Planning Analytics Syllabus
Planning Analytics Syllabus
Planning Analytics Syllabus
Mission of the M1: Design a competent and industry-oriented curriculum blueprint, focused on outcome-based education and global standards
Department well equipped with the latest technological innovations.
M2: Fortification of students' emotional, cognitive, psychological, analytical and ethical competencies with state-of-the-art courses
to combat professional challenges.
M3: Facilitate a student-centric academic environment with co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to groom and develop
future-ready business professionals internationally.
M4: Design a transparent and seamless evaluation system for objective assessments.
M5: Align meaningful interactions with the academia, industry and community to facilitate value-driven holistic development of the
students through excellence in learning, teaching and practice-oriented research.
M6: Develop an ethical and socially responsible entrepreneurial attitude for harnessing environmental opportunities through
creativity and innovation for a vibrant and sustainable society.
Vision of the To implement sustainable, research-oriented business management innovations and disseminate knowledge, thereby developing
Department futuristic value-driven business leaders internationally, well equipped with analytical and industrial knowledge and capable of rising
above the standards, yet, humbly serving the society.
PSO2 To be able to design & demonstrate the use of tools and techniques required to provide domain specific solutions.
PSO3 To be able to demonstrate hands on experience on a number of data analysis tools to extract information for strategic decision
making to implement organizational strategies.
Program OutComes(POs)
PO1 Business Analytics Knowledge: To develop necessary skills and be able to carry out analytical procedures and support an
organization by figuring out ways to improve and optimize existing business processes with ease.
PO2 Management Knowledge: To develop holistic understanding of core management concepts and be able to apply that in business
PO3 Hands on Modern Data Analysis Tools: To get a real-life exposure on data analysis tools used in industry and become proficient in
their usage.
PO4 Critical Analysis & Decision Making: To understand and analyze business situations critically and be able to derive discussions to
logical conclusion.
PO5 To develop understanding of environment impact of businesses and be able to apply management knowledge to develop
sustainable solutions for future generations
PO6 To learn and apply business ethics principles and be committed to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
management practices
PO7 To develop team skills and be able to lead various cross functional team with members from different background
PO8 To be able to communicate effectively in an organization and with the other stakeholders to get inputs for an overall improvement
for business community and society at large.
PO9 To develop understanding of national needs and be able to synchronize organizations goals and objectives to national wellbeing
PO10 To get a good exposure to work on different technology platforms in order to foster decision making in an organization.
PO11 To develop ability and willingness to engage in research, discovery & synthesis of new knowledge and information.
PO12 To develop competence and attitude to critically analyze problems and attempt to find solutions in a logical and comprehensive
Text Books
Sr No Title of the Book Author Name Volume/Edition Publish Hours Years
1 T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and IBM Volume 1 and 2, Version IBM 2023
Design Models 10.1
Reference Books
Sr No Title of the Book Author Name Volume/Edition Publish Hours Years
1 R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Guide Jacob William 1st Edition Create Space 2022
to Financial Technology Independent
Course OutCome
SrNo OutCome
CO1 To Discuss the model development process and Review tools to aid in model development
CO2 To Evaluate Financial Performance Management, use of Cognos TM1, Import Data to develop Objects,
develop and Customize Dimensions& Cubes
CO3 Use of MDX queries in TM1, integrate with Cognos BI and contribute and administrate to Planning
CO4 To apply logics how to share data across cube and create complete model and use additional modeling
techniques in TM1
CO5 To evaluate about Customize Business Rules, SKIPCHECK, FEEDERS, Creation of applications in TM1
and to develop model data using architecture and integrate TM1 with Cognos BI.
1 2 Create and Pick List, Create cube calculations; ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and PPT,Video CO1
Customize Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Lecture
Cubes Gui
1 3 Basics of Identify data sources, create processes ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Flipped CO1
Planning to load data Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Classes,Instr
Analytics Gui uctor Lead
1 4 Basics of create a process to delete data in a ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Activity,Case CO1
Planning cube, Create processes to update and Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,Infogr
Analytics maintain the model Gui aphics,PPT,
Professor of
1 5 Basics of Share Data Across Cubes with Links: ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Case CO1
Planning Types of links, Create and modify links Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,Infogr
Analytics Gui aphics,PPT,
1 6 Basics of Review rule- and process-based links; ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Activity,Case CO1
Planning Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,PPT,R
Analytics Gui eports,Simul
1 7 Basics of Rule, automatically generated rules ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Activity,Case CO1
Planning Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,Flippe
Analytics Gui d
1 8 Basics of Rule Blocks, Disable &Enable auto- ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Activity,Case CO1
Planning generated rules Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,Infogr
Analytics Gui aphics,PPT,
1 9 Basics of Manual Rules; ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Activity,Case CO1
Planning Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,PPT,R
Analytics Gui eports,Simul
2 10 TM1 Optimize Rule Performance: ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Activity,Case CO2
Architecture Consolidations and Sparsity, Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,PPT,R
Gui eports,Simul
2 11 TM1 SKIPCHECK, FEEDERS ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Activity,Case CO2
Architecture Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,PPT,R
Gui eports,Simul
2 12 TM1 Complete Model: Discuss the model ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Activity,Case CO2
Architecture development process Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,Repor
Gui ts,Simulation
2 13 TM1 Complete objects for the model ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Activity,Case CO2
Architecture Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,PPT,R
Gui eports,Simul
2 14 TM1 Review tools to aid in model ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Activity,Case CO2
Architecture development Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,PPT,R
Gui eports,Simul
2 15 TM1 Create Applications: Application types, ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Activity,Case CO3
Architecture Create a new application Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,PPT,R
Gui eports,Simul
2 16 TM1 Apply security in the application, ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Activity,Case CO3
Architecture Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,PPT,R
Gui eports,Simul
2 17 TM1 Activate and de-activate an application; ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Case CO3
Architecture Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,PPT,R
Gui eports,Simul
2 18 TM1 Additional Modeling Techniques: ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Case CO3
Architecture Create dynamic subsets, Use Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,PPT,S
dimension functions Gui imulation
2 19 TM1 , Implement business logic ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Case CO3
Architecture Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,PPT,S
Gui imulation,Vid
eo Lecture
2 20 TM1 Improve cube performance, Use TM1 ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and PPT,Simulati CO3
Architecture utilities Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's on
3 21 Analysis of Convert Currency: Discuss currency ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and PPT,Simulati CO4
Financial challenges, Review control cubes, Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's on
Statements Create rules for currency conversion Gui
3 22 Analysis of Use TM1 techniques to reduce ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and PPT,Simulati CO4
Financial maintenance; Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's on,Video
Statements Gui Lecture
3 23 Analysis of Model Data with Cognos TM1 Architect: ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Activity,Case CO4
Financial Review Cognos TM1 Architect, Record Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,PPT,S
Statements MDX queries Gui imulation
3 24 Analysis of Customize drill-through paths, Use ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and PPT,Simulati CO4
Financial trace calculations; Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's on,Video
Statements Gui Lecture
3 25 Analysis of Discuss time considerations ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and PPT,Simulati CO4
Financial Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's on
Statements Gui
3 26 Analysis of Use discrete time dimensions ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and PPT,Simulati CO4
Financial Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's on
Statements Gui
3 27 Analysis of Implement a continuous time dimension ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Case CO5
Financial model; Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,PPT,S
Statements Gui imulation
3 28 Analysis of Contribute to Planning Applications: ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Case CO5
Financial Identify the user roles and workflow Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Study,PPT,S
Statements states Gui imulation
3 29 Analysis of Enter data using shortcuts and ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and Activity,PPT, CO5
Financial spreading Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's Simulation
Statements Gui
3 30 Analysis of Submit and reject data, Reorganize the ,T-T1.Cognos TM1: Develop and PPT,Simulati CO5
Financial grid; Des,R-R1.Fintech: The Beginner's on
Statements Gui
Assessment Model
Sr No Assessment Name Exam Name Max Marks
1 Hybrid Course All Practical Evaluations 40
2 Hybrid Course All End Term Hybrid Theory 60
3 Hybrid Course All Attendance Marks 2
4 Hybrid Course All Surprise Test 12
5 Hybrid Course All practical MST 10
6 Hybrid Course All Practical 30
Worksheet/Projects 1
7 Hybrid Course All Practical 30
Worksheet/Projects 2
8 Hybrid Course All Practical 30
Worksheet/Projects 3
9 Hybrid Course All Practical 30
Worksheet/Projects 4
10 Hybrid Course All Practical 30
Worksheet/Projects 5
11 Hybrid Course All Practical 30
Worksheet/Projects 6