Hasnain Et Al 2022
Hasnain Et Al 2022
Hasnain Et Al 2022
opportunities to the producers and farmers. The sterile or endangered flora can
also be conserved by plant micro propagation methods. Hence, plant tissue
culture is an extremely efficient and cost-effective technique for biosynthetic
studies and bio-production, biotransformation, or bioconversion of plant-
derived compounds. However, there are certain limitations of in-vitro plant
regeneration system including difficulties with continuous operation, product
removal, and aseptic conditions. For sustainable industrial applications of in-
vitro regenerated plants on a large scale, these constraints need to be
addressed in future studies.
An overview of tissue culture process (A, B) small explant develops callus which then produces shoots a few weeks after being placed into
tissue culture media (C) “A to I” shows complete procedure from single cell placement to MS media to development of a complete plant (D)
How all phases in plant tissue culture from initiation, multiplication, root formation, shoot formation and acclimatization occurs.
2021). Due to advancement in contemporary techniques, several traits (Hussain et al., 2012; Gleba et al., 2014; Hasnain
protocols have been developed for the production of a wide et al., 2020).
variety of plants secondary metabolites on a commercial scale Various crops with superior traits have been developed using
(Shasmita and Naik, 2018). Furthermore, plant tissue culture this technology with enhanced nutritional value and biotic/
coupled with biotechnological approaches is applicable to the abiotic stress resistance that leads to increased crop yield
development of genetically modified plants as well as embryo (Ravishankar and Venkataraman, 1990; Rishirumuhirwa, 2007;
rescue procedures (Altpeter et al., 2016; Tegen and Mohammed, Ragavendran and Natarajan, 2017). Different transcription
2016; Sadiku et al., 2018). It plays a pivotal role in vector- factors which regulate nutrient assimilation pathways have
mediated or vector-independent gene-delivery into plant been over expressed in staple crops that may improve crop
genome for the production of transgenic plants with improved yield (Kurai et al., 2011; Hasnain et al., 2020). Plant propagation
In vitro plant propagation of plants at Tissue Culture Lab (A, B) Roots are fully developed prior to moving plants to pots of soil.
using tissue culture techniques have also provides a valuable 3 Plant tissue culture methods
commercial prospect in the industrial manufacture of
ornamental plants, vegetable and fruit plants with Several methods are available for plant tissue culture. In
economically important products (Hussain et al., 2012). The organogenesis, the commonly used method,organ formation can
current review gives insights into the research that has been occur directly from meristems, or indirectly from
conducted successfully on in-vitro plant regeneration in order to dedifferentiated cells (callus). The resultant cultures can then
obtain valuable bioactive phytocompounds having several be utilized to mass produce plants (micro propagation) or to
applications. The review also focuses on major constraints develop specific organs (e.g., roots in hairy root culture)
associated with the use of plant tissue culture technique that (Espinosa-Leal et al., 2018).
need to be addressed for sustainable industrial applications.
Various useful products can be obtained as food products,
pharmaceutical products and cosmetics via in vitro plant 3.1 Organogenesis
regeneration (Niazian et al., 2017; Chandran et al., 2020).
However, plant tissue culture studies are needed to be Organogenesis is the production of plant organs from a
conducted on a large scale in order to ensure food security specific tissue in order to develop complete plants. It is
and meet the demand of food supply of increasing human characterized by being polar, which means that just one aerial
population (Ragavendran and Natarajan, 2017). In this review organ or root is released and a new complete plant is generated
we have discussed micro-propagation of some plants species to from this. Simultaneously, organogenesis can be direct in which
have a better understanding of significance of pant micro- the organogenic shoot is produced directly from the explants, or
propagation in different industries. indirect, in which the organogenic process happens from
previously created callus in the original explants (Gupta
et al., 2020).
2 Plant propagation types
The two types of plant propagation are mentioned as follows 3.2 Somatic embryogenesis
In vitro suspension cultures are created when friable calli Lateral bud node culture is carried out on a short piece of
are grown on liquid medium in a suitable container and stem tissue where stem portions carrying single or many nodes
regularly agitated to provide free cell suspension. Conical may be cultivated. Each bud is cultivated to produce a single
flasks are utilized because of its enormous surface area, which shoot (Sidhu, 2011).
aids in the retention of liquid medium and the constant
exchange of gases. Suspension cultures are classified as batch
or continuous cultures. At regular intervals, a part of the original 4.7 Isolated root culture
cell suspension is collected and sub-cultured on to fresh medium
in batch cultures. In continuous cultures, new media is In isolated root culture, a branching root system can be
introduced to the same culture on regular basis, and surplus generated by growing roots that are not attached to shoots
cell suspensions are discarded. Suspension cultures are (Ahluwalia et al., 2016).
commonly utilized in large-scale synthesis of secondary
metabolites. Chemostat bioreactors are the devices particularly
built for large-scale continuous culturing (Smith and Drew, 4.8 Embryo culture
1990a; Smith and Drew, 1990b; Baezas-Lopez, 1995; Kodym
and Zapata-Arias, 2001; Ahloowalia et al., 2004; Bimonte et al., Embryo culture has fertilized or unfertilized zygotic (seed)
2011; Sidhu, 2011; Chen et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2016a; Titos et embryos dissected from maturing seeds or fruits and cultivated
al., 2016; Suman, 2017). in vitro until seedling formation. Embryo culture is not the same
as somatic embryogenesis (Gupta et al., 2020).
Recent breakthroughs in plant cell culture, molecular 6 Applications of plant tissue culture
biology, enzymology, and fermentation technology indicate
that these systems are a viable source of synthesis ofimportant Since earliest times, humanity has been dependent on plants
secondary metabolites. Plants infected with an engineered virus for food, flavors, medicines and many other uses (Rai et al.,
generate relatively significant amounts of desired chemicals, and 2011). Because the spectrum of phytochemicals is larger than
these plants can sustain steady levels of protein synthesis without that of any other class of creature, plants are the most plentiful
extra intervention (Sajc et al., 2000). Large-scale plant tissue source of herbal remedies in the food and cosmetics sectors
culture has been shown to be an appealing alternative approach (Barbulova et al., 2014). Plant tissue culture can be used for a
to traditional plantation methods since it provides a regulated wide range of purposes with various applications in research and
supply of biochemicals independent of plant availability (Sajc industry (Rai et al., 2011; Niazian et al., 2017; Chandran et al.,
et al., 2000). Kieran et al. (1997) examined the effects of several 2020). The major commercial applications which in vitro plant
engineering parameters on cell suspension cultures for the propagation offers are in the following major industries
recovery of important metabolites (Vanisree et al., 2004). (Table 1).
Tissue culture technology advancements show that
transcription factors are effective new molecular tools for plant
metabolic engineering to boost the synthesis of important 6.1 Food industry
chemicals (Gantet and Memelink, 2002; Hasnain et al., 2020).
In vitro cell culture has the inherent advantage of producing Plants are main source of life on planet earth for living
therapeutic proteins such as monoclonal antibodies, antigenic creatures and exclusively providing nutrition to humans and
proteins that act as immunogens, human serum albumin, being the source of phyto-constituents like starches, proteins,
interferon, immuno-contraceptive proteins, antihypertensive dietary fibers, minerals and cancer preventive agents
drug angiotensins, and human haemoglobin in certain (Khosroshahi et al., 2006; Nasr et al., 2007). Plant tissue
situations (Wongsamuth and Doran, 1997). culture is a powerful tool of agricultural improvement and
Tissue culture technique offers several advantages over plant offers tangible solutions to major crop problems that arise due
propagation under natural conditions (Bhojwani and Dantu, to constant threat of biotic and abiotic stresses minimizing the
2013; Chandran et al., 2020). It is a rapid procedure as crop yield (Ragavendran and Natarajan, 2017; Eibl et al., 2018).
thousands of seedlings can be produced from small fragments Plant tissue culture coupled with different biotechnological
of plants in a short period of time in contrast to conventionally approaches leads to a sustainable agricultural ensuring food
propagated flora (Mattick, 2018). This also helps to accelerate the productivity and safety (Alexandratos and Bruinsma, 2012;
production process of new crop varieties with superior traits as Bhojwani and Dantu, 2013). Various transgenic plants
tissue culture experiments require less time and space compared including Arabidopsis, wheat and tobacco are developed
to in-vivo plant growth (Krasteva et al., 2020). Tissue culture can through genetic engineering and plant tissue culture
be used to propagate perennial plants; irrespective of weather or conferring resistance against different environmental stresses
season (Ahmad and Anis, 2007). It also helps in the development (Voytas and Gao, 2014; Hasnain et al., 2020). Since plant
of pathogen-free micro-plants saved from various diseases and the tissue culture is simple, low-cost and environment friendly, it
new plants produced by tissue culture under aseptic conditions are is imperative to employ this technique for the development of
also sterile (Chiipanthenga et al., 2012; Bayoudh et al., 2015; Tegen sustainable agriculture in order to meet the food demand of
and Mohammed, 2016). Furthermore, several plant species increasing human population (Gahakwa et al., 2012; Hussain
generate resistant seeds that cannot be retained for extended et al., 2012; Altpeter et al., 2016). The greatest value of plant cell/
periods of time; in this situation, tissue culture can be utilized tissue culture rests not so much on their application to mass
for plant conservation in vegetative state, generally under slow clonal propagation (micro propagation), but also in their
growth conditions (Lambardi et al., 2008), or for cryopreservation involvement in plant improvement and bio-processing. Its
(Garcı́a-Gonzá les et al., 2010). In some cases, inter-specific and uses extend well beyond crop cultivation and productionas it
inter-generic hybrids can be obtained using embryo rescue has an enormous potential of bridging the gap between the
technique which is not possible through conventional methods research institutes and industry. The agro-industry based
(Mattick, 2018). Tissue culture has been extensively utilized in projects are crucial to achieve agricultural sustainability
breeding programs for over 50 years. The hybrids of such crosses enabling the ultimate target, the stakeholder, reap benefit of
are often sterile due to embryo abortion but can be ‘rescued’ by extensive research being done across the globe (Suman, 2017). In
means of culturing or transplanting the embryos. The media this review we have discussed micro-propagation of some fruits
conditions used for the cell culture can be modified accordingly to and crops with high nutritional value to have a better
provide more acceptable results for the performed experiments understanding of role of plant tissue culture towards
(Pant, 2014). sustainable agriculture (Figure 3).
Food Rice Gives high yield irrespective of Produce less resilient plants, Less acceptance (Roy et al., 2000; Sparks and
seasonal requirements and towards tissue cultured food plants in general Jones, 2014; Yaqoob et al., 2016;
require less area for production public, no need of herbicide and pesticide Hasnain et al., 2018; Hasnain
Wheat Wheat varieties are resistant application et al., 2020)
against different diseases with
increased yield and high
nutritional value
Pineapple (Smooth Cayenne) High yield, Gives efficient and
fast production of required flora
Banana Cheap and sterile planting
materials ultimately giving a
high yield during whole year
Chocolate Unique taste and aroma
Pharmaceutical Codeine To relieve pain as well as Less production of secondary metabolites, (Czyz et al., 2014; Hayden et al.,
coughing difficult to remove secondary metabolites from 2014; Mali and Chavan, 2016)
Atropine Treat the symptoms of decreased the culture
heart rate
Reserpine Treat high blood pressure
Hyoscyamine Treat a range of gastrointestinal
Digoxin Used to treat heart failure
Scopolamine Avoid nausea and vomiting
induced by motion sickness
Morphine Pain killer
Cosmetics Rubusidaeushydrosoluble Anti-inflammatory activity in It is difficult to maintain aseptic conditions (Ebile et al.,2018)
extract skin cells resulting high cost.
Nicotianasylvestriscell wall Collagen synthesis and
preparation protection in skin cells
Coffeabengalensishydrosoluble Epidermal hydration and
extract collagen synthesis in skin cells
Dolichosbiflorushydrosoluble Anti-inflammatory activity and
extract UV damage protection
Malusdomesticus whole lysate Reversion of aging signs
6.1.1 Banana tissue culture for planting and are of low quality. Tissue culturing is an
Common bananas are cultivars of Musa acuminate, native efficient method for addressing problems pertaining to its low
to South Asia. They are one of the essential fruits that are being production (Strosse et al., 2004). The challenge involved with
consumed as a staple food in the developing countries conventional banana breeding is better understood by the fact
(Njuguna et al., 2003; Dubois et al., 2013). Banana is also that no new commercially suitable banana cultivar has been
regarded as an important export produce in tropic regions of generated over 60 years of continuous breeding efforts (Rowe,
the world; however, its production has been reduced during the 1984). In fact, bananas are one of the few crops that are grown
last few years (Macharia et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2019). Because using exclusively clones produced from natural somatic
banana is an essential food crop and the second most significant mutations.Each mother plant produces one to eight suckers
fruit crop after mango, considerable care has been given to in line, which is insufficient (Ko et al., 2009; Rossmann et al.,
recording the stages needed in effective micro propagation of 2012). The solution is to propagate cheap and sterile planting
banana. Despite the banana crop’s high nutritional and materials using tissue culture technique whilethe micro
economic value, the major production restriction is due to propagation of bananas will not only lead to fast
lack of dependable and safe planting material. Diseases, pests, multiplication of desirable banana cultivars butproduces
and a lack of planting materials have all been blamed for the disease-free planting material may also be made available
drop in production. Planting materials obtained by traditional throughout the year (Dubois et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2019;
means (suckers) are insufficient to fulfill the growing demand Selvakumar and Parasurama, 2020).
Recent methods used for industrial production of bioactive compounds via plant tissue culture.
Agricultural diversification to satisfy our future demands determinants is the genetic stability of the cultivar or genotype.
necessitates the implementation of innovative agricultural While there is little that can be done to control intrinsic
technology. The finest cultural methods, excessive fertilizers, variables, micro propagation, is comparatively useful in
and pest control procedures will not yield the desired results modulating the intrinsic factors by controlling external factors
unless the best planting material is used. Tissue culture is now that would be, otherwise, difficult under natural conditions
widely being used as a viable horticultural propagation (Walduck et al., 1988; Hasnain et al., 2020). Commercial
technology, and it has changed the horticultural business. This laboratories are now using tissue culture protocols that
approach is used to achieve mass proliferation and the creation minimize somaclonal variations, and working on creating
of disease-free stock material (Suman, 2017). accurate screening and selection approaches for early detection
Various studies depict that micro propagated bananas are of off-types.Although somaclonal variation is deleterious to
capable of outperforming compared to conventional planting quick clonal multiplication, some off-types have been
material techniques (Smith and Drew, 1990a; Dubois et al., 2013; discovered that have significant agronomic utility. ‘Mons
Suman, 2017). However, the prevalence of somaclonal Mari,’ a micropropagated Cavendish cultivar, with extra-long
variations, referred to as off-types in the industry, remained finger length for all hands and fruit (2-3 cm) longer than
the most serious difficulty that developed to limit widespread typicalis one of the examples. This selection has the potential
acceptance of micropropagated banana planting material. to increase profits through extra-large fruit sales. A dwarf form
Plantings from commercial laboratories have been found to with no visible choke-throat difficulties, larger, more open
include up to 90% off-types (Walduck et al., 1988), with hands, and may exhibit higher wind resistance than ‘Williams’
dwarfism being the most prevalent off-type detected. Dwarfs isanother option. These plants are now being replicated for field
are more prone to ‘choke-throat,’ a physiological condition in testing in a variety of Queensland locations (Walduck et al.,
which the bunch fails to emerge entirely from the plant, and 1988; Bestoso et al., 2006; Chen et al., 2016b; Reinhardt et al.,
their hands are more densely packed, making dehanding more 2018) (Figure 4).
difficult (Smith, 1988).These difficulties can be overcome by
altering the type and concentrations of phytohormones in 6.1.2 Pineapple tissue culture
culture media, the number of subcultures, and selecting In tropical places, the pineapple is a popular vegetatively
different types of explantse.g. axillary buds are more stable propagated crop; nevertheless, pineapple production is limited
than adventitious buds. One of the most important intrinsic due to a lack of planting materials (Be and Debergh, 2006;
In vitro propagation of banana (A) Callus formation to roots development (B) Maturation of plants in media (C) Plant sown in pot (D) Plant sown
in soil in controlled conditions, acclimatization (E) Sowing of plant in the field (F) Tissue culture produced Banana field.
Nikumbhe et al., 2013). Suckers and slips were traditionally used After that, the rooted shoots are planted in a sterilized soil
to propagate pineapple, resulting in a limited number of substrate (Usman et al., 2013; Akin-Idowu et al., 2014; Reinhardt
seedlings that did not meet farmer demand. Tissue culture et al., 2018). In other cases, auxiliary buds are taken from slips or
provides a practical technique to produce the needed amount suckers and put on different medium to promote explant
of desired flora in this regard (Roy et al., 2000). Explants establishment followed by single shoot growth, shoot
produced from crown-tip meristems are sterilized and proliferation, and finally root initiation. Preliminary studies
cultivated on MS media enriched with cytokinins in an onin vitro propagation of pineapple by Geoge and Sherrington
efficient and cost-effective procedure for commercial micro- (1984) demonstrated that multiplication rates of 30 to
propagation of Smooth Cayenne (a spine-free variety of 50 per month were obtained on medium containing
pineapple). Direct organogenesis is used to regenerate several benzylaminopurine (BAP), compared to 4-5 per year with
shoots, which are then rooted in auxins-supplemented medium. traditional propagation. The use of large quantities of
cytokinins in multiplication media, on the other hand, has been (Chen et al., 2008) have been developed using tissue culture and
linked to the induction of somaclonal variations (Geoge and biotechnological approaches. Callus culture is widely being used
Sherrington, 1984). Plantings from commercial laboratories with to develop plants conferring resistance against various diseases
a multiplication rate of four per month contained a maximum of responsible for drop in crop yield (Efferth, 2019). Over the last
5% variations (predominantly rough-leaved types) from a total few decades, one of the main research objectives is to enhance
of ten thousand plants. This indicates an appropriate wheat production in order to meet the demands of increasing
amountgiven the benefits of nursery establishment.Moreover, human population. The use of different biotechnological
pineapple plants in their first generation of in vitro propagation approaches is quite promising in attaining these objectives
have shown a high number of slips and suckers. This has been (Contardo-Jara et al., 2018; Hasnain et al., 2018). The
beneficial for increasing planting material in nursery blocks transcription factors involved in carbon and nitrogen
(Figure 5). metabolism pathways are over expressed in wheat varieties,
using tissue culture technique, which proved to be promising
6.1.3 Wheat tissue culture in increasing wheat yield (Pena et al., 2017; Hasnain et al., 2020)
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) belonging to family poaceae is (Figure 6).
one of the most important staple crops worldwide as it plays a
crucial role in meeting human nutritional requirements (Rashid 6.1.4 Rice tissue culture
et al., 2012; Contardo-Jara et al., 2018). To fulfill daily nutritional Rice (Oryza sativa L.) has been cultivated for more than
requirements of growing human population, wheat production 7000 years as a major food crop and presently more than 50%
should be increased to an annual rate of 2% (Sparks et al., 2014). of world’s human population is dependent on it (Afolabi et al.,
Wheat tissue culture is one of the alternatives of conventional 2008; Ahmad et al., 2013). Rice is a rich source of nutritional
breeding strategies that may lead to the development of wheat carbohydrates supplying 50-80% of daily calorie requirements
varieties resistant against different diseases (Sparks and Jones, of human population (Jan et al., 2001; Afrasiab and Jafar,
2014; Hasnain et al., 2018; Hasnain et al., 2020). The transgenic 2011). Rice breeders have mostly focused on utilizing natural
wheat lines conferring resistance against take-all disease which is diversity using hybridization and recombination methods.
damaging to plant roots (Liu et al., 2013) and sharp eyespot Some of the rice cultivars including Taichung Native-I, IR-8,
In vitro propagation of pineapple (A, B) Initiation and multiplication stage (C–E) Root and shoot formation, plants are fully grown to move to
pots of soil.
Wheat tissue culture (A) Inoculation of single cell to tissue culture media (B) Root and shoot development (C, D) Roots are fully developed prior
to moving plants to pots of soil.
Mashuri, IR-36, and other products of are well-known around are referred to as medicinal plants (Atanasov et al., 2015). They
the world for their better performance against stresses. Despite are rich in phytochemicals which have the spectacular capability
this, breeders’ attention is occasionally drawn to technologies to treat diseases and may be used for the industrial production of
that provide faster solutions to a wide variety of challenges pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals (Chandran et al., 2020; Pant
(Raina, 1989). Among these advancements, plant tissue culture et al., 2021). The medicinal properties of this flora are due to the
techniques have received the most interest since they promise heterogeneous group of herbal metabolic merchandise called
to provide a variety of approaches to crop improvement secondary metabolites which can be divergent of their structure
difficulties.Tissue culture of rice is one of the approaches of and metabolic pathways (Shasmita and Naik, 2018). The
increasing rice production via efficient plant regeneration extensive research on plant cell culture has caused a surge in
method (Yaqoob et al., 2016; Kaya and Karakütük, 2018). the use of this technique in the pharmaceutical industry (Czyz
Different explants are used to initiate rice calli which include et al., 2014; Hayden et al., 2014; Mali and Chavan, 2016). The
immature embryos, mature embryos, root segments, manufacturing of pharmaceuticals using culture systems of
coleoptiles and leaf bases that play a significant role in plants can provide remarkable benefits including cost
attempts to increase rice yield (Seraj et al., 1997; Li et al., reduction, quick production, and scalability (Hesami et al.,
2007; Benlioglu et al., 2015) (Figure 7). 2017; Espinosa-Leal et al., 2018). Plants are abundant sources
of pharmaceutically significant compounds; however, there is a
need to manufacture these compounds within stringent
6.2 Pharmaceutical industry laboratory conditions (Table 2).
Plants are used to treat and prevent particular illnesses and 6.2.1 Secondary metabolite production from
diseases in human beings since the time immemorial (Chandran plant cultures
et al., 2020). Egyptians, Romans, and Chinese give strong proofs The tissue culture experiments on medicinal plants
of the usage of medicinal plants for the treatment different conducted by Veeresham and Chitti (2013) revealed that
human ailments (Stafford, 1991; Cowan, 1999). Plants which various secondary metabolites having medicinal values can be
possess healing metabolites with useful pharmacological effects obtained from plant cell culture (Bhattacharyya et al., 2017;
Rice tissue culture (A–C) Single cell to callus formation (D, E) Sub culturing and regenerated plants are ready to move to pots.
Shasmita and Naik, 2018). Biotechnological approaches 2018; Pant et al., 2021). Micro-propagation is a valuable
associated with plant tissue culture have increased the scope of technology since many secondary plant metabolites cannot be
medicinal plants along with traditional agriculture used for the manufactured chemically (Caldentey and Inze, 2004;
industrial production of bioactive metabolites (Matsuura et al., Bhattacharyya and Van-Staden, 2016).
ELELYSO™ Carrot or tobacco cell Enzyme replacement Protalix, Carmiel, Israel and Pfizer, USA, ProCellEx® Stable Expression, First plant-made
(taliglucerasealfa) culture human recombinant therapeutic protein approved (2014)
Vaccine (NDV) Tobacco suspension Against Newcastle disease Dow Agrosciences, LLC, Indianapolis, USA, First tobacco cell-based vaccine approved by
cultures virus the FDA against Newcastle disease virus in poultry
VEN150 Rice seeds For HIV-associated chronic Ventria Bioscience, Junction City, KS, USA, Express Tec Stable Expression Scale Cost
Moss-GAA Moss Pompe disease Greenovation Biotech GmbH, Heilbronn, Germany
Moss Physcomitrella patens-based Broytechnology
Speed Scale and Customized
Moss-GBA Moss Gaucher’s disease; Fabry Greenovation Biotech GmbH, Heilbronn, Germany, Moss Physcomitrella patens based
Moss-AGAL Nicotianabenthamiana disease; Influenza, Rabies Broytechnology, Speed Scale and Customized Medicago, Qué bec, QC, Canada
Alfalfa Rotavirus Proficia™ Transient Expression; Stable Expression
Antibody Duckweed leafy For non-Hodgkin’s Synthon, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, LEX system Stable expression, Speed quality
biomass lymphoma
Antibody Tobacco leaves HIV Fraunhofer IME, Aachen, Germany, Stable Nuclear Expression
Scale Cost
Serum albumin Rice seed Healthgen, Wuhan, Hubei, China, Stable Expression, Quality Scale
CaroRx Tobacco leaves Dental caries PlanetBiotechnology, Hayward, CA, USA, Stable Expression
Quality Scale
PBI-220 Tobacco leaves Antibody for anthrax PlanetBiotechnology, Hayward, CA, USA, Stable Expression
DPP4-Fc Coronavirus infection Quality Scale
6.2.2 Plant cell suspension cultures manufactured chemically (Caldentey and Inze, 2004;
An extensive research is being carried out on exploring the Bhattacharyya and Van Staden, 2016).
biosynthetic properties of plant cell cultures over the last decade Tissue culture has been extensively utilized in breeding
(Siahsar et al, 2011). Cell suspension culture methods are programs for over 50 years. The hybrids of such crosses are
currently being employed for large-scale plant cell culture often sterile due to embryo abortion but can be ‘rescued’ by
from which secondary metabolites are extracted. A suspension means of culturing or transplanting the embryos. The medium
culture is created by moving the comparatively friable utilized for cell culture can be optimized for the production of
component of the callus into liquid media and maintaining it desirable products (Atanasov et al., 2015; Pant et al., 2021).
under appropriate physical conditions of aeration, agitation, Various plant tissue culture systems have been extensively
light, temperature, and other physical factors (Chattopadhyay studied to improve and enhance the production and quality of
et al., 2002; Rao and Ravishankar, 2002). Cell cultures not only plant metabolites produced by the medicinal plants (Pant, 2014).
produce defined standard phytochemicals in huge quantities, but Alkaloids are the structurally diverse group of secondary
they also reduce the presence of interfering substances found in metabolites which possess significant biological activities
field-grown plants. The primary benefit of cell cultures is the (Moreira et al., 2018). Plants make them as a defense
production of bioactive secondary metabolites in a controlled mechanism in response to biotic and abiotic stressors (Taha
environment that is independent of climate and soil conditions et al., 2009), hence, several plants produce them in reaction to
(Chattopadhyay et al., 2002). caterpillars that feed on them, and they are potentially dangerous
(Hussain et al., 2018; Peng et al., 2019). The invasion species’
6.2.3 Hairy root cultures parasympathetic nervous system is blocked by these alkaloids.
In the last two decades, this technique based on Plant tissues would collect very little or no alkaloids if this sort of
Agrobacterium rhizogenes inoculation has gained popularity as aggression did not exist (Apone et al, 2010). The following are
a means of creating secondary metabolites generated in plant some of the most commonly utilized alkaloids in the
roots (Palazon et al., 1998). Organized root cultures can pharmaceutical business:
contribute significantly to the generation of secondary The isoquinoline alkaloid berberine (BBR) is extracted from
metabolites. Hairy root disease is caused by Agrobacterium the roots, stems, and rhizomes of Coptis chinensis, Coptis
rhizogenes in plants. The neoplastic (malignant) roots, japonica, and various other herbal plants and used in oriental
generated at rapid growth rate, by A. rhizogenes infection are medication for hundreds of years (Peng et al., 2019).
genetically stable and are developed in hormone-free conditions Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicines, oriental nutrition,
(Hu and Du, 2006). Hairy roots high stability (Giri and Narasu, and dietary therapy, and tuina or oriental bodywork are the
2000) and productivity allow them to be used as a powerful five major branches of oriental medicine, which are the oldest
instrument for the recovery of important secondary metabolites codified system of medicine (Chen et al., 2017; Yu et al., 2018).
(Pistelli et al., 2010). Generally, substances released by roots They restore health and balance by treating illness through five
serve as a stockpile of defense chemicals that plants can use to major branches of oriental medicine, which include
strengthen their inherent defense mechanisms or defend acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicines, oriental nutrition and
themselves against pathogenic attacks. In order to improve dietary therapy, and tuina or oriental bodywork. Plant extracts
and optimize the number and quality of medicinal plant are used to make Oriental remedies (berberine chloride) (Zhang
metabolites, many plant tissue culture techniques have et al., 2017). Moreover, berberine is typically used as an oral
been extensively investigated (Pant, 2014). The following are medicine for the treatment of excessive cholesterol, high blood
some of the most often utilized plant-derived metabolites pressure, diabetes, or excessive levels of lipids in the blood
as medicines. (Kawano et al., 2015; Jing et al., 2018). It is also used as a
topical remedy for canker sores and burns (Cui et al., 2018).
6.2.4 Pharmacologically important plant Valepotriates is the name given to a set of compounds
secondary metabolites determined to have tranquilizing results, in addition to proof
The tissue culture experiments on medicinal plants of having antitumor and cytotoxicity effects (Boss et al., 2002;
conducted by Veeresham and Chitti (2013) revealed that Patocka and Jakl, 2010). Valerianaceae, consisting of herbs and
various secondary metabolites having medicinal values can be rarely shrubs, has been used for decades to obtain medicinal
obtained from plant cell culture (Bhattacharyya et al., 2017; drugs. Traditionally, valepotriates has been used to treat spastic
Shasmita and Naik, 2018). Biotechnological approaches colitis and gastrointestinal pain (Becker and Chavadej, 1988;
associated with plant tissue culture have increased the scope of Andreatini and Leite, 1994). The tissues of Valerianaceae,placed
medicinal plants along with traditional agriculture used for the in a growth medium, are used to investigate which species
industrial production of bioactive metabolites (Matsuura et al., produced better levels of the desired compounds and are
2018; Pant et al., 2021). Micro-propagation is a valuable resistant against various stresses. A lot more research is being
technology since many secondary plant metabolites cannot be done on the micro-propagation of Valerianaceae to explore the
Structures of (A) Berberine (B) Valepotriates (C) Taxol.
compounds with medicinal value (Boss et al., 2002; Jarema, addition to being free of pathogens, pollutants, and pesticide
2008) (Figure 8). residues, plant cells generated under aseptic laboratory
Another compound is Taxol which was generically known as conditions rarely include any malignant compound or
paclitaxel, was granted FDA (Food and Drug administration) potential allergen, which would otherwise destroy the majority
approval in 1992 (Khosroshahi et al., 2006). The drug is of the plant extracts obtained (Schmid et al., 2008; Trehan et al.,
administered to ovarian cancer patients and is often used as a 2017; Eibl et al., 2018). Plant cell suspension cultures are
secondary treatment when chemotherapy is failed in these cultivated in single-use wave-mixed bioreactors or renewable
patients (Badi et al., 2015). Taxol is mainly extracted from the stainless steel stirred bioreactors in commercial production
bark of wild Taxus brevifolia trees, however, due to its increased today. Single-use wave-mixed bioreactors are perfect for
demanda as an anti-cancerous drug; researchers are primarily personalized goods due to their modest operational capacity,
interested in its in vitro propagation of taxol producing flora for improved security, and more quick and simple operation
a more rapid and environment friendly technique (Walker et al., (Barbulova et al., 2014; Krol et al., 2020).
2004; Nasr et al., 2007). As a result, plant tissue culture is a viable In recent decades, due to increased customer demand for
technology for producing desirable bioactive chemicals from cutting-edge cosmetic formulations made with efficient,
plants. Plant tissue culture is also used to help save endangered secure, and sustainable components, the cosmetic industry
species, as many therapeutic plants are on the verge of extinction has expanded internationally and become extremely
due to overuse (Rout et al., 2000; Bestoso et al., 2006; Chen et al., competitive (Zappelli et al., 2016). Plant tissue cultures are a
2016c; Vidyagina et al., 2021). Further investigations on various perfect source of safe and pure components for cosmetic
plant species having medicinal values is needed to explore as goods since they can be cultivated under controlled
most of the natural flora is still unidentified. The development of conditions with minimum possibility of pathogen or
plant tissue culture techniques will expand the long-term use of environmental contamination. Utilizing various extraction
therapeutic plants in the future (Balunas and Kinghorn, 2005). techniques and solvents while taking advantage of the
chemical makeup of plant cell components, plant tissue
culture technology allows the isolation of many active
6.3 Cosmetic Industry ingredients from a single culture (Apone et al., 2018).
Discussed below are in vitro propagated plant species
Over the last ten years, the enticing trend of natural specifically known for producing valuable pyhtocompounds
cosmetics production has ushered in a new era of plant cell with potential uses in cosmetics: (Table 3).
culture technology and during this time, more than 50 cosmetic
products based on extracts of plant cell cultures have been
developed, the bulk of which are made with plant cell 6.3.1 Bean (Dolichos biflorus)
suspension cultures (Charles et al., 2017; Krasteva et al., 2020). A hydrosoluble extract of Dolichos biflorus cell cultures was
Plant cell culture cosmetic production is not dependent on examined for the amount of isoflavones such genestin and
appropriate seasonal conditions; thus, it requires less time and daidzen, and their glucosidic derivatives. In addition to
energy. Cosmetic extracts derived from plant cell cultures suit avoiding cellular damage, these substances also reduce the
the market’s increasingly stringent safety requirements. In inflammation caused by ultraviolet (UV) light in dermal and
TABLE 3 Popular active cosmetic ingredients derived through plant cell culture technology (Krasteva et al., 2020).
PhytoCellTec™ Symphytum Water extract Boosts the regenerative power of epidermal stem Mibelle AG https://mibellebiochemistry.com/
Symphytum officinale L. cells, increases epidermal thickness, improves Biochemistry phytocelltectm-symphytum
barrier function
PhytoCellTec™ Saponaria Water extract Maintains dermal stem cell vitality after UV Mibelle AG https://mibellebiochemistry.com/
nunatak® pumila L. irradiation, improves skin density, elasticity and Biochemistry phytocelltectm-nunatakr
Deobiome Noni Morinda Anti‐quorum Protection and balance of microbiome, Vytrus Biotech https://www.vytrus.com/products/
citrifolia L. sensing Metabolism shift from lipids to polysaccharides, deobiome-noniprcf-the-biological-
molecules; sugars Quorum-sensing inhibitors, Skin health and deodorant/?portfolioCats=17
Arabian Cotton Gossypium Phenols and Anti‐oxidants, Photoprotective (sun-block), Vytrus Biotech https://www.vytrus.com/products/arabian-
PRCF herbaceum L. flavonoids enhances cell viability, modulates inflammatory cottonprcf-the-broad-spectrum-protector-
response in human epidermal progenitor cells against-photo-aging/?portfolioCats=17
epidermal cells, known as solar erythema (sunburn), which is 6.3.5 Rose mallow (Hisbiscus syriacus)
characterized by skin reddening brought on by an increase in Another example of an active ingredient created for use in
blood flow and capillary dilation (Bimonte et al., 2014). skin care products comes from rose cell suspension cultures (Di
Martino et al., 2017). Flavonoids and coumarins, which are
6.3.2 Shrub (Daphne odora) known for having tissue-regenerating capabilities, were found in
Another illustration of the characterization of a plant cell the hydroethanolic extract of H. syriacus cellsin a chemical study
culture extract for cosmetic uses comes from the evergreen shrub (Borges Bubols et al., 2013). On both fibroblasts and
Daphne odora, which is particularly interesting because it can keratinocytes, the extract was examined for its capacity to
withstand low temperatures. The ability of a hydrosoluble hydrate wounds and promote wound healing. Ex vivo studies
extract from shrub cell cultures to alleviate cutaneous irritation of human skin biopsies from injured people confirmed these
by cold stress was investigated (Bimonte et al., 2018). findings in which topical applications of H. syriacus extract
dramatically improved wound closure by increasing the
production of neo-epidermis (Di Martino et al., 2017)
6.3.3 Raspberry (Rubus ideaus)
The expression of genes related to skin hydration, including
6.3.6 Butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii)
aquaporin 3, filaggrin, and involucrin, was induced by the
In plant cell suspension cultures of the butterfly bush
liposoluble extract made from raspberry cell cultures. Additionally,
(Buddleja davidii), the chemical verbascoside, a
the extract boosted the expression of the ceramide-producing
phenylpropanoid glycoside, renowned for its antioxidant, anti-
enzymes glucocerebrosidase and hyaluronic acid synthase and
inflammatory, photoprotective, and chelating activities was
stimulated their activity. Additionally, it demonstrated an
generated in high concentrations (Vertuani et al., 2011). In
extraordinary capacity to hydrate skin when tested on human skin
vivo investigations showed that this substance suppressed the
in vivo, indicating that it had tremendous potential as a skin care
activity of collagenases linked to skin ageing as well as the
agent, particularly for dry and ageing skin (Titos et al., 2015).
activation of pro-inflammatory factors.
Lotus japonicus plant was considered as a possible skin- pigment manufacture. Thus, one of the primary objectives of
rejuvenating element (Tito et al., 2019). When the skin lightening substances in cosmetics is to reduce the effects of
combination was chemically characterized, it was discovered to sun exposure and age spots, which are mostly constituted of
include a significant sugar fraction with high concentrations of melanin and give the skin an even tone. Sena et al. (2018)
glucose, galactose, mannose, and fructose. Saccharides are examined the depigmentation effects of two different extracts
recognized to have advantageous effects on hydration with made from the hairy root cultures of, subsp. pekinensis (Chinese
anti-inflammatory effect on dermal cells. As a matter of fact, cabbage) and Brassica Rapa. Some popular plant-derived active
the function of sugars in cosmetics has not been fully cosmetic ingredients that are currently available in the market as
understood, more research needs to be done to explore the mentioned and elaborated in Table 3.
underlying mechanism (Tolg et al., 2014).
Plant cell cultures are now being used for the production of
‘cosmeceuticals’, products having cosmetic as well as therapeutic 7 Limitations
(medical or drug-like) effects that exert beneficial effects on skin
health. An extensive investigation is being done to investigate the Despite of various useful applications of plant-derived
plant sources producing active ingredients, such as antioxidants, compounds obtained via in vitro plant propagation, there are
ingredients with antimicrobial, anti-viral, anti-cancerous, anti- certain limitations which need to be addressed in order to reap
fungal, anti‐inflammatory, and anti-allergy properties along with maximum benefit of this technique. The limitations include
moisturizing, anti‐ageing, anti‐wrinkle and UV protective difficulties with continuous operation, product removal, and
properties, which are crucial to cosmetics industry (Apone aseptic conditions. A few culture systems appear to have the
et al., 2010; Tito et al., 2011; Morus et al., 2014). Most of the potential to become commercially viable because of these
phytochemicals such as polyphenols, phenolics acids, limitations (Goel et al., 2011). Furthermore, the prevalence of
triterpenes, flavonoids, stilbenes, steroids, carotenoids, somaclonal variation in populations formed from tissue culture
steroidal saponins, sterols, fatty acids, polysaccharides, sugars, has a detrimental impact on the utilization of tissue culture and
and peptides are extracted with relevant solvents and utilized as has remained a serious concern. Somaclonal variation is variance
active constituents in cosmetic preparations (Barbulova et al., that originates in cell and tissue cultures. At the moment, the
2014; Furusaki and Takeda, 2017). word somaclonal variation refers to all types of tissue culture
Applications of plants/flowers extracts in cosmetics are produced variations (Bajaj, 1990), Since Braun (1959) first
significant which include skin moisturizing, whitening or observation and description of somaclonal variation; it has
tanning products, sunscreens, radical-scavenging antioxidants, been one of the key issues of many tissue cultivated plants.
immune stimulants, and skin thickeners etc. (Ochoa‐Villarreal Plant cell development in vitro and regeneration into full plants
et al., 2016; Georgiev et al., 2018). Because of its ability to is an asexual process that involves just mitotic division of the cell
minimize wrinkles in the crow’s feet area of the face, a liposome- and, ideally, should not result in variation. Clonal multiplication
encapsulated extract of cultured apple stem cells is employed as of genetically homogenous plants is the ideal scenario.
an ideal ingredient in anti-aging products (Satish et al., 2019; Uncontrolled and unpredictable spontaneous variation
Krasteva et al., 2020; Krol et al., 2020). Chemicals isolated from throughout the cultural process is thus an unanticipated and
Catharanthusroseus are currently used in the manufacturing of largely undesirable phenomenan (Ranghoo-Sanmukhiya, 2021).
both ordinary consumer and professional care cosmetics, This is attributed to somaclonal variation in production clones
demonstrating significant potential in protecting skin from and low secondary metabolite titers (Sharma et al., 2014). In
heavy metal toxicity (Mallurwar and Pathak, 2008; Schmid contrast to these detrimental consequences, its use in crop
and Zülli, 2012; Blum et al., 2013; Hayta et al., 2017; Meir improvement through the development of new variations is
et al., 2018). Moreover, the supplements that lessen hair loss and widely recognized.
skin aging by nourishing skin and boosting body’s immune The expense of culture material, electricity, and labor are
system are being produced via plant tissue culture (Ribeiro et al., other issues with in vitro tissue cultivation. Alternative materials
2015; Murthy et al., 2019). The concentrates from unique or such as home sugar or other sugars as carbon sources, as well as
endangered plant species can also be made accessible for various types of starches and plant gums in place of agar, have
cosmetic production using plant cell culture techniques (Blum been used in numerous experiments to overcome this problem.
et al., 2013; Ribeiro et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2016b; Murthy et al., Alternatives have included liquid media and cell suspension
2019). Melanin is one of the most extensively dispersed pigments cultures, temporal immersion systems, and reusable glass beads
found in bacteria, fungi, and animals, therefore, suppression of as support matrices (Etienne and Berthouly, 2002; Ahloowalia
the melanin-producing enzyme tyrosinase is one of the most and Savangikar, 2003; Sahu and Sahu, 2013; George and Manuel,
frequent defense strategies used by the roots (Apone et al, 2018). 2013). Bioreactors and robotic propagule handling, for example,
Human skin color is largely influenced by the amount of have been shown to save production costs. Another issue that
melanin produced by melanocytes, and tyrosinase controls this occurs with plant tissue culture is the plants’ genetic stability.
Somaclonal differences that occur during in vitro propagation, attain its full potential, thanks to new technologies like gene
commercial phytochemical synthesis, or genetically modified editing and environmental component manipulation. However,
plants can have significant economic consequences and are a the major constraints need to be addressed for sustainable
major impediment to the practical application of plant tissue industrial applications of in-vitro regenerated plants on a large
culture techniques for the production of active metabolites scale. The tissue culture experiments on medicinal plants
(Rahman and Rajora, 2001). As a result, the genetic conducted by Veeresham and Chitti (2013) revealed that
constitution and stability of in vitro-regenerated plants must be various secondary metabolites having medicinal values can be
monitored and examined in order to screen somaclonal obtained from plant cell culture (Bhattacharyya et al., 2017;
variability within a cell culture. As part of the techniques Shasmita and Naik, 2018). Biotechnological approaches
utilized in that process, several strategies are used to analyze associated with plant tissue culture have increased the scope of
possible adjustments at various levels (Bhattacharyya and Van- medicinal plants along with traditional agriculture used for the
Staden, 2016). industrial production of bioactive metabolites (Matsuura et al.,
2018; Pant et al., 2021). Micro-propagation is a valuable
technology since many secondary plant metabolites cannot be
8 Conclusion and future manufactured chemically (Caldentey and Inze, 2004;
perspectives Bhattacharyya and Van Staden, 2016).
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