IJIS - Copyright Transfer Statement
IJIS - Copyright Transfer Statement
IJIS - Copyright Transfer Statement
by the author(s) of the said article as follows upon signing of this statement:
The said article shall be published in English edition of the CSPM journal. The
author(s) shall grant the following worldwide exclusive rights carried by the said
China Science Publishing & Media Group Ltd. (CSPM) the said article (including
2. The said article has never in any form and in any language been published
existing copyright or license from the third party. Otherwise, the author(s) of the
said article shall take the blame for the violation or infringement of the related
1. The said article is not going to be published in any form in any territory.
2. The signatory to this statement has full power to make this statement on
behalf of any and all co-authors of the said article and the signed statement
other co-authors to sign this statement and carries out his/her promise.
own website and his/her institution’s repository, including his/her final version;
however he/she may not use the publisher’s PDF version which is posted on
may only post his/her version provided acknowledgement is given to the original
websites. The link must be accompanied by the following text: “The original
of authorship or in the order of the authors listed will not be accepted by CSPM.
Author’s signature:
Amalia Suzianti