LP12-100 VRLA AGM Battery
LP12-100 VRLA AGM Battery
LP12-100 VRLA AGM Battery
Cells Per Unit 6
Voltage Per Unit 12
Nominal Capacity 100Ah@10hour-rate to 1.80V per cell @25°C
Weight Approx. 28.5 Kg (Tolerance±3.0%)
Length 328 mm
Width 172 mm
Container Height 215 mm
Total Height 220 mm
Internal Resistance Approx. 5.5 mΩ
Terminal T11
Layout 1
Max. Discharge Current 1000A (5 sec)
Short Circuit Current 2150A
Max. Charging Current 30.0 A
C3 77.4AH Description and Features
C5 87.0AH The LP Series AGM batteries have been specially
Reference Capacity developed to be widely applicable. These lead
C10 100.0AH
C20 106.0AH acid batteries with AGM technology are
13.6 V~13.8 V @ 25°C completely sealed and therefore 100%
Standby Use Voltage maintenance free and leak-proof. These batteries
Temperature Compensation: -3mV/°C /Cell
14.6 V~14.8 V @ 25°C have a low self-discharge. The reliable and safe
Cycle Use Voltage multipurpose batteries from the LP Series offer a
Temperature Compensation: -4mV/°C /Cell
Discharge: -20°C ~60°C long service life and can be used in various
Operating Temp. Range Charge: 0°C ~50°C industries.
Storage: -20°C ~60°C
Nominal Operating Temp. Range 25°C ±5°C Features
Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) batteries can be • Absorbent Glass Mat technology
stored for up to 6 months at 25℃ and then • Reliable and safe performance
Self Discharge recharging is recommended. Monthly Self-discharge • Long service life - 3-5 years in standby
ratio is less than 3% at 25℃.Please charge batteries application (at 25°C)
before using. • Suitable for multipurpose applications
Container Material A.B.S. UL94-HB, UL94-V0 Optional.
(Note) The above characteristics data are average values obtained within three charge/discharge
cycle not the minimum values. The battery must be fully charged before the capacity test.
The C10 should reach 95% after the first cycle and 100% after the third cycle.
Cycle Life In Relation To Depth Of Discharge Relationship Between Charging Voltage And Temperature
(Note) All above information shall be changed without prior notice, Landport Batteries reserves the right
to explain and update the latest information.