How To Depreciate Property: - Section 179 Deduction - Special Depreciation Allowance - Macrs - Listed Property
How To Depreciate Property: - Section 179 Deduction - Special Depreciation Allowance - Macrs - Listed Property
How To Depreciate Property: - Section 179 Deduction - Special Depreciation Allowance - Macrs - Listed Property
How To
Reminders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Getting answers to your tax questions. If you have 538 Accounting Periods and Methods
a tax question not answered by this publication or the How
To Get Tax Help section at the end of this publication, go 551 Basis of Assets
to the IRS Interactive Tax Assistant page at Form (and Instructions)
Help/ITA where you can find topics by using the search
feature or viewing the categories listed. Sch C (Form 1040) Profit or Loss From Business
Sch C (Form 1040)
Getting tax forms, instructions, and publications. 2106 Employee Business Expenses
Go to to download current and prior-year 3115 Application for Change in Accounting Method
forms, instructions, and publications.
Go to to order current forms, instruc- See chapter 6 for information about getting publications
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Don’t resubmit requests you’ve already sent us. You can What Property Can Be
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Terms you may need to know
(see Glossary):
1. Adjusted basis
Overview of Depreciation Commuting
Introduction Fair market value (FMV)
Intangible property
Depreciation is an annual income tax deduction that al-
lows you to recover the cost or other basis of certain prop- Listed property
erty over the time you use the property. It is an allowance Placed in service
for the wear and tear, deterioration, or obsolescence of
the property. Tangible property
This chapter discusses the general rules for depreciat- Term interest
ing property and answers the following questions.
Useful life
• What property can be depreciated?
• What property cannot be depreciated?
You can depreciate most types of tangible property (ex-
• When does depreciation begin and end?
cept land), such as buildings, machinery, vehicles, furni-
• What method can you use to depreciate your prop- ture, and equipment. You can also depreciate certain in-
erty? tangible property, such as patents, copyrights, and
• What is the basis of your depreciable property? computer software.
• How do you treat repairs and improvements? To be depreciable, the property must meet all the fol-
lowing requirements.
• Do you have to file Form 4562?
• It must be property you own.
• How do you correct depreciation deductions?
• It must be used in your business or income-producing
• It must have a determinable useful life.
Chapter 1 Overview of Depreciation Page 3
• It must be expected to last more than 1 year. tion of income, you can depreciate your stock in the cor-
The following discussions provide information about these poration, even though the corporation owns the apart-
requirements. ment.
Figure your depreciation deduction as follows.
Property You Own 1. Figure the depreciation for all the depreciable real
property owned by the corporation in which you have
To claim depreciation, you must usually be the owner of a proprietary lease or right of tenancy. If you bought
the property. You are considered as owning property even your cooperative stock after its first offering, figure the
if it is subject to a debt. depreciable basis of this property as follows.
a. Multiply your cost per share by the total number of
Example 1. You made a down payment to purchase
outstanding shares, including any shares held by
rental property and assumed the previous owner's mort-
the corporation.
gage. You own the property and you can depreciate it.
b. Add to the amount figured in (a) any mortgage
Example 2. You bought a new van that you will use debt on the property on the date you bought the
only for your courier business. You will be making pay- stock.
ments on the van over the next 5 years. You own the van
and you can depreciate it. c. Subtract from the amount figured in (b) any mort-
gage debt that is not for the depreciable real prop-
Leased property. You can depreciate leased property erty, such as the part for the land.
only if you retain the incidents of ownership in the property
2. Subtract from the amount figured in (1) any deprecia-
(explained below). This means you bear the burden of ex-
tion for space owned by the corporation that can be
haustion of the capital investment in the property. There-
rented but cannot be lived in by tenant-stockholders.
fore, if you lease property from someone to use in your
trade or business or for the production of income, gener- 3. Divide the number of your shares of stock by the total
ally you cannot depreciate its cost because you do not re- number of outstanding shares, including any shares
tain the incidents of ownership. You can, however, depre- held by the corporation.
ciate any capital improvements you make to the property.
4. Multiply the result of (2) by the percentage you figured
See How Do You Treat Repairs and Improvements, later
in (3). This is your depreciation on the stock.
in this chapter, and Additions and Improvements under
Which Recovery Period Applies? in chapter 4. Your depreciation deduction for the year cannot be
If you lease property to someone, you can generally more than the part of your adjusted basis in the stock of
depreciate its cost even if the lessee (the person leasing the corporation that is allocable to your business or in-
from you) has agreed to preserve, replace, renew, and come-producing property. You must also reduce your de-
maintain the property. However, if the lease provides that preciation deduction if only a portion of the property is
the lessee is to maintain the property and return to you the used in a business or for the production of income.
same property or its equivalent in value at the expiration of
the lease in as good condition and value as when leased, Example. You figure your share of the cooperative
you cannot depreciate the cost of the property. housing corporation's depreciation to be $30,000. Your
adjusted basis in the stock of the corporation is $50,000.
Incidents of ownership. Incidents of ownership in You use one-half of your apartment solely for business
property include the following. purposes. Your depreciation deduction for the stock for
• The legal title to the property. the year cannot be more than $25,000 (1/2 of $50,000).
• The legal obligation to pay for the property. Change to business use. If you change your cooper-
ative apartment to business use, figure your allowable de-
• The responsibility to pay maintenance and operating preciation as explained earlier. The basis of all the depre-
ciable real property owned by the cooperative housing
• The duty to pay any taxes on the property. corporation is the smaller of the following amounts.
• The risk of loss if the property is destroyed, con- • The FMV of the property on the date you change your
demned, or diminished in value through obsolescence apartment to business use. This is considered to be
or exhaustion. the same as the corporation's adjusted basis minus
straight line depreciation, unless this value is unrealis-
Life tenant. Generally, if you hold business or investment tic.
property as a life tenant, you can depreciate it as if you
were the absolute owner of the property. However, see • The corporation's adjusted basis in the property on
Certain term interests in property under Excepted Prop- that date. Do not subtract depreciation when figuring
erty, later. the corporation's adjusted basis.
If you bought the stock after its first offering, the corpo-
Cooperative apartments. If you are a tenant-stock- ration's adjusted basis in the property is the amount fig-
holder in a cooperative housing corporation and use your ured in (1) above. The FMV of the property is considered
cooperative apartment in your business or for the produc- to be the same as the corporation's adjusted basis figured
Example 1. You bought a machine for your business. Retired From Service
The machine was delivered last year. However, it was not
installed and operational until this year. It is considered You stop depreciating property when you retire it from
placed in service this year. If the machine had been ready service, even if you have not fully recovered its cost or
and available for use when it was delivered, it would be other basis. You retire property from service when you
considered placed in service last year even if it was not permanently withdraw it from use in a trade or business or
actually used until this year. from use in the production of income because of any of
the following events.
Example 2. On April 6, Sue Thorn bought a house to
use as residential rental property. Sue made several re- • You sell or exchange the property.
pairs and had it ready for rent on July 5. At that time, Sue • You convert the property to personal use.
began to advertise it for rent in the local newspaper. The
house is considered placed in service in July when it was • You abandon the property.
ready and available for rent. Sue can begin to depreciate • You transfer the property to a supplies or scrap ac-
it in July. count.
Example 3. James Elm is a building contractor who • The property is destroyed.
specializes in constructing office buildings. James bought If you included the property in a general asset ac-
a truck last year that had to be modified to lift materials to count, see How Do You Use General Asset Ac-
second-story levels. The installation of the lifting equip-
CAUTION counts? in chapter 4 for the rules that apply when
ment was completed and James accepted delivery of the you dispose of that property.
modified truck on January 10 of this year. The truck was
placed in service on January 10, the date it was ready and
available to perform the function for which it was bought.
What Method Can You Use To
Conversion to business use. If you place property in
service in a personal activity, you cannot claim deprecia- Depreciate Your Property?
tion. However, if you change the property's use to use in a
business or income-producing activity, then you can begin
to depreciate it at the time of the change. You place the Terms you may need to know
property in service in the business or income-producing (see Glossary):
activity on the date of the change.
Adjusted basis
Example. You bought a home and used it as your per- Basis
sonal home several years before you converted it to rental
property. Although its specific use was personal and no Convention
depreciation was allowable, you placed the home in serv- Exchange
ice when you began using it as your home. You can begin
to claim depreciation in the year you converted it to rental
property because its use changed to an income-produc- Grantor
ing use at that time. Intangible property
Nonresidential real property
Placed in service
• Property you elected to exclude from MACRS. b. The property was not MACRS property in the
hands of the person from whom you acquired it
The following discussions describe the property listed because of (2) or (3) above.
above and explain what depreciation method should be
used. Real property. You generally cannot use MACRS for
real property (section 1250 property) in any of the follow-
Property You Placed in Service ing situations.
Before 1987 • You or someone related to you owned the property in
You cannot use MACRS for property you placed in serv- • You lease the property to a person who owned the
ice before 1987 (except property you placed in service af- property in 1986 (or someone related to that person).
ter July 31, 1986, if MACRS was elected). Property placed
in service before 1987 must be depreciated under the • You acquired the property in a like-kind exchange, in-
methods discussed in Pub. 534. voluntary conversion, or repossession of property you
or someone related to you owned in 1986. MACRS
For a discussion of when property is placed in service, applies only to that part of your basis in the acquired
see When Does Depreciation Begin and End, earlier. property that represents cash paid or unlike property
given up. It does not apply to the carried-over part of
Use of real property changed. You must generally use the basis.
MACRS to depreciate real property that you acquired for
personal use before 1987 and changed to business or in- Exceptions. The rules above do not apply to the follow-
come-producing use after 1986. ing.
Improvements made after 1986. You must treat an im- 1. Residential rental property or nonresidential real prop-
provement made after 1986 to property you placed in erty.
service before 1987 as separate depreciable property. 2. Any property if, in the first tax year it is placed in serv-
Therefore, you can depreciate that improvement as sepa- ice, the deduction under the Accelerated Cost Recov-
rate property under MACRS if it is the type of property that ery System (ACRS) is more than the deduction under
otherwise qualifies for MACRS depreciation. For more in- MACRS using the half-year convention. For informa-
formation about improvements, see How Do You Treat tion on how to figure depreciation under ACRS, see
Repairs and Improvements, later, and Additions and Im- Pub. 534.
provements under Which Recovery Period Applies? in
chapter 4.
• Depreciation or amortization on any asset on a corpo- • 3 years from the date you filed your original return for
rate income tax return (other than Form 1120-S, U.S. the year in which you did not deduct the correct
Income Tax Return for an S Corporation) regardless amount. A return filed before an unextended due date
of when it was placed in service. is considered filed on that due date.
You must submit a separate Form 4562 for each • 2 years from the time you paid your tax for that year.
! business or activity on your return for which a
CAUTION Form 4562 is required. Changing Your Accounting Method
Table 1-1 presents an overview of the purpose of the Generally, you must get IRS approval to change your
various parts of Form 4562. method of accounting. You must generally file Form 3115,
Application for Change in Accounting Method, to request
Employee. Do not use Form 4562 if you are an em- a change in your method of accounting for depreciation.
ployee and you deduct job-related vehicle expenses using
either actual expenses (including depreciation) or the
standard mileage rate. Instead, use Form 2106.
Part Purpose
I • Electing the section 179 deduction
• Figuring the maximum section 179 deduction for the current year
• Figuring any section 179 deduction carryover to the next year
II • Reporting the special depreciation allowance for property (other than listed property) placed in
service during the tax year
• Reporting depreciation deductions on property being depreciated under any method other than
III • Reporting MACRS depreciation deductions for property placed in service before this year
• Reporting MACRS depreciation deductions for property (other than listed property) placed in
service during the current year
IV • Summarizing other parts
V • Reporting the special depreciation allowance for automobiles and other listed property
• Reporting MACRS depreciation on automobiles and other listed property
• Reporting the section 179 cost elected for automobiles and other listed property
• Reporting information on the use of automobiles and other transportation vehicles
VI • Reporting amortization deductions
Estates and trusts cannot elect the section 179 Tangible property
! deduction.
This chapter explains what property does and does not To qualify for the section 179 deduction, your property
qualify for the section 179 deduction, what limits apply to must meet all the following requirements.
the deduction (including special rules for partnerships and
corporations), and how to elect it. It also explains when • It must be eligible property.
and how to recapture the deduction. • It must be acquired for business use.
• It must have been acquired by purchase.
Useful Items
You may want to see: • It must not be property described later under What
Property Does Not Qualify.
Publication The following discussions provide information about
537 Installment Sales
these requirements and exceptions.
544 Sales and Other Dispositions of Assets
Eligible Property
Form (and Instructions)
To qualify for the section 179 deduction, your property
4562 Depreciation and Amortization
Off-the-shelf computer software. Off-the-shelf com- Example. May Oak bought and placed in service an
puter software is qualifying property for purposes of the item of section 179 property costing $11,000. May used
section 179 deduction. This is computer software that is the property 80% for business and 20% for personal pur-
readily available for purchase by the general public, is poses. The business part of the cost of the property is
subject to a nonexclusive license, and has not been sub- $8,800 (80% (0.80) × $11,000).
stantially modified. It includes any program designed to
cause a computer to perform a desired function. However, Property Acquired by Purchase
a database or similar item is not considered computer
software unless it is in the public domain and is incidental To qualify for the section 179 deduction, your property
to the operation of otherwise qualifying software. must have been acquired by purchase. For example,
property acquired by gift or inheritance does not qualify.
Qualified section 179 real property. You can elect to
treat certain qualified real property you placed in service Property is not considered acquired by purchase in the
during the tax year as section 179 property. If this election following situations.
is made, the term “section 179 property” will include any
1. It is acquired by one component member of a control-
qualified real property that is:
led group from another component member of the
• Qualified improvement property as described in sec- same group.
tion 168(e)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code, and
2. Its basis is determined either:
• Any of the following improvements to nonresidential
real property placed in service after the date the non- a. In whole or in part by its adjusted basis in the
residential real property was first placed in service. hands of the person from whom it was acquired,
Certain property does not qualify for the section 179 de-
duction. This includes the following. Your section 179 deduction is generally the cost of the
qualifying property. However, the total amount you can
elect to deduct under section 179 is subject to a dollar
Land and Improvements limit and a business income limit. These limits apply to
each taxpayer, not to each business. However, see Mar-
Land and land improvements do not qualify as section
ried Individuals under Dollar Limits, later. For a passenger
179 property. Land improvements include swimming
automobile, the total section 179 deduction and deprecia-
pools, paved parking areas, wharves, docks, bridges, and
tion deduction are limited. See Do the Passenger Automo-
bile Limits Apply? in chapter 5.
Excepted Property If you deduct only part of the cost of qualifying property
as a section 179 deduction, you can generally depreciate
Even if the requirements explained earlier under What the cost you do not deduct.
Property Qualifies? are met, you cannot elect the section
179 deduction for the following property. Trade-in of other property. If you buy qualifying prop-
erty with cash and a trade-in, its cost for purposes of the
• Certain property you lease to others (if you are a non- section 179 deduction includes only the cash you paid.
corporate lessor).
Example. Silver Leaf, a retail bakery, traded in two
• Property used predominantly outside the United
ovens having a total adjusted basis of $680, for a new
States, except property described in section 168(g)(4)
oven costing $1,320. They received an $800 trade-in al-
of the Internal Revenue Code.
lowance for the old ovens and paid $520 in cash for the
• Property used by certain tax-exempt organizations, new oven. On the date that Silver Leaf traded in the two
except property used in connection with the produc- old ovens for the new oven, the old ovens and the new
tion of income subject to the tax on unrelated trade or oven are classified as real property under the law of the
business income. state in which the old and new ovens are located and, as
• Property used by governmental units or foreign per- a result, the old and new ovens are real property for pur-
sons or entities, except property used under a lease poses of section 1031. The new oven is section 179 prop-
with a term of less than 6 months. erty.
Carryover of disallowed deduction. You can carry Partnership's taxable income. For purposes of the
over for an unlimited number of years the cost of any business income limit, figure the partnership's taxable in-
qualified section 179 real property that you placed in serv- come by adding together the net income and losses from
ice in tax years beginning after 2015, and that you elected all trades or businesses actively conducted by the part-
to expense, but were unable to deduct because of the nership during the year. See the Instructions for Form
business income limitation. This disallowed deduction 1065 for information on how to figure partnership net in-
amount is shown on line 13 of Form 4562. You use the come (or loss). However, figure taxable income without
amount you carry over to determine your section 179 de- regard to credits, tax-exempt income, the section 179 de-
duction in the next year. Enter that amount on line 10 of duction, and guaranteed payments under section 707(c)
your Form 4562 for the next year. of the Internal Revenue Code.
If you place more than one property in service in a year,
you can select the properties for which all or a part of the Partner's share of partnership's taxable income. For
costs will be carried forward. Your selections must be purposes of the business income limit, the taxable income
shown in your books and records. For this purpose, treat of a partner engaged in the active conduct of one or more
section 179 costs allocated from a partnership or an S of a partnership's trades or businesses includes their allo-
corporation as one item of section 179 property. If you do cable share of taxable income derived from the partner-
not make a selection, the total carryover will be allocated ship's active conduct of any trade or business.
equally among the properties you elected to expense for
Example. In 2022, Beech Partnership placed in serv-
the year.
ice section 179 property with a total cost of $2,750,000.
If costs from more than 1 year are carried forward to a
The partnership must reduce its dollar limit by $50,000
subsequent year in which only part of the total carryover
($2,750,000 − $2,700,000). Its maximum section 179 de-
can be deducted, you must deduct the costs being carried
duction is $1,030,000 ($1,080,000 − $50,000), and it
forward from the earliest year first.
elects to expense that amount. The partnership's taxable
Special rules for qualified section 179 real prop- income from the active conduct of all its trades or busi-
erty. You can carry over to 2023 a 2022 deduction attrib- nesses for the year was $1,030,000, so it can deduct the
utable to qualified section 179 real property that you full $1,030,000. It allocates $40,000 of its section 179 de-
placed in service during the tax year and that you elected duction and $50,000 of its taxable income to Dean, one of
to expense but were unable to take because of the busi- its partners.
ness income limitation. See Carryover of disallowed de- In addition to being a partner in Beech Partnership,
duction, earlier. Thus, the amount of any 2022 disallowed Dean is also a partner in Cedar Partnership, which alloca-
section 179 expense deduction attributable to qualified ted to Dean a $30,000 section 179 deduction and $35,000
section 179 real property will be reported on line 13 of of its taxable income from the active conduct of its busi-
Form 4562. ness. Dean also conducts a business as a sole proprietor
If there is a sale or other disposition of your prop- and, in 2022, placed in service in that business qualifying
section 179 property costing $55,000. Dean had a net
TIP erty (including a transfer at death) before you can
use the full amount of any outstanding carryover loss of $5,000 from that business for the year.
of your disallowed section 179 deduction, neither you nor Dean does not have to include section 179 partnership
the new owner can deduct any of the unused amount. In- costs to figure any reduction in the dollar limit, so the total
stead, you must add it back to the property's basis. section 179 costs for the year are not more than
$2,700,000 and the dollar limit is not reduced. Dean’s
maximum section 179 deduction is $1,080,000. Dean
Partnerships and Partners elects to expense all of the $70,000 in section 179 deduc-
tions allocated from the partnerships ($40,000 from Beech
The section 179 deduction limits apply both to the partner- Partnership plus $30,000 from Cedar Partnership), plus
ship and to each partner. The partnership determines its $55,000 of the sole proprietorship's section 179 costs,
section 179 deduction subject to the limits. It then allo- and notes that information in the books and records. How-
cates the deduction among its partners. ever, Dean’s deduction is limited to the business taxable
income of $80,000 ($50,000 from Beech Partnership, plus
Each partner adds the amount allocated from partner- $35,000 from Cedar Partnership, minus $5,000 loss from
ships (shown on Schedule K-1 (Form 1065), Partner's Dean’s sole proprietorship). Dean carries over $45,000
Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.) to their non- ($125,000 − $80,000) of the elected section 179 costs to
partnership section 179 costs and then applies the dollar 2023. Dean allocates the carryover amount to the cost of
limit to this total. To determine any reduction in the dollar section 179 property placed in service in Dean’s sole pro-
limit for costs over $2,700,000, the partner does not in- prietorship, and notes that allocation in the books and re-
clude any of the cost of section 179 property placed in cords.
service by the partnership. After the dollar limit (reduced
for any nonpartnership section 179 costs over
Generally, the rules that apply to a partnership and its For property placed in service in 2022, file Form 4562
partners also apply to an S corporation and its sharehold- with either of the following.
ers. The deduction limits apply to an S corporation and to
each shareholder. The S corporation allocates its deduc- • Your original 2022 tax return, whether or not you file it
tion to the shareholders who then take their section 179 timely.
deduction subject to the limits. • An amended return for 2022 filed within the time pre-
scribed by law. An election made on an amended re-
Figuring taxable income for an S corporation. To fig- turn must specify the item of section 179 property to
ure taxable income (or loss) from the active conduct by an which the election applies and the part of the cost of
S corporation of any trade or business, you total the net each such item to be taken into account. The amen-
income and losses from all trades or businesses actively ded return must also include any resulting adjust-
conducted by the S corporation during the year. ments to taxable income.
To figure the net income (or loss) from a trade or busi-
ness actively conducted by an S corporation, you take into You must keep records that show the specific
account the items from that trade or business that are identification of each piece of qualifying section
RECORDS 179 property. These records must show how you
passed through to the shareholders and used in determin-
ing each shareholder's tax liability. However, you do not acquired the property, the person you acquired it from,
take into account any credits, tax-exempt income, the and when you placed it in service.
section 179 deduction, and deductions for compensation
paid to shareholder-employees. For purposes of deter- Election for qualified section 179 real property. You
mining the total amount of S corporation items, treat de- can elect to expense certain qualified real property that
ductions and losses as negative income. In figuring the you placed in service as section 179 property for tax years
taxable income of an S corporation, disregard any limits beginning in 2022. For more information, see Election
on the amount of an S corporation item that must be taken above. Also, see Revenue Procedure 2019-8 on page 347
Revoking an election. An election (or any specification 2. Subtract the depreciation figured in (1) from the sec-
made in the election) to take a section 179 deduction for tion 179 deduction you claimed. The result is the
2022 can be revoked without IRS approval by filing an amount you must recapture.
amended return. The amended return must be filed within
Example. In January 2020, Paul Lamb, a calendar
the time prescribed by law. The amended return must also
year taxpayer, bought and placed in service section 179
include any resulting adjustments to taxable income.
property costing $10,000. The property is not listed prop-
Once made, the revocation is irrevocable.
erty. The property is 3-year property. Paul elected a
$5,000 section 179 deduction for the property and also
elected not to claim a special depreciation allowance.
When Must You Recapture the Paul used the property only for business in 2020 and
Deduction? 2021. In 2022, Paul used the property 40% for business
and 60% for personal use. Paul figures the recapture
amount as follows.
Terms you may need to know
Section 179 deduction claimed (2019) . . . . . . . . $5,000.00
(see Glossary):
Minus: Allowable depreciation using Table A-1
Disposition (instead of section 179 deduction):
Exchange 2020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,666.50
2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,222.50
Recapture 2022 ($740.50 × 40% (0.40)
Recovery period (business)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296.20 4,185.20
the business use drops to 50% or less, you include the re- ness in a later year, the benefit of the increased section
capture amount as ordinary income in Part IV of Form 179 deduction must be reported as other income on your
4797. You also increase the basis of the property by the return.
recapture amount. Recovery periods for property are dis-
cussed under Which Recovery Period Applies? in chap-
ter 4.
If you sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of the
! property, do not figure the recapture amount un-
CAUTION der the rules explained in this discussion. Instead, 3.
use the rules for recapturing depreciation explained in
chapter 3 of Pub. 544 under Section 1245 Property. For
qualified real property, see Notice 2013-59 for determin- Claiming the Special
ing the portion of the gain that is attributable to section
1245 property upon the sale or other disposition of quali- Depreciation Allowance
fied real property. You can find Notice 2013-59 at
How Much Can You Deduct? Example. On July 1, 2022, you placed in service in
your business qualified property that cost $450,000 and
that you acquired after September 27, 2017. You did not
Terms you may need to know elect to claim a section 179 deduction. You deduct 100%
(see Glossary): of the cost ($450,000) as a special depreciation allowance
for 2022. You have no remaining cost to figure a regular
Adjusted basis MACRS depreciation deduction for your property for 2022
Basis and later years.
Placed in service Like-kind exchanges and involuntary conversions. If
you acquired qualified property in a like-kind exchange or
involuntary conversion after September 27, 2017, and the
Figure the special depreciation allowance by multiplying qualified property is new property, the carryover basis and
the depreciable basis of qualified reuse and recycling any excess basis of the acquired property is eligible for
property, certain qualified property acquired after Septem- the special depreciation allowance.
ber 27, 2017, and certain plants bearing fruits and nuts by If you acquired qualified property in a like-kind ex-
the applicable percentage. change or involuntary conversion after September 27,
2017, and the qualified property is used property, only the
For qualified property other than listed property, enter
excess basis of the acquired property is eligible for the
the special depreciation allowance on Form 4562, Part II,
special depreciation allowance. After you figure your spe-
line 14. For qualified property that is listed property, enter
cial depreciation allowance, you can use the remaining
the special depreciation allowance on Form 4562, Part V,
carryover basis to figure your regular MACRS deprecia-
line 25.
tion deduction. See Figuring the Deduction for Property
If you place qualified property in service in a short Acquired in a Nontaxable Exchange in chapter 4 under
TIP tax year, you can take the full amount of a special How Is the Depreciation Deduction Figured.
depreciation allowance.
Depreciable basis. This is the property's cost or other How Can You Elect Not To
basis multiplied by the percentage of business/investment
use, reduced by the total amount of any credits and de- Claim an Allowance?
ductions allocable to the property.
The following are examples of some credits and deduc- You can elect, for any class of property, not to deduct any
tions that reduce depreciable basis. special depreciation allowances for all property in such
• Any section 179 deduction. class placed in service during the tax year.
• Any deduction for removal of barriers to the disabled To make an election, attach a statement to your return
and the elderly. indicating what election you are making and the class of
property for which you are making the election.
• Any disabled access credit, enhanced oil recovery
credit, and credit for employer-provided childcare fa- The election must be made separately by each person
cilities and services. owning qualified property (for example, by the partner-
ships, by the S corporation, or for each member of a con-
• Basis adjustment to investment credit property under solidated group by the common parent of the group).
section 50(c) of the Internal Revenue Code.
• Section 181 expense deduction. When to make election. Generally, you must make the
election on a timely filed tax return (including extensions)
For additional credits and deductions that affect basis, for the year in which you place the property in service.
see section 1016 of the Internal Revenue Code. However, if you timely filed your return for the year with-
For information about how to determine the cost or out making the election, you can still make the election by
other basis of property, see What Is the Basis of Your De- filing an amended return within 6 months of the due date
preciable Property? in chapter 1. For a discussion of busi- of the original return (not including extensions). Attach the
ness/investment use, see Partial business or investment election statement to the amended return. On the amen-
use under Property Used in Your Business or Income-Pro- ded return, write “Filed pursuant to section 301.9100-2.”
ducing Activity in chapter 1.
Assistance property, the property ceases to be used in the 463 Travel, Gift, and Car Expenses
Kansas disaster area, you may have to recapture as ordi-
nary income the excess benefit you received from claim- 544 Sales and Other Dispositions of Assets
Revenue Bulletin 2008-32, available at 587 Business Use of Your Home
the special depreciation allowance for qualified disaster 4562 Depreciation and Amortization
Applies? The GDS recovery periods for property not listed above
can be found in Appendix B, Table of Class Lives and Re-
covery Periods. Residential rental property and nonresi-
Terms you may need to know dential real property are defined earlier under Which Prop-
(see Glossary): erty Class Applies Under GDS.
Active conduct of a trade or business
Enter the appropriate recovery period on Form 4562
Basis under column (d) in Section B of Part III, unless already
Improvement shown (for 25-year property, residential rental property,
and nonresidential real property).
Listed property
Nonresidential real property Office in the home. If your home is a personal-use sin-
gle family residence and you begin to use part of your
Placed in service home as an office, depreciate that part of your home as
Property class nonresidential real property over 39 years (31.5 years if
you began using it for business before May 13, 1993).
Recovery period However, if your home is an apartment in an apartment
Residential rental property building that you own and the building is residential rental
property, as defined earlier under Which Property Class
Section 1245 property Applies Under GDS, depreciate the part used as an office
as residential rental property over 27.5 years. See Pub.
587 for a discussion of the tests you must meet to claim
The recovery period of property is the number of years expenses, including depreciation, for the business use of
over which you recover its cost or other basis. It is deter- your home.
mined based on the depreciation system (GDS or ADS)
used. Home changed to rental use. If you begin to rent a
home that was your personal home before 1987, you de-
Recovery Periods Under GDS preciate it as residential rental property over 27.5 years.
Under GDS, property is depreciated over one of the fol- Recovery Periods Under ADS
lowing recovery periods.
The recovery periods for most property are generally lon-
ger under ADS than they are under GDS. The following ta-
Property Class Recovery Period
ble shows some of the ADS recovery periods.
3-year property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 years1
5-year property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 years Recovery
7-year property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 years Property Period
10-year property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 years
15-year property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 years2 Rent-to-own property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 years
20-year property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 years Automobiles and light duty trucks . . . . . . . 5 years
25-year property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 years3 Computers and peripheral equipment . . . 5 years
Residential rental property . . . . . . 27.5 High technology telephone station
years equipment installed on customer
Nonresidential real property . . . . . 39 years4 premises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 years
The half-year convention. Use this convention if neither Depreciation Methods for Farm
the mid-quarter convention nor the mid-month convention Property
Under this convention, you treat all property placed in If you place personal property in service in a farming busi-
service or disposed of during a tax year as placed in serv- ness after 1988, and before 2018, you must generally de-
ice or disposed of at the midpoint of the year. This means preciate it under GDS using the 150% declining balance
that for a 12-month tax year, a one-half year of deprecia- method unless you are a farmer who must depreciate the
tion is allowed for the year the property is placed in serv- property under ADS using the straight line method or you
ice or disposed of. elect to depreciate the property under GDS or ADS using
If you use this convention, enter “HY” under column (e) the straight line method. You can depreciate real property
in Part III of Form 4562. using the straight line method under either GDS or ADS.
See Figuring the Deduction for a Short Tax Year, later,
Note. For 3-, 5-, 7-, or 10-year property used in a farm-
for information on the short tax year rules.
ing business and placed in service after 2017, in tax years
ending after 2017, the 150% declining balance method is
no longer required. However, the 150% declining balance
Which Depreciation Method method will continue to apply to any 15- or 20-year prop-
Applies? erty used in a farming business to which the straight line
method does not apply or to property for which you elect
the use of the 150% declining balance method.
Terms you may need to know Fruit or nut trees and vines. Depreciate trees and vines
(see Glossary): bearing fruits or nuts under GDS using the straight line
Declining balance method method over a recovery period of 10 years.
Listed property ADS required for some farmers. If you elect not to ap-
ply the uniform capitalization rules to any plant produced
Nonresidential real property
in your farming business, you must use ADS. You must
Placed in service use ADS for all property you place in service in any year
Property class the election is in effect. See the regulations under section
263A of the Internal Revenue Code for information on the
Recovery period uniform capitalization rules that apply to farm property.
Residential rental property
Straight line method Electing a Different Method
Tax exempt As shown in Table 4-1, you can elect a different method
for depreciation for certain types of property. You must
make the election by the due date of the return (including
MACRS provides three depreciation methods under GDS extensions) for the year you placed the property in serv-
and one depreciation method under ADS. ice. However, if you timely filed your return for the year
without making the election, you can still make the elec-
• The 200% declining balance method over a GDS re- tion by filing an amended return within 6 months of the
covery period. due date of the return (excluding extensions). Attach the
• The 150% declining balance method over a GDS re- election to the amended return and write “Filed pursuant
covery period. to section 301.9100-2” on the election statement. File the
amended return at the same address you filed the original
• The straight line method over a GDS recovery period. return. Once you make the election, you cannot change it.
• The straight line method over an ADS recovery period.
ice during the year of the election. However, you can Straight line method
make the election on a property-by-property basis for non- Unadjusted basis
residential real and residential rental property.
150% election. Instead of using the 200% declining bal- To figure your depreciation deduction under MACRS, you
ance method over the GDS recovery period for property in first determine the depreciation system, property class,
the 3-, 5-, 7-, or 10-year property class, you can elect to placed in service date, basis amount, recovery period,
use the 150% declining balance method. Make the elec- convention, and depreciation method that apply to your
tion by entering “150 DB” under column (f) in Part III of property. Then, you are ready to figure your depreciation
Form 4562. deduction. You can figure it using a percentage table pro-
vided by the IRS, or you can figure it yourself without us-
Straight line election. Instead of using either the 200%
ing the table.
or 150% declining balance method over the GDS recovery
period, you can elect to use the straight line method over
the GDS recovery period. Make the election by entering Using the MACRS Percentage Tables
“S/L” under column (f) in Part III of Form 4562.
To help you figure your deduction under MACRS, the IRS
Election of ADS. As explained earlier under Which De- has established percentage tables that incorporate the
preciation System (GDS or ADS) Applies, you can elect to applicable convention and depreciation method. These
use ADS even though your property may come under percentage tables are in Appendix A near the end of this
GDS. ADS uses the straight line method of depreciation publication.
over fixed ADS recovery periods. Most ADS recovery pe-
riods are listed in Appendix B, or see the table under Re- Which table to use. Appendix A contains the MACRS
covery Periods Under ADS, earlier. Percentage Table Guide, which is designed to help you
Make the election by completing line 20 in Part III of locate the correct percentage table to use for depreciating
Form 4562. your property. The percentage tables immediately follow
the guide.
15- or 20-year farm property. Instead of using the
150% declining balance method over a GDS recovery pe- Rules Covering the Use of the Tables
riod for 15- or 20-year property you use in a farming busi-
ness (other than real property), you can elect to depreci- The following rules cover the use of the percentage ta-
ate it using either of the following methods. bles.
• The straight line method over a GDS recovery period. 1. You must apply the rates in the percentage tables to
your property's unadjusted basis.
• The straight line method over an ADS recovery period.
2. You cannot use the percentage tables for a short tax
year. See Figuring the Deduction for a Short Tax
Year, later, for information on the short tax year rules.
How Is the Depreciation 3. Once you start using the percentage tables for any
Deduction Figured? item of property, you must generally continue to use
them for the entire recovery period of the property.
4. You must stop using the tables if you adjust the basis
Terms you may need to know of the property for any reason other than:
(see Glossary):
a. Depreciation allowed or allowable, or
Adjusted basis
b. An addition or improvement to that property that is
Amortization depreciated as a separate item of property.
Basis adjustments other than those made due to the items
Business/investment use listed in (4) include an increase in basis for the recapture
Convention of a clean-fuel deduction or credit and a reduction in basis
for a casualty loss.
Declining balance method
Basis adjustment due to recapture of clean-fuel vehi-
cle deduction or credit. If you increase the basis of your
Exchange property because of the recapture of part or all of a deduc-
Nonresidential real property tion for clean-fuel vehicles or the credit for clean-fuel vehi-
cle refueling property placed in service before January 1,
Placed in service 2006, you cannot continue to use the percentage tables.
For the year of the adjustment and the remaining recovery the adjustment and the remaining recovery period, you
period, you must figure the depreciation deduction your- must figure the depreciation yourself using the property's
self using the property's adjusted basis at the end of the adjusted basis at the end of the year. See Figuring the De-
year. See Figuring the Deduction Without Using the Ta- duction Without Using the Tables, later.
bles, later.
Example. On October 26, 2021, Sandra and Frank
Basis adjustment due to casualty loss. If you reduce Elm, calendar year taxpayers, bought and placed in serv-
the basis of your property because of a casualty, you can- ice in their business a new item of 7-year property. It cost
not continue to use the percentage tables. For the year of $39,000 and they elected a section 179 deduction of
For business property you purchase during the year, The following example shows how to figure your
the unadjusted basis is its cost minus these and other ap- MACRS depreciation deduction using the percentage ta-
plicable adjustments. If you trade property, your unadjus- bles and the MACRS Worksheet.
ted basis in the property received is the cash paid plus the
adjusted basis of the property traded minus these adjust- Example. You bought office furniture (7-year property)
ments. for $10,000 and placed it in service on August 11, 2022.
You use the furniture only for business. This is the only
MACRS Worksheet property you placed in service this year. You did not elect
a section 179 deduction and the property is not qualified
You can use this worksheet to help you figure your depre- property for purposes of claiming a special depreciation
ciation deduction using the percentage tables. Use a sep- allowance, so your property's unadjusted basis is its cost,
arate worksheet for each item of property. Then, use the $10,000. You use GDS and the half-year convention to
information from this worksheet to prepare Form 4562. figure your depreciation. You refer to the MACRS Percent-
age Table Guide in Appendix A and find that you should
Do not use this worksheet for automobiles. Use
use Table A-1. Multiply your property's unadjusted basis
! the Depreciation Worksheet for Passenger Auto-
each year by the percentage for 7-year property given in
mobiles in chapter 5.
Table A-1. You figure your depreciation deduction using
Part II
7. Cost or other basis* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000
8. Business/investment use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 %
9. Multiply line 7 by line 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000
10. Total claimed for section 179 deduction and other items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0-
11. Subtract line 10 from line 9. This is your tentative basis for depreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000
12. Multiply line 11 by the applicable percentage if the special depreciation allowance
applies. This is your special depreciation allowance. Enter -0- if this is not the year
you placed the property in service, the property is not qualified property, or you
elected not to claim a special allowance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0-
13. Subtract line 12 from line 11. This is your basis for depreciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000
14. Depreciation rate (from line 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1429
15. Multiply line 13 by line 14. This is your MACRS depreciation deduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,429
If there are no adjustments to the basis of the property land cost $20,000. It is nonresidential real property. The
other than depreciation, your depreciation deduction for building's unadjusted basis is its original cost, $100,000.
each subsequent year of the recovery period will be as fol- You refer to the MACRS Percentage Table Guide in
lows. Appendix A and find that you should use Table A-7a.
March is the third month of your tax year, so multiply the
Year Basis Percentage Deduction building's unadjusted basis, $100,000, by the percen-
tages for the third month in Table A-7a. Your depreciation
2023 . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 24.49% $2,449 deduction for each of the first 3 years is as follows.
2024 . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 17.49 1,749
2025 . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 12.49 1,249 Year Basis Percentage Deduction
2026 . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 8.93 893
2027 . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 8.92 892 1st . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 100,000 2.033% $2,033
2028 . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 8.93 893 2nd . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 2.564 2,564
2029 . . . . . . . . . . 10,000 4.46 446 3rd . . . . . . . . . . . 100,000 2.564 2,564
depreciation for this property for this year because of the Election out. Instead of using the above rules, you
adjustments to basis. You must figure the deduction your- can elect, for depreciation purposes, to treat the adjusted
self. You determine the DB rate by dividing 2.00 (200%) basis of the exchanged or involuntarily converted property
by 7 years. The result is 0.28571 or 28.571%. You multiply as if disposed of at the time of the exchange or involuntary
the adjusted basis of your property ($13,356) by the DB conversion. Treat the carryover basis and excess basis, if
rate of 0.28571 to get your depreciation deduction of any, for the acquired property as if placed in service the
$3,816 for this year. later of the date you acquired it or the time of the disposi-
tion of the exchanged or involuntarily converted property.
Figuring the Deduction for Property The depreciable basis of the new property is the adjusted
Acquired in a Nontaxable Exchange basis of the exchanged or involuntarily converted property
plus any additional amount you paid for it. The election, if
If your property has a carryover basis because you ac- made, applies to both the acquired property and the ex-
quired it in a nontaxable transfer such as a like-kind ex- changed or involuntarily converted property. This election
change or involuntary conversion, you must generally fig- does not affect the amount of gain or loss recognized on
ure depreciation for the property as if the transfer had not the exchange or involuntary conversion.
occurred. However, see Like-kind exchanges and involun- When to make the election. You must make the
tary conversions, earlier, in chapter 3 under How Much election on a timely filed return (including extensions) for
Can You Deduct; and Property Acquired in a Like-kind Ex- the year of replacement. The election must be made sep-
change or Involuntary Conversion next. arately by each person acquiring replacement property. In
the case of a partnership, S corporation, or consolidated
Property Acquired in a Like-kind Exchange group, the election is made by the partnership, by the S
or Involuntary Conversion corporation, or by the common parent of a consolidated
group, respectively. Once made, the election may not be
You must generally depreciate the carryover basis of revoked without IRS consent.
property acquired in a like-kind exchange or involuntary For more information and special rules, see the Instruc-
conversion over the remaining recovery period of the tions for Form 4562.
property exchanged or involuntarily converted. You also
generally continue to use the same depreciation method Property Acquired in a Nontaxable Transfer
and convention used for the exchanged or involuntarily
converted property. This applies only to acquired property You must depreciate MACRS property acquired by a cor-
with the same or a shorter recovery period and the same poration or partnership in certain nontaxable transfers
or more accelerated depreciation method than the prop- over the property's remaining recovery period in the trans-
erty exchanged or involuntarily converted. The excess ba- feror's hands, as if the transfer had not occurred. You
sis (the part of the acquired property's basis that exceeds must continue to use the same depreciation method and
its carryover basis), if any, of the acquired property is trea- convention as the transferor. You can depreciate the part
ted as newly placed in service property. of the property's basis that exceeds its carryover basis
Like-kind exchanges and involuntary conversions. Revoking an election. You can revoke an election to
If you dispose of all the property or the last item of prop- use a GAA only in the following situations.
erty in a GAA as a result of a like-kind exchange or invol-
untary conversion, the GAA terminates. You must figure • You include in the GAA property that generates for-
the gain or loss in the manner described above under Dis- eign source income both U.S. and foreign source in-
position of all property in a GAA. come, or combined gross income of a foreign sales
corporation, a domestic international sales corpora-
Example. Duforcelf, a calendar year corporation, tion, or a possessions corporation and its related sup-
maintains a GAA for 1,000 calculators that cost a total of plier, and that inclusion results in a substantial distor-
$60,000 and were placed in service in 2019. Assume this tion of income.
GAA is depreciated under the 200% declining balance
method, has a recovery period of 5 years, and uses a
• You remove property from the GAA as described un-
der Terminating GAA Treatment, earlier.
Listed property is any of the following. Other property used for transportation includes trucks,
buses, boats, airplanes, motorcycles, and any other vehi-
• Passenger automobiles (as defined later). cles used to transport persons or goods.
• Any other property used for transportation, unless it is
an excepted vehicle. Excepted vehicles. Other property used for transporta-
tion does not include the following qualified nonpersonal
• Property generally used for entertainment, recreation, use vehicles (defined earlier under Passenger Automo-
or amusement (including photographic, phonographic,
communication, and video recording equipment).
• Clearly marked police and fire vehicles.
Improvements to listed property. An improvement
made to listed property that must be capitalized is treated • Unmarked vehicles used by law enforcement officers
if the use is officially authorized.
as a new item of depreciable property. The recovery pe-
riod and method of depreciation that apply to the listed • Ambulances used as such and hearses used as such.
property as a whole also apply to the improvement. For • Any vehicle with a loaded gross vehicle weight of over
example, if you must depreciate the listed property using 14,000 pounds that is designed to carry cargo.
the straight line method, you must also depreciate the im-
provement using the straight line method. • Bucket trucks (cherry pickers), cement mixers, dump
trucks (including garbage trucks), flatbed trucks, and
refrigerated trucks.
Passenger Automobiles
• Combines, cranes and derricks, and forklifts.
A passenger automobile is any four-wheeled vehicle
made primarily for use on public streets, roads, and high-
• Delivery trucks with seating only for the driver, or only
for the driver plus a folding jump seat.
ways and rated at 6,000 pounds or less of unloaded gross
vehicle weight (6,000 pounds or less of gross vehicle • Qualified moving vans.
weight for trucks and vans). It includes any part, compo- • Qualified specialized utility repair trucks.
nent, or other item physically attached to the automobile
at the time of purchase or usually included in the purchase • School buses used in transporting students and em-
price of an automobile. ployees of schools.
The following vehicles are not considered passenger • Other buses with a capacity of at least 20 passengers
automobiles for these purposes. that are used as passenger buses.
• An ambulance, hearse, or combination ambu- • Tractors and other special purpose farm vehicles.
lance-hearse used directly in a trade or business. Clearly marked police or fire vehicle. A clearly
• A vehicle used directly in the trade or business of marked police or fire vehicle is a vehicle that meets all the
transporting persons or property for pay or hire. following requirements.
• A truck or van that is a qualified nonpersonal use vehi- • It is owned or leased by a governmental unit or an
cle. agency or instrumentality of a governmental unit.
computer is neither for the convenience of David’s em- electing the straight line method. It does not mean that
ployer nor required as a condition of employment. you have to use the straight line method for other property
in the same class as the item of listed property.
What Is the Business-Use Exception for leased property. The business-use re-
quirement generally does not apply to any listed property
Requirement? leased or held for leasing by anyone regularly engaged in
the business of leasing listed property.
You are considered regularly engaged in the business
Terms you may need to know of leasing listed property only if you enter into contracts for
(see Glossary): the leasing of listed property with some frequency over a
Adjusted basis continuous period of time. This determination is made on
the basis of the facts and circumstances in each case and
Business/investment use takes into account the nature of your business in its en-
Capitalized tirety. Occasional or incidental leasing activity is insuffi-
cient. For example, if you lease only one passenger auto-
Commuting mobile during a tax year, you are not regularly engaged in
Declining balance method the business of leasing automobiles. An employer who al-
Fair market value (FMV) lows an employee to use the employer's property for per-
sonal purposes and charges the employee for the use is
Nonresidential real property not regularly engaged in the business of leasing the prop-
Placed in service erty used by the employee.
How To Allocate Use
Recovery period
Straight line method To determine whether the business-use requirement is
met, you must allocate the use of any item of listed prop-
erty used for more than one purpose during the year
among its various uses.
You can claim the section 179 deduction and a special
depreciation allowance for listed property and depreciate For passenger automobiles and other means of trans-
listed property using GDS and a declining balance portation, allocate the property's use on the basis of mile-
method if the property meets the business-use require- age. You determine the percentage of qualified business
ment. To meet this requirement, listed property must be use by dividing the number of miles you drove the vehicle
used predominantly (more than 50% of its total use) for for business purposes during the year by the total number
qualified business use. If this requirement is not met, the of miles you drove the vehicle for all purposes (including
following rules apply. business miles) during the year.
• Property not used predominantly for qualified busi- For other listed property, allocate the property's use on
ness use during the year it is placed in service does
the basis of the most appropriate unit of time the property
not qualify for the section 179 deduction.
is actually used (rather than merely being available for
• Property not used predominantly for qualified busi- use). For example, you can determine the percentage of
ness use during the year it is placed in service does business use of an item of listed property by dividing the
not qualify for a special depreciation allowance. number of hours you used the item of listed property for
• Any depreciation deduction under MACRS for prop- business purposes during the year by the total number of
erty not used predominantly for qualified business use hours you used the item of listed property for all purposes
during any year must be figured using the straight line (including business use) during the year.
method over the ADS recovery period. This rule ap- Entertainment use. Treat the use of listed property for
plies each year of the recovery period. entertainment, recreation, or amusement purposes as a
• Excess depreciation on property previously used pre- business use only to the extent you can deduct expenses
dominantly for qualified business use must be (other than interest and property tax expenses) due to its
recaptured (included in income) in the first year in use as an ordinary and necessary business expense.
If you elected not to claim any special depreciation allowance the fraction is the number of months and partial months in
or the vehicle is not qualified property, the maximum the short tax year, and the denominator is 12.
depreciation deduction is $10,100.
If you elected not to claim any special depreciation allowance Example. On April 15, 2022, you bought and placed in
or the vehicle is not qualified property, the maximum service a new car for $14,500. You used the car only in
depreciation deduction is $10,000. your business. You file your tax return based on the calen-
dar year. You do not elect a section 179 deduction and
Maximum Depreciation Deduction for Passenger Au- elected not to claim any special depreciation allowance
tomobiles Placed in Service Before 2018 for the 5-year property. Under MACRS, a car is 5-year
property. Because you placed your car in service on April
Date 4th & 15 and used it only for business, you use the percentages
Placed 1st 2nd 3rd Later in Table A-1 to figure your MACRS depreciation on the
in Service Year Year Year Years car. You multiple the $14,500 unadjusted basis of your car
2017 $11,1601 $5,100 $3,050 $1,875 by 0.20 to get your MACRS depreciation of $2,900 for
2022. This $2,900 is below the maximum depreciation de-
2016 11,1601 5,100 3,050 1,875 duction of $10,200 for passenger automobiles placed in
2015 11,160 2
5,100 3,050 1,875 service in 2022. You can deduct the full $2,900.
2014 11,160 3
5,100 3,050 1,875
Electric Vehicles
2013 11,160 3
5,100 3,050 1,875
2012 11,1603 5,100 3,050 1,875 The maximum depreciation deductions for passenger au-
tomobiles that are produced to run primarily on electricity
2011 11,0604 4,900 2,950 1,775 are higher than those for other automobiles. The maxi-
mum deduction amounts for electric vehicles placed in
the car is not qualified property, overed basis at the end of the recovery period because
or you elected not to claim a you are considered to have used this property 100% for
special depreciation business and investment purposes during all of the recov-
allowance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ery period.
car exclusively for business during the recovery period 1.168(i)-6 of the regulations does not reflect this change in
(2016 through 2021). You figured your depreciation as law.
shown below.
Chart 1. Use this chart to find the correct percentage table to use for any property other than residential rental
and nonresidential real property. Use Chart 2 for residential rental and nonresidential real property.
Month or
MACRS Depreciation Placed
System Method Recovery Period Convention Class in Service Table
GDS 200% GDS/3, 5, 7, 10 Half-Year 3, 5, 7, 10 Any A-1
GDS 200% GDS/3, 5, 7, 10 Mid-Quarter 3, 5, 7, 10 1st Qtr A-2
2nd Qtr A-3
3rd Qtr A-4
4th Qtr A-5
GDS 150% GDS/3, 5, 7, 10 Half-Year 3, 5, 7, 10 Any A-14
GDS 150% GDS/3, 5, 7, 10 Mid-Quarter 3, 5, 7, 10 1st Qtr A-15
2nd Qtr A-16
3rd Qtr A-17
4th Qtr A-18
GDS 150% GDS/15, 20 Half-Year 15 & 20 Any A-1
GDS 150% GDS/15, 20 Mid-Quarter 15 & 20 1st Qtr A-2
2nd Qtr A-3
3rd Qtr A-4
4th Qtr A-5
GDS SL GDS Half-Year Any Any A-8
GDS SL GDS Mid-Quarter Any 1st Qtr A-9
ADS ADS 2nd Qtr A-10
3rd Qtr A-11
4th Qtr A-12
ADS 150% ADS Half-Year Any Any A-14
ADS 150% ADS Mid-Quarter Any 1st Qtr A-15
2nd Qtr A-16
3rd Qtr A-17
4th Qtr A-18
Chart 2. Use this chart to find the correct percentage table to use for residential rental and nonresidential real
property. Use Chart 1 for all other property.
Month or
MACRS Depreciation Placed
System Method Recovery Period Convention Class in Service Table
GDS SL GDS/27.5 Mid-Month Residential Rental Any A-6
GDS SL GDS/31.5 Mid-Month Nonresidential Real Any A-7
SL GDS/39 A-7a
ADS SL ADS/30 Mid-Month Residential Rental Any A-13
16 2.95 4.461
17 4.462
18 4.461
19 4.462
20 4.461
21 2.231
Table A-2. 3-, 5-, 7-, 10-, 15-, and 20-Year Property
Mid-Quarter Convention
Placed in Service in First Quarter
Depreciation rate for recovery period
3-year 5-year 7-year 10-year 15-year 20-year
16 0.74 4.460
17 4.459
18 4.460
19 4.459
20 4.460
21 0.565
16 2.21 4.463
17 4.462
18 4.463
19 4.462
20 4.463
21 1.673
Table A-4. 3-, 5-, 7-, 10-, 15-, and 20-Year Property
Mid-Quarter Convention
Placed in Service in Third Quarter
Depreciation rate for recovery period
3-year 5-year 7-year 10-year 15-year 20-year
16 3.69 4.460
17 4.461
18 4.460
19 4.461
20 4.460
21 2.788
16 5.17 4.458
17 4.458
18 4.459
19 4.458
20 4.459
21 3.901
1 3.485% 3.182% 2.879% 2.576% 2.273% 1.970% 1.667% 1.364% 1.061% 0.758% 0.455% 0.152%
2–9 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636
10 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636
11 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637
12 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636
13 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637
14 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636
15 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637
16 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636
17 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637
18 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636
19 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637
20 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636
21 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637
22 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636
23 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637
24 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636
25 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637
26 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636
27 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637 3.637
28 1.97 2.273 2.576 2.879 3.182 3.485 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636 3.636
29 0.152 0.455 0.758 1.061 1.364 1.667
1 3.042% 2.778% 2.513% 2.249% 1.984% 1.720% 1.455% 1.190% 0.926% 0.661% 0.397% 0.132%
2–7 3.175 3.175 3.175 3.175 3.175 3.175 3.175 3.175 3.175 3.175 3.175 3.175
8 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.175 3.175 3.175 3.175 3.175
9 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175
10 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174
11 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175
12 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174
13 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175
14 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174
15 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175
16 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174
17 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175
18 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174
19 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175
20 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174
21 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175
22 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174
23 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175
24 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174
25 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175
26 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174
27 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175
28 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174
29 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175
30 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174
31 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175
32 1.720 1.984 2.249 2.513 2.778 3.042 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174 3.175 3.174
33 0.132 0.397 0.661 0.926 1.190 1.455
1 2.461% 2.247% 2.033% 1.819% 1.605% 1.391% 1.177% 0.963% 0.749% 0.535% 0.321% 0.107%
2–39 2.564 2.564 2.564 2.564 2.564 2.564 2.564 2.564 2.564 2.564 2.564 2.564
40 0.107 0.321 0.535 0.749 0.963 1.177 1.391 1.605 1.819 2.033 2.247 2.461
1 20.0% 16.67% 14.29% 12.5% 10.0% 8.33% 7.69% 7.14% 6.67% 6.25% 5.88% 5.56% 5.26%
2 40.0 33.33 28.57 25.0 20.0 16.67 15.39 14.29 13.33 12.50 11.77 11.11 10.53
3 40.0 33.33 28.57 25.0 20.0 16.67 15.38 14.29 13.33 12.50 11.76 11.11 10.53
4 16.67 28.57 25.0 20.0 16.67 15.39 14.28 13.33 12.50 11.77 11.11 10.53
5 12.5 20.0 16.66 15.38 14.29 13.34 12.50 11.76 11.11 10.52
1 5.0% 4.76% 4.55% 4.35% 4.17% 4.0% 3.85% 3.70% 3.57% 3.33% 3.13% 3.03% 2.94%
2 10.0 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
3 10.0 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
4 10.0 9.53 9.09 8.69 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
5 10.0 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
6 10.0 9.53 9.09 8.69 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
7 10.0 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.34 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
8 10.0 9.53 9.09 8.69 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
9 10.0 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.34 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
10 10.0 9.53 9.09 8.69 8.33 8.0 7.70 7.40 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
11 5.0 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.34 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.89
12 4.55 8.69 8.33 8.0 7.70 7.40 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
13 4.17 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.89
14 3.85 7.40 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
15 3.57 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.89
1 2.78% 2.63% 2.5% 2.273% 2.083% 2.0% 1.887% 1.786% 1.667% 1.429% 1.25% 1.111% 1.0%
2 5.56 5.26 5.0 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
3 5.56 5.26 5.0 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
4 5.55 5.26 5.0 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
5 5.56 5.26 5.0 4.546 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
6 5.55 5.26 5.0 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
7 5.56 5.26 5.0 4.546 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
8 5.55 5.26 5.0 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
9 5.56 5.27 5.0 4.546 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
10 5.55 5.26 5.0 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
11 5.56 5.27 5.0 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
12 5.55 5.26 5.0 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
13 5.56 5.27 5.0 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
14 5.55 5.26 5.0 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
15 5.56 5.27 5.0 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
16 5.55 5.26 5.0 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
17 5.56 5.27 5.0 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
18 5.55 5.26 5.0 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
19 2.78 5.27 5.0 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
20 2.63 5.0 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
21 2.5 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
22 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
23 2.273 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
24 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
25 2.083 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.50 2.222 2.0
46 1.111 2.0
47–50 2.0
51 1.0
1 35.0% 29.17% 25.00% 21.88% 17.5% 14.58% 13.46% 12.50% 11.67% 10.94% 10.29% 9.72% 9.21%
2 40.0 33.33 28.57 25.00 20.0 16.67 15.38 14.29 13.33 12.50 11.77 11.11 10.53
3 25.0 33.33 28.57 25.00 20.0 16.67 15.39 14.28 13.33 12.50 11.76 11.11 10.53
4 4.17 17.86 25.00 20.0 16.67 15.38 14.29 13.33 12.50 11.77 11.11 10.53
5 3.12 20.0 16.66 15.39 14.28 13.34 12.50 11.76 11.11 10.52
1 8.75% 8.33% 7.95% 7.61% 7.29% 7.0% 6.73% 6.48% 6.25% 5.83% 5.47% 5.30% 5.15%
2 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
3 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
4 10.00 9.53 9.09 8.69 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
5 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
6 10.00 9.53 9.09 8.69 8.34 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
7 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
8 10.00 9.53 9.09 8.69 8.34 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
9 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.70 7.40 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
10 10.00 9.53 9.10 8.69 8.34 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
11 1.25 5.95 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.70 7.40 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
12 1.14 5.43 8.34 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.89
13 1.04 5.0 7.70 7.40 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
14 0.96 4.63 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.89
15 0.89 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
1 4.86% 4.61% 4.375% 3.977% 3.646% 3.5% 3.302% 3.125% 2.917% 2.500% 2.188% 1.944% 1.75%
2 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
3 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
4 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.546 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
5 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
6 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.546 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
7 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
8 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.546 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
9 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
10 5.56 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
11 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
12 5.56 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
13 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
14 5.56 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
15 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
16 5.56 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
17 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
18 5.56 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
19 0.69 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
20 0.66 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
21 0.625 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
22 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
23 0.568 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
24 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
25 0.521 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
46 0.278 2.00
47–50 2.00
51 0.25
1 25.0% 20.83% 17.86% 15.63% 12.5% 10.42% 9.62% 8.93% 8.33% 7.81% 7.35% 6.94% 6.58%
2 40.0 33.33 28.57 25.00 20.0 16.67 15.38 14.29 13.33 12.50 11.77 11.11 10.53
3 35.0 33.34 28.57 25.00 20.0 16.67 15.38 14.28 13.33 12.50 11.76 11.11 10.53
4 12.50 25.00 25.00 20.0 16.66 15.39 14.29 13.34 12.50 11.77 11.11 10.53
5 9.37 20.0 16.67 15.38 14.28 13.33 12.50 11.76 11.11 10.52
1 6.25% 5.95% 5.68% 5.43% 5.21% 5.0% 4.81% 4.63% 4.46% 4.17% 3.91% 3.79% 3.68%
2 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
3 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
4 10.00 9.53 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
5 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.69 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
6 10.00 9.53 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
7 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.69 8.34 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
8 10.00 9.53 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
9 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.69 8.34 8.0 7.69 7.40 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
10 10.00 9.53 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.70 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
11 3.75 8.33 9.10 8.69 8.34 8.0 7.69 7.40 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
12 3.41 7.61 8.33 8.0 7.70 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.89
13 3.13 7.0 7.69 7.40 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
14 2.89 6.48 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.89
15 2.68 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
1 3.47% 3.29% 3.125% 2.841% 2.604% 2.5% 2.358% 2.232% 2.083% 1.786% 1.563% 1.389% 1.25%
2 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
3 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
4 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
5 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.546 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
6 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
7 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.546 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
8 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
9 5.55 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
10 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
11 5.55 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
12 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
13 5.55 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
14 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
15 5.55 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
16 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
17 5.55 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
18 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
19 2.08 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
20 1.97 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
21 1.875 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
22 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
23 1.705 4.166 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
24 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
25 1.562 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
46 0.833 2.00
47–50 2.00
51 0.75
1 15.0% 12.50% 10.71% 9.38% 7.5% 6.25% 5.77% 5.36% 5.00% 4.69% 4.41% 4.17% 3.95%
2 40.0 33.33 28.57 25.00 20.0 16.67 15.38 14.29 13.33 12.50 11.76 11.11 10.53
3 40.0 33.34 28.57 25.00 20.0 16.67 15.39 14.28 13.33 12.50 11.77 11.11 10.53
4 5.0 20.83 28.58 25.00 20.0 16.66 15.38 14.29 13.33 12.50 11.76 11.11 10.52
5 3.57 15.62 20.0 16.67 15.39 14.28 13.34 12.50 11.77 11.11 10.53
11 1.32
1 3.75% 3.57% 3.41% 3.26% 3.13% 3.0% 2.88% 2.78% 2.68% 2.50% 2.34% 2.27% 2.21%
2 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
3 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
4 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.69 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
5 10.00 9.53 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
6 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.69 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
7 10.00 9.53 9.09 8.70 8.34 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
8 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.69 8.33 8.0 7.70 7.40 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
9 10.00 9.53 9.09 8.70 8.34 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
10 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.69 8.33 8.0 7.70 7.40 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
11 6.25 9.53 9.10 8.70 8.34 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
12 1.19 5.68 8.69 8.33 8.0 7.70 7.40 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.89
13 1.09 5.21 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
14 1.0 4.81 7.40 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.89
15 0.93 4.47 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
1 2.08% 1.97% 1.875% 1.705% 1.563% 1.5% 1.415% 1.339% 1.250% 1.071% 0.938% 0.833% 0.75%
2 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
3 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
4 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
5 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.546 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
6 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
7 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.546 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
8 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
9 5.55 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
10 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
11 5.55 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
12 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
13 5.55 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
14 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
15 5.55 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
16 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
17 5.55 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
18 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
19 3.47 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
20 3.29 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
21 3.125 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
22 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
23 2.841 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
24 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.572 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
25 2.604 4.0 3.773 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
46 1.389 2.00
47–50 2.00
51 1.25
1 5.0% 4.17% 3.57% 3.13% 2.5% 2.08% 1.92% 1.79% 1.67% 1.56% 1.47% 1.39% 1.32%
2 40.0 33.33 28.57 25.00 20.0 16.67 15.39 14.29 13.33 12.50 11.76 11.11 10.53
3 40.0 33.33 28.57 25.00 20.0 16.67 15.38 14.28 13.33 12.50 11.77 11.11 10.53
4 15.0 29.17 28.57 25.00 20.0 16.67 15.39 14.29 13.33 12.50 11.76 11.11 10.52
5 10.72 21.87 20.0 16.66 15.38 14.28 13.33 12.50 11.77 11.11 10.53
11 3.95
1 1.25% 1.19% 1.14% 1.09% 1.04% 1.0% 0.96% 0.93% 0.89% 0.83% 0.78% 0.76% 0.74%
2 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
3 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.69 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
4 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
5 10.00 9.53 9.09 8.69 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
6 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.34 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
7 10.00 9.53 9.09 8.69 8.33 8.0 7.69 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
8 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.34 8.0 7.69 7.40 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
9 10.00 9.53 9.09 8.69 8.33 8.0 7.70 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
10 10.00 9.52 9.09 8.70 8.34 8.0 7.69 7.40 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.88
11 8.75 9.53 9.09 8.69 8.33 8.0 7.70 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
12 3.57 7.96 8.70 8.34 8.0 7.69 7.40 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.89
13 3.26 7.29 8.0 7.70 7.41 7.14 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
14 3.0 6.73 7.40 7.15 6.66 6.25 6.06 5.89
15 2.78 6.25 6.67 6.25 6.06 5.88
1 0.69% 0.66% 0.625% 0.568% 0.521% 0.5% 0.472% 0.446% 0.417% 0.357% 0.313% 0.278% 0.25%
2 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
3 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
4 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.546 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
5 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
6 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.546 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
7 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
8 5.56 5.26 5.000 4.546 4.167 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
9 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
10 5.56 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
11 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
12 5.56 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
13 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
14 5.56 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
15 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
16 5.56 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
17 5.55 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
18 5.56 5.27 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
19 4.86 5.26 5.000 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
20 4.61 5.000 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
21 4.375 4.545 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
22 4.546 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
23 3.977 4.167 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
24 4.166 4.0 3.773 3.572 3.333 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
25 3.646 4.0 3.774 3.571 3.334 2.857 2.500 2.222 2.00
46 1.945 2.00
47–50 2.00
51 1.75
1 3.204% 2.926% 2.649% 2.371% 2.093% 1.815% 1.528% 1.250% 0.972% 0.694% 0.417% 0.139%
2–30 3.333 3.333 3.333 3.333 3.333 3.333 3.333 3.333 3.333 3.333 3.333 3.333
31 0.139 0.417 0.694 0.972 1.250 1.528 1.815 2.093 2.371 2.649 2.926 3.204
1 2.396% 2.188% 1.979% 1.771% 1.563% 1.354% 1.146% 0.938% 0.729% 0.521% 0.313% 0.104%
2–40 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.500
41 0.104 0.312 0.521 0.729 0.937 1.146 1.354 1.562 1.771 1.979 2.187 2.396
1 30.0% 25.0% 21.43% 18.75% 15.00% 12.50% 11.54% 10.71% 10.00% 9.38% 8.82% 8.33% 7.89%
2 42.0 37.5 33.67 30.47 25.50 21.88 20.41 19.13 18.00 16.99 16.09 15.28 14.54
3 28.0 25.0 22.45 20.31 17.85 16.41 15.70 15.03 14.40 13.81 13.25 12.73 12.25
4 12.5 22.45 20.31 16.66 14.06 13.09 12.25 11.52 11.22 10.91 10.61 10.31
5 10.16 16.66 14.06 13.09 12.25 11.52 10.80 10.19 9.65 9.17
1 7.50% 7.14% 6.82% 6.52% 6.25% 6.00% 5.77% 5.56% 5.36% 5.00% 4.69% 4.55% 4.41%
2 13.88 13.27 12.71 12.19 11.72 11.28 10.87 10.49 10.14 9.50 8.94 8.68 8.43
3 11.79 11.37 10.97 10.60 10.25 9.93 9.62 9.33 9.05 8.55 8.10 7.89 7.69
4 10.02 9.75 9.48 9.22 8.97 8.73 8.51 8.29 8.08 7.70 7.34 7.17 7.01
5 8.74 8.35 8.18 8.02 7.85 7.69 7.53 7.37 7.22 6.93 6.65 6.52 6.39
6 8.74 8.35 7.98 7.64 7.33 7.05 6.79 6.55 6.44 6.23 6.03 5.93 5.83
7 8.74 8.35 7.97 7.64 7.33 7.05 6.79 6.55 6.32 5.90 5.55 5.39 5.32
8 8.74 8.35 7.98 7.63 7.33 7.05 6.79 6.55 6.32 5.90 5.55 5.39 5.23
9 8.74 8.36 7.97 7.64 7.33 7.04 6.79 6.55 6.32 5.91 5.55 5.39 5.23
10 8.74 8.35 7.98 7.63 7.33 7.05 6.79 6.55 6.32 5.90 5.55 5.39 5.23
11 4.37 8.36 7.97 7.64 7.32 7.04 6.79 6.55 6.32 5.91 5.55 5.39 5.23
12 3.99 7.63 7.33 7.05 6.78 6.55 6.32 5.90 5.55 5.39 5.23
13 3.66 7.04 6.79 6.56 6.32 5.91 5.54 5.38 5.23
14 3.39 6.55 6.31 5.90 5.55 5.39 5.23
15 3.16 5.91 5.54 5.38 5.23
1 4.17% 3.95% 3.750% 3.409% 3.125% 3.000% 2.830% 2.679% 2.500% 2.143% 1.875% 1.667% 1.500%
2 7.99 7.58 7.219 6.586 6.055 5.820 5.500 5.214 4.875 4.194 3.680 3.278 2.955
3 7.32 6.98 6.677 6.137 5.676 5.471 5.189 4.934 4.631 4.014 3.542 3.169 2.866
4 6.71 6.43 6.177 5.718 5.322 5.143 4.895 4.670 4.400 3.842 3.409 3.063 2.780
5 6.15 5.93 5.713 5.328 4.989 4.834 4.618 4.420 4.180 3.677 3.281 2.961 2.697
6 5.64 5.46 5.285 4.965 4.677 4.544 4.357 4.183 3.971 3.520 3.158 2.862 2.616
7 5.17 5.03 4.888 4.627 4.385 4.271 4.110 3.959 3.772 3.369 3.040 2.767 2.538
8 4.94 4.69 4.522 4.311 4.111 4.015 3.877 3.747 3.584 3.225 2.926 2.674 2.461
9 4.94 4.69 4.462 4.063 3.854 3.774 3.658 3.546 3.404 3.086 2.816 2.585 2.388
10 4.94 4.69 4.461 4.063 3.729 3.584 3.451 3.356 3.234 2.954 2.710 2.499 2.316
11 4.94 4.69 4.462 4.063 3.729 3.583 3.383 3.205 3.072 2.828 2.609 2.416 2.246
12 4.95 4.69 4.461 4.063 3.729 3.584 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.706 2.511 2.335 2.179
13 4.94 4.69 4.462 4.064 3.730 3.583 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.590 2.417 2.257 2.114
14 4.95 4.69 4.461 4.063 3.729 3.584 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.326 2.182 2.050
15 4.94 4.69 4.462 4.064 3.730 3.583 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.110 1.989
16 4.95 4.69 4.461 4.063 3.729 3.584 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.039 1.929
17 4.94 4.69 4.462 4.064 3.730 3.583 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.871
18 4.95 4.70 4.461 4.063 3.729 3.584 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.815
19 2.47 4.69 4.462 4.064 3.730 3.583 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
20 2.35 4.461 4.063 3.729 3.584 3.384 3.205 2.993 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
21 2.231 4.064 3.730 3.583 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
22 4.063 3.729 3.584 3.384 3.205 2.993 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
23 2.032 3.730 3.583 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
24 3.729 3.584 3.384 3.205 2.993 2.571 2.253 2.004 1.806
25 1.865 3.583 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
46 1.002 1.805
47 1.806
48 1.805
49 1.806
50 1.805
51 0.903
1 52.50% 43.75% 37.50% 32.81% 26.25% 21.88% 20.19% 18.75% 17.50% 16.41% 15.44% 14.58% 13.82%
2 29.23 28.13 26.79 25.20 22.13 19.53 18.42 17.41 16.50 15.67 14.92 14.24 13.61
3 18.27 25.00 21.98 19.76 16.52 14.65 14.17 13.68 13.20 12.74 12.29 11.86 11.46
4 3.12 13.73 19.76 16.52 14.06 13.03 12.16 11.42 10.77 10.20 9.89 9.65
5 2.47 16.52 14.06 13.02 12.16 11.42 10.77 10.19 9.64 9.15
1 13.13% 12.50% 11.93% 11.41% 10.94% 10.50% 10.10% 9.72% 9.38% 8.75% 8.20% 7.95% 7.72%
2 13.03 12.50 12.01 11.56 11.13 10.74 10.37 10.03 9.71 9.13 8.61 8.37 8.14
3 11.08 10.71 10.37 10.05 9.74 9.45 9.18 8.92 8.67 8.21 7.80 7.61 7.42
4 9.41 9.18 8.96 8.74 8.52 8.32 8.12 7.93 7.74 7.39 7.07 6.92 6.77
5 8.71 8.32 7.96 7.64 7.46 7.32 7.18 7.04 6.91 6.65 6.41 6.29 6.17
6 8.71 8.32 7.96 7.64 7.33 7.04 6.78 6.53 6.31 5.99 5.80 5.71 5.63
7 8.71 8.32 7.96 7.64 7.33 7.04 6.77 6.54 6.31 5.90 5.54 5.38 5.23
8 8.71 8.32 7.96 7.64 7.33 7.04 6.78 6.53 6.31 5.91 5.54 5.38 5.23
9 8.71 8.32 7.96 7.64 7.33 7.04 6.77 6.54 6.31 5.90 5.54 5.38 5.23
10 8.71 8.31 7.97 7.63 7.32 7.04 6.78 6.53 6.31 5.91 5.54 5.38 5.23
11 1.09 5.20 7.96 7.64 7.33 7.04 6.77 6.54 6.31 5.90 5.54 5.38 5.23
12 1.00 4.77 7.32 7.03 6.78 6.53 6.31 5.91 5.54 5.38 5.22
13 0.92 4.40 6.77 6.54 6.32 5.90 5.54 5.38 5.23
14 0.85 4.08 6.31 5.91 5.55 5.38 5.22
15 0.79 5.90 5.54 5.38 5.23
1 7.29% 6.91% 6.563% 5.966% 5.469% 5.250% 4.953% 4.688% 4.375% 3.750% 3.281% 2.917% 2.625%
2 7.73 7.35 7.008 6.411 5.908 5.685 5.380 5.106 4.781 4.125 3.627 3.236 2.921
3 7.08 6.77 6.482 5.974 5.539 5.344 5.075 4.832 4.542 3.948 3.491 3.128 2.834
4 6.49 6.23 5.996 5.567 5.193 5.023 4.788 4.574 4.315 3.779 3.360 3.024 2.749
5 5.95 5.74 5.546 5.187 4.868 4.722 4.517 4.329 4.099 3.617 3.234 2.923 2.666
6 5.45 5.29 5.130 4.834 4.564 4.439 4.262 4.097 3.894 3.462 3.113 2.826 2.586
7 5.00 4.87 4.746 4.504 4.279 4.172 4.020 3.877 3.700 3.314 2.996 2.732 2.509
8 4.94 4.69 4.459 4.197 4.011 3.922 3.793 3.669 3.515 3.172 2.884 2.640 2.433
9 4.95 4.69 4.459 4.061 3.761 3.687 3.578 3.473 3.339 3.036 2.776 2.552 2.360
10 4.94 4.69 4.459 4.061 3.729 3.582 3.383 3.287 3.172 2.906 2.671 2.467 2.290
11 4.95 4.69 4.459 4.061 3.729 3.582 3.384 3.204 3.013 2.781 2.571 2.385 2.221
12 4.94 4.69 4.460 4.061 3.730 3.582 3.383 3.204 2.994 2.662 2.475 2.306 2.154
13 4.95 4.69 4.459 4.061 3.729 3.582 3.384 3.204 2.994 2.571 2.382 2.229 2.090
14 4.94 4.69 4.460 4.061 3.730 3.582 3.383 3.204 2.994 2.571 2.293 2.154 2.027
15 4.95 4.68 4.459 4.061 3.729 3.582 3.384 3.204 2.994 2.571 2.252 2.083 1.966
16 4.94 4.69 4.460 4.061 3.730 3.582 3.383 3.204 2.994 2.571 2.252 2.013 1.907
17 4.95 4.68 4.459 4.061 3.729 3.582 3.384 3.204 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.850
18 4.94 4.69 4.460 4.061 3.730 3.582 3.383 3.204 2.994 2.571 2.252 2.005 1.806
19 0.62 4.68 4.459 4.061 3.729 3.581 3.384 3.204 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
20 0.59 4.460 4.060 3.730 3.582 3.383 3.204 2.994 2.571 2.252 2.005 1.806
21 0.557 4.061 3.729 3.581 3.384 3.203 2.993 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
22 4.060 3.730 3.582 3.383 3.204 2.994 2.571 2.252 2.005 1.806
23 0.508 3.729 3.581 3.384 3.203 2.993 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
24 3.730 3.582 3.383 3.204 2.994 2.570 2.252 2.005 1.806
25 0.466 3.581 3.384 3.203 2.993 2.571 2.253 2.004 1.806
46 0.251 1.805
47 1.806
48 1.805
49 1.806
50 1.805
51 0.226
1 37.50% 31.25% 26.79% 23.44% 18.75% 15.63% 14.42% 13.39% 12.50% 11.72% 11.03% 10.42% 9.87%
2 37.50 34.38 31.38 28.71 24.38 21.09 19.75 18.56 17.50 16.55 15.70 14.93 14.23
3 25.00 25.00 22.31 20.15 17.06 15.82 15.19 14.58 14.00 13.45 12.93 12.44 11.98
4 9.37 19.52 20.15 16.76 14.06 13.07 12.22 11.49 10.93 10.65 10.37 10.09
5 7.55 16.76 14.06 13.07 12.22 11.49 10.82 10.19 9.64 9.16
1 9.38% 8.93% 8.52% 8.15% 7.81% 7.50% 7.21% 6.94% 6.70% 6.25% 5.86% 5.68% 5.51%
2 13.59 13.01 12.47 11.98 11.52 11.10 10.71 10.34 10.00 9.38 8.83 8.57 8.34
3 11.55 11.15 10.77 10.42 10.08 9.77 9.47 9.19 8.92 8.44 8.00 7.80 7.60
4 9.82 9.56 9.31 9.06 8.82 8.60 8.38 8.17 7.97 7.59 7.25 7.09 6.93
5 8.73 8.34 8.04 7.88 7.72 7.56 7.41 7.26 7.12 6.83 6.57 6.44 6.32
6 8.73 8.34 7.98 7.64 7.33 7.04 6.78 6.55 6.35 6.15 5.95 5.86 5.76
7 8.73 8.34 7.98 7.64 7.33 7.04 6.79 6.55 6.32 5.91 5.55 5.38 5.25
8 8.73 8.34 7.98 7.64 7.33 7.05 6.78 6.55 6.32 5.90 5.55 5.39 5.23
9 8.73 8.34 7.99 7.64 7.33 7.04 6.79 6.54 6.32 5.91 5.55 5.38 5.23
10 8.73 8.35 7.98 7.63 7.33 7.05 6.78 6.55 6.32 5.90 5.54 5.39 5.23
11 3.28 7.30 7.99 7.64 7.33 7.04 6.79 6.54 6.32 5.91 5.55 5.38 5.23
12 2.99 6.68 7.32 7.05 6.78 6.55 6.32 5.90 5.54 5.39 5.23
13 2.75 6.16 6.79 6.54 6.32 5.91 5.55 5.38 5.24
14 2.54 5.73 6.33 5.90 5.54 5.39 5.23
15 2.37 5.91 5.55 5.38 5.24
1 5.21% 4.93% 4.688% 4.261% 3.906% 3.750% 3.538% 3.348% 3.125% 2.679% 2.344% 2.083% 1.875%
2 7.90 7.51 7.148 6.528 6.006 5.775 5.460 5.178 4.844 4.171 3.662 3.264 2.944
3 7.24 6.91 6.612 6.083 5.631 5.429 5.151 4.900 4.602 3.992 3.525 3.155 2.855
4 6.64 6.37 6.116 5.668 5.279 5.103 4.859 4.638 4.371 3.821 3.393 3.050 2.770
5 6.08 5.86 5.658 5.281 4.949 4.797 4.584 4.389 4.153 3.657 3.265 2.948 2.687
6 5.58 5.40 5.233 4.921 4.639 4.509 4.325 4.154 3.945 3.501 3.143 2.850 2.606
7 5.11 4.98 4.841 4.586 4.349 4.238 4.080 3.932 3.748 3.351 3.025 2.755 2.528
8 4.94 4.69 4.478 4.273 4.078 3.984 3.849 3.721 3.561 3.207 2.912 2.663 2.452
9 4.94 4.69 4.463 4.063 3.823 3.745 3.631 3.522 3.383 3.069 2.802 2.574 2.378
10 4.95 4.69 4.463 4.063 3.729 3.583 3.426 3.333 3.213 2.938 2.697 2.489 2.307
11 4.94 4.69 4.463 4.062 3.729 3.583 3.384 3.205 3.053 2.812 2.596 2.406 2.238
12 4.95 4.69 4.463 4.063 3.729 3.583 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.692 2.499 2.325 2.171
13 4.94 4.69 4.463 4.062 3.730 3.583 3.384 3.205 2.994 2.576 2.405 2.248 2.106
14 4.95 4.69 4.463 4.063 3.729 3.583 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.315 2.173 2.042
15 4.94 4.69 4.462 4.062 3.730 3.583 3.384 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.101 1.981
16 4.95 4.69 4.463 4.063 3.729 3.583 3.383 3.204 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.031 1.922
17 4.94 4.69 4.462 4.062 3.730 3.583 3.384 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.864
18 4.95 4.69 4.463 4.063 3.729 3.583 3.383 3.204 2.993 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.808
19 1.85 4.69 4.462 4.062 3.730 3.583 3.384 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
20 1.76 4.463 4.063 3.729 3.583 3.383 3.204 2.993 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
21 1.673 4.062 3.730 3.583 3.384 3.205 2.994 2.572 2.253 2.005 1.806
22 4.063 3.729 3.583 3.383 3.204 2.993 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
23 1.523 3.730 3.583 3.384 3.205 2.994 2.572 2.253 2.004 1.806
24 3.729 3.582 3.383 3.204 2.993 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
25 1.399 3.583 3.384 3.205 2.994 2.572 2.253 2.004 1.806
46 0.752 1.806
47 1.805
48 1.806
49 1.805
50 1.806
51 0.677
1 22.50% 18.75% 16.07% 14.06% 11.25% 9.38% 8.65% 8.04% 7.50% 7.03% 6.62% 6.25% 5.92%
2 46.50 40.63 35.97 32.23 26.63 22.66 21.08 19.71 18.50 17.43 16.48 15.63 14.85
3 27.56 25.00 22.57 20.46 18.64 16.99 16.22 15.48 14.80 14.16 13.57 13.02 12.51
4 3.44 15.62 22.57 20.46 16.56 14.06 13.10 12.27 11.84 11.51 11.18 10.85 10.53
5 2.82 12.79 16.57 14.06 13.10 12.28 11.48 10.78 10.18 9.64 9.17
11 1.15
1 5.63% 5.36% 5.11% 4.89% 4.69% 4.50% 4.33% 4.17% 4.02% 3.75% 3.52% 3.41% 3.31%
2 14.16 13.52 12.94 12.41 11.91 11.46 11.04 10.65 10.28 9.63 9.05 8.78 8.53
3 12.03 11.59 11.18 10.79 10.43 10.08 9.77 9.46 9.18 8.66 8.20 7.98 7.78
4 10.23 9.93 9.65 9.38 9.12 8.88 8.64 8.41 8.20 7.80 7.43 7.26 7.09
5 8.75 8.51 8.33 8.16 7.98 7.81 7.64 7.48 7.32 7.02 6.73 6.60 6.47
6 8.75 8.34 7.97 7.63 7.33 7.05 6.79 6.65 6.54 6.31 6.10 6.00 5.90
7 8.75 8.34 7.97 7.63 7.33 7.05 6.79 6.55 6.31 5.90 5.55 5.45 5.38
8 8.74 8.34 7.97 7.63 7.33 7.05 6.79 6.54 6.31 5.90 5.55 5.38 5.23
9 8.75 8.34 7.97 7.63 7.33 7.05 6.79 6.55 6.32 5.91 5.55 5.39 5.23
10 8.74 8.34 7.97 7.63 7.32 7.05 6.79 6.54 6.31 5.90 5.55 5.38 5.23
11 5.47 8.35 7.96 7.63 7.33 7.05 6.79 6.55 6.32 5.91 5.55 5.39 5.23
12 1.04 4.98 7.64 7.32 7.04 6.80 6.54 6.31 5.90 5.55 5.38 5.23
13 0.95 4.58 7.05 6.79 6.55 6.32 5.91 5.55 5.39 5.22
14 0.88 4.25 6.54 6.31 5.90 5.55 5.38 5.23
15 0.82 3.95 5.91 5.55 5.39 5.22
1 3.13% 2.96% 2.813% 2.557% 2.344% 2.250% 2.123% 2.009% 1.875% 1.607% 1.406% 1.250% 1.125%
2 8.07 7.66 7.289 6.644 6.104 5.865 5.540 5.250 4.906 4.217 3.697 3.292 2.966
3 7.40 7.06 6.742 6.191 5.722 5.513 5.227 4.968 4.661 4.036 3.559 3.182 2.877
4 6.78 6.50 6.237 5.769 5.364 5.182 4.931 4.702 4.428 3.863 3.425 3.076 2.791
5 6.22 5.99 5.769 5.375 5.029 4.871 4.652 4.450 4.207 3.698 3.297 2.973 2.707
6 5.70 5.51 5.336 5.009 4.715 4.579 4.388 4.212 3.996 3.539 3.173 2.874 2.626
7 5.23 5.08 4.936 4.667 4.420 4.304 4.140 3.986 3.796 3.387 3.054 2.778 2.547
8 4.94 4.69 4.566 4.349 4.144 4.046 3.906 3.773 3.607 3.242 2.940 2.686 2.471
9 4.94 4.69 4.460 4.064 3.885 3.803 3.685 3.571 3.426 3.103 2.829 2.596 2.397
10 4.94 4.69 4.460 4.064 3.729 3.584 3.476 3.379 3.255 2.970 2.723 2.510 2.325
11 4.94 4.69 4.460 4.064 3.730 3.584 3.383 3.205 3.092 2.843 2.621 2.426 2.255
12 4.95 4.69 4.460 4.064 3.729 3.584 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.721 2.523 2.345 2.187
13 4.94 4.69 4.461 4.064 3.730 3.584 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.605 2.428 2.267 2.122
14 4.95 4.69 4.460 4.064 3.729 3.584 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.337 2.192 2.058
15 4.94 4.70 4.461 4.064 3.730 3.584 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.118 1.996
16 4.95 4.69 4.460 4.064 3.729 3.584 3.383 3.206 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.048 1.937
17 4.94 4.70 4.461 4.064 3.730 3.584 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.878
18 4.95 4.69 4.460 4.065 3.729 3.584 3.383 3.206 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.822
19 3.09 4.70 4.461 4.064 3.730 3.584 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
20 2.93 4.460 4.065 3.729 3.584 3.383 3.206 2.993 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
21 2.788 4.064 3.730 3.585 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
22 4.065 3.729 3.584 3.383 3.206 2.993 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
23 2.540 3.730 3.585 3.383 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
24 3.729 3.584 3.383 3.206 2.993 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
25 2.331 3.585 3.382 3.205 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.004 1.806
46 1.253 1.806
47 1.805
48 1.806
49 1.805
50 1.806
51 1.128
1 7.50% 6.25% 5.36% 4.69% 3.75% 3.13% 2.88% 2.68% 2.50% 2.34% 2.21% 2.08% 1.97%
2 55.50 46.88 40.56 35.74 28.88 24.22 22.41 20.85 19.50 18.31 17.26 16.32 15.48
3 26.91 25.00 23.18 22.34 20.21 18.16 17.24 16.39 15.60 14.88 14.21 13.60 13.03
4 10.09 21.87 22.47 19.86 16.40 14.06 13.26 12.87 12.48 12.09 11.70 11.33 10.98
5 8.43 17.37 16.41 14.06 13.10 12.18 11.41 10.74 10.16 9.65 9.24
11 3.44
1 1.88% 1.79% 1.70% 1.63% 1.56% 1.50% 1.44% 1.39% 1.34% 1.25% 1.17% 1.14% 1.10%
2 14.72 14.03 13.40 12.83 12.31 11.82 11.37 10.96 10.57 9.88 9.27 8.99 8.73
3 12.51 12.03 11.58 11.16 10.77 10.40 10.06 9.74 9.44 8.89 8.40 8.17 7.96
4 10.63 10.31 10.00 9.70 9.42 9.15 8.90 8.66 8.43 8.00 7.61 7.43 7.25
5 9.04 8.83 8.63 8.44 8.24 8.06 7.87 7.69 7.52 7.20 6.90 6.75 6.61
6 8.72 8.32 7.95 7.63 7.33 7.09 6.96 6.84 6.72 6.48 6.25 6.14 6.03
7 8.72 8.31 7.96 7.63 7.33 7.05 6.78 6.53 6.31 5.90 5.66 5.58 5.50
8 8.72 8.32 7.95 7.62 7.33 7.05 6.78 6.53 6.31 5.90 5.54 5.38 5.22
9 8.72 8.31 7.96 7.63 7.33 7.05 6.78 6.53 6.31 5.90 5.54 5.38 5.23
10 8.71 8.32 7.95 7.62 7.32 7.05 6.78 6.54 6.31 5.91 5.54 5.38 5.22
11 7.63 8.31 7.96 7.63 7.33 7.05 6.78 6.53 6.31 5.90 5.54 5.38 5.23
12 3.12 6.96 7.62 7.32 7.04 6.78 6.54 6.30 5.91 5.55 5.38 5.22
13 2.86 6.41 7.05 6.78 6.53 6.31 5.90 5.54 5.38 5.23
14 2.64 5.94 6.54 6.30 5.91 5.55 5.38 5.22
15 2.45 5.52 5.90 5.54 5.37 5.23
1 1.04% 0.99% 0.938% 0.852% 0.781% 0.750% 0.708% 0.670% 0.625% 0.536% 0.469% 0.417% 0.375%
2 8.25 7.82 7.430 6.760 6.201 5.955 5.620 5.321 4.969 4.263 3.732 3.319 2.989
3 7.56 7.20 6.872 6.299 5.814 5.598 5.302 5.036 4.720 4.080 3.592 3.209 2.899
4 6.93 6.63 6.357 5.870 5.450 5.262 5.002 4.766 4.484 3.905 3.458 3.102 2.812
5 6.35 6.11 5.880 5.469 5.110 4.946 4.719 4.511 4.260 3.738 3.328 2.998 2.728
6 5.82 5.63 5.439 5.097 4.790 4.649 4.452 4.269 4.047 3.578 3.203 2.898 2.646
7 5.34 5.18 5.031 4.749 4.491 4.370 4.200 4.041 3.845 3.424 3.083 2.802 2.567
8 4.94 4.77 4.654 4.425 4.210 4.108 3.962 3.824 3.653 3.278 2.968 2.708 2.490
9 4.94 4.69 4.458 4.124 3.947 3.862 3.738 3.619 3.470 3.137 2.856 2.618 2.415
10 4.94 4.69 4.458 4.062 3.730 3.630 3.526 3.426 3.296 3.003 2.749 2.531 2.342
11 4.95 4.69 4.458 4.062 3.729 3.582 3.383 3.242 3.132 2.874 2.646 2.447 2.272
12 4.94 4.69 4.458 4.062 3.730 3.582 3.382 3.204 2.994 2.751 2.547 2.365 2.204
13 4.95 4.69 4.458 4.062 3.729 3.582 3.383 3.204 2.994 2.633 2.451 2.286 2.138
14 4.94 4.69 4.458 4.061 3.730 3.582 3.382 3.204 2.994 2.570 2.359 2.210 2.074
15 4.95 4.69 4.458 4.062 3.729 3.582 3.383 3.204 2.994 2.571 2.271 2.136 2.011
16 4.94 4.69 4.458 4.061 3.730 3.583 3.382 3.204 2.994 2.570 2.253 2.065 1.951
17 4.95 4.68 4.458 4.062 3.729 3.582 3.383 3.204 2.994 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.893
18 4.94 4.69 4.459 4.061 3.730 3.583 3.382 3.204 2.994 2.570 2.253 2.005 1.836
19 4.33 4.68 4.458 4.062 3.729 3.582 3.383 3.204 2.993 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
20 4.10 4.459 4.061 3.730 3.583 3.382 3.204 2.994 2.570 2.253 2.005 1.806
21 3.901 4.062 3.729 3.582 3.383 3.204 2.993 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
22 4.061 3.730 3.583 3.382 3.204 2.994 2.570 2.253 2.005 1.806
23 3.554 3.729 3.582 3.383 3.205 2.993 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
24 3.730 3.583 3.382 3.204 2.994 2.570 2.253 2.005 1.805
25 3.263 3.582 3.383 3.205 2.993 2.571 2.253 2.005 1.806
46 1.754 1.805
47 1.806
48 1.805
49 1.806
50 1.805
51 1.580
Less than 7 years 2.1% –7.2% –19.8% –20.1% –12.4% –12.4% –12.4% –12.4% –12.4% –12.4% –12.4% –12.4%
7 to 10 years 3.9% –3.8% –17.7% –25.1% –27.8% –27.2% –27.1% –27.6% –23.7% –14.7% –14.7% –14.7%
More than 10 years 6.6% –1.6% –16.9% –25.6% –29.9% –31.1% –32.8% –35.1% –33.3% –26.7% –19.7% –12.2%
Less than 7 years 0.0% 10.0% 22.0% 21.2% 12.7% 12.7% 12.7% 12.7% 12.7% 12.7% 12.7% 12.7%
7 to 10 years 0.0% 9.3% 23.8% 31.3% 33.8% 32.7% 31.6% 30.5% 25.0% 15.0% 15.0% 15.0%
More than 10 years 0.0% 10.1% 26.3% 35.4% 39.6% 40.2% 40.8% 41.4% 37.5% 29.2% 20.8% 12.5%
Year Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4
Year Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4
Year Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4
C. Property Used in Connection with Research and Experimentation referred to in section ** 5 class life if
168(e)(3)(B). no class
D. Alternative energy property described in sections 48(l)(3)(A)(ix) (as in effect on the day before ** 5 class life if
the date of enactment (11/5/90) of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990). no class
E. Biomass property described in section 48(l)(15) (as in effect on the day before the date of ** 5 class life if
enactment (11/5/90) of the Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990) and is a qualifying small no class
production facility within the meaning of section 3(17)(c) of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. life—12
796(17)(C)), as in effect on September 1, 1986.
F. Energy property described in section 48(a)(3)(A) (or would be described if “solar or wind ** 5 class life if
energy” were substituted for “solar energy” in section 48(a)(3)(A)(i)). no class
* Any high technology medical equipment as defined in section 168(i)(2)(C) which is described in asset guideline class 57.0 is assigned a 5-year
recovery period for the alternate MACRS method.
** The class life (if any) of property described in class B, C, D, E, or F is determined by reference to the asset guideline classes. If an item of property
described in paragraph B, C, D, E, or F is not described in any asset guideline class, such item of property has no class life.
*** Use straight line over 25 years if placed in service after June 12, 1996, unless placed in service under a binding contract in effect before June 10,
1996, and at all times until placed in service.
Capitalized: Expended or treated as Fiduciary: The one who acts on be- Recovery period: The number of
an item of a capital nature. A capital- half of another as a guardian, trustee, years over which the basis of an item
ized amount is not deductible as a cur- executor, administrator, receiver, or of property is recovered.
rent expense and must be included in conservator.
the basis of property. Remainder interest: That part of an
Fungible commodity: A commodity estate that is left after all the other pro-
Circumstantial evidence: Details or of a nature that one part may be used visions of a will have been satisfied.
facts which indirectly point to other in place of another part.
facts. Residential rental property: Real
Goodwill: An intangible property such property, generally buildings or struc-
Class life: A number of years that es- as the advantage or benefit received in tures, if 80% or more of its annual
tablishes the property class and recov- property beyond its mere value. It is gross rental income is from dwelling
ery period for most types of property not confined to a name but can also be units.
under the General Depreciation attached to a particular area where
General Guides 517 Social Security and Other Information 908 Bankruptcy Tax Guide
for Members of the Clergy and 925 Passive Activity and At-Risk Rules
1 Your Rights as a Taxpayer Religious Workers 946 How To Depreciate Property
17 Your Federal Income Tax 527 Residential Rental Property 947 Practice Before the IRS and Power
334 Tax Guide for Small Business 534 Depreciating Property Placed in of Attorney
Service Before 1987 966 Electronic Federal Tax Payment System:
Employer’s Guides 535 Business Expenses A Guide to Getting Started
15 (Circular E), Employer’s Tax Guide 536 Net Operating Losses (NOLs) for 1544 Reporting Cash Payments of Over
15-A Employer’s Supplemental Tax Guide Individuals, Estates, and Trusts $10,000
15-B Employer’s Tax Guide to Fringe 537 Installment Sales 1546 Taxpayer Advocate Service —
538 Accounting Periods and Methods We Are Here To Help You
51 (Circular A), Agricultural Employer’s 541 Partnerships
Tax Guide 542
Spanish Language Publications
80 (Circular SS), Federal Tax Guide for 544 Sales and Other Dispositions of Assets 1SP Derechos del Contribuyente
Employers in the U.S. Virgin Islands, 551 Basis of Assets 179 (Circular PR), Guía Contributiva Federal
Guam, American Samoa, and the 556 Examination of Returns, Appeal Rights, para Patronos Puertorriqueños
Commonwealth of the Northern and Claims for Refund
Mariana Islands 594SP El Proceso de Cobro del IRS
560 Retirement Plans for Small Business 850 English-Spanish Glossary of Words
926 Household Employer’s Tax Guide
561 Determining the Value of Donated (EN/SP) and Phrases
Specialized Publications Property
583 Starting a Business and Keeping 1544SP Informe de Pagos en Efectivo en
225 Farmer’s Tax Guide Records Exceso de $10,000
463 Travel, Gift, and Car Expenses 587 Business Use of Your Home
594 The IRS Collection Process
505 Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax
597 Information on the United States–
510 Excise Taxes Canada Income Tax Treaty
515 Withholding of Tax on Nonresident 598 Tax on Unrelated Business Income of
Aliens and Foreign Entities Exempt Organizations
901 U.S. Tax Treaties
Commonly Used Tax Forms See How To Get Tax Help for a variety of ways to get forms, including by computer, phone,
and mail.
Form Number and Title Catalog Form Number and Title Catalog
Number Number
W-2 Wage and Tax Statement 10134 2106 Employee Business Expenses 11700
W-4 10220 2210 Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals, 11744
940 Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment 11234 Estates, and Trusts
(FUTA) Tax Return 2441 Child and Dependent Care Expenses 11862
941 Employer’s QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return 17001 2848 Power of Attorney and Declaration of 11980
1040 or U.S. Individual Income Tax Return 11320 Representative
1040-SR U.S. Tax Return for Seniors 71930 3800 General Business Credit 12392
Sch A Itemized Deductions 17145 3903 Moving Expenses 12490
Sch B Interest and Ordinary Dividends 17146 4562 Depreciation and Amortization 12906
Sch C 11334 4797 Sales of Business Property 13086
4868 Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File 13141
Sch D Capital Gains and Losses 11338 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
Sch E Supplemental Income and Loss 11344 5329 13329
Sch F IRAs) and Other Tax-Favored Accounts
Sch H Household Employment Taxes 6252 Installment Sale Income 13601
8283 Noncash Charitable Contributions 62299
Sch J Income Averaging for Farmers and Fishermen 25513
Sch R Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled 8300 Report of Cash Payments Over $10,000 Received 62133
11359 in a Trade or Business
Sch SE Self-Employment Tax 11358 8582 Passive Activity Loss Limitations 63704
1040-ES Estimated Tax for Individuals 11340
8606 Nondeductible IRAs 63966
1040-X Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return 11360
8822 Change of Address 12081
1065 U.S. Return of Partnership Income 11390 8822-B Change of Address or Responsible Party — Business 57465
Sch D Capital Gains and Losses 11393
8829 Expenses for Business Use of Your Home 13232
Sch K-1 Partner’s Share of Income, 11394
8949 Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets 37768
Deductions, Credits, etc.
1120 U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return 11450 8959 Additional Medicare Tax 59475
1120-S U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation 11510
Sch D Capital Gains and Losses and Built-in Gains 11516
Sch K-1 Shareholder’s Share of Income, 11520
Deductions, Credits, etc.