Final 2011
Final 2011
Final 2011
a. Sales order is a document enlisting goods or services customers want to buy. It shows a sales
request from the customer. (Representing intent to sale)
b. Sales orders issued will be recorded in a ‘sales order journal’
c. When the goods on the sales order are shipped, sales invoice will be prepared for the goods
d. Sales orders recorded wouldn’t affect or up-date general ledger accounts. Since the transaction
is not yet complete by the time sales orders are issued
e. None
15. A journal shows detailed records of sales orders issued chronologically?
a. Sales Journal c. Sales Order register
b. Purchase journal d. None
16. One of the following is not true regarding sales invoices and related transactions?
a. Issuance of sales invoice occurs when the goods are actually shipped to the customer
b. Issuance of sales invoice indicates the actual sales transactions and completion of the earning
c. When goods are shipped after sales order had been sent for them, the specific sales order from
which the goods are shipped should be specified in the sales invoice in to ‘apply to sales order’
d. None
17. One of the following is not true regarding purchase invoices and related transactions.?
a. In case where the cash payment is not recorded from the ‘apply to purchase’
related with a given purchase invoice folder tab
issued earlier, such an event is to be c. Items purchased from vendors report
recorded from the ‘apply to expenses’ lists quantity and price of items
folder tab purchased from various vendors for a
b. Purchase invoice for the goods received specific period selected.
but that cannot be related with a given d. None
purchase order issued earlier should be
18. Return of items purchased is recorded in?
a. Vendor credit memo d. Purchase journal
b. General journal e. None
c. Sale journal
19. Which menu will you open to create chart of accounts?
a. Maintain menu c. Analysis Menu.
b. Task menu d. None
20. General information regarding terms of payment, aging, finance charges and the like is maintained
a. Default information. 7. In batch posting, the transactions you
b. As part of subsidiary ledger. enter are both posted and saved when
c. In general ledger accounts.
you click theSave button.F
d. None.
8. In cash basis accounting method,
Peachtree will provide you active
PART I: TRUE/FALSE (0.5pt each) receivable and payableaccountsF
ledger set up determines where the 10. In accrual basis accounting model,
account appea financial statements and there are no receivables and payables
how its amounts are handled at fiscal accounts.F
year end.T
11. If you age by invoice date, the aging
3. Customer defaults are information t reports show how old each invoice and
that you enter every time when you? set each balance is.T
up each customer's record.F
12. Account numbers can contain any
4. Once you select the posting method printable character except *, t, and?.T
you never change it after the completion
13. If you enter a new account, Peachtree
oI New Company Set up.F
assumes that this account has a zero
5. After creating new company, you can balance T
change the accounting methods between
14. The selection of business type
accrual basisand cash basis.T
determines the makeup of the equity
6. In real-time posting, the transactions section of the charts of accounts.T
you enter are saved to a temporary
15. After you close a fiscal year, you can
holding area, whereyou can review them
edit any transactions posted to the
before posting the batch to the General
General Ledger any time after the fiscal
year is closed.F
1. One of the following is not included for 6. It is basic information about the
terms and credits customer in general tabs
2. The standard payment terms does not 7. Which one of the following is odd?
include one aspects
A. Discount GL account
B. Prepaid
B. Due in numbers of days
C. Credit limit
D. Due in number of days
D. Net due in
8.......represent equity that is carried
4. It is not the equity character days forward from year to year
5. It is different from the three items in 9. The following item cannot be modified
sales tax at any time after completing the "setup a
A. Sales tax codes
company" process in Peachtree
B. Sales revenue balance
C. Vendor
A. Account method
D. Sales tax authority
B. Business type
C. Chart of accounts
D. Account period represents equity that is zeroed out
at the end of the fiscal year with the
10. Which one of the following is odd
amounts moved to the retained earnings
A. Invoice number account.
A. Cost of sales
B. Retained earning
D. Dividend
I. Discuss the basic difference between general and subsidiary ledger accounts (5Pts)
II. Discuss the basic difference between quotation and order (5pts
more detailed information about transactions and help in tracking specific activities
or balances within the organization.
In summary, general ledger accounts provide an overall view of a company's financial transactions,
while subsidiary ledger accounts offer detailed information about specific accounts. A quotation is
a preliminary offer provided by a seller to a buyer, while an order is a formal request made by a
customer to purchase goods or services.
1. List the item window of customer default windows and customer record windows?
2. List and discuss each of the sixteen account types Peachtree Accounting provides.
3. List the item windows of vendor default windows and vendor record windows?
4. List item windows of inventory default window and inventory item record windows?
1. The item window of customer default windows includes information such as customer
ID, customer name, address, contact information, credit limit, payment terms, etc. The
item window of customer record windows provides detailed information about a specific
customer, including transaction history, account balance, open invoices, etc.
2. Peachtree Accounting provides the following sixteen account types:
- Asset
- Liability
- Equity
- Revenue
- Cost of Goods Sold
- Expense
- Other Income
- Other Expense
- Bank
- Accounts Receivable
- Accounts Payable
- Credit Card
- Long-Term Liability
- Fixed Asset
- Other Current Asset
- Other Current Liability
3. The item windows of vendor default windows include vendor ID, vendor name, address,
contact information, payment terms, etc. The item window of vendor record windows
provides detailed information about a specific vendor, including transaction history,
account balance, open bills, etc.
4. The item windows of inventory default window include information such as item ID,
item name, description, cost, selling price, quantity on hand, reorder point, etc. The item
window of inventory item record windows provides detailed information about a specific
inventory item, including transaction history, stock levels, cost of goods sold, etc.
5. Steps to follow while setting up a new company in Peachtree Accounting may include:
- Creating a new company file
- Setting up company details such as name, address, fiscal year, etc.
- Configuring chart of accounts
- Setting up users and security permissions
- Defining vendors and customers
- Setting up inventory items
- Configuring tax settings
- Setting up bank accounts and other financial details