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Resource Book for the Preparation of

National Plans for Conservation of

Crop Wild Relatives and Landraces

Nigel Maxted, Joana Magos Brehm and Shelagh Kell

University of Birmingham
United Kingdom
Front cover page (clockwise from top left): Glycine soja (Chen Bin), Coffea mauritiana (Ehsan
Dulloo), ‘Injir shaftaly’, local variety of Prunus persica, Ordubad district, Nakhichevan Autonomous
Republic, Azerbaijan (Mirza Musayev), Zea mays diversity, Chiapas, Mexico (Carolina Camacho)

Citation: Maxted N, Magos Brehm J and Kell S (2013) Resource book for preparation
of national conservation plans for crop wild relatives and landraces.

CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................. i

CONTEXT .................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Importance of agrobiodiversity for food security ............................................. 1

1.2 Threats and demands for agrobiodiversity .......................................................... 5
1.3 Agrobiodiversity conservation at national and international levels ........ 10
1.4 Use of agrobiodiversity for crop improvement ................................................ 14
1.5 Strategies for agrobiodiversity conservation ................................................... 16
1.6 Global agrobiodiversity conservation ................................................................. 27
1.7 National agrobiodiversity conservation ............................................................ 30
1.8 Local agrobiodiversity conservation .................................................................... 34
1.9 Policy drivers of agrobiodiversity conservation and use ............................ 36
1.10 Aim and users of the resource book ...................................................................... 38
1.11 How to use the Resource book ................................................................................. 38

SECTION A. CROP WILD RELATIVES ........................................................................ 56

A.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 56

A.2. National CWR Conservation planning – an overview ...................................... 61

A.3. National CWR checklist and inventory creation .............................................. 68

A.4. Setting CWR conservation priorities ................................................................. 90

A.5. Genetic data analysis of priority species .......................................................... 112

A.6. Ecogeographic analysis of priority species ..................................................... 134

A.7. Novel threat assessment of priority CWR ....................................................... 156

A.8. Gap analysis of priority CWR........................................................................... 175

A.9. Establishment of in situ conservation goals .................................................... 193

A.10. Implementation of in situ conservation priorities .......................................... 207

A.11. Establishment and implementation of ex situ conservation .......................... 217

A.12. Monitoring CWR Diversity .............................................................................. 227

A.13. Promoting the use of conserved CWR diversity ............................................. 241

A.14. Information system and data management ..................................................... 249

SECTION B. LANDRACES ............................................................................................ 263
B.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 263

B.2. National LR Conservation planning - an overview ......................................... 272

B.3. National checklist of landraces ........................................................................ 276

B.4. National inventory of landraces and analysis ................................................. 290

B.5. Threats and threat assessment of landrace diversity ...................................... 313

B.6. Setting LR conservation priorities ................................................................... 324

B.7. Genetic data analysis of priority landraces ..................................................... 335

B.8. Gap analysis of priority landraces ................................................................... 347

B.9. Establishment of LR in situ conservation ........................................................ 362

B.10. Implementation of on-farm conservation ........................................................ 372

B.11. Establishment and implementation of ex situ LR conservation .....................400

B.12. Monitoring of landraces on-farm .....................................................................409

B.13. Promoting the use of conserved LR diversity.................................................. 417

B.14. Information system and data management ..................................................... 423

SECTION C. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................. 431

C.1. Summary of conclusions ................................................................................... 431

C.2. Recommendations ............................................................................................. 433

ANNEXES .......................................................................................................................... cdxxxvii

Annex 1. ITPGRFA Annex 1 Priority crops ................................................................. cdxxxvii

Annex 2. Major and minor food crop genera...................................................................... cdxl

Annex 3. Consolidated list major and minor crop genera ................................................ cdxli

Annex 4. Extended List of Ecogeographic Data Descriptors .......................................... cdxlv

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................... cdli

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... cdlii

LIST OF BOXES ...................................................................................................................... 453

Crop wild relatives and landraces are key components of plant genetic resources
for food and agriculture (PGRFA) and of overall agricultural biodiversity (or
agrobiodiversity). Both of these plant groups are genetically diverse, locally
adapted and represent a potential source of traits for adapting crops to changing
environmental conditions and human needs, particularly in the face of the
increasing negative impacts of climate change. If efficiently preserved and
sustainably used, they can contribute significantly to an increase in food security,
alleviation of human poverty and improvement of ecosystem stability. However,
the diversity of both crop wild relatives and landraces is severely threatened by
environmental mismanagement and socio-political pressures and is quickly being
eroded or lost.

The need to effectively conserve and manage PGRFA is enshrined in a number of

international agreements, including in the Convention on Biological Diversity and
the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.
FAO’s Member Countries have long been calling for greater attention to the
genetic conservation of crop and crop related diversity that is essential for food
security, as well as improved collaboration and coordination of actions at national,
regional and global levels. Recognizing the need to support a systematic and
coordinated approach at global level to conserve diverse crops and crop wild
relatives in situ (i.e., in their native environments), the Commission on Genetic
Resources for Food and Agriculture is currently exploring options for establishing
a global network for their in situ conservation and on-farm management.

Despite the increased political, scientific and public interest in conserving

PGRFA, many countries still lack effective actions to systematically and
effectively protect crop wild relative and landrace diversity in situ with adequate
complementary back-up in ex situ facilities. The Second Report on the State of the
World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture identified a number of
gaps at national level, including the need to develop specific strategies for in situ
conservation and on-farm management. This resource book aims to help guide
national governments in developing a systematic approach to conservation and
use of crop wild relatives and landraces. The focus is on in situ and on-farm
conservation techniques, but methods for identifying ex situ conservation needs
are also provided since a complementary approach is fundamental to ensure that
genetic material is adequately conserved and available for utilization. The book is
primarily intended for staff associated with National Plant Genetic Resources
Programmes, but may also be valuable for universities and research organizations,
NGOs and other institutions involved in conservation planning.

The resource book is divided into two parts: Part 1 focuses on the political and
economic context of conservation and use of agrobiodiversity, and aims to provide
national decision-makers with an overview of the key elements influencing this
sector. Part 2 focuses on the technical aspects of planning genetic conservation
and provides detailed protocols for planning and implementing complementary
conservation activities. Particular importance is placed on: (a) the creation of
national inventories; (b) prioritizing taxa for active conservation; (c) collation of

taxonomic, ecogeographic, genetic and threat data; (d) in situ and ex situ gap
analysis; (e) development and implementation of complementary in situ and ex
situ conservation recommendations, (f) monitoring conserved diversity; and (g)
making the critical link between conservation and use to ensure the conserved
resources are sustainably exploited. The protocols are illustrated with real-life
examples and an extensive list of additional materials is provided to help the user
in their work.

Both parts are designed to facilitate the development and implementation of a

national plan for conservation and management of crop wild relatives and
landraces. The preparation of a strategic plan will depend heavily on the local
context, including the availability of baseline biodiversity data, the existing policy
framework, the focal area and remit of the agencies which are responsible for
formulating and implementing the plan, as well as on the resources available for
its implementation. Nevertheless, the process of developing a strategic plan
requires a series of decisions and actions that essentially follow the same pattern
in all countries, including developing an effective consultation process,
establishing a knowledge base, analysing conservation gaps, identifying priorities,
and planning and implementing specific conservation actions. The resource book
therefore provides a framework and guide to assist in the preparation of national
plans, bearing in mind that the suggested steps do not necessarily have to be
followed in the same predefined order.

This Resource book was commissioned by FAO, as part of the ongoing work on
implementing the rolling Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for
Food and Agriculture; in particular, Priority Activity Areas 1 to 4, which address in
situ conservation and management.

A wide range of people have been involved in developing the content of this
publication. The authors wish to acknowledge the contribution made in
developing the structure and content of this publication by the experts who
attended the workshop “Conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA, a Toolkit for
National Strategy development” held in Lyme Regis, United Kingdom, 17th and
18th March 2011. In alphabetical order by family name: Nadiya Al-Saadi, Achille
Ephrem Assogbadjo, Tania Carolina Camacho-Villa, Edwin Chiwona, Sónia Dias,
Ehsan Dulloo, Heli Fitzgerald, Baorong Lu, Valeria Negri, Suzanne Sharrock,
Renzo Torricelli, José Valls and John Wiersema. We also wish to acknowledge the
input of a number of experts who reviewed an early draft of the document: Maria
Cristina Duarte, Dionysia Fasoula, Maarit Heinonen, José M. Iriondo, Helena
Korpelainen, Juozas Labokas, Pedro Mendes Moreira, María Luisa Rubio-Teso,
Tsevetelina Stoilova and John Wiersema, as well as those who provided some of
the case studies and reference material: Jure Čop, Maria Cristina Duarte, Dionysia
Fasoula, Vojtech Holubec, Marina Hovhannisyan, José M. Iriondo, Juozas
Labokas, Pedro Mendes Moreira, María Luisa Rubio-Teso, Juan José Ruiz
Martinez, Tamara Smekalova, Tsevetelina Stoilova and Rudolf Vögel.

The content of this document is entirely the responsibility of the authors, and does
not necessarily represent the views of the FAO, or its Members.

1.1 Importance of agrobiodiversity for food security
A countries crop wild relatives (CWR) and landraces (LR) diversity constitute an
important component of a nation’s natural resources, as plant genetic resources
for food and agriculture (PGRFA) they are available for utilisation by national,
regional and international stakeholders; and form the basis of food and livelihood
security (Maxted et al., 2011).
CWR are species closely related to crops and are defined by their potential ability
to contribute beneficial traits for crop improvement (Maxted et al., 2006). They
have been used increasingly in plant breeding since the early 20th century and
have provided vital genetic diversity for crop improvement—for example, to
confer resistance to pests and diseases, improve tolerance to environmental
conditions such as extreme temperatures, drought and flooding and to improve
nutrition, flavour, colour, texture and handling qualities (Hajjar and Hodgkin 2007,
Maxted and Kell 2009). Almost all modern varieties of crops contain some genes
derived from a CWR and in monetary terms, CWR have contributed significantly
to the agricultural and horticultural industries, and to the world economy (Maxted
et al. 2008a, Maxted and Kell 2009). Furthermore, as CWR are components of
natural and semi-natural ecosystems, they also play a role in ecosystem
functioning and thus in broader environmental sustainability and maintenance of
ecosystem services.
The particular food security value of CWR has been recognized at least since
Darwin discussed their study and conservation (1868), but it was Vavilov (1926)
who was the first to promote their systematic conservation in practical terms.
However, CWR conservation had remained widely neglected because the
responsibility for their conservation has neither been adopted by agricultural
agencies (whose remit is not wild species conservation) nor environment agencies
(whose focus is not on PGRFA conservation). It is only relatively recently that
their systematic conservation been addressed due to the growing interest in their
use as gene donors (e.g., Maxted et al., 1997a; Meilleur and Hodgkin, 2004;
Heywood and Dulloo, 2005; Stolton et al., 2006; Maxted et al., 2008a), even though
their value as gene donors has been extensively documented since the 1970s (e.g.,
Frankel, 1970; Jain, 1975; Prescott-Allen and Prescott Allen, 1986; Hoyt, 1988).
Their economic value is now understood; for example, one recent estimate is that
approximately 30% of modern crop production increase is due to the use of CWR
genetic diversity and that this has an annual value of approximately US $115
billion worldwide (Pimentel et al., 1997).


Wild wheat CWR, Aegilops triuncialis growing Wild cowpea CWR, Vigna comosa. Photo: S.
near Meghri Armenia. Photo: N. Maxted Padulosi

LR are dynamic population(s) of traditional crop varieties that have some, if

not all, of the following characteristics: historical origin, distinct identity and lacks
formal crop improvement, as well as often being genetically diverse, locally
adapted and associated with cultural practices and associated with traditional
farming systems. The importance of LR is two-fold: they are of direct use in small-
scale subsistence and commercial agriculture and constitute a potential source of
novel genetic diversity for crop improvement. It can also be argued that LR
diversity is more likely to be of use to plant breeders, because if a breeder cross
their elite lines with a CWR then the progeny are likely to quite distinct from the
elite line and the breeder will need several generations to get back to the
semblance of the original elite line plus the desired CWR trait, whereas with a
cross with a LR is less disruptive as the cross is with the species and obtaining the
elite line plus the desired LR trait will be faster. Further, LR can be used directly
by farmers, particularly in subsistence or marginal agriculture either as
agricultural varieties in themselves or via crossing with locally adapted LR
without suffering the potential yield loss that crossing with a CWR is likely to

Cucurbit landrace ‘Santorini. Photo: N. Maxted Paul Watkins with wheat landrace
‘Squareheads Master’ Photo: N. Maxted

The increasing human population, periodic food shortages and current and
expected effects of climate change have all led to raised awareness of the need for
more attention to be paid to global and national food security. Globally,
agriculture is being practiced in more adverse or marginal environments, whether
due to human degradation of habitats, the demand for food forcing the expansion
of agricultural lands or the effects of climate change. As a consequence, there is
growing demand for the development of new varieties that can be adapted to these
marginal environments and to the changing environmental conditions that have
been rapidly evolving in recent years (Heywood et al., 2007), as well as those
expected in the coming decades due to the effects of climate change. This has
stimulated the search for genetic material that can be used to confer pest and
disease resistance and tolerance to various environmental conditions—in
particular, resistance to drought, flooding and heat stress—in turn enhancing
productivity, for which CWR and LR are potential sources (Heywood, 2007; Negri
et al., 2009). Additionally, inter- and intra-species crossing techniques have
rapidly developed, facilitating the use of LR and CWR diversity in the
improvement and creation of new varieties. Some examples include the use of:
Oryza rufipogon to confer cold tolerance and other abiotic stress resistance in rice
(O. sativa) in China (Song et al., 2005), Thinopyrum intermedium and Th. ponticum
to improve wheat (Triticum aestivum) for barley yellow dwarf virus immunity
which was released all across the World (Ayala et al., 2001), Arachis batizocoi, A.
cardenasii, A. duranensis, A. stenosperma and A. villosa for rust and late leaf spot
resistant to peanut (A. hypogaea) in India (Singh et al., 2003), amongst many
others (see Maxted and Kell, 2009 for reviews).

Box 1. Can current crop varieties cope with changing environments?

The increasing human population and periodic food shortages have led to raised
awareness of the need for global and sub-global food security. In turn, this has
stimulated the search for genetic material that can be used to enhance
productivity, disease resistance, and tolerance to various environmental
conditions, for which CWR and LR are potential sources (Heywood 1997, Negri et
al. 2009). As a consequence, there is a growing demand for the development of

novel varieties adapted to the new environmental conditions that have rapidly
‘evolved’ in recent years, as well as to meet the short‐term adaptation goal of
breeding new varieties that address changing consumer demands (Heywood et al.
2007). Additionally, inter and intra-species crossing techniques have rapidly
developed facilitating the use of CWR and LR diversity in the improvement and
creation of new varieties.
While climate change will directly impact CWR diversity, it will also undoubtedly
alter the agro-environmental conditions under which our crops grow and thus
impact agricultural production. It is likely that many current crop varieties will
need replacement to enable them to better suit the new and changing agro-
environments (e.g. Jones et al. 2003, Duveiller et al. 2007, Deryng et al. 2011, Li et
al. 2011, Luck et al. 2011). Failure to meet this challenge could have a devastating
impact on the global economy and social well-being. Genetic diversity offers an
insurance against the harmful impacts of climate change and CWR are
particularly likely to contain the breadth of genetic diversity necessary to combat
these impacts because of the diversity of habitats in which they grow and wide
range of conditions to which they are adapted (FAO 2008). Changes in climate are
also expected to augment the risk of pest and disease spread and to affect
precipitation regimes and cropping patterns in cultivated species, thus also
affecting LR (Veteläinen et al. 2009a, Mercer and Perales 2010). Nevertheless,
climatic change can lead to non‐analogous climate conditions and their
consequences are thus difficult to predict. Therefore, CWR and LR diversity is
under threat from climate change, while at the same time they offer a critical
means of mitigating the predicted impact of changes in climate.

New varieties may be produced by plant breeders, either independently of, or in

collaboration with farmers. However, the continued cultivation of LR by farmers is
also likely to continue to be of direct importance for food and livelihood security
for individual families and communities; particularly the poorest people living in
rural and marginal areas. LR are adapted to local environmental conditions and
may be more productive, more nutritious, have a wider range of culinary uses, are
less likely to suffer from pests, diseases and abiotic stresses, and have a wider
cropping window. While many farmers who have replaced LR with modern
cultivars have benefited, the consequences of introducing modern, highly bred,
high yielding varieties into marginal lands can be disastrous because these
varieties have been bred for general rather specific agro-ecosystem suitability. For
example, the increase of uniformity and productivity of rapeseed agriculture led to
the creation of optimal conditions for the spread of blackleg epidemic (caused by
Leptosphaeria maculans) in Canada (Juska et al., 1997). Marginal lands by
definition deviate from the norm and here modern cultivars grown as
monocultures are not adapted to the wide range of local environmental conditions;
thus, they tend to be more vulnerable to pests and diseases and the effects of
extreme environmental variables, such as drought, heat stress or flooding.
However, LR have been selected by farmers over millennia to provide maximum
production value despite the wide range of local environmental conditions;
therefore, under these marginal conditions they can still out-perform modern

1.2 Threats and demands for agrobiodiversity
Despite the importance of CWR and LR, there is an increasing loss of this diversity
due to a number of social, economic and ecological factors:
a. CWR and LR are expected to be affected by climate change (e.g., see
Parmesan and Yohe, 2003; Root et al., 2003; Thuiller et al., 2005; Jarvis et
al., 2008; Lenoir et al., 2008)— changes that are expected to augment the
risk of pest and disease spread and to affect precipitation regimes and
cropping patterns in cultivated species (Veteläinen et al., 2009a; Mercer
and Perales, 2010);
b. LR are being lost due to their replacement with modern cultivars, the
pressure of changing markets, as well as family needs and aspirations,
which may include the abandonment of traditional practices; while CWR,
like any other wild plant species are threatened by the loss, degradation
and fragmentation of their natural habitats and competition from alien
c. CWR are often associated with disturbed habitats such as field margins,
forest edges and roadsides, and these populations are not being adequately
conserved by ecosystem conservation agencies;
d. LR are often associated with low-input traditional farming systems, many of
which are being converted to more intensive high-input systems;
e. CWR and LR diversity suffers from a lack of knowledge regarding its
breadth, location and real use potential; for example, inventories are
lacking for most countries and conserved CWR and LR diversity is largely
uncharacterised or unevaluated (FAO 2010a). In particular, the lack of
knowledge on how many traditional seed-saved varieties remain extant as
well as on their traditional cultivation practices has been a severe
constraint in their conservation and utilization. LR are commonly
maintained by older people and diversity is being lost as their cultivation is
not being undertaken by younger generations (Maxted 2006).
Further, climate change is predicted to have an even greater impact on diversity.
Average temperatures are predicted to rise by 2–4°C over the next 50 years and
cause considerable disturbance to regional and seasonal patterns of precipitation
(IPCC 2007). Climate acts directly on growth and reproduction of plant species
(e.g., Andrello et al. 2012) through physiological constraints and/or indirectly
through ecological factors such as competition for resources (Shao and Halpin
1995), so changes in climate will inevitably affect species’ survival. Several studies
have already reported significant effects of climatic change over ecosystems and
species (e.g. Parmesan and Yohe 2003, Root et al. 2003). Fischlin et al. (2007), for
example, predict that by 2100, 10 30% of species globally are likely to go extinct as
a result of climate change. Negative effects of climate change include loss,
expansion, relocation and fragmentation of habitats, and changes in distribution,
abundance, phenology and physiology of a wide range of species (Hughes 2000,
Walther et al. 2002, Jarvis et al. 2008), as well as disruption of biotic interactions
(Hughes 2000).
Thuiller et al. (2005) modelled the impact of different climate change scenarios on

the distribution of 1350 plant species and concluded that more than half of the
species are predicted to become threatened with extinction by 2080 if they are
unable to disperse. On the other hand, plant taxa have the ability to respond to
climatic changes, as happened during the Quaternary when there were large‐scale
distribution shifts (Huntley 1990), so it is expected that they still maintain the
ability to do so. In fact, the Thuiller et al. (2005) study predicted that if taxa are
able to adapt through migration, then about 22% would become Critically
Endangered and 2% Extinct. Additionally, some studies have reported a shift in
species distribution towards the Poles or upwards in altitude with gradual earlier
seasonal migrations and breeding (e.g. Parmesan and Yohe 2003, Root et al. 2003,
Lenoir et al. 2008). Specifically for CWR, a comparative study of the likely impact
on three crop gene pools (Jarvis et al. 2008) found 16–22% of CWR species would
go extinct by 2055 and the majority of species showed greater than 50% loss of
distributional range and the range that remained was highly fragmented.
Yet there is increasing demand to utilise this threatened resource:
i. If crops are to increase production levels there is a need for new trait
diversity outside that which has been historically used by farmers and plant
breeders—CWR and LR offer the necessary, novel genetic diversity that can
enhance crop productivity or commodity improvement, promote disease
and pest resistance and increase tolerance of adverse or marginal
ii. Globally, agriculture is being practiced in more adverse or marginal
environments, whether due to human degradation of habitats or the
demand for food forcing the expansion of agricultural lands—the desired
traits to grow crops in these environments are found in LR and CWR
iii. There is a continuous and growing demand for novel diversity by breeders
to be used in the development of new varieties due to the relatively short-
term commercial lifespan of modern cultivars (usually 5–10 years);
iv. Conventional and biotechnological breeding techniques have improved
dramatically in recent years enabling more precise targeting of desirable
traits, relatively easy transfer to the crop and less problems with the
transfer of unwanted characteristics from exotic LR and CWR material; and
v. The conservation of CWR in existing protected areas offers an additional
ecosystem service to the protected areas themselves, so for limited
additional resource commitment the perceived value of the protected areas
can be significantly enhanced.
While both CWR and LR diversity is threatened, at the same time it offers a critical
means of mitigating its impact on food security. Despite this wide recognition, it is
only very recently that efforts to systematically assess their threat status have
been undertaken. There are two main reasons for this: firstly, because of the
already identified gap in the remit of conservation agencies to conserve CWR, and
secondly, because of the technical challenges in quantifying and locating LR
diversity—a prerequisite to their threat assessment. The current status of the
threat to CWR and LR diversity is outlined in Box 2.

Box 2. Threat assessment of CWR and LR diversity—current status
Significant progress has been made in assessing the loss of botanical diversity,
particularly for regions where the flora is well known; for example, 21% of
European vascular plant species were classified as threatened using the 1994
IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (IUCN, 1994, and 50% of Europe’s 4,700
vascular plant endemics are considered to be threatened to some degree
(www.redlist.org). CWR are intrinsically no different to other wild plant species,
and, like them, many are currently threatened with loss of diversity and/or
extinction (Maxted et al., 1997b; Stolton et al., 2006), however, a review of Red List
assessments using the more detailed current IUCN Red List Categories and
Criteria (IUCN, 2001) showed that of the more than 25,000 CWR species present
in Europe, less than 1% had been assessed (Kell et al., 2008). Further, Maxted and
Kell (2009) reviewed whether the CWR within 14 global priority crop gene pools
had been threat assessed and found that only one, Solanum, had been partially
assessed using the 2001 IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.
Even though there is currently no comprehensive global review of CWR threat
assessment, if as shown by Kell et al. (2008) the majority of wild plant species may
be considered CWR (as there is at least one crop in the majority of genera), then a
Global Red List of plants would be indicative of the threat facing CWR. Therefore,
when the Sampled Red List Index for Plants project (Brummitt and Bachman 2010)
recently found that 20% of all plants are currently threatened with extinction it can
be implied that a similar proportion of CWR are likely to also be threatened.
However, more specifically for European CWR IUCN Red List assessment was
recently undertaken for 591 European CWR species in 25 crop gene pools/groups
(Bilz et al., 2011) and found that 11.5% (66) of the species are considered as
threatened, with 3.3% (19) of them being Critically Endangered, 4.4% (22)
Endangered and 3.8% (25) Vulnerable—a further 4.5% (26) of the species are
classified as Near Threatened. While outside of Europe as part of the UNEP/GEF-
supported project, ‘In situ conservation of crop wild relatives through enhanced
information management and field application’, Bolivian CWR were prioritized
and after collating ecogeographic data for 36 CWR genera and over 310 CWR
species, threat assessments were undertaken and found that 14.6% (45) of the
species are considered as threatened, with 2.3% (7) of them being Critically
Endangered, 7.1% (22) Endangered and 5.2% (16) Vulnerable—a further 6.5% (20) of
the species are classified as Near Threatened (Mora et al., 2009). It is anticipated
that these initiatives will act as a catalyst for more countries and regions to follow
CWR resources are primarily threatened by loss, degradation and fragmentation
of their natural habitats, whereas LR have been mostly affected by replacement
with modern cultivars and changes in land use practices (monocultures, use of
pesticides, etc.). Negri et al. (2009) argued that LR are the most threatened
element of PGRFA because: a) they are being replaced by modern varieties
promoted by agricultural advisors and breeding companies; b) the application of
variety and seed certification legislation mitigates against the legal sale of LR; c)
we have no idea how many traditional seed-saved varieties remain extant; d) we
know widely from anecdotal evidence that LR maintainers are almost invariably
elderly and their numbers are dwindling annually; e) the proportion of the total LR

diversity that is currently used by farmers or breeders is not systematically
conserved ex situ in gene banks; f) there is only a handful of working on-farm LR
conservation projects that are actively maintaining LR diversity; and g) LR
conservation falls outside the remit of conventional conservation agencies.
Having argued that LR are so uniquely threatened compared to other biodiversity
components, globally there is no agreed method of LR threat assessment and no
reliable estimate of how many LR are threatened.
Unlike CWR, it is not possible to use IUCN Red List Criteria within taxa, so they
cannot be applied for LR assessment. There have in recent years been several
attempts to either adapt the IUCN Red List Criteria or develop a parallel set of
criteria to assess the level of threat facing LR diversity (Joshi et al. 2004; Porfiri et
al. (2009) Padulosi et al., 2012). However, there are few data available to assess LR
extinction or genetic erosion—the data that are available are often not quantified
rigorously, largely anecdotal or are based on variety nomenclature rather actual
genetic diversity (FAO, 1999). However, there are individual papers that estimate
the threat to or loss of LR diversity within a specific region; for example, Hammer
et al. (1996) compared LR diversity extant between 1940 and 1991/93, and between
1950 and 1983/86 in Albania and southern Italy, and found that about 75% LR of all
crops had been lost.
Thus it appears that the current threats to CWR and LR diversity is significant, if
the potential threats posed by climate change are incorporated the threat to CWR
and LR diversity is unprecedented.

At a strategic policy level the threat and use potential are recognised; the
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (CBD 1992 and www.biodiv.org), the
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
(ITPGRFA) (www.planttreaty.org/) and the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation
(GSPC) (www.biodiv.org/programmes/cross-cutting/plant/) each stress the need
to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of conservation actions targeting
PGRFA. In decision VII/30, the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the CBD
established the 2010 Biodiversity Targets (CBD 2002) that drew attention to the
importance of conserving the “genetic diversity of crops, livestock, and harvested
species of trees, fish and wildlife and other valuable species conserved … restore,
maintain, or reduce the decline of populations of species” and committed the
parties “to achieve by 2010 a significant reduction of the current rate of
biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national level as a contribution to
poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all life on earth”. Specifically in relation to
PGRFA, having failed to achieve previous targets, the GSPC (CBD 2010a) of the
CBD calls for: “7O per cent of the genetic diversity of crops including their wild
relatives and other socio-economically valuable plant species conserved, while
respecting, preserving and maintaining associated indigenous and local
knowledge” by 2020 in Target 9. Further, more effective CWR conservation is
specifically highlighted as a priority in Target 13 of the recently established CBD
Strategic Plan (CBD 2010b): “By 2020, the loss of genetic diversity of cultivated
plants and domestic farm animals in agricultural ecosystems and of wild relatives
is halted and strategies have been developed and implemented for safeguarding
the genetic diversity of other priority socio-economically valuable species as well as

selected wild species of plants and animals.” In addition, the first UN Millennium
Development Goals (www.un.org/millenniumgoals/) highlighted the need of
eradicating extreme poverty and hunger.
Therefore, both CWR and LR are critical components of PGRFA that can be
utilized (either directly or indirectly) for wealth creation, food security and
environmental sustainability in the 21st century; as such their conservation is
critical to human well-being.

1.3 Agrobiodiversity conservation at national and international levels
While the value of CWR and LR for food and livelihood security is widely
recognized, there is a lack of knowledge about the diversity that exists and
precisely how that diversity may be used for crop improvement. CWR and LR
inventories are lacking for most countries—without knowledge of how many
populations, crops or taxa exist and at what locations, there is no possibility to
plan for their systematic conservation. Furthermore, even for some of the most
important crops in terms of global or regional food security, there is a lack of
knowledge of the genetic relationships between taxa in the crop gene pool. On the
other hand, ex situ conserved diversity remains largely uncharacterized or
unevaluated. In addition, the lack of knowledge of how many traditional seed-
saved varieties remain extant as well as of their traditional cultivation practices
has been and remains a severe constraint in their conservation and utilization
(Maxted, 2006; Negri et al., 2009).
With the degradation and extinction of CWR and LR populations, not only is
unique and valuable genetic diversity being lost, but also the associated
indigenous cultivation and exploitation knowledge and the socio-economic and
environmental benefits associated with their continued conservation and
maintenance. There is therefore an urgent need to address the continued
maintenance and conservation of CWR and LR at global, regional, national and
local levels in order to maximize the availability of PGRFA for crop improvement
and to increase productivity and food security—particularly for the most
vulnerable farmers and rural people in developing countries.
This need has been encapsulated in a number of international conventions and
strategies, notably the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for
Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) (www.planttreaty.org), the FAO Global Plan of
Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of PGRFA (Global Plan of
Action, www.globalplanofaction.org), the CBD (www.biodiv.org) and the Global
Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) (www.biodiv.org/programmes/cross-
cutting/plant/). In 2002, the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the CBD
established the 2010 Biodiversity Targets (CBD, 2002) which drew attention to the
importance of conserving the “genetic diversity of crops, livestock, and harvested
species of trees, fish and wildlife and other valuable species” and committed the
parties “to achieve by 2010 a significant reduction of the current rate of
biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national level as a contribution to
poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all life on earth”. Specifically in relation to
PGRFA, having failed to achieve previous targets, the GSPC (CBD, 2010a) calls
for: “7O per cent of the genetic diversity of crops including their wild relatives and
other socio-economically valuable plant species conserved, while respecting,
preserving and maintaining associated indigenous and local knowledge” by 2020
(Target 9). Further, more effective CWR conservation is specifically highlighted
as a priority in Target 13 of the recently established CBD Strategic Plan (CBD
2010b): “By 2020, the loss of genetic diversity of cultivated plants and domestic
farm animals in agricultural ecosystems and of wild relatives is halted and
strategies have been developed and implemented for safeguarding the genetic
diversity of other priority socio-economically valuable species as well as selected

wild species of plants and animals.” In support of the ITPGRFA and endorsed by
the COP to the CBD, the Global Plan of Action provides a “framework, guide and
catalyst for action at community, national, regional and international levels” and
“seeks to create an efficient system for the conservation and sustainable use of
plant genetic resources, through better cooperation, coordination and planning
and through the strengthening of capacities” (www.globalplanofaction.org).
The SoWPGR-2 (FAO, 2010a) notes that although the total number of ex situ
holdings has increased since the First SoW Report (FAO, 1998), CWR diversity is
still under-represented and further effort is required to mainstream on-farm
conservation of LR diversity. It also highlights the fact that relatively little
progress has been made in conserving wild PGRFA outside protected areas or in
developing sustainable management techniques for plants harvested from the
wild. The SoWPGR-2 also notes that ex situ conservation gaps are recognized and
that action needs to be taken to fill these gaps. Given that the raison d’etre for
agrobiodiversity conservation is sustainable use by farmers and breeders, it is
disappointing for the SoWPGR-2 to conclude that the number of plant breeders
has remained relatively constant, while at the same time levels of public sector
crop development have diminished and the private sector has focused on major
crops alone. It can be argued that long-term security of CWR and LR conservation
will pragmatically only be maintained if there is systematic use of the broad range
of CWR and LR diversity conserved. There is therefore a need to strengthen plant
breeding capacity and encourage greater pre-breeding initiatives that transfer
adaptive traits from what many breeders regard as exotic backgrounds to more
acceptable breeders’ material that avoid linkage drag of deleterious traits. One
contemporary challenge for the conservation community is to work more closely
with breeders to provide a more effective mechanism for access to genetic
diversity of interest; an initiative of this kind has recently started in Europe
(Maxted et al., 2012) and it is anticipated that the research will provide useful
results and recommendations for other regions and countries.

Common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griffin.) panicle found in Northern Laos during
an rice expedition trip in 2009 (photo: Bao-Rong Lu).

Considering the socio-economic importance of CWR and LR, it is perhaps
surprising that their conservation has not been more systematically addressed.
The historic paradigm is that CWR and LR diversity is a resource that is and will
always be readily available to breeders. Nonetheless, its erosion and extinction has
reached levels where serious social and economic problems will arise unless
threats are reduced and diversity secured as permanently as possible. To meet the
new 2020 GSPC targets, along with other relevant international, regional and
national strategies and legislation, a paradigm shift is required to systematically
address the effective conservation of CWR and LR diversity, while at the same
time promoting their enhanced but sustainable utilisation.
The Second Report on the State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for
Food and Agriculture (SoWPGR-2) (FAO 2010a) reported a substantial increase in
interest and awareness of the value of CWR for crop improvement and the need to
conserve these species at national level. An outline Global Strategy for CWR
Conservation and Use has been drafted (Heywood et al. 2008), a new Specialist
Group on CWR has been recently established within IUCN/SSC (Dulloo and
Maxted 2008), and protocols for the in situ conservation of CWR have been
developed since the 1990s (see Gadgil et al. 1996, Maxted et al. 1997a, Tuxill and
Nabhan 1998, Zencirci et al. 1998, Vaughan 2001, Heywood and Dulloo 2005,
Stolton et al. 2006, Iriondo et al. 2008, Hunter and Heywood 2011, Iriondo et al.
2011). However, progress has been slower for systematic LR conservation which is
perhaps surprising given their relative ease of utilisation compared to CWR. The
conservation of CWR and LR is a complex goal, involving diverse disciplines: for
CWR it involves the PGRFA and nature conservation communities, and for LR it
involves PGRFA, breeders and farming communities.

Plant breeder in a moden laboratory Traditional farmers in Koraput, India

(Photo FAO) (Photo: L.B.Nilsen).

Countries generally lack an adequate and reliable funding mechanism for the
development and implementation of national programmes for the conservation
and use of PGRFA (FAO 2010a). Nonetheless, of the 101 countries that provided
information for both the First Report on the State of the World’s Plant Genetic
Resources for Food and Agriculture (SoWPGR-1) and SoWPGR-2, FAO (2010a)
reported a slight increase in national PGRFA programmes from 53% in 1996 to 71%
in 2009.
FAO (2010a) also reported a significant increase in the number of CWR
inventories, with 28 countries reporting relevant activities compared to only 4
countries in 1996. However, these surveys are generally limited to single crops or
small groups of species, or to certain regions within the countries. Despite this
increase, no coordinated and systematic inventorying has been undertaken for
both CWR and LR and this is mainly due to: lack of financial and human resources,
deficient skills and knowledge, lack of (national) coordination, unclear
responsibilities, low national priority, among other factors (FAO 2010a).
Regarding the ex situ conservation of PGRFA, FAO (2010a) reported an increased
interest in collecting CWR, LR and neglected and under-utilized species. However,
the majority of ex situ accessions are from major food staples, such as wheat and
rice. On the other hand, many countries have reported an increase in the number
of in situ and on-farm conservation activities, though these are not always well
coordinated. The in situ conservation of PGRFA (in particular CWR) in wild
ecosystems still occurs mainly passively without active management in protected
areas (PA). On-farm management of genetic diversity has increasingly become
part of national programmes, and the number of on-farm management projects
carried out with the participation of local stakeholders has increased somewhat
(FAO 2010a). However, most countries still do not have national programmes for
in situ conservation of PGRFA. In fact, FAO (2010a) highlighted that in situ and ex
situ conservation is still very incipient and further efforts are needed.

Box 3. Examples of inventories/surveys of CWR or crops as reported in some

Benin: inventories and surveys of Egusi, yam, banana, Bambara groundnut,
nutsedge, local green leafy vegetables, CWR of fonio.
Mali: 16 inventories and surveys of 12 major crops (e.g. sorghum, millet, cowpea,
rice, peanut, garlic, shallot, etc.) in different parts of the country; however, there is
no comprehensive coverage of wild relatives of millet, sorghum and African rice.
Senegal: inventories of agricultural species of fonio, millet, maize, cowpea and
some traditional leafy vegetables.
Bolivia: CWR inventories of potato (Solanum), cassava (Manihot), sweet potato
(Ipomea), quinoa and “cañahua” (Chenopodium), peanut (Arachis), beans
(Phaseolus), peppers (Capsicum), tree tomato (Cyphomandra), papaya
(Vaconcella), cherimoya (Annona), pineapple (Ananas), blackberry (Rubus), cocoa
(Theobroma), cashew (Anacardium), palm (Bactris) and Acai (Euterpe); can be
found at http://www.cwrbolivia.gob.bo/inicio.php.

Brazil: CWR and crop inventories of cucurbits, cotton, peanuts, rice, cassava,
maize and “pupunha”.
Japan: survey to determine what LR were cultivated (1984-2000).
Lao People’s Democratic Republic: survey of CWR and/or LR with the purpose of
ex situ conservation of rice, and other annual or perennial crops (e.g. maize,
cassava, sweet potato, sugarcane).
Sri Lanka: CWR inventories of rice, Piper, green gram/black gram (Vigna),
banana, Cinnamomum and can be found at
Jordan: sixteen target crops gene pools of global or regional significance and their
wild relatives were studied and strategies for their conservation (2002-2005).
Pakistan: CWR of particular crops have been identified (e.g. wheat, barley, rice,
Sorghum, millet, cotton, mustard, kenaf, chickpea, pome fruits, tree nuts, etc.).
Uzbekistan: CWR of Allium, Malus, Juglans, Pistacia, Amygdalus, Hordeum.
Sources: FAO Country Reports (2010b), Hunter and Heywood (2011)

1.4 Use of agrobiodiversity for crop improvement

There are numerous ways in which LR/CWR diversity use in breeding can be
promoted, but traditionally this has focused on identifying traits of interest
through phenotypic characterization and evaluation. This has in many cases
proved prohibitively expensive. The First SoW Report (FAO, 1998) highlights the
fact that two thirds of globally conserved ex situ germplasm lack basic passport
data, 80% lack characterization data and 95% lack evaluation data, making the use
of such germplasm, including CWR germplasm, much more difficult than it need
be. The SoWPGR-2 (FAO, 2010a) details several new international initiatives since
1998 that support the increased characterization and evaluation of germplasm,
including the fairly widespread adoption of core collections that are adequately
characterized and evaluated. However, it still concludes that “the country reports
were virtually unanimous in suggesting that one of the most significant obstacles
to a greater use of PGRFA is the lack of adequate characterization and evaluation
data and the capacity to generate and manage such data”.

Box 4. Use of PGRFA diversity for crop improvement

LR and CWR present a tangible resource of actual or potential economic benefit
for humankind at national, regional and global levels. Exploitation of their
diversity has existed for millennia, with farmers using variation within and
between species to improve their crops from the beginnings of agriculture. For
example, subsistence farmers in Mexico would annually grow cultivated corn near
its wild relatives to facilitate introgression between the CWR and the crop as a
means of crop enhancement (Hoyt, 1988). These species and this process are as
important to humankind today as they were to the earliest farmers. Developments

in the biotechnology industries are now allowing more precise transfer of genes,
even in the case of CWR from more distantly related species, further enhancing
the value of LR and CWR.
Tanksely and McCouch (1997) and Hajjar and Hodgkin (2007) argued that
breeders were not fully exploiting the potential of CWR. Historically, breeders
relied on searching for specific beneficial traits associated with particular CWR
taxa rather than searching more generally for beneficial genes, and they avoided
transfer into polyploid crops where transfer was more difficult (e.g., rice, sorghum
and sweet potato). The likely use of LR diversity is thought to be extensive but
precise quantification is limited because of the potential commercial sensitivity of
the information to competing breeding companies. The use of CWR diversity in
crop improvement programmes for 29 major crops has recently been reviewed by
Maxted and Kell (2009), who reported that for these crops, there are 234
references that report the identification of useful traits in 183 CWR taxa (Figure 1).
The review showed that the degree to which breeders use CWR species varies
between crops, with CWR use being particularly prominent in barley, cassava,
potato, rice, tomato and wheat improvement, rice and wheat being the two crops
for which CWR have been most widely used, both in terms of number of CWR taxa
used and successful attempts to introgress traits from the CWR to the crop. The
number of publications for the papers detailing the use of CWR in breeding has
increased gradually over time-presumably as a result of technological
developments for trait transfer-with 2% of citations recorded prior to 1970, 13% in
the 1970s, 15% in the 1980s, 32% in the 1990s and 38% after 1999. The most
widespread CWR use has been and remains in the development of disease and
pest resistance, with the references citing disease resistance objectives accounting
for 39%, pest and disease resistance 17%, abiotic stress 13%, yield increase 10%,
cytoplasmic male sterility and fertility restorers 4%, quality improvers 11% and
husbandry improvement 6% of the reported inter-specific trait transfers. It can
also be seen from this review that since the year 2000 the number of attempts to
improve quality, husbandry and end-product commodities has increased
substantially. However, the exploitation of the potential diversity contained in
CWR species appears to be hit and miss as the approach by breeders to CWR use
has not been systematic or comprehensive; therefore, the vast majority of CWR
diversity remains untapped for utilization.

Figure 1. References to use of CWR

The bottleneck over systematic characterization and evaluation has been

acknowledged almost since the need for their conservation was recognized in the
late 1960s and early 1970s (Frankel and Bennett, 1970). It could be argued that
simply increasing the amount of ‘traditional’ characterization and evaluation is
unlikely to result in the required step change in the exploitation of LR/CWR
diversity. However, such novel techniques as using ‘next generation technologies’
to screen thousands of samples of germplasm for those interesting gene variants
that are adaptively important (Nordborg and Weigel, 2008) or ‘predictive
characterization’ which uses spatial analysis of germplasm passport data to
predict which germplasm might have desired traits (see Bhullar et al., 2009), offer
an alternative to conventional characterization and evaluation. Ultimately, unless
the professionals involved with LR/CWR conservation can ensure that conserved
germplasm is held in a form better suited for breeders and other user groups and
that there is less of a barrier between conservation and utilization, then the use of
conserved PGRFA diversity is not likely to improve.

1.5 Strategies for agrobiodiversity conservation

There are a number of potential approaches to achieve systematic global or sub-
global (regional, national and local) CWR and LR conservation. Regardless of the
approach, the systematic conservation of CWR and LR diversity involves the
complementary application of in situ and ex situ strategies. The fundamental
difference between these two strategies is: ex situ involves the location, sampling,
transfer and storage of populations to conserve a particular species away from the
original location, whereas in situ conservation involves the location, designation,
management and monitoring of populations to conserve a particular species

within its natural habitat or where it has developed its distinctive characteristics
(Maxted et al. 1997c). In situ conservation strategies have two distinct techniques:
genetic reserve and on-farm conservation. Genetic reserves are designated for
wild species (such as CWR) and are defined as “the location, management and
monitoring of genetic diversity in natural wild populations within defined areas
designated for active, long-term conservation” (Maxted et al. 1997b). On-farm
targets LR conservation and is defined as “the sustainable management of genetic
diversity of locally developed crop varieties (landraces), with associated wild and
weedy species or forms, by farmers within traditional agricultural, horticultural or
agri-silvicultural systems” (Maxted et al. 1997b). The precise combination of in
situ and ex situ techniques will vary according to the species being conserved,
resources available for conservation and the potential value and use of the species.
Historically, PGRFA have primarily been conserved using ex situ methods (e.g.,
see Frankel and Bennet, 1970; Frankel, 1973; Frankel and Hawkes, 1975; Brown et
al., 1989; Frankel et al., 1995; Guarino et al., 1995; Hawkes et al., 2000; Smith et al.,
2003) (Box 5). However, recent research has questioned whether LR diversity can
be effectively conserved ex situ due to the genetic bottleneck associated with
sampling and multiplication/regeneration in gene banks and the constantly and
relatively rapidly changing genetic diversity within populations (Negri and
Teranti, 2010), and has highlighted the fact that CWR are very poorly represented
in ex situ collections worldwide (Maxted and Kell, 2009), most attention having
been paid to maintaining obsolete cultivars, breeding lines, genetic stocks and LR.
It is also widely agreed since the inception of the CBD that in situ conservation
should be the primary conservation strategy, with ex situ employed as a backup,
because in contrast to ex situ conservation, in situ conservation promotes natural
gene exchange and continued evolution of LR and CWR populations (CBD, 1992;
FAO, 1996, 2001; Brush, 1999; Maxted et al., 1997a; Heywood and Dulloo, 2005;
Stolton et al., 2006; Negri et al. 2009).

Box 5. PGRFA conservation techniques

There are two fundamental strategies used for PGRFA conservation and within
each there are a range of techniques (FAO, 1996):
In situ techniques
In situ conservation is the conservation of ecosystems and natural habitats and
the maintenance and recovery of viable populations of species in their natural
surroundings and, in the case of domesticates or cultivated species, in the
surroundings where they have developed their distinctive properties (CBD, 1992).
In situ conservation involves the location, designation, management and
monitoring of target taxa in the location where they are found (Maxted et al.,
1997c). There are relatively few practical examples of in situ conservation for CWR
species, but examples include Zea perennis in the Sierra de Manantlan, Mexico
(UNESCO, 2007); Aegilops species in Ceylanpinar, Turkey (Ertug Firat and Tan,
1997); and Solanum species in Pisac Cusco, Peru (IUCN, 2003). In situ
conservation of LR is also deficient but few examples do exist: sorghum, chickpea,
field peas, and maize in Ethiopia (Worede 1997), and threatened crop LR that
showed a potential market and/or a good adaptation to local soil and climatic

conditions (wheat, flax, lentil, grass pea, chickpea, cowpea and faba beans) in
Georgia (Jorjadze and Berishvili, 2009).
 Genetic reserve1 conservation involves the conservation of CWR in their
native habitats. It may be defined as “the location, management and monitoring of
genetic diversity in natural wild populations within defined areas designated for
active, long-term conservation” (Maxted et al., 1997c). Practically, this involves the
location, designation, management and monitoring of genetic diversity at a
particular location. The site is actively managed, even if that active management
only involves regular monitoring of the target taxa, and conservation is long term,
because significant resources will have been invested to establish the genetic
reserve (Maxted et al., 2008d). This technique is the most appropriate for the bulk
of CWR species, whether they possess orthodox or non-orthodox seeds.
 On-farm conservation involves conserving LR within traditional farming
systems and has been practised by farmers for millennia. Each season the farmers
keep a proportion of harvested seed for re-sowing in the following year. Thus, the
LR is highly adapted to the local environment and is likely to contain locally
adapted alleles or gene complexes. On-farm conservation may be defined as: “the
sustainable management of genetic diversity of locally developed landraces with
associated wild and weedy species or forms by farmers within traditional
agriculture, horticulture or agri-silviculture systems” (Maxted et al., 1997c).
 Home garden conservation – crops are grown as small populations and the
produce is used primarily for home consumption. Home garden conservation is a
variation on on-farm conservation and may be defined as: “the sustainable
management of genetic diversity of locally developed traditional crop varieties by
individuals in their back-yard” (Maxted et al., 1997c). Its focus is usually on
vegetables, medicinal plants and spices (e.g., tomatoes, peppers, coumarin, mint,
thyme, parsley, etc.). Orchard gardens, which are often expanded versions of
kitchen gardens, can be valuable reserves of genetic diversity of fruit and timber
trees, shrubs, pseudo-shrubs, such as banana and pawpaw, climbers and root and
tuber crops as well as the herbs.
Ex situ techniques
Ex situ conservation is the conservation of components of biological diversity
outside their natural habitats (CBD, 1992). The application of this strategy
involves the location, sampling, transfer and storage of samples of the target taxa
away from their native habitat (Maxted et al., 1997c). LR and CWR seeds can be
stored in gene banks or in field gene banks as living collections. Examples of
major ex situ collections include the International Maize and Wheat Improvement
Centre (CIMMYT) gene bank with more than 160,000 accessions (i.e., samples
collected at a specific location and time), the International Rice Research Institute
(IRRI) with the largest collection of rice genetic resources, and the Millennium
Seed Bank at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew with the largest collection of seed of
24,000 wild species. Important national/regional collections include: coffee in
Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Kenya, Madagascar and Tanzania; sesame in
Kenya; cassava in Malawi, Zambia and Tanzania, and sweet potato in Mauritius,
Zambia, Swaziland and Tanzania (FAO, 2010a).

Furthermore, integral to in situ management of PGRFA are a number of potential
positive socio-economic and environmental outcomes; these may include
improved diet and nutrition, increased self-sufficiency and livelihood security for
farmers and rural communities, maintenance of indigenous knowledge and local
cultural practices, low-input sustainable land management practices, and the
maintenance of ecosystem services—all factors that add weight to the need for
promoting, supporting and sustaining in situ management of PGRFA.
Of the two conservation strategies (in situ and ex situ), the highest proportion of
LR and CWR diversity is actively conserved ex situ; although the coverage is far
from systematic. It is difficult to quantify the amount of LR diversity held ex situ
because whether the material is LR is often not recorded. For LR there is also the
problem over whether nomenclatural or genetic distinction is used to identify
them; just because two farmers say they are growing different LR and give them
different names, are they really genetically different? We have better knowledge of
the ex situ conservation status of CWR, but most of this knowledge is based on
studies of European gene bank collections. The First SoW Report (FAO, 1998)
estimated that 4% of governmental, 14% of CGIAR and 6% of private gene bank
holdings were of wild species; however, these included both CWR and non-CWR
wild species. Dias and Gaiji (2005) estimated that approximately 4% of ex situ
holdings in European gene banks are of CWR (37,528 accessions of 2629 species in
613 genera out of a total of 925,000 accessions of 7950 species in 1280 genera). The
ratio of the number of accessions of cultivated species to wild species is striking,
with an average of 167 for each cultivated species and 14 for each wild species,
giving a ratio of 12:1, which is particularly surprising given that most diversity is
located in wild species (Maxted et al., 2008a). Later, Dias et al. (2012) calculated
that a total of around 9% of gene bank accessions held by European gene banks are
of wild origin and that these represent 7,279 species. This increase is most likely
due to improved information management in gene banks and an increase in the
number of gene banks providing data to the central European repository,
EURISCO (http://eurisco.ecpgr.org), rather than a significant increase in the
number of CWR samples being collected and stored.
There are few examples of on-farm conservation projects that have proven
sustainable in the longer term, but methodologies for the design, establishment,
management and monitoring of CWR in genetic reserves are available (see Gadgil
et al., 1996; Maxted et al., 1997b; Heywood and Dulloo, 2005; Stolton et al., 2006;
Iriondo et al., 2008); however, full practical implementation remains limited. As
noted by Meilleur and Hodgkin (2004), there are: “weak links between the ‘site-
selection and/or management-recommendations’ process and the ‘official-
protected-site and/or management-change-designation’ process”. In other words,
moving from the stage of identifying genetic reserve sites and making
management recommendations, to official site designation and practical
management remains a significant challenge. The lack of notable examples of the
‘CWR site selection to reserve establishment’ process may possibly be explained
by the inherent requirement to bring together the agricultural conservation
community who identify the priority CWR taxa and sites and the ecological
conservation community who actively manage the protected areas in which the
CWR genetic reserves would be established. However, there are some notable

examples of activities that have made a significant contribution to the process of
conserving CWR in situ; these include the conservation of:
• Wild emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum var. dicoccoides) in the Ammiad
reserve in the eastern Galilee, Israel (Anikster et al., 1997; Safriel et al.,
• A close, perennial wild relative of maize (Zea diploperennis) in the MAB
Sierra de Manantlán Biosphere Reserve endemic to Southwest Mexico
(UNESCO, 2007);
• Various crop and forest CWR in reserves established in Kaz Daĝ, Aegean
Region, Ceylanpinar of Southeast Turkey, and Amanos, Mersin in Turkey
(Firat and Tan, 1997; Tan, 1998; Tan and Tan, 2002);
• Forage Vicia and Lathyrus in Turkey (Maxted and Kell, 1998; Maxted et al.,
• Lathyrus grimesii in Nevada, USA (Hannan and Hellier, in Pavek et al.,
• Various cereal, forage and fruit trees in CWR reserves established in
Lebanon, Syria, Palestinian Territories and Jordan (Amri et al., 2008a, b);
• Grain CWR within the Erebuni Reserve near Yerevan, Armenia (Avagyan,
• Wild bean populations (Phaseolus spp.) in Costa Rica (Zoro Bi et al., 2003;
Baudoin et al., 2008);
• Phaseolus, Gossypium, Cucurbita, Zea and Lycopersicon in Latin America
(Debouck, 2001);
• Solanum jamesii, S. fendleri and other species in Pisac Cusco, Peru
(Bamberg in Pavek et al., 1999);
• Wild Coffea species in the Mascarene Islands (Dulloo et al., 1999);
• Allium columbianum, A. geyeri and A. fibrillum in Washington State, USA
(Hannan and Hellier, Pavek et al., 1999; Hellier, 2000);
• Carya floridana and C. myristiciformis in the southern States of the USA
(Grauke, Pavek et al., 1999);
• Capsicum annuum var. aviculare in Mexico (Tewskbury et al., 1999);
• Beta vulgaris, Brassica insularis, B. oleracea and Olea europaea in France
(Mitteau and Soupizet, 2000);
• Vitis rupestris, V. shuttleworthii, V. monticola in central–Southeast USA
(Pavek et al., 2003).
Although these can be cited as positive examples of in situ CWR conservation, in
many cases the sites identified may not be managed in the most appropriate
manner to conserve the genetic diversity of the populations as described by
Iriondo et al. (2008; 2012) and they therefore do not in themselves constitute the
desired global network of genetic reserves that is needed to systematically
conserve CWR genetic diversity.

The conservation of CWR and LR usually results from a combination of
conservation actions at the macro- and micro-levels. Macro-conservation deals
with the political, economic and strategic planning issues on habitat, species or
genetic diversity conservation and can be implemented at global, regional,
national and local levels. In other words, macro-conservation deals with the
development of strategic plans targeting the conservation of specific elements of
biodiversity, in this case of CWR and LR, but not its practical implementation.
Micro-conservation comprises the distinct, practical, conservation actions (which
make use of specific in situ and ex situ techniques) focused on individual habitats,
species or intra-specific genetic diversity in order to implement the strategies
developed at the macro-conservation level. As such the development and
application of National management plans for CWR and LR conservation can be
thought of as involving macro- and micro-conservation decision making and
practically involving a combination of in situ and ex situ techniques.



Economic ‐ Development

Strategic planning





Genetic reserves

In situ
Individual species, habitats
Seed storage
In vitro storage
DNA storage
Ex situ
Pollen storage
Field gene bank
Botanical garden

Figure 2. Conservation planning overview

At the macro-conservation level, a first decision has to be made regarding the two
possible and distinct approaches on how to develop the conservation plan:
whether to adopt a monographic or a floristic approach. The monographic
approach focuses on priority crop gene pools and can be applied at different
geographic levels (global, regional or national). It is monographic because the
methodology is comprehensive for individual target taxa throughout their full
geographic range or its full range within a geographically defined unit such a
region or a country. for CWR examples and for LR examples). It aims to
systematically conserve the selected priority CWR or LR diversity via a network of
in situ genetic reserves or on-farm sites with backup in ex situ collections. The
floristic approach is taxa / crop comprehensive because it attempts to encompass
all CWR / LR that occur within a geographical unit (i.e. a region, country, sub-
national unit or sub-national region), regardless of the plant taxa / crops normal
range. The full geographic range of an individual taxon may or may not be
included, depending on whether it is endemic to the target country. It is commonly
associated with the development of National management plans for CWR and LR

Given the different intrinsic features that characterise CWR (wild species) and LR
(crops), the application of the monographic and floristic approaches are similar in
concept but may be slightly different in application depending on whether the
target is CWR or LR diversity. With regard to the use of the term floristic for LR
conservation, it is meant to imply the entire LR diversity found within a defined
geographic area (e.g. local, region, country, even continental), just like a botanical
flora encompasses the wild plant diversity found within a defined area. The
monographic and floristic approaches, for both CWR and LR, may be seen as
strategic in that they are likely to be implemented by national or global
conservation agencies or institutions, and should not be seen as alternative but
rather as a holistic matrix to maximize overall CWR or LR diversity conservation.

Box 6. Examples of the monographic approach to CWR conservation

At global level: Conservation strategy for Aegilops species
Taxonomic, ecological, geographic and conservation information for 22 Aegilops
species were collated from ICARDA, EURISCO, GRIN and SINGER datasets, and
subsequently used to identify gaps in current conservation and to develop a
systematic conservation strategy for the genus. A total of 9866 unique geo-
referenced records were collected between 1932 and 2004. Predicted distribution
maps were obtained for the Aegilops taxa and compared in conservation gap
analysis using GIS tools. The ex situ conservation status of each taxon was
assessed and used to provide a priority ranking and nine out of the 22 taxa were
identified as priorities for ex situ conservation. Future ex situ collections were
recommended in several countries across the World. In addition, five
complementary regions for in situ conservation of Aegilops diversity were
identified in various countries. Within these five regions, 16 protected areas were
identified as potential sites to establish genetic reserves. In addition, the most
important Aegilops hotspot (on the Syrian/Lebanese border) was found to be
outside a protected area and so recommendations for a novel protected area was
Source: Maxted et al. (2008b)
At regional level: Collection of wild rice in East and Southern Africa
A collecting programme targeting wild rice in East and Southern Africa took
place. The collecting strategy was developed from an initial ecogeographic study
based on several African and international herbaria and available literature on

occurrence and distribution of the target species within in the region, as well as on
information provided by the national programme staff. A total of 17 collecting
missions were undertaken in Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania,
Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe between April 1997 and April 1998. Passport data
and herbarium specimens were collected for each accession during the collecting
missions. Threats to the wild rice species were assessed as genetic erosion
indicators. Seed fertility, maturity and production were also registered.
Source: Kiambi et al. (2005)

Box 7. Examples of the monographic approach to LR conservation

At regional level: Safeguarding and preservation of the biodiversity of the rice gene
A project coordinated by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and
financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) was
carried out from 1994 to 2000 in 22 countries in Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and
Costa Rica. The project comprised three main components:
 Collection and ex situ conservation of cultivated and wild rice taxa;
 On-farm management of rice LR;
 Strengthening germplasm conservation by National Agricultural Research
Systems (NARS), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and farmer
Regarding ex situ conservation of rice diversity, 165 collecting missions were
carried out in 22 countries from 1995 2000. A total of 24,718 samples of Oryza
sativa were collected, as well as 2,416 samples of 16 Oryza taxa, weedy types and
mutative hybrids, and four species from three related genera (Hygroryza, Leersia
and Prosphytochloa). The samples were then sent to the International Rice Gene
bank (IRG) at IRRI for long-term ex situ conservation.
The two objectives of the on-farm conservation management component of the
project were: (i) to increase knowledge on farmers’ management of rice diversity,
including the factors that contribute to it and its genetic implications, and (ii) to
identify strategies to involve farmers’ managed systems in the overall
conservation of rice resources. Three study countries and sites (in India, Vietnam
and the Philippines), that represented a broad cross section of rain-fed lowland
and upland farming systems with different agricultural, policy and economic
conditions, were selected. Biological and social sciences experts, as well as NARS
and local people were involved in this component of the project. Socio-economic
surveys, questionnaires on farmers’ management of diversity, anthropological
methods (including semi-structured and unstructured interviews), field seed
collections, surveys for biotic constraints, and molecular marker analyses and field
trials were used during the project in order to understand and optimise the on-
farm management of rice LR diversity.
The third component of the project focused on the upgrading of gene bank
facilities and facilitating germplasm collection of NARS, as well as on the training
of national personnel and scientists participating in the on-farm conservation
research on the skills needed to collect and conserve rice germplasm. Between

1995 and 1999, IRRI staff trained more than 670 people in 48 training courses in 14
countries and at IRRI headquarters in the Philippines. The training encompassed
field collection and conservation, characterization, wild rice species, data
management and documentation, gene bank management, seed health, analysis of
socioeconomic data, and isozyme and molecular analysis of germplasm.
Source: IRRI (2000)
At national level: Races of maize in Mexico
The authors studied 32 races of maize in Mexico using morphological, cytological,
genetic and agronomic characteristics and geographical distribution.
Source: Wellausen et al. (1952)

At whichever level of application, the monographic and floristic approaches target

priority crops or crop gene pools and aim to systematically conserve them via a
network of on-farm locations or genetic reserves, with backup in ex situ
collections. Both the monographic and floristic approaches can be implemented at
different scales: global, national, and local. A fourth macro-conservation scale of
implementation might be added where there is a distinct continental or regional
level of conservation activities between the global and national, as is the case of
the Southern African Development Community, Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa,
Europe or West Asia.

Box 8. Examples of the floristic approach to CWR conservation

Floristic approach at regional level: CWR Catalogue for Europe and the
The CWR Catalogue for Europe and the Mediterranean (Kell et al. 2005) was
created by generating a list of crop genera, matching these genera with those that
occur in Europe and the Mediterranean, and then extracting the taxa within the
matching genera.
The crop genus list was generated from four information sources: Mansfeld’s
World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops (Hanelt and IPK
Gatersleben, 2001; IPK Gatersleben, 2003), the ‘Enumeration of cultivated forest
plant species’ (Schultze-Motel 1966) (for forestry species), the Community Plant
Variety Office list of plant varieties (www.cpvo.eu.int) (for ornamental plants) and
the Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Resources of the World (MAPROW) (U.
Schippmann, pers. comm. Bonn 2004). This was matched with floristic data in
Euro+Med PlantBase (version 2006), which is a database of the Euro-
Mediterranean flora, including data on the status of occurrence of taxa in
countries and/or sub-national units. The CWR Catalogue was generated by
extracting the taxa within the genera in Euro+Med PlantBase matching the crop
genus names.
Source: Kell et al. (2008)
Floristic approach at national level: Inventory of Portuguese CWR
The Portuguese CWR inventory was developed from a geographically filtered list
from the CWR Catalogue for Europe and the Mediterranean (Kell et al. 2005). To
ensure that all important crop genera as well as nationally grown crops were

considered, several documents were used for validation [the complete list of
agricultural, vegetables, fruits and ornamental species produced by the
Portuguese National Catalogue of Varieties (DGPC 2003), the Temperate and
Boreal Forest Resources Assessment 2000 (TBFRA-2000) (UNECE/FAO 2000) for
the forestry crops; a priority list of ornamental genera representing the
recommendations from the Herbaceous Ornamental Crop Germplasm Committee
(HOCGC) (OPGC 2002), the report by Pimenta (2004) on an updated list of
ornamental plant species grown in Portugal]. Twenty‐two priority species for
conservation were identified based on eight criteria (native status, economic
value, threatened status, in situ and ex situ conservation status, global and
national distribution, and legislation) and combining different prioritization
schemes (Magos Brehm et al. 2010). An ecogeographic survey, gap analysis, and
species distribution modelling with current and future climate data were
undertaken for target species. Additionally, a genetic diversity analysis for a
subset of priority species was carried out. The results obtained with these different
methodologies were combined in order to provide in situ and ex situ conservation
recommendations for these wild plant resources.
Source: Magos Brehm (2008), Magos Brehm et al. (2008a, 2010)

Beta macrocarpa Guss, a wild relative of beet (B. vulgaris L.) in Quinta de
Marim (Ria Formosa Natural Park, Portugal) (photo: Maria Cristina Duarte).

Box 9. Examples of the floristic approach to LR conservation

At regional level: Traditionally cultivated crops in Mexico
An ethnobotanical study of the cultivated crops at the “milpas”, a traditional poli-
crop farming system, at the NW of Yucatán, was carried out. “Milpas” are
important traditional farming systems with many LR of different crops. They are
characterised particularly by maize (Zea mays), beans (Phaseolus spp.) and
pumpkins (Cucurbita spp.), together with many other crops (e.g. chillies and
tomatoes) that vary from one region to another. It is a more resilient system than if
the crops were cultivated as monocultures and these crops have an adaptive
potential to different climates (from semi-deserts to temperate and tropical) and to
all altitudes. “Milpas” are the main farming systems for the rural communities of
this area because they produce the main food crops. The diversity of this system
allows the cultivation of many species and many LR which possess distinct
characteristics. The authors focused on the more historically and culturally
important crops produced at the “milpas”.
Source: Terán et al. (1998)
At regional level: Landraces in Central Italy
Since 1981, exploration and collecting missions allowed the identification of more
than 400 LR from different plant species (forages, cereals, pulses, garden crops
and fruit trees) found on-farm in Central Italy. The author studied current LR
management and use by farmers and discussed the reasons why they have been
maintained on-farm. Three case-studies (cowpea ‘fagiolina’ in the Trasimeno lake
area, Perugia; emmer ‘farro’ at Monteleone di Spoleto, Valnerina, Terni; the
‘fagiolo a pisello’ - Phaseolus vulgaris L. - at Colle di Tora, Rieti) of efficient on-
farm conservation were presented and threats identified.
Source: Negri (2003)
At national level: Vegetable landraces in England and Wales
An initial exercise for UK crop LR (Scholten et al. 2004) found a significant wealth
of LR diversity that was often highly geographically localized and critically
threatened with extinction. Previous studies indicated that maximum LR diversity
was maintained in vegetables. A vegetable inventory was needed to provide the
baseline data to a) identify conservation needs, b) enact systematic in situ and ex
situ conservation, c) monitor change (including the assessment of genetic
erosion), and d) enhance their use in meeting changing market demands and in
promoting UK food security. LR data were collated from UK seed banks, via media
releases and advertisements and by using an online questionnaire, internet
searches, email correspondence, telephone calls and face to face meetings with a
broad range of interest groups, companies and individuals. The results indicated
that (i) seed banks do not contain the full range of English and Welsh vegetable
LR diversity available, (ii) nationally registered ‘B’ List LR varieties are under
threat as they are often maintained in situ by small commercial companies with
limited resources, (iii) other vegetable LR are maintained in situ by commercial
seed companies, NGOs, individual farmers, allotment-holders and home
gardeners, but no direct governmental support is provided, and (iv)there has been
a significant loss of vegetable LR diversity in England and Wales and much of the
remaining diversity is threatened. The need to put in place strategies and plans to
capture this diversity and nurture the culture that is responsible for creating and
maintaining it was identified. Recommendations for the initiation of a LR
protection scheme in England and Wales, enhancement of ex situ LR collections,
education and public awareness of local LR diversity, and revision of opportunities
for supporting LR cultivation through policy and legislative instruments were
Source: Kell et al. (2009)

1.6 Global agrobiodiversity conservation
A global approach aims at the systematic conservation of CWR and LR diversity
as a means of maintaining global food security and meeting consumer choice. At
global level, the monographic approach (targeting specific crops and crop gene
pools) has to be used since there is no global Flora or list of CWR taxa, or checklist
of global LR diversity. The requirement for a global approach is especially
important because CWR and LR diversity, like plant diversity in general, is not
evenly spread across the globe, but is concentrated into botanical (Mittermeier et
al. 1999, Myers et al. 2000) and crop diversity hotspots (Vavilov 1926, Hawkes
1983), and maintaining food security requires a global overview if it is to be
successful. Conservation in these highly diverse hotspots is thus necessarily
independent of national political borders and needs to be coordinated if it is to be
In response to this challenge, the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources
for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) has called for the development of a network of
in situ conservation areas to conserve CWR diversity (Activity 4 of the Global
Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic
Resources for Food and Agriculture – FAO 1996). Within this context, the CGRFA
commissioned a thematic background study on ‘the establishment of a global
network for the in situ conservation of crop wild relatives: status and needs’
(Maxted and Kell 2009) to support the preparation of the SoWPGR-2 and as a
basis for updating the Global Plan of Action. The objective of this study was to
provide sufficient baseline information for planning the future work of the
Commission in the establishment and monitoring of a network of in situ
conservation areas for CWR using the gap analysis methodology developed by
Maxted et al. (2008c). Specifically, the study aimed to:
 Identify which important areas for CWR are already part of existing
protected areas, in particular in the centres of origin or diversification;
 Pinpoint existing conservation gaps in order to assess which important
areas for CWR are yet to be protected within and outside existing protected
 Provide the foundations for a long‐term and cost‐effective plan for CWR
The crops included in this background study were, firstly, those that have
been identified as being of major importance for food security in one or more
sub‐regions of the world (FAO 1998) and that are listed in Annex I of the ITPGRFA
(FAO 2001), which is a list of PGRFA established according to criteria of food
security and country interdependence. These are: finger millet (Eleusine
coracana), barley (Hordeum vulgare), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), cassava
(Manihot esculenta), banana/plantain (Musa acuminata), rice (Oryza sativa),
pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), potato (Solanum tuberosum), sorghum
(Sorghum bicolor), wheat (Triticum aestivum) and maize (Zea mays). Each of these
crops supplies more than 5% of the plant‐derived energy intake in one or more
sub‐regions of the world (FAO 1998). Secondly, three further crops that are listed
in Annex I of the ITPGRFA were also considered to be priority crops, because they
are regionally important, and data were readily available—cowpea (Vigna
unguiculata), faba bean (Vicia faba) and garden pea (Pisum sativum). These

priority crops represented different crop groups (cereals, food legumes, roots and
tubers), with different breeding systems (cross-pollinating, self-pollinating,
clonally propagated), as well as crops of temperate and tropical origin (Maxted
and Kell 2009).
The authors made preliminary recommendations for the establishment of a global
network of in situ conservation areas for the highest priority CWR species1 from
the 12 crop gene pools for which distribution data were available for the study.
Although the locations of priority species were selected for only 12 crop gene
pools they were located across the globe, primarily in the centres of crop diversity
identified by Vavilov (1926), which remain the hotspots of crop and CWR diversity
today. Note the eight Vavilov Centres of origin / diversity, indicated by blue
enclosed lines, are likely to contain further priority site for other crop gene pools).
The approach undertaken by the authors, a monographic approach at global level,
 A review of the uses of each crop and its socio‐economic importance;
 Discussion of taxonomic issues, listing of the taxa in the crop gene pool and
their degree of genetic and/or taxonomic relatedness;
 Notes on the distribution of the crop and its wild relatives, locating
centre(s) of diversity;
 A review of crop breeding efforts that have utilized wild relatives;
 Identification of the highest priority taxa for immediate inclusion in the
CWR genetic reserve network, with supporting justification;
 Identification of the highest priority sites for immediate inclusion in the
CWR genetic reserve network, with supporting justification;
 Recommended conservation actions and requirements for further research.
The systematic in situ conservation of LR is far from being initiated either
at the global or national level, and global or national networks of on-farm sites for
LR conservation are yet to be implemented. In fact, Veteläinen et al. (2009b)
highlighted the difficulty of systematically conserving all LR diversity on-farm due
to the high numbers of existing LR but stressed that a coherent global network of
on-farm conservation should be established in order to actively conserve the
highest priority LR globally. A similar point could equally be made nationally for
each individual country’s priority crops.
The point should be stressed that although there is a strong logic for an
intergovernmental institution on biodiversity for food security, in cooperation
with international partners from environment and agriculture leading the required
research and the establishment of global CWR and LR networks, national agencies
do have a role. There is an onus on each country to conserve its CWR and LR
diversity in situ and this will require the establishment of national networks of
genetic reserves and on-farm sites. Where there is coincidence between global and
national priorities, the national sites may also contribute to the global network.

Primary and secondary wild relatives and/or CWR which are known to be threatened or have limited distributions.

Figure 3. Global priority genetic reserve locations for CWR of 12 food crops 2

Maxted and Kell (2009)


1.7 National agrobiodiversity conservation
Several decisions have to be made before starting to develop National
management plans for CWR and LR conservation and these made be affected by
the availability of existing data and resources. The first step is the creation of a
CWR or LR inventory from existing botanical or crop data. Once the relevant taxa
have been identified and collated, it is likely that a prioritization step will be
undertaken because the number of taxa usually exceeds those that can be
realistically actively conserved using the available resources. Next, the available
baseline taxonomic, ecogeographic, genetic and threat data are collated for the
priority taxa. Specifically regarding LR, maintainers’ knowledge about the LR they
grow is also relevant and should be gathered. Subsequently, a threat assessment
and gap analysis study is carried out, culminating in the formulation of a National
plan with clear conservation goals and recommendations for in situ and ex situ
actions. As a result, a network of national conservation areas (genetic reserves for
CWR and on-farm locations for LR) will be established, as well as ex situ
conservation actions to ensure a safety backup of the genetic diversity. How to
produce National management plans for CWR and LR conservation is discussed in
detail in Part 2 of the book. The National management plans developed for any
individual country aims at the macro-conservation level to maximise conserved
taxonomic, ecogeographic and genetic diversity of the country’s CWR or LR, while
at the same time promoting its use. While at the micro-conservation level,
effective conservation will be implemented at the individual conservation areas,
gene bank managers and farmer communities.

Farmers showing their sorghum and cowpea LR in Zingnyama, Phalombe,

Malawi (photo by Edwin A Chiwona).

Box 10. Options for in situ and on-farm conservation of PGRFA

Option 1 – Floristic or monographic approach
Taking the floristic or monographic approach refers to the breadth of coverage of
the conservation strategy. A floristic approach means that a conservation strategy
is developed for CWR and/or LR diversity that occurs in a defined geographical

area, which may be a sub-national area such as an administrative unit or protected
area, a whole country, a supra-national region, or even the whole world. A
monographic approach on the other hand is restricted to certain crop gene pools,
but like the floristic approach may be carried out at any geographical scale.
Although both approaches may be carried out at any geographic scale, the floristic
approach is most likely to be national in scope, while the monographic approach is
more likely to be global in scope because it involves the development of a
conservation strategy for a crop gene pool and therefore would ideally encompass
all the areas of the world in which the target taxa are native (in the case of CWR)
or where they are being cultivated (in the case of LR).
Both approaches will ultimately conclude with the systematic conservation of
priority CWR and LR diversity via a network of in situ conservation and on-farm
conservation sites, with backup in ex situ collections. Whether a floristic or
monographic approach is taken is likely to depend on: a) the quantity and quality
of existing data, b) the resources available to prepare the conservation strategy,
and c) the scope of the parent organization undertaking the conservation; for
example, an international cereal research institute is likely to focus
monographically on cereal crops, while a national biodiversity institute is likely to
adopt a more floristic approach. It is worth noting that if the goal is to maximize
CWR and LR diversity it is likely that both approaches need to be combined
(National Strategies and crop gene pool strategies for the highest priority crops).
Option 2 – Local, national, regional or global geographic scales
National management plans for conservation of CWRs and LRs should ideally be
complementary, depending on the geographical units included, even though the
individual geographic scale is likely to be dictated by the remit of the parent
organization undertaking the conservation. There is a need to develop interacting
CWR/LR conservation strategies, such that one geographic level strategy is not
seen in isolation, but contributes to the other levels. For example, a country’s
national CWR and LR management plans should link with local, regional and
ultimately the global conservation strategy such that nationally designated on-
farm and genetic reserve sites become part of a combined network of sites
overseen at national level but managed at local level (individual genetic reserves),
as well as part of a regional and global network overseen by the appropriate
regional and global agencies. Therefore, it is not a choice between geographic
scales, but the real choice is whether or not to ensure complementarity in
approach between interacting CWR/LR management plans to ensure they form a
series of local, national, regional and global in situ CWR/LR conservation sites. In
practice, however, it should be acknowledged that in implementing such a
complementary geographic approach is feasible for systematic CWR conservation
now but is likely to be a longer term option for LR conservation if for no other
reason than the extent of knowledge available on LR diversity.
Option 3 – Centralized or participatory conservation
It is difficult to precisely categorize the contribution of local communities and
farmers versus conservationists to address global food security. While an overview
is required to identify CWR and LR diversity hotspots and implement genetic
reserve or on-farm conservation in a network that maximizes the conserved CWR
and LR diversity for the benefit of all humanity, it is equally important to
recognize that on-farm or genetic reserve conservation is impossible without local
community or farmer approval and action. It is perhaps inevitable that targeted
global conservation involves a top-down approach but local communities have
been managing, manipulating and exploiting CWR and LR diversity for millennia
and so maintaining a complementary bottom-up approach is equally important.
Therefore, just as CWR/LR conservation at local, national, regional and global
scales interact to ensure effective complementary conservation, both centralized
and participatory approaches to conservation also ensure effective
complementary conservation.
Option 4 – On-farm conservation or conservation of traditional farming systems
The growing literature associated with LR conservation highlights a distinction in
focus between at least two distinct, but associated, conservation activities. The
distinction between the two is based on whether the focus is the conservation of
genetic diversity within a particular farming system or the conservation of the
traditional farming system itself, irrespective of what happens to the genetic
diversity of LR material within that system (Maxted et al. 2002). These two
variants of LR conservation are obviously interrelated, may often be
complementary and may in certain cases be seen as one, but in other instances
this may not be the case. For example, the introduction of a certain percentage of
modern cultivars to a traditional farming system may sustain the system at that
location, but could lead to gene replacement or displacement and therefore
genetic erosion of the original localized LR material. The choice between the two
is dependent on whether the parent organization undertaking the conservation
wishes to conserve specific but dynamic LR or the system itself that maintains the
agro-environment in which the native LR can continue to evolve.
Option 5 – Farmer or conservationist based in situ conservation
At first it might be thought that although farmers are key players in on-farm
conservation of LR, they play a minimal role in CWR conservation. However,
experience from the limited number of projects that have established genetic
reserves (e.g., Firat and Tan 1997, Hunter and Heywood 2011) has shown that even
where genetic reserves are established in association with existing protected
areas, farmers are commonly involved. The reason being many CWR are found in
pre-climax vegetation so population conservation requires controlled grazing or
cutting. Therefore, even when undertaking genetic reserve CWR conservation, it
commonly involves conservationists working with farmers.
It is more obvious that farmers and conservationists will need to work together to
conserve LR diversity; however, it should be recognized that occasionally the LR
conservation may be in conflict with the development aspirations of the local
community, partially freezing the dynamic nature of LR diversity. Although the
conservationist should never try to restrict or deny these aspirations, the
conservationist may be able to promote LR diversity maintenance within the on-
farm system by facilitating some form of Participatory Plant Breeding or
Participatory Varietal Selection, which may vary from simply aiding farmer
selection to full-blown crossing of lines and LR to generate segregating diversity
for selection and production of improved breeders’ lines (e.g., see Friis-Hansen
and Sthapit 2000). Experience from past projects that have promoted on-farm
conservation of LR has also shown that the conservationist can have a key role in
helping farmers develop alternative niche markets for the LR, raising the value of
the resource and so sustain LR maintenance (Heinonen and Veteläinen 2009,
Nikolaou and Maxted 2009, Martin et al. 2009, Veteläinen et al. 2009b).
Option 6 – Status quo or legislative protection
To promote sustainable in situ CWR/LR conservation there is a need to encourage
and facilitate stronger legislative protection of sites (i.e. genetic reserve or on-
farm) designated for conservation. Experience from ecosystem and wild species
conservation has repeatedly shown that the establishment of protected areas
requires significant investment of resources and once established legislative
protection is required to ensure the long-term sustainability of the conservation
investment. This protection is equally applicable for sites designated as genetic
reserves or on-farm sites where the status quo without specific protection is
unviable. This is particularly important for CWR hotspots/sites designated in
Vavilov Centres of Origin, all of which are located in developing countries, which
are likely to contain the highest proportion of unique CWR and LR diversity that
we know is threatened and must be conserved if we are to seriously address global
food security.
Option 7 – In situ or ex situ conservation
In situ and ex situ conservation should not be viewed as alternatives or in
opposition to one another but rather should be practised as complementary
approaches. The adoption of this holistic approach requires the conservationist to
look at the characteristics and needs of the CWR or LR being conserved and then
assess which combination of techniques offers the most appropriate option to
maintain genetic diversity. Hawkes et al. (2000) suggested that to formulate the
conservation strategy, the conservationist may also need to address not only
genetic questions but also the practical and political ones:
• What are the species’ storage characteristics?
• What do we know about the species’ breeding system?
• Do we want to store the germplasm in the short, medium or long term?
• Where the germplasm is located and how accessible is it/does it need to be?
• Are there legal issues relating to access?
• How good is the infrastructure of the gene bank?
• What back-up is necessary/desirable?
• How might the resource be best exploited?
Given answers to these questions, the appropriate combination of techniques to
conserve the CWR or LR can then be applied in a pragmatic and balanced manner.
Option 8 – Conservation or conservation linked to use
Historically, there have been two camps of thought in biodiversity conservation—
those who see conservation as an end in its self (e.g., see McNeely and Guruswamy
1998) and those who believe there should be a direct and intimate link between
conservation and use (humans conserve diversity because they wish to exploit it)
(Maxted et al. 1997c). This utilitarian concept is fundamental to PGRFA
conservation where the goal is to ensure that the maximum possible genetic
diversity of CWR or LR diversity is maintained and available for potential
Source: Maxted et al. (2012)
1.8 Local agrobiodiversity conservation
National management plans for CWR and LR conservation result in the systematic
representation of a nation’s CWR or LR diversity in a network of in situ
conservation or on-farm sites and, as a back-up measure, ex situ storage of
genetically representative population samples in national and/or local gene
banks. The implementation of the National plans at local level means that specific
decisions regarding in situ and ex situ conservation actions and techniques need
to be implemented locally and these will involve individual protected area/farmer
or gene bank manager actively promoting CWR/LR conservation within areas or
gene banks that they manage. A systematic, clear and constant dialogue and
coordination between the developers of the National management plans, national
agencies and local organisations (NGOs, farmers organisations, nature reserve
managers, etc.), is thus fundamental. Although ideal locations for CWR genetic
reserves or LR on-farm sites may have been identified at national level, there is an
obvious need to confirm on-site that not only the desired CWR/LR diversity is
actually present at the site, but also that there are enough economic and social
conditions to maintain and actively conserve them or that those conditions can be

A young boy walking on his family’s property at the edge of Rwanda’s

Volcanoes National Park (Photo: FAO)

The location and establishment of specific CWR in situ genetic reserves within the
existing national network of PAs is an ideal way forward given possible financial
constraints and the significant additional costs associated with the creation of new
PAs for CWR conservation. However the latter should not be excluded from
consideration, especially in countries with a limited existing PA network.
Determination of the actual number of specific genetic reserves will be directed by
science but will ultimately be pragmatic as it will be dictated by the financial
resources available for in situ conservation as well as governmental and regional
will. The practical implementation of the in situ genetic reserves within or outside
existing PAs should be addressed at policy level and a strong commitment should
be made. The National management plans for CWR and LR Conservation should
thus be integrated and linked to the GSPC (through the GSPC national focal
point), the ITPGRFA, the National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans
(NBSAPs)―the principal instruments for implementing the CBD at national level
(http://www.cbd.int/nbsap/)―and to the National Plant Conservation Strategies,
when existing. Whether CWR are conserved in situ within PAs or outside of them,
it is advisable that the sites have some form of legal protection to help prevent
sudden threats to conserved populations. On the other hand, local communities
living within the target sites where genetic reserves are to be implemented should
be actively involved so a holistic and thus efficient approach to conservation of
CWR is implemented. Awareness of National management plans for CWR and LR
conservation should be raised among the different stakeholders. These can take
the form of local community conservation (training) workshops. Agreements with
private owners (e.g. tax incentives) could be made, not only to ensure CWR are
properly managed but also to recognise the local communities’ role in conserving
such a valuable resource.

Community training workshop (Photo L.B.Nilsen)

Regarding LR diversity, the implementation of on-farm conservation priorities

may be quite challenging. The following steps will need to be taken: (i) Find out
whether the target farmers have socio-economic conditions to maintain LR, (ii)
Reformulate the in situ conservation goals (if needed), (iii) Integrate on-farm
priorities with national/international agri-environmental schemes, (iv) Convince
farmers to use and maintain LR, (v) Find out whether the priority target on-farm
sites occur within formal PAs, (vi) Ensure local crop diversity exists in sufficient
quantities within the production systems, (vii) Ensure local crop diversity is
accessible to farmers, (viii) Ensure local crop diversity is valued among farmers,
and (ix) Ensure farmers benefit from the use of local crop diversity (Jarvis et al.
In parallel to the establishment of the in situ priorities, there is also a need to
locate, sample, transfer and store ex situ samples of priority CWR and LR. Ex situ
conservation should not only provide a back-up or complementary mode of
conservation, but also provide a practical means of access for the germplasm user
community; therefore, even if populations are adequately conserved in situ they
should be duplicated ex situ for the benefit of the germplasm user community.
Practically, the numbers of examples of local communities actually using CWR
and/or LR diversity in their crop maintenance systems may be limited but as with
in situ conservation, the local communities living within the target sites where
collections are to be made should be actively involved and where these
communities do use this diversity, the germplasm should also be maintained in
local community gene banks. It is vital to establish community seed banks so local
CWR/LR diversity is promoted and efficiently utilised. Community seed banks
aim at identifying important traditional varieties and orienting the agricultural
community towards conserving and cultivating them. These community seed
banks have a vital role in ensuring food security especially in arid or semi-arid
lands were food is short after extended periods of drought. Therefore, in a global
change scenario where climatic changes are already happening, community seed
banks are of utmost importance.

Community seed bank, India (Photo: Unknown)

1.9 Policy drivers of agrobiodiversity conservation and use

There are numerous drivers of policy change with regard to the conservation and
use of agrobiodiversity:
 The intrinsic value of CWR and LR to safeguard food security, especially in a
climate change scenario.
 The direct use of LR, especially to subsistence or marginal agriculture and poor
communities, and indirect use as a potential source of novel genetic diversity
for breeding.
 The indirect use of CWR for the improvement of crop varieties better adapted
to changing environments (e.g., pest and disease resistance, temperature
resistance, higher and more stable yield) and to meet consumer demands. In
fact, Pimentel et al. (1997) estimated that the contribution of agrobiodiversity to
yield increase is about 30% of production and that a significant amount of this
is due to wide crosses with wild accessions. As an example, in the 1970s the US
maize crop was severely threatened by corn blight which destroyed almost US$
1,000 million worth of maize and reduced yields by as much as 50% in 1978
(FAO 2005). Blight resistant genes from Mexican maize CWR were used to
solve this problem (Prance 1997).
 Improving food quality and for medicinal purposes. CWR have been utilised to
donate genes coding for higher nutritional value (e.g., the introduction of genes
for higher protein content in wheat―Khan et al. 2000) and for increased
medicinal qualities (e.g., high levels of anti-cancer compounds in broccoli have
been produced with genes from wild Brassica oleracea L.―Hodgkin and Hajjar
 The national economic benefits and wealth creation that arise from: (i) the
creation of new niche markets based on the use of LR and traditional products
manufactured with LR, (ii) the industry development based on the large scale
(and possibly international) commercialization of new improved varieties, (iii)
the eco-tourism development based on the conservation and sustainable
utilisation of PGRFA.
 The reduced probability of economic losses with crops that fail to adapt to
changing environments, potentially reducing production and insurance costs,
and ultimately increasing the GDP or reducing foreign dependency.
 The environmental sustainability and social development that results from the
active conservation and sustainable utilisation of PGRFA.
 The public opinion which forces governments to take action.
 The international recognition of a “Green economy” approach.
 The international obligations towards reaching the GSPC targets for 2020
(namely target 9, CBD 2010a), the Aichi targets of the CBD Strategic Plan
(namely target 13, CBD 2010b) and the UN Millennium Development Goals
(www.un.org/millenniumgoals/) in eradicating extreme poverty and hunger.
1.10 Aim and users of the resource book
In this Resource book we address the issue of how a systematic approach to CWR
and LR conservation can be realized by nations, emphasizing the need to integrate
local and global levels of implementation. The book is intended to help countries
develop national management plans for CWR and LR conservation by following a
series of basic steps:
 Creation of inventories;
 Prioritization for conservation action;
 Genetic data analysis;
 Ecogeographic surveying;
 Gap analysis;
 Establishment and implementation of in situ and ex situ conservation goals;
 Monitoring of diversity conserved;
 Promoting the use of diversity;
 Data management.

It is important to stress there is no single method for developing strategic plans

for CWR and LR conservation because of issues concerning resource and baseline
biodiversity data availability, the local community where the plan is to be
implemented, as well as the focal area and remit of the agencies which are
responsible for formulating and implementing it. Nevertheless, the process of
developing national plans for conservation and use of CWRs and LRs can be
viewed as a series of decisions and actions that follow the same basic pattern in all
countries. The resource book should be viewed as a framework and guide for
developing such plans, bearing in mind that the suggested steps do not
necessarily have to follow the same predefined order, but developed and
implemented within the confines of the available data and resources.

The Resource book is designed primarily for use by developing countries with
limited resources and knowledge on their CWR and LR diversity and how to
conserve it. The different groups of users may include agencies responsible for
planning and implementing national plans, such as the national agricultural or
environmental agencies; NGOs (e.g. farmers’ organizations), local institutions
(e.g. gene banks, universities, research institutes), and individual scientists.

1.11 How to use the Resource book

The Toolkit is designed for the user as a sequential but flexible process that
culminates in the production of a National CWR or LR Conservation Plan.
Nevertheless, it is possible to enter through several entry points.

Define target taxa

Crop wild relatives (CWR) CWR + LR Landraces (LR)

Section A Section B

e.g. National inventory

• Current status
• Overview of the methodology
• Examples and applied use
• List of rteferences used to compile the text
• Additional materials and resources

Figure 4 Schematic view of how the resource book can be used.

 The first decision the user needs to make regarding the target species is
whether the user wants to develop a national management plan for conservation of
CWRs or LRs, or for both.
 From there, the Resource book is divided into two main sections: section A for
CWR and section B for LR.
Each of these main sections is then divided into sub-sections which are related to
the different steps needed to develop a national management plan for the target
groups (e.g. National CWR checklist and inventory).

 Each sub-section generally starts with “Overview”, followed by “Overview of

the methodology”, “Examples and applied use”, “List of references used to compile
the text” and “Additional materials and resources”.
 “Overview” provides a brief explanation of that sub-section, sometimes
highlighting some of the developments in that particular area. It also gives a
flowchart that may take the form of an expert system (composed of a series of
yes/no questions) that helps the user move through the various steps and helps
choose which options are more adequate given a particular national context.
 “Methodology” provides a thorough description of the methodology suggested
in order to undertake that particular step in the process of developing a national
 “Examples and applied use” makes reference to case studies where key steps
have been applied.
 “List of references used to compile the text” is the list of references used in the
preparation of the text.
 “Additional materials and resources” includes extra information (books,
scientific papers, grey literature, PowerPoint presentation, software, relevant
projects, and web links) (see the icons used below) that not only provide the user
with extra practical examples but also help them to visualise and understand how
to undertake that particular step; it is generally divided into different topics.
 Books, scientific papers, grey literature.
 PowerPoint presentations.
WW Web links.
 Software, informatics tools.
 Projects.
1.12 Additional resources
General references:
Heywood VH and Dulloo ME (2005) In situ conservation of wild plant
 species – a critical global review of good practices. IPGRI Technical
Bulletin No. 11. IPGRI, Rome.
Hopkins JJ and Maxted N (2010) Crop Wild Relatives: Plant conservation
for food security. Natural England Research Reports, Number 037. Natural
England, Sheffield. Available from:

ocuments/NaturalEnglandResearchReportNERR037.pdf [Accessed March
Hunter D and Heywood V (eds.) (2011) Crop wild relatives, a manual of in
situ conservation. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Earthscan, London.
Available from:

_full.pdf [Accessed March 2012] (available in English and French).
Maxted N (2003) Conserving the genetic resources of crop wild relatives

in European Protected Areas. Biological Conservation 113(3): 411-417.
Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd B and Hawkes JG (1997) Plant Genetic

Conservation. The In Situ Approach. Chapman and Hall, London.
Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo J, Dulloo E, Turok J (eds)
 (2008) Crop wild relative conservation and use. CAB International
Sammour RH (1993) The strategy of conservation of genetic resources.
Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 6(1): 52-55 Available from:

ocuments/Sammour.pdf [Accessed March 2012].
University of Birmingham (2003‒2012) Crop wild relative. Available from:
www.pgrforum.org/Publications.htm (Issues 1‒5),

www.cwrsg.org/Publications/Newsletters/index.asp (Issues 6 and 7) and
www.pgrsecure.org/publications (Issue 8‒) [Accessed May 2012].
Kell SP, Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Hilton-Taylor C, Pollock C and Strahm
W (2004) Crop wild relatives: a vital resource for a sustainable future.
Poster presentation given at the 3rd IUCN World Conservation Congress,

Bangkok, Thailand, November 2004 [Available from:
pdf [Accessed March 2012].
Holubec V and Vymyslický T (2008) Conservation of Biodiversity –
 hovering between agriculture and botany. IUCN World Conservation
Congress, Species Survival Commission, Barcelona, 5-14 October (poster).
Crop Wild Relatives Global Portal: http://www.cropwildrelatives.org/. The
Portal currently offers access to: CWR National Inventories developed
WW and maintained by the countries that make them available to the portal,
W external datasets containing important information on CWR, image
archive, publications, training resources, and list of experts and
institutions working for CWR conservation.
CWR In Situ Strategy Helpdesk. An Integrated European In Situ
WW Management Work Plan: Implementing Genetic Reserves and On-farm
W Concepts (AEGRO). Available from:
http://aegro.jki.bund.de/aegro/index.php?id=188 [Accessed May 2012].
eLearning Modules for the in situ conservation of CWR:
WISM-GPA (http://www.pgrfa.org/gpa/selectcountry.jspx), the world
information sharing mechanism on the implementation of the Global Plan
of Action (GPA) for plant genetic resources for food and agriculture
(PGRFA) provides access to National Mechanisms' portals and databases
on conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA.
PGR Secure Crop Wild Relative and Landrace Conservation Helpdesk.
Available at: www.pgrsecure.org/helpdesk [Accessed July 2012]. Provides
www technical assistance through the provision of resources and tools, as well
as one-to-one advice on all aspects the CWR and LR conservation strategy
planning process. This facility will be available until August 2014.
Regional/national biodiversity conservation strategies that refer to CWR
The Global Crop Diversity Trust (2008) Regional strategy for the
conservation, replenishment and use of plant genetic resources for food
and agriculture in Central Asia and the Caucasus for the period until 2015.

Available from:
.pdf [Accessed May 2012].
Zehni MS (2006) Towards a regional strategy for the conservation of plant
genetic resources in: West Asia and North Africa (WANA). The Global
 Crop Diversity Trust, CWANA-IPGRI, ICARDA pp. 22. Available from:
http://www.aarinena.org/aarinena/documents/Strategy.pdf [Accessed
May 2012].
Davidson CG (2008) Towards a rational Hemispheric Conservation
Strategy for plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in the
 America’s. V FORAGRO, Montevideo, Uruguay, July 2008. Available from:
8/CDavidson.pdf [Accessed May 2012].
WW Ireland’s National Plant Conservation Strategy. Available from:
W http://www.botanicgardens.ie/gspc/inspc.htm [Accessed May 2012].
National CWR conservation:
Avagyan A (2008) Crop wild relatives in Armenia: diversity, legislation
and conservation issues. In: Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo J,

Dulloo E and Turok J (eds.) Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use.
CABI Publishing, Wallingford. pp. 58-66.
Codd RB (2005) Conservation action planning for UK crop wild relatives.
A thesis presented to the Faculty of Science of the University of
Birmingham in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of
 Master of Research in Conservation Biology and Plant Genetics. Available
s_Thesis.pdf [Accessed March 2012].
Korpelainen H, Takaluoma S, Pohjamo M and Helenius J (2008) Diversity
and conservation needs of crop wild relatives in Finland. In: Maxted N,
 Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo JM, Dulloo ME and Turok J (eds) Crop
Wild Relative Conservation and Use. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp.
Maxted N, Scholten MA, Codd R and Ford-Lloyd BV (2007) Creation and
 use of a national inventory of crop wild relatives. Biological Conservation
140: 142-159.
Smekalova T (2008) National crop wild relative in situ conservation
strategy for Russia. In Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Dulloo ME,

Iriondo J and Turok J (eds) Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use.
CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 143-151.
Smekalova TN and Chukhina IG (2005) Main aspects of the development
of CWR in situ conservation strategy for Russia. Available from:
 &sqi=2&ved=0CCoQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pgrforum.org%2FDoc
ad=rja [Accessed May 2012].
Khoury C, Greene S and Castañeda N P (2011) Initial steps towards a
national conservation strategy for crop wild relatives in the United States.
 Poster presented at Botanical Society of America Conference, St. Louis,
Missouri, July 9 - 13, 2011. Poster presentation available from:
Maxted N, Scholten M, Codd R, Dulloo E, Fitzgerald H, Hirano R,
Hargreaves S, Osborne J, Magos Brehm J, Kell S, Ford-Lloyd BV (2005)

Developing a national strategy for crop wild relative conservation: a case-
study for the UK.

 Maxted N, Scholten M, Codd R, Dulloo E, Fitzgerald H, Hirano R,

Hargreaves S, Osborne J, Magos Brehm J, Kell S, Ford-Lloyd BV (2005)
Developing a national strategy for crop wild relative conservation: a case-
study for the UK with implication for Oman. Available from:
%20UK%20Case%20Study%20for%20Oman.pdf [Accessed May 2012].
Magos Brehm J, Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Martins-Loução MA (2008)
Conservation strategy for Crop Wild Relatives and Wild Harvested Plants
in Portugal. Scientific workshop commemorating the 130 years of the

Botanical Garden of the National Museum of Natural History (University
of Lisbon): Conservation and Biodiversity – the role of the Botanic
Gardens. 11 de November, Lisbon, Portugal.
Magos Brehm J, Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Martins-Loução MA (2007)
 AEGRO and genetic reserves methodologies: 2 - National approach. First
meeting of the AEGRO project. 2-3 November, Evershot (UK).
Magos Brehm J, Martins-Loução MA, Maxted N and Ford-Lloyd BV (2006)
Estabelecimento de prioridades para a conservação de recursos
 fitogenéticos silvestres em Portugal. Centro de Ecologia e Biologia
Vegetal, Reunião Annual: How do environmental changes affect
vegetation patterns? 16-17 February, Lisbon (Portugal) (in Portuguese).
Global CWR conservation:
Maxted N and Kell S (2009) Establishment of a Network for the In situ
Conservation of Crop Wild Relatives: Status and Needs. Commission on
Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Food and Agriculture

Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 211 pp.
Maxted N, White K, Valkoun J, Konopka J and Hargreaves S (2008)
 Towards a conservation strategy for Aegilops species. Plant Genetic
Resource: Characterization and Utilization 6(2): 126-141.

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Amri A, Monzer M, Al-Oqla A, Atawneh N, Shehadeh A and Konopka J (2008b)
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A.1. Introduction

What are crop wild relatives?

Crop wild relatives (CWR) are taxa closely related to crops and are defined by their potential
ability to contribute beneficial traits for crop improvement; for example, to confer resistance
to pests and diseases, improve tolerance to environmental conditions such as extreme
temperatures, drought and flooding, and to improve nutrition, flavour, colour, texture and
handling qualities . A working definition of a CWR based on the Gene Pool concept or, in the
absence of crossing and genetic diversity information, the Taxon Group concept1, has been
‘‘A crop wild relative is a wild plant taxon that has an indirect use derived from its relatively
close genetic relationship to a crop; this relationship is defined in terms of the CWR belonging
to gene pools 1 or 2, or taxon groups 1 to 4 of the crop’’.

Pyrus salicifolia Pall., a wild relative of pear (P. pyraster Burgsd.), in Naxcıvan,
Azerbaijan. This species grows in very dry and rocky areas; in some places the
seeds of P. salicifolia are used to obtain the rootstock for local varieties of pears
(photo: Mirza Musayev).

Genetic erosion is a key problem for CWR. What is genetic erosion?

Genetic erosion is a fundamental problem for CWR and has been referred to in the
literature as the permanent reduction in richness (total number of alleles) or
evenness (i.e. spread of allelic diversity)3 of common local alleles, or the loss of
combinations of alleles over time in a defined area4. Genetic erosion can affect
wild populations conserved in situ and ex situ collections (i.e. when the ex situ
collection goes through the regeneration process and are inadvertently selected to

Ford‐Lloyd (2006)
Maxted and Guarino (2006)


suit the regeneration site). It is important to distinguish genetic changes that are
detrimental to populations from the ‘normal’ background levels of change4. Any
loss of genetic erosion means the individual is less likely to be able to adapt to
their changing environment and means potentially useful traits are unavailable to
the breeder.

Why are CWR threatened?

There are numerous factors that negatively impact wild plant populations
resulting in genetic erosion, and potentially eventual loss (extinction) of taxa
(varieties, subspecies, and species).
The main factors that contribute to the genetic erosion of CWR diversity include:
 Expansion of the human population (which leads to the unequal and
unsustainable use of natural resources, and is the basis of all other threats);
 Climate change which is expected to directly affect the cropping patterns and
extinction of wild plant species, particularly in drier regions where certain CWR
may already be at the edge of their distribution;
 Habitat destruction, degradation, homogenisation and fragmentation;
 Changes in agricultural practices, soil and land use;
 Use of pesticides and herbicides;
 Over-exploitation (excessive extraction from the wild of timber, fuel wood,
medicinal and horticultural plants, overgrazing, excessive tourism, etc.);
 Introduction of exotic species (weeds, pests and diseases that compete with,
hybridise with, cause physical or biological damage to, or kill native species);
 Natural calamities (floods, landslides, soil erosion, etc.);
 Lack of education and awareness of the importance of CWR and the need to
conserve them;
 War and political instability;
 Lack of conservation action for CWR;
 Environmental mismanagement.

Habitat of Beta macrocarpa Guss (a wild relative of beet, B. vulgaris L.) in Ria
Formosa (Portugal), negatively affected by short and long term threats. Short-term
threats include changes in the hidrological regime and the sediments dynamics
associated with it, as well as habitat destruction caused by tourism infrastructure,
leisure and recreational sailing. Long-term threats include sea level rise and
intense and long storms which may cause the disruption and destruction of the
barrier islands of the lagoon system where the habitat occurs (photo: Maria
Cristina Duarte).

What are the practical consequences of CWR genetic erosion?

 A decline in the short- to medium-term viability of individuals and populations;
 A reduction in the evolutionary potential of populations and species;
 Loss of genetic diversity implies inability to adapt to the changing
environmental conditions;
 A decrease in the availability of genes and alleles in providing microhabitat
adaptation, disease and pest resistance, yield enhancement traits, etc., for future
exploitation (e.g. to develop better or newly adapted varieties) which will
restrict breeders options and have a necessary impact on future food security.

Why do CWRs need a National management plan for conservation?

CWR are unique resources for food security and are increasingly used for crop
development and improvement5. However, they are becoming more threatened
and are therefore suffering from genetic erosion. A coordinated, systematic and
integrated in situ and ex situ approach to CWR conservation is essential to secure
these critical resources. This is best practically implemented via national
conservation plans because each nation is responsible for the conservation and
sustainable use of the natural resources within its political boundaries and as such
conservation is predominantly organised on a national basis. The national
management plan for CWR conservation, as mentioned in Chapter 1, may be
prepared using a floristic or monographic approach; the floristic approach uses as
its basis the entire flora of the country and from this identifies the CWR present,
while the monographic approach uses a list of the country’s crop and that is
matched against the flora to identify the CWR present. The national management
plan for CWR conservation should combine at regional and eventually global level
into a coordinated holistic approach to ensure that the most important CWR
resources are conserved and available for use for crop improvement.

What are the general goals of a National management plan for

conservation of CWRs?
A National management plan for conservation of CWRs aims at the long-term
active conservation of the country’s CWR taxonomic and genetic diversity, while
at the same time promoting its use because experience has shown that through
use comes conservation sustainability. Specifically with reference to in situ CWR
conservation, once in situ CWR conservation sites (genetic reserves and informal
in situ conservation sites) are established, they can be grouped into a coherent

See Hajjar and Hodgkin (2007) and Maxted and Kell (2009) for reviews.
national network and provide an opportunity to monitor and assess short and long
term changes in CWR diversity. This would help in addressing the CBD Strategic
Plan6. Also, more specifically, the decision X/2 of the COP 10 (Nagoya, Japan,
October 2010), to facilitate the assessment of progress towards the 2020 targets,
“the genetic diversity of cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals
and of wild relatives, including other socio-economically as well as culturally
valuable species” have been recognised as important elements of biodiversity to
maintain “and [by 2020] strategies have been developed and implemented for
minimizing genetic erosion and safeguarding their genetic diversity“. A network
of national CWR in situ CWR conservation sites would provide a unique
opportunity to assess and meet this CBD 2020 target.

A.1.1. List of references used to compile the text

Brown A, Young A, Burdon J, Christides L, Clarke G, Coates D and Sherwin W
(1997) Genetic indicators for state of the environment reporting. State of the
Environment Technical Paper Series (Environmental Indicators), Department
of Environment, Sport and Territories, Canberra ACT, Australia.
Goméz‐Campo C (Coordinator) (1987) Libro Rojo de Especies Vegetales
Amenazadas de España Peninsular e Islas Baleares. ICONA, Madrid.
Hajjar R and Hodgkin T (2007) The use of wild relatives in crop improvement: a
survey of developments over the last 20 years. Euphytica (1‐2): 1‐13.
Janetos AC (1997) Do we still need Nature? The Importance of Biological
Diversity. Consequences 3(1).
Jeffries MJ (1997) Biodiversity and conservation. Routledge Introductions to
Environment Series. Routledge, Wolverhampton.
Maxted N and Guarino L (2006) “Genetic erosion and genetic pollution of crop
wild relatives.” In Ford-Lloyd BV, Dias SR and Bettencourt E (Eds) Genetic
Erosion and Pollution Assessment Methodologies. Proceedings of PGR Forum
Workshop 5, Terceira Island, Autonomous Region of the Azores, Portugal, 8–11
September 2004, pp. 35–45. Published on behalf of the European Crop Wild
Relative Diversity Assessment and Conservation Forum, by Bioversity
International, Rome, Italy. 100 pp. Available from:
s/1171.pdf [Accessed May 2012].
Maxted N and Kell S (2009) Establishment of a Network for the In situ
Conservation of Crop Wild Relatives: Status and Needs. Commission on
Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations.
OECD (Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development) (1996) Saving
biological diversity. Economic incentives. OECD Publishing, London.
Primack RB (2001) “Causes of extinction.” In Levin SA (Ed) Encyclopaedia of
Biodiversity. Vol. 2. Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 697‐713.

CBD (2010b)
Stedman‐Edwards P (2000) “Main findings and conclusions of the Root Causes
project.” In Wood A, Stedman‐Edwards P and Mang J (Eds) The Root Causes of
Biodiversity Loss. Earthscan Publications Ltd, London and Sterling, pp. 58‐79.
WCMC (World Conservation Monitoring Centre) (1992) Global Biodiversity:
Status of the Earth’s Living Resources. Chapman and Hall, London.

A.1.2. Additional materials and resources

General references on CWR:
Harlan J and de Wet J (1971) Towards a rational classification of

cultivated plants. Taxon 20: 509‐517.
Hunter D and Heywood VH (eds) (2011) Crop Wild Relatives, A Manual of
 In Situ Conservation. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Earthscan,
Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo J, Dulloo E and Turok J (eds)
 (2008) Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use. CAB International,
Maxted N, Dulloo ME, Ford-Lloyd BV, Frese L, Iriondo JM, Pinheiro de
Carvalho MAA (eds) (2012) Agrobiodiversity conservation: securing the

diversity of crop wild relatives and landraces. CAB International,
Crop Wild Relatives Global Portal: http://www.cropwildrelatives.org/
WW Crop Wild Relatives Discussion Group:
W http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/CropWildRelativesGroup/
Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog: http://agro.biodiver.se/
Diverseeds Documentary Film. Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture: http://www.diverseeds.eu/index.php?page=video (shows the

importance of agricultural biodiversity for food and agriculture, with
astonishing pictures from Europe and Asia)
Unlocking the secrets of Crop Wild Relatives:

A.2. National CWR Conservation planning – an overview

What is a National management plan for CWR conservation?

A document that setsout a coordinated, systematic and integrated approach to the in situ
and ex situ conservation of a particular country’s CWR diversity; that not only evaluates
current conservation actions and establishes future CWR conservation objectives, but also
reviews the resources required to implement conservations, attributes responsibilities and
sets CWR conservation action in the broader environmental and agricultural policy context.

Given the CWR diversity present, the available data, the financial and human
resources allocated to conservation, as well as the different levels of commitment
by national agencies and governments, the formulation and implementation of a
National management plan for CWR conservation will differ from country to
country. Nevertheless, there are likely to be common elements in the development
of a national plan of this kind that comprise a series of steps aiming at successful
conservation of CWR diversity. These steps are:
(i) Preparation of a national CWR checklist (list of CWR taxa) and inventory7
(list of CWR taxa with ancillary information): prepare a national inventory of
the country’s CWR diversity (floristic approach), or alternatively, an
inventory of CWR in priority crop gene pools found within a country
(monographic approach).
(ii) Prioritization of national CWR: prioritise the national CWR inventory to
focus conservation resources on the most important taxa; typically, species
will be prioritized on the basis of the food security and economic importance
of the related crop, the degree of relationship of the wild relative to the crop,
and relative level of threat.
(iii) Ecogeographic diversity analysis of priority CWR: collate and analyse the
available geographic, ecological and taxonomic data for priority CWR.
(iv) Genetic diversity analysis of priority CWR: collate genetic data for priority
CWR or, if unavailable, carry out novel genetic analysis.
(v) Threat assessment of priority CWR: identify threats that affect priority CWR
diversity, be aware of previous threat assessment and undertake novel threat
assessment for individual species that have not previously been assessed or
their assessments are out of date due to the availability of new data.
(vi) Gap analysis: identify in situ and ex situ conservation gaps.
(vii) Formulation of the National management plan: establish and implement in
situ and ex situ conservation goals and actions.
(viii) Monitoring of conservation status: ensure that the conservation actions are
maintaining target CWR diversity, either by monitoring in situ CWR
conservation sites, and possibly changing the population management if

Note: in this document we distinguish between a checklist and an inventory; checklist is used for the
list of CWR names alone and inventory for when more meaningful data has been added to the initial
checklist. We also distinguish between a full inventory (all CWR species) and a partial or prioritised
inventory (subset of CWR species).
diversity is decreasing, and monitoring if in situ diversity has changing
sufficiently to warrant further ex situ sampling.
(ix) Promotion of the use of CWR: make available characterisation and
evaluation data to the potential user community to facilitate its sustainable
The conclusion of this process is the National management plan for CWR
conservation which identifies key sites for in situ conservation of CWR and
diversity under-represented in ex situ collections. The National management plan
should include provisions for the utilization of conserved CWR diversity by plant
breeders, researchers and other potential users.

Figure 5 summarises the model for the development of a National management

plan for CWR conservation as well as the link to international legislation,
strategies, habitat and species conservation plans and the utilisation of CWR
diversity by traditional or local, professional and general users for research,
education, and breeding activities. As well as meeting national CWR conservation
needs and national development schemes, policies and strategies, it is important
that the National management plan is integrated with other international
strategies and legislation.

National botanical diversity National/global crop diversity

Integration with
international legislation,

strategies, habitat and

National CWR checklist species conservation plans

Prioritization of CWR diversity for Integration with other

active conservation national strategies,
policies and schemes

Taxonomic and ecogeographic Genetic diversity Threat assessment of

diversity analysis of priority CWR analysis of priority CWR

In situ gap analysis Ex situ gap analysis

Establishment of CWR conservation goals


In situ actions
Network of CWR National CWR
genetic reserves Ex situ actions conservation
Implementation of CWR strategy
conservation goals
Systematic ex situ
CWR conservation

Traditional, general and professional utilisation Research and education

Figure 5. Model for the development of a National management plan for CWR conservation


A.2.1. Additional materials and resources
General references:
Heywood VH and Dulloo ME (2005) In situ conservation of wild plant
 species – a critical global review of good practices. IPGRI Technical
Bulletin No. 11. IPGRI, Rome.
Hopkins JJ and Maxted N (2010) Crop Wild Relatives: Plant conservation
for food security. Natural England Research Reports, Number 037. Natural
England, Sheffield. Available from:

ocuments/NaturalEnglandResearchReportNERR037.pdf [Accessed March
Hunter D and Heywood V (eds.) (2011) Crop wild relatives, a manual of in
situ conservation. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Earthscan, London.
Available from:

_full.pdf [Accessed March 2012] (available in English and French).
Maxted N (2003) Conserving the genetic resources of crop wild relatives

in European Protected Areas. Biological Conservation 113(3): 411-417.
Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd B and Hawkes JG (1997) Plant Genetic

Conservation. The In Situ Approach. Chapman and Hall, London.
Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo J, Dulloo E, Turok J (eds)
 (2008) Crop wild relative conservation and use. CAB International
Sammour RH (1993) The strategy of conservation of genetic resources.
Journal of Islamic Academy of Sciences 6(1): 52-55 Available from:

ocuments/Sammour.pdf [Accessed March 2012].
University of Birmingham (2003‒2012) Crop wild relative. Available from:
www.pgrforum.org/Publications.htm (Issues 1‒5),

www.cwrsg.org/Publications/Newsletters/index.asp (Issues 6 and 7) and
www.pgrsecure.org/publications (Issue 8‒) [Accessed May 2012].
Kell SP, Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Hilton-Taylor C, Pollock C and Strahm
W (2004) Crop wild relatives: a vital resource for a sustainable future.
Poster presentation given at the 3rd IUCN World Conservation Congress,

Bangkok, Thailand, November 2004 [Available from:
pdf [Accessed March 2012].
Holubec V and Vymyslický T (2008) Conservation of Biodiversity –
 hovering between agriculture and botany. IUCN World Conservation
Congress, Species Survival Commission, Barcelona, 5-14 October (poster).
WW Crop Wild Relatives Global Portal: http://www.cropwildrelatives.org/. The
W Portal currently offers access to: CWR National Inventories developed


and maintained by the countries that make them available to the portal,
external datasets containing important information on CWR, image
archive, publications, training resources, and list of experts and
institutions working for CWR conservation.
CWR In Situ Strategy Helpdesk. An Integrated European In Situ
WW Management Work Plan: Implementing Genetic Reserves and On-farm
W Concepts (AEGRO). Available from:
http://aegro.jki.bund.de/aegro/index.php?id=188 [Accessed May 2012].
eLearning Modules for the in situ conservation of CWR:
WISM-GPA (http://www.pgrfa.org/gpa/selectcountry.jspx), the world
information sharing mechanism on the implementation of the Global Plan
of Action (GPA) for plant genetic resources for food and agriculture
(PGRFA) provides access to National Mechanisms' portals and databases
on conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA.
PGR Secure Crop Wild Relative and Landrace Conservation Helpdesk.
Available at: www.pgrsecure.org/helpdesk [Accessed July 2012]. Provides
www technical assistance through the provision of resources and tools, as well
as one-to-one advice on all aspects the CWR and LR conservation strategy
planning process. This facility will be available until August 2014.
Regional/national biodiversity conservation strategies that refer to CWR
The Global Crop Diversity Trust (2008) Regional strategy for the
conservation, replenishment and use of plant genetic resources for food
and agriculture in Central Asia and the Caucasus for the period until 2015.

Available from:
.pdf [Accessed May 2012].
Zehni MS (2006) Towards a regional strategy for the conservation of plant
genetic resources in: West Asia and North Africa (WANA). The Global
 Crop Diversity Trust, CWANA-IPGRI, ICARDA pp. 22. Available from:
http://www.aarinena.org/aarinena/documents/Strategy.pdf [Accessed
May 2012].
Davidson CG (2008) Towards a rational Hemispheric Conservation
Strategy for plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in the
 America’s. V FORAGRO, Montevideo, Uruguay, July 2008. Available from:
8/CDavidson.pdf [Accessed May 2012].
WW Ireland’s National Plant Conservation Strategy. Available from:
W http://www.botanicgardens.ie/gspc/inspc.htm [Accessed May 2012].
National CWR conservation:

 Avagyan A (2008) Crop wild relatives in Armenia: diversity, legislation

and conservation issues. In: Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo J,
Dulloo E and Turok J (eds.) Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use.
CABI Publishing, Wallingford. pp. 58-66.
Codd RB (2005) Conservation action planning for UK crop wild relatives.
A thesis presented to the Faculty of Science of the University of
Birmingham in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of
 Master of Research in Conservation Biology and Plant Genetics. Available
s_Thesis.pdf [Accessed March 2012].
Korpelainen H, Takaluoma S, Pohjamo M and Helenius J (2008) Diversity
and conservation needs of crop wild relatives in Finland. In: Maxted N,
 Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo JM, Dulloo ME and Turok J (eds) Crop
Wild Relative Conservation and Use. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp.
Maxted N, Scholten MA, Codd R and Ford-Lloyd BV (2007) Creation and
 use of a national inventory of crop wild relatives. Biological Conservation
140: 142-159.
Smekalova T (2008) National crop wild relative in situ conservation
strategy for Russia. In Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Dulloo ME,

Iriondo J and Turok J (eds) Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use.
CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 143-151.
Smekalova TN and Chukhina IG (2005) Main aspects of the development
of CWR in situ conservation strategy for Russia. Available from:
 &sqi=2&ved=0CCoQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pgrforum.org%2FDoc
ad=rja [Accessed May 2012].
Khoury C, Greene S and Castañeda N P (2011) Initial steps towards a
national conservation strategy for crop wild relatives in the United States.
 Poster presented at Botanical Society of America Conference, St. Louis,
Missouri, July 9 - 13, 2011. Poster presentation available from:
Maxted N, Scholten M, Codd R, Dulloo E, Fitzgerald H, Hirano R,
Hargreaves S, Osborne J, Magos Brehm J, Kell S, Ford-Lloyd BV (2005)

Developing a national strategy for crop wild relative conservation: a case-
study for the UK.
Maxted N, Scholten M, Codd R, Dulloo E, Fitzgerald H, Hirano R,
Hargreaves S, Osborne J, Magos Brehm J, Kell S, Ford-Lloyd BV (2005)
 Developing a national strategy for crop wild relative conservation: a case-
study for the UK with implication for Oman. Available from:
%20UK%20Case%20Study%20for%20Oman.pdf [Accessed May 2012].

Magos Brehm J, Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Martins-Loução MA (2008)

Conservation strategy for Crop Wild Relatives and Wild Harvested Plants
in Portugal. Scientific workshop commemorating the 130 years of the

Botanical Garden of the National Museum of Natural History (University
of Lisbon): Conservation and Biodiversity – the role of the Botanic
Gardens. 11 de November, Lisbon, Portugal.
Magos Brehm J, Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Martins-Loução MA (2007)
 AEGRO and genetic reserves methodologies: 2 - National approach. First
meeting of the AEGRO project. 2-3 November, Evershot (UK).
Magos Brehm J, Martins-Loução MA, Maxted N and Ford-Lloyd BV (2006)
Estabelecimento de prioridades para a conservação de recursos
 fitogenéticos silvestres em Portugal. Centro de Ecologia e Biologia
Vegetal, Reunião Annual: How do environmental changes affect
vegetation patterns? 16-17 February, Lisbon (Portugal) (in Portuguese).
Global CWR conservation:
Maxted N and Kell S (2009) Establishment of a Network for the In situ
Conservation of Crop Wild Relatives: Status and Needs. Commission on
Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Food and Agriculture

Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 211 pp.
Maxted N, White K, Valkoun J, Konopka J and Hargreaves S (2008)
 Towards a conservation strategy for Aegilops species. Plant Genetic
Resource: Characterization and Utilization 6(2): 126-141.
A.3. National CWR checklist and inventory creation
A.3.1. Overview
What are a checklist and an inventory of crop wild relatives?
A national CWR checklist is simply a list of CWR taxa present in a country, while
an inventory is the list of CWR taxa present in a country with ancillary
information, such as: nomenclature, gene pool or taxon group concept applied,
biology, ecogeography, populations, uses, threats and conservation. Here we
deliberately distinguish between a checklist and an inventory to reflect the
content distinction but in the broader literature the two terms are confused. The
preparation of a national CWR checklist will normally precede an inventory of a
geographically defined area and both constitute the starting point for preparing a
National management plan for CWR conservation.

We need to know what exists, and where, to determine how we can conserve and
use it effectively. Plant checklists and inventories provide the baseline data
critical for biodiversity assessment and monitoring, as required by the Convention
on Biological Diversity (CBD) (CBD, 1992), the Global Strategy for Plant
Conservation (GSPC) (CBD, 2010a), the European Strategy for Plant Conservation
(ESPC) (Plantlife International and Council of Europe, 2008) and the International
Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) (FAO,
2001). CWR checklists and inventories provide the essential foundations for the
formulation of strategies for in situ and ex situ conservation and on the species’
current and potential uses as novel crops or gene donors. Further, checklists and
inventories provide the data needed for integrating CWR into existing
conservation initiatives and a means of organising information in a logical and
retrievable way, preventing duplication of effort when planning conservation.
They provide policy makers, conservation practitioners, plant breeders and other
user groups with a view of CWR species’ distributions and a means of prioritizing
conservation activities. CWR checklists and inventories also provide a basis for
monitoring biodiversity change internationally, by linking CWR information with
information on habitats, policy and legislation and climate change. They also
serve to highlight the breadth of CWR diversity available in the target area, which
may include important resources for CWR conservation and use in other parts of
the world.
There are numerous publications on inter- and intra-crop diversity, both at a
global and national level, but the study and report of the wild component of
PGRFA has been largely neglected, but in recent years the situation is improving.
The Second Report on the State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food
and Agriculture reported a substantial increase in the number of CWR national
inventories with 28 countries reporting relevant activities compared to only 4
countries in 1996. A few of these inventories comprise the entire CWR national
diversity (e.g. Portugal8, United Kingdom9) but most of them are limited to single
crop gene pools or small groups of species, or to certain regions within the

Magos Brehm et al. (2008)
Maxted et al. (2007)
countries. Despite this increase in the number of CWR national inventories, the
majority of countries still lack a coordinated and systematic inventory of their
CWR and this is mainly due to lack of financial and human resources, deficient
skills and knowledge, lack of coordination, unclear responsibilities and low
national priority, among other factors10.

Medicago media Pers., a wild relative of medicks (Medicago spp.) in a

protected area ion Malé Karpaty, Rozbehy (Slovakia) (photo: Pavol

The preparation of a CWR national inventory can be seen as a six stage process:
(i) Determine the geographical scope (if not national), (ii) Produce a digitised list
of national crop species, (iii) Produce a digitised list of national flora, (iv) Match
the crop genera against the floristic checklist and generate the checklist, (v)
Prioritise the checklist on those CWR that are to be actively conserved and add
extra information on each prioritised CWR to generate the inventory, and (vi)
Make the inventory available to users. These steps constitute the general
methodology, which is illustrated in
and described further below. The importance of creating an inventory of CWR at
national instead of regional within a country level should be emphasized, because
it provides the best foundation for developing a National management plan for
CWR conservation. However, this approach is not always an option due to
resource limitation at the time available to develop such a plan.

FAO (2009)
(whole country or region)

Can use existing data Obtain digitised list of global

to establish which crops
NO global crops are YES
cultivated in‐country
Determine the target
DIGITISED LIST OF crop gene pool / taxon
NATIONAL CROPS group concepts to be
Expert‐based approach + national
and international crop production
statistics + germplasm collections

Regional (multicountry) Obtain floral checklist of

inventory of CWR available? country


National Extract national Harmonise

Flora/checklist? species from taxonomy with
regional inventory national flora

Neighbouring country

Expert‐based approach + national (FLORA AGAINST CROPS)
and international statistics +
germplasm / herbaria collections

PRIORITISE NATIONAL CWR Validation by Draft national CWR




Figure 6. Overview of the creation of a national inventory of crop wild relatives


A.3.2. Methodology national CWR checklist and inventory creation
(i) Determine the geographic scope
Discuss and agree the geographic scope of the inventory (i.e., whether to cover the
whole country or a sub-national unit such as a region). CWR inventories of different
sub-national units in a country can eventually be compiled to create a national
CWR inventory.
(ii) Digitised list of national crops
Several sources may need to be consulted when compiling a list of crops grown in a
particular country or area, if that list is not previously available. Key sources are:
 Globally cultivated species publications (e.g., Mansfeld’s World Database of
Agricultural and Horticultural Crops);
 Regional or national crop checklists/agricultural statistics (e.g., EuroStat);
 Underutilised species/neglected crops lists;
 Individual crop studies;
 National, regional or international agricultural statistics (e.g., FAOSTAT);
 Expert consultation.
The scope of the inventory should be discussed and agreed with the various
stakeholder groups to decide the crops and therefore crop gene pools to be
 Whether to consider nationally cultivated crops only or to also include crops
cultivated in other parts of the world but with CWR that occur in the target country.
Given the high level of interdependence among countries with respect to the
conservation and use of PGRFA, it is highly advisable that all crops (nationally and
globally grown) are considered when preparing the inventory, as all countries
depend on CWR diversity that occurs in other countries for the improvement of
their crops.
 How broadly to define the crop scope of the inventory. Whether for example to
consider major food crops only or to include minor and underutilised crops, forage
and fodder crops, or even forestry, industrial, ornamental and medicinal crops.
 Whether introduced CWR will be included in the inventory. This is a pragmatic
decision based on these species’ importance in the development of national
economies. They can be included so the inventory is as comprehensive as possible
then assigned a lower priority in the later prioritization step.
At the completion of this stage there should be available a digitised list of the crops
that will be included in the inventory.

(iii) Digitised floristic checklist

This floristic checklist may be of two kinds either a complete national floristic
checklist or a partial floristic checklist based on the crops with native species
present in the country. The choice that will need to be discuss and agree by the
national stakeholders may at least partially be dependent on the availability of a
digitised flora, along with financial resources and human capacity to hand, if
available the complete national floristic checklist should be used, if not then a
partial floristic checklist may be created to cover all crop gene pools or a subset of


priority crop gene pools found in the country. Note existing complete national
floristic checklist are available for all European and Mediterranean countries but
are less common in other continents. These two alternative approaches may be
referred to as the:
 Floristic approach is used to produce inventories of all CWR that occur in a
geographically defined area. CWR inventories of different regions in a country
can eventually be compiled to create a national inventory of CWR.
 Monographic approach is used to produce an inventory of CWR of one or
several selected crop gene pools. The main difference from the floristic approach
is therefore the focused selection of particular target crop gene pools for which
the inventory is being developed.
In general, the more inclusive the inventory, the greater its use and the likelihood of
multiple studies is avoided; therefore, a broad geographic and crop scope is
recommended where possible. Nevertheless, the monographic approach may be
practical though inevitably its non-comprehensive nature may mean with time the
need to be repeated the exercise when sufficient resources are available for a more
comprehensive approach.
Where a regional11 CWR checklist exists, as in Europe, it may be filtered for a
specific country so generating the national CWR checklist. However, if using this
approach, it is important to harmonise the species names obtained from the
regional inventory with the existing national Flora/checklist: (a) consult national
floristic experts or target taxon specialists and review recent classifications of the
group published in revisions and monographs in order to decide which is the
appropriate classification to use, (b) collate all the published taxonomic data
available for the more obscure groups that may lack a recent revision or
monograph, (c) compile all the common synonyms of each taxa and convert all
population, accession or other source data to the name used by the accepted
classification to avoid nomenclatural confusion (but retaining the initial ascription
for reference).
Countries usually have some form of national floristic checklist or Flora. When
either of these is unavailable, it may be possible to use the Flora of a neighbouring
region (e.g. the Flora of Turkey lists many of the species found in Syria). However,
it then needs to be recognized that there may be taxa present in neighbouring
countries that are absent in the target country and vice versa. Alternatively, global
plant checklists can be used to extract wild species lists for each country.
When the methods above are not feasible or for countries where a digitized flora is
not available, an alternative approach based on the knowledge of crop experts and
taxonomists who define a list of important crops and a list of wild species within the
crop genera may be used. To achieve this: (a) arrange a stakeholder / expert
workshop, (b) agree a priority list of crops and known CWR of these crops found
within the country, and (c) complement this list of cultivated and wild species with
a germplasm and herbaria survey12 to ensure the list is as comprehensive as

Region is defined here as comprising different countries (e.g. Sub‐Saharan Africa, Mediterranean region)
rather than a sub‐unit within a country.
The sole use of germplasm/herbaria survey to create a CWR checklist can be misleading as some taxa might
not be represented in these collections; nevertheless it could form the basis for the checklist.
possible; the wild species included make the national CWR checklist. This route is a
more subjective and less comprehensive approach as some crops and CWR might
be missed but it is pragmatic if there is no alternative.
See the ‘Additional materials and resources’ for concrete references under each key

Trifolium aureum Pollich, a wild relative of clovers (Trifolium spp.), in Pribylina,

Slovakia (photo: René Hauptvogel).

(iv) Digitized matching of flora against crops

Once the digitised list of national crops and the complete or partial national
botanical checklist is available the genus name of the crop is matched digitally
against the genera found in a country and all the matching species are by
definition, when applying the generic definition of CWR, the national CWR
present13. This approach is comprehensive in that all possible CWR taxa are
objectively considered and the national CWR checklist is produced semi-
automated14. Once the draft national CWR checklist has been generated it should
be validate through consultation with appropriate floristic and monographic
experts in order to resolve minor errors and to engender stakeholder buy-in to the
See ‘Examples and applied use’ for few examples.

(v) Prioritisation and population of the CWR checklist

Having generated the national CWR checklist it will commonly be extensive,
including a relatively large number of CWR, especially if the generic definition of
CWR has been applied, so the next practical step will be to prioritise the checklist
to include a more manageable number of CWR that can be actively conserved with
the national resources and expertise available. However, some may prefer to
populate the entire checklist with ancillary information and then prioritise the
completed inventory at a subsequent stage. As there is a large literature on
prioritisation and much to consider the details of how to prioritise a CWR checklist

CWR are those taxa found in the same genus as a crop because they are, by definition, taxonomically closest to
that crop (Maxted et al., 2006).
If either the Flora/checklist or the list of crops is not digitised, it is advisable to digitise them and proceed with
the digital matching.
or CWR inventory will be discussed in the section (see A.4. Setting CWR
conservation priorities).
As mentioned above, the distinction between a CWR checklist and a CWR
inventory is based on additional information being added to the CWR name. By
adding further and relevant information to each CWR the checklist becomes
significantly more useful as the inventory. Additional information that may include
in an inventory is:
 Scientific name of the related crop
 Economic value of related crop
 Crop gene pool level/taxon group level15
 Uses/potential uses of the taxon as a gene donor
 Taxon description
 Critical taxonomic notes
 Synonyms
 Vernacular names
 Plant life-form16
 Chromosome number
 Ecology and habitat
 Flowering time
 Economic value of related crop
 Ethnobotanical Direct uses (i.e., not as a gene donor)
 Global and national distribution
 Threat category
 Ex situ and in situ conservation status
 Legislation applied
Users of the resource book are encouraged where possible to use existing data
recording standards, i.e. use where possible TDWG standards
(http://www.tdwg.org/standards/), and specifically in relation to CWR (see
http://pgrsecure.org/; http://www.cropwildrelatives.org/;

(vi) Make the CWR inventory available to users

The inventory should be made public and available to users, ideally via a web-
enabled database.

See A.1. Introduction for definitions and explanations.
The Raunkiær’s classification system of main plant life‐forms (Raunkiær 1934) includes: phanerophytes
(normally woody perennials with resting buds more than 25 cms above soil level), chamaephytes (buds on
persistent shoots near the ground, woody plants with perennating buds borne no more than 25 cms above soil
surface), hemicryptophytes (buds at the soil surface), cryptophytes (below ground or under water, with resting
buds lying either beneath the surface of the ground as a rhizome, bulb, corm, etc., or a resting bud submerged
under water; they are divided into: geophytes – resting in dry ground, helophytes – resting in marshy ground,
and hydrophytes – resting by being submerged under water), therophytes (annual plants which survive the
unfavourable season in the form of seeds and complete their life‐cycle during favourable seasons).
A.3.3. Examples and applied use
Box 11. Global inventory of priority CWR
Recently, within the context of the ‘Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Collecting,
Protecting and Preparing Crop Wild Relatives’ project led by the Global Crop Diversity
Trust and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and sponsored by the Norwegian Government, a
web-enabled global priority inventory of CWR taxa was created
(http://www.cwrdiversity.org/checklist/). The inventory contains background
information on 173 food and agricultural crop genepools and 1,667 priority CWR taxa
from 37 families, 109 genera, 1392 species and 299 sub-specific taxa. It is referred to as
the Harlan and de Wet Global Priority CWR Checklist to acknowledge the pioneering
work of Harlan and de Wet (1971) in first proposing the Gene Pool (GP) concept to
explain the relative value of species in their potential as gene donors for crop
improvement. The taxa included were deemed priority CWRs as defined by their
membership in GP1b or GP2, or Taxon Groups (TG) 1b, 2 or 3. There are also a limited
number of GP3 and TG4 taxa included if they have previously been shown to be useful in
breeding. The Gene Pool concept designated the crop itself as GP1a, while GP1b are the
wild or weedy forms of the crop that cross easily with it. GP2 are secondary wild relatives
(less closely related species from which gene transfer to the crop is possible but difficult
using conventional breeding techniques), and GP3 are tertiary wild relatives (species
from which gene transfer to the crop is impossible, or if possible, requires more advanced
techniques, such as embryo rescue, somatic fusion or genetic engineering). Taxa are
organised by genera in alphabetical order and according to gene pool or taxon group
concepts, and for each crop complex the following information is available: GP or TG
concept source citation, Latin and common name, common synonyms, common
vernacular names, country geographic distribution, previous or potential reported use in
breeding, other uses, ex situ storage behaviour, and main herbaria with representative
specimens. The inventory will facilitate global and national conservation planning by for
the first time having a pre-existing prioritizing list of priority taxa available for the major
and minor crops of the world.
Source: Vincent et al. (2012)

Box 12. Using a regional CWR inventory to extract a national CWR checklist
A regional inventory of CWR may be filtered for a specific country, hence extracting the
national list of CWR. At present the only regional inventory of CWR is the Crop Wild
Relative Catalogue for Europe and the Mediterranean, so currently this approach has
only been taken within this region. This approach was successfully implemented in
Portugal and a number of other countries. See Box 8 Examples of the floristic approach to
cwr conservation (Floristic approach at national level: Inventory of Portuguese CWR).
Source: Kell et al. (2005) and Magos Brehm et al. (2008a)

Box 13. Using a regional botanical checklist to extract a regional CWR checklist
In order to create the CWR Catalogue for Europe and the Mediterranean, four major
sources of information were utilized: the Mansfeld’s Database of Agricultural and
Horticultural Crops (Hanelt and IPK 2001, IPK 2003) for cultivated plants, Schultze-
Motel (1966) for forestry genera, the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO)
(Kwakkenbos, pers. comm. 2004) for ornamental genera and the Medicinal and Aromatic
Plant Resources of the World Database (MAPROW) (Schippmann, pers. comm. 2004).
The genera of crops were identified in these four references and matched with the taxa
for these genera found within the Euro+Med PlantBase (version January 2005)
Source: Kell et al. (2005)

Box 14. Using botanical checklist and agricultural statistics to create a CWR
Examples of manual matching to generating a CWR National Inventory are limited and
none have thus far been formally published but the grey literature yields two examples
where this has been achieved for Bhutan (Tamang 2003) and the Seychelles (Antoine
2003). Both followed the same basic methodology, as follows:
1. Use national agricultural statistics to produce a list of crops grown in the country.
2. Generate a list of national crop generic names.
3. Review national Flora to identify taxa found in same genus as the crop to build CWR
4. Define the criteria for prioritising the national CWR checklist, agreed in collaboration
with national stakeholders. In Bhutan, the prioritisation criteria selected were: national
importance of crops (human food, animal food, industrial and ornamental), relative
threat of genetic erosion, and already included in national legislation; in the
Seychelles they were: national importance of crops (human food, animal food,
industrial and ornamental), relative threat of genetic erosion, rarity, native status,
existing priorities of national conservation agency, potential for use in crop
improvement, biological and cultural importance, and ethical and aesthetic
5. Apply these criteria to the national CWR checklist to produce a priority list. In Bhutan
this generated a priority target list of 230 CWR species and in the Seychelles a priority
target list of 139 CWR species.
6. Write Conservation Action Plans for each priority CWR species in collaboration with
the lead organisations in the country responsible for its implementation; the Plans
a. Assessment of current in situ / ex situ conservation activities for the priority CWR,
b. Current monitoring activities,
c. Assessment of current threats to priority taxa,
d. Assessment of current and potential exploitation of priority taxa,
e. Gap analysis of priority taxa,
f. Immediate and future conservation priorities,
g. Research priorities.
Subsequently, in both cases the National CWR Inventories and Conservation Action
Plans have been used by the national conservation authorities to promote CWR
conservation and use. Source: Antoine (2004) and Tamang (2004)
Box 15. Creating a national plant checklist using web-based resources
A plant diversity inventory was successfully compiled for Angola from exclusively free
web-based resources. These included on-line checklists (World Checklist of Selected
Plant Families, Kew), nomenclatural databases (International Plant Names Index),
general taxon/specimen databases (African Plants Initiative, Missouri Botanical Garden
TROPICOS, GBIF) and herbaria on-line databases such as that of Royal Botanic Gardens,
Kew. The project involved a 1 year full time researcher and 30 collaborators who
provided expertise on specific plant families. It resulted in two products: a hard copy of
the inventory of the Angolan plants, together with additional information on collectors,
synonyms and literature references, and a website (FLAN: Flora of Angola Online,
http://flan.sanbi.org/) containing the information included in the hard copy.
Source: Figueiredo and Smith (2008) and Smith and Figueiredo (2010)

Box 16. Example of digitized matching

The creation of the CWR Catalogue for Europe and the Mediterranean is a successful
example of how a digitized matching can be undertaken. A list of crop genera was
generated from Mansfeld’s World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops
(Hanelt and IPK Gatersleben, 2001; IPK Gatersleben, 2003), the ‘Enumeration of
cultivated forest plant species’ (Schultze-Motel 1966) (for forestry species), the
Community Plant Variety Office list of plant varieties (www.cpvo.eu.int) (for ornamental
plants) and the Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Resources of the World (MAPROW) (U.
Schippmann, pers. comm. Bonn 2004). This was matched against floristic data in
Euro+Med PlantBase (version 2006), which is a database of the Euro-Mediterranean flora,
including data on the status of occurrence of taxa in countries and/or sub-national units.
The CWR Catalogue was generated by extracting the taxa within the genera in Euro+Med
PlantBase matching the crop genus names.
Source: Kell et al. (2005, 2008) and www.pgrforum.org

Box 17. Germplasm survey-based CWR checklist – Arachis CWR

It may also be possible to produce a CWR checklist based on a review of germplasm
holdings. As an example ICRISAT produced the checklist of Arachis CWR by extracting
the country holdings from the catalogue of germplasm accessions of Arachis (available
at http://www.icrisat.org/what-we-do/crops/GroundNut/Arachis/Start.htm). A similar
approach could be taken using EURISCO, GENESYS or even GBIF held data, but the sole
use of germplasm/herbaria survey to create a CWR inventory could be misleading as
some taxa might not be represented in these collections, particularly if only ex situ
germplasm collection data is used; nevertheless, in the absence of other sources of
floristic data, it could form the basis for the inventory.
Source: Stalker et al. (2000) and http://www.icrisat.org/what-we-
Box 18. Germplasm survey-based CWR inventory – Denmark
The Denmark inventory of CWR was generated from the Nordic Gene Bank Taxon
database by combining all previous data associated with CWR collections in Denmark.
These species were then assessed for:
 Present or previous cultivation in Denmark
 Present or previous breeding activities in the country
 Future breeding and cultivation potential
 Crop wild relative status
 Exploitation as a wild species
 Exploitation as a spice or medicinal plant.
A list of 450 CWR taxa resulted from the compilation and of these, 100 CWR taxa were
selected as priority CWR taxa for active conservation.
Source: Asdal et al (2006), Hulden et al (1998) and Poulsen (2009)

A.3.4. List of references used to compile the text

Antoine H (2004) Crop wild relative inventory of the Seychelles. Unpublished MSc
Thesis, University of Birmingham, Birmingham.
Asdal Å, Olsson K, Wedelsbäck K, Radusiene J, Galambosi B, Bjørn GK, Zukauska I,
Thorvaldsdottir EG and Pihlik U (2006) Spice and medicinal plants in the Nordic and
Baltic countries. Conservation of Genetic Resources. Nordic Gene Bank, Sweden.
CBD (1992) Convention on Biological Diversity: Text and Annexes. Secretariat of the
Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, Canada. www.cbd.int/convention/text/
CBD (2010a) Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. Secretariat of the Convention on
Biological Diversity, Montreal. Available from: www.cbd.int/gspc/strategy.shtml
[Accessed May 2012].
FAO (2001) International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. www.planttreaty.org/
FAO (2009) Second Report on the State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food
and Agriculture. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome,
Figueiredo E and Smith GF (2008) Plants of Angola/Plantas de Angola. Strelitzia 22.
South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.
IPK Gatersleben (2003) Mansfeld’s World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural
Crops. Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research. Available at:
http://mansfeld.ipk-gatersleben.de/ (accessed 3 April 2007)
Hammer K (1990) Botanical checklists prove useful in research programmes on
cultivated plants. Diversity 6(3-4): 31-34.
Hammer K (1991) Checklists and germplasm collecting. FAO/IBPGR Plant Genetic
Resources Newsletter 85: 15-17.
Hanelt P and IPK Gatersleben (Eds) (2001) Mansfeld’s Encyclopaedia of Agricultural and
Horticultural Crops. 6 vols. 1st English edition. Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg/New
York. 3645 pp.
Hulden M, Lund B, Poulsen GB, Thorn E and Weibull J (1998) The Nordic commitment,
regional and international collaboration on plant genetic resources. Plant Varieties
and Seeds 11:1–13.
Kell SP, Knüpffer H, Jury SL, Ford-Lloyd BV and Maxted N (2008) “Crops and wild
relatives of the Euro-Mediterranean region: making and using a conservation
catalogue.” In: Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo J, Dulloo E and Turok J
(eds) Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 69-
Kell SP, Knüpffer H, Jury SL, Maxted N and Ford-Lloyd BV (2005) Catalogue of crop wild
relatives for Europe and the Mediterranean. University of Birmingham, Birmingham,
UK. Available at: http://www.pgrforum.org/cwris/cwris.asp and on CD-ROM.
Knüpffer H and Hammer K (1999) “Agricultural biodiversity: a database for checklists of
cultivated plant species.” In: Andrews S, Leslie AC and Alexander C (Eds). Taxonomy
of Cultivated plants: Third International Symposium. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp.
Lughadha EN (2004) Towards a working list of all known plant species. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society of London B. 359: 681-687.
Mace GM (2004) The role of taxonomy in species conservation. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society of London B. 359: 711-719.
Magos Brehm J, Maxted N, Ford‐Lloyd BV and Martins‐Loução MA (2008a) National
inventories of crop wild relatives and wild harvested plants: case‐study for Portugal.
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 55: 779‐796.
Maxted N and Kell S (2009) Establishment of a Network for the In situ Conservation of
Crop Wild Relatives: Status and Needs. Commission on Genetic Resources for Food
and Agriculture. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Maxted N, Scholten MA, Codd R and Ford-Lloyd BV (2007) Creation and use of a
national inventory of crop wild relatives. Biological Conservation 140: 142-159.
Poulsen (2009) Conservation of CWR in Denmark. Crop Wild Relative 7: 13-14. Available
07.pdf [Accessed May 2012].
Planta Europa. 2008. A Sustainable Future for Europe; the European Strategy for Plant
Conservation 2008–2014. Plantlife International, Salisbury, UK and the Council of
Europe, Strasbourg, France.
RBG (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) (2004). Stakeholder consultation on Target 1 of the
Global Strategy for Plant Conservation and CBD. Draft report. Secretariat of the
Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, Canada. Available from:
[Accessed May 2012].
Smith GF and Figueiredo E (2010) E-taxonomy: an affordable tool to fill the biodiversity
knowledge gap. Biodiversity and Conservation 19: 829-836.
Stalker HT, Ferguson ME, Valls JFM, Pittman RN, Simpson CE and Bramel P (2000)
Catalogue of Arachis germplasm collections. Available from:
http://www.icrisat.org/what-we-do/crops/GroundNut/Arachis/Start.htm [Accessed
May 2012].
Tamang A (2004) Crop wild relative inventory of Bhutan. Unpublished MSc Thesis,
University of Birmingham, Birmingham.
Vincent H, Wiersema J, Dobbie S, Kell SP, Fielder H, Castañeda N, Eastwood R, Guarino
L and Maxted N (2012) Global checklist of priority crop wild relatives. Available from:
www.cwrdiversity.org [Accessed May 2012].

A.3.5. Additional materials and resources

Lists of global or regional crop diversity:
 Brouk B (1975) Plants consumed by Man. Academic Press, London.
EC (European Commission) (2011a) Common catalogue of varieties of
vegetable species. 29th complete edition (2011/C 14 A/01). Official Journal
 of the European Union, 18.01.2011. Available from: http://eur-
EN:PDF [Accessed December 2011].
EC (European Commission) (2011b) Common catalogue of varieties of
agricultural plant species. Third supplement to the 29th complete edition
((2011/C 328 A/01). Official Journal of the European Union, 11.11.2011.

Available from: http://eur-
EN:PDF [Accessed December 2011].
FAO (1997a) The State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food
and Agriculture. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United

Nations, Rome, Italy. (list of crops considered important for food security
and interdependence)
FAO (2009) International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Available from: http://www.planttreaty.org/ [Accessed May 2012].
(globally important food crops)
Groombridge B and Jenkins MD (2002) World Atlas of Biodiversity.
Prepared by the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre. University

of California Press, Berkeley, USA. (list of the major and minor food crop
Hanelt P and IPK (Institut für Pflanzengenetik und
Kulturpflanzenforschung Gatersleben) (eds) (2001) Mansfeld’s

Encyclopaedia of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops, 6 vols. 1st Engl. Ed.
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 3645 pp.
Rehm S and Espig GE (1996) Die Kulturpflanzen der Tropen und

Subtropen. Anbau, wirtschaftliche Bedeutung, Verwertung.
Sanchez-Monge E (1991) Flora Agricola. T. 1, 2. Ministerio de Agricultura,

Schultze-Motel J (1966) Verzeichnis forstlich kultivierter Pflanzenarten
 [Enumeration of cultivated forest plant species]. Kulturpflanze Beiheft 4,
486 pp.
Vul’F EV and Maleeva OF (1969) Mirovye resursy polezznych rastenij

[World resources of useful plants]. Nauka, Leningrad.
Wiersema JH and Leon D (1999) World Economic Plants. A Standard

Reference CRC Press LLC, Washington DC.
Zeven AC and de Wet JMJ (1982) Dictionary of cultivated plants and their

regions of diversity. Pudoc, Wageningen.
Global Horticulture Initiative (2007) PROTABASE - Plant Resources of
Tropical Africa. Available from: http://www.globalhort.org/knowledge-
base/species/ [Accessed December 2011]
IPK (Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung
Gatersleben) (2003) Mansfeld’s World Database of Agricultural and
WW Horticultural Crops. Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant
W Research. Available from: http://mansfeld.ipk-
gatersleben.de/pls/htmldb_pgrc/f?p=185:3:1352060495268324 [Accessed
February 2005].
PROSEA Foundation (n.d.) E-Prosea - Plant Resources of South-East Asia.
WW Available from: http://proseanet.org/prosea/eprosea.php [Accessed
W January 2012] (database of both wild and plant resources of South-East
World Agroforestry Centre (2011a) Agroforestry Database. Available
[Accessed December 2011] (data on the management, use and ecology of
tree species from all over the World which can be used in agroforestry)
World Agroforestry Centre (2011b) Useful Tree Species for Africa.
Available from:
 http://www.worldagroforestry.org/our_products/databases/useful-tree-
species-africa [Accessed December 2011] (this tool enables the selection
of useful tree species for planting anywhere in Africa using Google Earth)
Underutilised crops/neglected species lists:
Batlle I (2000) Genetic Resources of Minor Fruit and Nut Trees in Europe.
In Maggioni, L. (compiler). Report of a Network Coordinating Group on

Minor Crops (2nd edition). First meeting. 16 June 1999, Turku, Finland.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Della A (2000) Minor Crops in the Mediterranean Region. In Maggioni L
(compiler) Report of a Network Coordinating Group on Minor Crops (2nd

edition). First meeting. 16 June 1999, Turku, Finland. International Plant
Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.

 Hammer K and Spahillari M (2000) Crops of European origin. In:

Maggioni L (compiler) Report of a Network Coordinating Group on Minor
Crops (2nd edition). First meeting. 16 June 1999, Turku, Finland.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Michalová A (2000) Minor Cereals and Pseudocereals in Europe. In
Maggioni L (compiler) Report of a Network Coordinating Group on Minor

Crops (2ne edition). First meeting. 16 June 1999, Turku, Finland.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Pistrick K (2002) Notes on neglected and underutilized crops. Current
 taxonomical overview of cultivated plants in the families Umbelliferae and
Labiatae. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 49: 211-225.
Promoting the Conservation and Use of Underutilized and Neglected
 Crops Series which have monographic inventories available from
Freedman B (2011) Famine foods database. Available from:
WW http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/faminefoods/ff_home.html
W [Accessed January 2012] (list of plants that are not normally considered as
crops but that are consumed in times of famine)
Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilzed Species (n.d.) GFU Underutilized
Species GFU Database. Available from: http://www.underutilized-
species.org/species/species_mask.asp [Accessed December 2011]
Plants for a Future (1996-2010) Plants for a Future Database. Available
from: http://www.pfaf.org/user/plantsearch.aspx [Accessed December
2011] (a resource centre edible, medicinal and other uses unusual plants)
National crop diversity studies:
 Hammer K and Spahillari M (1998) Burimet gjenetike te bimevedhe
agrobiodiversiteti. Buletini i Shkencave Bujqesore, 3: 29-36.
Esquivel M, Castiñeiras L, Knüpffer H and Hammer K (1989) A checklist
of the cultivated plants of Cuba. Kulturpflanze, 37: 211–357.
Esquivel M, Knüpffer H and Hammer K (1992) “Inventory of the cultivated
plants.” In Hammer K, Esquivel M and Knüpffer H (eds) (1992-1994).
 “…y tienen fazones y fabas muy diversos de los nuestros…” – Origin,
Evolution and Diversity of Cuban Plant Genetic Resources. 3 vols., 824
pp. IPK, Gatersleben.
Knüpffer H, Esquivel M and Hammer K (unknown date) A database for the
cultivated plants of Cuba. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac., Habana. In Hammer K
(1991). Checklists and germplasm collecting. FAO/IBPGR Plant
Genetic Resources Newsletter, 85: 15-17.
 Baik M-C, Hoang H-Dz and Hammer K (1986) A check-list of the Korean
cultivated plants. Kulturpflanzen, 34: 69-144.
Hoang H-Dz, Knüpffer H and Hammer K (1997) Additional notes to the
checklist of Korean cultivated plants (5). Consolidated summary and
indexes. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 44: 349-391.
Hammer K and Perrino P (1985) A check-list of the cultivated plants of the
Ghat oases. Kulturpflanze, 33: 269–286.

Hammer K, Lehman CO and Perrino P (1988) A check-list of the Libyan
cultivated plants including an inventory of the germplasm collected in
the years 1981, 1982 and 1983. Kulturpflanze, 36: 475-527.
Smekalova T (2009) “Cultivated plants inventory of Russia”. In:
 Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (eds) European Landraces: On-
Farm Conservation, Management and Use. Bioversity Technical
Bulletin, No 15. pp.143-154.
South Italy and Sicily:
Hammer K, Knüpffer H and Perrino P (1990). A checklist of the South
Italian cultivated plants. Kulturpflanze, 38: 191–310
Hammer K, Knüpffer H, Laghetti G and Perrino P (1992) Seeds form the
past. A catalogue of crop germplasm in south Italy and Sicily. Instituto

del Germoplasma del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Bari. 173 p.
Central and North Italy:
Hammer K, Knüpffer H, Laghetti G and Perrino P (1999) Seeds form the
past. A catalogue of crop germplasm in central and north Italy. Instituto
del Germoplasma del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Bari. 253 p.
International agricultural statistics:
WW FAOSTAT. Available from: http://faostat.fao.org/ (data on global
W production and value for crops that may be queried at a national level)
WW EUROSTAT. Available from: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu (provides
W information for European Union countries)
Global/regional plant checklists:
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (2006-2011)
WW Euro+Med PlantBase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean
W plant diversity: http://ww2.bgbm.org/EuroPlusMed/query.asp [Accessed
May 2012]. (available for 132 plant families)
WW Catalogue of Life. Available from: http://www.catalogueoflife.org/
W [Accessed May 2012].
eFloras.org. Available from: http://efloras.org/ [Accessed May 2012].
(links to flora information from various geographic units (Andes of
Ecuador, Chile, China, Madagascar, Nepal, North America, Pakistan)
Plants of Southern Africa. Available from: http://www.plantzafrica.com/
[Accessed May 2012]. (Online information about plants native to southern
Africa and related topics).
SABI (2005-2010) Plants of Southern Africa (POSA) – an online checklist.
WW POSA ver. 3.0 June 2009. Available from:
W http://posa.sanbi.org/searchspp.php [Accessed May 2012]. (access to
plant names and floristic details for southern African plant species)
SIBIS: SABIF South African Biodiversity Information Facility. SIBIS
WW version 2 Build 6. Available from: http://sibis.sanbi.org/ [Accessed May
W 2012]. (threatened species information, distribution maps, area checklists,
general species details)
WW The Plant List - a working list of all plant species. Available from:
W http://www.theplantlist.org/ [Accessed May 2012].
Tropicos.org - Missouri Tropical Garden. Available from:
http://www.tropicos.org/ [Accessed May 2012]. (present species
distribution maps)
USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program.
Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN) [Online Database].
National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
Available from: http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/index.pl
[Accessed May 2012].
Global/regional checklists/inventories of CWR:
Global CWR database for all major and minor crop complexes:
WW Vincent H, Wiersema J, Dobbie S, Kell SP, Fielder H, Castañeda N,
W Eastwood R, Guarino L and Maxted N (2012) Global checklist of priority
crop wild relatives. Available from: www.cwrdiversity.org [Accessed May
Heywood VH and Zohary D (1995) A catalogue of the wild relatives of

cultivated plants native to Europe. Flora Mediterranea 5: 375-415.
Kell SP, Knüpffer H, Jury SL, Ford-Lloyd BV and Maxted N (2008) “Crops
and wild relatives of the Euro-Mediterranean region: making and using a
 conservation catalogue.” In: Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo J,
Dulloo E and Turok J (eds) Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use.
CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 69-109.
WWF and IUCN (1994) Centres of plant diversity. A guide and strategy

for their conservation. 1st volume. IUCN Publications Unit, Cambridge.
Kell SP, Knüpffer H, Jury SL, Maxted N and Ford-Lloyd BV (2005)
WW Catalogue of crop wild relatives for Europe and the Mediterranean.
W University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.
Available at: http://www.pgrforum.org/cwris/cwris.asp and on CD-ROM.
National CWR checklists/inventories:
Gabrielian E and Zohary D (2004) Wild relatives of food crops native to
Armenia and Nakhichevan. Flora Mediterranea 14: 5-80.
 Hunter D and Heywood V (eds.) (2011) Crop wild relatives, a manual of in
situ conservation. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Earthscan,

London, Washington.
Hovhannisyan M (n.d.) State of national inventories on in situ/on farm in
National online CWR inventory:
http://www.cropwildrelatives.org/national_inventories.html (floristic
 Hunter D and Heywood V (eds.) (2011) Crop wild relatives, a manual of in
situ conservation. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Earthscan,
London, Washington.
 Tamang A (2004) Crop wild relative inventory of Bhutan. Unpublished
MSc Thesis, University of Birmingham, Birmingham.
China: (in prep.)
 Qin, H., Chen, B. and Kell, S. (in prep.) Crop Wild Relative Inventory of
Poulsen G (2009) Conservation of CWR in Denmark. Crop Wild Relative
 7: 13-14. Available from:
ve%20Issue%207.pdf [Accessed May 2012].
 Takaluoma S (2005) Viljelykasvien luonnonvaraisten sukulaisten
uhanalaisuus Suomessa [Conservation status of crop wild relatives in
Finland]. MSc thesis, University of Helsinki, Finland.
Chauvet M, Lefort M and Mitteau M (1999) “The French national Network
for in situ conservation of wild relatives.” In: Gass T, Frese L and
Lipman E (compilers) Implementation of the Global Plan of Action in
 Europe – Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of Plant Genetic
Resources for Food and Agriculture. Proceedings of the European
Symposium, 30 June – 3 July 1998, Braunschwig, Germany.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, pp. 38-43.

W PGRDEU - Germany online CWR inventory. Available from:
http://pgrdeu.genres.de/index.php?tpl=home [Accessed May 2012].
USDA, ARS. Atlas of Guatemalan Crop Wild Relatives (Atlas
WW Guatemalteco de Parientes Silvestres de las Plantas Cultivadas).
W Available from:
http://www.ars.usda.gov/Services/docs.htm?docid=22225 [Accessed
May 2012].
FitzPatrick Ú and Lupton D (2010) Establishment of a national crop wild
relative (CWR) database. Final report to Department of Agriculture,
 Fisheries and Food. Conservation of Genetic Resources Grant Aid
Scheme for 2010 [Dept. of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Ref:
10/GR/10]. National Biodiversity Data Centre. Available from:
WW database_Final-report-Dec-2010.pdf [Accessed May 2012].
W Genetic Resources (2010) Portal for information on Crop Wild Relatives in
Ireland. Available from:
[Accessed May 2012]. (Monographic approach).
 Mazzola P, Raimondo F M and Scuderi G (1997) The occurrence of wild
relatives of cultivated plants in Italian protected areas. Bocconea 7: 241-
W Madagascar CWR inventory. Available from: http://mg.chm-
cbd.net/cwr_mada [Accessed May 2012]. (monographic approach)
Magos Brehm J, Maxted N, Ford‐Lloyd BV and Martins‐Loução MA
 (2008a) National inventories of crop wild relatives and wild harvested
plants: case‐study for Portugal. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
55: 779‐796. (floristic approach)

Smekalova T (2008) “National crop wild relative in situ conservation
strategy for Russia.” In: Maxted N, Kell SP, Ford-Lloyd BV, Dulloo E and
Iriondo J (eds) Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use. CABI
Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 143-151.

Afonin AN, Greene SL, Dzyubenko NI and Frolov AN (eds) (2008)

WW Interactive Agricultural Ecological Atlas of Russia and Neighbouring
W Countries (AgroAtlas). Economic Plants and their Diseases, Pests and
Weeds [Online]. Available from: http://www.agroatlas.ru [Accessed
May 2012].

 Antoine H (2004) Crop wild relative inventory of the Seychelles.
Unpublished MSc Thesis, University of Birmingham, Birmingham.
 Rubio Teso ML, Torres ME, Parra-Quijano M and Iriondo JM (2012)
Prioritization of crop wild relatives in Spain. Crop Wild Relative 8: 18-
Sri Lanka:
Hunter D and Heywood V (eds.) (2011) Crop wild relatives, a manual of in
 situ conservation. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Earthscan,
WW London, Washington.
W Sri Lanka CWR inventory:
(monographic approach)
Häner R and Schierscher B (2009) First step towards CWR conservation in
Switzerland. Crop Wild Relative 7: 14-16. Available from:
 http://www.cwrsg.org/Publications/Newsletters/crop%20wild%20relati
ve%20Issue%207.pdf [Accessed May 2012].
WW Swiss Commission for Cultivated Plant Conservation (2000-2012) Crop
W Wild Relative. Available from: http://www.bdn.ch/pages/cwr/
[Accessed May 2012]. (floristic approach)

The Netherlands:
Hoekstra R, van Veller MGP and Odé B (2008) “Crop wild relatives in the
 Netherlands: actors and protection measures.” In: Maxted N, Ford-
Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo JM, Dulloo ME and Turok J (eds) Crop Wild
Relative Conservation and Use. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp. 165–
United Kingdom:
 Maxted N, Scholten MA, Codd R and Ford-Lloyd BV (2007) Creation and
use of a national inventory of crop wild relatives. Biological
Conservation 140: 142-159. (floristic approach)
United States of America:
Greene S and Khoury C (2011) What’s in our back yard? Developing an
 inventory of US native and naturalized crop germplasm. Presentation
on initial stages of US CWR project for C-8 symposium, ASA
conference, October 2011. Available from:
WW [Accessed May 2012].
Crop wild relatives of the United States. Available from:
http://cwroftheus.wordpress.com/ [Accessed May 2012].

 Hunter D and Heywood V (eds.) (2011) Crop wild relatives, a manual of in
situ conservation. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Earthscan,
London, Washington.
 Berlingeri C and Crespo MB (2012) Inventory of related wild species of
priority crops in Venezuela. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
59(5): 655-681.
Several countries:
FAO Country Reports (2009). Albania, Benin, Brazil, Japan, Jordan,
Kenya, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mali, Pakistan,
 Senegal, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Available from:
pgr/sow/sow2/country-reports/en/ [Accessed May 2012]. (inventories
of the wild relatives of major and minor crops, monographic approach)
Systematic and Ecogeographic Studies on Crop Genepools Series.
Available from: http://www.bioversityinternational.org/ [Accessed
 May 2012]. (present monographic inventories)

Data standards and schema:

Cook FEM (1995) Economic Botany Data Collection Standard. Prepared
for the International Working Group on Taxonomic Databases for Plant

Sciences (TDWG). Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 1995. x + 146 pp.
Moore JD, Kell SP, Maxted N, Iriondo JM and Ford-Lloyd BV (2008)
CWRML: representing crop wild relative conservation and use data in
 XML. BMC Bioinformatics 9: 116. Available from:
116.pdf [Accessed May 2012].
Moore et al. (2005-2008) Crop Wild Relative Information Schema.
Available from: http://www.pgrforum.org/CWRML.xsd and
http://www.pgrforum.org/CWRML.htm [Accessed May 2012].
UNEP/GEF Crop Wild Relatives Project descriptor lists: Developed and
used within the framework of the UNEP/GEF funded project 'In situ
conservation of crop wild relatives through enhanced information
management and field application' (2004–2010)
k/UNEP-GEF_CWR_Project_descriptors.zip [Accessed July 2012]
A.4. Setting CWR conservation priorities
A.4.1. Overview
Why do we need to have conservation priorities?
The creation of a CWR national checklist is likely to identify a greater number of taxa
than can be actively conserved due to resource limitations, especially if applying the
broad concept of CWR (all the taxa within the same genus as a crop). Therefore, the
process of establishing priorities for CWR conservation is an obvious and essential step
in the development of the National management plan for CWR conservation.
Economists have developed a number of methods for assessing the economic value of
biodiversity and genetic resources17,18,19; however, the main focus has been on the
valuation of ecosystem services rather than genetic resources per se.
There has been considerable debate over which criteria should be utilised when
undertaking a scheme of species prioritisation20,21. Criteria such as threat of genetic
erosion, endemicity, rarity and population decline22,23,24, quality of habitat and intrinsic
biological vulnerability25, species abundance in relation to their geographical range
size26, “responsibility for the conservation of a species” (estimate of the geographic
proportion of a species distribution in a certain country against the worldwide
distribution)27, recovery potential, feasibility and sustainability of conservation28,
taxonomic uniqueness29,30 and genetic distinctiveness, phylogenetic criteria and the
ability of a species to speciate within "new" environments 31, cultural importance32,33,
economic factors34 and socio‐economic use, current conservation status, ecogeographic
distribution, biological importance, legislation, ethical and aesthetic considerations, and
priorities of the conservation agency. Specifically regarding the establishment of
conservation priorities for CWR, several different categories of criteria have been used.
Distinct criteria and numerous methods that vary in complexity have been used in
establishing species priorities but when deciding which ones to use it depends on the
needs and available resources of individual countries and/or the conservation agencies
within the countries that are undertaking the prioritization exercise. Specifically
concerning CWR, there is some consensus for an initial, simple prioritization on the

Flint (1991)
Shands (1994)
Drucker et al. (2001)
See e.g. Fitter and Fitter (1987)
See Maxted et al. (1997c)
Whitten (1990)
Department of Environment (1996)
Sapir et al. (2003)
Tambutii et al. (2001)
Hoffmann and Welk (1999)
Schnittler and Günther (1999)
Whitten (1990)
Vane‐Wright et al. (1991)
Faith (1992)
Linder (1995)
Norton (1994)
Dhar et al. (2000)
Bishop (1978)
basis of potential economic value of the related crop, the degree of relationship of the
wild relative to the crop / ease of crossing with the crop, and relative level of threat35,36. A
combination of all three criteria is usually used.
However, whatever prioritization methodology and criteria are used, the total number of
target CWR should be adjusted to a number that can be actively conserved using the
available financial and human resources. There is no precise way of estimating the
number of target CWR and so the estimate will be subjective.
An alternative more flexible approach would be to assigned different levels of
conservation priority depending on the groups of conservationists going to be
undertaking the CWR conservation and how may taxa seems reasonable for each of them
to consider implementing active conservation. In this way, a more extensive list is more
easily objectively justified, maintained and updated, and taxa that are not of immediate
priority may be given conservation attention at a later date. Further using this approach,
some of the taxa that are of less immediate conservation action may occur within the
same sites as those of highest priority, so they could be captured in the same in situ CWR
conservation sites and targeted when collecting higher priority for ex situ conservation.
The critical point being there is no exact number of national priority CWR that should be
set down or set as a target for each national CWR inventory.
The process of setting priorities for CWR conservation can be complex and time-
consuming depending on the methodology and criteria used. Methodologically, the
starting point of prioritisation is the CWR national checklist, the list of all CWR found in
the country, and a list that is too long to be considered for active conservation. Whatever
the approach, floristic or monographic, prioritization essentially consists of three main
steps: (i) Definition of the valuation criteria to be applied, (ii) Definition of the
prioritisation methodology, and (iii) Application of both the criteria and the methodology
to obtain the priority CWR. Associated with these steps there will also be a need to
consider how many priority CWR will be flagged for immediate conservation action.

Wild Fragaria vesca L. in Lithuania (photo: Juozas Labokas).

Barazani et al. (2008)
Ford‐Lloyd et al. (2008)
National CWR Checklist







National CWR inventory

Figure 7. Process of establishing conservation priorities from a CWR national


Box 19. Systems and methods for setting species priorities

Numerous systems and methods have been used to set priorities for conservation. One of
the first attempts was presented by Rabinowitz (1981) and Rabinowitz et al. (1986) where
an eight‐celled table based on range, habitat specificity and local abundance was
developed in order to evaluate different ‘types of rarity’. Other types of prioritization
procedures include rule‐based systems, scoring schemes, and ranking systems. An
example of a rule‐based system is the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (IUCN
2001) and consists of a series of rules that a species has to agree with in order to fit in to a
certain category. Scoring schemes use multiple scoring over a range of criteria to derive
total scores for each species (Given and Norton 1993). This system has been applied to a
wide range of taxa of both plants (e.g. Perring and Farrell 1983, Briggs and Leigh 1988,
CALM 1994, Dhar et al. 2000, Sapir et al. 2003, Kala et al. 2004), and animals (Millsap et
al. 1990, Carter and Barker 1993, Hunter et al. 1993, Lunney et al. 1996, Carter et al. 2000,
Ray et al. 2005, Rosenberg and Wells 2005) from all over the world. Scoring systems have
also been complemented with multivariate analysis in order to look at the arrangement
of these species so as to identify groups of species with similar profiles (e.g. Given and
Norton 1993), uncertainty values associated with some of the criteria, reflecting the
extent of the existing knowledge, and thus their confidence in the estimates presented
(e.g. Hunter et al. 1993, Carter and Barker 1993), and user‐friendly interactive databases
(Hunter et al. 1993). The weighting of the criteria is a variant of this type of method (e.g.
Carter and Barker 1993, Lunney et al. 1996). The Department of Environment (1996)
suggested the use of “individual weighting on each criterion in order to give some
indication of the relative importance of that factor in measuring the extent of threat”.
Amongst the most widely applied systems is the biodiversity status‐ranking system
developed and used by the Natural Heritage Network and The Nature Conservancy
(Master 1991, Morse 1993, Stein 1993). This priority‐ranking system was primarily
applied to vertebrates and plants (Master 1991). The species ranks were based on
information about each species for a series of criteria relating to species' rarity (number
of individuals, number of populations or occurrences, rarity of habitat, and size of
geographic range), population trends, and threats; a scale ranging from (1) critically
imperilled to (5) demonstrably secure was then used to assign a rank to each species at
three separate levels – global, national, and state or province (Stein et al. 1995). When
these three levels were combined, the system allowed for a rapid assessment of the
species’ known or probable threat of extinction (Master 1991). Other approaches include
that suggested by Coates and Atkins (2001) who developed a priority setting process for
Western Australian flora where risk of extinction at population, taxon and ecological
community levels were the primary determinant for setting priorities. The authors
considered, however, that if financial resources are severely limited then further
prioritization has to be undertaken based on taxonomic distinctiveness and ability to
recover. Pärtel et al. (2005) proposed a new combined approach that focuses on species
groups with similar conservation needs instead of individual species.
Source: Magos Brehm et al. (2010)

A.4.2. Methodology
(i) Definition of the CWR prioritization criteria. The main criteria to consider are:
 Economic value of the related crop: CWR have their main potential application in
genetic improvement of existing varieties or the creation of new ones; the
economic importance of the related crop species is thus a good indicator of their
wild relative value. The selection of priority crops will vary according to scale of
prioritization (i.e., global, regional, national or local) and may even vary according
to the implementing agency. However, the highest priority crops are likely to be
food crops (important for nutrition and food security), crops of economic value
and crops with multiple use values. Note should be made that a single genus may
contain more than one crop as for Solanum (e.g. Solanum tuberosum L. – potato,
and Solanum melongena L. – aubergine). Several sub‐criteria concerning the
national economic value of the related crop can be taken into consideration such
as: quantity produced, surface area of cultivation, number of varieties grown at
national level, and value to local populations or regions of the target country.
 Genetic potential as a gene donor: The wild taxa in a crop gene pool are
genetically related by degree, some being more closely related to the crop than
others. Where genetic information is available, taxa can be classified using the
Gene Pool concept37 and for some crops, the Gene Pool concept has already been
defined. However, if genetic data are not available and the Gene Pool concept has
not been previously defined, the Taxon Group concept38 which provides a proxy
for taxon genetic relatedness can be applied. In general, the closest wild relatives
in GP1B and GP2 or TG1B and TG2 are given priority. However, tertiary wild
relatives that are already known as gene donors or have shown promise for crop
improvement should also be assigned high priority. If neither Gene Pool nor
Taxon Group concepts can be applied, then the available information on genetic
and/or taxonomic distance should be analysed to make reasoned assumptions
about the most closely related taxa. Gene Pool or Taxon Group concepts have
been compiled for approximately 174 food crop gene pools and are available
online39. For other crops, a literature survey will be required in order to ascertain if
Gene Pool or Taxon Group concepts have already been established or if
taxonomic classification are available to establish new Taxon Group concepts and
so establish the degree of relationship of each wild relative to its associated crop
(see ‘Additional materials and resources’).
 Status of occurrence: whether the CWR is native to the country, introduced40, and
if it is known to be invasive.
 Threat status: Relative threat is probably the most obvious criterion used in
establishing conservation priorities: the more threatened (i.e. increased likelihood
of genetic erosion or actual extinction of the species) the greater the conservation
priority. Therefore, the collation of existing threat assessments will give us an
indication of the extinction risk of the species but also will allow us to use that
information when prioritising taxa for conservation. As the knowledge about
plant taxa has increased, so national Red Lists and Red Books (see ‘Additional
materials and resources’) are published based on the IUCN Red List Categories
and Criteria―the most commonly applied means of assessing threat to wild taxa.
Threat assessment can be carried out at different geographical scales (i.e., global,
regional, national). Both national and global assessments should be taken into
account but the meaning and implications of threat status depends on the scale of
the assessment and this should be taken into account when applying the criterion
of relative threat in the prioritization process.
The collation of existing threat assessments is a four stage process: (i)
Identification of potential sources of information on threat to CWR, (ii) establish
if CWR have been Red List assessed, (iii) for the CWR not already assessed gather
the necessary data and undertake novel red list assessment, and (iv) Collation of

Gene Pool concept: GP1A‐cultivated forms of the crop, GP1B‐wild or weedy forms of the crop, GP2‐secondary
wild relatives (less closely related species from which gene transfer to the crop is possible but difficult using
conventional breeding techniques), GP3‐tertiary wild relatives (species from which gene transfer to the crop is
impossible, or if possible, requires sophisticated techniques, such as embryo rescue, somatic fusion or genetic
engineering) (Harlan and de Wet 1971).
Taxon Group concept: TG1a‐crop, TG1b‐same species as crop, TG2‐same series or section as crop, TG3‐same
subgenus as crop, TG4‐same genus (Maxted et al. 2006).
According to Kornas (1990), an introduced species can be roughly classified according to its approximate date
of introduction: archaeophyte (before 1500s) or neophyte (after 1500s) and diaphyte (established in a non‐
permanent way).
existing threat assessments (at national and global level) (see Figure 8).
Information on threat assessment of CWR can be obtained from national and
regional Red Lists and Red Data Books (see ‘Additional materials and resources’),
the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (for global Red List assessments,
searchable at http://www.iucnredlist.org/), as well as peer-reviewed papers and
reports, and expert knowledge.
In the absence of Red List assessments, endemism and relative distribution can be
used as an indicator of relative threat. Inferences from known threats to/loss of
habitats/land use types can also be applied, as well as local expert knowledge.
(See A.7. Novel threat assessment of priority CWR).



National/regional Red Peer‐reviewed

Global Red List
Data Books/Red Lists papers, reports, etc.

CWR already threat

Collate additional data

Collate information on existing

threat status
Undertake novel threat



Figure 8. Collation of existing threat assessment information for CWR diversity

 Conservation status: before a taxon can be given high priority for conservation,
related current conservation activities should be reviewed. If sufficient genetic
diversity is already being conserved by in situ and/or ex situ, additional
conservation efforts may not be justified, and resources should focus on those
species that are not being conserved.
a. Ex situ: careful attention to the information obtained from current ex situ
conservation holdings should be paid because: the material held in gene
banks might be incorrectly determined, dead, in poor conditions or
unavailable to potential users, the number of accessions might be
misleading because of duplicates, and/or the ex situ accessions might not
be representative of the overall genetic diversity of a species.
b. In situ: just because a species is found in a protected area does not
necessarily mean that it is adequately protected; for example, the
population size may be declining due to the focus of the management plan
being on other species and therefore the management actions having a
negative impact on the CWR population. Two types of in situ conservation
can be distinguished: passive, when species and genetic diversity is not
being monitored and managed, and active conservation, when species and
genetic diversity is afforded long-term monitoring and management. Given
these concepts, actively conserved species are given lower priority for
conservation than passively conserved species, and the latter is given
lower priority than those taxa that do not occur in PA.

Box 20. Collation of threat assessments for Portuguese CWR

The national inventory of Portuguese CWR was produced in a MS Access Database.
Different types of information were collated for each taxon in the inventory (see Magos
Brehm et al. 2008a), including threat status. To achieve this, existing threat assessments
were collated and when sufficient and reliable information was available, novel Red List
assessments were carried out for the taxa that had not previously been assessed (see
Magos Brehm et al. 2008b, Magos Brehm 2009).
The collated threat assessments were based on publications from 1985 to 2004 where pre-
1994 (e.g. Ramos Lopes and Carvalho 1990; Dray 1985; SNPRCN 1985) and 1994 IUCN
Categories and Criteria (IUCN 1994) (e.g. Govaerts 1994) were used as well as the latest
2001 version of these Categories and Criteria (IUCN 2001) (e.g. Aguiar et al. 2001a, b;
Mitchell 2004) and other types of assessment such as the threat assessment vulnerability
index by Maxted et al. (2004) (e.g. Magos Brehm 2004) and information on species
endangered by overexploitation (e.g. Ramos Lopes and Carvalho 1991). Threat
assessment information was then used to establish conservation priorities among the
Portuguese CWR (see Magos Brehm et al. 2010). Preferably, the more recent threat
assessments were used, but for most of the species 2001 IUCN Red Listing was missing
and older assessments were therefore used.
Source: Aguiar et al. (2001a, b), Dray (1985), Govaerts (1994), Magos Brehm (2004, 2009),
Magos Brehm et al. (2008a, b), Maxted et al. (2004), Mitchell (2004), Ramos Lopes and
Carvalho (1990, 1991), SNPRCN (1985).
Ex situ conservation at the António Luís Belo Correia Seed Bank (Botanic Garden,
National Museum of Natural History, University of Lisbon, Portugal) (photo:
Adelaide Clemente).

 Legislation: whether the taxon is under any kind of regional, national or local
legislative protection; if so, it will automatically require conservation attention
because national governments are under a legal obligation to protect them. It is
important to note however that these species may already be afforded some level
of conservation action due to their legislative protection status. Whether this is
the case or not will be ascertained when the gap analysis is undertaken (see
section A9, ‘Gap analysis of priority CWR’).
 Species distribution: in general, priority increases inversely to geographic range,
such that species with a more restricted distribution (e.g. national endemics)
should be given higher priority than species occurring worldwide. The reason
relative distribution may be used for prioritization is that geographically
restricted species are potentially more adversely impact by localized threats and
extinction events and loss of any single population or group of populations may
impact the entire viability of the species.
a. Global distribution: the distribution of the taxon worldwide. Species
endemic to a country or that occur in only a few countries are likely to be
prioritized above those that occur in several countries. However, it should
be noted that a species can occur in several countries and still be of priority
at national level because of its nationally restricted range or based on other
prioritization criteria. Also, the size of the countries (i.e. Russia versus
Lesotho) that the species occurs in must be taken into account, as well as
the species distribution within those countries.
b. National distribution: the distribution of the taxon within the country (e.g.
the number of provinces where each taxon occurs). It may be considered as
an indicator of rarity, a species occurring in few regions within the country
is considered rarer than a species occurring throughout the country.
However, when deciding priorities on the basis of the geographical range of the
taxa a degree of objectivity is required, since there is no clear dividing line
between a taxon with a limited range and one with a distribution that is deemed to
enable ‘classification’ of the taxon as one not in immediate need of conservation
action, unless very detailed information is already available about genetic erosion
of the taxa. However, where the range of a taxon is known, the methodology
proposed by Ford-Lloyd et al. (2008, 2009) can be used as a guide when
establishing taxon conservation priorities at regional level (e.g., across sub-
Saharan Africa). Generally speaking, taxa that are known to be endemic to a
country or subnational unit or those that occur in only a few countries or
subnational units are more likely to be under threat at regional level. Similarly, at
national or subnational level, available information must be gathered on the range
of the taxa in order to establish which are most likely to be threatened by their
limited distribution range.
 Use requirement: As the raison d’etre for the conservation of CWR is primarily
their use by breeders, there involvement in establishing the list of species to be
actively conserved should be encouraged. This potential involvement of breeders
in defining conservation targets has the additional benefit of also encouraging
closer links between conservationists and germplasm users, therefore promoting
use and it reinforces the maxim ‘through use comes conservation sustainability’.
 Other: other criteria that might be useful or considered important include
population data (though such data are generally scarce), species and area
management, genetic diversity, relative costs of conservation, etc.
The definition of the criteria applied in the CWR prioritization process should be
made by the national agency or researcher that is undertaking this task. Although
CWR prioritization can be carried out at different geographical (i.e., global,
regional, national, subnational) and taxonomic (e.g., crop genus) scales and can be
simple to complex, depending on scale, time, resources and conservation goals. The
methods used vary depending on a number of factors—the number of taxa, the
resources available for their conservation, the differing needs of the target area and
the priorities/interests of the implementing body. Recent studies have shown how
CWR can be prioritized globally (Maxted and Kell, 2009), regionally (Ford‐Lloyd et
al., 2008; Kell et al., 2012) and nationally (e.g., Maxted et al., 2007; Magos Brehm et
al., 2010). However, it should be emphasized that at each scale the economic value
of the related crop (hence breeder demand), genetic potential for contributing traits
and relative threat are the most widely used criteria.
(ii) Definition of the prioritization scheme. Similar to the selection of the prioritization
criteria, the choice of the scheme (or methodology) should be a decision made by
the national agency that is undertaking this task. The complexity of the scheme will
depend on time available, financial resources and data availability, etc.
Prioritization schemes often include rule‐based and scoring systems, with or
without weighting of the criteria, and different combinations of criteria (see Box 21).
(iii) Application of both the criteria and the prioritization scheme to the checklist. This
will culminate in the list of priority CWR to which data may be added to produce
the inventory.
Box 21. Systems and methods for setting species priorities
Numerous systems and methods have been used to set species priorities for
conservation. One of the first attempts was presented by Rabinowitz (1981) and
Rabinowitz et al. (1986) where an eight‐celled table based on range, habitat specificity
and local abundance to evaluate different ‘types of rarity’. Rule-based systems and
scoring schemes (or ranking systems) are probably the most commonly used
prioritisation methods.
A rule-based system is used by IUCN (2001) and consists of a series of rules that a
species has to agree with in order to fit in to a certain category. This method can have
two variants: it can be used to select those species that fulfil ALL criteria selected
allowing us to select those species that fulfil SIMULTANEOUSLY ALL CRITERIA (e.g.
CWR AND threatened species AND species not conserved both in situ and ex situ), or to
select those species that fulfil SOME of the criteria allowing us to be more flexible (e.g.
ALL CWR THAT ARE EITHER threatened species OR species not conserved both in situ
and ex situ).
Scoring schemes use multiple scoring over a range of criteria to derive total scores for
each species (Given and Norton 1993), resulting in a ranked list of species. This system
has been applied to a wide range of taxa of plant species (e.g. Perring and Farrell 1983,
Briggs and Leigh 1988, CALM 1994, Dhar et al. 2000, Sapir et al. 2003, and Kala et al.
2004) worldwide. A scoring system was also by Kala et al. (2004) to establish
conservation priorities of medicinal plants in Uttaranchal (India). Medicinal plants were
given scores for specific criteria: endemism (to the Himalayan region), mode of
harvesting (shoots, roots or both), use values (the number of diseases cured by a
species), and rarity status, as follows:
Category of criteria Sub-category
Endemism Endemic to the Himalaya 1
Non-endemic 0
Mode of harvesting Shoot or aboveground plant part 1
Roots 2
Both roots and shoots 3
Use value Used in 1-5 ailments 1
Used in 6-10 ailments 2
Used in 11-15 ailments 3
Used in >16 ailments 4
Rarity status Rare 1
Vulnerable 2
Endangered 3
Critically endangered 4

Species scores were summed up for each species without any weighting to give total
scores. The maximum score a species could get was 12. A priority list of 17 medicinal
plants was then obtained, where higher scores correspond to highest priority.
Scoring systems have also been complemented with multivariate analysis in order to
look at the arrangement of these species so as to identify groups of species with similar
profiles (e.g. Given and Norton 1993), uncertainty values associated with some of the
criteria, reflecting the extent of the existing knowledge, and thus their confidence in the
estimates presented (e.g. Hunter et al. 1993, Carter and Barker 1993), and user‐friendly
interactive databases (Hunter et al. 1993).
The weighting of criteria is a variant of the scoring system (e.g. Carter and Barker 1993,
Lunney et al. 1996). The Department of Environment (1996) suggested the use of
“individual weighting on each criterion in order to give some indication of the relative
importance of that factor in measuring the extent of threat”. However, according to
Carter and Barker (1993) in the absence of information suggesting which criteria may be
more important in determining conservation priority for a species, it is better to keep the
weights equal across criteria.
Amongst the most widely applied systems is the biodiversity status‐ranking system (a
variant of a scoring system) developed and used by the Natural Heritage Network and
The Nature Conservancy in the US (Master 1991, Morse 1993, Stein 1993). The species
ranks are based on information about each species for a series of criteria relating to
species' rarity (number of individuals, number of populations or occurrences, rarity of
habitat, and size of geographic range), population trends, and threats; a scale ranging
from (1) critically imperilled to (5) demonstrably secure was then used to assign a rank to
each species at three separate levels – global, national, and state or province (Stein et al.
1995). When these three levels were combined, the system allowed for a rapid assessment
of the species’ known or probable threat of extinction (Master 1991).
Other approaches include that suggested by Coates and Atkins (2001) who developed a
priority setting process for Western Australian flora where risk of extinction at
population, taxon and ecological community levels were the primary determinant for
setting priorities. The authors considered, however, that if financial resources are
severely limited then further prioritization has to be undertaken based on taxonomic
distinctiveness and ability to recover. Pärtel et al. (2005) proposed a new combined
approach where species with conservation need are grouped according to the similar
activities needed for their conservation. These species were linked to eight qualitative
conservation characteristics, four reflecting natural causes of rarity (restricted global
distribution, restricted local distribution within a country, with small populations, and
occurring in very rare habitat types), and four connected with nature management
(species needing the management of semi-natural grasslands, species needing local
disturbances like forest fires, species needing traditional extensive agriculture, and
species which may be threatened by collecting). This procedure allows one to focus on
species groups with similar conservation needs instead of individual species.

A.4.3. Examples and applied use

Box 22. Criteria used in prioritizing CWR examples

A number of studies have applied different criteria for CWR prioritization. Mitteau and
Soupizet (2000) prepared a list of priority CWR for in situ conservation in France and a
group of experts defined the relevant criteria. These were: level of knowledge, state of
present research, threats, importance as a genetic resource, protection status, and
distribution within natural reserves. Later, Flor et al. (2004) suggested five criteria to
prioritise European CWR: threat (IUCN Red List category, biological susceptibility),
conservation status (in situ and ex situ), genetics (data on gene pool, genetic erosion and
pollution), economics (trade), and utilization (frequency, uses). Ford‐Lloyd et al. (2008)
suggested a straightforward methodology to be used with limited information and/or at
the supra-national context when several countries are involved. The criteria these authors
suggested include: the number of countries in which taxa occur (as a proxy indicator of
abundance/threat) and the ‘use’ categories of the related crop (food, fodder/forage,
industrial, forestry, spice/condiment, medicinal, ornamental, cultural value).
At national level, Maxted et al. (2007) used a combination of economic value of the related
crop and CWR threat status to select species for conservation in the United Kingdom, and
Magos Brehm et al. (2010) used economic value, native status, national and global
distribution, in situ and ex situ conservation status, threat, and legislation in order to set
priorities for Portuguese CWR.
For prioritization of CWR taxa within gene pools (i.e., when using the monographic
approach), Maxted and Kell (2009) proposed that the degree of relationship of the wild
relatives to the crop taxon using the Gene Pool or Taxon Group concepts should be used
in combination with the relative threat status of the wild relatives in the gene pool. When
developing a conservation plan for a crop gene pool, these two criteria may be used
sequentially in either order, depending on the size of the gene pool (number of taxa) or the
availability of data for the taxa in the gene pool (Kell et al. 2012a).
The selection of native European CWR for inclusion in the European Red List
was based on the economic value of the related crops in Europe combined with wild
relatives of food crop genera and forage/fodder species listed in Annex I of the
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (FAO 2001)
(Bilz et al. 2011, Kell et al. 2012b). For some of the larger genera (e.g., Lathyrus, Vicia), only
the species in Gene Pools or Taxon Groups 1B and 2 were included due to insufficient
resources to assess the Red List status of all the species. However, for the majority of the
crop gene pools, all species were assessed, thus providing an opportunity to evaluate
which gene pools in Europe are most threatened and to provide an indication of relative
threat of all priority European CWR species, whether closely or more distantly related to
the crops (Bilz et al. 2011, Kell et al. 2012b).

Box 23. Establishing conservation priorities for the CWR of India

CWR conservation priorities were established under the Biodiversity Conservation
Prioritisation Project of WWF-India which aimed at researching knowledge on the status
of CWR in India and to identify in situ conservation priorities.
CWR were defined as those taxa that were within a genus that contained a taxon reported
to be under cultivation. Information on their distributional range, consumptive usage etc.,
were collated.
A first prioritisation shortlisted those taxa that were identified to: (i) be morphologically
and genetically closest to their related crops, (ii) have a limited distributional range, (iii)
be rare and/or endemic, (iv) be threatened due to overexploitation, (v) be taxa of high
socio-economic significance, and (vi) be those species for which adequate information
could not be obtained.
Final priorities were assigned to taxa depending on whether they:
1. Were endemic to a particular region,
2. Were restricted distribution in one to two biogeographic zones,
3. Were Critically Endangered due to overexploitation or habitat destruction,
4. Have contributed genes of resistances to modern cultivars and facing threats due to
anthropogenic factors,
5. Have potential sources of useful traits,
6. Were of high socio-economic significance (e.g. used for medicinal purposes, as
substitutes for food crops during stress periods like drought and famine, and in religious
ceremonies, etc.).
Over 100 species related to 27 crops (e.g. rice, maize, millets, etc.) were prioritised.
Source: Rana et al. (2001).

Box 24. Establishing conservation priorities for the CWR of Spain

A comprehensive list of genera containing food crops included in Annex 1 of the FAO
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (FAO 2001)
and the Spanish Annual Agriculture Statistics (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio
Rural y Marino, 2010) was combined with crop genera included in the Annual Report of
the Community Plant Variety Office in Europe (2010), the list of the International Union
for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) (2010), and other bibliographic
references. The list was then discussed with agrobiodiversity expert and revised. Given
the large number of taxa from 202 genera included, priorities established based on the
most important crops for Spain and world food security using the following criteria:
Genera listed in Annex 1 of the ITPGRFA or Spanish Annual Agricultural Statistics; AND
with at least one species native to Spain; AND it has registered crop varieties in Spain.
Additional genera were also prioritised due to their national socio-economic importance.
Fifty genera were then listed and subsequently classified into four categories (33 food
crop genera, 10 fodder and forage crop genera, 5 ornamental crop genera and 6 genera
containing crops with other uses) and all the species within each genus were obtained
using Flora Iberica (Castroviejo et al. 1986‒2011), the Anthos project (Anthos 2011), and
the List of Wild Animal and Plant Species of the Canary Islands (Acebes Ginovés et al.
The CWR of the 33 food crop genera were then further prioritised using the following
1. Taxa belonging to Gene Pools 1B and 2, or classified into Taxon Groups 1B, 2 or 3; or
2. Threatened (or near threatened taxon according to IUCN Red List Categories); or
3. Endemic to Spain.
The prioritization exercise finally resulted in a list of 149 food-related CWR.
Source: Rubio Teso et al. (2012).
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A.4.5. Additional materials and resources

General references:
Heywood VH (2011) “Selection and prioritization of species/populations
and areas.” In: Hunter D and Heywood V (eds.) Crop wild relatives, a

manual of in situ conservation. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity.
Earthscan, London, pp. 129-168.
Maxted N and Kell S (2009) Establishment of a Network for the In situ
Conservation of Crop Wild Relatives: Status and Needs. Commission on
Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. 211 pp.
Repor W2/CropWildRelatives_2011_final.pdf Includes information
t prioritization at national and gene pool level. Fourteen crop gene pools
are included: finger millet (Eleusine), barley (Hordeum), sweet potato
(Ipomoea), yam (Manihot), banana/plantain (Musa), rice (Oryza), pearl
millet (Pennisetum),garden pea (Pisum), potato (Solanum), sorghum
(Sorghum), wheat (Triticum), faba bean (Vicia), cowpea (Vigna) and
maize (Zea).
Kell SP, Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Magos Brehm J (2008) Broadening
the base, narrowing the task: setting priorities for the conservation of crop

wild relative diversity. DIVERSEEDS Second International Meeting. 2-5
September, Kunming, China.
Kell S, Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd B and Magos Brehm J (2011) Options for
 CWR prioritization. Joint PGR Secure/ECPGR workshop. Conservation
strategies for European crop wild relatives and landrace diversity. 7–9
September, Palanga, Lithuania.
CWR In Situ Strategy Helpdesk. Available at:
http://aegro.jki.bund.de/aegro/index.php?id=188 [Accessed July 2012]. A
guide and information facility for national programmes, research
institutes, NGOs, protected area managers or individuals involved in the
development of a CWR in situ conservation strategy. Includes guidance
on CWR prioritization at national level and within gene pools.
National CWR prioritization:
Magos Brehm J and Maxted N (2011) CWR prioritization at national level:
case studies and lessons learnt. Second training workshop "Conservation
for enhanced utilization of crop wild relative diversity for sustainable
 development and climate change mitigation", Beijing (China). Organised
by the University of Birmingham and financed by the Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA, UK) and by the Chinese
Ministry of Agriculture. 11-13 January.
Rubio Teso ML, Parra-Quijano M, Torres E and Iriondo JM (2011) Progress
in prioritizing CWR in Spain. Joint PGR Secure/ECPGR workshop.
Conservation strategies for European crop wild relatives and landrace

diversity. 7–9 September, Palanga, Lithuania.
Crop Gene Pool prioritization:
Singh RJ and Jauhar PP (eds) (2005) Genetic resources, chromosome
engineering, and crop improvement. Vol I, Grain legumes. Taylor &

Francis pp. 390. (information on 3 crop gene pools complexes: Cajanus,
Cicer and Lens)
Maxted N, Mabuza-Dlamini P, Moss H, Padulosi S, Jarvis A and Guarino L
(2004) An Ecogeographic Survey: African Vigna. Systematic and

Ecogeographic Studies of Crop Genepools 10. IPGRI, Rome, Italy.
(information on Vigna crop gene pool)
Smartt J (1980) Evolution and evolutionary problems in food legumes.
 Economic Botany 34(3): 219-235. (information on Phaseolus crop gene
WW The Harlan and de Wet Crop Wild Relative Checklist:
W http://www.cwrdiversity.org/home/checklist/
Bioversity International, IRRI and CIAT (2009) Gap analysis. Available at:
http://gisweb.ciat.cgiar.org/gapanalysis/ [Accessed June 2012]
(information on 12 crop gene pools complexes: Cicer, Phaseolus, Hordeum,
Vigna, Triticum and Aegilops, Zea, Sorghum, Eleusine, Pennisetum,
Cajanus, Vicia, and Lens)
Global and regional examples of Red Lists and Red Data Books:
WW IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/
Walters KS and Gillett HJ (1998) 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened
 Plants. Compiled by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre. IUCN -
WW The World Conservation Union, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
W pp. 1-862.
Global Red Lists searchable at: http://www.iucnredlist.org/
Black Sea:
W Black Sea Red Data Book:
Bilz M, Kell SP, Maxted N and Lansdown RV (2011) European Red List of
 Vascular Plants. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Available at:
WW ownloads/European_vascular_plants.pdf [Accessed June 2012].
European Red List searchable at:
South Africa:
W Online version of SANBI's Red List of South African plants.
National examples of Red Lists and Red Data Books:
WW IUCN National Red Lists portal, searchable for regional and national red
W listed species: http://www.regionalredlist.com/site.aspx.
W Threatened Flora of Australia: http://www.environment.gov.au/cgi-
VMABCC-Bioversity 2009
WW Libro Rojo de Parientes Silvestres de Cultivos de Bolivia:
WW Canada:
W Canadian Red List: http://www.cosewic.gc.ca/eng/sct5/index_e.cfm
WW Phaneograms Red Data book of Colombia [Libro rojo de plantas
W fanerógamas de Colombia]:
(in Spanish)
WW Red Book of Vascular Flora of Croatia:
W http://www.dzzp.hr/eng/publications/red-books/red-book-of-vascular-
WW Red List of Plant and Animal Species in Denmark:
W http://www.sns.dk/udgivelser/1997/rodliste/rodlis.pdf (in Danish, with
summary in English).
W Red List of the vascular plants of Luxembourg:
W List of the vascular plants in the Red Data Book of Russia:
Moreno JC (coordinator) (2008) Lista Roja 2008 de la flora vascular
española. Dirección General de Medio Natural y Política Forestal
 (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino, y Sociedad
Española de Biología de la Conservación de Plantas), Madrid, 86 pp.
Available from:
[Accessed June 2012]. (in Spanish)
WW Red Data Book of Ukraine:
W http://enrin.grida.no/biodiv/biodiv/national/ukraine/legis/l2_3.htm
(plants in Volume I)
WW United States of America:
W California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB):
WW British Columbia Red List- Provincial Red and Blue lists for species in
W British Columbia: http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/atrisk/red-blue.htm
A.5. Genetic data analysis of priority species
A.5.1. Overview
Why it is important to undertake genetic diversity studies on CWR?
Genetic diversity studies are important to (a) to understand the richness and
evenness of diversity across the geographic breadth of the species, (b) to obtain
genetic baseline information against which to detect changes in diversity and
identify genetic erosion, (c) to establish population priorities for conservation
within each taxon, and (d) to identify traits of interest for crop improvement.

(i) Assessment of genetic diversity within a target taxon. Typically,

conservation biology aims at conserving the maximum number of species and
numbers of individuals within a species. However, the conservation of intrinsic
genetic diversity within a taxon has also been identified as equally important. The
genetic diversity available within a species represents not only a potential
exploitable resource for human utilization but also encompasses the species’
evolutionary potential to evolve and adapt within a changing environment.
Therefore, when assessing genetic diversity is important to identify the allelic
richness (relative number of different alleles) and evenness (frequency of different
alleles) across the geographic breadth of the species.

Wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum K. Koch) collected in Jordan and

germinated for leaf tissue collection needed for DNA extraction and genetic
diversity analysis (photo: Imke Thormann).

(ii) Establishing a genetic baseline

An understanding of the pattern of allelic richness and evenness across the
geographic breadth of the species establishes a relative baseline against which
change can be measured, just as population ecologists measure demographic


changes in population number so population geneticists measure changes in
allelic richness and evenness over time. Again like demographic changes in
population number so population changes in allelic richness and evenness over
time are natural and so by monitoring genetic change natural changes can be
distinguished from changes associated with adverse population management that
result in genetic erosion and would ultimately lead to population extinction.
Establishing the genetic baseline and assess genetic diversity regularly over time
enables these deleterious changes to be detected early and population
management changes implemented before there is significant genetic erosion (see
A.12. Monitoring ).

(iii) Establishing population priorities for conservation within a target CWR.

The amount and patterns of genetic diversity both within and between
populations of a species, genetic population structure, and common and localised
alleles are some of the data that can be useful when prioritising populations for
conservation. For instance, if a particular CWR is genetically homogenous or if the
partitioning of genetic diversity is considerably higher within rather than between
populations, then a limited number or even a single genetic reserve may be
enough to efficiently conserve the species (the population with higher genetic
diversity and with highest number of common and localised alleles, for instance).
However, if different populations of the same CWR are genetically different or if
the between populations’ partitioning of genetic diversity is high, indicating
significant differentiation among populations, multiple genetic reserves would
probably be needed to ensure that all genetic diversity within that particular CWR
is conserved. It is important to also take into account that even in cases where
there is only a small fraction of genetic differentiation between populations, this
diversity can be very important as it may contain adaptive traits which are critical
for the species’ ability to inhabit different environmental conditions. This factor
can be particularly important when considering the conservation of populations in
the margins of a species’ range, especially considering the need for species to
adapt to changing environmental conditions brought about by climate change.

(iv) Identifying traits of interest for crop improvement. Two distinct but
complementary components of genetic variation have been identified. The first is
related to the functional diversity which has resulted from adaptive evolution due
to natural selection (which acts on a limited set of loci). The second relates to
neutral alleles which result from neutral evolutionary forces such as gene flow,
mutation and genetic drift which affect genetic variation at all loci to the same
extent. The relative importance of adaptive versus neutral variation in
conservation genetics has been vastly debated over the years41. Adaptive variation
refers to alleles (or quantitative traits) that affect fitness. They are the primary
targets of natural selection and reflect the species’ potential ability to adapt to
changing environments42. Adaptive genetic variation is evaluated in quantitative

e.g. Bowen (1999), Fraser and Bernatchez (2001), Merilä and Crnokrak (2001), Reed and Frankham
(2001), McKay and Latta (2002), Holderegger et al. (2006)
e.g. Falconer and Mackay (1996), McKay and Latta (2002), van Tienderen et al. (2002)
genetic experiments under controlled and uniform environmental conditions.
Nevertheless, the assessment of adaptive variation assessment is very time
consuming and quantitative traits involved in adaptation are sometimes difficult
to find. Moreover, since that adaptive quantitative variation is the result of
environmental and genetic factors, large sample sizes are required (which might
not be available in rare or threatened populations) in order to understand the
contribution of these components to the overall variation. Recent developments in
high-throughput sequencing now provide an opportunity to discover the genetic
signatures of selection at a genome-wide level43. Although finding individual
genes under selection based on genetic variation patterns between adaptively
differentiated populations is conceptually simple, it requires wide genomic
sampling. A further challenge is to link patterns of adaptive variation at specific
loci in natural populations to environmental factors affecting these patterns (i.e.,
how is adaptation to different ecologies/habitats driven from the molecular level?)
Neutral genetic diversity, on the other hand, refers to those alleles that have no
direct effect on a species’ fitness and which are not affected by natural selection.
They do not provide information on the adaptive or evolutionary potential of
populations or species. This type of genetic diversity can be assessed using a wide
range of molecular markers. They include microsatellites and AFLP (Amplified
Fragment Length Polymorphism). The assessment of neutral genetic variation has
been frequently used as a shortcut to infer global genetic diversity and to support
strategies for the conservation of threatened taxa44. The use of molecular markers
is a fast and relatively cheap technique which allows the study of gene flow,
migration and dispersal.
The topic on whether a correlation between neutral and adaptive variation exists
has been debated and conclusions do not always agree. Some authors have found
that neutral and adaptive genetic diversity and differentiation are positively
correlated45, whereas other studies indicate that measurements of neutral diversity
have a very limited prediction ability of quantitative variation46 and thus cannot
be used as a surrogate for adaptive genetic data, at least for some traits. However,
despite the controversy, neutral genetic markers can provide highly useful
information for the conservation of genetic resources. They can be used to
characterize various evolutionary forces that impact the maintenance of genetic
diversity47. For example, based on neutral marker data, it is possible to reveal the
extent of genetic drift, gene flow and inbreeding, or the presence of past
population bottlenecks. Within the context of genetic conservation, especially
under a climate change threat, gene conservation strategies should focus on the
adaptive capacity of populations (and species) by considering their “individual
plasticity” (i.e. their ability to respond to different environmental conditions), their
adaptive genetic diversity and the occurrence of natural selection that acts upon

Brieuc and Naish (2011)
e.g. Palacios and González‐Candelas (1999), Rottenberg and Parker (2003), Eckstein et al. (2006),
Watson‐Jones et al. (2006)
e.g. Merilä and Crnokrak (2001), Pearman (2001)
e.g. Reed and Frankham (2001, 2002)
Ahuja (2011)
them, as well as their ability to disperse48. Adaptive variation assessment is
therefore particularly important since it allows the identification of the
components of genetic diversity responsible for the adaptation of populations to
different conditions. Nevertheless, adaptive studies are still more time consuming
and expensive but are becoming more achievable. In summary, ideally, an
adaptive diversity study should be undertaken. If for reasons of limited financial
resources, time available or lack of skilled staff it is not possible to undertake such
studies, and assuming there is a positive correlation between neutral and adaptive
genetic diversity, then neutral genetic diversity results could be used as a proxy of
adaptive genetic diversity.

Box 25. Allele types according to their distribution in populations

Marshall and Brown (1975) developed a two‐way classification system of alleles
based on their frequency in populations (common or rare) and distribution across
populations (widespread over many populations, or localized to just a few).
Marshall and Brown (1975) and Brown and Hardner (2000) defined any allele
occurring in ≥25% of populations as a widespread allele and those occurring in
<25% of populations as a localized allele. Marshall and Brown (1975) also suggested
the classification of the alleles according to their average frequency in a
population as common (P≥0.05) or rare (P<0.05). Four classes of alleles were then
defined: (i) common and widespread (population frequency P≥0.05, and occurring
in ≥25% of populations); (ii) common and local (population frequency P≥0.05, and
occurring in <25% of populations); (iii) rare and widespread (population frequency
P<0.05, and occurring in ≥25% of populations); (iv) rare and local (population
frequency P<0.05, and occurring in <25% of populations). From these four
categories, the authors argued that the “common and local” category is the most
important in terms of conservation because it includes those alleles that confer
adaptation to local conditions. On the other hand, “common and widespread”
alleles are everywhere so they will inevitably be conserved regardless of the
conservation strategy; “rare and widespread” alleles will be conserved depending
on the total number of sampled plants if ex situ accessions are to be sampled, or if
the conservation area includes most of the population in an in situ approach; the
“rare and local” class includes very rare variants and recent or deleterious mutants
which are extremely difficult to collect but a fraction will always be included in
any conservation strategy.

Lefèvre (2007)

Ecogeographic Genetic diversity studies

database and analysis of target species?


Funding to undertake
genetic study?


Sufficiently large population

sample to carry the genetic study
out? (e.g. ex situ collections)


Skilled staff to undertake COLLECT FRESH

genetic study? MATERIAL DE NOVO







Figure 10. Collation of genetic diversity data of CWR

Along with taxonomic, ecogeographic, characterisation and evaluation data, a

National management plan for CWR conservation should, whenever possible,
include genetic information of the CWR not only to genetically characterise them,
but also to detect which priority CWR populations should be targeted for in situ
and ex situ conservation (i.e. those with greatest amount of genetic diversity, with
interesting adaptive alleles etc.), and help detecting and thus preventing CWR
diversity from genetic erosion. Where genetic analysis has not been undertaken or
where resources are unavailable to undertake genetic analyses, as will often be the
case when preparing a National management plan for CWR conservation,
ecogeographic diversity can be used as a proxy for genetic diversity, the premise
being that conserving the widest possible ecogeographic range of populations of a
species will maximise the overall genetic diversity of the species conserved.
Figure 9 illustrates the process of collating genetic diversity data for CWR. It is
necessary to know whether: (i) there are pre-existing genetic studies on the CWR,
(ii) there are financial resources to undertake (further) genetic studies, (iii) there
is a sufficiently large population sample to carry the genetic study out, (iv) there is
skilled staff to carry out the genetic study, or alternatively, (v) whether
ecogeographic diversity within the CWR can be used as a proxy of genetic
diversity. Finally, a genetic erosion monitoring scheme should be implemented in
order to detect changes in genetic diversity of the CWR (see A.12. Monitoring in
situ CWR conservation sites).

A.5.2. Methodology
The main practical questions that need to be answered in regard to the collation of
genetic data are:
(i) Are there any genetic studies and genetic information already available for
the target CWR? If so, collate all the information obtained which can be
useful to understand the species genetic characteristics. Information on
breeding system and seed dispersal mechanism as well as on other life
history traits should also be gathered as they are crucial in determining the
patterns of genetic diversity among and between populations. If no genetic
information is available, then if possible a genetic study (on adaptive or
neutral diversity) should be carried out.
(ii) Are there sufficient financial resources to undertake a genetic study (either
on adaptive or neutral genetic diversity)?
(iii) Are there enough population samples available to undertake the genetic
study? These may be either material of the species already present in
available ex situ collections or through fresh collection from throughout the
ecogeographic range of the species.
(iv) Are there skilled staff able to undertake such a study? If financial resources
and expertise are available, a genetic study is thus desirable. If financial
resources are available but no skilled staff, plant samples should be
collected, then sent to skilled experts to analyse.
(v) However, if resources are limited and not available to carry out a genetic
diversity study, ecogeographic diversity (together with information on
reproduction and dispersal systems) can be used as a proxy for genetic
diversity (different ecogeographic characteristics entail different genetic
characteristics). In other words, if a priority CWR species is distributed
throughout a country then it is assumed, unless there is evidence to the
contrary, that genetic diversity or distance is partitioned in relation to
ecogeographic diversity, and sampling from the maximum diversity of
locations will result in the most genetically diverse samples. Disparate
ecogeographic locations can then be identified for the establishment of in
situ CWR conservation sites or the sampling of populations for ex situ

Box 26. Genetic diversity in relation to life history traits in plant species
Hamrick (1983) and Loveless and Hamrick (1984) used several life history and
ecological traits to determine whether inter-population genetic heterogeneity was
related to the species' characteristics. They found that life form, geographic range,
breeding system and taxonomic status had significant effects on the partitioning
of genetic diversity within and among plant populations. For detailed information
on how breeding system, floral morphology, mode of reproduction, pollination
mechanism, seed dispersal, seed dormancy, phenology, life cycle, timing of
reproduction, successional stage, geographic range, population size and density,
and population spatial distribution may affect the genetic variation within
populations as well as the genetic structure among and within populations, see a
literature review of several case studies undertaken by Loveless and Hamrick
In addition, Hamrick and Godt (1996) perform two-trait combination analyses on
five different life history characteristics (breeding systems, seed dispersal
mechanism, life form, geographic range, and taxonomic status) in order to study
how genetic diversity varies in seed plants. They analysed interspecific variation
of allozyme genetic diversity regarding the percentage of polymorphic loci within
the species (P), genetic diversity within the species (Hardy-Weinberg expected
heterozygosity - Hes- Weir 1990), and the proportion of total genetic diversity
among populations (GST).
The categories of each of the life history traits studied were:
‐ breeding systems: outcrossing, selfing and mixed mating;
‐ seed dispersal mechanism: attached, gravity, animal, wind;
‐ life form: annual, short-lived and long-lived perennial taxa;
‐ geographic range: endemic, regional, narrow and widespread;
‐ taxonomic status: gymnosperm, dicotyledon, monocotyledon.
The authors concluded that all examined traits have significant effects on the
genetic parameters considered but life form and breeding system have the most
significant influence on the levels and distribution of genetic diversity. Their main
conclusions were:
‐ regardless of other traits, outcrossing species tend to be more genetically
diverse and have less genetic differentiation among populations;
‐ woody plants have less among population differentiation and somewhat
more genetic diversity than non-woody species with similar life history traits;
‐ species within families with predominately outcrossing and woody species
had more genetic diversity and less inter-population differentiation than species
within families with predominately herbaceous species;
‐ species with low inter-population genetic differentiation tend to have more
overall genetic diversity;
‐ woody plants have lower GST values and somewhat higher P, and Hes values
than herbaceous plants with the same combinations of life history traits,
regardless of their phylogenetic relationship.
Table 1. Ecological factors affecting genetic variation and population structure 49, 50
Ecological factor Genetic variation Genetic structure among populations Genetic structure within populations
within populations
Breeding system
Primarily inbreeding Lower than other Increased divergence due to drift and Reduced heterozygosity and within family
species, low reduced gene flow genotypic diversity; low Ne; restricted gene
heterozygosity migration and high population subdivision
Mixed mating More variability Potential for differentiation; depends on Potentially subdivided; depends on balance
selfing and may vary in time between selfing and outcrossing
Predominantly Higher than other Reduced divergence due to increased Increased Ne and NA, reduced subdivision
outbreeding species, high pollen flow
Floral morphology
Hermaphrodite Moderate levels if Depends on breeding system; selfing Potential for subdivision; depends on
mixed mating; lower promotes divergence mating system and pollen movement; floral
if selfing morphology affects pollination and pollen
carryover, altering Ne and NA up or down
Monoecious or Potentially high, if Increased outbreeding and pollen flow Depends on mating system and pollinators;
dichogamous predominantly reduce differentiation likely to have reduced subdivision and
outcrossed increased homogeneity
Dioecious or High Enforced outcrossing and pollen Enforced outbreeding reduces subdivision;

Adapted from Loveless and Hamrick (1984)
Ne=effective population size, NA=neighbourhood area


Ecological factor Genetic variation Genetic structure among populations Genetic structure within populations
within populations
heterostylous movement reduce differentiation assortive mating and unequal sex ratios can
reduce Ne and generate differentiation
Mode of reproduction
Obligate apomixis Low but depends on Founder effects and drift promote Homogeneous clones; population highly
the number of genets divergence; lack of recombination leads subdivided
to loss of genotypic variability
Facultative apomixis Moderate; depends Founder effect may limit number of Potentially subdivided; depends on breeding
on breeding system genets, thus enhance differentiation system and amount of sexual reproduction
and other factors
Sexual reproduction Potentially high Depends on other factors Depends on other factors
Pollination mechanism
Small bee Insect-pollinated Limited pollen movement and local Limited, leptokurtic or nearest neighbour
species foraging (especially by small insects) pollen movement reduces Ne, promotes
General entomophily
have reduced increase differentiation subdivision, family structure and inbreeding
Large bee amounts Rare long-distance pollen dispersal, long- Animal vectors with high variance in pollen
Butterfly/moth of variability distance trap-lining, or low background carryover and delivery will increase Ne
pollen levels (wind) prevent divergence Large, vagiIe vectors will visit more plants,
reduce subdivision, give moderate to large
Ne and large NA
Wind High Wind pollination gives large Ne and NA and
reduces subdivision
Seed dispersal
Ecological factor Genetic variation Genetic structure among populations Genetic structure within populations
within populations
Gravity Intermediate Limited dispersal promotes Limited seed movement reduces Ne,
differentiation promotes family structure, inbreeding,
increased homozygosity and subdivision
Explosive/capsule Intermediate Small amounts of long-distance
migration can prevent divergence
Winged/plumose High
Large variance in dispersal distance
increases Ne, decreases subdivision
Animal-ingested Intermediate Regular long distance transport promotes
Animal-attached Low Dispersal by wind and animals may reduce
clumping and family structure
Seed dormancy
Absent Determined by other Determined by other Determined by other
factors factors factors
Present Increases potential Reduces divergence; retards loss Retards loss of alleles; increases
genetic variation of alleles by drift and isolation generation time of genotypes, in-
creases Ne, and inhibits subdivision; may be
countered by differential fecundities or
other factors
Populations No prediction Prevents gene exchange; promotes Restricts mating, reduces Ne and promotes
asynchronous divergence subdivision
Populations seasonal No prediction Potential for extensive gene flow reduces Large potential Ne; may be restricted by
and synchronous probability of divergence pollinator behaviour or family structure, but
Ecological factor Genetic variation Genetic structure among populations Genetic structure within populations
within populations
potentially homogeneous
Extended, low level No prediction Long-distance pollinator movement Reduces selfing, increases pollen flow,
flowering prevents divergence increases NA and prevents subdivision
Life cycle
Annual Reduced variability; Increases chances of subdivision Increases susceptibility to drift due to
less heterozygosity bottleneck effects and variable fecundities;
Short-lived perennial
smaller Ne promotes local subdivision
Long-lived perennial Increased variability Reduces effects of drift, increases Retards loss of variation; increases Ne,
chances of migration, and thus hinders increases mating opportunities, and retards
divergence subdivision
Timing of reproduction
Monocarpic No prediction Promotes drift and divergence between Restricts mating possibilities, shortens
populations effective generation time; reduces Ne which
promotes differentiation in time and space
but reduces flowering density, which may
increase Ne
Polycarpic No prediction May inhibit divergence; depends on other Increases Ne by increasing mating pool and
factors generation time, reducing probability of
Successional stage
Early Reduced variability Founder and drift effects, short Depends on other factors: generation time,
population lifespan promotes breeding system and dispersal may have
Ecological factor Genetic variation Genetic structure among populations Genetic structure within populations
within populations
differentiation conflicting effects on Ne
Late Increased variability Stable, long-lived population structure Depends on other factors; longer generation
promotes migration, reduces drift and time reduces population subdivision
reduces differentiation
Geographic range
Endemic Genetically Small, local populations will show more Possibly homogenous, due to size
depauperate divergence due to drift and isolation fluctuations, lack of variability
Narrow Moderate levels
Regional Maximum variation Patterns in more widespread species Patterns influenced by other factors
determined by other factors
Widespread Less variability
Population size
Large and stable High Trade-off in populations of all sizes Potentially subdivided, depending on
between drift and migration effects: small pollinator behaviour
populations promote divergence due to
Small and stable Lower, due to drift More likely to be homogeneous, depending
drift but are more heavily influenced by
on scale of gene flow and magnitude of drift
small numbers of migrant propagules;
Fluctuating size Low, due to drift structure will depend on amount of Homogeneous due to loss of variability and
migration inbreeding during periods of small size; net
Ne is weighted towards length of time spent
at small population sizes
Population density
High No prediction Trade-offs analogous to those for Animal-dispersed pollen movement is more
Ecological factor Genetic variation Genetic structure among populations Genetic structure within populations
within populations
population size susceptible to density; high densities
restrict pollen flow and increase subdivision
Low No prediction Low density may promote long-distance Low densities may increase pollen
pollen flow, increasing homogeneity movement (increase NA) or may reduce
pollinator visits (decrease NA and Ne)
Population spatial distribution
Patchy No prediction Increasing isolation reduces gene flow Patchiness may affect pollinator behaviour
and enhances differentiation in complex ways; in general, spatial
patchiness increases inbreeding, reduces
gene flow and Ne, and enhances genetic
patchiness and subdivision
Uniform No prediction Promotes migration and homogeneity Promotes gene flow and reduces subdivision
Population shape No prediction Divergence enhanced in linear arrays of Subdivision is increased in linear habitats
A.5.3. Examples and applied use

Box 27. Genetic diversity of Dianthus cintranus subsp. barbatus in Portugal

A genetic diversity study using AFLP was undertaken for Dianthus cintranus
Boiss. & Reut. subsp. barbatus R. Fern. & Franco―a priority CWR for conservation
in Portugal. The AFLP analysis showed that D. cintranus subsp. cintranus presents
low but significant among population differentiation (FST=0.038). The AMOVA
showed that the within population component of the genetic variance is extremely
high (92%). The populations of the taxon are characterized by the high number of
private alleles. Additionally, a significant pattern of isolation‐by‐distance between
the populations of A. victorialis (R2=0.692, P=0.032) and D. cintranus subsp.
cintranus (R2=0.286, P=0.034) was observed, indicating restricted gene flow over a
small geographic scale. Given that the taxon did not show isolation by distance, a
Bayesian clustering analysis was performed and the results obtained on
population genetic structure complemented the analyses. Two genetic clusters
were identified for D. cintranus subsp. barbatus.
Genetic (namely, expected heterozygosity, total number of polymorphic alleles,
common and localized alleles, and inter‐population genetic distance),
demographic (population size) and threat data were used in order to prioritise
populations for in situ conservation of the studied species. Results showed that
one population of the target taxon should be conserved in situ and ex situ.
Source: Magos Brehm et al. (2012)

Dianthus cintranus Boiss. & Reut. subsp. barbatus R. Fern. & Franco, a wild relative
of carnations (D. caryophyllus L.) in Caramulo (Portugal) (photo: Joana Magos

Box 28. Islands as refugia of Trifolium repens genetic diversity

A genetic diversity study using AFLP was carried out in order to compare
mainland wild and landrace populations of Trifolium repens compared with wild
populations collected from the islands surrounding the UK. Results showed that
the population from the now uninhabited island of St Kilda (Outer Hebrides) is
highly differentiated from UK mainland populations and genetically distinct from
cultivated varieties, retaining high diversity through limited human influence,
thus representing a unique conservation resource. In contrast, the mainland UK
wild populations are relatively genetically similar to the cultivated forms, with
geographic barriers preventing complete homogenisation.
Source: Hargreaves et al. (2010)

A.5.4. List of references used to compile the text

Barrett RDH and Schluter D (2008) Adaptation from standing genetic variation.
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 23: 38‐44.
Bowen BW (1999) Preserving genes, species, or ecosystems? Healing the
fractured foundations of conservation policy. Molecular Ecology 8: S5‐S10.
Brieuc MSO and Naish KA (2011). Detecting signatures of positive selection in
partial sequences generated on a large scale: pitfalls, procedures and
resources. Molecular Ecology Research 11(1): 172-183.
Brown ADH and Hardner CM (2000) “Sampling the gene pools of forest tree
species for ex situ conservation.” In: Young A, Boshier D and Boyle T (Eds)
Forest conservation genetics: principles and practice. Melbourne: CSIRO
Publishing. Australia and CABI Publishing. pp. 185‐196.
Eckstein RL, O’Neill RA, Danihelka J, Otte A and Köhler W (2006) Genetic
structure among and within peripheral and central populations of three
endangered floodplain violets. Molecular Ecology 15: 2367‐2379.
Falconer DS and Mackay TF (1996) Introduction to quantitative genetics. Harlow,
United Kingdom: Longmans Green.
FAO (1997b) The state of the world’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture. Annex 1-4. State of the art: legal and economic methods relevant to
PGRFA. Rome, pp. 393-442.
Frankel OH and Bennett E (1970) Genetic resources in plants – their exploration
and conservation. Blackwell, Oxford.
Fraser DJ and Bernatchez L (2001) Adaptive evolutionary conservation: towards
a unified concept for defining conservation units. Molecular Ecology 10:
Hamrick JL (1983) “The distribution of genetic variation within and among
natural plant populations.” In: Shonewald-Cox CM, Chambers SM, MacBryde B
and Thomas L (Eds) Genetics and conservation. Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo
Park, CA, pp 335-348.
Hamrick JL and Godt MJW (1996) Effects of life history traits on genetic diversity
in plant species. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London,
Series B, Biological Sciences 351: 1291‐1298.
Hargreaves S, Maxted N, Hirano R, Abberton N, Skøt L and Ford-Lloyd BV (2010)
Islands as refugia of Trifolium repens genetic diversity. Conservation Genetics
11(4): 1317-1326.
Holderegger R, Kamm U and Gugerli F (2006) Adaptive vs. neutral genetic
diversity: implications for landscape genetics. Landscape Genetics 21: 797‐807.
Jump AS, Marchant R and Peñuelas J (2008) Environmental change and the
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barbatus R. Fern. & Franco.” In: Maxted N, Dulloo ME, Ford-Lloyd BV, Frese L,
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Marshall DR and Brown AHD (1975) “Optimum sampling strategies in genetic
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Watson‐Jones SJ, Maxted N and Ford‐Lloyd BF (2006) Population baseline data
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in the UK. Biological Conservation 132: 490‐499.
A.5.5. Additional materials and resources
Conservation genetics:
Agrimonti C, Bianchi R, Bianchi A, Ballero M, Poli F and Marmiroli N
(2007) Understanding biological conservation strategies: a molecular

genetic approach to the case of myrtle (Myrtus communis L.) in two Italian
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Bennett SJ and Mathews A (2003) Assessment of genetic diversity in
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E and Turok J (eds) Crop wild relative conservation and use. Wallingford:
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Ceplitis A (2001) Genetic and environmental factors affecting
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14: 721-730.
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diversity of Lolium species from Portugal. Molecular Ecology 10: 229-241.
Delgado P, Eguiarte LE, Molina-Freaner F, Alvarez-Buylla ER and Piñero D
(2008) Using phylogenetic, genetic and demographic evidence for setting

conservation priorities for Mexican rare pines. Biodiversity and
Conservation 17: 121-137.
Dudash MR and Fenster CB (2000) “Inbreeding and outbreeding
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(eds) Genetics, demography and viability of fragmented populations.
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Eckstein RL, O’Neill RA, Danihelka J, Otte A and Köhler W (2006) Genetic
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endangered floodplain violets. Molecular Ecology 15: 2367-2379.
Ellstrand NC and Elam DR (1993) Population genetic consequences of small
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and Systematics 24: 217-242.
Escudero A, Iriondo JM and Torres ME (2003) Spatial analysis of genetic

diversity as a tool for plant conservation. Biological Conservation 113: 351-365.
Ferguson, M.E., Ford-Lloyd, B.V., Robertson, L.D., Maxted, N. (1998)
Mapping the geographical distribution of genetic variation in the genus

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Ecology, 7: 1743-1755.
Gapare WJ, Aitken SN and Ritland CE (2005) Genetic diversity of core
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implications for conservation of widespread species. Biological
Conservation 123: 113-123.
Greene SL and Kisha TJ (2009) Using molecular markers to guide the in
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variation within Valeriana wallrothii Kreyer in relation to different
ecological locations. Plant Science 166: 1437-1441
Hardy OJ and Vekemans X (1999) Isolation by distance in a continuous
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population genetics models. Heredity 83 (2): 145-154.
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Honnay O and Jacquemyn H (2007) Susceptibility of common and rare
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Conservation Biology 21 (3): 823-831.
Huh MK and Huh HW (2001) Genetic diversity and population structure

of wild lentil tare. Crop Science 41: 1940-1946.
Jonsson M, Bertilsson M, Ehrlén N and Lönn M (2008) Genetic divergence
 of climatically marginal populations of Vicia pisiformis on the
Scandinavian Peninsula. Hereditas 145: 1-8.
Li Y-Y, Guan S-M, Yang S-Z, Luo Y and Chen X-Y (2012) Genetic decline
 and inbreeding depression in an extremely rare tree. Conservation
Genetics 13(2): 343-347.
Mattner J, Zawko G, Rossetto M, Krauss SL, Dixon KW and
Sivasithamparam K (2002) Conservation genetics and implications for

restoration of Hemigenia exilis (Lamiaceae), a serpentine endemic from
Western Australia. Biological Conservation 107: 37-45.
Mutegi E, Sagnard F, Labuschagne M, Herselman L, Semagn K, Deu M, de
Villiers S, Kanyenji B, Mwongera C, Traore P and Kiambi D (2012) Local
scale patterns of gene flow and genetic diversity in a crop–wild–weedy

complex of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) under traditional
agricultural field conditions in Kenya. Conservation Genetics (Online
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 Oostermeijer JGB, Luijten SH and den Nijs JCM (2003) Integrating
demographic and genetic approaches in plant conservation. Biological
Conservation 113: 389-398.
Ouborg NJ, Piqout Y and Van Groenendael JM (1999) Population
 genetics, molecular markers and the study of dispersal in plants. Journal
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 conservation genetics paradigm for plants. Journal of Ecology 94: 1233-
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 conservation on the basis of genetic markers. Conservation Biology 12:
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 crop relatives is aided by assessment of genetic markers. Proceedings of
the Natural Academy of Sciences USA 90 (22): 10623-10627.
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 conservation: a case study with Borderea chouardii (Dioscoreaceae), one
of the most critically endangered Iberian Plants. Annals of Botany 96:
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 consequences of habitat fragmentation for plants. Trends in Ecology and
Evolution 11: 413-418.
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 prioritised crop wild relatives. Symposium “Towards the establishment of
genetic reserve for crop wild relatives and landraces in Europe”. 13-16
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Genetic studies for breeding:
 Brar DS (2005) Broadening the gene pool of rice through introgression from wild
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 Hajjar R and Hodgkin T (2007) The use of wild relatives in crop

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 Hodgkin T and Hajjar R (2007) “Using crop wild relatives for crop
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SP, Iriondo J, Dulloo E and Turok J (eds) Crop Wild Relative Conservation
and Use. CABI Publishing, Wallingford. pp. 535–548. (REVIEW)
 IRRI (2007) Annual Report of the Director General, 2006–07. Project 1,
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 Kameswara Rao N, Reddy LJ and Bramel PJ (2003) Potential of wild
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 Komaki K (2001) Phylogeny of Ipomoea species closely related to sweet
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 Kuhlman L, Burson B, Klein P, Klein R, Stelly D, Price H and Rooney W
(2008) Genetic recombination in Sorghum bicolor x S. macrospermum
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 Mano Y and Takeda K (1998) Genetic resources of salt tolerance in wild
Hordeum species. Euphytica 103(1): 137–141.
 Maxted N and Kell S (2009) Establishment of a Network for the In situ
Conservation of Crop Wild Relatives: Status and Needs. Commission on
Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations. (REVIEW)
 Millet E, Manisterski J and Ben-Yehuda P (2008) “Exploitation of wild
cereal for wheat improvement in the Institute for Cereal Crop
improvement.” In: Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo J, Dulloo E
and Turok J (eds) Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use. CAB
International, Wallingford. pp. 556–565.
 Nair SG and Unnikrishnan M (2007) “Recent trends in cassava breeding in
India.” In: Ortiz R and Nassar NMA (eds) Cassava Improvement to
Enhance Livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa and North-eastern Brazil. First
International Meeting on Cassava Breeding, Biotechnology and Ecology,
Brazil, 11–15 November 2006: Proceedings. pp. 37–53. University of Brazil.
 Nassar NMA, Hashimoto DYC and Fernandes SDC (2008) Wild Manihot
species: botanical aspects, geographic distribution and economic value.
Genetics and Molecular Research 7(1): 16–28.
 Robertson LD (1985) “Faba bean germplasm collection, maintenance,
evaluation, and use.” In: Saxena MC and Verma S (eds) Faba Beans, Kabuli
Chickpeas, and Lentils in the 1980s (eds.). ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria. pp. 15–
 Sharma HC, Pampathy G and Reddy LJ (2003) Wild relatives of pigeon
pea as a source of resistance to the pod fly (Melanagromyza obtusa
Malloch) and pod wasp (Tanaostigmodes cajaninae La Salle). Genetic
Resources and Crop Evolution 50: 817-824.
 Yermishin AP, Makhan’ko OV and Voronkova EV (2008) Production of
potato breeding material using somatic hybrids between Solanum
tuberosum L. dihaploids and the wild diploid species Solanum
bulbocastanum Dunal. from Mexico. Russian Journal of Genetics 44(5):
WW CWR Portal resources – presentations on genetic diversity:
W http://www.cropwildrelatives.org/resources/presentations.html#c6854
Technical documents on genetic diversity analysis:
Korpelainen H (2011) Tools for CWR genetic diversity analysis. Joint PGR
 Secure/ECPGR workshop. Conservation strategies for European crop wild
relatives and landrace diversity. 7–9 September, Palanga, Lithuania.
Bioversity International training modules on molecular analysis of
WW diversity:
W http://www.bioversityinternational.org/training/training_materials.html#
A.6. Ecogeographic analysis of priority species
A.6.1. Overview
What is an ecogeographic survey and why it is needed?
An ecogeographic survey is the process of collating diversity and ecogeographic
data. It is defined as “an ecological, geographical, taxonomic and genetic
information gathering and synthesis process, where the results are predictive and
can be used to assist in the formulation of collection and conservation
priorities”5152. It is generally based on the collation of information from herbarium
specimens, gene bank accessions, databases, literature, and all other possible data
sources and, if possible, should be complemented by the collection of novel data if
the taxon is poorly known.
An ecogeographic survey is needed in the development of any conservation plan
in order to obtain baseline information regarding the species taxonomy,
distribution and ecology which will then help in formulating, establishing and
implementing conservation priorities.
Ecogeographic analysis has become routinely applied, increasingly sophisticated
and detailed due to the development of tools such as Geographic Information
Systems (GIS), but it should always be stressed that using ecogeographic analysis
is always sub-optimal, where ever possible it is better to genetic diversity analysis
rather than ecogeography as a proxy for genetic diversity.
In the literature the terms ecogeographic study and survey are used, the difference
between the two is one of degree, a study involves a more detailed data analysis
and interpretation phase than a survey and a survey is quicker and based on easily
available existing information.
Box 29. Ecogeographic studies using GIS ‒ potentialities

Studies using GIS to analyse ecogeographic data include those investigating:

 Habitat and environmental characterization of species’ collecting sites;
 Optimization of germplasm collecting missions oriented to gathering
representative samples of
genetic diversity for ex situ conservation;
 Ecogeographic characterisation of land/populations/species (in order to help
interpret geographic,
ecological and taxonomic patterns);
 Ecogeographic representativeness and bias in existing ex situ collections;
 Establishment of core collections ;
 Where to establish genetic reserves,
 Predicted climate change impact on natural populations, etc.
Source: Bennet and Bullita (2003), Bennet and Maxted (1997), Berger et al. (2003),
Draper et al. (2003), Ferguson et al. (2005), Greene et al. (1999), Grenier et al.

Maxted et al. (1995)
Castañeda Álvarez et al. (2011)


(2001), Hijmans et al. (2000), Igartua et al. (1998), Jarvis et al. (2008), Lobo Burle
et al. (2003), Parra-Quijano et al. (2008, 2011a, 2012b), Ramírez-Villegas et al.

Figure 10 illustrates the ecogeographic study methodology. It comprises three

main phases: project design, data collection and analysis, and the ecogeographic
products. The project design includes: (i) Identification of taxon or crop expert, (ii)
Selection of target taxon/crop taxonomy, and (iii) Design and creation of the
database structure. The data collection and analysis include: (iv) Survey of
passport, management, site and environment, and existing characterization and
evaluation data, (v) Collation of data into database, (vi) Data verification, and (vii)
Data analysis. The ecogeographic products includes: (viii) CWR database (which
contains raw data, (ix) Conspectus (that summarizes the taxonomic, geographical
and ecological data for the target taxon), and (x) Report (which interprets the data
obtained). Note some of these elements have been addressed in previous sections
(see A.3 National CWR checklist and inventory creation).
The culmination of the ecogeographic survey and analysis is:
(i) the ecogeographic characterisation of priority CWR,
(ii) the identification of areas for in situ conservation of priority CWR53,
(iii) the identification of populations of priority CWR that contain unique
genetic diversity that is not already conserved ex situ, and once identified, this
material may be collected and conserved in the appropriate gene banks.

If these areas were selected based on high concentrations of CWR they might be considered
analogous to the broader biodiversity hotspots (Mittermeier et al. 1999, Myers et al. 2000) or taxonomic
Important Plant Areas (Target 5 of the CBD Global Strategy for Plant Conservation ‐
www.biodiv.org/programmes/cross‐cutting/plant/) and in this case areas with high concentrations of
CWR diversity might be referred to as Important CWR Areas.
Allium altaicum Pallas, one of the ancestors and close relatives of cultivated
onion A. cepa L., in Dzhungar Ala Tau (East Tien Shan, Kazakhstan) (photo:
Vojtech Holubec).

A.6.2. Methodology
(i) Identification of taxon expertise. Taxon experts and people with specialist
knowledge of the flora of a target area may give you accurate species
location and ecological information as well as recommend relevant grey
literature, Floras, monographs, taxonomic databases, which herbaria and
gene banks should be visited, and also put the conservationist in contact
with other specialists. Experts to contact may include:
 Botanical, agrobiodiversity and biodiversity conservation, taxonomic,
genetic, geographic, breeding, researchers;
 Herbaria and gene bank curators;
 NGOs working in conservation in the target region or target crops.
(ii) Selection of target taxon/taxonomy. The generally accepted taxonomic
classification can be determined with the help of:
 Target taxon experts;
 National or global Floras;
 Taxonomic monographs;
Identification of taxon


Selection of target
taxon taxonomy

Delimitation of target

Design and creation of the database


Survey of taxonomic and

ecogeographic data

Herbaria Gene banks Literature Experts Field survey

survey survey survey consultation

Collation of data into database

Data verification

Data analysis

Data synthesis


Figure 10. Ecogeographic study model for CWR54

Modified from Maxted et al. (1995)
 Recent taxonomic revisions;
 Taxonomic databases, etc.
It is important to detect existing synonyms so to avoid missing specimens
that may be identified under synonymous names and to prevent separate
treatments of the same taxon. In the context of the development of National
management plan for CWR conservation, this step would already have been
undertaken as part of the creation of the CWR checklist (prior to taxon
(iii) Delimitation of the target area. Normally an ecogeographic study should
include the whole range of the species distribution so as to avoid the problem
of non-compatible data sets that can be inherent in multiple surveys of the
same taxon. However, given that the management plan is at national level, the
whole country should be the target area.
(iv) Design and creation of the ecogeographic database structure.
 A careful reflection on the types of data to be included in the database
should precede its creation. The collecting form (when field work is to be
undertaken) should be strongly linked to this database (i.e., all fields in
the collecting form should be included in the database structure);
 Types of data include: accession descriptors, collecting descriptors,
nomenclatural data, socio-economic data, site and environment data
 Data descriptors and data standards should be determined;
 The database software package should be both user-friendly and able to
accommodate the complexity of a database of this kind. Several database
software packages are available (Microsoft Access, MySQL, etc.).
 The data format should be standardised;
 The ecogeographic database should be directly linked to the CWR
national inventory through a unique identifier (CWR taxon ID).Typically,
the database may comprise two linked tables―the taxon information table
and the ecogeographic data table (as suggested below). However, for
practical reasons, more than one table may be used to manage the
ecogeographic data which is likely to contain many data fields. :
a. Taxon information table: links the CWR checklist to taxon level data
collected during the survey. Data are usually obtained from
bibliographic references (Floras, monographs, etc.) and may include:
taxon name, synonyms, authorities, vernacular names, plant life-
form16, reproductive system, habitat, flowering time, altitude,
chromosome number, national and global distribution, actual and
potential uses, etc.
b. Ecogeographic data table: links the CWR checklist to accession level
data collected from the herbarium specimens, germplasm
accessions, personal communications, bibliographic references and
field surveys; each taxon in the inventory is likely to have several
accessions which may or may not be collected in different locations,
giving an approximation of the taxon distribution. Passport data
include: institution acronym, accession number, location,
coordinates, altitude, date of collection, collectors’ name, if specimen
was flowering or fruiting, ecological notes (climate, soil type, etc.)55,
associated species, taxonomic revision notes, population and threat
data, etc. The basic types of data recorded at the accession level are
summarised within the FAO/Bioversity Multi-crop Passport
Descriptors (MCPD) ver. 2 (Alercia et al. 2012 at
(see Annex 4).

(v) Survey and collation of diversity and ecogeographic data into the database.
Sources of data are likely to include:
 Herbaria and gene banks (also on-line)
 Scientific and ‘grey’ literature: Floras, monographs, recent taxon studies,
reports of Environmental Impact Assessment studies56, databases,
gazetteers, scientific papers, soil, vegetation and climate maps, atlases,
etc., available both in conventional printed paper and in digital files;
 GIS layers: ecogeographic analysis is increasingly linked to some form of
spatial analysis and this analysis requires GIS maps to compare to the
accession data, recently ecogeographic land characterization maps have
been generated that combine multiple feature of interest (see Box 30);
 Expert knowledge: contact with taxonomic or geographic experts is likely
to provide significant additional data to facilitate the analysis and will
also provide an opportunity to gain feedback on the analysis results;
 Field survey data: where ecogeographic data is scarce there may be
insufficient data to undertake meaningful ecogeographic analysis and it
will then be necessary to collate fresh data from field observation of the
target taxa.

Ecological notes include information registered as passport data. However, posterior information (e.g.
on temperature, rainfall, air humidity, frost, soil type, soil pH, soil rock, etc.) can be extracted at each
known location using a GIS.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) have been defined by the IAIA and IEA (1999) as “the process
of identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the biophysical, social, and other relevant effects of
development proposals prior to major decisions being taken and commitments made.” In other words,
they permit assessing the possible negative and positive impacts that a project (e.g. highway, dam,
building, etc.) may have on the natural, social and economic aspects. Regarding the biophysical aspect,
EIA reports generally provide species lists of Flora (and Fauna) that occur in the area where the project is
to be developed thus constituting important sources of species distributional data.
Box 30. Ecogeographic land characterization mapping
Ecogeographic land characterization (ELC) maps have been proposed as a
suitable technique to assess the adequacy of ecogeographic representativeness of
germplasm in ex situ collections. The map reflects as many categories as
environmental adaptive scenarios occurring over a particular area, based on
bioclimatic, geophysical and edaphic characteristics to form a combined
ecogeographic map, the process is summarised in the following model.

The authors used this approach to suggest genetic reserves for beet CWR in
Europe using population density maps, ecogeographic data and species
distribution models as follows:
1. A map of population density of the selected species was elaborated as a starting
2. Locations were refined by choosing site with potential richness of at least two
3. Areas with most representative ecogeographic units for group of species were
4. Sites located within existing protected areas, with the greatest number of
populations, representing common and marginal ecogeographic units for the
target taxa. The premise of this approach is that the conservation of the species’
greatest ecogeographic variability implies the conservation of the greatest genetic
diversity of adaptive importance and, possibly, the most interesting allelic
variation in the genes of interest for crop improvement. Below (a) shows an
Ecogeographic Land Characterization map for Beta species with 50 ecogeographic
categories and (b) shows the potential species richness map for three Beta species.
Source: Parra-Quijano et al., 2008; Parra-Quijano et al., 2011; Parra-Quijano et al.,

Box 31 lists the different types of data to include in the ecogeographic database.
Existing descriptors and data standards should be used where possible in order to
improve options for data sharing (see section A.3.2.). The passport data should be
available for every accession of every CWR included; though it should be stressed
that georeferencing is often required to ensure the necessary data is complete. The
characterisation and evaluation data are frequently not available and may require
specific trials. The broader the sampling of ecogeographic data associated with
herbarium specimens and germplasm accessions the more geographically and
ecologically representative the data will be.

Box 31. Types of data to include in the ecogeographic database

 Nomenclature data: genus, species, authority, infra-specific epithet, infra-
specific epithet
authority, taxonomic rank, synonyms, vernacular names;
 Taxon biology: descriptive information, phenology, pollination, autoecology,
 Related crop: related crop, degree of relationship to crop, how relationship
defined whether gene
pool or taxon group knowledge was used, which gene pool source used;
 Distribution data: location, coordinates,
 Population characteristics: size, age structure, genetic diversity, dynamics;
 Environmental data: altitude, aspect, slope, soil texture, soil drainage, soil pH,
rainfall, habitat;
 Population site-related information: as vegetation type, associated species,
human pressures;
 Land use data: urbanisation, agriculture, forestry, wilderness.
 Conservation data: threat status, legislation, in situ and ex situ conservation
status, method of
selection of seed saved, method of seed storage, maintainer exchange
frequency, whether it is
adequately managed in situ, threat of genetic erosion, length of seed saving,
 Ex situ characterization data: e.g. leaf shape, flower colour, plant habit, seed
colour, chromosome
number, etc.;
 Ex situ evaluation data: plant height, days to maturity, etc.;
 Photographs/illustrations/links to digital specimens
 Utilization potential: previous use as trait donor, potential use as trait donor,
other uses.

(vi) Ecogeographic data verification (Figure 11).

 Check for duplicates. Namely regarding the gene bank and herbaria
survey, those records with the exact same data should be highlighted as
duplicates so to avoid a false impression of the intensity of CWR
 Check for spelling errors and standardise data format.
 Georeference all the entries, if possible. All data should also be
georeferenced by using (online) gazetteers, maps, Google Earth, etc.
 Assign a level of data accuracy. Different levels of data accuracy should
be assigned to each record
 Check for outlier locations. Distribution maps should be created (with a
GIS if possible) to look for outlier collection sites. All individual records
should then be corrected for these mistakes or deleted if correction is not

Check for

Check for spelling

errors (species
names, toponyms)


Ascribe levels of


Distribution maps

Check for outlier


Figure 11. Schematic representation of ecogeographic data verification

Table 2. Examples of location data and their corresponding level of

Level of accuracy Location data
Exact place (e.g. 21 km along the road between location x
and location y).
2 Within a defined area of 1 km2.
3 Within a defined area of 10 km2.
4 Within a defined area of 20 km2.
5 Within a defined area of 100 km2.

Adapted from Magos Brehm (2009)
(vii) Analysis of collated data. Data analysis may include:
 The distribution of CWR;
 The ecogeographic characterisation of CWR;
 The distribution of specific characterization and evaluation traits (e.g.
pest resistance, frost tolerance, yield characteristics) within the CWR;
 The mapping and detection of ecogeographic patterns (e.g. phenology of
the species in different areas, whether a particular CWR occurs on a
particular soil type, or whether the frequency of a character state changes
along an environmental gradient);
 The identification of representative populations of the full range of
diversity of each target taxon and/or with traits of specific interest;
 The identification of populations for ex situ sampling and conservation
for individual taxa and hotspots for groups of taxa
 The identification of hotspots for groups of taxa for in situ conservation
 Climate change analysis to identify threatened population that required
ex situ conservation or population suitable for long-term in situ
(viii) Data synthesis. The products that synthesise the data collated include the
ecogeographic database (which contains raw data), the conspectus (that
summarizes all data collated for each CWR) and the report (which interprets
the data obtained).

Box 32. Factors to take into consideration when using ex situ data
Care must be taken when interpreting information on current germplasm
conserved ex situ. In many cases the coordinates are wholly or partly missing,
imprecise or wrong. Moreover, the material held might be incorrectly identified, it
might not be representative of the genetic diversity of the sampled population, it
might be duplicated in several institutions giving a false idea of the actual genetic
diversity being conserved, it may for various reasons be unavailable to potential
users, some collections might not be efficiently managed and therefore records
may contain errors, and the germplasm might not be managed to international
gene bank standards. The requirement for germplasm users to routinely sign
Material Transfer Agreements as part of ITPGRFA obligations may for certain
uses (e.g. commercial breeding companies) limit access to material as the user
may not wish to draw attention to the material they are accessing from gene
Source: Maxted et al. (1995), Hijmans et al. (1999).
A.6.3. Examples and applied use

Box 33. Ecogeographic characterisation of Lupinus luteus

Lupinus luteus populations in Spain were characterised ecogeographically as
1. Good quality georeferenced presence data were selected.
2. Ecogeographical GIS layers/variables (from passport data and by
extracting information from georeferencing collecting sites) were compiled.
3. The most relevant ecogeographic variables were selected both through
consultation with experts and by analysing their relative statistical significance.
4. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed in order to reduce
the number of variables.
5. Tables with accessions and their corresponding ecological descriptors were
6. Ecogeographical distances between all pairs of accessions were estimated
(by using the Gower similarity coefficient).
7. Cluster analysis on the distance matrix and UPGMA agglomerative method
was performed and dendrograms that represented ecogeographic similarities
between accessions were obtained.
8. Ecogeographic groups (EG) were then obtained from the cluster analysis
using the new variables obtained with the PCA (PCA1 related to
thermopluviometric factors, PCA2 related to temperature, PCA3 related to
edaphic factors).
9. To each accession its corresponding EG was assigned and visualized in a
Source: Parra-Quijano et al. (2008).

Box 34. Strategies for the development of core collections based on

ecogeographic data
The authors determined the suitability of core collections based solely on
ecogeographic data. Sixteen ecogeographic core collections were evaluated for six
Lupinus spp. occurring in peninsular Spain and the Balearic Islands. A Ward-
Modified Location Model (Ward-MLM) and a two-step clustering (TSC) with
proportional allocation strategy (P) produced the most representative core
collections for the target taxa. In addition, a highly representative ecogeographic
core collection was obtained by a simpler procedure of grouping according to
ecogeographic land characterization maps (CEM) with P allocation.
Ecogeographic data were thus used to create representative core collections with
similar strategies to those used with genotypic or phenotypic data or simpler ones
such as CEM, which is easy to apply and update.
Source: Parra-Quijano et al. (2011).
A.6.4. List of references used to compile the text
Alercia A, Diulgheroff S and Mackay M. (2012) FAO/IPGRI Multi-crop passport
descriptors. Available from:
0907 [Accessed August 2012].
Bennett SJ and Bullitta S (2003) Ecogeographical analysis of the distribution of six
Trifolium species in Sardinia. Biodiversity and Conservation 12: 1455‐1466.
Bennett SJ and Maxted N (1997) An ecogeographic analysis of the Vicia
narbonensis complex. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 44: 411‐428.
Berger J, Abbo S and Turner NC (2003) Ecogeography of annual wild Cicer
species: the poor state of the world collection. Crop Science 43: 1076‐1090.
Castañeda Álvarez, N.P., Vincent, H.A., Kell, S.P., Eastwood, R.J. and Maxted, N.
(2011) Ecogeographic surveys. In Guarino L, Ramanatha Rao V, Goldberg E
(editors). Collecting Plant Genetic Diversity: Technical Guidelines. 2011 update.
Bioversity International, Rome. Available online:
Draper D, Rosselló‐Graell A, Garcia C, Tauleigne Gomes C and Sergio C (2003)
Application of GIS in plant conservation programmes in Portugal. Biological
Conservation 113: 337‐349.
Dulloo ME, Maxted N, Guarino L, Florens D, Newbury HJ and Ford‐Lloyd BV
(1999) Ecogeographic survey of the genus Coffea in the Mascarene Islands.
Botanical Journal of the Linnaean Society, 131: 263‐284.
Dulloo ME, Labokas J, Iriondo JM, Maxted N, Lane A, Laguna E, Jarvis A and Kell
SP (2008) “Genetic reserve location and design.” In: Iriondo JM, Dulloo ME and
Maxted N (Eds) Conserving plant genetic diversity in protected areas.
Wallingford: CAB International, pp. 23‐64.
Ferguson ME, Jarvis A, Stalker HT, Williams DE, Guarino L, Valls JFM, Pittman
RN, Simpson CE and Bramel PJ (2005) Biogeography of wild Arachis
(Leguminosae): distribution and environmental characterisation. Biodiversity
and Conservation 14: 1777‐1798.
Greene SL, Hart TC and Afonin A (1999a) Using geographic information to
acquire wild crop germplasm for ex situ collections: I. map development and
field use. Crop Science 39: 836-842.
Greene SL, Hart TC and Afonin A (1999b) Using geographic information to
acquire wild crop germplasm for ex situ collections: II. Post-collection analysis.
Crop Science 39: 843-849.
Grenier C, Bramel-Cox PJ and Hamon P (2001) Core collection of Sorghum: I.
Stratification based on eco-geographical data. Crop Science 41: 234-240.
Guarino L, Maxted N and Sawkins M (1997) Analysis of geo‐referenced data and
the conservation and use of plant genetic resources. Paper presented at the
symposium Linking Genetics and Geography: Emerging Strategies for
Managing Crop Biodiversity ASA/CSSA/SSSA Annual meeting. Anaheim,
California, U.S.A, 26‐31 October.
Hijmans RJ and Spooner DM (2001) Geographic distribution of wild potato
species. American Journal of Botany 88: 2101‐2112.
Hijmans RJ, Garrett KA, Huamán Z, Zhang DP, Schreuder M and Bonierbale M
(2000) Assessing the geographic representativeness of gene bank collections:
the case of Bolivian wild potatoes. Conservation Biology 14: 1755-1765.
IAIA and IEA (International Association for Impact Assessment and Institute of
Environmental Assessment) (1999) Principles of Environmental Impact
Assessment best practice. Available from:
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Igartua E, Gracia MP, Lasa JM, Medina B, Molina‐Cano JL, Montoya JL and
Romagosa I (1998) The Spanish barley core collection. Genetic Resources and
Crop Evolution 45: 475‐481.
Jarvis A, Lane A and Hijmans RJ (2008) The effect of climate change on crop wild
relatives. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 126(1-2): 13-23.
Lobo Burle M, Torres Cordeiro CM, Fonseca JR, Palhares de Melo M, Neves Alves
R and Abadie T (2003) Characterization of germplasm according to
environmental conditions at the collecting site using GIS - two case studies
from Brazil. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 135: 1-11.
Magos Brehm J (2009) Conservation of wild plant genetic resources in Portugal.
PhD thesis, University of Birmingham, UK.
Maxted N, Mabuza P and Kell SP (2000) Ecogeographic techniques and
conservation: case study for the legume genus Vigna in Africa. In: Vaughan DA
(Ed). Wild legumes. MAFF, Japan. pp. 63-91.
Maxted N, van Slageren MW and Rihan JR (1995) “Ecogeographic surveys”. In:
Guarino L, Ramanatha Rao V and Reid R (Eds) Collecting Plant Genetic
Diversity, Technical Guidelines. Wallingford: CAB International. pp. 255‐285.
Maxted N, Mabuza-Dlamini P, Moss H, Padulosi S, Jarvis A and Guarino L (2004)
An Ecogeographic Survey: African Vigna. Systematic and Ecogeographic
Studies of Crop Genepools 10. IPGRI, Rome, Italy.
Mittermeier RA, Myers N and Mittermeier CG (1999) Hotspots: Earth’s Biological
Richest and Most Endangered Terrestrial Ecoregions. CEMEX, Conservation
International, Washington DC.
Myers N, Mittermeier RA, Mittermeier CG, da Fonseca GAB and Kent J (2000)
Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities. Nature 403: 853-858.
Parra-Quijano M, Draper D and Torres E (2008) “Ecogeographical
representativeness in crop wild relative ex situ collections.” In: Maxted N,
Ford‐Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo J, Dulloo E and Turok J (eds) Crop Wild
Relative Conservation and Use. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 249-73.
Parra-Quijano M, Iriondo J, Cruz M and Torres E (2011) Strategies for the
development of core collections based on ecogeographical data. Crop Science
51(2): 656-666.
Parra-Quijano M, Iriondo J and Torres E (2012a) Ecogeographical land
characterization maps as a tool for assessing plant adaptation and their
implications in agrobiodiversity studies. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
59(2): 205-217.
Parra-Quijano M, Iriondo J, Cruz M and Torres E (2012b) “Spatial and
ecogeographical approaches for selecting genetic reserves in Europe.” In:
Maxted N, Dulloo ME, Ford-Lloyd BV, Frese L, Iriondo JM and Pinheiro de
Carvalho MAA (Eds) Agrobiodiversity Conservation: Securing the diversity of
Crop Wild Relatives and Landraces Wallingford, CAB International. pp 20-28.
Ramírez-Villegas J, Khoury C, Jarvis A, Debouck DG and Guarino L (2010) A gap
analysis methodology for collecting crop genepools: a case study with
Phaseolus beans. PLoS ONE 5(10): e13497. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013497.
Raunkiær (1934) The life forms of plants and statistical plant geography. Oxford
University Press, Oxford.

A.6.5. Additional materials and resources

General references on (eco)geographic data analysis:
Greene SL and Hart TS (1999) “Implementing a geographic analysis in
germplasm conservation.” In: Greene SL and Guarino L (ed). Linking

Genetic Resources to Geography: Strategies for Conserving Crop
Biodiversity. CSSA Special Publication 27. Madison, WI. pp. 25-38.
Guarino L (1995) Geographic information systems and remote sensing for
plant germplasm collectors. In: Guarino L, Ramanatha Rao V and Reid R

(eds) Collecting plant genetic diversity. Technical guidelines. CAB
International, Wallingford, UK. pp: 315-327.
Guarino L, Maxted N and Sawkins M (1999) “Analysis of georeferenced
data and the conservation and use of plant genetic resources.” In: Greene
 SL and Guarino L (eds) Linking genetic resources and geography:
Emerging strategies for conserving crop biodiversity. American Society of
Agronomy and Crop Science Society, Madison, WI, USA. Pp. 1-24.
Guarino L, Jarvis A, Hijmans R and Maxted N (2002) “Geographic
information systems (GIS) and the conservation and use of plant genetic
 resources.” In: Engels JMM, Ramanatha Rao V, Brown AHD and Jackson
MT (eds) Managing plant genetic diversity. CAB International,
Wallingford, UK. pp. 387-404.
Hunter D and Heywood V (eds.) (2011) Crop wild relatives, a manual of in
situ conservation. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Earthscan, London.
Available from:

_full.pdf [Accessed March 2012] (available in English and French).
Maxted N, Painting K and Guarino L (1997) Ecogeographic surveys,
 version 1.3:
s/index.htm (in English, French, Spanish and Russian)

Parra-Quijano M, Iriondo JM and Torres E (2012) Review. Applications of

ecogeography and geographic information systems in conservation and
utilization of plant genetic resources. Spanish Journal of Agricultural

Research 10(2): 419-429. Available from:
http://revistas.inia.es/index.php/sjar/article/view/1859/1673 [Accessed
June 2012].
General references on GIS:
Johnston CA (1998) Geographic Information Systems in Ecology. Methods

in Ecology. Wiley-Blackwell Science, Oxford.
Magos Brehm J and Shehadeh A (2011) An introduction to Geographic
Information Systems (GIS). Second training workshop "Conservation for
enhanced utilization of crop wild relative diversity for sustainable
 development and climate change mitigation", Beijing (China). Organised
by the University of Birmingham and financed by the Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA, UK) and by the Chinese
Ministry of Agriculture. 11-13 January.
Examples of applied ecogeographic studies and spatial analysis:
Baudoin, J-P, Rocha O, Degreef J, Maquet A and Guarino L (2004)
Ecogeography, demography, diversity and conservation of Phaseolus
lunatus L. in the Central Valley of Costa Rica. Systematic and
ecogeographic studies on crop genepools 12. Available from:

[Accessed June 2012].
Chen G, Suprunova T, Krugman T, Fahima T and Nevo E (2004)
Ecogeographic and genetic determinants of kernel weight and colour of

wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum) populations in Israel. Seed Science
Research 14: 137-146.
Edmonds JM (1990) Herbarium Survey of African Corchorus L. species.
Systematic and Ecogeographic Studies on Crop Genepools 4. IBPGR,
Rome, Italy. Available from:

pdf [Accessed June 2012].
Ehrman T and Cocks PS (1990) Ecogeography of annual legumes in Syria:

distribution patterns. Journal of Applied Ecology 27: 578-591.
Ferguson ME, Acikgoz N, Ismail A and Cinsoy A (1996) An ecogeographic
 survey of wild Lens species in Aegean and south west Turkey. Anadolu 6:

 Ghamkhar K, Snowball R and Bennett SJ (2007) Ecogeographical studies

identify diversity and potential gaps in the largest germplasm collection
of bladder clover (Trifolium spumosum L.). Australian Journal of
Agricultural Research 58: 728-738.
Ghamkhar K, Snowball R, Wintle BJ and Brown AHD (2008) Strategies for
developing a core collection of bladder clover (Trifolium spumosum L.)

using ecological and agromorphological data. Australian Journal of
Agricultural Research 59: 1103-1112.
Greene SL and Hart TS (1999) “Implementing a geographic analysis in
germplasm conservation.” In: Greene SL and Guarino l (eds) Linking

genetic resources to geography: strategies for conserving crop
biodiversity. CSSA Special Publication 27. Madison, WI. pp. 25-38.
Greene SL, Hart TC and Afonin A (1999a) Using geographic information
 to acquire wild crop germplasm for ex situ collections: I. map development
and field use. Crop Science 39: 836-842.
Greene SL, Hart TC and Afonin A (1999b) Using geographic information
 to acquire wild crop germplasm for ex situ collections: II. Post-collection
analysis. Crop Science 39: 843-849.
Greene SL, Gritzenko M and Vandemark GJ (2001) Relating morphologic
and rapd marker variation to collection site environment in wild

populations of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). Genetic Resources and
Crop Evolution 51: 643-653.
Grenier C, Bramel-Cox PJ and Hamon P (2001) Core collection of
 Sorghum: I. Stratification based on eco-geographical data. Crop Science
41: 234-240.
Jarvis A, Williams K, Williams D, Guarino L, Caballero PJ and Mottram G
(2005) Use of GIS for optimizing a collecting mission for a rare wild

pepper (Capsicum flexuosum Sendtn.) in Paraguay. Genetic Resources
and Crop Evolution 52: 671-682.
Maxted N (1995) An ecogeographic study of Vicia subgenus Vicia.
 Systematic and Ecogeographic Studies in Crop Genepools, 8.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome.
Parra-Quijano M, Iriondo J, Cruz M and Torres E (2011a) Strategies for the
 development of core collections based on ecogeographical data. Crop
Science 51(2): 656-666.
Parra-Quijano M, Iriondo JM, Torres E and De la Rosa L (2011b)
 Evaluation and validation of ecogeographical core collections using
phenotypic data. Crop Science 51: 694-703.
Parra-Quijano M, Iriondo JM and Torres E (2012a) Efficient method to
improve representativeness of ex situ plant genetic resources

conservation based on GIS and ecogeographic data. Biodiversity
Conservation 21: 79-96.
Parra-Quijano M, Iriondo J and Torres E (2012b) Ecogeographical land
 characterization maps as a tool for assessing plant adaptation and their
implications in agrobiodiversity studies. Genetic Resources and Crop
Evolution 59(2): 205-217.

Peters JP, Wilkes HG and Galway NW (1990) The use of ecogeographical

 data in the exploitation of variation from gene banks. Theoretical and
Applied Genetics 80: 110-112.
Ravikanth G, Ganeshaiah KN and Shaanker U (2002) Identification of hot
spots of species richness and genetic variability in rattans: an approach

using geographical information systems (GIS) and molecular tools. Plant
Genetic Resources Newsletter 132: 17-21.
Rocha OJ, Degreef J, Barrantes D, Castro E, Macaya G and Guarino L
(2002) “Metapopulation dynamics of Lima Bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) in
 the Central Valley of Costa Rica.” In Engels JMM, Ramanatha Rao V,
Brown AHD and Jackson MT (eds) Managing Plant Genetic Diversity.
CABI Publishing, Wallingford and IPGRI, Rome, pp. 205‐215.
Steiner JJ and Greene SL (1996) Proposed ecological descriptors and their

utility for plant germplasm collections. Crop Science 36: 439-451.
Tohme J, Jones P, Beebe S, Iwanaga M (1995) “The combined use of
agroecological and characterisation data to establish the CIAT Phaseolus
 vulgaris core collection.” In: Hodgkin T, Brown AHD, van Hintum ThJL
and Morales EAV (eds) Core collections of plant genetic resources. John
Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK. pp. 95-107.
von Bothmer R, Jacobsen N, Baden C, Jörgensen and Linde-Laursen I
(1991) An ecogeographic study of the genus Hordeum. Systematic and
Ecogeographic Studies on Crop Genepools 7. IBPGR, Rome, Italy.

Available from:
[Accessed June 2012].-
Wieckzorek J, Guo Q and Hijmans R (2004) The point-radius method for
 georeferencing locality descriptions and calculating associated
uncertainty. Int. J. Geographical Information Science 18 (8): 745-767
Williams CL, Hargrove WW, Liebman M, James DE (2008) Agro-
 ecoregionalization of Iowa using multivariate geographical clustering.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 123: 161-174.
Yawen Z, Shiquan S, Zichao L, Zhongyi Y, Xiangkun W, Honglian Z and
Guosong W (2003) Ecogeographic and genetic diversity based on

morphological characters of indigenous rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Yunnan,
China. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 50: 567-577.
Magos Brehm J, Martins-Loução MA, Maxted N and Ford-Lloyd BV (2006)
Espécies aparentadas das species cultivadas e plantas colhidas
 directamente da Natureza: a sua conservação e utilização em Portugal. II
Congresso Ibérico de Ecologia - Crise da Biodiversidade: conhecimento e
acção, 18-21 Julho. Lisboa (Portugal). (poster) (in Portuguese)

 Magos Brehm J, Maxted N and Kell S (2011) Ecogeographic data analysis:

an introduction. Second training workshop, "Conservation for enhanced
utilization of crop wild relative diversity for sustainable development and
climate change mitigation", Beijing (China). Organised by the University
of Birmingham and Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences and
financed by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
(Defra, UK) and by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture. 11‒13 January
Iriondo, J.M., Parra-Quijano, M., Torres, E. and Rubio, M.L. (2011)
Ecogeographical data analysis: an introduction. Joint PGR Secure/ECPGR
workshop, ‘Conservation strategies for European crop wild relative and
landrace diversity’, Palanga, Lithuania, 7‒9 September 2011. Available

online at:
WG1_08_Ecogeographic_Data_Analysis_Iriondo.pdf [Accessed July
WW CWR Portal resources – presentations on conservation:
W http://www.cropwildrelatives.org/resources/presentations.html#c6854
Technical documents on ecogeographic survey and analysis:
Schledeman X and van Zonneveld M (2010) Training Manual on Spatial
Analysis of Plant Diversity and Distribution. Bioversity International,
 Rome, Italy. Available at:
Bioversity International training modules on ecogeographic surveys and
WW spatial analysis:
W http://www.bioversityinternational.org/training/training_materials.html#
Environmental data:
WW Bioclimatic variables: WorldClim – Global Climate Data:
W http://www.worldclim.org/
WW Climate Change Forecasts (IPCC): Future climate projections
W http://www.ipcc-data.org/ddc_climscen.html
Climatic Research Unit: http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/
EUNIS: European Nature Information System http://eunis.eea.europa.eu/
WW Glob cover: European Space Agency Global Land Cover map, latest
W version = 2009 http://ionia1.esrin.esa.int/
Global Land Cover Characterization: http://edc2.usgs.gov/glcc/glcc.php
Soil: World Soil Information: http://www.isric.org/data/data-policy
WW STRM DEM: 90m digital elevation dataset
W http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org/index.asp
WW Topography: The CGIAR Consortium for Spatial Information (CGIAR-
W SCI) srtm.csi.cgiar.org
WW UNEP WCMC World Database of Protected Areas: World Database on
W Protected Areas (polygons) http://www.protectedplanet.net/
World Soil Database: Harmonized World Soil Database v 1.2
WW World Reference Base for Soil Resources:
W http://www.fao.org/ag/agl/agll/wrb/
WW Worldclim Global Climate layers: 1km resolution grids of climate and
W derived bioclimatic datasets http://www.worldclim.org/
Other: GeoNetwork - http://www.fao.org/geonetwork/srv/en/main.home
Biodiversity occurrence data:
WW BioCASE: Biological Collection Access Service for Europe
W http://search.biocase.org/
WW Botanical Garden Conservation International: Botanic garden holdings
W information http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/BGCI/http://www.biodiv.org/
CWRIS-AEGRO-PLIS: http://aegro.jki.bund.de/aegro/index.php?id=168
WW EURISCO European Internet Search Catalogue of Ex Situ PGR Accessions
W http://eurisco.ecpgr.org/
European Native Seed Conservation Network (ENSCOBASE): European
database of major ex situ botanic garden gene bank holdings
FAOSTAT: Agricultural statistics and data http://www.faostat.fao.org/
WW Gap Analysis Project: Ex situ gap analysis results of 13 crop gene pools
W gisweb.ciat.cgiar.org/gapanalysis/
WW GENESYS: Global database of major ex situ gene bank holdings
W http://www.genesys-pgr.org/
Global Biodiversity Information Facility: http://www.gbif.org/
WW Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN):
W http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/dsd/iabin/
Harlan and de Wet Global Priority CWR Inventory: Global checklist and
database of priority CWR taxa in 173 crop gene pools
WW IUCN Red List: Database of red list (extinction threat) assessments
W http://www.iucnredlist.org/
JSTOR: herbaria Herbaria resources http://plants.jstor.org/
Kew Bibliographic Databases: provides a link to the Kew Record of
Taxonomic Literature, Economic Botany and Plant Micromorphology
Mansfeld’s World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops:
Global database of crop related information http://mansfeld.ipk-
WW Plant list: Working list of all known plant species
W http://www.theplantlist.org/
WW Tropicos (Missouri Botanical Gardens, USA): Herbaria resources
W http://www.tropicos.org
US Genetic Resources Information Network (GRIN): Database of USDA ex
situ gene bank holdings http://www.ars-
Gazetteers and other ways of searching place names:
Chambers (1988) Chambers World Gazetteer: An A-Z of Geographical

Information. 5th edition. Larousse Kingfisher Chambers, London.
 Times Books (1999) Atlas of the World, ed. 10. Times Books, London.
Google Maps: http://maps.google.com
BioGeomancer: http://www.biogeomancer.org/software.html
GeoNames: http://www.geonames.org/
WW Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names:
W http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/vocabularies/tgn/
WW Global Gazetteer Version 2.2: http://www.fallingrain.com/world/; Falling
W Rain Genomics, 2010
 Google Earth: http://www.google.com/earth/index.html
 GEOLocate: http://www.museum.tulane.edu/geolocate/
GIS software:
BGIS (Biodiversity GIS) - The main SANBI resource for GIS with
interactive mapping, biodiversity data, training and legislation:
 Arc-GIS /Arc info: www.esri.com
DIVA-GIS (geographic information system software, tutorials,
 documentation, spatial data, discussion forum): http://www.diva-
gis.org/ (freely available)
 GRASS GIS: grass.osgeo.org (freely available)
 gvSIG: www.gvisig.org/web (freely available)
 IDRISI: www.clarklabs.org
 Marxan: www.uq.edu.au/marxan
 R: www.r-project.org (with some GIS functionalities)
A.7. Novel threat assessment of priority CWR
A.7.1. Overview
Why is threat assessment part of CWR conservation?
CWR are like any other wild plant species they are increasingly subject to
anthropogenic threats and as a result suffer genetic erosion and even extinction.
Yet the genetic erosion and extinction of these species has direct economic and
social impact on humankind; if their genetic diversity is unavailable for
exploitation humankind is more food insecure. The process of CWR conservation
if it is to be effective will require the collation of large and complex data sets to
plan and implement the conservation. Once collated these conservation data sets,
which are the same as are required for threat assessment, may also be used for
ancillary threat assessment. Therefore, novel threat assessment can run parallel
to conservation planning and implementation and in fact be used to further
prioritise / enhance the CWR conservation.

Part of the process of selecting priority CWR for conservation action involves the
collation of existing information on the relative degree of threat to the CWR in the
national checklist (see section A4.2). At this stage, it is rarely the case that
resources would be available to undertake novel threat assessment of all the CWR
in the checklist; however, once the priority CWR have been selected on the basis
of their utilization potential and existing information on their relative threatened
status (whether based on published Red List assessments or using proxy measures
such as known pressures on their habitats) of priority taxa for which the
threatened status is currently unknown may be undertaken. This will help to
identify taxa in greatest need of immediate conservation action, understand more
about their specific conservation requirements, and establish a baseline for
monitoring their threatened status over time.
The assessment of threat to diversity can be carried out at two levels: the
individual taxon level (commonly species but also at infra-specific level) and the
genetic level. Assessing the threatened status of individual taxa can assist in
species prioritization for conservation―the most threatened species having higher
conservation priority. Further, threats to a specific region may be assessed in
relation to conservation planning (i.e. to identify areas with high numbers of
threatened CWR), but in this case it would require undertaking a large amount of
individual species assessments and comparing the levels of threats in different
regions as there is no means of assessing all the species together in a particular
At the genetic level, genetic erosion and pollution threatening CWR should be
examined because it can eventually lead to population and even taxon extinction.
A decrease in genetic diversity availability means that genes and alleles will not
be available for future exploitation which will obviously have an impact on future
food security. Additionally, the loss of genetic diversity implies an inability of taxa
to adapt to the rapid changes in environmental conditions the planet is
undergoing and thus the lack of availability of particular adaptive elements of
gene pools to develop new crop varieties able to withstand these new conditions.
The IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria have been widely used (see
http://www.iucnredlist.org/) for assessing species’ extinction risk (or threatened
status). They were developed to improve objectivity and transparency in the threat
assessment process, and therefore to improve consistency and understanding
among users. Assessment of the threatened status of species using the IUCN Red
List Categories and Criteria is essentially a two-step process58:
1. Data of seven types are collated and documented: (i) taxonomic; (ii) distribution;
(iii) population; (iv) habitat and ecology; (v) use and trade; (vi) threats; and (vii)
conservation actions (see Box 35). These data are gathered from a number of
sources, including taxon experts, published and grey literature, databases and
2. The taxon is evaluated against the IUCN Red List Criteria and the Red List
Category is selected.
There are five main Red List Criteria: (A) population reduction, (B) geographic
range (see Box 35), (C) small population size and decline, (D) very small or
restricted population and (E) quantitative analysis indicating the probability of
extinction. Each main criterion includes a number of sub-criteria against which
the species is evaluated (Table 3). If the species meets the criteria in at least one of
the main classes, it is assigned one of the threatened categories, Critically
Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN) or Vulnerable (VU). If the species meets the
criteria in more than one main class, it is assigned the highest category of threat
but the less threatened category according to the other criterion or criteria is also
documented. If the species does not meet any of the criteria A–E needed to
evaluate it as threatened, another category is selected; these are Extinct (EX),
Extinct in the Wild (EW), Regionally Extinct (RE), Near Threatened (NT), Least
Concern (LC), Data Deficient (DD) or Not Applicable (NA) (for definitions of the
categories, see IUCN, 2001). Figure 12 is a schematic representation of the IUCN
Red List Categories.

Box 35. Summary of data types collated to undertake CWR red list
 Nomenclature (taxon name, authority, synonyms etc.).
 Recent taxonomic changes, any current taxonomic doubts or debates about the
validity or identity of the species, or issues of synonymy.
 Note of any subspecific taxa.
 Crop(s) the species is related to (common and scientific names) and
information on the degree of relationship of the wild relative to the crop (where
known) using the Gene Pool concept (Harlan and de Wet 1971) or Taxon Group
concept (Maxted et al. 2006).
Distribution and occurrence
 A summary of the current information available for the geographic range of
the species.

Kell et al. 2012
 Country occurrences (and sub-national unit(s) where applicable) recorded
using built-in descriptors in IUCN’s Species Information Service (SIS).
 Extent of occurrence and/or area of occupancy (see Box 36).
 A map showing the distribution of the species.
 A summary of the information available for size and trend (i.e., increasing,
decreasing or stable) of the overall population of the species. If the population
is severely fragmented, this is also recorded.
 Information about sizes and trends of subpopulations or populations of
subspecific taxa, or trends in particular areas of the species’ range can also be
included when available.
 Where no quantitative information on population sizes or trends are available,
if possible it is noted whether the species is common, abundant, or rare, etc. If
there really is no information at all about the population, this should be noted.
Habitats and ecology
 A summary account of the suitable habitats and ecological requirements of the
species, highlighting any potential traits that may of interest for crop
improvement (e.g., drought resistance, salt tolerance).
 Comments on the area, extent and/or quality of habitat; in particular, whether
the habitat is thought to be stable or declining.
 The habitat(s) in which the species occurs are also documented using IUCN’s
Habitats Classification Scheme.
Use and trade
 A summary account of the information available for any utilization and/or
trade of the taxon (local, national and international trade).
 A note of any known or potential uses of the species as a gene donor for crop
 Major threats that have affected the species in the past, those that are affecting
the species now, or those that are likely to affect the species in the future.
 The main reason for the threat, the scale of the threat, and the stress placed on
the species are also recorded where the information is available.
 Threats are also documented using IUCN’s Threats Classification Scheme.
 Conservation actions currently in place (if any) and realistic actions needed to
mitigate the threats causing declines (if any). This includes information on
both in situ and ex situ conservation measures.
 Conservation actions are also documented using IUCN’s Conservation Actions
Classification Scheme.
Source: Adapted from Kell et al. (2012)
Extinct (EX)

Extinct in the Wild (EW)

Critically Endangered (CR)

(Adequate data) (Threatened) Endangered (EN)

Vulnerable (VU)

Near Threatened (NT)

Least Concern (LC)

Data Deficient (DD)

Not Evaluated (NE)

Figure 12. Structure of the IUCN Red List Categories 59

Given that national boundaries are irrelevant to wild populations, when a
particular species goes beyond the limits of a geopolitical border, there might be
genetic flow to or from other conspecific populations beyond that border; this will
obviously affect the stability, hence the extinction risk of that species. Therefore,
when the threatened status of a species is being assessed at national or regional
level, unless that species is endemic to the nation or region, the thresholds under
each criterion of the 2001 IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria will be erroneous
because only part of the overall population of the species is being assessed. For
example, taxa classified as Least Concern globally might be Critically Endangered
within a particular region where numbers are very small or declining; and
conversely, taxa classified as Vulnerable on the basis of their global declines in
numbers or range might be Least Concern within a particular region where their
populations are stable60.

Box 36. Geographic range measurements used in IUCN Red List Criterion B
“The term ‘location’ defines a geographically or ecologically distinct area in which
a single threatening event can rapidly affect all individuals of the taxon present.
The size of the location depends on the area covered by the threatening event and
may include part of one or many subpopulations. Where a taxon is affected by

IUCN (2001)
IUCN (2001)
more than one threatening event, location should be defined by considering the
most serious plausible threat.”
Extent of occurrence (EOO)
“Extent of occurrence is defined as the area contained within the shortest
continuous imaginary boundary which can be drawn to encompass all the known,
inferred or projected sites of present occurrence of a taxon, excluding cases of
vagrancy. This measure may exclude discontinuities or disjunctions within the
overall distributions of taxa (e.g. large areas of obviously unsuitable habitat).
Extent of occurrence can often be measured by a minimum convex polygon (the
smallest polygon in which no internal angle exceeds 180 degrees and which
contains all the sites of occurrence).” (See Figure below).
Area of occupancy (AOO)
“Area of occupancy is defined as the area within its 'extent of occurrence' (see
above), which is occupied by a taxon, excluding cases of vagrancy. The measure
reflects the fact that a taxon will not usually occur throughout the area of its extent
of occurrence, which may contain unsuitable or unoccupied habitats. In some
cases, (e.g. irreplaceable colonial nesting sites, crucial feeding sites for migratory
taxa) the area of occupancy is the smallest area essential at any stage to the
survival of existing populations of a taxon. The size of the area of occupancy will
be a function of the scale at which it is measured, and should be at a scale
appropriate to relevant biological aspects of the taxon, the nature of threats and
the available data.” (See Figure below).

A – Known spatial distribution B – Extent of occurrence (EOO) C – Area of

occupancy (AOO)
Source: IUCN (2001)

To take this into account, the Guidelines for Application of IUCN Red List Criteria
at Regional Levels61 were developed to re-assess the species’ risk of extinction in a
particular region62 within the light of its overall distribution. However, when the
regional population is isolated from conspecific populations, global criteria can be
used without modification. The regional categories are the same as the global but
there are two additional categories: Regionally Extinct (RE) and Not Applicable

IUCN (2003)
‘Region’ is defined by IUCN (2003) as any sub‐global geographically defined area (e.g.
continent, country, or province).
(NA). The category NA is applied for species whose population in the region only
marginal or when a species is considered not to be native to the region. The
regional assessments are the result of downgrades (or very rarely upgrades) from
global assessments and they are based on a series of questions essentially
concerning conspecific populations outside the region and the status of regional
populations as sinks.

Table 3. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria

Parameters of the subcriteria against which species are evaluated (*requires data
from at least two time points)63 (For EOO = extent of occurrence; AOO = area of
occupancy see Box 36).
reduction Geograp Extreme
(% hic Locations64 fluctuati Decline Biology
reduction range ons
Past* EOO* AOO*
Number of y/
EOO Number mature viability
individuals Generati
Present* AOO* EOO* on time/
Observed Mature Mature
*, Individua individua Habit
estimated ls* ls*
*, Fragmentat Numbers Migratio
projected ion Number at n (how
*, inferred of subpopulat Habitat and
or locations ion level quality* where to
suspected * and

From Magos Brehm et al. (2008b)
“The term ‘location’ defines a geographically or ecologically distinct area in which a single threatening
event can rapidly affect all individuals of the taxon present. The size of the location depends on the area
covered by the threatening event and may include part of one or many subpopulations. Where a taxon
is affected by more than one threatening event, location should be defined by considering the most
serious plausible threat.” IUCN (2001)
Box 37. Alternative methods for threat assessment
The fact that IUCN Red List Assessment is so widely applied indicates its success,
however it must be admitted that a significant amount of data is required to make
a publishable assessment. The required data is by definition more readily
available for highly studied species and for species found in areas where the flora
is less well known applying the IUCN Red List Criteria is challenging or
impossible. But these may be the species that most require Red Listing to aid
conservation planning. Therefore where there are insufficient data available to
assess a species using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, alternative
methods may be used.
An alternative approach was given by Burgman et al. (1995; 2000) who used the
quantification of the number of observations (both herbarium specimens and
germplasm accessions) in order to give an approximation of the taxon
vulnerability assessment. However, their work was based on the assumption that
threat and rates of material collection were directly related, which might not
reflect the actual threat situation. Salem (2003) scored different attributes (status,
commonness, life form and use) in order to calculate the conservation values for
each species. The author then assigned a relative conservation rank to each taxon
and calculated an average conservation value for the overall species within
particular PA in order to establish priorities to allocate conservation efforts. While
Maxted et al. (2004) used a point scoring method based on several criteria: rarity,
distributional range, gross representation in ex situ collections, geographic
coverage of ex situ collections, taxon coverage of ex situ collections, taxon utility,
and taxon extinction assessment (based on Burgman et al. 1995).
Most recently Miller et al. (2012) compared two alternative methods to full IUCN
Red List Assessment. The first NY method use the available georeferenced data to
calculate the Extent of Occurrence (EOO) for all plant species in Puerto Rico,
excluding unsuitable habitats like lakes, then all species with an EOO greater than
20,000km2 (IUCN upper limit for a vulnerability assessment) were assigned to the
‘‘Not At Risk’’ category, and excluded from further study. For species with EOO
values below the 20,000 km2 threshold all specimens were georeferenced, so the
georeferencing of common species was avoided. After georeferencing, EOO
values were recalculated, and those species with EOO values above 20,000 km2
were considered ‘‘Not At Risk’’ and if EOO’s were still less than 20,000 km2
species were categorized as ‘‘At Risk.’’ Thus the ‘‘At Risk’’ species that would
considered threatened under IUCN’s criterion B1. The second US method
included four steps: Step one analyses the age of collections to determine how
recently occurrence is documented, if a species has not been collected since 1900
it is considered to be “At Risk”. Step two assess geographic distribution by
determining if species are known from six or more provinces or municipalities
with an area greater than 9,000 km2, or smaller individual islands and those
known from six or more locations are considered to be ‘‘Not At Risk’’, and
remaining species documented from five or fewer locations continue on to step
three. Step three assess rarity from the comparative abundance of herbarium
specimens, determining whether a given species is represented by less than or
equal to the median number of 28 specimens per species, so if a species is known
from 28 or fewer specimens then it is ‘‘At Risk,’’ and if known from more than 28
specimens, it is analysed in step four. Step four assesses decline of a species by
determining whether the species is known from less than or equal to the median
number of 7 specimens collected since 1st January 1960 then the species may be
in decline and is considered ‘‘At Risk’’. The authors conclude that both methods
are likely to over-estimate threat but while not replacing IUCN Red List
Assessment do provide a quick, easy to apply methodology where full assessment
datasets are and are likely to remain unavailable.

The process of novel threat assessment of CWR essentially consists of two main
steps: (i) collation of relevant information for the assessment (see Box 35), (ii)
evaluation of the taxon against the IUCN Red List Criteria and selection of the Red
List Category. If the taxon is being assessed at regional (not global) level, a third
step is to assess whether it is necessary to downgrade (or rarely to upgrade) the
taxon’s Red List Category (see Figure 13).

Distribution Population size Biology and Habitat Conservation

and trends ecology status

Threats Other data

Enough information?



(demography, reproductive THE IUCN RED LIST CRITERIA AND
biology, chorology, genetics) SELECT RED LIST CATEGORY



Taxon occurs in
other countries?

Figure 13. Novel threat assessment of CWR taxa

A.7.2. Methodology
Before undertaking Red List assessments using the IUCN Red List Categories and
Criteria, users are advised to consult the IUCN Red List website for detailed
information about the assessment process:
http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/assessment-process. A
range of training materials are also available at:
http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/red-list-training. The basic
process of undertaking Red List assessments is outlined below.
(i) Collate taxon information. A literature, database, website, expert, herbarium
and gene bank survey is undertaken in order to collect data on distribution,
population size and trends, biology and ecology, habitat, conservation status,
threats, etc. If needed and possible, field data should also be obtained.
(ii) Evaluation of the taxon against the IUCN Red List Criteria65 and selection of
the Red List Category. If the compiled data are insufficient to make a
reasoned judgement about the threatened status of a taxon, the taxon is
assessed as Data Deficient (DD). These species should be prioritised for
further study in order to gather the required data. See ‘Additional materials
and resources’ for tools that can be used to estimate some of the parameters
needed to carry out Red List assessments.
(iii) For regional assessments (e.g., national assessments of non-endemic
species): collate relevant information about populations of the species in
neighbouring countries. Information may be sourced from Red List
assessments and conservation status data from the neighbouring countries,
or from expert knowledge and available literature about the taxon. For a
regional Red List assessment the taxon is subjected to a series of questions
which aim to determine whether this taxon’s Red List Category should
remain the same, be downgraded or (rarely) upgraded from the global
assessment (see Figure 13). For detailed guidance on the information
required to undertake a regional Red List assessment, see Table 3 ‘Checklist
for judging whether extra-regional populations may affect the extinction risk
of the regional population’ and Figure 14 ‘Conceptual scheme of the
procedure for assigning an IUCN Red List Category at the regional level’ in
the IUCN Guidelines for Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional
Levels: Version 3.066. For plant populations, in most cases a regional
assessment can be based on expert knowledge or on general knowledge of
the taxon’s breeding and dispersal system, combined with its distribution in
the region.
Global Red List assessments (e.g., assessments of national endemic species) can
be submitted for publication in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (see
IUCN has developed the Species Information Service (SIS), which is web
application and standalone database for conducting and managing species
assessments for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The system is intended
for use by IUCN SSC Specialist Group members and other IUCN partners working
on global Red List assessments as well as regional assessment initiatives led by
IUCN. As such, access to SIS is controlled but where possible use of SIS will
facilitate Red List assessment. For further information about using SIS, users
should consult the IUCN Red List website where the relevant contact details can
be found: www.iucnredlist.org/

Available at http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical‐documents/categories‐and‐criteria
IUCN (2003)
Box 38. Use of herbarium data in red listing
Application of the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (IUCN 2001) requires
the application of ‘the best available evidence’. Often, for plants herbarium and
gene bank collections provide the only source of information for the threat
assessment and must therefore qualify as ‘best available evidence’ (Willis et al.
2003), even though they can provide little help in estimating population changes
over time. Schatz et al. (2000) and Golding (2002) consider that these data are
sufficiently reliable to enable conservation decisions. However, information
provided by specimens can result in inconsistent Red List classifications because
of the uncertainty associated with population and distribution parameters that
arise from the decision rules of the IUCN Red List (IUCN 1994, 2001).
Information used in Red List assessments is interpreted from locality and habitat
information contained on specimen labels to make best estimates, inferences and
projections regarding distribution ranges, scarcity and declines of species. When
limited information is available, data often need to be extrapolated in order to
make informed estimates, inferences and projections (Golding 2004). On the other
hand, while collections made over the last 50 to 60 years usually provide data
about scientific name, locality, habitat, ecology, date of collection, collector name
and collector number, the historical specimens (before or early 20th century) may
only contain few hand written details of the plant name, collector and locality and
therefore may be of limited value to conservation assessments. MacDougall et al.
(1998) refer to herbarium specimen sheets as a qualitative rather than quantitative
data source. Locality coordinate data acquired from herbarium specimen data will
often only provide an approximation of species distribution (Willis et al. 2003).
Therefore use of specimen passport information from a single population
sampling should be regarded as provisional because it can result in an inaccurate
assignment of Red List statuses of poorly known species, and consequently,
influence conservation recommendations (Golding 2004). But despite the
uncertainty these can be a good start in assessing species extinction risk.

Box 39. IUCN Red Listing linked to climate change susceptibility

Red Listing involves the collation of diverse data that may also prove useful for
ancillary purposes, such as assessing climate change susceptibility. A
methodology has recently been proposed that uses taxon-specific biological traits
that are believed to be related to climate change vulnerability. They are: A.
Specialized habitat and/or microhabitat requirements. Species with generalized
and unspecialized habitat requirements are likely to be able to tolerate a greater
level of climatic and ecosystem change. B. Narrow environmental tolerances or
thresholds that are likely to be exceeded due to climate change at any stage in the
life cycle. The physiology and ecology of many species is coupled to specific
ranges of climatic variables (e.g. temperature, precipitation, pH and carbon
dioxide levels) and those with narrow tolerance ranges are more susceptible. C.
Dependence on specific environmental triggers or cues that are likely to be
disrupted by climate change. Many species rely on environmental triggers or cues
for seed germination, spring emergence and a range of other essential processes,
vulnerability to changes in the magnitude and timing of these cues is associated
with greater susceptibility. D. Dependence on interspecific interactions that are
likely to be disrupted by climate change. Many species interact with symbionts,
pollinators, seed dispersers and competitors and the more specific these
interactions to more likely the susceptibility. E. Poor ability to disperse to or to
colonise a new or more suitable range. In general, in response to climate change
each species ‘bioclimatic envelope’ will shift pole-wards and to increasing
altitudes, but species with low rates or short distances of dispersal are less able to
migrate sufficiently fast to keep apace the shifting climatic conditions. Using
expert assessments of these species traits groups of birds, amphibians and warm-
water reef-building corals have been assessed – CWR next?
Source: Foden et al. (2009)

Is the taxon reproducing within the region?


Are the conditions outside or within Are there any conspecific

the region deteriorating? populations in neighbouring regions?


Neighbouring populations stable?


Can a neighbouring
population rescue the regional
Is the regional population a sink?
population should it decline?




Figure 44. Basic scheme of how to undertake a regional Red List assessment67.

A.7.3. Examples and applied use

Box 40. Red List Assessment of Aegilops spp. in Armenia

IUCN Red List Categories were obtained for nine Aegilops spp. in Armenia using
ecogeographic survey data complemented with extensive field surveys. The
ecogeographic survey was based on a herbarium survey following the model

From Magos Brehm et al. (2008b) and adapted from IUCN (2003)
proposed by Maxted et al. (1995) and aimed at drafting the preliminary
distribution of the target taxa as well as to plan the timetable and routes for field
studies. Data collected during field surveys included: latitude, longitude, altitude,
site description (including administrative unit and nearest settlement),
conservation status of the area, average density (number of plants per unit of
surface), approximate area occupied by each subpopulation, plant community,
current and potential threats, growth stage and soil characteristics. The IUCN
Red List Categories and Criteria (IUCN 2001) and the IUCN Guidelines for
Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional Levels (IUCN 2003). Area of
occupancy (AOO) was generally calculated using a grid size of 4 km2 except for
those species known to have very small populations and limited range distribution
in the country where a grid size of 1 km2 was used. The result showed four
threatened species: Ae. mutica Boiss. – CR, Ae. crassa Boiss. – CR or Ex(R)?, Ae.
neglecta Req. ex Bertol. – EN, Ae. biuncialis Vis. – EN, Ae. columnaris Zhuk. – NT,
Ae. triuncialis L. – LC, Ae. cylindrica Host – LC, Ae. tauschii Coss. – LC’ and Ae.
umbellulata Zhuk. – DD
Source: Haruntyunyan et al. (2010)

‘European Red List of Vascular Plants’ which include CWR (Bilz et al. 2011).

Box 41. European Red List of CWR

As part of an initiative to publish the first European Red List, regional assessments
of 591 European CWR species in 25 priority crop gene pools/groups were
undertaken (see Bilz et al. 2011, Kell et al. 2012). The assessment process involved
the collaboration of more than 70 experts who have good knowledge of the
national flora of their country and/or of a particular taxonomic group. A key part
in the process was a five day Red List workshop involving 26 experts and a team of
facilitators, during which many of the assessments were drafted. The remaining
work was undertaken through email correspondence and completion and editing
of the assessments was undertaken mainly by three members of staff of the
coordinating institutes.
The assessment of a significant sample of European CWR provided a snapshot of
the threatened status of these species in the region. At least 11.5% (66) of the
species are considered as threatened, with 3.3% (19) of them being Critically
Endangered, 4.4% (22) Endangered and 3.8% (25) Vulnerable—a further 4.5% (26) of
the species are classified as Near Threatened. More than half of the species were
regionally assessed as Least Concern; however, a significant proportion of these
are threatened at national level. Regional data are lacking for many species and
many are therefore currently regionally assessed as Data Deficient, indicating
either a lack of knowledge about these species throughout their range or
challenges in accessing the necessary information.
The study found that livestock farming has by far the greatest impact on CWR in
Europe, followed by arable farming often associated with the use of herbicides and
pesticides. However, it cannot be concluded from these results that all types of
farming are threatening CWR diversity; in fact, farmed areas (including arable
land and pasture) are one of the primary habitats of CWR species. It is intensive
and unsustainable farming practices, such as severe overgrazing, conversion of
land to monocultures and the over-use of fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides that
are the major threats to CWR that grow in agricultural areas—this includes
grazing in semi-natural habitats such as Mediterranean maquis (Kell et al. 2011).
Development for tourism and recreation are also major threats to CWR in the
region, particularly those restricted to coastal and mountainous areas, as well as
islands. Other major threats include urban development, invasive alien species,
transport infrastructure development, an increase in fire frequency or intensity (or
sometimes also fire suppression), severe weather events, such as drought and
flooding, and intensive forestry (including pollutants from forestry activities). The
significance of climate change as a major threatening factor to European CWR is
still to be accurately quantified.
Source: Bilz et al. (2011), Kell et al. (2012)

A.7.4. List of references used to compile the text

Bilz M, Kell SP, Maxted N and Lansdown RV (2011) European Red List of Vascular
Plants. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Available at:
ads/European_vascular_plants.pdf [Accessed June 2012].
Burgman MA, Grimson RC and Ferson S (1995) Inferring threat from scientific
collections. Conservation Biology 9(4): 923-928.
Burgman MA, Maslin, BR, Andrewartha D, Keatley MR, Boek C and McCarthy M
(2000) Inferring threat from scientific collections: power tests and an
application for Western Australia Acacia species. In: Ferson S and Burgman M
(eds.) Quantitative methods for conservation biology. Springer, New York.
Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (2009) Assessment
of Australia’s Terrestrial Biodiversity 2008. Report prepared by the Biodiversity
Assessment Working Group of the National Land and Water Resources Audit
for the Australian Government, Canberra. Available from:
assessment/index.html [Accessed June 2012].
Foden W, Mace G, Vié J-C, Angulo A, Butchart S, DeVantier L, Dublin H, Gutsche
A, Stuart S and Turak E (2009) Species susceptibility to climate change
impacts. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
Gärdenfors U, Hilton-Taylor C, Mace GM and Rodríguez JP (2001) The application
of the IUCN Red List Criteria at regional levels. Conservation Biology 15(5):
Golding JS (Ed) (2002) Southern African plant Red Data Lists. Southern African
Botanical Diversity Network Report Series 14. SABONET, Pretoria, South
Golding JS (2004) The use of specimen information influences the outcomes of
Red List assessments: the case of southern African plant specimens.
Biodiversity and Conservation 13: 773–780.
Haruntyunyan M, Dulloo ME, Yeritsyan N and Danielyan A (2010) Red List
assessment of nine Aegilops species in Armenia. Genetic Resources and Crop
Evolution 57: 1177-1189. Available from:
%20Armenia.pdf [Accessed June 2012].
IUCN (1994) IUCN Red List Categories. IUCN Species Survival Commission.
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK 21pp.
IUCN (2001) IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1. IUCN Species
Survival Commission. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. ii + 30 pp.
Available from:
http://www.iucnredlist.org/documents/redlist_cats_crit_en.pdf [Accessed
June 2012].
IUCN (2003) Guidelines for Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional
Levels: Version 3.0. IUCN Species Survival Commission. IUCN, Gland,
Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. ii + 26 pp. Available from:
http://www.iucnredlist.org/documents/reg_guidelines_en.pdf [Accessed June
Kell, S.P., Maxted, N. and Bilz, M. (2012) European crop wild relative threat
assessment: knowledge gained and lessons learnt. In: Maxted, N., Dulloo, M.E.,
Ford-Lloyd, B.V., Frese, L., Iriondo, J.M. and Pinheiro de Carvalho, M.A.A. (eds.)
Agrobiodiversity Conservation: Securing the Diversity of Crop Wild Relatives
and Landraces. CAB International, Wallingford. Pp. 218–242.
Keller V and Bollmann K (2004) From Red Lists to species of conservation
concern. Conservation Biology 18(6): 1636-1644.
MacDougall AS, Loo JA, Clayden SR, Goltz JG and Hinds HR (1998) Defining
conservation priorities for plant taxa in south-eastern New Brunswick, Canada
using herbarium records. Biological Conservation 86: 325–338.
Magos Brehm J, Mitchell M, Maxted N, Ford‐Lloyd BV and Martins‐Loução MA
(2008b) “IUCN Red Listing of Crop Wild Relatives: is a national approach as
difficult as some think?” In: Maxted N, Ford‐Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo JM,
Dulloo E and Turok J (Eds) Crop wild relative conservation and use.
Wallingford: CAB International. pp. 211‐242.
Maxted N (2003) Conserving the genetic resources of crop wild relatives in
European protected areas. Biological Conservation 113: 411-417.
Maxted N, Mabuza-Dlamini P, Moss H, Padulosi S, Jarvis A and Guarino L (2004)
An Ecogeographic Survey: African Vigna. Systematic and Ecogeographic
Studies of Crop Genepools 10. IPGRI, Rome, Italy.
Miller JS, Porter-Morgan, HA, Stevens H, Boom B, Krupnick GA, Acevedo-
Rodríguez P, Fleming, J and Gensler M (2012) Addressing target two of the
Global Strategy for Plant Conservation by rapidly identifying plants at risk.
Biodiversity and Conservation, 21(7): 1877-1887.
Salem BB (2003) Application of GIS to biodiversity monitoring. Journal of Arid
Environments 54: 91-114.
Schatz GE, Birkinshaw C, Lowry PP II, Randriantafika F and Ratovoson F (2000)
“The endemics plant families of Madagascar project: integrating taxonomy and
conservation.” In: Lourenço WR and Goodman SM (Eds) Diversité et
Endémisme à Madagascar. Mémoires de la Societé de Biogéographie, Paris,
Townsend AJ, Lange PJ, Duffy CAJ, Miskelly CM, Molloy J and Norton DA (2008)
New Zealand Threat Classification System manual. Department of
Conservation, Wellington. Available from:
system/nz-threat-classification-system-manual-2008/ [Accessed June 2012].
Willis F, Moat J and Paton A (2003) Defining a role for herbarium data in Red List
assessments: a case study of Plectranthus from eastern and southern tropical
Africa. Biodiversity and Conservation 12: 1537–1552.

A.7.5. Additional materials and resources

IUCN Red Listing:
Heywood VH (2011) “Selection and prioritization of species/populations
and areas.” In: Hunter DV and Heywood VH (eds) (2011) Crop wild

relatives, a manual of in situ conservation. Issues in Agricultural
Biodiversity. Earthscan, London. pp. 129-168.
Miller R, Rodríguez JP, Bambaradeniya C, Boles R, Eaton M, Fowler T,
Gärdenfors U, Keller V, Molur S, Pollock C and Walker S (2005) Report
 from the National Red List Advisory Group Workshop “Analysis of the
Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at a National Level”, Villa Majagual,
21-26 January 2005.
Kell S and Maxted N (2010) European CWR threat assessment: knowledge
gained and lessons learnt. Symposium “Towards the establishment of

genetic reserve for crop wild relatives and landraces in Europe”. 13-16
September, Funchal, Madeira.

 Magos Brehm J, Mitchell M, Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Martins-

Loução MA (2005) National approach for crop wild relative red listing: is
it as difficult as we think? First International Conference on Crop Wild
Relative Conservation and Use. 14-17 September, Agrigento, Sicily (Italy).
Senanayake SGJN, Wijesekara GAW and Kumarathilake DMHC (No
Date) Extinction risk assessments at the species level: Red list status of
endemic wild cinnamon species in Sri Lanka. Available from:
 http://www.cropwildrelatives.org/fileadmin/www.cropwildrelatives.org/P
%20species%20in%20Sri%20Lanka.pdf [Accessed June 2012].
WW IUCN Red List of Threatened Species ‒ Assessment Process:
W http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/assessment-process
WW IUCN Red List of Threatened Species ‒ Red List Training:
W http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/red-list-training
WW IUCN Red List of Threatened Species – References:
W http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/references
WW IUCN Red List of Threatened Species ‒ Classification Schemes:
W http://www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/classification-schemes
WW National Red Lists: Tutorials and case studies:
W http://www.nationalredlist.org/site.aspx?pageid=177
Technical documents and tools for threat assessment (users should also consult
the IUCN Red List website links given above):
Jiménez-Alfaro B, Draper D and Nogués-Bravo D (2012) Modelling the
 potential area of occupancy at fine resolution may reduce uncertainty in
species range estimates. Biological Conservation 147: 190-196.
Bachman S, Moat J, Hill A, de la Torre J and Scott B (2011) Supporting Red
 List threat assessments with GeoCAT: Geospatial Conservation
Assessment Tool. Zookeys 150: 117-126.
Analysis Tool for Geospatial Red List Species Assessment (GeoCAT):
The GIS Unit of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew has been developing this
on-line tool that allows the user to calculate the Extent of Occurrence
(EOO) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) needed in the IUCN Red Listing:
 Pick a species to assess or create a new project from scratch,
 Upload your own occurrence data e.g. coordinates of specimens, field
 observations or plot samples from an existing dataset,
 Manually add/edit occurrence points to the map and edit based on your
own knowledge,
 Import occurrence data from on-line sources such as GBIF or Flickr,
 Single-click analysis of Extent of Occurrence (EOO) (using a convex
hull) and Area of Occupancy (AOO) (using a grid system),
 Visualise your results on Google Earth,
 Download occurrence data used in the analysis,
 Save your project and add more data later or share with partners in a
 View and save all the vital statistics as a mini-report.
NOTE: This tool hasn’t been yet recognised by IUCN because there are
few improvements needed but they seem to be supportive (Steven
Bachman pers. comm.).
 GeoCAT demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyVHLQy8F_0
Threat assessment – others:
Sapir Y, Shmida A and Fragman O (2003) Constructing Red Numbers for
 setting conservation priorities of endangered plant species: Israeli flora as
a test case. Journal for Nature Conservation 11: 91-107.
Genetic erosion – general:
Bettencourt E, Ford-Lloyd BV and Dias S (2008) “Genetic erosion and
genetic pollution of crop wild relatives: the PGR Forum perspective and
 achievements.” In: Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo JM, Dulloo
E and Turok J (eds) Crop wild relative conservation and use. Wallingford:
CAB International. pp. 277-286.
Brown AHD (unknown) Indicators of Genetic Diversity, Genetic Erosion
and Genetic Vulnerability for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
 Agriculture. Thematic Background Study. FAO, Rome. Available from:
http://www.fao.org/docrep/013/i1500e/i1500e20.pdf [Accessed March
Ford-Lloyd, B.V., Dias, S.R. and Bettencourt, E. (editors). 2006. Genetic
Erosion and Pollution Assessment Methodologies. Proceedings of PGR
Forum Workshop 5, Terceira Island, Autonomous Region of the Azores,
Portugal, 8–11 September 2004. Published on behalf of the European Crop
 Wild Relative Diversity Assessment and Conservation Forum, by
Bioversity International, Rome, Italy. 100 p. Available at
pdf?cache=1335299957 [Accessed May 2012].
Wilkinson MJ and Ford CS (2008) “Assessing the potential for ecological
harm from gene flow to crop wild relatives.” In: Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV,

Kell SP, Iriondo JM, Dulloo E and Turok J (eds.) Crop wild relative
conservation and use. Wallingford: CAB International. pp. 287-295.
Genetic erosion – examples:
Haruntyunyan M, Avagyan A and Hovhannisyan M (2008)
“Impoverishment of the gene pool of the genus Aegilops L. In Armenia.”
 In: Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo JM, Dulloo E and Turok J
(eds.) Crop wild relative conservation and use. Wallingford: CAB
International. pp. 309-315.
 Pintaud J-C, Couvreur TLP, Lara C, Ludeña B and Pham J-L (2008)
“Reciprocal introgression between wild and cultivated Peach Palm
(Bactris gasipaes Kunth, Arecaceae) in Western Ecuador.” In: Maxted N,
Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo JM, Dulloo E and Turok J (eds.) Crop wild
relative conservation and use. Wallingford: CAB International. pp. 296-
Avanzato D and E Raparelli (2005) The relationship between the
agriculture modernization and the fruit genetic erosion observed by
analysing the plants offer from the nurseries catalogues. First
 International Conference on Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use. 14-
17 September, Agrigento, Sicily (Italy). Available from:
parelli.pdf [Accessed January 2012].
Larsen AS, Asmussen CB, Coart E, Olrik DC and Kjær ED (2005) On the
conservation of the endangered European crab apple (Malus sylvestris):
threats from hybridization with domesticated apple (Malus × domestica).
 First International Conference on Crop Wild Relative Conservation and
Use. 14-17 September, Agrigento, Sicily (Italy). Available from:
pdf [Accessed January 2012].
Climate change:
Fujisaka S, Williams D and Halewood M (2011) The impact of climate
change on countries’ interdependence on genetic resources for food and
agriculture. Background Study Paper nº 48. Commission on Genetic

Resources for Food and Agriculture. FAO. Available from:
ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/meeting/017/ak532e.pdf [Accessed January
Gomez-Mendoza L and Arriaga L (2007) Modelling the effect of climate
 change on the distribution of oak and pine species of Mexico.
Conservation Biology 21: 1545–1555.
Guarino L and Dempewolf H (unknown) Adapting agriculture to climate
change: collecting, protecting and preparing crop wild relatives. Available

from: http://www.slideshare.net/fullscreen/luigiguarino/using-crop-wild-
relatives/1 [Accessed March 2012].
Ramírez J and Jarvis A (2009) Geographic Information Systems to assess
climate change impacts on crop biodiversity. World Congress On
Conservation Agriculture, 4-7 February, New Delhi, India. Available from:

agriculture-delhi-india [Accessed March 2012].
Project Crop Wild Relatives and Climate Change:

A.8. Gap analysis of priority CWR
A.8.1. Overview

What is CWR gap analysis?

Gap analysis is a conservation evaluation technique that assists the prioritization
of biodiversity elements for conservation action by identifying ‘gaps’ in the
conservation of those elements68. Practically, all gap analysis, including that for
CWR, involves a comparison between the range of natural diversity and that
diversity already effectively represented by current in situ conservation actions
(in situ gap analysis) and all accessions of the target CWR represented in gene
bank collections (ex situ gap analysis).

There is now an extensive literature associated with gap analysis which essentially
identifies areas in which selected elements of biodiversity are under-
represented69. Nevertheless, it is almost entirely restricted to identifying gaps in
habitat or ecosystem conservation, not gaps within existing species or genetic
diversity conservation. The use of this technique to identify gaps in networks of
protected habitats for in situ conservation of genetic resources, namely for CWR,
has already been cited70. A systematic gap analysis methodology for identifying
gaps in species or genetic diversity conservation has been developed and
illustrated with the case study for African Vigna wild relatives and LR which
aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of current in situ and ex situ conservation,
identifying the ‘gaps’, hence assisting the development of conservation strategies
for African Vigna genetic resources71. More recently, an ex situ gap analysis
methodology based on GIS tools has been developed for crop gene pools72.
The results of genetic diversity and ecogeographic analysis, as well as novel threat
assessment (see sections 5, 6 and 7 respectively) provide the information needed
to identify gaps in current in situ and ex situ conservation actions for CWR. Figure
5 summarises how these analyses feed into a gap analysis study.
Conservation gaps (both in situ and ex situ) can be detected at different levels: (i)
Individual CWR taxon level (CWR taxa not conserved versus taxa conserved), (ii)
Ecogeographic level (for a particular CWR, areas/environmental conditions not
covered by in situ or ex situ conservation activities versus those covered), (iii)
Trait level (specific CWR populations that present a particular interesting trait
that are not conserved versus populations with that same trait that are), (iv)
Genetic diversity (specific CWR populations that are genetically important that
are not conserved versus those that are). The level(s) at which gap analysis can be
undertaken depends on the types of data available for the study. It should be
highlighted that genetic data are not always available and that the collation of
information de novo may not be possible due to resource limitations. Therefore, in

Noss and Cooperrider (1999), Eken et al. (2004), Rodrigues et al. (2004), Langhammer et al. (2007)
E.g. Margules et al. (1988), Margules (1989), Margules and Pressey (2000), Allen et al. (2001),
Balmford (2003), Brooks et al. (2004), Dietz and Czech (2005), Riemann and Ezcurra (2005)
See Ingram and Williams (1993)
See Maxted et al. (2008b)
Bioversity International et al. (2009) and also see R‐package GapAnalysis available at: http://r‐forge.r‐


the absence of ‘real’ genetic information, ecogeographic diversity information can
be used as a proxy.
The result of an in situ gap analysis is the identification of in situ conservation
priorities, while the result of an ex situ gap analysis is the identification of
additional CWR germplasm collections required. Figure 56 illustrates the basic in
situ and ex situ gap analysis methodology.





Ecogeographic database and analysis


Figure 15. Ecogeographic, genetic and threat assessment aiding gap analysis


National CWR


ACTIONS (genetic reserves) ACTIONS (gene banks, field gene banks)

Priority CWR taxa Targeted areas of occurrence and Targeted populations with particular
environmental conditions of priority CWR trait/genetic diversity





GAPS = Under represented GAPS = Under represented GAPS = Under represented

CWR taxa geographic areas and environments genetic diversity


Figure 5. CWR diversity in situ and ex situ gap analysis methodology


A.8.2. Methodology
In situ and ex situ gap analyses can be carried out at different levels depending on
the information available.
Individual CWR level: whether the target CWR taxa are adequately represented by
ex situ accessions or active in situ conservation.
(i) In situ: Compare CWR taxon diversity with in situ activities to detect priority
CWR not actively conserved adequately using in situ techniques; GAPS =
CWR taxa not actively conserved in situ (see Box 41).
(ii) Ex situ: Compare CWR taxon diversity with ex situ accessions held in gene
banks and field gene banks, via direct contact to gene banks or via on-line
databases (e.g. EURISCO, GENESYS, Singer), in order to detect CWR not
actively conserved adequately using ex situ techniques; GAPS = CWR taxa
not conserved ex situ.

Ecogeographic level: whether the whole ecogeographic range of the CWR is

represented in situ/ex situ. Ecogeographic diversity can be used as an indicator of
genetic diversity, the assumption being that the conservation of maximum
ecogeographic diversity will result in the conservation of maximum genetic
diversity. Characterizing populations according to the environmental conditions
in which they grow can also help to identify useful abiotic traits such as extreme
temperatures, drought, etc.
(i) In situ: Compare ecogeographic CWR diversity and where it is conserved in
situ will help target new in situ activities. GAPS = CWR ecogeographic areas
not already covered by in situ activities.
(ii) Ex situ: Compare ecogeographic CWR diversity and where diversity has
previously been collected will help target further collections. GAPS = CWR
ecogeographic areas where collection has not previously been made, See
Figure 673.

Bioversity International et al. (2009)


Figure 6. CWR ex situ gap analysis methodology at ecogeographic level 74

Trait level: whether specific CWR populations that contain a particular interesting
trait (e.g. high gluten content, etc.) are conserved in situ/ex situ adequately.
(i) In situ: Compare CWR natural distribution together with trait diversity data
and where it is actively conserved will help target new in situ activities.
GAPS = specific CWR populations with the trait of interest not conserved in
(ii) Ex situ: Compare CWR natural distribution together with trait information
and where it has been previously collected will help target further
collections. GAPS = specific CWR populations with the trait of interest not
conserved ex situ.
GIS-based predictive characterization can be used to identify those populations
that are likely to contain desirable traits (e.g. insect pest resistance). Focused

Ramírez‐Villegas J. Gap analysis. Available from:
http://www.slideshare.net/laguanegna/castaneda2010‐gapanalysis [Accessed January 2012].
Identification of Germplasm Strategy (FIGS) is a predictive characterisation
technique and can be used in this context. The basic FIGS approach is as follows:
 Compile the geographic distribution of the target CWR;
 Gather the available evaluation data regarding the biotic or abiotic trait of
interest and georeference;
 Gather environmental information (e.g. climate, soil, elevation, topography)
(see ‘Additional materials and resources’ for sources of data) and extract
environmental data for each CWR accession/population using a GIS
software (e.g. DIVA-GIS);
 Utilise the existing characterization and evaluation data to identify sites
where required variation exists;
 Produce site profiles identified above in terms of environmental, ecological
and any other relevant data;
 Look for similar environmental profiles amongst other sites and develop a
sampling strategy using clustering, principal component analysis etc.;
 Identify whether ex situ accessions are available or active on-farm
conservation is carried out and whether it is necessary to collect de novo
from the identified sites in order to complete the ex situ collection or to
target populations for in situ conservation.
An alternative FIGS approach can be used to target abiotic traits which do not
make use of existing trait evaluation data but is based on collecting information
on the environmental conditions most likely to support the adaptive development
of the target traits75. This approach can be used when insufficient trait evaluation
data are available for the analysis.

Box 42. GIS-based predictive characterisation

Predictive characterisation is a means of identifying CWR in situ populations/ex
situ accessions likely to contain desirable traits (e.g. insect pest resistance).
Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy (FIGS) is a technique of predictive
characterisation that can be used for that purpose. It is an innovative approach
that brings together information available on PGR and the environments in which
they evolved through GIS technology. It combines climatic and ecogeographic
information, species distribution data, and distribution of a particular stress (e.g.
pest and diseases) for which resistance is being sought, in order to create
environmental profiles of the habitats in which a given population (genotype)
evolved. The analysis identifies the populations or accessions most likely to
contain the desirable adaptive traits. FIGS has been used to successfully identify
seven new resistance alleles to powdery mildew (genePm3) from an initial number
of 16,089 wheat accessions (see Bhullar et al. 2009). The utilization of the FIGS
methodology can thus aid breeders’ selection in identifying in situ populations or
ex situ accessions of CWR most likely to contain the traits of interest.
Source: MacKay and Street (2004), Bhullar et al. (2009)

Thormann (2012)
Genetic level: whether specific CWR populations that contain genetic diversity of
interest (e.g. high genetic diversity) are not conserved in situ/ex situ.
(i) In situ. A comparison between CWR natural distribution together with
genetic diversity data and which populations are actively conserved will help
target new in situ activities. GAPS = specific populations with genetic
diversity not conserved in situ.
(ii) Ex situ. A comparison between CWR natural distribution together with
genetic diversity data and where the taxon has been previously collected will
help target further collections. GAPS = specific populations with genetic
diversity not conserved ex situ.
The following should be noted while in situ gap analysis is being carried out:
 If the species distribution locations have different levels of accuracy, only
the most accurate should be used;
 If there is no digitized information on the distribution of PA or regarding
the taxa that occur within them, then species distribution modelling could
be performed in order to obtain maps of predicted distribution (Figure 19).
Field confirmation should be carried out in order to know which taxa occur
within PA. It should be noted that field confirmation needs to consider
access permission in formal PA, private land and ethnological important
areas (e.g. “sacred forests” or Indian reservations).
 Regardless of the level of in situ gap analysis (individual CWR,
ecogeographic, trait or genetic level), it should also identify the
populations that: (i) do not occur within PA (GAPS = specific populations
not conserved in situ), and (ii) do occur in PA but that are only passively
protected without any specific management (GAPS = specific populations
within PA but not actively conserved in situ) (Figure ).
Species natural

(level accuracy 1 to 3)

National network
of PA

Country’s base

(locations within PA)

Passive in situ
conservation in PA

Figure 7. Schematic representation of the in situ gap analysis process

CWR natural distribution

OVERLAY WITH PA data Information on taxa MODEL TAXA

distribution in PA? NO DISTRIBUTION

Digitized information NO YES

on distribution of PA?


AND AGRICULTURE Species occur in PA?
represented CWR)
Species actively managed and monitored?


Active in situ Passive in situ
conservation conservation

Individual CWR/
diversity conserved in situ? NO

present where predicted
to occur)
genetic diversity)

Figure 19. In situ gap analysis of CWR diversity


Box 43. Species distribution models
Species distribution models (SDM) are useful tools to predict potential areas of
distribution. They have been commonly used to answer questions related to
ecology, evolution and conservation (Elith et al. 2006). Regarding conservation,
SDM have been employed to aid conservation decisions (e.g. Dockerty et al. 2003,
Midgley et al. 2003), to direct field surveys towards locations where taxa are likely
to be found (e.g. Engler et al. 2004), to establish baseline information for
predicting a species’ response to landscape alterations and/or climate change (e.g.
Huntley et al. 1995, Beaumont and Hughes 2002, Thuiller 2003, Thomas et al.
2004, Hijmans and Graham 2006), to identify high‐priority sites for conservation
(e.g. Araújo and Williams 2000, Loiselle et al. 2003).
There is a wide range of methods for modelling species’ distribution. These
include classification and regression trees (CART) (e.g. Breiman et al. 1984),
generalized linear models (GLM) (McCullagh and Nelder 1989), generalized
additive models (GAM) (Hastie and Tibshirani 1990), climatic envelope models
(CEM) (e.g. BIOCLIM) (Busby 1991), Gower‐similarity models (e.g. DOMAIN) (e.g.
Carpenter et al. 1993), artificial neural networks (ANN) (e.g. Mastrorillo et al.
1997), ecological niche factor analysis (ENFA) (e.g. Hirzel et al. 2001, freely
available from http://www.unil.ch/biomapper), generalized dissimilarity models
(GDM) (e.g. Ferrier 2002), and maximum entropy models (e.g. MaxEnt by Phillips
et al. 2006, freely available from
These models vary in how they model distribution responses, select relevant
climatic parameters, define fitted functions for each parameter, weight different
parameter contributions, allow for interactions and predict geographic patterns of
occurrence (Guisan and Zimmerman 2000, Burgman et al. 2005). See Brotons et
al. (2004), Segurado and Araújo (2004) and Elith et al. (2006) for detailed reviews
and comparison of existing modelling methods, and Thuiller et al. (2005) for
discussion on the ecological principles and assumptions of each model as well as
their limitations and decisions inherent to the evaluation of these models.

A.8.3. Examples and applied use

Box 44. Individual CWR gap analysis of Aegilops spp.

Existing geo-referenced passport data associated with 22 Aegilops species were
used to identify gaps in current conservation and to develop a global conservation
strategy for the genus. Sources of taxonomic, ecological, geographic and
conservation information included: ICARDA, EURISCO, GRIN and SINGER
datasets. The ecogeographic database contained 9866 unique geo-referenced
observations collected between 1932 and 2004. Distribution maps as well as
predicted distribution using climatic models were obtained and compared in
individual taxon conservation gap analyses using ArcGIS and DIVA-GIS. Species
priorities were assigned based on ex situ conservation status, highest priority
given to Ae. bicornis, Ae. comosa, Ae. juvenalis, Ae. kotschyi, Ae. peregrina, Ae.
sharonensis, Ae. speltoides, Ae. uniaristata and Ae. vavilovii. Future ex situ
collections were recommended, namely in Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Iran, Israel,
Libya, Spain, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
In addition, patterns of species richness were obtained and five complementary
regions of Aegilops diversity were identified in west Syria and north Lebanon,
central Israel, north-west Turkey, Turkmenistan and south France for in situ
conservation. Within these areas, 16 IUCN-designated PA were identified as
potential sites to establish genetic reserves. However, the most important
identified area (on the Syrian/Lebanese border) does not coincide with any
existing formal PA, thus, a novel PA needs to be established.
Source: Maxted et al. (2008c)

Aegilops cylindrica Host, a wild relative of wheat (Triticum spp.), in the Erebuni
State Reserve (Armenia), a genetic reserve dedicated to the conservation of wild
wheat, including Triticum urartu Tumannian ex Gandilyan, T. boeoticum Boiss., T.
araraticum Jakubz and Aegilops spp. (photo: René Hauptvogel).

A.8.4. List of references used to compile the text

Araújo MB (1999) Gap Analysis – vantagens e desvantagens para uma avaliação
da Rede Natura 2000 em Portugal. Presented to the Iberian Congress of
Entomology, Évora, 1999.
Allen CR, Pearlstine LG and Kitchens WM (2001) Modelling viable mammal
populations in gap analysis. Biological Conservation 99: 135‐144.
Balmford A (2003) Conservation planning in the real world: South Africa shows
the way. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18: 435-438.
Bhullar NK, Street K, Mackay M, Yahiaoui N and Keller B (2009) Unlocking wheat
genetic resources for the molecular identification of previously undescribed
functional alleles at the Pm3 resistance locus. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106: 9519-9525.
Bioversity International, IRRI and CIAT (2009) CWR gap analysis methodology.
Available from: http://gisweb.ciat.cgiar.org/GapAnalysis/?p=139 [Accessed
January 2012].
Breiman L, Friedman JH, Olshen RA and Stone CJ (1984) Classification and
regression trees. Wadsworth International Group, Belmont, CA.
Brooks TM, Bakarr MI, Boucher T, da Fonesca GAB, Hilton-Taylor C and Hoekstra
JM (2004) Coverage provided by the global PA system: is it enough? Bioscience
54: 1081-1091.
Brotons L, Thuiller W, Araújo MB and Hirzel AH (2004) Presence‐absence versus
presence‐only modelling methods for predicting bird habitat suitability.
Ecography, 27: 437‐448.
Burgman M, Lindenmayer DB and Elith J (2005) Managing landscapes for
conservation under uncertainty. Ecology, 86: 2007‐2017.
Busby JR (1991) “BIOCLIM ‐ a bioclimatic analysis and prediction system.” In:
Margules CR and Austin MP (Eds) Nature Conservation: Cost Effective
Biological Surveys and Data Analysis. Canberra: CSIRO. pp. 64‐68.
Carpenter G, Gillison AN and Winter J (1993) DOMAIN: a flexible modelling
procedure for mapping potential distributions of plants and animals.
Biodiversity and Conservation, 2: 667‐680.
Dietz RW and Czech B (2005) Conservation deficits for the continent al.United
States: an ecosystem gap analysis. Conservation Biology 19: 1478-1487.
Dockerty T, Lovett A and Watkinson A (2003) Climate change and nature
reserves: examining the potential impacts, with examples from Great Britain.
Global Environmental Change, 13: 125‐135.
Eken G, Bennun L, Brooks TM, Darwall W, Fishpool LDC, Foster M, Knox D,
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S and Tordoff A (2004) Key biodiversity areas as site conservation targets.
BioScience 54: 1110-1118.
Elith J, Graham CH, Anderson RP, Dudík M, Ferrier S, Guisan A, Hijmans RJ,
Huettmann F, Leathwick JR, Lehmann A, Li J, Lohmann LG, Loiselle BA,
Manion G, Moritz C, Nakamura M, Nakazawa Y, McC. Overton J, Peterson AT,
Phillips SJ, Richardson K, Scachetti‐Fereira R, Schapire RE, Soberón J, Williams
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Hirzel A, Hausser J and Perrin N (2001) Biomapper 1.0. Lausanne, Laboratory for
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Ingram GB and Williams JT (1993) Gap analysis for in situ conservation of crop
genepools: implications of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Biodiversity
Letters, 1(5): 141‐148.
Langhammer PF, Bakarr MI, Bennun LA, Brooks TM, Clay RP, Darwall W, De Silva
N, Edgar GJ, Eken G, Fishpool LDC, Fonseca GAB, Foster MN, Knox DH,
Matiku P, Radford EA, Rodrigues ASL, Salaman P, Sechrest W, and Tordoff AW
(2007) Identification and gap analysis of key biodiversity areas: targets for
comprehensive protected area systems. Best Practice Protected Area
Guidelines Series 15. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
Lipow SR, Vance‐Borland K, St. Clair JB, Henderson J and McCain C (2004) Gap
analysis of conserved genetic resources for forest trees. Conservation Biology
18(2): 412-423.
Mackay MC and Street K (2004). “Focused identification of germplasm strategy—
FIGS.” In: Black CK, Panozzo JF and Rebetzke GJ (Eds) Cereals 2004.
Proceedings of the 54th Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference and the 11th
Wheat Breeders’ Assembly, 21–24 September 2004, Canberra, Australian
Capital Territory. Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Melbourne. pp 138-141.
Margules CR (1989) Introduction to some Australian developments in
conservation evaluation. Biological Conservation 50: 1-11.
Margules CR and Pressey RL (2000) Systematic conservation planning. Nature
405(6873): 243-253.
Margules CR, Nicholls AO and Pressey PL (1988) Selecting networks of reserves to
maximize biological diversity. Biological Conservation, 43: 63‐76.
Mastrorillo S, Lek S, Dauba F and Belaud A. (1997) The use of artificial neural
networks to predict the presence of small bodied fish in a river. Freshwater
Biology, 38: 237‐246.
Maxted N, Dulloo E, Ford-Lloyd BV, Iriondo JM and Jarvis A (2008b) Gap
analysis: a tool for complementary genetic conservation assessment. Diversity
and Distributions 14: 1018-1030.
Maxted N, White K, Valkoun J, Konopka J and Hargreaves S (2008c) Towards a
conservation strategy for Aegilops species. Plant Genetic Resource:
Characterization and Utilization 6(2): 126-141.
McCullagh P and Nelder JA (1989) Generalized linear models. London: Chapman
& Hall.
Midgley GF, Hannah L, Millar D, Thuiller W and Booth A (2003) Developing
regional and species‐level assessments of climate change impacts on
biodiversity in the Cape Floristic Region. Biological Conservation, 112: 87‐97.
Noss R and Cooperrider A (1999) “Gap analysis as applied conservation biology.”
In: The best of Gap. A compilation of the best of the Gap Analysis Bulletin. U.S.
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Phillips SJ, Anderson RP and Schapire RE (2006) Maximum entropy modelling of
species geographic distributions. Ecological Modelling, 190: 231‐259.
Riemann H and Ezcurra E (2005) Plant endemism and natural PAs in the peninsula
of Baja California, Mexico. Biological Conservation 122: 141-150.
Rodrigues ASL, Andelman SJ, Bakarr MI, Boitani L, Brooks TM, Cowling RM,
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Pilgrim JD, Pressey RL, Schipper J, Sechrest W, Stuart SN, Underhill LG, Waller
RW, Watts MEJ and Yan X (2004) Effectiveness of the global protected area
network in representing species diversity. Nature 428: 640-643.
Segurado P and Araújo MB (2004) An evaluation of methods for modelling species
distributions. Journal of Biogeography 31: 1555‐1568.
Thormann, I. (2012) Applying FIGS to crop wild relatives and landraces in Europe.
Crop wild relative 8: 14‒16.
Thuiller W, Lavorel S, Araújo MB, Sykes MT and Prentice IC (2005) Climate
change threats to plant diversity in Europe. The Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, 102 (23): 8245‐8250.

A.8.5. Additional materials and resources

Methodological references:
 Jarvis J, Ramirez J, Castañeda N, Gaiji S, Guarino L, Tobón H and
Amariles D (2009) Value of a coordinate: geographic analysis of
agricultural biodiversity. Proceedings of TDWG. Available from:
http://www.tdwg.org/proceedings/article/view/555[Accessed March
2012]. (abstract)
Ramírez-Villegas J, Khoury C, Jarvis A, Debouck DG and Guarino L
(2010) A gap analysis methodology for collecting crop genepools: a case

study with Phaseolus beans. PLoS ONE 5(10): e13497.
Magos Brehm and Maxted N (2011) In situ and ex situ gap analysis:
overview. Second training workshop "Conservation for enhanced
utilization of crop wild relative diversity for sustainable development and
 climate change mitigation", Beijing (China). Organised by the University
of Birmingham and financed by the Department for Environment, Food
and Rural Affairs (DEFRA, UK) and by the Chinese Ministry of
Agriculture. 11-13 January.
Jarvis A, Ramírez J, Castañeda N, Hijmans R and van Etten J (2010) Gap
analysis. Available from:

[Accessed January 2012].
Ramírez J and Jarvis A (2009) Diversidad tropical: conservación y
desarrollo. Available from: http://www.slideshare.net/CIAT/julian-r-

diversidad-tropical-conservacion-y-desarrollo-2488421 [Accessed January
The Gap Analysis site : http://gisweb.ciat.cgiar.org/GapAnalysis/
Examples of CWR gap analysis:
Castañeda N, Jarvis A and Ramírez J (2011) Nuestros tomates silvestres:
¿cuáles son y dónde buscarlos? Taller internacional: El tomate Silvestre en
el mejoramiento genetic de species cultivadas frente al cambio climatic. 12

May, Chile. Available from: http://www.slideshare.net/CIAT/julian-r-
diversidad-tropical-conservacion-y-desarrollo-2488421 [Accessed March
2012]. (in Spanish)

 Greene SL, Afonin A and Dzyubenko N (2011) Crop wild relatives of

Medicago in Russia and neighbouring countries: gap analysis for effective
conservation. Symposium “Towards the establishment of genetic reserve
for crop wild relatives and landraces in Europe”. 13-16 September, Funchal,
Jarvis A, Ramírez J, Castañeda N, Hijmans R and van Etten J (2010) Gap
analysis. Available from: http://www.slideshare.net/laguanegna/nora-c-

gap-analysis-focused-on-acutifolii-and-rugosi-sections (focused on
Acutifolii and Rugosi sections)
Examples of CWR gap analyses (Cajanus, Cicer, Eleusine, Hordeum, Lens,
Pennisetum, Phaseolus, Sorghum, Triticum and Aegilops, Vicia, Vigna, Zea
genepools). Available at: http://gisweb.ciat.cgiar.org/GapAnalysis/?cat=5
Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy (FIGS):
Bari A, Street K, Mackay M, Endresen DTF, De Pauw E and Amri A (2012)
Focused identification of germplasm strategy (FIGS) detects wheat stem

rust resistance linked to environmental variables. Genetic Resources and
Crop Evolution. doi:10.1007/s10722-011-9775-5
El Bouhssini M, Street K, Amri A, Mackay M, Ogbonnaya FC, Omran A,
Abdalla O, Baum M, Dabbous A and Rihawo F (2011) Sources of resistance
 in bread wheat to Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia) in Syria
identified using the Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy (FIGS).
Plant Breeding 130(1): 96-97.
Endresen DTF, Street K, Mackay M, Bari A, Amri A, De Pauw E, Nazar K
and Yahyaoui A (2012) Sources of resistance to stem rust (Ug99) in bread

wheat and durum wheat identified using Focused Identification of
Germplasm Strategy (FIGS). Crop Science 52(2): 764-773.
Mackay M (2011) Surfing the Genepool. The Effective and Efficient Use of
Plant Genetic Resources. Doctoral Thesis. Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences. Available from:

[Accessed January 2012].
Endresen DTF, Street K, Mackay M, Bari A and De Pauw E (2011)
 Predictive association between biotic stress traits and eco-geographic
data for wheat and barley landraces. Crop Science 51(5): 2036-2055.
Endresen DTF (2011) Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources: A Lifeboat to
the Gene Pool. PhD dissertation defence. Available at:

defence-20110331 [Accessed December 2011].
Mackay M, Street K, Zuev E, Bhullar NK, El Bouhssini M, Kanopka J and
Mitrofanova O (2009). Towards more efficient mining of genetic variation
 in ex situ collections. ITMI / COST Workshop, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Available from: http://www.slideshare.net/vanessaalam/amman-
workshop-3-m-mackay [Accessed January 2012].
WW Trait mining website: http://code.google.com/p/trait-mining/

R-package GapAnalysis available from: http://r-forge.r-

project.org/R/?group_id=645 [Accessed January 2012].
Biodiversity occurrence data (ex situ sources):
Dias S, Arnaud E and Dulloo E (2010) Info for food – EURISCO and
promoting agrobiodiversity use. Symposium “Towards the establishment

of genetic reserve for crop wild relatives and landraces in Europe”. 13-16
September, Funchal, Madeira.
WW EURISCO (on-line gene bank databases):
W http://eurisco.ecpgr.org/home_page/home.php
WW CGIAR System-wide Information Network for Genetic Resources
W (SINGER): http://singer.cgiar.org/
WW Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN): http://www.ars-
W grin.gov/
Genesys – Gateway to Genetic Resources: http://www.genesys-pgr.org/
Biodiversity occurrence data:
Global Biodiversity Information Facility: http://www.gbif.org/
WW Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN):
W http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/dsd/iabin/
Environmental data:
WW Bioclimatic variables: WorldClim – Global Climate Data:
W http://www.worldclim.org/
Soil: World Soil Information: http://www.isric.org/data/data-policy
WW Topography: The CGIAR Consortium for Spatial Information (CGIAR-
W SCI) srtm.csi.cgiar.org
Other: GeoNetwork - http://www.fao.org/geonetwork/srv/en/main.home
Gazetteers and other ways of searching places names:
Chambers (1988) Chambers World Gazetteer: An A-Z of Geographical

Information. 5th edition. Larousse Kingfisher Chambers, London.
 Times Books (1999) Atlas of the World, ed. 10. Times Books, London.
Google Maps: http://maps.google.com
BioGeomancer: (http://www.biogeomancer.org/software.html
GeoNames: http://www.geonames.org/
Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
WW Global Gazetteer Version 2.2 (http://www.fallingrain.com/world/;
W Falling Rain Genomics, 2010)
 Google Earth: http://www.google.com/earth/index.html
 GEOLocate: http://www.museum.tulane.edu/geolocate/
Modelling species distribution:
Castañeda N (2009) Introdución al modeliamento de la distribución de
especies. Biosafety in LAC, 10 November, CIAT, Cali, Colombia. Available
 from: http://www.slideshare.net/laguanegna/castaneda2009-
modelamiento-distribucion-especies-2477560 [Accessed March 2012]. (in
 Ecological niche factor analysis (ENFA): http://www.unil.ch/biomapper
MaxEnt (predictive distribution software, tutorials, documentation,
discussion forum): http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~schapire/maxent/

(freely available), http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/lzhang10/maxent.html
(MaxEnt tutorials and related papers)
Open Modeller (ecological niche modelling library to model species
 distribution with various algorithms):
http://openmodeller.sourceforge.net/ (freely available)
A.9. Establishment of in situ conservation goals
A.9.1. Overview

What are the in situ conservation goals of a National management plan for
CWR conservation?
A National management plan for CWR conservation aims in part to establish a
national network of in situ conservation sites where long-term active conservation
(in order to safeguard their genetic diversity) and sustainable use of CWR is
carried out as a contribution to national, regional and global food security. Active
in situ conservation is backed-up with the periodic resampling of CWR
populations for ex situ collections, which also helps promote sustainable

The establishment of in situ conservation goals for national CWR diversity

involves five main steps: (i) review of in situ conservation gaps, (ii) preliminary
selection of in situ CWR conservation sites, (iii) incorporation of threat data into
the preliminary site selection, and (iv) provisional selection of sites for the target
In situ CWR conservation sites may be set up for individual or multiple CWR taxa.
Sites that are established for the conservation of more than one taxon has obvious
advantages in terms of the use of limited conservation resources; however, it will
not always be possible to establish multi-CWR sites because some priority taxa
may only occur in sites where no other priority CWR are found. However, the
balance between whether to establish single or multi-CWR in situ CWR
conservation sites will ultimately depend on the financial and human resources
available for and allocated to CWR conservation. The resources dedicated to
conservation, and especially to the conservation of PGR, are a crucial limitation to
the development of targeted actions and management plans that permit the
efficient conservation and utilization of CWR.
Before beginning to plan the national network of CWR in situ CWR conservation
sites, gaps in current in situ conservation of CWR should be identified and taken
into consideration (see section A8, ‘Gap analysis of priority CWR’). When no in
situ CWR conservation activities exist at national level, a preliminary selection of
genetic reserves should be carried out based solely on the results of the
ecogeographic and genetic diversity analysis of priority taxa. When in situ
conservation activities do exist (they are likely to be passive―in other words,
populations of CWR which occur in protected areas but which are not actively
managed to maintain their genetic diversity), a preliminary selection of sites
should be carried out based on the results of the gap analysis, combined with the
ecogeographic and genetic diversity analysis.
When selecting sites for inclusion in the genetic reserve network, it is critical to
take into account potential threats to the sites and/or CWR populations occurring
at the sites. Threats may be wide-ranging and can include those that are the direct
result of human actions (e.g., changes in land use or site management) to those
that are the indirect result of human actions which are largely out of the control of
those responsible for the management of the site (e.g., the environmental effects
of climate change or catastrophic events such as floods or landslides). Given
knowledge of land ownership, use and management, combined if possible with an
analysis of potential natural threats affecting the sites (e.g., through climate
modelling), a pragmatic approach has to be taken giving priority to those sites
whose habitat suitability for the target CWR is predicted not to be altered
significantly in the medium to long term.
The establishment of in situ CWR conservation sites will often occur within
existing protected areas (PA), in which case the PA management plan is amended
to facilitate the conservation of the target CWR’s genetic diversity. The reasons
being: (a) these sites already have an associated long-term conservation ethos and
are less prone to hasty management changes associated with private land or
roadside (where conservation value and sustainability is not a consideration), (b)
it is relatively easy to amend the existing site management to facilitate genetic
conservation of CWR species, and (c) it means creating novel conservation sites
can be avoided, so the possibly prohibitive cost of acquiring previously non-
conservation managed land is avoided76. Therefore often the simplest, most
practical way forward in economic and political terms is for countries to locate in
situ CWR conservation sites in existing protected areas as genetic reserves. It is
also thought that the establishment of genetic reserves is likely to provide at least
indirect benefit to local people and so is also likely to engender their support.
It is important to note that the vast majority of PAs in any country are likely to
contain some CWR populations; however, these PAs have probably been
established to target specific landscapes, habitats or fauna, not CWR diversity.
Therefore, in most cases the management of CWR within existing PAs is passive
(i.e., without any formal management or monitoring plan77). Thus, if individual
CWR populations decline or disappear entirely, it might pass unnoticed by the PA
manager. If, on the other hand, an existing PA is provided with the designation of
a ‘national CWR genetic reserve’, the management plan should be amended to
integrate the genetic conservation of CWR populations present so that positive
management action is triggered before any deleterious factor could impact on the
CWR populations.
However, the common practice of locating genetic reserves within existing PA
may be questioned because: (a) CWR are found both within and outside of current
PA networks so if the goal is to conserve the full range of CWR genetic diversity
then it is unlikely the full range of genetic diversity will be present only within
existing PA, (b) CWR are often found in disturbed, pre-climax plant communities,
anthropogenic environments and these are rarely designated as PA (PA more
commonly being established to conserve pristine habitats or ecosystems, or rare
or threatened taxa), (c) countries vary markedly in the representative coverage of
PA and coincidentally countries with high levels of priority CWR per unit area
(e.g. Lebanon, Israel, Greece, Portugal, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Syria and Turkey)
also tend to be the countries with poorer representative coverage of PA, and (d)

Maxted et al. (2008e)
Passive versus active conservation. Passive conservation means that a species and the genetic
diversity within it is not being monitored and managed, while active conservation is when a species and
the genetic diversity within it is efficiently conserved through long‐term monitoring and management of
populations. An example of passive conservation is when a particular taxon occurs within a PA but
without any formal conservation or management plan.
establishing CWR genetic reserves requires close collaboration between agro-
biodiversity and PA conservationists but in too many countries the two
communities work independently without meaningful collaboration and so there
is no administrative route for genetic reserve establishment.
CWR in situ conservation outside of existing PA is a possible yet until now largely
underexplored alternative to formally establishing genetic reserves. Suitable sites
may include roadsides, field margins, orchards and even fields managed using
traditional agro-silvicultural practices. In each case of these cases the sites are not
managed for biodiversity conservation, and the occurrence of CWR populations is
purely incidental. If these sites are to be considered suitable for sustainable
conservation, the management they currently receive and that has permitted the
existence of a healthy CWR population must be consistent over an extended time
frame. Examples of the additional threats faced by non-protected area sites
include: the widening of roads, the scrubbing out of hedgerows or orchards,
cutting of roadside verges at the wrong time of the year, the introduction of
herbicides rather than physical weed control, or even the physical control of weeds
earlier in the season. To ensure the long-term survival of the CWR population it
would be advisable to reach a management agreement between the CWR
conservationists and the non-conventional protected area site owner and / or
manager to ensure that current site management is maintained and CWR
diversity negatively impacted. As by definition the areas outside PAs are
primarily managed for reasons other than conservation, the management
interventions at the site are likely to be minimal; it may simply consist of
maintaining the current management and agreeing not to make significant
changes to the site management without discussion with the conservation agency.
The latter will need however to routinely monitor the site in order to ensure
efficient management of the target CWR populations. Thus informal in situ
conservation offers an opportunity to conserve populations or even taxa that may
otherwise not be conserved and it obviously is a clear way of integrating
agrobiodiversity conservation into normal community activities – the local
community however will need to engage with the conservation at an early stage
and on a continuing basis.
Therefore, in situ conservation of CWR should be planned both inside and outside
of PA. There will be added conservation value to genetic reserves and informal
CWR management sites if their overall management is coordinated and organised
into an in situ CWR network. National networks could themselves contribute to
regional and global CWR networks that together maximise global, regional and
national CWR diversity conservation. In turn the sites and networks should be
linked to systematic ex situ conservation as a back-up for the in situ conservation
but also as a means of promoting greater sustainable exploitation of the conserved
CWR resource.

A.9.2. Methodology
(i) Review of in situ conservation gaps. In situ conservation gaps that resulted
from the in situ gap analysis should be the foundation of the planning of the
national in situ CWR network of genetic reserves and informal CWR
management sites to conserve priority CWR diversity (see Section 8).
(ii) Preliminary selection of in situ CWR conservation sites.
 In situ CWR conservation sites. A network of genetic reserves and informal
CWR management sites can be established based on the minimum number
of locations that contain the maximum sample of CWR diversity, either by:
(i) identifying CWR ‘hotspots’ (areas with high CWR richness) or (ii) by
identifying the minimum number of sites needed to conserve all priority
CWR as identified using an iterative process of complementarity
analysis78,79. Where the sites overlap with existing PA genetic reserves
would usually be established and where sites do not overlap with existing
PA then informal CWR management sites could be established or novel PA
 ‘Hotspot’ analysis: identifies one or more locations that have significantly
higher levels of CWR diversity than other locations and which together
complement each other in terms of maximising CWR diversity inclusion
(i.e. two CWR-rich sites could be identified that contain the exact same
CWR, therefore it would not be efficient to actively conserve both sites).
Having made this point, where genetic diversity within CWR is considered,
it may be worth conserving both or multiple sites containing an identical
array of CWR taxa if it is known or predicted by ecogeographic and/or
genetic diversity analysis that the samples of genetic diversity contained in
each site complements rather duplicates an individual site’s genetic
diversity. ‘Hotspot’ analysis can be carried out using DIVA-GIS
 Complementarity analysis: identifies the minimum number of sites needed
to conserve all priority CWR. The analysis is based on the division of the
target area into grid squares (the grid square size is set relative to the
overall map scale). The first selected grid square is the area that contains
the highest concentrations of the target CWR and the second selected grid
square is the one with the highest concentrations of CWR not present in
the first selected grid square. This selection process is repeated until the
selection of further grid squares would only duplicate taxa already included
in the previously selected ones69, 70. Note that some grid squares may not
include existing protected area so informal CWR management sites may be
established outside of the PA network80 or novel PA designated.
Complementarity analysis can be carried out using DIVA-GIS
Using both of these approaches, the most common CWR are likely to be
duplicated in the selected sites. With the goal of maximising the
conservation of genetic diversity, a certain level duplication of CWR taxa is
essential to ensure maximum genetic diversity representation, as long as
the sites duplicating taxa have complementary genetic diversity. This
approach can be used to identify diverse and complementary areas
regarding other types of data (e.g. genetic or trait diversity), or used to

Rebelo (1994a, 1994b)
Rebelo (1992)
Maxted et al. (2008e)
refine the first complementarity analysis based on geographic data. Two
areas may have the same number of CWR (hence both are priorities for
conservation), but the CWR in one area may be genetically similar to
existing sites while in the second area they may be very different, so the
second site would be selected.
Complementarity analysis is recommended over the hotspot approach
because it allows the establishment of a network of in situ conservation
sites that covers most (if not all) target CWR.
 Single-CWR conservation sites. If we look at particular traits/genetic
diversity or even ecogeographic diversity, then the multi-CWR
conservation site approach is unlikely to broadly represent the diversity for
each CWR, meaning that we would need to either look at a single CWR
level and choose the sites that are more diverse or use a combination of the
single and multi-CWR conservation site approaches. The main objective
for setting up an in situ conservation site is to ensure that maximum
genetic diversity of the target CWR gene pool is captured in the system.
Therefore, if financial and human resources are available, a single-CWR
site for exceptionally important CWR population could be established
based on geographic location or other types of data (e.g. particular traits or
genetic diversity, ecogeographic diversity data). It is likely that if an
effective informal in situ conservation site is established the running costs
would be less than a more formal genetic reserve, so increasing the
justification for single CWR targeted conservation.

In situ conservation activities?


In situ conservation gaps In combination with

Geographic data Trait/genetic diversity


Multiple / Single‐CWR Informal CWR

genetic reserves management sites
Policy and practical
Climate change data link with Biodiversity
‐ future climate PA Community
Other threats National In Situ Conservation CWR Network Back‐up ex situ
conservation of in
situ diversity

Figure 80. Establishment of in situ conservation goals

Complementarity analysis: can be used to identify the minimum number of
sites needed to conserve all particular traits/genetic/ecogeographic
diversity of a particular CWR within the minimum number of sites. The
precise number of in situ conservation sites where the CWR is conserved to
ensure maximum diversity will vary from species to species and is
dependent on the distribution of diversity (trait/genetic/ecogeographic)
within the CWR. To establish this number there is a need to review the
intra-species pattern of diversity and the relative diversity found within
and between CWR populations. However, this does require possible
extensive sampling of CWR populations and more in-depth studies. If such
studies have not been undertaken or resources are not available to carry
out such studies, then it is has been recommended that five CWR
populations are conserved from the most ecogeographically diverse sites to
maximise genetic diversity conservation81.
This is not taking account of the fact that some of the exceptionally
important CWR may occur in the sites selected on the basis of the taxon
level analysis. It is not a case of single v. multi-taxon reserves – a CWR GR
network may contain both, or all multi-taxon reserves but with particular
emphasis on some taxa that are considered to be more important or
possibly more threatened than others.
(iii) Incorporation of threat data on the preliminary site selection. Threat, as
outlined above, can in the CWR context be assessed at two level, the CWR
themselves (commonly assessed using Red List criteria) and the potential
site where the CWR are to be conserved. CWR threat assessment has
already been considered in earlier sections and taken into consideration
when establishing conservation priorities, so here when considering the
establishment of in situ conservation sites, the site itself should be assessed
for inherent threats and its long-term suitability for CWR conservation.
The threats maybe split into known (e.g. plans to develop the area and
urbanise the potential PA site) and potential (e.g. predicted climate change
impact on potential PA site) threats. The former should be search for,
potential impact estimated and considered when making the decision over
whether to proceed with the site. While the latter are more nebulous, are
likely to require species distribution modelling research by the
conservation team to select those areas less affected, hence ensuring the
long-term preservation of CWR. Climate prediction maps, whenever
available, can be used, as well as knowledge on existing threats affecting
sites, but it must be acknowledged that estimating potential threats to a site
is still a relatively new science.
(iv) Provisional selection of in situ conservation sites. The provisional
selection of in situ conservation sites is the result of the screening of the
preliminary selection considering information site threat assessment (e.g.
climate change), land use, ownership, protection status, local
acceptance/involvement and other possible socio-political issues, such as
site managers being unwilling to modify site management to facilitate

Lawrence and Marshall (1997).


CWR genetic conservation, which might impact the conservation
sustainability and practical implementation of CWR conservation at the
site. It is recommended that rather than aim for a fixed number of in situ
conservation sites the potential sites are ranked so that if one site becomes
impossible there is an obvious replacement or if further resources become
available at a later date the potential additional sites are suggested.
The well balanced set of in situ conservation sites will contain a mix of
genetic reserves established in existing PA, informal CWR management
sites and possibly even novel PA established to contain genetic reserves.
Each of these will together form the National In Situ Conservation CWR
Network that should be managed as a coherent whole with links to non-
CWR PA conservation and routine back-up ex situ conservation of CWR

Erebuni State Reserve (Armenia), a genetic reserve dedicated to the conservation

of wild wheat, including Triticum urartu Tumannian ex Gandilyan, T. boeoticum
Boiss., T. araraticum Jakubz and Aegilops spp. (photo: René Hauptvogel).

A.9.3. Examples and applied use

Box 45. Examples of CWR genetic reserves

Erebuni State Reserve (89 ha) ‒ diversity of wild wheat, including Triticum urartu,
T. boeoticum, T. araraticum and Aegilops spp.
Border Ranges National Park (31,683 ha) ‒ Several species of economic
importance including macadamia nuts (Macadamia integrifolia and M.
tetraphylla) and finger lime (Microcitrus australasica ‒ used as a source of
genetic material to improve disease resistance in commercial citrus fruit).
Costa Rica
Corcovado National Park (47,563 ha) ‒ avocado (Persea americana), nance
(Byrsonima crassifolia) and sonzapote (Licania platypus).
Flusslandschaft Elbe Biosphere Reserve (includes the Steckby-Lödderitzer Forest
Nature Reserve) (374,432 ha) ‒ wild fruit tree species such as pear (Pyrus achras
and P. pyraster) and apple (Malus sylvestris), as well as other important CWR (e.g.
Lolium perenne).
National Citrus Gene Sanctuary, Nokrek Biosphere Reserve, Garo, Meghalayas –
conserve great diversity of native citrus varieties including wild oranges (Citrus
indica, C. macroptera).
Touran protected area (1,102,080 ha) ‒ comprises a national park and a biosphere
reserve containing wild relatives of barley (Hordeum spp.).
Amniad reserve (380 ha) – wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides), Hordeum
spontaneum, Beta vulgaris and Olea europaea as well as a rich grassland (with >
400 spp.).
Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories and Syria
Various CWR reserves ‒ cereals, forages and fruit trees.
Besh-Aral State Nature Reserve (63,200 ha) – with walnut (Juglans regia) forests
as well as a great diversity of other species such as pear and wild plum (Prunus
MAB Sierra de Manantlán Biosphere Reserve – wild relative of maize (Zea
Wadi Sair Genetic Reserve – for legumes and fruit trees.
Source: Hunter and Heywood (2011), Kaplan (2008), Maxted et al. (2011),
“Parque de la Papa” (Potato Park) (8,661 ha) – the Quechua communities (ca. 8,000
villagers from six surrounding communities) in the Pisac Cusco area of Peru have
established this Park to jointly manage their communal land for their collective
benefit, thereby conserving their landscape, livelihoods and way of life, and
revitalizing their customary laws and institutions.
Sale-Rsheida Reserve – for Triticum dicoccoides, Hordeum spp.
 Beydaglari Coast National Park (34,425 ha) ‒ contains the rare endemic
relative of the faba bean (Vicia eristalioides).
 Bolkar Mountains – five genetic reserves for Pinus brutia, P. nigra subsp.
pallasiana, Cedrus libani, Abies equi-trojani, Juniperus excelsa and Castanea
 Ceylanpinar State Farm – seven genetic reserves for wild wheat relatives
(Aegilops spp., Triticum spp.)
 Kasdagi National Park ‒ ten genetic reserves for wild plum (Prunus
divaricata), chestnut (Castanea sativa), Pinus brutia, P. nigra and Abies equi-
United States of America
 Central-Southeast USA – genetic reserve for Vitis rupestris, V.
shuttleworthii, V. monticola.
 Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument (133,925 ha) – protects a small
populations of wild chilli peppers (Capsicum annuum).
Nurata State Reserve – for walnut (Juglans regia).
Huu Lien Nature Reserve, ‒ for litchi, longan, rice, Citrus spp. and rice bean.
Source: Hunter and Heywood (2011), Maxted et al. (2011),

Box 46. Site selection for the conservation of CWR and LR in Vietnam
A GEF project “In situ Conservation of Native Landraces and their Wild Relatives
in Vietnam” ran from 2002 until 2005 and targeted the conservation of six native
LR (rice, taro, tea, mung bean, Citrus spp., litchi and longan) and CWR in three
areas (the Northern Mountains, Northern Midlands, and Northwest Mountains) in
Vietnam and provided technical support to help farmers in effective conservation,
development, sustainable management and use of their native LR and CWR. Sites
for the conservation of LR and CWR were one of the outputs of this project. The
selection of these was carried out in two steps:
1. To identify genetically important areas based on:
 presence and genetic diversity of target species,
 presence of endemic species,
 overall floristic species richness,
 presence of high numbers of other economic species,
 presence of natural and/or semi-natural ecosystems,
 presence of traditional agricultural systems,
 protection status and/or existence of conservation-oriented farmers or
communities that manage a number of species and varieties.
2. To select specific sites and communities within larger genetic reserves where
socio-economic conditions indicated good prospects for on-farm agrobiodiversity
conservation activities; workshops, stakeholder consultations, and meetings
between NGOs, local institutes, and farmer groups aided this process; finally, the
community receptivity to sharing traditional knowledge and practices that
promote in situ conservation was assessed at each site.
The selected sites thus encompass a range of topographic, climatic and socio-
economic conditions (e.g., proximity to markets and community-level
associations), species and LR.
Eight genetic reserves were selected; two of them include more than one
conservation site (in a cultivated ecosystem and an associated site in an adjoining
protected area), and the six remaining reserves consist only of cultivated
ecosystems. Most of the targeted sites are both species diverse, maintain more
than one crop and are LR diverse within target crops.
Source: http://www.undp.org.vn/projects/vie01g35/index.htm

A.9.4. List of references used to compile the text

Hunter DV and Heywood VH (Eds) (2011) Crop wild relatives, a manual of in situ
conservation. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Earthscan, London.
Kaplan D (2008) “A designated nature reserve for in situ conservation of wild
emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides (Körn.) Aaronsohn) in Northern Israel.” In:
Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo J, Dulloo E and Turok J (eds) Crop
Wild Relative Conservation and Use. CAB International, Wallingford. pp. 389-
Lawrence MJ and Marshall DF (1997) “Plant population genetics.” In: Maxted N,
Ford-Lloyd BV and Hawkes JG (Eds) Plant Genetic Conservation: the In Situ
Approach. Chapman & Hall, London. pp. 99–113.
Maxted N, Iriondo JM, de Hond L, Dulloo E, Lefèvre F, Asdal A, Kell SP and
Guarino L (2008e) “Genetic reserve management.” In: Iriondo JM, Dulloo E and
Maxted N (Eds) Conserving plant genetic diversity in protected areas:
population management of crop wild relatives. CAB International Publishing,
Wallingford. pp. 65-87.
Maxted N, Kell SP and Magos Brehm J (2011) Options to Promote Food Security:
on-farm Management and in situ Conservation of Plant Resources for Food and
Agriculture. FAO CGRFA Background Study Paper no. 51. Available at:
Rebelo AG (1994a) Iterative selection procedures: centres of endemism and
optimal placement of reserves. Strelitzia, 1: 231‐257.
Rebelo AG (1994b) “Iterative selection procedures: centres of endemism and
optimal placement of reserves.” In: Huntley BJ (Eds) Botanical diversity in
Southern Africa. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria, pp. 231-257.
Rebelo AG and Sigfried WR (1992) Where should nature reserves be located in the
Cape Floristic Region, South Africa? Models for the spatial configuration of a
reserve network aimed at maximising the protection of diversity. Conservation
Biology 6:243-252.
A.9.5. Additional materials
Araújo MB (2004) Matching species with reserves – uncertainties from

using data at different resolutions. Biological Conservation 118:533-538.
Arponen A, Heikkinen R, Thomas CD and Moilanen A (2005) The value of
 biodiversity in reserve selection: representation, species weighting and
benefit functions. Conservation Biology 19, 2009–2014.
De Hond L, Iriondo JM and Kell SP (compilers) (2004) Report of
Workshop 4: Population management methodologies. European Crop
Wild Relative Diversity Assessment and Conservation Forum (PGR

Forum). University of Birmingham, UK. Available from:
df [Accessed June 2012].
Diniz-Filho J, Melo D, de Oliveira G, Collevatti R, Soares T, Nabout J,
Lima J, Dobrovolski R, Chaves L, Naves R, Loyola R and Telles M (2012)

Planning for optimal conservation of geographical genetic variability
within species. Conservation Genetics DOI: 10.1007/s10592-012-0356-8.
González-Orozco C, Brown A, Knerr N, Miller J and Doyle J (2012)
Hotspots of diversity of wild Australian soybean relatives and their

conservation in situ. Conservation Genetics DOI: 10.1007/s10592-012-
Hijmans RJ and Spooner DM (2001) Geographic distribution of wild

potato species. American Journal of Botany 88: 2101‐2112.
Hunter D and Heywood V (eds.) (2011) Crop wild relatives, a manual of in
situ conservation. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Earthscan, London.
Available from:

_full.pdf [Accessed March 2012] (available in English and French).
Iriondo JM, Dulloo E, Maxted N (eds) (2008) Conserving plant genetic
 diversity in protected areas: population management of crop wild
relatives. CAB International Publishing, Wallingford.
Jarvis A, Ferguson ME, Williams DE, Guarino L, Jones PG, Stalker HT,
Valls JFM, Pittman RN, Simpson CE, and Bramel P (2003) Biogeography

of wild Arachis: assessing conservation status and setting future
priorities. Crop Science 43: 1100-1108.
Kell SP, Maxted N, Frese L and Iriondo JM (2012) “In situ conservation of
crop wild relatives: a strategy for identifying priority genetic reserve
sites.” In: Maxted N, Dulloo ME, Ford-Lloyd BV, Frese L, Iriondo JM,

Pinheiro de Carvalho MAA (eds) Agrobiodiversity Conservation:
Securing the diversity of Crop Wild Relatives and Landraces Wallingford,
CAB International. pp. 7-19.
 Labokas J, Karpavičienė B, Šveistytė L, Radušienė J and Ložienė K (2012)
“Towards in situ conservation of crop wild relatives in Lithuania.” In:
Maxted N, Dulloo ME, Ford-Lloyd BV, Frese L, Iriondo JM, Pinheiro de
Carvalho MAA (eds) Agrobiodiversity Conservation: Securing the
diversity of Crop Wild Relatives and Landraces Wallingford, CAB
International. pp. 91-95.
Maxted N, Scholten MA, Codd R and Ford-Lloyd BV (2007) Creation and
 use of a national inventory of crop wild relatives. Biological Conservation
140: 142-159.
Moilanen A (2005) Methods for reserve selection. Biological Conservation

124: 485-492.
Parra-Quijano M, Iriondo J, Cruz M and Torres E (2011). “Spatial and
ecogeographical approaches for selecting genetic reserves in Europe.” In:
Maxted N, Dulloo ME, Ford-Lloyd BV, Frese L, Iriondo JM, Pinheiro de

Carvalho MAA (eds) Agrobiodiversity Conservation: Securing the
diversity of Crop Wild Relatives and Landraces Wallingford, CAB
International. pp. 20-28.
Pavek DS, Lamboy WF and Garvey EJ (2003) Selecting in situ
 conservation site for grape genetic resources in the USA. Genetic
Resources and Crop Evolution 50(2): 165-173.
Pinheiro de Carvalho MÂA, Nóbrega H, Freitas G, Fontinha S and Frese L
(2012) “Towards the establishment of a genetic reserve for Beta patula
Aiton.” In: Maxted N, Dulloo ME, Ford-Lloyd BV, Frese L, Iriondo JM,

Pinheiro de Carvalho MAA (eds) Agrobiodiversity Conservation:
Securing the diversity of Crop Wild Relatives and Landraces Wallingford,
CAB International. pp. 36-44.
Rodrigues ASL, Gaston KJ and Gregory RD (2000) Using presence–
absence data to establish reserve selection procedures that are robust to

temporal species turnover. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
267: 897–902
 Iriondo JM, Maxted N. Kell S, Ford-Lloyd B and Lara C (2010) Identifying
quality standards for genetic reserve conservation of CWR. Symposium
“Towards the establishment of genetic reserve for crop wild relatives and
landraces in Europe”. 13-16 September, Funchal, Madeira.
Kristiansen K and Bjørn GK (2010) The Brassica case study at the EU
level. Symposium “Towards the establishment of genetic reserve for crop

wild relatives and landraces in Europe”. 13-16 September, Funchal,
 Labokas J, Karpavičienė B, Šveistytė L, Radušienė J and Ložienė K (2010)
Towards in situ conservation of CWR in Lithuania. Symposium “Towards
the establishment of genetic reserve for crop wild relatives and landraces
in Europe”. 13-16 September, Funchal, Madeira.
Magos Brehm J (2011) Complementary analysis. Second training
 workshop "Conservation for enhanced utilization of crop wild relative
diversity for sustainable development and climate change mitigation",
Beijing (China). Organised by the University of Birmingham and financed
by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA, UK)
and by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture. 11-13 January.
Parra-Quijano M, Iriondo JM and Torres E (2010) Spatial and
ecogeographical approaches for selecting genetic reserves in Europe.

Symposium “Towards the establishment of genetic reserve for crop wild
relatives and landraces in Europe”. 13-16 September, Funchal, Madeira.
 Pinheiro de Carvalho MÂA, Frese L, Nóbrega H, Freitas G and Fontinha S
(2010) Towards the establishment of a genetic reserve for Beta patula.
Symposium “Towards the establishment of genetic reserve for crop wild
relatives and landraces in Europe”. 13-16 September, Funchal, Madeira.
WW CWR Portal resources – presentations on conservation:
W http://www.cropwildrelatives.org/resources/presentations.html#c3970
Examples of management plans of CWR:
Al-Atawneh N, Amri A, Assi R and Maxted N (2008) “Management plans
for promoting in situ conservation of local agrobiodiversity in the West
 Asia centre of plant diversity.” In: Maxted N, Kell SP, Ford-Lloyd BV,
Dulloo E and Iriondo J (eds) Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use.
CABI Publishing, Wallingford. pp. 340-363.
Codd R (unknown) Crop Wild Relative Action Plans. Available from:
 http://www.grfa.org.uk/media_files/publications_plant/crop_wild_relati
ve_action_plan.pdf [Accessed June 2012].
Hunter D and Heywood VH (2011) “Annex III. Management plan for
Amygdalus bucharica in the Chatkal Biosphere State Reserve,
 Uzbekistan.” In: Hunter D and Heywood VH (eds) Crop wild relatives, a
manual of in situ conservation. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity.
Earthscan, London. pp.387-392.
Sathurusinghe A (No Date) Species management plan for Cinnamomum
capparu-coronde Blume. Available from:
 http://www.cropwildrelatives.org/fileadmin/www.cropwildrelatives.org/P
20capparu-coronde%20Blume.pdf [Accessed June 2012].
A.10. Implementation of in situ conservation priorities
A.10.1. Overview

Why do in situ conserved CWR populations require management?

They don’t always require management. When selecting a site for in situ CWR
conservation the site is unlikely to have been selected unless it has an abundant
and viable population of the target CWR taxon or taxa. However, the population
may require some form of management intervention to bulk-up the population to
ensure it is in excess of the minimum viable population to maintain genetic
diversity or the management practice at the site may be imprecise and
management experimentation may be required to understand which interventions
best promote an abundant and viable population of the target CWR taxon or taxa.
Therefore, practically in situ CWR populations often require active management.

The establishment of the national CWR in situ conservation prioritises results in

the identification of sites to form a National In Situ Conservation CWR Network.
As discussed above, the implementation of CWR genetic reserves within existing
PAs is likely to be the widely adopted option for CWR in situ conservation given
potential financial constraints and the significant additional costs associated with
the creation of new PAs for CWR conservation. However, this is not always
practical or possible, especially in countries with a limited existing PA network
and where priority CWR may not occur in any formal PA. Therefore, the National
In Situ Conservation CWR Network is likely to include a mix of CWR genetic
reserves and informal CWR management sites.
Determination of the actual number and mix of CWR genetic reserves and
informal CWR management sites that will be established is pragmatic, directed by
science but ultimately dictated by the resources available for in situ conservation
and the governmental policy context at both the national and local levels. The
need for the practical implementation of the National In Situ Conservation CWR
Network to have a policy context should be stressed, national and local
commitment is required to ensure the Networks long-term survival and ensure
set-up expenditure is not wasted – in situ conservation is a long-term and
expensive commitment.
Regardless of whether the priority sites occur within or outside a an existing PA,
the implementation of in situ conservation priorities may be divided into five
steps: (i) ‘Ground truth’ potential site to determine whether the site is suitable for
in situ conservation site implementation, (ii) reformulate the in situ conservation
goals (if needed), (iii) integrate in situ conservation priorities with
national/international agri-environmental schemes, (iv) ensure the genetic
reserves comply with (at least) the minimum quality standards, (v) ensure local
communities value and, where possible, use their local CWR diversity, and (vi)
production of action/management plans.


Establishment of in situ conservation goals

Potential in situ
conservation sites (genetic Integration with
national/international agri‐
reserves and informal
environmental schemes
CWR management sites)

‘Ground truthing’ to establish if site is

suitable for genetic reserves and informal
CWR management site establishment?



Ensure in situ conservation Reformulate in situ

sites comply with (at least) conservation goals
the minimum quality
Ex situ conservation

Alternative genetic
Ensure local communities
reserve site
value local CWR diversity

Figure 21. Implementation of in situ conservation goals

CWR, Nature reserve, Vrþok near µtúrovo, SVK, 200 (photo: Pavol

A.10.2. Methodology
(i) ‘Ground truth’ potential in situ conservation sites. Having established the in
situ conservation goals, an ordered list of potential in situ conservation sites
(genetic reserves and informal CWR management sites) will be available; an
effective short-list of potential sites. However, there may be various reasons
why even the highest priority potential sites may practically be unsuitable,
e.g. CWR population presence, land ownership, current land use and whether
inside or outside a PA, PA status, potential threats, local community
unsupportive, etc. Establishing the list of potential in situ conservation sites
is likely to have been achieved remotely from the actual sites, the techniques
used may predict that target CWR populations are present but the sites must
be ‘ground truthed’, checked to see if the prediction matches the reality at
the site. If the target CWR population is absent or below the minimum
viable population then alternative sites may be preferable. Understanding
whether the site is publically or privately owned is likely to be an important
consideration because if the site is publically owned it is more likely that the
future management of the site can be amended to favour the target CWR
population, particularly if the implementation of the in situ conservation site
fulfils government policy objectives, but if the site is privately owned the
owner may be less amenable to making potential management changes to
the site. Likewise if the site is already under conservation management it
would be easier to amend the site management for genetic CWR
conservation than say were the site being managed for more commercial
purposes. Even if the site is an existing PA the site would have been
established for non-CWR conservation and the objectives of the PA
management may not be amenable to adaptation of CWR conservation, e.g.
the management of large herbivores or coniferous trees is likely to conflict
with herb CWR management. If the CWR conservation is to be successful
then local community support is required. To help ensure support the local
communities should ideally be involved to some extent in the development
and implementation of CWR Action Plans. Agreements with private owners
(e.g. tax incentives) could be made. The provision of government incentives,
if to be used, must be linked to some form of guarantee from the land owner
to ensure CWR diversity thrives, so a management agreement including a
conservation prescription is required in order to ensure CWR are properly
managed but also to recognise the local communities’ role in conserving
such a valuable resource.
(ii) Reformulate the in situ conservation goals (if needed). The ordered list of
potential in situ conservation sites (genetic reserves and informal CWR
management sites) produced as part of the in situ conservation goals but as
mentioned above even the highest priority potential sites may practically be
unsuitable and site further down the ordered list would need to be
considered. Thus the process of selecting in situ sites is pragmatic and
iterative until a list of sites can be agreed to implement genetic reserve and
informal CWR management site based conservation action.
(iii) Production of in situ conservation site action/management plans. The first
step in formulating the revised management plan is to observe the biotic and
abiotic dynamics of the site for both CWR and non-CWR species. A survey of
the species present in the site should be performed to help understand the
ecological interactions within the reserve. A clear conservation goal should
be decided and a means of implementation agreed that may involve some
compromise between the priorities for CWR and non-CWR species
conservation. This then forms the basis of the site action /managements
plans, which will contain information on CWR taxonomy, description, image,
distribution, ecogeography, current conservation status and action, threat
assessment, uses, additional conservation action required, research and
monitoring requirements, and incorporation in existing national or local
conservation initiatives, but perhaps most importantly it summarises the
management interventions recommended for the site and how the CWR are
to be monitored to ensure the management is promoting CWR population
health82. As part of the routine site management there is a need to establish
a monitoring regime, to undertake time series surveys of the target
population to facilitate a review of project interventions (see Section 11.2).
(iv) Ensure the in situ conservation sites comply with (at least) the minimum
quality standards. The quality standards83 for the conservation of CWR in in
situ conservation sites are a useful tool both for practitioners involved in the
design of strategies and management plans for in situ conservation and the
PA managers interested in their conservation. The standards have two
levels―the ‘minimum’ and ‘optimal’ quality standards. ‘Minimum’ quality
standards concern those baseline traits required for any genetic reserve to
function and fulfil its conservation objectives, whereas ‘optimal’ quality
standards include a more rigorous set of requirements. Quality standards are
related to (i) the genetic reserves themselves and include traits such as
location, spatial structure, target taxa, populations, and management, (ii) the
PAs selected for the establishment of genetic reserves, and (iii) informal in
situ conservation areas outside of formal PAs.
(v) Integrate in situ conservation priorities with national/international agri-
environmental schemes. The selected in situ sites that now constitute a
national network of genetic reserves and informal CWR management sites
should be integrated with agro-environmental schemes (e.g. such as those
funded by the European Commission or other regional agencies) so that
their management is nationally coordinated and the conservation of the
target CWR is effective. A growing effort to strengthen the relationship
between agriculture and the provision of ecosystem services has been
registered84. In situ and on-farm conservation of PGRFA activities are now
being set up as a result of Payment for Environmental Services (PES)
schemes in an attempt to encourage and reward local communities for their
role in conserving and managing PGRFA for the future; however, the actual
implementation of these schemes remains a significant challenge in many
countries. The National management plan for CWR conservation should also
be integrated into national programmes for the implementation of the CBD
(such as National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)85, the

Maxted et al. (2008)
Iriondo et al. (2012)
FAO (2009)
ITPGRFA, and the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC) through
the appropriate national focal point(s) and the National Plant Conservation
Strategies (which is the basis for national policy), when one exists. Whether
CWR are conserved in situ within PAs or outside of them, it is advisable that
the sites have some form of legal protection to help prevent sudden threats
to conserved populations (e.g., through a dramatic change in land use).
(vi) Ensure local communities value and use their local CWR diversity.
Promoting the involvement of local communities in in situ conservation and
management of CWR is often crucial for conservation to be effective,
especially when in situ conservation sites are located within (or include as
part of) private land. Awareness of the National management plan for CWR
conservation should therefore be raised among the different stakeholders.
These can take the form of local community conservation training
workshops, etc. See A.10.3 Examples and applied use for some examples on
the integration of conservation into local communities and industry.
Finally, it is worth re-stressing that the implementation of specific CWR in situ
conservation sites will ultimately be pragmatic, dictated by the resources available
as well as national and regional level governmental will, and NGO and local
community involvement.

A.10.3. Examples and applied use

Box 47. Establishment of CWR genetic reserves for cereals, forages and fruit
The conservation and sustainable use of dryland agrobiodiversity project was
funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) between 1999 and 2004. The project aimed at
promoting the community-based in situ conservation and sustainable use of both
LR and CWR of cereals, food and feed legumes, Allium and fruit tree species
originating from Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria. Ecogeographic surveys of
CWR were conducted for the target species across the four countries and 24 key
project sites (genetic reserves) were identified for further surveying of
agrobiodiversity, potential for long-term in situ conservation and site threats. The
surveys described the dynamics of site vegetation, collated species data (e.g.
growth stage, cover/density, health status, etc.), ecology and land use, as well as
identifying which species to monitor for conservation. The species data collated
were then entered in a database and time-series data analysed at country and
regional levels to facilitate site and species management. The database was
installed and used in each country, but maintained by ICARDA, whose staff
periodically update with new data sent by national survey teams.
The main results of CWR surveys showed that there is still a wealth cereals, food
and feed legumes, Allium and fruit tree CWR species in the region but that wealth
is being seriously threatened by over-grazing, changes in agro-silvicultural
practices, quarrying and urbanisation. Local communities see little intrinsic value
in CWR maintenance so there is a need for greater awareness raising of the
broader value of CWR species among communities but where there is no
economic return for farmers and herders from changing their practices national
governments need to the lead in CWR conservation. Further research is required
to demonstrate, if it is the case, which CWR favourable land management would
lead to increased income for farmers and to conservation of target CWR species.

a. Informal in situ conservation site, b. Genetic reserve, Al-haffe, Syria. Photo

N. Maxted
Bekaa valley, Lebanon. Photo N. Maxted
Source: ICARDA (2001)

Box 48. Parque De La Papa in Peru

The establishment of potato parks in centres of potato diversity, such as that in the
Cusco region of Peru by the indigenous Quechua people working in collaboration
with CIP scientists (www.cipotato.org), has focused attention on the in situ
protection of potato CWR and LR diversity, but the continued practice of
traditional agriculture in the region will also favour maintenance of wild potato
species. The “Parque de la Papa” (Potato Park) (8,661 ha) was established by the
Quechua communities (ca. 8,000 villagers from six surrounding communities) in
the Pisac Cusco area of Peru to jointly manage their communal land for their
collective benefit, thereby conserving their landscape, livelihoods and way of life,
and revitalizing their customary laws and institutions. Similarly highly diverse
cultivars of S. tuberosum subsp. andigena and related cultivated species are found
in the Tiahuanaco region of south of Peru and north of Bolivia and this region may
be suitable for establishment of a further potato park.

Box 49. Biodiversity and wine initiative in South Africa

The Cape Floristic Region in South Africa grows nearly 95 % of the country’s wine-
producing plants. This region is recognised both as a global biodiversity hotspot
and a World Heritage Site but it is increasingly threatened by agricultural
practices, urban development and invasive alien species.
In 2004, the wine industry developed a pioneering conservation partnership with
the Botanical Society of South Africa, Conservation International and The Green
Trust to establish the Biodiversity and Wine Initiative (BWI) which puts the
country’s wine industry and the conservation sector together. This initiative aimed
at protecting the Cape Winelands’ unique natural heritages of a total of 126,000
ha, but also to encourage wine producers “to farm sustainably and express the
advantages of the Cape’s abundant diversity in their wines”. For every hectare
under a vineyard, an additional hectare of natural vegetation is devoted to

Box 50. Development a network of community nature reserves in Benin

The Network of Community Nature Reserves was established by the village
community of Papatia, Benin, in response to the rapid depletion of local natural
resources. Traditional healers, beekeepers, farmers, women’s groups and students
from different ethnic groups worked together and created protected community
areas (such as the Botanical Garden of Papatia). Key activates undertaken
included: conservation of local natural resources, environmental education,
documentation and commercialization strategies for traditional knowledge and
medicines, socio-economic development of the rural population through the
sustainable use of natural resources through eco-tourism, sale of local plants and
herbs, apiculture, market gardens etc., and other forms of local and regional

Box 51. Establishment of a genetic reserve for Beta patula in Madeira

Wild Beta species are found from Turkey and adjacent countries to the
Macaronesian archipelago as well as from Morocco to south Norway, but one rare,
annual species B. patula, which has value for increasing beet seed production, is
an endemic of the Madeira archipelago. An ecogeographic survey showed the
species was restricted to the Ponta de São Lourenço peninsular of Madeira, Porto
Santo and the uninhabited Desertas Islands, growing on loam-clayey and rocky
soils, poor in organic matter, low in moisture content, but with high salinity. B.
patula is considered one of the 100 most endangered species of Macaronesia and
has recently been IUCN Red List assessed as Critically Endangered. Following
field survey species population sizes on the two Desertas Islands range between
2,730 and 4,620 individuals. Protection measures undertaken by Natural Park of
Madeira have increased population sizes by 10.8 times, but population still suffer
strong annual fluctuations and further management is required to reach the
minimum viable population size. Although not formally designated as a genetic
reserve, the management of the populations of B. patula on the Desertas Islands
provide a good model for genetic reserve based conservation.
a. B. patula habitat. Photo B. Ford-Lloyd b. B. patula plant with seed head.
Photo H. Nóbrega
Pinheiro de Carvalho et al. (2012)
A.10.5. List of references used to compile the text
CBD (2010b) Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. Secretariat of the
Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal.
www.cbd.int/decision/cop/?id=12268. Accessed 30 December 2010.
FAO (2009) Second Report on the State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for
Food and Agriculture. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations, Rome, Italy.
Iriondo JM, Maxted N, Kell, SP, Ford-Lloyd BV, Lara-Romero C, Labokas J and
Magos Brehm J (2012). “Identifying quality standards for genetic reserve
conservation of CWR.” In: Maxted N, Dulloo ME, Ford-Lloyd BV, Frese L,
Iriondo JM and Pinheiro de Carvalho MAA (Eds) Agrobiodiversity
conservation: securing the diversity of crop wild relatives and landraces. CAB
International, Wallingford, UK. pp. 72-77.
Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Hawkes JG (1997b) “Complementary conservation
strategies.” In: Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Hawke, JG (Eds) Plant Genetic
Conservation: The In situ Approach. Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 20-55.
Maxted N, Iriondo J, Dulloo E and Lane A (2008d) “Introduction: The integration
of PGR conservation with protected area management.” In: Iriondo JM, Maxted
N and Dulloo E (Eds) Plant Genetic Population Management. Wallingford: CAB
International, pp. 1-22.
Maxted N, Iriondo J. De Hond L, Dulloo E, Lefèvre F, Asdal A, Kell SP and Guarino
L (2008e). Genetic Reserve Management. In: Iriondo JM, Maxted N and Dulloo
E (Eds) Plant Genetic Population Management. Wallingford: CAB International,
pp. 65-87.
A.10.6. Additional materials
Hunter D and Heywood V (eds.) (2011) Crop wild relatives, a manual of in
situ conservation. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Earthscan, London.
Available from:

_full.pdf [Accessed March 2012] (available in English and French).
Iriondo JM, Dulloo E and Maxted N (eds) (2008) Conserving plant genetic
 diversity in protected areas: population management of crop wild
relatives. CAB International Publishing, Wallingford.
Labokas J, Karpavičienė B, Šveistytė L, Radušienė J and Ložienė K (2012)
“Towards in situ conservation of crop wild relatives in Lithuania.” In:
Maxted N, Dulloo ME, Ford-Lloyd BV, Frese L, Iriondo JM, Pinheiro de

Carvalho MAA (eds) Agrobiodiversity Conservation: Securing the
diversity of Crop Wild Relatives and Landraces Wallingford, CAB
International. pp. 91-95.
Laguna E (2001) The micro-reserves as a tool for conservation of
threatened plants in Europe. 119 pp. Nature and Environment series nº 121.

Council of Europe, Strasbourg. Available from
http://cretaplant.biol.uoa.gr/docs/SN121-E.pdf [Accessed August 2011].
Pinheiro de Carvalho MÂA, Nóbrega H, Freitas G, Fontinha S and Frese L
(2012) “Towards the establishment of a genetic reserve for Beta patula
Aiton.” In: Maxted N, Dulloo ME, Ford-Lloyd BV, Frese L, Iriondo JM,

Pinheiro de Carvalho MAA (eds) Agrobiodiversity Conservation:
Securing the diversity of Crop Wild Relatives and Landraces Wallingford,
CAB International. pp. 36-44.
Iriondo JM, Maxted N. Kell S, Ford-Lloyd B and Lara C (2010) Identifying
quality standards for genetic reserve conservation of CWR. Symposium

“Towards the establishment of genetic reserve for crop wild relatives and
landraces in Europe”. 13-16 September, Funchal, Madeira.
Pinheiro de Carvalho MAA, Frese L, Nóbrega H, Freitas G and Fontinha S
(2010) Towards the establishment of a genetic reserve for Beta patula.

Symposium “Towards the establishment of genetic reserve for crop wild
relatives and landraces in Europe”. 13-16 September, Funchal, Madeira.
Labokas J, Karpavičienė B, Šveistytė L, Radušienė J and Ložienė K (2010)
Towards in situ conservation of CWR in Lithuania. Symposium “Towards

the establishment of genetic reserve for crop wild relatives and landraces
in Europe”. 13-16 September, Funchal, Madeira.
NordGen conferences discussing in situ conservation and access and
benefit sharing of genetic resources in protected areas - "Genetic

resources in protected areas":
WW CWR Portal resources – presentations on conservation:
W http://www.cropwildrelatives.org/resources/presentations.html#c3970
WW Genetic Reserve Information System - GenResIS – AEGRO:
W http://www.agrobiodiversidad.org/aegro/
European Commission project: “An integrated European in situ
 management work plan: implementing genetic reserves and on-farm
concepts (AEGRO)”: http://aegro.jki.bund.de/aegro/index.php?id=95
GEF project “In situ conservation of native landraces and their wild
 relatives in Vietnam”:
A.11. Establishment and implementation of ex situ conservation
A.11.1. Overview

What are the ex situ conservation goals of a National management plan for
CWR conservation?
A National management plan for CWR conservation aims at the development and
implementation of a systematic and complementary action plan for the active
conservation and sustainable use of CWR within a country. This will include
parallel in situ and ex situ conservation action but it is the ex situ collections that
primarily facilitate access to these materials for crop improvement and research.

The Convention on Biological Diversity86 changed the relative focus of

conservation efforts so that following its inception, ex situ conservation was seen
primarily, at least for the broader biodiversity conservation community, as a safety
back-up strategy to provide security for the favoured in situ approach. While
recognising that it would be foolish to implement a National management plan for
CWR conservation and establish key national conservation areas without a safety
back-up to help guarantee long-term conservation of the populations, the policy
change fails to recognise the fact that CWR diversity has historically been almost
exclusively conserved ex situ and it can be argued that ex situ collections provide
the most practical means of access for the germplasm user community. At least in
the short term, how many plant breeders or researchers are likely to approach PA
managers for germplasm to use in their breeding programmes? As ex situ
conservation provides the practical route for germplasm access for the user
community; even if populations are adequately conserved in situ there is still an
imperative to duplicated diversity ex situ for the benefit of the user community.
However, in situ conservation has unique importance in maintaining the process
of adaptation to changing environments which cannot happen with ex situ
conservation – each ex situ accession is a snapshot of that population’s diversity at
the time of sampling. Therefore both ex situ and in situ techniques have their
advantages and disadvantages, and they should be seen not as alternatives or
subservient to one another but as complementary strategies.
There are a range of ex situ conservation techniques available, but because the
vast majority of CWR have orthodox seeds (i.e., they can be effectively dried and
stored at -180C without loss of viability) seed storage in gene banks predominates
as the most practical ex situ conservation technique applied. The establishment
and implementation of ex situ conservation priorities includes three steps (Figure
): (i) review of ex situ conservation gaps, (ii) selection of CWR and sites for
targeted collecting, (iii) gene bank seed processing, and (iv) post-storage seed

CBD (1992)
Box 52. Ex situ conservation techniques
CWR diversity can be stored as seed, explants, living plants and genomic samples
using the following ex situ techniques:
Seed Storage – The collection of seed samples at one location and their transfer to
a gene bank for storage. The samples are usually dried to suitably low moisture
content and then kept at sub-zero temperatures;
In Vitro Storage – The collection and maintenance of explants (tissue samples) in
a sterile, pathogen-free environment;
Field Gene Bank – The collecting of seed or living material from one location and
its transfer and planting at a second site. Large numbers of accessions of a few
species are usually conserved;
Botanic Garden / Arboretum – The collecting of seed or living material from one
location and its transfer and maintenance at a second location as living plant
collections of species in a garden or for tree species an arboretum. Small numbers
of accessions of a large number of species are usually conserved.
DNA / Pollen Storage – The collecting of DNA or pollen and storage in
appropriate, usually refrigerated, conditions.
Source: Hawkes et al. (2000).

Collecting seeds of Convolvulus fernandesii P. Silva & Teles, a CWR endemic to

Cabo Espcichel (Portugal), for ex situ conservation (photo: Carlos Ferreira Silva).

Ex situ seed conservation. Photo: ICARDA.

Box 53. Ex situ seed conservation
Ex situ conservation is the conservation of biological diversity outside their
natural habitats. It involves the location, sampling, transfer and storage of samples
of the target taxa away from their native habitat to be conserved at a remote site.
Examples of major ex situ seed collections include the International Maize and
Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) gene bank with more than 160,000
accessions (i.e., samples collected at a specific location and time), the
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) with 108,925 accessions, the world’s
largest collection of rice genetic resources, and the Millennium Seed Bank at the
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, which holds the largest seed collection of 24,000 wild
species. Important national/regional collections include: coffee in Côte d’Ivoire,
Ethiopia, Cameroon, Kenya, Madagascar and Tanzania; sesame in Kenya; cassava
in Malawi, Zambia and Tanzania; and sweet potato in Mauritius, Zambia,
Swaziland and Tanzania, as well as China’s largest seed bank, the Germplasm
Bank of Wild Species (GBWS).
Source: Global Crop Diversity Trust (2007).

Ex situ conservation?


In combination
Ex situ conservation gaps TARGET CWR AND SITES

Germplasm collection

Seed multiplication National/regional genebank

Seed cleaning

Seed viablility falls below

acceptable level Seed dehydration

Seed packaging
Seed viability testing

Seed safty duplication

Germplasm characterisation
and evaluation


Figure 22. Ex situ conservation of CWR

A.11.2. Methodology
(i) Review of ex situ conservation gaps. Ex situ conservation gaps that resulted
from the gap analysis should be the foundation of the planning of the
national ex situ collection programme to ensure systematic ex situ
conservation of priority CWR species (see Section 8). Due to the
potentially very large number of CWR species it is unlikely that sufficient
resources will be available to conserve all national CWR species. As is
mentioned above ex situ collections are often the ‘market stall’ through
which the germplasm user community access the germplasm they require,
therefore another important consideration when formulating the ex situ
collection programme is meeting the users demands. Further ideally the
germplasm curator should anticipate the demand and have germplasm
ready to meet that demand whether as directly sampled germplasm or pre-
bred lines before the user requests the germplasm.


(ii) Selection of CWR and collecting sites for targeted collecting. Priority
should be given to collecting individual CWR that are not conserved ex situ
or in situ, as well as CWR populations (within the same CWR) (identified
by undertaking gap analysis of ecogeographic, trait or genetic diversity)
that are not represented in gene banks. It may not always be necessary to
collect fresh CWR if the necessary gap filling germplasm is held by a sister
gene bank then material may be obtained from inter-gene bank exchange
or even knowledge that the germplasm is held by a sister gene bank may
fill the gap. Note all CWR collection should be undertaken legally with the
appropriate national permission and ensuring the collection is not counter
to international conventions (e.g. CITES http://www.cites.org;
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
http://www.planttreaty.org/). Collectors are also referred to the FAO
International Code of Conduct for Plant Germplasm Collecting and
Transfer (http://www.fao.org/ag/agp/agps/PGR/icc/icce.htm) for further
CWR will be collected from natural or semi-natural habitats bearing in
mind 6 basic field sampling factors:
• Distribution of sites within the target area – using either the cluster
(site close together to pick up micro-habitat associated genetic
diversity) or transect approach (site along line to pick up diverse
ecosystem associated genetic diversity);
• Number of sites sampled – maximum possible with the resources
• Delineation of a site – related to the size of the interbreeding unit the
edges of the site may also be delineated by dominant habitat
• Distribution of the plants sampled at a site – randomly throughout
the site or if there are distinct habitats stratified random that
encourages sampling from each habitat type, collecting off-types or
interesting material selectively;
• Number of plants sampled per site – 2,500 seeds sampled from 40-50
plants but preferably 5,000 seeds from 100 individuals;
• Indigenous knowledge held by local community – field collectors
should note knowledge held by local people on the CWR found in
their area, this may relate to population locations, threats, habitat
associations and uses.
Each of these factors may vary depending on the nature of the target CWR
being sampled and also assumes it is possible to apply the ideal sampling
strategy; many CWR are, for instance, found as individual plants or small
clumps of plant not dense stands and further ripening is not uniform so all
the potential fruit is unlikely to available during one sampling visit. A
further important point to consider is that germplasm is virtually worthless
unless it has detailed passport data associated with the collection location,
so this data must be collected in the field (including GPS location), placed
in a database and made available to the user community. With CWR
collections it is also advisable to collect voucher specimens so the
accessions identification can be checked post-collection.

(iii) Gene bank seed processing. Following collection the sample arrives at the
gene bank and is processed in the standard manner, which is likely to
include: seed cleaning (to separate chaff and fruit debris from seed and
ensure the accession is sample of a single species), seed health evaluation
(inspection for seed borne diseases and pests), dehydration (normally to
around 5-6% relative humidity), packaging (which most often take the form
of glass vials, metal cans or laminated aluminium foil packets), registration
(entering an associated record in the seed bank management system and
making the accession available to the users) and storage (usually in a -18°C
cold room). When field collecting CWR species it may not always be
possible to obtain a sufficiently large seed sample to be banked directly so
there may need to be a seed multiplication cycle before the seed can be
processed and incorporated into the gene bank. See ‘Additional materials
and resources’ for detailed gene bank methodologies.

(iv) Post-storage seed care. Once the seed is incorporated into the gene
bank the seeds viability will gradually decrease over time and there will be
a need to extract a sample of seed and test its germination viability at
approximately 10 year intervals. Viability is a measure of how many seeds
are alive and can develop into normal plants. It is usually expressed as
percentage germination and above 75% is an acceptable level of viability.
Viability is usually determined before the seeds are packed and placed into
storage, and subsequently at regular intervals during storage. When
germination falls below 75% the accessions requires regeneration.
The aim of regeneration is to increase the quantity of seed of any accession
but while doing so it is very important to ensure that the original genetic
characteristics of the accession are retained as far as possible. Each
multiplication / regeneration cycle contains hazards to maintenance of the
genetic integrity of the accession, such as: (a)
contamination from foreign pollen during fertilisation, (b) contamination
through seed adulteration during harvesting, threshing and packaging, (c)
changes due to gene mutation, (d) genetic drift due to random loss of
alleles, particularly when regenerating from small numbers of individuals,
and (e) genetic shift due to unconscious natural or artificial selection
(related to diverse environmental conditions during regeneration)87. The
risks involved with regeneration will vary considerably according to the
crop species, but it is also a costly operation, therefore, the most efficient
and cost effective way of maintaining genetic integrity is to keep the
frequency of regeneration to an absolute minimum.

Sackville‐Hamilton and Chorlton (1997)
A.11.3. Examples and applied use
Box 54. Lathyrus belinensis: a CWR discovered and almost lost
In 1987 while collecting legume species near Cavus, Antalya province, Turkey a
new species of the genus Lathyrus was discovered and described as Lathyrus
belinensis. The single population was growing alongside a new road that was just
then being cut through fields between Kumluca and Tekirova. The population
appeared to have its greatest concentration in and around an ungrazed village
graveyard in the village of Belin. The new species was most closely related to L.
odoratus (sweet pea), being just as scented as sweet pea but
with more hairy vegetative parts. The most striking and
economically interesting distinguishing feature of L.
belinensis is the flower colour which is yellow with
conspicuous red veins, which contrasts with L. odoratus
flowers which can be purple, blue, pink or cream, but never
yellow. Thus the discovery of L. belinensis was an
opportunity for horticulturalists to breed a yellow sweet
pea―a goal of many contemporary sweet pea breeders.
The type population was found over an area of only 2 km2 and although the
species was published in 1988, no further populations have subsequently been
reported. The only known population was threatened the new road construction
and the planted of conifers at the time of original collection. On returning to
collect more seed in 2010 the original type location had been destroyed by
earthworks associated with the building of a new police station. Although a few
plants were found in the area and seed is held ex situ, the richest area within the
site had been lost. L. belinensis has recently been assessed using IUCN Red List
Criteria as Critically Endangered—the most highly threatened category, only time
will show if field conservation will save this species in the wild!
Maxted (2012)

Box 55. Ex situ conservation of the world’s major CWR

The Global Crop Diversity Trust has recently initiated a large scale global project
concerned with “Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Collecting, Protecting,
and Preparing Crop Wild Relatives”. Although the bulk of the project will focus on
the utilisation of CWR diversity, it includes the first systematic attempt to collect
and conserve priority CWR diversity at a global scale. This is only feasible now
due to 1) the taxonomic and genetic relationships between CWR becoming
increasingly clarified, 2) ease of access to large on-line ecogeographic data
resources, 3) better knowledge and tools for modelling and mapping the
distribution of plant species through geographic information systems (GIS), and
4) a concerted global desire to implement the International Treaty on Plant
Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA). The priority CWR
species were identified by combining the ITPGRFA Annex 1 and the major and
minor food crops listed in Appendix 2 of the World Atlas of Biodiversity
(Groombridge and Jenkins 2002). This resulted in a list of approximately 10,500
CWR species. To produce a reduced list of priority CWR, only those species
present in Gene Pools 1b and 2 or Taxon Group 1b, 2 and 3 were included, as these
are the taxa that can most easily be used in plant breeding using conventional
techniques. The priority list contains 1,392 CWR species from 109 genera. Ex situ
gap analysis is being undertaken to identify the locations of genetic diversity un-
or under-secured in ex situ collections in order to inform planning of germplasm
collecting for ex situ conservation. The project is currently gathering and geo-
referencing species occurrence and conservation data from on-line resources,
herbarium and gene bank databases, and following the gap analysis, extensive
CWR collection and ex situ storage is planned so that for the first time the CWR
diversity most important to underpin global food security will be available to the
user community. Collected CWR accessions will be stored in relevant national and
international gene banks, and will be safely duplicated for long-term security at
the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, in Norway. Following collection, traits of value for
adaptation to climate change will be transferred into cultivated lines through pre-
breeding, and the results will be evaluated in the field. The wild species accessions
and the promising lines generated will be collected and made available to the
global community for breeding and research under the terms of the ITPGRFA.
Source: Khoury et al. (2011)

A.11.4. List of references used to compile the text

CBD (1992) Convention on Biological Diversity. Secretariat of the Convention on
Biological Diversity. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Global Crop Diversity Trust (2007) Regional Strategies. Available at
http://www.croptrust.org/main/identifyingneed.php?itemid=512. Accessed
March 2011.
Groombridge B and Jenkins MD (2002) World Atlas of Biodiversity. Prepared by
the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre. University of California
Press, Berkeley, USA.
Hawkes JG, Maxted N and Ford-Lloyd BV (2000) The ex situ conservation of plant
genetic resources. pp. 1-250. Kluwer, Dordrecht.
Khoury C, Castañeda Alvarez NP, Vincent H, Jarvis A, Maxted N, Eastwood R,
Ramírez-Villegas J and Guarino L (2011) Planning for collecting the crop wild
relatives. Poster presented at Botanical Society of America Conference, St.
Louis, Missouri, July 9 - 13, 2011.
Maxted N (2012) Lathyrus belinensis: a CWR discovered and almost lost. Crop
Wild Relative 8: 44.
Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Hawkes JG (1997b) “Complementary conservation
strategies.” In: Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Hawke, JG (Eds) Plant Genetic
Conservation: The In situ Approach. Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 20-55.
Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Hawkes JG (1997b) “Complementary conservation
strategies.” In: Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Hawke, JG (Eds) Plant Genetic
Conservation: The In situ Approach. Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 20-55.
Sackville-Hamilton NRS, Chorlton KH. 1997. Regeneration of accessions in seed
collections: a decision guide. Handbook for Genebanks No. 5. IPGRI, Rome,
A.11.5. Additional materials and resources
General references:
Engels JMM, Ramanatha Rao V, Brown AHD and Jackson MT (eds)
 (2002) Managing Plant Genetic Diversity. CABI Publishing, Wallingford
and IPGRI, Rome, pp. 205‐215.
Guarino L, Rao VR and Reid R (eds) (1995) Collecting Plant Genetic
 Diversity: Technical Guidelines. Wallingford, CAB International. pp. 67-
Hawkes JG, Maxted N and Ford-Lloyd BV (2000) The ex situ conservation

of plant genetic resources. Kluwer, Dordrecht. pp. 250.
Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Hawkes JG (1997b) “Complementary
conservation strategies.” In: Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Hawke, JG

(eds) Plant Genetic Conservation: The In situ Approach. Chapman and
Hall, London, pp. 20-55.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
(2009) ENSCONET (2009) ENSCONET Seed Collecting Manual for Wild

Species. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Available from:
Smith RD, Dickie JB, Linington SH, Pritchard HW and Probert RJ (2003)
 Seed conservation: turning science into practice. Royal Botanic Gardens,
Guarino L (2010) Adapting to climate change: the importance of ex situ
conservation of crop genetic diversity. International conference on Food
Security and Climate Change in Dry Areas, 1-4 February. Amman, Jordan.

Available from: http://www.slideshare.net/luigiguarino/the-role-of-ex-
[Accessed January 2012].
Khoury C, Castañeda Alvarez NP, Vincent H, Jarvis A, Maxted N,
Eastwood R, Ramírez-Villegas J and Guarino L (2011) Planning for
collecting the crop wild relatives. Poster presented at Botanical Society of

America Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, July 9 - 13, 2011. Poster
presentation available from:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUn2HT3NTok [Accessed June 2012].
Gene bank manuals:
Dulloo ME, Thormann, I and Engels J (2011) Standards and best practices
for genebank management. European Plant Genetic Resources
Conference 2011 “To Serve and Conserve”. 5-7 April. Wageningen, The

Netherlands. Available from
practices-for-genebank-management [Accessed January 2012].

 European Native Seed Conservation Network (ENSCONET) (2009a)

ENSCONET Curation Protocols and Recommendations. Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew (ed) Available from:
[Accessed June 2012]. (in English, French, Spanish, Greek, Polish,
German, Italian, Portuguese, Hungarian)
European Native Seed Conservation Network (ENSCONET) (2009b) Seed
Collecting Manual for Wild Species. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (ed)
Available from:

[Accessed June 2012]. (in English, French, Spanish, Greek, Polish,
German, Italian, Portuguese, Hungarian)
FAO/IPGRI 1994. Genebank standards. Food and Agriculture
 Organization of the United Nations, Rome, International Plant Genetic
Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Bioversity International training modules on plant collecting:
Bioversity International training modules on ex situ
WW conservation/genebank management:
W http://www.bioversityinternational.org/training/training_materials.html#
European Native Seed Conservation Network (ENSCONET) (with
collecting and curation manuals, database, germination
recommendations, etc.): http://ensconet.maich.gr/
WW FAO International Code of Conduct for Plant Germplasm Collecting and
W Transfer (http://www.fao.org/ag/agp/agps/PGR/icc/icce.htm)
Sackville-Hamilton NRS, Chorlton KH. 1997. Regeneration of accessions
in seed collections: a decision guide. Handbook for Genebanks No. 5.
IPGRI, Rome, Italy. Available
A.12. Monitoring CWR Diversity
A.12.1. Overview

What is monitoring of plant populations and why it is important?

Monitoring of plant populations means the systematic collection of data over time
to detect changes, to determine the direction of those changes and to measure
their magnitude88. The monitoring of CWR populations and habitats in which they
occur aims at:
 Providing data for modelling populations trends,
 Assessing trends in population size and structure,
 Assessing trends in population genetic diversity,
 Determining the outcomes of management actions on populations and to guide
management decisions.

In terms of CWR monitoring it may occur at three distinct levels (a) monitoring of
specific target CWR populations conserved in situ, either informally or within
formal genetic reserves, (b) monitoring of ex situ conserved accessions, and (c)
monitoring of higher level indicators of CWR conservation. However, there is a
significant literature on CWR monitoring but it nearly all refers to the monitoring
of genetic reserves80 and that will be the main focus of this section.
Once the in situ conservation sites are established, they require regular
monitoring to assess any short and longer term changes in CWR diversity, which
can help form the basis of assessing the effectiveness of the management regime
for maintaining CWR diversity. The monitoring of CWR thus constitutes an
important early warning mechanism for detecting species extinction and genetic
erosion. The results of regular monitoring are used to inform the management
prescriptions of a CWR Action Plan and/or genetic reserve management plan.
Therefore, monitoring schemes should be included in CWR Action Plans and/or in
situ conservation site management plans, and should be initiated immediately
after implementation of the in situ conservation site. The monitoring of CWR can
be measured at two different levels: individual taxa and genetic diversity within
taxa. At the individual taxon level, the development of a monitoring plan
comprises five phases (Figure 9): (i) Identification and selection of the variables to
monitor, (ii) Design of the sampling strategy, (iii) Implementation of a pilot study,
(iv) Data analysis, and (v) Adjustment of the monitoring plan. Ideally as we wish
to promote the conservation of the genetic diversity with CWR taxa it would be
expected that genetic level monitoring would occur sufficiently often to alert the
conservationist to deleterious changes but it has also to be recognised that genetic
monitoring is costly and therefore there is a need to balance regularity of
monitoring against costs89.

Iriondo et al. (2008)
See Iriondo et al. (2008) for recommendations on how, when and why to use genetic monitoring.
Just placing seed accessions in a gene bank or other genetic resources collection
is the end of the conservation process, the accessions need to be regularly
monitored to ensure it has retained its viability so it can be taken out of the
collection and used. As seeds viability decrease over time seed germination
tested, commonly, at approximately 10 year intervals and if the viability is below
75% the accessions requires regeneration (see Section A11).
The CBD Strategic Plan90 includes SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
Relevant and Timely) objectives; meaning that it established desirable outcomes
that can be time-series monitored against key performance indicator to evaluate
their success in achieving the strategic goal and also help identify potential
intermediate actions that will aid goal achievement. Recently, the 1. The Second
Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture was
agreed by the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture at its
13th Regular Session in November 2011 to “to review existing indicators and
identify or develop higher-order indicators, which could be in the form of an index
that could enable stakeholders at all levels to effectively monitor the
implementation of Second Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for
Food and Agriculture”91. A Technical Consultation was held in Madrid, 2012 and
generated a “Revised draft indicators for monitoring the implementation of the
Second Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and

Monitoring CWR populations in the West Bank, Palestinian Territories. Photo N.


CBD (2010b)
CGRFA‐13/11/Report, paragraph 98
FAO (2012)
Specifically for CWR these were focused on in situ conservation:
 Number of Crop Wild Relatives (CWR) surveyed/inventoried
 Number of CWR in situ conservation and management actions with
government support
 Number of conservation areas with management plans addressing CWR
 Number CWR actively managed in situ
But some Targets and Higher-order indicators were also identified for CWR as
 Number of threatened crop germplasm
 Number of Crop Wild Relatives surveyed/inventoried
 Number of accessions resulting from collecting missions in the reporting
 Percentage/Number of targeted taxa where a collecting gap exist
 Number of taxa conserved ex situ under medium or long term conditions
 Number of accessions [with documentation] conserved ex situ under
medium or long term conditions
 Number of accessions safety duplicated
 Number of accessions in need of regeneration
 Percentage of accessions in need of regeneration
 Number of accessions of the collection by number of traits characterized
 Number of accessions distributed from collections
As can be seen these indicators are designed to be specific in the sense of being
well defined, easily measurable, where the necessary data would be readily
attainable, the data relates clearly the goal and can be periodically assessed to
provide a time-series comparison. When implemented by national PGR
programmes, the programmes can themselves check their compliance with
international conventions / treaties, assess their conservation efficiency and
specifically meet the countries obligation on CWR data reporting to the Global
Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.
Establishment of in situ conservation goals



Development of monitoring scheme

Implementation of in situ conservation priorities

Implementation of monitoring scheme

Monitoring data collation & analysis

Review management prescriptions

Figure 23. Monitoring of CWR diversity in situ

Defign of
sampling strategy
Identification and
selection of
variables to Selection of
monitor sampling units

Implementation Positioning of
of a pilot study
sampling units

Adjustment of
Data analysis
monitoring plan



Figure 9. Development of a monitoring plan at the individual CWR level

A.12.2. Methodology
The methodology will focus on monitoring CWR populations conserved in situ as
the monitoring of ex situ conserved accessions is covered in the previous section
(see A11) and the monitoring of higher level indicators of CWR conservation is a
relatively novel introduction and tried and tested methodologies are yet to be
available. Also note that whether the monitoring of CWR populations occurs in
formally recognised genetic reserves or an informal in situ conservation area, the
monitoring will still have the same objectives and is likely to be implemented in a
similar manner, as follows:
(i) Identification and selection of the variables to monitor. These variables may
include demographic, ecological and anthropogenic parameters. At this stage, it is
important to take into account parameters such as the life form and breeding
system of the target taxon, as well as the resources available for monitoring.
(ii) Design of the sampling strategy. The design of the sampling strategy (which
involves making decisions on the type, size, number and positioning of the
sampling units and the timing and frequency of sampling93) should be based on a
review of the available literature on the monitoring of taxa with similar life forms

Elzinga et al. (2001); Iriondo et al. (2008)
and biological traits, as well as through consultation with conservation
management experts. The monitoring plan should be designed in a way to
detecting changes in the target population but distinguish between significant
biological changes in the population that may negatively impact population health
and normal seasonal variations that need not trigger changes in management
(iii) Selection and positioning of the sampling units. Sampling can be carried out
using various methods: plot (or quadrat within areas of standard size), transect
(banded transect or intercept - transects sample diversity within a defined
distance either side of a central line, often 1m either side making a 2m wide
transect, while the line intercept samples diversity that actually touches the line)
methods or even monitoring of individual plants (or plant parts) for particular
attributes (e.g. plant height, number of seeds per fruit)94. In an in situ conservation
site, the plot method is most likely to be used with the establishment of permanent
(iv) Positioning of sampling units. It should be random and ideally distributed
throughout the entire area of distribution of the population. Methods of random
sampling include: simple random sampling, systematic sampling and stratified
random sampling95.
(v) Determination of the timing and frequency of monitoring. Populations of
CWR in genetic reserves should be surveyed regularly in order to detect any
changes. Monitoring is commonly most effective when the target species is
flowering or fruiting, as often then they can be easily identified. It also can be
carried out when leaves are unusually coloured or about to fall, or when the
surrounding vegetation does not obscure the target species or other particular
character of the target taxon. Either way, it should be scheduled at the same
phenological time each year to ensure the data are directly comparable between
monitoring events.
The frequency of monitoring (time between surveys) is usually dictated by the
perception the researcher has during the first surveys. However, it depends on the
life form, the expected rate of change, the rarity and trend of the target species, as
well as on the resources available for monitoring. It can be as frequent as every
month (e.g. rare or very threatened annuals) during several growing seasons, or
annually (e.g. annuals) or less frequently (e.g. perennials). Generally, the
monitoring in a newly established reserve is more frequent than in a well-
established one. With time and experience, frequency of monitoring can be
(vi) Implementation of a pilot study. A pilot study should be carried out once the
monitoring scheme has been designed in order to assess how efficient the

Iriondo et al. (2008).
Simple random sampling involves the selection of combination of sampling units that has the same
probability of being selected, and that the selection of one sampling unit does not affect the selection of
any other. Systematic sampling involves the collection of samples at regular (in time and space)
intervals. Stratified random sampling involves dividing the population into two or more groups prior to
sampling, where groups within the same group are very similar and simple random samples are taken
within each group (Iriondo et al. 2008).
experimental design is and whether the field techniques are efficient, before the
implementation of a long term monitoring strategy.
(vii) Data analysis. The results of the pilot study should be analysed in order to
detect possible problems with the monitoring design and field methodologies and
if necessary adjust them to ensure that the scheme will detect changes that may
indicate a decline in the size and/or genetic diversity of the population.
(viii) Adjustment of monitoring plan. Frequently, refinement of the monitoring
plan is needed. Sample size, position of sampling units, etc. may be inadequate to
detect meaningful changes in the population so they need to be adjusted.
However, changes to the monitoring regime may negatively impact data
comparison, so any changes need to be considered, possible with the help of a
statistician, before being implemented.

GPS location of wild Crambe tataria Sebeók in , Vrþok, µtúrovo (Slovakia)

(photo: Pavol Hauptvogel).
Table 4. Monitoring CWR to detect changes in diversity 96
Level of Type of
Parameters to measure Explanation Objectives
monitoring parameters
Individual Demographic Total number of individuals in a 1. To assess viability of
Population size
CWR population populations – estimate:
Population density Number of individuals per unit area  population trends
 extinction risk
Population frequency % of plots occupied by the target species
within the sampled area  population viability analysis
% of plot area that falls within the vertical 2. To identify demographic
Population cover projection of the plants of the target factors that are most relevant to
species population viability
Population structure Size, stage or age of individuals
Proportion of individuals recorded in a
first census that are still alive at the
Survival rate
second census (usually for each class in
structured populations)
Probability that a surviving individual
Growth rate moves from one size (or stage) class to
any of the others
Fertility rate Average number of offspring that

See Iriondo et al. (2008) for more detail.
Population viability analysis (PVA) uses demographic modelling methods in order to predict the future status of a population, thus helping conservation and management
decisions (Iriondo et al. 2008).


Level of Type of
Parameters to measure Explanation Objectives
monitoring parameters
individuals in each class produce from one
census to the next
Spatial structure Spatial distribution of each individual
Ecological Abiotic components:
1. Temperature,
precipitation, solar radiation,
wind, cloud cover,
atmospheric pressure, Environmental conditions of the habitat
humidity; where the plant occurs
To identify changes in the
2. Soil moisture, texture, pH, physical conditions that
nutrients, salinity, redox characterise CWR and their
potential, cation exchange associated communities; it can be
capacity used as a surrogate to infer
Biotic components: population trends when
demographic data are not
1. Density, cover and
frequency of all taxa that
occur in the community, The living organisms that occur in the
importance value98 habitat of the target taxon
2. Density and frequency of
pollinators, seed dispersers,
predators and parasites

See Cox (1990) for definition.
Level of Type of
Parameters to measure Explanation Objectives
monitoring parameters
3. Identification of pathogens
and intensity of pathogen
1. Natural (fire, flooding,
slope movement, wind
damage, extreme
temperatures, trampling,
Threats to the populations of the target
2. Human-induced
disturbance (mining, logging,
livestock grazing, recreation,
road construction or
maintenance, weed control)
Climate change:
1. Annual recordings of
susceptible species and
2. Phenology
3. Changes in composition of
Anthropogenic Social, economic, political To account for human influence
and cultural threats and - on the biological status and
opportunities effectiveness of conservation
Level of Type of
Parameters to measure Explanation Objectives
monitoring parameters
Genetic Measure of an individual’s ability to  To evaluate the genetic
Reproductive fitness produce offspring to the subsequent diversity within populations
generation  To understand the dynamics of
The size of a hypothetical population that populations
Effective population size would lose genetic diversity at the same  To recognise when overall
rate as the population under study reduction of fitness of a
population has occurred
Genetic diversity
 To determine the level of
Gene flow
inbreeding/outbreeding of the
Population structure target species
 To determine which
populations should be targeted
The minimum size of a population needed
for protection
to remain genetically viable and to
Minimum viable population  To determine what to do if a
maintain genetic variation and
heterozygosity protected population has
suffered a severe decline in
population size
A.12.3. Examples and applied use

Box 56. Assessment and monitoring of agrobiodiversity and its threats in the
Fertile Crescent Biodiversity in the Fertile Crescent is of global significance as it
has globally significant populations of LR and CWR of wheat, barley, lentil,
chickpea, faba bean and several species of forages, range species and dryland fruit
trees. Little is known on the status and trends of the diversity of these species as
witnessed by the First and Second reports on the State of the World on Plant
Genetic Resources produced by FAO. ICARDA together with national research
institutes in Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian Authority and Syria conducted
population surveys in more than 65 monitoring sites between 2000-2005 period as
part of a GEF-supported regional project on promoting in situ conservation of
dryland agrobiodiversity in the four countries. Further surveys were continued in
40 monitoring sites in 2009 and 2011. The CWR demographic data accumulated
over 11 years showed that the CWR populations are suffering continued loss due
to over-grazing, land reclamation and destruction of natural habitats. However,
the CWR demographic data collected in Sweida and Al Haffeh in Syria were less
affected compared to all other non-Syrian sites. The sites originally selected for
the presence of large, healthy CWR populations in Aarsal in Lebanon and Hebron
in the West Bank on re-surveying were found to be complete destroyed due to
extensive quarrying. Although eleven of the original 65 sites were recommended
for the establishment of protected areas, only one in the Alajjat region of southern
Syria was declared in 2008 as natural reserve.
As for LR populations, the farming survey conducted in 2000 and 2004 showed
that landraces of barley, lentil, figs and olive still predominant within the farming
systems practiced by 26 communities. However, the area of LR cultivation is
reduced due to the land management changes and the introduction of exotic
plantation of fruit trees (such as cherries, apples and olive). The surveying shows
native durum wheat, apple, cherry, almond and apricot LR are being replaces by
improved foreign varieties but there are already case where the introduced
commercial varieties are failing because of their unsuitability to the local
Source: Amri, A. (Pers. Comm.)

A.12.4. List of references used to compile the text

Cox GW (1990) Laboratory Manual of General Ecology, 6th ed. Wm.C. Brown,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Elzinga CL, Salzer DW, Willoughby JW and Gibbs JP (2001) Monitoring Plant and
Animal Populations, Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts.
Harper JL (1977) Population Biology of Plants. Academic Press, London.
Heywood VH (2011) “Monitoring of areas and species/populations to assess
effectiveness of conservation/management actions.” Hunter D and Heywood V
(eds.) (2010) Crop Wild Relatives, a Manual of In Situ Conservation. Issues in
Agricultural Biodiversity. Earthscan, London. pp. 295-313. Available from:


[Accessed March 2012] (available in English and French).
Iriondo JM, Ford-Lloyd BV, de Hond L, Kell SP, Lefèvre F, Korpelainen H and Lane
A (2008) “Plant population monitoring methodologies for the in situ genetic
conservation of CWR.” In: Iriondo JM, Dulloo E, Maxted N (Eds) (2008)
Conserving plant genetic diversity in protected areas: population management
of crop wild relatives. CAB International Publishing, Wallingford. pp. 88-123.
Maxted N, Guarino L and Dulloo ME (1997) “Management and monitoring.” In:
Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Hawkes JG (Eds) Plant Genetic Conservation:
The In Situ Approach. Chapman & Hall, London. pp. 144–159.
Primack R (1998) Monitoring rare plants. Plant Talk 15: 29–32.
Stem C, Margoluis R, Salafsky N and Brown M (2005) Monitoring and evaluation
in conservation: a review of trends and approaches. Conservation Biology 19(2):

A.12.5. Additional materials and resources

Bonham CD, Bousquin SG and Tazik DJ (2001) Protocols and Models for
 Inventory, Monitoring, and Management of Threatened and Endangered
Plants. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Dafni A, Kevan PG and Husband BC (2005) Practical Pollination Biology.

Enviroquest, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada.
Elzinga CL, Salzer DW and Willoughby JW (1998) Measuring and
 Monitoring Plant Populations. Bureau of Land Management, Denver,
Frankham R, Balou JD and Briscoe DA (2004) Introduction to

Conservation Genetics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Gibson DJ (2002) Methods in Comparative Plant Population Ecology.

Oxford University Press, New York.
Hayek LC and Buzas MA (1997) Surveying Natural Populations. Columbia

University Press, New York.
Heywood VH and Dulloo ME (2005) In situ conservation of wild plant
 species – a critical global review of good practices. IPGRI Technical
Bulletin No. 11. IPGRI, Rome.
Hill D, Fasham M, Tucker G, Snewry M and Shaw P (eds) (2005)
 Handbook of Biodiversity Methods: Survey, Evaluation and Monitoring.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Hunter D and Heywood V (eds.) (2011) Crop wild relatives, a manual of in
situ conservation. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Earthscan, London.
Available from:

_full.pdf [Accessed March 2012] (available in English and French).
Iriondo JM and de Hond L (2008) “Crop wild relative in situ management
and monitoring: the time has come.” In: Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP,

Iriondo JM, Dulloo E and Turok J (eds.) Crop wild relative conservation
and use. Wallingford: CAB International. pp. 319-330.
Morris WF and Doak DF (2002) Quantitative Conservation Biology:
 Theory and Practice of Population Viability Analysis. Sinauer Associates,
Sunderland, Massachusetts.
Newbury HJ and Ford-Lloyd BV (1997) “Estimation of genetic diversity.”
In: Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Hawkes JG (eds) Plant Genetic

Conservation: The In Situ Approach. Chapman & Hall, London. pp. 192–
Pansu M, Gautheyrou J and Loyer JY (2001) Soil Analysis – Sampling,

Instrumentation and Quality Control. Balkema, Lisse, The Netherlands.
Ringold PL, Alegria J, Czaplewski RL, Mulder BS, Tolle T and Burnett K
 (1996) Adaptive monitoring design for ecosystem management.
Ecological Applications 6(3): 745–747.
Smith RD, Dickie JB, Linington SH, Pritchard HW and Probert RJ (2003)
 Seed conservation: turning science into practice. Royal Botanic Gardens,
Bioversity International training modules on ex situ
WW conservation/genebank management:
W http://www.bioversityinternational.org/training/training_materials.html#
Examples of monitoring plans:
Heywood VH (2011) “Monitoring of areas and species/populations to
assess effectiveness of conservation/management actions.” In: Hunter D
and Heywood V (eds) Crop Wild Relatives, A Manual of In Situ
Conservation. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Earthscan, London. pp.

295-313. Available from:
_full.pdf [Accessed March 2012] (available in English and French).
A.13. Promoting the use of conserved CWR diversity
A.13.1. Overview

Why link conservation with use?

Some conservationists argue that conservation is an end in itself, we do not
conserve to benefit humankind, they argue that all species have intrinsic value
and therefore have a right to be conserved for their own sake irrespective of their
value to humankind. We consider this argument well-meaning, but mistaken
 Cost of conservation — conservation does have a real and often significant
cost (the annual cost of PGRFA ex situ conservation was estimated at US$ 30.5
million in 200099) those funds might be used to feed the starving, heal the sick
or educate the illiterate, so why should humankind meet this cost, politicians
and public make such a commitment, unless it is associated with some actual
or potential benefit to humankind;
 Investment in PGRFA — although PGRFA conservation has a real cost
focusing resources on PGRFA conservation can bring substantial rewards
(annual income from using PGRFA in 2000 was US$ 500-800 billion100), so
conserving PGRFA is a sound economic investment;
 Conservation sustainability — in situ CWR conservation, particularly, requires
a relatively high and long-term investment in managing and monitoring of
CWR populations, so on-going use of the conserved diversity offers a means
of underpinning their value and reinforces conservation sustainability;
 Human altruism — humans are unable to see the world dispassionately, when
men, women and children are suffering from malnutrition in many parts of the
world, there appears to be no practical alternative than to give those species of
most direct use to humankind the highest conservation priority.
Therefore, we consider the conservation of PGRFA and human exploitation as
being intimately linked both now or in the future, this linkage forms the basis for
enduring human food security and well-being, not to mention the continuing
survival of humankind itself.

The conservation of CWR diversity is explicitly linked to utilisation, further CWR

are in fact defined by their potential contribution for exploitation; the actual or
potential donation of CWR traits to crops. The CBD86 emphasizes the need to link
conservation to use, noting that utilisation should be "sustainable" and "meet the
needs and aspirations of present and future generations". The use of CWR in crop
improvement has recently been reviewed for 29 major crops101 and the following
points noted:
 For the 29 crop species included there were 234 references that report the
identification of useful traits from 183 CWR taxa;

Hawkes et al. (2000)
ten Kate and Laird (1999)
Maxted and Kell (2009)
 The degree to which breeders use CWR species varies between crops, it is
particularly prominent in barley, cassava, potato, rice, tomato and wheat, but
rice and wheat are the crops in which CWR have been most widely used, both
in terms of number of CWR taxa used and successful attempts to introgress
traits from the CWR to the crop;
 The most widespread CWR use has been and remains in the development of
disease and pest resistance, with the references citing disease resistance
objectives accounting for 39%, pest and disease resistance 17%, abiotic stress
13%, yield increase 10%, cytoplasmic male sterility and fertility restorers 4%,
quality improvers 11% and husbandry improvement 6% of the reported inter-
specific trait transfers;
 The number of paper publications detailing use of CWR in breeding has
increased gradually over time, presumably as a result of technological
developments for trait transfer, with 2% of citations recorded prior to 1970, 13%
in the 1970s, 15% in the 1980s, 32% in the 1990s and 38% after 1999.
 It can also be seen that since the year 2000 the number of attempts to improve
quality, husbandry and end-product commodities has increased substantially;
 The use of CWR in crop improvement was primarily based upon published
journal papers but this is unlikely to reflect closely actual use of CWR in
commercial crop breeding because (a) the reporting of useful CWR trait
transfer to a crop it does not mean that this exercise resulted in a novel
variety, and (b) breeders are unlikely to be forthcoming about their use of
CWR due commercially sensitive, so the use of CWR in crop improvement is
significant but imprecisely defined;
 The exploitation of the potential diversity contained in CWR species remains
ad hoc as the approach by breeders to CWR use has not been systematic or
The review concludes that there is a wealth of novel traits available for crop
improvement in CWR and thus far the vast majority of CWR diversity is untapped
in terms of its potential exploitation value.
Although CWR primarily gain their value from being sources of traits for crop
improvement, they have value associated with their use by traditional, general,
and professional communities. The work of professional users, the general public
and local people can be linked through partnerships with NGOs, which could help
by organizing conservation volunteers, and could be involved in sustainable rural
development or use of resources in accordance with traditional cultural practices.
Raising public and professional awareness of the need to conserve CWR can only
help promote specific conservation action, as well as general conservation
sustainability. All partners should therefore share the goals of sustainable use of
biological resources taking into account social, economic, environmental and
scientific factors which form a cornerstone of the nations' proposals to implement
Agenda 21.

A.13.2. Methodology
Professional users include various researchers, farmers as well as plant breeders.
If associated with trait use the diversity is likely to be characterised, evaluated and
screened for the novel traits, and then use of the trait bearing germplasm in crop
breeding programmes. Various characterization techniques can be used to
identify useful traits. Professional users can utilise CWR germplasm conserved in
in situ conservation sites but more often they will utilise the samples of these
population stored ex situ in gene banks. However, the managers of genetic
reserves (PA managers together with the support of the relevant conservation
authority) should attempt to work with the professional user community to
characterise, evaluate and publicise the germplasm found at the site. CWR are
wild species and like any other group of wild species may be ecologically and
genetically studied and contribute to general ecosystem health.
General users are the public in general who via their taxes fund most CWR
conservation and whose support is likely to be essential for the long-term political
and financial viability of CWR conservation, particularly in situ activities that
have higher associated maintenance costs than germplasm held ex situ in gene
banks. One way of promoting public awareness of the value of CWR to the general
public is to encourage them to visit genetic reserves and during their visit supply
them with various formal and informal education material, CWR based cook
books, agrobiodiversity ecotourism, art competitions etc., each of which is
designed to raise awareness of the value of CWR and their conservation. The PA
containing the genetic reserve should have infrastructures that take into account
the needs of visitors (e.g. visitor centres, nature trails, lectures, etc.). They are also
likely to bring additional income to the PA itself through guided tours and the sale
of PA information packs.
Traditional users of CWR are people from local communities who live in the
vicinity of CWR populations; they are likely to have an extensive history of local
plant collecting and utilisation, and possibly of CWR themselves. They often
possess extensive knowledge of the ethnobotanical value and direct uses of plants
and because of the large proportion of all species that are CWR, a high proportion
will be CWR – though their use may be incidental to their value as a CWR (see Box
Within this context it is worth noting that in situ CWR conservation sites are not
established in an anthropogenic vacuum; in other words whether a genetic reserve
is to be established or a particular CWR population sampled for ex situ
conservation, there are likely to have been traditional or local users of that
resource prior to the conservation of that resource. So if the support of the local
community for CWR conservation is to be obtained the active CWR conservation
should not hinder local resource use, unless in the rare case where it directly
conflicts with the long-term viability of the target CWR population. Many studies
have shown that conservation cannot succeed without local community support;
however, as shown by a recent analysis of the threats to CWR in Europe102, local
communities do not always, or rather are not always permitted, to manage their
resources sustainably, even if mismanagement is likely to adversely impact their
longer-term interests. For example, the development of tourism or urban

Kell et al. (2012)
expansion is usually governed by the government (at least in terms of planning
permission). Local communities may be given a voice and try to resist such
development, but in reality have little influence when confronting government
policy. Likewise, if a private landowner decides to sell his/her land for
development, there is seldom little that the local community can do to stop them.
Therefore, the conservationist’s role when formulating conservation action may be
just as much about resolving conflicts between local community and practical
conservation implementation, ensuring continued local community use of their
PGR resources while achieving sustainable conservation. Further there is a key
role for the conservationist to play in educating both policy-makers and local
people about the importance of these critical genetic resources.
In situ CWR conservation sites should not only be seen as a means of conserving
CWR diversity, but also as in situ research platforms for field experimentation.
There is a need for a better understanding of species dynamics within
conservation areas to aid the sustainable management of the specific taxa, but also
for ecological and genetic studies of in situ conserved CWR. Research activities on
the material conserved should be encouraged as they provide additional
justification for the establishment and long-term management of the conservation
area. Monitoring studies (such as of genetic diversity changes), as required by the
COP to the CBD adopted Strategic Plan103 can be facilitated by in situ site
managers, possibly in collaboration with NGOs and local volunteer groups. This
way, changes associated with future habitat management scenarios could be
detected and actions taken to reduce current rates of diversity loss.

Involving local communities in CWR conservation decision making, Sweida,

Syria. Photo N Maxted.

CBD (2010b)
Box 57. Can farmers benefit directly from CWR diversity?
It is interesting to question whether CWR are of any direct value to farmers as
CWR. There are a few anecdotal reports in the literature of farmers deliberately
growing the crops near CWR to facilitate traits transfer between the CWR and the
crop, such as Mexican farmers encouraging teosinte (Zea mexicana) to grow
alongside the crop maize (Zea mays) to permit natural crossing between the CWR
and the crop. The corn producers mentioned that in approximately four years they
can obtain a new, better adapted maize variety that will out-compete traditional
varieties or hybrid maize (Serratos et al., 1996).
However this case does seem counter intuitive and contradicts the experience of
many plant breeders. Plant breeders often state that the reason that they are
reluctant to use CWR in their breeding programmes is because if they cross their
elite breeding lines with CWR, not only do they get the possibility of the desired
trait but the potentially beneficial traits are greatly outnumbered by the
deleterious characters that are also introduced from the CWR. It then takes
significant resources to select out the unwanted deleterious characters but retain
the desired traits. For any predominantly bred or highly farmer-selected crop,
introgression between the CWR and crop is likely to have an overall negative
impact on the farmer’s crop, potentially reducing yield and crop adaptive
characteristics and in the short term reducing farmer’s income. The amount of
CWR to crop introgression is also likely to vary from crop to crop and be very
limited for known inbreeding crops.
So, despite the case made for Mexican farmers directly using CWR, it seems likely
that generally farmers do not benefit directly from natural trait transfer between
CWR and crops; however it is critical if we are to conserve the full breadth of CWR
diversity that farmers understand the role of CWR in under-pinning novel cultivar
development. Thus greater effort needs to be placed on raising public and
professional awareness of the value of CWR diversity.

A.13.3. Examples and applied use

Box 58. Some examples of CWR use in breeding

To give some idea of the scale of benefits that may accrue from the use of CWR in
crop improvement here are some examples for selected crops:
 Desirable traits from wild sunflowers (Helianthus spp.) are worth an estimated
US$267 to US$384 million annually to the sunflower industry in the United
 A single wild tomato species (Lycopersicon peruvianum (L.) Mill.) has
contributed to a 2.4 per cent increase in solids contents worth US$250 million;
 Three wild peanuts (Arachis batizocoi Krapov. & W. C. Gregory, A. cardenasii
Krapov & W. C. Gregory and A. diogoi Hoehne) have provided resistance to
the root knot nematode, which costs peanut growers around the world US$100
million each year;
 In the 1970s the US maize crop was severely attacked by corn blight reducing
yield by 50% and economic loss of almost US$ 1,000 million but was resolved
by blight resistant genes from Tripsacum dactyloides L.;
 Single gene-controlled traits have been introduced from CWR for virus
resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.), blight resistance in potato (Solanum
tuberosum L.), powdery mildew resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and
Fusarium and nematode resistance in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.);
 Recently genes from wild Brassica oleracea L. have created domestic broccoli
with high levels of anti-cancer compounds.
 Overall new genes from wild relatives contribute approximately US$115 billion
worldwide toward increased crop yields per year.
Source: Maxted and Kell (2009); and Hunter and Heywood (2011)

Using wild emmer wheat to increase diversity in cultivated wheat, National

Institute of Agricultural Botany field plots. Photo N. Maxted

A.13.4. List of references used to compile the text

CBD (2010b) Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. Secretariat of the
Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal. Available from:
www.cbd.int/decision/cop/?id=12268 [Accessed December 2010].
Hawkes JG, Maxted N and Ford-Lloyd BV (2000) The ex situ conservation of plant
genetic resources. pp. 1-250. Kluwer, Dordrecht.
Hunter D and Heywood VH (Eds) (2011) Crop Wild Relatives, A Manual of In Situ
Conservation. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Earthscan, London.
Kell SP, Maxted N and Bitz M (2011) “European crop wild relative threat
assessment: knowledge gained and lessons learnt.” In: Maxted N, Dulloo ME,
Ford-Lloyd BV, Frese L, Iriondo JM and Pinheiro de Carvalho MAA (Eds)
Agrobiodiversity conservation: securing the diversity of crop wild relatives and
landraces. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. pp. 218-242.
Maxted N and Kell S (2009) Establishment of a Network for the In situ
Conservation of Crop Wild Relatives: Status and Needs. Commission on
Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations.
Serratos JA, Wilcox MC and Castillo F (Eds) (1996) Flujo genetico entre maiz
criollo, maiz mejorado y teocintle: implicaciones para el maiz transgenico.
Mexico. D.F. CIMMYT.
Ten Kate K and Laird SA (1999) The commercial use of biodiversity: access to
genetic resources and benefit sharing. Earthscan, London.

A.13.5. Additional materials and resources

See Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy (FIGS) ‘Additional materials
and resources’ in A.8.
See Genetic studies to search for traits of interest for crop breeding ‘Additional
materials’ in A.5.
Promoting the use of CWR:
Curtis S (2008) “Use of wild plant species: the market perspective.” In:
Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo JM, Dulloo E and Turok J (eds.)

Crop wild relative conservation and use. Wallingford: CAB International.
pp. 632-637.
Heywood VH (2008) “The use and economic potential of wild species: an
overview.” In: Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo JM, Dulloo E and

Turok J (eds.) Crop wild relative conservation and use. Wallingford: CAB
International. pp. 585-604.
Hunter D and Heywood V (eds.) (2011) Crop wild relatives, a manual of in
situ conservation. Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. Earthscan, London.
Available from:

_full.pdf [Accessed March 2012] (available in English and French).
Kole C (2011-Onwards) Wild crop relatives: genomic and breeding
 resources – Multiple volumes based on crop commodity groups. Springer,
London and New York.
Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo J, Dulloo E and Turok J (eds)
 (2008) Crop wild relative conservation and use. CAB International,
Den Nijs HCM, Bartsch D and Sweet J (eds) (2004) Introgression from
 genetically modified plants into wild relatives. CAB International,

 Sousa-Correia CM, Abreu JM, Ferreira Dias S, Rodrigues JC, Alves A,

Maxted N and Ford-Lloyd BV (2008) Linking conservation with
sustainable use: Quercus ilex subsp. rotundifolia (Lam) O. Schwartz in
traditional agro-sylvo-pastoral systems in Southern Portugal.” In: Maxted
N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo JM, Dulloo E and Turok J (eds.) Crop
wild relative conservation and use. Wallingford: CAB International. pp.
European Commission project: “Novel characterization of crop wild
 relative and landrace resources as a basis for improved crop breeding”
(PGR Secure): http://pgrsecure.org/.
WW Global Crop Diversity Trust led project ‘Adapting agriculture to climate
W change’ has a dominant use component: http://www.cwrdiversity.org/
WW Bioversity international led project ‘UNEP/GEF Crop Wild Relative’
W project has a use component: http://www.cropwildrelatives.org/
A.14. Information system and data management
A.14.1. Overview

Why is data critical to crop wild relative conservation and use?

It is widely accepted within the PGRFA conservation and user community that one
major factor hindering effective conservation and use is the lack of easy access to
data, as well as obstacles to information exchange due to the many different
approaches in managing data. If we are to inventory and build a national
management plan for CWR conservation, then consistent data collation and
management is required.

To conserve CWR efficiently there is necessarily a significant requirement for

data and associated information, that data needs to be sourced, managed and
analysed to help ensure the most appropriate conservation actions are
implemented. This process is likely to involve taxonomic, ecogeographic
occurrences and temporal distribution, threats and conservation status and
genetic structure data, as well as the ability to track using time-series data and
predicted demographic and genetic changes within a species in relation to land
management and environmental factors. The data sources are often not readily
available and for CWR are particularly disperse because of the broad taxonomic
range of species and the fact that much data are held by those outside of the PGR
community. Accessing such information is not only time-consuming, but
comparing data sets is often difficult due to the diversity of information
management models used. If CWR are to be conserved and sustainably utilized, a
means of bringing together this information into an accessible and standard
format is required.
To help manage this data both CWR descriptors and information management
tools have been developed. The first attempt to produce a set of CWR descriptors
was made by the EC funded PGR Forum project104 and these were developed
further within the GEF funded ‘In situ conservation of crop wild relatives through
enhanced information management and field application’105 and are now being
further developed with the EC funded PGR Secure project106; the current version of
the CWR descriptors is available at PGR Secure helpdesk (http://pgrsecure.org/).
Within PGR Forum a stand-alone information systems was developed to help
make available CWR data for Europe and the Mediterranean to the user
community, the Crop Wild Relative Information System (CWRIS) (see Box 59) and
this was extended in the EC funded AEGRO project107 (see Box 60). Although
there are currently no plans to develop CWRIS further, it is functional and can be
used in the creation of national checklists for Europe and the Mediterranean

See Moore et al. (2006) and http://www.pgrforum.org/cwris/cwris.asp
See http://www.cropwildrelatives.org/
See http://pgrsecure.org/
See http://aegro.jki.bund.de/aegro/index.php?id=95


countries, CWRIS users gain access to the checklist data by selecting the country
or geographical units of interest and then downloading the dataset. These data can
then be cross-checked against local floras, databases and other documentation,
verified and edited as necessary to ensure it meets the national requirement.

Box 59. CWRIS

The Crop Wild Relative Information System (CWRIS -
http://www.pgrforum.org/cwris.htm) was the first information management
system specifically designed to facilitate CWR conservation and use. CWRIS has
two main dimensions: taxon information breadth is provided by the PGR Forum
CWR Catalogue for Europe and the Mediterranean, while the CWR descriptors for
conservation and use for individual CWR taxa provide taxon information depth.
The CWR descriptors provide a comprehensive set of data standards that can be
used to effectively manage genetic conservation of CWR taxa and their
component populations. The descriptors provide the structure within which
existing data can be accessed or mapped onto the data model, and novel data can
be provided. CWRIS was designed to facilitate access to CWR data for a diverse
range of user communities, including plant breeders, protected area managers,
policy-makers, conservationists, taxonomists and the wider public. CWRIS also
provides access to ancillary information on the taxa contained in the Catalogue
via links to external online resources, such as Mansfeld’s World Database of
Agricultural and Horticultural Crops, GRIN Taxonomy, European Nature
Information System (EUNIS), the IUCN Red List, Electronic Plant Information
Centre (EPIC) and key publication search engines. CWRIS comprises:
 A searchable database of crop species and their associated wild relatives that
occur in Europe and the Mediterranean region. The taxonomic back-bone to
CWRIS was provided by Euro+Med PlantBase
(http://www.emplantbase.org/home.html) version August 2005. CWRIS provides
occurrence records according to geographic boundaries, not political boundaries.
 Information on the taxa contained in the database via external web links.
 A data model for the management of CWR information, with an emphasis on
site and population data, which is required for the effective genetic conservation
of in situ CWR populations. The data model is illustrated with a number of CWR
case studies.
Source: Kell et al. (2008)


The Crop Wild Relative Information System (CWRIS -
http://www.pgrforum.org/cwris.htm) was also extended to provide information at
the species level within the EC funded AEGRO project, using four independent
modules collectively called "Population Level Information System" for Avena,
Beta, Brassica and Prunus European species population level occurrence data. The
population level information system was designed to facilitate CWR conservation
management and monitoring via:
a. Data exploration
 Search for occurrences by taxonomic criteria (hierarchical search through
taxonomic ranks
including synonyms according to different taxonomic views)
 Search for occurrences by geographic information (hierarchical search
through levels of
administrative units or within protected areas)
 Combined search by taxonomic and geographic criteria
b. Data acquisition
 Downloading results and displaying them on a map
c. Data contribution
 Editing taxonomic and geographic data for atomization, harmonization and
 Acquisition of population data in the field with portable data assistants and
uploading these
data to a central database.
The data exploration and data acquisition use cases have been fully implemented
in CWRIS-PLIS (http://aegro.jki.bund.de/index.php?id=168), while the data
contribution use cases have been only partly implemented.
Germeier et al. (2012)

Rubus plicatus Weihe & Nees, a CWR, in Lithuania (photo: Juozas Labokas).
A.14.2. Methodology
Information on CWR is available from wide range of sources, but retrieving it
presents a number of challenges. Firstly, in existing databases, such as those
managed by plant gene banks, CWR accessions are not identified as CWR; this
issue is not helped by the fact that in the current FAO/IPGRI Multi-crop Passport
Descriptors V. 2108 the SAMPSTAT descriptor allows for designation of wild
species samples but does not make a distinction between CWR and non-CWR wild
species. Secondly, although information on CWR per se is possible only of specific
interest to the PGR conservation and use community because CWR are ‘normal’
wild species they are also collected, conserved and studied by a broad community
of taxonomist, ecologists, geneticists, physiologists, etc. and so when collating
CWR information these other communities need to be consulted. Further these
non-PGR communities often have significantly larger data sets than the PGR
community itself. These challenges are not insurmountable but they do demand a
carefully considered and tested approach (particularly with regard to obtaining
information from non-PGR communities) and a considerable amount of time.
However, like all data mining activities the more background data available the
more predictive the analysis results in formulating effective conservation plans.
Information at the CWR at the taxon level is primarily gathered from the relevant
literature: monographs, revisions, field guides, floras, gazetteers, articles, papers,
soil, vegetation and climatic maps, atlases, etc., while at the accession level it is
gathered from herbarium and germplasm collections of the target taxon from the
target area, and the latter will often involve visiting the herbarium or gene bank to
collect the data. However in recent years there has been exponential growth of
web-enabled ecogeographic datasets, most notably the Global Biodiversity
Information Facility (GBIF) established in 2001 (http://data.gbif.org), which
provides extensive access to global taxon nomenclature, taxon and accession
distribution, conservation and environmental data.

Table 5. Internet resources for CWR 109

Data set Description URL
Botanical Garden Botanic garden holdings http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/B
Conservation information GCI/http://www.biodiv.org/
Crop Wild Relative PGR Forum CWR http://www.pgrforum.org/cw
Information System Catalogue for Europe ris.htm
(CWRIS) and the Mediterranean
European Native Seed European database of http://enscobase.maich.gr/
Conservation Network major ex situ botanic
(ENSCOBASE) garden gene bank
European Plant European database of http://eurisco.ecpgr.org/nc/

Castañeda Álvarez et al. (2011)
Genetic Resources major ex situ home_page.html
Search Catalogue agrobiodiversity gene
(EURISCO) bank holdings
FAOSTAT Agricultural statistics http://www.faostat.fao.org/
and data
Gap Analysis Project Ex situ gap analysis gisweb.ciat.cgiar.org/gapanal
results of 13 crop gene ysis/
GBIF Global Biodiversity data http://data.gbif.org/
GENESYS Global database of major http://www.genesys-pgr.org/
ex situ gene bank
Glob cover European Space Agency http://ionia1.esrin.esa.int/
Global Land Cover map,
latest version = 2009
Harlan and de Wet Global checklist and http://www.cwrdiversity.org
Global Priority database of priority
Checklist of CWR CWR taxa in 173 crop
Taxa gene pools
IUCN Red List Database of red list http://www.iucnredlist.org/
(extinction threat)
JSTOR herbaria Herbaria resources http://plants.jstor.org/
Plant list Working list of all http://www.theplantlist.org/
known plant species
Tropicos (Missouri Herbaria resources http://www.tropicos.org
Botanical Gardens,
UNEP WCMC World World Database on http://www.protectedplanet.n
Database of Protected Protected Areas et/
Areas (polygons)
US Genetic Resources Database of USDA ex http://www.ars-
Information Network situ gene bank holdings grin.gov/npgs/acc/acc_queri
(GRIN) es.html
National program accession datasets
Russia AgroAtlas www.agroatlas.ru
Brazil CRIA www.cria.org.br
Japan NIAS www.gene.affrc.go.jp/databases_en.php
Mexico www.biodiversidad.gob.mx/genes/proyecto
Other accession datasets
CWRIS PLIS http://aegro.jki.bund.de/index.php?id=168
Harold and Adele
Germplasm Bank
Manchester Museum http://emu.man.ac.uk/mmcustom/BotQuery.php
Millennium Seed www.kew.org/science-conservation/save-seed-
Bank, Kew prosper/millennium-seed-bank/index.htm
Natural History
Museum, UK
Royal Botanic
Gardens Kew
Royal Botanical
Garden of Edinburgh
United States Virtual
Virtual Australian http://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/HISCOM/Virtualher
Herbarium b/virtualherbarium.html#Virtual

The types of data managed will fall into four basic types, which may be
• Ecogeographic data (taxonomic, ecological, geographic and genetic);
- Taxonomy and nomenclature,
- Degree of relationship between crop and CWR,
- CWR uses: historic, current and potential,
- Other uses: other than as a trait donor,
- Current, historical and potential distribution, including:
o Country occurrence/extent of occurrence,
o Number of populations,
o Record of extinctions,
o Mapping function/GIS layers,
- Genetic diversity and biology,
- Ecology and habitat,
- Threat status,
- Conservation measures, including:
o Occurrence in named protected areas and genetic reserves,
o Conservation management techniques,
o Ex situ holdings in gene banks,
- References to specific research projects,
- Contacts,
• Field population data (passport);
- Precise population location (distributional polygon),
- Land management regime (protected area, private ownership, common
- Population characteristics,
o Size,
o Cover
o Genetic characterisation,
o Age structure,
o Obligate associated species (associated keystones, pollinators, seed
• Conservation management data (curatorial);
- In situ criteria
o Management regime and interventions
o Monitoring regime
o Place in national, regional and global CWR networks
o Place in non-CWR specific conservation networks
o Local community participation
- Ex situ criteria
o Gene bank holding collection,
o Location of seed in gene bank,
o Germination and regeneration testing,
o Access and benefit sharing policy,
• Characterization and evaluation data (descriptive);
- Taxonomic morphological description
- Genetic description,
- Agronomic description
- Breeder desired characteristic evaluation (disease, pest, drought resistance,
Although this list of CWR data types is extensive it is not exhaustive, it is
indicative of the types of data involved in CWR conservation and use.
Each of these data types are collated using some type of standard descriptor. A
descriptor may be defined as “any attribute referring to a population, accession or
taxon which the conservationist uses for the purpose of describing, conserving
and using this material”. Descriptors are abstract in a general sense, and it is the
descriptor states that conservationists actually record and utilise. Standard
descriptors for ecogeographic, field and conservation management data are
included in the Descriptors for CWR110, while formal characterization and
evaluation descriptors are associated with various standardized ‘Crop descriptor
lists’ published by FAO, Bioversity, UPOV (see
http://www.bioversityinternational.org/publications.html) – these may or may not
be suitable for describing the crop’s associated CWR. It is important to stress that
standard lists of descriptors should be used when they are available. The use of
well-defined, tested and rigorously implemented descriptor lists for scoring
descriptors considerably simplifies all operations concerned with data recording,
such as updating and modifying data, information retrieval, exchange, data
analysis and transformation. When data are recorded, they should be classified
and interpreted with a pre-defined list of descriptors and descriptor states to
consult. This clearly saves a considerable amount of time and effort associated
with data entry. The use of lists ensures uniformity, while reducing errors and
problems associated with text synonyms.

A.14.3. Examples and applied use

There are a growing number of National management plans for CWR
conservation that have been completed in recent years and each involves
significant data collation and analysis, and its application to practically conserve
the priority CWR taxa. In terms of data management each step in creation and
updating the National management plan for CWR conservation (see Figure 25)
a. CWR National Checklist – The common first step in production of a National
management plan for CWR conservation is to produce a national CWR checklist;
this is normally a simple table of the Latin names of the CWR taxa present in the
country, as follows for the national CWR checklist of Saudi Arabia:

Species Author Subspecific Subspecific

Genus Species Rank Author
Aegilops kotschyi Boiss.
Aegilops peregrina (Hack.) Maire & Weiller
Aegilops vavilovii (Zhuk.) Chennav.
Aerva javanica (Burm.f.) Juss. ex Schult.
Aerva lanata (L.) Juss.
Agathophora alopecuroides (Moq.) Bunge
Agathophora alopecuroides (Moq.) Bunge var. papillosa (Maire) Boulos

Ecogeographic data

CWR population data

CONSERVATION CWR Conservation and
Use Policy Context
Analysis STRATEGY CWR population
conservation data

Characterisation and
evaluation data
Conservation Conservation
Management Monitoring

CWR Beneficiaries

Figure 10. Summary of data flow in CWR conservation


b. CWR National Inventory – The difference between the checklist and the
inventory is that the in an inventory the checklist is annotated; in that it each
taxon has a range of ancillary information associated with each CWR taxon. As a
result the data structure is now more complex and usually involves a multiple file
structure such as Figure 26.

Concepts Distribution_ref Distribution

Concept_ID FK1 Taxon_ID
PK ID FK1 Taxon_ID
Concept_Type Ref FK3 Country
Concept_Level Webpage
FK1 Concept_ID Type
FK1 Crop_ID
Ref FK2 Detail_ID
FK2 Taxon_ID
Webpage General

Breeding_ref Countries Distribution_detail


Ref Code Detail

FK2 Crop_ID
FK1 Taxon_ID Name
Pot_conf Species
Description Classification_ref
FK3 Ref_ID PK Taxon_ID
Main_Crop Utilisation FK1 Taxon_ID
Crop_Trust Ref
Family Webpage
Breeding_category_lookup Breeding_taxon_and_category Family_author
FK1 Taxon_ID
PK ID PK Taxon_ID Util_Type
PK,FK1 Category_ID Util_Use
Category Tribe_author
Subtribe Utilisation_ref Storage_behaviour
FK1 Taxon_ID FK1 Genus
Herbaria_lookup Ref Per_orth
Herbaria_data Webpage Per_inter
PK ID Var_author
Country Form
Inst_code FK1 Taxon_ID Form_author
Inst_name FK2 Code Common_name

Figure 26. Entity relationship model for the CWR database 111

c. CWR Gap analysis – The CWR checklist and inventory are primarily taxon
based but the gap analysis based largely on data associated with individual
accessions that represent those taxa. Normally significant resources will be
invested in the collation of large herbarium specimen and gene bank accession
data sets. There is no standard format for the database that contains this data, but
Annex 5 contains an extended list of data descriptors112 that will include those
used as a basis for gap analysis.

d. CWR conservation – The data associated with CWR management will vary
depending on whether it is associated with in situ or ex situ conservation, but falls
into three basic categories (ecogeographic, field population, conservation
management and monitoring) as detailed with examples above.

Vincent (Pers. Comm.)
Castañeda Álvarez et al. (2011)


e. Promotion of use – As stated throughout the book, CWR conservation should be
directly linked to utilisation, so once the CWR diversity is conserved it needs to be
characterized and evaluated so that the potential users have some basis on which
to select the accessions they wish to utilise. The data associated with
characterization and evaluation is, as noted in the previous section, often lacking
and seldom available to the user community. However, within the context of the
European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (ECPGR) several
Central Crop Databases were established that hold accession passport data and, to
varying degrees, characterization and primary evaluation data of the major crop
related collections in Europe, these database are web-enabled. The next
conceptual advance in making characterization and evaluation data easily
available to the user community has been to develop an internet portal that
facilitates access to the existing data. This is currently being developed as the
Trait Information Portal (TIP), which is envisaged will provide a unique entry
point for access trait-specific information to help direct their research and allow
them to effectively exploit CWR diversity.

Box 61. Trait Information Portal

The TIP is planned to have a simple platform architecture accommodating input
and output data types, including the following elements: (a) Use a document store
database system; (b) Have an upload system with flexible template driven options
for data being sent by providers; (c) Include and use the Generation Challenge
Programme (GCP) data annotation and trait ontology curation tools developed by
the Bioversity team; (d) Be searchable through ontology-driven views; (e) Include
information on traits, locations, trial sites, georeference, geographical information;
(f) Use web scraping (gather related information/data) to include external data
sources, molecular data, bibliography, characterization and evaluation data,
images, etc.; (g) Link with external information sources; and (h) Provide data
analysis outputs. Additionally, the TIP will include three different entry points
(trait information, CWR and LR inventories), allowing users to choose their
entry/access point to the information they require, while maintaining the capacity
to link or tap into existing online sources of information such as GENESYS,
This concept has been planned to create a system that primarily serves the data
provider so that it can efficiently serve the users. To make the most of this idea the
rationale for the TIP framework conceptualization was to use existing
developments and resources, focusing the development team’s efforts towards
using and further enhancing existing and evolving resources being developed in
other communities of practice. The TIP is being developed in the context of the
PGR Secure project (http://pgrsecure.org/) and is expected to be available as a
beta test version in 2013.
TIP platform architecture

Source: Dias (2012)

A.14.4.List of references used to compile the text
Castañeda Álvarez NP, Vincent HA, Kell SP, Eastwood RJ and Maxted N (2011)
Ecogeographic surveys. In: Guarino L, Ramanatha Rao V, Goldberg E (editors).
Collecting Plant Genetic Diversity: Technical Guidelines. 2011 update.
Bioversity International, Rome. Available online:
Dias S (2012) Pieces of the puzzle—Trait Information Portal. Crop Wild Relative,
Germeier CU, Iriondo JM, Frese L, Höhne C and Kell SP (2012) Population level
information management for crop wild relatives. In: Maxted N, Dulloo ME,
Ford-Lloyd BV, Frese L, Iriondo JM, Pinheiro de Carvalho MAA (eds) (2012)
Agrobiodiversity conservation: securing the diversity of crop wild relatives and
landraces. Pp. 256-263. CAB International, Wallingford.
Iriondo JM, Maxted N, Kell SP, Ford-Lloyd BV, Lara-Romero C, Labokas J and
Magos Brehm J (2012). Quality standards for genetic reserve conservation of
crop wild relatives. In: Maxted N, Dulloo ME, Ford-Lloyd BV, Frese L, Iriondo
JM, Pinheiro de Carvalho MAA (Eds) Agrobiodiversity Conservation: Securing
the Diversity of Crop Wild Relatives and Landraces. Pp. 72-77. CAB
International, Wallingford.
Kell S., Moore JD, Iriondo JM, Scholten MA, Ford-Lloyd BV and Maxted N (2008)
CWRIS: a tool for managing and accessing crop wild relative information. In:
Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV, Kell SP, Iriondo J, Dulloo E and Turok J (eds) Crop
Wild Relative Conservation and Use. Pp. 469-489. CAB International,
Maxted N, Castañeda Álvarez NP, Vincent HA and Magos Brehm J (2012) Gap
analysis: a tool for genetic conservation. In Guarino L, Ramanatha Rao V,
Goldberg E (editors). Collecting Plant Genetic Diversity: Technical Guidelines.
2011 update. Bioversity International, Rome. Available online:
Moore JD, Kell SP, Iriondo JM, Ford-Lloyd BV and Maxted N (2008) CWRML:
representing crop wild relative conservation and use data in XML. BMC
Bioinformatics, 9: 116.

A.14.5. Additional resources and materials

Hawkes JG, Maxted N and Ford-Lloyd BV (2000) The ex situ conservation

of plant genetic resources. Kluwer, Dordrecht. pp. 250.
Dulloo ME, Thormann, I and Engels J (2011) Standards and best practices
for gene bank management. European Plant Genetic Resources
Conference 2011 “To Serve and Conserve”. 5-7 April. Wageningen, The

Netherlands. Available from
practices-for-genebank-management [Accessed January 2012].
WW European Cooperative Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (ECPGR)


W Documentation and Information Network. Available at
FAO/IPGRI Multi-crop Passport Descriptors (MCPD) version 2 published
WW in June 2012
W (http://www.bioversityinternational.org/index.php?id=19&user_bioversity
publications_pi1[showUid]=6901) [Accessed June 2012].
Crop wild relatives in national inventories available via the CWR Portal.
http://www.cropwildrelatives.org/national_inventories.html [Accessed
June 2012].
Various characterisation and evaluation ‘Crop descriptor lists’:
http://www.bioversityinternational.org/publications.html [Accessed June
WW Crop Genebank Knowledge Base. Available from:
W http://cropgenebank.sgrp.cgiar.org/ [Accessed June 2012].
B.1. Introduction
What is a ‘landrace’?

Is definition of landraces possible?

There has been extensive discussion on what constitutes a landrace (LR), and even
whether it is possible to define them113, however although it may be difficult to
precisely define LR, practically they are widely recognised by farmers and
scientists alike and are key components of PGRFA. As such they exist and if we
wish to study them practically we need a working definition, two such definitions
“Dynamic population(s) of a cultivated plant that has historical origin, distinct
identity and lacks formal crop improvement, as well as often being genetically
diverse, locally adapted and associated with traditional farming systems”. 114
“A landrace of a seed-propagated crop can be defined as a variable population,
which is identifiable and usually has a local name. It lacks “formal” crop
improvement, is characterized by a specific adaptation to the environmental
conditions of the area of cultivation (tolerant to the biotic and abiotic stresses of
that area) and is closely associated with the traditional uses, knowledge, habits,
dialects, and celebrations of the people who developed and continue to grow it”. 115

Within LR two types are distinguished116:

 Primary landrace: a crop that has developed its unique characteristics through
repeated in situ grower selection and that has never been subjected to formal
plant breeding (as opposed to selection / breeding undertaken by independent
LR maintainers). These can be divided into autochthonous (a crop that is
grown in the original location where it developed its unique characteristics
through grower selection; its genetic and socio‐economic characteristics are
associated specifically with this location) and allochthonous (an introduced
crop that is locally adapted but that has developed its unique characteristics
through grower selection in another region)117.
 Secondary landrace: a crop that has been developed in the formal plant
breeding sector but which is now maintained through repeated in situ grower
selection and seed saving, which is likely to be genetically distinct from the
original bred material.

Zeven (1998)
Camacho Villa et al. (2005)
Negri (2007) who took into account the discussions presented by Anderson and Cutler (1942), Harlan
(1975), Brush (1992, 1995), Papa (1996, 1999), Zeven (1998), Asfaw (2000), Friis‐Hansen and Sthapit
(2000), Negri (2003, 2005a), Camacho Villa et al. (2005), Saxena and Singh (2006).
Kell et al. (2009)
Zeven (1998) after Mayr (1937)
Some authors question whether locally adapted ‘allochthonous landraces’ fit
within the above definitions of LR because they lack a historical origin among
farmers. However, these LR do have local economic importance, are likely to
contribute increase crop diversity availability to farmers and breeders, and many
were introduced a significant time ago so that they have passed through
numerous sowing, cultivation, harvesting cycles since introduction so may not be
regarded as distinct from the original introduction.

Example of a primary allochthonous landrace: Phaseolus coccineus from

Romenia. The species originates from America and it was introduced to
Romenia probably between the 16 th and the 17th, this landrace is well adapted
to the locations where it is grown (photo: Tsvetelina Stoilova)

Example of a secondary landrace of Zea mays L. in the Chiapas region,

Mexico (photo: Carolina Camacho).

Box 62. Farmers, growers, gardeners or maintainers

The literature on LR and on-farm conservation almost always assumes that the
person planting, cultivating and harvesting LR are farmers, but a farmer may be
defined as “a person cultivates a tract of land cultivated for the purpose of
agricultural production” and this would exclude cultivation associated with home-
consumption. As such there is a distinction between farmers and gardeners
growing crops for sale and home-consumption on the basis of scale of production,
cultivation techniques used, crops grown, economic valuation, marketing and end-
consumer. So farmers and gardeners (and growers) are not synonyms, they each
maintain distinct LR diversity that should form part of the national LR checklist /
inventory; it would be more accurate to refer to them as maintainers. But given
the wide use of farmers in the literature, the term farmer is here used to include,
unless otherwise stated, anyone cultivating LR diversity.

Genetic erosion is the main threat to landraces. What is genetic erosion? 118
Genetic erosion is the main threat to LR and has been referred to in the literature
 the loss of a crop, variety or allele diversity119,120,121,122;
 the reduction in richness (in the total number of crops, varieties or
 the reduction in evenness (i.e. of genetic diversity)127,128.

Why are landraces threatened?

There are numerous factors that negatively impact plant species and their
populations which will result in taxonomic (species, subspecies, and varietal) and
genetic diversity erosion, and eventually extinction.
The main factors that contribute to the genetic erosion of LR diversity include:
 changes in agricultural practices and land use;
 use of pesticides and herbicides;
 replacement of traditional varieties with modern, uniform cultivars which lead
to a genetic bottleneck; once LR have been replaced by modern cultivars, unless
the LR is conserved ex situ, the unique combination of genetic diversity is
unavailable to breeders; as a consequence, the total number of different
varieties grown is reduced and/or cultivars grown by farmers become
increasingly similar to each other;
 type of variety and seed certification system associated with the enforcement of
plant breeders’ rights, which limits the sale of crop seed unless the variety is

See Maxted and Guarino (2006) and Van de Wouw et al. (2009) for reviews on the concept of genetic
erosion in crops.
Peroni and Hanazaki (2002)
Gao (2003)
Tsegaye and Berg (2007)
Willemen et al. (2007)
Hammer et al. (1996)
Hammer and Laghetti (2005)
Ford‐Lloyd (2006)
Nabhan (2007)
Khlestkina et al. (2004)
Ford‐Lloyd (2006)
included in the national or regional varietal list; LR growers do not usually
register their varieties since this process is relatively expensive and generally
returns limited value to individual farmers; therefore, as it is illegal to grow
non-registered varieties in many countries, farmers are inadvertently
encouraged to switch to registered varieties and their LR material is lost;
 simplification of silvi-agriculture productive processes due to high manpower
 subsidy schemes that promote the use of uniform varieties;
 perverse incentives given by, for instance, government agricultural advisory
services, such as the free distribution of modern cultivars;
 constant decrease of rural populations due to migration and emigration;
 research programmes that ignore LR and their associated knowledge and uses;
 ageing of farmers and the unsuccessful passage of LR and associated
knowledge from one generation to the next;
 lack of education of the unique value of LR as a local, national and global
 changes in consumption habits;
 food standards that limit entry of LR and products into markets;
 political system such as in the ex-Soviet Union where agriculture was
structured into a system of state (sovkhozes) and very large collective farms
(kolkhozes) with centralized planning (what to cultivate and where) and
relatively high mechanization, which have favoured the cultivation of
introduced varieties rather than of local LR;
 war and political instability, as in Cambodia where nearly all traditional
varieties were lost during civil unrest, though subsequently some Cambodian
LR were repatriated from the International Rice Research Institute collection129;
 climate change – changes in climate are expected to directly affect the cropping
patterns and result in extinction of traditional varieties, particularly in drier
regions where certain LR are already marginally being grown near their limits
of minimum rainfall requirement.
Many of these threats are associated with external changes in fragile traditional
agro-ecosystem, the introduction of various alien factors stressing the agro-
ecosystem dynamic and results in change from traditional LR to modern cultivars.
Like oceanic island vulnerable to alien species introduction, traditional agro-
ecosystem have ‘evolved’ in isolation and demonstrate ‘evolutionary innocence’
often being out-competed by the more aggressive introductions, ultimately
resulting in the loss of native diversity.

Hawkes et al. (2000)
Traditional farmers in West Tatry (Zuberec, Slovakia) (photo: Pavol Hauptvogel).

Aerial view of cultivated land, Tatarstan Republic 2012 (Photo: ©FAO/Vasily


What are the practical consequences of LR genetic erosion?

 A decrease in genetic diversity availability means genes and alleles will not be
available for breeders to develop improved varieties and meet:
o changing consumer demands;
o changing environmental conditions;
o exploit new markets or environments;
o provide food security
 Cultivars grown by farmers become increasingly genetically homogenous.
 Agro-ecosystem functioning and its provision of services (e.g., pest and disease
control, pollination, soil processes, biomass cover, carbon sequestration,
prevention of soil erosion, etc.), as well as potential innovation in sustainable
agriculture are each likely to be seriously impacted.
What is landrace on-farm conservation?
Landrace on-farm conservation is the active management of LR diversity within
the traditional agricultural systems where they have developed their unique
characteristics. It implies that conservationists work closely together with farmers
in order to manage and monitor their LR populations aiming at the long-term
preservation of the dynamic of the agricultural systems while maintaining genetic
richness and evenness of the included diversity.

Why do landraces need a National management plan?

Landraces are unique resources for food security but are becoming more
threatened and suffering from genetic erosion. The systematic, coordinated and
integrated in situ and ex situ conservation of LR diversity is thus fundamental and
best implemented via a national management plan.

What are the general goals of a National management plan?

A National management plan for LR conservation aims at the long-term active
conservation of the country’s LR diversity, while at the same time promoting its

LR Diversity from a home garden in Griblje, Bela Krajina, Slovenia (photo:

Pavol Hauptvogel).

B.1.1. List of references used to compile the text (cited footnotes in green)
Anderson E and Cutler HC (1942) Races of Zea mays: I. Their recognition and
classification. Annals of Missouri Botanical Garden 29, 69-89.
Asfaw Z (2000) “The barleys of Ethiopia.” In: Brush SB (Ed) Genes in the field.
IPGRI, Rome/IDRC, Ottawa/Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, USA. pp. 77-107
Brush SB (1992) Ethnoecology, biodiversity and modernization in Andean potato
agriculture. Journal of Ethnobiology 12: 161-185.
Brush SB (1995) In situ conservation of landraces in centers of crop diversity. Crop
Science 35: 346-354.
Camacho Villa TC, Maxted N, Scholten MA and Ford-Lloyd BV (2005) Defining
and identifying crop landraces. Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and
Utilization 3(3): 373-384.
Cardinale BJ, Srivastava DS, Emmett JD, Wright JP, Downing AM, Sankaran M
and Jouseau C (2006) Effects of biodiversity on the functioning of trophic
groups and ecosystems. Nature 443: 989-992.
FAO (2008) Climate Change and Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture. FAO,
Ford-Lloyd BV (2006) “Realistic population and molecular genetic approaches to
genetic assessment.” In: Ford-Lloyd BV, Dias SR and Bettencourt E (Eds)
Genetic erosion and pollution assessment methodologies. Proceedings of PGR
Forum Workshop 5, Terceira Island, Autonomous Region of the Azores,
Portugal, 8–11 September 2004. Rome: Bioversity International, pp. 51–54.
Friis-Hansen E and Sthapit B (2000) Participatory Approaches to the
Conservation and Use of Plant Genetic Resources. International Plant Genetic
Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Gao LZ (2003) The conservation of Chinese rice biodiversity: genetic erosion,
ethnobotany and prospects. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 50: 17-32.
Hajjar R, Jarvis DI and Gemmill-Herren B (2008) The utility of crop genetic
diversity in maintaining ecosystem services. Agriculture, Ecosystems and
Environment 123: 261-270.
Hammer K and Laghetti G (2005) Genetic erosion – examples from Italy. Genetic
Resources and Crop Evolution 52: 629–634.
Hammer K, Knupffer H, Xhuveli L and Perrino P (1996) Estimating genetic erosion
in landraces – two case studies. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 43: 329–
Harlan JR (1975) Our vanishing genetic resources. Science 188: 618-621.
Hawkes JG, Maxted N and Ford-Lloyd BV (2000) The ex situ conservation of plant
genetic resources. Kluwer, Dordrecht. pp. 250.
Heinonen M and Veteläinen M (2007) Vanhojen viljakantojen ylläpitoviljely
Suomessa (Maintenance of cereal landraces on-farm in Finland). Maaseudun
uusi aika 3: 37-50.
Jackson LE, Pascual U and Hodgkin T (2007) Utilizing and conserving
agrobiodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and
Environment 121: 196-210.
Jarvis DI, Hodgkin T, Sthapit BR, Fadda C, and Lopez-Noriega I (2011) A heuristic
framework for identifying multiple ways of supporting the conservation and
use of traditional crop varieties within the agricultural production system.
Critical Reviews in Plant Science 30(1-2): 125-176.
Kell SP, Maxted N, Allender C, Astley D, Ford‐Lloyd BV and contributors (2009)
Vegetable Landrace Inventory of England and Wales. The University of
Birmingham, UK. 117 pp. Available from:
land_and_wales.pdf [Accessed 2 March 2011].
Khlestkina EK, Huang XQ, Quenum FJB, Chebotar S, Roder MS and Borner A
(2004) Genetic diversity in cultivated plants – loss or stability? Theoretical and
Applied Genetics 108: 1466–1472.
Maxted N (2006) UK land-races – a hidden resource? Plant Talk 44: 8.
Maxted N and Guarino L (2006) “Genetic erosion and genetic pollution of crop
wild relatives.” In: Ford-Lloyd BV, Dias S and Bettencourt E (eds) Genetic
erosion and pollution assessment methodologies. IPGRI, Rome. pp. 35-46.
Maxted N and Scholten MA (2007) “Methodologies for the creation of National /
European inventories.” In: Del Greco A, Negri V and Maxted N. (compilers)
Report of a Task Force on On-farm Conservation and Management, Second
Meeting, 19-20 June 2006, Stegelitz, Germany. Bioversity International, Rome,
pp 11-19.
Mayr E (1937) Alpine landsorten in ihrer bedeutung für die praktische züchtung.
Forschungsdienst, 4: 162-166.
Nabhan GP (2007) Agrobiodiversity change in a Saharan desert oasis, 1919–2006:
historic shifts in Tasiwit (Berber) and Bedouin crop inventories of Siwa, Egypt.
Economic Botany 61: 31–43.
Negri V (2003) Landraces in central Italy: Where and why they are conserved and
perspectives for their on-farm conservation. Genetic Resources and Crop
Evolution 50: 871-885.
Negri V (2005a) Agro-biodiversity conservation in Europe: ethical issues. Journal
of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 18(1): 3-25.
Negri V (2007) “Towards a more comprehensive definition of ‘landrace’ than
currently published.” In: Del Greco A, Negri V and Maxted N (compilers)
Report of a Task Force on On-farm Conservation and Management, Second
Meeting, 19-20 June 2006, Stegelitz, Germany. Bioversity International, Rome,
20 pp.
Negri V, Maxted N and Veteläinen M (2009) “European landrace conservation: an
introduction.” In: Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (Eds) European
landraces: on-farm conservation, management and use. Bioversity Technical
Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 1-22.
Papa C (1996) “The ‘farre de Montelione’: landrace and representation.” In:
Padulosi S, Hammer K and Heller J (Eds) Hulled Wheats. Promoting the
conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops. 4. Proceedings of
the First International Workshop on Hulled Wheats, 21-22 July 1995,
Castelvecchio Pascoli, Tuscany, Italy. International Plant Genetic Resources
Institute, Rome, pp. 154-171.
Papa C (1999) “Il farro a Monteleone di Spoleto: pratiche agrarie, consuetudini
giuridiche e ritualità.” In: Papa C (Ed) Il Farro. Saperi, Usi e Conservazione
delle Varietà Locali. Quaderni del CEDRAV 1. CEDRAV Cerreto di Spoleto,
Italy, pp. 9-26.
Peroni N and Hanazaki N (2002) Current and lost diversity of cultivated varieties,
especially cassava, under swidden cultivation systems in the Brazilian Atlantic
Forest. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 92: 171–183.
Saxena S and Singh AK (2006) Revisit to definitions and need for inventorization
or registration of landrace, folk, farmers’ and traditional varieties. Current
Science 91(11): 1451-1454.
Tsegaye B and Berg T (2007) Genetic erosion of Ethiopian tetraploid wheat
landraces in Eastern Shewa, Central Ethiopia. Genetic Resources and Crop
Evolution 54: 715–726.
van de Wouw M, Kik C, van Hintum T, van Treuren R and Visser B (2009) Genetic
erosion in crops: concept, research results and challenges. Plant Genetic
Resources: Characterization and Utilization 8(1): 1-15
Willemen L, Scheldeman X, Cabellos VS, Salazar SR and Guarino L (2007) Spatial
patterns of diversity and genetic erosion of traditional cassava (Manihot
esculenta Crantz) in the Peruvian Amazon: An evaluation of socio-economic
and environmental indicators. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54: 1599–
Zeven AC (1998) Landraces: a review of definitions and classifications. Euphytica
104: 127-139.
Zimmerer KS (1991) Labor shortages and crop diversity in the Southern Peruvian
Sierra. Geographical Review 81(4): 414-432.

B.1.2. Additional materials and resources

General references on LR:
Maxted N, Dulloo ME, Ford-Lloyd BV, Frese L, Iriondo JM, Pinheiro de
Carvalho MAA (eds) (2012) Agrobiodiversity conservation: securing the

diversity of crop wild relatives and landraces. CAB International,
Padulosi S, Bergamini N and Lawrence T (eds) (2012) On-farm
conservation of neglected and underutilized species: status, trends and
novel approaches to cope with climate change. Proceedings of the
International Conference, Frankfurt, 14-16 June 2011. Bioversity
 International. Available from:
ecies_status_trends_and_novel_approaches_to_cope_with.pdf [Accessed
June 2012].
Diverseeds Documentary Film. Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture: http://www.diverseeds.eu/index.php?page=video (shows the

importance of agricultural biodiversity for food and agriculture, with
astonishing pictures from Europe and Asia)
WW Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog: http://agro.biodiver.se/
B.2. National LR Conservation planning - an overview

What is a National management plan for LR conservation?

A National management plan for LR conservation is a document that outlines the
national approach to LR conservation and use, it is likely to incorporate a list of
LR, their distribution, cultivation and use practices, threat assessment,
conservation status and priorities, and maintainer, breeder and other user

Given the numerous LR management scenarios across the world, the available
data, the financial and human resources allocated to conservation, as well as the
different levels of commitment by national agencies and governments, the
formulation and implementation of a National management plan for LR
conservation will undoubtedly differ markedly from country to country.
Nevertheless, there are likely to be common elements in the development of a
National plan of this kind that comprises a series of steps aiming at successful LR
diversity conservation and promotion of its use. These steps are:
(i) Preparation of a national LR checklist: to prepare a national list of the
country’s LR diversity (floristic approach), or alternatively, a list of LR of
selected crops (monographic approach).
(ii) Preparation of a national LR inventory: to collate ecogeographic, agricultural
cultivation, farmer and commodity exploitation data for each LR that
enhances the checklist.
(iii) Identification of threats to LR diversity and threat assessment: to identify
threats that affect LR diversity as well as to undertake threat assessment.
(iv) Prioritization of national LR: to prioritize the LR grown in the country, only if
the number exceeds the number that can be conserved using the available
(v) Genetic analysis of priority LR: to collate genetic data for priority LR or, if
unavailable, to carry out genetic analysis.
(vi) Gap analysis: to identify in situ (on-farm) and ex situ conservation gaps to
help establish in situ and ex situ conservation goals and priorities.
(vii) Formulation of the National management plan: to establish in situ and ex
situ conservation goals and priorities.

The conclusion of this process is the National management plan for LR

conservation which identifies key on-farm sites for in situ conservation of LR
diversity and LR under-represented in ex situ collections. The National
management plan for LR conservation should be closely linked to the utilization of
LR diversity conserved on-farm and in ex situ accessions by farmers, breeders and
other potential users.
Figure 11 summarizes the model for the development of national management
plans for LR conservation as well as the link with international legislation and
strategies and the utilization of LR diversity by promoting cultivation, niche
development, and development of market chains, cultural heritage activities,
research and education, and breeding activities.
Agreement on what constitutes a LR National crop diversity

Integration with international

LR survey strategies and policies

National LR checklist National LR inventory


Integration with national

development schemes, policies
Taxonomic, Farmer‐based knowledge Identification of threats to LR
and strategies
ecogeographic analysis collation data diversity and threat assessment

Genetic analysis of priority LR

In situ gap analysis (identification of Ex situ gap analysis (identification of LR under‐

areas that need to be conserved) represented in gene banks, field gene banks)

Establishment of LR conservation goals

National LR
conservation strategy

Network of LR on‐
In situ actions farm sites
Implementation of LR
conservation goals
Ex situ actions Systematic ex situ
Conserved national (and
global) LR diversity

Farmers, breeders
Cultivation, niche development, local Cultural heritage Research and education Breeding activities
and commercial
market chains
companies input

Figure 11. Model for the development of a National management plan for CWR conservation
B.2.1. Additional materials and resources
General references:
Jarvis DI, Myer L, Klemick H, Guarino L, Smale M, Brown AHD, Sadiki M,
Sthapit B and Hodgkin T (2000) A Training Guide for In Situ

Conservation On-farm. Version 1. International Plant Genetic Resources
Institute, Rome, Italy.
Maxted N, Guarino L, Myer L and Chiwona EA (2002) Towards a
 methodology for on-farm conservation of plant genetic resources. Genetic
Resources and Crop Evolution 49: 31‒46.
Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (eds) (2009) European Landraces:
 On-Farm Conservation, Management and Use. Bioversity Technical
Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 70-78.
Green N (2008) The Scottish landrace protection scheme (SLPS):
 conserving Scottish landraces. Available from: http://ukpgrg.org/slps.pdf
[Accessed June 2012].
National biodiversity strategies that refer to LR conservation:
Saving Nature for People. National Strategy and Action Plan for the
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Finland 2006-2016.
 Available from:
http://www.syke.fi/download.asp?contentid=75624&lan=en [Accessed on
December 2011].
Malaysia’s National Biodiversity Policy. Available from:

Ireland’s National Strategy for Plant Conservation (draft). Available from:

Ireland’s National Strategy for Plant Conservation. Specific actions
regarding agro-biodiversity:
National on-farm conservation projects:
“On-farm conservation in Finland” (2006-2008) by MTT Agrifood

Research Finland
Other references:
Wood D and Lenné JM (1997) The conservation of agrobiodiversity on-
 farm: questioning the emerging paradigm. Biodiversity and Conservation
6: 109-129.
Park YJ, Dixit A, Ma K-H, Kang JH, Rao VR and Cho E-G (2005) On-farm
conservation strategy to ensure crop genetic diversity in changing agro-

ecosystems in the Republic of Korea. Journal of Agronomy and Crop
Science 191(6): 401-410.
B.3. National checklist of landraces
B.3.1. Overview

What is a checklist of landraces?

A LR checklist is a list of names of LR cultivated in a geographically defined area
(for instance in a community, a region or a country). This is distinct from an
inventory which is a checklist that has associated management, cultivation and
use information added.

We need to know what exists, and where, to determine how we can conserve and
use it effectively. Checklists of crops and their varieties is therefore a fundamental
tool for supporting, facilitating and monitoring the conservation and sustainable
use of agro-biodiversity. This was addressed in the Global Strategy for Plant
Conservation (GSPC) which recognized a checklist as a means of organizing
information in a logical and retrievable way, preventing duplication of effort when
planning conservation actions and enabling the planning of the sustainable use of
plants―essential resources for food, medicines and ecosystem services.
The knowledge we obtain from checklists of LR will:
i. help characterising the LR diversity existing in a particular geographic unit
hence assist authorities in planning and implementing policies and strategies
for conservation and use of agro-biodiversity, which is essential in
underpinning national food security,
ii. help future germplasm surveys and collections to be more efficient,
iii. allow the accessibility and exchange of information within existing PGR
networks, as well as other researchers and research stations.
There are several publications on inter-crop diversity (i.e., diversity between
crops) both at a global and national level, but intra-crop diversity (i.e., diversity
within crops) information at global and national levels for LR is generally lacking.
The Second Report on the State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food
and Agriculture noted a substantial increase in the number of inventories, both
with regards to single crops, groups of species, or within geographically defined
areas, but they remain far from systematic. There is to date no standardized
methodology for generation of a LR checklist which may explain why the creation
of national LR checklists has received little research attention or practical
Farmer showing panicle of Nunkho (scented) sorghum landrace in Waruma,
Phalombe, Malawi (photo by Edwin A Chiwona).

The preparation of a national checklist of LR can be seen as a five stage process:

(i) determine the geographical and crop category scope, (ii) produce a list of
included crop diversity (regionally or nationally), (iii) agree on what constitutes a
LR, (iv) survey stakeholders to produce the checklist, and (v) Make the checklist
available to users. These steps constitute the general methodology, which is
illustrated in Figure 12 and described further below.
If there is no prior information of the presence of LR then the compilation of a list
of national crop may provide an introduction the national crop networks and
experts that can help identify LR diversity. As noted above we have distinguished
between a LR checklist (list of LR names from a geographically defined area) and
LR inventory (checklist annotated with management, cultivation and use
information). This distinction is pragmatic, in that it often easier to rapidly collate
a list of names and then subsequently collate the additional data. However, in
practice, when there are little or no pre-existing data on the LR that exist in a
certain area, the compilation of the LR checklist and inventory may proceed in
parallel. Yet the checklist and inventory are likely to serve different uses, the
checklist being used for governmental statistics and the inventory being
necessary if the LR are to be fully exploited by the various stakeholder
communities. Therefore, both LR checklists and inventories have a distinct role in
LR conservation and use.

B.3.2. Methodology for creating a LR checklist

(i) Determine the geographic scope and the target crops.
Discuss and agree the scale of the checklist, whether to cover the whole
country or a subunit, whether to cover all crops, a crop category or a subset
of priority crops. Two alternative approaches are often referred to in the
development of an inventory of LR:
 A floristic approach is used to produce inventories of all LR grown in a
geographically defined area, either region or country. LR inventories of
different regions in a country can eventually be compiled to create a
national inventory of LR.
 A monographic approach is used to produce an inventory of LR of one or
several selected crops. The main difference from the floristic approach is
therefore the focused selection of particular target crops for which the
inventory is being developed. The selection of crops can also be made at
the prioritisation level when a national inventory of LR already exists and
the National management plan for LR conservation is aimed at solely
those crops. LR inventories of specific crops can eventually be compiled
to create a national inventory of LR.
Which approach to use, depends on the particular study, as well as financial
resources and human capacities. The assumption being the more inclusive
the inventory, the greater its use and the likelihood of multiple studies is
avoided, therefore a broad geographic and crop scope is recommended
where possible.
Globally cultivated
species publications
Individual crop studies

Regional or national PRODUCE LIST OF

crop inventories CROPS (REGIONALLY
OR NATIONALLY) International, regional
or national agricultural
Underutilised species / and economics statistics
neglected crops lists AGREE ON WHAT


Official Scientific ‘Grey Ex situ Farmers/maintainers Commercial

Experts Internet
documents literature literature’ accessions interviews companies


LR checklist of target crops National LR checklist



Figure 12 Overview of the creating a national (or regional) checklist of LR

(ii) Produce a list of crop diversity (regionally or nationally).
Several sources have to be consulted when compiling a list of crops grown in
a particular country or area. Key sources are:
 Globally cultivated species publications
 Regional or national crop checklists,
 Underutilised species/neglected crops lists,
 Individual crop studies,
 National, regional or international agricultural and economics statistics.

See the ‘Additional materials and resources’ for concrete references under
each key source.

(iii) Agree on what constitutes a LR.

Discuss and agree the working definition to be applied. The definition of
what constitutes a LR is of crucial importance and the starting point when
formulating a National management plan for LR conservation. The definition
of LR to be applied is likely to vary between projects, the resources available,
the crop scope of the inventory and the reasons of the agency
commissioning the inventory. There is unlikely to be one universally
accepted definition for all situations and for all crops but common elements
of a working definition of a LR are:
 recognisable, distinct crop variety,
 dynamic population character,
 historical origin,
 lacks formal crop improvement,
 genetically diverse,
 locally adapted,
 associated with local cultural, historic or religious values,
 associated with traditional farming systems.

LR can be crops that have developed unique characteristics through

repeated farmer selection and never been subjected to formal plant breeding,
as well as crops that have been developed in the formal plant breeding sector
but which have later been maintained through repeated farmer selection and
seed saving schemes. Examples of LR that do not conform to each of the
criteria listed above can be found, so a pragmatic decision needs to be taken
by each project on what components will be included in the working
Once the definition is agreed, the researchers need to decide whether to
recognise LR based on their nomenclature (two LR with different names are
assumed to be distinct) or whether a stricter recognition is required that is
based on genetic distinction. The former is likely to be pragmatically
adopted but with the rapid development of more efficient molecular
techniques this situation is likely to change in forthcoming years.
Nevertheless, the use of the nomenclature definition is problematic because
it does rely on the assumption that actual genetic distinction is related to LR
names, which might not always be the case. The definition of LR used as the
basis for the national inventory will ultimately depend on the national
scenario and will vary from one country to another.
It should also be recognised that the goal of LR conservation is the maximise
the LR diversity conserved and it is by definition assumed that LR will be
locally adapted and this adaptation will be reflected in its genetic
composition, therefore even if two or more LR have the same name if they
are grown in different environments they will be genetically distinct. This of
course assumes there is no exchange of seed between local maintainers.
However, given this general point it could be argued that should be LR +
maintainer not just individual LR, this is a research question that has yet to
be investigated and in the interim it seems valid to assume LR with the same
name are more closely linked to each other than to other LR, therefore the
individual LR, identified on the basis of its name, will remain the focus of the
national checklist.

Emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum) LR grown in Monteleone di

Spoleto, Umbria, Italy and Renato Cicchetti, the farmer who ensured the
survival of this LR (photo: Renzo Torricelli).
Box 63. Nomenclatural versus genetic definition of landraces in Malawi
To test the hypothesis that there exist correlation between local nomenclature and
genetic diversity in sorghum and cowpea, Amplified Fragment Length
Polymorphism (AFLP) and morphological characterisation was undertaken on
farmer identified LR of sorghum and cowpea found in three regions of Malawi. The
sorghum landraces results found significant intra-LR genetically diversity but
individual LR were differentiated within the same agroecological region. Also
sorghum LR that shared the same local name but were sampled from different
environmental conditions were genetically diverse, which implies that when
assessing LR genetic diversity it is important to consider differences in the
prevailing physical (soils, topography, climate), biological (flora and fauna) and
socio-economic (main economic activities, land ownership, gender, age, farming’
practices, cultural practices, etc.). Further, higher genetic relatedness exists
among sorghum LR within agroecological region of origin than between regions,
so sorghum LR cultivated in relative close proximity with different names were
genetically more closely related than those with the same name at other locations.
For cowpea LR, the results showed only partially correlation between local
nomenclatural and genetic diversity, even for those LR with the same name grown
relatively closely to each other. Though in the case of cowpea LR are generally
recognised by the famer on the basis of seed size and relative days to maturing
and other characteristics may vary. Therefore, the indication is that the local
names used by farmers to distinguish LR cannot for cowpea be relied on as a
consistent proxy for genetic similarity. In conclusion and in the absence of
alternatives we may be forced to use LR names in preparing LR checklists but the
relationship between local nomenclature and genetic diversity should be
considered when studying diversity.

(iv) Survey and produce a checklist of LR. A number of methods can be used to
seek out LR information, including media releases (television, radio, press
and internet), advertisements, questionnaires, internet searches, email
correspondence, telephone calls and face to face meetings. These are likely to
be followed-up by:
 Farmer interviews. Farmers themselves can be approached indirectly
through advertisements, articles in farmers’ magazines and local
newspapers, radio or other non-print media, and directly via personal
contacts. See examples of LR diversity information collecting form and
data descriptors for management data associated with each LR surveyed
with the farmers in the ‘Additional materials and resources’.
 Expert consultations. From gene banks, national testing centres,
statutory collections associated with national cultivar listing, research
institutes, agricultural extension divisions, farmers’ organizations,
agricultural statisticians, other professionals and NGOs.
 Commercial companies involved in seed production, brewing, milling,
distilling, etc.
 Scientific literature, including historical literature, research reports,
papers and articles.
 ‘Grey literature’ associated with gene banks, research institutes, seed
companies, NGO newsletters, local farmers’ society publications, and farm
 Official documents, for instance agricultural statistics or national
varietal lists.
Also it should not be assumed that all LR must be identified by novel
investigations, some may exist and even be conserved but are not recognised as
LR. For example, in gene banks LR may not be distinguished from modern
varieties or other types of PRGFA. Therefore an initial stage in the survey maybe
to clarify whether any LR are present in existing collections but simply not
designated as LR accessions.

Scientists facilitating cowpea and sorghum LR discussion with traditional farmers,

Mateyu, Chikwawa, Malawi (photo: Edwin A Chiwona).

(iv) Make the LR checklist available to users. It is essential that the checklist that
is created is made available to users, both locally, nationally and globally. To
facilitate the widest use, the inventory should ideally be created as a digital
database which should be made available to users, ideally via a web-enabled
database. Some of the databases currently available are found in the list of
‘Additional materials and resources’.
B.3.3. Examples and applied use of LR checklists
There are no examples of complete national checklists of LR. On the other hand,
partial national checklists of LR have been prepared in some countries, including
Libya130,131 and Ethiopia132. Most examples are based on organized expeditions to
collect specimens and ex situ accessions for conservation and evaluation, as well
as to collect information on the cultivation method, history and traditional
knowledge and use of LR.

Box 64. Checklist of landraces in Ghat Oases (Libya)

A checklist of the cultivated plants occurring in the Ghat oases in Libya was
obtained following a collecting mission in 1983. A total of 57 accessions of
landraces were collected. The results obtained during this mission, together with
observations from all over the Fezzan and from a literature review allowed the
preparation of a checklist of the cultivated plants of the Ghat oases.
Source: Hammer and Perrino (1985)

Box 65. Checklist of Sorghum LR in South and Central Tigray region

A checklist and inventory of varieties of Sorghum LR existing in the South and
Central Tigray region in Ethiopia was obtained through a farmer survey. 93
selected farmers were interviewed using a structured questionnaire regarding
various socio-economic aspects, as well as landrace characteristics and seed
selection and management. A total of 165 collections from 31 locally named
Sorghum varieties were retrieved and stored at the Mekelle University. The socio-
economic factors that affect varietal diversity as well as conservation and
incentives strategies were discussed.
Source: Yemane et al. (2009)

B.3.4. List of references used to compile the text

CBD (2010) Global Strategy for Plant Conservation 2011-2020. Available from:
http://www.cbd.int/gspc/ [Accessed January 2012].
Chiwona EA, Ford-Lloyd BV, Magombo Z, Sambo E.Y. and Maxted N (in prep.)
Comparison between local nomenclatural diversity, genetic diversity and
morphological characterisation of crop landraces in Malawi.
FAO (2009) Second Report on the State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for
Food and Agriculture. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations, Rome, Italy.

Hammer and Perrino (1985)
Hammer et al. (1988)
Yemane et al. (2009)
Hammer K (1990) Botanical checklists prove useful in research programmes on
cultivated plants. Diversity 6(3-4): 31-34.
Hammer K (1991) Checklists and germplasm collecting. FAO/IBPGR Plant
Genetic Resources Newsletter 85: 15-17.
Hammer K and Perrino P (1985) A check-list of the cultivated plants of the Ghat
oases. Kulturpflanze 33: 269–286.
Hammer K, Lehman CO and Perrino P (1988) A check-list of the Libyan cultivated
plants including an inventory of the germplasm collected in the years 1981, 1982
and 1983. Kulturpflanze 36: 475-527.
Knüpffer H and Hammer K (1999) “Agricultural biodiversity: a database for
checklists of cultivated plant species.” In: Andrews S, Leslie AC and Alexander
C (Eds). Taxonomy of Cultivated plants: Third International Symposium. Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew, pp. 215-224.
Lughadha EN (2004) Towards a working list of all known plant species.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B. 359: 681-687.
Mace GM (2004) The role of taxonomy in species conservation. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society of London B. 359: 711-719.
Maxted N and Scholten MA (2007) “Methodologies for the creation of National /
European inventories.” In: Del Greco A, Negri V and Maxted N. (compilers)
Report of a Task Force on On-farm Conservation and Management, Second
Meeting, 19-20 June 2006, Stegelitz, Germany. Bioversity International, Rome,
pp 11-19.
Maxted N, Veteläinen M and Negri V (2009) “Landrace inventories: needs and
methodologies.” In: Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (Eds) European
landraces: on-farm conservation, management and use. Bioversity Technical
Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 45-52.
Negri V, Maxted N and Veteläinen M (2009) “European landrace conservation: an
introduction.” In: Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (Eds) European
landraces: on-farm conservation, management and use. Bioversity Technical
Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 1-22.
RBG (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew) (2004). Stakeholder consultation on Target 1 of
the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation and CBD. Draft report. Secretariat of
the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, Canada. Available from:
en.pdf [Accessed February 2011].
Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (2009b) “A European strategic approach to
conserving crop landraces.” In Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (Eds)
European landraces: on-farm conservation, management and use. Bioversity
Technical Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 305-325.
Yemane T, Zeratsion A, Afewerk K and Berhane G (2009) A dynamic Sorghum
(Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) diversity management in situ and livelihood
resilience in South and Central Tigray Region, Ethiopia. CNCS, Mekelle
University 1(2): 67-94. Available from:
http://www.ajol.info/index.php/mejs/article/viewFile/46049/32457 [Accessed
January 2012].
B.3.5. Additional materials and resources
Lists of global or regional crop diversity:
 Brouk B (1975) Plants consumed by Man. Academic Press, London.
EC (European Commission) (2011a) Common catalogue of varieties of
vegetable species. 29th complete edition (2011/C 14 A/01). Official Journal
 of the European Union, 18.01.2011. Available from: http://eur-
EN:PDF [Accessed December 2011].
EC (European Commission) (2011b) Common catalogue of varieties of
agricultural plant species. Third supplement to the 29th complete edition
((2011/C 328 A/01). Official Journal of the European Union, 11.11.2011.

Available from: http://eur-
EN:PDF [Accessed December 2011].
Hanelt P and IPK (Institut für Pflanzengenetik und
Kulturpflanzenforschung Gatersleben) (eds) (2001) Mansfeld’s

Encyclopaedia of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops, 6 vols. 1st Engl. Ed.
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 3645 pp.
Rehm S and Espig GE (1996) Die Kulturpflanze der Tropen und

Subtropen. Anbau, wirtschaftliche Bedeutung, Verwertung.
Sanchez-Monge E (1991) Flora Agricola. T. 1, 2. Ministerio de Agricultura,

Schultze-Motel J (1966) Verzeichnis forstlich kultivierter Pflanzenarten
 [Enumeration of cultivated forest plant species]. Kulturpflanze Beiheft 4,
486 pp.
Vul’F EV and Maleeva OF (1969) Mirovye resursy polezznych rastenij

[World resources of useful plants]. Nauka, Leningrad.
Wiersema JH and Leon D (1999) World Economic Plants. A Standard

Reference CRC Press LLC, Washington DC.
Zeven AC and de Wet JMJ (1982) Dictionary of cultivated plants and their

regions of diversity. Pudoc, Wageningen.
Global Horticulture Initiative (2007) PROTABASE - Plant Resources of
Tropical Africa: http://www.globalhort.org/knowledge-base/species/
[Accessed December 2011].
IPK (Institut für Pflanzengenetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung
Gatersleben) (2003) Mansfeld’s World Database of Agricultural and
WW Horticultural Crops. Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant
W Research. Available from: http://mansfeld.ipk-
gatersleben.de/pls/htmldb_pgrc/f?p=185:3:1352060495268324 [Accessed
February 2005].
PROSEA Foundation (n.d.) E-Prosea - Plant Resources of South-East Asia:
http://proseanet.org/prosea/eprosea.php [Accessed January 2012]
(database of both wild and plant resources of South-East Asia)
World Agroforestry Centre (2011a) Agroforestree Database:
WW http://www.worldagroforestry.org/resources/databases/agroforestree
W [Accessed December 2011] (data on the management, use and ecology of
tree species from all over the World which can be used in agro-forestry)
World Agroforestry Centre (2011b) Useful Tree Species for Africa:

species-africa [Accessed December 2011] (this tool enables the selection
of useful tree species for planting anywhere in Africa using Google Earth)
Underutilised crops/neglected species lists:
Batlle I (2000) Genetic Resources of Minor Fruit and Nut Trees in Europe.
In Maggioni, L. (compiler). Report of a Network Coordinating Group on

Minor Crops (2nd edition). First meeting. 16 June 1999, Turku, Finland.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Della A (2000) Minor Crops in the Mediterranean Region. In Maggioni L
(compiler) Report of a Network Coordinating Group on Minor Crops (2nd

edition). First meeting. 16 June 1999, Turku, Finland. International Plant
Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Hammer K and Spahillari M (2000) Crops of European origin. In:
Maggioni L (compiler) Report of a Network Coordinating Group on Minor

Crops (2nd edition). First meeting. 16 June 1999, Turku, Finland.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Michalová A (2000) Minor Cereals and Pseudocereals in Europe. In
Maggioni L (compiler) Report of a Network Coordinating Group on Minor

Crops (2ne edition). First meeting. 16 June 1999, Turku, Finland.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Pistrick K (2002) Notes on neglected and underutilized crops. Current
 taxonomical overview of cultivated plants in the families Umbelliferae and
Labiatae. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 49: 211-225.
Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilzed Species (n.d.) GFU Underutilized
Species GFU Database. Available from: http://www.underutilized-
species.org/species/species_mask.asp [Accessed December 2011]
Plants for a Future (1996-2010) Plants for a Future Database. Available
from: http://www.pfaf.org/user/plantsearch.aspx [Accessed December
2011] (a resource centre edible, medicinal and other uses unusual plants)
Freedman B (2011) Famine foods database. Available from:
WW http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/faminefoods/ff_home.html
W [Accessed January 2012] (list of plants that are not normally considered as
crops but that are consumed in times of famine)
National crop diversity studies:
 Hammer K and Spahillari M (1998) Burimet gjenetike te bimevedhe
agrobiodiversiteti. Buletini i Shkencave Bujqesore, 3: 29-36.
Esquivel M, Castiñeiras L, Knüpffer H and Hammer K (1989) A checklist
of the cultivated plants of Cuba. Kulturpflanze, 37: 211–357.
Esquivel M, Knüpffer H and Hammer K (1992) “Inventory of the cultivated
plants.” In Hammer K, Esquivel M and Knüpffer H (eds) (1992-1994).
 “…y tienen fazones y fabas muy diversos de los nuestros…” – Origin,
Evolution and Diversity of Cuban Plant Genetic Resources. 3 vols., 824
pp. IPK, Gatersleben.
Knüpffer H, Esquivel M and Hammer K (unknown date) A database for the
cultivated plants of Cuba. Rev. Jard. Bot. Nac., Habana. In Hammer K
(1991). Checklists and germplasm collecting. FAO/IBPGR Plant
Genetic Resources Newsletter, 85: 15-17.
Baik M-C, Hoang H-Dz and Hammer K (1986) A check-list of the Korean
cultivated plants. Kulturpflanzen, 34: 69-144.

Hoang H-Dz, Knüpffer H and Hammer K (1997) Additional notes to the
checklist of Korean cultivated plants (5). Consolidated summary and
indexes. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 44: 349-391.
Hammer K and Perrino P (1985) A check-list of the cultivated plants of the
Ghat oases. Kulturpflanze, 33: 269–286.

Hammer K, Lehman CO and Perrino P (1988) A check-list of the Libyan
cultivated plants including an inventory of the germplasm collected in
the years 1981, 1982 and 1983. Kulturpflanze, 36: 475-527.
Smekalova T (2009) “Cultivated plants inventory of Russia”. In:
 Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (eds) European Landraces: On-Farm
Conservation, Management and Use. Bioversity Technical Bulletin, No 15.
South Italy and Sicily:
Hammer K, Knüpffer H and Perrino P (1990). A checklist of the South
Italian cultivated plants. Kulturpflanze, 38: 191–310
Hammer K, Knüpffer H, Laghetti G and Perrino P (1992) Seeds form the
past. A catalogue of crop germplasm in south Italy and Sicily. Instituto

del Germoplasma del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Bari. 173 p.
Central and north Italy:
Hammer K, Knüpffer H, Laghetti G and Perrino P (1999) Seeds form the
past. A catalogue of crop germplasm in central and north Italy. Instituto
del Germoplasma del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Bari. 253 p.
Monographs of crops:
Promoting the Conservation and Use of Underutilized and Neglected
 Crops Series which have monographic inventories available from
International agricultural statistics:
WW FAOSTAT: http://faostat.fao.org/ (data on global production and value
W for crops that may be queried at a national level)
WW EUROSTAT: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu (provides information for
W European Union countries)
Nomenclatural versus genetic definition of landraces:
de Haan S, Bonierbale M, Ghislain M, Núñez J and Trujillo G (2007)
 Indigenous biosystematics of Andean potatoes: folk taxonomy,
descriptors and nomenclature. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 745: 89-134.
Huamán Z and Spooner DM (2002) Reclassification of landrace
 populations of cultivated potatoes (Solanum sect. Petota). American
Journal of Botany 89: 947-965.
Majaju C and Chakuya E (2008) Morphological variation of sorghum
 landrace accessions on-farm in semi-arid areas of Zimbabwe. International
Journal of Botany, 4(4): 376-382.
B.4. National inventory of landraces and analysis
B.4.1. Overview

What is a national inventory of landraces?

The national LR inventory is the checklist plus associated information for priority
individual LR maintained by each farmer in the country. So, for instance, a
national inventory of LR may include 200 LR, but each of these LR may be
cultivated by more than one farmer (a LR grown by a farmer is considered a
different LR population), therefore each LR population will have unique associated
data, regarding its maintenance, in that particular farm by that particular farmer.
What is the difference between the LR national checklist and the LR national
Whereas the national checklist is the list of the different LR that occur in the
country, is the checklist plus associated information (ecogeographic, cultivation,
characterisation, evaluation and farmer-based knowledge data) for priority
individual LR maintained by each farmer in the country. In practice, there is only
one entry for each LR name in the national LR checklist, whereas in the inventory
each LR can have multiple accessions as different farmers/maintainers can grow
the same LR.
Nevertheless, when preparing a National management plan for LR conservation
and pre-existing knowledge on nationally grown LR is limited or non-existent, a LR
survey is needed so practically the creation of the national LR checklist and
inventory may run, at least in part, in parallel.

A national inventory of LR results from the collation of taxonomic, ecogeographic,

characterisation and evaluation data as well as farmer knowledge on management
and conservation of each LR grown . The knowledge we obtain from inventories of
LR will:
i. help to characterise and evaluate the LR diversity present in a country;
ii. assist authorities in planning and implementing policies and strategies for
conservation and use of agro-biodiversity, which is essential in underpinning
national food security; and
iii. allow the accessibility and exchange of information within existing PGR
networks, as well as other researchers and research stations.
The process of collating geographic, agroecological, taxonomic and genetic data
and using it to help plan conservation is called an ‘ecogeographic survey’. It is
formally defined as “an ecological, geographical, taxonomic and genetic
information gathering and synthesis process, where the results are predictive and
can be used to assist in the formulation of collection and conservation
priorities”133. The ecogeographic model was originally developed for wild
plants134,135 but can be equally well used for crop LR conservation51, 136. The LR

Castañeda Álvarez et al. 2011
For Trifolium spp. by Bennett and Bullitta (2003)
characterisation and evaluation data along with farmer knowledge on
management complements that normally collated as part of an ecogeographic
survey and should be integrated with it when undertaking an ecogeographic
survey of LR diversity.
Error! Reference source not found. illustrates the ecogeographic survey
methodology. It comprises three main phases: project design, data collection and
analysis, and the ecogeographic products. The project design includes: (i)
Identification of taxon or crop expert, (ii) Selection of target taxon/crop taxonomy,
and (iii) Design and creation of the database structure. The data collection and
analysis include: (iv) Survey of passport, management, site and environment, and
existing characterization and evaluation data, (v) Collation of data into database,
(vi) Data verification, and (vii) Data analysis. The ecogeographic products
include: (viii) LR inventory (which contains raw data on existing LR grown by each
farmer together with the ecogeographic, characterisation, evaluation and farmer
knowledge on its management and conservation), (ix) Conspectus (that
summarizes all data for each LR), and (x) Report (which interprets the data

Gene bank team interviewing farmer about sorghum LR in Hungary (photo:

Vojtech Holubec).

B.4.2. Methodology for the LR ecogeographic survey

(i) Identification of taxon/crop expertise.
 Farmers (often female): generally play a key role in the management of
many crops, should also be identified and contacted

For African Vigna spp. by Maxted et al. (2004)
Guarino et al. (2005)
 Crop experts or botanists: can give advice on the location of important
plant collections and suggest relevant grey literature, monographs, crop
databases and other works;
 Breeders, agronomists with experience in the crop gene pool, and other
users of PGR working in national agricultural research centres: they are
usually familiarised with documenting, interpreting, and using genetic
diversity at the infra-specific level, as well as identifying gaps in existing
collections, regions known or suspected to harbour interesting LR
germplasm, and what traits to look for and pay particular attention to
when in the field;
 Global and regional crop-specific networks, NGOs, governmental or
international agencies working in rural development projects in the target
region (Guarino et al. 2005);
 Social scientists working in the target region: can provide information on
farming systems and crops.
(ii) Selection of target taxon/crop taxonomy. The generally accepted taxonomic
classification can be determined with the help of:
 Target taxon experts;
 National or global Floras;
 Crop monographs;
 Recent crop studies;
 Crop databases, etc.
(iii) Design and creation of the ecogeographic, characterisation, evaluation and
farmer-based knowledge database structure.
 A careful reflection on the types of data to be included in the database
should precede its creation. The collecting form (when surveying farmers
for LR information) should be strongly linked to this database meaning
that all fields in the collecting form are included in the database structure.
See ‘Additional materials and resources’ for an example of a questionnaire
used in interviewing farmers and of Passport Descriptors.
Identification of taxon/crop expertise

Selection of target taxon/crop taxonomy

LR national Design and creation of the

checklist database structure

Survey of passport, management, site and environment,


Seed system
and existing characterization and evaluation data Novel characterization
and evaluation data

(Herbaria Gene banks Literature Experts Farmers/maintainers Collection of Passport

survey) survey survey consultation interviews material data

Collation of data into database Seed samples

Data verification Re‐identification

Data analysis

Data synthesis


Figure 29. Ecogeographic study / survey model

 Types of data include: passport data (generally include accession
descriptors, collecting descriptors, nomenclatural data, socio-economic
data, and farmer-based knowledge descriptors), site and environment data
(describe environmental and site-specific parameters which can be
associated with characterization and evaluation trials, characterisation
data (related to the highly heritable traits that are expressed in all
environments), and evaluation data (associated with the traits that are
susceptible to environmental differences).
 Data descriptors and data standards should be determined.
 The database software package should be both user-friendly and able to
accommodate the complexity of a database of this kind. Several database
software packages are available (Microsoft Access, MySQL, etc.).
 The data format should be standardised.
 The ecogeographic, characterisation, evaluation and farmer-based
knowledge database may be directly linked to the LR national inventory
through a unique identifier number (LR name or LR ID); alternatively,
they can be two independent products.
(iv) Survey and collation of passport, management, site and environment, and
existing characterisation and evaluation data into the database. Sources of
data are likely to include:
 Gene banks: e.g., SINGER, IPGRI’s Germplasm Holdings Database, etc.
 Scientific and ‘grey’ literature: crop monographs, recent crop studies, crop
databases, gazetteers, scientific papers, soil, vegetation and climate maps,
atlases, etc., available both in conventional printed paper and in digital
 Crop experts.
 Herbaria: not so important for LR and only a limited number of herbaria
accept vouchers of cultivated species (e.g. the Vavilov Institute of St.
Petersburg, Russia).
 Farmers and maintainers of LR: engaging farmers/LR maintainers in
conservation, even before starting the inventory, is important to facilitate
the exchange of information; while collecting farmers’ knowledge on the
management of LR, material can be collected (e.g. whole plants or seeds)
together with passport and other relevant associated data.
It should be noted that each LR there may be several LR populations or ex situ
accessions as different farmers/maintainers can grow the same LR. It is thus
important to link LR populations to sites or farmers/maintainers to ensure any
local intra-LR diversity is potentially recognisable. The passport, site and
environmental data should be available for every accession of every LR. The
characterisation and evaluation data are usually not available and may require
specific trials. However, when available, characterisation and evaluation data will
help contribute to the identification of the LR.
Screenshot of UK national LR inventory database (photo: Shelagh Kell).

Box 66. Types of data to include in a national inventory of landraces

 Crop maintainer details: name, address, contact details, year of birth, gender,
family structure, education, main source of income, owned or rented land, etc.
 Crop maintainer data: how long maintainer will continue
cultivation/conservation, whether someone (from younger generations, other
relatives, neighbour, etc.) will continue to cultivate the LR.
 Site geographic data: location, coordinates, size of farm, site environmental
data: cropping site type, altitude, landform, aspect, slope, soil texture, soil
drainage, soil pH, temperature, rainfall.
 Crop nomenclature data: genus, species, authority, infra-specific epithet, infra-
specific epithet authority, taxonomic rank, crop cultivar name, synonyms,
vernacular names.
 Socio-economic data: crop purpose and the contribution it makes to income and
nutrition, usage (e.g., description of main usage, secondary usage, home
consumption or marketed, marketing, current and past values, member of
grower or marketing cooperative), maintainer-perceived value, type, source,
country of origin, history of cultivation, crop qualities, local or national
maintainer incentives.
 Crop cultivation and management data: area currently sown, history of area
sown, sowing date, crop system (arable or mixed farming system), harvesting
date, irrigation, fertiliser, fungicide and pesticide types, organic status, crop
resistance as noted by maintainer, propagation method, selection criteria for
propagation, variation displayed by the LR with regard to characterization and
evaluation traits, major agronomic problems faced by the crop (pest, diseases,
drought, etc.), relationship to other landraces.
 Relative uniqueness of LR (i.e. grown on single farm or more widespread,
genetic distinction).
 Crop conservation status: whether the crop is stored ex situ, method of
selection of seed saved method of seed storage, maintainer exchange
frequency, whether it is adequately managed in situ, threat of genetic erosion
(e.g. perverse incentives, lack of sustainability of farming system, lack of
market), length of seed saving, etc.
 Characterisation data: e.g. leaf shape, flower colour, plant habit, seed colour,
chromosome number, etc.
 Evaluation data: plant height, days to maturity, protein percentage, disease
resistance yield, maintainer’s comparison with modern varieties, product
processing details etc.
 Photographs.
Some of this information may have implications for data protection and so may
not be included in an on-line version of the database to protect the privacy of
the data providers, but it should not be anonymised so that individual
collections may be traced if desirable traits are located.
Note: The data types listed above are extensive it is not necessary to have a
complete set to constitute a national inventory, a pragmatic approach should be
taken when collating the data, however, the more complete the dataset, the
more sophisticated the analysis and the more detailed the conservation to be
implemented. An absolute minimum for the data types to be included would be
LR name, site and crop maintainer.
Interviewing a farmer about “Broa 29” LR of maize (Zea mays) on how seeds
are selected for the next season, in S. Pedro do Sul (Portugal) (photo: Pedro

Collection of seeds of cowpea (Vigna spp.) LR, near Harmanli (Bulgaria)

(photo: Tsvetelina Stoilova)
Box 67. Considerations when using ex situ data
Care must be taken when interpreting information on current germplasm
conserved. In many cases the coordinates are (wholly or partly) missing, imprecise
or wrong. Moreover, the material held might be incorrectly identified (though this
is less likely to be the case of crop species), it might not be representative of the
genetic diversity of the sampled population and it might be duplicated in several
institutions giving a false idea of the actual genetic diversity being conserved.
Further it may for various reasons be unavailable to potential users, some
collections might not be efficiently managed and therefore records may contain
errors and the germplasm might not be effectively conserved.
Source: Maxted et al. (1995), Hijmans et al. (1999)

(v) Ecogeographic data verification (Figure 30).

 Check for duplicates. Namely regarding the gene bank and herbaria
survey, those records with the exact same data should be highlighted as
duplicates so to avoid a false impression of the intensity of LR collection.
 Check for spelling errors and standardise the data format.
 Georeference all the entries, if possible. While undertaking the farmers’
survey, LR populations should be georeferenced in situ; data from other
sources should also be georeferenced by using (on-line) gazetteers, maps,
Google Earth, etc.
 Assign a level of data accuracy; different levels of data accuracy should be
assigned to each record
 Check for outlier locations. Distribution maps should be created (with a
GIS, if possible) to look for outlier collection sites. All individual records
should then be corrected for these mistakes or deleted if correction is not

Check for

Check for spelling

errors (species
names, toponyms)


Ascribe levels of


Distribution maps

Check for outlier


Figure 30. Schematic representation of ecogeographic data verification

(vi) Analysis of collated data. It may include:

 The distribution of LR;
 The distribution of specific character states within LR;
 The variation displayed by the LR with regard to characterization and
evaluation traits;
 Analysis of major agronomic problems faced by the crop (pest, diseases,
drought, etc.);
 The mapping and detection of ecogeographic patterns (e.g. phenology of
the crop in different areas, whether a particular LR occurs on a particular
soil type, or whether the frequency of a character state changes along an
environmental gradient);
 The identification of sites for on-farm conservation;
 Target LR with traits of interest for plant breeders or to complement
existing ex situ conservation.
See B.8. Gap analysis of priority landraces for methodologies and
corresponding ‘Additional materials and resources’ on ecogeographic
analyses and resources.

(vii) Data synthesis. The products that synthesise the data collated include the LR
national inventory (which contains raw data), the conspectus (that
summarizes all data collated for each LR) and the report (which interprets
the data obtained).

Table 6. Examples of types of data and the corresponding level of accuracy for LR

1 Exact places (e.g., farms)
2 Within an area of 1 km2
3 Within an area of 10 km2
4 Within an area of 20 km2
Within an area of 100 km2
or more

B.4.3. Examples and applied use

There are no examples of complete national inventories of LR. On the other hand,
partial national inventories have been prepared in several countries, including
Bulgaria138, Hungary139, Italy, Portugal140, Sweden141 and United Kingdom142, but
none are systematic or comprehensive. Most examples are based on organized
expeditions to collect specimens and ex situ accessions for conservation and
evaluation, as well as to collect information on the cultivation method, history and
traditional knowledge and use of LR. This is the case for example for Denmark143,
Japan and Lao People’s Democratic Republic144.

Adapted from Magos Brehm (2009)
Krasteva et al. (2009)
Holly et al. (2009)
Mendes Moreira and Veloso (2009)
Weibull et al. (2009)
Scholten et al. (2004, 2009)
Poulsen (2009)
FAO Country Reports (2009)
Box 68. Inventory of landraces in Sweden
Potential LR growers were reached through several different channels: media (TV,
radio broadcasting, local and national newspapers, garden magazines),
exhibitions, seed growers, farmers, retirees’ organizations, regional organizations
for agricultural outreach, amongst others. Crop demonstration trials were also set
up by various organizations.
The growers of LR were asked to contact the Swedish programme for the diversity
of cultivated plants (POM) and provide as much documentation as possible about
their plant material. The growers were asked to answer the following questions:
• Where, by whom and how long had it been grown?
• Was something known of its origin?
• Was it still being grown?
• The name of the cultivar, if available.
• The age of the seed.
• The information on the seed bag.
• Some particular traits or characteristics of the cultivar.
The LR growers then sent their seeds for evaluation together with the above
information; the seeds were submitted to germination tests and/or seed
multiplication and finally stored at NordGen in Alnarp, southern Sweden and
safety-duplicated at Svalbard. The inventory of Swedish LR was then compiled.
Source: Weibull et al. (2009)

Monographic LR inventories have been compiled for particular crop groups

and/or in particular geographic areas, for instance in three strategic areas in
Romania145, rice in three major rice agro-ecozones in Nepal146, coastal
agroecosystems in Luong Vien Commune, Vietnam147, fruits in the Czech
Republic148, forage LR in Central Italy149, vegetables in England and Wales150,
barley (Hordeum vulgare), oat (Avena strigosa), rye (Secale cereal), cabbage
(Brassica oleracea) and Timothy grass (Phleum pratense) in Scotland151, and
maize (Zea Mays) in Chiapas, Mexico152.

Strajeru et al. (2009)
Bajracharya et al. (2010)
Son et al. (2003)
Paprštein and Kloutvor (2001)
Negri (2005b)
Kell et al. (2009)
Wright et al. (2002) and http://www.scottishlandraces.org.uk/scotlandrace_index.htm
Bellon and Brush (1994)
Box 69. Inventory of landraces in Romania
The initial source of data for the LR inventory was a database (BIOGEN database)
designed and managed by the Suceava Gene bank (http://www.svgenebank.ro/)
holding information gathered during 20 years of systematic survey and collecting
missions. Three strategic areas with great genetic diversity of major crops such as
wheat, maize, bean, potato and faba bean, were surveyed (Suceava, Maramures
and Apuseni Mountains). Based on the importance in rural people’s diet, the high
number of LR, and the wide distribution in Romania, LR of Phaseolus vulgaris L.
were given priority. Agricultural extension services, local authorities, biology and
agronomy teachers, as well as local priests, who selected farmers recognized as
‘conservationists’, were interviewed and an inventory of LR was compiled. The
information collected was revalidated with farming communities during collecting
trips in 2007 and 2008.
Source: Strajeru et al. (2009)

Box 70. Rice landraces in three rice agro-ecozones in Nepal

A survey of rice LR was undertaken in three sites representing three agro-
ecosystems (Bara: 100-150m, Kaski: 700-1206m, Jumla: 2200-3000m). A total of
nine villages were surveyed for rice diversity through a Participatory Rural
Appraisal (PRA) methodology (direct observations and group interviews) where
socio-economic and cultural diversity that influences agrobiodiversity were
assessed. This way, an inventory of LR representative of these three agro-
ecosystems was carried out.
Source: Bajracharya et al. (2010)

Diversity of Zea mays L. diversity on a farm in the Chiapas region, Mexico (photo:
Carolina Camacho).
Box 71. Inventory of maize in Mexico
The project “Proyecto Global de Maíces Nativos” [Global Project of Native Maize]
was carried out by CONABIO, the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones
Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP) and the Instituto Nacional de Ecología
(INE) in Mexico, between 2006 and 2010. This global project included 12 smaller
projects with specific objectives:
 Collation and analysis of bibliographic information about the origin and
diversification of maize;
 The digitizing of the information obtained from the main national ex situ
collection of maize and teosinte in Mexico (at the Unidad de Recursos Genéticos
del Banco de Germoplasma of the CEVAMEX - Campo Experimental del Valle de
México - of the INIFAP);
 Ten projects aiming to collect seeds in most of the agricultural areas where
native maize is still cultivated.
The main products obtained with this global project were: (i) a document on the
centres of origin and genetic diversity of maize in Mexico (see Kato et al. 2009),
(ii) a database of all known maize LR and wild relatives (available from
atos/BaseMaicesNativos.xlsx) which comprise the collection of the main national
gene bank and the new collections resulted from the smaller ten projects. By
October 2010, the database included a total of 24,057 records (22,931 native maize,
599 teosinte and 527 Tripsacum wild relatives of maize).
The global project gathered about 235 researchers from 70 academic and research
institutes who participated in the collecting missions, characterisation of samples,
systematisation and collation of information on maize and teosinte.
Source: http://www.biodiversidad.gob.mx/genes/proyectoMaices.html

Box 72. Conservation and sustainable use of dryland agrobiodiversity

The conservation and sustainable use of dryland agrobiodiversity project was
funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) between 1999 and 2004. The project aimed at
promoting the community-based in situ conservation and sustainable use of both
LR and CWR of cereals, food and feed legumes, Allium and fruit tree species
originating from Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria. The project was coordinated
by the International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) in
cooperation with IPGRI-CWANA and ACSAD. Its activities were carried out mainly
by National Research Institutions or the Ministry of Agriculture in two target areas
in each country. Universities and NGOs also helped implement some of the project
Among other tasks, socioeconomic and ecogeographic (agrobiodiversity) surveys
were conducted periodically in 63 monitoring areas over 24 project sites in order to
evaluate the conservation status of agrobiodiversity and its main threats.
Comprehensive ecogeographic data were compiled in order to describe the
dynamics of vegetation and monitor key plant populations. Ecogeographic data
included species data (e.g. growth stage, cover/density, health status, etc.), ecology
and land use. Data were then collated in a database to facilitate its management and
use as well as the analysis of time-series data at country and regional levels. The
database was installed and used in each country, but maintained by ICARDA, whose
staff periodically update with new data sent by national survey teams.
The main results of LR surveys showed that LR of wheat, barley, lentils, olives, figs,
and almonds are still widely used by farmers (despite a decrease in area of
cultivation), whereas improved varieties are mainly used in the case of apples,
apricots, and plums. On average, local communities reported to cultivate about six
LR of wheat and barley and more than 10 of olives, grapes and figs. The
socioeconomic studies revealed that local communities prefer LR of barley, wheat,
chickpea, lentil, olives, figs, grapes and apricots due to their adaptation to extreme
environments, and because they provide good food and processing qualities in
comparison to the improved varieties of those crops. Lack of marketing
opportunities was highlighted as the major constraint to the more widespread
cultivation of LR.
Source: ICARDA (2001)

Wheat landrace growing near Tel Kalakh, Syria (photo: Nigel Maxted)

Box 73. Use of agroecological and characterization data to establish a core

A core collection of Phaseolus vulgaris was established using ecogeographic
analysis methodologies. Based on the history of the crop, regions of collection
were prioritized. GIS surfaces layers for four parameters (length of growing
season, photoperiod, soil type, moisture regime) were interpolated and used to
define 54 distinct ecogeographic areas. To each 10-minute grid cell, one of those
areas was assigned. Passport data were used to match each LR accession to an
ecogeographic class. Accessions in each ecogeographic area were stratified
according to characterization data (growth habit, grain colour, grain size). Finally,
accessions were selected randomly from within each stratum within each
environmental class.
Source: Tohme et al. (1995)

Box 74. On-farm conservation of legume landraces in Turkey

A project on the in situ and on-farm conservation of legume LR in Turkey was
initiated in 1993 and funded by the Turkish Scientific and Technical Board
together with AARI. It focused on the on-farm conservation of LR of lentil,
chickpea and bean grown in NW transitional zones. Its main objectives were to
collect and conserve LR and to analyse agromorphologic, ecogeographic and
socioeconomic data in order to understand farmers’ preferences and cultivation
methods and study the possibility of on-farm conservation of LR. Socioeconomic
and ecogeographic surveys were conducted in the north western transitional zone
adjacent to the north western Black Sea, northeaster Aegean and Central
Anatolian regions. LR distribution maps were produced and the socioeconomic
status of LR cultivation was evaluated. LR of hulled wheat, bean, chickpea and
lentil were selected as the priorities for on-farm conservation in the transitional
zone in Turkey.
Source: Tan and Açikgöz (2002)

B.4.4. List of references used to compile the text

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determining rice landrace diversity in three agro-ecozones of Nepal based on
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Bellon MR and Brush S (1994) Keepers of maize in Chiapas, Mexico. Economic
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Bioversity International (2007) Guidelines for the development of crop descriptors
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Castañeda Álvarez NP, Vincent HA, Kell SP, Eastwood RJ and Maxted N (2011)
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Dulloo ME, Maxted N, Guarino L, Florens D, Newbury HJ and Ford‐Lloyd BV
(1999) Ecogeographic survey of the genus Coffea in the Mascarene Islands.
Botanical Journal of the Linnaean Society 131: 263‐284.
FAO Country Reports (2009) Benin, Brazil, Japan, Jordan Lao People’s Democratic
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conservation, Management and Use. Bioversity Technical Bulletin 15. Bioversity
International, Rome. pp. 124-136.
Negri V (2005b) “On-farm conservation of forage landraces in Central Italy.” In:
Boller B, Willner E, Maggioni L and Lipman E (compilers) Report of a Working
Group on Forages. Eighth Meeting, 10-12 April 2003, Linz, Austria. International
Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy. pp. 143-147.
Paprštein F, Kloutvor J (2001) Inventory of fruit landraces. Vědecké práce
ovocnářské, 17: 159-162. (in Czech)
Poulsen G (2009) “Landrace inventory of Denmark.” In Veteläinen M, Negri V and
Maxted N (Eds) European Landraces: On-farm conservation, Management and
Use. Bioversity Technical Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 69.
Scholten M, Maxted N and Ford-Lloyd BV (2004) UK National Inventory of Plant
Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Unpublished Report. Defra,
Scholten M, Green N, Campbell G, Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Ambrose M
(2009) “Landrace inventory of the UK.” In Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N
(Eds) European Landraces: On-farm conservation, Management and Use.
Bioversity Technical Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 161-170.
Son DT, Tuyen TV, Lan NT and Thanh NT (2003) “Assessment of crop diversity in
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Hue Province.” In: Tuan HD, Hue NN, Sthapit BR and Jarvis DI (Eds) On-farm
management of agricultural biodiversity in Vietnam. Proceedings of a
Symposium 6–12 December 2001, Hanoi, Vietnam. International Plant Genetic
Resources Institute, Rome, Italy. pp. 40-44.
Strajeru S, Ibanescu M and Constantinovici D (2009) “Landrace inventory for
Romania.” In Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (Eds) European Landraces:
On-farm conservation, Management and Use. Bioversity Technical Bulletin 15.
Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 137-142.
Tan A and Açikgöz N (2002) “In situ and on-farm conservation of legume
landraces in Turkey.” In: Maggioni L, Ambrose M, Schachl R, Duc G and
Lipman E (compilers). Report of a Working Group on Grain Legumes. Third
Meeting, 5-7 July 2001, Kraków, Poland. International Plant Genetic Resources
Institute, Rome, Italy. pp. 117-120.
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Sons, Chichester, UK. pp. 95-107.
Weibull J, Jansson E and Bladh KW (2009) “’Swedes revisited’: a landrace
inventory in Sweden.” In Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (Eds) European
landraces: on-farm conservation, management and Use. Bioversity Technical
Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome. pp. 155-160.
Wright IA, Dalziel AJI and Ellis RP (2002) The Status of Traditional Scottish
Animal Breeds and Plant Varieties and the Implications for Biodiversity.
Scottish Executive Social Research, Edinburgh.

B.4.5. Additional materials and resources

LR national inventories of particular crops (or groups of crops) or partial
inventories of LR:
Cardoso S and Maxted N (2008) Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) landrace
 survey in the Portuguese regions of Douro and Colares. Plant Genetic
Resources Newsletter, 154: 30-39.
Cardoso S and Maxted N (2009) “Regional and crop-specific survey:
grapevine landraces in Douro and Colares, Portugal.” In Veteläinen M,
 Negri V and Maxted N (eds) European Landraces: On-farm conservation,
Management and Use. Bioversity Technical Bulletin 15. Bioversity
International, Rome, pp. 203-212.
Heinonen M (2009a) “Maatiaisviljat Suomessa 1900-luvun alussa.”
[Cereal landraces in the early 20th century Finland] In: Heinonen M (ed)
Maatiaiskasvien ylläpitoviljely Suomessa. [Maintenance of landrace
 cereals in Finland] Maa- ja elintarviketalous
144. pp. 25-58. MTT, Jokioinen. Available from:
http://www.mtt.fi/met/pdf/met144.pdf [Accessed on December 2011]. (in
Finnish with short summaries in English)
Heinonen M (2009b) “Maatiaisviljojen viljelijät Suomessa.” [Farmers of
cereal landraces in Finland] In: Heinonen M (ed) Maatiaiskasvien
ylläpitoviljely Suomessa. [Maintenance of landrace cereals in Finland]
 Maa- ja elintarviketalous
144. MTT, Jokioinen. pp. 59-74. Available from:
http://www.mtt.fi/met/pdf/met144.pdf [Accessed on December 2011]. (in
Finnish with short summaries in English)
Heinonen M and Veteläinen M (2009) “Cereal landrace inventories in
Finland.” In Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (eds) European

Landraces: On-farm Conservation, Management and Use. Bioversity
Technical Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 70-78.
Heinonen M and Veteläinen M (2011) “Cereal landrace farmers in Finland
their motivation to on-farm conservation.” In: Nordic Association of
Agricultural Scientists. NJF Report vol. 7 (1). NJF Seminar 436

Biodiversity in agriculture – lessons learned and future directions. Ulvik in
Hardanger, Norway, 24-26 May 2011. pp. 51-55. Available from:
M47vyZA.pdf [Accessed on December 2011].
Kell SP, Maxted N, Allender C, Astley D, Ford‐Lloyd BV and contributors
 (2009) Vegetable Landrace Inventory of England and Wales. The
University of Birmingham, UK. 117 pp. Available from:
_england_and_wales.pdf [Accessed 2 March 2011].
Mendes-Moreira PMR, Queiroz N, Teixeira N, Santos D, Vaz Patto MC,
Santos JP, Morgado L, Santos JP, Carvalho V, Santos C, Soares R and Pêgo
SE (2007a) Maintaining traditional agricultural systems. The last redoubt
 of long term in situ conservation. In Proceedings of 18th Eucarpia Genetic
Resources Section - Plant Genetic Resources and their Exploitation in the
Plant Breeding for Food and Agriculture 23-26 May 2007. Piešťany, Slovak
Republic. pp.99.
Mendes-Moreira PMR and Veloso MM (2009) “Landrace inventory for
Portugal.” In: Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (eds) European
 Landraces On-Farm Conservation, Management and Use. Bioversity
Technical Bulletin No. 15. Bioversity International, Rome, Italy. pp. 124-
Murariu D, Strajeru S, Avramiuc M and Popa M (2001) “Inventory and
evaluation of the local maize landraces in Romanian Bucovina (NE
Carpathian Mountains).” In Świecicki W, Naganowska B and Wolko B

(eds) Broad variation and precise characterization - limitation for the
future. Proceedings of the XVIth EUCARPIA Genetic Resources Section
workshop, Poznan´, Poland, 16-20 May 200, pp. 240-244.
Rijal DK, Kadayat KB, Joshi KD and BR Sthapit BR (1998) Inventory of
Indigenous Rainfed and Aromatic Rice Landraces in Seti River Valley
Pokhara, Nepal. LI-BIRD Technical Paper No. 2. Local Initiatives for
 Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD), Pokhara, Nepal.
Available at: http://idl-
bnc.idrc.ca/dspace/bitstream/10625/23370/1/113255.pdf [Accessed 2
March 2011].
Stoilova T (2010) Phaseolus diversity (Ph. vulgaris L. and Ph. coccineus L.)
 maintained in Troyan region. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the
Balkans 13(5): 1165-1172.
Tuyet NTT, Trinh LN, Hue NTN, The TV, Nien DV and Phai DTH (2003)
“Inventory and evaluation of rice genetic diversity at Da Bac site.” In:
Tuan HD, Hue NN, Sthapit BR and Jarvis DI (eds) On-farm management

of agricultural biodiversity in Vietnam. Proceedings of a Symposium 6–12
December 2001, Hanoi, Vietnam. International Plant Genetic Resources
Institute, Rome, Italy. pp. 45-52.
Veloso MM, Rodriguez MC, Carneiro LC, Matos CR and Matos E (2010)
Comparative study of Phaseolus vulgaris L. landraces from Portugal and

Angola. 28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisbon (22-27 August),
Book of Abstracts, Abstract S12.290.
Mendes-Moreira PMR, Queiroz N, Teixeira N, Santos D, Vaz Patto MC,
Santos JP, Morgado L, Santos JP, Carvalho V, Santos C, Soares R and Pêgo
 SE (2007b) Sistemas de Agricultura tradicionais. O último reduto de
conservação in situ/on-farm. Workshop Biodiversidade em Sistemas
Agrícolas e Florestais. Portugal, Oeiras, 25 e 26 de Outubro de 2007.
Italian LR inventory: www.catalogovarietalocali.pris2.parco3a.org
WW Italian LR from which typical Italian products were obtained:
W http://biotec.casaccia.it
Lazio and Marche Regions (Italy) LR inventory:
WW Tuscany (Italy) LR inventory:
W http://germoplasma.arsia.toscana.it/Germo/
UK LR inventory: http://grfa.org.uk/search/plants/index.html
General references on geographic analysis:
Greene SL and Hart TS (1999) “Implementing a geographic analysis in
germplasm conservation.” In: Greene SL and Guarino L (ed). Linking

Genetic Resources to Geography: Strategies for Conserving Crop
Biodiversity. CSSA Special Publication 27. Madison, WI. pp. 25-38.
Examples of applied ecogeographic studies and spatial analysis of LR:
Mutegi E, Sagnard F, Muraya M, Kanyenji B, Rono B, Mwongera C,
Marangu C, Kamau J, Parzies H, de Villiers S, Semagn K, Traoré PS and
Labuschagne M (2010) Ecogeographical distribution of wild, weedy and

cultivated Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench in Kenya: implications for
conservation and crop-to-wild gene flow. Genetic Resources and Crop
Evolution, 57: 243-253.
Negri V (2003) Landraces in central Italy: Where and why they are
 conserved and perspectives for their on-farm conservation. Genetic
Resources and Crop Evolution 50: 871-885.
Negri V (2005b) “On-farm conservation of forage landraces in Central
Italy.” In: Boller B, Willner E, Maggioni L and Lipman E (compilers) Report
 of a Working Group on Forages. Eighth Meeting, 10-12 April 2003, Linz,
Austria. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy. pp.
Ravan S, Kale M and Roy PS (2004) Identification of potential sites for in
 situ conservation of landraces associated with forest ecosystem –
Geomatics approach. Current Science 87(8, 25): 1115-1122.
Străjeru S (unknown date) Current state of on farm conservation activities
in Romania. Available from:

ervation%20activities%20in%20Romania.pdf [Accessed December 2011].
Technical documents on ecogeographic survey and analysis:

 Schledeman X and van Zonneveld M (2010) Training Manual on Spatial

Analysis of Plant Diversity and Distribution. Bioversity International,
Rome, Italy. Available at:
Bioversity International training modules on ecogeographic surveys and
WW spatial analysis:
W http://www.bioversityinternational.org/training/training_materials.html#
Descriptors and data standards for the documentation of on-farm conservation
and management activities:
Bioversity and The Christensen Fund, 2009. Descriptors for farmers’
knowledge of plants. Bioversity International, Rome, Italy and The
Christensen Fund, Palo Alto, California, USA. Available from:
 http://www.bioversityinternational.org/nc/publications/publication/issu
e/descriptors_for_farmers_knowledge_of_plants.html [Accessed on:
December 2011]. It provides a standard format for the gathering, storage,
retrieval and exchange of farmers’ knowledge of plants.
Kell SP, Maxted N, Allender C, Astley D, Ford‐Lloyd BV and contributors
(2009) Vegetable Landrace Inventory of England and Wales. The
University of Birmingham, UK. 117 pp. Available from:

_england_and_wales.pdf [Accessed 2 March 2011]. (includes a LR data
acquisition questionnaire and database structure)
Negri V, Maxted N, Torricelli R, Heinonen M, Veteläinen M and Dias S
(2011) Draft descriptors for web-enabled national in situ landrace
 inventories. PGR Secure. Available from:
k/LR_DESCRIPTORS_PGR_Secure_draft.pdf [Accessed May 2012].
Suceava gene bank (Romania) and the Dipartimento di Biologia Applicata
(Italy) and revised by the members of the European Cooperative
Programme for Plant Genetic Resources (ECPGR) On-farm Working
 Group. Minimum descriptors list for the documentation of on-farm
conservation and management activities. Available from:
r_DRAFT271107.pdf [Accessed December 2011].
The FAO/IPGRI Multi-crop Passport Descriptors (MCPD). Available from:
 http://www.bioversityinternational.org/index.php?id=19&user_bioversity
publications_pi1[showUid]=2192 [Accessed December 2011].
Proposed descriptors for web-enabled collation of national LR inventories.
WW Available from:
W http://www.pgrsecure.bham.ac.uk/sites/default/files/documents/helpdes
k/LRDESCRIPTORS_PGRSECURE.pdf [Accessed June 2012].
WW For crop specific characterisation and evaluation descriptors search at:
W http://www.bioversityinternational.org/publications/search.html
Characterisation and evaluation examples:
Alonso A, Vázquez-Araújo L, García-Martínez S, Ruiz JJ and Carbonell-
Barrachina AA (2009) Volatile compounds of traditional and virus-

resistant breeding lines of Muchamiel tomatoes. European Food Research
and Technology, 230: 315-323.
García-Martínez S, Gálvez-Sola LN, Alonso A, Agulló E, Rubio F, Ruiz JJ
and Moral R (2011) Quality assessment of tomato landraces and virus-
 resistant breeding lines: quick estimation by near-infrared reflectance
(NIRS). Journal of the Science of Food & Agriculture (in press,
wileyonlinelibrary.com, DOI 10.1002).
Preston J, Maxted N, Sherman B, Munro N am Ford-Lloyd C (2010) The
characterisation of heritage vegetables. Symposium “Towards the

establishment of genetic reserve for crop wild relatives and landraces in
Europe”. 13-16 September, Funchal, Madeira.
B.5. Threats and threat assessment of landrace diversity
B.5.1. Overview

Why do we need to assess threat to landraces?

Relative threat is one of the most obvious criteria used in establishing
conservation priorities: the more threatened (i.e. increased likelihood of genetic
erosion or actual extinction of the species) the greater the conservation priority.
Therefore, threat assessment will allow us to use that information when
prioritising landraces for conservation but, perhaps more important, will give us
an indication of the extinction risk and help to identify which landraces are
threatened, to detect its degree of threat as well as to act upon it in order to avoid
its genetic erosion and/or landrace extinction.
Here the distinction is made between identification of threats and threat
assessment, identification of threats is the documentation of adverse factors that
may impact on the LR diversity (e.g. changes in land management, introduction of
modern cultivars, urbanisation, lack of niche market for LR production), while
threat assessment is the process of formally assessing each LR and providing a
relative indication of the degree threatened appropriate for that LR.

The loss of LR diversity can be seen in two different but complementary

perspectives: genetic erosion, and ‘local cultural erosion’.
Genetic erosion118 of LR has been referred to in literature as: (i) the loss of a crop,
variety or allele diversity119,120,121,122, (ii) as a reduction in richness (in the total
number of crops, varieties or alleles)123,124,125,126, and (iii) as a reduction in evenness,
i.e. genetic diversity127,128. Numerous factors currently negatively impact plant
species and their populations (see Why are landraces threatened? in B.1.
Introduction, for a comprehensive list of threats) resulting in genetic erosion, and
eventually extinction. This will bring serious consequences to food security (see
What are the practical consequences of LR genetic erosion? in B.1. Introduction).
‘Local cultural erosion’ relates to the crop-related cultural activities which
underpin local selection and breeding activities, are likely to be lost once the LR
are lost and halt further cultural development within the community153,154.
Threat assessment of LR diversity is crucial as an early warning system to detect
and prevent genetic erosion and extinction. It can be assessed at two levels: (i)
individual LR (i.e. the extinction of individual LR), and (ii) genetic diversity within
LR (allelic loss within a LR). LR threat assessment using the IUCN Red List
Categories and Criteria155, as successfully applied to CWR and other elements of
biodiversity, is not an option as the criteria cannot be applied at the within species
level (Negri et al. 2009). LR are variable populations of a crop taxon and the goal
of LR conservation is to conserve the full range of genetic diversity within the LR
and not just the LR itself (Negri et al. 2009). Alternative methods based on several

See e.g. Negri (2003)
See e.g. Torricelli et al. (2009)
IUCN (2001)
different categories and criteria have been suggested by some authors156,157,158;
however, to date there is no standardised methodology for threat assessment of
erosion or extinction for LR even though the need for such a methodology is
widely accepted. Meanwhile, the simple methodology described here can be
applied (Figure 31). It is a three stage process that can be run at the same time as
the LR survey is being carried out and the LR inventory prepared: (i) Definition of
indicators of threat, (ii) Identification of threats to LR diversity, and (iii)
Evaluation of the relative degree of threat.

Norwegian farmer, Johan Swärd, in a field where the rye LR ‘Svedjerug’ is grown;
this LR has been used by immigrating Finns in the eastern part of Norway in their
shifting and burning cultivation system (svedje) and is especially adapted to the
alkaline soil that arise from burning the vegetation. This LR was saved when seeds
were found in an old farmhouse and only 11 seeds germinated; Johan and a group
of farmer colleagues have started to grow the LR and have now a significant
market for flour of this particular LR; Johan Swärd received the “Plante Heritage
Prize” from The Norwegian Genetic Resource Centre in 2011 for his valuable work
in saving this LR from extinction (photo: Åsmund Asdal).

Joshi et al. (2004)
Porfiri et al. (2009)
Antofie et al. (2010)
Angelica archangelica subsp. archangelica (photo: Åsmund Asdal)

It is a native plant to the mountain areas of Norway (and other countries); it has a
long tradition as a vegetable and spice plant, and it has historically been the most
important plant for export from Norwegian agriculture to the continental Europe.
Farmers from Voss area (western part of Norway), through centuries, have
developed the LR “Vossakvann” which possess stems with more flesh than wild
growing specimens. Farms had their own fields with “Vossakvann” and it was also
mentioned in ancient law that intruding and stealing from Angelica gardens
caused severe penalties. The art of growing “Vossakvann” was forgotten, but some
fields of Vossakvann have survived. The farmer in the picture Knut Arvid Olde
(left) did not know what kind of plant/treasure he had on his farm before he was
told about it by the agricultural advisor Jorunn Ringheim. In recent years the
production of “Vossakvann” for several purposes and products has increased. The
LR was named a specific scientific name: Angelica archangelica subsp.
archangelica var. majorum.

LR survey




Existing studies on
genetic erosion
At individual LR level At genetic/allelic level
New studies on
genetic erosion


Figure 13. Landrace diversity threat assessment methodology

B.5.2. Methodology for LR threat assessment

(i) Definition of indicators of threat. The analysis of some of the types of data
that should be collated during the LR survey together with other indicators
can help in estimating relative threat for individual LR (not at the allelic
level). These indicators may include:
 Farmer wealth: whether the LR is grown by a wealthy or a poor
farmer/maintainer which will probably influence the likelihood to keep
cultivating LR in detriment of new varieties;
 Access to seed planting materials: whether many farmers maintain seed
which is easy to access or only few farmers maintain the seeds which are
difficult to access;
 Site/farm area: area dedicated to grow the LR (as a percentage of total
regional area of the crop, and versus the number of households that grow
the LR), trend for the dedication of new areas to the cultivation of the LR,
whether the site is predicted to be negatively affected by climate change;
 Cultivation system: whether it is subsistence or commercial farming, and
whether the farming system is (un)sustainable;
 Multiplication ability: whether plants produce abundant seeds or are
easily propagated vegetatively or, on the contrary, they produce few seeds
or are difficult to propagate;
 Level of plant use: whether most plant parts are used or there’s only a
limited use of few plant parts;
 Socio-economic indicators: whether the contribution to the income and
nutrition of the LR is significant, market prospects to utilise and
commercialise the LR and/or the products manufactured with it, whether
there are local or national maintainer incentives, and maintainer-
perceived value;
 Historical indicators: information on the historical availability of a
particular LR might be difficult to obtain but may provide baseline
information on the previous state of that resource, to show what has
changed and the process of degeneration/extinction of LR, and be used as
a source of information on the potential for re-cultivation based on the
recovery of historical uses that have been lost; these might include: (i)
known lost LR (ii) the first noted use of a particular LR together with its
historical geographical spread and social acceptance, (iii) the date of the
first use of that LR, and (iv) the importance and cultivation over a long-
term period (e.g. 50-150 years) (long-term trend) compared with a short-
term situation (e.g. 10-25 years) (short-term trend);
 Relative uniqueness of the LR: whether it grows at a single site or it is
 LR conservation status: whether it is actively and adequately managed in
situ, it is cultivated on-farm or in some other form a protected area, it is
stored ex situ, the methods of selection of seed saved and storage are
adequate, the maintainer exchange seeds and how frequent, etc.;
 Knowledge of genetic diversity: is it known by scientific assessment or
perceived by the farmer, this type of data may indicate genetic erosion
thus high level of threat;
 Other indicators: presence in catalogues of seed companies or nurseries,
whether it is used in breeding programmes, whether it is known to be
resistant to abiotic stresses; a LR that is of value to seed companies,
nurseries or for breeding programmes or known to be resistant to abiotic
stresses is likely to be less threatened.
(ii) Identification of threats to LR diversity and collation of this information. For
each LR at each occurrence site, threats should be identified using the
indicators listed above.
(iii) Evaluation of the relative degree of threat. At the individual LR level and at
allelic level (based on existing genetic diversity studies or undertake novel
genetic diversity studies).
(iv) Production of the threat assessment. Based on the outcome of the previous
stages, a threat assessment of LR can then be compiled.
(v) Validation of the threat assessment. The threat assessment should then be
validated with the judgments made by the maintainers of LR; this is
particular important for those LR thought be lost and group discussions,
radio broadcasting, newspapers publications, etc. could help gathering more
information on those LR and understand whether they are, in fact, lost; on the
other hand, and given there are frequently problems regarding the
nomenclature and genetic identification of LR, molecular characterisation of
LR could help detecting LR that were thought to be lost but, in fact, have a
different name.

Table 7. Guiding criteria for detecting lost varieties 159

□ Yes
Was the lost variety an old variety (say at least 30-
□ No
50 years old)?
□ Do not know
□ Yes
Was the variety introduced from neighbouring
□ No
villages a long time ago (say at least 20–30 years)?
□ Do not know
□ Over last 5 years
□ Over 5–10 years
How long since the variety disappeared?
□ More than 10 years
□ Do not know
□ Sudden
Was it a sudden loss or a gradual process? □ Gradual
□ Do not know
□ Very popular
□ Popular
How popular was the variety?
□ Not so popular
□ Do not know
□ Informal
Was seed or planting material of the variety □ Purchased
obtained through the informal seed system or
purchased? □ Both
□ Do not know

Do you think it is likely that some custodian □ Yes, very likely

farmers in neighbouring villages are still keeping □ No, very unlikely
seed or planting material of this variety? □ Do not know

B.5.3. Examples and applied use

Padulosi and Dulloo (2012)
Box 75. Threat assessment of agricultural crops and landraces in Nepal
A method based on population, ecological, social, modernization and use criteria
was suggested to undertake threat assessment of crop species. The authors
suggested that combinations of criteria in these categories can be used to carry
out threat assessment of crop genotypes. In addition, the following threat
categories were proposed: Extinct (seed is locally not available for exchange or
planting), Endangered or Threatened (few households growing the LR in a small
area), Conservation Dependent (many households growing the LR in a small area
or vice versa), No Risk (commonly grown by many households), and Not
Evaluated or Data Not Available.
Source: Joshi et al. (2004)

Box 76. Red List of crops

The authors attempted to obtain a list of threatened agricultural and horticultural
crop species (excluding ornamentals and forestry species) by matching the list of
crops in Mansfeld’s Encyclopaedia of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops
(Hanelt and IPK Gatersleben 2001, IPK Gatersleben 2003) with the IUCN Red List
of Threatened Species. However, this assessment did not consider the threat to LR
material within crops.
Source: Hammer and Khoshbakht (2005)

Box 77. Threat assessment of landraces in the Lazio region (Italy)

Five categories of indicators of threat to evaluate genetic erosion and levels of risk
of LR were adopted in the Lazio region (Italy). These include: (i) the presence of
the product in the market, (ii) the presence in catalogues of the seed companies or
nurseries, (iii) number of farmers cultivating the LR, (iv) area under cultivation (as
a percentage of total regional area of the species), and (v) trend for the dedication
of new areas to the cultivation of the LR.
Source: Porfiri et al. (2009)

Box 78. Red List of landraces in Romania

The authors modified the methodology described by Hammer and Khoshbakht
(2005) and produced a data sheet model to describe the conservation status of old
crop varieties for future Red Listing of the Romanian LR. They included data such
as: species and vernacular names, conservation status , chorology, whether the LR
is cultivated within protected areas, human-animal conflicts that can threaten LR,
surface area of cultivation, cultivation details, seed origin, the main barriers to the
conservation of the LR, etc. The authors identified LR threat categories based on
the pre-2001 IUCN Red List Categories (IUCN 1994): Extinct On-Farm (ExF),
Endangered On-Farm (EF), Endangered for Ex Situ (EE), Vulnerable On-Farm
(VF), Vulnerable for Ex Situ Conservation (VE), Rare, Least Concern (LC) and
Indeterminate (I).
Source: Antofie et al. (2010)
B.5.4. List of references used to compile the text
Antofie M-M, Sand MPC, Ciotea G, Iagrăru P (2010) Data sheet model for
developing a Red List regarding crop landraces in Romania. Annals: Food
Science and Technology 11(1): 45-49. Available at
Ford-Lloyd BV (2006) “Realistic population and molecular genetic approaches to
genetic assessment.” In: Ford-Lloyd BV, Dias SR and Bettencourt E (Eds)
Genetic erosion and pollution assessment methodologies. Proceedings of PGR
Forum Workshop 5, Terceira Island, Autonomous Region of the Azores,
Portugal, 8–11 September 2004. Rome: Bioversity International, pp. 51–54.
Gao LZ (2003) The conservation of Chinese rice biodiversity: genetic erosion,
ethnobotany and prospects. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 50: 17-32.
Hammer K and Khoshbakht K (2005) Towards a ‘‘red list’’ for crop plant species.
Genetic Resources Crop Evolution 52: 249–265.
Hammer K and Laghetti G (2005) Genetic erosion – examples from Italy. Genetic
Resources and Crop Evolution 52: 629–634.
Hammer K, Knupffer H, Xhuveli L and Perrino P (1996) Estimating genetic erosion
in landraces – two case studies. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 43: 329–
Hanelt, P. and IPK Gatersleben (Eds) (2001) Mansfeld’s Encyclopaedia of
Agricultural and Horticultural Crops. 6 vols. 1st English edition. Springer,
Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, 3645 pp.
IPK Gatersleben (2003) Mansfeld’s World Database of Agricultural and
Horticultural Crops. Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant
Research, Gatersleben, Germany. Available at: http://mansfeld.ipk-
IUCN (2001) IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria: Version 3.1. IUCN Species
Survival Commission. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. ii + 30 pp.
Available from:
http://www.iucnredlist.org/documents/redlist_cats_crit_en.pdf [Accessed
February 2011].
Joshi BK, Upadhyay MP, Gauchan D, Sthapit BR and Joshi KD (2004) Red listing
of agricultural crop species, varieties and landraces. Nepal Agricultural
Research Journal 5: 73-80.
Khlestkina EK, Huang XQ, Quenum FJB, Chebotar S, Roder MS and Borner A
(2004) Genetic diversity in cultivated plants – loss or stability? Theoretical and
Applied Genetics 108: 1466–1472.
Maxted N and Guarino L (2006) “Genetic erosion and genetic pollution of crop
wild relatives.” In: Ford-Lloyd BV, Dias S and Bettencourt E (eds) Genetic
erosion and pollution assessment methodologies. IPGRI, Rome. pp. 35-46.
Maxted N and Guarino L (2006) “Genetic erosion and genetic pollution of crop
wild relatives.” In: Ford-Lloyd BV, Dias S and Bettencourt E (eds) Genetic
erosion and pollution assessment methodologies. IPGRI, Rome. pp. 35-46.
Nabhan GP (2007) Agrobiodiversity change in a Saharan desert oasis, 1919–2006:
historic shifts in Tasiwit (Berber) and Bedouin crop inventories of Siwa, Egypt.
Economic Botany 61: 31–43.
Negri V (2003) Landraces in central Italy: Where and why they are conserved and
perspectives for their on-farm conservation. Genetic Resources and Crop
Evolution 50: 871-885.
Padulosi S and Dulloo E (2012) “Towards a viable system for monitoring
agrobiodiversity on-farm: a proposed new approach for Red Listing of
cultivated plant species.” In: Padulosi S, Bergamini N and Lawrence T (eds) On-
Farm Conservation of Neglected and Underutilized Species: Status, Trends and
Novel Approaches to Cope with Climate Change. Proceedings of the
International Conference, Frankfurt, 14-16 June 2011. Bioversity International.
pp. 171-197. Available from:
s_trends_and_novel_approaches_to_cope_with.pdf [Accessed June 2012].
Peroni N and Hanazaki N (2002) Current and lost diversity of cultivated varieties,
especially cassava, under swidden cultivation systems in the Brazilian Atlantic
Forest. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 92: 171–183.
Porfiri O, Costanza MT and Negri V (2009) “Landrace inventories in Italy and the
Lazio region Case Study.” In Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (Eds)
European Landraces: On-farm conservation, Management and Use. Bioversity
Technical Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 117-123.
Torricelli R, Quintaliana L and Falcinelli M (2009) “The ‘Farro’ (Triticum dicoccon
Schrank) from Monteleone di Spoleto (Valnerina Valley, Umbria). In:
Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (Eds) European landraces: on-farm
conservation, management and use. Bioversity Technical Bulletin 15. Bioversity
International, Rome. pp. 183-186.
Tsegaye B and Berg T (2007) Genetic erosion of Ethiopian tetraploid wheat
landraces in Eastern Shewa, Central Ethiopia. Genetic Resources and Crop
Evolution 54: 715–726.
van de Wouw M, Kik C, van Hintum T, van Treuren R and Visser B (2009) Genetic
erosion in crops: concept, research results and challenges. Plant Genetic
Resources: Characterization and Utilization 8(1): 1-15.
Voegel R (2012) “Red List for crops – a tool for monitoring genetic erosion,
supporting re-introduction into cultivation and guiding conservation efforts.”
In: Padulosi S, Bergamini N and Lawrence T (eds) On-Farm Conservation of
Neglected and Underutilized Species: Status, Trends and Novel Approaches to
Cope with Climate Change. Proceedings of the International Conference,
Frankfurt, 14-16 June 2011. Bioversity International. pp. 137-142. Available from:
s_trends_and_novel_approaches_to_cope_with.pdf [Accessed June 2012].
Willemen L, Scheldeman X, Cabellos VS, Salazar SR and Guarino L (2007) Spatial
patterns of diversity and genetic erosion of traditional cassava (Manihot
esculenta Crantz) in the Peruvian Amazon: An evaluation of socio-economic
and environmental indicators. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54: 1599–

B.5.5. Additional materials and resources

Genetic erosion – general references:
Brown AHD (unknown) Indicators of Genetic Diversity, Genetic Erosion
and Genetic Vulnerability for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
 Agriculture. Thematic Background Study. FAO, Rome. Available from:
http://www.fao.org/docrep/013/i1500e/i1500e20.pdf [Accessed March
Jarvis DI, Brown AHD, Hung Cuong P, Collado-Panduro L, Latournerie-
Moreno L, Gyawali S, Tanto T, Sawadogo M, Mar I, Sadiki M, Thi-Ngoc
Hue N, Arias-Reyes L, Balma D, Bajracharya J, Castillo F, Rijal D, Belqadi
L, Rana R, Saidi S, Ouedraogo J, Zangre R, Rhrib K, Chavez JL, Schoen D,

Sthapit B, De Santis P, Fadda C and Hodgkin T (2008) A global
perspective of the richness and evenness of traditional crop-variety
diversity maintained by farming communities. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the USA 105: 5326–5331.
Climate change and food security:
Ericksen P. Thornton P, Notenbaert A, Cramer L, Jones P. And Herrero M
(2011) Mapping food insecurity of climate change and food insecurity in
the global tropics. CCAFS Report nº 5. CGIAR Research Program on
 Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Copenhagen,
Denmark. Available from:
climate_hotspots_final.pdf [Accessed January 2012].
Fujisaka S, Williams D and Halewood M (2011) The impact of climate
change on countries’ interdependence on genetic resources for food and
agriculture. Background Study Paper nº 48. Commission on Genetic

Resources for Food and Agriculture. FAO. Available from:
ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/meeting/017/ak532e.pdf [Accessed January
Ramírez J and Jarvis A (2009) Geographic Information Systems to assess
climate change impacts on crop biodiversity. International Conference on
Conservation Agriculture. New Delhi, India. Available from:

agriculture-delhi-india [Accessed January 2012].
Guarino L (2011) PGR conservation and use for climate change adaptation.
The importance of collaboration. Available from:

collaboration-on-pgrfa-conservation-and-use/1 [Accessed January 2012].
Red List of cultivated plant species:
Antofie MM (2012) “Red Lists for crop species and their role in adaptation
strategies.” In: Padulosi S, Bergamini N and Lawrence T (eds) On-Farm
Conservation of Neglected and Underutilized Species: Status, Trends and
Novel Approaches to Cope with Climate Change. Proceedings of the
International Conference, Frankfurt, 14-16 June 2011. Bioversity

International. pp. 143-169. Available from:
ecies_status_trends_and_novel_approaches_to_cope_with.pdf [Accessed
June 2012].
Hammer K, Hammer-Spahillari M and Khoshbakht K (2012) Red lists for
cultivated species: experiences with the IUCN list of threatened plants. In:
Padulosi S, Bergamini N and Lawrence T (eds) On-Farm Conservation of
Neglected and Underutilized Species: Status, Trends and Novel
Approaches to Cope with Climate Change. Proceedings of the
 International Conference, Frankfurt, 14-16 June 2011. Bioversity
International. pp. 127-136. Available from:
ecies_status_trends_and_novel_approaches_to_cope_with.pdf [Accessed
June 2012].
Khoshbakht K and Hammer K (2010) Threatened Crop Species Diversity.

Shahid Beheshti University Press, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran.
B.6. Setting LR conservation priorities
B.6.1. Overview

Why do we need to set LR conservation priorities?

The creation of a national inventory of LR is likely to identify a great magnitude of
diversity present, much of which is expected to have been previously
unrecognised. Therefore, the process of establishing priorities for conservation is
an obvious and essential step in any conservation plan (but only if the number of
LR exceeds the number that can be conserved using the available resources).

The economic value of biodiversity and genetic resources has been defined160,161,162
and economists have developed a number of methods for assessing several
components of public goods which have been applied to biodiversity. However,
the main focus has been on the valuation of ecosystem services rather than
genetic resources per se.
There has been considerable debate over which criteria should be utilised when
undertaking a scheme of species prioritisation163,164. Potential criteria to consider
include threat of genetic erosion, endemicity, rarity, population decline, quality of
habitat, intrinsic biological vulnerability, current conservation status, recovery
potential, feasibility and sustainability of conservation, taxonomic uniqueness,
genetic distinctiveness, ecogeographic distribution, biological importance,
socio‐economic use, cultural importance, economic factors, legislation, ethical and
aesthetic considerations, and priorities of the conservation agency. Although
some of these criteria may be applied to LR diversity prioritisation, the socio-
economic aspects in particular are of fundamental importance in LR conservation
and therefore in LR prioritisation. In addition, numerous systems and methods for
setting priorities have been used to define priorities for the conservation of crop
wild relatives but none to LR diversity.

Flint (1991)
Shands (1994)
Drucker et al. (2001)
See e.g. Fitter and Fitter (1987)
See Maxted et al. (1997c)
Photo: Four varieties of potato grown locally in Cusco, Peru .

An agreed set of criteria as well as standard methodology for systematic

prioritisation has yet to be established in order to conserve the highest priority LR
diversity. The criteria and methodology used may vary according to the needs of
individual countries and/or the conservation agencies that are undertaking the
work. Whatever system is used, the total number of target LR must be adjusted to
a number that can be actively conserved using the available financial and human
The process of setting priorities for LR conservation can be complex and time-
consuming depending on the methodology and criteria used. Methodologically,
the starting point of prioritisation is the national inventory of LR (or the
monographic inventory of target crops, or the inventory of all LR from a particular
region within the country). Whatever the approach, floristic or monographic, it
basically consists of three main steps: (i) Definition of the prioritization criteria,
(ii) Definition of the prioritisation scheme, and (iii) Application of both the criteria
and the methodology to finally obtain the priority LR.
National LR inventory






Figure 14. Process of establishing conservation priorities from a national

inventory of LR

B.6.2. Methodology for landrace prioritization

(iv) Definition of the prioritization criteria. The prioritization criteria should be
defined by the responsible national agency or researcher. The economic
value of the crop and the cultural/identity value are likely to be the most
important criteria in establishing LR conservation priorities, but there are
several other criteria that can be considered. Major categories of LR
prioritization criteria include:
 LR diversity: whether a particular LR occurs together with other LR―it is
more cost effective to conserve sites that have high numbers of LR rather
than sites with a single LR.
 Cultural and identity value: the cultural importance that a particular LR
has in a community.
 Farmers’ priorities: the priority given to a particular LR by the farmers
themselves (for example, based on importance in their diet, special
cooking qualities), or an indication of importance estimated by the large
number of farmers that grow a particular LR.
 Threat status: whether threat status has been assigned to the LR and/or
Information on threats (e.g. obtained from passport data) (see B.5.2
 Historical evidence: a LR that has been cultivated for longer should be
prioritised assuming that length of cultivation indicates perceived value
by farmers and relative adaptability to environmental as well as to
consumer changes.
 Economic value: LR are of direct use, particularly to subsistence or
marginal agriculture, and also constitute a potential source of novel
genetic diversity for breeding and other forms of utilisation; therefore, the
economic importance of both the crop (at national level) and the LR
themselves is a good indicator of their value. In other words, whether the
crop is nationally important and whether a particular LR is locally
important should be taken into account. For these two aspects of
economic value, two sub-criteria can be used:
a. National economic value of the crop: for example, crop production
quantity and area and/or the number of known crop varieties
(including LR) grown at national level;
b. Economic value of the LR: LR production quantity and area and/or
uses (whether the LR is grown for food, fodder, forage, etc.).
 Native status: whether the LR is a primary (autochthonous or
allochthonous) or a secondary LR (see What is a landrace? In B.1.
 Conservation status: before a LR can be given high priority for
conservation, related current conservation activities should be reviewed.
If sufficient genetic diversity is already being conserved in situ and/or ex
situ, additional conservation efforts may not be justified, and resources
should focus on those LR that are not being conserved. Note however that
careful attention to the information obtained from ex situ holdings should
be paid because: a) researchers often identify LR using merely the name
given to the LR by the farmer (assuming that two differently named LR are
in fact different), but not only may farmers use the same name for LR that
are genetically distinct, they may also use different names for the same LR
(see Box 63); b) the material held in gene banks might be incorrectly
determined, dead, in poor condition or unavailable to potential users; c)
the number of accessions might be misleading because of duplicates; and
d) ex situ accessions might not be representative of the overall genetic
diversity of a LR.
 National rarity: a LR with limited range within the country is considered
rarer than a LR occurring throughout the country; therefore, number of
provinces in which each LR occurs can be considered.
 Agronomic information as noted by the maintainer: beneficial LR
characteristics such as ability to cope with altitude, climate, soil type,
water stress, pest or diseases and improve yield, size, taste and colour.
 Other: other criteria that might be useful or considered important include
threats to a small niche market or declining use of LR in religious
Recoding of agronomic characteristic with farmers of Mkhalatsong cowpea LR
grown in a cotton field in Chingale (Zomba District, Malawi) (photo: Edwin A

Market with “Uzgen” rice (Os province, Kyrgyzstan) (photo: Pavol Hauptvogel).
(v) Definition of the prioritisation scheme. Similar to the selection of
prioritization criteria, the choice of the prioritization methodology (or
scheme) should be a decision made by the responsible national agency or
researcher. The complexity of the scheme will depend on the time available,
financial resources, data availability, etc. Prioritization schemes include
rule‐based, scoring and ranking systems, with or without weighting of
criteria, different combinations of criteria, etc. (see Section A.4 to contrast
with CWR prioritization).
(vi) Application of the prioritization criteria and scheme to the inventory: This
will culminate in the list of priority LR for conservation.

B.6.3. Examples and applied use of LR prioritization criteria and schemes

Box 79. UK National LR Inventory

The Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) of the UK
government commissioned a national inventory of genetic resources for food and
agriculture. The authors primarily used the native status of LR (where high
priority was assigned to autochthonous LR), as well as economic national
importance of the crop as criteria to prioritise crops to be the focus of a
preliminary inventory.
Several LR were identified in Scotland, including: Scots timothy (Phleum pratense
L.), bere barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.), Shetland
Black and Lewis Black potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.), and Shetland cabbage
(Brassica oleracea L.). Given that data on the exact extent of cultivation were not
available, and fieldwork fell outside the scope of the national inventory of genetic
resources, national distribution and evidence of threat were used to further
prioritise Hebridean and Shetland oat and Shetland cabbage LR among all the
other LR to assess the extent of current cultivation and conservation.
Figure 15. Distribution of Shetland cabbage landrace maintainers on the
Shetland Islands
Source: Scholten et al. (2004, 2008), Green et al. (2009).

Landrace of Avena strigosa (Shetland oat) (photo: Maria Scholten).

Brassica oleracea (Shetland cabbage) landrace on the island of Whalsay,
Shetland Islands, Scotland (photo: Maria Scholten).

Box 80. Landraces inventory and prioritisation in Romania

The authors attempted to collate all data on Romanian LR conserved on-farm
from: (i) the BIOGEN Database designed and managed by the Gene bank in
Suceava that includes passport and on-farm descriptors gathered during 20 years
of systematic survey and collecting missions, and (ii) a farmers survey of selected
villages in three strategic areas: Suceava, Maramures and Apuseni Mountains,
where a broad range of genetic diversity of major crops such as wheat, maize,
bean, potato and faba bean is known to exist. Agricultural extension services, local
authorities, biology and agronomy teachers and local priests helped in identifying
the farmers recognized as ‘conservationists’ of LR. These farmers were then
directly approached and semi-structured interviews took place. Common bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were prioritised for a LR survey based on its importance in
rural people’s diet, the high number of LR and the wide distribution in Romania.
Source: Strajeru et al. (2009)

Box 81. Bolivian and Peruvian “Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)”
The authors attempted to evaluate whether multiple conservation goals could be
optimised together with social equity when paying for the on-farm conservation of
LR, so as to generate agrobiodiversity conservation services. The authors selected
priority LR in the Bolivian and Peruvian Andes as case studies for the research.
Through a participatory process with local farmers (via community workshops
and interviews), and in the absence of adequate status data, LR that were
threatened (by replacement by more commercially favoured varieties) as well as
those historically important in the livelihoods of farmers and that were extinct
from their farming systems, were identified. Local scientists and agricultural
extension experts prepared a ranked list of the most threatened LR through
consideration of qualitative information on: (1) the area under cultivation for each
LR, (2) the number of farmers cultivating a specific landrace, (3) the level of
traditional knowledge associated with the utilization of that LR in farming, food
preparation, and for socio-cultural purposes, and (4) the amount of farmer stored
seeds available for each LR. In addition, as information on genetic traits was not
available, a dissimilarity analysis based on their agro-morphological
characteristics (e.g. colour and size of panicle, size and form of leaves, size of
plant), and resistance to specific weather conditions (e.g. frost, drought) was
carried out. Grain size and colour were found to be the most important
characteristics in distinguishing LR.
Finally, the LR ranked as being most under threat, were further prioritised based
on the dissimilarity information. Five priority quinoa LR in Bolivia (Chillpi Blanco,
Huallata, Hilo, Kanchis, Noveton) and four in Peru (Misa Quinua, Chullpi
Anaranjado, Janko Witulla, Cuchi Willa) were selected as priorities and were
included in a larger study that aimed at understanding whether, when paying for
conservation services, conservation goals could be optimised without
compromising social equity.
Source: Narloch et al. (2011)

Box 82. Priority Rice Landraces in Ban Khoang, Sa Pa District (Vietnam)

Rice LR were prioritised from a research site selected in the context of the project
"Strengthening the scientific basis of in situ conservation of agrobiodiversity on-
farm" in Ban Khoang Commune of Sa Pa District, Lao Cai Province, supported by
the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) and the Vietnam
Agricultural Science Institute (VASI). Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
methods were used to survey and evaluation LR. Interviews and focus group
discussions were conducted in order to understand farmers’ rice production
systems and help in the design of a questionnaire for a formal household survey.
In addition, direct field observations of the farmers’ rice fields and household
farming systems, as well as management practices, were carried out. Finally, a
farm household survey was conducted using the questionnaire for about 40
farms/farmers that were representative of different agroecological conditions,
farm size and ethnic groups, in order to obtain farmers' priority ranking of values,
evaluation criteria, constraints and opportunities for LR production.
Source: Canh et al. (2003)

B.6.4. List of references used to compile the text

Bishop RC (1978) Endangered species and uncertainty: the economics of the safe
minimum standard. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 60: 10-18.
Canh TN, On TV, Trung NV, Tiep CA and Lam HV (2003) Preliminary study of
genetic diversity in rice landraces in Ban Khoang Commune, Sa Pa District. In:
Tuan HD, Hue NN, Sthapit BR and Jarvis DI (Eds). On-farm management of
agricultural biodiversity in Vietnam. Proceedings of a Symposium 6–12
December 2001, Hanoi, Vietnam. International Plant Genetic Resources
Institute, Rome, Italy. pp. 33-39.
Department of the Environment (1996) Towards Methodology for Costing
Biodiversity targets in UK. Department of the Environment, London.
Dhar U, Rawal RS and Upreti J (2000) Setting priorities for conservation of
medicinal plants - a case study in the Indian Himalaya. Biological Conservation
95: 57-65.
Drucker AG, Gomez V and Anderson S (2001) The economic valuation of farm
animal genetic resources: a survey of available methods. Ecological Economics
36: 1-18.
Faith DP (1992) Conservation evaluation and phylogenetic diversity. Biological
Conservation 61: 1-10.
FAO (1997b) The state of the world’s Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture. Annex 1-4. State of the art: legal and economic methods relevant to
PGRFA. Rome, pp. 393-442.
Fitter R and Fitter M (1987) The Road to Extinction. IUCN/UNEP, IUCN, Gland.
Flint M (1991) Biological Diversity and Developing Countries. Issues and Options.
Overseas Development Administration, London.
Maxted N, Hawkes JG, Guarino L and Sawkins M (1997c) Towards the selection of
taxa for plant genetic conservation. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 44:
Narloch U, Pascual U and Drucker AG (2011) Cost-effectiveness targeting under
multiple conservation goals and equity considerations in the Andes.
Environmental Conservation, 38: 417-425. Available from:
ations_pi1[showUid]=5103 [Accessed 2011].
Negri V, Maxted N and Veteläinen M (2009) “European landrace conservation: an
introduction.” In: Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (Eds) European
landraces: on-farm conservation, management and use. Bioversity Technical
Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 1-22.
Norton BG (1994) “On what we should save: the role of culture in determining
conservation targets.” In: Forey PL, Humphries CJ and Vane-Wright RI (Eds)
Systematics and conservation evaluation. Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 23-40.
Sapir Y, Shmida A and Fragman O (2003) Constructing Red Numbers for setting
conservation priorities of endangered plant species: Israeli flora as a test case.
Journal for Nature Conservation 11: 91-107.
Scholten M, Maxted N and Ford-Lloyd BV (2004) UK National Inventory of Plant
Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Unpublished Report. Defra,
Scholten M, Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Green N (2008) Hebridean and
Shetland Oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.), and Shetland cabbage (Brassica
oleracea L.) landraces: occurrence and conservation issues. BIOVERSITY/FAO
Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 154: 1-5.
Shands HL (1994) “Some potential impacts of the United Nations Environment
Program’s Convention on Biological Diversity on the international system of
exchanges of food crop germplasm.” In: Witmeyer D and Strauss MS (Eds)
Conservation of plant genetic resources and the UN Convention on Biological
Diversity. AAAS, Washington DC, pp. 27-38.Shao G and Halpin PN (1995)
Climatic controls of eastern North American coastal tree and shrub
distributions. Journal of Biogeography 22: 1083‐1089.
Strajeru S, Ibanescu M and Constantinovici D (2009) “Landrace inventory for
Romania.” In Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (Eds) European Landraces:
On-farm conservation, Management and Use. Bioversity Technical Bulletin 15.
Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 137-142.
Tambutii M, Aldama A, Sánchez O, Medeellin R and Soberón J (2001) La
Determinación del Riesgo de Extincion de Especies Silvestres en Mexico.
Gaceta Ecologica, 61: 11-21. Available from:
http://redalyc.uaemex.mx/redalyc/pdf/539/53906101.pdf [Accessed March
Vane-Wright RI, Humphries CJ and Williams CH (1991) What to protect?
Systematics and the agony of choice. Biological Conservation 55: 235-254.
Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (2009b) “A European strategic approach to
conserving crop landraces.” In Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (Eds)
European landraces: on-farm conservation, management and use. Bioversity
Technical Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 305-325.
Whitten AJ (1990) Recovery: a proposed programme for Britain’s protected
species. Nature Conservancy Council, CSD Report, No. 1089.

B.6.5. Additional materials and resources

Bioversity International (unknown date) Competitive tenders: designing
agrobiodiversity conservation programmes so as to minimise costs while
maximising social equity. Available:

[Accessed on December 2011].
Hue NT and Trinh LN (2007) In situ conservation of plant genetic
resources in Vietnam: achievements and lessons learned. International
Training Workshop. The Conservation and Utilisation of

Tropical/Subtropical Plant Genetic Resource 25-41: Available from:
[Accessed January 2012].
B.7. Genetic data analysis of priority landraces
B.7.1. Overview

Why it is important to undertake genetic studies of landraces?

 For genetic characterization to help differentiate LR;
 To assess genetic diversity within LR;
 To search for traits of interest for crop improvement;
 To establish the pattern of genetic diversity within LR and enable priorities for
conservation to be established within each LR.

(v) Proxy assessment of genetic characterisation. The LR name is commonly

used as a proxy for genetic distinction, yet it is known that farmers may use the
same name for LR that are genetically distinct but also use different names for the
same LR. Given the complexity of national contexts and scenarios, it is imperative
that the relationship between the LR and their genetic distinction is further
researched. However, financial resources are regularly absent and assumptions
may have to be made. Pragmatically, in general, we can assume that different LR
names are different genetic entities.
(vi) Assessment of genetic diversity within LR. Typically, conservation biology
aims at conserving the maximum number of species and numbers of individuals
within a species. However, the conservation of intrinsic genetic diversity within a
taxon has also been identified as equally important165. The genetic diversity
available within a species represents its evolutionary potential, allowing it to
evolve and adapt to a changing environment. Unlike, modern varieties, LR are not
genetically stable and uniform entities. These characteristics make them not only
important gene sources for crop improvement, but also for local food security as
they have a broader genetic base making them less vulnerable to changes in the
environment. Therefore, the assessment of genetic diversity provides baseline
information against which genetic erosion can be detected in the future.

Jump et al. (2008)
Photo: Taking a leaf sample from the original Finish 'Huvitus' local apple
variety for DNA identification at the Yläne village (Pöytyä municipality,
Finland ( (photo: Maarit Heinonen/MTT).

(vii) Identifying traits of interest for crop breeding. Two distinct but
complementary components of genetic variation have been identified. The first is
related to the functional diversity which has resulted from adaptive evolution due
to natural selection. The second relates to neutral alleles which results from
neutral evolutionary forces such as migration, mutation and genetic drift. The
relative importance of adaptive versus neutral variation in conservation genetics
has been extensively debated over the years166. Adaptive variation refers to alleles
(or quantitative traits) that affect fitness. They are the primary targets of natural
selection and reflect a species’ potential ability to adapt to changing
environments167. Adaptive genetic variation is evaluated in quantitative genetic
experiments under controlled and uniform environmental conditions. However,
the assessment of adaptive variation is very time consuming and quantitative
traits involved in adaptation are sometimes difficult to find. Moreover, since that
adaptive variation is the result of environmental and genetic factors, large sample
sizes are required (which might not be available for threatened populations) in
order to understand the contribution of these components to the overall variation.
Neutral genetic diversity on the other hand, refers to those alleles that have no
direct effect on a species’ fitness and are not affected by natural selection. They do
not provide information on the adaptive or evolutionary potential of populations
or species. This type of genetic diversity can be assessed using a wide range of
molecular markers. They include microsatellites and AFLP (Amplified Fragment
Length Polymorphism). The assessment of neutral genetic variation has been
frequently used as a shortcut to infer global genetic diversity and to support
strategies and management plans for the conservation of threatened taxa168.
The issue of whether a correlation between neutral and adaptive variation exists
has been debated and conclusions do not always agree. Some authors have found
that neutral and adaptive genetic diversity and differentiation are positively
correlated169, whereas other studies indicate that measurements of neutral
diversity have a very limited prediction ability of quantitative variation170 and thus
cannot be used as a surrogate of adaptive genetic data, at least for some traits.
Within the context of genetic conservation, especially under threat of climate
change, gene conservation strategies should focus on the adaptive capacity of
populations (and species) by considering their ‘individual plasticity’ (i.e. their
ability to respond to different environmental conditions), their adaptive genetic
diversity and the occurrence of natural selection that acts upon them, as well as

e.g. Bowen (1999), Fraser and Bernatchez (2001), Merilä and Crnokrak (2001), Reed and Frankham
(2001), McKay and Latta (2002), Holderegger et al. (2006)
e.g. Falconer and Mackay (1996), McKay and Latta (2002), van Tienderen et al. (2002)
e.g. Palacios and González‐Candelas (1999), Rottenberg and Parker (2003), Eckstein et al. (2006),
Watson‐Jones et al. (2006)
e.g. Merilä and Crnokrak (2001), Pearman (2001)
e.g. Reed and Frankham (2001, 2002)
their ability to disperse171. Adaptive variation assessment is therefore particularly
important since it allows the identification of the components of genetic diversity
responsible for the adaptation of populations to different conditions. Nevertheless,
adaptive studies are more time consuming and require more skilled staff. In
resume, ideally, an adaptive diversity study should be undertaken. If for reasons of
financial resources, time available or lack of skilled staff it is not possible to
undertake such studies, and assuming there is a positive correlation between
neutral and adaptive genetic diversity, then neutral genetic diversity results can
be used as a proxy of adaptive genetic diversity.
(viii) Establishing population priorities for conservation within a LR. The amount
and patterns of genetic diversity both within and between populations of a species,
genetic population structure, and common and localised alleles, are some of the
data that can be useful when prioritising populations for conservation. For
instance, if a LR of the same name that is grown at several different sites is found
to be genetically homogenous, then a single farm could carry out the conservation
activity; however, if different populations of a LR with the same name are
genetically distinct, several farms would need to be involved in their conservation
to ensure all genetic diversity within that particular LR is conserved.

Box 83. Allele types according to their distribution in populations

Marshall and Brown (1975) developed a two‐way classification system of alleles
based on their frequency in populations (common or rare) and distribution across
populations (widespread over many populations or localized to just a few).
Marshall and Brown (1975) and Brown and Hardner (2000) defined any allele
occurring in ≥25% of populations as a widespread allele and those occurring in
<25% of populations as a localized allele. Marshall and Brown (1975) also suggested
the classification of the alleles according to their average frequency in a
population as common (P≥0.05) or rare (P<0.05). Four classes of alleles were then
defined: (i) common and widespread (population frequency P≥0.05, and occurring
in ≥25% of populations); (ii) common and local (population frequency P≥0.05, and
occurring in <25% of populations); (iii) rare and widespread (population frequency
P<0.05, and occurring in ≥25% of populations); (iv) rare and local (population
frequency P<0.05, and occurring in <25% of populations). From these four
categories, the authors argued that the ‘common and local’ category is the most
important in terms of conservation because it includes those alleles that confer
adaptation to local conditions. On the other hand, ‘common and widespread’
alleles are everywhere so they will inevitably be conserved regardless of the
conservation strategy, while ‘rare and widespread’ alleles will be conserved
depending on the total number of sampled plants if ex situ accessions are to be
sampled or if the conservation area includes most of the population in an in situ
approach. The ‘rare and local’ class includes very rare variants and recent or
deleterious mutants which are extremely difficult to collect but a fraction will
always be included in any conservation plan.
Source: Marshall and Brown (1975), Brown and Hardner (2000)

Lefèvre (2007)
Along with taxonomic, ecogeographic, characterisation and evaluation data and
farmer-based knowledge, a National management plan for LR conservation,
whenever possible, include genetic information of the LR, not only to differentiate
and characterise LR, but also to detect which priority LR populations should be
targeted for in situ and ex situ conservation (i.e. those with the greatest amount of
genetic diversity and/or with interesting adapted alleles, etc.), and to help detect
and thus prevent LR diversity genetic erosion. Figure 34 illustrates the process of
collating genetic diversity data on LR. It is necessary to know: (i) whether there
are pre-existing genetic studies on the LR, (ii) whether there are financial
resources to undertake (further) genetic studies, (iii) whether staff can carry out a
genetic study, (iv) whether farmers’ perceived value of a LR can be used as a proxy
of genetic information (if resources and expertise are not available for ii and iii).
Finally, a genetic erosion monitoring scheme should be implemented in order to
detect changes in genetic diversity of the LR (see B.12. Monitoring of landraces on-
LR inventory and Existing genetic diversity
ecogeographic studies in target crops/LR?

Funding to undertake
genetic study?


Morphological Skilled staff available to

Farmers’ knowledge undertake genetic study?






Figure 16. Collation of genetic diversity data of LR

B.7.2. Methodology for LR genetic diversity analysis
The main practical questions that need to be answered in regard to the collation of
genetic data are:
(vi) Are there any genetic studies and genetic information already available for
the target crop/LR? If so, then collate all the information obtained which can
be useful to understand the species’ genetic characteristics. Information on
the breeding system should also be gathered as it is crucial in understanding
the patterns of distribution of genetic diversity within populations of LR. If
no genetic information is available, then if possible a genetic study (on
adaptive or neutral diversity) should be carried out.
(vii) Are there sufficient financial resources to undertake a genetic study (either
on adaptive or neutral genetic diversity)?
(viii) Are there skilled staff able to undertake such a study? If financial resources
and expertise are available, a genetic study is thus desirable. If financial
resources are available but no skilled staff, plant samples should be
collected, then sent to skilled experts to analyse.
(ix) However, if resources are limited and it is not possible undertake a genetic
diversity study; information on farmer’s perceived diversity within their LR
can be used as a proxy for genetic data. The main categories of descriptors
that can be used to document the diversity perceived by farmers are:
distinguishing traits (e.g. colour, shape or size of fruits and/or leaves),
agronomic traits (e.g. overall appearance, yield), abiotic stresses (e.g.
drought, high temperature), biotic stresses (e.g. susceptibility or resistance
to pests and/or diseases), quality traits such as organoleptic (e.g. taste,
fragrance) and nutritional qualities (e.g. makes people grow stronger, high
sugar content), market traits (e.g. marketability, transportability)172.
Alternatively or additionally, existing or freshly collected morphological
data and / or farmers’ perceived diversity173 can be used as a proxy for
genetic data (different morphological characteristics imply different genetic
characteristics). Further, if no other data are available, the ecogeography of
the LR may be used to identify potential genetic diversity, the assumption
being that genetic diversity will be correlated with ecogeographic diversity.
(x) Genetic erosion monitoring scheme. Once genetic baseline data have been
obtained, a plan to assess genetic diversity regularly over time (in order to
detect any genetic erosion events) can be implemented (see B.12. Monitoring
of landraces on-farm).

see Bioversity and The Christensen Fund (2009) for the complete list of farmers’ knowledge
see e.g. Mkumbira et al. (2003), Chiwona‐Karltun et al. (2004)
B.7.3. Examples and applied use of LR genetic diversity studies

Box 84. Genetic diversity of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and P. coccineus landraces

in Italy
Genetic diversity of 66 Phaseolus genotypes (including 14 LR of P. vulgaris and 9
LR of P. coccineus) collected in Marche, central Italy, were assessed using inter
simple sequence repeats (ISSR), nuclear microsatellites and (SSR) and chloroplast
microsatellites (CpSSR). P. vulgaris showed higher genetic diversity than P.
coccineus for the SSR and CpSSR, but not for the putative neutral ISSR markers.
These data suggested that the diversity in LR of Phaseolus has been maintained by
farmers’ selection and adaptation to heterogeneous environments. In addition,
genetic diversity of Marche genotypes was compared to that of American
genotypes. 71% of the P. vulgaris LR from Marche are of Andean origin.
Source: Sicard et al. (2005)

Box 85. Genetic diversity of rice accessions from India

Genetic diversity of 35 rice accessions (19 LR, 9 cultivars and 7 wild relatives), was
assessed with microsatellite (SSR) markers distributed across the rice genome.
The mean number of alleles per locus and percentage of polymorphism were
estimated. Cluster analysis based on allelic diversity showed that the LR, cultivars
and wild relatives analysed are clearly different. Allelic richness was found to be
higher among wild relatives, followed by LR (0.356), and lower for cultivars. Allelic
variability among the SSR markers was thus high enough to categorize cultivars,
LR and wild relatives of the rice germplasm examined. The results also suggested
that genes from LR and wild relatives should be introgressed into cultivars for
their improvement.
Source: Ram et al. (2007)

B.7.4. List of references used to compile the text

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Chiwona-Karltun L, Brimer L, Kalenga Saka JD, Mhone AR, Mkumbira J,
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Lynch M (1996) “A quantitative‐genetic perspective on conservation issues.” In:
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today and tomorrow, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 53‐80.
McKay JK and Latta RG (2002) Adaptive population divergence: markers, QTL
and traits. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17: 285‐291.
Merilä J and Crnokrak P (2001) Comparison of genetic differentiation at marker
loci and quantitative traits. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 14: 892‐903.
Mkumbira J, Chiwona-Karltun L, Lagercrantz U, Mahungu NM, Saka J, Mhone A,
Bokanga M, Brimer L, Gullberg U and Rosling H (2003) Classification of
cassava into 'bitter' and 'cool' in Malawi: From farmers' perception to
characterisation by molecular markers. Euphytica, 132(1): 7-22.
Moritz C (2002) Strategies to protect biological diversity and the evolutionary
processes that sustain it. Systematic Biology 51: 238‐254.
Neel MC and Cummings MP (2003a) Genetic consequences of ecological reserve
design guidelines: an empirical investigation. Conservation Genetics 4: 427-
Negri V, Maxted N and Veteläinen M (2009) “European landrace conservation: an
introduction.” In: Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (Eds) European
landraces: on-farm conservation, management and use. Bioversity Technical
Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 1-22.
Palacios C and González‐Candelas F (1999) AFLP analysis of the Critically
Endangered Limonium cavanillesii (Plumbagincaea). Journal of Heredity
90(4): 485‐489.
Pearman PB (2001) Conservation value of independently evolving units: sacred
cow or testable hypothesis? Conservation Biology 15: 780‐783.
Ram SG, Thiruvengadam V and Vinod KK (2007) Genetic diversity among
cultivars, landraces and wild relatives of rice as revealed by microsatellite
markers. Journal of Applied Genetics 48(4): 337-345.
Reed DH and Frankham R (2001) How closely correlated are molecular and
quantitative measures of genetic variation? A meta‐analysis. Evolution 55:
Rottenberg A and Parker JS (2003) Conservation of the critically endangered
Rumex rothschildianus as implied from AFLP diversity. Biological
Conservation 114: 299‐303.
Sicard D, Nanni L, Porfiri O, Bulfon D and Papa R (2005) Genetic diversity of
Phaseolus vulgaris L. and P. coccineus L. landraces in central Italy. Plant
Breeding 124: 464-472.
Van Tienderen PH, de Haan AA, van der Linden CG and Vosman B (2002)
Biodiversity assessment using markers for ecologically important traits.
Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17: 577‐582.
Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (eds) (2009a) European landraces: on-farm
conservation, management and use. Bioversity Technical Bulletin 15. Bioversity
International, Rome.
Watson‐Jones SJ, Maxted N and Ford‐Lloyd BF (2006) Population baseline data
for monitoring genetic diversity loss for 2010: a case study for Brassica species
in the UK. Biological Conservation 132: 490‐499.

B.7.5. Additional materials and resources

Genetic studies:
Assefa A, Labuschagne MT and Viljoen CD (2007) AFLP analysis of
 genetic relationships between barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) landraces from
north Shewa in Ethiopia. Conservation Genetics 8: 273-280.
Dje Y, Forcioli D, Ater M, Lefebvre C and Vekemans X (1999) Assessing
 population genetic structure of Sorghum landraces from North-Western
Morocco using allozyme and microsatellite markers. Theoretical and
Applied Genetics 99: 157-163.

García-Martínez S, Andreani L, García-Gusano M, Geuna F, and Ruiz JJ

(2006) Evaluation of AFLPs and SSRs for tomato germplasm

fingerprinting: utility for grouping closely related traditional cultivars.
Genome 49(6):648-656.
Mazzucato A, Papa R, Bitocchi E, Mosconi P, Nanni L, Negri V, Picarella
EM, Siligato F, Soressi GP, Tiranti B and Veronesi F (2008) Genetic
 diversity, structure and marker-trait associations in a collection of tomato
(Solanum lycopersicum L.) Italian landraces. Theoretical and Applied
Genetics 116: 657-669.
Polegri L and Negri V (2010) Molecular markers for promoting agro-
biodiversity conservation: a case study from Italy. How cowpea landraces

were saved from extinction. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 57(6):
Qui-Lun Y, Ping F, Ke-Cheng K and Guang-Tang P (2008) Genetic
 diversity based on SSR markers in maize (Zea mays L.) landraces from
Wuling mountain region in China. Journal of Genetics 87(3): 287-291.
Ruiz JJ, García-Martínez S, Picó B, Gao M, Quiros CF (2005) Genetic
variability and relationship of closely related Spanish traditional varieties

of tomato as detected by SRAP and SSR markers. Journal of the American
Society for Horticultural Science 130(1): 88-94.
Tosti N and Negri V (2005) On-going on-farm microevolutionary
 processes in neighbouring cowpea landraces revealed by molecular
markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 110: 1275-1283.
Ruiz JJ, García-Gusano M, García-Martínez S, Andreani L and Geuna F
(2006) Evaluation of four marker systems (SSRs, AFLPs, SRAPs and SNPs)
 for tomato germplasm fingerprinting: utility for grouping traditional
Spanish cultivars. 27th International Horticultural Congress (IHC),
Agosto 2006, Seoul, Korea.
Zhang X, Blair MW and Wang S (2010) Genetic diversity of Chinese
common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) assessed with simple sequence
 repeats (SSR) markers. Available from:
http://www.slideshare.net/CIAT/geneticdiversity-ss-rmarkers [Accessed
January 2012].
Thomas M, Khan A-R, Galic N, Dawson J, Demeulenaere E, Bonneuil C
and Goldringer I (2010) On-farm conservation in industrialized countries:
a way to promote dynamic management of biodiversity within agro-

ecosystems. Symposium “Towards the establishment of genetic reserve
for crop wild relatives and landraces in Europe”. 13-16 September, Funchal,
Orabi J (2009) Landraces: genetic diversity and evaluation. Available
 from:
bi.pdf [Accessed June 2012].

Pariyo A, Baguma YM Kawuki R, Omongo C, Alical T, Edema R, Gashaka

G, Obiero M, Fregene M, Njuki I, Ferguson M and Bua A (2010) Genetic
diversity of cassava landraces in the great lakes region of Africa assessed

by SSR markers. Available from:
http://sliwww.slideshare.net/CIAT/poster-gines-pariyo [Accessed
January 2012].
Alzate AM, Vallejo FA, Ceballos H, Pérez JC and Fregene M (2010)
Fingerprinting, assessment of genetic diversity of cassava (Manihot
 esculenta Crantz) cultivated by small farmers in the Colombian Atlantic
Coast. Available from: http://www.slideshare.net/CIAT/poster-gines-
adrianaalzate [Accessed January 2012].
Bonierbale M (2010) Sustaining and projecting genetic diversity: potatoes
adapted to different needs. Available from:

diversity-potatoes-adapted-to-changing-needs [Accessed January 2012].
Genetic studies to search for traits of interest for crop breeding:
Cooper HD, Spillane C and Hodgkin T (2001) Broadening the Genetic
 Base of Crop Production. CAB International, IPGRI and FAO, Wallingford
and Rome. pp. 452.
Ceccarelli S (2010) Landraces: importance and use in breeding and
environmentally friendly agronomic systems. Symposium “Towards the

establishment of genetic reserve for crop wild relatives and landraces in
Europe”. 13-16 September, Funchal, Madeira.
Daugstad K (2010) On-farm conservation in the forage species timothy,
meadow fescue and red clover – the way of creating new landraces in
 Norway. Symposium “Towards the establishment of genetic reserve for
crop wild relatives and landraces in Europe”. 13-16 September, Funchal,
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (2011) Utilization of wild
species and cultivated landrace for enhancing productivity and other
attributes of staple food crops. Available from:

staple-food-crops [Accessed January 2012].
Mendes-Moreira P, Vaz Patto MC, Mendes Moreira J, Hallauer A and Pêgo
S (2010) On-farm conservation and participatory maize breeding in
 Portugal; lessons learnt and future perspectives. Symposium “Towards the
establishment of genetic reserve for crop wild relatives and landraces in
Europe”. 13-16 September, Funchal, Madeira.
Studies on introgression between wild relatives and crop cultivars:
Andersson MS and de Vicente C (2009) Gene Flow Between Crops and

Their Relatives. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. pp. 604.
Andersson MS, de Vicente C and Ellstrand NC (2010) Gene flow between

crops and their wild relatives. Evolutionary Applications 3(4): 402-403.
Ellstrand NC (2003) Dangerous Liaisons? When Cultivated Plants Mate
 With Their Wild Relatives. The Johns Hopkins University Press,
Baltimore. pp. 244.
Jarvis DI and Hodgkin T (1999) Wild relatives and crop cultivars:
 detecting natural introgression and farmer selection of new genetic
combinations in agroecosystems. Molecular Ecology 8: S159-S173.
Technical documents on genetic diversity analysis:
Bioversity International training modules on molecular analysis of
WW diversity:
W http://www.bioversityinternational.org/training/training_materials.html#
Nomenclatural versus genetic definition of landraces:
de Haan S, Bonierbale M, Ghislain M, Núñez J and Trujillo G (2007)
 Indigenous biosystematics of Andean potatoes: folk taxonomy,
descriptors and nomenclature. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 745: 89-134.
Huamán Z and Spooner DM (2002) Reclassification of landrace
 populations of cultivated potatoes (Solanum sect. Petota). American
Journal of Botany 89: 947-965.
Majaju C and Chakuya E (2008) Morphological variation of sorghum
 landrace accessions on-farm in semi-arid areas of Zimbabwe. International
Journal of Botany, 4(4): 376-382.
B.8. Gap analysis of priority landraces
B.8.1. Overview

What is LR gap analysis?

Gap analysis is a conservation evaluation technique that informs the prioritization
of biodiversity elements for conservation action by identifying ‘gaps’ in the
conservation of those elements174,175,176,177. In practice, gap analysis of LR involves a
comparison between the range of farmer maintained diversity (equivalent to the
pattern of natural diversity in wild plant species) and that diversity already
effectively represented by current on-farm conservation actions (in situ gap
analysis) and samples of that diversity represented in gene bank collections (ex
situ gap analysis). Note there is a difference between knowledge that a farmer
maintains a landrace and the inclusion of that farmer and LR included within an
on-farm project, the former is passively conserved but is subject to the range of
threats facing any LR population, but the latter is actively managed to counter
these threats and so will engender conservation.
Conservation gaps can be assessed at different levels: individual LR,
ecogeographic, trait, and genetic variability of a specific trait. It should be
highlighted that morphological analysis and traditional knowledge (farmers’
perceived diversity) can be used when data on trait/genetic characterisation are

There is now an extensive literature associated with gap analysis which essentially
identifies areas in which selected elements of biodiversity are under-
represented178. Nevertheless, it is almost entirely restricted to identifying gaps in
habitat or ecosystem conservation, not gaps within existing species or genetic
diversity conservation. The use of this technique to identify gaps in networks of
protected habitats for in situ conservation of genetic resources, namely for CWR,
has already been mentioned179. It is worth stressing that environmental gap
analysis focuses on in situ conservation alone, whereas for PGRFA conservation
both in situ and ex situ conservation would be considered equally as
complementary conservation techniques. A systematic genetic gap analysis
methodology for identifying gaps within a crop gene pool and within individual
species has been developed and illustrated with the case of African Vigna wild
relatives and LR. The study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of current in situ
and ex situ conservation actions and identifying the ‘gaps’, thus informing the
development of a conservation plan for the crop gene pool180. More recently, a gap

Noss and Cooperrider (1999)
Eken et al. (2004)
Rodrigues et al. (2004)
Langhammer et al. (2007)
E.g. Margules et al. (1988), Margules (1989), Margules and Pressey (2000), Allen et al. (2001),
Balmford (2003), Brooks et al. (2004), Dietz and Czech (2005), Riemann and Ezcurra (2005)
See Ingram and Williams (1993)
See Maxted et al. (2008b)
analysis methodology based on GIS tools has been developed specifically for crop
gene pools181.
Ecogeographic, taxonomic and farmers’ knowledge on LR (see B.4. National
inventory of landraces), as well as threat (see B.5. Threats and threat assessment)
and genetic diversity (see B.7. Genetic data analysis of priority landraces)
assessments provide information that helps identify gaps in the conservation of
LR. Figure 35 summarises how these types of data feed onto a gap analysis study.
Conservation gaps can be detected at different levels, both in situ and ex situ : (i)
individual LR level (LR not conserved versus conserved), (ii) ecogeographic level
(for a particular LR, areas/environmental conditions not covered by in situ or ex
situ conservation activities versus those covered), (iii) trait level (specific LR
populations that present a particular trait of interest that are not conserved versus
populations with that same trait that are), (iv) genetic variability of a specific trait
(specific LR populations that are genetically diverse for a specific trait that is not
conserved versus those that are). The level at which gap analysis can be
undertaken depends on the type of data available for the study. It should be
highlighted that trait and genetic data are not always available and that the
collation of information de novo may not be possible due to resource limitations.
Therefore, in the absence of ‘real’ trait/genetic information, morphological
analysis and traditional knowledge (farmers’ perceived diversity) can be used
The result of an in situ or ex situ LR gap analysis is a list of LR populations that
require active on-farm or ex situ conservation. Figure 5 illustrates both the in situ
and ex situ gap analysis methodologies.

Home gardens with LR in Mlaky (Polana region, Slovakia) (photo: Pavol


Bioversity International et al. (2009) and also see R‐package GapAnalysis available at: http://r‐forge.r‐
Collecting and taking seeds for evaluation in Troyan region (Bulgaria) (photo:
Tsvetelina Stoilova) (from project supported by Global Crop Diversity Trust
entitled "Enrichment diversity of Vigna and Phaseolus germplasm collections -
evaluation, maintenance and better utilization in correspondence with global
climate change”).





LR national inventory


Figure 17. Data collation for LR gap analysis

LR national inventory


ACTIONS + SEED SYSTEMS (genebanks, field genebanks)

Individual LR Ecogeographic range of individual LR Targeted LR populations with

particular traits/genetic
variability/farmers’ perceived diversity





GAPS = under‐ GAPS = under‐represented GAPS = under‐represented

represented LR geographic areas and genetic/trait/farmers’ perceived
environments diversity


Figure 18. Landrace diversity in situ and ex situ gap analysis methodology
B.8.2. Methodology for LR gap analysis
In situ and ex situ gap analysis can be carried out at different levels depending on
the information available.
Individual LR level: At the individual LR level, the gap analysis is undertaken to
ascertain whether the target LR are actively conserved on-farm or in seed systems
and whether they are adequately represented in ex situ collections.
(iii) In situ. Review on-farm activities and seed systems that maintain LR.
Compare the LR inventory with those populations known to be actively
conserved in situ to detect priority LR not actively conserved. GAPS = LR
diversity not actively conserved in situ.
(iv) Ex situ. Review the ex situ accessions in gene banks and field gene banks, via
direct contact with gene banks or via on-line databases (e.g. EURISCO,
GENESYS, Singer). Compare the LR inventory with those populations known
to be actively conserved ex situ to detect priority LR not actively conserved.
GAPS = LR diversity not conserved ex situ.
Ecogeographic level: At the ecogeographic level, the gap analysis is undertaken to
ascertain whether the whole ecogeographic range of individual LR are represented
in situ/ex situ. Environmental data can be used as a proxy for abiotic traits such as
extreme temperatures, drought, etc.
(iii) In situ: a comparison between ecogeographic range of individual LR and that
element of the range that is conserved formally on-farm will help target new
in situ activities. GAPS = ecogeographic areas not covered by on-farm
(iv) Ex situ: a comparison between individual LR ecogeographic diversity and
where that diversity has been previously sampled and conserved ex situ will
help target further collections and active ex situ conservation. GAPS =
ecogeographic areas where previous sampling and ex situ conservation has
not occurred or where further germplasm collection is required to
supplement existing collections, especially if the collection was made over 10
LR generations previously.
See figure 38 for the methodology developed for gap analysis of crops72.
Trait level: At the trait level, the gap analysis is undertaken to ascertain whether
specific LR populations with a particular trait of interest (e.g. gluten content) are
conserved in situ/ex situ.
(iii) In situ. A comparison between LR distribution among farmers together with
trait/genetic/farmers’ perceived diversity data and where it is actively
conserved will help target new in situ activities. GAPS = specific populations
with the trait of interest/genetic characteristic (or high diversity, etc.) not
actively conserved in situ.
(iv) Ex situ. A comparison between LR distribution among farmers together with
trait/genetic/farmers’ perceived diversity information and where it has
previously been collected will help target further collections and active ex
situ conservation. GAPS = specific populations with the trait/genetic
diversity/farmers’ perceived diversity of interest not conserved ex situ.
GIS-based predictive characterization can be used to identify those populations
that are likely to contain desirable traits (e.g. insect pest resistance). Focused
Identification of Germplasm Strategy (FIGS) is a predictive characterisation
technique and can be used in this context. The basic steps of a FIGS analysis for
LR are:

Figure 19. Crops gap analysis methodology at ecogeographic level 182

 Compile the geographic distribution of the LR;

Ramírez‐Villegas et al. (2010)
 Gather characterisation and evaluation data regarding the trait of interest
from ex situ collections databases and georeference the samples that
contain the trait of interest;
 Gather environmental information (e.g. climate, soil, elevation, topography)
(see ‘Additional materials and resources’ for sources of data) and extract
environmental data for each LR accession/population using a GIS software
(e.g. DIVA-GIS);
 Utilise the existing characterization and evaluation data to identify sites
where the required variation exists;
 Produce profiles of the sites identified above in terms of environmental,
ecological and any other relevant data;
 Look for similar environmental profiles amongst other sites and develop a
sampling strategy using clustering, principal component analysis etc.;
 Identify whether ex situ accessions are available or active on-farm
conservation is carried out and whether it is necessary to collect de novo
from the identified sites in order to complete the ex situ collection or to
target populations for in situ conservation.

Box 86. GIS-based predictive characterisation

Predictive characterisation is a means of identifying in situ populations/ex situ
accessions likely to contain desirable traits (e.g. insect pest resistance) and has
been successfully applied in research on crop wild relatives. Focused
Identification of Germplasm Strategy (FIGS) is a technique of predictive
characterisation that can be used for that purpose but can also be used for
landraces. It is an innovative approach that brings together information available
on PGR and the environments in which they evolved through GIS technology. It
combines climatic and ecogeographic information, species distribution data, and
distribution of a particular trait (e.g. pest or disease resistance), in order to create
environmental profiles of the habitats in which a given population (genotype)
containing the desirable trait evolved. FIGS finally identifies the populations or
accessions most likely to contain the desirable adaptive traits. FIGS has been used
to successfully identify seven new resistance alleles to powdery mildew
(genePm3) from an initial number of 16,089 wheat accessions (see Bhullar et al.
2009). The utilization of FIGS methodology can thus aid breeders’ selection in
identifying in situ populations or ex situ accessions most likely to contain the
traits of interest.
Source: MacKay et al. (2004), Bhullar et al. (2009)

Genetic variability of a specific trait level: At the genetic variability of a specific

trait level, the gap analysis is undertaken to ascertain whether, for each LR,
adequate genetic (trait expression) variability within a trait is represented in
situ/ex situ. Alternatively, farmer’s perceived (morphological) diversity can be
used as a proxy for genetic diversity.
(i) In situ: a comparison between LR distribution among farmers together
considered together with genetic diversity information (or
morphological/farmer’s perceived diversity) and where that trait
expression variability is actively conserved, will help target new in situ
activities. GAPS = genetic diversity/farmers’ perceived diversity not
currently conserved in situ on-farm.
(ii) Ex situ: a comparison between LR distribution among farmers together with
genetic diversity information (or morphological/farmer’s perceived
diversity) and where it has been previously collected, will help target
further collections and active ex situ conservation. GAPS = genetic
diversity/farmers’ perceived diversity not conserved ex situ.
It should be re-stressed that different local named LR can be the same LR and LR
with the same local name can include two distinct genetic entities. In which case
trait expression variability assessment should be accompanied by a molecular
study to provide clarification.

B.8.3. Examples and applied use of LR gap analysis

Box 87. Ex situ gap analysis at geographic and trait levels in the pearl millet
A review of the ex situ accessions of pearl millet LR from Asia conserved at the
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) gene
bank was undertaken. Based on passport and characterization data and using GIS
tools, geographical gaps (areas that were not represented ex situ) as well as
diversity in one or more traits gaps were identified. Geographical gaps included
134 distinct districts of 14 provinces in India and 12 districts of Punjab province in
Pakistan. Gaps in diversity for one or more traits comprised a total of 208 distinct
districts in 12 provinces. Among all districts, gaps in the diversity for all traits
were found in India; gaps in the diversity of panicle length and width were found
in Pakistan, gaps in the diversity for one or more traits and at the same time
common to geographical gaps were identified in India.
Source: Upadhyaya et al. (2010)

Box 88. Predictive association between traits and ecogeographic data

Given that gene bank collections often lack characterisation and evaluation (trait)
data, Focused Identification of Germplasm (FIGS) was used to predict missing
trait information for LR. Ecogeographic data for 14 Nordic LR of barley (Hordeum
vulgare L.) were used to correlate with morphological traits using a modern multi-
linear data modelling method (multi-linear partial least squares [N-PLS]). This
method proved to be efficient in targeting germplasm for future collecting and
complement or replace the current core collection selection method when trait
information is missing.
Source: Endresen (2010)
Box 89. Global ex situ gap analysis for sweet potato
More than 5000 records of sweet potato LR were obtained from the Germplasm Resources
Information Network (GRIN), the EURISCO Catalogue and The CGIAR System-wide
Information Network for Genetic Resources (SINGER). The gap analysis was undertaken
using three main steps:
1. Geographic distances and collection densities. Both the distribution and geographical
frequency of accessions were evaluated: the number of accessions in a 3000 Km radius
circular neighbourhood within a limited geographic space was calculated thus defining
the “known distribution” of the crop. High density areas were detected in Paraguay and
the Caribbean; the Philippines, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea were well sampled,
whereas the areas in the Malay Archipelago were under-represented in ex situ collections.
Some areas in China appeared poorly sampled, but this may have been due to inadequate
access to national data sets. In Portugal, data were found to have poor quality. Significant
gaps were also detected in western Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Angola, Democratic Republic
of Congo, Ethiopia, Madagascar and northern India indicating further collecting is
2. Environmental distances. The environmental representativeness of each accession in
relation to the entire geographic area in which the crop is grown was assessed. All
different environments should be represented ex situ, even the rarer ones. Accession
collection sites were characterized using the Worldclim set as environmental layers
(Hijmans et al. 2005, available at: http://www.worldclim.org/) to derive 19 bioclimatic
indices (Busby 1991). These variables were used to calculate the Mahalanobis distance
(Mahalanobis 1936) between each of the points where the crop is known to be grown
(defined by a mask layer). P5 (maximum temperature of warmest month) was discarded
due to the high considerable collinearities between the variables in the data set of Bioclim.
The analysis of the environmental representativeness of the sweet potato collection
showed that previously identified geographic gaps were in fact already environmentally
represented by other accessions: in western Africa, southern Madagascar, Tanzania,
Angola, southern China, Brazil, part of the Malay archipelago and Bangladesh.
Ecogeographic gaps were detected in northern China, northern India, northern Nigeria,
part of Chad and southern Brazil, thus indicating the need of further collecting.
3. Selection of sampling areas and areas with gaps. Two thresholds (determining the areas
not represented enough by the set of accessions) were selected based on statistics (one
for the sampling density layer, and the other one for environmental distances) and used to
cut off both previously calculated surfaces.
In summary, significant geographic gaps in the collection were detected in coastal West
Africa (Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia), northern Nigeria, part of Chad, regions in
Ethiopia, eastern Madagascar, northern India and some isolated areas in the Malay
Archipelago. China appears to be a well sampled country, but with very limited data
accessibility thus inducing a gap in the collections. Environmental gaps were also
identified and further collecting efforts should focus in these gaps. Issues of data
availability and quality should be the focus in areas such as North America.
Source: Bioversity International et al. (2009)

B.8.4. List of references used to compile the text

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405(6873): 243-253.
Margules CR, Nicholls AO and Pressey PL (1988) Selecting networks of reserves to
maximize biological diversity. Biological Conservation, 43: 63‐76.
Maxted N, Dulloo E, Ford-Lloyd BV, Iriondo JM and Jarvis A (2008b) Gap
analysis: a tool for complementary genetic conservation assessment. Diversity
and Distributions 14: 1018-1030.
Maxted N, Dulloo E, Ford-Lloyd BV, Iriondo JM and Jarvis A (2008b) Gap
analysis: a tool for complementary genetic conservation assessment. Diversity
and Distributions 14: 1018-1030.
Noss R and Cooperrider A (1999) Gap analysis as applied conservation biology. In:
The best of Gap. A compilation of the best of the Gap Analysis. Bulletin U.S.
Department of the Interior and U.S. Geological Survey.
Riemann H and Ezcurra E (2005) Plant endemism and natural PAs in the peninsula
of Baja California, Mexico. Biological Conservation 122: 141-150.
Rodrigues ASL, Andelman SJ, Bakarr MI, Boitani L, Brooks TM, Cowling RM,
Fishpool LDC, Fonseca GAB, Gaston KJ, Hoffmann M, Long JS, Marquet PA,
Pilgrim JD, Pressey RL, Schipper J, Sechrest W, Stuart SN, Underhill LG, Waller
RW, Watts MEJ and Yan X (2004) Effectiveness of the global protected area
network in representing species diversity. Nature 428: 640-643.
Upadhyaya HD, Reddy KN, Ahmed MI and Gowda CLL (2010) Identification of
gaps in pearl millet germplasm from Asia conserved at the ICRISAT gene bank.
Plant Genetic Resources: Characterization and Utilization 8(3): 267-276.

B.8.5. Additional materials and resources

Methodological references:
Ramírez-Villegas J, Khoury C, Jarvis A, Debouck DG and Guarino L
(2010) A gap analysis methodology for collecting crop genepools: a case

study with Phaseolus beans. PLoS ONE 5(10): e13497.
Magos Brehm J and Maxted N (2011) In situ and ex situ gap analysis:
overview. Second training workshop "Conservation for enhanced
utilization of crop wild relative diversity for sustainable development and
 climate change mitigation", Beijing (China). Organised by the University
of Birmingham and financed by the Department for Environment, Food
and Rural Affairs (DEFRA, UK) and by the Chinese Ministry of
Agriculture. 11-13 January.
Jarvis A, Ramírez J, Castañeda N, Hijmans R and van Etten J (2010) Gap
analysis: Available from:

[Accessed January 2012].
Ramírez J and Jarvis A (2009) Diversidad tropicval: conservación y
desarrollo. Available from: http://www.slideshare.net/CIAT/julian-r-

diversidad-tropical-conservacion-y-desarrollo-2488421 [Accessed January
The Gap Analysis site : http://gisweb.ciat.cgiar.org/GapAnalysis/
Examples of crop gap analysis:
Examples of LR gap analyses (barley, cassava, chickpea, common wheat,
durum wheat, groundnut, lentil, maize, pigeon pea, potato, rice, sorghum,
soybean, sweet potato): http://gisweb.ciat.cgiar.org/GapAnalysis/?cat=8
Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy (FIGS):
Bari A, Street K, Mackay M, Endresen DTF, De Pauw E and Amri A (2012)
Focused identification of germplasm strategy (FIGS) detects wheat stem

rust resistance linked to environmental variables. Genetic Resources and
Crop Evolution. doi:10.1007/s10722-011-9775-5
El Bouhssini M, Street K, Amri A, Mackay M, Ogbonnaya FC, Omran A,
Abdalla O, Baum M, Dabbous A and Rihawo F (2011) Sources of resistance
 in bread wheat to Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia) in Syria
identified using the Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy (FIGS).
Plant Breeding 130(1): 96-97.
Endresen DTF, Street K, Mackay M, Bari A and De Pauw E (2011)
 Predictive association between biotic stress traits and eco-geographic
data for wheat and barley landraces. Crop Science 51(5): 2036-2055.
Endresen DTF, Street K, Mackay M, Bari A, Amri A, De Pauw E, Nazar K
and Yahyaoui A (2012) Sources of resistance to stem rust (Ug99) in bread

wheat and durum wheat identified using Focused Identification of
Germplasm Strategy (FIGS). Crop Science 52(2): 764-773.
Mackay M (2011) Surfing the Genepool. The Effective and Efficient Use of
Plant Genetic Resources. Doctoral Thesis. Swedish University of
Agricultural Sciences. Available from:

[Accessed January 2012].
Endresen DTF (2011) Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources: A Lifeboat to
the Gene Pool. PhD dissertation defence. Available at:

defence-20110331 [Accessed December 2011].

 Endresen DTF (2010) A Lifeboat to the Gene Pool - Predictive association

between trait data and eco-geographic data for identification of trait
properties useful for improvement of food crops. Vavilov Seminar at IPK
Gatersleben, May 12. Available from:
trait-data-and-ecogeographic-data-for-nordic-barley-landraces [Accessed
December 2011].
Mackay M, Street K, Zuev E, Bhullar NK, El Bouhssini M, Kanopka J and
Mitrofanova O (2009). Towards more efficient mining of genetic variation
 in ex situ collections. ITMI / COST Workshop, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Available from: http://www.slideshare.net/vanessaalam/amman-
workshop-3-m-mackay [Accessed January 2012].
Trait mining website: http://code.google.com/p/trait-mining/
 R-package GapAnalysis: http://r-forge.r-project.org/R/?group_id=645
Biodiversity occurrence data (ex situ sources):
Dias S, Arnaud E and Dulloo E (2010) Info for food – EURISCO and
promoting agrobiodiversity use. Symposium “Towards the establishment

of genetic reserve for crop wild relatives and landraces in Europe”. 13-16
September, Funchal, Madeira.
WW EURISCO (on-line gene bank databases):
W http://eurisco.ecpgr.org/home_page/home.php
WW CGIAR System-wide Information Network for Genetic Resources
W (SINGER): http://singer.cgiar.org/
WW Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN): http://www.ars-
W grin.gov/
Genesys – Gateway to Genetic Resources: http://www.genesys-pgr.org/
WW The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
W (ICRISAT): http://www.icrisat.org/
ECPGR Central Crop Databases (Allium, Avena, Arachis, Beta, Brassica,
Capsicum, Cannabis sativa, Cicer, Cichorium, Cucurbits, Cyphomandra,
Dactylis, Festuca, Glycine, Hordeum, Lactuca, Lathyrus, Lens, Linum
usitatissimum, Lolium, Lupinus, Malus, Medicago, Phaseolus, Phleum,
Physalis, Pisum, Poa, Prunus, Pyrus, Ribes, Rubus, Solanum spp., Solanum
lycopersicum, Solanum melongena, Solanum muricatum, Solanum
tuberosum, Umbellifer, Vicia faba, Vigna, Vitis, Zea mays, Secale,
Spinacia oleracea, Trifolium, Triticale, Triticum, minor forage grasses,
minor forage legumes, minor fruit trees, minor leafy vegetables):
Biodiversity occurrence data:
Global Biodiversity Information Facility: http://www.gbif.org/
WW Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network (IABIN):
W http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/dsd/iabin/
Crop data:
Crop distributions surfaces and other agricultural data available at the
WW Land Use and Global Environmental Change website of the Department of
W Geography at McGill University:
Environmental data:
WW Bioclimatic variables: WorldClim – Global Climate Data:
W http://www.worldclim.org/
Soil: World Soil Information: http://www.isric.org/data/data-policy
WW Topography: The CGIAR Consortium for Spatial Information (CGIAR-
W SCI) srtm.csi.cgiar.org
Other: GeoNetwork - http://www.fao.org/geonetwork/srv/en/main.home
Gazetteers and other ways of searching places names:
Gazetteer: Chambers, (1988). Chambers World Gazetteer: An A-Z of
 Geographical Information. 5th edition. Larousse Kingfisher Chambers,
Gazetteer: Times Books (1999) Atlas of the World, ed. 10. Times Books,

Google Maps: http://maps.google.com
BioGeomancer: http://www.biogeomancer.org/software.html
GeoNames: http://www.geonames.org/
Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names:
Global Gazetteer Version 2.2: http://www.fallingrain.com/world/
 Google Earth: http://www.google.com/earth/index.html
B.9. Establishment of LR in situ conservation
B.9.1. Overview

What are the in situ conservation goals of a National management plan for LR
A National management plan for LR conservation aims at the development and
implementation of a national network of on-farm sites where long-term active
conservation (in order to safeguard their genetic diversity as well as
traditional/local knowledge associated with LR maintenance and use) and
sustainable use of LR is carried out to contribute to food security, especially in
marginal rural communities.

In practice, there is likely to be discussion over whether on-farm sites should

target single LR or multiple LR. This choice will ultimately depend on the goals of
the National management plan, the objectives of the commissioning agency, on
the financial and human resources allocated to the conservation of LR and, most
important of all, on the farmer’s willingness to maintain and cultivate LR. The
financial resources dedicated to conservation, and especially to the conservation
of PGR, is a crucial limitation to the development of targeted actions and
management plans that permit efficient conservation and utilization of these
resources. So, generally, a multi‐LR approach is more viable and realistic and often
used in opposition to a single-LR approach because several LR can be conserved at
the same time in a single area and unit costs will be reduced. In addition, multi-LR
sites may conserve entire farming systems whereas single-LR sites are focused on
the value (cultural, religious, for food security, etc.) of each individual LR and on
their particular adaptive diversity. However, if a particular LR is of sufficient
national, regional or global priority, even if found in isolation from other LR, the
establishment of an on-farm site to conserve it may be justified. See B.9.3
Examples and applied use for examples of both multi- and single-LR on-farm sites.
The establishment of LR in situ conservation goals involves five main stages: (i)
overview of in situ conservation gaps, (ii) preliminary selection of on-farm sites
(either using a single-LR or multi-LR approach), (iii) incorporation of threat data
on the selection of on-farm sites, (iv) final selection of sites, and (v) production of
action/management plans (summary of the National management plan for LR
conservation developed for single or multi-LR).
Gaps in on-farm conservation of LR were identified with the gap analysis and
should be taken into consideration. When there are no on-farm conservation
activities at national level, a preliminary selection of on-farm sites should be
carried out either focusing on single-LR or multiple-LR sites. When on-farm
conservation activities do exist, in situ conservation gaps identified in the gap
analysis can be complemented by selecting either single-LR or multiple-LR sites
for efficient conservation of nationally important LR. A single-LR approach helps
identify the sites that should be targeted for on-farm activities specifically for a
particular LR throughout its distribution, whereas a multi-LR approach helps
identify sites for on-farm activities of groups of LR.
In both approaches (single- and multi-LR), threats (e.g. climate change) should be
taken into account. Priority should be given to those areas whose habitat
suitability (for a particular LR) is predicted not to be altered significantly with
changes in climate (or not affected by any other threat), or if so, it should be
controlled and monitored, thus ensuring their long‐term persistence and
conservation. Areas that are likely to suffer greater LR erosion as a result of
climate change may be more appropriately targeted for ex situ conservation.
However, these areas may still be worth monitoring as the LR that remain in these
areas have the ability to adapt to the changing environmental conditions brought
about by climate change and so in themselves may have additional value to
The network of on-farm sites should be the result of a pragmatic approach in
relation to the conservation goal while at the same time ensuring adequate backup
ex situ conservation for the population(s).

Farmer choosing seeds of beans in Kamen Brjag (Bulgaria) (photo: René


In situ conservation activities?


In situ conservation gaps In combination with

Which approach?

Single‐LR on‐farm sites Multi‐LR on‐farm sites*

Geographic data Trait/genetic diversity Geographic data

(farmers’ perceived diversity)



Climate change data

‐ future climate Climate change data
prediction maps ‐ future climate
Other threats
Other threats

Figure 20. Establishment of LR in situ conservation goals

*The methodology suggested by Negri et al. (2012) can also be used to select multi-LR on-farm sites.
B.9.2. Methodology for establishing LR in situ conservation goals
(v) Overview of in situ conservation gaps. In situ conservation gaps that
resulted from the in situ gap analysis should be taken into consideration.
(vi) Preliminary selection of on-farm sites.
 Multi-LR on-farm conservation sites. A network of multi-LR on-farm
conservation sites can be established based on the minimum number of
farm areas that contain the optimal sample of LR, either by: (i) identifying
LR ‘hotspots’ (areas with high LR richness) or (ii) by identifying the
minimum number of sites needed to conserve all priority LR as given by an
iterative process of complementarity analysis183,184.
‘Hotspot’ analysis identifies one or more sites that have significantly higher
levels of LR diversity regardless of the LR that occur within those sites (i.e.
two very LR rich sites can be identified but they may contain the exact
same LR, therefore it would not be efficient to actively conserve both sites).
Having made this point, where genetic diversity within LR is considered, it
may be worth conserving both or multiple sites with an identical array of
LR if it is known or predicted by ecogeographic analysis that the samples of
genetic diversity contained in each site complements rather than
duplicates the diversity at other sites. ‘Hotspot’ analysis can be carried out
using DIVA-GIS (http://www.diva-gis.org/).
Complementarity analysis identifies the minimum number of sites needed
to conserve all priority LR. The first selected grid square (and the on-farm
site within that) is likely to be the site that contains the highest
concentrations of LR; the second site selected should be the grid square
with the highest concentrations of LR not present in the first selected site,
and so on78,79. The common LR are likely to be duplicated in multiple on-
farm sites. With a goal of maximising the genetic diversity conserved, a
certain level duplication of LR will be desirable as long as the sites
duplicating LR have complementary genetic diversity. This approach can
be used to identify diverse and complementary areas regarding other types
of data (e.g. genetic or trait diversity) or used to refine the first
complementarity analysis based on geographic data. Two areas may have
the same number of LR (hence both priorities for conservation), but the LR
in one area may be genetically similar while in the second area they may be
very different. Complementarity analysis can be carried out using DIVA-
GIS (http://www.diva-gis.org/). It is worth noting that no examples of the
use of complementarity analysis for LR have been published yet, possible
due to the general lack of systematic LR distribution data at the country or
regional level.
The complementarity analysis is usually recommended over the ‘hotspots‘
approach because it allows the establishment of a network of on-farm sites that
covers most (if not all) target LR.

Rebelo (1992a, 1992b)
Rebelo (1994)
 Single-LR on-farm conservation sites. If we look at particular traits/genetic
variability/farmers’ perceived diversity or even ecogeographic diversity,
then the multi-LR on-farm conservation sites are unlikely to broadly
represent this diversity for each LR; therefore, we would have to look at the
single LR level and choose the sites that are more diverse. The main
objective for setting up on-farm conservation sites is to ensure that
maximum genetic diversity of the target LR is captured; therefore, if
financial and human resources are available, a single-LR site for
exceptionally important LR can be established. Using this approach,
specific LR diversity of interest is more likely to be captured by the national
network of on-farm conservation sites. Single-LR sites can be based on
geographic location or other types of data (e.g. particular trait of interest,
genetic variability, farmers’ perceived diversity, and ecogeographic
diversity data).
Complementarity analysis can be used to identify the minimum number of
sites needed to conserve all diversity of interest of a particular LR within
the minimum number of sites. The precise number of on-farm sites needed
to ensure the conservation of maximum diversity will vary from LR to LR
and is dependent on the distribution of the diversity within the LR. To
establish the minimum number of sites, there is a need to review the intra-
species pattern of diversity and the relative diversity found within and
between LR populations. However, this does require possible extensive
sampling of LR populations and more in depth studies. If such studies have
not been undertaken or resources are not available to carry them out, it is
recommended that five LR populations are conserved from the most
ecogeographically diverse sites185.
(vii) Incorporation of threat data in the selection of on-farm conservation sites.
Climate prediction maps, whenever available, can be used, as well as
knowledge of other existing threats affecting sites. Those non-localised
threats, which impact globally and cannot be avoided (such as climate
change) should be used to select those areas less affected, hence ensuring
the long-term preservation of LR.
(viii) Final selection on on-farm conservation sites. The final selection of on-farm
conservation sites is made after screening the preliminary selection of sites
(together with in situ conservation gaps that resulted from the gap analysis)
with the information on non-localised threats affecting those sites.
(ix) Production of action plans/managements plans. These summarise the
National management plan for LR conservation developed for single or
multi-LR and can be:
 LR Action Plans: produced when a single-LR approach is carried out; it
should contain information on taxonomy, description, image, distribution,
ecogeography, current conservation status and action, threat assessment,
uses, additional conservation action required, research and monitoring
requirements, incorporation in existing national or local conservation

Following Lawrence and Marshall (1997).
initiatives, farmers’ knowledge on the production systems, history of
cultivation, traits of interest, etc.
 On-Farm Site Management Plans: produced if a multi-LR site is set up; it
should contain information on every LR within the site, including the
information listed above for the LR Action Plans as well as information on
the management of that specific site as a whole.
B.9.3. Examples and applied use of the establishment of LR in situ
conservation goals

Box 90. Methodology for identifying sites for on-farm conservation activities
Recently, Negri et al. (2012) developed a methodology for the identification of
areas devoted to on-farm conservation activities when on-farm activities are
scarcely existent, which was applied to LR diversity in Central Italy. This
methodology includes: LR data collection and organisation, LR mapping, and
identification of areas where LR are present. These potential conservation areas
for on-farm activities are then prioritised according to: LR density, richness and
evenness, agro-ecosystem diversity, protected areas presence, including or nearby
CWR presence and threat of extinction (see Figure below). These criteria were
applied in sequence and a threshold was defined for each criterion below which
potential areas are not admitted to the following criterion.
Source: Negri et al. (2012)

Box 91. Site selection for CWR and LR conservation in Vietnam

A GEF project “In situ Conservation of Native Landraces and their Wild Relatives
in Vietnam” ran from 2002 until 2005 and targeted the conservation of six native
LR (rice, taro, tea, mung bean, Citrus spp., litchi and longán) and CWR in three
areas (the Northern Mountains, Northern Midlands, and Northwest Mountains) in
Vietnam and provided technical support to help farmers in effective conservation,
development, sustainable management and use of their native LR and CWR. Sites
for the conservation of LR and CWR were one of the outputs of this project. The
selection of these was carried out in two steps:
1. Identification of genetically important areas based on:
 presence and genetic diversity of target species,
 presence of endemic species,
 overall floristic species richness,
 presence of high numbers of other economic species,
 presence of natural and/or semi-natural ecosystems,
 presence of traditional agricultural systems,
 protection status and/or existence of conservation-oriented farmers or
communities that
manage a number of species and varieties.
2. Selection of specific sites and communities within larger genetic reserves
where socio-economic conditions indicated good prospects for on-farm
agrobiodiversity conservation activities. Workshops, stakeholder consultations,
and meetings between NGOs, local institutes and farmer groups aided this
process. Finally, the community receptivity to sharing traditional knowledge and
practices that promote in situ conservation was assessed at each site.
The selected sites thus encompass a range of topographic, climatic and socio-
economic conditions (e.g., proximity to markets and community-level
associations), species and LR.
Eight genetic reserves were selected. Two of them include more than one
conservation site (in a cultivated ecosystem and an associated site in an adjoining
protected area), and the six remaining reserves consist only of cultivated
ecosystems. Most of the targeted sites are both species diverse, maintain more
than one crop and are LR diverse within target crops.
Source: http://www.undp.org.vn/projects/vie01g35/index.htm

Box 92. Single-LR on-farm example

Sainfoin (Onobrychis vicifolia) has been cultivated in the UK since the 18th
century and is used as a source of high quality hay. Historically several sainfoin
LR were cultivated but today only two LR remain, Cotswold Common and
Hampshire Common. The latter is grown solely on the Cholderton Estate in
Hampshire (www.cholderton-sustainable.com), where it has been cultivated and
seed saved annually since 1720. Currently on the estate 440 hectares are
cultivated in a legume/ grass ley – cereals rotation. Four to five tonnes of seed are
produced on average per year, the seed being harvested with combine and cleaned
off-farm then planted in the following year. The seed was sold off-farm until the
1980’s when it became uneconomic due to the costs of certification and
maintenance on the National List, leaving the Cholderton Estate as the sole
maintainer and grower of Hampshire common sainfoin. In this case although the
LR is productive, producing comparable yield to lucerne, it is maintained because
of a single grower’s enthusiasm for the landrace and the wish not to break the
family tradition of growing ‘their’ LR.
Source: Scholten et al. (2009)

Box 93. Maize landraces in Portugal – multi-LR on-farm example

A total of 51 maize LR and 175 other varieties of associated crops were identified
and collected in a collecting mission to several rural communities of central
Portugal. The main purpose of this mission was to collect maize LR with
technological ability for bread production and to evaluate whether a participatory
plant breeding and conservation programme could be established. The production
of LR was carried out in small farms with multi-crop, quality oriented, and
sustainable systems. The authors showed that farmers maintained between one
and three maize LR and that a participatory plant breeding and conservation
programme could be possible if local authorities were involved.
Source: Vaz Patto et al. (2007)

B.9.4. List of references cited in the text

Guarino L, Maxted N and Chiwona EA (2005) Ecogeography of Crops. IPGRI
Technical Bulletin No. 9. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome.
Lawrence MJ and Marshall DF (1997) Plant population genetics. In: Maxted N,
Ford-Lloyd BV and Hawkes JG (Eds) Plant Genetic Conservation: the In Situ
Approach. Chapman & Hall, London. pp. 99–113.
Negri V, Barocco R, Pacicco L, Veronesi F and Venanzoni R (2012) “Landraces in
Europe: an approach towards identifying landrace rich areas as a priority for
protection.” In: Maxted N, Dulloo ME, Ford-Lloyd BV, Frese L, Iriondo JM and
Pinheiro de Carvalho MAA (Eds) Agrobiodiversity conservation: securing the
diversity of crop wild relatives and landraces. CAB International, Wallingford,
UK. pp. 118-124.
Pressey RL and Nicholls AO (1989) Efficiency in conservation evaluation: scoring
versus iterative approaches. Biological Conservation 50: 199-218.
Pressey RL, Humphries CJ, Margules CR, Vane-Wright RI and Williams PH (1993)
Beyond opportunism: key principles for systematic reserve selection. Trends in
Ecology and Evolution 8: 124-128.
Rebelo AG (1994a) Iterative selection procedures: centres of endemism and
optimal placement of reserves. Strelitzia 1: 231‐257.
Rebelo AG (1994b) “Iterative selection procedures: centres of endemism and
optimal placement of reserves.” In: Huntley BJ (Eds) Botanical diversity in
Southern Africa. National Botanical Institute, Pretoria, pp. 231-257.
Rebelo AG and Sigfried WR (1992) Where should nature reserves be located in the
Cape Floristic Region, South Africa? Models for the spatial configuration of a
reserve network aimed at maximising the protection of diversity. Conservation
Biology 6:243-252.
Scholten, M., Green, N., Campbell, G., Maxted, N., Ford-Lloyd, B., Ambrose, M. and
Spoor, B., (2009). Landrace Inventory of the UK. In: Veteläinen, M., Negri, V. &
Maxted, N. (eds.), European Landraces: On-farm conservation, Management
and Use. Bioversity Technical Bulletin 15. Pp. 161-170. Bioversity International,
Rome, Italy.
Vaz Patto MC, Moreira PM, Carvalho V and Pêgo S (2007) Collecting maize (Zea
mays L. convar. mays) with potential technological ability for bread making in
Portugal. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54: 1555-1563.

B.9.5. Additional materials and resources

Asfaw Z (2000) “The barleys of Ethiopia.” In: Brush SB (ed) Genes in the
 Field. IPGRI, Rome/IDRC, Ottawa/Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, USA.
pp. 77-107.
Brown AHD (2000) “The genetic structure of crop landraces and the
challenge to conserve them in situ on farms.” In: Brush SB (ed) Genes in

the field. IPGRI, Rome/IDRC, Ottawa/Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL,
USA. pp. 29-48.
Jorjadze M and Berishvili T (2009) “On-farm conservation of crop
landraces in Georgia.” In: Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (eds)
 European landraces: on-farm conservation, management and use.
Bioversity Technical Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 244-
Worede M, Tesemma T and Feyissa R (2000) “Keeping diversity alive: an
 Ethiopian perspective.” In: Brush SB (ed) Genes in the Field. IPGRI,
Rome/IDRC, Ottawa/Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, USA. pp. 143-161.
Negri V, Barocco R, Pacicco L, Veronesi F and Venansoni R (2010)
Landraces in Europe: an approach towards identifying landrace rich areas
 to be protected with priority. Symposium “Towards the establishment of
genetic reserve for crop wild relatives and landraces in Europe”. 13-16
September, Funchal, Madeira.
A Dynamic Farmers'-Based Approach to the Conservation of Ethiopia's
Plant Genetic Resources (UNDP/GEFETH93/G31). Available from:
 http://www.globalplanofaction.org/servlet/CDSServlet?status=ND0xMDc
WluZm8~ [Accessed January 2012].
Recovery, Conservation, and Sustainable Use of Georgia’s
 Agrobiodiversity (2004-2009) (GEF/UNDP/Elkana). Available from:
http://www.thegef.org/gef/node/2288 [Accessed January 2012].
B.10. Implementation of on-farm conservation
B.10.1. Overview

What is the aim of implementing on-farm conservation priorities?

The establishment of the national LR in situ conservation goals results in the
identification of a national network of LR on-farm conservation sites. These will
then need to be implemented at local level and specific decisions will have to be
made in order to effectively conserve the LR in situ the landraces.

The establishment of the national LR in situ conservation goals results in the

identification of a network of LR on-farm conservation sites. Thus far, the process
has been focused at the national level (and global priorities, if they have been
integrated in the National management plan) and specific decisions will require
implementation at the local level. However, the implementation of LR on-farm
conservation priorities can be complicated in most countries because a national
network of agro-biodiversity conservation areas does not already exist (like
protected areas do for wild species).
The most important element in the implementation of a national network of on-
farm conservation sites is the farmer who decides whether to keep maintaining the
LR and has the knowledge about its/their management and uses. The
acknowledgement of local people/farmers/maintainers by the conservation and
policy communities as well as the building of inter-community relationships is
thus fundamental to conserve LR diversity. However, it is important to highlight
that farmers face a number of constraints in the conservation and use of LR. These
are mainly related to the availability of crop diversity within the production
systems and its accessibility to farmers, the valuation of crop genetic resources
among them, as well as the actual recognition of the benefits to them by using
these resources. Also in many developed countries legislative issues around seed
certification and the registration of varieties on the national list may also cause
serious constraints. These constraints are thus major impediments in the
implementation of national on-farm conservation priorities.
Storage of rice LR (Os province, Kyrgyzstan) (photo: Pavol Hauptvogel).

Air seed cleaning of “Uzgen” LR in Sorobasat (Os province Kyrgyzstan)

(photo: Pavol Hauptvogel).

The implementation of on-farm conservation priorities broadly may be separated

into nine stages: (i) Find out whether the target farmers have socio-economic
conditions to maintain LR, (ii) Reformulate the in situ conservation goals (if
needed), (iii) Integrate on-farm conservation priorities with national/international
agri-environmental schemes, (iv) Convince farmers to use and maintain LR, (v)
Find out whether the priority target on-farm sites occur within formal protected
areas (as these areas already have a conservation ethos), (vi) Ensure LR diversity
exists in sufficient quantities within the production systems, (vii) Ensure LR
diversity is accessible to farmers, (viii) Ensure LR diversity is valued by farmers,
and (ix) Ensure farmers benefit from the use of LR diversity.

Figure 39. Heuristic framework for identifying LR constraints 186

B.10.2. Methodology for the implementation of on-farm conservation

(vii) Find out whether the target farmers have socio-economic conditions to
maintain LR. Those farmers that grow LR and are willing to be involved in
their long-term maintenance as well as those that have socio-economic
conditions favourable to maintain LR should be targeted.
(viii) Reformulate the in situ conservation goals (if needed).

From Jarvis et al. (2011)
Establishment of in situ LR conservation goals

Target on‐farm conservation sites

Integration with national/international Do farmers have favourable socio‐

agri‐environmental schemes economic conditions to maintain LR?


Ensure local crop diversity

exists in sufficient quantities Convince farmers to use Ex situ conservation Reformulate in situ
within the production systems and maintain LR conservation goals

Ensure local crop diversity is

Implement LR on‐farm
accessible to farmers
conservation site

Alternative on‐farm
Ensure local crop diversity is
conservation site
valued among farmers
Within protected areas (PA)? NO YES
Ensure farmers benefit from YES NO
the use of local crop diversity

Incorporate measures to secure

LR into management plans of PA

Figure 21. Implementation of on-farm conservation priorities

(ix) Integrate on-farm priorities with national/international agri-environmental
schemes. Ideally, a national network of on-farm conservation sites should be
incorporated within agri-environmental schemes such as those funded by
the European Commission or other regional agencies, to ensure that their
management is properly coordinated and the conservation of the target LR is
effective. A growing effort to strengthen the relationship between agriculture
and the provision of ecosystem services has been registered187. In situ and
on-farm PGRFA conservation activities are now being set up as a result of
Payment for Environmental Services (PES) schemes in an attempt to
encourage and reward farmers and rural communities for their role in
conserving and managing PGRFA for the future. However, the actual
implementation of these schemes remains a significant challenge.
(x) Convince farmers to use and maintain LR. Promoting the involvement of
local communities in on-farm management and conservation is crucial for it
to be effective, perhaps more so than any other form of conservation as here
the farmers are the actually implementers of the conservation actions.
Therefore, traditional knowledge and traditional cultivation practices that
have been used to maintain LR for millennia will be critical to their
preservation. Although it is recognised increasingly that LR are also
maintained in non-traditional cultivation systems such as organic
production systems, museum demonstration plots or those used for niche
markets where the link to traditional cultivation practices is not critical.
Raising the profile of LR amongst the agricultural community is needed and
this will only be sustainable in the long-term if the farmer benefits. Thus, the
following points of this methodology (vi, vii, viii, ix) should be used as
arguments in order to convince them that the sustainable use and
conservation of LR is the best option to tackle food security problems. For
instance, the promotion of the search for innovative market niches and new
commercial opportunities is vital. Development centres (e.g. the
International Development Research Centre ‒ IDRC and the Development
Evaluation Research Centre ‒ DEVRA) have been working on supporting
NGOs and other organisations in the developing world in promoting self-
sufficiency, so they could help to promote the maintenance of LR among
farmers and other LR maintainers.

FAO (2009)
Farmer shelling bean legumes (photo: Vojtec Holubec).

Farmer Haci Salman (Quba district, Azerbaijan) (photo: Mirza Musayev).

(xi) Find out whether the priority target on-farm conservation sites occur within
formal protected areas. Many protected areas (PAs) contain considerable
areas of agricultural land where numerous LR have been maintained by
farmers. However, it is highly unlikely that management plans of those areas
incorporate measures to secure LR diversity. By conserving locally important
LR, PAs can add another dimension to their conservation commitment by
also contributing to food security. Either within PAs or outside them, a
national network of on-farm sites to conserve national LR diversity is
desirable. Conservation agencies and NGOs, namely those in charge of
managing land for conservation, should include conservation and
management plans for LR in the management plans of those areas, and also
establish community seed banks for local LR to help ensure their continued
availability and use.
(xii) Ensure local crop diversity exist in sufficient quantities within the
production systems. Lack of sufficient diversity within production systems
can be due to several reasons
(xiii) Ensure local crop diversity is accessible to farmers. Access to diversity may
be constrained by several factors
(xiv) Ensure local crop diversity is valued among farmers. Farmers may not value
local crop diversity for several reasons
(xv) Ensure farmers benefit from the use of local crop diversity. Farmers may not
benefit from the use of local crop diversity for several reasons. The provision
of government incentives is a possibility and if they are to be used, they must
be linked to some form of guarantee from the landowner to ensure the LR
thrives; therefore, a management agreement including a conservation
prescription is required.

Finally, the location and establishment of specific LR on-farm conservation sites

will ultimately be pragmatic—it will be dictated by the financial resources
available for in situ conservation and governmental will.

Portuguese LR and American yellow dent varieties in a farmers meeting regarding

the perception of farmers for maize kernel, related with maize bread quality
(participatory plant breeding) (Coimbra, Portugal) (photo: Manuel Paulo).
Woman selling mixed cowpea LR at Zomba Market (Zomba District, Malawi)
(photo: Edwin A Chiwona).

Market of LR in Svetlen (Bulgaria) (photo: René Hauptvogel).

Market with home products in Funchal (Madeira, Portugal) (photo: Pavol

Table 8. Actions that promote on-farm conservation 188
(vi) Ensure local crop (vii) Ensure (viii) Ensure (ix) Ensure
GENERAL diversity exists in local crop local crop farmers benefit
CATEGORY sufficient quantities diversity is diversity is from the use of
within the production accessible to valued among local crop
systems farmers farmers diversity
Reintroduction of materials from ex situ
collections (national or community gene X X
Reintroduction of materials collected from
farmers from similar environments into local X X
informal seed systems
Seed cooperatives for collection, distribution
and multiplication of seeds
Community seed / gene banks X X X X
availability of Community managed nurseries X X X X
material Diversity field fora (where farmers discuss
and experiment in crop analysis, X X X X
management and improvement)
Diversity kit (diverse LR made available to
farmers to allow them to select those that X X X X
suit their conditions and need)
Diversity fairs X X X X
Seed vouchers X X X
Reduction of transportation costs of X

Adapted from Jarvis et al. (2011).
(vi) Ensure local crop (vii) Ensure (viii) Ensure (ix) Ensure
GENERAL diversity exists in local crop local crop farmers benefit
CATEGORY sufficient quantities diversity is diversity is from the use of
within the production accessible to valued among local crop
systems farmers farmers diversity
traditional variety as material is already
closer to farmer communities
Cross site visits for farmers and local
extension workers
Microfinance or credit schemes to enable
purchase of local materials
On-farm experimental diversity blocks X X X X
Field or lab trials comparing traditional and
modern varieties
Community Biodiversity Register X X
Literacy training, particularly for poor and
vulnerable groups
information Variety information databases made in
and farmer friendly formats
availability of
Setting up information systems and internet
information X X X
connections for farmer access to information
Small weather stations that can be linked to
internet sites
Rural radio programmes that includes talks
on the importance of crop diversity
Drama, music and poetry travelling shows X X
(vi) Ensure local crop (vii) Ensure (viii) Ensure (ix) Ensure
GENERAL diversity exists in local crop local crop farmers benefit
CATEGORY sufficient quantities diversity is diversity is from the use of
within the production accessible to valued among local crop
systems farmers farmers diversity
that have crop diversity as a theme
Painting and art competitions that reward
farmer groups for knowledge and X X
descriptions of agricultural diversity
Participatory crop improvement
(Participatory Plant Breeding, Participatory X X X
Varietal Selection)
Using genomics to improve in situ crop
Improving populations
and Changing the formal breeding institutions to
management increase the use of farmer selected materials
of traditional X X X
and traditional varieties in their
varieties programmes
Planting of intra-specific mixtures to reduce
pests and diseases
Improve seed storage facilities and methods X X
Seed cleaning/treatment X X
Shift retailers to use different processing
equipment that can use diversified materials
processing Training of producers in improved
processing techniques and providing credit X X
to acquire processing equipment
(vi) Ensure local crop (vii) Ensure (viii) Ensure (ix) Ensure
GENERAL diversity exists in local crop local crop farmers benefit
CATEGORY sufficient quantities diversity is diversity is from the use of
within the production accessible to valued among local crop
systems farmers farmers diversity
Plant varieties common knowledge (VCK) X X X
Registration and release of farmers’ varieties
with acceptance of enhanced bulk varieties
Geographic indications X X X
Alternatives Quality declared seed (QDS) (that certify the
and X X X
vendor rather than the seed)
to seed Truthfully labelled seed laws that focus on
certification seed quality rather than seed purity
systems Registries of native crops X X X
Links between intellectual property rights
protection and benefit-sharing
Plant variety protection systems adapted to
farmers varieties
Market promotion through taxes and
Market creation for traditional varieties or
Market products from traditional varieties including X X X
creation and niche markets
Education and financial support to farmer’s
groups to develop a marketing strategy
Micro-credit facilities to set up small X
(vi) Ensure local crop (vii) Ensure (viii) Ensure (ix) Ensure
GENERAL diversity exists in local crop local crop farmers benefit
CATEGORY sufficient quantities diversity is diversity is from the use of
within the production accessible to valued among local crop
systems farmers farmers diversity
businesses, particularly for rural men and
Advertisement campaigns to improve
consumer and retailer awareness of X X
important traits (nutritional, adaptive, etc.)
Cook books with traditional recipes;
gardening books that promote traditional
varieties for particular management
Fair trade price premiums – Eco-labelling
(paying the full production value through X X X
price premiums)
Organisation of meetings involving market-
chain actors to discuss how to enhance X X
market potential
Private and public partnership for the
construction of small infrastructure for the X X
production of a better quality product
and trusts
Strengthened and cooperative extension
services that include farmers are more
demand driven or establishment of new
farmers’-governed local institutions
Changing Advertising and social campaigns that X X
(vi) Ensure local crop (vii) Ensure (viii) Ensure (ix) Ensure
GENERAL diversity exists in local crop local crop farmers benefit
CATEGORY sufficient quantities diversity is diversity is from the use of
within the production accessible to valued among local crop
systems farmers farmers diversity
norms promote better adapted varieties that reduce
the need for chemical inputs to change
social norms such as nutritional cultural
values of food
School biology curriculum include
traditional crop varieties as agricultural X X X
resource and ecosystem service
Gender sensitive response policy X X X X
Environmentally sensitive areas (ESA)
include high agro-biodiversity areas
Agro-biodiversity Zones X X
Agro-biodiversity Ecotourism X X
Promoting Organic farming and organic seed breeding
ecological with traditional variety used as planting X X X
land materials
practices Investment in agricultural research that
includes the use of agricultural biodiversity X X X X
within the production system
Biodiversity included in Environmental
Impact Assessment of individual projects, X X X X
policies and programmes
Payment Payment for Environmental Services (PES) X X X
(vi) Ensure local crop (vii) Ensure (viii) Ensure (ix) Ensure
GENERAL diversity exists in local crop local crop farmers benefit
CATEGORY sufficient quantities diversity is diversity is from the use of
within the production accessible to valued among local crop
systems farmers farmers diversity
schemes for Linking upstream and downstream
ecosystem X X X
Sharing of monetary benefits X
B.10.3. Examples and applied use of the implementation of on-farm
conservation priorities

Box 94. Methods of supporting conservation and use of traditional crop

Farmers appear to find that LR diversity of both major staples and minor crops
remain important to their livelihoods, despite earlier expectations that these
varieties would rapidly disappear from production systems when outcompeted by
modern high-yielding cultivars. The reasons for maintenance are complex and
likely to be associated with adaptation to marginal and low input agriculture,
stable performance, the socio-economic conditions of many small-scale farmers, or
existence of niche markets whose requirements cannot be met by modern
cultivars. However, to understand and underpin LR maintenance it seems
important not only to understand better the nature and contribution of LR to the
production strategies of rural communities around the world, but also ways in
which they are maintained and managed. This can then help in the development of
ways of improving the use of these varieties and their contribution to rural
livelihoods. It is likely that studies of (i) on-farm diversity, (ii) access to diversity
and information, (iii) the extent of use of available materials and information, and
(iv) benefits obtained by the farmer or farming community from their use of local
crop diversity, will be at the core of the maintenance of traditional varieties and
crop genetic diversity within their production systems. Jarvis et al. (2011)
concluded that: firstly, it is essential to develop an appropriate understanding of
the extent and distribution of diversity in a system and how it is maintained
through local institutions and practices; secondly, the analysis of the interaction
between LR diversity and farming practice is likely to lead to the identification of a
number of complementary supporting actions; and thirdly, the success of any
actions will depend centrally on local knowledge, the strength of local institutions
and the leadership of farmers and communities. So that farmers and their
maintenance practices are as much the focus of on-farm conservation as the LR
diversity the conservationist wishes to conserve; the importance of on-farm
policies (whether implemented by local, national and international organizations
and agencies) and the support for local institutions should enable farmers to take
a greater role in the management of their resources and if the farmers are
successful, then LR diversity should be maintained.
Source: Jarvis et al. (2011)

Box 95. Community biodiversity register in Nepal

A project that aimed at developing methods and models for on-farm
agrobiodiversity management was carried out in Nepal and implemented jointly
by the Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) and Local Initiatives for
Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD) in Nepal and coordinated
globally by the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI).
The main objective was to implement a Community Biodiversity Register (CBR) in
40 farmers' groups of Kaski and Bara districts of Nepal, whose farms represented
mid-hills and Terai agro-ecosystems, respectively. A total of 1325 households were
directly involved in data recording of six crops: rice, finger millet, taro, cucumber,
sponge gourd and pigeon pea.
The implementation of the CBR included the following steps:
1. Preparation of the CBR protocol: the below issues were discussed with the
farmers and community based organizations (CBO).
 Objectives of the project clearly stated: “documenting farmer’s knowledge
on crop genetic
resources and monitoring the status of crop diversity that could possibly
increase community
awareness on the values and benefits associated with them”;
 Outline of the format documentation;
 List of the crops and their selection criteria;
 Implementation modality for documentation, analysis and information
 Sustainability and ownership issues over CBR data.
2. Getting prior informed consent of communities: via village level
workshops, the CBR protocol was shared to know their interest in participating, to
get their consent and to obtain feedback.
3. Setting CBR objectives at the community: the communities endorsed the
CBR by a local project management team (LPMT) and community level meetings
took place in order to discuss several issues:
 Objectives of the CBR;
 Benefits of the CBR to the communities;
 The basic unit for CBR documentation;
 Information to be recorded;
 Who should record the CBR;
 Target crops;
 Where CBR should be maintained and registered.
4. Formulating local institutions for CBR: at each project site, a committee for
CBR was formed (with representative farmers of the CBOs); its role was to
monitor, coordinate and supervise the CBR implementation.
5. Capacity development of communities: the LPMT provided training on
CBR documentation to CBOs and CBR guidelines were developed in local
6. Data recording: a register for each CBO was provided together with a CBR
kit (bag, pen, note book) to handle the CBR register.
7. Collation and validation: after completing the information in the registers,
the CBR committee members collected the registers from the CBOs and deposited
in the CBO office.
8. Data entry and analysis: the data were entered into a computer program
and several types of analysis were carried out (e.g. farmer maintaining highest
diversity, total number of cultivars grown by each farmer).
9. Results sharing: meetings with the CBR committee were organized to
identify ways of presenting farmers the results (e.g. tables and pie-charts)
10. Facilitating community decisions and piloting conservation actions: a
village level workshop was organized so the community would endorse the
priority community action plans into their annual plans.
Local crop diversity was thus documented by the CBR methodology in order to
avoid knowledge erosion. It also improved awareness and the empowerment of
farmers’ decision-making, facilitating access to traditional knowledge and
materials, as well as monitoring local crop diversity to strengthen on-farm
agrobiodiversity management.
Source: Subedi et al. (2005)

Box 96. Strategies for sustainable conservation and use of legumes in Ghana
In this study, strategies aiming at the conservation of legumes, including their
collection, characterization and evaluation, are presented. Among specific issues
regarding ex situ conservation (e.g. collection of germplasm, characterisation,
preliminary and further evaluation, improving longevity of seeds, development of
core collections, molecular characterisation), the authors also explored strategies
that improve seed flow within and between communities and the in situ
characterization of LR for the genetic improvement of legumes. These include:
diversity fairs, diversity theatres, participatory breeding, diversity blocks,
community biodiversity register and biodiversity fairs.
Diversity fairs: local seed markets and fairs that constitute an important seed and
local knowledge exchange system. These fairs are threatened by the formal sector
of seed production and distribution. In Ghana, national farmers’ days are usually
held to honour selected farmers who display their produce. However, the selected
farmers usually produce high yielding varieties, but some of them may still
cultivate LR. Diversity fairs are thus organized to: (i) recognize knowledgeable
farmers, (ii) locate areas of high diversity, (iii) identify and locate endangered LR,
(iv) identify key farmers who maintain high diversity of cultivars, (v) prepare an
inventory of crop genetic resources, and (vi) empower local communities in
controlling their genetic resources and develop the concept of community gene
banks that link formal and informal seed supply system.
Diversity theatres: help raise awareness about the importance of local crop
resources while celebrating local culture. They may be based on traditional stories
and myths that involve local crops, and are usually organised by local actors and
community groups. Workshops, rural poetry, folk song competition and local food
fairs can also be included.
Participatory breeding: involves both farmers and researchers in the conservation
and improvement of crop resources (Amanda 2000). Participatory plant breeding
and participatory varietal selection are used to develop varieties based on farmers’
preferences with access to germplasm and technologies from the gene bank. The
role of the farmer in plant breeding is therefore acknowledged by the formal plant
breeding sector (Sthapit 2001). Through this activity, researchers locate diversity,
identify uses for different crops, and characterise the traits that farmers perceive
as valuable (Sperling and Berkowitz 1994).
Diversity blocks: through the involvement of local communities, this allows the
characterisation of LR under farmer management conditions. While farmers use
traditional management practices, researchers observe and record
agromorphological characteristics. The characterised diversity may then be
selected for diversity fairs.
Community biodiversity register (CBR): this is a mechanism that allows local
communities to keep records about local crop diversity and associated knowledge.
The register is maintained and can be accessed by farmers or local institutions
acting as a tool for biodiversity conservation (Sthapit 2001). Information in the
register may include: LR names, name of donors, associated local knowledge and
uses, the traditional and non-traditional passport data (e.g. agro-morphological
characteristics, agro-ecological characteristics, and cultural importance). The
information is provided by farmers and maintained centrally, whereas the seeds
are stored by individual farmers that allow access to all community members.
Source: Aboagye (2007)

Box 97. Gender: increasing access, participation and decision-making in

In Vietnam, women represent 65% of the labour force in the total population and
provide 54% of the total agricultural labour. With an increased rate of migration of
men to the cities, women’s responsibility in improving agricultural yields is
growing. Studies show that although much of the work in agriculture is done by
women (up to 70%), they are not the recipients of agricultural extension support
services nor have they been given training in new technologies and new
This study aimed at examining gender role differentiation in making decisions on
maintaining genetic diversity on-farm in six villages. The specific objectives were
 Determine the time allocation and division of labour of men and women in
major farming
households at each site;
 Identify what resources men and women in plant genetic diversity
conservation can command
to carry out their activities, and the benefits they derive from such
 Ascertain factors affecting gender division:
 Assess the possible effects of such gender role differences on opportunities
or constraints for
men's and women's participation in the project;
 Create training opportunities for women's participation in the project.
Data were collected by direct observation and interviews. All activities relate to
rice farming and growing other crops―home gardens were included. Different
group discussions (men, women, age groups) were conducted for collecting and
analysing data. The data collected from men and women were finally compared.
As farmers, the women are responsible for growing, collecting, processing and
storage of food crops. As mothers, they are also responsible for domestic affairs
and for gathering and utilizing food, fodder, fuel, medicinal plants, fibre for textile
and housing materials. They usually do more housework than men and receive no
salary. Women often select which varieties to keep for home consumption and
which to sell at the local market. However, determining what crop varieties will be
grown next season is done by men.
Both men and women often select different morphological traits in varieties: while
women are particularly interested in seed size, aroma and good cooking quality
and tolerance to disease, men are usually concerned with market traits such as
high yield and good processing.
Women possess important knowledge of the value and uses of the plants they
grow and collect so their perception has important implications for on-farm
conservation of agrobiodiversity. They are important decision-makers and key
sources of expertise in managing crop resources, while men have only showed a
small part of the farmers' perception data on crop genetic diversity. For these
reasons, group interviews should be segregated by gender.
In order to enhance women's role in participatory in situ conservation, women's
perceptions should be raised through short training courses and farmers' fairs, and
they should be key actors in Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB). This study has
indirectly recommended that the government should be aware about the crucial
role that women play in sustainable agricultural development and in in situ
conservation to alleviate poverty in study sites.
Source: Cuong and Hue (2011)

B.10.4. List of references used to compile the text

Aboagye LM (2007) Strategies for sustainable conservation and use of legume
genetic resources in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Science 47: 59-67.
Amanda BK (2000) “Tools for participatory research on crop and tree diversity.”
In: Friss-Hans E and Sthapit B (Eds) Participatory approaches to the
conservation and use of plant genetic resources. Concepts Fliers No. 11. IPGRI,
Rome, Italy.
Cuong PH and Hue NN (2011) “Vietnam.” In: Jarvis D, Sthapit B and Sears L (Eds)
(2000b) Conserving agricultural biodiversity in situ: a scientific basis for
sustainable agriculture. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome,
Italy. Available from:
.htm#Contents [Accessed January 2012].
FAO (2009) Second Report on the State of the World’s Plant Genetic Resources for
Food and Agriculture. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations, Rome, Italy.
Jarvis DI, Hodgkin T, Sthapit BR, Fadda C, and Lopez-Noriega I (2011) A heuristic
framework for identifying multiple ways of supporting the conservation and
use of traditional crop varieties within the agricultural production system.
Critical Reviews in Plant Science 30(1-2): 125-176.
Jarvis DI, Hodgkin T, Sthapit BR, Fadda C, and Lopez-Noriega I (2011) A heuristic
framework for identifying multiple ways of supporting the conservation and
use of traditional crop varieties within the agricultural production system.
Critical Reviews in Plant Science 30(1-2): 125-176.
Maxted N, Guarino L, Myer L and Chiwona EA (2002) Towards a methodology for
on-farm conservation of plant genetic resources. Genetic Resources and Crop
Evolution 49: 31-46.
Sperling L and Berkowitz P (1994) Partners in Selection: Bean breeders and
Women Bean experts in Rwanda. CGIAR Washington, D.C.
Sthapit B (2001) Options of enhancing benefits of local crop diversity through
public awareness, market and non-market incentives and grass root
strengthening. In-situ Conservation Methods and concepts. Fliers. Nº 11. IPGRI.
Stolton S, Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd B, Kell SP and Dudley N (2006) Food stores: using
protected areas to secure crop genetic diversity. WWF Arguments for
protection series. WWF, Gland, Switzerland.
Subedi A, Rijal D, Tiwari RK, Shrestha P, Shrestha P, Upadyay M and Sthapit B
(2005) “Developing community biodiversity register as a participatory method
to strengthen on-farm conservation of agricultural biodiversity and promoting
community benefits in Nepal.” Subedi A, Sthapit B, Upadhyay M and Gauchan
D (Eds) (2005) Learning from Community Biodiversity Register in Nepal.
Proceedings of the National Workshop, 27-28 October 2005, Khumaltar, Nepal.
pp. 28-40. Available from: http://idl-
bnc.idrc.ca/dspace/bitstream/10625/27838/1/122788.pdf [Accessed January

B.10.5. Additional materials and resources

General references:
Grum M, Gyasi EA, Osei C, Kranjac-Berisavljevic G (2008) Evaluation of
best practices for landrace conservation: Farmer evaluation. Bioversity
International, Rome, Italy. 20 pp. Available from:

0conservation_farmer%20evaluation.pdf [Accessed August 2011].
ILEIA Foundation (1999) Seeds for agrobiodiversity. ILEISA Newsletter.
Available from:

[Accessed January 2012].
Jarvis D, Myer L, Klemick H, Guarino L, Smale M, Brown A, Sadiki M,
Sthapit B and Hodgkin T (2000a) A training guide for in situ conservation
on-farm. Version 1. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome,
 Italy. Available from:
tu_conservation_on_farm.pdf [Accessed August 2011] (in
Jarvis D, Sthapit B and Sears L (eds) (2000b) Conserving agricultural
biodiversity in situ: a scientific basis for sustainable agriculture.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy. Available

begin.htm#Contents [Accessed January 2012].
Munyi P, Grum M and Ndungu-Skilton J (2008) Framework for
Transforming Best Practices for Landrace Conservation to Policies.
Bioversity International, Rome, Italy. 28 pp. Available from:

%20to%20Policies.pdf [Accessed January 2012].
Smale M (2006) Valuing Crop Biodiversity. On-farm Genetic Resources
and Economic Change. CAB International, Wallingford. Available from:

versitytoc.pdf [Accessed January 2012].
Wood D and Lenné JM (1997) The conservation of agrobiodiversity on-
 farm: questioning the emerging paradigm. Biodiversity and Conservation
6: 109-129.
Tanto T (2010) Genetic diversity and on-farm, seed system in Ethiopia.
 Available from: http://sliwww.slideshare.net/Pammy98/genetic-diversity-
and-onfarm-seed-system-in-ethiopia [Accessed January 2012].
European Commission project: “An integrated European in situ
 management work plan: implementing genetic reserves and on farm
concepts (AEGRO)”: http://aegro.jki.bund.de/aegro/index.php?id=95
 GEF project “In situ conservation of native landraces and their wild
relatives in Vietnam”:
LinKS project gender, biodiversity and local knowledge systems for food
 security. Available from: http://www.fao.org/sd/LINKS/home/prima.html
[Accessed January 2012].
Community managed nurseries:
Batugal P and Oliver J (eds) (2005) Poverty Reduction in Coconut
 Growing Communities, Volume III: Project Achievements and Impact.
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute – Regional Office for Asia,
the Pacific and Oceania (IPGRI-APO), Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan,

The High Atlas Foundation (2011) Building a community fruit tree

nursery with rural villages in the high Atlas mountains of Morocco.

Available from: http://www.globalgiving.org/projects/community-
walnut-and-cherry-tree-nursery-in-morocco/ [Accessed January 2012].
Seed fairs and vouchers:
Bakker N and Martínez FZ (2009) “Seed fairs in Nampula: promoting food
sovereignty through participation, diversity and valuing local knowledge;
 If you don’t save seed, you’re not a real farmer.” Available from:
[Accessed January 2012].
CRS, ICRISAT and ODI (2002) Seed Vouchers and Fairs: A Manual for
 Seed-based Agricultural Recovery in Africa. Catholic Relief Services,
FAO (2006) Community Diversity Seed Fairs in Tanzania. Guidelines for
seed fairs. LinKS project gender, biodiversity and local knowledge systems
 for food security. Available from:
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B.11. Establishment and implementation of ex situ LR conservation
B.11.1. Overview

What are the ex situ conservation goals of a National management plan for LR
A National management plan for LR conservation aims at the development and
implementation of a national network of on-farm sites where long-term active
conservation of LR is carried out. In parallel, ex situ conservation should be
undertaken as a conservation backup (for reintroduction in case of crop loss) but
also to permit easy access to these materials for crop improvement and research.
Ex situ and in situ conservation should, therefore, be seen as complementary
strategies that contribute to food security and poverty alleviation.

The Convention on Biological Diversity189 changed the relative focus of

conservation efforts so that subsequently ex situ conservation was seen primarily
as a safety backup strategy to provide security for the favoured in situ
conservation. However, it should be stressed that both ex situ and in situ
techniques have their advantages and disadvantages, and they should not be seen
alternatives but as complementary strategies. While recognising that it would be
remiss to implement a National management plan for LR conservation and
establish key national in situ on-farm conservation areas without a safety backup
to help guarantee long-term conservation of the populations, this proposition fails
to recognise the unique situation of PGRFA conservation. In all PGRFA
conservation the end goal is not only the maximum diversity conserved but also
the sustainable use of that diversity. Unlike broader biodiversity conservation,
there is a use imperative, PGRFA is conserved because it has direct use value and
the dual goal of conservation and use should be intimately linked. The
justification of conservation ex situ as an in situ backup also fails to recognise the
fact that crop diversity has historically almost exclusively been conserved ex situ,
perhaps not even for its conservation value per se but because it provides the most
practical means of access for the germplasm user community. At present few plant
breeders approach on-farm maintainers for germplasm to use in their breeding
programmes, why would then if the diversity is available from easily accessible
gene banks?
There are a range of ex situ conservation techniques available, but because the
vast majority of LR have orthodox seeds (i.e. seeds that can be dried and stored at -
180C without loss of viability) and seed storage is a relatively cheap conservation
option, ex situ seed conservation in gene (= seed) banks predominates. Therefore,
in parallel to the establishment and implementation of the in situ component of
the National management plan for LR conservation that identifies and establishes
national LR on-farm conservation sites, there is also a need to locate, sample,
transfer and store samples of priority LR diversity for ex situ conservation.

CBD (1992)
The ex situ seed conservation of LR may be split between: formal gene (seed)
banking and community seed banks.
The establishment and implementation of formal ex situ LR seed conservation in
gene banks includes three steps: (i) Overview of ex situ conservation gaps, (ii)
Selection of LR and farms for targeted collecting, and (iii) Collecting and curation
standard procedures of a gene bank. Similarly the implementation of community
seed banks must address similar issues but here the goal is more to provide a
buffer against individual seasonal crop failure and loss of seed for subsequent
sowing; the community seed bank offers a buffer against the bad years, as well
extending LR access to the broader community. As such community seed banks
have an important role in ensuring food security, especially in arid or semi-arid
lands where food is in short supply after extended periods of drought. Therefore,
in a global change scenario where climatic changes are already happening,
community seed banks are of the utmost importance. Also community seed banks
provide an important means of raising awareness of the National management
plan for LR conservation and the promotion of local LR diversity conservation and

Box 98. Ex situ conservation of LR

Ex situ conservation is the conservation of components of biological diversity
outside their natural habitats (CBD 1992). The application of this conservation
strategy involves the location, sampling, transfer and storage of samples of the
target taxa away from its native habitat (Maxted et al. 1997b). LR seeds can be
stored in gene banks, in vitro or in field gene banks as living collections.
Examples of major ex situ collections include the International Maize and Wheat
Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) gene bank with more than 160,000 accessions
(i.e., samples collected at a specific location and time), the International Rice
Research Institute (IRRI), which holds the world’s largest collection of rice genetic
resources, and the Millennium Seed Bank at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,
which holds the largest collection of seed of 24,000 species, primarily from global
drylands. Important national/regional collections include: coffee in Côte d’Ivoire,
Ethiopia, Cameroon, Kenya, Madagascar and Tanzania; sesame in Kenya; cassava
in Malawi, Zambia and Tanzania, and sweet potato in Mauritius, Zambia,
Swaziland and Tanzania (Global Crop Diversity Trust 2007), as well as China’s
largest seed bank, the Germplasm Bank of Wild Species (GBWS).
Ex situ field gene bank of “Pigarro” LR of maize (Zea mays) at ESAC (Coimbra,
Portugal) (photo: Pedro Mendes-Moreira).

Ex situ conservation?

YES NO Do farmers share seeds

Do farmers grow LR?
with neighbours?
In combination
Ex situ conservation gaps TARGET LR AND FARMS YES YES / NO



Seed cleaning

Seed multiplication Seed documentation Seed characterisation

Seed dehydration Seed evaluation

Seed storage

Seed distribution


Figure 22. Establishment and implementation of ex situ LR conservation

B.11.2. Methodology for establishing and implementing ex situ LR
Formal ex situ conservation (national/regional gene bank):
(i) Overview of ex situ conservation gaps. Ex situ conservation gaps that resulted
from the ex situ gap analysis should be taken into consideration.
(ii) Selection of LR and farms for targeted collecting. Priority collecting should
target individual LR that are not conserved ex situ or in situ, as well as LR
populations that are not represented in gene banks at ecogeographic, trait, genetic
diversity (or farmers’ perceived diversity) levels.
(iii) Collecting and curation standard procedures of a gene bank. These include
seed cleaning, dehydration, characterisation, packaging and storage. See
‘Additional materials and resources’ for gene bank methodologies.

Informal ex situ conservation (community seed bank):

As is shown in Figure 41, although gene banks and community seed bank serve
slight different purposes related to the scope of diversity conserved, broadly
geographically categorised as national / regional versus local, and the user
communities served, the actually internal seed conservation management will
follow the same schedule; although the level of technology involved is likely to
differ between the two sectors. It would be wise the ensure that community seed
bank accessions are duplicated in formal gene bank sector that have possibly
greater security of funding and the formal gene bank sector may also be able to
provide training to aid effectively implement of the community seed bank.

B.11.3. Examples and applied use

Box 99. Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems (CIKS) community seed bank
CIKS has been actively involved in setting up farmers’ seed banks in villages in
different parts of Tamilnadu, India. 125 villages in four districts are covered,
involving around 3000 farmers. More than 130 varieties of rice and 50 vegetable
varieties are being conserved in farmers’ fields and experimental farms. These
farmers’ community seed banks allow efficient seed exchange, distribution,
utilisation, evaluation, characterisation and multiplication of traditional varieties,
as well as the survey, collection and documentation of existing varieties. Farmers
are encouraged to grow these traditional varieties organically, and marketing is
supported through a marketing scheme. As the main result, the community seed
bank facilitates the conservation of traditional varieties which eventually will be
managed by the farming community itself. In addition, an in situ conservation
centre was set up and serves as a model from which other farming communities
can learn.
Source: CIKS (unknown date)
Box 100. Community seed banks in the Taraka District, Kenya
Community seed banks were implemented in the Tharaka District (Kenya) ―a
marginal drought-prone area where agriculture is dominated by smallholder
farmers―in order to ensure the availability of local varieties after extended
drought periods, thus enhancing food security. Long periods of drought lead to
crop failure and consequently to unavailability of seeds for planting the following
year. In addition, poor farm households are usually so desperate for food that they
use seed stocks for food. Community seed banks were set up and seeds were
collected. Each farmer deposited two portions of at least 1kg of seed of each
variety they grow: one portion for their own use and one for the group. The portion
allocated to the group was used for income generation or delivered to other
farmers who seek new varieties. Seed quality is controlled and varieties are
properly documented. Farmers identified their training needs, such as leadership
skills and group development, and attended training workshops. These workshops
were also useful to identify other local varieties and efficient traditional storage
practices, to select the most suitable varieties for bulking, and to train farmers in
for instance, seed crop husbandry, soil fertility, pests and diseases, seed
harvesting and post-harvest management of seed (e.g. treatment against pest
damage and cleaning). These community seed banks have enabled community
members to gain access to seeds, thus enhancing food security. Conservation of
local PGRFA has been achieved and awareness of seed security has been raised.
Communities have developed close links among them and improved their
confidence in their potential for self-development.
As an example, in 1997, a community seed bank was formed covering two villages,
which provides seeds of food staples such as sorghum, millet and cow peas, but
also other minor crops. Since 1997 it has expanded its collection from 57 to 140
Source: Intermediate Technology Development Group (unknown date)

Box 101. Landrace protection scheme, Scotland

The Scottish Landrace Protection Scheme (SLPS) was launched by Science and
Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA) in 2006 to provide a safety net for the
continued use of landraces by storing seed produced by each grower each year. In
the event of poor harvest, a grower can request some of the seed already deposited
and stored. With the consent of the donor, the remaining seed can be made
available for research, breeding and education. On receipt at SASA, each collected
or donated seed sample is registered, examined for seed health and tested for
germination. The growers are informed of the results and consent is sought for
general distribution of seed. Seed is then cleaned, dried and stored at 22oC and a
sub-sample is removed for safety duplication. Each stored sample is notionally
divided with the aim of conserving a sufficient quantity of seed for emergency
regeneration, monitoring (germination and vigour of seed in store), re-supplying
the donor (the quantity being dependent on the size and quality of the original
sample), morphological and molecular characterisation and general distribution
for bona fide research, breeding, education or further evaluation. To meet the
above aims, a minimum seed quantity is required for participation in the SLPS and
for making seed available for general distribution.
The SLPS supports:
 in situ regeneration by community networks of the seed donors;
 establishment of an ex situ safety duplication with the provision that
growers can have their
own seed back in case of a seed crop failure;
 provision of information to growers about germination, diseases and
To date the SLPS has been used by Shetland cabbage from Shetland and Small Oat
and Rye LR maintainers from the Western Isles.
Source: Green et al. (2009).

B.11.4. List of references used to compile the text

CBD (1992) Convention on Biological Diversity. Secretariat of the Convention on
Biological Diversity. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
CBD (1992) Convention on Biological Diversity. Secretariat of the Convention on
Biological Diversity. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
CIKS (unknown date) The CIKS Seed Bank Project. Available from:
http://www.ciks.org/seedbanks.htm [Accessed January 2012].
Green N, Campbell G, Tulloch R and Scholten M (2009) Scottish Landrace
Protection Scheme. .” In Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (Eds) European
landraces: on-farm conservation, management and use. Bioversity Technical
Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 233-243.
Intermediate Technology Development Group (unknown date) Community seed
banks - improving food security. Available from:
http://www.farmingsolutions.org/successtories/stories.asp?id=95 [Accessed
January 2012].
Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Hawkes JG (1997b) “Complementary conservation
strategies.” In: Maxted N, Ford-Lloyd BV and Hawke, JG (Eds) Plant Genetic
Conservation: The In situ Approach. Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 20-55.
Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (2009b) “A European strategic approach to
conserving crop landraces.” In Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N (Eds)
European landraces: on-farm conservation, management and use. Bioversity
Technical Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 305-325.

B.11.5. Additional materials and resources

General references:
Engels JMM, Ramanatha Rao V, Brown AHD and Jackson MT (eds)
 (2002) Managing Plant Genetic Diversity. CABI Publishing, Wallingford
and IPGRI, Rome. pp. 205‐215.
Guarino L, Rao VR and Reid R (eds) (1995) Collecting Plant Genetic
 Diversity: Technical Guidelines. Wallingford, CAB International. pp. 67-
Hawkes JG, Maxted N and Ford-Lloyd BV (2000) The ex situ conservation

of plant genetic resources. Kluwer, Dordrecht. pp. 250.
Guarino L (2010) Adapting to climate change: the importance of ex situ
conservation of crop genetic diversity. International conference on Food
Security and Climate Change in Dry Areas, 1-4 February 2010. Amman,

Jordan. Available from: http://www.slideshare.net/luigiguarino/the-role-
[Accessed January 2012].
Community seed banks:
Lewis V and Mulvany PM (1997) A typology of community seed banks.
Natural Resources Institute, Kent. Available from:

[Accessed January 2012].
Pascual U, Narloch U, Nordhagen S and Drucker AG (2011) The
economics of agrobiodiversity conservation for food security under
climate change. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales 11(1): 191-220.
Available from:

f?cache=1327377914 [Accessed January 2012].
The Development Fund/Utviklingsfondet (2011) Banking for the future:
savings, security and seeds. A short story of community seed banks in
Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Honduras, India, Nepal, Thailand,

Zambia and Zimbabwe. Available from:
y_seed_banks.pdf [Accessed January 2012].
Worede M (unknown date) Establishing a community seed supply system:
community seed bank complexes in Africa. Available from:

http://www.fao.org/docrep/014/i2230e/i2230e13.pdf [Accessed January
Strengthening the capacity of community seed bank for enhancing local
seed security and agro-biodiversity conservation in Central Terai, Nepal.
Available from:

diver.html [Accessed January 2012].
Gene bank manuals:

 Dulloo ME, Thormann, I and Engels J (2011) Standards and best practices
for genebank management. European Plant Genetic Resources
Conference 2011 “To Serve and Conserve”. 5-7 April. Wageningen, The
Netherlands. Available from
practices-for-genebank-management [Accessed January 2012].
Bioversity International training modules on plant collecting:
c10721 [Accessed January 2012].
Bioversity International training modules on ex situ
WW conservation/genebank management:
W http://www.bioversityinternational.org/training/training_materials.html#
c10715 [Accessed January 2012].
WW Crop Genebank Knowledge Base. Available from:
W http://cropgenebank.sgrp.cgiar.org/ [Accessed January 2012].
ICRISAT. Managing and enhancing the use of germplasm – strategies and
methodologies. Available from: http://www.icrisat.org/gene-bank-
manual.htm [Accessed January 2012].
B.12. Monitoring of landraces on-farm
B.12.1. Overview

What is monitoring of landraces on-farm and why it is important?

Monitoring of plant populations means the systematic collection of data over time
to detect changes, to determine the direction of those changes and to measure
their magnitude190. The monitoring of LR thus constitutes an important early
warning mechanism for detecting varietal extinction and genetic erosion. The
monitoring of LR populations aims at:
 Registering changes in varietal diversity,
 Assessing trends in population size and structure,
 Detecting changes in the genetic diversity of LR,
 Determining the outcomes of management/farming practices on populations
and to guide management decisions.

Once the on-farm conservation sites are established they provide an opportunity
to monitor and assess short and longer term changes in LR diversity, which can
help form the basis of assessing levels of LR diversity and so address the goals of
the CBD Strategic Plan191 of reducing loss of genetic diversity, particularly of crop
species. Therefore, a monitoring scheme should be included in the site
management plans, and should start immediately after site establishment.
Monitoring of genetic erosion can be carried out using the materials conserved ex
LR monitoring can be carried out at two levels: (i) individual LR, and (ii) LR
genetic diversity. In addition, LR can be monitored for evolution and adaptation to
environmental conditions.

Iriondo et al. (2008)
CBD (2010b)
Establishment of in situ conservation goals



Development of monitoring scheme

Implementation of in situ conservation priorities

Implementation of monitoring scheme

Figure 23. Monitoring of LR diversity in situ

B.12.2. Methodology for monitoring LR on-farm

The on-farm conservation sites should be surveyed regularly in order to detect any
change in the LR grown. The time between surveys depends on the perception the
researcher has during the first survey. That is to say, if the farmer has shown a
desire to change to modern varieties in the near future, then surveying should take
place after 1 or 2 years after the first survey, but otherwise a gap of 5 to 10 crop
generations is advisable. However, the minimum periodicity of monitoring to
ensure LR diversity is maintained has yet to be evaluated scientifically. Although
having provided guidance on the minimum periodicity of monitoring it should be
stated that more regular interaction between the maintainer and conservationist is
desirable to ensure problems with pests and diseases or other causes of crop
losses are overcome and at the same time check the farmer is continuing to grow
the LR. In addition, a comparison between ex situ accessions (collected in previous
years) and/or between ex situ accessions and extant on-farm populations (of the
same LR and from the same farm) can also be undertaken in order to assist
monitoring of changes in the genetic composition of LR.
Monitoring Genetic monitoring
Table 9. Monitoring LR to detect changes in diversity
Individual LR 1. Compare LR  Number of LR grown;  To monitor changes in LR  Decrease in the
inventories from the  Area allocated to each maintained. numbers of farmers
same farm in different LR;  To monitor changes in the growing each LR.
years:  Richness indexes e.g. areas allocated to each LR.  Decrease in the area
 Direct observation Shannon Weaver  To monitor farming covered by a LR.
(farmers’ interviews, Index (H’)192, Simpson practices.  Decrease in the
etc.) Index (D)193;  To register farmers’ number of LR.
 Community  Management perceptions and reasons  Decrease in H’ or D.
Biodiversity Registers; practices; for changes in varietal  Increase of the annual
 Participatory field  Threats. diversity. replacement of LR with
observations  To register changes in modern varieties in
(participatory transect specific field-plots. specific field-plots.
walks) in different
2. Focus group -  To validate the reasons for -
discussions varietal changes and

, where pi represents the relative proportion of the individuals in group I; and s is the number of categories (varieties). The greater the value of the
index, the more diverse the community.

, where N represents the total number of organisms of all species; ni is the number of individuals in the ith variety; it ranges from 0 to 1. The closer to 0
the index, the more diverse the community.
genetic erosion from
comparing the inventories
and field observations.
 To discuss the reasons for
varietal change and loss of
LR diversity.
Genetic erosion 1. Genetic analysis – Genetic diversity To detect changes in the Decrease in richness of
within a LR neutral diversity (expected genetic composition within a diversity.
heterozygosity) (richness population of a LR.
of diversity). To detect changes in the
Average number of genetic composition among Decrease in evenness of
alleles per locus different populations of the diversity.
(evenness of diversity). same LR.

Linear regression of the

above variables against
the fixed variables of the
year (of collection)
surveyed and population
size (where population
size varied).
Analysis of molecular To assess population Significant population
variance (AMOVA) (to differentiation over time. differentiation between
compare variances samples collected in
among populations) different years.
Evolution and Genetic analysis –  Response to variation  To detect changes in the Changes in any of the
adaptation adaptive diversity or in agronomic practices genetic composition. parameters mentioned.
perceived diversity  Response to pathogen  To detect changes in cross-
incidence. breeding with other varieties
 Response to variation and wild relatives.
in agronomic practices
 Response to planting
in disease nurseries,
B.12.3. Examples and applied use of LR monitoring on-farm

Box 102. Potential loss of rice landraces in Nepal

A study was undertaken to detect changes in rice LR diversity in a Terai
community in Nepal (Kachorwa, Bara) in the context of an IPGRI coordinated
project “Strengthening the scientific basis of in situ conservation of agro-
biodiversity on-farm”. A baseline survey was undertaken between 1998 and 1999
which allowed the documentation of crop diversity as well as socio-economic and
agro-ecological factors. The extent and distribution of rice-growing households
was assessed based on the distribution of farmer-named varieties (within number
of households and the crop area). Threats of genetic erosion were also assessed
based on area and number of farmers growing each LR. Later in 1999 and in 2001,
rice-growing households were monitored in order to detect the changes in
diversity of LR maintained and the areas allocated to each by comparison with the
baseline information from 1998. In 1999, 2000 and 2001, participatory transect
walks were conducted in order to monitor changes in rice varieties and land
allocations. During these visits, farmers’ reasons for changes in varietal diversity
were registered. Additionally, changes in specific field-plots regarding the LR
diversity grown and annual rate of replacement of landraces with modern varieties
were recorded. Focus group discussions were carried out in order to validate the
findings for varietal changes and genetic erosion from the previous methods
(monitoring, field observations, participatory transect walks) and findings were
Genetic erosion was estimated based on the numbers of farmers growing each LR
as well as the area covered by different LR in different years. In addition, the
Shannon Weaver Index (H’) and the Simpson Index (D) were calculated and
compared between years.
As a major conclusion, it was found that local rice LR were gradually being
replaced by modern varieties. In addition, LR were suffering from a decline in the
richness and evenness of genetic diversity which is an indication of genetic
Source: Chaudhary et al. (2004)

Box 103. Genetic erosion of rice landrace diversity in South and Southeast
Almost 13,000 ex situ accessions of rice LR from Bangladesh, Cambodia, India,
Indonesia, Lao PDR, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam, collected over a
33 year period (1962‒1995) and conserved at the International Rice Research
Institute (IRRI) were studied regarding their genetic diversity using 12 allozyme
loci. Individual LR accessions were grouped according to the date of collection, or
when absent, according to the date of acquisition by IRRI (as a proxy of the date of
collection). Nei’s expected heterozygosity (genetic diversity) (Nei 1978) and
average number of alleles per locus (Lewis and Zaykin 2001) were estimated, and
linear regression of these variables was performed against the fixed variables of
the year of collection and population size (where population size varied).
Additionally, analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was used to compare
variances among populations and to assess population differentiation over time.
In contrary to what was expected, the authors did not detect significant reduction
of available genetic diversity in the studied material. In addition, a strong link
between numbers of LR collected (and therefore extant) and genetic diversity was
found. Hence, it can be used as an indicator to detect loss of genetic diversity in
the future.
Source: Ford-Lloyd et al. (2009)

B.12.4. List of references used to compile the text

Brown AHD (2000) “The genetic structure of crop landraces and the challenge to
conserve them in situ on farms.” In: Brush SB (Ed) Genes in the field. IPGRI,
Rome/IDRC, Ottawa/Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL, USA. pp. 29-48.
CBD (2010b) Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. Secretariat of the
Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal. Available from:
http://www.cbd.int/decision/cop/?id=12268 [Accessed January 2012].
Chaudhary P, Gauchan D, Rana RB, Sthapit B and Jarvis DI (2004) Potential loss
of rice landraces from a Terai community in Nepal: a case study from
Kachorwa, Bara. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 137: 14-21.
Ford-Lloyd BV, Brar D, Khush GS, Jackson MT and Virk PS (2009) Genetic erosion
over time of rice landrace agrobiodiversity. Plant Genetic Resources 7(2): 163-
Már I and Holly L (1998) “Data collecting and analysis on-farm in Hungary.” In:
Jarvis DI and Hodgkin T (Eds). Strengthening the scientific basis of in situ
conservation of agricultural biodiversity on-farm. Options for data collecting
and analysis. Proceedings of a workshop to develop tools and procedures for in
situ conservation on-farm, 25-29 August 1997, Rome, Italy. International Plant
Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy. Available from:
[Accessed January 2012].

B.12.5. Additional materials and resource

General references:
Barry MB, Diagne A, Sogbossi MJ, Pham JL, Diawara S and Ahmadi N
 (2008) Recent changes in varietal diversity in rice in Guinea. Plant
Genetic Resources 7(1): 63-71.
Hirano R, Ishii H, Oo TH, Gilani SA, Kikuchi A and Watanabe KN (2011)
Propagation management methods have altered the genetic variability of

two traditional mango varieties in Myanmar, as revealed by SSR. Plant
Genetic Resources 9(3): 404-410.
 Jarvis DI and Hodgkin T (eds) (1998) Strengthening the scientific basis of


in situ conservation of agricultural biodiversity on-farm. Options for data
collecting and analysis. Proceedings of a workshop to develop tools and
procedures for in situ conservation on-farm, 25-29 August 1997, Rome,
Italy. International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Padulosi S, Bergamini N and Lawrence T (eds) (2012) On-farm
conservation of neglected and underutilized species: status, trends and
novel approaches to cope with climate change. Proceedings of the
International Conference, Frankfurt, 14-16 June 2011. Bioversity
 International. Available from:
ecies_status_trends_and_novel_approaches_to_cope_with.pdf [Accessed
June 2012].
Shewayrga H, Jordan DR and Godwin ID (2008) Genetic erosion and
 changes in distribution of sorghum (Sorghum bicolour L. (Moench))
landraces in north-eastern Ethiopia. Plant Genetic Resources 6(1): 1-10.
van de Wouw M, Kik C, van Hintum T, van Treuren R and Visser B (2009)
 Genetic erosion in crops: concept, research results and challenges. Plant
Genetic Resources 8(1): 1-15.


B.13. Promoting the use of conserved LR diversity

Why is it important to promote the use of landrace diversity?

Landrace on-farm conservation is the active management of LR diversity usually
but not exclusively within the traditional agricultural systems where they have
developed their unique characteristics. The use may be broadly characterised as
individual farmer use and broader stakeholder use. Individual farmers continue to
grow the LR, maintain the LR diversity and possess the knowledge concerning its
cultivation, management and uses, because that LR continues to meet their
economic, food security and cultural requirements. The continued growth of the
LR by individual farmers has a broader stakeholder use to the agricultural
community as a whole as the maintenance of LR provides plant breeders with the
diversity they continue to require to meet changing consumer demands, and
environmental and market demands. Therefore, the maintenance of LR diversity
by farmers is private and public good and should be stimulated to ensure LR

The conservation of agro-biodiversity is not an end in itself. There is an explicit

link between genetic conservation and utilisation: genetic conservation must
facilitate utilisation, either now or in the future. This point is highlighted in the
text of the CBD86 which states that utilisation should be "sustainable" and "meet
the needs and aspirations of present and future generations". No conservation
action takes place in an anthropogenic vacuum―in other words, whether an on-
farm conservation site is to be established or a particular LR population sampled
for ex situ conservation, there are likely to have been traditional or local users of
that resource. Therefore, no conservation action can be successful without the
support of the local community. Where possible, traditional or local community
utilisation should not be restricted or infringed by active LR conservation because
conservation cannot succeed without local community support. However, local
communities do not always manage their resources sustainably, even if
mismanagement is likely to adversely impact their longer-term interests.
Therefore, the conservationist’s role when formulating conservation actions may
be just as much resolving conflicts between local community and practical
conservation implementation, ensuring continued local community use of their
PGR resources, while achieving sustainable conservation.
LR can be used by farmers, general, and professional users. The work of
professional users, the general public and local people can be linked through
partnership within NGOs, which could contribute with conservation volunteers,
and could be involved in sustainable rural development or the use of resources in
accordance with traditional cultural practices. Raising public and professional
awareness of the value of and need for LR conservation is likely to engender
specific conservation action in LR rich areas, as well as promoting general
conservation sustainability. All partners should therefore share the goals of
sustainable use of biological resources taking into account social, economic,
environmental and scientific factors which form a cornerstone of the nations'
proposals to implement Agenda 21.
Farmer utilisation
Farmers or other crop maintainers may have an extensive history of individual LR
cultivation. They usually possess a great deal of knowledge on traditional
cultivation techniques and directly utilise LR.

Farmer showing her “Mawangamanga” (coloured seeds) sorghum LR in Chimatiro

village (Chingale, Zomba District, Malawi) (photo: Edwin A Chiwona).

Farmer holding a panicle of “Mchesa” sorghum LR in his sorghum garden in

Mateyu village (Chikwawa District, Malawi) (photo: Edwin A Chiwona).


Jim McEwan, Production Director at Bruichladdich Whisky Distillery in Islay,
Scotland tasting spirit made from bere, a Scottish landrace (photo:
Bruichladdich Distillery).

General utilisation
The general users of LR are people at large, whose support may be essential to the
long-term political and financial viability of a conservation site. Commonly, the
general public ultimately finances the establishment and continuation of a
network of on-farm conservation sites through taxation. In addition, some
members of the general public may wish to visit the on-farm site.

Professional utilisation
Professional users include researchers, pre-breeders and breeders who
characterise, evaluate and screen PGRFA for novel traits using various techniques
such as morphological analysis, genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, high-
throughput phenotyping and GIS-based predictive characterization as the basis
for improved crop breeding. Professional users can utilise LR conserved in the on-
farm conservation sites but more often they will utilise the samples of these
populations stored ex situ in gene banks.
LR on-farm conservation sites can act as in situ research platforms for field
experimentation. There is a real need for a better understanding of species
dynamics within conservation areas to aid the sustainable management of the
specific taxa, but also as a more general experimental tool for ecological and
genetic studies of in situ conserved LR. Research activities based on the material
conserved should be encouraged as they provide another use for the material
conserved and another justification for establishing the conservation site.
Monitoring studies (such as of genetic diversity changes), as required by the COP


to the CBD adopted strategic plan194 would be facilitated. This way, we could
detect changes associated with future habitat management scenarios; hence take
action immediately in order to reduce the current rate of diversity loss.

Researcher taking physiological measurements in a field experiment at IPGR,

Sadovo (photo: Tsvetelina Stoilova)

Morphological characterization of cowpea LR in Bulgaria (photo: Tsvetelina


CBD (2010b)
Morphological observations and physiological measurements of beans in
Cherni Osam, Bulgaria (photo: Tsvetelina Stoilova)

Table 10. Methods of utilisation and promotion of LR use

Farmer Farmers and Home consumption, Diversity fairs,
other crop commercialisation community seed
maintainers banks, etc.
General General public Consumption, leisure Media, farmers’
market, formal and
informal education,
cook books, agro-
ecotourism, art
competitions, fair
Professional Researchers, Characterization and Publication of
pre-breeders, evaluation, including characterization and
breeders Focused Identification evaluation data,
of Germplasm web-enabled Trait
Strategy (FIGS), field Information Portal
experimentation, of characterization
monitoring and evaluation data

B.13.1. List of references used to compile the text

CBD (1992) Convention on Biological Diversity. Secretariat of the Convention on
Biological Diversity. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


CBD (2010b) Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. Secretariat of the
Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal.
www.cbd.int/decision/cop/?id=12268. Accessed 30 December 2010.

B.13.2. Additional materials and resources

See Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy (FIGS) ‘Additional materials
and resources’ in B.8.5.
See Genetic studies to search for traits of interest for crop breeding ‘Additional
materials and resources’ in B.7.
Promoting the use of landraces:
Chable V, Goldringer I, Dawson J, Bocci R, van Bueren EL, Serpolay E,
González JM, Valero T, Levillain T, van der Burg JW, Pimbert M, Pino S
and Kik C (2009) “Farm seed opportunities: a project to promote landrace
 use and renew biodiversity.” In: Veteläinen M, Negri V and Maxted N
(eds) European landraces: on-farm conservation, management and use.
Bioversity Technical Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome, pp. 266-
Martin P, Wishart J, Cromarty A and Chang X (2009) “New markets and
supply chains for Scottish Bere Barley.” In: Veteläinen M, Negri V and
 Maxted N (eds) European landraces: on-farm conservation, management
and use. Bioversity Technical Bulletin 15. Bioversity International, Rome,
pp. 251-263.
Karagöz A (unknown date) Turkish landraces and strategies to promote
their use in agriculture. Available from:

ragoz.pdf [Accessed January 2012].
European Commission project: “Novel characterization of crop wild
 relative and landrace resources as a basis for improved crop breeding”
(PGR Secure): http://pgrsecure.org/.


B.14. Information system and data management
B.14.1. Overview

Why is data critical to landrace conservation and use?

It is widely accepted within the PGRFA conservation and user community that one
major factor hindering effective conservation and use of PGRFA is the lack of easy
access to data, as well as obstacles to information exchange due to the many
different approaches in managing data. If we are to inventory and build a
National management plan for LR conservation, then consistent data collation and
management is required.

Historically as noted above there have been many obstacles to information

exchange between projects involved in the inventory and establishment of
national management plan for LR conservation, the few projects that have
addressed these tasks have developed stand-alone information systems to manage
their LR related data. However in recent years the adoption of data collection and
information management standards has been achieved to a large degree for the
management of ex situ collections data using standard data descriptors such as
the FAO/IPGRI Multi-crop Passport Descriptors (MCPD) version 2 published in
June 2012
ions_pi1[showUid]=6901). But even these standards do not adequately cater for
the full range of data types that are of relevance to landrace conservation and use.
The EC funded PGR Secure project (see http://www.pgrsecure.org/) has as its
dual goal agrobiodiversity conservation and the promotion of its sustainable use.
One element of which is to develop (i) Europe-wide LR inventory, (ii) Exemplar
national LR inventories and (iii) European LR conservation and use strategy. Each
of these three deliverables requires extensive data management and intra- and
inter-project data exchange. Thus significant progress was required and a set of
minimum descriptors for the documentation of on-farm conservation and
management activities have been developed, Descriptors for web-enabled national
in situ landrace inventories (see
SCRIPTORS_PGRSECURE.pdf)195. The published descriptor list includes fields
related to the inventory identification, taxon identification, landrace/population
identification, site and location identification, landrace characteristics and finally
fields concerning conservation and monitoring actions to be taken in favour of the
landrace diversity maintenance. These descriptors have been designed to record
the landrace(s) present on-farm, as well as to describe aspects of farm
management practices (e.g., agricultural system, cropping management and farm
labour division by gender). Descriptors to describe the seed supply system, the
farmer’s criteria for distinguishing landraces, selection criteria, seed storage
practices and crop uses, amongst others, are included. PGR Secure will within the

Negri et al. (2012)
context of the national LR inventories that are planned in Finland, Italy and the
United Kingdom will test and refine the descriptors, but the methodology used for
data collation and the descriptors are deliberately generic so that they will have
applicability globally.

B.14.2. Methodology
Information on landraces is available from wide range of sources, but retrieving it
presents a number of challenges. Firstly, in existing databases, such as those
managed by plant gene banks, landrace accessions are generally not distinguished
from modern varieties, although this issue should not arise if the FAO/IPGRI
Multi-crop Passport Descriptors are used as the SAMPSTAT descriptor allows for
the distinction between LR and other types of collection sample. Secondly,
different scientists use different definitions of LR, so what is a LR to one is not to
another. Thirdly, the crop variety name can sometimes be used to guide decisions
as to whether a variety is a LR (for example, if the name of a LR is directly
associated with a particular geographic location), but this is not a reliable method
because modern varieties can also be given similar names. Furthermore, obtaining
information about varieties that people grow for business purposes can be
hindered by issues of commercial sensitivity, concerns about the potential legal
repercussions associated with national listing of unregistered varieties and
insufficient time and resources available to the business to respond. These
challenges are not insurmountable but they do demand a carefully considered and
tested approach (particularly with regard to obtaining information from
commercial enterprises) and a considerable amount of time.
LR Data were collated from various sources, including LR, maintainers, PGR
experts, governmental documents, NGOs, commercial companies, gene banks,
websites and the literature. The types of data collated will fall into four basic
• Ecogeographic data (taxonomic, ecological, geographic and genetic:
• Field population data (passport),
• Conservation management data (curatorial),
• Characterization and evaluation data (descriptive).

Each of these data types are collated using some type of standard descriptor. A
descriptor may be defined as “any attribute referring to a population, accession or
taxon which the conservationist uses for the purpose of describing, conserving
and using this material”. Descriptors are abstract in a general sense, and it is the
descriptor states that conservationists actually record and utilise. Standard
descriptors for ecogeographic, field and conservation management data are
included in the Descriptors for web-enabled national in situ landrace
inventories196, while formal characterization and evaluation descriptors are
associated with various standardized ‘Crop descriptor lists’ published by FAO,

Negri et al. (2012)
Bioversity, UPOV (see http://www.bioversityinternational.org/publications.html).
It is important to stress that standard lists of descriptors should be used when they
are available. The use of well-defined, tested and rigorously implemented
descriptor lists for scoring descriptors considerably simplifies all operations
concerned with data recording, such as updating and modifying data, information
retrieval, exchange, data analysis and transformation. When data are recorded,
they should be classified and interpreted with a pre-defined list of descriptors and
descriptor states to consult. This clearly saves a considerable amount of time and
effort associated with data entry. The use of lists ensures uniformity, while
reducing errors and problems associated with text synonyms.

B.14.3. Examples and applied use

There are few examples of data management within the context of the production
of a National management plan for LR conservation. However, one reported
example is the Vegetable landrace inventory of England and Wales will be made
available via the UK’s Information Portal on Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture (http://grfa.org.uk/)197. The methodology applied198 involved:

Experts’ meeting
An experts’ meeting was called involving all those stakeholders with knowledge or
interest in LR conservation and use to discuss the general project strategy and to
share existing knowledge of how to obtain information on UK vegetable landraces,
how to make contact with landrace maintainers, and a possible strategy for
obtaining germplasm samples for ex situ conservation. The specific objectives of
the meeting were to:
1. Provide an introduction to the project and discuss the proposed project
strategy, including the following specific objectives:
a. Review official government documentation and scientific/popular
b. Review NGO and commercial company knowledge and holdings of
landrace diversity
c. Review ex situ seed bank holdings of landraces
d. Discuss LR diversity with LR maintainers.
2. Share knowledge of how to achieve each of the above objectives (e.g.,
specific contacts, literature sources, government documents, relevant
NGOs, commercial companies and seed banks).
3. Discuss a procedure for obtaining germplasm samples for ex situ
conservation and outline a strategy for ensuring sufficient material is
duplicated in the appropriate seed banks.
4. Provide examples of existing successful on-farm vegetable LR
conservation projects in the UK (or elsewhere) that can be used for

Kell et al. (2009)
Maxted et al. (2009)
reference purposes when formulating conservation recommendations for
other vegetable LR.
5. Provide examples of the use of LR germplasm in formal crop improvement
programmes that can be used for reference purposes in the final report to


LR maintainers working with
Researcher/Conservation Agency
Researcher/Conservation Agency LR maintainers

Ecogeographic data

LR population data
management data
MONITORING – detect changes

Characterisation and
evaluation data


Figure 24. Summary of data flow in LR conservation


Agree scope of the inventory—defining ‘landrace’
It was necessary to discuss and agree a working of a landrace to be used in the
project, and it was agreed that keeping an open definition from the outset was
desirable in order to capture as full a range of traditional vegetable varieties in the
inventory as possible. Furthermore, there is not always a clear defining line
between a ‘landrace’ sensu stricto and a ‘traditional variety’ or ‘old variety’, nor
between crops grown on a subsistence basis or on a small scale for local commerce
or seed production. So anything considered a LR by a stakeholder was included.

Designing the landrace database: descriptors and structure

There was a necessary requirement of the government agency funding the
research to make the LR information collated available to all stakeholders post-
project and this involved designing a database to manage landrace information. A
simple database structure was designed and recommendations on the data
standards for the collation and management of landrace data, with the long-term
aim of providing an information system that can continue to be developed and
updated as further information becomes available. The descriptor standards used
were the FAO/IPGRI Multi-crop Passport Descriptors version 1 (MCPD)
and the minimum descriptors for the documentation of on-farm conservation and
management activities (see
Note both these sets of descriptors have now been superseded and the current
version of the descriptors should be used (see discussion above). However,
critically, these descriptors included provision for recording both site
environmental data, which are important for characterization of landraces, and
socio-economic data, which are vital for continued maintenance of populations in
situ. The vegetable landrace inventory of England and Wales will be made
available via the UK’s Information Portal on Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture (http://grfa.org.uk/). The database is relational and all crop
population records are referenced to a landrace maintainer via site locations.
Environmental data are described in a separate table for each site recorded, while
socio-economic data, cultivation details and conservation status are related to
individual crop population records. Figure 44 shows the overall structure of the
database and Figure 45 shows the LR data entry module.

Strategy for accessing landrace information

Data were collated from various sources, including PGR experts, governmental
documents, NGOs, commercial companies, gene banks, websites, literature and
landrace maintainers.


Figure 25. English and Welsh vegetable LR inventory database structure

Figure 26. English and Welsh vegetable LR inventory LR data entry module


B.14.4. List of references used to compile the text
Bioversity and The Christensen Fund, 2009. Descriptors for farmer’s knowledge of
plants. Bioversity International, Rome, Italy and The Christensen Fund, Palo
Alto, California, USA.
Kell, S.P., Maxted, N., Allender, C., Astley, D., Ford-Lloyd, B.V. and contributors
(2009) Vegetable Landrace Inventory of England and Wales. The University of
Birmingham, UK. 117 pp.
Maxted, N., Veteläinen, M. and Negri, V. (2009) Landrace inventories: needs and
methodologies. In: Veteläinen, M., Negri, V. and Maxted, N. (eds.), European
Landraces: On-farm Conservation, Management and Use. Bioversity Technical
Bulletin No. 15. Bioversity International, Rome, Italy. Pp. 33–37.
Negri V, Maxted N, Torricelli R, Heinonen M, Veteläinen M and Dias S (2012)
Descriptors for web-enabled national in situ landrace inventories. University of
Birmingham, Birmingham, UK.

B.14.5. Additional resources and materials

Hawkes JG, Maxted N and Ford-Lloyd BV (2000) The ex situ conservation

of plant genetic resources. Kluwer, Dordrecht. pp. 250.
Dulloo ME, Thormann, I and Engels J (2011) Standards and best practices
for genebank management. European Plant Genetic Resources
Conference 2011 “To Serve and Conserve”. 5-7 April. Wageningen, The

Netherlands. Available from
practices-for-genebank-management [Accessed January 2012].
FAO/IPGRI Multi-crop Passport Descriptors (MCPD) version 2 published
WW in June 2012
W (http://www.bioversityinternational.org/index.php?id=19&user_bioversity
publications_pi1[showUid]=6901) [Accessed June 2012].
Descriptors for web-enabled national in situ landrace inventories
k/LRDESCRIPTORS_PGRSECURE.pdf [Accessed June 2012].
Various characterisation and evaluation ‘Crop descriptor lists’:
http://www.bioversityinternational.org/publications.html [Accessed June
WW Crop Genebank Knowledge Base. Available from:
W http://cropgenebank.sgrp.cgiar.org/ [Accessed June 2012].


C.1. Summary of conclusions
There is concern among agrobiodiversity conservationists involved in the
effective conservation of CWR and LR diversity as to how they can meet the
demand by plant breeders for a broader range of genetic diversity. This diversity
being required to mitigate the impact of the rising human population and the
changing climate. Nature conservationists (particularly PA managers) for CWR
and farmers for LR diversity are recognising the broader ecosystem services
provided by the in situ conservation of the diversity they manage. As promoted in
the CBD Strategic Plan and often implemented through national legislative
instrument, like agroenvironmental stewardship schemes or other subsidies, it
offers to agrobiodiversity managers a means of linking human well-being to
biodiversity conservation. As the general public (through their taxes) fund most
conservation activities, showing that conservation expenditure can have a direct
benefit to the general public underlines that the funds are well spent and will
engender public support.
Like many other elements of biodiversity, CWR and LR are subject to increasing
levels of threat in their host habitats, as a result of human environmental
mismanagement. However, the responsibility for CWR and LR conservation tends
to fall between two conservation sectors—the general nature conservation sector
focuses its efforts on rare or threatened species and on habitat conservation, while
agricultural conservationists focus on more advanced crop material. As a result,
CWR particularly and to a lesser extent LR have been neglected in conservation
planning (Maxted 2003). It is now vital that this lack of conservation effort is
redressed through systematic CWR and LR conservation at local, national,
regional and global levels. It can be argued that the national level is most critical
to this refocusing of conservation action, because: post-CBD nations have
sovereignty over their agrobiodiversity; there is an obligations on nations to
conserve their agrobiodiversity under the provisions of the CBD and ITPGRFA for
ratifying countries; the bulk of agrobiodiversity conservation expenditure is at the
national level; and even global and local agrobiodiversity conservation action is
most commonly implemented via national agencies. The protocols and examples
provided in this book are designed to help meet the demand for practical tools to
assist national PGRFA programmes in the development and implementation of
national management plans for CWR and LR conservation, but in doing so, they
are also likely to contribute to local, regional and global agrobiodiversity
The national conservation of CWR and LR does however presents new challenges
to the conservation sector—that of requiring (a) nature and agricultural
conservationists to work more closely together and integrate conservation actions,
and (b) agricultural conservationists to work more closely with farmers. For too
long the two conservation sectors have largely worked in isolation, focusing on
distinct and different elements of biodiversity, attending alternative conferences
and even publishing in different sets of journals. While agrobiodiversity
conservationists have often worked with farmers, the relationship has historically
primarily been based on short visits to collect seed samples, but regular LR
monitoring and helping traditional farmers sustain production is increasingly
required. The farmer’s ultimate goal is to generate commercial profit rather than
to specifically conserve the diverse resource that generates the profit itself;
therefore, to jointly fulfil conservation and development goals, the conservationist
requires diverse skills (development, marketing, sociological, economic, etc.). In
practice ensuring sustainable LR conservation may involve the conservationists
working alongside a range of stakeholders and specialists as well as the farmers,
but the collaboration goes well beyond the purely scientific.
Therefore, CWR and LR conservation is unique in the sense that it is the shared
responsibility of multiple stakeholders and it is now widely recognised that
conservation goals cannot be achieved in isolation by any one of them. Ultimately,
although agricultural conservationists may be responsible for establishing
priorities for CWR conservation, the actual genetic diversity of CWR will
primarily be conserved in situ in PAs managed by nature conservationists, just as
LR will primarily be conserved in situ in cultivation systems by farmers,
householders and other maintainers. In this real sense, the approach to CWR and
LR conservation is holistic.
There is a growing imperative facing national biodiversity coordinators to meet
the obligations of governments under international treaties which encompass
legally binding legislative instruments (e.g., notably the CBD and ITPGRFA) and
associated strategies (e.g., the GSPC and GPA). In this context, national
biodiversity coordinators recognize the need to “develop national strategies, plans
or programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity”
and more specifically for plants, this obligation is inherent in the GSPC and
ITPGRFA. As concluded by Balmford et al. (2005), progress is being made towards
assessing change (usually loss) of biodiversity in various domains (birds, insects,
fish, amphibians, coral reefs, forestry and non-PGRFA plants, etc.), but relatively
little progress was made to meet the CBD 2010 targets. While some progress has
been made under the aegis of the FAO GPA to define indicators for monitoring
change, there remains a lack of practical and inexpensive methodologies for
measuring change in genetic diversity over time, and assessing real as opposed to
proxy genetic erosion.
So how might both national biodiversity coordinators and individual
conservationists address their responsibilities for CWR and LR diversity
conservation and promote its sustainable exploitation? One answer could be to
adopt the approach outlined in this book for the development of national
management plans for CWR and LR conservation. For the national biodiversity
coordinator and policy makers the background and context to developing a
National management plan for LR conservation that incorporates the promotion of
use is outlined in Part 1 of the resource book, while Part 2 outlines the practical
steps involved in achieving this goal. Both Parts 1 and 2 assume that one end
achievement will be an integrated network of national CWR genetic reserves and
LR on-farm conservation sites, with systematic ex situ collections available to act
as a safety backup and provide a point of access for the germplasm user
community. These national CWR and LR conservation networks will also feed into
a broader global network to maximize conservation efforts.
The network of national CWR genetic reserves and LR on-farm conservation sites
not only fulfils the commitment to improved CWR and LR conservation, but also
through individual site management offers a routine means of monitoring
taxonomic, demographic and genetic diversity changes. This means that the new
CBD 2020 target of a significant reduction in the current rate of biodiversity loss
at national level should be met for national CWR and LR diversity, we can show
clearly through monitoring that it has been met and it will also make a significant
contribution to the reduction in global and regional biodiversity losses. The
protocols and examples presented in this resource book will help both national
biodiversity coordinators and individual conservationists meet their
agrobiodiversity conservation commitments and aspirations.
In developing the protocols and providing examples, the desire was to assist
national PGR programmes develop and implement National CWR or LR
management plans, particularly in developing countries where the bulk of CWR
and LR diversity is found and where conservation expertise is least well developed,
from initial planning through to implementation. However, it is worth
emphasizing that the resource book can be used for the entire process or
individual steps can also be consulted and applied. Either way the end goal is
implementation of the National management plan for LR conservation.
Sustainability for in situ CWR conservation or on-farm conservation sites can only
be enhanced by use of the diversity they contain and therefore stimulating interest
among user stakeholders in the conserved agrobiodiversity is central to the plan.
Just as botanic gardens often stimulate interest among the general public by
displaying specimens of exotic crops—for example, to show what banana, coffee or
rice plants are like in the ‘flesh’―so the PA or on-farm managers can raise the
profile of the site by drawing particular attention to the CWR or LR that occur
there. Advertising their presence and promoting exploitation of CWR and LR
diversity to the potential user communities will help sustain their conservation.
The onus is on PA or on-farm managers, just as it is on gene bank managers, to
promote utilization of the material in their care.
Finally, the current rate of human population increase, which is linked to the many
direct threats (including climate change) to biodiversity and agrobiodiversity,
means that a more effective programme for global and national CWR and LR
conservation is not a matter of choice but a matter of necessity. Preserving and
sustainably using CWR and LR resources will increase food security, alleviate
poverty and improve economic and ecosystem stability. The tools to efficiently
conserve CWR and LR diversity are available―now we need to act!

C.2. Recommendations
Key recommendation 1: The FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture considers the requirement for the establishment of a global network
for in situ conservation of CWR and LR diversity.

Given the known value of CWR and LR in crop improvement and their potential
value in climate change mitigation and future food security, it is perhaps
surprising that there has to date been no systematic attempt at global level to
conserve CWR and LR diversity. For CWR diversity this has largely been because
they fall between the remit of the nature conservation community who mainly
focus on rare or threatened wild plant species and habitats, and the
agrobiodiversity conservation community who focus on conservation of intra-crop
variation. While for LR diversity so little is known about global levels of LR
diversity and the task to understand that diversity for all crops is so gargantuan
that it has yet to tackled. In many cases, the selection of global PAs has been ad
hoc, depending largely on previous land use, ownership or human habitation,
recreation and tourism, or historical protection―CWR or LR conservation has not
been a consideration. Stolten et al. (2006) listed PAs reported to contain CWR
species and while this list provides a useful initial indication of which CWR may
be found within existing PAs, it is important to stress that in these cases the CWR
themselves are unlikely to be actively managed. CWR have the benefit of being
wild plant species, so much of the information available for CWR is a result of
botanical study not specific study as CWR species, LR do not have the same
advantage and therefore, there is no record of which LR are cultivated in existing

It is obvious from the growing threats that CWR face globally, coupled with the
increased requirement for their genetic diversity in attempting to counter climate
change, that CWR genetic diversity is currently far from secure and more
concerted in situ and ex situ conservation action must be a priority. The Global
Crop Diversity Trust and partners have recently launched a ten year project to
ensure priority CWR are conserved ex situ; however, in situ conservation remains
the preferred option because of the need to retain dynamic evolutionary
interactions, the sheer number of CWR involved, and the need to conserve their
full range of genetic diversity. Therefore, there is a need for complementary in situ
action through the establishment of a Global Network of CWR Genetic Reserves to
ensure that the full range of CWR genetic diversity of the highest priority species
for food security is conserved. The Commission has already published a
background study for the establishment of a Global Network of CWR Genetic
Reserves (Maxted and Kell, 2009)―now the recommendations from this study need
to be translated into concrete actions.

Although there are many more LR accessions conserved ex situ, it is unlikely that
they reflect the true levels of LR diversity maintain by farmers, householder or
other maintainers globally for all crops. There is a need for a thorough review of
global LR diversity, together with concerted in situ and ex situ conservation action
to ensure the diversity is secured and available to the user community. National
LR reviews in Europe have found LR are often but not exclusively maintained in
agriculturally marginal areas and this relationship could be explored further,
particularly within the Vavilov Centres to help identify globally important sites to
form part of a Global Network of LR On-farm Conservation Sites.


Key recommendation 2: Reaffirm the need for collaboration and coordination
among national, regional and international levels to promote on-farm
management and in situ conservation of plant diversity.

The point has been stressed throughout the book that effective CWR and LR
conservation requires a coordinated effort at national, regional and global levels,
as well as between those engaged in their conservation and use. Although the
resource book is focused at the national level, the integration of national on-farm
and in situ conservation with the local and international level action is key to
maximising conservation efficiency. So on-farm sites and genetic reserves will be
situated within a local community and should be grounded within the local
community to integrate agrobiodiversity conservation with local benefit and so
engender support for the conservation. While individual on-farm sites and
genetic reserves via national networks may also contribute to global networks as
global conservation action must be implemented in nations and at individual
location. As pointed out above global and local conservation action is most
commonly implemented via national agencies, so there is need to establish good
inter-geographic level linkage.

The effective establishment of a network of CWR genetic reserves and LR on-farm

sites will also necessitate a coordinated approach between the professional
PGRFA conservation community and the nature conservation community. The
threats facing CWR and LR diversity are evident and the need for active
conservation is urgent. However, there is a continuing need for stakeholder
collaboration in planning and overseeing effective implementation of
conservation and use strategies as their sustainability relies not only on solid
conservation science, but on the commitment and actions of the entire stakeholder
community, including nature and agrobiodiversity conservationists, farmers and
other maintainers of genetic resources, and the broad user community, including
plant breeders.

Key recommendation 3: The FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture considers the requirement for the establishment evidence base for
CWR and LR conservation.
In the broader biodiversity conservation community there is now an acceptance of
the need to base conservation action on evidence based knowledge, rather than
anecdotal advise or a continuation of traditional practices that may inhibits the
development of scientific management and effective project planning. The quality
of conservation action often reflects the ratio between the information that the
conservationist has at hand compared to the sum total of relevant information that
is potentially available; the more background information (evidence) the better
the decision. The evidence-based framework aims to inform decision makers
about the likely outcome of alternative conservation actions. The features of such
an evidence based system would be (a) systematic reviews and evaluation, (b)


explicit assessment of effectiveness, and (c) web delivery to practitioners (see
http://www.environmentalevidence.org/). While the advantages of using
evidence based system are efficient, unbiased, systematic, scientific conservation,
a formalised method to identify areas where evidence is lacking, clear statement of
best practice and a needs-led research agenda. Currently the such a system is
unavailable for agrobiodiversity conservation but it would undoubtedly improve
conservation planning and implementation.
To illustrate the point with a specific example for LR conservation, as discussed
above LR conservation is often linked to securing a niché market for the LR and
without such a niché market the current LR maintainers may switch production to
modern cultivars. Wouldn’t it be useful if those planning LR conservation could
look up the evidence base for methodologies for niché market promotion on a web
site and find a systematic resview of past evidence related to niché marketing that
would help them decide how to implement a niché market for the LR they are
trying to promote. The evidence-based link to CWR conservation is already
established as CWR are wild plant species and evidence-based conservation is
now widely used by the natural conservation community for planning plant


Annex 1. ITPGRFA Annex 1 Priority crops199
Crop Genus Observations
Breadfruit Artocarpus Breadfruit only
Asparagus Asparagus
Oat Avena
Beet Beta
Genera included are: Brassica, Armoracia,
Barbarea, Camelina, Crambe, Diplotaxis,
Eruca, Isatis, Lepidium, Raphanobrassica,
Brassica Raphanus, Rorippa, and Sinapis; this
Brassica et al.
complex comprises oilseed and vegetable crops such as
cabbage, rapeseed, mustard, cress, rocket,
radish, and turnip; the species Lepidium
meyenii (maca) is excluded
Pigeon Pea Cajanus
Chickpea Cicer
Genera Poncirus and Fortunella are included
Citrus Citrus
as root stock
Coconut Cocos
Colocasia, Major aroids include taro, cocoyam, dasheen
Major aroids
Xanthosoma and tannia
Carrot Daucus
Yams Dioscorea
Finger Millet Eleusine
Strawberry Fragaria
Sunflower Helianthus
Barley Hordeum
Sweet Potato Ipomoea
Grass pea Lathyrus
Lentil Lens
Apple Malus
Cassava Manihot Manihot esculenta only

FAO (2001)
Crop Genus Observations
Banana /
Musa Except Musa textilis
Rice Oryza
Pearl Millet Pennisetum
Beans Phaseolus Except Phaseolus polyanthus
Pea Pisum
Rye Secale
Section tuberosa included, except Solanum
Potato Solanum
Eggplant Solanum Section melongena included
Sorghum Sorghum
Triticale Triticosecale
Wheat Triticum et al. Including Agropyron, Elymus, and Secale
Faba Bean /
Cowpea et al. Vigna
Excluding Zea perennis, Zea diploperennis,
Maize Zea
and Zea luxurians

Genera Species
Astragalus chinensis, cicer, arenarius
Canavalia ensiformis
Coronilla varia
Hedysarum coronarium
Lathyrus cicera, ciliolatus, hirsutus, ochrus, odoratus, sativus
Lespedeza cuneata, striata, stipulacea
Lotus corniculatus, subbiflorus, uliginosus
Lupinus albus, angustifolius, luteus
Medicago arborea, falcata, sativa, scutellata, rigidula, truncatula
Melilotus albus, officinalis


Genera Species
Onobrychis viciifolia
Ornithopus sativus
Prosopis affinis, alba, chilensis, nigra, pallida
Pueraria phaseoloides
alexandrinum, alpestre, ambiguum, angustifolium, arvense,
agrocicerum, hybridum, incarnatum, pratense, repens,
resupinatum, rueppellianum, semipilosum, subterraneum,
Andropogon gayanus
Agropyron cristatum, desertorum
Agrostis stolonifera, tenuis
Alopecurus pratensis
Arrhenatherum elatius
Dactylis glomerata
Festuca arundinacea, gigantea, heterophylla, ovina, pratensis, rubra
Lolium hybridum, multiflorum, perenne, rigidum, temulentum
Phalaris aquatica, arundinacea
Phleum pratense
Poa alpina, annua, pratensis
Tripsacum laxum
Atriplex halimus, nummularia
Salsola vermiculata


Annex 2. Major and minor food crop genera200
Genus Genus Genus
Allium Ensete Potentilla
Ananas Ficus Prunus
Arachis Glycine Pyrus
Avena Gossypium Sesamum
Bertholletia Helianthus Setaria
Beta Hordeum Solanum
Brassica Ilex Sorghum
Cajanus Ipomoea Spinacia
Camellia Juglans Theobroma
Capsicum Lablab Tripsacum
Carica Lactuca Triticum
Carthamnus Lens Vavilovia
Chenopodium Lupinus Vicia
Cicer Lycopersicon Vigna
Citrullus Malus Vitellaria
Citrus Mangifera Vitis
Cocos Manihot Xanthosoma
Coffea Musa Zea
Colocasia Olea
Corylus Oryza
Cucumis Panicum
Cucurbita Pennisetum
Cynara Persea
Daucus Phaseolus
Digitaria Phoenix
Dioscorea Pimenta
Echinochloa Piper
Elaeis Pistacia
Elettaria Pisum

Groombridge and Jenkins (2002)
Annex 3. Consolidated list major and minor crop genera
Approx Sp ITPGRFA (FAO Groombridge and
No. 2001) Jenkins (2002)
Aegilops 23 X
Agropyron 15 X
Allium 750 X
Ananas 1 X
Arachis 69 X
Armoracia 6 X
Artocarpus 45 X
Asparagus 120 X
Avena 25 X X
Barbarea 22 X
Bertholletia 1 X
Beta 13 X X
Brassica 40 X X
Cajanus 34 X X
Camellia 119 X X
Capsicum 10 X
Carica 1 X
Carthamnus 55 X
Chenopodium 100 X
Cicer 44 X X
Citrullus 4 X
Citrus 25 X X
Cocos 1 X X
Coffea 100 X
Colocasia 7 X X
Corylus 18 X
Crambe 35 X
Cucumis 52 X


Approx Sp ITPGRFA (FAO Groombridge and
No. 2001) Jenkins (2002)
Cucurbita 13 X
Cynara 8 X
Daucus 22 X X
Digitaria 250 X
Dioscorea 630 X X
Diplotaxis 28 X
Echinochloa 45 X
Elaeis 2 X
Elettaria 7 X
Eleusine 9 X X
Elymus 150 X
Ensete 6 X X
Eruca 1 X
Ficus 850 X
Fortunella X
Fragaria 330 X X
Glycine 19 X
Gossypium 49 X
Helianthus 51 X X
Hordeum 32 X X
Ilex 400 X
Ipomoea 650 X X
Isatis 50 X
Juglans 20 X
Lablab 1 X
Lactuca 75 X
Lathyrus 160 X
Lens 4 X X
Lepidium 220 X
Lupinus 220 X
Lycopersicon X


Approx Sp ITPGRFA (FAO Groombridge and
No. 2001) Jenkins (2002)
Malus 40 X X
Mangifera 60 X
Manihot 99 X X
Musa 43 X X
Olea 33 X
Oryza 24 X X
Panicum 300 X
Pennisetum 80 X X
Persea 200 X
Phaseolus 60 X X
Phoenix 13 X
Pimenta 15 X
Piper 1050 X
Pistacia 9 X
Pisum 4 X X
Potentilla X
Prunus 200 X
Pyrus 15 X
Raphanus 3 X
Ribes 200 X
Rorippa 85 X
Saccarhum 40 X
Secale 3 X X
Sesamum 19 X
Setaria 130 X
Sinapis 7 X
Solanum 1250 X X
Sorghum 30 X X
Spinacia 3 X
Theobroma 20 X
Tripsacum 12 X X


Approx Sp ITPGRFA (FAO Groombridge and
No. 2001) Jenkins (2002)
Triticum 48 X X
Vavilovia 1 X
Vicia 160 X X
Vigna 104 X X
Vitellaria 1 X
Vitis 65 X
Xanthosoma 57 X
Zea 16 X X


Annex 4. Extended List of Ecogeographic Data Descriptors201
id Record unique identifier 1
Taxon identifier for linkage with Species
taxon_id 46
table (Vincent et al. 2012)
metadata_id Metadata unique identifier 154
filename Original filename holding the records
Username. Suggested format is [first
username ncastaneda
letter of first name][lastname]
Name of the collection to which this
collection Plants of America
specimen belongs
Source of the record. Takes any of the
following values:
source H
-G: Germplasm bank
-H: Herbaria
Use value 1 if record was provided by
is_expert 1
Name of institute where specimen was
institute_name Smithsonian Institute
ID of institute where specimen seen
institute_id Use valid herbarium and genebank US
standard codes.
Name of institute that provided the
ID of institute that provided the record
Use valid herbarium and genebank CIAT
standard codes.
source_url Source URL if coming from internet http://www.si.edu
unique_numbe Code given by the institution to each
r specimen/accession stored
image Path where the picture is stored
barcode Barcode of the specimen or sample A0928873874
vno_1 Any other identifier in the specimens 9876
vno_2 Any other secondary identifier in the

Castañeda Álvarez et al. (2011)
botrecat Sight record or vouchered record Voucher

The family name appropriate to the

genus name field, entered in full with
x1_family Fabaceae
capitalization of the first letter only. If
the family is unknown leave blank.
Generic name should be entered in full
x1_genus Vigna
with the first letter capitalized.
The species epithet of the plant must be
entered in full, all lowercase, no
embedded spaces. It may contain one or
two hyphens. If the plant represents a
new species that has not been formally
x1_sp1 angularis
described, then sp. nov., sp. A, sp. 1 (or
other acceptable codes) should be
entered, if possible followed by a unique
identifier, such as the collector's name
and number or the locality.
Use standard author names as given in
x1_author1 (Willd.) Ohwi & Ohashi
Enter the rank of the second specific
epithet if there is one.
The species epithet of the plant must be
entered in full, all lowercase, no
embedded spaces. It may contain one or
two hyphens. If the plant represents a
new species that has not been formally
described, then sp. nov., sp. A, sp. 1 (or
other acceptable codes) should be
entered, if possible followed by a unique
identifier, such as the collector's name
and number or the locality.
Use standard author names as given in
Enter the rank of the second specific
epithet if there is one.
As for second species epithet (see field
Use standard author names as given in
x1_detby Name of most recent determinator Maxted
(name of a person). This field is used to
store the name of the botanist who last
named the specimen. The format is
"surname, initials". Use a ; to separate
two names.
The format should be: YYYY-MM-DD
Also this format: YYYY/MM/DD
x1_detdd Day of most recent determination 12
x1_detmm Month of most recent determination 10
x1_detyy Year of most recent determination 1980
Determination source: determinator or
x1_detstat Specimen
x2_family (See field x1_family) Fabaceae
x2_genus (See field x1_genus) Vigna
x2_sp1 (See field x1_sp1) unguiculata
x2_author1 (See field x1_author1)
x2_rank1 (See field x1_rank1)
x2_sp2 (See field x1_sp2)
x2_author2 (See field x1_author2)
x2_rank2 (See field x1_rank2)
x2_sp3 (See field x1_sp3)
x2_author3 (See field x1_author3)
Name of penultimate determinator. The
x2_detby format is "surname, initials". Use a ; to Maxted
separate two names.
The format should be: YYYY-MM-DD
Also this format: YYYY/MM/DD
x2_detdd Day of penultimate determination 5
x2_detmm Month of penultimate determination 6
x2_detyy Year of penultimate determination 1965
x2_detstat (See x1_detstat) Specimen
x3_family (See field x1_family)
x3_genus (See field x1_genus)
x3_sp1 (See field x1_sp1)
x3_author1 (See field x1_author1)
x3_rank1 (See field x1_rank1)
x3_sp2 (See field x1_sp2)
x3_author2 (See field x1_author2)
x3_rank2 (See field x1_rank2)
x3_sp3 (See field x1_sp3)
x3_author3 (See field x1_author3)
Name of antepenultimate determinator.
x3_detby The format is "surname, initials". Use a ;
to separate two names.
The format should be: YYYY-MM-DD
Also this format: YYYY/MM/DD
x3_detdd Day of antepenultimate determination
x3_detmm Month of antepenultimate determination
x3_detyy Year of antepenultimate determination
x3_detstat (See x1_detstat)
Boolean field (1 if annotated, 0 if not) 1
collector Name of collector (name of a person) Maxted, N.
addcoll Name of any additional collectors
collnumber collnumer = prefix + number + suffix
prefix Collection prefix F
number Collection specimen ID 310
suffix Collection suffix if any C
colldate colldate = colldd, collmm, collyy
colldd Collection day 3
collmm Collection month 7
collyy Collection year 1954
country Country of collection Ethiopia
This is the ISO of the country that is
iso2 ETH
linked to Countries table
Name of the state/province where
adm1 Affar
specimen was collected
Name of the
adm2 county/district/municipality where Asaita
specimen was collected


Further administrative level details
(level 3)
Further administrative level details
(level 4)
Recognized areas smaller than
local_area county/district (i.e., national park, forest
reserves, river deltas)

Asaita, 5km to the

locality Full locality description office of the Mile Serdo
Wildlife Reserve
coord Any provided coordinates (any system)
lat_deg Latitude (degrees) 9
lat_min Latitude (minutes) 2
lat_sec Latitude (seconds) 0
ns North or South (N or S) N
latitude Latitude in decimal degrees 9033333
long_deg Longitude (degrees) 38
long_min Longitude (minutes) 42
long_sec Longitude (seconds) 0
ew East or West (E or W) E
longitude Longitude in decimal degrees 38.7
llorig Latitude/Longitude original source Specimen
lldatum Latitude/Longitude datum (i.e., WGS84) WGS84
Altitude at which specimen was
alt 100
Maximum altitude (if a range is
alt_max specified, then the MIN should be in the 120
"alt" field)
habitat_txt Description of habitat Occurs in grasslands
cult_stat weedy, cultivated, wild Wild
origin_stat Native, introduced, naturalized Native
Description of soil conditions at site if
soil Deep soils
Around 20 degrees
slope Slope of site if available


aspect Aspect of site if available Hilly and steep
Free text description of the plant,
plant_descripti including info as: Life Form; Size;
Purple flowers
on Leaves; Stems; Flowers; Fruits; Bark;
other unique characters
How abundant is the specimen at the Very abundant in the
collection site? collecting site
fl_code Flowering information 1
fr_code Fruiting information 1
Phenological information (only for
inflo_graminea 0
vernacular Vernacular (common) name Cowpea
Language or tribal name of common
uses Uses as recorded on label Fodder, medicinal
type_memo Type info is different from determinator
voucher_id ID of the voucher specimens US897505
Seeds stored in the
notes Any additional info on the label
dups Any other known herbarium codes K, BM, COL
Availability of germplasm (Is the
availability 0
accession truly available to the public?)
Boolean field (1=yes, 0=no). Specifies if
this specimen is the product of a field 1
visit of this project.

Boolean field (1= yes, 0=no). This field

will be used to specify whether the
record can be available or not to the 1
general public. This will be filled
according to data-donor agreement.
If this is a Type (Type = Y; not a Type =
type 0
All specimens were
Use in case you need to register any collected under the
issue in the digitization of the specimen funding of the Global
Crop Diversity Trust


Figure 1. References to use of CWR ................................................................................................................................. 16

Figure 2. Conservation planning overview .................................................................................................................. 21

Figure 3. Global priority genetic reserve locations for CWR of 12 food crops ........................................... 29

Figure 4. Collation of genetic diversity data of CWR ............................................................................................ 116

Figure 5. Basic scheme of how to undertake a regional Red List assessment. .......................................... 167

Figure 6. CWR diversity in situ and ex situ gap analysis methodology ........................................................178

Figure 7. CWR ex situ gap analysis methodology at ecogeographic level ................................................. 180

Figure 8. Schematic representation of the in situ gap analysis process........................................................183

Figure 9. Establishment of in situ conservation goals .......................................................................................... 198

Figure 10. Development of a monitoring plan at the individual CWR level ...............................................231

Figure 11. Summary of data flow in CWR conservation....................................................................................... 257

Figure 12. Model for the development of a National management plan for CWR conservation ....... 274

Figure 13 Overview of the creating a national (or regional) checklist of LR ............................................. 279

Figure 14. Landrace diversity threat assessment methodology ....................................................................... 316

Figure 15. Process of establishing conservation priorities from a national inventory of LR .............. 326

Figure 16. Distribution of Shetland cabbage landrace maintainers on the Shetland Islands ............ 330

Figure 17. Collation of genetic diversity data of LR ............................................................................................... 339

Figure 18. Data collation for LR gap analysis ........................................................................................................... 350

Figure 19. Landrace diversity in situ and ex situ gap analysis methodology .............................................351

Figure 20. Crops gap analysis methodology at ecogeographic level ........................................................... 353

Figure 21. Establishment of LR in situ conservation goals ................................................................................. 364

Figure 22. Implementation of on-farm conservation priorities ........................................................................ 375

Figure 23. Establishment and implementation of ex situ LR conservation ................................................ 403

Figure 24. Monitoring of LR diversity in situ ............................................................................................................ 410

Figure 25. Summary of data flow in LR conservation ........................................................................................... 427

Figure 26. English and Welsh vegetable LR inventory database structure ................................................ 429

Figure 27. English and Welsh vegetable LR inventory LR data entry module .......................................... 429


Table 1. Ecological factors affecting genetic variation and population structure 120
Table 2. Examples of location data and their corresponding level of accuracy...... 143
Table 3. IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria................................................................... 161
Table 4. Monitoring CWR to detect changes in diversity .............................................. 234
Table 5. Internet resources for CWR .........................................................................................252
Table 6. Examples of types of data and the corresponding level of accuracy for LR ....... 300
Table 7. Guiding criteria for detecting lost varieties ......................................................... 318
Table 8. Actions that promote on-farm conservation ........................................................ 381
Table 9. Monitoring LR to detect changes in diversity ...................................................... 411
Table 10. Methods of utilisation and promotion of LR use............................................... 421


Box 1. Can current crop varieties cope with changing environments? .................................................................... 3

Box 2. Threat assessment of CWR and LR diversity—current status .........................................................................7

Box 3. Examples of inventories/surveys of CWR or crops as reported in some countries........................... 13

Box 4. Use of PGRFA diversity for crop improvement ................................................................................................... 14

Box 5. PGRFA conservation techniques .................................................................................................................................17

Box 6. Examples of the monographic approach to CWR conservation.................................................................. 22

Box 7. Examples of the monographic approach to LR conservation........................................................................ 23

Box 8. Examples of the floristic approach to CWR conservation .............................................................................. 24

Box 9. Examples of the floristic approach to LR conservation ................................................................................... 25

Box 10. Options for in situ and on-farm conservation of PGRFA .............................................................................. 30

Box 11. Global inventory of priority CWR ............................................................................................................................ 75

Box 12. Using a regional CWR inventory to extract a national CWR checklist ................................................. 75

Box 13. Using a regional botanical checklist to extract a regional CWR checklist .......................................... 75

Box 14. Using botanical checklist and agricultural statistics to create a CWR inventory ............................ 76

Box 15. Creating a national plant checklist using web-based resources ............................................................... 77

Box 16. Example of digitized matching .................................................................................................................................. 77

Box 17. Germplasm survey-based CWR checklist – Arachis CWR .......................................................................... 77

Box 18. Germplasm survey-based CWR inventory – Denmark .................................................................................. 78

Box 19. Systems and methods for setting species priorities ........................................................................................ 92

Box 20. Collation of threat assessments for Portuguese CWR...................................................................................96

Box 21. Systems and methods for setting species priorities ........................................................................................99

Box 22. Criteria used in prioritizing CWR examples ................................................................................................... 100

Box 23. Establishing conservation priorities for the CWR of India ....................................................................... 101

Box 24. Establishing conservation priorities for the CWR of Spain ...................................................................... 102

Box 25. Allele types according to their distribution in populations ...................................................................... 115

Box 26. Genetic diversity in relation to life history traits in plant species ......................................................... 118

Box 27. Genetic diversity of Dianthus cintranus subsp. barbatus in Portugal ................................................. 126

Box 28. Islands as refugia of Trifolium repens genetic diversity ............................................................................. 126


Box 29. Ecogeographic studies using GIS ‒ potentialities ........................................................................................ 134

Box 30. Ecogeographic land characterization mapping ..............................................................................................140

Box 31. Types of data to include in the ecogeographic database ............................................................................ 141

Box 32. Factors to take into consideration when using ex situ data ...................................................................... 144

Box 33. Ecogeographic characterisation of Lupinus luteus........................................................................................ 145

Box 34. Strategies for the development of core collections based on ecogeographic data ........................ 145

Box 35. Summary of data types collated to undertake CWR red list assessments ......................................... 157

Box 36. Geographic range measurements used in IUCN Red List Criterion B ................................................ 159

Box 37. Alternative methods for threat assessment ...................................................................................................... 162

Box 38. Use of herbarium data in red listing .....................................................................................................................166

Box 39. IUCN Red Listing linked to climate change susceptibility .......................................................................166

Box 40. Red List Assessment of Aegilops spp. in Armenia ........................................................................................ 167

Box 41. European Red List of CWR ........................................................................................................................................ 168

Box 42. GIS-based predictive characterisation ................................................................................................................ 181

Box 43. Species distribution models...................................................................................................................................... 185

Box 44. Individual CWR gap analysis of Aegilops spp................................................................................................. 185

Box 45. Examples of CWR genetic reserves ..................................................................................................................... 200

Box 46. Site selection for the conservation of CWR and LR in Vietnam ............................................................ 202

Box 47. Establishment of CWR genetic reserves for cereals, forages and fruit trees .................................... 211

Box 48. Parque De La Papa in Peru ........................................................................................................................................ 212

Box 49. Biodiversity and wine initiative in South Africa............................................................................................. 212

Box 50. Development a network of community nature reserves in Benin .......................................................... 213

Box 51. Establishment of a genetic reserve for Beta patula in Madeira ............................................................... 213

Box 52. Ex situ conservation techniques ............................................................................................................................. 218

Box 53. Ex situ seed conservation ........................................................................................................................................... 219

Box 54. Lathyrus belinensis: a CWR discovered and almost lost ............................................................................223

Box 55. Ex situ conservation of the world’s major CWR ..............................................................................................223

Box 56. Assessment and monitoring of agrobiodiversity and its threats in the Fertile Crescent
Biodiversity .......................................................................................................................................................................................238

Box 57. Can farmers benefit directly from CWR diversity? .......................................................................................245
Box 58. Some examples of CWR use in breeding ............................................................................................................245

Box 59. CWRIS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 250

Box 60. CWRIS PLIS .................................................................................................................................................................... 250

Box 61. Trait Information Portal ............................................................................................................................................. 259

Box 62. Farmers, growers, gardeners or maintainers................................................................................................... 264

Box 63. Nomenclatural versus genetic definition of landraces in Malawi..........................................................282

Box 64. Checklist of landraces in Ghat Oases (Libya) ................................................................................................ 284

Box 65. Checklist of Sorghum LR in South and Central Tigray region (Ethiopia) ........................................ 284

Box 66. Types of data to include in a national inventory of landraces ................................................................ 295

Box 67. Considerations when using ex situ data ............................................................................................................ 298

Box 68. Inventory of landraces in Sweden.......................................................................................................................... 301

Box 69. Inventory of landraces in Romania ...................................................................................................................... 302

Box 70. Rice landraces in three rice agro-ecozones in Nepal ................................................................................... 302

Box 71. Inventory of maize in Mexico .................................................................................................................................. 303

Box 72. Conservation and sustainable use of dryland agrobiodiversity ............................................................. 303

Box 73. Use of agroecological and characterization data to establish a core collection ............................. 304

Box 74. On-farm conservation of legume landraces in Turkey ............................................................................... 305

Box 75. Threat assessment of agricultural crops and landraces in Nepal........................................................... 319

Box 76. Red List of crops ............................................................................................................................................................. 319

Box 77. Threat assessment of landraces in the Lazio region (Italy) ....................................................................... 319

Box 78. Red List of landraces in Romania ........................................................................................................................... 319

Box 79. UK National LR Inventory ........................................................................................................................................ 329

Box 80. Landraces inventory and prioritisation in Romania ..................................................................................... 331

Box 81. Bolivian and Peruvian “Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)” Study ........................................... 331

Box 82. Priority Rice Landraces in Ban Khoang, Sa Pa District (Vietnam) ........................................................332

Box 83. Allele types according to their distribution in populations ...................................................................... 337

Box 84. Genetic diversity of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and P. coccineus landraces in Italy ............................... 341

Box 85. Genetic diversity of rice accessions from India .............................................................................................. 341

Box 86. GIS-based predictive characterisation ................................................................................................................354

Box 87. Ex situ gap analysis at geographic and trait levels in the pearl millet germplasm ........................355

Box 88. Predictive association between traits and ecogeographic data ..............................................................355

Box 89. Global ex situ gap analysis for sweet potato.................................................................................................... 356

Box 90. Methodology for identifying sites for on-farm conservation activities ..............................................367

Box 91. Site selection for CWR and LR conservation in Vietnam .......................................................................... 368

Box 92. Single-LR on-farm example...................................................................................................................................... 369

Box 93. Maize landraces in Portugal – multi-LR on-farm example ........................................................................ 369

Box 94. Methods of supporting conservation and use of traditional crop varieties ..................................... 388

Box 95. Community biodiversity register in Nepal ...................................................................................................... 388

Box 96. Strategies for sustainable conservation and use of legumes in Ghana .............................................. 390

Box 97. Gender: increasing access, participation and decision-making in Vietnam ..................................... 391

Box 98. Ex situ conservation of LR .........................................................................................................................................401

Box 99. Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems (CIKS) community seed bank............................................... 404

Box 100. Community seed banks in the Taraka District, Kenya ............................................................................. 405

Box 101. Landrace protection scheme, Scotland ............................................................................................................. 405

Box 102. Potential loss of rice landraces in Nepal .......................................................................................................... 414

Box 103. Genetic erosion of rice landrace diversity in South and Southeast Asia .......................................... 414

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