PhysRevB 108 014412
PhysRevB 108 014412
PhysRevB 108 014412
Pramod Bhatt ,1,2,* Nilasha Maiti ,1,2 M. D. Mukadam ,1 Sher Singh Meena ,1 A. Kumar,1,2 and S. M. Yusuf1,2,†
Solid State Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085, India
Homi Bhabha National Institute, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai 400 094, India
(Received 19 January 2023; revised 4 April 2023; accepted 22 June 2023; published 11 July 2023)
We report on the existence of cluster spin-glass behavior and magnetocaloric properties of potassium-ion-
intercalated copper hexacyanoferrate open framework material K2x/3 Cu[Fe(CN)6 ]2/3 · nH2 O (x = 0 and 0.3)
synthesized using a coprecipitate method. The structural properties are investigated using room-temperature
powder x-ray and neutron diffraction measurements. The results derived from the fitted x-ray and neutron diffrac-
tion data using the Rietveld refinement method reveal that both compounds are in pure single-nanocrystalline
phase with face-centered cubic crystal structure of space group F m-3m. The room-temperature Mössbauer
spectroscopy reveals the presence of a low-spin (LS) state of FeIII for compound x = 0, whereas for compound
x = 0.3, LS states of FeII and FeIII are evident. The chemical and Mössbauer studies reveal stoichiometries
of compounds as CuII [FeIII (CN)6 ]2/3 · 3.75 H2 O (x = 0) compound (1) and K0.2 CuII [FeII0.3 FeIII
0.7 (CN)6 ]2/3 · H2 O
(x = 0.3). The dc magnetization measurement shows a magnetic phase transition from a paramagnetic to a
ferromagneticlike state below the magnetic ordering temperatures of ∼18.6 and ∼16.3 K for the compounds (1)
and (2), respectively. The positive value of Curie constants obtained from the fitting of the Curie-Weiss law in the
paramagnetic region confirms the presence of ferromagnetic interaction in both compounds. The spin-only effec-
tive paramagnetic moments are found to be ∼2.3 and ∼1.9 μB /f.u. for compounds (1), and (2), respectively. The
analysis of ac susceptibility measurements as a function of frequency shows that the spin dynamics follows the
Vogel-Fulcher and the power law. The best fitted values of τo = 4.037 × 10−7 s and 3.5 × 10−6 s for compounds
(1) and (2), respectively, confirm a cluster spin-glass behavior of both compounds. A neutron depolarization
study further validates the cluster spin-glass nature of both compounds. The magnetocaloric effect for both the
compounds is further investigated and found to be higher for compound (1) than compound (2). The maximum
magnetic entropy change—SM under a magnetic field of 50 kOe is found to be ∼6.61 and 2.95 J kg−1 K−1 for
compounds (1) and (2), respectively. The relative cooling power is found to be 78.3 J kg−1 for compound (1) and
40 J kg−1 for compound (2).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.014412
transition metal ions involved in the cyanobridging [20,21]. A field emission scanning electron microscope (make
Moreover, their properties are associated with the synthesis Carl Zeiss Auriga, with Gemini) with energy-dispersive
parameters and methods which lead to the porous struc- x-ray analysis is used for surface morphology and
ture. The Y (CN)6 vacancies also exist in the compounds, chemical analysis. The stoichiometries of the com-
but they depend on the stoichiometry of the compound. pounds are found to be Cu[Fe(CN)6 ]2/3 · 3.75 H2 O
0.7 (CN)6 ]2/3 · H2 O for x = 0 and
However, control over the stoichiometries and vacancies is and K0.2 CuII [FeII0.3 FeIII
relatively difficult to optimize during the synthesis. There- 0.3, respectively. The compounds x = 0 and 0.3 are
fore, the MCE in PBAs is not investigated extensively or denoted further as compounds (1) and (2), respectively.
reported in the literature. The MCE in PBAs has only been Room-temperature x-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of both
reported for a few compounds, particularly the nickel- and compounds are recorded using a Rigaku diffractometer over
chromium-based PBAs. For example, a thin film of the PBA an angular (2θ ) range of 5◦ −70◦ with Cu Kα radiation.
of nickel hexa-cyanochromate deposited by the layer-by-layer The analysis of XRD data is carried out using FULLPROF
method has been studied for the MCE [16]. The maximum software based on the Rietveld refinement method [26].
entropy changes of 7.43 and 7.07 J kg−1 K−1 at 5 T have The room-temperature neutron diffraction patterns for both
been reported for parallel and perpendicular configurations, compounds are recorded (wavelength λ = 1.094 Å) using a
respectively. For CsNi[Cr(CN)6 ] · H2 O, the highest entropy neutron powder diffractometer, at Dhruva reactor, Trombay,
change is recorded near TC and found to be −SM = (5.9 ± India. The neutron depolarization experiments are carried
0.7) J kg−1 K−1 [22]. The vacancy-dependent MCE has also out using the polarized neutron spectrometer [27] at Dhruva
been studied in nickel-based PBA Csx Ni4 [Cr(CN)6 ](8+x)/3 · reactor, Trombay, India.
H2 O. The vacancies have been controlled during the synthesis, Room-temperature Mössbauer spectroscopy in transmis-
and −SM is found to be 6.6 and 6.9 J kg−1 K−1 for CsNiCr sion geometry with the constant acceleration mode is used
and NiCr 2/3 , respectively. Similarly, the MCE has been inves- for determination of the ionic state and local surroundings
tigated in ternary PBA Ni1.5 [Fe(CN)6 ]x [Cr(CN)6 ]1−x · nH2 O of Fe ions in both compounds. The Co–57 source in Rh
(x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1). The maximum value of −S matrix of strength 50 mCi is used for this purpose. Fur-
(∼8.04 J kg−1 K−1 ) has been found for the compound with ther, the magnetic properties are investigated in detail using
x = 1 under magnetic field of 50 kOe [15]. The value of the temperature-dependent dc magnetization measurements in
MCE for the magnetic materials is maximum at the magnetic field-cooled (FC) conditions down to 5 K using a Cryogenic
ordering temperature. The entropy change is also dependent Ltd., UK, make commercial magnetic properties measurement
on magnetic field change as S ∝ H n , where n is the critical system. The magnetization data vs field at 5 K are measured
exponent. The present compound, copper hexacyanoferrate over an applied magnetic field of ±50 kOe for both com-
in the family of PBAs, is useful for its applications in the pounds. The ac susceptibility study as a function of frequency
fields of batteries, energy storage, ion removal, and biosensors in the low-temperature region is also carried out to investigate
[23–25]. The thermoelectric properties of copper hexacyano- the spin dynamics of both magnetic compounds. For the mag-
ferrate have also been investigated. However, despite many netocaloric study, the FC magnetization measurements over
technological applications of copper hexacyanoferrate, its the magnetic ordering temperature are measured at various
magnetic and magnetocaloric properties have not yet been external magnetic fields for both compounds.
investigated in detail. Therefore, in this paper, we report
on the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of K+ -ion-
intercalated Cu-Fe-based PBA molecular magnets and reveal III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
cluster spin-glass behavior and high entropy change in such
open framework materials. A. X-ray and neutron diffraction study
The Rietveld refined room-temperature x-ray and neutron
powder diffraction patterns of both compounds are shown
in Fig. 1. The refinement shows that both compounds are
II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS in a pure single-crystalline phase with a cubic structure of
the space group F m-3m. The important structural parameters,
The room-temperature coprecipitation method is used for derived from the combined Rietveld analysis of x-ray and
the synthesis of K2x/3 Cu[Fe(CN)6 ]2/3 · nH2 O (x = 0 and 0.3) neutron diffraction data, are shown in Table I.
stoichiometric compounds of PBAs. The chemicals, received The lattice parameters are found to be ∼10.128 ± 0.001
from Sigma Aldrich, are of reagent grade and used with- and 9.997 ± 0.004 Å for compounds (1) and (2), respectively.
out further processing. The chemicals CuCl2 · 2H2 O and The observed slight decrease in lattice constant for compound
K3 [Fe(CN)6 ] in a 0.15 and 0.1 M molar ratio, respectively, (2) as compared with compound (1) could be due to smaller
dissolved in aqueous solution and then mixed together to form bond lengths of Cu-N and Fe-C and the presence of more elec-
a compound Cu[Fe(CN)6 ]2/3 · nH2 O (x = 0), whereas for the trons, which are introduced by the reduction of [FeIII (CN)6 ]
x = 0.3 compound, the Fe3+ ions are reduced with 0.1 M to [FeII (CN)6 ]. The schematic crystal structures of both com-
K2 S2 O3 , resulting in the incorporation of K+ ions into the pounds, as obtained from the Rietveld refinement, are shown
structure, which leads to the formation of the mixed-valence in Fig. 2. It is observed that both compounds are crystallized
0.5± (CN)6 ]2/3 · mH2 O compound. The
K0.2 CuII [FeII0.5± FeIII into a cubic crystal structure in which transition metal ions
precipitated compounds are washed many times with distilled CuII and FeIII occupy the 4a (0, 0, 0) and 4b ( 21 , 21 , 21 ) crystal-
water and dried up at room temperature. lographic sites, respectively. The alkali metal ions K+ occupy
FIG. 1. The Rietveld refined room-temperature (a) x-ray diffraction and (b) neutron diffraction patterns of compounds (1) and (2). The
experimentally observed and fitted patterns are shown by the open circles and solid lines, respectively. The difference between experimental
and fitted patterns is shown by the solid lines at the bottom. The positions of allowed Bragg peaks are shown by vertical lines. The (hkl) values
of the Bragg peaks are also marked for both compounds.
some of the interstitial sites of uncoordinated water molecules Bragg peak, the average crystallite sizes are estimated to be
in compound (2), as shown in Fig. 2. ∼350 ± 15 and ∼220 ± 10 Å for compounds (1) and (2), re-
It has been observed that totals of ∼3.75 and ∼1 water spectively. The refinement results, obtained from the fitting of
molecules are present in compounds (1) and (2), respectively. neutron diffraction data, are consistent with the XRD results.
The water molecules, which occupy the interstitial sites of 8c The background in the neutron diffraction patterns of both
and 32 f in the crystal structure, are known as uncoordinated compounds is due to the hydrogen of the compounds. The
water, whereas the water molecules which are connected to N PBAs exhibit structural disorder which arises due to vacan-
atoms (situated at 24e sites) are known as coordinated water. cies and clustering of uncoordinated water molecules in the
The crystallite size in the compound is derived using compounds evident from the neutron diffraction results [28].
τ= ,
t cos θ B. Mössbauer spectroscopy study
where τ is the mean size of the crystalline domains, K is Mössbauer spectroscopy is carried out to find out the spin
a dimensionless shape factor with a value close to unity states and local atomic environment of Fe atoms in both
(0.9), λ is the x-ray wavelength, and t is the line broaden- compounds. Figure 3 shows fitted Mössbauer spectra at room
ing at half the maximum intensity. Using the most intense temperature, recorded at a velocity of 4.0 mm/s, of both
TABLE I. Rietveld refined structural parameters for compounds (1) and (2). The fractional coordinates are denoted as x , y , and z .
PRAMOD BHATT et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 108, 014412 (2023)
TABLE II. Hyperfine parameters for compound (1) and compound (2).
Fe-site and Isomer shift (δ), Quadrupole splitting Line width (), Relative area Goodness of
Sample ionic state (mm/s) (EQ ), (mm/s) (mm/s) (%) fit (χ 2 )
Compound (1) Doublet A −0.026 ± 0.008 0.443 ± 0.005 0.332 ± 0.005 35.9 ± 0.5 0.87
(Fe3+ LS)
Doublet B −0.188 ± 0.002 0.475 ± 0.004 0.278 ± 0.003 64.1 ± 0.5
(Fe3+ LS)
Compound (2) Doublet A −0.098 ± 0.005 0.200 ± 0.005 0.322 ± 0.04 29.9 ± 0.5 0.92
(Fe2+ LS)
Doublet B −0.156 ± 0.005 0.518 ± 0.006 0.371 ± 0.004 70.1 ± 0.5
(Fe3+ LS)
PRAMOD BHATT et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 108, 014412 (2023)
D. AC susceptibility study
Figure 7 shows ac magnetic susceptibility data for both
compounds. The ac magnetic field amplitude of 2 Oe is ap-
plied in the temperature range of 5–25 K. Both the in-phase
(χ ) and out-of-phase (χ ) susceptibilities exhibit peaks at
around TP ∼ 16.8 K. The in-phase susceptibility (χ ) changes
with respect to frequency. The peak maxima of the in-
phase (χ ) susceptibility are frequency dependent for both
PRAMOD BHATT et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 108, 014412 (2023)
TABLE III. Comparison between the maximum magnetic entropy change −SM and the RCP for the present compounds and other similar
PBAs reported in the literature.
Compounds TC (K) H (kOe) (J kg−1 K−1 ) (J kg−1 ) References
Cu[Fe(CN)6 ]2/3 · 3.75 H2 O 18.6 50 6.61 78.3 This paper
0.7 (CN)6 ]2/3 · 1H2 O
K0.2 CuII [FeII0.3 FeIII 16.3 50 2.95 40.0 This paper
Ni3 [Cr(CN)6 ]2 · 15H2 O 60 50 6.49 273.07 [15]
Ni3 [(Cr(CN)6 )1.5 Fe(CN)6 )0.5 ] · 15 H2 O 52 50 5.78 273.33 [15]
Ni3 [(Cr(CN)6 )1 Fe(CN)6 )1 ] · 15 H2 O 41 50 5.47 235.84 [15]
Ni3 [(Cr(CN)6 )0.5 Fe(CN)6 )1.5 ] · 15 H2 O 33 50 6.06 208.62 [15]
Ni3 [(Fe(CN)6 )]2 · 15H2 O 22 50 8.04 145.35 [15]
Csx Ni4 [(Cr(CN)6 )](8+x)/3 (x = 0) 60 70 6.9 [47]
Csx Ni4 [(Cr(CN)6 )](8+x)/3 (x = 4) 90 70 6.6 [47]
CsNi[(Cr(CN)6 )] · H2 O 90 70 6.6 [22]
Cr 3 [(Cr(CN)6 )]2 · 12 H2 O 230 70 0.93 [22]
PRAMOD BHATT et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 108, 014412 (2023)
P.B. would like to thank A. Jain and V. B. Jayakrish-
Potassium-ion-intercalated copper hexacyanoferrate open nan for their help in the neutron and XRD measurements,
framework materials, K2x/3 Cu[Fe(CN)6 ]2/3 · nH2 O [x = 0 for respectively.
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