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Ecc 2

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Name: Siddhant Kundlik Thaware

Class: TY-CS-D
Roll No:34
Date: 6/9/23
Prn No:12110937
Batch: 2




#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h> //rand
#include <time.h> //for srand

#include <functional> //require c++11

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class G {
G() {} // Default constructor

// Constructor with parameters to initialize the object

G(const int& x, const int& y, const int& p, const int& a) {
this->x = x, this->y = y, this->a = a, this->p = p;

// Overloaded '+' operator for adding two points on an

elliptic curve
G operator+(const G& g) const {
assert(this->a == g.a); // Ensure both points are on the
same curve

int t, xr, yr;

if (this->y == 0)
return G(g.x, g.y, this->p, this->a);
else if (g.y == 0)
return G(this->x, this->y, this->p, this->a);
else if (this->x == g.x && this->y == -g.y)
return G(this->x, 0, this->p, this->a);
else if (this->x == g.x && this->y == g.y)
t = mod(3 * this->x * this->x + this->a, this->p) *
inv(2 * this->y, this->p);
t = mod(g.y - this->y, this->p) * inv(mod(g.x - this-
>x, this->p), this->p);

t = mod(t, this->p);
xr = mod(t * t - this->x - g.x, this->p);
yr = t * (this->x - xr) - this->y;
yr = mod(yr, this->p);

return G(xr, yr, this->p, this->a);


// Overloaded '-' operator for subtracting two points on an

elliptic curve
G operator-(const G& g) const {
return *this + G(g.x, -g.y, this->p, g.a);

// Overloaded '*' operator for scalar multiplication of a

point on an elliptic curve
G operator*(const int& n) const {
G g = *this;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
g = g + *this;
return g;

int x, y, p, a; // Public parameters of the point

// Helper function to compute the modular inverse of a number
int inv(const int& num, const int& mod) const {
auto exgcd = [](const int& a, const int& b, int& g, int&
x, int& y) {
std::function<void(const int&, const int&, int&, int&,
int&)> exgcd;
exgcd = [&](const int& a, const int& b, int& g, int&
x, int& y) {
if (!b)
g = a, x = 1, y = 0;
exgcd(b, a % b, g, y, x), y -= x * (a / b);
return exgcd(a, b, g, x, y);
int g, x, y;
exgcd(num, mod, g, x, y);
return ((x % mod) + mod) % mod;

// Helper function to compute the modulo of a number

int mod(const int& num, const int& mod) const {
return (num % mod + mod) % mod;

// Overloaded '*' operator for scalar multiplication with the

scalar on the left-hand side
G operator*(const int& n, const G& g) {
return g * n;

class Elliptic_curve {
// Constructor to initialize the elliptic curve parameters and
a base point
Elliptic_curve(const int& a, const int& b, const int& q, const
G& g) {
set(a, b, q, g);

// Setter function to update the curve parameters and base

void set(const int& a, const int& b, const int& q, const G& g)
this->a = a, this->b = b, this->q = q, this->g = g;

// Function to generate a random private key in the range [1,

int getPrivateKey(const int& q) const {
return (rand() % (q - 1)) + 1; // Random number between 1
and q-1

// Function to compute the public key corresponding to a

private key
G getPublicKey(const int& privateKey, const G& g) const {
return privateKey * g; // Scalar multiplication of the
base point

// Function to encrypt a message given sender's private key,

receiver's public key, and message point
pair<G, G> getEncryptedMessage(const int& senderPrivateKey,
const G& receiverPublicKey, const G& message) const {
G c1 = senderPrivateKey * g; //
G c2 = message + senderPrivateKey * receiverPublicKey; //
Pm + k*Pb
return {c1, c2};
// Function to decrypt an encrypted message given the pair of
points and the receiver's private key
G getDecryptedMessage(const pair<G, G>& encryptedMessage,
const int& receiverPrivateKey) const {
return encryptedMessage.second - receiverPrivateKey *
encryptedMessage.first; // C2 - nb*C1

int a, b, q;
G g; // Base point on the elliptic curve

int main() {
int q = 11, a = 1, b = 6;
G g(2, 7, q, a);
Elliptic_curve ec(a, b, q, g);

int nb = 7;
G pb = ec.getPublicKey(nb,g); // Compute the public key for
receiver nb
cout << "pb=" << pb.x << "," << pb.y << endl;

int na = 3;
G pm(10, 9, q, a); // Define the message point Pm
pair<G, G> cm = ec.getEncryptedMessage(na, pb, pm); //
Encrypt the message for receiver pb
cout << "cm1=" << cm.first.x << "," << cm.first.y << endl;
cout << "cm2=" << cm.second.x << "," << cm.second.y << endl;

G pm1 = ec.getDecryptedMessage(cm, nb); // Decrypt the

message using the receiver's private key
cout << "pm=" << pm1.x << "," << pm1.y << endl;

return 0;


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