3003 Level 2 VRQ in Beauty Therapy Candidate Logbook PDF - Ashx
3003 Level 2 VRQ in Beauty Therapy Candidate Logbook PDF - Ashx
3003 Level 2 VRQ in Beauty Therapy Candidate Logbook PDF - Ashx
Level 2 vrq
Beauty Therapy
Candidate logbook
Level 2 vrq
Beauty Therapy
This logbook can also be used for qualifications in:
Beauty Consultancy
Nail Technologies
Hair and Media Make-up
Centre name:
Centre number:
Centre address:
Centre contact:
Assessor name:
Candidate name:
By signing this summary of unit achievement we
are confirming that all the performance criteria
and essential knowledge and understanding Candidate enrolment number:
requirements for these units have been completed
and that the evidence is authentic and has been
Centre name:
obtained under specified conditions for which
certification is now requested.
Centre number:
Start date:
Mandatory units (these are the units you will study in this logbook)
201 Working in the beauty-related industries 4
202 Follow health and safety practice in the salon 3
203 Client care and communication in beauty-related industries 2
204 Provide facial skin care 7
205 Promote products and services to clients in a salon 3
206 Remove hair using waxing techniques 6
207 Provide manicure treatments 5
208 Provide pedicure treatments 5
209 Apply make-up 5
210 Provide eyelash and eyebrow treatments 4
212 Create an image based on a theme within the hair and beauty sector 7
214 Provide and maintain nail enhancement 7
215 Provide nail art 3
216 Salon reception duties 3
Q. What type of beauty therapy work Q. If you won £250,000 on the National
would you most like to do? Lottery, what would you prefer to do
Freelance make-up artist with it?
2 Photographic work 1 Spend six months travelling around
3 Don’t mind the world
4 Be a good all-round beauty therapist 2 Plan lots of short holiday breaks
3 Set up your own business
4 Splash out on clothes and accessories
Q. When working as part of a team,
which of these best describes you?
1 The person with the most ideas Q. Which one of the following best
2 The negotiator, working between the describes you?
different people in the team 1
3 The leader 2 Motivational
4 A good team player 3 Organiser
4 Reliable
10 What kind of beauty therapist are you? Level 2 vrq Beauty Therapy
Q. If you had to complete one of the
Image courtesy of istockphoto.com/James Group Studios following tasks on your own, which one
would you select?
1 Plan and carry out a variety of
make-up images for a special occasion
2 Demonstrate massage techniques to
an audience of 50 people or more
3 Plan and implement an effective salon
stock control system
4 Carry out a variety of different beauty
therapy services on clients, working to
time constraints
Level 2 vrq Beauty Therapy What kind of beauty therapist are you? 11
Image courtesy of The Sanctuary
201 Working in the beauty-related industries
This unit introduces you to the exciting
area of beauty therapy and related
industries, looking at the various
organisations that make up the beauty
therapy and nail sector, from beauty salons,
cruise ships and nail bars to manufacturers.
You will learn about a range of treatments,
including facials, manicures, pedicures,
body massage and waxing. This unit will
give you guidance on the occupational
roles, progression routes and the
employment characteristics that you must
develop. Personal presentation is very
important in these industries; you will
learn how to portray a professional image
to any future employer.
Overall grade
Candidate name:
xc el l en t personal he
ran ce w ill give t Assessor signature: Date:
appea en ce i n your
client con erform an
ability to eatment. Quality assurance co-ordinator signature Date:
(where applicable):
Revision tip
1 state the types of organisations within
Produce a mood board the beauty-related industries
showing all the main
services that are on 2 state the main services offered by the
offer in the beauty/ beauty-related industries
nail industry. 3 describe occupational roles within the
beauty-related industries
4 state the employment characteristics of
working in the beauty-related industries
5 describe the education and training
opportunities within the
beauty-related industries
6 describe the opportunities to transfer to other
sectors or industries
7 state the main legislation affecting the
beauty-related industries
8 describe the basic principles of finance and
selling within the beauty-related industries
9 describe the main forms of marketing and
publicity used by the beauty-related industries
10 describe good working practices in the
beauty-related industries
11 state the importance of personal presentation
in reflecting a professional image when working
in the beauty-related industries
12 describe opportunities for developing and
Follow in the footsteps of... promoting your own professional image within
Caroline Howe the beauty-related industries
13 state the basic employment rights
Caroline first qualified as a hairdresser and employer responsibilities
and beauty therapist over 20 years ago. She
14 describe the importance of continual
worked in salons all over the world, including professional development for those working
in Bermuda, the USA, Dubai and Thailand. in the beauty-related industries
She is now the Managing Director of HB
Training Wales Ltd, where she oversees
the management, quality assurance and
apprentice contracts relating to the Welsh
Assembly. Look for the pink quote marks to
see what she has to say to you!
Who knows wh e be
industries maer auty-rel
y take you? ated
Overall grade
Candidate name:
h an d dry your
Always wa ughly between
hands tho elp prevent the Candidate signature: Date:
clients, to fection.
spread of
Assessor signature: Date:
A device for sterilising These affect the way the salon operates, how it
beauty therapy tools is set up and maintained, the staff employed in
in very hot the salon, and their working practice.
pressurised steam.
Personal protective
equipment (PPE)
Equipment available
COSHH for use in the workplace
Standing for Control of Substances Hazardous to protect you, your
Image courtesy of Mundo
to Health, this legislation covers the storage, skin and clothes from
handling, use and disposal of chemicals. damage. For example,
aprons, uniforms
Cross-infection or gloves.
The passing of infection from one individual
to another. Risk
The likelihood of harm:
Disinfectant a water spillage in the
Chemical solutions middle of the floor has
used to kill bacteria a high risk, whereas
when cleaning and one in a corner where
sterilising tools, nobody walks has a
equipment and low risk.
the salon.
Image courtesy of Ellisons
Workplace policy
HASAWA Rules and procedures relating to health and safety
Standing for Health and Safety at Work Act, it and other salon requirements. These minimise the
states the responsibilities of the employer and risk of harm or injury to yourself and others.
employee. All the other health and safety acts
come under this one.
Something that may cause risk of an accident
occurring, eg a cable trailing on the floor.
Health and safety legislation
Laws in place to protect people It is essential
to follow all health and safety legislation.
Image courtesy of Champneys
Revision tip
1 Explain the difference between legislation,
PPE regulations state codes of practice and workplace policies
that the employer
must provide suitable 2 Outline the main provisions of health and
protective clothing safety legislation
and equipment for the 3 State the employers’ and employees’
employee to use when health and safety responsibilities
handling chemicals
in the salon. The 4 State the difference between a hazard
employee must use and a risk
the PPE provided.
5 Describe hazards that may occur in a salon
6 State the hazards which need to be referred
7 State the purpose of personal protective
equipment (PPE) used in a salon during
different services
8 State the importance of personal presentation,
hygiene and conduct in maintaining health and
safety in the salon
Continues on next page
Follow in the footsteps of...
Emma Piper
Emma has just qualified as a Beauty
Therapist at the Folkestone Academy.
During her training she won a make-up
competition and was awarded Student Protecting the cl
Make-up Artist of the Year. Emma thinks important to avoiiedndt’am
s clothes is
health and safety is important as beauty age.
therapists must be adaptable, consistent and
capable of following treatment procedures.
She now works in a salon called ‘Emma’s’,
where she follows all health and safety
policies correctly. Look for the pink quote
marks to see what she has to say to you!
of salon waste
14 Outline the correct use of firefighting
equipment for different types of fires
15 State the dangers of the incorrect use of
firefighting equipment on different
types of fires Personal hygiene is important for
16 State the importance of reporting preventing cross-infection. Ensure
and recording accidents
your uniform, hair and nails are clean.
17 Describe the procedure for reporting Present a professional appearance,
and recording accidents
even if you’re not treating clients. You
18 Describe procedures for dealing
with emergencies
are still representing your industry!
Image courtesy of Carlton Professional
Always read the labels on products,
and concentrate when you’re mixing
chemicals. Wear rubber gloves to
protect your hands, and plastic aprons
to protect against spills.
Overall grade
Candidate name:
t h o w yo u would
Think abo ted and treat
like to be tr the same way.
the client i
Candidate signature: Date:
Legislation Verbal
Laws, in this case relating to the sale of goods and Use of the voice to communicate with the client.
client protection, that you will need to be aware of.
Use of body language and writing to communicate
with the client.
Personal space
The space or ‘aura’ around a person. Many people
feel uncomfortable if this space is invaded, so
take care not to get too close, as appropriate to
the situation. For example, you will obviously be
touching your client’s face while giving a facial, but
that doesn’t mean they’d be comfortable with you
doing this in the reception area!
Revision tip
1 outline different forms of communication
Take a salon brochure used to deal with clients
or price list home and
learn all the treatments 2 describe how to use consultation techniques
on offer then ask to identify treatment objectives
members of your family 3 state the importance of using effective
or friends to challenge communication to identify the client’s
you with enquiries. needs and expectations
4 describe the term ‘personal space’
5 state the importance of providing the client
with clear advice and recommendations
6 describe client confidentiality in line with
the Data Protection Act
7 explain the importance of communication
techniques to support retail opportunities
8 state the importance of client feedback and
responding constructively
9 outline how to refer and assist in
client complaints
i n g to cli ents on
When talk s a good idea
the phon e it smile on your
Follow in the footsteps of... a
to talk with makes
Charlotte Burford lly
face; it rea try it!
Charlotte studied nvq Levels 2 and 3 in a dif ferenc
Beauty Therapy at South Staffordshire
College. She competed in the World Skills
UK competitions in Advanced Beauty
Therapy and in later competitions she
was chosen to represent the UK in Beauty
Therapy. Charlotte went on to win a
Bronze medal in Canada. She is now a Skills
Ambassador, encouraging students to enter
competitions and further their careers.
Charlotte is also a judge for the World Skills
UK competitions. Look for the pink quote
marks to see what she has to say to you!
u re pr i
Make s re always
ce lists/
Be friendly to all of your clients but
always remain professional. Smile and
be polite!
Image courtesy of Walsall College
What you must do
Practical observations
Assessor signature
and date
n t wh en you
ur cli e
Look at yo g, and always
are speaki y and slowly.
Be confident with your treatments as rl
speak clea
this will show your client that you are
competent, and will help them relax.
Overall grade
Candidate name:
a co nsu ltation,
During h e cli en t about
always ask s they have with
any conce after all, they
Candidate signature: Date:
their skin their skin a lot
have know you have.
longer tha
Assessor signature: Date:
Advice given following a facial in order for the client Products used around
to benefit from the effectiveness of the treatment. the lip area; ingredients
used for specific
Body language effects may include lip
A way of communicating to our clients or plumping, line reducing
colleagues using our gestures; not using speech. or nourishing.
Comedone Mask
A spot with a black plug; may be found singularly or A skin-cleansing
in clusters and is common on greasy/combination product that will
skin types. contain different
Contra-action ingredients; it can
An unfavourable reaction that may occur either be stimulating,
Image courtesy of Thalgo
Revision tip
1 describe salon requirements for preparing
PPE (Personal yourself, the client and work area
Protective Equipment)
is available in the 2 state the environmental conditions suitable for
workplace to protect facial skin care treatments
you. Always wear 3 describe different consultation techniques
disposable gloves for used to identify treatment objectives
any extraction work
that is carried out. 4 state the importance of carrying out a detailed
skin analysis
5 describe how to select products, tools and
equipment to suit client treatment needs, skin
types and conditions
6 identify skin types, conditions and
7 describe the contra-indications which prevent
or restrict facial treatments
8 state how to communicate and behave in a
professional manner
9 describe health and safety working practices
10 state the importance of positioning yourself
and the client correctly throughout
the treatment
11 state the importance of using products, tools,
equipment and techniques to suit clients’
treatment needs, skin type and conditions
12 describe how treatments can be adapted to
Follow in the footsteps of… suit clients’ treatment needs, skin types
Catherine Foster and conditions
Continues on next page
Catherine is a Level 3 nvq Beauty Therapy
student at South Tyneside College. She has
won several awards, including the Tallow
Chandler Award for Excellence in Beauty,
World Skills Gold in Intermediate Beauty
and the Medal of Excellence. Catherine was
also the Level 2 nvq City & Guilds Make-up
Competition winner 2009. Facials are one of
Catherine’s favourite treatments. Follow the
pink quote marks to read what Catherine
has to say.
environmental factors affect the condition
of the skin and muscle tone
20 state the position and action of the muscles
of the head, neck and shoulders
21 state the names and position of the bones
of the head, neck and shoulders Fingernails must be kept short with
22 describe the structure and function of the smooth edges to avoid catching any
blood and lymphatic system for the head,
neck and shoulders
delicate skin on the client’s face.
Image courtesy of Dermalogica
Facial treatment
1 Prepare yourself, the client and the work area 1
for facial skin care treatment
2 Use suitable consultation techniques to 1 2 3
identify treatment objectives
3 Carry out a skin analysis 1 2 3
4 Provide clear recommendations to the client
5 Position yourself and the client correctly
* 1
2 3
confident manner
bon us, while
As an ad ask is on, carry
The facial massage is the client’s time the face m and arm
to relax and unwind. Avoid talking to out a han is will make the
massage; ery special and
them during the treatment, unless they lv
client fee
want to have a conversation.
cared -for.
Overall grade
(see conversion chart)
Candidate name:
ta n t to listen
It is impo r client is Candidate signature: Date:
to what y elp identify the
saying, to ey n eed.
products t Assessor signature: Date:
prevent discrimination.
Questions that lead to yes and no answers, for
example ‘would you like styling spray on your hair?’. Open questions
A questioning technique used to obtain more
Client rights information, for example ‘how would you like your
Clients have legal rights hair styled?’ – the response has to include more
to be protected. For detail than that of a closed question.
example, under the
The Sale of Goods Act, Personal
The Supply of Goods presentation
Image courtesy of Buttercups Uniforms
Contractual agreement
This is a verbal or written agreement undertaken
by you, the salon and the client, to carry out the
agreed standard of service, providing the benefits
discussed at the agreed price.
Data Protection Act
Image courtesy of Walsall College
Revision tip
1 Describe the benefits to the salon of promoting
Features are services and products to the client
descriptions of the
product or service, 2 Describe the listening and questioning
including how long it techniques used for promotion and selling
will last, method of 3 Describe the different consultation techniques
application, and cost. used to promote products and services
Benefits are how the
service or product 4 Explain the terms ‘features’ and ‘benefits’ as
will enhance the applied to services and products
face or body.
5 Describe the principles of effective
face-to-face communication
6 State the importance of effective
personal presentation
7 State the importance of good product
and service knowledge
8 Outline the stages of the sale process
9 Describe how to interpret buying signals
10 Describe how to secure agreement and
close the sale
11 Explain the legislation that affects the selling
of services and products
12 Describe methods of payment for services
and products
Follow in the footsteps of...
Sarah Thomas
Sarah spent 20 years in Management
Training, before retraining as a Beauty
Therapist. In 2009 she set up ‘Beauty
Lodge’, a beauty salon offering bespoke
beauty treatments. From body massage to
Botox, every treatment has been personally
tested by her. In 2010 she received excellent
tried and tested reviews and the salon went
from strength to strength. Soon she will be
Image courtesy of Champneys
d m ai n taining
Smiling a will mean you
eye conta as approachable
come acro orthy.
and trust
l make sales
Image courtesy of Walsall College
Promoting activity
a b
Promote new products/ Promote products/
services to client services already
used by client
1 Establish the client’s requirements 1 1
2 Use suitable communication techniques to 1 2 3 1 2 3
promote products and services
3 I dentify services and/or products to meet the 1 2 3 1 2 3
requirements of the client
4 Introduce services and/or products to the 1 1
client at the appropriate time
5 Give accurate and relevant information 1 2 3 1 2 3
to the client
6 Identify buying signals and interpret the 1 1
client’s intentions correctly
Candidate signature
and date
Assessor signature
and date
5 Gives basic advice and Gives good advice and Excellent level of
Give accurate and information information advice given
relevant information Example: describes Examples: describes Examples: describes all
to the client the main feature and the use of products, benefits and features
benefit of the suitable describes two benefits of the suitable product
product or service and features of the or service, makes clear
suitable product or reference to the product
service or service meeting the
client’s requirements
Overall grade
(see conversion chart)
Candidate name:
ease discomfo
External Verifier signature Date:
(where applicable):
Revision tip
1 describe salon requirements for preparing
PPE is personal yourself, the client and the work area
protective equipment
that is available in the 2 state the environmental conditions suitable
workplace to protect for waxing treatments
you. It is advisable to 3 describe different consultation techniques used
use disposable gloves to identify treatment objectives
for waxing treatments.
4 describe the types of tests that are carried out
prior to waxing treatment
5 describe how to select products, tools and
equipment to suit the client’s treatment needs
6 identify the different types of waxing methods
and products available
7 state the advantages and disadvantages
of alternative methods of hair removal
8 describe the effects alternative methods
of hair removal may have on the skin and
on waxing treatments
9 describe the contra-indications which prevent
or restrict waxing treatments
Continues on next page
Follow in the footsteps of...
Natalie Johnstone
Natalie has just completed her Level 2
Diploma in Beauty Therapy at Oldham
College. As a full-time mum she wanted
a way back into work. She chose beauty
therapy because she knew the industry
is always growing. At college Natalie
improved her literacy by doing a functional
Image courtesy of Carlton Professional
wa x po ts when
Clean the rn ed o f f but
they are it is far easier
still hot, a arm wax than
to remove
cold wax.
Image courtesy of www.hiveofbeauty.com
What you must do
Practical observations
Conversion chart
Grade Marks
This page shows what you need to do during Pass 11–13
your practical task. You can look at it beforehand, Merit 14–18
but you’re not allowed to have it with you while Distinction 19–21
carrying out your practical task. You must achieve
all the criteria; you can achieve 1 mark, 2 marks or Please tick when all pre-observation
3 marks for the criteria indicated with .
* requirements have been met.
Candidate signature
and date
Assessor signature
and date
Continues on next page
8 Selected and used Selected and used Selected and use correct
Select and use correct products, tools correct products, tools products, tools and
products, tools and and equipment to suit and equipment to suit equipment to suit hair
equipment to suit hair growth patterns. hair growth patterns growth patterns and
treatment needs, and skin types. skin types.
skin and hair types Examples: Client Examples: Client
and conditions position adjusted position adjusted
accordingly accordingly throughout
throughout treatment, the treatment, light and
light and magnifying magnifying lamp used
lamp used correctly. correctly, ingrowing
hairs released and any
stray hairs removed.
“ i n g tech niques
Practise w re confident,
The thinner the wax is, the easier it until you that has a bad
is to remove hairs. You will also use as a clien could be put o f f
fewer strips and wax. experienc the custom
for life an
is lost.
Overall grade
Candidate name:
iridescent appearance; you may need to apply shine the nail plate.
additional coats.
Nail plate
Cuticle The pink-coloured part of the nail.
The flexible fold of skin
around the base of Paraffin wax treatment
the nail. Covering the hands in a warm paraffin wax liquid,
building up several layers to retain the heat and
Disinfection wrapping in towels for a period of time. This will
The process of destroying some but not moisturise, soften and nourish the hands.
all micro-organisms.
Exfoliators The process of destroying all micro-organisms
Slightly abrasive products used to remove the and their spores.
uppermost layer of dead skin cells.
m en di n g retail
R ecom h a ving them
ts an d
produc ll w ill en hance
available to treatment
the manicu t is home.
once the cli
Image courtesy of iStockphoto.com/DomenicoGelermo
Practise on fr n
unleash your crieeads and family t
tive side!
Revision tip
1 describe salon requirements for preparing
Practise applying dark yourself, the client and the work area
enamels to the nail
plate, as once you have 2 describe the environmental conditions suitable
mastered this technique for manicure treatments
all other colours will 3 describe different consultation techniques
be easy. used to identify treatment objectives
4 explain the importance of carrying out a nail
and skin analysis
5 describe how to select products, tools and
equipment to suit the client’s treatment needs,
skin and nail conditions
6 identify nail and skin conditions
7 describe the contra-indications which prevent
or restrict manicure treatments
8 state how to communicate and behave
in a professional manner
9 describe health and safety working practices
Continues on next page
Follow in the footsteps of...
Sezen Diyenli
Sezen is currently studying her nvq Level
2 Beauty Therapy at the London College
of Beauty Therapy. She has gained good
experience from the events she has attended
there, such as the Guinness World Record
attempt for the highest number of files and
varnishes performed in eight hours. This
experience helped her to win the LCBT
Manicurist of the Year 2009-10 at the y
LCBT annual student awards. In the future, g pain tin g nails on fameil
Practisin s at home will improv
Sezen hopes to work for a top London spa and friend
and to own her own beauty company. your skills.
Look for the pink quote marks to see what
she has to say to you!
16 state the importance of completing
treatment records
17 state the aftercare advice that should
be provided
18 describe diseases and disorders of the nail
and skin Practise your French polish over and
19 describe the structure and functions of the over again! A perfect French polish
nail and skin will guarantee your client’s return.
20 describe the structure and function of
the muscles of the lower arm and hand
21 describe the structure and function of the
bones of the lower arm and hand
22 describe the structure and function of the
arteries and veins of the arm and hand
23 describe the structure and function of the
lymphatic vessels of the arm and hand
en d a course o f
R ecomm reatments to
manicure esults.
Image courtesy of The London College of Beauty Therapy
Image courtesy of Professionails
For shorter nails, choose pale, neutral
colours. Leave the dark, dramatic
colours for long, strong nails.
Your client w
finished resultillofremember the
make sure it is pe enamelling, so
Image courtesy of Orly
What you must do
Practical observations
Conversion chart
Grade Marks
This page shows what you need to do during Pass 13–15
your practical task. You can look at it beforehand, Merit 16–21
but you’re not allowed to have it with you while Distinction 22–25
carrying out your practical task. You must achieve
all the criteria; you can achieve 1 mark, 2 marks or Please tick when all pre-observation
3 marks for the criteria indicated with .
* requirements have been met.
Candidate signature
and date
Assessor signature
and date
en d th at your
R ecomm a hand cream
client use an SPF as the
Image courtesy of The London College of Beauty Therapy
containin age quickly.
hands can
Overall grade
Candidate name:
h e y br i n g flip-flops
that t n d als to
- t o ed sa The process of destroying all micro-organisms
or open th e y will not and their spores.
om e so
wear h
u d g e t h eir polish.
Revision tip
1 describe salon requirements for preparing
To remove nail length, yourself, the client and the work area
clip or cut nails straight
across to prevent them 2 describe the environmental conditions
growing into the nail suitable for pedicure treatments
walls, and then smooth 3 describe different consultation techniques
the edges with an used to identify treatment objectives
emery board.
4 explain the importance of carrying out a nail
and skin analysis
5 describe how to select products, tools and
equipment to suit the client’s treatment needs,
skin and nail conditions
6 identify nail and skin conditions
7 describe the contra-indications which prevent
or restrict pedicure treatments
8 state how to communicate and behave in
a professional manner
9 describe health and safety working practices
Continues on next page
Follow in the footsteps of...
Thuy Duong
Thuy is currently studying her nvq Level
2 Beauty Therapy at the London College
of Beauty Therapy. She aims to complete
her nvq Level 3 at lcbt too. Thuy has
always wanted to enter the beauty therapy
industry and feels that her college has
id venous bin
Image courtesy of www.therapyessentials.co.uk
Candidate signature
and date
Assessor signature
and date
Overall grade
Candidate name:
A make-up product
Concealer used all over the face
A product used to cover any imperfections, usually to enhance the natural
applied before foundation. colour, providing an
even base on which to
Contra-action work; also gives the skin
An unfavourable reaction which may occur either protection.
during or after the treatment, eg skin swelling.
Contra-indication Product used to draw attention to an
A condition that will prevent the make-up treatment area or feature.
being carried out, eg conjunctivitis.
Dehydrated Product used to take attention away from a feature.
A skin condition where the surface is tight
and parched, often with very fine lines. Skin texture
A term that refers to whether the skin is thin or thick
Environmental conditions (sometimes called fine or coarse).
The appropriate conditions necessary to carry
out a professional make-up treatment. Covers areas Treatment plan
such as warmth, lighting, privacy and music. A plan that has been discussed and agreed with the
client during the consultation and will be followed
Image courtesy of Anthony Braden
Continues on next page
Follow in the footsteps of...
Afshan Islam
Afshan is a Level 3 Media Make-Up student
at Sheffield City College. Afshan opened
her own women-only hair and beauty salon
called ‘Beauty Beneath’ in 2008. The salon
caters especially for women who wear
headscarves. Afshan was also the Level 3
nvq City & Guilds Make-up Competition
winnerin 2009. She did the make-up for
Mecia Simson (winner of Britain’s Next Top
Model, 2009), who was the front cover model
for the Level 3 nvq Logbook. Eventually,
Afshan hopes to become a professional
make-up artist. Look for the pink quote
marks to see what she has to say to you!
s g i ve y o ur client
Alway o w to touch
on h
advice a k e-up look
up th ei r m
u t t h e day Take the time to really practise
throu g h o
. your talents and perfect your
or evening make-up skills.
After cleansing, toning
and moisturising the face,
either blot with a tissue or
leave for five minutes before
applying foundation.
What you must do
Practical observations
Conversion chart
Grade Marks
This page shows what you need to do during Pass 11–13
your practical task. You can look at it beforehand, Merit 14–18
but you’re not allowed to have it with you while Distinction 19–21
carrying out your practical task. You must achieve
all the criteria; you can achieve 1 mark, 2 marks or Please tick when all pre-observation
3 marks for the criteria indicated with .
* requirements have been met.
Apply make-up
1 Prepare yourself, the client and the work 1
area for make-up
2 Use suitable consultation techniques to identify 1 2 3
treatment objectives
3 Carry out a skin analysis 1
4 Provide clear recommendations to the client
5 Position yourself and the client correctly
* 1
2 3
Candidate signature
and date
Assessor signature
and date
re th e type o f
Make su suited to the
skin type.
Image courtesy of Anthony Braden
Overall grade
(see conversion chart)
g lamp if
Candidate name:
a gn i f y i n
Use a m s f i n e, fair
en t h a
your cli O t h e r wise you
r s.
eyebrow hai m and your
Candidate signature: Date:
may miss t be satisfied.
client will n Assessor signature: Date:
Revision tip
1 describe salon requirements for preparing
If the eyebrow hairs are yourself, the client and the work area
thick and coarse, apply
a hot compress to each 2 describe the environmental conditions suitable
brow for a few minutes. for eyelash and eyebrow treatments
This will open up the 3 describe different consultation techniques used
follicles, making the hair to identify treatment objectives
removal easier and
less painful. 4 describe the types of tests that are carried
out before providing eyelash and
eyebrow treatments
5 state the importance of carrying out tests prior
to the treatment and accurately recording
the results
6 describe the contra-indications that prevent
or restrict eyelash and eyebrow treatments
7 describe how to select products, tools and
equipment to suit the client’s treatment needs
8 describe the types of eyelash and eyebrow
treatments available and their benefits
9 outline the types of tests that are carried out
before providing an eyelash and eyebrow
tinting treatment
Continues on next page
Follow in the footsteps of...
Gabie Williams
Gabie started studying the vrq Beauty
Consultancy Diploma at The Folkestone
Academy at 14 years old. She enjoyed it
so much that she is now studying Beauty
Therapy at sixth form. Gabie is particularly
interested in lash and brow treatments, as
she loves making people feel good about
you are c on fident with
Make sure ccessories before you try it
Image courtesy of AH Francis
Always check that the client has had a
recent skin test and that the result was
negative and recorded before giving an
eyelash or brow tint.
waxing ongtish an alternative to
e eyebrow area
Image courtesy of Malika
What you must do
Practical observations Conversion chart
Grade Marks ranges
This page shows what you need to do during your Pass 10–12 11–13 11–12
practical tasks. You can look at it beforehand, Merit 13–17 14–18 13–16
but you’re not allowed to have it with you while Distinction 18–20 19–21 17–19
carrying out your practical tasks. You must achieve
all the criteria; you can achieve 1 mark, 2 marks or Please tick when all pre-observation
3 marks for the criteria indicated with .
* requirements have been met.
Candidate signature
and date
Assessor signature
and date
Continues on next page
h e best results,
To get t
be en co u raged
clients sh egularly for
to re-book ce treatments.
Images courtesy of Shavata
Create an image based on a theme within the hair and beauty sector Unit 212 129
Assignment mark sheet
Unit 212 Create an image based
on a theme within the hair and
beauty sector
Your assessor will mark you on each of the
practical tasks in this unit. This page is used to
work out your overall grade for the unit. You must
pass all parts of the tasks to be able to achieve
a grade. For each completed practical task, a
pass equals 1 point, a merit equals 2 points and a
distinction equals 3 points.
Overall grade
Candidate name:
of detailed
Ask your client lotsrtain of the result
questions, to be ce Quality assurance co-ordinator signature
(where applicable):
they want.
or self-evaluation.
Mood board
A combination of images, colours, and textures
– a collection of all your first ideas.
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Equipment available for use in the workplace to
protect you, your skin and clothes from damage,
for example gloves or aprons.
The different methods
used to create the
finished image, for
example make-up
techniques, application
of false eyelashes,
clothes and hair.
A set outline, for
example images
reflecting an era,
or the front cover
of a fashion magazine.
Follow in the footsteps of...
Sita Gill
After studying Media Studies, it was
clear to Sita that the media and make-up
world was where she wanted to be. She
took several make-up courses and is now
a professional, specialist make-up artist.
Sita’s career has included working for
Elizabeth Arden and Dior as a Beauty
Consultant. She has also worked for two
magazines as a make-up columnist, giving
tips and advice on make-up application.
Sita is now a teacher, passing on her skills and
knowledge to others who share her passion
for make-up. Look out for the pink quote
marks for Sita’s creative tips!
Create an image based on a theme within the hair and beauty sector Unit 212 131
What you must know
You must be able to:
Revision tip
1 Outline how to identify media images to
When presenting a create a theme
mood board to other
2 Outline the purpose of a mood board
run wild!
Let your imagination
Creating an
Think abou image can be exci
some dramat where you could sh ting!
tic images. oot
Create an image based on a theme within the hair and beauty sector Unit 212 133
To create an image for nails you need
to plan the design.
back an d look
Always st le image from a
at the wh his is how others
Image courtesy of The Folkestone Academy
first see i
Practising your ideas on
friends is a great way of
Image courtesy of Stephenson College
Image courtesy of iStockphoto.com/A-Motion Media Productions
3 marks for the criteria indicated with . Distinction 10–11
Assessor signature
and date
Apply a lip balm to the model’s lips if
they are dry. This will ensure the lip
colour application is smooth.
Create an image based on a theme within the hair and beauty sector Unit 212 137
Comment form
Unit 212 Create an image based
on a theme within the hair and
beauty sector
This form can be used to record comments by you,
your client, or your assessor.
Overall grade
(see conversion chart)
Candidate name:
A solvent used to remove nail enhancements. The strong and durable material used in the
wrap system.
Aftercare advice
Advice given to the client following a nail Liquid and powder
enhancement in order for the client to benefit from The two products are mixed together to form
the effectiveness of the treatment. a strong and durable enhancement system.
Contra-action Nail plate
An unfavourable reaction that may occur either The pink-coloured part of the nail.
during or after the nail enhancment treatment,
eg skin swelling. Resin
An adhesive used in
Contra-indication the wrap system.
Image courtesy of Nail Systems International
m en di n g retail
R ecom h a vi n g them
n d
products a ll will increase
available to o f
the longevit ents, and
the enhanc a mon ey
can earn ex
Image courtesy of The Edge Nail & Beauty
for the salon
Revision tip
1 describe the salon requirements for preparing
Keep familiarising yourself, the client and the work area
yourself with COSHH
regulations in relation 2 describe the environmental conditions suitable
to exposure, handling, for nail enhancement services
storage and disposal. 3 describe different consultation techniques
used to identify treatment objectives
4 explain the importance of carrying out
a detailed nail and skin analysis
5 describe how to select products, tools and
equipment to suit the client’s treatment needs,
skin and nail conditions
6 identify nail and skin conditions
7 describe the contra-indications which prevent
or restrict manicure treatments
8 state how to communicate and behave
in a professional manner
9 describe health and safety working practices
and industry Code of Practice for Nail Services
10 explain the importance of positioning yourself
Follow in the footsteps of... and the client correctly throughout the service
Beverley Braisdell Continues on next page
15 state the importance of completing the service
to the satisfaction of the client
16 state the aftercare advice that should
be provided
17 describe the chemical process involved in
the nail enhancement system Hygiene and thorough preparation
18 describe the structure and functions of are vital when performing nail
the nail and skin enhancement services to avoid
19 describe the different natural nail shapes cross-infection.
Image courtesy of iStockphoto.com/Ivan & Monika
Candidate signature
and date
Assessor signature
and date
h e n ail plate’s
R emove t e before
surface sh g it.
Overall grade
Candidate name:
yo u r cli e n t to apply
Advise a t a fe w days
p co
another to tment to help Candidate signature: Date:
after the tr t longer.
the design la
Assessor signature: Date:
Advice given to the client following a nail art A heavy, sparkly powder
application in order for the client to maintain used to give sparkle
the design. to the nail.
An unfavourable reaction that may occur either Nail plate
during or after nail art application, eg skin swelling. The pink-coloured part of the nail.
Contra-indication Nail separation
A condition that will prevent nail art being carried When the nail lifts away from the nail bed.
out, eg nail loss.
COSHH (Control of Substances Personal protective equipment, such as disposable
Hazardous to Health) gloves and face masks.
This relates to products that could cause harm if
used incorrectly and for which clear instructions Sterilisation
need to be followed for storage and handling. The process of destroying all micro-organisms and
Image courtesy of Becky Orme
their spores.
The flexible fold of skin around the base of the nail. Striping pen
A very fine brush used to make stripes or tapering
Disinfection stripes on the nail.
The process of destroying some but not
all micro-organisms. Transfers
These are usually self-adhesive and can easily
Foils be applied to nails by first peeling off the
These are available in many patterns and backing sheet.
colours and can be applied to the nail to give
a metallic sheen.
Gem stones
Image courtesy of EzFlow
Revision tip
1 describe salon requirements for preparing
Draw your design yourself, the client and the work area
on paper before
attempting to apply 2 state the environmental conditions suitable
it to the nail. for nail art
3 describe different consultation techniques used
to identify treatment objectives
4 explain the importance of carrying out a nail
and skin analysis
5 describe how to select products, tools and
equipment to suit the client’s treatment needs
and nail condition
6 identify the different nail conditions
7 describe the contra-indications which prevent
or restrict nail art
8 state how to communicate and behave
in a professional manner
9 describe health and safety working practices
10 state the importance of positioning yourself and
the client correctly throughout the treatment
Continues on next page
Follow in the footsteps of...
Jackie O’Sullivan
Nails have been Jackie’s passion since
watching her mum get her nails done nearly
20 years ago. She started with a Star Nails
course and gained her first nvq. Her first
big break was as an educator for Grafton
International. Jackie was then offered the
chance to work with the nail artist, Christian t op coat m ak es a great
A glitter .
Cesar. Jackie now runs her own business, evening look
‘Naughty Nails’, and also lectures at South
Image courtesy of EzFlow
treatment records
16 state the aftercare advice that should
be provided
17 describe diseases and disorders of the nail
18 describe the structure and functions of the nail
Remember that all nail art needs to be
sealed with a clear or glitter top coat.
Image courtesy of United Beauty
g e o f d esigns on
Develop a d display them
nail tips a o clients can see
on a tray s.
various id
Image courtesy of Professionails
Remember your clients’ nails are an
accessory to them, just like a handbag,
pair of shoes or jewellery.
What you must do
Practical observations
Conversion chart
Grade Marks
This page shows what you need to do during Pass 11–13
your practical task. You can look at it beforehand, Merit 14–18
but you’re not allowed to have it with you while Distinction 19–21
carrying out your practical task. You must achieve
all the criteria; you can achieve 1 mark, 2 marks or Please tick when all pre-observation
3 marks for the criteria indicated with .
* requirements have been met.
Candidate signature
and date
Assessor signature
and date
8 Select and use Select and use Select and use products,
Select and use products, tools and products, tools and tools and equipment to
products, tools, equipment to suit equipment to suit suit service objectives.
equipment and service objectives. service objectives. Examples: All excess nail
techniques to suit Examples: All excess Examples: All excess products are removed
the client’s service nail products are nail products are from the surrounding
needs and nail removed from the removed from the skin, nail design is
conditions surrounding skin. surrounding skin, nail balanced and consistent
design is balanced and on all nails, techniques
consistent on all nails, chosen are successful,
communicates with eg well blended or
the client throughout clearly defined detail,
to confirm satisfaction. communicates with the
client throughout to
confirm satisfaction.
Continues on next page
r cli en t clear
Give you dvice. A good
aftercare evelop an
idea is to aflet so your
aftercare take it home
client can o it later.
and refer
Overall grade
(see conversion chart)
Candidate name:
ea k cl early and
Always sp eye contact to
maintain person listening
ensure th s what
Candidate signature: Date:
understan g.
you’re say Assessor signature: Date:
explained below
Appointment system Methods of payment
A method used for The different ways
recording client payments can be made,
appointment bookings for example cash and
– it could be on a debit card.
computer, or in a book.
Private information that must not be passed on. When there is a problem with a payment, for
It may include personal aspects of conversations example an invalid debit/credit card, or if you
with clients or colleagues, client details held on suspect the card is fraudulent.
record cards, staff personal details, or financial
aspects of the business. Workplace policies
Documentation prepared by the employer on
Data Protection Act the procedures to be followed in the workplace.
Legislation designed to protect clients’ rights
to privacy and confidentiality.
External enquiry
A query that comes from someone outside
the salon, for example a phone call from
a manufacturer or client.
Image courtesy of Walsall College
Fraudulent card
A card that has been stolen or is a fake.
Internal enquiry
A question that comes from someone inside
the salon, for example a client enquiring about
appointment availability.
Invalid card
When the card has expired, or is refused due to You’re always
insufficient funds in the account. happy at all tionmsh
ow, so be helpful an
Invalid currency
Image courtesy of iStockphoto.com/Damkier Media Group
Revision tip
1 Describe procedures for taking messages for
When processing a a variety of enquiries
credit card payment,
the client will be asked 2 State how to communicate and behave within
to enter their PIN a salon environment
number. It is a good 3 List salon services available, their duration
idea to look away at this and cost
point, to give the client
some privacy. 4 Outline the importance of dealing with
enquiries promptly and politely
5 Explain how to deal with enquiries that
cannot be dealt with promptly
6 Describe how to make and
record appointments
7 State the potential consequences of failing to
record appointments or messages accurately
8 State the importance of passing on messages
and appointment details to the
appropriate colleagues
9 Outline the legislation designed to protect
the privacy of clients’ details
10 State the possible consequences of a breach
of confidentiality
11 State how to process different methods
Follow in the footsteps of... of payment
Georgina McKinney 12 Describe how to deal with problems that may
occur with payments
Georgina’s mother was in the beauty therapy
13 Explain how to keep payments safe and secure
industry and often worked from home.
Georgina loved watching her carry out the
various treatments and began to ask lots of
questions. When she went to Bournemouth
and Poole College she started her Level
1 vrq in Beauty Therapy and loved it!
She progressed to level 2 and particularly
enjoyed facials. Georgina has been offered
a job at the Marriot Highcliffe Hotel in
Bournemouth. After gaining a few years’
experience she would love to travel the world
finding out about different treatments and
products. Look for the pink quote marks to
see what she has to say to you!
Assessor signature
and date
2 Basic facts about Good use of open Uses open and closed
Identify the nature enquiry established questions to establish questions to accurately
of the enquiry through questioning client enquiry establish the
Examples: uses non- client’s enquiry
technical language, Examples: uses
maintains good level of technical and non-
eye contact technical language
appropriately, displays
good listening skills
(for example, mirroring
and good level of eye
contact) to confirm
When taki
client to
on e,
over the t to repeat the
it ’s
ISBN 978-0-85193-190-6
9 780851 931906