Code 2.J 1
Paper 2.11
Maximum Marks : 50
® (ll) J\ 11 1 h,, pn rt ~ nf onP (J \ H• ~, t.ion Hhou ld he
nn swcrcd at one place in the an sw er -book .
Part A
Answer the following questions in one sentence
Each question carnes one mark.
2. What is Host ?
3. What is TCL ?
4. What is attrib
l)pf'i Ht' f \ ( ln Il(1 llnu,,I\ , h
r~ IV 1,Krt•
7. Which command is d
use to mak .
e a new dtrcct.ory in
Part B
· · Compare the imp.o rtant ~haracteristfos of UTP and
coaxial cable.
' 35 P.'l'.0.
nl'Set·ib . _, th e f('H 1\ lrl'H of UN l X opPru t,in g ayt1t,cm .
P a rt C
features of RDBMS.
Time allowed : Three hours . Maximum marks :
All questions of Parts-A and B are compulsory. Attempt LCh
any three questions from Part-C. .
Answer the following questions in one sentence each. Each
question carries I mark. · · . 1ox 1
1. Define Adobe PagaMaker.. · _ ·
:2. .Defme _RDBMS . .
3. . ........·........conu:nand is used to show the content of a text
· ·_ . fiie in M.S.-DOS._
4. What is Tree ·Topology ?
5. . What are the basic objects of RDBivlS ?_
6. What is Bridge ?· .
7. Define Network Applications.
8. What is report in M.S.-Access ?
9. What is Spreadsheet?
10......... ~.: .... c·ommand is used to show the files in UNIX.
Answer the following questions in 4-5 lines each. Each
question carries 4 marks. · 4x4
l 1. What is function ? Explain various types of functions.
t':2. n, fferc-nt iate between th e DOS and UNI)( (Jpcn~tink
Sy stern .
13 · What is Multimedia? Explain its components. 5t
14. Differentiate between Optical Fiber Cable ao<l Twi ed Pa1
Answer any three of the foJiowing questions in about400
words each. Each question carries 8 marks. · · 3x!
15. What is 'Record' in M.S.-Access? Explain how to designa.
Query and a Report using Wizard?
16. Describe UN1X and its features. Write any ten command,
of UNIX with syntax.
17. Explain data communication systems with suitable diagrami
· .. Describe various modes of data Comniunication.
18. Describe ESS and its features. Explaill all the comjionenl!
. ofM.S.-Exct;l. - · · · · · · · ..
. . ..
. .·
., .
(' .- .. . : .
. . . .... · ..
7'Ak i 2I Roll No ............................. CY
SI.No. 0117 2.11
11.A. I J ,.n. (lions.) (11 Scm.)
B.A. LL.B. (lions.) (II S,•nu·stcr) 11'. Xt\MIN/\TION, 2017
Pnpcr 2.11
Tiflll.': Three Jlours/ /Maximum Mflrks : 50
t"\l)t~: - \\/rile yom roll numbers on question paper before start writing answers of questions .
.HI queslio11s of Parts-A a1t d Bare compulsory. Attempt ally three questions from Part-C.
Answer the following questions in one sentence each. Each question carries l
· k
mar. · {10Xl=l01
t. Define SQL.
4. What is Server?
. ?
~ 5_ What is Database.
6_ What is publication?
· s of MS-Excel.
7. Name any four data type S DOS
. . tent of a text file in M - .
8. - - command is used to show the c~n
. . dministrator?
9. What is the role of sy em a
lO. Definetopology. ·
P. r.o.
m ar ks
. 0 n c a rr ie s 4 4=
{4X ==l ·
h q u es tJ 61
. P A R T- 8es ea ch , E ac
cn v mg q u es ti o n s in 4 -5 ljn
A n sw er th e fo ll
it ab le di ag ra rn - xcel
11. Descr ibe any four
topo log ies w it h su
h a rt in an MS-E T iJ ne
· sert a c N ot
o nen ts o f a ch art? How to in
1 2 . \Vha t are the com
n c e s between
sh eet? . out th e d if fe re
d by a n et wo rk node? B n n g
erst an
1 3 . What do you und 1.
L A N and WAN. z.
o rd s ea[ chxg
. Each i·
PART-C . • a b o u t 4 0 0 w ::
questions in · 3 241 ~
f th e fo llo w ing
A n s~ e r a n y :hre
marks. ·
question carries 8 ti e s. Explain the
its fu n c ti o n a li
b a se M a n a g e ~ e n t System a1;d
15. Describe Data
e n ts o f M S -A cc ess window.
compo n
fe re n ti a te b e tw e e n internal and
_ b e P a g e m a k e r and its features. D
16. Describe A d
te rn a l c o m m a n d s o f MS-DOS.
c ti o n an d fo rm u la in M S -E x c e l.
is R a n g e ? D if fe rentiate between
17. What
e s o f n e tw o rk topologies.
us ty p
m p u te r n e tw o rk ? D e sc ri b e vario
18. What is c o
i.ia question pnpcr conlnma
}3,f\.LL,B, (Hons.) (11 R('lll.)
t \ll'ml
\ fl" Rr. •
llal\No ,,,,.,.,,, ....................... I
H.A.LL .H' (11 Ol\H,)(11S, 121
100 ~
( 111N•t.,, r) lt'X/\
, MINA'l'l()N , 201R
Pn1w 1 2. I I
What is Range?
Name. the dos command which is used to show the content of a text file .
Mention any four data types used in MS · Access.
6. Define Publication.
7. What is TCP/IP ?
9. What is DBMS ?
Name the unix command which is used to show the files and directories.
Answer the following questions in 4 - 5 lines each. Each question carries 4 Marks.
8 Marks.
Describe the various types of topologies with suitable diagram. .
. detail.
f Adobe Pageniaker window in
15. 0
What is an Adobe Pagemaker ? Describe e components
17 . . .th suitable diagrani.
· Describe the mediums of Data Transxnission wi -Access.
18, •I :
B.i\. LL.II. {llon H. ) (II H111tuiHt1:r) l•:Xi\M JNi\TfON, 2019
l11q w 1 '.l 11
' Tht'l'l' I hi\11'1\
' \ \]11\\ ('\ l .
111111 ,
, \{/ </II CS 11
, ·cms o/·Purls A <mil I! ure compulsory. Atlempt uny three q11••l«m, {,om P"rt.,.C
,\'uh'· • .., oI!
\\ nit' ,ro111 number on qnrstion paper Ue(ore start writing answers of questions.
Answer the following queslions in one sentence each. Each question carries l Mark
l. Whatis the use of Pivot table? lOxl= 10
7.' Which command is used to suppress the prompt that asks you to confirm that you want to delete the
9. What is GIF ?
Answer the following questions in 4 - 5 lines eiich. Each question carries 4 Marks.
(b) lpr
co m pH l or no tw 1, rk 'l
.'l' nn d ho w do th ey pr ol l'c t, th u
1.,.... \~' hn t is n Proxy. S1
nn d locn l ho st 7
127 .0 .0 .1
18. W ha t is m en nt by
sy nt ax :
tit-i t.lw fo llo w in g fu nc tio ns w it h
H. E.x.i)lt
(a ) C'OUNTU'
(b) C on ca te na te
(c) VLook up
P A R T -C
rr ie s 8 Marks.
0 w or ds ea ch . E ac h qu es ti on ca 3x8::: 24
qu es tio ns in ab ou t 40
e of th e following le di ag ra m .
A ns w er an y th re s? D es cr ib e su it ab
tw or ki ng no de
ec t ne
ou s w ay s to co nn
15. W ha t a r e th e va ri G at ew ay , Sw itc h
an d
tw ee n R ou te r,
if fe re nt ia te be
re nc e be tw ee n A R P an d R A R P? D
16 . W ha t is th e D if fe
H ub . on s.
s ty pe s of M ul ti m ed ia A pp li ca ti
D es cr ibe va ri ou
th e co m po ne nt s of M ul ti m ed ia ?
17. W ha t ar e es s.
an d a re po rt of a ta bl e in M S- A cc
te a da ta ba se
t is D B M S? E xp la in ho w to cr ea
18. W ha
-o O o -
8P er contnin~ 2 prinf pd JJl\g p ..
uest1·oo P ' "·
111·s g
B (Hons .. ) (IT Sein.)
H,lll Nn .. , .. ................ .............. .
,, ,
d . 3Hours
111lll' A].loWC · Maximum Mark~ : =i<'J
ill~Parts of one question should be answered at one place in the answer book. One complete question
·should no t be answered at different places in the answer book.
All ques tions of PART-A and PART-Bare compulsory. Attempt any three questions from PART-C.
Write your roll number on question paper before start writing answer of questions.
Answer the following questions in one sentence each. Each question carries 1 mark. 10x1=10
· What is Cell?
· What is Logical Function?
s. What is DBMS?
7. ~
''!lS.t is freezing a
"-oe22.2.11 P.T.0.
ul ti m edi a
8. Wh a t is M
h a t is Mesh Topolo
9. W
W h a t is L
PART-B . s 4 !lla
stio n came
e s each. Each que
s in 4 - 5 lin
t h e following ques
Ans wer
S ystem.
o f UNIX Operating
ain t h e feature
11. Expl .
pr e a d Sheet
r e s o f E l ectronic S
Write t h e featu
a t a Tran smission.
ain t h e types o f D
13. Expl S-Excel.
tions i n M
em a t i c a l func
ain a n y four m a t h
14. Expl PART-C t ca r r i e s 8 mar
s . E a c h queS ion
s i n abo u t 400 w o
following question
ny thr e e of the
Answer a
F ormattin
ich c a n be done i n
s k s wh
t i n g ? Exp
lain t h e t a u s t y p e s o f Chart.
is F o r m a t vari o
15. What Als o describe
nents o f a Chart.
Describe t h e compo
t is C h a r t ?
16. Wha .
nents o f M
ain v ario us compo
17. Expl working.
es o f Net
escribe v arious t y p
rking? D
t is Netwo
18. Wha
,~~xnmination, 202:J
Paper: 2.11
·m.e Allowed : Three Hours Maxim um Marks : 50
o supplementary answer book will be given to any candidate. Hence the candidates should wri~ the
swer precisely in the main answer book only.
1 the parts of one question should be answered at one place in the answer-book. One complete question
ould not be answered at different places in the answer book.
1 questions of Part-A and Part-B are compulsory. Attempt any three questions from Part-C.
rite your roll number on question paper before start writing answers of questions.
Answer the following questions in one sentence each. Each question carries 1 mark. 10xl=l0
Define Repeater?
What is ESS?
6. What is Network?
l't\lC'l'- 11' ;j.,u'j JiI
IIH! q11,, ~1 inn ,, 111 ,i rfl;1rk .1:J.
An:--wt•r 1lw fnlln"
I r, l111 11•11111d1 , 1•:1, d1 'l""8 f1on r•11rr1r•O
n1.'~1.· ril11., 1ht~ t., )W~ or N('f works w1th Ru1ln blc diagram .
13. l1iff1.'r1.'nt rntc bet ween Functio n and the Formul a in MS-Excel.
15. Elabor ate the medium s of Data Commu nicatio n with suitabl e diagram .
16. What is Multim edia? Describ e the various Multim edia Applic ation.
externa l Dos
18. Describ e MS-DO S and its feature s. Write down 10 comma nds of each intern al and \
Comma nds.
• •