Adv Ioqm Practice Test-1 - Class-8th & 9th - Key & Sol - Ex - dt.05!02!2024 Final
Adv Ioqm Practice Test-1 - Class-8th & 9th - Key & Sol - Ex - dt.05!02!2024 Final
Adv Ioqm Practice Test-1 - Class-8th & 9th - Key & Sol - Ex - dt.05!02!2024 Final
Q.No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Ans. 24 41 63 17 06 05 01 26 00 01
Q.No. 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. 01 00 70 89 00
1. In order that the perfect square divides N, the powers of ‘a’ can be 0, 2 or 4, i.e., 3.
49 19
48 119
so by using binomical expansion, we can say
48 48 48 48
that 18 terms are completely divisible by 48, but the last term, which is
119 ,
is not divisible.
So, 119 = 1 is the remainder.
8. 357 33
19 19
357 27 27 27 28 1 27
28M 1 27 [Expand by binomial theorem]
When 28M 26 divided by 28, the remainder is 26.
Hence, the required remainder is 26.
361 361 361 361
9. 82361 83361 84361 85361 86361 84 2 84 1 84361 84 1 84 2
43333 43 mod 9
64 mod 9
1 mod 9
22225555 45555 55552222 42222 42222 43333 1
Now, 22225555 45555 is divisible by 2222 4 2226 7
Thus, 22225555 55552222 can be split up into three terms each of which is
divisible b)7 and hence, the result.