ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.1, 2016
Problem-based learning (PBL) is one of an innovative learning model which can provide an active learning to
student, include the motivation to achieve showed by student when the learning is in progress. This research is
aimed to know: (1) differences of physic learning result for student group which taught by PBL versus
expository learning; (2) differences of physic learning result for student who has a different motivation to
achieve; (3) interaction effect of PBL strategy versus learning strategy and motivation to achieve toward physic
learning result. For knowing motivation effect and learning model toward improvement of physic learning result
for student class XI is using research method by doing Analysis Path.The result research showed that early
capability of student in physic science is insignificant influenced for student's physic learning result and the
examination conducted has evidenced that giving PBL model can improve significantly the physic learning
result for student class XI. The research concluded that giving PBL model is able to improve the learning
motivation of student in class XI significantly.
Keywords: PBL, motivation to achieve, expository, physic
I. Introduction
The learning during this time is still dominated by teacher, so it doesn't give opportunity for student to develop
optimally and self-sufficient through discovery and thought processes. Teacher centered has caused an
accumulation of information or concepts which useless for student. Teacher always demands the student to learn,
but not teaching how should the student learn and resolve the problem (Tabrani, 1998). Applicability Education
Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) asks the changing of learning paradigm, one of them is learning with teacher
centered into student centered. According to Trianto (2007), learning in Education Unit Level Curriculum
context with competency-based is also asking the learning not only to learn concept, theory and facts, but also
application in daily life. The learning material is not only arranged from simple things with memorizing and
understanding, but also arranged from the complex material which needs analysis, application and synthesis, in
skill of problem solving, so the learning can reach the more maximum result.
Teacher has used many physic learning methods to discuss the learning material and also the practical
which conducted in the laboratory. The methods used by teacher are speech, discussion, cooperative, interactive,
and so forth. One of physic learning model used is problem-based learning (PBL). Problem-based learning is
one of innovative learning model which can give an active learning condition to the student. PBL is the learning
model which involves the student to solve the problem through scientific method stages, so the student can learn
the knowledge related with the problem and alsi have skill to resolve problems. Furthermore, PBL is a learning
approach by creating confrontation to the student with practical problems, or open ended through stimulus into
the learning. PBL has characteristics as follows: (1) The learning is started with problem, (2) ensuring that the
problem given is related with reality world of student, (3) organizing the lesson surrounding the problem, not
surrounding the discipline of science, (4) giving great responsible to learner in building and operating their
learning process directly, (5) using small group, and (6) demanding the learner to demonstrate what they have
learned in form of the product or performance. Based on the explanation above appears clearly that learning with
PBL model to be started by any problems (the problems can be rose by student or teacher), then the student
deeps their knowledge about what they have known and what they need to know to solve the problem. The
student can chose the problems assumed as important to resolve.
In learning, the teacher tends to give a learning material with expository by asking the question to
student, but the student still have difficulty to answer and express their opinion. Teacher's efforts is always
motivating the student in order to be like and not ashamed expressing their opinion. Thus, the learning can run
smoothly and more effective. Expository learning is one of common approach used by teacher in learning
activity for almost the whole subjects. Expository learning is the teacher delivering material, giving speech,
defining subject or explaining material. Thus, expository approach is the most dominant approach conducted by
teacher, and the teaching like this is much practiced almost by all teachers. Student roles in expository learning
has become listener and writter of material, they seat on the chair, so the student condition becomes passive.
Expository learning is more emphasizing the teacher's activity in achieving the learning goal determined, and
ignoring the student's activeness in learning process, so student's capability is developed optimally, because it is
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.1, 2016
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.1, 2016
Expository model is the learning model used by firstly giving definition, principles and learning material concept
and also giving example of problem solving exercise in form of speech, demonstration, question and answer and
assignment. The student follows the pattern determined by teacher carefully. Using expository method as
learning method leads to deliver the lesson content to student directly. Student doesn't need to look for and find
the facts, principles, and concept by themselves, because the material had been presented clearly by teacher
when using this method. Learning activity by using expository method tends to teacher-centered. Teacher is
active to give explanation or information of learning about learning material with detail. Expository method is
often analogized with speech method, because they are the same in giving information.
Generally, teacher prefers to use speech method combined with question and answer method. Speech
method is preferred because easy to implement with simple preparation, not wasting time and energy, by one
step can reach the whole student directly and this can be done in classroom only. Every presentation the
information orally can be said as speech. Presentation of speech is formal and usually in 45 minute or informal
which only 5 minute. Speech can be said good or bad, but delivering speech should be assessed according to
objective of their using. Expository method is the way to deliver lesson material with oral communication.
Speech method is more effective and efficient to deliver information and meaning. Speech method is the
teaching method by using verbal explanation. It is one way communication and completed with aided tool of
audio visual, demonstration, question and answer, short discussion, etc. Furthermore, to make effective of speech
method, it is important to prepare the steps as follows: a) formulating the large special instructional goal, b)
identifying and understanding the student's characteristic, c) arranging the speech material by using an advance
organizer, d) delivering the material with giving short information on the black board, giving a concrete
examples and feedback, giving summary in every last material discussion, e) planning an evaluation with
programed. Recitation method is the learning method which more known as home work, although this statement
is not true in overall. The question and answer method is used together with speech method, to stimulate
student's thought activity, and to know their instructional effectiveness. Within question and answer method, the
teacher can regulate important parts which need to get special attention.
In learning process by expository method should be sensitive for student response. Description of
relationship between stimulus and response may not be simple as predicted, and this interaction influences the
response given is also producing some consequence which will influence the student's behavior. For creating an
interaction, interesting student's attention and training student skill, the speech method is usually combined with
question and answer method and giving assignment. Recitation or assignment can be also done out door or in
laboratory. Pasaribu stated that recitation method has three phases, such as: a) teacher gives an assignment, b)
student does the assignment, and c) student is responsible to the teacher about what they have learned. This
conventional model is the learning with the Teacher Centered Approach. Within the Teacher Centered Approach,
all learning activities are almost controlled by teacher. All systems should be directed into series of the neat
happening within institution education, without effort to look for and applying the different learning strategy
accordance with the theme and learning difficulties for every individual. Differing expository method and speech
method Teacher's domination in expository method is much reduced. Teacher doesn't talk persistently, an
information will be given when it should be, as like on the start learning, to explain a new concept and principles,
when gives an example of case at field and other. Expository method is the way to express idea in giving
information with oral or written. Expository method can include combination of speech method, drill method,
question and answer method, discovery and demonstration methods. Within learning by using expository method,
central of activity is still on teacher. Compared with speech method, expository method has much reduced the
teacher's domination. But, compared with demonstration method, this method is still greater.
Motivation to Achieve
Brophy et al. (within Eggen, 2007:298) stated that motivation is the power that gives energy, encouragement and
as direct behavior to achieve the goals. It is meant that the very strong motivation influences individual's life
power. Motivation is the power or motif which exist on self-individual to act achieving the concrete goal to
satisfy their needs (Schermerhorn, et all, 1998:64).According to Sardiman (2000:73), motivation is series of
efforts to provide certain condition, so individual wants to do something. If he/she doesn't like, then he/she
efforts to eliminate the sense of dislike. Then, the motivation on self-student is very important factor that
influenced what big the student do the learning activity and to be active on certain time, especially if the need to
achieve the goal is very urgent (Eggen, 2007:298). In lining with the argument above, motivation is something
which supports to move, to direct, and keep individual behavior in order to do something, so individual achieves
certain result or goals.
Discussing on motivation to achieve is certainly not lost from the word of motive. Motive is from the
word of motion which means move or impulse. Motive is the situation within self-individual that encourage
them to do activity or certain behavior to the goal which they want to achieve based on the needs (Tabrani,
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.1, 2016
1994:98). Motive is as individual thruster to do certain activity for achieving the goal. Every activity conducted
by individual is stimulated by the prower of individual inner, we call this thruster power is as motive. Concept of
motivation to achieve is firstly using the term of Need for Achievement and popularized by McClelland (within
Martaniah, 1984:21), this concept is started from assumption that Need for Achievement as the physicological
power which encourages every individual, so it makes an active and dynamics to pursue the learning progress,
thus the student can obtain an expected value. While (Eggen, 2007:315) stated that motivation to achieve tends
to sustainable efforts, and ready to accept challenges with expectation to achieve high achievement. Motivation
to achieve is as hard effort to improve self-capability as high as possible in all activities by using an advantage
standard as comparator. An advantage standard can be the task implementation result perfectness level,
comparing with self-achievement before, and comparing with other achievement. Capability within some
activities owned by individual is an advantage standard where the activity may be success or failure. Motivation
to achieve can be meant as struggle to add the achievement as high as possible.
Motivation to achieve is the thruster which related with achievement, that is mastering, manipulating,
regulating an environment or physic to resolve challenge and to keep the high quality learning, competing
through an effort to be better than before and creating an higher action than other people. Individual with
motivation to achieve is usually preferring the duty which demands a responsible. It means that the successful
achieved is not from help of other people or luck factor, but because their hard effort. Individual has also strong
thruster to know soon the real result of their action, because it can be used as feedback. Furthermore, from that
evaluation result, individual can improve him/herself.
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.1, 2016
achieve. Weiner based on his finding with Potipan stated their opinion about motivation to achieve are as follow:
(a) Individual with high motive to achieve attributes the success on effort and attributes the failure on no effort;
(b) Individual with low motive to achieve doesn't see an effort as the determinant of result; (c) Individual with
high motive to achieve assumes that the cause of success is the high capability; (d) Individual with high motive
to achieve have relatively high capability.
Many theories relies on the motivation. According to Morgan (within Sardiman, 2000:78), there are
four supporting factors for individual to do activity and these can trigger the rising of student's motivation to
achieve, such as: (a) Need to do an activity; (b) Need to satisfy other people; (c) Need to achieve a result; (d)
Need to solve problem; (e) Other factors which can influence motivation to achieve.
Owens, (1991:15) stated that motivation is a good encouragement from internal or external, so it makes
an individual to do something. Some internal and external factors will influence individual, where the factor may
be the need. According to Gollwitzer (1996) that motivation can meant the need, drive, and goals. The same
thing was stated by Ford (1992) that individual's motivation can be based on emergency, intention, and drive in
relating with needs. Individual will have motivation to do an activity, if that becomes their needs. Gagne, (2002)
stated that motivation is as very important element in education process and in task implementation process
within daily life. Motivation is very important part in human life, both as researcher, farmer, servant, and others.
Correlation between motivation and learning is very closely, where the motivation may be
basic/internal/external drive of individual. Motivation is to drive, direct and defend the student's learning
behavior. This was stated by Elliot (2000), that motivation is one of factor influencing learning process and
result. Motivation influences the student's choice for different of activity and capability and also student's
academic goals. The established of academic motivation influences the student's capability. That motivation can
become individual drive to do behavior changing in order to become better in fulfilling their life needs
(Gresham, 1988). Motivation owned by student is very diverse, and that diversity need to understand and pay
attention to lead and improve the student's capability, because the motivation to achieve is very influencing the
student's successful to mastery the lesson. Other finding by Hamid, within HasaruddinHafid 2007:211) who
stated that learning treatment is not interacted with motivation.
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.1, 2016
with average of physic learning result as 76.8. Based on that table can be showed that overall learning model
group have happened an increasing of physic learning result after learning.
For knowing an effect of motivation and learning model toward an increasing student's physic learning
result at class XI have been conducted the analysis process by using Path Analysis.Here is structural model of
motivation effect and learning model toward student's physic learning result at class XI: Within this structural
model, there are four relationships among variables directly (direct affect) which had been examined.
Examination result of relationship among variable of this research is as follows:
Table 2. Structural Model of Path Analysis Result: Direct Effect
Path of Direct Effect Standardized Coefficient CR p-value Note
Pretest of Learning Result -0,203 0,189 0,055 Insignificant
Motivation of Learning Result -0,123 0,128 0,284 Insignificant
Learning Model of Motivation 0,388 1,431 0,001 Significant
Learning Model of Learning Result 0,564 1,557 0,000 Significant
Based on Table 2 showed that an examination of direct effect between pretest for learning result is
obtained CR-value as 0.189 with p-value as 0.055. P-value is greater than 0.05, it showed that pretest is not
giving a significant effect for learning result, in other word, early capability of student for physic science is
insignificant effect for student's physic learning result. On examination of direct effect between motivation for
learning result was obtained CR-value as 1.538 with p-value as 0.128. P-value is greater than 0.05 showed that
motivation variable gave insignificant effect for learning result, in other word, student's learning motivation both
student with PBL model or expository model are insignificant effects for physic learning result.
On examination of direct effect between learning model for learning motivation was obtained CR-value
as 1.431 with p-value as 0.001. P-value is less than 0.05 showed that variable of learning model gave significant
effect for learning motivation. Path coefficient as 0.388 had positive value which contains the meaning that PBL
model given to the student at class XI is able to increase student's learning motivation. This is supported from
comparison of student's learning motivation on two groups:
Table 3.Comparisson of Student's Learning Motivation at Class XI
Learning Model Average of Motivation t-statistic p-value Note
Expository 79.7
-3,296 0,002 Significant
PBL 84.4
Based on table 3 showed that average of student's learning motivation at class XI who given PBL model
is greater that the student given expository learning model. From this examination was evidenced that giving
PBL model to be able to increase student's learning motivation at class XI significantly. On examination of direct
effect among learning model for learning result was obtained CR-value as 1.557 with p-value as 0.000. P-value
is less than 0.05 showed that variable of learning models gave significant effect for learning result. Path
coefficient as 0.564 has positive value which contains a meaning that PBL model gven to student ast class XI to
be able to increase student's physic learning result. This is supported by comparison result of student's physic
learning result on the second group:
Table 4.Comparisson of Student's Physic Learning Result at Class XI
Learning Model Average of Learning Result t-statistic p-value Note
Expository 76.8
-3,792 0,000 Significant
PBL 82.5
Based on table 4 showed that average of student's physic learning result at class XI who given PBL
model is higher that student given expository learning model. Based on this examination had been evidenced that
giving PBL Model to be able to increase student's physic learning esult at class XI significantly.
Physic is the science which learns the natural behavior in some symptom in order to be able to understand what
does control or determine those behavior. Based on this explanation, then learning physic is not lost from
mastery of physic basic concept through understanding. Basically, physic is basic science, as like chemical,
biology, astronomy, and geology. Basic sciences are needed in some branch of application and technique
knowledge sciences, without a strong basic science, application sciences can't be progress faster. Physic theory is
not only read, because physic is not only memorizing, but it should be read and understood and also practiced.
Physic learning is part of natural sciences subjects. Natural sciences classically can be divided into two sections:
(1) physical sciences which has an object as substance, energy, and transformation of substance and energy, (2)
biological sciences which has an object as organism and their environment. Learning is an effort to obtain
knowledge and understanding through series of activities which involves some existing elements. Learning
student is really having many concepts on his/her brain, especially an early concept about natural in his/her
surrounding. Through systematically learning, those early concepts will be producing the true concept and
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.1, 2016
directed properly. In physic learning, the first thing demanded is capability to understand concept, principle or
laws, then the student should be able to rearrange into their language accordance with their maturity and
intellectual development. Physic learning is developing a capability to think analytically, inductive and deductive
in solving the problem related with phenomenon of surrounding natural, and it can develope knowledge, skill
and confidence behavior.
Furthermore, physic learning globally is like stated as follows: (1) Physic learning process is
determining concept, principle, theory, and natural laws, and also it can stimulate the reaction, or an answer
which can be understood and accepted objectively, honest and rational; (2) Basically, teaching physis is an effort
to chose strategy to educate and teach accordance with the material will be delivered, and an effort to provide
conducive physic learning condition and situation, in order to the student can do exploration physically and to
find concept, principle, theory, and natural law and also applying them in daily life; (3) Basically. physic
learning result is awareness of student to obtain concept and physic concept networking through exploration and
experiment, and awareness of student to apply their knowledge to solve the problem faced in their daily life.
Learning is development process of new knowledge, skill, and attitude when individual interacted with
information and environment. According to learning is the process where an individual environment is managed
intentionally to be likely participating within certain behavior in special condition or producing response for
certain situation. Physic learning can be seen as the process to develop an capability to understand physic
concept, principle or laws, so within the learning process should consider an effective and efficient learning
strategy and method. Physic learning in junior high school is one of Natural Sciences which become facilities for
student to learn themselves and surrounding natural. In physic learning, science process experience and science
product understanding in direct experience form will be very meaningful in forming the student's concept. This
is also accordance with mental development level of Junior High School Student which are still on transition
phase from concrete into formal, it would make very easy for student, if the science learning asks the student to
learn formulating concept inductively based on an empirical facts in the field.
B. Suggestion
For researcher should see early capability of student, which they must be homogeneous and oberve their
student's cognitive style, if they want to investigate the student's learning achievement. Then, investigation
result will be more perfect.
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