Hydro Engine Explained
Hydro Engine Explained
Hydro Engine Explained
engine performance
Hydrogen can be used as a clean alternative to fossil fuels and its use as
a vehicle fuel is promising in its effects to establish environment-friendly
mobility systems. The polymer electrolyte fuel cell and internal combustion
engine are the two leading potential power systems for the hydrogen-fuelled
vehicles. At the same time spark ignition internal combustion engines can
readily use hydrogen as a fuel with only minor modifications, making
hydrogen engines a more practical technology, that is simpler to
implement than current fuel cells or Hydrogen fuel cells. However, hydrogen
has unique combustion characteristics influencing the efficiency of engines.
Hydrogen induction techniques play a very dominant and sensitive role in
determining the performance characteristics of the hydrogen-fuelled internal
combustion engine (H2ICE),
1). Hydrogen fuel delivery system can be broken down into three main
types including the carburetted injection, port injection and direct
2). The port injection fuel delivery system (PFI) injects hydrogen directly into
the intake manifold at each intake port rather than drawing fuel in at a
central point. Typically, hydrogen is injected into the manifold after the
beginning of the intake stroke.
3). Hydrogen can be introduced in the intake manifold either by continuous
or timed injection. The former method produces undesirable combustion
problems and is less flexible and controllable.
4). But the latter method, timed port fuel injection (PFI) is a strong
candidate and extensive studies indicated the ability of its adoption.
5). The calling sounds for adopting this technique are supported by a
considerable set of advantages. It can be easily installed only with
simple modification and its cost is low.
6). The flow rate of hydrogen supplied can also be controlled conveniently.
7). This is a consequence of higher mixture homogeneity due to longer
mixing times for PFI. Furthermore, external mixture formation provides
a greater degree of freedom concerning storage methods.
8) Conditions with PFI are much less severe and the probability for
abnormal combustion is reduced because it imparts a better resistance
to backfire.
9). Combustion anomalies can be suppressed by accurate control of
injection timing and elimination of hot spots on the surface of the
combustion. The engine will aspirate the hydrogen as per
requirements such that there is no hydrogen storage. The concept is
not to supply the Hydrogen to engine but engine will suck the
hydrogen required for the specific conditions to run, so there will not
be any storage of the Hydrogen. When the user stops the engine, the
stoppage would thus be due to hydrogen depletion. When we stop
the engine the engine will stop due to non availability of Hydrogen. It
means we will stop the electrolyser by switching off the key and the
Hydrogen will not be produced and what ever the Hydrogen present
in the lines will be consumed by the engine and then engine will
starve for the fuel and stop.
10) recommended very late injection. With PFI and stoichiometric mixture,
operation engine loads up to indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP)
of 9 bar can be achieved with optimized injection and valve timing.
formation of a stratified charge by timed injection of the hydrogen into
the pipes of the intake manifold with a defined pre-storage angle. At the
beginning of the intake stroke a rich, non-ignitable mixture passes into
the combustion chamber,
The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of air fuel ratio on the
engine performance including brake mean effective pressure, brake thermal
efficiency, brake specific fuel consumption and also evaluates the influence
cylinder temperature on the air fuel ratio.
All the experiments resulted that water can be used as a fuel to drive
the diesel engines by extracting Hydrogen from the water with
exhaust as pure Oxygen. So, by this engine not only will the carbon
footprints reduce but also the oxygen level in the atmosphere will be
enhanced. Hydrogen used to run the engine will be obtained by
electrolysing water (H2O) and the exhaust will be oxygen. This will in
turn lead to atmospheric purification. Further, this Oxygen can be
used to enhance the engine performance of high-end vehicles. In this
case, the exhaust will be water vapour, which will also be eco-friendly.
The existing Diesel engine can hence be converted into 100%
environment-friendly engine. This will set a benchmark for BS
standards and will serve as a better alternative for using batteries for
EVs since they require re-charging using conventional energy,
creating more demand for electricity.
Engine Model
A single cylinder, four stroke, port injection hydrogen fueled engine was
modeled utilizing the GT-Power software. The injection of hydrogen was
located in the midway of the intake port.
It is important to indicate that the intake and exhaust ports of the engine
cylinder are modeled geometrically with pipes. Several considerations were
made the model more realistic. Firstly, an attribute heat transfer multiplier is
used to account for bends, roughness and additional surface area and
turbulence caused by the valve and stem. Also, the pressure losses in
these ports are included in the discharge coefficients calculated for the
Figure 3 shows the variation of the brake thermal efficiency with the air
fuel ratio for the selected speeds. It is seen that the brake power (useful
part) as a percentage from the intake fuel energy. The fuel energy are also
covered the friction losses and heat losses (heat loss to surroundings,
exhaust enthalpy and coolant load). Therefore lower values of b can be
seen in the figure 3. It can be observed that the brake thermal efficiency is
increases nearby the richest condition (AFR 35) and then decreases with
increases of AFR and speed. The operation within a range of AFR from
49.0428 to 42.91250 ( = 0.7- 0.8) give the maximum values for b for all
speeds. Maximum b of 31.8% at speed 2500 rpm can be seen compared
with 26.8% at speed 4500 rpm. Unaccepted efficiency b of 2.88% can be
seen at very lean conditions with AFR of 171.65 ( = 0.2) for speed of
4500 rpm while the efficiency was observed 20.7% at the same conditions
with speed of 2500 rpm. Clearly, rotational speed has a major effect in the
behavior of b with AFR. Higher speeds lead to higher friction losses.
Figure 4 Variation of brake specific fuel consumption with air
fuel ratio for different engine speed.
Figure 5 shows how the AFR can affect the maximum temperature inside
the cylinder. In general, lower temperatures are required due to the
reduction of pollutants. It is clearly demonstrated how the increase in the
AFR can decrease the maximum cylinder temperature with a severe
steeped curve. The effect of the engine speed on the relationship between
maximum cylinder temperatures with AFR seems to be minor. At
stoichiometric operating conditions (AFR = 34.33), a maximum cylinder
temperature of 2752.83 K was recorded. This temperature dropped down to
1350 K at AFR of 171.65 (
= 0.2). This lower temperature inhibits the formation of NOx pollutants. In
fact this feature is one of the major motivations toward hydrogen fuel.