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UNI1 1

IN1kCDUC1ICN lnformaLlon 1echnology CompuLer Pardware CompuLer SofLware

neLwork and lnLerneL CompuLlng 8esources
I1 INIkAS1kUC1UkL ueslgn lssues 8equlremenLs l1 SysLem ManagemenL rocess Servlce
ManagemenL rocess lnformaLlon SysLem ueslgn l1 lnfrasLrucLure Llbrary

I1 Infrastructure
lnformaLlon 1echnology lnformaLlon 1echnology lnvolves Lhe managemenL of lnformaLlon
on compuLer based lnformaLlon sysLems lL means l1 deals wlLh Lhe use of compuLers Lo
sLore process and reLrleve lnformaLlon
lnformaLlon lnfrasLrucLure lnformaLlon lnfrasLrucLure ls Lhe collecLlon of communlcaLlon
neLworks and Lhe sofLware assoclaLed wlLh lL lL means lnformaLlon lnfrasLrucLure refers Lo
Lhe currenLly avallable neLworks and Lhe prospecLlve faclllLles LhaL Lhey wlll make avallable
(1)ln respecL of l1 and on Lhe lnLerneL lnfrasLrucLure ls Lhe physlcal hardware used Lo
lnLerconnecL compuLers and users
(2)lL lncludes Lransmlsslon Medlas rouLers aggregaLors repeaLers and also oLher
neLwork conLrolllng and Lransmlsslon paLh devlces
(3) lL also lncludes Lhe sofLware used Lo send recelve and manage Lhe slgnals LhaL are

l1 lnfrasLrucLure lnLegraLlon servlces alms aL #Lnab||ng 8us|ness Cperat|ons and n|gh
erformance Infrastructure So|ut|ons" Lhrough a comprehenslve seL of servlces Lo
supporL Lhe deslgn developmenL lnsLallaLlon and operaLlons of complex neLworks

Challenge 1he currenL challenge of Lhe lnformaLlon Lechnology lndusLry and Lo lLs
cusLomers ls Lo develop Lhe lnfrasLrucLure" wlLhln compuLlng envlronmenLs whlch
wlll enable Lhe fulfllmenL of vlslons of compleLe lnLegraLlon

ln Lhls conLexL lnfrasLrucLure ls a complex componenL whlch provldes Lhe baslc for
compuLlng and neLworklng acLlvlLles
(1)Pardware Llke cables wlres rouLers flbres hubs and oLher compuLers or
programmable devlces
(2)SofLware Such as neLwork and compuLer operaLlng sysLems communlcaLlon
proLocols programmlng languages and communlcaLlon lnLerfaces
(3)SLandards ulfferenL plaLforms 1echnologles and workforces LhaL coordlnaLes
respecLlve efforLs

I1 |nfrastructure Spectrum

1he neLwork porLlon lncludes
O CurrenL neLwork lnfrasLrucLure and CurrenL ro[ecLs
O lanned Changes Lo exlsLlng neLwork lnfrasLrucLure
O 8ouLer/SwlLch/Pub ConflguraLlons (Concerns and ConflguraLlon process)
O 1rafflc aLLerns (LAn and WAn peak and offpeak)
O oLLlenecks (use monlLorlng Lools Lo lsolaLe boLLlenecks/congesLlon)
O DLlllzaLlon (look aL rouLer porLs and lnLerconnecLed swlLch/hubs)
O 8esponse 1lmes (LAn Servlces)
O ldenLlfy Colllslons and Lrrors
1he Server porLlon lncludes
O Pardware (processor memory dlsk spaces flle sysLem)
O Wlndows Servlces (CperaLlng sysLem Servlce packs unS)
O AppllcaLlons (SCL remoLe admlnlsLraLlon sofLware emalls backup anLlvlrus)
O erformance and capaclLy managemenL (processor and memory uLlllzaLlon drlve
O CperaLlonal process and procedures (sysLem managemenL Lools and processes)
O CurrenL server archlLecLure (AcLlve ulrecLory uomaln SLrucLure)

I1 Infrastructure conslsLs
O C||ent ware SofLware runs on cllenLs
O Server ware SofLware runs on servers
O ,|dd|e ware Clue LhaL connecLs cllenL and server
O ,anage ware erformance and managemenL
O |atforms ware base foundaLlon for compuLlng and communlcaLlon

SubcaLegorles of CllenL Ware
O Cff|ce (eg word processors and spreadsheeLs)
O Internet (eg web browsers and emall cllenLs)
O raph|cs (eg blLmap and vecLor)
O ub||sh|ng

SubcaLegorles of Server Ware
O 8as|c (eg flle server and prlnL server)
O Internet (eg web browsers and appllcaLlon server)
O Database (eg SCL server and xML server)
O Content

SubcaLegorles of Mlddle Ware
O ormaLs roLocols
O ulrecLory SecurlLy
O AppllcaLlon arLlLlonlng
O AppllcaLlon lnLegraLlon
O Web Servlces

SubcaLegorles of Manage Ware
O SysLem and neLwork erformance
O SysLem ConflguraLlon
O 1ransmlsslon aLhways
O CperaLlons and SysLem roblems
O Web Servlces

SubcaLegorles of laLforms Ware
O CperaLlng SysLems
O Pardware
O SofLware
O erlpherals
O neLworks

Des|gn Issues of I1 Infrastructure
lnformaLlon lnfrasLrucLure deslgn ls concerned wlLh some lssues
(1) rlvacy
(2) SecurlLy
(3) 1ranslaLlon
(4) 8lghL Lo lnformaLlon
(3) CompaLlblllLy lssues

(1) rlvacy rlvacy of lnformaLlon ls Lhe collecLlon of personal lnformaLlon lL mlghL be
ln case of onllne LransacLlon or ln Lhe process of a reglsLraLlon Such lnformaLlon
collecLed over Lhe web has Lo be kepL prlvaLe and confldenLlal
(2) lnformaLlon SecurlLy lL means lnformaLlon ls proLecLlng from unauLhorlzed access
dlsclosure and modlflcaLlon lnformaLlon SecurlLy deals wlLh
O ConfldenLlallLy lL ls prevenLlng Lhe lnformaLlon from belng dlsclosed
Lhrough unauLhorlzed access
O AvallablllLy CompuLlng sysLems LhaL sLore lnformaLlon and Lhe
communlcaLlon channels enable access Lo lLs musL funcLlon properly lL
means lnformaLlon for processlng ls avallable for Lhe user aL any Llme
O lnLegrlLy lL means LhaL Lhe lnformaLlon cannoL be modlfled wlLhouL
(3) 8lghL surroundlng lnformaLlon Cn Lhe basls of auLhenLlclLy user have rlghL Lo obLaln
lnformaLlon Dsers have rlghL Lo access coples of offlclal documenLs or modlfy Lhe
acqulred lnformaLlon
(4) CompaLlblllLy lssue Slnce user access lnformaLlon Lhrough web by uslng dlfferenL
Lype of sofLware and hardware 1hey also use Lhe varlous Lype of communlcaLlon
neLwork Pere arlses Lhe lssue of compaLlblllLy
lL means Lhe compaLlblllLy of Lhe newesL verslon S/w and P/w lnsLalled
ln Lhe exlsLlng CS ln respecL of Lhe prevlous old verslon lnsLalled

Cther Issues wh||e des|gn|ng I1 Infrastructure
1 8us|ness Issues 1he deslgn of Lhe l1 lnfrasLrucLure wlll lnevlLably be consLralned
by characLerlsLlcs of Lhe servlce sysLems owned by Lhe buslness lL ls supporLlng
or example ln respecL of small user havlng low cosL by lmplemenLlng Lwo
separaLe LAns ln a slngle floor of a bulldlng meeLs buslness performance and

2 1opo|ogy Issues lL ls a Lyplcal deslgn lssue where Lhe cusLomer Lhe user Lhe
geography Lhe bulldlng Lhe Lechnology used wlLhln Lhe organlzaLlon whlle
maklng economles and savlng wherever and whenever posslble
ln addlLlon some of Lhe savlngs uses Lhe ouLsourced and hosLed servlces
uue Lo whlch Lopology have several advanLage and dlsadvanLage
O lLness for purpose
O DsablllLy scalablllLy and flexlblllLy
O AvallablllLy rellablllLy and malnLalnablllLy
O CapaclLy/performance (amounL of daLa and response Llme)
O CosL
O SecurlLy
O SupporL and managemenL of Lhe Lechnology
Note Cabllng lssue ls also comes under Lhe 1opology lssue

3 1echno|ogy Issues An lmpacL of fallure and error arlses when for lmplemenLlng
lnformaLlon lnfrasLrucLure deslgn of neLwork sLorage and server Lechnology Lakes
place y deslgn or segmenLlng Lhe secLlon of lnfrasLrucLure a loglcal hlerarchlcal
approach for lnfrasLrucLure ls adopLed so LhaL number of fallure and error wlLhln
LhaL area ls llmlLed

4 Secur|ty Issues Pere exlsLs loglcal and physlcal securlLy of Lhe lnfrasLrucLure
O SecurlLy for Lhe communlcaLlon neLwork due Lo Lhe physlcal dlsLrlbuLlon
O ueslgners should be famlllar wlLh 8lsk ManagemenL Lo an approved and
approprlaLe sLandard
8lsk ManagemenL 8lsk managemenL conslsLs of Lhe processes of ldenLlfylng
asseLs LhreaLs and vulnerablllLles and Lhe use of [usLlflable counLermeasures
Lo proLecL Lhe confldenLlallLy lnLegrlLy and avallablllLy of l1 sysLems

S Cwnersh|p Issues 1he ownershlp of Lhe lnfrasLrucLure wlll also lnfluence Lhe
deslgn of Lhe lnfrasLrucLure or even Lhe enLlre lnfrasLrucLure are ouLsourced or
even owned by exLernal suppllers Lhe deslgn wlll need Lo recognlze Lhls
1hese exLernal deslgn processes and Lechnology wlll need Lo be lnLegraLed
wlLh Lhe lnLernal deslgn processes and Lechnology

6 ,ode|||ng Issues ueslgn of an l1 lnfrasLrucLure ls sub[ecL Lo modelllng and
Lrendlng Lo Lhe expecLed Lrafflc volume and Lhelr expecLed growLh Lo ensure LhaL
Lhe planned lnfrasLrucLure wlll supporL Lhe anLlclpaLed buslness volumes

7 Serv|ce ,anagement Issues lL deals wlLh conLlnuous dlscusslon and declslon
maklng by concernlng wlLh Servlce ManagemenL and rocesses or each
alLernaLlves poLenLlal deslgn alLernaLlve soluLlons musL be properly consldered
by answerlng Lo Lhe followlng quesLlons

(a)are Lhere beLLer or more cosL effecLlve ways of achlevlng Lhe same buslness
alms uslng new or dlfferenL lnfrasLrucLure and servlces?
(b)Can exlsLlng sysLems and servlces be lnLegraLed advanLageously wlLh Lhe
proposed new sysLems and servlces?
(c)Can Lhe new lnfrasLrucLure be lnLegraLed wlLhouL adversely affecLlng Lhe
exlsLlng servlces and servlce levels and elLher lmprove Lhe funcLlonallLy
performance or avallablllLy aL no addlLlonal cosL or produce overall cosL

Space Cons|derat|on Issues Space conslderaLlon ls Lhe maln lssue durlng
deslgnlng of l1 lnfrasLrucLures Slnce compuLer room space ls expenslve conslder
uslng Laller racks and cablneLs Lo make Lhe mosL of your avallable space
lf you do use larger racks remember Lo ask yourself Lhe followlng quesLlons
O uo Laller racks ln my compuLer room lnLerfere wlLh overhead flre
O uo Lhey add safeLy concerns for our sLaff and Lechnlclans lnsLalllng
and paLchlng equlpmenL?
O uo l have enough elecLrlclLy denslLy Lo supporL my lncreased
O ls Lhelr sufflclenL flow Lo cool Lhe equlpmenL room ln lLs proposed

1rans|t|on Issues As Lhere ls a cabllng lssue ln respecL of LhaL Lhere ls also a
LranslLlon lssue ln 8elocaLlng sysLems Lo a new faclllLy 1he blggesL lssue lncludes
(a)CoordlnaLlon of hlghspeed bandwldLh clrculLs causes delay due Lo long lead
and processlng Llme
(b)Servlce from mulLlple servlce provlders as well as long coordlnaLlon
requlremenLs beLween Lhe venders leads Lo long Llme servlclng
(c)CompuLer neLwork address changes aL many layer causes hlgh cosL poLenLlals
%d)1he physlcal movemenL of equlpmenL requlres slgnlflcanL plannlng Lo ensure
LhaL Lhe new slLe ls slzed and equlpped wlLh racks Lo accommodaLe Lhe

lnformaLlon lnfrasLrucLure ls of Lhree Lypes
(a)naLlonal lnformaLlon lnfrasLrucLure
O lL relaLes Lo Lhe lnLegraLed communlcaLlon sysLem
O lL lncludes publlc prlvaLe broadband and narrowband neLworks
O lL also lncludes saLelllLes wlreless and LerresLrlal communlcaLlons

(b)ree lnformaLlon lnfrasLrucLure
O lL resembles Lhe naLlonal lnformaLlon lnfrasLrucLure
O 1he Lerm 'ree' means focus on freedom and Lhe lnLerneL whlch ls
freely accesslble
O lL comprlses of no sofLware paLenLs
O lL means lL refers Lo open source sofLware
O lL lncludes servlces llke free access open sLandard neLwork
neuLrallLy and less conLrol of sLaLe

(c)Clobal lnformaLlon lnfrasLrucLure
O CommunlcaLlon framework LhaL connecL Lhe neLwork and
LelecommunlcaLlon neLwork LhroughouL Lhe world
O lL deals wlLh Lhe creaLlon deslgn and organlzaLlon of lnformaLlon
on Lhe basls of declslon maklng

kespons|b|||t|es of I1 Infrastructure
lL deals wlLh Lhe focus of an CrganlzaLlon's ln respecL of lnfrasLrucLure managemenL where
lL address Lhe avallablllLy faulL and performance managemenL of lLs l1 lnfrasLrucLure
lnfrasLrucLure ManagemenL covers
O CpLlmlzaLlon of Lhe l1 lnfrasLrucLure Lo meeL buslness needs for hlgh avallablllLy
rellablllLy and scalablllLy
O l1 lnfrasLrucLure monlLorlng and LesLlng Lechnologles LhaL dellver servlce assurance
O 1echnologles needed Lo bulld buslness servlce vlews
O CapaclLyplannlng processes and besL pracLlces
O LnLerprlse CusLomer 8elaLlonshlp ManagemenL
O Managed servlces lncludlng uslness rocesses ManagemenL and PosLed Servlces

I1 System ,anagement rocess
SysLem managemenL refers Lo enLerprlsewlde admlnlsLraLlon of dlsLrlbuLed compuLer
sysLems SysLem managemenL ls sLrongly lnfluenced by neLwork managemenL lnlLlaLlves ln
LelecommunlcaLlons 1asks lnclude by SysLem managemenL are
O Pardware lnvenLorles
O Server avallablllLy monlLorlng and meLrlcs
O Server lnvenLory and lnsLallaLlons
O AnLlvlrus and anLlmalware managemenL
O Dser's acLlvlLles monlLorlng
O CapaclLy monlLorlng
O SecurlLy managemenL
O SLorage managemenL
O neLwork capaclLy and uLlllzaLlon monlLorlng

Iunct|on uncLlons groups provlde by l1 sysLem managemenL process are
(1)aulL ManagemenL
O lL ls Lhe funcLlons LhaL deLecL lsolaLe and correcL malfuncLlons ln a
LelecommunlcaLlon neLwork compensaLe for envlronmenL change
O lL also lnclude malnLalnlng and examlnlng error logs accepLlng and acLlng on
error deLecLlon noLlflcaLlon Lraclng and ldenLlfylng faulL also
O lL also carrylng ouL sequences of dlagnosLlcs LesLs reporLlng error condlLlons
flndlng ouL faulL by examlne daLabase
O A faulL ManagemenL console allows a neLwork admlnlsLraLor and sysLem
operaLor Lo monlLor evenLs from mulLlple sysLems and perform acLlons ln
respecL of glven lnformaLlon

1wo Ways Lo perform aulL ManagemenL
(a)asslve 1hls faulL managemenL ls based on collecLlng alarms from devlces when
someLhlng happens ln Lhe devlce (connecLed componenLs)ln Lhls mode on Lhe
basls of devlce lnLelllgence WheLher error ls monlLored or noL faulL managemenL
knows and reporL lL Lo Lhe managemenL Lool
(b)AcLlve AcLlve faulL ManagemenL addresses Lhls lssue by acLlvely monlLorlng
devlces vla Lool such as lnC Lo deLermlne lf Lhe devlce ls acLlve and respondlng
lf Lhe devlce ls sLops respondlng acLlve monlLorlng Lhrow an alarm showlng Lhe
devlce sLaLus (unavallable) and allows for Lhe proacLlve correcLlon of Lhe problem

MeLhods lnvolve ln aulL ManagemenL
(a) 1roubleshooLlng
O lL ls a loglcal sysLemaLlc search for Lhe source LhaL lnvolves ln solvlng
and repalrlng of falled producLs or process
O 1roubleshooLlng ls used ln many flelds such as englneerlng sysLem
admlnlsLraLor elecLronlcs auLomoLlve repalr and dlagnosLlc
O lL develops and malnLalns complex sysLem and requlres ldenLlflcaLlon
of malfuncLlonlng or sympLoms Lo solve Lhe faulL
O Any undeslrable or unexpecLed behavlour by Lhe sysLem ls Lhelr
O 1roubleshooLlng ls Lhe process of lsolaLlng Lhe speclflc cause or
causes of Lhe sympLom
(b) Lrror Logglng
O Lrrors are found when LesL run
O Logglng Lhe errors by sulLable declslon maklng provldes lnslghL and
maklng lL posslble Lo solve Lhe errors efflclenLly
(c) uaLa recovery
(2)ConflguraLlon ManagemenL
(3)AccounLlng ManagemenL
(4)erformance ManagemenL
(3)SecurlLy ManagemenL

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