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Group D - IP Project Report

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CS4043D Image Processing

Course Project
Date: April 6 2024

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking


Aaron Joseph B200047CS

Abhay Raj B200014CS

Anuram Anil B200731CS

Harinarayanan J B200741CS

Jackson Stephan B200743CS

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

National Institute of Technology, Calicut
Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

This report has been prepared on the basis of our group’s work. All the other published and
unpublished source materials have been cited in this report.

Student Name: Signature:

Aaron Joseph

Jackson Stephan

Harinarayanan J

Abhay Raj

Anuram Anil

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

Table of Contents
Abstract .......................................................................................................................... 4

Project Specification ........................................................................................................ 5

Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................................................. 6

1.1 Background .............................................................................................................................. 6

1.2 Challenges ................................................................................................................................ 6

Chapter 2: Literature Review ...................................................................................... 7

2.1 Recognition Using Eigen Faces and Artificial Neural Network [1] ........................................... 7

2.2 Face recognition and detection using Random Forest and combination of LBP and HOG [2].. 7

2.3 LBPH-based Enhanced Real-Time Face Recognition [3] .......................................................... 8

Chapter 3: Proposed Method ...................................................................................... 9

3.1 Tools and Techniques ........................................................................................................... 10

Chapter 4: Evaluation and Results ............................................................................ 11

4.1 Evaluation .............................................................................................................................. 11

4.2 Comparison of results .......................................................................................................... 13

Chapter 5: Implementation and Code ....................................................................... 15

5.1 Documentation ...................................................................................................................... 15

5.2 Source Code ........................................................................................................................... 26

References .................................................................................................................... 31

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

Image processing involves the application of various algorithms and techniques to manipulate and
analyse digital images. The process can enhance or extract useful information from images for
further analysis or decision-making. Image processing has different applications in the real world
ranging from image restoration, colour processing, compression to object recognition and pattern
recognition. Under pattern recognition, facial recognition technology has taken the world by storm
in recent years, revolutionizing various industries and applications. In the project, we explore the
various methodologies when it comes to facial recognition and gain insights into the key
components of a facial recognition system. The project takes inspiration from previous research
papers, to use two feature extraction methods - Local Binary Pattern (LBP) and Histograms of
Oriented Gradients (HOG) – and use a Random Forest Classifier to achieve the task of facial
recognition and help create an attendance tracking system.

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

Project Specification
1. Project Definition: Utilizing image processing techniques to design a facial recognition model
that can efficiently differentiate and correctly identify different faces in an image to help solve
a real-life problem such as class attendance.

2. Deliverables:

A software application that is capable of the following:

a. Receive the image of the class as input

b. Perform face detection and recognition from the image

c. Compare the recognized faces with the pre-existing database and creating an attendance

3. Features and Functionalities:

Face Recognition: The proposed system employs face detection and recognition using random
forest and combination of LBP and HOG features. LBPH algorithm ensures to find the local
structure of an image and it does that by comparing each pixel with its neighbouring pixels. We
have to decide the number of neighbours to be considered for LBP and the sampling method.
Each image is converted to grayscale before passing to LBP. LBP is applied on to each sub-
region and a histogram of N bins is generated from the pixel labels. The individual histograms
are concatenated into a single higher dimensional histogram.
During recognition phase, using random forest (RF) classification, the results from each tree
are collected for the input image and the majority voting is gathered to give the resulting class
label. RF has been applied to compare the feature vectors from both training and testing stage
to match the corresponding person.

Attendance Marking: The application should automatically create an attendance sheet for
recognized students based on the input image.

Scalability: The system should be able to handle a growing number of students added to the
facial database.

4. Technical Specifications:

Hardware: Processing power sufficient for image processing and model execution.
Software: Programming language with image processing libraries

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background
Facial Recognition involves the task of identification of a face from a video or image given a pre-
existing database of faces. The process mainly consists of the detection of human faces from the
image followed by the identification of the detected faces.

There has been substantial advancement in facial recognition technology due to the recent
advancements in computer vision and machine learning algorithms. The applications of facial
recognition spread out to multiple domains such as authentication, security and surveillance.

Image Processing methods play a crucial role in tasks like categorization, feature extraction and
face detection. Some of the most common methods used in facial identification include Local
Binary Patterns (LBP), Eigenfaces, Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG), and Convolutional
Neural Networks (CNNs).

The Eigenfaces method goes through training images to try and extract components that catch
maximum variance and discard the less important components. These extracted components are
called principal components. Local Binary Patterns methods try to find a local structure of the
image by comparing each pixel with its neighbouring pixels. Deep learning techniques like
convolutional neural networks trained on massive datasets to achieve very high recognition rates.

Automated attendance systems are really useful in a variety of settings like offices, schools and
public gatherings. The face recognition technology benefits in increased accuracy and efficiency
when compared to conventional attendance methods.

1.2 Challenges
1. Accuracy and Reliability:

Achieving high accuracy and reliability is one of the primary challenges in facial recognition
systems. Factors such as illumination variations, pose variations and occlusions could hinder the
performance of the recognition system. Changes in lighting can significantly affect feature
extraction, leading to false recognition. There is also a possibility that faces captured from various
angles may not be recognized accurately. Occlusions like hats and scarves also make the process of
recognition difficult. Hence developing a system from a robust algorithm is essential.

2. Privacy Concerns:

Significant privacy concerns arise, for facial recognition systems, regarding collection, storage and
usage of data. Implementing appropriate security measures in compliance with privacy regulations
is crucial.

3. Dataset Management:

Managing a large dataset of enrolled students facial image data poses challenges with respect to
scalability, security and integrity of the system. The increase in student count would require
efficient storage and mechanisms for retrieval.

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Recognition Using Eigen Faces and Artificial Neural Network [1]
The paper presents an approach to face recognition where the features are extracted from face
images using principal component analysis (PCA) and derived using feed forward back
propagation neural network (ANN). PCA searches a subspace of low dimension (face space) which
has the maximum variance among a set of face images. The eigenvectors of the face space are
called the eigenfaces, and a face image can be approximated by a linear combination of those
eigenfaces. One ANN per person of the database was suggested, using the face descriptors (weights
of eigenfaces) as inputs for training. The new face image is first projected into the face space and
given as an input for each ANN. The maximum output determines the identity of the person. The
proposed method was then subjected to testing using the ORL face database. The authors also
compared their method with K-mean and Fuzzy Ant with Fuzzy C-means. The F.A.F.C obtained
the recognition rate of 94.75%. The proposed method on the other hand obtained an improvement
recognition rate of 97.018%.


1. Eigenface method is highly dependent on the number of eigenfaces used for feature
extraction, and selecting an inappropriate number of eigenfaces can impact the recognition

2. Computational complexity involved in determining the eigenvectors and eigenvalues,

especially for large image sizes, can make the calculations challenging.

3. A face image can be approximately reconstructed by using its feature vector and the
eigenfaces. But the degree of the fit or the "rebuild error ratio" increases as the training set
members differ heavily from each other. This is due to the addition of the average face
image that becomes messy.

4. Sensitivity to head orientations, as the model is prone to mismatches for images with large
head orientations.

2.2 Face recognition and detection using Random Forest and combination of LBP
and HOG [2]
This conference paper introduced a new framework to handle facial recognition and detection
problem in a video broadcast under uncontrolled environments. It is based on an algorithm called
Viola-Jones, which is a fast and accurate face detector locating faces in images and video
sequences. Here a combination of LBP and HOG descriptors with a new formulation and new
statistics extracting a feature vector robust and low-complexity are combined for face feature
extraction resulting invariant to illumination, pose, expression and occlusion variations. Then an
ensemble learning method called Random Forest used to face feature classification that presents
high discrimination performance, low computational cost and outperformed other classifiers as
SVM. In the voting stage a new formula is introduced to increase the accuracy of face verification,
which compares the matching results from different frames of the video and selects the person with
the highest percentage.

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

2.3 LBPH-based Enhanced Real-Time Face Recognition [3]

The paper proposes a facial recognition system based on the Local Binary Pattern Histogram
(LBPH) method, which can handle low and high-resolution images, as well as variations in
illumination, pose and occlusion. The paper describes the four main phases of the LBPH method:
face detection, preprocessing, feature extraction and feature matching. The paper evaluates the
performance of the LBPH method on a dataset of 1000 images of four subjects, and compares it
with other methods such as SIFT, SURF, CNN, Gabor wavelet and PCA. It claims that the LBPH
method achieves high accuracy and efficiency in face recognition.


1. The model may face challenges while trying to accurately recognize faces in scenarios with
occlusion, pose variation, and illumination.

2. The document also mentions limitations in distance, algorithm maturity, and camera
qualities that could affect the overall accuracy of the model.

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

Chapter 3: Proposed Method

Figure 1. Phases in Face Detection

1. Collection of Database: For the purpose of creating the training database, 100 photos per
subject are extracted for each training video, varying in terms of illumination, stance,
background, expressions, and occlusions. After completing the face detection, the tagged
faces are cropped off, leaving only the face, and the majority of the background is removed
to create the training database. Following pre-processing, these faces are scaled,
normalized, and turned to grayscale. The 3 sets of images that make up the testing data: the
first set, which consists of ten images, is used to test the system's performance when there
is only one person in the image; the second set is used to test the developed algorithm
when there are multiple people in the image; and the third set is used when the person is
not present in the training database.

2. Face detection and Preprocessing image: Face detection is a technique for locating faces
in images and video sequences. A face detection algorithm called Viola & Jons is
suggested. An image window with just the face region in it is the face detection process'

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

output. Following face detection and cropping of the face's windows, the histogram
equalization approach is used to normalize the image's face.

3. Features extraction: The LBP and HOG methods combine two local feature approaches to
extract features from a face classifier in order to identify or confirm the identity of an
unknown face.

4. Random Forest (RF) Classification module: In order to match the appropriate person,
RF has been used to compare extracted templates (vector features) from both the training
and testing stages. To provide matching results, the features of the generated vectors from
the testing data are compared to the vectors that were recorded in the training data.

5. Voting stage: The matching result from RF classification is compared to a specified

threshold, and the outcome of this comparison is used to determine the voting stage, which
is used to boost the accuracy of face verification. The algorithm keeps the result for each
classified person in a specific counter after the trained random forest model classifies the
extracted features to identify the associated individual from the database. To determine
each person's percentage, the counters for every person in the database are divided by the
total number of faces that were detected and then multiplied by 100. The subject in the test
video is represented by the person who receives the percentage >= 60%.

3.1 Tools and Techniques

The implementation would be taking the help of the OpenCV library to use the built-in face
recognizer - Local Binary Patterns (LBP) and Histograms Oriented Gradient (HOG) Face

LBP algorithm ensures to find the local structure of an image and it does that by comparing each
pixel with its neighbouring pixels. We have to decide the number of neighbours to be considered
for LBP and the sampling method. In our project we have decided a neighbourhood of 24 points
within a set radius of 3 around the centre pixel. The method parameter is set to 'uniform', which
means that it will consider only those patterns which have at most 2 bitwise transitions from 0 to 1
or vice versa when the bit pattern is traversed circularly. Each image is converted to grayscale
before passing to LBP. LBP is applied on to each sub-region and a histogram of N “bins” is
generated from the pixel labels. The “bins” parameter is set for each possible LBP value plus two
extra bins for non-uniform patterns. The individual histograms are concatenated into a single higher
dimensional histogram after normalization.

The HOG feature's computational complexity is significantly lower than that of the original data,
and the HOG descriptor is resilient and insensitive to changes in geometry and illumination. The
image will be divided into cells of 8x8 pixels size each. The cells are grouped into blocks of 2x2
cell size that are normalized together, which improves performance by providing some invariance
to changes in lighting and shadowing.

During recognition phase, using random forest (RF) classification, the features from LBP and HOG
are combined to help create the decision trees. The results from each tree are collected for the input
image and the majority voting is gathered to give the resulting class label. RF has been applied to
compare the feature vectors from both training and testing stage to match the corresponding person.

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

Chapter 4: Evaluation and Results

4.1 Evaluation
1. LBP Faces

The Local Binary Pattern (LBP) image of a digital image represents the texture information at
each pixel. It's generated by comparing the intensity of a pixel with its neighboring pixels and
encoding these comparisons into binary patterns.Here are a few LBP images for the images
from the dataset:

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

Figure 6: LBP images to the corresponding samples

2. Histogram

A histogram representation of an image provides a visual summary of the distribution of pixel

intensities. It displays how many pixels in the image have specific intensity levels, ranging
from 0 (black) to 255 (white) in grayscale images. Peaks in the histogram indicate areas of the
image with high pixel concentration at certain intensity levels, while valleys represent regions
with fewer pixels. Histograms are commonly used in image processing tasks like contrast
adjustment, brightness correction, and thresholding to understand and manipulate the tonal
distribution of an image. A few examples are shown below.

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

Figure 7:Histogram representations of the samples

4.2 Comparison of results

Local Binary Patterns (LBP) and Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) are two widely used
techniques in computer vision, particularly in tasks like face detection. LBPH (Local Binary
Patterns Histograms) is a texture descriptor that encodes local texture information by comparing
each pixel with its surrounding pixels and representing the result as a binary number. While LBPH
is simple and computationally efficient, it may not capture high-level features well, limiting its
accuracy in challenging conditions like variations in lighting and pose.

In contrast, the combination of LBP with HOG, referred to as LBP + HOG, offers a more
comprehensive approach to feature representation. By integrating the local texture information
from LBP with the global shape and edge information from HOG, this combined approach
provides a more robust representation of complex characteristics like facial features. While LBP
captures local texture details, HOG highlights global shape and edge features, resulting in a more
nuanced and accurate representation of objects like faces.

However, the integration of LBP and HOG increases computational complexity compared to using
either method alone. Despite this drawback, the combined approach tends to outperform LBPH
alone, especially in challenging conditions where variations in lighting, pose, and facial
expressions are common. The choice between LBPH and LBP + HOG depends on factors such as
the desired level of accuracy, speed, and available computational resources.


The LBPH model successfully identified one positive match but missed eight faces. It incorrectly
identified one face. In contrast, the LBP + HOG model achieved seven correct identifications but
made three false identifications.

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

Comparison of LBP and HOG Model LBPH Model



Time taken to train 9 mins 1.48 mins

the model

Time taken to test 29.92 seconds (for 10 images in 1.10 seconds (for 10 images in
test_facedataset) test_facedataset)

Test accuracy 70% 10%

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

Chapter 5: Implementation and Code

5.1 Documentation
File 1: lbp_hog_train.py

These are the necessary libraries imported for various tasks such as image processing (OpenCV),
feature extraction (scikit-image), dataset handling (PyTorch), machine learning (scikit-learn),
visualization (Matplotlib), and saving/loading models (joblib).

Function Definitions

3. plot_image_with_prediction(image, predicted_label):

This function plots an image along with its predicted label.

4. extract_lbp_features(image):

This function extracts Local Binary Pattern (LBP) features from the given grayscale image. The
explanation for each parameter in the above feature extraction is mentioned in tools and

5. extract_hog_features(image):

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

This function extracts Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) features from the given grayscale
image. The explanation for each parameter in the above feature extraction is mentioned in tools
and techniques.

Class Definition

1. class FaceDataset(Dataset):

The FaceDataset class is designed to facilitate the handling of a dataset containing face images. In
its constructor method, it initializes by storing the directory path where the face images are located.
It then lists all the files in the directory and filters out only the files with a '.jpg' extension. The
filenames are sorted alphabetically to ensure consistent processing order.

The __len__ method returns the total number of images in the dataset. This method is called when
using the len() function on an instance of FaceDataset, providing a convenient way to know the
dataset's size.

The __getitem__ method retrieves an item from the dataset at a specified index. Given an index
idx, it extracts the filename of the corresponding image and its label. Then, it constructs the full
path to the image file and reads the image using OpenCV's cv2.imread() function in grayscale
mode. The image is resized to a fixed size of 720x1280 pixels. Finally, it returns a tuple containing
the grayscale image and its corresponding label.

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

Model Training and Evaluation

The provided code block is responsible for training a Random Forest classifier, for face
recognition/ classification tasks.

Initially, it shuffles the dataset and extracts features from each face image using Local Binary
Pattern (LBP) and Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) techniques. This process ensures
diverse feature representation for each image, enhancing the model's ability to learn discriminative
patterns. The features are concatenated into a single feature vector for each image.

Subsequently, the dataset is split into training and testing sets using the train_test_split() function
from scikit-learn. This step is crucial for assessing the model's performance on unseen data and
avoiding overfitting.

A Random Forest classifier is then instantiated with 100 decision trees and trained on the extracted
features and corresponding labels using the fit() method. Random Forest is a powerful ensemble
learning method capable of handling high-dimensional data and capturing complex relationships
between features and labels.

After training, the model's accuracy is evaluated on the testing set using the accuracy_score()
function from scikit-learn. The accuracy represents the proportion of correctly classified samples in
the testing set, providing insight into the model's performance.

Saving the Trained Model

The trained classifier is saved to a file using dump() function from joblib library.

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

File 2: lbp_hog_test.py

This code imports necessary libraries and modules for conducting face recognition, including
OpenCV for image processing, scikit-image for feature extraction, and scikit-learn for machine
learning functionalities. Additionally, it imports modules for handling datasets and data splitting,
visualization, and CSV file operations.

Image capturing for test_facedataset

The take_picture() function allows users to capture images from a webcam and save them for
further processing. Upon execution, it initializes the webcam capture using OpenCV's
cv2.VideoCapture(0) function, setting the resolution to 1280x720 pixels. It creates a window
named "test" to display the live video feed.

We use student images as a dataset. We label each student's image with their names to enable the
model to extract the label. We train the model using 100 images of each student, which we store in
a folder named "facedataset." The transcription will require almost 5–10 minutes for completion.
The images are required to have a dimension of 1280x720. We acquired the data using a Python
script that enables users to capture images in the required format. The code also assigns a label to
the captured images.

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

1. Importing required libraries:

o cv2: This is the OpenCV library used for computer vision tasks, including image
processing and video capture.
o os: This module provides functions to interact with the operating system, allowing
operations such as file manipulation.
2. Define the take_picture() function:
o This function captures images from the webcam and saves them to a specified folder.
3. Inside take_picture() function:
o Initialize the webcam using cv2.VideoCapture(0). Here, 0 denotes the default webcam
device. You can specify a different index if you have multiple cameras connected.
o Set the resolution of the camera using cam.set(3, 1280), where 3 corresponds to the
property ID for width.
o Create a named window called "test" using cv2.namedWindow("test") for displaying the
captured frames.
o Initialize a counter img_counter to keep track of the number of images captured.
4. Start an infinite loop to continuously capture frames from the webcam:
o Use cam.read() to capture a frame. ret will be True if the frame is successfully captured.
o Display the captured frame using cv2.imshow("test", frame).

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

o Wait for a key press using cv2.waitKey(1).

o If the Escape key (ASCII value 27) is pressed, break out of the loop and release the
webcam resources using cam.release(). Also, close all OpenCV windows using
o If the Space key (ASCII value 32) is pressed, proceed to save the captured frame:
▪ Determine the current working directory using os.getcwd().
▪ Define the folder name where the images will be saved (in this case, "Jackson").
▪ Create the folder if it doesn't exist using os.makedirs(folder_path).
▪ Generate the image name based on the counter (img_counter) and save the frame
to the specified folder using cv2.imwrite().
▪ Increment the counter img_counter.
▪ Print the path of the saved image.
▪ The image is assigned the label (in this case Jackson_1..n)

Figure 1: Camera activated when the code is activated

5. After capturing images or exiting the loop, release the webcam resources and close the
OpenCV windows.

Figure 2: The images being saved to the folder with a proper label

Inside the main loop, it continuously reads frames from the webcam using cam.read() and displays
them in the "test" window using cv2.imshow(). It waits for key events using cv2.waitKey(1). If the
'Esc' key (ASCII value 27) is pressed, indicating the user wants to exit, the loop breaks, and the
webcam capture is released using cam.release(), and the OpenCV windows are destroyed with

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

If the 'Space' key (ASCII value 32) is pressed, it saves the current frame as an image file with a
unique name based on the value of `img_counter`. The image is saved in the specified directory as
a JPEG file with the naming convention "face_{}.jpg", where `{}` is replaced by the current value
of `img_counter`. Finally, `img_counter` is incremented to ensure each image has a unique

Feature Extraction

The function extract_lbp_features(image) computes Local Binary Pattern (LBP) features from a
given grayscale image. It first defines parameters such as the radius (lbp_radius) and the number of
points (lbp_points) for the LBP calculation. Using the local_binary_pattern() function from the
skimage.feature module, it generates the LBP image representation of the input image. Then, it
constructs a histogram (hist) of the LBP image intensities, ensuring that the bins cover the range of
possible intensity values. The histogram is normalized by dividing each bin count by the total count
to obtain normalized LBP features. Finally, it returns the normalized histogram representing the
LBP features of the input image.

The function extract_hog_features(image) computes Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)

features from a given grayscale image. It utilizes the hog() function from the skimage.feature
module to calculate the HOG features.

The function preprocess_and_extract_features(image_path) performs preprocessing and feature

extraction on a given image file located at image_path and returns the combined features.

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

Loading the saved model

This segment of code loads the previously trained Random Forest model from the file named
'random_forest_model.joblib' using the load() function from the joblib module.

Loading test_facedataset

The FaceDataset class encapsulates a dataset of face images, facilitating data handling for machine
learning tasks. Upon instantiation with a directory path containing face images, it organizes the
data by listing and filtering image files based on their extensions (.jpg or .png).

With its __len__ method, the class provides the total number of images in the dataset. Moreover,
the __getitem__ method retrieves individual items from the dataset, providing access to images at
specific indices.

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

Model Testing and visualization

In the provided code segment, each selected image from the list `selected_images` is processed
iteratively. For each image, its full path is generated by combining the directory path (`data_dir`)
with the image name. Features are then extracted from the image using the
preprocess_and_extract_features() function.

The loaded Random Forest model is employed to predict the label corresponding to the extracted
features. The predicted label is printed to the console for visibility. Additionally, the predicted label
is added to the `attendance_list` set, ensuring attendance tracking.

Figure 3: Output on console

To visualize the prediction outcome, the plot_image_with_prediction() function is called,

displaying the test image alongside its predicted label in grayscale. This facilitates manual
verification of the model's performance by providing a visual confirmation of the predicted labels
for each image.

Figure 4: Predicted label on the image

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

Saving the results

A csv file titled "attendance.csv" is opened in write mode. The predicted labels are then written into
this file, facilitating the tracking of attendance.

Figure 5: attendance.csv


File 3: detect.py

Face detection

Function for face detection within an image. Since the face detection algorithm works on grayscale
images, the input image is converted to a grayscale image. The haar cascade classifier is loaded for
frontal face detection using OpenCV's Cascade Classifier class. The method detectMultiScale
detects the faces and returns a list of rectangles representing the detected faces. It selects the first
face from the list and returns the ROI along with the bounding box coordinates. If there are no
faces detected, it will return 'None, None'.

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

Training Data

This function is used to prepare the training data. Empty lists for faces and labels are initialized.
For each image in the dataset the detect_face function is called and the detected face is appended to
the faces list and corresponding label in the labels list. The function returns the list of detected
faces and corresponding labels.

Face Recognition

This function is used to predict the identity of an input image. The detect_face method is invoked
to detect faces in the image. The label of the detected face is predicted using the face_recognizer
method and assigns the label to it. A rectangle is drawn around the detected face and the name of
the subject is retrieved using the label predicted. The modified image is finally returned.

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

Visualisation and Results

The detected face can be visualized by the bounding box and the predicted label is displayed above
the box.

5.2 Source Code


import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
from skimage.feature import local_binary_pattern, hog
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from random import Random, sample
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from joblib import dump

def plot_image_with_prediction(image, predicted_label):

plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')
plt.title("Predicted Label: " + str(predicted_label))

def extract_lbp_features(image):
lbp_radius = 3
lbp_points = 24
lbp_image = local_binary_pattern(image, lbp_points,
lbp_radius, method='uniform')
hist, _ = np.histogram(lbp_image.ravel(), bins=np.arange(0,
lbp_points + 3), range=(0, lbp_points + 2))
hist = hist.astype("float")
hist /= (hist.sum() + 1e-7)
return hist

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

def extract_hog_features(image):
hog_features = hog(image, orientations=9, pixels_per_cell=(8,
cells_per_block=(2, 2),
transform_sqrt=True, block_norm="L2-Hys")
return hog_features

class FaceDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, data_dir):
self.data_dir = data_dir
contents = os.listdir(data_dir)
self.images = [f for f in contents if f.endswith('.jpg')]

def __len__(self):
return len(self.images)

def __getitem__(self, idx):

image_name = self.images[idx]
label = image_name.split('_')[0]
image_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, image_name)
image = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
image.resize(720, 1280)
# plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')
# plt.show()
return (image, label)

X_features = []
y_labels = []

data_dir = 'C:/Users/jayag/Desktop/ip_project/facedataset'
dataset = FaceDataset(data_dir)

index_list = [i for i in range(len(dataset))]

for _ in range(len(dataset)):
idx = Random().choice(index_list)
image, label = dataset[idx]
lbp_features = extract_lbp_features(image)
hog_features = extract_hog_features(image)
combined_features = np.concatenate((lbp_features,

X_features = np.array(X_features)
y_labels = np.array(y_labels)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_features,
y_labels, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
rf_classifier = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100,
rf_classifier.fit(X_train, y_train)
y_pred = rf_classifier.predict(X_test)
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
print("Accuracy:", accuracy)

model_filename = 'random_forest_model.joblib'

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

dump(rf_classifier, model_filename)


from joblib import load

import cv2
import numpy as np
from skimage.feature import local_binary_pattern, hog
import os
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from random import sample
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv

def take_picture():
cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
cam.set(3, 1280)
img_counter = 0
while True:
ret, frame = cam.read()
if not ret:
print("failed to grab frame")
cv2.imshow("test", frame)
k = cv2.waitKey(1)
if k%256 == 27:
print("Escape hit, closing...")
elif k%256 == 32:
img_name =
cv2.imwrite(img_name, frame)
print("{} written!".format(img_name))
img_counter += 1


def extract_lbp_features(image):
lbp_radius = 3
lbp_points = 24
lbp_image = local_binary_pattern(image, lbp_points,
lbp_radius, method='uniform')
hist, _ = np.histogram(lbp_image.ravel(), bins=np.arange(0,
lbp_points + 3), range=(0, lbp_points + 2))
hist = hist.astype("float")
hist /= (hist.sum() + 1e-7)
return hist

def extract_hog_features(image):

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

hog_features = hog(image, orientations=9, pixels_per_cell=(8,

cells_per_block=(2, 2),
transform_sqrt=True, block_norm="L2-Hys")
return hog_features

# Load the saved Random Forest model

model_filename = 'random_forest_model.joblib'
loaded_model = load(model_filename)

def preprocess_and_extract_features(image_path):
image = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
image.resize((720, 1280))
lbp_features = extract_lbp_features(image)
hog_features = extract_hog_features(image)
combined_features = np.concatenate((lbp_features,
return combined_features

class FaceDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, data_dir):
self.data_dir = data_dir
contents = os.listdir(data_dir)
self.images = [f for f in contents if f.endswith('.jpg') ]

def __len__(self):
return len(self.images)

def __getitem__(self, idx):

image_name = self.images[idx]
image_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, image_name)
image = cv2.imread(image_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
return image

def plot_image_with_prediction(image, predicted_label):

plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray') # Assuming the image is
plt.title("Predicted Label: " + str(predicted_label))

data_dir = 'C:/Users/jayag/Desktop/ip_project/test_facedataset'
dataset = FaceDataset(data_dir)
selected_images = sample(dataset.images, len(dataset))

attendance_list = set()
for image_name in selected_images:
test_image_path = os.path.join(data_dir, image_name)
test_features =
# Use the loaded model for prediction
predicted_label = loaded_model.predict([test_features])[0]
print("Predicted Label:", predicted_label)

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE), predicted_label)

attendance_list = list(attendance_list)
with open('attendance.csv', mode='w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
writer.writerow(["SlNo", "Name"])
for i in range(len(attendance_list)):
writer.writerow([i+1, attendance_list[i]])

Face Recognition: Attendance Tracking System Group D, 2024

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Recognition Using Eigen Faces and Artificial Neural Network. International Journal of
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[2] Mady, Huda & Hilles, Shadi M. (2018). Face recognition and detection using Random
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[3] Farah Deeba, Hira Memon, Fayaz Ali Dharejo, Aftab Ahmed and Abddul Ghaffar,
“LBPH-based Enhanced Real-Time Face Recognition” International Journal of Advanced
Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), 10(5), 2019.


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