which the customer is
Customer archetypes unaware until these are introduced to
-also known as personas are those dry him. Although these ideas and
demographic portrayals of customers innovations are not articulated by the
transformed into living, breathing people customer, they are able to transform the
which the audience can comprehend. customer's experience with a product
-an idea of Steve Blank which he and/or service. A touch screen capability
popularized in his Lean Launchpad. of a Smartphone is a type of an
unexpected gain for customers.
-Customer gains include all the expectations and
needs of customers, things that may delight
-Customer pains are situations which either
them and other stuffs that may intensify the
avoid the customer from getting a job done or
possibility of these customers embracing a value
the negative experiences, emotions and risks
that the customer experiences before, during or
after a job.
1. Required gains - When buying a product
or being provided by a service, these are
the very basic expectations by the
customers. An individual buying a 1. Productivity pains - These pains include
Smartphone has the least expectation the inefficiency of the businesses that a
that his new bought phone can allow customer experiences. Majority of
him to make and receive phone calls. customers practice time management
2. Expected gains - These gains are beyond that they felt annoyed when additional
the basic ones, but even these are not steps would occur in the buying process.
present in the product and/or service, 2. Support pains - These are pains felt by a
said offering can still provide its basic customer when he is not assisted during
purpose. Hence, for a Smartphone, it is the buying process.
expected that it should be visually 3. Financial pains -These are pains that
attractive and fashionable. involve money in particular that often a
3. Desired gains - These gains are the customer spends too much for a product
customer's preference when it comes to and/or service when his intention really
product and/or service. These are the is to spend less.
most sought-after and cherished gains by 4. Process pains - These pains those that
the customer. Obtaining these gains can create friction to buyers because of the
result to the complete satisfaction of the substandard processes of the business.
customers. In the case of Smartphone,
having no trouble in the synching the
phone with other gadgets is a desired
gain of any user
Cesocsci 4
The entrepreneurial mind
-Customer jobs describe the functional, social b. Co-creator of value - These are
and emotional tasks customers are trying to do, jobs for which a customer has a
challenges they are attempting to resolve and direct hand in the manufacture
needs they desire to satisfy in their personal and of the product with the
professional lives. company. Such jobs include
-Known also as jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) shifts the providing ideas for product
focus from a hypothetical or aggregate user to design, product testing and
what actual users want to accomplish by using giving product and/or service
the product. Here, the perspective must be reviews online.
taken from the angle of the customer to c. Transferor of value - These are
understand him fully. jobs at the end of the product
use such as disposal of product
trash or giving the ownership of
1. Functional jobs -These are the regular the product to another person
and particular jobs that a customer is because it has no value anymore
trying to do and is working towards. to the original owner.
These are easy and simple things like
cooking a menu, finishing an essay for
the English assignment, eating balance
diet and other similar ones. GAIN CREATORS
2. Social jobs - These consist of the -Gain creators explicitly outline how the
manners a customer desires to reflect his products and services may create customer gains
image in a social environment. Some and offer customer added value. An
examples include fitting in with a group entrepreneur may Tom benefits that a customer
of friends or praising a co-employee in supposes, desires, or may came as a surprise.
his sales presentation. Gain creators may include functional utility,
3. Personal/ emotional jobs - These social gains, positive emotions, and cost savings.
include how a customer works towards
feeling a certain way. Some people feel PAIN RELIEVERS
they can rush from a tough task and then -Pain relievers explicitly outline how the
do another task after like having a gym products and/or services lighten, avoid or solve
practice before dinner time. the particular customer pains. An entrepreneur
4. Supporting jobs - Often customers also must provide details on how his offering of
purchase value, hence doing a product and/or service could lessen or
supporting task. completely eradicate the annoyance of his
customers before, while, and after they are
The three roles of customers that may trying to get a job done.
assist in supporting jobs:
a. Buyer of value - This task is any
purchase of value that may PRODUCTS AND SERVICES
cover from evaluating choices at -These are the products and/or services which
hand up to paying for the create gain and relieve pain and built around the
product that had been chosen. value proposition
Cesocsci 4
The entrepreneurial mind
-These offerings may help customers obtain a an entrepreneur wants to serve has a set
functional, social, or emotional job done or just of problems that require solving. In this
satisfy the basic needs box, the entrepreneur shall list the three
high priority problems that the customer
-could be in the form of tangible, digital/virtual,
segment is experiencing. This is to
intangible or financial which are essential to the
ensure that the right product and/or
service shall be met based on the
existing need of the customer segment
being served.
THE LEAN CANVAS: A BUSINESS 2. Solution - The next step to look for the
MODEL CANVAS ALTERNATIVE effective solution. However, this is not
easy task to do. According to Steve
proposed by Ash Maurya
Blanks, the Godfather of Lean Startup,
developed version of the Business Model
the entrepreneur needs to "get out of
the building". The phrase was coined by
outlines a more problem-focused
Blanks to mean going out in the streets
approach and appropriate to use by
and interview the customer segment.
small entrepreneurs especially those
The customer should be asked questions
creating startup businesses. The focus is
in order to learn from them regarding
more on customers' needs, on
their problems. (Solutions must be
actionable metrics and offer a fast idea-
concisely written and specific.)
to-product transformation.
3. Value Proposition - This block contains a
The Lean Canvas is also primarily meant
marketable promise to the target user
for entrepreneurs and not the
that the business will solve their
customers, consultants, investors or
problem. This is similar with the business
canvas model.
4. Unfair Advantage - A startup should
recognize if it has the competitive
advantage that cannot be copied and
cannot be bought or it has an unfair
advantage over others.
5. Customer segments - This is similar with
the business canvas model. The problem
and the customer segments must be
6. Channels- These are the ways to reach
the customer segments. Channels, which
are free as well as paid, can be used to
reach your customer directly.
7. Revenue streams - This is the money
ELEMENTS OF THE LEAN CANVAS MODEL matter of the business just like in
business model canvas. It is common for
1. Problem - It is important to understand startups to lower their cost or even offer
the problem first that the business will it to free in the beginning to gain
address. Every customer segment that attraction. Getting people to sign up for
Cesocsci 4
The entrepreneurial mind
something for free is not the same than 1. Price - Majority of the customers look at
asking them to pay as they are more price when buying a product or availing
interested in free products. of a service. It is a reality that every
8. Cost structure - These are the customer purchases within his budget
operational costs that the business limit. Not unless a product and/or
needs to pay in bringing the product to service is exceptional customers may be
the market such as salaries, cost of the compelled to spend outside his
materials, cost of maintenance. The limitation.
complete variable costs and fixed costs 2. Experience - These days, almost
are to be listed here. everyone is busy doing their activities.
9. Key Metrics - All businesses, whether big Most customers wanted to buy things
or small have some metrics with which that are readily available. The market
to monitor their performance. The today contains so many alternatives to
metrics consist of the assortment of choose from. Hence, it is essential to
products and/or services the business provide a worthwhile experience in
wants to deliver. For a startup business addition to good product and/or service
though, one metric is good enough and quality. This kind of shopping experience
then just build on it. It is important that may create loyal customers.
the correct metric is recognized. 3. Design - The design of the product must
always be appealing to customers.
4. Functionality - It is always expected by
MODULE 5 the customer that the product he is
CUSTOMERS AND MARKETS buying can serve its purpose. Simply all
the functionalities that are expected of
the product should be present.
"Service, in short, is not what you do, but who 5. Convenience - The product and/or
you are. It's a way of living that you need to service must be always readily available
bring to everything you do if you're to bring it to for the customer, otherwise, he will not
your customer interactions."- Betsy Sanders buy the product and possibly look for an
6. Reliability - The product should be
MARKET dependable and it should meet the
- is any place where manufacturers, distributors customer's requirements and
and retailers sell and consumers buy.
expectations every time he buys it.
7. Compatibility - The product should be
well-matched with the other products
that the customer is already consuming.
Economic situations
New fashion 1. The Potential Pandoy (Potential
customer) -In principle, Pandoy cannot
be considered a customer yet. However,
he little bit of convincing and assistance
Cesocsci 4
The entrepreneurial mind
to hopefully change into quickly making 1. Consumer or business - A product
him a paying customer. He may show and/or service may be intended for a
interest in the product and/or service business-to-business (B2B) or business-
offering y filling out a contact form, to-consumer (B2C) market.
signing up in a newsletter or asking a 2. Geographic - This is defining the target
question through live chat or personal market according to the place where
message. possible customers live or work, take
2. New Netnot (New customer)- is the vacation or do business.
fresh customer who has just bought 3. Demographic - The target market here is
something for the first time from a describing by means of age, gender,
business. income level, educational background,
3. Impulsive Icoy (Impulsive customer)- is a marital status and other areas of an
customer that make instant buying individual customer's life.
decision based on craving or whim 4. Psychographic - Psychographic
provided that the conditions are right. characteristics are based from the
He is highly influenced by his current intrinsic traits of a customer such as
mood when shopping. He needs not personality, lifestyle, social status, AIO
much convincing to buy for as long as he (activities, interests, opinions) and
wants to buy something with less steps. attitudes.
He is even less interested in value 5. Generation - A lot of businesses these
proposition. days define their target market based on
4. Discount Daboy (Discount customer)- is which generation they were born in,
a customer who never buys a product namely Baby Boomers, Gen X,
and/or avail of service on full price but Millennials and even Centennials.
only on a discounted rate. Said customer 6. Cohort - Some companies look for their
never shop for anything off-sale. target market using cohorts. A cohorts
5. Loyal Lando (Loyal customer)-Loyal a group of subjects who share a
Lando is a satisfied customer that keeps significant characteristic or typically
coming back to one's store for more subject who experienced a common
purchase. Lando is a good brand's event in a selected time period, such as
ambassador that can make birth graduation.
recommendation of a business to his 7. Life stage - Other businesses use the
family and friends, thus attracting a stage of life for target marketing
stream of new customers customer like whether infancy, childhood, adolescent,
him can help an entrepreneur grow his adulthood or old age.
business using word of mouth. 8. Behavioral - Another way of finding the
target market is Based on customer
loyalty, occasion-based, consumer usage
-is a group of possible consumers or
and others.
organizational buyers to whom a company wants
to sell its products and/or services.
APPROACHES IN DESCRIBING THE PERFECT -persona is a short fictional profile of an ideal
CUSTOMER user or customer.
Cesocsci 4
The entrepreneurial mind
of the company’s product and/or
-user persona includes a fictional name and service.
photo, important demographics, user needs and 3. Include end goals-The end goal is the
desires, goals, motivations, activities, pain points, encouraging factor that stimulates
and quotes. Except for the name and photo, all action. It provides the details on the
details are from real user data or customers that wants and needs of users that can be
have been served and market research or satisfied by using the product and/or
customers that the entrepreneur would like to service offering of a company. The end
reach. goals define the things the persona
wants or needs that have to be fulfilled.
4. Include a scenario-An everyday life
1. Create a Header-The Header consists of scenario is a story that describes the
a fictitious name, a picture and a quote interaction of the user to a product
which sums up what is the most and/or service in a particular situation to
important to the persona that is related reach his end goals. The scenario details
to the product and/or service offering. the when, where, and how of the story
2. Include A Demographic Profile- the that happens. The scenario is normally
demographic profiles of the users are written form the data gathered from the
based from facts and user research angle of the persona and may describe
a. Personal background- The important details about the future.
personal background consists of
the age, gender, ethnicity,
education, persona group
(working moms, single
professionals, working students
and family status (single, A most popular and favorite tool for
married with children and imagining the customer’s experiences
widowed). is a representation of a typical
b. Professional background- The costumer’s experience over time instead
professional background of a snapshot. It is different from the
contains details like occupation, discussed customer persona. The
income level, and work emphasis of a persona is on the person,
experience. while a customer journey map highlights
c. User environment- The user their experience.
environment is the physical, Most journey mapping format looks like
social, and technological context a timeline that consist of a series of user
of the user. actions. Then the timeline is elaborated
d. Psychographics- Psychographics containing thoughts and emotions to
contain facts, for example form a story. This story summarized and
attitudes, interests, motivations refined to create visualization. The map
and pain points. This profile helps to set where customers become
makes the entrepreneur frustrated on their way to buying and
understands the reasons for the beyond.
user’s behavior including the use
Cesocsci 4
The entrepreneurial mind
KEY COMPONENTS OF A JOURNEY MAP a. Actions - These are the concrete
behaviors and steps engaged by
1. ACTOR-is the viewpoint of the journey
users. This
who is actually the persona or user.
element is not meant to be a
Coming from the data gathered, the
granular step-by-step record of
actors must be in relation with personas
every isolated interaction. Rather, it
and their respective actions. Hence,
is a story of the steps the actor
there must be one journey map for each
undertakes during that phase.
persona in order to create a solid and
b. Mindsets - These correspond to the
rich story that captures their particular
thoughts, questions, motivations and
information of the actor at various
steps in the journey. Ideally, these
scenario is simply the situation which the
are customer exact words from
journey map talks about in relation to
the actor's goals, needs, and
c. Emotions - They are drawn as
distinct line across the journey
3. JOURNEY PHASES-are the various high-
phases. This line accurately indicates
level stages in the journey of an actor.
the emotional "ups" and "downs" of
These phases are responsible for the
the experience. This line gives the
information about actions, thoughts, and
idea of the related layer of emotion
emotions in the map. Obviously, for each
that the actor feels such as very
scenario there would be different
happy against unhappy.
phases. Each company should have data
in order to determine the various phases
for a particular scenario.
5. OPPORTUNITIES- are insights that are
a. An ecommerce scenario - Buying a
obtained from mapping. These
set of Bluetooth speakers may have
opportunities they can used to identify
discover, try, buy, use, seek support
the ways of optimizing the actor’s
experience. Insights and opportunities
b. A huge or expensive purchases - Test
are useful in getting knowledge from the
driving and buying a car may include
journey map in terms of:
stages such as engagement,
a. Needs to be completed with this
education, research, evaluation,
b. Owner of respective
c. A business-to-business (B2B)
c. The biggest opportunities
scenario - Rolling out an internal tool
d. Ways of measuring
may consider the stages like
improvements as they are
purchase, adoption, retention,
expansion, advocacy.
Cesocsci 4
The entrepreneurial mind
his customers are doing are revealed journey map. It tries to create in
here. The touchpoints are tools that can one's mind the actions, thoughts,
help an entrepreneur understands the and emotions that customers
comfort and purposes of customer presently experience while
journeys. interacting with the entrepreneur's
a. Actions - An entrepreneur may company. This is best applied for
write down all the actions his continuously refining the customer
customers are doing as they journey.
interact with his brand or b. Day in the life - This type of
company. He may Google search customer map tries to create in
for the keywords or may click on one's mind the actions, thoughts,
an email sent to him. It is alright and emotions that customers
to have a long list of actions. presently experience when he
b. Emotions and motivations - participates on daily basis whether it
Every action that a customer includes the company or not. It
takes is triggered by an emotion. offers a wider viewpoint into the
Said emotion/s may change lives of the customer and their pain
based on which part of the points in real life. This is best applied
journey a customer is at. for fulfilling unmet customers' needs
Normally, what drives the before customers even know they
emotion of a customer is a pain exist.
point or problem. The c. Future state - This journey map is
knowledge on these emotions designed by an entrepreneur to
and motivations will give the imagine the actions, thoughts and
fitting content at the right time emotions of his customer's
so that there will be a smooth experience as the latter interacts
customer's emotional journey with his company in the future. The
through the entrepreneur's reference is the present experience
brand. though the plan heads towards what
c. Obstacles and pain points - Here the entrepreneur wants the
the road blocks that are customer journey to be. The best
preventing the customer to take application of this map is illustrating
the preferred action must be vision and planning a clear objective.
revealed. Cost is one of the d. Service blueprint - This journey map
prime problem. High shipping starts with the simple version of the
rates may cause a customer not above mentioned maps. The latter
to buy product even he so add further those factors in charge
desires it. Emphasizing these of providing the experience such as
possible difficulties in customer people, policies, technologies, and
journey may help lessen them. processes. This is best applied when
determining the main reasons of the
5. Identify the elements of the map to present customer journeys or
show determining the steps required to
a. Current state - This is most accomplish the preferred future
commonly used type of customer customer journeys.
Cesocsci 4
The entrepreneurial mind
6. Identify the resources on hand and and the aggregate revenue that these sales may
those that are still needed-the produce over the course of a year.
entrepreneur must emphasize all the
resources that goes with the customer
experience. Hence it is necessary for the 1. Potential Available Market (PAM)- is the
entrepreneur to come up with the total possible value that represents the
inventory of resources he has on-hand global market of products and/or
and those resources he will be needing services sold over a definite timeframe
to improve customer's journey. For without any limits of geography and
instance, if the customer service does other factors. This assumes the 100%
not have the tools to appropriately market share.
follow up with customers after a service 2. Total Addressable Market (TAM)- is the
interaction, then the entrepreneur must potential value of product and/or service
invest on these resources. sold to a particular customer segment.
7. Experience the customer journey 3. Serviceable Available Market (SAM) -
himself-he must know the number of SAM is the subset customer of the total
people clicking his company's website addressable market (TAM) who can be
but never really make a purchase. This reached and ready to buy goods or
will make him decide on how he could services using a one revenue
better support customers. The results of stream/channel.
the analysis can confirm where customer 4. Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) -
needs are being unmet. With this a This is the subset of the SAM that will
valuable experience can be guaranteed realistically get to use a product and/or
and that customers are able to find avail of the service. This is the target
solutions to their problems through the market who the entrepreneur shall
entrepreneur’s company products primarily sell to. Here, there is much
and/or services. consideration to strategic development
8. Create the needed changes-The analysis of the market and the competitors'
of data can give the entrepreneur the actions.
idea on what his website must be. The
entrepreneur may create the applicable TWO MARKET SIZING APPROACHES
changes to his website to accomplish his 1. Top-down analysis
goals for the business. He may place 2. Bottom-up analysis
numerous distinct call-to-action links. He
may also write vivid and detailed TOP-DOWN
descriptions of each product to make its -This type of sizing is normally completed by
using demographics such as company size,
purpose and benefits clear to the
industry type, location, population, age, income
and others.
a. Multi-client research from publishers -
There are a lot of publishers on selling
MARKET SIZE products with different range underlying
-refers to the aggregate number of possible research and accuracy as The Freedonia
buyers of a product and/ or service in an industry Group, Packaged Facts, and Simba
Information. the entrepreneur decides
Cesocsci 4
The entrepreneurial mind
to use this method he must get his -is more about a marketing spirit that was itself
information reliable sources which is the from traditional marketing practices. This type of
MarketResearch.com which consists of marketing for entre avoids many of the
those publishing brands mentioned fundamental principles of marketing are usually
above. an, and well-known companies.
b. Apparent consumption calculated from
- It makes use of new and non-traditional
government production and trade
markets practices that makes entrepreneurs
statistics - There are dependable
stand out from their competitors.
industry shipment/production statistics
and import/ export data for a given - emphasize the company greatest strengths
industry using sources such as while stressing their value to the customer.
Philippines Trade Data, Philippine
Statistics Authority, Foreign Trade
Statistics of the Philippines and even
Department of Trade and Industry.
c. A production census of leading suppliers
in markets with a concentrated supply MARKET STRATEGIES
base - When the supply base consists of
only few suppliers such that they are less 1. Relationship marketing - The emphasis
than ten (10), top-line demand estimates of this is on building a solid connection
can be established easily by adding all between the brand and the customer.
the sales or production of leading 2. Expeditionary marketing - This involves
manufacturers of the product being forming markets and creating innovative
studied. products. Here the entrepreneur's
company acts as a leader rather than a
BOTTOM-UP 3. One to one marketing - Here customers
-is only considered if there are no dependable are marketed to as individuals. All
sources of top-line demand present. However, if marketing efforts are tailor-fitted.
this approach can give a more dependable 4. Real time marketing -This makes use of
estimate though analysis of product the power of technology to interrelate
consumption in relation to a direct indicator (the with a customer in an actual time.
product being consumed) then this can be 5. Viral marketing - It places marketing
useful. messages on the Internet like Facebook
-more time consuming and Instagram so they can be shared and
-It is also sensitive on the face of small expanded on by customers.
assumptions that falls through the analysis. In 6. Digital marketing - This considers
this method, an entrepreneur may be able to leveraging the power of Internet tools
make extrapolation until he reaches an like e-mail and social networking to
applicable scale. back-up marketing efforts.
Cesocsci 4
The entrepreneurial mind
1. Customer intensity - This feature PERSONAL BRAND
concentrates on the enthusiasm, - is the one that differentiates an entrepreneur
passion, zeal, and belief in marketing from the rest of his competitors. This type of
that makes the company successful. It is branding forms a lasting impression on the
believed that a customer-intensity minds of the customers about the quality of his
component makes stronger the primary product and/or service. Actually, this convincing
values of the company and the passion personal brand draws the target customers to
for the customer. buy from the company which makes it a lucrative
2. Continuous innovation - An and sustainable business.
entrepreneurial company must - An entrepreneur must remember that his
constantly create innovative ideas and product and/or service is the "what" of his
transform them into new or improved business and personal branding is the "why".
products and/or services or processes.
3. Strategic flexibility - An entrepreneurial
company must display an enthusiasm to
valuate and fine-tune its strategies,
action plans, techniques of resource BENEFITS OF PERSONAL BRANDING:
allocation, structure, culture, and 1. Trust and authority - With a personal
management systems. brand an entrepreneur can build trust
4. Calculated risk-taking - Risk-taking refers with his customers and position himself
to pursuing novel or opportunities. as an authority and a thought leader in
Entrepreneurs must take calculated the industry.
risks, but some can be serious for the 2. Get featured in media - With a personal
future of the company. brand, it easier for an entrepreneur to
5. Proactiveness - Entrepreneurs are pitch and be found by media like online
conscious of the significance of the publications, magazines, television,
external marketing environment; radio, podcasts, and others. The media is
entrepreneurs try to reassess the in continuous search of can share their
elements of the external environment to visions with the audience. experts that
lessen its ambiguity, moderate reliance 3. Build a network-With a personal brand it
and exposure of the company, and/or clearly articulates who the entrepreneur
transform the environment in which the is, what he does, and how he helps
company functions. others. The brand makes it easier for
6. Resource leverage – Entrepreneurs are other people and other entrepreneurs to
obligated to utilize their resources in the see value in connecting with the owner
best possible way. They control their of the business.
resources so that they ca use them 4. Attract more customers - Building a
longer than others have used them in personal brand that positions an
the past. They use resources that others entrepreneur as the go-to expert in a
do not regard as resources. They use particular industry or niche helps him his
other people's/companies' resources to ideal customers.
accomplish their own goals. 5. Premium pricing - With a strong
personal brand charging premium prices
for products and services is justifiable.
Cesocsci 4
The entrepreneurial mind
6. Create a lasting platform - Over time, a issues and to word-of-mouth
business will surely evolve. An endorsement coming from customers.
entrepreneur may even jump to multiple It is an effective technique to referrals
businesses in diverse industries over the particularly those experts of the
course of his career. industry.
Social media platforms that can do a lot for an
-are good source of new customers for
entrepreneur's personal branding:
entrepreneurs who wants to achieve business
1. LinkedIn - This network is really designed goals easier.
to let others know who are professional.
It can display information such as school
graduated from, line of study and
expertise, work history, passion, and the
likes, basically, everything that has to do
with being a professional.
2. Twitter - This is another influential and networking means establishing an
popular platform for posting business equally advantageous relationship with
news and developments. This can also other business people and possible
be used for simply sharing information. customers.
3. Pinterest- is perfect for communicating main goal of networking is to tell others
the entrepreneur's numerous interests. about an entrepreneur's business and
The graphic nature of interest makes it confidently turn them into customers.
distinctive. to increase business revenue.
"Your Network Is Your Net Worth:
Unlock the Hidden Power of Connections
for Wealth, Success, and Happiness in
the Digital Age"-Porter Gale (the
network of people will be the
"Effective networking isn't a result of luck - it interpersonal safety net of the
requires hard work and persistence."- Lewis entrepreneur that makes certain his
Howes better output and personal satisfaction.)
is an art form that an entrepreneur must 1. Better Business Opportunities
be expert about. -With strong networking means, there is
Networking concerns connecting people great possibilities of powerful position
which will be beneficial for each other's and infinite business opportunities.
-businesses are able to meet possible
is no doubt one of the best tool to customers and produce referrals that
provide solutions seemingly very difficult they can make follow to turn into
Cesocsci 4
The entrepreneurial mind
customers also. Networking may lead an
entrepreneur identify for opportunities
such as partnerships, joint ventures or 6. Personal Satisfaction
expansion to another. -The important virtue of networking is
2. Increased Status for entrepreneurs to pass on the learned
-Being remarked and getting seen with lessons about life and business to others.
well-known and highly influential people -It is personally rewarding to make
may enhance good standing among contributions to the growth and
friends and other entrepreneurs in the opportunity of others especially in
industry business
-Networking may build the image of an
entrepreneur as someone expert,
trustworthy, and compassionate person
who can be useful when it comes to
connections with people.
3. Enhanced Knowledge WAYS IN DOING NETWORKING
-Through networking and entrepreneurs
are able to expand their knowledge 1. Networking through social media
power from business experts with whom -Social media is the trend today which is
they can have the opportunity to learn why it is easy to build a network through
and obtain advice about businesses and it. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and even
life as well. on Google Plus are some business groups
-An entrepreneur may take advantage of where entrepreneurs may join easier
the viewpoints and prior experience of and start forming networks
others possibly in the same line of -social media such as mentioned are very
business. Advices from a business owner good means to communicate with
can help an entrepreneur to improve customers and business partners.
business and personal life. 2. Networking through Business Events
4. Positive Influences -An entrepreneur ought to join business
–through networking an entrepreneur meetings, events, awards and seminars
may connect with entrepreneurs, so that he can personally interact with
business owners, and successful people people in the industry.
who are pursuing excellence in their -LinkedIn, Myspace and Wisdom Builder
business and personal lives. are some network club sites where
-People with positive mindset may uplift entrepreneurs may join. Mostly during
and motivate others to grow and flourish business events, participants exchange
as an entrepreneur and as a person. company cards, links and start selling
5. Growing Confidence their respective products and/or
–Having regular discussions with the services.
right network can build the confidence -Entrepreneurs may join local business
and optimism of people in business. groups that meet on a regular basis.
With the right connections and being -In the Philippines, membership with the
connected with a network can boost the Rotary Club is a beneficial way to
confidence of owners and network both personally and for
entrepreneurs. business.
Cesocsci 4
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business development of an
ROTARY CLUB entrepreneur.
-Here entrepreneurs may meet with 4. Be a resource on social media–In order
professionals who have diverse to build trust among fellow followers an
backgrounds and could exchange ideas, entrepreneur may make comments and
form beneficial and lifelong friendships involve with the right industry content.
with them. At the same time being a Inbound networking can be generated by
member of a rotary club could be a way networking in which contacts will find
to give back to the communities. and reach out to the entrepreneur.
-can be ideal networking groups for 5. Do basic press outreach - Local media is
entrepreneurs who wanted to combine an important element of networking.
services to their communities with People in this filed can help in narrating
networking. the success of an entrepreneur to a
larger audience. An entrepreneur may
create a contact list of media
WAYS OF STARTING NETWORKING personalities whom he can share his
story in business news in order to gain
1. Enhancing the profile - Being visible and and establish himself in the business
getting noticed are the rewards of world.
joining networks. When an entrepreneur 6. Opportunities - The opportunities for an
attends business meetings and social entrepreneur is abundant when he joins
events, his face becomes familiar to networks. Opportunities such as joint
other people in the business. A great ventures, client leads, partnerships,
start for an entrepreneur to start his speaking and writing breaks as well as
networks is to have active participation another business are among the
in advisory committees, expos and extensive opportunities.
2. Offering help first–The best start to build
networks is to ask questions and
discover how to add value to challenges
being faced by others. An entrepreneur Basis of Accelerators Incubators
must contribute first something valuable
Definition Accelerator is a Incubator is a
for the network. Once he starts being place for existing place for new
helpful, his help would be likely to be… business that small
3. Connections - It is always the "who" and helps them businesses and
achieving startups that
not the "what" which is important to any
growth in their offer support
business. There must be great sources of businesses. staff and
connections for any entrepreneur to equipment for
really be successful in business. further
Networking makes certain the great pool
Objective Support startups Support
of right connections that can provide a with an array of startups with a
lot of benefits. Developing-good business support structured
relationships with contacts may form resources and program along
numerous milestones for the career and services, fixed
orchestrated by curricula...
Cesocsci 4
The entrepreneurial mind
Time Period Intense three to Less time Management (AIM). The goal of this
four-month pressure and partnership is to give startups the
program less intensive
Business Large mentor- Smaller mentor
mentorship, training, and support
Model driven business network network they need to build and grow
network their businesses.
2. Kickstart Ventures - This is a subsidiary
Entrance All can apply Restricted and
of Globe Telecom that offers mentorship
depends on the
incubator for six months incubator period and even
Selection Extremely Usually less fund those chosen startups that can
selective selective solve real life local and global problems.
Equity Ratio Take 6 to 8% No equity stake Some of the chosen startups of this
equity stake was taken
Resources Ample Some incubator that are already successful
Areas The Web, Biotech, include Kalibrr, Tripid, Ava, ZAP and
mobile, IT Medtech and Apptivate.
products 3. Ideaspace Foundation - While Kickstart
Selection Competitive - Competitive -
Process essential to based on
is offered by Globe, this time Ideaspace
business model available space is an incubator firm backed by its
and resources competitor which is Smart
Services Fast-test and Management Communications. Since it started to
validation of support, IP
incubate, the foundation has received
ideas, with rights
mentoring assistance, more than 700 entries. Out of these
support from networking and entries it has provided incubation for a
experienced access to period of six months to ten civic-minded
entrepreneurs external
startups plus giving $12,000 of funding
and seed- financing
funding to each startups. One of its notable
incubatees from this mentoring program
was Pinoy Travel, online bus booking
service that had successfully launched its
INCUBATOR service.
– An incubator is a business place that helps 4. Launchgarage - This program is a
startup businesses and new entrepreneurs to partnership between Globe telco-backed
develop their products and ideas by supporting Kickstart Ventures and web engineering
them with services such as training, firm Proudcloud. Each startup is called
management support, intellectual property (IP) "garageheads" which is offered a five-
rights assistance, resources and even shared month incubation period. In order to
office and facility spaces. introduce its most viable product (MVP)
it provided $30,000 for each startup.
Technopreneurship - The University of
1. AI -Dado Banatao Incubator - Located the Philippines, at state university and
inside the AIM building in Legazpi owned by the government has also its
Village, Makati City, it was launched in incubation program. It offers its Diliman
June 2016 through the partnership of campus as a working space for its six
Philippine Development Foundation months' incubation period. The center
(PhilDev) and the Asian Institute of also serves as connection to other
Cesocsci 4
The entrepreneurial mind
incubators especially with technology 2. A Space's _PASSPORT - As an
leaders such as Ideaspace, Plug and Play accelerator, participants are provided
Tech Center and Narra Venture Capital. flexible workshops, class materials and
This DOST-UP Enterprise Center for introductions to investors by the end of
Technopreneurship offers assistance to the program. The main focus of this
aspiring entrepreneurs who wanted to accelerator is to help founders on
develop products and/or services in the network.
field of pharmaceutical, health services,
and information and communications
technology markets. 1. Cerebro Labs - Here, chosen startups are
6. DOST-PEZA Open Technology Business provided a seed money of Php60,000
Incubator (OpenTBI) - The Department cash and granted a six-week intensive
of Science and Technology and the Incubation program of training and
Philippine Economic Zone Authority mentoring. Among the perks given to
created a partnership to sharpen tech- participants are the use of working
inclined entrepreneurs. This would help space, office equipment sharing,
the nation grow IT- and ICT-based Internet, consultancy and the access to
startup companies with its legal, Cerebro Lab's Silicon Valley-trained staff.
marketing, and technological assistance 2. StartUp Village - As both an incubator
to startups. However, startups need to and accelerator, StartUp Village hopes to
pay a Php 5,000 processing fee in bring exceptional ideas and concepts to
addition to the rental of space. actuality. It was founded by Let's Go
Foundation and powered by the Google
Developers Launchpad. The primary
focus is on disruptors that disturbance
– An accelerator is another business place that
the industry or a revolutionary product
offers a program with a fixed term which
that makes a brand-new industry.
includes mentorship and educational
components and usually ends in public pitch
event. The objective of an accelerator is to assist
in the rapid grow and help in a successful NETWORKING TO BUILD THE FOUNDING
product launch. TEAM
Cesocsci 4
The entrepreneurial mind
Cesocsci 4
The entrepreneurial mind
13. The features common to both business
model canvas and lean canvas model
are: cost structure and revenue streams
14. Two companies agree to establish a
totally different company–Joint venture
15. Non-physical and intangible important
assets needed by the
business– Intellectual resources
16. Which of the following belong to the
customer profile block of the value
proposition canvas?– Product/service,
Gain creator, pain reliever
17. The pathways to reach customers
are– Channel
18. The infrastructure of the business model
canvas are–Key partners, key resources,
key activities
19. This canvas model includes key partners
and key resources–Business model
20. The reason why customers will buy your
product and not from competitors.–
Customer Value proposition
21. The bridge between the value
proposition and the customer segment–
Key activities
22. This business model canvas focuses on fit
between product and service offering
with the needs of customers.– Value
proposition canvas