Report Praktikal
Report Praktikal
Report Praktikal
1.0 Introduction 2
1.7 Conclusion 10
2.0 Introduction 11
2.2 The Quality, Safety and Health and Environmental (QSHE) Policy 12
2.5.1 Planning 16
2.5.2 Prevention 17
2.5.3 Control 17
2.6 Conclusion 19
3.0 Introduction 20
3.8 Conclusion 29
4.0 Introduction 31
4.1.5 Budget 36
4.4.2 Flow chart procedure in managing the emergency and contingency 43
4.4.4 The information regarding the alarm system and evacuation at the industry 47
4.5.6 Recommendation 70
4.6 Conclusion 73
5.0 Introduction 75
5.2 Objective 76
5.3.2 Methodology 77
5.3.3 Result 78
5.3.4 Discussion 79
5.3.5 Recommendation 83
5.3.6 Conclusion 84
5.4.1 Terminologies 85
5.4.3 Methodology 86
5.4.4 Result 87
5.4.5 Discussion 88
5.4.6 Recommendation 89
5.4.7 Conclusion 91
References 92
ENV 575:
Environmental Health Practical
Training I
There are three chapter in Practical Training I which are introduction of organisation
profile, safety, health and environment management and prevention, controlling and reducing
accidents. The main objectives of this subject are to identify various activities and the company
profile, to assess the implementation of safety, health and environment management in the
organisation, and to explain prevention, controlling and reducing accidents.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Contactor’s site organisation chart
In the River Of Life (Phase 1) Precinct 7 (P7) project, Hj. Abd Razak is the Project
Manager and consist four main division in the chart which are Occupational Safety, Health and
Environment (OSHE) department, Senior Project Engineer department, Quality Control
department, Contract Management department. Under OSHE department, there is one Safety
Health Officer (SHO) and two Site Safety Supervisor (SSS) while contract management
department consist of quantity surveyor (QS). Under Senior project management, there are
surveyor, civil and structure, interceptor work, an architects and mechanical and electrical staff.
Meanwhile, Perunding Mahir Bersatu and Mega Consult provide a civil and structural
engineering consultancy services for Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd in P7 project. Then, there
is person-in-charge (PIC) for every node in P7 project and every node have its own legendary
as shown in Figure 1.1.
1.2 Vision and mission
The vision of the organisation is creating a consistent design signature, a brand for the city
riverfront, in planning, architectural, functional and economic terms. The vision of Ekoriver
Construction Sdn Bhd can be achieve through the mission that been set by the company which
This company involved in a wide range of business activities related to property
development, government projects management services, civil engineering and building
construction works including highrise buildings, commercial and eco business park,
government complexes and highways. Currently, Ekovest Berhad via its unit Ekoriver
Construction Sdn Bhd has secured an improvement and beautification works contract from the
Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) as a client. The site office of River Of Life Precinct 7 (ROL
P7) project located at Medan Selera Ditebing, Jalan Stor, 50350 Kuala Lumpur as shown in
Figure 1.2.
Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd shared the same quality management with Ekovest
Berhad, because Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd is a subsidiary of Ekovest Berhad. The quality
management is based on Ekovest Berhad Corporate Code of Conduct which in making
operational and business decisions, the management shall ensure their action is consistent with
the spirit of this Code of Conduct and promote good culture of ethics through their internal and
external interaction with all stakeholders of the Group (subsidiary such as Ekoriver
Construction Sdn Bhd). The Principles of Code of Conduct are responsible to:
i. The customers by constantly striving to improve the quality of services and products
ethically and responsibly in order to serve the customers better.
ii. The suppliers, vendors, business partners and associates subject to their adherence to
the universal principles of code of ethics, by allowing them to make a fair profit from
Ekovest Berhad.
iii. The employees by creating safe, healthy and secured working environments,
acknowledging their dignity and recognizing their merit and providing fair
remuneration and career for those who qualified and perform.
iv. The communities by embracing social equity and diversity, complying with regulatory
requirements and supporting good causes and charities.
v. The environment by preserving and protecting the environment and natural resources
to ensure sustainability.
vi. The shareholders by upholding the code of conduct in conducting business and creating
wealth and rewarding them.
The function of Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd is to carry out improvement works and
beautification nodes in Klang River and this project is called River of Life (ROL) project. ROL
project is an Entry Point Project (EPP) identified in the Greater Kuala Lumpur/ Klang Valley
National Key Economic Area (NKEA) under the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP)
with the aim to create a world class riverfront development along the Klang River and Gombak
River. ROL aims to transform the Klang River into a vibrant and livable water front with high
economic value. This transformation is divided into three main components which are river
cleaning, river master and beautification and river development as shown in Figure 1.3.
Source: River Of Life (2017)
Currently, The River of Life is currently governed by the River of Life Joint
Development Committee (ROL JDC). The ROL JDC chaired by Mayor of Kuala Lumpur,
consist of three taskforces namely the River Cleaning Taskforce, the Beautification Taskforce
and the Development Taskforce. The works to be executed under this contract for example is
River of Life: Precinct 7 (ROL P7).
The development is located generally along the river corridor of Gombak River and
Klang River approximately1 km length (Figure 1.4). The development starts from Jalan
Parlimen Bridge crossing to the confluence of Gombak River and Klang River at Masjid Jamek
along Gombak River. The development starts from Masjid Jamek LRT Station to Jalan
Kinabalu Bridge crossing along Klang River. Hence, the Northern and Southern boundary of
the development is bounded by Jalan Parlimen and Jalan Kinabalu from Eastern and Western
The areas listed below are some important landmarks covered under the proposed
1.6 Values that applied by organisation
Safety First
• The most important things that was emphasized in Ekoriver Construction
Sdn Bhd is ‘Safety First’ for all activities that they had done.
Team Work
• Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd also makes work in grouping. Their
cooperation is good between top management and the employees. Better
decision making is achieved through working in a team and exchanging
ideas within the organisation becomes more efficiently. So that any problem
can be addressed effectively by cooperation with all team members.
1.7 Conclusion
2.0 Introduction
2.1 To obtain specific objectives regarding occupational safety, health and environment
2.2 To obtain policy regarding the occupational safety, health and environment.
2.3 To obtain organisation chart specifically regarding the occupational safety, health
and environment.
2.4 To obtain information regarding function and activities regarding the occupational
safety, health and environment.
2.5 To obtain information regarding the planning, prevention and control involve in the
occupational safety, health and environment management framework.
Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd will ensure compliance with the Occupational Safety
and Health Act and Regulations, other legislation and current industry standards by:
d) Consulting and cooperating with safety and health representatives, employees and
e) Providing and maintaining personal protective equipment as required.
f) Continuously reviewing and improving its safety performance.
2.2 The Quality, Safety and Health and Environmental (QSHE) Policy
According to Section 2 under Occupational Safety and Health (Employer’s Safety and
Health General Policy Statement (Exception) Regulation 1995 stated that every employer and
every self-employed person those who carry on an undertaking with not more than 5 employees
is exception to make policy. Therefore, the Quality, Safety and Health and Environmental
(QSHE) Policy established by Ekovest Berhad was used by Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd.
Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd want to achieve excellent in Health, Safety and
Environment while engaged in its construction activities and fully committed to its motto
"Towards a Total Quality, Safe, Healthy Work Culture and Environmental Stewardship". The
main objectives of the policy are to create awareness among employees and employer on their
responsibilities, to provide a safe and health working environment to prevent injury,
occupational illness and to ensure public safety when carrying out its construction activities.
i. Educate all employees at all levels through provides continuous training and
supervision for ensuring they are effective, efficient, and competent in the performance
of their duties and responsibilities.
ii. Compliance to the applicable quality, safety & health and environmental related to
customer, legal and other requirements to which EKOVEST subscribes its related to its
occupational hazards and environmental aspects.
iii. Sustainable the Quality, Safety, Health and Environmental Management System
through conducting our operations in a manner that is committed to recycling,
conservation of resources, prevention of pollution, prevention of injury and ill health ,
Zero life loss, and promotion of safety, health and environmental responsibility among
all persons working for or on behalf of EKOVEST.
iv. Build a workplace free of recognized hazards and maintain healthy working conditions
for the person who working for or on behalf of EKOVEST.
Safety and health committee need to be established in the organisation if they meet the
certain requirement in the legislation and need to be followed by all parties involved in the
construction site. It is to ensure total compliance with the legal requirement such as Section 30
under OSHA 1994 and Section 5 under Occupational Safety and Health (Safety and Health
Committee) Regulations 1996.
Section 30 under OSHA 1994 is about the establishment of safety and health committee
at place of work while section 31 stated the function of safety and health committee. This
committee is responsible to keep review measure taken to ensure safety and health of person
at workplace. Then, the committee responsible to investigate committee member or person that
consider not safe or at risk. If the committee is unable to tackle the problem, they can request
to Director General for inspection of that problem.
Meanwhile, for section 5 under Occupational Safety and Health (Safety and Health
Committee) Regulations 1996 stated that the membership of committee is involved a chairman,
a secretary, representative of employer and representative of employees. Therefore, as the total
of workers in the ROL P7 project is 250, the safety and health committee within the
organisation was formed as shown in Figure 2.2.
2.4 Function and activities
The function of safety and health committee established in Ekoriver Construction Sdn
Bhd is based on Part VII, Section 31 under OSHA 1994 which is ‘Functions of safety and
health committee’. There are several functions and activities of safety and health committee
that have been established in organisation such as:
1) Assist in the development of safety and health rules and safe systems of work in
Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd and also at the project site area.
2) Review the effectiveness of safety and health programmes including Fire drill,
Emergency Response Plan (ERP), Safety Induction, and others safety related program
conducted in the organisation.
3) Carry out studies on the trend of accident, near miss accident, dangerous occurrence,
occupational poisoning or occupational disease which occurs at workplace or project
site at ROL P7 and shall report to Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd management of any
unsafe or unhealthy situation or practices at workplace together with the
recommendation for corrective action.
4) Involved in the investigation and inspection for any accident, near miss accident,
dangerous accident, dangerous occurrence, occupational disease that occurred at
5) Reassess the safety and health policy in the workplace and make recommendations to
the company for any revision of such policies.
6) Daily site inspection and inspect the workplace at least once a month to determine if
there are any prejudicial to the safety and health of workers. If the inspection carried
out by members of the committee found no matters or it was prejudicial to the safety
and health of any person employed in the company, then the committee shall record the
particulars of condition mentioned in the report and make recommendations to
companies on remedial measures to be taken.
7) To attend the immediate Ad-hoc Safety and Health Committee Meeting in the event of
accident which results in loss of life or serious body injury to workers, near miss
accident, dangerous occurrence or any other situation which call for immediate action.
8) Attend Monthly Safety and Health Committee Meeting that will be chaired Project
9) Attend tool box meeting conducted by Safety and Health Officer (SHO). This toolbox
meeting involved the contractor and subcontractor. SHO will brief about the unsafe act
and unsafe condition and remind the Safety operating procedure (SOP) that need to be
taken by the workers in every work process or activities at the project site. In addition,
SHO also reports the updating accident that occurs on site and remind the workers to
prioritize safety which is ‘Safety First’.
The planning, prevention and control that been planned by the Safety and Health
Department are very important in order to maintain a safe and healthy workplace. Below are
the steps taken by Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd:
2.5.1 Planning
Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd for ROL P7 project have planned to implement
and comply with related legislation to comply with the requirement during construction
at project site, for instance:
2.5.2 Prevention
2.5.3 Control
engineering controls, administrative control and personal protective equipment
2.6 Conclusion
Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd in ROL P7 had managed their occupational safety,
health and environment to ensure compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act and
Regulations, other legislation and current industry standards. It is very important for them to
continuously reviewing and improving the organisation’s safety performance by providing and
maintaining safe workplaces, plant and systems of work and welfare of workers.
3.0 Introduction
This chapter discussed on the prevention, control and reduction of accident that
conducted by Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd to ensure their safety, health and environment
goal can be achieved. Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd is driven by building and engineering
construction work where safety precaution is a must in this industry. The objectives of this
chapter are:
3.1 To obtain information regarding the prevention, control and reduction of accidents
at workplace.
3.2 To obtain information regarding the audits of health and safety in the industry.
3.3 To obtain standard operating procedure that involve in the control and reduction of
accidents at workplace.
3.4 To obtain the information in handling and training regarding control and reduction
of risk to accidents in the industry.
3.5 To obtain information regarding the change management which involve in control
and reduction of accidents at workplace.
3.6 To obtain information which involve in reporting an accident and investigation that
conducted in the industry.
3.7 To obtain information management and prevention in the industry.
There is some safety plan at P7 project site in order to prevent, control and minimising
accident in the workplace. Currently, the company practicing the safety and health management
programmes to ensure safety and health of workers at the site. The safety programs include:
a) Daily or weekly inspection program such as toolbox talk, safety officer walkabout at
the site to monitor the safety behavior of the workers with the purpose of regular or
refresher safety instruction and to seek feedback from the workforce about safety
hazards faced during their activities.
b) Monthly program such as safety committee meeting to review issue at the site,
hazardous material inspection, machinery inspection and HIRARC at the workplace.
c) Daily or non-scheduled inspection program such as safety improvement notice, safety
non-compliance and penalty system, stop work order, permit to work (PTW) and
notification notice through Notification of Accident, Dangerous Occurrence,
Occupational Poisoning and Occupational Disease (NADOPOD).
d) Fund issued due to incompliance of site rules and regulation, including observation
and Non-Conformance Report (NCR) done by AECOM and failure to attend toolbox
meeting and enforcement of working at height rules and regulations at site.
e) Ongoing response on safety issues in Lifeguard highlighted by AECOM.
f) Provide continuous training to workers such as PPE, traffic management training and
road safety awareness for workers.
There are two types of audit which are safety audit and environmental audit. Safety
audit activity is audited by competence person and accompany by contractor representative as
a witness. Any non-compliance regarding occupational safety and health issues will be issued
into Non-Conformance Report (NCR) to the contractors for further improvement action. This
audit is usually conducted in every month and participated by client representative, consultant
representatives and contractor representative. Besides, audit from third party also can be
conducted to ensure the efficiency practicing of environmental, health and safety at
construction sites.
Generally, there are monthly and daily safety inspection by the safety and Health
Officer (SHO) and daily observation conducted by the AECOM Perunding Sdn Bhd which is
the consultant of the project. AECOM will inform any unsafe act or behavior at the site and
informed the safety and health department through AECOM's Online Safety Reporting Tool
named LifeGuard system. Any complaint regarding safety issues at the site need to be solved
immediately by the SHO. SHO need to respond the issues addressed and the solved issues need
to be informed back in the LifeGuard system.
There were several audit activities that have been conducted by the Safety and Health
Department of Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd in ROL P7 project. The safety audit were
weekly safety inspection and monthly safety inspection audit conducted by SHO. Both audits
were focusing into several occupational safety and health issues for construction activity such
3.3 Standard operating procedure (SOP)
The standard operating procedure for any accident or incident in P7 project is shown in
Figure 3.1. Safety and Health Department of Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd. shall inform the
respective subcontractors for corrective action to be taken. The following steps in Figure 3.1
must be followed during any accident or incident.
4. Notify the supervisor or work group leader and delegated first aid
3.4 Training and education
Training is very important and it is one of an early intervention to prevent and control
potential incident or accident from occur at work place. Section 15 (2)(b) under OSHA 1994
has mandated employers in provide adequate training as far as practicable to their employees.
There are several objectives to be achieved in training programs such as promoting safety and
health awareness, developing safety skills on the job tasks and creating safe and healthy
working environment. The type of continuous training that can be provided among the workers
as refresher and reminder about safety are:
Management of change (MOC) refers to the management of risks that arise from the
changes of process, procedure and organisation. The MOC process will ensure the risk arise
from the changes will be identified and control. The MOC process includes the changes that
can affect the safety, health and environment performance and reliability and integrity,
emergency, permanent or temporary change. There are 6 steps used by the Ekoriver
Construction Sdn Bhd in MOC procedure which are:
5) Implementation - Completing all the activities should be done as discuss during the
notification of MOC.
6) Documentation - The MOC should be documented for references.
Section 32 under OSHA 1994 stated that an employer shall notify the nearest
Department of Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia (DOSH) office of any accident,
dangerous occurrence, occupational poisoning or occupational disease which has occurred or
is likely to occur at the place of work. All accidents involved of severity must be informed to
SHO as soon as possible and followed by a written notification NADOPOD Form. A
comprehensive report in the prescribed format (Accident/Incident Report Form), detailing all
the relevant facts associated with the occurrence shall be submitted to Project Manager of
Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd within 24 hours while full report to submit to Ekovest Berhad,
client, consultants and DOSH within 7 days of the incident. Accident reporting is required to
indicate the mandatory of requirements to be followed by all parties involved in the
construction work, to ensure total compliance with the legal requirement such as:
Although there are no accident reporting in the organisation, but the procedures of
reporting any accident or incident is prepared so that they can manage effectively any incident
or accident that occurred in the future. Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd will ensure that all
accidents and incidents are reported and recorded in a standard format. This allows the site to
take positive action to prevent a repeat of the incidents. The procedure prepared allow the
investigator to determine which accidents and incidents will be investigated. The following
accidents and incidents will be reported:
It is the responsibility of the person who has been injured to report the accident or
incident. The supervisor and SHO will be responsible for ensuring that the forms are filled out
correctly and that they are forwarded to the correct people, for example Government Agency
such as DOSH and our workers compensation insurer such as SOCSO and CIDB.
There are two type of reporting which are internal reporting and external reporting.
Internal Reporting is the record keeping on all injuries, no matter how big or small will be
recorded in the register of injuries that is located at site office of Safety and Health Department
in P7 through FORM 11A. Meanwhile, external reporting is accident reporting to the
Government Agency such as DOSH. It is generally a requirement by DOSH to notifying any
accident or dangerous occurrence by quickest means available and to submit a report thereof
in an approved form within 7 days. In addition, A register should be established and
maintained, kept and recorded for at least 5 years. This registry should be send to Director
General (DOSH) before 31st January of each year, which extracts from the registry for a period
of 12 months ending on 31st December every year.
All accidents and incidents will be recorded on the appropriate forms at the earliest
possible time after the event. All documentation will be kept for a minimum of 5 years. SHO
will discuss any accident or incident reports at the safety meetings to ensure that everyone is
aware of the outcomes of the investigations. The Project Manager will review all accident and
incident reports and will decide on which events will be investigated. The investigation will be
completed by SHO and supervisor using FORM 11B prepared by the company. The results of
the investigation will be discussed at the next safety meeting and the engineer in charge will
make sure that any identified hazards are recorded on an action plan or daily diary and are
completed and signed off. All information relating to accidents, incidents or investigations,
including Government Agency forms, will be filed to filing system located in filing system at
P7 site office.
Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd is emphasizing on the hazard of work process that have
been conducted in P7 project. Therefore, each activities and process done in the construction
site will be studied by using the HIRARC process. Through this assessment, the hazard of each
task can be recognized and controlled through hierarchy of control. The hierarchy of control
rank risk control measures from the highest level of protection to the lowest level of protection.
The main five control measures are elimination, substitution, engineering control,
administrative control and PPE.
To control hazard at the source, there are two ways that are used which are eliminating
the hazards at the source and substituting the hazard substance. Elimination is getting rid of a
hazardous job, tool, process, machine or substance is perhaps the best way of protecting
workers. If elimination is not applicable, the next control can be done is substitution.
Substitution is doing the same work with a less hazardous way. This can be done by substituting
the hazardous product to less hazardous product but provide the same outcome.
If the hazard cannot be eliminated and substituted, the engineering control take place.
Engineering control can be used to control the hazard at the source and the pathway. The
engineering control includes redesigning, isolating, automation, barriers, adsorption and
dilution. Redesign is job and process can be reworked to make it safer. Isolation is when a
hazard cannot be eliminated or replaced, it can sometimes be isolated, contained or otherwise
kept away from workers. Automation can be used when the process is dangerous. Barrier can
be installing to block the hazard from reaching the receptor (people). Absorption can be used
to absorb noise before it been release into the environment. Dilution is used to dilute the hazard
to become less hazardous such as installation of ventilation system that can dilute toxic gases
before it reach to the worker.
However, in some cases, engineering control would be costly as it may redesign the
whole equipment at the workplace. Administrative control may come to force in controlling
the hazard. Administrative control would not require a large amount of cost as only rules and
operating procedure will be enforced to control such hazard. There are a few administrative
controls can be used such as safe work procedure. Safe work procedure can ensure that the
workers follow the practice conducted at the workplace. However, the work procedure must be
periodically reviewed with workers and updated. The next approach can be used is through
supervision and training. Initial training on safe work procedures and refresher training should
be offered. Appropriate supervision to assist workers in identifying possible hazards and
evaluation work procedure will be provided in this type of approach. Job rotation may be used
to limit the contact time of the worker with the hazard. Housekeeping, repair and maintenance
program is the key point to maintain the hazard is still can be control and preventable incident.
Tools, equipment and machinery are less likely to cause injury if they kept clean and well
maintained. On top of that, hygiene practice can reduce the risk of toxic materials being
absorbed by workers or carried home to their families.
Hazards that are not practicable to be control at the source and the path, control may be
control at the receiver. What meant by the receiver is the individual that are expose to the
hazard. Personal protective equipment (PPE) will provide additional protection to the worker
and whoever enters to the hazardous area. Workers must be trained to use and maintain
equipment properly. The employer must understand the limitations of the personal protective
equipment. The employer expected to require workers to use their equipment whenever it is
needed. Care must be taken to ensure that equipment is working properly. Some of the PPEs
are protective goggles, facemasks, gloves, safety boots, harness, protective clothes as well as
ear plugs.
3.8 Conclusion
Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd is committed to the safety, health and environment in
a workplace. Every step conducted in any task that involve with the project in the construction
site, HIRARC is mandatory to be done in order to identify hazard and proposed risk control to
the hazard. Through this analysis, the health and safety of the workers can be controlled and
the environment can be conserved. Hierarchy of control is very important to manage, prevent
and control risk that can cause incident or accident in workplace especially in construction site.
Thus, the company reputation will be protected.
ENV 576:
Environmental Health Practical
Training II
4.0 Introduction
This chapter discussed on the process at the industry. The process includes the human
resources management, service output, service outcome, emergency plan and contingency and
the control in managing output quality. The objectives of this chapter are:
demolished accordance to the construction drawing. Excavation and demolition
works need to be carried out in order to prepare the platform or structure prior
to proceed with the finishing works such as tiling works, and landscape.
c) Piling works - Micro pile is used for the packages for the Precinct 7 of ROL
The machineries and equipment used by the subcontractors are stored in the
project site. The machineries and equipment used were inspected by SHO. ‘Perakuan
Mesin Angkat’ (PMA) Certificate and ‘Perakuan Mesin Tekanan’ (PMT) Certificate
issued will be inspected before being used in the construction project. There two type
of machinery that need certificate and non-certificate as shown in Table 4.1 and Table
9 Mobile SL PMA 40333 01st Jun 2017 Subcontractor
10 Mobile PMA 53497 30th Sep 2017 Subcontractor
11 Mobile PMA 59642 23rd Aug 2017 Subcontractor
12 Oil Separator SL PMT 10th Nov 2017 Subcontractor
13 Air Receiver TG PMT 30th Jun 2017 Subcontractor
1 Excavator 2 Good
3 Backhoe 3 Good
10 Vibrator 6 Good
13 Mixer 3 Good
14 Forklift 1 Good
4.1.3 The main work process flow
The main work process in the project is excavation works. Excavation works
need to be carried out continuously such as planting, trench excavation and excavation
on pilecap tower. The minimum requirement of PPE while performing excavation
activities are safety glasses, hearing protection, safety shoes, PPE clothing, and gloves
depends task during excavation process.
There are six main steps while performing excavation activities from the
beginning to the ends of the excavation process. This include performing excavator
inspection, plan the task, entering the excavator to the construction site, excavation
process and storage of the excavator. Figure 4.1 showed the flow of the excavation work
process in the construction site.
Perform Equipment Inspection
•Set brake controls and remove key during inspection and maintenance.
•Check all fluids, hoses, cylinders, and controls.
•Walk around equipment and inspect for damage, leaks
•Clean windows and mirrors.
Position Excavator
•Operate equipment at safe speed while traveling to work area by watching for
uneven surfaces and soft areas.
•Communicate with others in area and get others attention with hand signals or horn.
•Be aware of overhead or underground utilities.
•Work from stable, level work platform.
•Be aware of swing radius and objects around you.
•Keep windows closed if possible.
•When digging in unconsolidated materiel, limit depth of cut and slope
•Keep load level and distributed evenly by placing load to one side of bed.
•Swing from the left side or counterclockwise to prevent blind spot.
•Slope or bench deep excavations or trenches.
Task Completion
•Move excavator at safe speed to storage area.
•Park on level ground. Place bucket on ground. Set control brake.
•Turn off equipment and remove key.
•Clean tracks and steps.
4.1.4 Manpower resources
This company has several subcontractor and Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd
which is the main contractor will monitor all of them to ensure the project follow the
completion schedule and goes well. The subcontractor company such as Waico
Engineering Sdn. Bhd, Tower Build Steel Sdn Bhd, Bima Rezeki Sdn Bhd, SKL Piling
and Construction Sdn Bhd and Jack-In Pile (M) Sdn Bhd. The subcontractors hire many
of foreign workers as general workers at construction site. Besides, some of local
workers also were hired to do certain specifically work such as handling crane
operation, construct scaffold structure and others. All of them (subcontractors) required
to join with ‘Safety Induction Briefing’ completely in order to ensure the compliance
safety, health and environment in workplace in order to reduce the risk and hazard at
workplace. The total of workers is 250 workers, which it is the sum of the general
workers from main contractor and subcontractor in Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd.
4.1.5 Budget
Jurutera Awam & Struktur,
Jurutera Mekanikal & Elektrik
Jalan Gombak,
53000, Kuala Lumpur
4.2.1 To obtain information regarding the work process flowchart / standard operating
4.2.2 To obtain the method used in managing the toxic effluent in the industry
4.2.3 To obtain the information regarding the management of the process control and
the discharge of the waste substance that practice in the industry
4.2.1 Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)
The development of Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) will enable all
people on site to carry out jobs in the same, safe, efficient manner. SWMS will be
developed by identifying the hazards, assessing the risks, documenting and
implementing the controls and providing supervision to ensure people comply with the
procedures. SWMS should be developed for all non-routine tasks conducted in a non-
routine work place or where the risk for the task is found to be high or medium. SWMSs
also is developed as a method to control risks associated with hazards found at the site.
The safety and health officer is the responsible person who will organise the
development of SWMS. The SHO will request people that are involved in the task to
assist in the preparation of the SWMS. Wherever possible at least two people will be
involved in the development process. The person responsible for organising the group
will obtain a copy of FORM 8A and will assemble the team at the place of the task after
a task has been selected for a SWMS. The assessment of risk will be recorded in a daily
diary or action plan after the process of highlighting hazards that is high or medium in
all steps. The hierarchy of controls will be applied for every step identified in the
SHO will be responsible for documenting the SWMS and ensuring it is included
in the training program and discussed at the next site safety meeting. Where an activity
is classified as “Hot Work”, “Excavation”, “Lifting” or a “Confined Space Entry” in
the Form 8B will be used in addition to any existing SWMS. This form outlines key
controls that must be in place before a task is undertaken. All SWMSs will be filed in
the SWMS register located at site office. This register will be readily available to the
workforce and will include an index at the front.
Currently, there is no toxic waste and schedule waste that being managed by the
Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd. But, the subcontractor employees shall be familiar with
the hazard and precaution when handling hazardous substances and chemicals. SHO
will ensure the storing, handling and disposal of chemicals and scheduled waste used
by the subcontractor at the sites are safe. The reference for of the chemicals which is
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) shall be made easily accessible to all employees. Besides, an
appropriate PPE and other safety equipment and proper work condition shall be made
available to be used.
In the future, the management of Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd can improve
the storage of chemicals and scheduled waste by adopting several safety precautions
such as:
Besides, if there is toxic waste or schedule waste that have been used in the
company, they should be disposed of in accordance with the Malaysia legal requirement
such as Environmental Quality (Schedule Waste) Regulations 2005. Ekoriver
Construction Sdn Bhd need to develop a guideline and form in termination of use and
disposal of a chemical such as:
i. Whenever there is no further use of a chemical, the applicant of the section shall
inform the Safety and Health Department.
ii. Safety and Health Department shall then arrange for the disposal of any
remaining chemical at the area in accordance with the Hazardous Waste
Management Procedure.
iii. The Safety and Health Department will then remove the chemical from the
chemical register and all relevant documents from their file.
iv. The applicant shall remove the relevant SDS of the chemical which is no longer
in use from their file.
The waste output in this construction project consist of timber, scrap metal such
as iron and aluminium, plastics, plastic bottles and containers and domestic waste.
Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd has appointed Spreco Recycle Sdn Bhd to manage the
waste from the construction project. Spreco Recycle Sdn Bhd was appointed to collect
the waste in the project site and the waste that is recyclable will be separated and shorted
for further processing, reuse and recycling.
Roll-On Roll-Off (RORO) bins (Figure 4.3) were used by Spreco Recycle Sdn
Bhd for the removal of large amounts of bulky waste. The RORO bins were placed in
each zone of the project such as Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad (BSAS), Pasar Seni,
Central Market and Masjid Jamek. The fully opening rear doors make disposing of
materials from commercial and industrial clients, such as building sites and other large
scale operations easy and convenience. Any liquids or chemicals and flammable or
explosive items such as batteries, gas bottles and paint are prohibited to be placed in the
bin. The collection frequency was uncertain. When the RORO bins are full, Ekoriver
Construction Sdn Bhd will inform Spreco Recycle Sdn Bhd immediately to replace a
new bin.
4.3 Information on compliance and non-compliance audit report
Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd has received an audit from the Department of
Occupational Safety and Health Malaysia (DOSH) and Department of Environment Malaysia
(DOE) regarding the audits of compliance and non-compliance of legislation such as OSHA
1994 and FMA 1967 and its regulations such as Factories and Machinery (Building Operations
and Works of Engineering Construction) (Safety) Regulations 1986.
DOSH has performed several safety audits regarding safety and health in workplace.
The first audit on 26th July 2016 which is the inspection of certificate machineries such as crane
and commenting on site inspection such as housekeeping and the application of PPE in
workplace. Then, the next safety audit inspection on 27 th September 2016 regarding the
construction site such as the proper traffic management plan when performing work on road,
housekeeping, wearing PPE in workplace and a proper barrier in the construction site area. The
latest safety audit by DOSH on 17th March 2017 where there was a public complaint about the
pedestrian walkway at LRT Pasar Seni regarding the unsafe walkway that may cause trip and
fall of public. Therefore, the management of Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd had managed the
complaint by creating a standard operation procedure (SOP) for safe walkway at that area.
On 26th August 2016, there was an inspection by DOE regarding complaints about the
release of sediment into the stream due to piling activities on the Loke Yew building. A
corrective action was taken by Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd to prevent the release of
sediment into the river by stacking sand bags as a temporary reservoir enclosure and geotextile
was used to filter sediment. A proper water channel is made and connected with existing drains
to prevent water mixed with the existing drain water from work piling. The purpose of the
inspection was to give an advice to the project in order to prevent water pollution in Klang
River and Gombak River.
4.4 Emergency plan and contingency
There are some objectives that need to be achieved in this topic such as:
The objective of the ERP formed by this company are to be able to respond
within the shortest possible time to any major incident in order to prevent the situation
from deteriorating and to save life, damage to property and minimize public interference
and inconvenience. Besides, it is also to ensure the situation is being put under control
in case of any emergency situation occurring at site and try to normalize the situation
within the shortest possible time in order to minimize public interference and
4.4.2 Flow chart procedure in managing the emergency and contingency
4.4.3 Strategic plan and contingency at the industry
The unexpected situations can occur in the project construction work such as
fire and explosion, overturn of crane or heavy vehicle, structure collapse, accident
involving machinery with other construction vehicles or workers, accident involving
construction machinery with public vehicle or citizens, electrical accident, flash flood,
landslide and spillage of hazardous chemical.
One of strategic plan that have been suggested by this ERT is they should have
an effective communication system so that the team members are able to communicate
between each other and the organisation. An effective communication between the ERT
and organisation especially with the employees are important in reporting any
emergency cases by giving a correct information to the ERT so that the risk can be
reduced to a safe level.
4.4.4 The information regarding the alarm system and evacuation at the industry
Figure 4.6: The evacuation map for the site office of P7 project.
4.4.5 Pre-simulation and training
While undertaking the project, anything can happen and disasters happen when
the preventive controls fail and the safety of people that includes employees as well as
the public is threatened. An emergency response plan is an effective strategy aimed at
preserving human life and minimizing damage to property and the environment in the
event of disaster.
The management of the victim during an emergency is by send the victim to the
first aid room or clinic for early treatment and at the same time need to notify the SHO
or construction manager. Then, after giving first aid, send the victim to the nearest clinic
or hospital for further treatment. After the emergency, they need to conduct
investigation and find the root cause of the incident or accident occurred. After that,
corrective measure will be established to prevent reoccurrence and SHO will sent the
incident or accident report and initial investigation to the Project Manager within 24
hours of the incident or accidents shown in Figure 4.7.
First Aider
(Where Applicable)
4.4.7 Maintenance and exercise in handling major accident at industry
From time to time, the competent person that have undergo training in handling
the firefighting equipment will teach the workers and staff on how to handle the
equipment in case of emergency. The competent person is usually SHO, site safety
supervisor and the staff management in the office. The training conducted will improve
the quality of the emergency response at the site. In addition, Malaysia Fire and Rescue
Department Kuala Lumpur branch, Malaysia Civil Defence, Red Crescent Society or
other recognised parties shall be invited to enhance the ability and efficiency of team
members in handling actual situation during the drills and training.
4.4.8 The investigation and reporting of major accident (CIMAH/ Non-CIMAH)
Although currently there is no major accident regarding human lives at the site
during the project progress, preventive measures must be maintained and control
measures should be taken to minimise the probability of accident or incident from occur
at the work place. Therefore, the investigation and reporting of major accident will be
managed in detailed accordance with accident reporting flowchart that have been made
as shown in Figure 4.8.
4.4.9 Information regarding major accident report (CIMAH / Non-CIMAH)
The objectives of accident investigation are to identify the root causes of the
incident or accident so that appropriate preventive measures can be taken to prevent a
recurrence of such incident. Besides, it is to determine the contributing factors that led
to the incident and to determine losses so that appropriate compensation on claims from
the relevant party could be justifiably considered. Furthermore, it also to establish costs
for insurance claim with appropriate justification and to determine any weakness in the
current work system or procedures so that work process or the system could be
improved to prevent the major accident from happen at Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd
in the future. Based on reading of Incident Cause Analysis Report conducted by Safety
Team of ROL P7, there were three incidents reported in the ROL P7 project.
On 7th June 2016, at balance tank P6, Plant 1 Interceptor, the concrete slab
formwork give away during slab concreting work activity. One workers from Waico
Engineering Sdn Bhd who was in the middle of compacting the concrete also fell down
without any injury. All the finished part was collapse without any injury sustained to
the workers. Concrete work immediately stop right after the accident. There were many
factors that contribute to the falsework collapse which were scaffold were in inadequate
strength to support load, damaged materials and components were used to erect
scaffold, erections were done by general workers, not Competent Scaffolder, scaffold
were erected without approval of Professional Engineer (PE) design and no inspections
were done by designated person for scaffolding matters. Some of the corrective actions
taken by the subcontractor (Waico Engineering Sdn Bhd) were they need to erect
scaffold adhere to PE Design and supervised by Competent Scaffolder and change
damaged materials to sound materials for use at construction site.
Meanwhile, On 9th October 2016, excavator lost its balance and toppled during
swing the arm to pour the concrete from the excavator bucket to the other side. The
conditioned worsened by the soft ground condition. The excavator fall on top of the
bioreactor tank for Interceptor 1 and cause property damage to air blower pipe, iron
pipe, stainless steel edging and part of concrete structure. The factor that cause the
incident were unsuitable method used during excavation activities, miscommunication
between the operator and workers and lack of knowledge and experience of handling
the excavator. The corrective action taken were they need to follow Standard Operation
Procedure (SOP) for lifting activity, ensure workers skills and competency while
handling machinery and communication in between them, supervisor and machine
operator need to ensure the ground stability and the location is safe to start excavation
Next, on 12th October 2016, a container storage with boardwalk material was
toppled due to the unstable ground but there was no damage to the material and structure
found. The container was successfully reinstated by using two cranes of 35 tonnes. The
factor that cause the incident were lack of supervision by PIC and unrecorded egress of
any transportation into the site area by the security. Therefore, corrective actions were
taken to prevent reoccurrence of the incident such as PIC need to inform, prepare and
monitor a proper receiving area, applying PTW for night work and security document
(DO). Besides, for security action, security need to record regarding egress of any
transportation into the site area.
Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) have become a
practice of planning, managing and the evaluation of an operation as a basic of risk assessment.
This practice is in line with the Department approach for preventive measure as a way of
enforcing the law on Occupational Safety and Health. With HIRARC, it will able to identify
hazards, analyse and assess its associated risk and then apply the suitable control measures.
HIRARC should be conducted in an industry as it is one of the general duties as prescribed in
the OSHA 1994 for the employer to provide a safe workplace to their employees and other
related person. Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd have referred to the HIRARC guidelines as
provided by the DOSH Malaysia (2008) in managing risk at their workplace. The objectives of
the HIRARC assessment are:
a) Hazard Identification
There are two methods that were used to identify the hazards in workplace:
i. Inspection
• This method is an organized examination or formal evaluation exercise. It involves the
measurements, tests, and gauges applied to certain characteristics in regard to an object
or activity. The results are usually compared to specified requirements and standards
for determining whether the item or activity is in line with these targets. Inspections are
usually non-destructive. Studying and looking into the process flow will enable us to
identify which part of the process flow is the higher risk of hazards. By doing this, we
will able to give more concentration into the hazardous process flow so that more
precaution action on safety can be carry out. The strategy of inspection including
planning on which, where, what, when and how to inspect. Then, inspection will be
carried out on based on the planning, monitoring the progress and after that reviewing
the result.
- Modified jobs: new hazards may be associated with changes in job procedures.
- Infrequently performed jobs: workers may be at greater risk when undertaking
non-routine job and a JSA provides a means of reviewing hazards.
i. Likelihood of occurrence
Before evaluating the risk, the likelihood of an event occurring need to be identified.
One may ask the question “How many times has this event happened in the past?”
Assessing likelihood is based worker experience, analysis or measurement. Likelihood
levels range from most likely to inconceivable.
iii. Table of Risk Matrix
Severity (S)
Likelihood (L) 1 2 3 4 5
5 5 10 15 20 25
4 4 8 12 16 20
3 3 6 9 12 15
2 2 4 6 8 10
1 1 2 3 4 5
To use this matrix, first find the severity column that best describes the outcome of risk.
Then follow the likelihood row to find the description that best suits the likelihood that the
severity will occur. The risk level is given in the box where the row and column meet.
Hazards assessed, as “High Risk” must have immediate actions, to resolve risk to life
safety and or the environment. Individuals responsible for required action, including follow up
must be clearly identified. A further detail risk assessment method may require such as
quantitative risk assessment as means of determine suitable controls measures.
4.5.1 Excavation work
Conducted by:
Company: Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd Ahmad Afiq Bin Shahidan
Process / Excavation work at construction
Designation: Occupational Safety and Health Trainee
Location: site
Approved by: Date: From 10/4/2017 To -
( Name, - Legal
designation) requirement FMA 1967 / FM (BOWEC) Reg 1986 / OSHA 1994
Date: - Review Date: 1- 2-
1. Hazard Identification 2. Risk Analysis 3. Risk Control
Which can Recommended PIC
Work cause / Existing Risk Control (Due-date
No. Activity Hazard effect Control (if any) Likelihood Severity Risk Measures / status)
1. Hit by - Head and 1. Barricade the 1. Engage trained
hovering/swinging body injury work area operator to
bucket operate the
- Fatality 2. Ensure the excavator
working area
are clear and 2. Place
safe before signboard “Work
operating the in progress”
1. excavator 2 4 8
work 3. Audible alarm,
blinker, swing
alarm shall be
functioned to
workers or public
from encroaching
into the
excavation area
1. Park the
excavator on the
firm ground
2. Ensure the
operator apply
safe work
- Property
procedure during
2. Toppling of Supervision of excavation work
2 3 6
excavator excavation work
- Body
by the 3. Prevent
supervisor excavator from
working near the
trench (clearance
2 meter)
4. Cockpit door
must be closed
Installation of
sheet piling if
trench excavation
- Fatality
exceeds 4m
3. Soil collapse Nil. 2 4 8 depth (min.
- Property
planks for sheet
piling is 50mm
thick) (Reg. 116,
BOWEC 1986)
4.5.2 Crane operation
Conducted by:
Company: Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd Ahmad Afiq Bin Shahidan
Process /
Heavy lifting Designation: Occupational Safety and Health Trainee
Approved by: Date: From 10/4/2017 To -
( Name, - Legal
designation) requirement FMA 1967 / FM (BOWEC) Reg 1986 / OSHA 1994
Date: - Review Date: 1- 2-
1. Hazard Identification 2. Risk Analysis 3. Risk Control
No. Work Hazard Which can Existing Risk Likelihood Severity Risk Recommended PIC
Activity cause / effect Control (if any) Control (Due-
Measures date /
1. Crane 1. Crane failure - Malfunction 1. The physical 2 3 6 1. Ensure proper
operation machinery inspection of maintenance or
crane condition regular check-up
- Falling of before entering as per
object the site by SHO manufacturer’s
- Property recommendation
2. Inspection on
damage Perakuan 2. Inspection on
Mesin Angkat PMA Certificate
(PMA) and operator’s
Certificate and license for every
operator’s new crane
license entering the site
2. Hit by moving Body and head 1. Barricade the 2 2 4 1. Supervisor
operator cabin or injury work area of must ensure
swinging load crane to signalman
prevent located on a
unauthorized safe distance
person or public between the
from entering crane operation
the work area and operator
2. Divert traffic
or place warning
signs of heavy
lifting in progress
3. Swing alarm
shall be
4. swing area
must be cleared
from people
5. Pre-task
briefing to the
crew involved
before start the
3. Loading / 1. Overload - Toppling of 1. Fully 2 4 8 1. Use
unloading material crane supervision of appropriate
process load material by crane capacity
- falling of the supervisor
object during the 2. Not permitted
whole process any personnel
- Boom bend under the swing
of loading and
- Wire rope unloading area.
scrape material 3. Park on firm
4. Outrigger
shall be fully
5. Steel plate
shall be used to
support outrigger
6. Transfer
distance shall
not exceed
radius of flow
2. Falling of 1. Signalman 2 2 4 1. Both operator
Miscommunication object, property guide the and signalman
damage loading / shall understand
unloading standard hand
process signals
2. Crane must
be operated by
person and
3. Provide walkie
talkie as an
4.5.3 Working at height
Company: Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd Ahmad Afiq Bin Shahidan
by: Name:
Process /
Working at height Designation: Occupational Safety and Health Trainee
Approved by: Date: From 10/4/2017 To -
( Name, - Legal
designation) requirement FMA 1967 / FM (BOWEC) Reg 1986 / OSHA 1994
Date: - Review Date: 1- 2-
1. Hazard Identification 2. Risk Analysis 3. Risk Control
No. Work Hazard Which can Existing Risk Likelihood Severity Risk Recommended PIC
Activity cause / effect Control (if Control (Due-
any) Measures date /
1. Erection of 1. Incomplete - Fatality Physical 3 4 12 1. Erection of
scaffold scaffolding: inspection on scaffold must be
- Fall from the scaffold by supervised by
- Insecure platform height the SHO competent
- Improper jack - Permanent scaffolder
base disability personnel
- Use scaffold
with green tag
“Safe for Use”
2. Working on 1. Safety harness - Fatality Physical 3 4 12 1. Supervisor
scaffolding defect inspection of can direct
or I-beam -Fall from safety harness penalty to the
height by the SHO subcontractor
- Permanent and who failed to
disability Supervisor provide safety
harness to the
worker during
working at
2. Provide PPE
training to the
- The proper use
of safety
harness during
working at
3. Working Excessive heat Exposure to Reminder 2 3 6 1. Wear
during a exposure to the heat illnesses: during toolbox appropriate
hot day workers meeting: attire such as
-Heat stroke comfortable shirt
- Drink a lot of
- Faint water 2. Provide a
- Extreme shelter for the
fatigue workers to rest
- Dehydration 3. Educate
workers on the
- Dizziness
heat stress
- Drink a lot of
- Identification of
heat illnesses
symptoms to the
4.5.4 The used of power tools
Company: Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd Ahmad Afiq Bin Shahidan
by: Name:
Process /
The used of power tools Designation: Occupational Safety and Health Trainee
Approved by: Date: From 10/4/2017 To
( Name, Legal
designation) requirement FMA 1967 / FM (BOWEC) Reg 1986 / OSHA 1994
Date: Review Date: 1 2
1. Hazard Identification 2. Risk Analysis 3. Risk Control
No. Work Hazard Which can Existing Risk Likelihood Severity Risk Recommended PIC
Activity cause / effect Control (if Control (Due-
any) Measures date /
1. Hacking 1. Dust inhalation Hard to breath, Wearing 95 2 2 4 Mask such as
activities by asthma, lung mask N95 shall be
using disease worn in all
hacker activities that
machine produce dust
2. Noise exposure Nuisance, Wearing 3 3 9 1. Provide job
hearing earplug rotation to the
impairment, workers
disability 2. Perform
audiometric test
for every three
month to the
3. Ergonomic Musculoskeletal Wearing 2 3 6 - Use a proper
problem disorder gloves ergonomic
(MSDs) such as posture
numbness, - Wear glove
permanent that absorb
disability vibration
- Job rotation
4. Loss of control, Foot injury Wearing safety 2 2 4 - Hacker
punctured foot shoes machine need
to be handled
by trained
2. Operating 1. Electrical Electric shock The seizures 2 2 4 1. Monthly
circular equipment faulty / of defect inspection shall
saw, damaged cable equipment or be conducted
grinder damaged and implement
cable during code colour
daily site tagging
2. Prevent
power cable
from contact
with water
3. Replace any
damaged to the
4. Use industrial
socket for
2. Noise Nuisance, Wearing 3 3 9 Wearing earplug
hearing earplug that have been
impairment, registered with
permanent DOSH and have
disability Noise reduction
rate (NRR)
3. Sparks Skin burns, eye Wearing safety 2 2 4 1. Wear face
generated when injury glasses shield
using power saw or
angle grinder to cut 2. Implement
metal spark
management by
adjust the safety
guard to control
3. Ensure the
work area is
clear from
material to
4. Placed fire
blanket near the
work area
4. Sharp saw blade - Hand and foot Wearing 3 3 9 1. Anti-cut
injury gloves and gloves shall be
safety shoes worn in all
- Permanent activities where
disability bare hands
could be injured
2. Wearing face
3. Cover
dangerous part
such as blades
after switching
4. Install
guarding on the
5. Unguard circular - Hand and foot The seizures 3 3 9 1. Supervisor
saw or grinder injury of unguard must ensure all
equipment machinery
- Permanent during daily without guards
disability site inspection shall not be
operated at the
2. Daily
inspection of
workers to
ensure safety
guard is
attached to the
machine before
3. Any use of
power tools
must wear an
appropriate PPE
4.5.5 Hazard review
From time to time, the hazard that had been identified needed to be reviewed.
This to ensure the existing control is still reliable with the current condition of the
hazard. On top of that, new hazard that arise in future may be control through reviewing
the hazard. There are a few ways to review the hazard such as:
i. Inspecting and checking all the equipment to ensure it still working properly
so that there is no harm come from the equipment especially from a machinery
such as crane, circular saw and grinder.
ii. Training should be given to the entire employee to ensure they understand the
work that they need to conduct including the safety measure.
iii. Audit and inspection must be done to ensure the safety of the process and
iv. Every accident, near miss, incidents and hazards must be reported and further
action and investigation must be taken as soon as possible.
v. Ensure that all workers follow the standard operating procedure.
vi. Safety and Health Department of Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd should
monitor the safety of the workers and any possible hazards.
vii. Provide safety and emergency training to the workers and records all the
viii. Safety awareness among workers and employers must be emphasized in order
to prevent and control any accidents.
4.5.6 Recommendation
Hierarchy of control is used to establish priority order for the types of measures
to be used in order to control risks. The following table (Table 4.3) is the
recommendation for some of the hazard that needs to be addressed in this company as
other relevant risk has taken the preventive measure.
Table 4.3: Recommendations for others hazard.
Type of Hazard The Hierarchy of Control
Hazard Elimination Substitution Engineering Control Administrative control PPE
Health 1. Ergonomic (Lifting - Nil - Nil - Use wheelbarrows Train the staff and give - Nil
Hazard plastic barrier, or when lifting heavy a talk on the ergonomic
others heavy materials awareness to the
material) general workers. For
example: Proper
techniques of lifting
2. Source for drinking - Nil - Substitute new Regular maintenance - Nil - Nil
water water filter if on the filtered water
damaged because the water
may be contaminated
with hydrocarbon
3. Light - Nil - Nil - Adjust computer - Keep monitor screen - Nil
monitor position to clean
reduce glare - Close eyes
- Install glare screen periodically
to reduce the glare - Use artificial tear eye
drops if necessary
4. Working on a hot - Nil - Nil Provide a temporary - Educate staff and Wear appropriate
day shelter for shade construction workers to clothing to
during breaks when drink a lot of waters prevent heat trap
the weather is hot during hot day to in the body and
prevent heat illness heat from the
such as heat stroke environment
Safety 1. Improper - Nil - Nil Designated specific - Educate staff and - Nil
Hazard housekeeping at the container for construction workers in
construction site that recycling and place a 3R (Reduce, Reuse,
cause low aesthetic large and clear sign Recycle) Program
value, trip and fall on the container - Print 3R container
signs in as many
languages as needed to
reach all the workers
2. Improper storage - Dispose unused - Nil - Provide a specific - Educate general - Nil
of materials at the site material storage of materials workers to prioritize
office that may cause and labelling at the housekeeping
trip and fall site office
Biological 1. Water container at - Remove water in - Nil - Closed the water - Nil - Nil
Hazard the site does not the container container with lid to
closed prevent mosquitoes
2. Mosquitoes - Search and - Nil - Alter the - Provide a regular - wear an
breeding destroy breeding environment of fogging schedule appropriate PPE
site of mosquitoes breeding site by activities while fogging
putting an abate into - Educate everyone to
water container destroy on any
condition that can lead
to mosquitoes breeding
Chemical 1. No proper storage - Nil - Nil - Provide a specific Prepare a training Wear an
Hazard of chemical at the site storage for chemical schedule for appropriate PPE
office and labelling of Emergency Response while handling or
chemical Plan training as dispose chemical
preparation if there is
accident/incident occur
2. No safety data - Nil - Nil - Nil Provide chemical list - Nil
sheet (SDS) for the used and its SDS in a
chemical file for future
4.6 Conclusion
The goals of this emergency response plan are to protect the lives and health of Ekoriver
Construction Sdn Bhd employees. Besides, it is vital for the organisation to have emergency
response plan in order to protect and minimize damage to company property in the event of an
emergency. The compliance to the act such as Occupational Safety and Health (Control of
Industrial Major Accident Hazards) Regulations 1996 or known as CIMAH regulations is very
important in preparation of emergency plan for major hazard and notification of major accident
in the organisation or company. Besides, HIRARC assessment in the industry also are
important which act as a proactive measure in order to decrease likelihood of accident
occurring. Therefore, all staff of Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd, subcontractors and general
workers need to give full commitment and cooperation in the training or program regarding
emergency response plan held by Safety and Health Department at the workplace.
ENV 577:
Environmental Health Practical
Training III
5.0 Introduction
Industrial hygiene is defined as the science and art devoted to the anticipation,
recognition, evaluation and control of those environmental factors or stresses, arising in or from
the workplace, which may cause sickness, impaired health and well-being or significant
discomfort and inefficiency among workers or among citizens of the community (American
Industrial Hygiene Association [AIHA], 2017). Industrial hygienists use environmental
monitoring and analytical methods to detect the extent of worker exposure and employ
engineering, work practice controls, and other methods to control potential health hazards.
Industrial hygiene conducted primary to protect the health and well-being of employees by
eliminating or reducing health hazards that arise from the workplace environment.
A worksite analysis is an essential first step that helps an industrial hygienist determine
what jobs and work stations are the sources of potential problems. Worksite analysis is a
combination of systematic actions of information to recognize and understand the hazards and
potential hazards at the workplace (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017). During
the worksite analysis, the industrial hygienist measures and identifies exposures, problem tasks
and risk. The industrial hygienist inspects, researches, or analyses how the particular chemicals
or physical hazards at that worksite affect worker health. If a situation hazardous to health is
discovered, the industrial hygienist recommends the appropriate corrective actions. Therefore,
industrial hygiene assessment was proposed at in Ekoriver Construction Sdn Bhd because there
was no assessment regarding industrial hygiene at the workplace. The job hazard that has been
proposed was job that related to noise and heat stress.
This industry was involved in construction which are beautification and improvement
of place. There were some work activities identified during worksite analysis in HIRARC to
perform industrial hygiene assessment. The identification of potential activities that can cause
problem during worksite analysis were exposure of excessive heat when working during hot
days and noise exposure when cutting steel or bricks in grinding activities. Thus, monitoring
has been conducted to assess worker exposure during performing their job.
5.2 Objective
There are several legislations and guideline that have been used in the study such as:
5.3 Heat stress
According to DOSH (2016), heat stress referred to heat load imposed to workers
through the combination of the internal body heat production, heat exposure from the
environment such as temperature, and clothing requirement. It may occur at any place as long
as humans exposed to either natural or artificial source of heat energy. There are many types
of health problem associated with heat stress for instance dizziness, fainting, discomfort,
extreme fatigue, imbalanced electrolytes, heat stroke, cramps, dehydration and others. Besides,
productivity will decrease and likelihood of injuries also will increase due to effect of heat
stress. Therefore, the aim of studying heat stress is to ensure the safety and health of the workers
at the work place.
Section 15 under OSHA 1994 stated that it is the duty of employers to provide and
maintain working environment for the employees should be as far as is practicable, safe and
without risk to health while at work. Meanwhile, FMA 1976 under section 22 stated that
effective and suitable provision shall be made for securing and maintaining such temperature
in ensuring reasonable conditions of comfort and prevention from bodily injury to any person.
Besides, DOSH (2016) recommends Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) for heat stress and
heat strain published by from American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist
(ACGIH) for compliance purposes. The goal of TLV is to maintain the body core temperature
within 1ºC of normal body temperature which is 37ºC, without exceeding 38ºC.
5.3.2 Methodology
The Industrial Hygiene study for heat stress was conducted on 8th and 9th May 2017.
According to DOSH (2016), the time base for measurement of WBGT shall be taken in total
one hour corresponding to the maximum heat stress, for example in the middle of the day. In
addition, the measurement time is set to be taken at intervals of every five minutes that will
give a total of 12 samples for one hour at specific areas. Therefore, the monitoring was done
for period of 1 hours from 11.04 am to 12.04 pm and 11.24 am to 12.24 pm on 8th and 9th May
2017 respectively.
Firstly, observation have been conducted to determine the area exposed to the workers
that can lead to heat stress at the construction site. Then, monitoring was accomplished by
using Wet Bulb Globe Thermometer (WBGT) equipment model Quest Technology.
Parameters that were measured and recorded are the dry bulb temperature, wet bulb
temperature, Globe temperature, WBGT indoor index, WBGT outdoor index, relative humidity
and heat index. The WBGT were placed at the area of Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad (BSAS)
and D’Tebing (site office). These two place have the work area where the workers exposed
directly to the sun and assume that they receive maximum heat exposure.
5.3.3 Result
For outdoors with a solar load, WBGT should be calculated using the formula shown:
= 28.22oC
= 29.97oC
5.3.4 Discussion
The result from the monitoring will be compared with standard by American
Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH). ACGIH has established the
reference values of action limit (AL) and the Threshold Limit Value (TLV). To analyse the
result, metabolic rate of employee (Table 5.3) need to be considered and then compare the
WBGT results with ACGIH TLV (Table 5.4) and decide the risk decision (Table 5.5).
Table 5.4: Screening criteria for TLV and AL based on ACGIH TLV.
Where: Low Risk: There is a minimum risk of excessive exposure to heat stress
Medium Risk: Implement general control which includes drinking of water and
pre-placement medical screening.
High Risk: Further analysis may be required. This may include monitoring heat
strain (physiological responses to heat stress), sign and symptom of heat-related
disorders. In addition, job-specific control should be implemented.
Thus, Table 5.6 describe the overall result analysis by using guideline given by DOSH
in order to evaluate the heat stress at workplace. Based on the analysis, both of the sampling
area were exceeding the standard. Next section discussed the result of the analysis.
Works conducted at BSAS zone is categorized under moderate work with description
of a sustained moderate hand and arm work, moderate arm and leg work, moderate arm and
trunk work, or light pushing and pulling, normal walking and moderate lifting. The work
includes cutting of wood and steel, mixing cement and fabrication formwork. The percentage
of work and rest of this activity is approximately 75% work and 25% rest where the workers
were given breaks 30 minutes at the morning which was from 10.00 am until 10.30 am, lunch
break at 12.00 pm for one hour and another 30 minutes from 3.00 pm until 3.30 pm. Therefore,
the work at BSAS zone was classified under moderate work that is conducted 75% work with
25% rest. The heat source is from the environment and directly from the sun.
Based on result calculated from the heat stress study at BSAS zone was 28.22oC. The
result was slightly exceeded the TLV of 28.0oC. The workers exposed to the radiant
temperature where there was a heat sources in an environment such as the sun. Besides, the air
velocity which is the speed of air moving across the worker and will affect the heat loss or heat
gain to the worker is low. The category of air velocity was low air speed, where the workers
can only just feel air movement on exposed flesh. The air temperature at BSAS zone was an
air in a neutral environment. In addition, the workers wore a light work clothing while working
throughout the day. Therefore, heat stress evaluation at BSAS zone was high risk where the
value of WBGT calculated was higher than TLV. All general control and applicable job
specific control need to be implemented.
Works conducted at D’Tebing zone also was categorised under moderate work with
description of a sustained moderate hand and arm work, moderate arm and leg work, moderate
arm and trunk work, or light pushing and pulling, normal walking and moderate lifting. The
work includes cutting of wood and steel, mixing cement and fabrication formwork. The
percentage of work and rest of this activity is approximately 75% work and 25% rest where the
workers were given breaks 30 minutes at the morning which was from 10.00 am until 10.30
am, lunch break at 12.00 pm for one hour and another 30 minutes from 3.00 pm until 3.30 pm.
Therefore, the work at D’Tebing zone was classified under moderate work that is conducted
75% work with 25% rest. The heat source is from the environment and directly from the sun.
Based on result calculated from the heat stress study at D’Tebing zone was 29.97oC
where the result exceeded the TLV of 28.0oC. The workers exposed to the radiant temperature
where there was a heat sources in an environment such as the sun. Besides, the air velocity
which is the speed of air moving across the worker and will affect the heat loss or heat gain to
the worker is low. The category of air velocity was low air speed, where the workers can only
just feel air movement on exposed flesh. The air temperature at D’Tebing zone was an air in a
neutral environment. In addition, the workers wore a light work clothing while working
throughout the day. Therefore, heat stress evaluation at D’Tebing zone was high risk where the
value of WBGT calculated was higher than TLV. All general control and applicable job
specific control need to be implemented.
5.3.5 Recommendation
Based on the findings of the study, both zone need further implementation of control
measures since the results exceed the standard given. Nevertheless, current administrative
controls which is limiting exposure time to the workers by giving short rest in the morning and
evening should be maintained.
Besides, the management could take action by providing trainings on heat stress that
covers knowledge of hazard of heat stress, recognition of predisposing factors, danger signs
and symptoms, awareness of first-aid procedures and the potential health effects of heat stroke,
employee responsibilities in avoiding heat stress, as well as the use of personal protective
equipment. Trainings also may include conducting heat alert program where the management
could conduct awareness program to the workers so that they will be educated and understand
the rationalization of health effect to heat exposure. This will encourage them to drink plenty
of water and follow safe working procedures.
The new workers should be acclimatised before assuming a full workload. It is
advisable to assign about half of the normal workload to a new employee on the first day of
work and gradually increased on subsequent days. Although well-trained, physically fit
workers tolerate heat better than people in poor physical condition, fitness and training do not
substitute for acclimatisation.
5.3.6 Conclusion
In conclusion, the management of main contractor and its subcontractor should take
both corrective and preventive measures, as long as practicable to be applied at Ekoriver
Construction Sdn Bhd regarding heat stress issues. This is to ensure employees work in
comfortable environment to prevent health effect regarding heat illnesses as well as to
maximize their productivity and reduce the loss time injuries in the workplace.
5.4 Personal noise monitoring
The best method of noise reduction is to use engineering modifications to the noise
source itself or to the workplace environment. Where technology cannot adequately control the
problem, personal hearing protection such as ear muffs or plugs can be used. However, personal
protection should be considered as an interim measure while other means of reducing
workplace noise are being explored and implemented. Therefore, it is important to identify
areas or work activities that cause excessive exposure to noise to the workers. On 8th May 2017,
personal noise monitoring has been conducted to identify the level of noise exposed to the
workers while using grinder in cutting tiles and brick for floor finishes.
5.4.1 Terminologies
“Action Level” means equivalent continuous sound level of 85 dB (A) or daily noise dose equal
to 0.5
“Ambient Noise” means the all-encompassing noise associated with a given environment, being
usually a composite of sound levels from many sources near and far
“dB” means decibel, a unit of measurement of unweight sound level using reference level of
20 micropascals
“dB(A)” decibel-A weighted, a unit of measurement of sound level corrected to the A-weighted
scale using a reference level of 20 micropascals
“Impulsive Noise” means variation in sound level that involves maxima at intervals of greater
than one per second
“Sound Level” ten times the common logarithm of the ration of the square of the measured A-
weighted sound pressure to the square of the standard reference pressure of 20 micropascals
“Peak Sound Pressure Level” means the peak instantaneous pressure expresses in dB
The legal requirement use is the Factories and Machinery (Noise Exposure) Regulations
1989. There are some important requirements stated in the regulation such as:
5.4.3 Methodology
The Noise Pro DLX Dosimeter was used to measure personal noise of worker at the
selected work activity. The personal noise monitoring has been conducted by installing the
dosimeter to the selected workers who work at the grinding work process. The dosimeter was
installed at 10.11 am until 5.28 pm, with sampling duration is 5 hours 40 minutes. The worker
is left to do their job and is under supervision and observation. The dosimeter was paused from
take the reading during launched break at 12.00 pm until 1.00 pm and during tea break at 3:00
pm until 3:30 pm. Table 5.7 showed the result of the personal noise monitoring while Table
5.8 showed the comparison of the result with the standard regulation.
5.4.4 Result
5.4.5 Discussion
Based on the Table 5.8, maximum level is 111.8 dB (A) and the peak level is 135.6 dB
which both of the reading are not exceeding the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) under
Factories and Machinery (Noise Exposure) Regulations 1989. As stated in the Regulation 5
where no employees shall be exposed to noise level exceeding 115 dB (A) and in Regulation
6 where no employee shall be exposed to impulsive noise exceeding a peak sound pressure
level of 140 dB. In the other hand, the result was clearly exceeded the PEL and action level
that have been stated by regulation which is 90.53.
But, according to CCOHS (2017), Noise Reduction Rate (NRR) can be considered if
the workers wear any hearing protection. For instance, subtract 25% for earmuff labeled NRR,
subtract 50% for slow recovery formable earplugs, and 70% for other earplugs labeled with
NRR. The formula to calculate the protected dB(A) as follow:
Where the unprotected dB (A) is to the noise data collected from the monitoring and
the NRR is the given rate for personal noise protective equipment. Therefore, the NRR should
be considered to the workers because he is wearing earplug while grinding. The workers wore
an earplug by Proguard Technologies model Connie-1 that have the NRR of 14 dB. Therefore,
the real exposure of noise to the worker who work at the grinding work process is:
The NRR has given the reduction noise of 7 dB to the worker who wear the hearing
protection. The actual exposure of the worker towards noise after he worn the earplug was
83.53 dB(A) where if compared with legal standard was below the PEL listed in the First
Schedule of Factories and Machinery (Noise Exposure) Regulations 1989 as shown in Table
In addition, earplug used by the worker which is Proguard Technologies model Connie-
1 Earplug was registered DOSH with the registration number of JKKP EP 87/04. It means that
the quality standard of the earplug itself including the NRR value was valid and approved by
the DOSH. Only the regular use of hearing protection devices (HPDs) can prevent the workers
suffering from noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) (Haron et al., 2014). Therefore, it is
important for the employer to provide a suitable HPDs to the workers if they exposed to the
noise to prevent occupational diseases to them in the future.
5.4.6 Recommendation
Although the result is compliance with the regulations, control measures must be
maintained and there are some recommendations that can be implemented in the industry
especially on the personal noise exposure. Noise exposure from the grinding activities cannot
be eliminated or substituted. This work process are making frictions and vibrations which
always produce noise. Cutting brick and tiles is one of the main work processes in the Masjid
Jamek area because they need to lay and install tiles and bricks for the floor finishes. However,
control measures that can be done by applying administrative control and the wearing of
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
a) Administrative control
Supervision from the supervisor is important and to make sure the workers practice safe
work procedure while working. Thus, employer must take responsibilities such as make sure
that every worker should have training of using the HDPs and always wear earplug while
performing any activities regarding grinding process. The employer must make sure that they
fully used the HPDs as stated in Regulation 4 of Factories and Machinery (Noise Exposure)
Regulation 1989 which is employee must wear and make full and proper use of the hearing
protection device provided. For workers that refuse to wear provided HPDs, they should be
taken discipline action accordingly.
The employers may also utilize administrative controls to lessen the impact of noise to
workers by performing job rotation among the workers. The worker that cutting brick and tiles
should perform another job that prevent them from expose to the noise sources, for example
installation of tiles on the floor. This include limiting the amount of time an individual worker
spends near the noise source, keeping workers as far away as possible from the noise source
where workers can recover from noise exposure.
Then, the management should provide a training program for the workers to ensure the
workers exposed to noise understand the effect of noise in long term to the hearing. The training
should include the purpose of hearing protection devices, the advantages and disadvantages of
using the HDPs. This training will increase the awareness of the workers on the importance of
HPDs and will reduce occupational diseases in workplace such as NIHL.
the personal protective equipment. Care must be taken to ensure that equipment is working
properly. Otherwise, PPE may endanger a workers’ health by providing an illusion of
5.4.7 Conclusion
As a conclusion, noise level recorded do not exceed the PEL as mentioned in Regulation
5 (1) after consideration of NRR to the workers which is 83.53 dB(A). Control measures in the
workplace should be maintained and strengthened to control and avoid the noise level
exceeding the PEL from the legal standard.
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Appendix A: Department of Safety, Health and Environment Activities
Picture 7: Traffic controller briefing Picture 8: Conduct weekly toolbox
(flagman). meeting.
Picture 9: Monitor night work Picture 10: Daily barrier check & site
activities. inspection.
Appendix B: Industrial Hygiene Monitoring
Picture 13: Heat Stress monitoring at Picture 14: Heat Stress monitoring at
D’Tebing area. BSAS area.
Picture 15: Installation of personal Picture 16: Tiles cutting activities for
noise dosimeter at the worker. floor finishes.
Graph 1: Heat measurement graph at BSAS.
Appendix C: Form used at the industry