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Admin Law Pagenumber

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Duncon v. Cammel Laird Co. Ltd

Conway v. Rimmer

State of Punjab v. Sodhi Sukdev Singh

Amar Chand v. Union of India

Indira Nehru Gandhi v. Raj Narain

State of Orissa v. Jagannath Jena

S.P. Gupta v. Union of India

Union of India v. Anglo (Indo) - Afghan Agencies Ltd

Century Spinning and Manufacturing Co. Ltd. V. Ulhasnagar Municipal Council

Delhi Cloth and General Mills v. Union of India

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According to the Constitution, Parliament has a number of duties that each member is
responsible for carrying out. They are given parliamentary privilege or immunity from some
procedures so that they can do their duties without interference. The premise behind this
concept is that the dignity and authority that members of parliament possess must not be
diminished. The term "privilege" refers to the granting of certain privileges or immunity from
particular processes that are not available to the general public. This unique privilege is granted
to guarantee the smooth and successful operation of the system. Except where it serves the
interests of the Parliament, these privileges do not discriminate against or elevate members of
the public above the general populace. All individuals are treated equally and their fundamental
rights are upheld. When they are acting in their official capacity as a representative of a Member
of Parliament, these privileges are granted to them. These members are primarily granted these
privileges and immunities in court proceedings by Articles 105 and 122.

Every issue has a solution. These remedies assist in preventing the recurrence of the
extraordinary legal remedies that are accessible to an individual against an unlawful for the
purposes of administrative activities. However, they do not offer the person who has been
wronged full restitution. The existence of certain privileges and immunities possessed by the
state may limit private persons' access to ordinary courts and conventional legal remedies.

We will discuss below immunities/privileges to administration

 Immunities from the operation of the statute

 Privileges and Immunities under the Civil Procedure Code, 1908
 Privileges under the Evidence Act (Privileges to withhold documents)
 Relaxation in Limitation of Suits.
 Immunity from Promissory Estoppel

The various privileges available to the Government under various statutes are as follows:

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In England the rule is that its own laws do not bind the Crown unless by express provision or by
necessary implication they are made binding on it. Thus in England the statutes are not binding
on the crown unless by express provision or by necessary implication, they are made binding
thereon. Its basis is the maxim " the King can do on wrong. This rule was followed even in
India till 1967.

In India the present position is that the statute binds the State or Government unless expressly or
by necessary implication it has exempted or excluded from its operation. In case the State has
been exempted from the operation of the statute expressly, there is no difficulty in ascertaining
whether the statute is binding on the State or not but it becomes a difficult issue in case where
the State is exempted from the operation of the statute by necessary implication. However,
where the statute provides for criminal prosecution involving imprisonment, the statute is
deemed to be excluded from the operation of the statute necessary implication.

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CODE, 1908.

Section 80 (1) provides that no suit shall be instituted against the Government or against a
public officer in respect of any act purporting to be done by such public officer in his official
capacity, until the expiration of two months next after notice in writing has been delivered in the
manner provided in the section. The section is mandatory and admits of no exception. Thus, the
requirement of notice is mandatory. However, it is to be noted that if a public officer acts
without jurisdiction, the requirement of notice is not mandatory. Its object appears to provide
the Government or the public officer an opportunity to consider the legal position thereon and
settle the claim without litigation.

The Government may waive the requirement of notice; the waiver may be express or implied.

The requirement of notice causes much inconvenience to the litigants especially when they seek
immediate relief against the Government.

To minimize the hardships to the litigants a new Clause (20 was inserted in Section 80 of the
C.P.C by the Civil Procedure Code Amendment Act, 1970. The clause provides that the Court
may grant leave to a person to file a suit against the Government or a public officer without
serving the two-months’ notice in case where relief claimed is immediate and urgent. Before
granting this exemption the Court is required to satisfy itself about the immediate and urgent

It is to be noted that S.80 of the C.P.C does not apply to a suit against a statutory Corporation.
Consequently in case the suit is filed against the statutory Corporation. Consequently, such
notice is not required to be given in cases the suit is filed against statutory Corporation.

Section 80 does not apply with respect to a claim against the Government before the claim
Tribunal under the Motor Vehicle Act.

Section 80 of the C.P.C. does not apply to a writ petition against the Government or a public
officer, the requirement of notice as provided under Section 80 of the C.P.C is not required to be
complied with Section 82 of the C.P.C. also provides privilege to the Government. According to

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this section where in a suit by or against the Government or the public officer, a time shall be
specified in the decreed within which shall be satisfied and if the decree is not satisfied writhing
the time so specified and within three months from the date of the decree. Where no time is so
specified, the Court shall report the case fro the orders of the Government. Thus a decree
against the Government or a public officer is not executable immediately. The Court is required
to specify the time within which the decree has to be satisfied and where no such time has been
specified, three months from the date of the decree will be taken to be the time within which is
to be satisfied. If the decree is not satisfied within such time limit the Court shall report the case
for the orders of the Government.

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In England the Crown enjoys the privilege to withhold from producing a document before the
Court in case the disclosure thereof is likely to jeopardize the public interest. In Duncon v.
Cammel Laird Co. Ltd. The Court held that the Crown is the sole judge to decide whether a
document is a privileged one and the court cannot review the decision of the Crown. However,
this decision has been overruled in the case of Conway v. Rimmer. In this case the Court has
held that it is not an absolute privilege of the Crown to decide whether a document is a
privileged one. The court can see it and decide whether it is a privileged one or not.

In India Section 123 provides that no one shall be permitted to give any evidence derived from
unpublished official records relating to any affair of State except with the permission of the
officer at the Head thinks fit. Only those records relating to the affairs of the State are
privileged, the disclosure of which would cause injury to the public interest. To claim this
immunity the document must relate to affairs of state and disclosure thereof must be against
interest of the State or public service and interest.

The section is based on the principle that the disclosure of the document in question would
cause injury to the public interest And that in case of conflict between the public interest and the
private interest, the private interest must yield to the public interest.

The Court has power to decide as to whether such communication has been made to the officer
in official confidence. For the application of Section124 the communication is required to have
made to a public officer in official confidence and the public officer must consider that the
disclosure of the communication will cause injury to the public interest.

According to Section162 a witness summoned to provide a document shall, if it is in his

possession or power, bring it to the Court, not with outstanding any objective which there may
be to its production or to its admissibility. The Court shall decide on the validity of any such
objection. The court, if it sees fit, may inspect the document, unless it refers to the matters of
State or take other evidence to enable it to determine on its admissibility. If for such purpose it
is necessary to cause any document to be translated the Court may, if it thinks fit, direct the

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translator to keep the contents secret, unless the direction, he shall be held to have committed an
offence under Section 166 of the Indian Penal Code.

Sections 162 apply not only to the official documents but also to the private documents.

It is for the Court to decide as to whether a document is or is not a record relating to the affairs
of the State. For this purpose the Court can take evidence and may inspect the document itself.

In State of Punjab v. Sodhi Sukdev Singh, court had the opportunity of discussing the extent of
government privilege to withhold documents where twin claims of governmental confidentiality
and individual justice compete for recognition.

The court was very alive to the constraints of this privilege on private defense, therefore
Gajendragadkar, J. delivering the majority judgment cautioned that care has to be taken to see
that interests other than that of the public do not masquerade in the garb of public interest and
take undue advantage of the provision of Section 123. In order to guard against the possible
misuse of the privilege, the court also developed certain norms. First, the claim of privilege
should be in the form of an affidavit, which must be signed by the Minister concerned, or the
Secretary of the Department. Second, the affidavit must indicate within permissible limits the
reasons why the disclosure would result in public injury, and that the document in question has
been carefully read and considered and the authority is fully convinced that its disclosure would
injure public interest. Third, if the affidavit is found unsatisfactory, the court may summon the
authority for cross-examination.

Working the formulations still further, the court in Amar Chand v. Union of India, disallowed
the privilege where there was evidence to show that the authority did not apply its mind to the
question of injury to the public interest which would be caused by the disclosure of the
document. In Indira Nehru Gandhi v. Raj Narain, the Court compelled the production of Blue
Books of the policy and disallowed the claims of privilege. In State of Orissa v. Jagannath Jena,
the Supreme Court again disallowed the privilege on the ground that the public interest aspect
had not been clearly brought out in the affidavit. In this case, the plaintiff wanted to see
endorsement on a file by the Deputy Chief Minister and the I. G. of Police.

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The law on Government privileges took a new turn in S.P. Gupta v. Union of India, The
question in the present case was whether the correspondence between the Law Minister and
these Chief Justices ought to be produced in the Supreme Court, so, as to enable the court to
judge the question of validity of the non-continuance of an Additional Judge in the Delhi High
Court. The government opposed the production of these reports on the ground that their
disclosure would injure public interest under Section 123 of the Indian Evidence act. But the
Supreme Court ruled otherwise. The case is a definite evidence of court's attempt to promote the
ideal of open Government in India.

Justice Bhagwati took some such view in the above case when he expressed his faith in the ideal
of an open Government. Merely secrecy of the Government is not a vital public interest so as to
prevail over the most imperative demands of justice.

In giving a new orientation to the statutory provision in question, Bhagwati, J. emphasized,

"Where a society has chosen to accept democracy as its creedal faith, it is elementary that the
citizens ought to know what their Government is doing." He observed: "The citizen's right to
know the facts, the true facts, about the administration of the country is thus one of the pillars of
a democratic state. And this is why the demand for openness in the Government is increasingly
growing in different parts of the world."

He further pointed out that if the process and functioning of Government are kept shrouded in
secrecy and hidden from public scrutiny, it would tend to promote and encourage oppression,
corruption and misuse or abuse of authority.

The decision has opened a new dimension of judicial control over the exercise of privileges
under Sections 123 by the executive. The Court now has assumed the power of inspection of
documents in camera and if it finds that its disclosure would harm the public interest, the claim
for non-disclosure might be upheld. If the disclosure, to the mind of the Court, does not harm
the public interest, its disclosure would be ordered.

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Limitation Act provides certain time frames to file an application, suits or appeal. After the
expiry of certain time you cannot file a suit in court.

Government is given relaxation in respect of time. If it is mandatory to file a suit within 12

years, you cannot file it after 12 years. If you want to file a suit, you have apply for condonation
of delay and give some reason. However government is not required to give any reason and they
have been given relaxation in limitation of suit.

This relaxation is based on the maxim "nullum tempus occurit regi" meaning no time runs
against the king.


Article 149 of the First Schedule of the Limitation Act of 1890 prescribed a longer period of
limitation for suits by or on behalf of the State. The Act of 1963 contains a similar provision
under Article 112. The Article applies to the Central Government an all the State Governments
including the Government of the State of Jammu land Kashmir. This longer limitation period
was based on the common law maxim nulla tempus occur it rein, that is, no time affects the

The longer period of limitation, however, does not apply to appeals and applications by

Under Section 5 of the Limitation Act, it is provided that an appeal or application may be
admitted after the expiry of the period of limitation if the court is satisfied that there was
sufficient cause for the delay. It was held that the government was not entitled to any special
consideration in the matter of condo nation of delay.

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Estoppel is a rule whereby a party is precluded from denying the existence of some state of
facts, which he had previously asserted and on which the other party has relied or is entitled to
rely on. Courts, on the principle of equity, to avoid injustice, have evolved the doctrine of
promissory estoppels.

The doctrine of promissory estoppel or equitable estoppel is firmly established in administrative

law. The doctrine represents a principle evolved by equity to avoid injustice. Application of the
doctrine against government is well established particularly where it is necessary to prevent
manifest injustice to any individual.

The doctrine of promissory estoppel against the Government also in exercise of its Government,
public or executive functions, where it is necessary to prevent fraud or manifest injustice. The
doctrine within the aforesaid limitations cannot be defeated on the plea of the executive
necessity or freedom of future executive action.

The doctrine cannot, however, be pressed into aid to compel the Government or the public
authority "to carry out a representation or promise.

a) which is contrary of law; or

b) which is outside the authority or power of the Officer of the Government or of the public
authority to make."

It is to be noted that Estoppel cannot be pleaded against a minor or against statute. Estoppel
does not lie against the Government on the representation or Statement of facts under Section
115 if it is against the statute or Act of the Legislature but it may be applied in irregular act. The
liability of the Government has been extended by the doctrine of Promissory Estoppel.


Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel is often applied to make the Government liable for its
promises and stopped from going back from the promise made by it. According to this doctrine
where a person by words or conduct and the other person acts on such promise changes his

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positive to his detriment, the person who gives such promise or assurance cannot be allowed to
revert or deviate from the promise.


In India, the courts are invoking this doctrine; ?In Union of India v. Anglo (Indo) - Afghan
Agencies Ltd. , The doctrine of Promissory Estoppel was applied against the Government. This
case developed a new judicial trend. The Court upheld the application of Promissory Estoppel
to the executive acts of the State. The Court negated the plea of executive necessity. Under the
scheme an exporter was entitled to import raw materials equal to the amount, which was
exported. Five lakhs rupees worth goods were exported by the petitioner but he was given
import license for an amount below two lakh rupees. The Court held that the Government was
bound to keep its promise. The scheme was held to be binding on the Government and the
petitioner was entitled to get the benefit of the scheme.

The Supreme Court in Century Spinning and Manufacturing Co. Ltd. V. Ulhasnagar Municipal
Council, again extended the doctrine of Promissory Estoppel. In this case this doctrine was
applied against public authorities. The Court has made it clear that this Court will not make a
distinction between a private individual and a public body so far as the doctrine of Promissory
Estoppel is concerned.

In short, if the Government makes a promise and promisee acts upon it and changes his
position, then the Government will be held bound by the promise and cannot change its position
against the promisee and it is not necessary for the promisee to further show that he has acted to
his detriment. For the application of the doctrine of Promissory Estoppel it is not necessary that
there should be some pre-existing contractual relationship between the parties.

In Delhi Cloth and General Mills v. Union of India, the Supreme Court has held that for the
application of the principle of Promissory Estoppel change in position by acting on the
assurance to the promise is not required to be proved.

However, the judicial opinion is that it cannot be invoked against a statutory provision or to
support an ultra vires act or to compel the Government or a public authority to carry out a
promise, which is contrary to law, or ultra vires its powers.

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The doctrine of Promissory Estoppel is not applied in the following conditions:

1. Public Interest: The doctrine of Promissory Estoppel is an equitable doctrine and therefore it
must yield place to the equity if larger public interest requires. It would not be enough to say
that the public interest requires that the Government would suffer if the Government were
required to honor it. In order to resist its liability the Government would disclose to the Court
the various event insisting its claim to be exempt from liability and it would be for the Court to
decide whether those events are such as to render it equitable and to enforce the liability against
the Government.

2. Representation against law: The doctrine of Promissory Estoppel cannot be applied so as

compel the Government or the public authority to carry out a promise, which does law prohibit.

3. Ultra vires promise or representation: If the promise or representation made by the officer is
beyond his power, the State cannot be held liable for it one the basis of the Principle of
Promissory Estoppel.

4. Fraud: the doctrine of Promissory Estoppel is not applied in cases where the promise from the
Government is obtained by fraud.

5. Fraud on the Constitution: The doctrine of Promissory Estoppel is not applied in cases when
the promise or representation is obtained to play fraud on the Constitution and enforcement
would defeat or tend to defeat the Constitutional goal.

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If a member of parliament satisfies the requirements set forth in the section, they may request
the privileges under administrative law, which are entirely dependent upon the Court. In order
to keep the government running efficiently, privileges are nothing more than an exclusive right
that is granted. Such privileges and immunities may result in the abuse of power, thus they are
offered in a way that they can be utilised in their official capacities, and the court has the last
say on whether to award them. The public order, the interests of the government, and the
efficient operation of the legislature must all be taken into consideration when determining
whether a power or privilege is being abused. Government is powerful. Actually very powerful.
Adding to that power there are additional immunities and privileges enjoyed by government in
legal proceedings. These privileges and immunities are needed for administrative convenience.

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 Dr. Avtar Singh, Principles Of The Law Of Evidence, 454,(Central Law Publication,
Allahabad, 10th edn., 2013)
 Administrative Law IP Massey
 AIR 1971 SC 1897
 AIR 1968 SC 718
 AIR 1979 SC 621
 AIR 1980 SC 1285
 1990, 1 SC 176
 AIR 1979 SC 621
 AIR 1998 SC 966
 https://www.lawteacher.net/free-law-essays/administrative-law/scope-of-promissory-

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