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• IH'I' rnnt :rnrn 4 print<' O pn geHl

,~( H'll p,\

i8 ,t \l l .

(Hou~ . ) (Hooond Hom ester)

Code 2.J 1

Hons.) (Second Semester)

B.A.LL.B (


Paper 2.11


. Time :. Three Hqurs

Maximum Marks : 50

Note : (i) ·No supplementary answer-book will be

given to any ca.n didate. Hence the

, .candidates . should ·write the answer

·precis~ly 1n the main answer-book

® (ll) J\ 11 1 h,, pn rt ~ nf onP (J \ H• ~, t.ion Hhou ld he
nn swcrcd at one place in the an sw er -book .

One complete question should not be

answered at different places in the answer


All questions of Parts A and B are compulsory.

Attempt any three questions from Part "c.

Part A

Answer the following questions in one sentence

Each question carnes one mark.

1. Nrune any two external DOS commands·.

2. What is Host ?

3. What is TCL ?

4. What is attrib

l)pf'i Ht' f \ ( ln Il(1 llnu,,I\ , h
r~ IV 1,Krt•

(l . N nnw nny truo lJ .

. n1x operating RYH f,cm !-1.

7. Which command is d
use to mak .
e a new dtrcct.ory in

8. What are the components

of multimedia ?

9. Define chart in MS-Excel.

10. What is the role of repeater ?

Part B

Answer the following questions in 4-5 lines each. Each

que~tion carries 4 marks. 4x4=16

11. Explain the di~erences between .absolute and relative

addresses regarding ~S-Excel.

· · Compare the imp.o rtant ~haracteristfos of UTP and

coaxial cable.
' 35 P.'l'.0.
nl'Set·ib . _, th e f('H 1\ lrl'H of UN l X opPru t,in g ayt1t,cm .

1-t. Diffe1"0ntiatc between ring and mesh topology.

P a rt C

Answer any three of the following queS t ions in about

400 words each. Each question carries 8 marks. 3x8=24 \

15. Describe Adobe PageMaker and its functionalities.

Explain all its components.

16. What 1s DBMS ? Explai~ various components· and

features of RDBMS.

17. What ·do you mean by functions of MS-Excel ? Explain

vanes categories of functions.

18. Describe various m~tiniedia applications. Explain all

the components of MS-Excet .

C 445
n.A. LL.B~(Hons~) (11 s ,~n,.)
S Pape~2 11
ll.A. LL.B. (Hons.) (ll Semester) .
EXAMINATION, 2016 ting;
Paper-2. 11 I

Time allowed : Three hours . Maximum marks :
All questions of Parts-A and B are compulsory. Attempt LCh
any three questions from Part-C. .
Answer the following questions in one sentence each. Each
question carries I mark. · · . 1ox 1
1. Define Adobe PagaMaker.. · _ ·
:2. .Defme _RDBMS . .
3. . ........·........conu:nand is used to show the content of a text
· ·_ . fiie in M.S.-DOS._
4. What is Tree ·Topology ?
5. . What are the basic objects of RDBivlS ?_
6. What is Bridge ?· .
7. Define Network Applications.
8. What is report in M.S.-Access ?
9. What is Spreadsheet?
10......... ~.: .... c·ommand is used to show the files in UNIX.
Answer the following questions in 4-5 lines each. Each
question carries 4 marks. · 4x4
l 1. What is function ? Explain various types of functions.

t':2. n, fferc-nt iate between th e DOS and UNI)( (Jpcn~tink

Sy stern .
13 · What is Multimedia? Explain its components. 5t
14. Differentiate between Optical Fiber Cable ao<l Twi ed Pa1

Answer any three of the foJiowing questions in about400
words each. Each question carries 8 marks. · · 3x!
15. What is 'Record' in M.S.-Access? Explain how to designa.
Query and a Report using Wizard?
16. Describe UN1X and its features. Write any ten command,
of UNIX with syntax.
17. Explain data communication systems with suitable diagrami
· .. Describe various modes of data Comniunication.
18. Describe ESS and its features. Explaill all the comjionenl!
. ofM.S.-Exct;l. - · · · · · · · ..
. . ..

. .·

., .
(' .- .. . : .

. . . .... · ..
7'Ak i 2I Roll No ............................. CY
SI.No. 0117 2.11
11.A. I J ,.n. (lions.) (11 Scm.)
B.A. LL.B. (lions.) (II S,•nu·stcr) 11'. Xt\MIN/\TION, 2017
Pnpcr 2.11

Tiflll.': Three Jlours/ /Maximum Mflrks : 50
t"\l)t~: - \\/rile yom roll numbers on question paper before start writing answers of questions .

.HI queslio11s of Parts-A a1t d Bare compulsory. Attempt ally three questions from Part-C.

Answer the following questions in one sentence each. Each question carries l
· k
mar. · {10Xl=l01

t. Define SQL.

Defi~e Multimedia Applications.

comman_d is used to make new directory in UNIX.

4. What is Server?
. ?
~ 5_ What is Database.
6_ What is publication?
· s of MS-Excel.
7. Name any four data type S DOS
. . tent of a text file in M - .
8. - - command is used to show the c~n

. . dministrator?
9. What is the role of sy em a

lO. Definetopology. ·
P. r.o.

m ar ks
. 0 n c a rr ie s 4 4=
{4X ==l ·
h q u es tJ 61
. P A R T- 8es ea ch , E ac
cn v mg q u es ti o n s in 4 -5 ljn
A n sw er th e fo ll

it ab le di ag ra rn - xcel
11. Descr ibe any four
topo log ies w it h su
h a rt in an MS-E T iJ ne
· sert a c N ot
o nen ts o f a ch art? How to in
1 2 . \Vha t are the com
n c e s between
sh eet? . out th e d if fe re
d by a n et wo rk node? B n n g
erst an
1 3 . What do you und 1.

L A N and WAN. z.

1 4 . E x p la in the features o f RDBM


o rd s ea[ chxg
. Each i·
PART-C . • a b o u t 4 0 0 w ::
questions in · 3 241 ~
f th e fo llo w ing
A n s~ e r a n y :hre
marks. ·
question carries 8 ti e s. Explain the
its fu n c ti o n a li
b a se M a n a g e ~ e n t System a1;d
15. Describe Data
e n ts o f M S -A cc ess window.
compo n
fe re n ti a te b e tw e e n internal and
_ b e P a g e m a k e r and its features. D
16. Describe A d
te rn a l c o m m a n d s o f MS-DOS.
c ti o n an d fo rm u la in M S -E x c e l.
is R a n g e ? D if fe rentiate between
17. What
e s o f n e tw o rk topologies.
us ty p
m p u te r n e tw o rk ? D e sc ri b e vario
18. What is c o
i.ia question pnpcr conlnma
}3,f\.LL,B, (Hons.) (11 R('lll.)
t \ll'ml
\ fl" Rr. •
llal\No ,,,,.,.,,, ....................... I
H.A.LL .H' (11 Ol\H,)(11S, 121
100 ~
( 111N•t.,, r) lt'X/\
, MINA'l'l()N , 201R
Pn1w 1 2. I I

\'ll'"' ,\\ h,,, ed. : '\'lH'l'L' 1lour 8

Soft :- . p
\\ 'rife yo11r ro/1. nwnber on question M
.lll qu estions of Parts -A a dB a,per befor·e start wnt' AX1mum \/larks '. 50
n are compuls mg answers of CJU"&Lion.R
. p ory. Attem.pt a ny th ree CJLLeslions fmnL PorL-C
Answer the following questions in one sentence -A
each E h t. 10x1=10
What is Topology ? · ac queS lon carries 1 marks .
What is SQL?

What is Range?
Name. the dos command which is used to show the content of a text file .
Mention any four data types used in MS · Access.

6. Define Publication.

7. What is TCP/IP ?

What are the elements of Multimedia?


9. What is DBMS ?
Name the unix command which is used to show the files and directories.
Answer the following questions in 4 - 5 lines each. Each question carries 4 Marks.

11. Explain various types of network with suitable diagram.

12. Explain how to creat~ a publication in Adobe Pagemaker.

13. Differentiate between function and formula in MS-Excel.

14. Explain various types of Multimedia Applications.

• · · b t 400 words each. Each question carries
' 3x8=24
Answer any three of the following questions m a ou

8 Marks.
Describe the various types of topologies with suitable diagram. .
. detail.
f Adobe Pageniaker window in
15. 0
What is an Adobe Pagemaker ? Describe e components
17 . . .th suitable diagrani.
· Describe the mediums of Data Transxnission wi -Access.
18, •I :


B.i\. LL.II. {llon H. ) (II H111tuiHt1:r) l•:Xi\M JNi\TfON, 2019
l11q w 1 '.l 11

' Tht'l'l' I hi\11'1\
' \ \]11\\ ('\ l .
111111 ,

, \{/ </II CS 11
, ·cms o/·Purls A <mil I! ure compulsory. Atlempt uny three q11••l«m, {,om P"rt.,.C
,\'uh'· • .., oI!
\\ nit' ,ro111 number on qnrstion paper Ue(ore start writing answers of questions.


Answer the following queslions in one sentence each. Each question carries l Mark
l. Whatis the use of Pivot table? lOxl= 10

2. What is a Primary Key?

3. There are-~ __ types of view in Control Palette.

4. Template file extension in Page Maker 6.5 is

5. What is the unit of measure lhe quality of the picture ?

6. What is the general format of UNIX command syntax?

7.' Which command is used to suppress the prompt that asks you to confirm that you want to delete the

8. What is IF function in Excel?

9. What is GIF ?

10. What is a socket?


Answer the following questions in 4 - 5 lines eiich. Each question carries 4 Marks.

11. Explain the following commands with syntax: 4x4 ==

(a) man

(b) lpr

co m pH l or no tw 1, rk 'l
.'l' nn d ho w do th ey pr ol l'c t, th u
1.,.... \~' hn t is n Proxy. S1
nn d locn l ho st 7
127 .0 .0 .1
18. W ha t is m en nt by
sy nt ax :
tit-i t.lw fo llo w in g fu nc tio ns w it h
H. E.x.i)lt
(a ) C'OUNTU'

(b) C on ca te na te

(c) VLook up

P A R T -C
rr ie s 8 Marks.
0 w or ds ea ch . E ac h qu es ti on ca 3x8::: 24
qu es tio ns in ab ou t 40
e of th e following le di ag ra m .
A ns w er an y th re s? D es cr ib e su it ab
tw or ki ng no de
ec t ne
ou s w ay s to co nn
15. W ha t a r e th e va ri G at ew ay , Sw itc h
an d
tw ee n R ou te r,
if fe re nt ia te be
re nc e be tw ee n A R P an d R A R P? D
16 . W ha t is th e D if fe
H ub . on s.
s ty pe s of M ul ti m ed ia A pp li ca ti
D es cr ibe va ri ou
th e co m po ne nt s of M ul ti m ed ia ?
17. W ha t ar e es s.
an d a re po rt of a ta bl e in M S- A cc
te a da ta ba se
t is D B M S? E xp la in ho w to cr ea
18. W ha

-o O o -
8P er contnin~ 2 prinf pd JJl\g p ..
uest1·oo P ' "·

111·s g
B (Hons .. ) (IT Sein.)
H,lll Nn .. , .. ................ .............. .
,, ,

e.t\JJ-'• ~ [!.N.,. 40() 110 J

2. 1 I
1 111 c of Jl.A. I . L . B . (llon H. ) 01 s\ cm ,,t-tt.er)
r,·os n·t1J1
'4:"Hminntion, 2021
Paper: 2.11

d . 3Hours
111lll' A].loWC · Maximum Mark~ : =i<'J

---- . answer book will be given to any did

:'\l' suP Pleroentru:Y can ate. Hence the candidates should write the
• -er prec1s • ely in the main answer book only.

ill~Parts of one question should be answered at one place in the answer book. One complete question
·should no t be answered at different places in the answer book.

All ques tions of PART-A and PART-Bare compulsory. Attempt any three questions from PART-C.

Write your roll number on question paper before start writing answer of questions.

Answer the following questions in one sentence each. Each question carries 1 mark. 10x1=10

' 1. Write any two internal commands of DOS.

2. What is Page Maker?

3. What is Work Book?

· What is Cell?

· What is Logical Function?
s. What is DBMS?
7. ~
''!lS.t is freezing a

"-oe22.2.11 P.T.0.
ul ti m edi a
8. Wh a t is M
h a t is Mesh Topolo
9. W

W h a t is L
PART-B . s 4 !lla

stio n came
e s each. Each que
s in 4 - 5 lin
t h e following ques
Ans wer
S ystem.
o f UNIX Operating
ain t h e feature
11. Expl .
pr e a d Sheet
r e s o f E l ectronic S
Write t h e featu
a t a Tran smission.
ain t h e types o f D
13. Expl S-Excel.
tions i n M
em a t i c a l func
ain a n y four m a t h
14. Expl PART-C t ca r r i e s 8 mar
s . E a c h queS ion
s i n abo u t 400 w o
following question
ny thr e e of the
Answer a
F ormattin
ich c a n be done i n
s k s wh
t i n g ? Exp
lain t h e t a u s t y p e s o f Chart.
is F o r m a t vari o
15. What Als o describe
nents o f a Chart.
Describe t h e compo
t is C h a r t ?
16. Wha .
nents o f M
ain v ario us compo
17. Expl working.
es o f Net
escribe v arious t y p
rking? D
t is Netwo
18. Wha
,~~xnmination, 202:J
Paper: 2.11
·m.e Allowed : Three Hours Maxim um Marks : 50

o supplementary answer book will be given to any candidate. Hence the candidates should wri~ the
swer precisely in the main answer book only.

1 the parts of one question should be answered at one place in the answer-book. One complete question
ould not be answered at different places in the answer book.

1 questions of Part-A and Part-B are compulsory. Attempt any three questions from Part-C.

rite your roll number on question paper before start writing answers of questions.


Answer the following questions in one sentence each. Each question carries 1 mark. 10xl=l0

Define Repeater?

What is an Operating System?

Define the role of Chart in MS-Excel?

What is SQL?

What is ESS?

6. What is Network?

_ mode of data communication is used in Telephonic Conversation.

What is Data Validation in a Table?

Name the topology which is having highest reliability.

Define publication in Adobe Page Maker?

l't\lC'l'- 11' ;j.,u'j JiI
IIH! q11,, ~1 inn ,, 111 ,i rfl;1rk .1:J.
An:--wt•r 1lw fnlln"
I r, l111 11•11111d1 , 1•:1, d1 'l""8 f1on r•11rr1r•O


n1.'~1.· ril11., 1ht~ t., )W~ or N('f works w1th Ru1ln blc diagram .
13. l1iff1.'r1.'nt rntc bet ween Functio n and the Formul a in MS-Excel.

l •L E"\plain tho Multim edia compon ents in detail.


An h Each questio n carries

swer any three of the followi ng questio ns in about 400 words eac ·
8 marks.
3 x8=24 t

15. Elabor ate the medium s of Data Commu nicatio n with suitabl e diagram .

16. What is Multim edia? Describ e the various Multim edia Applic ation.

17. Explai n any five Topologies with suitabl e diagram .

externa l Dos
18. Describ e MS-DO S and its feature s. Write down 10 comma nds of each intern al and \

Comma nds.


• •

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