Toaz - Info Direct To TOEFL Ibt PR
Toaz - Info Direct To TOEFL Ibt PR
Toaz - Info Direct To TOEFL Ibt PR
Macmillan Education
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Design by xen
Cover design by Mark Willey at Designers' Collective
Illustrated by Oxford Designers & Illustrators
Study Plans 10
Extra Activities 11
Internet-Based Activities
Other Activities
TOEFL iBT'MTest Skills 12
Format of the Test
The Computer
Directions 15
Taking Notes 16
Establishing Context
Skimming and Scanning
Formation ofC/ouds 18
Adding Details 24
Biomimicry: How Humans Have Learned to Imitate Nature 25
Paul Cezanne-The Father of Modern Art 27
Pidgin Languages and Creoles 29
Listening 31
Establishing Context
Adding Details 37
Lecture in Literature class: Herman Melville 38
Conversation in the library
Lecture in History class: Brooklyn Bridge 39
Conversation with an advisor 40
Pace 41
Reading Speed
Strategies 49
Reading 50
Facts About Reading 52
Sample Reading Screens 53
Skills 56
Basic Comprehension
Skill 1 Factual Information
Skill 2 Vocabulary 58
Skill 3 Negative 61
Skill 4 Inference 63
Skill 5 Purpose 66
Lecture 3 in Anthropology class: The Aztecs and Chocolate 139
Lecture 4 in Biology class: The Horseshoe Crab 140
Conversation 1 in an advisor's office: Asian Studies Graduate Program 142
Conversation 2 in a professor's office: Missed Classes 144
Speaking 146
Facts About Speaking 148
Sample Speaking Screens 150
Skills 154
Question 1: Personal Preference
Skill 1 Description
Skill 2 Opinions 155
Skill 3 Specific Information 157
Question 2: Personal Choice 158
Skill 4 Compare and Contrast
Skill 5 Specific Explanations 160
Question 3: Campus. Read/Listen/Speak 163
Skill 6 Point of View
Question 4: Lecture. Read/Listen/Speak 168
Skill 7 Determine the Purpose
Question 5: Campus Situation. Listen/Speak 173
Skill 8 Problem/Solution
Question 6: Lecture. Listen/Speak 177
Skill 9 Citing and Summarizing
General Speaking Skills 177
Skill 10 Word Families and Stress
Skill 11 Sentence Stress 182
Skill 12 Transition Words and Intonation
Skill13 Lists and Intonation 183
Skills Practice
Question 1: Neighborhood
Question 2: Transportation
Question 3: Library Policy on Overdue Books 184
Question 4: Phobias
Question 5: Apartment Problem
Question 6: The Cotton Gin's Effect on the U.S. Economy 185
Speaking Practice Test 186
Question 1: Object with Personal Value
Question 2: Music or Quiet
Question 3: Student Center Renovations 187
Question 4: The Bystander Effect 188
Question 5: Transportation Problem 189
Question 6: The Erie Canal's Effects on Society 190
Writing 191
time, energy, and money. You don't want to waste your time, your energy, or your
money; you want to use them well. You must make a commitment to yourself to
learn English and prepare for the TOEFLiBr test. M
This is a very serious time in your life. What happens in your future depends on how
committed you are to studying and learning. Therefore, you should make a contract
with yourself to study English.
Complete this contract with yourself.
I wi[[ use 1Jirect to ryO'E~L i'J3T and I wi[[ study on my own as we[f.
I understand that in addition to reaming about the ryO'E~L i'J3T I need to wor/(
I wi[[ spend hours a wee/(studying with 1Jirect to ryO'E~L i'J3T •
Signed 1Jate
Taking Notes
Establishing Context
Skimming and Scanning
Adding Details
Establishing Context
Adding Details
Reading Speed
Study Plan 1
• Read the Introduction .
• Take the complete practice test in the Student Book to mark your starting point.
• Study the sections where you need more help .
• Take the practice tests after those sections .
• Take a second complete practice test to measure improvement.
• Take the third and the fourth complete practice tests to measure improvement.
• Congratulate yourself on your improved score.
Study Plan 2
• Read the Introduction .
• Take the complete practice test in the Student Book to mark your starting point.
• Study the sections in the order of the test: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing .
• Take the practice test after each section .
• Take a second complete practice test to measure improvement.
• Go back and review sections where you want higher scores.
• Retake the section tests .
• Take the third and fourth complete practice tests to measure improvement.
• Congratulate yourself on your improved score.
Each section of the test has its own section in this book. You can start with Reading and study the
chapters in the same order as they appear on the test, or you can follow a different order. You can
start with the section where you think you need the most help. Once you start a section, you should
complete it before going on to another.
At the end of each section, you will find a complete TOEFLiBT'Msection practice test. Combined
with the complete practice test in the Student Book and the three complete practice tests online at you have four full-length exams that match the format and level of the
actual TOEFLiBT'Mtest. These realistic practice tests and the extensive Student Book and online
practice will help you improve your score on the TOEFLiBT'Mtest.
You should not have to think about these when you see them. They should be as familiar as the
back of your hand.
The Computer
Before you take the TOEFLiBT'M,you need to know how to use a computer. If you already know
how to use a mouse or a touchpad, you will be able to move through the sections easily. You will
need to move the cursor to click on answers and buttons. The cursor is the pointer that shows
where you are on the screen.
You will need to type your essays in the Writing section. The faster you can type, the faster you can
write and revise.
You must be comfortable using a QWERTY keyboard. This is the standard keyboard for
English-language computers. The name "QWERTY" comes from the first six letters on the left in the
top row of the keyboard.
In the Writing section, you will use the simple commands "cut," "paste," and "undo". These
commands are on the part of the test screen where you will write, so there is no need to use actual
keyboard commands. These screens and commands are discussed further in the Writing section of
the Student Book.
The screen displays of the TOEFLiBT'Mare very simple. You should understand the various parts of
the displays. The toolbar is at the top of each screen. Your movements through a section are
controlled by the buttons on these toolbars. The toolbars on the following pages are similar to the
ones you will see on the test.
Tip The tool bars are slightly different in each section, AND how you navigate is
different as well.
Too/bar Reading
Test Section This box tells you which section of the test you are in.
Question Number This box shows which question you are on and how many are left. For
example, 6 of 14 tells you there are 14 questions total, and you are on question
number 6.
Review This button takes you to a screen that shows which questions you have
answered. From there, you can go back to any Reading question you choose.
You can change an answer if you want.
Help This button takes you to information about the screen functions or question
Back This button, which only appears in Reading, takes you back to previous
questions. In Reading, you can go back and change an answer if you want.
Next This button records your answer and sends you to the next question.
Time This timer tells you how many minutes are left in the Reading section. You can
click on Hide Time if you don't want to see the timer, but it's better to keep
track of the ti me.
Too/bar Listening
Test Section This box tells you which section of the test you are in.
Question Number This box shows which question you are on and how many are left. For
example, 31 of 34 tells you there are 34 questions total, and you are on
question number 31.
Help This button takes you to information about the screen functions or question
OK This button confirms your answer and sends you to the next question. You
cannot go back or change answers in Listening after you click OK.
Next After you choose an answer, click NEXT.You can still change the answer if you
want to. You must choose an answer. You cannot click OK if the question is
unanswered. A screen will remind you to choose an answer if you click NEXT
before you answer.
Time This timer tells you how many minutes are left in the Listening section. You can
click on Hide Time if you don't want to see the timer, but it's better to keep
track of the time.
Volume This button lets you adjust the audio volume.
Too/bar Speaking
Test Section This box tells you which section of the test you are in.
Question Number This box shows which question you are on and how many are left. For
example, 2 of 6 tells you there are 6 questions total, and you are on question
number 2.
Volume This button lets you adjust the audio volume.
IMPORTANT: You have a different amount of time to prepare and speak for
different types of questions.
Too/bar Writing
Test Section This box tell you which section of the test you are in.
Question Number This box shows which question you are on and how many are left. For
example, 1 of 2 tells you there are 2 questions total, and you are on question
number 1.
Volume This button lets you adjust the audio volume.
Time The timer in Writing has two functions.
1. First, the timer shows how much time you have to read the passage on the
screen. When time is up, the screen automatically moves to the audio.
2. After the audio, the screen moves to the question and the reading passage
comes up again. Now the timer tells you how much time you have to write
your answer. You can click on Hide Time if you don't want to see the timer
while you write, but it's better to keep track of the time.
The direction lines in this book are similar to the ones on the actual TOEFL iBrM• If you understand
the general directions in each section of the test when they appear on the computer screen, you
will not have to read them again. You can save time and start previewing the questions, or
answering them right away.
Sample directions are included in each section in the Student Book. They include general directions
and directions for specific question types.
You may take notes on all sections of the TOEFL iBr You must leave your
Tip notes with the test administrator when you finish the test, but they are not
Establishing Contexts
Understanding the general context of a passage BEFOREyou read will help you understand the
passage AS you read. Answering these questions will help you establish the context for a passage as
well as its content.
- WHAT is the passage about?
- WHEREdoes it take place?
- WHEN does it take place?
- WHO is important in the passage?
- WHY is the author writing this passage?
When you skim, you collect key words and ideas that will help you establish the context. As you
read, you should be thinking of other words that are associated with these key words. For example,
the key word desert is often associated with words like arid, dry, sandy, barren.
Key words and associated words will help you make assumptions, logical guesses, about the context
of the passage. You can ask yourself the following questions:
- What do I know about the subject already?
- What will I learn about the subject?
- How is what I know about the subject and what I learn different?
Your own ideas and previous knowledge of the subject will help you understand the passage better.
Your assumptions may be wrong, but that does not matter. You read to test your assumptions. If
you discover when you read the passage that your assumptions are wrong, it means you
comprehend and are analyzing the passage.
Reading is an active process. Your brain must always be working, but you do not have to read every
single word to find key words and ideas, or to make assumptions. Skimming and scanning allow
you to process information quickly.
Formation of Clouds
1 olutlons made of solids in liquids, such as salt in water, are tamiliar, as rain, WeAther or
are 'olutions ofliquids in liquids, such as vinegar in water, and gases in cliMate., water
liquids, sucl~ the o. ygen in water that fish breathe. Surprisingly, solution cycle
that at first seem impossible, such as a liquid dissolved in a gas, are also
amiliar. I iquid water dissolved in air is what fog and clouds .1re, tim clouds are- a type
droplets of water suspended in air. 0/ solution
2 Water has astounding properties that allow it to dissolve in air as well as
L a major component of lite The reason is simple although the effects are
complex: water molecules are attracted to each other with terrific strength.
Water can hold together as drops suspended from a faucet; they can hold water dissolved ,n
together even when the water level is slightly above the lip of a glass; they air bUOMes clouds
can hold together as droplets when they are suspended in air. Yet they are
light enough to bounce around in air without falling down. Only when
enough water molecules congregate in drops and become too heavy do they
f:111as rain.
::l -\s water evapor.Hes into the atmosphere, \\ater is sus ended in the al1
vVarmer air can hold more water molecules suspended in it than cooler air.
Warmer molecules move faster, zooming around, bumping into each other. what happens when
Although water molecules suspended in air are attracted to each other, they water IS sUSfJended
and the air molecules colliding with them are moving too fast to allow the
water molecules to stick together. As air cools, the air and water molecules
slow, and when water molecules bump into each other, they stick together
and form droplets. When more water droplets bump into each other and
stick, they form drops. When drops become large and heavy enough, they
cannot remain suspended in the air surrounding them. This is how rain falls
and how dew forms. This is why containers of cold drinks are covered in
condensed water: The colder air around the drink is unable to keep the
water suspended in it, and the glass or can acts as a surface for water
droplets to collect as they tall out of the air.
4 s water eva orates into the atmosphere, it rises. In general, the higher
the air in the atmosphere, the colder it is. As water molecules rise, they slow what happens when
and coalesce, forming droplets. These droplets remain suspended in the water (/Sf:-S ,n air
rarified air high above us. Since these droplets scatter light, they appear
white to us, and we call them "clouds". As the droplets gather in the cloud,
the droplets can become bigger and heavier, thus making the clouds appear
darker. Eventually the droplets become too large and too heavy to remain
suspended and tall down to the surface as rain.
Practice 2
Look at these graphics. Write down all the associated ideas or words you can think of
Practice 3
Read these topic sentences. Look at the underlined key words. Write down all the associated ideas or
words you can think of
2. One well-known brand name, Velcro fasteners, was inspired by a well-known nuisance-burrs
getting stuck on a dog's fur.
3. Another creative observer of nature, Eiji Nakatsu, drew on his bird-watching hobby to solve an
engineering problem.
6. When Pearce was asked by his clients to reduce energy needed for temperature control in a
climate that f1uctuates daily between the 50s and 80s Fahrenheit, he modeled the building on
the termite mounds system.
7. Another technological advance inspired by analyzing the natural world is tire design.
9. Cezanne painted from nature his entire career: most of his work consists of landscapes and
sti 11-1 ifes.
11. Ultimately, why do many artists and art historians call Cezanne-who could be viewed as
simply an eccentric post-Impressionist painter who worked alone in southern France far from
the cafes and salons-the father of modern art?
13. Pidgins and creoles are often called contact languages (languages developed from the original
contact between two groups) or trade languages (languages developed as a means of
conducting trade between speakers of various languages).
15. Gullah is a language still spoken by some descendents of slaves living on sea islands off the
coast of Georgia and South Carolina.
17. Tok Pisin, a creole language that is one of the national languages of Papua New Guinea,
actually originated elsewhere, according to scholars.
Practice 4
Look at these questions and answer options. Write down all the associated ideas or words you can
think of
2. Which of the following can be inferred about the Eastgate office complex?
(A) Fungus is grown in the basement.
(8) It was infested with termites at one point.
(C) It was designed to look like a termite mound.
(0) A comfortable interior temperature is constantly maintained.
4. According to paragraph 5, what is a major reason Cezanne is called the father of modern
(A) He was an important influence on Picasso and Matisse.
(8) He was the first major post-Impressionist painter.
(C) He worked alone, so he developed his own style.
(0) He showed his work in salons and cafes throughout France.
6. Over eight hundred different languages were spoken in Papua New Guinea because
(A) there were many different ethnic groups
(8) there was a lot of hostility between tribes
(C) people from other islands arrived there in the 1800s
(D) groups were separated by natural features of the land
Adding Details
Understanding how details support ideas is an important reading skill. In Practice 3 above, you
made notes on the ideas and key words in topic sentences. Now, look at how details support key
words and ideas. Look at these notes for the reading passage, "Formation of Clouds" on page 18.
'Paragraph' is abbreviated as 'para.'.
parp.. 3 air
A. - dOl1't stief. to e.thu
stlc.f. to e.thu
--""-'---_-'-"'-"-'.L--"'-'="-"---''''''-'-'=~=''-'- _
Practice 1
Read this passage. You have already seen the key words. Now scan for the supporting details and
complete the notes.
3 Another creative observer of nature, Eiji Nakatsu, drew on his bird-watching hobby to
solve an engineering problem. Nakatsu, one of the top engineers of the Shinkansen Bullet
Train in Japan, was faced with complaints about the sonic boom made by the 200 mile-
per-hour train when it came out of tunnels. He looked for parallels in nature where
something moves easily between two different kinds of pressure. He thought of
kingfishers, which dive for fish, moving from the air into the water at a high speed, with a
minimal amount of splash. When he designed the front of the train to include elements
of the design of a kingfisher's head and beak, the train became more efficient-going
faster with less energy-as well as much quieter.
4 Other scientists observed that lotus leaves repel water efficiently. Water quickly beads
up into drops and rolls off when leaves are tilted even slightly by a breeze or ripple. This
action not only removes water; it also removes dirt, which is carried away quickly by the
drops. How? The lotus leaves appear smooth but observation with a microscope reveals a
rough surface, full of minute cracks that cause round drops to form. A similar design has
now been added to the surface of paints and fabrics, allowing them to be much more
stain and water-resistant with far fewer chemicals.
5 Termites inspired architect Mick Pearce. He essentially copied the heating and cooling
system used in termite mounds to create Eastgate, an office complex in Harare,
Zimbabwe, that uses very little heating and no air-conditioning. To grow the fungus that
they "farm" for food, termites need to keep their mounds at a constant temperature of
87 degrees F. in a climate that ranges from the thirties to over a hundred degrees. They
manage this by creating tunnels in their mounds that draw the air down to mud that they
bring up from below. The mud cools the air, and the air is then vented back up through
the mound and our a "chimney" at the top. The termites regulate the temperature by
plugging holes and digging new ones as needed.
6 When Pearce was asked by his clients to reduce energy needed for temperature control
in a climate that fluctuates daily between the 50s and 80s Fahrenheit, he modeled the
building on the termite mounds system. Eastgate is essentially two buildings on either
side of a shaded atrium that is open to breezes. The cool air of the atrium is pushed by
fans up through hollows under the floors and into each office through vents. As the air is
heated, it flows upwards and out of the building via a multitude of chimneys. The total
system uses under ten percent of the energy of a conventional complex. Savings were also
created since no cooling plant needed to be built.
7 Another technological advance inspired by analyzing the natural world is tire design.
Tree frogs are able to climb smooth, vertical surfaces. The key to this ability is
microscopic hexagonal columns on the surface of their toe pads. Tree frogs secrete a fluid
that, when squeezed out between the columns, creates a bond between the toes and
whatever the frog is climbing. Engineers have discovered that a similar design for tires
enhances a tire's ability to grip wet pavement, reducing sliding and accidents.
Practice 2
Read this passage. You have already seen the key words. Now look for the supporting details and
complete the notes.
1 French painter Paul Cezanne was frequently called "the father of modern art".
Cezanne was born in 1839 in the city of Aix-en-Provence in the south of France. The son
of a wealthy banker, he never had to deal with the poverty that so many of the
Impressionist painters before him experienced. He spent most of his life in
Aix-en- Provence, with infrequent visits to Paris, the center of the art world of his day.
2 Cezanne set himself apart from the Impressionist movement. His work was never
accepted in the salons, and he rarely exhibited with the Impressionists. While he was
mentored in Impressionist painting techniques by Pissarro, and he appreciated the work
of Manet and Courbet, Cezanne felt that Impressionist painting often lacked structure
and focused too much on the impermanence oflife. He said, "I wish to make of
Impressionism something solid and durable, like the art of the museums." While many of
the Impressionists focused on the ephemeral nature of light in different kinds of weather,
times of day, and seasons, and often tried to capture the unique qualities of individuals in
specific locations and events, Cezanne focused on color, planes, forms, and composition.
He was more interested in a sense of permanence and timelessness than in the fleeting
nature of the moment. He was more interested in capturing the essence of shapes and
forms than in capturing story or personality. Cezanne was fascinated with basic geometric
forms such as cones and spheres.
3 Cezanne painted from nature his entire career: most of his work consists of landscapes
and still-lifes. His landscapes rarely include people or animals and give few hints about a
particular moment. One does not associate a particular time of day, season, or kind of
weather with them. A favorite landscape subject is Mont Sainte-Victoire, a mountain that
he could see from the home of his sister and brother-in-law. Cezanne painted over 200
still-lifes and famously said that he would "conquer Paris with an apple". Most of the
still-lifes are formally arranged groupings of apples, oranges, pears, and cloth. When Cezanne
did paint people, their figures and faces served more as elements of composition than as
clues to personality and life stories. In his famous painting often called "Large Bathers",
Cezanne arranged nudes and tree trunks into a pyramid-shaped composition. There is little
detail in the faces or leaves. The painting celebrates the beauty of diagonal and curving lines
and planes of color much more than the beauty of nature and the human form.
S Ultimately, why do many artists and art historians call Cezanne-who could be viewed
as simply an eccentric post-Impressionist painter who worked alone in southern France
far from the cafes and salons-the "t:1ther of modern art"? There are many reasons, but ,1
key reason is that both Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse, who differed widely from each
other but played pivotal roles in the fllrther development of modern art, traced their
work back to Cezanne. Picasso further developed Cezanne's emphasis on planes in his
cubist phase, and Matisse loved Cezanne's use of color.
Practice 3
Read this passage. You have already seen the key words. Now look for the supporting details and
complete the notes.
2 Pidgins and creoles are often called "contact languages" (languages developed from
the original contact between two groups) or "trade languages" (languages developed as a
means of conducting trade between speakers of various languages). In fact, the word
pidgin is thought to be derived from the Cantonese pronunciation of business, which
became the name for the language that the British used in conducting trade in China in
the eighteenth century. The majority of pidgins and creoles developed in situations where
colonization or slavery brought speakers of differing languages together into situations
where they needed to communicate. In the majority of cases, the superstrate language is
French or English. Many pidgins and creoles developed in situations where workers with
different native languages were brought together by European or North Americans.
6 Tok Pisin, a creole language that is one of the national languages of Papua New Guinea,
actually originated elsewhere, according to scholars. New Guinean workers were recruited
to work on sugar plantations in Australia, Samoa, Fiji, and other Pacific islands during the
1800s. Varieties of English-based pidgins developed on the plantations and then were
brought back to New Guinea by returning workers. The different clans and tribe of Papua
New Guinea were separated by thick jungle and deep ravines and so lived in relative
isolation from each other. Because of this situation, over 800 different languages were
spoken there. Tok Pisin increasingly became a means of communicating between these
language groups as modernity brought more and more contact between them. Tok Pisin
developed into a complex language that is spoken as a first language by over twenty
thousand people and as a second language by over 40 percent of the population.
para. 6 Tok Pisin - a national language of Papua New Guinea, but originated elsewhere
Speaker(s): Professor
Setting: Classroom
Purpose: Lecture
When you establish a context in reading, you scan for key words. When you read, you first scan for
key words and make assumptions about the words and ideas. You do the same thing when you
listen, but it is a bit more difficult. When you read, your eye can race ahead. When you listen, your
ear depends on the speed of the speaker.
The first couple of sentences in a lecture or conversation are very important. They will establish the
topic or context for the listening passage. You can begin to collect key words when you hear these
first two or three sentences.
Read these opening sentences and look at the notes (key words) that you might take.
As you move up a mountain, the conditions change, thus you will find different
ecosystems at different altitudes. We're going to take a brieflook today at the
characteristics of the alpine biome or ecosystem.
Moullta~ ~~Ste-MS, c.ha('(l.duiSfic.s 0/ a/pille- b,OMe-
In the Reading section, you scanned the questions and answers to help establish a context. You can
do the same in the Listening section before you hear the lecture or conversation.
Look at these example questions. You can begin to establish a context and make assumptions by
looking at what key words the questions and answer choices have in common.
•.. I. "'f)
Speaker(s): _
Speaker(s): _
1. _
2. _
3. _
4. _
Practice 3
Read these questions and underline the key words. The first one is done for you.
1. What is this lecture mainly about?
(A) An American author
(B) An American novel
(C) An American whaling ship
(0) An American sea captain
8. Why didn't John Roebling supervise the entire construction of the Brooklyn Bridge?
(A) He was lame due to an injured foot.
(B) He suffered from the bends.
(C) He lost his ability to talk.
(D) He died of tetanus.
Adding Details
Once you have established the context, you will need to listen carefully for details. These details are
often in the same sentence or very close to the key word.
Read this lecture. Look at the notes (key ideas) that you might make and look at the details that are
As you move up a motmtain) the conditions change) thus you)ll find different
ecosystemsat different altitudes. We)regoing to take a brief look today at the
characteristics of the alpine biome or ecosystem. What do JVemean JVhenJVetalk about
the ((alpine zone))?It)s the area that you find at a high altitude) above the tree line
and below the snow line) that is) the area of permanent snow cover. You)ll find
vegetation in the alpine zone) but it)s alllow-groJVing plants) not trees. The alpine
zone usually begins at an altitude of about 10,000 feet. Temperatures are around 10
degrees centigrade in the summer and belowfreezing in the winte1~
Plants have developed certain adaptations to the conditions of the alpine zone. For
example, thegroJVing season is short, four months at the most, and not very warm.
This is too short a time for trees to produce enough food to support a woody trunk as
well as branches and leaves, soyou JVon)tfind any trees. On the other hand) you will
find a number of annual plants) that is)fast-growing plants with short life cycles.In
one summer, an annual plant grows) flowers) and produces seeds. Theseplants survil'e
the winter in theform of their seeds)which remain in the soil and sprout the following
Conditions in the alpine zone are often quite JVindyand cold. You)ll find many plants
that groJV loll' to theground) JVherethey)reprotected from the ll'ind and cold. For
example, 101l'-groll'ingshrubs are characteristic of the alpine zone. They often cling to
rocks where they can take advantage of the heat absorbed by the rocks. The wind and
cold also result in poor soil conditions. The JVind bloJVssoil away) and because of the
cold) dead plants are slow to decompose.
IdeA I It?
A. S"oW li"e-
idea 1: _
A. _
B. _
idea 2:. _
A. _
B. _
idea 3: _
A. _
B. _
Practice 2
Listen to this conversation. Write down the key ideas and at least two details for each. The number of
key ideas is given.
idea 1: _
A. _
B. _
Practice 3
Listen to this lecture. Write down the key ideas and at least two details for each. The number of key
ideas is given.
idea 1: _
B. _
idea 2: _
B. _
idea 3: _
A. _
B. _
idea 1: _
A .. _
B., _
idea 2: _
A .. _
B., _
idea 3: _
A., _
B., _
There is a set amount of time for each section of the TOEFL iBT'M exam. Each section of the Student
Book includes a detailed chart showing the number of questions and amounts of time.
Be sure to leave enough time to answer every question. You don't want to hurry through questions
to finish. If you don't know the answer to a particular question, try to eliminate the options you are
sure are wrong. Then make a guess with the remaining options.
Remember that the toolbar for Reading, Listening, and Writing includes a timer.
The timer tells you how much time you have left.
This book and the activities on the Direct to TOEFLiBT'Mwebsite will help you improve your timing
on all sections of the TOEFL iBT'M.
Reading Speed
You should practice reading quickly, but also carefully and with comprehension. Before you start to
read, you will skim and scan to look for key words and made assumptions. Now you must practice
reading faster.
Here are some tips for increasing your reading speed.
Read more than one word at a time. Train your eye to take in large groups of words.
This exercise will help you improve your reading speed for the Reading section as well as the
questions in the Listening section. You will need a watch with a second hand or the stopwatch on
your Smartphone for this exercise.
Practice 1
A. First, read each question. Write down how long it took you to read the question. Then, read each
paragraph. Write down how many seconds it took you to read the paragraph.
B. Do this two more times. Is your speed and comprehension improving?
Passage 1
1. According to the paragraph, all of the following are true about Velcro EXCEPT:
(A) Its design is based on hooks and loops.
(B) It is used to fasten different items of clothing.
(C) It is used as an efficient way to disperse seeds.
(D) It was inspired by burrs becoming attached to fur.
Time: _ Time: _ Time: _
Another creative observer of nature, Eiji Nakatsu, drew on his bird-watching hobby
to solve an engineering problem. Nakatsu, one of the top engineers of the Shinkansen
Bullet Train in Japan, was faced with complaints about the sonic boom made by the
200-mile-per-hour train when it came out of tunnels. He looked for parallels in nature
where something moves easily between two different kinds of pressure. He thought of
kingfishers, which dive for fish, moving from the air into the water at a high speed,
with a minimal amount of splash. When he designed the front of the train to include
elements of the design of a kingfisher's head and beak, the train became more
efficient-going faster with less energy-as well as much quieter.
2. According to the paragraph, Eiji Nakatsu wanted to design a train that would
Other scientists observed that lotus leaves repel water efficiently. Water quickly beads
up into drops and rolls off when leaves are tilted even slightly by a breeze or ripple.
This action not only removes water, it also removes dirt, which is carried away quickly
by the drops. How? The lotus leaves appear smooth, but observation with a
microscope reveals a rough surface, full of minute cracks that cause round drops to
form. A similar design has now been added to the surface of paints and fabrics,
allowing them to be much more stain and water resistant with far fewer chemicals.
3. According to the paragraph, which of the following is a feature of lotus leaves that
inspired a way to make fabric resist stains?
(A) The chemical composition
(B) The ability to roll up when wet
(C) The rough surface of the leaves
(0) The manner of tilting in the breeze
Termites inspired architect Mick Pearce. He essentially copied the heating and cooling
system used in termite mounds to create Eastgate, an office complex in Harare,
Zimbabwe, that uses very little heating and no air-conditioning. To grow the fungus
that they "farm" for food, termites need to keep their mounds at a constant
temperature of 87 degrees F. in a climate that ranges from the 30s to over a hundred
degrees. They manage this by creating tunnels in their mounds that draw the air
down to mud that they bring up from below. The mud cools the air, and the air is
then vented back up through the mound and out a "chimney" at the top. The
termites regulate the temperature by plugging holes and digging new ones as needed.
4. According to the paragraph, which of the following can be inferred about the Eastgate
office complex?
(A) Fungus is grown in the basement.
(B) It was infested with termites at one point.
(C) It was designed to look like a termite mound.
(0) A comfortable interior temperature is constantly maintained.
Passage 2
Paul Cezanne-The Father of Modern Art
Cezanne set himself apart from the Impressionist movement. His work was never
accepted in the salons, and he rarely exhibited with the Impressionists. While he was
mentored in Impressionist painting techniques by Pissarro, and he appreciated the
work of Manet and Courbet, Cezanne felt that Impressionist painting often lacked
structure and focused too much on the impermanence oflife. He said, "I wish to
make of Impressionism something solid and durable, like the art of the museums."
While many of the Impressionists focused on the ephemeral nature of light in
different kinds of weather, times of day, and seasons and often tried to capture the
unique qualities of individuals in specific locations and events, Cezanne focused on
color, planes, forms, and composition. He was more interested in a sense of
permanence and timelessness than in the fleeting nature of the moment. He was more
interested in capturing the essence of shapes and forms than in capturing story or
personality. Cezanne was fascinated with basic geometric forms such as cones and
Cezanne painted from nature his entire career: most of his work consists of landscapes
and still-lifes. His landscapes rarely include people or animals and give few hints about
a particular moment. One does not associate a particular time of day, season, or kind
of weather with them. A favorite landscape subject is Mont Sainte-Victoire, a
mountain that he could see from the home of his sister and brother-in-law. Cezanne
painted over 200 still-lifes and famously said that he would "conquer Paris with an
apple." Most of the still-lifes are formally arranged groupings of apples, oranges,
pears, and cloth. When Cezanne did paint people, their figures and faces served more
as elements of composition than as clues to personality and life stories. In his famous
painting often called "Large Bathers", Cezanne arranged nudes and tree trunks into a
pyramid-shaped composition. There is little detail in the faces or leaves. The painting
celebrates the beauty of diagonal and curving lines and planes of color much more
than the beautv of nature and the human form.
2. Why does the author discuss the painting "large Bathers" in the paragraph?
(A) To show that Cezanne could paint people as well as landscapes
(8) To illustrate Cezanne's focus on form and composition
(C) To give an example of a famous work by Cezanne
(0) To explain Cezanne's interest in painting nature
3. According to the paragraph, when did Cezanne start to gain recognition for his work?
(A) When he was still a young boy
(8) In his early adulthood
(C) When he was close to 60
(0) After his death
Time: _ Time: _ Time: _
4. According to paragraph 5, what is a major reason why Cezanne is called the father of
modern art?
(A) He was an important influence on Picasso and Matisse.
(8) He was the first major post-Impressionist painter.
(C) He worked alone, so he developed his own style.
(D) He showed his work in salons and cafes throughout France.
Passage 3
Pidgin Languages and Creoles
Pidgins and creoles are otten called "contact languages" (languages developed tj-om
the original contact between two groups) or "trade languages" (languages developed
as a means of conducting trade between speakers of various languages). In tact, the
word pidgin is thought to be derived from the Cantonese pronunciation of business,
which became the name for the language that the British used in conducting trade in
China in the eighteenth century. The majority of pidgins and creoles developed in
situations where colonization or slavery brought speakers of differing languages
together into situations where they needed to communicate. In the majority of cases,
the superstrate language is French or English. Many pidgins and creoles developed in
situations where workers with different native languages were brought together by
European or North Americans.
Gullah is a language still spoken by some descendents of slaves living on sea islands off
the coast of Georgia and South Carolina. Gullah is a remnant of a creole that
developed in western Africa during the slave trade in the eighteenth century. Most
slave traders spoke English. In order to communicate with the Africans they traded
with, they spoke a simplified version of English that also contained elements of various
African languages. Gullah also became the lingua franca, common language, in the
region among speakers of African languages that included Mende, Fula, and Vai.
Many of the slaves brought to the Americas already spoke the West African Creole,
and many scholars believe this creole became the basis for communications between
slaves. Gullah is primarily made up of English words, but the pronunciation and much
of the structure of the grammar is heavily influenced by African languages and a
sizeable fraction of the vocabulary comes from different African languages. Many
linguists have noted the similarities between Gullah and other English-African creoles
spoken in the Caribbean.
7. According to the paragraph, all of the following are true of Gullah EXCEPT:
(A) It developed out of the slave trade.
(B) It originated in the Caribbean Islands.
(C) It has many words derived from African languages.
(D) It continues to be spoken in the United States today.
Time: Time: Time: _
8. Over 800 different languages were spoken in Papua New Guinea because
(A) there were many different ethnic groups
(B) there was a lot of hostility between tribes
(C) people from other islands arrived there in the 1800s
(D) groups were separated by natural features of the land
• Understand the directions and question types before you take the test. Using the "Help" button
will slow you down .
• Keep your mind on one question at a time. Don't think back at what you should have answered
on an earlier question .
• Keep moving forward. Budget your time. Don't spend too much time on one question .
• Check the clock on the toolbar from time to time and adjust your pace as necessary.
• Scan the title and passage for key words before reading .
• All the information you need to answer the questions is contained in the passage. You do not
need any special background knowledge. If you feel unsure about something, move on .
• You can click on "Back" or "Review" to see your previous answers. However, unless you are sure
you want to change something, moving ahead is a better use of your time.
• Some of the lectures or conversations may have a question about the attitude of the speaker. Pay
attention to the tone of voice and overall tone of words that can give you clues about a speaker's
attitude .
• Take concise notes and refer to them when answering the questions. Use your own form of
shorthand for note-taking .
• Remember that in the Listening section you cannot go back to change an answer once you have
clicked "OK".
• Speak clearly and at a regular pace so that you can be understood .
• Make sure you answer the question. For some questions you are asked to give your opinion and
for others you are asked to summarize and/or analyze information.
• For the Integrated Writing task, take concise notes while listening and reading and refer to them
when planning your essay.
• For both tasks, spend a few minutes outlining your ideas before writing .
• Leave a few minutes at the end for revision and editing.
iI s Practice
eadlng Practice Test
The Reading section of the TOEFLiBr includes three to five passageswith 12-14
questions about each passage.All of the passagesare on academic topics. You do not
need to have any special background knowledge for the Reading section; all the
information you need to answer the questions is in the passage itself.
The chart on page 52 shows you what types of questions are included. Pages 53-55
show you examples of what the screens look like for Reading.
Most questions in Reading are multiple-choice with four answer choices and one
correct answer. A second question type requires you to insert a sentence at the
correct spot in a paragraph. A final question type has more than four answer choices
in a chart. Chart-type questions are worth more than one point. You can get partial
credit on the chart-type questions.
The entire Reading section takes 60-100 minutes. As in all the sections, you may take
notes. Most importantly, you can go back to previous questions and passagesin the
Reading section only.
Organization Classification
Comparison and Contrast
Cause and Effect
Problem and Solution
* Some passagesmay be experimental. They will not count on your total score, but they will add to the time given to take the test.
• UI:2i
RIl8dlng 2 of 12
Skim oed1 passage. Read the qIMSbOn.Then read the pessage and cIloooe the best
pAaoe to nsert the ...,tenc:e. ad on 8 square to add the sentence to the peuage.
DI (T [
. e --0.- 6
Current t.•• k
OV_Te" 0v_a.-tlon
Complete the chart bek>w to summarize information abOut Eugene O'Neill's WI1ting
career. Match each statement with the phase of O'Neill's career that it best describes.
1st phase
Answer Choices (Choo •• 5 to complete the chart.)
2nd phase
B. He began expefimenting with symbolism.
According to paragraph 3, which event happened first?
According to the author, what was the main cause of the Civil War?
Which of the following does the author use to describe Hopi pottery?
You can scan a passage looking for the key words to help you answer a question. Once you find a
key word, read several sentences before and after the word to make sure that that part of the
passage specifically answers the question.
Skimming and scanning will save you time and help direct your reading.
Review skimming and scanning on pages 16-24.
Skim each paragraph. Read the question. Then scan the paragraph and answer the question.
At a national level, the first effective campaign to improve worker safety began in the
1880s among railroad workers, who pushed for the development of better brakes and
coupling mechanisms for freight cars. This led to improvements that not only
increased safety, but productivity as well, and thus were readily accepted by the
railroad industry. In 1893, Congress passed the first federal law primarily intended to
improve work safety. This was the Safety Appliance Act, which mandated the usc of
the new equipment.
In 1908, Congress adopted the Federal Employers' Liability Act, which regulated the
amount of damages an employee injured in any interstate railroad accident could
recover and which also considerably limited employers' defenses. The cost to the
employer for a worker fatality rose from roughly $200 to $2,000. Only two years
later, New York became the first state to enact a Workmen's Compensation Law.
Rather than requiring injured workers to sue their employers and prove the employer
was at fault, the law automatically compensated all injuries at predetermined rates.
Samuel Gompers, the head of the American Federation of Labor, had studied a similar
compensation law in Germany. The law appealed to American businesses because it
made costs predictable and reduced labor issues. It appealed to unions and other
industry reformers because it promised more predictable benefits. Between 1911 and
1921, forty-four states passed similar laws.
The first of the ways volcanoes form is where an oceanic plate collides with a
continental plate. The oceanic plate is the heavier one, and it slides under the lighter
continental plate. As the oceanic plate sinks, it heats up and melts. This molten rock,
or "magma", is lighter than the solid rock above it. The magma begins to rise and
eventually breaks through the surface. The area where an oceanic and a continental
plate collide is called a "subduction zone", and it is along this kind of boundary that
the volcanoes form in the Ring of Fire in the Pacific. These volcanoes spew dark,
heavy lava, the name given to magma once it reaches the surface.
The third main way volcanoes torm is by hot spots. For reasons not yet known,
magma rises very close to the surtace in some locations. The magma builds up under
these areas until the pressure causes the crust to rise, usually from the ocean floor.
Eventually, a series of volcanoes tonn in roughly the same spot, some lasting longer
than others, until a huge mountain ofland is built up. This is the process Kilauea and
Mauna Loa on the Island of Hawaii are currently undergoing. Many hot spots are
extremely long-lasting, some, such as the one under Hawaii, enduring tor millions of
years. As the Pacific plate passes over this hot spot, the old island and volcano move
northwest, and eventually, enough pressure builds up and a new volcano erupts over
the same hot spot but under a new piece of land. All the Hawaiian Islands were
ttmned this wav. To the northwest of the Hawaiian Islands are older islands formed at
this same hot spot, islands that have weathered away and are no longer visible from
the surtace.
According to the paragraph, which of the following is true about hot spots?
(A) They erupt infrequently.
(B) They are constantly moving.
(C) They form islands in the ocean.
(D) They are extremely short-lived.
Skill 2 Vocabulary
Each passage has from three to five vocabulary questions. After factual information questions, there
are more vocabulary questions per passage than any other type of question. A vocabulary question
asks you to give a synonym for a word or a paraphrase for a phrase.
The word climatic in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to
By describing bears as omnivores, the author means
Use the context to help you understand the meaning of the word. Be especially careful with words
that can have more than one meaning. You must choose the meaning of the word in the context ot
the passage. The answer choices will all be the same part of speech as the highlighted vocabulary
word, and the tense or number will also be the same.
Substitute the word you think is the correct answer in the sentence to see if it
makes sense.
Read the question. Scan the passage and read the sentence that contains the highlighted word or
phrase. Then answer the question.
When O'Neill started writing plays, the American stage was dominated by farce, a few
European dramas, and melodrama. Melodrama is a genre characterized by emotional
characters, exciting action-filled scenes, and a moralistic tone, and O'Neill's first plays
were written in this style. However, they focused on unsavory situations and
characters (destitute women, derelicts, lonely sailors) that had never been considered
proper subjects for the stage. O'Neill did not really feel at home with the
melodramatic style of writing, which he came to see as andering to the audience.
After having experimented with this genre, O'Neill turned his back on its conventions
and embraced the naturalism of European playwrights, such as Henrik Ibsen and
Emile Zola, who strove to depict "real" life situations, complex characterization, and
psychological realism.
In the latter part of O'Neill's writing career, he rejected pure expressionism and the
most highly theatrical tone of his previous devices, returning to naturalism while
retaining a subtler form of symbolism. During this period, he produced his most
celebrated and fully-developed work. In particular, he honed his skills at depicting
realistic, psychological close-ups of his characters.
In both these traditional cultures, visual art is created on the ground for ritual use;
both cultures consider the artwork to have life and power; both cultures integrate the
visual art with dance and song and stories; and both cultures destroy the images at the
end of the ceremonies. Contrasting with cultures rooted in Western Europe, religion
in these cultures is not separate from daily life, visual art is not separate from other
arts, such as music and dance, and art is not a commodity created for consumers.
The Navajos (who also refer to themselves as Dine) use sand painting in extensive
rituals called "sings". Sings are ceremonies that involve many relatives and friends and
are intended to bless, protect, or heal the individual for whom they are held. Sand
painting plays a central role in the ceremony, but singing and dancing are also
included. A design specific to the particular ritual is painted with sand, charcoal,
pollen, and clay on the ground inside the hogan. The images portray mountains and
other features of the region, the gods who created them, and legends and stories from
the past. The sand painting is considered a living being: when the "patient" lies on
the image, the power of the gods is absorbed, and harmony is restored within his or
her life. When the ritual is completed, the sand and other elements are returned to the
Skill 3 Negative
Each passage has from zero to two negative questions. A negative question asks you to determine
which of the answer choices is NOT true.
The words not and except are in capital letters in these questions. When you
Tip see NOT or EXCEPT,read the question carefully to make sure you understand.
According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
The author discusses all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
Skim each passage. Read the question. Then read the passage and answer the question.
In 1908, Congress adopted the Federal Employers' Liability Act, which regulated the
amount of damages an employee injured in any interstate railroad accident could
recover, and which also considerably limited employers' defenses. The cost to the
employer for a worker fatality rose from roughly $200 to $2,000. Only two years
later, New York became the first state to enact a Workmen's Compensation Law.
Rather than requiring injured workers to sue their employers and prove the employer
was at fault, the law automatically compensated all injuries at predetermined rates.
Samuel Gompers, the head of the American Federation of Labor, had studied a similar
compensation law in Germany. The law appealed to American businesses because it
made costs predictable and reduced labor issues. It appealed to unions and other
industry reformers because it promised more predictable benefits. Between 191 I and
1921, forty-four states passed similar laws.
According to the paragraph, all of the following are true about New York's Workmen's
Compensation law EXCEPTthat:
(A) It satisfied both business and labor leaders.
(B) It was similar to a law already in effect in Germany.
(C) It compensated injured workers without the need to go to court.
(D) It was the only such law in the United States for several decades.
As accident costs rose between World Wars I and II, the safety record of American
industry steadily improved. Separately, changes in technology and labor markets also
contributed to an increased safety record. During the Great Depression of the 1930s,
job turnover was relatively low. This meant there were fewer new employees, who
were the ones more likely to get hurt. The spread of electrical lighting in [lctories also
reduced injuries. The economic boom and the entry of many new workers during
World War II led to another rise in industrial injuries. However, that declined again
after 1945, particularly as labor unions increasingly focused on worker safety.
Our planet is made up of several layers. The thin outer layer of the surface supports
life. This section of the globe, the crust, is cool enough for molten rock to harden.
Processes such as weathering and erosion transform the hardened rock into dirt,
which through the interaction and eventual decay of living plants and animals forms
soil. The crust is also cool enough for water, originally produced from volcanic
explosions, to condense into rain, rivers, and oceans. Below this crust, we know, is
another layer of hotter, flexible rock that stretches and deforms. The crust floats on
this plastic layer. Below that layer is a thick layer of flowing and swirling molten rock,
where temperatures reach thousands of degrees Celsius. Below that is the core.
Because the crust is essentially frozen rock, it is brittle and breaks and shifts with the
movements of the layer below. The crust is broken up into sections called plates, and
as these plates move, they bump into each other along their boundaries. The collisions
of plates can lead to the formation of volcanoes.
If two plates run into each other, then somewhere else, plates must move away from
each other. The second type of volcano occurs as a result of spreading along the
middle of the ocean floors. As the crust thins when the plates separate, new, molten
rock rises to the surface, and it often forms volcanoes. Much of the Mid-Atlantic
Ridge is a series of vents and volcanoes under the ocean. The ridge is entirely
underwater, except for the volcanoes of Iceland. The north-south axis of Iceland is
marked by cracks, called POlts or fissures, where the nearly constant volcanic activity is
visible on the surface.
According to the paragraph, all of the following are true about Iceland's volcanoes
(A) They are still very active.
(B) They are located where two plates collide.
(C) They formed at a place where the Earth's crust thinned.
(D) They are part of a mountain chain that is mostly under the ocean.
Skill 4 Inference
Each passage has from zero to two inference questions. An inference question asks you to make a
judgment on something not directly stated in the passage.
The author of the passage implies that
Which of the following can be inferred about Benjamin Franklin?
The description of oil drilling in paragraph 2 implies that
Your answer choice is not a guess. It is a logical judgment based on information given in the
passage. Rather than identifying facts, you will have to interpret their meaning.
When you see the verbs imply or infer in a question, you will need to make an
Tip inference. The answer will not be stated directly anywhere.
Skim each passage. Read the question. Then read the passage and answer the question.
Only limited statistical data exist concerning the safety of American mills and factories
prior to 1870. What is known is that employers tended to have only minimal interest
in workplace safety. Because of that, American industry developed production
methods that were both highly profitable and often extremely hazardous. Following
the Civil War, with its great loss of life, many young and very inexperienced workers
entered the job market. The factories where they found work were filled with
dangerous machines driven by a jumble of overhead belts, pulleys, and gears. The air
workers breathed was filled with toxic substances, and tragic fires were a frequent
occurrence. Reports from various state labor bureaus in the 1870s described
workplace tragedies, some quite grisly, which led early social reformers to call for state
governments to enact factory safety and health laws. In 1877, Massachusetts became
the first state to pass a factory inspection law which required guarding belts, shafts,
and gears; protection on elevators; and adequate fire exits. Other states followed suit.
What can be inferred about the reasons for an inexperienced workforce following the
Civil War?
(A) Many of the experienced workers had died during the war.
(B) Workers lacked experience because of military duty during the war.
(C) Experienced workers did not want to work with dangerous machines.
(D) Employers did not want to pay the higher wages demanded by experienced workers.
The Navajos (who also reter to themselves as Dine) use sand painting in extensive
rituals called "sings". Sings are ceremonies that involve many relatives and friends and
are intended to bless, protect, or heal the individual for whom they are held. Sand
painting plays a central role in the ceremony, but singing and dancing are also
included. A design specific to the particular ritual is painted with sand, charcoal,
pollen, and clay on the ground inside the hogan. The images portray mountains and
other tCatures of the region, the gods who created them, and legends and stories from
the past. The sand painting is considered a living being: when the "patient" lies on the
image, the power of the gods is absorbed, and harmony is restored within his or her lite.
\Vhen the ritual is completed, the sand and other elements are returned to the earth.
When O'Neill started writing plays, the American stage was dominated by farce, a few
European dramas, and melodrama. Melodrama is a genre characterized by emotional
characters, exciting action-filled scenes, and a moralistic tone, and O'Neill's first plays
were written in this style. However, they focused on unsavory situations and
characters (destitute women, derelicts, lonely sailors) that had never been considered
proper subjects for the stage. O'Neill did not really feel at home with the
melodramatic style of writing, which he came to see as pandering to the audience.
After having experimented with this genre, O'Neill turned his back on its conventions
and embraced the naturalism of European playwrights, such as Henrik Ibsen and
Emile Zola, who strove to depict "real" life situations, complex characterization, and
psychological realism.
O'Neill's early plays, which include the Pulitzer Prize-winner Anna Christie, are often
called the "sea plays" because most are set near or on the sea. Eschewing
melodramatic conventions, O'Neill asked audiences to identity with desperate people
and other morally ambiguous characters. Often, good characters ended badly; not
only had O'Neill created a new kind of American naturalism, he had created
America's first tragedies.
Mining his unhappy childhood for themes and characters, he wrote his most
autobiographical plays: Long Day)s Journcy into Night, Thc Iccman Comcth, and Moon
for Thc Misbcgottcn. These plays are notable for their length and repetition of themes
and ideas.
These plays show O'Neill bringing together his previous themes in powerful and
haunting ways. Long Day)s Journcy into Night, generally regarded as his best play,
brings together several lost souls in the same family. As in previous plays, these
characters' pipe dreams are the only way they can sustain themselves in a hostile
world. The mother is a drug addict, the father is a failed actor who has spent his lite
compromising his ideals in favor of gratifYing the audience's tastes, the older son is a
bitter alcoholic, and the younger son is a disillusioned invalid. Over the course of one
day, the members of the family lose their pipe dreams and struggle to find some sense
of purpose in their lives. It is in these later plays, and especially Long Day)s Journcy
into Night, that O'Neill finally found the dramatic form that expressed his inner
Skill 5 Purpose
Each passage has from zero to two purpose questions. A purpose question asks you to determine
why information was included in the passage.
The author of the passage details planting methods because
Why does the author mention the Great Lakes?
The author discusses new technology in paragraph 3 so that
Be careful about words that introduce reasons, such as to provide, to argue, to criticize, to note.
These may be used in the answer choices to distract you. Read carefully and look throughout the
passage for statements that provide a reason.
This type of question can be challenging because the reasons are not
Tip expressly stated in the passage.You may have to analyze information
in multiple sentences in order to arrive at the purpose.
Only two years later, New York became the first state to enact a Workmen's
Compensation Law. Rather than requiring injured workers to sue their employers and
prove the employer was at fault, the law automatically compensated all injuries at
predetermined rates. Samuel Gompers, the head of the American Federation of Labor,
had studied a similar compensation law in Germany. The law appealed to American
businesses because it made costs predictable and reduced labor issues. It appealed to
unions and other industry reformers because it promised more predictable benefits.
Between 1911 and 1921, forty-four states passed similar laws.
The author mentions that Samuel Gompers studied a German law in order to
(A) illustrate how well-educated labor leaders were
(B) contrast German labor laws with American labor laws
(C) argue that Germany was ahead of the United States in safety standards
(0) show that labor unions supported the new Workmen's Compensation Law
By 1968, safety standards were again slipping. Each year more than 14,000 workers
were killed and 2.2 million were injured on the job. President Lyndon Johnson cited
inadequate standards, lagging research, and a patchwork of ineffective federal laws
when he called on Congress to enact a comprehensive new job-safety and health
program. The proposed legislation failed in committee, however, and never came to a
Why does the author mention the numbers of workers killed and injured?
(A) To support the statement that safety standards were getting worse
(B) To compare safety standards in 1968 to previous years
(C) To show how many workers were benefiting from federal laws
(0) To explain why President Johnson's legislation failed in committee
Aboriginal ,1rt is rooted in Dreamtime, the time when ancestor spirits dreamed the
earth and its inhabitants into being. Dreamtime, unlike ordinary chronological time,
c:ists simultaneously in the past, present, and future. Aboriginal clans in Australia
cmploy ritual activities to access Dreamtime and the power found in specific places.
Ground art, songs, and dance enact and bring into present-day cxperience the
,1I1cestral spirits who created the local animals, plants, and rock formations, as well as
events in the clan's past, such as successful hunts and the discovery ofwatcr sourccs.
If two platcs run into each other, then somewhere else, plates must move away from
each other. The second type of volcano occurs as a result of spreading along the
middle of the ocean floors. As the crust thins when the plates separate, new, molten
rock rises to the surface, and it often forms volcanoes. Much of the Mid-Atlantic
Ridge is a series of vents and volcanoes under the ocean. The ridge is entirely
underwater, except for the volcanoes of Iceland. The north-south axis of Iceland is
marked by cracks, called vents or fissures, where the nearly constant volcanic activity is
visible on the surface.
Skill 6 Reference
Each passage has from zero to two reference questions. A reference question asks you to determine
the noun or noun phrase that a pronoun refers to. The pronoun will be highlighted in the passage
The word them in paragraph 3 refers to
Which in paragraph 2 refers to
Many of these questions ask about the referent for the pronouns it and they.
Tip Remember that who (for people) and which (for things) are also types of
The noun that the pronoun refers to should match the referenced word in number. For example, if
you are asked about they, scan for plural nouns in that sentence and the sentences just before and
after. Subsitute the noun you think is the correct answer to see if it makes sense.
Read the question. Scan the passage and read the sentence that contains the highlighted word. Then
answer the question.
Following the Civil War, with its great loss of life, many young and very inexperienced
workers entered the job market. The factories where they found work were filled with
dangerous machines driven by a jumble of overhead belts, pulleys, and gears. The air
workers breathed was filled with toxic substances, and tragic fires were a frequent
occurrence. Reports from various state labor bureaus in the 1870s described
workplace tragedies, some quite grisly, which led early social rdormers to call for state
governments to enact factory safety and health laws. In 1877, Massachusetts became
the first state to pass a factory inspection law which required guarding belts, shafts,
and gears; protection on elevators; and adequate fire exits. Other states followed suit.
When O'Neill started writing plays, the American stage was dominated by farce, a few
European dramas, and melodrama. Melodrama is a genre characterized by emotional
characters, exciting action-filled scenes, and a moralistic tone, and O'Neill's first plays
were written in this style. However, they focused on unsavory situations and
characters (destitute women, derelicts, lonely sailors) that had never been considered
proper subjects for the stage.
While traditional Navajos have very different gods and belief structures from those
held by Australian aboriginal clans, they too have no separation between religious and
secular worlds. Navajos also have ancestral beings or gods ("the Holy People") that
were active in creating specific local natural features. In addition, Navajos also believe
that the sacred beings are active and involved in the daily life of the people.
Our planet is made up of several layers. The thin outer layer of the surface supports
life. This section of the globe, the crust, is cool enough for molten rock to harden.
Processes such as weathering and erosion transform the hardened rock into dirt,
'hich, through the interaction and eventual decay of living plants and animals, forms
Skill 7 Simplification
Each passage has either one simplification question or none. A simplification question asks you to
recognize an exact paraphrase of a sentence.
Which of the following best expresses the information in the highlighted sentence?
The paraphrase must not change the meaning of the original sentence, and it will not leave out
important information. The correct answer is another way of saying the same thing as the passage
sentence. Make sure you understand the meaning of the highlighted sentence. Then look for the
answer choice that has the same meaning.
Tip Try to eliminate one or two answer choices right away. The easiest ones to
eliminate will be those that change the meaning in some way.
Skim each passage. Read the question. Then read the passage and answer the question.
Following the Civil War, with its great loss of life, many young and very inexperienced
workers entered the job market. The factories where they found work were filled with
dangerous machines driven by a jumble of overhead belts, pulleys, and gears. The air
workers breathed was filled with toxic substances, and tra ic fires were a freguent
occurrence. Reports from various state labor bureaus in the 1870s described
workplace tragedies, some quite grisly, which led early' social reformers to call for state
governments to enact factory safety and health laws. In 1877, Massachusetts became
the first state to pass a factory inspection law which required guarding belts, shafts,
and gears; protection on elevators; and adequate fire exits. Other states followed suit.
Which of the following sentences best expresses the information in the highlighted sentence?
(A) State labor bureaus led the way toward reform of safety and health laws during the 1870s.
(B) Because of reports of terrible workplace accidents, social reformers in the 1870s called for
safety and health laws.
(C) In the 1870s, state labor bureaus had the job of reporting workplace accidents to
government law enforcers.
(D) During the 1870s, the responsibility for enacting safety and health laws was moved from
labor bureaus to the government.
At a national level, the first effective campaign to improve worker safety began in the
1880s among railroad workers, who pushed for the develo ment of better brakes and
cou ling mechanisms for frei ht cars. his led to improvements that not only
increased safety, but p'roductivi~y as well and thus were readil accep'ted by the
railroad industry. In 1893, Congress passed the first federal law primarily intended to
improve work safety. This was the Safety Appliance Act, which mandated the use of
the new equipment.
Which of the following sentences best expresses the information in the highlighted sentence?
(A) The railroad industry led the way to increased safety and productivity.
(B) The railroad industry accepted only those improvements which increased productivity.
(C) The railroad industry accepted the safety improvements because they also improved
(D) When workers started producing more, the railroad industry accepted their request for safety
Which of the following sentences best expresses the information in the highlighted sentence?
(A) Scientists have put themselves in dangerous situations in order to study volcanoes in action.
(8) Only brave scientists dare to climb volcanoes to study them while they are active.
(C) Volcanologists are scientists who study the formation of volcanoes from lava and poisonous
(0) It is a powerful, though dangerous, experience to study the action of a volcano up close.
The third main way volcanoes form is by hot spots. For reasons not yet known,
magma rises very close to the surface in some locations. The magma builds up under
these areas until the pressure causes the crust to rise, usually from the ocean floor.
Eventually, a series of volcanoes form in roughly the same spot, some lasting longer
than others, until a huge mountain of land is built up. This is the process Kilauea and
Mauna Loa on the Island of Hawaii are currently undergoing. Many hot spots are
extremely long-lasting, some, such as the one under Hawaii, enduring for millions of
years. As the Pacific plate passes over this hot spot, the old island and volcano mo 'e
northwest, and eventually, enough pressure builds up and a new volcano erupts over
the same hot spot, but under a new piece of land. All the Hawaiian Islands were
formed this way. To the northwest of the Hawaiian Islands are older islands formed at
this same hot spot, islands that have weathered away and are no longer visible from
the surface.
Which of the following sentences best expresses the information in the highlighted sentence
(A) As a new volcano erupts, a new piece of land is formed over the old island and volcano.
(8) The Pacific plate moves over the hot spot, causing the volcano to erupt, and this pushes the
old island away.
(C) The pressure of the hot spot eventually pushes the old island and volcano away, making
room for the formation of new land.
(0) The movement of the Pacific plate causes the volcanic island to move away from the hot
spot, and a new island forms in its old place.
Where would this sentence best fit?
This type of question tests your ability to understand the way a passage is organized. Understanding
how transition words and phrases connect ideas will help you place the sentence. The sentence must
fit logically in its new position.
Transition words
Read the paragraph to yourself with the sentence in the spot you think is
correct to see if it makes sense.
Skim each passage. Read the question. Then read the passage and choose the best place to insert the
When O'Neill started writing plays, the American stage was dominated by farce, a few
European dramas, and melodrama .• (A) Melodrama is a genre characterized by
emotional characters, exciting action-filled scenes, and a moralistic tone, and O'Neill's
first plays were written in this style .• (B) However, they focused on unsavory
situations and characters (destitute women, derelicts, lonely sailors) that had never
been considered proper subjects for the stage .• (C) After having experimented with
this genre, O'Neill turned his back on its conventions and embraced the naturalism of
European playwrights such as Henrik Ibsen and Emile Zola, who strove to depict
"real" life situations, complex characterization, and psychological realism .• (D)
look at the four squares [.] in the passage above that indicate where the following sentence
could be added.
O'Neill did not really feel at home with the melodramatic style of writing, which he
camc to scc as pandering to the audicncc.
Where would the sentence best fit?
O'Neill's early plays, which include the Pulitzer Prize-winner Anna Christie, are often
called the "sea plays" because most are set near or on the sea .• (A) Eschewing
melodramatic conventions, O'Neill asked audiences to identity with desperate people
and other morally ambiguous characters .• (B) Often, good characters ended badly; not
only had O'Neill created a new kind of American naturalism, he had created America's
first tragedies .• (C) The sea plays also show the first glimpses of topics that O'Neill
would return to again and again in his writing .• (D)
look at the four squares [.] in the passage above that indicate where the following sentence
could be added.
These were themes such as the search for identity and meaning in life, familial
disintegration, and the conflict of idealism and materialism.
When a nomadic Australian aboriginal clan comes to a new site, they gather for a
ground art ritual. • (A) Clan members create designs with different colored sand,
feathers, plants, stones and other objects .• (B) These rituals are normally secret; the
songs, dances, and designs have power and are intended only for clan members.
Through reenacting the creation myths and clan history associated with the given
area, cultural beliefs, as well as knowledge useful for survival are passed from one
generation to the next .• (C) When the ritual is completed, the painting is scattered .
• (D)
look at the four squares [.] in the passage above that indicate where the following sentence
could be added.
Many of the designs are essentially "maps", with symbols referring to specific features of
the local landscape and also events that occurred there in Dreamtime.
Look at the four squares [.] in the passage above that indicate where the following sentence
could be added.
Most Navajo artists alter the design somewhat to avoid a curse from the "Holy People"
for use of the designs outside of prescribed rituals.
Where would the sentence best fit?
Reading to Learn
Skill 9 Summary
Each passage h~s either one summary question or one completion question (see Skill 10). A
s~mma.ry questIon as.ksyou to pick three major ideas in a passage to complete a chart. You will be
given SIX answer choices, but only three are correct. Some options are details and will not be used.
When you first read through the answer choices, look for more general
Tip statements. As you read the passageand locate one of the answers, add it to
the chart.
Complete the summary by choosing THREEanswer options that represent the main ideas in the
You must be able to organize the author's main points and distinguish the major ideas from the
minor ideas. This type of question is worth up to 2 points. If you get all three correct, you receive 2
points; two correct. 1 point; one or none correct, no points.
Skim each passage. Read the question and answer choices. Then read the passage and complete the
The Rise of Safety Standards in the American Workplace
Only limited statistical data exist concerning the safety of American mills and bctories
prior to 1870. What is known is that employers tended to have only minimal interest in
workplace safety. Because of that, American industry developed production methods that
were both highly profitable and often extremely hazardous. following the Civil War, with
its great loss of litC, many young and very inexperienced workers entered the job market.
The f:1Ctories where they found work were filled with dangerous machines driven by a
jumble of overhead belts, pulleys, and gears. The air workers breathed was filled with
toxic substances, and tragic fires were a frequent occurrence. Reports from various state
I.lbor bureaus in the 1870s described workplace tragedies, some quite grisly, which led
early social reformers to call for state governments to enact factory safety and health laws.
In 1877, Massachusetts became the first state to pass a factory inspection law which
required guarding belts, shafts, and gears; protection on elevators; and adequate fire
exits. Other states followed suit.
At a national level, the first effective campaign to improve worker safe~' began in the
I880s among railroad workers, who pushed for the development of better brakes and
coupling mechanisms for freight cars. This led to improvements that not only increased
S.ltCty,but productivity as well and thus were readily accepted by the railroad industry. In
1893, Congress passed the first federal law primarily intended to improve work safety.
This was the SatCty Appliance Act, which mandated the use of the new equipment.
Although a worker injured on the job, or his/her heirs, could sue an employer f()r
compensation, prevailing in court was difficult. Courts usually denied liability if the
employer could show that the worker had assumed the risk, had been partly at fault, or
had been injured due to the actions of another employee. Based on surveys taken around
1900, only about half the t:lInilies of workers fatally injured on the job recovered
anything, and the average compensation was equal to only about six months' pay.
In 1908, Congress adopted the Federal Employers' Liability Act, which regulated the
amount of damages an employee injured in any interstate railroad accident could recover
and which also considerably limited employers' defenses. The cost to the employer for a
worker fatality rose from roughly $200 to $2,000. Only two years later, New York
became the first state to enact a Workmen's Compensation Law. Ibther than requiring
injured workers to sue their employers and prove the employer was at fault, the law
automatically compensated all injuries at predetermined rates. Samuel Gompers, the head
of the American Federation of Labor, had studied a similar compensation law in
Germany. The law appealed to American businesses because it made costs predictable and
reduced labor issues. It appealed to unions and other industry reformers because it
promised more predictable benefits. Between 1911 and 1921, forty-four states passed
similar laws.
As accident costs rose between World Wars I and II, the safety record of American
industry steadily improved. Separately, changes in technology and labor markets also
contributed to an increased safety record. During the Great Depression of the 1930s, job
turnover was relatively low. This meant there were fewer new employees, who were the
ones more likely to get hurt. The spread of electrical lighting in factories also reduced
injuries. The economic boom and the entry of many new workers during World War II
led to another rise in industrial injuries. However, that declined again after 1945,
particularly as labor unions increasingly focused on worker safety.
By 1968, safety standards were again slipping. Each year more than 14,000 workers were
killed and 2.2 million were injured on the job. President Lyndon Johnson cited
inadequate standards, lagging research, and a patchwork of ineffective federal laws when
he called on Congress to enact a comprehensive new job-safety and health program. The
proposed legislation failed in committee, however, and never came to a vote.
Despite such setbacks, the idea of a comprehensive job-safet), and health program was far
from defeated. vVith labor leaders and the business communit), at considerable odds, a
bitter legislative struggle ensued. At length, through grassroots efforts and the
introduction of various amendments, a compromise was reached and in 1970, President
Richard Nixon signed the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act. This act
finally gave the federal government the authority to create and enforce uniform safet)'
and health standards for most of America's workers.
Safety standards in the American workplace have steadily improved over the last century and
a half .
Answer Choices
(A) During the last quarter of the nineteenth century, the government began paying attention to
safety conditions in the workplace.
(B) Railroad workers were among the first to call for safer conditions in the workplace.
(C) Legislation in the early twentieth century made it easier for workers to get compensation for
on-the-job injuries, while technological advances improved the level of safety.
(D) The electric lighting systems in use during the Great Depression were not nearly as safe as
those in use today, and this caused many workplace injuries.
(E) President Johnson brought attention to the fact that the safety standards in existence during
his time in office were not adequate.
(F) Because of legislation enacted during Nixon's presidency, the U.S. government is now
empowered to regulate health and safety standards throughout the country.
Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii continually boils over with lava, the red-hot liquid rock
oozing down the mountainside until it flows into the Pacific, sending up steam as it mixes
with the ocean waters. Mount St. Helens exploded in a billowing cloud of ash and steam,
blowing an entire mountaintop into the air. Volcanologists have braved molten lava flows
and poisonous gases to study the birth and behavior of these powerful natural
phenomena up close.
Our planet is made up of several layers. The thin outer layer of the surface supports life.
This section of the globe, the crust, is cool enough for molten rock to harden. Processes
such as weathering and erosion transform the hardened rock into dirt, which, through
the interaction and eventual decay of living plants and animals, forms soil. The crust is
also cool enough for water, originally produced from volcanic explosions, to condense
into rain, rivers, and oceans. Below this crust, we know, is another layer of hotter, flexible
rock that stretches and deforms. The crust floats on this plastic layer. Below that layer is a
thick layer of flowing and swirling molten rock, where temperatures reach thousands of
degrees Celsius. Below that is the core. Because the crust is essentially frozen rock, it is
brittle and breaks and shifts with the movements of the layer below. The crust is broken
up into sections called plates, and as these plates move, they bump into each other along
their boundaries. The collisions of plates can lead to the formation of volcanoes.
The first of the ways volcanoes form is where an oceanic plate collides with a continental
plate. The oceanic plate is the heavier one, and it slides under the lighter continental
plate. As the oceanic plate sinks, it heats up and melts. This molten rock, or "magma", is
lighter than the solid rock above it. The magma begins to rise and eventually breaks
through the surface. The area where an oceanic and a continental plate collide is called a
subduction zone, and it is along this kind of boundary that the volcanoes form in the
Ring of Fire in the Pacific. These volcanoes spew dark, heavy lava, the name given to
magma once it reaches the surface.
If two plates run into each other, then somewhere else, plates must move away from each
other. The second type of volcano occurs as a result of spreading along the middle of the
ocean floors. As the crust thins when the plates separate, new, molten rock rises to the
surface, and it often forms volcanoes. Much of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a series of vents
and volcanoes under the ocean. The ridge is entirely underwater, except for the volcanoes
of Iceland. The north-south axis of Iceland is marked by cracks, called vents or fissures,
where the nearly constant volcanic activity is visible on the surface.
The third main way volcanoes form is by hot spots. For reasons not yet known, magma
rises very close to the surface in some locations. The magma builds up under these areas
until the pressure causes the crust to rise, usually from the ocean floor. Eventually, a series
of volcanoes form in roughly the same spot, some lasting longer than others, until a huge
mountain ofland is built up. This is the process Kilauea and Mauna Loa on the Island of
Hawaii are currently undergoing. Many hot spots are extremely long lasting, some, such
as the one under Hawaii, enduring for millions of years. As the Pacific plate passes over
this hot spot, the old island and volcano move northwest, and eventually, enough
pressure builds up and a new volcano erupts over the same hot spot but undcr a ncw
piccc of land. All the Hawaiian Islands were formed this way. To the northwcst of thc
Hawaiian Islands are older islands formed at this same hot spot, islands that have
wcathered away and are no longer visible from the surface.
Volcanoes form when this thin layer of brittle crust on the outside of the planct cracks or
stretches thin enough for the hot liquid rock underneath the crust to forcc its way out
through thc Surf:1CC.Volcanocs give us a glimpse of what is going on below the surface of
our planet, right beneath our feet.
An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is given below. Complete the
summary by choosing THREE answers that best represent the main ideas in the passage. This
question is worth 2 points.
Answer Choices
(A) The lava from volcanoes can cause the ocean to steam or blow the top off a mountain.
(B) The Earth's crust is hard and brittle, but the layers beneath it are flexible and shifting.
(C) As the plates in the crust move, volcanoes form where the plates collide and diverge.
(D) Oceanic plates sink below continental plates because they are heavier.
(E) Volcanoes form over hot spots, where a buildup of rising magma bursts through the surface.
(F) The Hawaiian Islands were formed by the Pacific Plate moving over a hot spot in the ocean.
Skill 10 Completion
Each passage has either one completion question or one summary question (see Skill 9).
A completion question asks you to complete a chart with ideas from the passage. Some options are
not correct and will not be used.
Complete the chart to summarize information about the two [events].
Match the answer choices to the type of mining to which they relate.
Complete the chart by indicating which answers describe dolphins and which answers describe
You can earn up to 3 points for charts with five correct answers, and up to 4 points for charts with
seven correct answers. The question will indicate the total point value and may often remind you
how many answers will NOT be used.
Tip You will receive partial credit, so make sure you choose an answer for each
bullet (e) in the chart. Don't leave anything blank.
Eugene O'Neill: America's First Great Playwright
Eugene O'Neill (1888-1953) is regarded as America's first great playwright and the first
to use drama tor literary purposes. He received tour Pulitzer Prizes and is the only
American playwright to have received a Nobel Prize in Literature (in 1936). Although he
is known primarily tor his later family tragedies, O'Neill's career as a playwright went
through several stylistic phases that demonstrate his constant struggle to find eftective
means of dramatic expression.
When O'Neill started writing plays, the American stage was dominated by farce, a few
European dramas, and melodrama. Melodrama is a genre characterized by emotional
characters, exciting action-filled scenes, and a moralistic tone, and O'Neill's first plays
were written in this style. However, they tocused on unsavory situations and characters
(destitute women, derelicts, lonely sailors) that had never been considered proper
subjects tor the stage. O'Neill did not really feel at home with the melodramatic style of
writing, which he came to see as pandering to the audience. After having experimented
with this genre, O'Neill turned his back on its conventions and embraced the naturalism
of European playwrights, such as Henrik Ibsen and Emile Zola, who strove to depict
"real" lite situations, complex characterization, and psychological realism.
O'Neill's early plays, which include the Pulitzer Prize-winner Anna Christie, are otten
called the "sea plays" because most are set near or on the sea. Eschewing melodramatic
conventions, O'Neill asked audiences to identi~T with desperate people and other morally
ambiguous characters. Often, good characters ended badly; not only had O'Neill created
.1new kind of American naturalism, he had created America's first tragedies. The sea plays
also show the first glimpses of themes O'Neill would return to again and again: characters'
search tor identity and meaning in lite, t:1I11ilialdisintegration, and the conflict of idealism
and materialism.
In his second phase, O'Neill did not abandon naturalism altogether, but experimented
extensively with a wide variety of theatrical devices, using dance, pantomime, symbolic
masks and costumes, mythological plots (as in the Greek-inspired MottnJing Becomes
Electra) and Shakespearean conventions such as monologues and asides to the audience
(as in the Pulitzer Prize-winning Strange Interlude). O'Neill also tried out expressionism,
an artistic movement that strove to depict the world not with the objectivity of realism,
but in a more subjective way, colored by characters' perceptions and the events of the
play. Expressionism merely suggested an outside world, stripping down drama to a te\\
settings and characters, sketching the outside world, using iconic types t()r characters, <1I1d
compressing dialogue to the essentials. O'Neill's use of these techniques led critics to
label his Emperor Jones the first American expressionist play.
O'Neill continued to develop themes he had explored in earlier plays. The expressionistic
play The Hairy Ape continued his investigation of the search tor identity. Desire Under the
In the latter part of O'Neill's writing career, he rejected pure expressionism and the most
highly theatrical of his previous devices, returning to naturalism while retaining a subtler
form of symbolism. During this period, he produced his most celebrated and fully
developed work. In particular, he honed his skills at depicting realistic, psychological
close-ups of his characters. Mining his unhappy childhood for themes and characters, he
wrote his most autobiographical plays: Long Day)s Journey into Night, The Iceman
Cometh, and Moon for The Misbegotten. These plays are notable for their length and
repetition of themes and ideas.
These plays show O'Neill bringing together his previous themes in powerful and
haunting ways. Long Day)s Journey into Night, generally regarded as his best play, brings
together several lost souls in the same family. As in previous plays, these characters' pipe
dreams are the only way they can sustain themselves in a hostile world. The mother is a
drug addict, the father is a failed actor who has spent his life compromising his ideals in
favor of gratifYing the audience's tastes, the older son is a bitter alcoholic, and the
younger son is a disillusioned invalid. Over the course of one day, the members of the
family lose their pipe dreams and struggle to find some sense of purpose in their lives. It
is in these later plays, and especially Long Day)s Journey into Night, that O'Neill finally
found the dramatic form that expressed his inner vision.
Complete the chart below to summarize information about Eugene O'Neill's writing career. Match
each statement with the phase of O'Neill's career that it best describes. This question is worth 3
Aboriginal art is rooted in "Dreamtime", the time when ancestor spirits dreamed the
earth and its inhabitants into being. Dreamtime, unlike ordinary chronological time,
exists simultaneously in the past, present, and future. Aboriginal clans in Australia employ
ritual activities to access Dreamtime and the power found in specific places. Ground art,
songs, and dance enact and bring into present-day experience the ancestral spirits who
created the local animals, plants, and rock formations, as well as events in the clan's past,
such as successful hunts and the discovery of water sources.
When a nomadic Australian aboriginal clan comes to a new site, they gather for a ground
art ritual. Clan members create designs with different colored sand, feathers, plants,
stones, and other objects. Many of the designs are essentially "maps", with symbols
referring to specific features of the local landscape and also events that occurred there in
Dreamtime. These rituals are normally secret: the songs, dances, and designs have power
and are intended only for clan members. Through reenacting the creation myths and clan
history associated with the given area, cultural beliefs as well as knowledge useful for
survival are passed from one generation to the next. When the ritual is completed, the
painting is scattered.
While traditional Navajos have very different gods and belief structures from those held
by Australian aboriginal clans, they too have no separation between religious and secular
worlds. Navajos also have ancestral beings or gods ("the Holy People") that were active
in creating specific local natural features. In addition, Navajos also believe that the sacred
beings are active and involved in the daily life of the people.
The Navajos (who also refer to themselves as Dine) use sand painting in extensive rituals
called "sings". Sings are ceremonies that involve many relatives and friends and are
intended to bless, protect, or heal the individual for whom they are held. Sand painting
plays a central role in the ceremony, but singing and dancing are also included. A design
specific to the particular ritual is painted with sand, charcoal, pollen, and clay on the
ground inside the hogan. The images portray mountains and other features of the region,
the gods who created them, and legends and stories from the past. The sand painting is
considered a living being: when the "patient" lies on the image, the power of the gods is
absorbed, and harmony is restored within his or her life. When the ritual is completed,
the sand and other elements are returned to the earth.
In both these traditional cultures, visual art is created on the ground for ritual use; both
cultures consider the artwork to have life and power; both cultures integrate the visual art
with dance and song and stories; and both cultures destroy the images at the end of the
ceremonies. Contrasting with cultures rooted in Western Europe, religion in these
cultures is not separate from daily life, visual art is not separate from other arts, such as
music and dance, and art is not a commodity created for consumers.
Both of these cultures, however, have been influenced by western European cultures. In
modern times, individual artists in both cultures have adapted traditional designs for
permanent art to be sold to outsiders. Navajo weavers now incorporate sand painting
designs into their blankets, and other Navajo artists create permanent sand paintings by
gluing the colored sand onto various backings. Most Navajo artists alter the design
somewhat to avoid a curse from the "Holy People" for depicting sacred designs outside
of prescribed rituals. Modern-day Australian aboriginal artists also use designs that
resemble their traditional ground art in paintings made with sand or with paint. Like
Navajo artists, they alter the prescribed ritual designs, keeping the exact ritualistic
patterns secret to their clan.
Complete the chart below to summarize information about sand painting in Australian
Aboriginal and Navajo cultures. Match each statement with the culture with which it is
associated. This question is worth 3 points.
Australian • ---
• ---
Navajos • ---
• ---
• ---
Answer Choices (Choose 5 to complete the chart.)
(A) Use sand painting as part of rituals meant to connect clan members with the gods and with
the past.
(B) No longer participate in rituals involving sand paintings, except as reenactments for tourists.
(C) Incorporate clay, charcoal, and pollen into their painting designs.
(D) Preserve the paintings for a certain amount of time after completing the ritual.
(E) Make use of feathers, plants, and stones as well as sand to create their painting designs.
(F) Use modified sand painting designs in blankets, which are made to be sold to tourists.
1 Galileo rolled balls down inclined planes, measuring the distances and times the balls
traveled until he noticed patterns, and then decided that everything falls at the same
speed. Albert Einstein daydreamed, thinking about the rules that govern bodies and
motion, and wondered what would happen if a person sat on a beam of light. Both were
great scientists, and they thought in two different ways.
2 Galileo used deductive reasoning, that is, he collected data until he recognized a
pattern, and then he came up with a law of nature to describe his observations. We have
come to think that this is the most important way to do science. However, other great
scientists, such as Einstein, have used the other logical method, inductive reasoning.
Inductive reasoning starts with the grand laws, the big picture, and then applies the laws
to individual situations. Deductive reasoning moves from the specific to the general;
inductive reasoning moves from the general to the specific. Great minds have used both
methods in benefit of scientific research.
3 In the late 1600s, Robert Hooke was an experimentalist who used deductive
reasoning. He hung weights from springs of different materials and masses to see how far
the springs could stretch before they could no longer rebound. Similarly, he measured
the resistance of springs by compressing them with weights and found that the more a
spring was compressed, the greater its resistance to the force. These are examples of
deductive reasoning. The results of Hooke's experiments have made mattresses more
comfortable, staplers work reliably, and pogo sticks bounce higher.
4 Einstein knew the laws of physics that Isaac Newton, James Maxwell, and other great
thinkers had already formulated. According to Maxwell's theories, the energy of electrons
emitted from a surface should change according to the brightness of the light shown
upon them. Like other scientists at the turn of the twentieth century, Einstein was
confounded by the discovery of a scientist named Heinrich Hertz: The energy of
electrons emitted from a surface did not vary according to the intensity of the light
shown upon them, but according to the color. Using bits and pieces of other scientists'
work, Einstein determined that light must travel as little bundles of energy, called
photons, and that the energy of the photons depended on the color of the light. This is
an example of inductive reasoning because Einstein applied the known laws of nature to a
specific question. Einstein's idea revolutionized scientific understanding. After several
years of controversy, he was eventually awarded the Nobel Prize for this discovery in
1921. During those years of controversy, Einstein's detractors had argued against his
receiving the prize because Einstein neither ran experiments in a laboratory nor used
deductive reasoning to arrive at his conclusions.
5 Deductive reasoning has indeed led to some faulty conclusions at times. For instance,
in the medieval period in Europe, which was a particularly unproductive time for science,
a "gentleman scientist" observed this phenomenon: When peasants became overheated
while working, they would often throw their wool shirts off into the hay in the barn and
forget about them. After a few weeks, mice would emerge from under the wool shirt.
Thus, he deduced that wool shirts and hay created mice, a misconception that continued
for centuries.
6 Inductive reasoning has also led to mistakes. The first scientists, who lived in Greece in
the fourth century B.C., were called natural philosophers. They prized inductive
reasoning and observation. They reasoned that since the circle was the most perfect
shape, then everything in the heavens had to be spherical or circular .• (A) That meant
all the planets had to be spheres, and their orbits had to be circular. As further study
made scientists' observations better and more precise, the orbits began to appear
elliptical, as we now know them to be .• (B) But the Greek natural philosophers would
not surrender their idea of perfection .• (C) They depicted circular orbits whose centers
were on the circumference of the original orbit to explain the new shapes. As the
scientists who inherited this tradition made more precise observations, they added more
circles generated from other circles, until there were thousands of them .• (D)
Passage 1
1. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about deductive reasoning?
(A) It is often considered superior to inductive reasoning.
(B) It cannot adequately explain certain laws of nature.
(C) It is not generally used by modern scientists.
(0) It is more logical than inductive reasoning.
2. According to paragraph 3, what did Robert Hooke want to learn through his experiments
with springs?
(A) How to make springs out of different materials
(B) How much different kinds of springs weigh
(C) How springs act in different conditions
(0) How to make a better spring mattress
10. look at the four squares [.] in paragraph 6 that indicate where the following sentence
could be added.
With the invention of the telescope, after almost 2,000 years of belief in circular orbits,
scientists were finally forced to admit that planetary orbits were elliptical.
11. Why does the author discuss the natural philosophers' views on planetary orbits in
paragraph 6?
(A) To give an example of inductive reasoning
(B) To illustrate the development of inductive reasoning
(C) To show that inductive reasoning is not always accurate
(0) To explain why deductive is better than inductive reasoning.
Deductive • --
• --
• --
Inductive • --
• --
1 John Tyler, the tenth president of the United States, is not one of the nation's
better-known presidents. In fact, it may be from the campaign slogan, "Tippecanoe and
Tyler too", that people remember his name, though not the man himself--a man who
never actually ran for the presidency, but became president by default.
2 It was Tyler's running mate, vViliiam Henry Harrison, the "Tippecanoe" in the 1840
slogan, who was elected president. The catchy but somewhat obscure slogan derives from
the Tippecanoe River in Indiana, the site of a battle which Harrison fought against Native
Americans. Just 32 days after his inauguration Harrison died from pneumonia, leaving
the position of the presidency open to his vice president, Tyler. TI1L circumstances 0
Tyler's presidential ascendancy led to his unfortunate nickname, "the accident 11
president", a moniker many historians say overshadows his presidential succes es.
Furthermore, many historians see Tyler's perceived obscurity as mistaken, tak, 19 pai to
point out his positive place in American presidential history. Scholarly works on Tyler
point out that while his term, from 1841 to 1845, may have been riddled with fruitless
clashes between the parties (the Whigs, formerly the National Republicans and Tyler's
party at the time he took office) and the Democrats (a.k.a. the ]acksonians), his tenure
also boasts presidential victories and historic firsts.
3 First and foremost, Tyler was the first vice president to become president because of
the death of his predecessor. This was not an insignificant event .• (A) There was no
precedent for Tyler's claim to the White House and no clear, undisputed process laid out
in the U.S. Constitution .• (B) Tyler, however, asserted that the Constitution gave him
the power to run the country, and he had himself sworn into office soon after Harrison's
death .• (C) More than one hundred years later, Tyler's ability to produce a fairly quick
and orderly transfer of power became the model for the 25th Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution, ratified in 1967 .• (D)
4 There were other successes, too. Tyler was president at a time in the country's history
when many families from the East were moving West to start new lives on unsettled
lands. The "Log Cabin" bill was enacted during Tyler's administration and enabled these
settlers to claim unsettled land before it was offered for public sale. Through the bill,
settlers were granted sections of acreage and the opportunity to pay for the land later. In
addition, in 1842 Tyler signed a tariff bill protecting Northern manufacturers. His legacy
also includes the Webster-Ashburton treaty that ended a Canadian boundary (~isputl and
the 1845 annexation of Texas, which significantly increased not only the size of the
country, but its importance in the hemisphere. Despite these historic and
precedent-setting successes, Tyler vanished into presidential obscurity after leaving office.
5 Tyler, who was born to an old Virginia ruling-class family a few years after the
American Revolution, was part of the Old Virginia aristocracy in the White House, which
had included such illustrious presidents as Washington and Jetlerson. As a wealthy
Southern planter with extensive land holdings, Tyler opposed a strong army, taritls, and
extending the vote to men without property. He also held fast and steady to the Southern
notion of slavery, a concept that inevitably led to his downfall. In actuality, Tyler's belief
that slavery was part of the young nation's destiny was a great contradiction for the
Virginian, who believed in the liberties and freedoms that were integral to the
Constitution. Though Tyler is believed to have understood the evils of slavery, he
defended the institution until his death, contributing, many believe, to what ultimately
became the Civil War.
6 By 1845, the man who graduated from the College of William and Mary at the age of
seventeen, studied law, served in the House of Representatives, and served as Governor
of Virginia, had had enough of the presidency. He moved back to Virginia with his
second wife (he was the first president to get married while in office), Julia Gardiner
Tyler. When the first Southern states seceded from the nation in 1861, Tyler chaired the
Richmond Convention, which attempted to reconcile the North and South. When
then-president Lincoln rejected Tyler's proposed compromises, Tyler became a leading
proponent of Southern secession. The secession of the Southern states from the rest of
the country quickly led to the Civil War.
1. According to paragraph 2, all of the following are true about John Tyler EXCEPTthat:
(A) He was elected president 32 days after Harrison left office.
(B) He was a member of the Whig political party.
(C) He was vice president under Harrison.
(0) He served as president for four years.
2. Which of the following sentences best expresses the information in the highlighted
sentence in paragraph 2?
(A) The nickname accidentally given to Tyler foretold his success as president.
(B) The unfortunate nickname given to Tyler kept him from achieving success as president.
(C) Tyler's unflattering nickname became more widely known than his achievements as
(0) Although Tyler became president under unfortunate circumstances, he went on the achieve
great success.
4. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about Tyler's presidency?
(A) Political conflicts overshadowed Tyler's successes.
(B) Historians generally consider Tyler to be insignificant.
(C) Tyler did not achieve much while he was president.
(0) Tyler could never have won a presidential election.
6. Look at the four squares [.] in paragraph 3 that indicate where the following sentence
could be added.
It clearly states, "In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or
resignation, the Vice President shall become President."
10. The author's summary of Tyler's adult life in paragraph 6 mentions which of the
(A) His first wife's name
(B) The law firm where he first worked
(C) The college where he got his diploma
(D) His length of service in the House of Representatives
11. According to the information in paragraph 6, what did Tyler do after leaving the office of
the presidency?
(A) He got married for the second time.
(B) He moved away from Virginia permanently.
(C) He became a soldier and fought in the Civil War.
(D) He led efforts to prevent a war between the North and South.
13. An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is given below. Complete
the summary by choosing THREE answers that best represent the main ideas in the
passage. This question is worth 2 points.
Although John Tyler is a relatively unknown president, he did important things while in
office .
Answer Choices
(A) Tyler was the first person to rise from vice president to president following the death of his
predecessor in office.
(B) While Tyler was in office, there were frequent clashes between the Whig and Democrat
political parties.
(C) The 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1967, was modeled on Tyler's
ascendance to the presidency.
(D) Although Tyler passed important bills that supported the country's expansion into new
territories, this did not bring him lasting fame.
(E) Because of his Southern background, Tyler supported slavery even though it was in
contradiction to his other beliefs, and this eventually led to his downfall.
(F) Tyler was active in attempts to reconcile North and South in the period leading up to the
Civil War.
1 The name Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) often evokes images of a shy, solitary
woman, dressed in white, writing poetry, hiding away from the outside world in her
prominent family's Amherst, Massachusetts home. Such perceptions of a life of seclusion,
however, fail to appreciate the originality, non-conformity, and sheer audacity of
Dickinson's deservedly famous verse. Dickinson may have lived a safe and quiet life
tucked away in her family home, but there is nothing safe about her poetry. In fact the
bold vision of her poetry-and the public reaction which it likely would have caused-
may be the reason that Dickinson shut herself away and did not seek to publish her
2 Dickinson's poetry departed radically from standard poetic form. At a time when
poems were fairly formal and predictably structured, Dickinson's were fluid and
seemingly structureless. One of her contemporaries called her poetry "spasmodic" and
"uncontrolled". Recent critics, however, have pointed out that many of her poems are
structured like stanzas in a hymn or ballad and that much of her poetry emulates the kind
of meter found in hymns. Dickinson's poetry, therefore, is hardly random in its form. It
simply does not adhere to the standard poetic forms of her day. At the same time, despite
their hymn-like qualities, Dickinson's works also violated many rules of hymn meter.
Many of her poems, for example, fail to follow a standard rhyme pattern and break off.1
line where no natural pause would exist in speech or song.
3 Dickinson also experimented with punctuation. She used dashes liberally, placing them
where colons, commas, semicolons, and periods would normally go. The lack of periods,
in particular, gives a deliberately unfinished and transient quality to her verse. Periods
close an idea, but dashes convey a conscious rehlsal to create endings, as seen in her
poems. Thus, rather than randomly placing dashes, as early critics suggested, Dickinson
used them to reinforce her poetic themes. The placement of dashes reinforces the
musicality of her poetry, indicating where the verse slows its pace and where it speeds up.
In tact, the dashes in her original manuscripts are not uniform: they are long, short, and
sometimes vertical, as in musical notation. Some of the dashes in her original handwritten
manuscripts seem to curve upward or downward, leading some scholars to speculate that
the markings were intended to indicate the emphasis of certain words or phrases.
1. Why does the author begin the article by describing the common image of Dickinson as
a "shy recluse"?
(A) To explain why Dickinson's poetry is so unusual
(B) To describe what Dickinson's daily life was like
(C) To help the reader understand Dickinson's personality
(D) To contrast it with the author's own view of Dickinson
3. Which of the following sentences best expresses the information in the highlighted
sentence in paragraph 2?
(A) Dickinson has been criticized for imitating well-known ballads and hymns.
(B) Dickinson based many of her poems on the popular hymns and ballads of her day.
(C) Many of Dickinson's poems have a structure and rhythm similar to that of hymns and
(D) In addition to her poetry, Dickinson has also been praised for her many hymns and ballads.
10. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 5 about Dickinson's habits?
(A) She spent time observing nature.
(B) She frequently attended church.
(C) She read many sentimental books.
(D) She was bored by her daily routines.
13. An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is given below. Complete
the summary by choosing THREE answers that best represent the main ideas in the
passage. This question is worth 2 points.
Answer Choices
(A) Dickinson was a shy woman who lived a quiet, reclusive life.
(8) The structure of Dickinson's poetry does not follow the norms of her day.
(E) The expectations of society made it difficult for Dickinson to be true to herself.
1 The Transcontinental Railroad, which connected the East Coast and Midwestern
regions of the United States with California on the West Coast, is considered one ofthc
greatest technological achievements in U.S. history. It made such an impact on the U.S.
cconomy that its construction has been compared to the development of the atomic
bomb, the digging of the Panama Canal, and the landing of man on the moon. In t:lct,
the success of the two-thousand-mile-Iong railroad built over harsh desert terrain and
through mountains of granite was much more than economic. Its effects were t:lr
reaching and touched every aspect of American lite.
2 Travel across the continent saw an immediate and dramatic transtormation. Prior to
the railroad, there were two basic ways to get across the great frontier: by horse-pulled
stagecoach or wagon, or by boat. Travel by stagecoach could cost upwards of $1,000,
took five or six months, and involved crossing over treacherous mountains and barren
deserts. Travel by sea meant an eighteen-thousand-mile ocean \'oyage around the tip of
South America and north up the Pacific Coast, There was a shortcut of sorts that
included a land crossing through the rugged Isthmus of Panama and then a northern
traverse of the Pacific by ship to California. But even this trip took months, was filled
with risks, such as disease, and was still expensive. With the construction of the
transcontinental railroad, the trip across the continent could be completed in a
miraculous five days tor a cost of just $150 for first-class accommodations.
3 The rail project began in 1863 while the Civil War was raging in the eastern part of the
country. The Central Pacific Railroad began building the railroad east from Sacramento,
Calitornia while the Union Pacific Railroad began building west from Omaha, Nebraska.
Although shifts were kept working around the clock, the pace through the mountains
was excruciatingly slow, moving torward at an average of only about a toot a day. Work
crews blasted tunnels through the Sierra Nevada Mountains by hand, drilling holes in
rock and packing the holes with explosive powder.
4 Thousands of Chinese, Irish, and German immigrants, as well as tormer Union and
Confederate soldiers and freed slaves contributed to the six-year-long job of constructing
the railroad. The two work teams, Union Pacific and Central Pacific, finally met up on
May 10, 1869 at Promontory Summit, in Utah, where the final "golden spike" was
ceremoniously dri\'Cn into the railroad bed.
5 The effect of the railroad was protound and tar-reaching, even finding its way into the
American vocabulary. Phrases such as "time's up", "time's a wasting", and "the train is
leaving the station", became part of the vernacular. The railroad unified the nation, but
ironically led to its division into tour standard time zones. At the same time, construction
of the railroad resulted in the creation of hundreds of new towns in an area that had once
been called "the Great American Desert" because it was considered unsuitable tor
6 The railroad led to changes on the East Coast, as well. Western agricultural products,
coal, and mincrals traveled wcst to east, changing the way thc nation ate, built, and
conducted busincss. There was a moral impact, too. Completion of the railroad fostcred a
ncw Amcrican faith that, with money and determination, the people of the United States
could accomplish anything.
1. How does the author compare the Transcontinental Railroad to the Panama Canal in
paragraph 1?
(A) They both cost a great deal of money to build.
(8) They are of equal importance in u.s. history.
(C) They each took a long time to build.
(0) They are similar in length.
4. According to paragraph 2, all of the following are true about cross-continental travel
prior to the building of the railroad EXCEPT:
(A) It took about half a year to cross the country by stagecoach.
(8) A first-class stagecoach ticket could cost as much as $150.
(C) The trip by sea could be shortened by going overland across Panama.
(0) The journey around South America was about eighteen thousand miles.
6. Why does the author describe how workers blasted tunnels through the mountains in
paragraph 3?
(A) To give an example of how difficult it was to build the railroad
(B) To compare the working conditions of the two different teams
(C) To explain work methods that were common at the time
(0) To show how skilled the railroad workers were
10. What can be inferred from paragraph 5 about the area east of the Rocky Mountains prior
to the construction of the railroad?
(A) It was considered unsuitable for farming.
(B) New towns were constantly being built in the region.
(C) There were no human inhabitants in that region.
(0) It was covered with an abundance of trees.
11. According to paragraph 6, what effect did the railroad have on life in the eastern United
(A) The prices of coal and minerals rose in the East.
(8) More people in the East started working in agriculture.
(C) Eastern business failed because of competition from the West.
(0) Western products became more available to East Coast residents.
13. An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is given below. Complete
the summary by choosing THREE answers that best represent the main ideas in the
passage. This question is worth 2 points.
Answer Choices
(A) Travel across the country had been time-consuming, risky, and expensive, but the railroad
cha nged aII that.
(8) Immigrants from several countries, as well as former soldiers and former slaves, were among
those who helped build the railroad.
(C) Work crews labored hard to build the railroad, completing it in just six years.
(0) The United States is large enough to require division into four different time zones.
(E) The completion of the railroad facilitated the settlement of the mid-western United States
and its transformation into an important agricultural area.
(F) The Transcontinental Railroad improved access to some of the country's richest mines in
previously unsettled areas.
lOver a century ago, Charles Darwin hypothesized that human beings, Homo sapicm
sapiens, and the great apes had evolved from a common ancestor .• (A) By seeking f()ssil
remains, scientists hoped to chronicle hominid species that existed in the six million years
het()re Homo sapiens sapiens .• (B) One of the many problems in searching for f()ssilized
skeletons is that only under ideal conditions can bones last millions of years, and the
likelihood of finding a complete, or nearly complete, skeleton is very small.. (C) In the
1920s and 1930s, in Zhaukudian, China, what people called "dragon bones" were
identified as fossilized remains of Homo erectus, the Peking Man, from about 400,000
years ago. Those remains were of the first species known at that time to have migrated
fi-om Africa .• (D) In 1974, in Ethiopia, Donald Johanson discovered the remains of a
3.2 million-year-old hominid, whom they named Lucy, an Amtralopithicus hominid. In
1984 in Kenya, Kamoya Kimeu discovered the Turkana Boy, an Austmlopithccus boy
fi-om about 1.6 million years ago. It was clear from these fossil remains that Homo sapiens
sapiens had gone through more than one evolutionary step between its chimpanzee-like
ancestor and the present species.
2 In 1992, in Ethiopia) Gen Suwa of the University of Tokyo found a single upper molar
fi-om a species that predated Lucy. Later, other scientists fc)Und skeletal bones in this same
area. Tim White of the University of California at Berkeley, led the team that spent the
ensuing 15 years digging up, cataloging, and studying bones until they had a nearly
complete skeleton. This skeleton took many more years to analyze than other skeletons
because it was crushed by something extremely heavy before it was fc)ssilized. Using
sophisticated instruments and techniques, Dr. White's team reconstructed the original
shape of the bones. Their years of painstaking work has resulted in Ardi, which is short
ft)r the name of the new species, Ardipithecus mmidus. She, for she is a she, is about 4.4
million years old, 1.2 million years older than Lucy. Ardi is now the oldest known
ancestor of Homo sapiens sapiens.
3 Ardi is about four teet tall, about a foot taller than Lucy, and she weighed ahout 120
pounds. From the pelvic bones, it appears that she walked upright but still retained her
tree-climbing abilities-the feet are not arched, and the big toe is prehensile. Her hands
are more like those of the great apes, and she has long arms and short legs. Ardi's skull
held a chimpanzee-sized brain. Her canine teeth, as well as male canine teeth also found,
are not the outsized canines used in ritual mating displays in primates, but are the same
size as the other teeth. The molars show that Ardi was an omnivore and did not depend
on a diet largely of fruits as do present-day chimpanzees.
4 All the plant and animal fossils around Ardi's and other Ardipithecus bones were
excavated, so scientists have been able to analyze the environment in which Ardi lived.
Because humans walk upright, scientists had surmised that humans and great apes
diverged when hominids lett the forests to live on the grassy savannahs, where bipedalism
would be an advantage. However, the plant and animal remnants collected and analyzed
show that Ardi lived in a cool, woodland habitat. The area is now a hot, arid desert,
making it a good area for preserving the bones.
5 In addition to Ardi's skeleton, Professor White's team discovered bones from 36 other
individuals, all belonging to Ardipithecus mmidis. In Chad and Kenya, other teams have
discovered skeletal remains from the same eriod as Ardipithecus) but of different hominid
species. Some scientists speculate that more than one kind of hominid was alive at the
same time, thus causing some to wonder if Lucy or Ardi or both are not direct ancestors
of humans, but off-shoots from our common line. This diversity of hominid species has
also led to the radical speculation that Homo sapiens sapiens may have evolved from more
than one kind of hominid. Humans may not have one common ancestor after all.
1. According to paragraph 1, what was discovered in China in the 1920s and 1930s?
(A) A very small skeleton
(B) The bones of ancient dragons
(C) Fossilized remains of a human ancestor
(D) The common ancestor of apes and humans
2. look at the four squares [.] in paragraph 1 that indicate where the following sentence
could be added.
Since then, scientists have pursued what has been called colloquially "the missing
link", the earlier hominid that was halhvay between the common ancestor and
human beings.
4. According to paragraph 2, why did it take so many years to put together Ardi's skeleton?
(A) The bones were extremely old.
(B) Dr. White's team was very small.
(C) The instruments were not sophisticated.
(D) The skeleton had been severely damaged.
9. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 4 about early hominids?
(A) They were forced out of their forest habitat by the great apes.
(B) They started walking upright while still living in forests.
(C) They died out because their forest habitat became desert.
(0) They eventually left the forest because the environment was too cool.
10. According to paragraph 5, what did Dr. White's team find besides Ardi's skeleton?
(A) Proof that humans have more than one common ancestor
(B) Remains of others members of the same species as Ardi
(C) Bones belonging to other hominid species
(0) Evidence of the ancestors of great apes
11. Which of the following sentences best expresses the information in the highlighted
sentence in paragraph 5?
(A) Since Lucy and Ardi are from the same ancestral line as humans, scientists no longer have
to speculate about the common ancestor of humans and apes.
(B) Since several species of hominid may have existed during the same period, scientists
wonder whether Ardi and Lucy are actually ancestors of human beings.
(C) Scientists speculate that the different hominid species recently discovered were direct
ancestors of both Lucy and Ardi.
(0) Scientists can only guess about the ancestral lines of Lucy, Ardi, and other hominid species.
13. An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is given below. Complete
the summary by choosing THREE answers that best represent the main ideas in the
passage. This question is worth 2 points.
The discovery of the hominid species Ardipithecus ramidus (also called "Ardi") may shed new
light on our understanding of the evolution of human beings .
Answer Choices
(A) One difficulty that scientists have had is that it is very unusual to find fossilized skeletons
that have lasted for millions of years.
(B) Previously, the oldest known hominid remains were those of Lucy, a 3.2-million-year-old
hominid discovered in 1974.
(C) The bones of an Australopithecus boy, known as "Turkana Boy", were discovered in Kenya
several years before the first discovery of bones belonging to Ardi.
(D) The fact that Ardi's skeleton had been crushed before fossilization made it particularly
challenging to analyze.
(E) Like humans, Ardi walked upright and was an omnivore, but she also had characteristics
similar to chimpanzees.
(F) The fact that Ardi lived in a woodland environment changed the previous idea that the
evolution of apes and humans diverged when our hominid ancestors left the forest for life
on the plains.
1 Recent discoveries of two planets in outer space have raised new questions and
possibilities in the study of astronomy. In August 2009, researchers in the United
Kingdom, led by Andrew Collier Cameron of the University of St. Andrews, Scotland,
discovered a new planet, named WASP-17b, that, contrary to all other known planets
within or outside of our solar system, rotates in the opposite direction trom its star. The
group United Kingdom's Wide Area Search for Planets (WASP) worked with
Switzerland's Geneva Observatory. WASP-17b is the largest and the dense extra-solar
planet (that is, a planet outside the solar system) discovered thus tar. It is almost twice the
size of Jupiter, but has less than fifteen percent ofJupiter's mass. Located approximately
one thousand light years away, WASP-17b, is also the closest known planet to its star.
2 In our solar system, all planets orbit the sun in the same direction as the sun itselfis
turning. Most scientists believe this is because the sun and planets all evolved out of one
original mix of gases and dust particles. There had been an expectation that ctra-solar
planets would follow the same pattern. The planets in our solar system also tc)lIow an
orbit that has the shape of a disc. Over 370 exoplanets (another name tor extra -solar
planets) have been discovered since 1995, and only three of these do not tC)llow the
bmiliar pattern of a disc-shaped orbit. In each of these three cases, the planet rotates
around its star in the same direction as the star's rotation, but with an axis that is tilted
3 WASP- I 7b was discovered using the transit method: that is, measuring the dimming of
the light t,00111its star as the planet passes between the star and the observers .• (A)
further calibrations determined the unusual backward rotation .• (B) Cod Hellier, of
Keele University, believes a larger planet also rotating around the star may have altered
WASP-17b's rotational direction by passing close by.• (C) He believes that a
near-collision with the right trajectory acted like a gravitational slingshot that flung one
of the planets into a retrograde orbit .• (D)
4 Another team member, Andrew Collier Cameron of the University of St. Andrews,
believes it is more likely that WASP-17b has an as-yet-undetected neighboring body
whose gravity causes the planet to gradually change its orbit over time. He theorizes that
\VASP-17b once orbited its star in the same direction as the star's rotation, but that its
rotation gradually tilted away from the axis of the star's rotation until it was perpendicular
and continued tilting until it reached its current reverse rotation. If Cameron 's theor~ IS
correct, eventually WASP-17b will once again be rotating in the same direction as the
5 In addition to the transit method used to discover WASP-17b, astronomers usc many
other ways to discover new planets. Most of the discoveries to date have used the radial
velocity method, which measures the wobble of a star caused by the gravitational pull of ,1
planet. The Hubble Space Telescope has played an important role in this method.
6 In May of2009, Stuart Shaklan and Steven Prado, astronomers at the United States
National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
announced that they had discovered a new planet using astrometry, a method of
searching for planets that was first tried fifty years ago, but which had not previously been
successful. Shaklan and Prado measured the motions of thirty stars over a period of
twelve years, looking for variations in each star's location caused by the gravitational pull
of a planet. The planet they found, VB lOb, is a gas giant approximately twenty
light-years away, with six times the mass of] upiter, and it orbits a star that is the smallest
star known to be orbited by a planet. Prado feels that strometry is optimal for discovering
other solar system configurations like our own, that might hold other Earths. As new
techniques and instruments have been developed, the rate of discovery of new planets has
increased every year, along with exponential growth of data, leading to new
understandings and new theories about planet formation and the birth of the universe.
2. According to paragraph 2, what did scientists expect to be true about extra-solar planets?
(A) They would have a tilted axis.
(B) They would not follow a disc-shaped orbit.
(C) They would have evolved out of gas and dust.
(D) They would rotate in the same direction as their stars.
3. According to paragraph 3, how is the transit method used to detect the presence of a
(A) It measures how the star's light changes when it is blocked by the planet.
(B) It measures how long it takes for light from the star to reach observers.
(C) It measures the strength of the star's light when it reaches the planet.
(D) It measures how much light from the star is reflected by the planet.
7. According to paragraph 4, what does Andrew Collier Cameron believe is the likely cause
of WASP-17b's unusual rotational direction?
(A) The speed at which the planet travels
(B) The shape of the planet's orbit
(C) A nearby object in space
(D) Gravity from its star
8. Why does the author discuss different methods used to discover planets in paragraph 5?
(A) To highlight the importance of the discovery of VB 10b by astrometry
(B) To increase the reader's confidence in the work of astronomers
(C) To introduce information about the Hubble Space Telescope
(D) To explain how WASP-17b was discovered
9. According to paragraph 5, which of the following is true about the Hubble Space Telescope?
(A) It played an important role in the discovery of WASP-17b.
(B) It has not been particularly useful in the discovery of new planets.
(C) Its measurements are more accurate than those of other instruments.
(D) It has been used to search for new planets by the radial velocity method.
12. Which of the following sentences best expresses the information in the highlighted
sentence in paragraph 6?
(A) Technological developments have increased the discovery of new planets, and these
discoveries have increased our understanding of how the universe was formed.
(B) As new technologies are developed, we will discover more planets and collect more data
about the universe.
(C) Every year, new instruments and new technologies are developed, based on theories that
have been proposed about the formation of planets and of the universe.
(D) The discovery of new planets will contribute to the development of new techniques and
instruments for exploring the universe and collecting data.
13. An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is given below. Complete
the summary by choosing THREE answers that best represent the main ideas in the
passage. This question is worth 2 points.
The recent finding of two extra-solar planets contributes to the development of our research
and understanding of outer space .
Answer Choices
(A) The planet WASP-17b is the only known planet to rotate in a direction opposite of its star's
(B) Although WASP-17b is a great deal larger than Jupiter, it is also less dense, and it is the largest
known extra-solar planet.
(C) Most extra-solar planets, like the planets in our solar system, have an orbit that is in the
shape of a disc.
(D) There are several theories, but no agreement, about the reason for the unusual rotational
direction of WASP-17b.
(E) Most extra-solar planets have been discovered with the use of a method known as "radial
(F) Different methods have been used to discover planets, and the discovery of the planet
VB 1Db was the first successful use of the astrometry method.
S ills Practice
Listening Practice Test
110 U I C F- 3r
The chart on page 112 shows you how the lectures and conversations compare. It
also shows scoring and what the questions measure. Pages 113-115 show you
examples of what the screens look like for Listening.
Most questions in Listening are multiple-choice with one answer. Some questions
require you to refer to a photo or drawing, and some questions require more than
one answer. These include chart questions, which are worth more than one point.
The whole Listening section takes 60-90 minutes. You will hear each of the passages
only one time. You should take notes about key points as you listen to the passages.
Score 0-30
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I The lectures are around 4 to 6 mInutes tong. You can take notes as you listen. The bar
at the bottom of the saeen tells you how much time is left in the lecture.
•• vt*Jme 1'.21
For each type of p1anlliSted below, Indicate whether or not it wi. probably be found In.
dima:c Iofnl For each type of J)lant. put a check W1the YES 01 NO column. Thll
question is worth 2 points.
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Listen again 10 part of the lecture. Then answer !he question.
B.O Toi1troducetn.nextpartofthelecture
o. 0 TO~ltudentstodlllCU •• lhequestion
What is the main topic of the lecture?
As you listen to the lecture or conversation, take notes. Each time you hear an idea, make a note. If
the idea is discussed again, put a check by it. The idea with the most checks is probably the main
Listen to these parts of conversations and lectures. Take notes. Then answer the questions.
Always read the questions for each section before you listen. This will help
guide your listening.
Skill 2 Purpose
A purpose question asks you for the reason a conversation or lecture is taking place. Purpose
questions are more common in conversations than lectures. Purpose questions often begin with
Why does the student need to see the housing officer?
As you listen to the lecture or conversation, listen for a particular problem. In a conversation, the
student is usually the one who has a problem. What is it?
Listen to these parts of conversations and lectures. Take notes. Then answer the questions.
1. Why does the student visit the professor?
(A) To get the professor's approval for his research project
(B) To find out the professor's opinion about the new gym
(C) To get help in applying for a scholarship
(0) To discuss his background reading
Skill 3 Detail
A detail question asks you to identify specific facts that support or provide information on a subject.
What does the student need to show to the advisor?
Some detail questions ask you to choose two answers. Both of the answers must be correct for you
to get the point. As you listen to the lecture or conversation, take notes and include specific facts and
details about the topic. Sometimes the speaker will talk about several things; keep notes on all the details
on all the topics.
Listen to these parts of conversations and lectures. Take notes. Then answer the questions.
1. What information will the student look for in the campus newspaper?
(A) The amount of money it cost to build the new gym
(B) How much money each issue of the newspaper costs
(C} Different ideas for spending the money that was used for the gym
(D) The names of people who gave the university money for the new project
4. According to the lecture, what kinds of plants move in to take the place of the
pioneer plants?
Choose 2 answers.
[AJ Young trees
[]] Smaller shrubs
W Annual plants
[Q] Perennial grasses
5. What is one thing novelists Dickens and Gaskell hoped to do with their writing?
(A) Increase awareness of bad working-class conditions in their country
(B) Portray the problems faced by the middle and upper classes
(C} Improve on the work of novelists such as Thackeray and Trollope
(D) Make novels the predominant literary form of the era
Skill 4 Function
A/unction question, like an inference question, asks you to come to conclusions based on what you
hear. For example, a student may say to a friend, "We've been studying all morning, and it's
lunchtime". The speaker wants to stop studying and have lunch. Instead of directly saying, "Let's
stop and have lunch". the speaker implies, indirectly suggests, this by mentioning how long they
have been studying and that it is lunchtime.
For this type of question, you will often hear the relevant part of the conversation or lecture again
What is the student trying to get from his professor?
What does the student imply when she says this: (audio replay)
Why does the counselor say this: (audio replay)
The answer choices will not match exactly the words in the conversations or lectures. You will have
to determine the function.
@ Practice
Listen to these parts 0/ conversations and lectures. Take notes. Then answer the questions.
1. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.
What is the student's attitude about working in groups?
How does the professor feel about late papers?
What does the student mean when she says this: (audio replay)
A speaker's tone of voice, the length of the sentences, and the adjectives and adverbs used will all
provide clues to a speaker's attitude.
Tip As you listen, think about how you might feel in a similar situation.
~ Listen to these parts of conversations and lectures. Take notes. Then answer the questions.
1. How does the student feel about the professor's suggestion to look at newspapers?
(A) It might be a problem.
(B) He does not want to spend the money.
(C) He does not mind doing it.
(0) It would take a lot of time.
2. How does the student feel about working in the college bookstore?
(A) She wants to because she has had similar experience.
(B) She would prefer to get a different kind of job.
(C) She is afraid it would not be easy.
(0) She thinks it would be an educational experience.
3. How does the student feel about the Research Methods class?
(A) He is looking forward to taking it.
(B) It should be a fascinating class.
(C) He thinks he might like it.
(0) He does not really want to take it.
Connecting Information
Some questions test your understanding of how things in the passage are related. These
relationships may be either stated or implied.
Skill 6 Organization
An organization question asks how the conversation or lecture is organized. The information in a
passage may be organized in many ways, including chronologically from early to later, steps from
start to finish or from easiest to more difficult, concept and definition, similarities and differences,
or main idea and example.
Why does the professor discuss erosion?
What point does the professor make when she mentions consumer spending?
An organization question will more likely follow a lecture than a conversation. Listen carefully to
examples presented in the lecture and try to determine why they are used.
Listen to these parts of conversations and lectures. Take notes. Then answer the questions.
1. Why does the professor discuss ecological succession?
(A) To give an example of the process of old field succession
(B) To compare that process to the process of old field succession
(C) To define a broader category that includes old field succession
(D) To give an example of something that is not old field succession
3. Why does the professor bring up the stages of cognitive development as defined by Jean
(A) To review material previously discussed
(B) To introduce a topic that will be on the exam
(C) To finish the discussion on cognitive development
(D) To explain the meaning of the term "cognitive development"
4. What point does the professor make when he describes Renee Baillargeon's experiment?
(A) Piaget inspired many other researchers.
(8) Piaget's ideas may not have been entirely correct.
(C) Piaget was better at designing experiments.
(D) Piaget was considered to be the father of cognitive development.
Skill 7 Relationships
A relationship question asks how ideas are related. You might be asked to summarize the
information in a different way from the lecture. Many of these questions are in the form of charts.
How are these modes of transportation compared?
What classifications could fit these types of manufacturing?
Why does the professor mention the Civil War?
Label the process in this diagram.
Tip When you see a chart among the questions, you should take notes that
resemble the categories and style in the chart.
Listen to these parts of conversations and lectures. Take notes. Then answer the questions.
1. Who will the student interview for his research project? For each type of person, put a
check in the correct column. This question is worth 2 points.
4. For each type of plant listed below, indicate whether or not it will probably be found in a
climax forest. For each type of plant, put a check in the YES or NO column. This question is
worth 2 points.
Perennial grasses
Sun-loving shrubs
Tree seedlings
Mature trees
Pioneer plants
5. Based on information given in the lecture, indicate whether the statements below
describe Elizabeth Gaskell as a writer. For each statement, put a check in the YES or NO
column. This question is worth 2 points.
6. Based on information given in the lecture, indicate whether each statement below
describes Jean Piaget or Renee Baillargeon. For each item, put a check in the correct
column. This question is worth 2 points.
Skill 8 Inferences
An inference question asks for information that is NOT directly stated. You will have to make a
judgment based on the entire passage.
What does the student imply when she says this: (audio replay)
What can be inferred about the concert?
What will the student probably do next?
Since the answer is implied, the answer choices will not match exactly the vocabulary used in the
conversation or lecture.
@ Listen to these parts of conversations and lectures. Take notes. Then answer the questions.
1. What will the student probably do next?
(A) Revise his research design
(B) Start doing the interviews
(C) Choose a new research topic
(D) Buya copy of the campus newspaper
4. What does the professor imply about animal life in the early stages of old field succession?
(A) It is not very diverse.
(B) It consists mainly of insects.
(C) It does not change much.
(0) It is not very attractive.
5. What will the class probably do after reading Elizabeth Gaskill's novel?
(A) Read something from the Romantic period
(B) Read a biography of Charlotte Bronte
(C) Read a twentieth-century English novel
(0) Read a novel by another Victorian author
6. What will the professor probably discuss in the next class session?
(A) More about object permanence
(B) Other experiments done by Piaget
(C) The work of Renee Baillargeon
(0) Other theories of cognitive development
@ Skills Practice
Listen to the following lectures and conversations, and answer the questions.
Lecture 1
}.1 2. Which of these characteristics contribute to the uniqueness and diversity of plant and
animal species in Lake Baikal? For each characteristic, put a check in the YES or NO
column. This question is worth 2 points.
5. According to the lecture, what have been two sources of pollution in Lake Baikal?
Choose 2 answers.
[K] Construction of villages
lliJ Pulp factories
[I] Logging activity
[Q] Transportation systems
6. What will the professor probably talk about during the next lecture?
(A) Different species inhabiting other lakes
(B) The history of the logging industry around Lake Baikal
(C) Measures taken to control pollution on Lake Baikal
(D) The effect of pollution on the nerpa and the golomyanka
Lecture 2
2. Why does the professor mention Greenland, Madagascar, and Great Britain?
(A) To help define what an island is
(B) To give examples of continental islands
(C) To compare them to other islands
(D) To show how large islands can be
Lecture 3
It focuses on facts.
6. What does the professor ask the students to bring to the next class?
(A) Definitions of the term "memoir"
(B) Their personal memoirs
(C) A list of books read
(D) A book title
Lecture 4
6. What does the professor imply about corn, beans, and squash?
(A) They improved the taste of meat and fish.
(B) They were the only foods that the Iroquois ate.
(C) They were no longer eaten after the Europeans arrived.
(D) They were the major source of nutrition for the Iroquois.
Conversation 1
M 13
3. Where can the student find the book for her assignment?
(A) In the Economics section
(B) Near the magazines
(C) On the first floor
(D) By the librarian's desk
5. Which of these materials can be checked out of the library and which cannot be checked
out? For each item, put a check in the YES or NO column. This question is worth 2 points.
Reference books
Reserve books
Conversation 2
3. How does the professor feel about the Introduction to Marketing course?
(A) It is only a formality, but not really necessary.
(B) It is one of the more boring courses offered.
(C) It is only a requirement for certain students.
(0) It is important for all business students.
5. What does the professor imply about the Marketing Research course?
(A) The student will spend a lot of time on the assignments.
(B) The student is required to take it for his degree.
(C) The student does not need to take it right away.
(0) The student should take it as soon as possible.
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3. Why does the professor talk about the symptoms of bipolar disorder?
(A) To further define what the disorder is
(8) To explain how to diagnose the disorder
(C) To compare two different disorders
(0) To introduce treatments for the disorder
Lecture 2
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7. What is the main purpose of the lecture?
(A) To introduce the history of American literature
(B) To describe the career of a popular writer
(C) To prepare students for reading a novel
(D) To bring up the issue of censorship
9. Why was young Samuel Clemens apprenticed to a printer when he was only 12 years old?
(A) He had to help support his family.
(B) It was the customary age to start work.
(C) He had completed his schooling.
(D) His family realized he had the talent for it.
11. Based on information given in the lecture, indicate whether each statement below
describes The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, or both
books. For each statement, put a check in the correct column. This question is worth
2 points.
12. How did Mark Twain react to the censorship of his book?
(A) He thought it was a bad thing.
(B) He predicted it would sell more books.
(C) He considered rewriting the first 100 pages.
(D) He made public statements against censorship.
Lecture 3
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14. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.
15. Why does the lecturer tell about the myth of the origin of the cacao tree?
(A) To give an example of an Aztec god
(B) To help explain the Aztec belief system
(C) To show how highly the Aztecs valued chocolate
(0) To give a background to the history of Spanish explorers
17. According to the lecture, how did the Aztecs use cacao beans?
Choose 2 answers.
[!] As decorations for their cloaks
[ID As a tribute from conquered people
[I] As a beverage reserved for nobility
[Q] As a fertilizer for their cornfields
18. How does the professor feel about the chocolate drink prepared by the Aztecs?
(A) It was not spicy enough.
(B) It must have tasted good.
(C) It was normally too sweet.
(0) It sounds unpleasant to drink.
Lecture 4
•• ~ '~""".I
20. listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.
23. According to the lecturer, indicate which of the characteristics listed below contributed
to the survival of the horseshoe crab for 300 million years. For each characteristic, put a
check in the YES or NO column. This question is worth 2 points.
@ Conversation 1
- 1
l _J
27. Why should the student fill out the last page of the application?
(A) He wants to hire a tutor.
(8) He wants a job as a tutor.
(C) He wants a position as a teaching assistant.
(0) He wants to apply for the Work-Study Program.
28 According to the advisor, indicate which of the items below need to be included in the
student's graduate school application and which do not. For each item, put a check in
the YES or No column.
Test scores
Grade transcript
Application fee
29. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.
32. How does the professor feel about the field trips he assigns?
(A) They aren't fun.
(B) They take too much time.
(C) They aren't as vital as other activities.
(0) They are an important part of the course.
33. listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.
ill Practice
ea ing Practice Test
148 T )EFL
Ch~. an object you own that ha •• epecial perwonal valua, and explain why It •• valuabl. to
you. Give •.•• son. and speclftc detail. In your answer.
Preparation time
Direct to TOEFl,8T
Som. atudents naten to mualc while they study. Other etudenb need to atudy in quiel Which
Wfjy of atudytng do you prefer? Why?
Preparation tim.
•• 20"~~Ud
Speeking 3 of IS
The Student Center lounge wiD be dosed fOf renovations during the IUmmer
MISion. It wtII reopen befotw Ihe beginning d the fal semester. RepM"a end
f'8PlIinting will be done, and new carpeting end furniture instaled. A complete list
of the renovIIItionl to be CXM'nPtet:edCBn be seen In the Maintenance OffICe.
Students, f8cufty, and staff who are not inYoIved in 1h8 rencMltion work are
•• ked to refl'8lln from entering the area unW the work is oomP'eled. We regret
any inoonvenience thIS may C8UH .
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Spr8llking "oil
<II ...
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Speaking Oof.
hnp:/ /WWW.dlr~atotoefl!
Skill 1 Description
In Question 1, you may be asked to describe some activities or events, and why these activities or
events are important to you. Don't just list activities. Think of something interesting to say about
each one. For example, talk about how long it took, say why you liked it, give some details about
what it involved, or use some adjectives to describe it.
Describe some things you do at a museum you enjoy visiting.
Tip Make sure you understand the question before you respond.
A. For each topic and question, choose three activities to describe. Write one sentence about each one.
B. Then, without looking at your notes, answer the questions out loud. Record your answers and listen
to them. Record your answers over and over until you are satisfied with your presentation.
Topic: A recent trip
Question: Describe some things you did on a recent trip.
Descri ption:
Topic: A holiday you enjoy
Question: Describe some things you do to celebrate a holiday you enjoy.
Skill 2 Opinions
The first question in the Speaking section may ask for your personal opinion about a place, event,
or activity. You will be asked to talk about something that is important to you, and you will have to
explain why it is important.
What type of class do you prefer to attend? Why?
Here are some words and phrases that are used for explaining why.
Tip Remember that some questions ask for your opinion. In this case, pronouns
like I, me, my are appropriate.
Think of an important gift that you received recently, and explain the reason you received the gift
and why it was important to you.
Opinion: A watch "5 o"e- q£ the- Most MU,,"" 7.;&/ ,. ts I have- e-vU
Supporting Detail 1: graduatio" A_re-_S~e-_,,_t _
When I graduated from high school, my father gave me the gift of an expensive camera. I
feel that this is one of the most meaningful gifts I have ever received. I received itfor my
high school graduation, which was an important turning point in my life. I received the
gift from my father, who is very important to me and whose good opinion I always work
hard to receive. My father gave me this expensive gift to show his pride in me, because I
finished high school so successfully.
A. Read the questions below. Make notes for your response. Use your notes to write a response for
each question.
B. Then, without looking at your writing, answer the question out loud. Record your opinion and
listen to it. Record your answer several times until you are satisfied with your presentation.
1. Choose a famous person you admire, and explain why you admire this person.
Opinion: _
Supporting Detail 1: _
Supporting Detail 2: _
Supporting Detail 3: _
2. Think of a place you would like to live, and explain why you would like to live there.
Opinion: _
Supporting Detail 1: _
Supporting Detail 2: _
Supporting Detail 3: _
3. Think of an expensive purchase you made recently, and explain why this purchase was important
to you.
Opinion: _
Supporting Detail 1: _
Supporting Detail 2: _
Supporting Detail 3: _
4. Choose a friend you enjoy spending time with, and explain why this friend is important to you.
Opinion: _
Supporting Detail 1: _
Supporting Detail 2: _
Supporting Detail 3: _
1. _
2. _
3. _
4. _
Tip When you provide specific information, you will often use superlatives. Review
superlatives with -est and most as well as irregulars such as the best, the worst.
Rewrite the following general statements. Make them more specific. When you are finished, look at
your own Supporting Details in Skill 1. Can you make them more specific?
Tip When you compare and contrast, you will often use comparatives. Review
comparatives with -er and more as well as irregulars such as better, worse.
Some students prefer to study at a large university. Others prefer to study at a smaller university
or college. Which type of school do you think is better, and why?
When you make your notes, you should make two columns and write how the choices are similar or
!2if/ue"f _ ~
"uMbu o£.- sfude"f~
size -4 classes
choic~ of courses _
Then use the information in the column to write three general ideas. These ideas will be your
"main ideas" for your response to Question 2.
You will then need to add specific information to tell why you prefer one particular choice.
Here are some words and phrases that are used for comparing and contrasting.
Useful words
as however same
Comparative and superlative adjectives are also used to compare and contrast.
Big colleges usually have larger classes than small colleges do.
Libraries at larger colleges often have more extensive collections of books.
The biggest colleges often have great sports teams.
A. Read the following questions. Make notes on how they are similar (compare) and how they are
different (contrast). Then use your notes to write three general ideas for each question. Use compare
and contrast words.
B. Without looking at your notes, answer the question out loud. Record your answers and listen to
them. Record your answers several times until you are satisfied with your presentation.
1. Question
On a weekend evening, would you prefer to go to a party or spend time with just a few close friends?
Similar Different
General Idea: _
General Idea: _
General Idea: _
2. Question
Would you prefer to live in a place that has four seasons, including a cold winter, or a place that has
pleasant weather all year long?
Similar Different
General Idea: ------------------------------
General Idea: -------------------------------
General Idea: ------------------------------
3. Question
Do you prefer to eat at home or at restaurants?
Similar Different
General Idea: _
General Idea: _
General Idea: _
4. Question
Would you prefer to live in an apartment or a house?
Similar Different
General Idea: _
General Idea: _
General Idea: _
Some students prefer to study at a large university. Others prefer to study at a smaller university
or college. Which type of school do you think is better, and why?
You will need to add specific information to tell why you prefer one particular choice.
General Idea: .
choose. froM.
Specific Information: have. oals but
Specific Information: Since. a sMallu school has £e.wu course.s, stude.nts stay- ocuse.d
on the.,"r g.~o~a_Is~. _
Practice using different Useful words, but make sure you know the exact
meaning when you use a word during the test.
Here are some words and phrases that are used for explaining why.
because (of) so
A. Give specific information for each general idea you wrote in Skill 4. Use explaining words.
B. Then, without looking at your notes, answer the questions out loud. Record your answers and listen
to them. Record your answers several times until you are satisfied with your presentation.
1. General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
3. General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
4. General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
Read the passage. Listen to the conversation. Make notes. Then answer the question.
Because there are fewer students on campus during the summer session, the hours
that the cafeteria is open will be reduced. Breakfast will be served from 7:00 AM until
8:00 AM, lunch from 11:30 AM until 12:30 PM, and dinner from 5:30 PM until
6:30 PM. The afternoon coffee hour will be discontinued for the summer and will
resume at the start of the fall semester. Meal tickets are available in the Office of
Student Services and cost $300 for the three-meal plan for the summer session, and
$6 each for individual meal tickets.
@ Listen
State the woman's opinion about the summer cafeteria schedule, and explain her reasons for her
First, clearly state the speaker's opinion. Then, as in Question 1, you can organize your notes in
terms of general ideas with specific information as supporting details.
When you take notes, you want to save time, so don't write complete
sentences. Write just key content words, omitting things such as articles
and auxiliary verbs, for example, "woman needs to study for exam all
weekend but has to work". The sample notes here are mainly complete
sentences to aid you in planning for speaking.
Here are some words and phrases that are used for adding supporting details.
A. Read the passages and listen to the conversations and short talks. Make notes for your response as
you read and listen. Use your notes to write some sentences about each question.
B. Then, without looking at your writing, answer each question out loud. Record your answer and
listen to it. Record your answer several times until you are satisfied with your presentation.
@ 1.
Read the passage. Listen to the conversation. Make notes. Then answer the question.
All students in this class are required to do a field research project. This means you
will design a project that involves observing and/or interviewing subjects on campus
or somewhere in the larger community. Your grade will be based on your ability to
design a project, carry it out, and analyze the results. During the first half of the
semester we will discuss project design, field research methods, and data analysis. The
second part of the semester will be devoted to implementing your projects.
~ Listen
State the man's opinion about the sociology class requirement, and explain his reasons for his
General Idea:
Specific Information:
Specific Information:
General Idea:
Specific Information:
Specific Information:
General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
@ 2.
Read the passage. Listen to the conversation. Make notes. Then answer the question.
During the month of April, the north student parking lot will be closed to repair the
damage caused by last winter's storms. Since this will greatly reduce the number of
parking spots available to students on campus, students are encouraged to seek
alternative forms of transportation during this time. Cars with student parking stickers
will not be allowed to park in faculty or visitor parking areas. We appreciate your
cooperation and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
@ Listen
State the woman's opinion about the restrictions on student parking, and explain her reasons for
her opinion.
Opinion: _
General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
Read the passage. Listen to the conversation. Make notes. Then answer the question.
This is a reminder that students are not allowed to keep pets in the dormitories. This
means pets of any kind, including those kept in cages or aquariums. There have been
numerous complaints recently about violations of this rule. Please be advised that any
pets found in the dormitories will be confiscated and a fine will be imposed on the
ottending parties. Please leave your pets at home during the school year. Your
cooperation is appreciated.
(j) Listen
State the man's opinion about the pet policy, and explain his reasons for his opinion.
Opinion: _
General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: "_
General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
The Student Council has elected to spend a portion of this year's entertainment
budget on weekly movies. The movies will be shown in the Student Center on
Tuesday nights at 7:30 PM. Admission is free and complimentary popcorn and drinks
will be served. There will be a guided discussion following each movie for everyone
who is interested. A schedule of the movies to be shown this semester will be posted
soon on the Student Council website.
@ Listen
State the woman's opinion about the decision to show movies at the Student Center.
Opinion: _
General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
General Idea:
Specific Information: _
Specific Information: _
General Idea:
Specific Information: -----------------------------
Specific Information: _
Question 4 Lecture Read/Listen/Speak
For Question 4, you will read a passage similar to those in a college textbook. Then, as in a college
classroom, you will listen to part of a lecture on the same topic. You will then respond to a question
that asks the relationship between the passage and the lecture.
Tip All of the academic questions provide whatever information is needed to give a
response. You are not expected to have any experience with the subject matter.
Listen for differences between the reading and listening passages, and make
Tip notes as soon as you hear a key similarity or a difference. Use your own
notetaking symbols, such as = for "same" and - for "different".
Read the passage. Listen to the lecture and make notes. Then answer the question.
@ Listen
The lecturer describes the Solomon Asch experiment. Explain how this experiment demonstrates
the concept of conformity.
Sample Response
The lecturer talks about conformity. Conformity is when an individual in a group
changes his or her behavior to be like the behavior of other members of the group. The
lecturer describes the Solomon Asch experiment, which was a famous experiment about
conformity done in the 1950s. In a group of eight people, only one was the study subject.
The others were assistants. They were shown cards with lines drawn on them. They had
to choose which line was as long as another line. It was easy to see the correct answer,
but the assistants gave incorrect answers. One-third of the time, the study subject also
gave the wrong answer. Instead of giving the correct answer, he conformed by giving the
same answer as everyone else. So he matched his behavior to the rest of the group.
Read the passage and determine its purpose. Listen to the lecture and make notes about the details.
Then answer the question.
Many animal species rely on camouflage to survive in the wild. The coloring and
markings of an animal's fur or skin help it to hide from predators if it is a prey animal,
or from the prey it hunts if it is a predator.
Choose the statement that is most likely the purpose of this passage.
This passage
(A) suggests why zebras live in herds
(8) defines predators and prey
(C)describes how polar bears survive in the snow
(D) explains how coloring protects animals
(f) Listen
Write three details from the lecture that support, add to, or contradict the purpose of the passage.
1. _
2. _
3. _
Explain how a zebra's stripes may help protect it.
Deviant behavior is behavior which goes against social norms, or rules. These norms
may be formally-defined rules, such as a country's laws, and going against them
would constitute a criminal act. Or, they may be generally accepted social
conventions, for example, speaking quietly in a library, or shaking hands when
meeting someone, in U.S. culture.
Choose the statement that is most likely the purpose of this passage.
This passage
(A) explains the reasons for engaging in deviant behavior
(8) discusses criminal acts as examples of deviant behavior
(C)defines deviant behavior and mentions one theory about it
(D) gives reasons to support the validity of one theory of deviant behavior
(f) Listen
Write three details from the lecture that support, add to, or contradict the purpose of the passage.
1. _
2. _
3. _
The lecturer describes "The Saints and the Roughnecks" study. Explain what this study tells us about
deviant behavior.
The words epidemic and pandemic both refer to widespread outbreaks of disease. An
epidemic occurs when a disease spreads throughout a community, infecting a larger
number of people than would normally be expected. An epidemic is usually localized
within a town or region. When it is more widespread, particularly when it spreads to
several countries, then it becomes a pandemic. A pandemic is usually caused by a new
type or strain of a disease, one that people have not yet developed an immunity for.
With their high death tolls, pandemics can lead to high levels of economic loss and
social disruption over wide areas of the world.
Look for special printing called italics in a reading passage. Italics are used to
mark special words and terms.
Choose the statement that is most likely the purpose of this passage.
This passage
(A) explains the causes of epidemics and pandemics
(8) defines the terms epidemic and pandemic
(C)describes some recent epidemics and pandemics
(D) suggest ways to prevent epidemics and pandemics
~ Listen
Write three details from the lecture that support, add to, or contradict the purpose of the passage.
1. _
2. ------------------------------------
3. ------------------------------------
Explain why the flu epidemic of 1918 can be considered to be a pandemic.
An invasive species can be defined as a species of animal or plant that does not
naturally occur in a specific habitat, and whose presence upsets the natural balance in
that habitat. Invasive species pose a threat because they push out native species. A
species in an alien environment may lack natural competitors or predators. This gives
it an advantage over the native species and allows it to take over space and resources
that would otherwise be used by the native species. Invasive species can be introduced
by natural processes or by human activity.
Choose the statement that is most likely the purpose of this passage.
This passage
(A) explains what invasive species are and why they are a problem
(8) suggests ways to combat the problem of invasive species
(C)tells which invasive species are the most problematic
(D) describes several examples of invasive species
@ Listen
Write three details from the lecture that support, add to, or contradict the purpose of the passage.
1. _
2. _
3. _
Explain how purple loosestrife is an example of an invasive species.
Skill 8 Problem/Solution
For Question 5, clearly identify the problem. Look for the advantages and disadvantages in each
potential solution. Then choose the solution you think best. You will find the compare and contrast
skills you learned in Skill 4 useful for Question 5.
Here are some words and phrases that are used for comparing and contrasting.
Comparison Contrast
(f) Listen
The woman has a problem, and the man suggests two possible solutions. Describe the problem and
the two solutions. Explain which solution you prefer, and why.
When you take notes, you should leave out easily understood words like a, an,
Tip the and verbs like is or are. You can also leave out most pronouns because you
will know who, or what, they refer to.
Problem: The.. WOhfal1 l1eedS to spe..l1d a// we..e..I:.e..l1d
study!..tJ.gfor all o:.ahf,
but she.. has to wor/:. at he..r lob •..for part 01'
•.. the.. we..e../:.e..l1d.
Solution 1: .
as/:. co-wor/:.e..r to wor/:. I'or he..r
Advantages Disadvantages
fte..l1ds /' help e..ach othe..r
110t /i/
would /ose.. wor/:. hours
The woman needs to spend all weekend studying for an exam, but she has to work at
her job for part of the weekend. She wants to get out of working so she can study for
her exam. One solution is to ask a friend to work for her. The other solution is to ask her
supervisor to change the schedule, so that she can work after the exam is over instead of
tomorrow. I think the second solution is the best option. Her friend might want to help
her, but might not be available. Also, her supervisor might not like her to make changes
without asking him first. If she asks the supervisor to change the schedule, on the other
hand, then the supervisor has the chance to approve the change. In addition, she wouldn't
lose any work hours, she would just be doing them at a different time.
A. Listen to the problems and the two solutions. Make notes of the problem and the advantages and
disadvantages of each solution.
B. Choose a solution, and write a response telling why you think this solution is better.
@ 1. Listen
The man has a problem with his economics class, and the woman suggests two possible solutions.
Describe the problem and the two solutions. Explain which solution you prefer, and why.
Solution 1: _
Solution 2: _
Advantages Disadvantages
Solution 1: _
Solution 2: _
Advantages Disadvantages
@ 3. Listen
The two students discuss a problem with a scheduled speaker, as well as two possible solutions.
Describe the problem and the two solutions. Explain which solution you prefer, and why.
Solution 1:
Advantages Disadva ntages
Solution 2:
Advantages Disadvantages
The woman has a problem about her biology textbook, and the man suggests two possible
solutions. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Explain which solution you prefer, and why.
Solution 1: _
Advantages Disadvantages
Solution 2: _
Advantages Disadvantages
because in addition so
(f) Listen
Use information from the lecture to explain why birds migrate.
Always practice taking notes in your own shorthand. But remember, your
Tip spoken responses must use full forms and complete sentences, not shorthand.
Main Idea A: reASo"S
Supporting Detail 1: d;jficulf, So why do the-.; do It?
Supporting Detail 2: brudi"g
Supporting Detail 3: /udi"9
Migratory birds spend summers in cold places like the Arctic and Antarctic regions. In
these places, there is a lot ofdavliqht in the summer and that means there is more food.
like plants and bugs. Birds can have larger families because there is more food for them.
Also, in places where the winters are cold. there are few predators. It's a safer place to
have babies.
Then the birds can fly away before the winter comes. Thevgo to warm places because
there is abundant foodfor them to eat. They can spend the winter eating and resting and
then they are ready to migrate again.
A. Listen to the lecture. Make notes of the main ideas and supporting details.
B. Give a summary of the points made by the professor. Record your summary. Repeat it several times
until you are satisfied with your presentation.
@ 1. Listen
Use information from the lecture to explain two ways that the saguaro cactus has adapted to desert
Main Idea A: _
Supporting Detail 1: _
Supporting Detail 2: _
Main Idea B: _
Supporting Detail 1: _
Supporting Detail 2: _
Main Idea C: _
Supporting Detail 1: _
Supporting Detail 2: _
~ 2. Listen
Use information from the lecture to explain how the automobile has changed the American
Main Idea A: _
Supporting Detail 1: _
Supporting Detail 2: _
Main Idea B: _
Supporting Detail 1: _
Supporting Detail 2: _
Main Idea C: _
Supporting Detail 1: _
Supporting Detail 2: _
@ 3. Listen
Use information from the lecture to describe the history of the potato in Europe.
Main Idea A: _
Supporting Detail 1: _
Supporting Detail 2: _
Main Idea B: _
Supporting Detail 1: _
Supporting Detail 2: _
Main Idea C: _
Supporting Detail 1: _
Supporting Detail 2: _
Main Idea A: _
Supporting Detail 1: _
Supporting Detail 2: _
Main Idea B: _
Supporting Detail 1: _
Supporting Detail 2: _
Main Idea C: _
Supporting Detail 1: _
Supporting Detail 2: _
-able believe-believable
-ive create-creative
-ful meaning-meaningful
-less meaning-meaningless
-ment excite-excitement
-ize motor-motorize
-Iy easy-easily
Some suffixes cause the stress to shift to the syllable immediately preceding the suffix.
-ity human-humanity
-IC electron-electronic
-ify acid-acidify
-ical economy-economical
-ian history-historian
Some suffixes cause the stress to shift to the first syllable of the suffix.
Look at these word families. Say the words aloud. Underline the stressed syllable in each word. Say the
words aloud again.
eaning Function
adjectives articles
nouns auxiliaries
verbs prepositions
relative pronouns
I prefer movies that have a lot of action.
I enjoy winter sports, such as skiing and snowboarding.
An apartment can be as comfortable as a house.
Read each sentence aloud. Underline the stressed words. Then read the sentence aloud again.
1. The students feel that the class assignment is too difficult.
2. It isn't easy to find a place to park on campus.
3. If he doesn't study harder, he could get a failing grade.
4. The food in a restaurant is usually delicious, but often expensive.
5. There are still many questions about bird migration.
-------" ~
In addition, some pets make a lot of noise.
I can take the computer with me wherever I go.
~ ~
We have been going there for holidays since I was very young.
Read each sentence aloud. Mark the intonation patterns for transition words. Then read the sentence
aloud again.
1. First, the student parking regulations aren't fair.
2. However, the man doesn't agree with the woman's opinion.
3. She's had this problem since the semester began, I think.
4. On the other hand, winter is a very beautiful time of year.
5. Nevertheless, many people aren't aware of her accomplishments.
They sell popcorn, candy, and drinks at the movie theater.
This semester I'm studying biology, chemistry, physics, and math.
Read each sentence aloud. Mark the intonation pattern, then read the sentence aloud again.
1. Summer weather is hot, humid, and uncomfortable.
2. At a restaurant you just order, eat, pay, and then go home.
3. In this class we have to do research, write reports, and take exams.
4. She needs money for tuition, books, and housing.
5. Apartments are generally small, comfortable, and inexpensive.
Question 1
Read the question about a familiar topic. You have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45
seconds to respond.
Think of a neighborhood you know that you would like to live in. Explain why you would like
to live there. Give reasons and specific details in your answer.
Question 2
Read the question asking for your opinion on a familiar topic. You have 15 seconds to prepare your
response and 45 seconds to respond.
Do you think it is better to own a car or use public transportation? Why?
Question 3
Read the passage. You have 45 seconds.
Starting next semester, the university library will impose fines on students tor books
and other library materials returned past the due date. We regret the necessity of this
change in policy, but the honor system that is currently in place is no longer eftective.
Too many library materials have remained checked out for unacceptable periods of
time, and many materials are permanently missing. The check-out times will stay the
same: two weeks for books, one week tor magazines, journals, CDs, and DVDs. Fines
will be ten cents a day for all materials. Again, we regret the necessity of this policy
and appreciate the cooperation of all students, faculty, and staff.
Question 4
Read the passage about phobias. You have 45 seconds.
Question 5
Listen to the conversation. Then answer the question. You have 20 seconds to prepare your
response and 60 seconds to respond.
The man has a problem regarding his apartment and the woman suggests two possible
solutions. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Explain which solution you prefer,
and why.
Question 6
Listen to the lecture. Then answer the question. You have 20 seconds to prepare your response and
60 seconds to respond.
Use information from the lecture to describe the effects of the cotton gin on the U.S.
f1 Dt com
REd the questlOl1 about • familiar topic You have 15 aecond to prepare you
""'llOIlH on<! 45 lMlCOIlds to respond
C~ an object you own that ha ••• peelal personal valu., and e •.plaln why It •• valuable to
you. Give ru:sona and speclflc detail. In your In ••• r.
Preperation time
Question 2
Soma atudent8 listen to muelc whU. thay atudy. Other studenta need to atudy in qu~ Which
way of •••• dytnv do yo.. prefer? Why?
~s_lImO, 45 Secondo
[ OMMO _.~
Question 3
The Slud8f\1 Center lounge will be cIo&8d for renovations dumg the aummer
NUlon. II will ~ before the beglMing of the fBI Mmeslw. Repairs and
mpatnting will be done, and new carpemg and fumitur8 installed. A c:omple(e ~at
•• 20t1~~ltd
I~ _. the question. You have 30 seconds to prepare your reeponll8 and 80 lI8COIlda to
Slaw the man'. opInion .boUt the c1e-ul'9 of the Stu~nt C.ntM' toungll for renovation •• end
[- .0000:00 nUl
•• 2011~""""Ud
.. ..
The ~."..,. thll.-m ueed to deeab !he phenomenon wtw'eby
"'*'--toan~~"'tDotIfI1thetP~l1ere •• other
peqie ~ AIienIion became locuMd on !hit phenomenon foIIowing.n
~ whichOCCUNd In NewYOftl; cRy In 19&4. AWCX'I*\. Klltyoeno-,
.••••bnMIIy~ Intoni d hef~ buIdW'l; wtllleIw '*Of\bOrI
igncnd her aw for help, SI'Ic:ielien, r-.rd't M8 It'own '*.••••• who
•• 1n"preMf'Il»d~1MpOnd to.n ~~onty.bolA5()'lM,
The ~r
/Jl.twwfK the Cl~, You have
30 MCOnda Ie prepllW '/fAX
L 00:00:00
Question 5
Direct to TOEFL 18T
,. Vdurne 18:21
I A/'lsWer the question. You have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 &8COOdsto
The woman hila • problem regarding tr8nsportltlon, and the man suggests two poulble
solution •• OucriM the problem and the two aolutlons. explain whleh .oIutJon you prwfer. and
p,.paratJon time
I ww dr ltotOf:f1
- ....,...,
u •• infonnaUon from the lectu •.• to deecribe the effects of the EM Canal on ninetMnth century
U.S. loclely.
---------------------- -- ---
PrapertltJon time
L __
Facts About Writing
Integrated Writi ng Task
Skill 1 Main Ideas
Skill 2 Presenting the Information
Skill 3 Introduction
Skill 4 Adding Details
Skill 5 Summarizing the Points
Skill 6 Citing and Paraphrasing
Independent Writing Task
Skill 1 The Main Idea-Your Opinion
Skill 2 Writing the Introduction
Skill 3 Writing a Paragraph
Skill 4 Stating Your Opinion
Expressing Your Opinion
Generalizing and Qualifying
Skill 5 Putting it All Together
General Writing
Skill 1 Transition Words and Phrases
Skill 2 Synonyms
Skill 3 Pronouns
Skil14 Parallel Structures
Skill 5 Coherence
Repeating and Rephrasing
Skill 6 Sentence Types
Skill 7 Punctuation
Skill 8 Revision
The first of these is an Integrated Writing Task. This task integrates reading, listening,
and writing. You will first read an academic passage and then listen to a professor
discussing the same topic in a lecture. The lecture will provide new information that either
challenges or supports the information in the reading passage. In your essay,you must
summarize the main points in the lecture and show how they relate to the reading
You may take notes on both the reading passage and the lecture. You will then use your
notes to organize your response. Your essay for the Integrated Writing Task should be about
150-225 words. You may write more, but you will only have 20 minutes to plan, write, and
edit your response. Your essay will be scored on how well you present the main points In
the lecture and their relationship to the reading passage.
The second task in Writing is an Independent Writing Task. For this task, you will write
from your own experience. You will write a response to a question about an issue. You
must support your opinions and choices with reasons and examples.
Your essay for the Independent Writing Task should be about 300 words long. You may
write more, but you will only have 30 minutes to plan, write, and edit your response. There
is no "right" or "wrong" answer to the question. Instead, your essay will be scored on how
well you present and support your ideas.
The chart on page 193 shows you how the Integrated and Independent writing tasks
compare. Pages 194-195 show you examples of what the screens look like for the two
writing tasks
You will have a total of 50 minutes to complete the two tasks in the Writing section. You
will type your two essayson a computer. Your essayswill be sent by computer to a scoring
center, where they will be rated.
Facts About Writing
Integrated Task Read/Listen/Write
Content Academic topic
Length 230-300 word reading passage (3 minutes to read)
230-300 word listening passage (2 minutes to listen)
Task Write 150-225 words or more
Question Summarize important points in listening passage as related to key
points in reading passage
Time 20 minutes
_ 10/4
94 01 ECT TO T:>F
w Coogle
Read the question below and write your response. Remember you have a total of 20 minutes for this activity. You witt be marked taking into
account the quality of your writing, the presentation of the lecture's main contents and how they relate to the reading passage. Use between
150 and 225 words.
Summarize the points made In theleeture, and explain how they cast doubt on the points mad. In the reading.
Woni count 0
The reading presents solar energy as a good alternative
energy source, but the lecturer points out that solar energy
has severa! disadvantages.
Direct to TOEFllBT
U http://WWW.~~eatotOt"~m '''Qi) • Googl.
Read the question below. Remember you have a total of 30
minutes for this activity. Your essay should contain a minimum
of 300 words.
Read this passage and take notes on the main ideas.
As a result of the rising cost of fossil fuels and increasing problems of pollution,
consumers are searching for alternative sources of energy. Many homeowners these
days are making use of solar power to provide at least some of the energy needs of
their home. The advantages are many.
First of all, solar energy is abundant and cheap. Once the initial investment of
installing solar panels has been made, the homeowner has a free source of energy for
heating water and generating electricity. The costs of maintaining a solar energy
system are very low. Since there are very few moving parts, there is little wear-and-tear
on the system.
Second, solar energy is non-polluting. Solar energy systems emit nothing into the
air or into lakes and streams. As well as being a very clean source of energy, solar
energy is also very quiet. Wind turbines, another popular source of alternative energy,
have the drawback of producing some noise, but solar energy systems are noiseless.
vVind turbines are also unpopular with some people because they can spoil an
otherwise beautiful landscape. Solar panels, on the other hand, can be installed so that
they lie flat on a roof and are barely noticeable except from close up.
A third advantage to solar power is that it can be used anywhere. This is especially
important in rural areas where homes may be far from the already established power
grid. Installing solar panels is an alternative to paying the costs of having the power
company connect a remote house to the power grid.
@ Now listen to the lecture and take notes on the main ideas.
You should use your own shorthand when you take notes. Don't try to write
Tip complete sentences. These sample notes are written in shorthand so that you
can see how you can take notes.
Reading Lecture
Main Ideas Main Ideas
I. solar e-I1U9'I abul1dal1t al1d chu I. u e-l1sive- to il1stall sy:=st~e-hf~ _
2. doe-sl1't cause- A_o_/~_u_ti_ol1 _ 2. call' t be- use-d e-vUy:_w~h~ue.~ _
3. available- e-vUy:~w~h~e.t1~e. _ 3. solar {Jal1vs dOli' t 1001:. l1ice-
Read the passage and take notes. Then listen to the lecture and take notes. Use the spaces provided for
your notes.
Passage 1
Parental involvement can occur at several levels. At the school level, it can manifest
itself as parental participation in school events of various types. These might include
open-house nights, meetings with teachers, or performances and exhibits put on by
students. It could also include volunteering in the classroom or at special events, such as
school fairs and field trips.
At the home level, parental involvement can take diverse forms. On one hand, parents
can demonstrate an active interest in their children's school activities. Parents can inquire
about what their children are doing in class and what things generally are happening at
school. Parents can also spend time every day going over homework assignments with
their children. In addition, parents can involve their children in educational activities that
support what they are doing in school. For example, parents and children can spend time
reading together, and they can visit museums and local places of historical or cultural
significance. In addition to supporting the development of specific skills and knowledge,
such activities show that the family places a high value on education, thus strengthening a
student's motivation and sense of achievement.
Passage 2
Essential oils can be delivered to the patient in a number of ways. One method is
to diffuse the oil into the air. Another common method is for the patient to inhale the
aroma directly as it evaporates from the oil. This method of delivery is useful for
respiratory ailments, as well as for mood enhancement. Essential oils can also be
applied directly to the skin. This direct method is commonly used for skin ailments
and for stress-relieving massages. However, the essential oils need to be diluted with a
carrier oil, such as almond or olive oil, otherwise damage to the skin may result.
Passage 3
Forestfires can have natural or human causes. Lightning strikes are the most
common natural cause. Human causes include activities, such as campfires, smoking,
trash-burning, and other events. In order to burn, a forest fire requires three
important elements: heat, oxygen, and fuel. Forest fires are frequently classified by the
level of the forest in which they burn.
Ground fires burn at or below ground level, where there is low-lying vegetation
and decaying organic matter. They are fueled by roots, decaying leaves, and other
rotting vegetative matter. They are often smoldering fires and can burn slowly over a
long period of time. They can even burn beneath the snow, and then flare up in the
spring when the snow melts.
Surface fires are fires that burn from the ground level up to about ten feet high.
They are fueled by timber litter, shrubs, and grasses. Certain trees have adaptations
that protect them from surface fires. Douglas fir and ponderosa pine, for example,
have their branches higher up, above the level where surface fires burn. They also have
very thick bark which protects their trunks from the high heat of surface fires.
Crown fires burn at the highest level of the forest-the crowns of the trees. They
are the most dangerous and destructive of forest fires. Crown fires can be the result of
surface fires that have escalated. Crown fires can burn independently, jumping from
crown to crown. For this reason, they can spread very rapidly, virtually exploding over
large areas of forest in moments.
Passage 4
Industrial agriculture approaches food production in much the same way a factory
approaches the production of manufactured goods. The goal is to produce the largest
amount at the lowest possible cost. Industrial agriculture relies on a system of
monoculture, devoting large pieces of land to a single crop. This system leads to a
reliance on chemicals to maintain the high crop yields that are desired. Because of
heavy chemical use, industrial agriculture is creating an environmental disaster.
Growing the same crop on the same piece of land year after year leads to several
problems. One of these is that it attracts pests. If a favorite food source is always
available, insects that feed on it will naturally show up in large numbers. The only
means of controlling these pests is through the application of chemical pesticides. This
practice puts poisons into the natural environment which pollute water, kill beneficial
insects and other animals, and may cause disease in humans. Pesticides can also affect
the natural fertility of the soil.
Growing the same crop in the same place year after year, instead of rotating crops
or allowing sections to lie fallow, results in soil depletion. The natural nutrients in the
soil are used up, so chemical fertilizers need to be applied. The application of
fertilizers results in pollution, destroying the balance of the natural environment.
Industrial farming generally relies on only a few varieties of a plant. For example, in
the 1990s, almost half the corn crop in the United States consisted of just six varieties
of corn, while almost the entire pea crop consisted of just two varieties. Devoting
large pieces of land to just one or two varieties of a crop makes those crops
particularly susceptible to disease. This makes the application of chemicals necessary
and can also lead to the loss of entire crops.
In the reading passage and lecture on solar energy from Skill 1, the information in the lecture
challenges the information in the reading.
Reading Lecture
• How are the main ideas different? The reading passage discussed the advantages of using
solar energy, and the lecture discusses the disadvantages .
• Do they challenge the ideas in the reading? The lecture challenges the ideas in the
reading passage by pointing out the problems with solar energy .
• Do they answer problems in the reading? No, there are no problems presented in the
reading passage.
Remember: the verbs challenge and support have opposite meanings. When
you see challenge, you will have to show how the two disagree. When you see
Tip support, you will have to show how they agree. The phrase cast doubt on is
similar in meaning to challenge.
Go back to your notes in Skill 1. Read the questions below for each reading passage and lecture. Draw
a line in your notes between the ideas in the lecture and the ideas in the reading that support or
challenge the reading. Not all ideas will be connected.
Reading Lecture
Main Ideas Main Ideas
I. solar e-J!e-rfJ'I-
abu"da11f a"d che-afJ--- I. e-XjJe-"slve-
to I"sfa//~y.?j~
Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture, and explain how they support the points
made in the reading.
Skill 3 Introduction
In the Introduction to your essay, you must tell the reader what you plan to say. You must describe
in one or two sentences whether the lecture challenges or supports the reading passage. Look at
the sample notes from the topic on solar energy:
Reading Lecture
Main Ideas Main Ideas
I. solar e-"u-fJ'l- abu"da"f a"d che-a(J L QjJe-"slve- fo I"sfa/U'l-sf~
2. ftoe-s,,'L cause- 0//u60" 2. ca,,'f be- use-d e-ve.t\whue..
The reading presents solar energy as a good alternative energy source, but the lecturer points out
that solar energy has several disadvantages.
Here are some words that you can use to discuss a challenge or a support of the reading passage.
Useful words
Challenge Support
but agree
challenge also
contradict and
disagree both
however confirm
Go back to the ideas that you connected in Skill 1. Choose the best introductory sentence for each set
of notes.
Skill 4 Adding Details
You need to add supporting details to your discussion. These details will prove that you understand
the reading and the lecture, and can write a coherent summary of the discussion.
Always look for the main idea in each paragraph. It is most often in the first
Tip sentence. The main idea is then followed by one or more details and/or
Reading Lecture
It's e.X/!e.I1S,Ve.
to ,l1stall a solar e.I1UfJ'I
Supporting Details Supporting Details
Solar e.l1ugy doe.sl1't cause. ollufiol1. Solar e.I1U~11.110t he. use.d e.vuyWhUe..
Supporting Details Supporting Details
Reread the passages and listen to the lectures again in Skill 1. Complete the notes below with
Supporting Details. The numbered lines tell you how many details to look for.
Reading Lecture
Main Idea Main Idea
Pare."fal i"volve.Me."f i" e.ducaft'o" is The. afft'fude. 0 ca" discoura e.
iMporfa"f. or e."coura e. are."fal i"volve.Me."f.
Reading Lecture
Main Idea Main Idea
Aro/l1afhe-rafJY Is_a" e;(fuf,ve. /I1e.fhod &- is "0_ e.vide."ce. 10 prove. fhaf
he.aI,f1B he.a/fh co"d,fio"s a"d i/l1 rovi" aro/l1afhe-raBy ,s if£uf,ve..
Reading Lecture
Main Idea Main Idea
a"d hUMa" cause.s fire.s caused b I; ht";,, are.
~ the. bala"ce. of, "ature..
Reading Lecture
Main Idea Main Idea
'l1dustrial agricu/ture rd'es 011 M0I10CU/ture fual1lc farMll1g WOrt.S w,th l1atur~
fir h.!.9-b- cro~ ~y~'eI~d~s. _ resources, 110t cheM'cals.
Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture, and explain how they cast doubt on the
points made in the reading.
The reading presents solar energy as a good alternative energy source, but the
lecturer points out that solar energy has several disadvantages.
Many people think of solar energy as a free way to generate electricity and heat
water. The lecturer agrees that this is true after a solar energy system has been
installed. She points out, however, that installing the system is not free. In f:'lct, many
people cannot afford it.
People also believe that solar energy can be used everywhere, according to the
reading passage, and this is an advantage for people in rural areas. The lecturer points
out that this is not completely true. Although solar energy is useful in places that have
a lot of sunshine, it is difficult to use in northern areas and rainy regions. The lecturer
believes that solar energy is a good alternative energy source in some situations, but
not in all.
These transition words will help you when you write your summaries.
Challenge Support
although also
challenge another
conversely as well
however both
nevertheless likewise
on the other hand in addition
Be careful not to simply copy text from the reading passage.Your score will be
Tip lowered if you copy.
Useful words
Rewrite the original statement as a direct quote, an indirect quote, and a paraphrase. Use as many
different verbs as possible.
1. Original (from the reading): Parents can inquire about what their children are doing in class.
Direct quote:
Indirect quote: _
2. Original (from the lecture): Many homeowners simply don't have the financial ability to install
solar panels.
Direct quote:
Indirect quote: _
3. Original (from the reading): Aromatherapy has proven to be a popular form of treatment for both
psychological and physical ailments.
Direct quote:
Indirect quote: _
4. Original (from the lecture): The only effect shown was that lemon oil appears to have a positive
effect on mood.
Direct quote:
Indirect quote: _
6. Original (from the lecture): For these reasons, a modern approach to forest fire management has
developed, that recommends fighting only those fires caused by human
activity or that threaten places where people live.
Direct quote:
Indired quote: _
7. Original (from the reading): Industrial agriculture approaches food production in much the same
way a factory approaches the production of manufactured goods.
Direct quote:
Indired quote: _
8. Original (from the lecture): Crop rotation, in addition to maintaining soil health, also helps
control pests by interrupting their breeding cycle.
Direct quote:
Indired quote: _
Read the following Independent Writing Task questions. Choose two statements that would be good
main ideas and could be the basis of a good essay.
1. It has recently been announced that a new shopping mall may be built in your
neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details
to support your answer.
(A) Shopping malls make shopping convenient for everybody.
(B) In my opinion, shopping malls are crowded and unpleasant places, so I never go to them.
(C) I believe that a new shopping mall in my neighborhood is a great idea because it would
bring jobs to the area and would make shopping more convenient.
(D) I am opposed to a new shopping mall because it would bring traffic, noise, and crowds to my
quiet neighborhood.
2. Children get a better education at a small school rather than at a large one. Do you agree
or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.
(A) Large schools have several advantages over small schools, including more resources, more
classes to choose from, and a greater variety of teachers.
(8) Depending on where you live, you might not be able to choose between a large school and a
small school.
(C) At a small school, children get more attention to their individual educational, social, and
emotional needs.
(D) I disagree that small schools are better because I went to a large school and I really
enjoyed it.
3. Which would you prefer: to work at a job that you did not enjoy but that paid a high
salary, or to work at a job that you enjoyed very much but that paid only a modest salary?
Use specific reasons and details to support your opinion.
(A) We need money to pay for our basic needs as well as to buy some of the luxuries of life, and
this is the major reason why we work.
(8) Spending every day at a job you do not like can have negative effects on your health, your
family life, and your emotional well-being.
(C) If you work hard at your job, you can earn a lot of money and have a secure life.
(D) Some professions pay high salaries, while others do not.
4. Many families have pets. Do you think it is important for a family to have pets? Why, or
why not? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.
(A) A lot of people are allergic to dogs and cats, so they prefer pets such as turtles and fish.
(8) Pets can teach children some important things, such as a sense of responsibility and
(C) I think the most common reason people have pets is for companionship.
(D) It takes a lot of money and time to care for pets properly, and not all families are able to
provide everything a pet needs.
Compare these two introductions.
Weak Introduction
We have all had good teachers and bad teachers in our lives. In my opinion, a good teacher is
one who is respected by her students.
Good Introduction
It is not easy to be a good teacher. It takes a special person to do the job well. In my opinion, a
good teacher is one who is knowledgeable, creative, and kind.
The weak introduction tells us only the writer's opinion, but gives us nothing to support that
opinion. The good introduction outlines three specific points to explain the writer's opinion of what
makes a good teacher: knowledgeable, creative, kind. These three specific points (general ideas)
will form the body of the essay-one general idea for each paragraph.
Main Idea: A good teacher is one who is knowledgeable, creative, and kind.
General Idea 1 (par. 1): A good teacher is knowledgeable.
General Idea 2 (par. 2): A good teacher is creative.
General Idea 3 (par. 3): A good teacher is kind.
A. Read the following introductions. Write the main idea of the essay and the general ideas of each
1. Question
It has recently been announced that a new shopping mall may be built in your neighborhood.
Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your
My neighborhood is in a residential area far from our city's downtown. The people who live
here have to travel far every day to get to work and to shop. I believe that a new shopping mall
in my neighborhood is a great idea because it would bring jobs to the area and would make
shopping more convenient.
Main Idea:
General Idea 1:
General Idea 2:
2. Question
Children get a better education at a small school rather than at a large one. Do you agree or
disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.
Parents have to consider several things when choosing schools for their children. Location and
cost are two factors, and size is also an important consideration. From my point of view, large
schools have several advantages over small schools, including more resources, more classes to
choose from, and a greater variety of teachers.
Main Idea:
General Idea 1:
General Idea 2:
3. Question
Which would you prefer: to work at a job that you did not enjoy but that paid a high salary, or to
work at a job that you enjoyed very much but that paid only a modest salary? Use specific
reasons and details to support your opinion.
Main Idea:
General Idea 1:
General Idea 2:
4. Question
Many families have pets. Do you think it is important for a family to have pets? Why, or why not?
Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.
Families have pets for a variety of reasons, and many families are able to take good care of
their pets. However, pets are not for everybody. It takes a lot of money and time to care for pets
properly, and not all families are able to provide everything a pet needs.
Main Idea:
General Idea 1:
General Idea 2:
B. Now use your outlines to rewrite the introductions in your own words. Use a separate piece of
paper, or use a computer.
General Idea 2 (par. 2): A good teacher is creative.
Supporting Detail 1: She makes interesting lessons.
Supporting Detail 2: She takes her students on field trips.
Supporting Detail 3: She finds ways to help students who have difficulty.
A good teacher is certainly creative. She makes appealing lessons that get the students involved
and help them understand the subject. She uses a variety of techniques in her lessons instead of
teaching the same way all the time. In addition, she makes learning interesting by taking her
students on field trips. In this way, she gives students the opportunity to learn outside of the
classroom by visiting places and meeting people. A good teacher is also creative in finding ways to
help students who have difficulty understanding the lesson. She can come up with different ways to
explain things to them.
A. Read the question and the introduction below. Then read the paragraphs. Find the general idea
and the supporting details of each paragraph. Write them on the lines.
Children get a better education at a small school rather than at a large one. Do you agree or
disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.
Paragraph 1 (Introduction)
Parents have to consider several things when choosing schools for their children. Location and
cost are two factors, and size is also an important consideration. From my point of view, large
schools have several advantages over small schools, including more resources, more classes to
choose from, and a greater variety of teachers.
1. Paragraph 2
Children at a large school have access to a variety of resources that they might not have at a
smaller school. A library at a large school has more materials than a library at a small school has.
It has more books and magazines and probably has a variety of other materials such as CDs and
DVDs, as well. In addition, the classrooms at a large school have more computers and more
different kinds of software for the students to use. Furthermore, all these resources-books,
magazines, computers, and software-are more likely to be kept up-to-date at a large school
than at a small one.
General Idea:
Supporting Detail 1:
Supporting Detail 2:
Supporting Detail 3:
2. Paragraph 3
Children at a large school have more classes to choose from than they do at a small school. For
example, instead of just general science or literature classes, they can choose from among
different kinds of science or literature classes. They also probably have non-academic classes,
such as art and music, available every day instead of just once a week or once a month, as at
many smaller schools.
General Idea:
Supporting Detail 1:
Supporting Detail 2:
3. Paragraph 4
Children at a large school have the opportunity to learn from a greater variety of teachers.
They can have a different teacher for each subject. This means they are taught by people who
know their subjects well. It also means that they are exposed to different teaching styles, which
enriches their learning experience. Additionally, they have many different adults around them to
serve as role models. This is an important part of their education.
General Idea:
Supporting Detail 1:
Supporting Detail 2:
Supporting Detail 3:
B. Now use your outlines to rewrite the paragraphs in your own words. Use a separate piece of paper,
or use a computer.
Read the following sentences. Look for words and phrases from the list.
Practice 1
Give your opinion about these topics. Complete the sentences.
1. Small schools (provide/do not provide) children with the best possible education.
It is my opinion that _
2. Shopping malls (bring/do not bring) many benefits to the neighborhoods where they are located.
In my view _
3. Caring for pets (teaches/does not teach) children many important lessons about life.
I suppose that _
4. Having a lot of money (is/is not) more important than feeling happy in our daily life.
I think that _
5. Teachers who treat their students with kindness (are/are not) always appreciated.
I am sure that _
6. Shopping malls (have/do not have) a negative impact on the quality of life in the surrounding
I am convinced that _
7. A pet such as a dog or cat (is/is not) difficult for a young child to take care of.
Perhaps _
Generalizing Qualifying
Notice that these phrases are separated from the rest of the sentence with
commas when they appear at the beginning or in the middle.
Read the following sentences. Look for words and phrases from the list.
All in all, the best teachers are those who care about their students.
As a rule, large schools are better than small ones.
I feel that, to some extent, a good salary can make up for a boring job.
Smaller classes can be better for children up to a point.
Practice 2
Give your opinion about these topics. Complete the sentences to make a general statement or qualify
your opinion.
2. Teachers at small schools have more time to pay attention to individual students.
On the whole, _
3. Pets are just an extra responsibility that modern families do not have time for.
For the most part, _
5. Strict teachers actually help their students more than kind teachers do.
In a way, _
5. You should add one more step before you finish. You should review your essay. Look over your
work to make sure the essay is perfect. You'll learn more about review in the next section.
Create an outline for these topics and then write the essay. Use a separate piece of paper, or use a
1. Your school has enough money to build either a new gym or a new library. Which should your
school choose to build-a gym or a library? Use specific reasons and examples to support your
2. Some people like to spend a vacation in one place, while others prefer to visit several different
places in one vacation. Which type of vacation do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples
to support your choice.
3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern children do not spend enough
time outdoors. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
Look for words and phrases from the above list in these examples.
Example 1
From my point of view, a new shopping mall in my neighborhood would bring more problems
than benefits. First, during the construction period there will be a lot of noise and dirt at the
construction site. Meanwhile, we will have to endure heavy construction vehicles traveling through
the neighborhood at all hours. After the mall is completed, people will come from all over to shop
there. As a result, traffic in our neighborhood will increase.
Example 2
In my opinion, earning a high salary is very important. In the first place, we need to be able to
pay for our basic necessities, such as food and clothing. At the same time, we all like to have
luxuries such as nice vacations, more comfortable houses, and maybe even private school for our
children. Above all, a high salary is a measure of respect. It reflects your status at your place of
work and within your profession.
seful words and phrases
Comparison Contrast
also although/even though
at the same time as but
both different from
in the same way however
just as in contrast to
like nevertheless
likewise on the other hand
similarly unlike
similar to yet
Look for words and phrases from the above list in this example.
Example 3
Large schools offer students a variety of resources that are often not available at small schools.
Small schools, however, offer children a greater sense of security. Older students might do well in
larger schools. Young children, on the other hand, need the feeling of safety that a small school
offers. Both large schools and small schools can provide children with a good education, but small
schools are the better choice for young children.
Look for words and phrases from the above list in this example.
Example 4
I enjoy spending my vacations traveling from place to place. I like seeing what different cities
look like. It is also fun to meet all different kinds of people. In addition, I like visiting a lot of
different museums, parks, and other tourist sites. In other words, I want to see as much as possible
when I travel.
Children these days definitely spend too much time indoors. (1), , they are
in school all day. (2) when they get home, they stay inside doing their
homework or watching television. This is one reason why children often have health problems. If
they spent more time outdoors, (3) , they would be much healthier. They
would have the opportunity to get all kinds of physical exercise (4) playing
Our school has a nice gym that is very large and in good condition. (5) the
gym, our library is in need of renovations. Many of the rooms could use a new coat of paint.
(7) , are very old and often break down. (8) , I think
From my point of view, it is a very good idea for families to have pets. Children usually enjoy
taking care of pets. (9) they are feeding the cat or walking the dog, they are
sense of compassion. (11) " pets provide children with a special kind of
companionship. (12) 1 think every family should have at least one pet.
The gym at my school is very old and is in bad condition. It needs a lot of repairs. The roof leaks
and the swimming pool has cracks. The locker rooms are unpleasant because everything in them is
so old. The exercise room is in a very poor state. The floors and walls are awful and most of the
equipment is broken. The basketball court is also in a terrible state of repair and should be entirely
Read each paragraph. Replace the second underlined word with a synonym from the box.
1. A good teacher is creative. He can develop interesting activities for his students because he is
creative synonym:
2. The library we have now is adequate for our needs. It has adequate space for books and other
adequate synonym:
3. A family pet gives children the opportunity to take on responsibilities. Children can be assigned
daily responsibilities such as feeding the cat or walking the dog.
responsibilities synonym:
4. A shopping mall would make shopping much more convenient for everyone in my
neighborhood. This would be good for the stores because people tend to spend more money
when shopping is convenient.
convenient synonym:
5. Small schools have several advantages over large schools. One of the most important
advantages is that children get more individual attention.
advantages synonym:
) 6
6. I think it is an excellent idea to build a shopping mall in my neighborhood. If we build new
stores, we will all have better places to shop.
build synonym:
7. It isn't always easy to attract good teachers to small schools. Larger schools tend to attract the
better teachers.
attract synonym:
Skill 3 Pronouns
Using pronouns to refer to nouns provides variety in your essay and helps the reader make
connections. It is important to make sure that your pronouns agree in number and person and that
they are the right part of speech.
Find the noun that each underlined pronoun refers to.
I believe a new shopping mall would be welcome in illY neighborhood. 11would give people here
a convenient place to shop. Right now, people in my neighborhood have to travel to the other side
of town to do most of their shopping. A local shopping mall would make things much more
convenient for all of us. For years, the mayor of our city has been talking about encouraging stores
to locate in this part of town. So far, she has done nothing about this situation. This is something
that has been very frustrating for my father and other older people. He would be very happy to
have this problem solved by the construction of a new shopping mall.
not parallel Working and Q1Qy are both important parts of a child's development.
In this example, the subjects are not parallel. The first is a gerund, and the second is a simple noun.
parallel Walking the dog and feeding the cat are examples of tasks that most children can
Work and Q1Qy are both important parts of a child's development.
The subjects in both of the above examples are parallel. In the first example, they are both
gerunds, while in the second example they are both simple nouns.
not parallel We walked through the park and were eating ice cream cones.
New lockers should be bought and they should repaint the pool.
The verbs in these examples are not parallel. In the first example, the verbs are in different
tenses-simple past and past continuous. In the second example, one verb is passive voice and the
other is active voice.
parallel We walked through the park and ate ice cream cones.
New lockers should be bought and the pool should be repainted.
The verbs in each of these examples are parallel because they follow the same form. In the first
sentence, they are both in the simple past tense. In the second example, they are both passive
other structures
parallel Students at small schools might get more individual attention and feel more secure.
It is not necessary to repeat an auxiliary verb (such as might, will, or the verb be in a continuous
tense) to keep verbs parallel within a clause.
This example is grammatically correct, but it is not parallel. It uses an adjective, fun, and a verb,
enjoy, to describe shopping.
This example is parallel because the words it uses to describe shopping are the same kind of word.
They are both adjectives.
Change the second underlined word or phrase to make it parallel with the first.
1. When children take care of pets, they can learn to be responsible and are having fun at the
same time.
2. Working all day at a dull job and then to go home tired and grumpy is not a good life.
3. A large school can make some children feel uncomfortable, and it scares them.
4. The teacher graded our papers every weekend, and they were given back to us on Monday.
5. I was working at an office during the day and studied for my college degree at night.
6. In my opinion, a shopping mall is a good place to shop because of its variety and it is
7. A dog needs to be walked every afternoon, and then someone should feed it.
8. Creativity as well as being resourceful are important qualities for a teacher to have.
Skill 5 Coherence
Coherence shows the relationship between sentences and between ideas. You can provide
coherence to your essay by repeating words and rephrasing ideas.
You can add rhythm to your essay by repeating some words and phrases. In the paragraph below,
notice how the phrase they provide children is used several times and how it emphasizes the
relationship among the three sentences.
Parents choose smaller schools because they meet some of the most important needs of young
children. They provide children with a warm, loving atmosphere. They provide children with many
opportunities for individual attention. Most important of all, perhaps, they provide children with
a strong sense of security.
You can make your point stronger by rephrasing words and phrases. The reader then has another
opportunity to understand your idea. You can rephrase a word with a synonym (see Skill 2). You can
also rephrase a phrase or sentence by writing it in a different way.
People have pets because they make good companions. Dogs, for example, are very loyal
Many people need a lot of money in order to feel secure. They want to know that they have
enough material wealth to provide for all their needs and desires.
Some people are addicted to shopping. This can be a very serious problem in some cases.
People who cannot control their urge to buy things often go into debt.
Choose the word, phrase, or sentence that best completes the paragraph. Use the italicized words as a
1. Happiness means different things to different people. For some people, it means having a lot of
money and possessions. For others, it means developing their skills and talents as much as possible
_____________ Each one of us has to seek our own kind of happiness.
(A) Some people are happiest when surrounded by loving friends and family.
(B) Having loving friends and family makes some people quite happy.
(C) For still others, it means being surrounded by loving friends and family.
2. It is very important for me to feel satisfied with my job. No salary, no matter how high. can make
up for lack of • in my opinion.
3. A good teacher is knowledgeable about his subject. Things change rapidly in the modern world,
and new discoveries are always being made. A good teacher makes a point of
_____________ about the latest developments in his field.
4. As a rule, modern families are too busy to provide pets with the proper care and attention. They
are too busy to clean up after their pets. They are too busy to take them to the vet for regular check
ups. . For these reasons, I think it is not a good idea for
most families to have pets.
(A) Also, their responsibilities are too many to give them time to spend with pets.
(B) Most of all, they are too busy to spend time with their pets.
(C) In addition, no one has room in their schedule to spend time with a pet.
5. Many people enjoy going to shopping malls, and that is exactly the reason I don't like them. I
always feel uncomfortable in (5) . I would much rather stay
quietly at home.
Simple sentence
A simple sentence consists of one clause. That is, it has one subject and one verb.
Dogs make good pets.
subject verb
Compound sentence
A compound sentence consists of two or more simple sentences connected with a conjunction: and,
but, or.
A mall will bring jobs to the neighborhood, and it will make shopping easier.
simple sentence 1 simple sentence 2
Complex sentence
A complex sentences consists of a simple sentence (independent clause) and one or more
subordinate clauses (dependent clauses).
Because I have always studied at small schools, I know nothing about large schools.
subordinate clause simple sentence
Compound-complex sentence
A compound-complex sentence consists of two or more simple sentences and one or more
subordi nate clauses.
Because I have always studied at small schools, I know nothing about large schools
subordinate clause simple sentence 1
and I don't feel qualified to comment on them.
simple sentence 2
1. People often enjoy having pets around, but I do not think that every family
2. should have them. Pets require a lot of time and attention.
3. Many families cannot give pets the care that they need.
Skill 7 Punctuation
You must be careful of your spelling and punctuation. In the Writing section, you will not have
access to dictionaries or automatic spell checkers on the computer. Make sure you understand how
each of the following is used.
~ An indent of approximately a centimeter is made at the beginning of each paragraph.
~ Capital letters are used at the beginning of each sentence and as the first letter for all
proper nouns.
~ A period, question mark, or exclamation point is always used at the end of a sentence.
Additionally, a new gym would cost much more than a new library.
I usually spend my vacation in one place, but I traveled to several different places on my
last vacation.
- To separate a non-restrictive clause
My son, who is an exceptionally talented young man, has done very well at a small school.
- After a subordinate clause at the beginning of a sentence
After earning only a modest salary for several years, I realized that earning a decent
amount of money is very important indeed.
Correct the punctuation errors in these sentencse. You can rewrite the sentences on a separate sheet of
paper, or you can write on a computer.
1. there are many people who should not have pets. my neighbor for example is an irresponsible
pet owner. he has three large dogs. he is gone all day and his dogs are left alone to bark loudly
from morning until evening. this is sad for the dogs and unpleasant for all the neighbors. do you
think it is a good idea for a person like this to have pets.
2. when I take a vacation I prefer to visit a city. in my opinion cities are fun and exciting places to
visit. recently I spent a vacation in new york city which is a popular place for tourists. my days
there were filled with fun activities such as shopping visiting museums and going to the theater.
I was busy every day but I still did not see everything. if I get my wish I will visit there again
sometime soon.
3. it seems to me that the best idea is to spend the money building a new library. the library we
have now has many problems. the roof leaks many windows are broken and the heating system
does not work well. because the library is such an uncomfortable place to be students do not like
to use it. how much would it cost to build a new library. I do not know the answer to this
question but I am sure the school administrators could find the money somewhere. it is very
important for a school to have a good library.
4. earning a good salary is very important. if you are a professional you have a college education.
you studied hard to get your degree and you probably paid a lot of money for your tuition.
moreover you are expected to do professional-quality work at your job. for all these reasons you
deserve to be paid well.
Skill 8 Revision
When you have finished your essay, take a few minutes to read it over. Ask yourself the questions in
the following Review Chart.
Review Chart
In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good teacher? Use specific details and examples to
support your answer.
It is not easy to be a good teacher. It takes a special person to do the job well. In my opinion,
a good teacher is one who is knowledgeable, creative, and kind.
The most important quality of a good teacher, to my way of thinking, is that she is
knowledgeable. In the first place, she has studied her subject in college, so she knows a lot
about it. However, it does not stop there. A good teacher keeps up-to-date in her field by
continuing to read about it and study it throughout her career. A good teacher makes sure that
she knows her subject well, better than people generally do.
A good teacher is certainly creative. She makes appealing lessons that get the students
involved and that help them understand the subject. She uses a variety of techniques in her
lessons instead of teaching the same way all the time. In addition, she makes learning
interesting by taking her students on field trips. In this way, she gives students the opportunity
to learn outside of the classroom by visiting places and meeting people. A good teacher is also
creative in finding ways to help students who have difficulty understanding the lesson. She can
come up with different ways to explain things to them.
Finally, a good teacher is kind. She cares about her students, so she does her best to help
them succeed. When students have difficulty understanding something, she does not get upset.
Instead, she works patiently to help them do well. Most of all, a good teacher is more than a
teacher, she is a friend to her students. She is someone they can trust. Because of this, her
students are not afraid to take risks or make mistakes. They are not afraid to learn.
A teacher who is knowledgeable, creative, and kind is well-equipped to help her students
succeed in school. I wish we all could have (or be) good teachers.
Review Chart
Review Chart
also-adds information
Review Chart
Complex: When students have difficulty understanding something, she does not get upset.
Compound-complex: She makes appealing lessons that get the students involved and that help them
understand the subject.
Question 1
Which would you prefer: to work at a job that you did not enjoy, but that paid a high salary, or to
work at a job that you enjoyed very much, but that paid only a modest salary? Use specific reasons
and details to support your opinion.
Essay 1
If you work, you spend a large part of every day at your job. While it is important to earn
money, of course, I feel that other things in life are important, too. Spending every day at a job
you do not like can have negative effects on many aspects of your life, especially on your family
relationships, your emotional well-being, and your physical health.
(1) lf you
spent all day doing something you did not enjoy, you would not have the energy to be pleasant
to your family when you got home in the evening. At best, you would choose to spend your
evenings resting quietly alone. At worst, you would be in a bad mood and act grumpy around
everyone. Either way, you would not enjoy a pleasant time with your family. Over time, your
relationship with your family would deteriorate. No amount of money can make up for this.
Working every day at a job you do not like can have bad consequences for your emotional
well-being. (2) you
might feel bored, angry, depressed, or all of these things, most of the time. It would be hard to
relax and feel good in the evenings or on weekends after spending all day and all week at a job
you did not like. Even a high salary would not be enough to make you feel happy.
(3) lf you
felt unhappy most of the time, you probably would not have the energy to go to the gym, play
a sport, or even take a walk. You would not get the physical exercise that you need.
(4) , you would probably get sick frequently. Studies have
shown a relationship between depression and the immune system. Depressed people get sick
more often than people who are not depressed. So, you might earn a high salary, but you might
also be too unhealthy to enjoy it.
Essay 2
Many people like to have shopping malls nearby. They make shopping convenient and they
bring business to an area. I agree that these are good things.
(1) _
We may not have a large mall in our neighborhood, but we do have some stores. We have
several grocery stores, a hardware store, a drugstore, and even a small bookstore. These stores
are not big, and they do not offer a huge variety of merchandise. (2) ,
they are enough to provide for our everyday needs. We do not have to leave the neighborhood
to buy any basic necessities.
Finally, but perhaps most important of all, I do not think there would be enough business
here to make a mall worthwhile. My neighborhood is not crowded and the population is small.
It is also not in a very convenient location. (4) _
If a mall were built here, I think the store owners would find that they could not do enough
business in this part of town.
A shopping mall would not bring any real benefits to my neighborhood and would probably
not be successful here. These are the reasons why I am opposed to the plan.
Essay 3
Certain kinds of pets make very good companions, and this is often the main reason families
have them. Dogs, cats, birds, and other kinds of animals are fun for children to play with.
Throwing a ball for a dog or teaching a bird to do tricks are pastimes that are both enjoyable
and constructive. Having pets around can also give children a sense of security. A child who is
afraid of the dark, (2) , can feel comforted by having the family
dog sleep in the same room.
Children who care for pets learn to develop a sense of responsibility. Pets need to be fed one
or more times a day. This has to be done even if you are busy, tired, or just do not feel like
doing anything. In addition, pets need attention from their owners every day. Dogs need to be
walked, and all pets need to be petted or played with.
(3) . They need to be bathed or
brushed frequently. Children quickly learn that if they do not take proper care of their pets,
then the pets suffer.
Skills Practice
Integrated Writing Task
Read the passage. You have three minutes.
Aging people may also experience Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), a condition which
is more serious then normal age-related forgetfulness. MCI prevents people from
remembering things, such as appointments or names of family members. This slowdown in
cognitive flmctioning can cause disruptions to daily routines, but people suffering from it can
usually continue to lead independent lives. MCI mayor may not develop into even more
serious conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia.
During the aging process, the brain becomes less able to protect itself from processes
such as inflammation and oxidation, which damage the brain tissues. In addition,
Alzheimer's disease appears to be connected to the build-up in the brain of a substance
called amyloid plaque. Plaque build-up leads to more inflammation and oxidation, and
brain cells start to die off. Another thing that happens with age is that brain cells stop
communicating with each other, and this also affects memory.
The good news is that there are a number of things people can do to prevent serious
memory loss as they age. Getting enough sleep and exercise and managing stress are very
important. So is eating a healthy diet. Eating fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants
such as vitamins A, C, and E will protect brain cells from the oxidation process. Eating
foods high in B vitamins, such as whole grains and green, leafY vegetables, also protects
the brain.
You have 30 minutes to respond. (Write on a separate piece of paper, or write on a computer.)
Writing Samples
Sample responses to the Direct to TOEFL iBT'M Integrated and Independent Writing Tasks, with
scores, can be seen at www.directtotoeftibLcom.
Integrated Writing Task
Read the passage. You have three minutes.
Concerns about the effect that violent television programs may have on behavior,
particularly on children's behavior, have been around almost since the invention of
television. Different types of research studies have been done in an attempt to answer
the question: Does seeing violence on television lead to aggressive behavior?
In the early years of television, several studies were done on the immediate effects
of watching violent television programs. In 1956, a study was done with a group of
24 children. Half of the children watched a Woody Woodpecker cartoon that contained
violence, while the other half of the children watched a cartoon, The Little Red Hen,
that contained no violence. Following the cartoon viewing, researchers observed the
children as they played together. They noted that the children who had seen the
violent cartoon had a much greater tendency to engage in violent behavior, such as
hitting other children and breaking toys, than did the children who had seen the
nonviolent cartoon.
In 1963, a study was done comparing the effects of watching real-lite violence,
violence on television, and violence in a cartoon. The study was done with 100
children who were divided into four groups. Three of the groups saw different
versions of the same scene: a person shouting at and hitting a doll with a mallet. One
group watched the scene live, another saw it on television, and the third saw it as a
cartoon. The fourth group was not shown anything. Later, the children were
observed as they responded to a frustrating situation. The children who had seen the
live and television versions of the scene responded more aggressively to the situation
than the children who had seen nothing.
These were some of the earlier studies that showed a relationship between violent
programs and aggressive behavior.
Your city has enough money to build either a new history museum or a new park. Which
should your city build?
You have 30 minutes to respond. (Write on a separate piece of paper, or write on a computer.)
- ----------------------------
Read the following passages and answer the questions. You may take notes.
Passage 1
1 Differences in the ways men and women communicate is a subject that has been
continually discussed by psychologists, anthropologists, linguists, and anyone who has
had a relationship with someone of the opposite sex. Deborah Tannen, a linguistics
professor at Georgetown University, has written a number of books about male/female
communication differences; her books explore gender communication at home, at work,
and in public discourse.
2 Tannen bases her theories on extensive research and observations of men and women
in conversation. She believes that boys and girls begin learning different communication
styles from an early age. She cites experiments in which researchers observed both men
and women interacting with infants that were unfamiliar to them. When the subjects
being observed believed the baby to be female, they cuddled it more. However, when
they believed the baby to male, participants were more physically active with it and held it
less. Tannen suggests that such research demonstrates how boys and girls are socialized
differently from infancy. A brother and sister can grow up in the same household and yet
learn very different ways of interacting and communicating with others. In fact, she
asserts, conversation between men and women is actually intercultural communication.
3 Tannen talks about the different ways that men and women use conversation. She
theorizes that conversation is used by women to establish connections and develop
intimacy. Talking, particularly about troubles, forms the basis for friendship. Men, on the
other hand, base their friendships on shared activities, such as fishing or playing sports,
rather than on talking. Men use conversation to negotiate their status in a group and to
preserve their independence.
4 It is not difficult to see how misunderstandings can occur .• (A) While a man may not
want to discuss his problems, or even admit that he has any, because it puts him in a
weaker position, a woman feels such conversation is necessary to maintain closeness .•
(B) In a relationship, Tannen notes, a woman wants her partner to communicate
anything that hurts him so she can stop doing it. However, if she asks the same of him,
he may see complying with the request as putting him in a disadvantageous position in a
relationship .• (C) In an insecure situation, the man is likely to resist requests while the
woman is likely to be extra accommodating .• (D)
6 Tannen also sees these communication differences displayed at a macro level in public
discourse. She labels this discourse "the argument culture" because so often people
assume that the best way to discuss an idea is to debate it. Training in argument begins in
high school and college classrooms; students are encouraged to debate topics, and
teachers assume learning is taking place. However, often it is only a few students,
frequently male, who participate in such discussions. The rest of the students, including
the consensus-building girls, may feel uncomfortable and simply watch.
7 Tannen points to the increase in litigation in the United States to demonstrate how
people tend to think that argument, rather than trying to work out differences in a
non-conflictive way, is the only way to get things done. When women do not employ
such discourse patterns, they are accused oflacking forcefulness or being too nice.
Instead, they are encouraged to be ruthless and tough. While Tannen does not oppose
spirited debate, she sees our culture reflexively turning to argument as the automatic
response to every situation. Tannen also perceives this ethic of controversy as pervading
the media. Journalists and pundits see it as their job to describe controversies and to
frame everything in polarizing terms. She views criticisms of politicians as being ritualized
so much that public attacks are de rigeur for public figures. Journalists feel that if they do
not take a hard line, they are not doing their jobs.
8 Tannen's ability to take her theories from home to work to public discoursl.
demonstrates how pervasive gendered communication is and how important it is to lx
aware of it.
1. The author discusses the way adults interact with babies in paragraph 2 in order to make
the point that
(A) boys and girls are born with different personality traits
(B) both men and women enjoy communicating with babies
(C) babies learn about male and female differences at an early age
(0) babies need to interact with adults to learn how to communicate
3. look at the four squares (.) in paragraph 4 that indicate where the following sentence
could be added.
Conversely, when a woman asks for help or advice, a man may see her as weak or
lacking self-confidence.
7. According to paragraph 6, all of the following are true about debate-based discussions
(A) They are usually dominated by a few people.
(B) They are common in high schools and classrooms.
(C) Girls tend to participate despite feeling uncomfortable.
(0) Teachers often see them as a learning tool.
11. Which of the following sentences best expresses the information in the highlighted
sentence in paragraph 8?
(A) The fact that Tannen's theories can be applied to different kinds of situations shows how
relevant they are.
(B) If people were more aware of Tannen's abilities, they would understand the importance of
her theories.
(C) Tannen's ability to communicate her theories at home, at work, and in public has made
many people aware of her important work.
(D) The theories that Tannen has developed about discourse at home, at work, and in public
have made many people aware of gendered communication.
12. Complete the chart below to summarize information about male and female
communication styles. Match each phrase with the communication style it describes.
This question is worth 3 points.
Male •
Female •
Answer Choices
(A) Cuddling is the major way to communicate with babies.
(B) Conversation is an essential part of friendship.
(C) Friendships are strengthened by doing things together.
(D) Discussing troubles is a sign of weakness.
(E) Finding ways to agree is important.
(F) Debating issues feels comfortable and natural.
(G) Communication is ritualized.
Passage 2
Women's Suffrage
1 The women's suffrage movement in the United States was not, as many may believe, a
twentieth-century phenomenon. There are records dating back as far as colonial America
that show attempts by women to have a voice in government. Those efforts continued in
an ebb-and-flow fashion for more than two hundred years until American women were
finally given the right to vote in 1920, and the struggle for equal rights for women
continues today.
2 While some men in colonial America supported women's rights-most notably,
founding father Thomas Paine-the commonly held view of women in the 1600s was
that they were "inferior beings" who were not allowed to own anything, whether
property, their earnings, or even their own children. Legally speaking, women were no
different from slaves, criminals, and the insane.
3 In 1648, a woman named Margaret Brent attempted to change this. Brent was the
first female landowner in the colonies as well as the first female lawyer. She was also the
first woman to try to obtain the right to vote. Her business successes led her to become
executor of Maryland Governor Leonard Calvert's estate. It was after Calvert's death in
January 1648 that Brent demanded two votes in the state assembly: one for herself as a
landowner, and one representing Calvert because she held his power of attorney. Brent's
request was denied by reason of her gender. There is no further evidence to suggest that
Brent continued her crusade. It would be another 200 years before the next documented
women's suffrage movement took place at the Seneca Falls Convention.
4 The idea for the convention held in Seneca Falls, New York was sparked by events at
the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London in 1840 .• (A) It was there that Lucretia
Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton met as American delegates to the convention .• (B)
Eight years later, they met again in Seneca Falls, where Stanton lived .• (C) They
discussed the recent passage of the New York Married Women's Property Act, legislation
that granted married women the right to own their own property .• (D) Believing the
law did not go far enough, the women decided to hold a convention "to discuss the
social, civil, and religious condition and rights of women". Drawing ideas from the
Declaration of Independence, Stanton wrote a Declaration of Sentiments, the document
that became the foundation of the convention.
5 The convention drew about 300 people, including 40 men, one of whom was
Frederick Douglass, a former slave who had become a powerful and outspoken
newspaper editor. During the five-day convention, all the Declaration's resolutions were
passed except for the one calling for women's suffrage. Days later, newspapers such as the
New York Herald tlerided the meeting, but in so doing, they printed the Declaration in
its entirety. Stanton was ecstatic over the publicity, asserting that it would start women
thinking and men, too. She felt that the first step toward progress had been taken.
6 While their cause was largely sidelined during the Civil War (1861-1865), it regained
momentum in the late 1860s, when feminists found themselves split over the proposed
7 In 1872, two years after black men were given the right to vote, Susan B. Anthony
was arrested for casting a ballot in a presidential election. During her trial, Anthony
made one of the most legendary speeches of her time. "[I] simply exercised my
citizen's rights, guaranteed by the National Constitution. The preamble of the
Federal Constitution says we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet
we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people ... women as well as men." Despite
her eloquent defense, Anthony was fined $100, which she refused to pay.
2. According to paragraph 3, what is one reason Margaret Brent believed she should have
the right to vote in the state assembly?
(A) She was a lawyer.
(8) She owned property.
(C) She had a successful business.
(D) She was a friend of the governor.
4. look at the four squares (.) in paragraph 4 that indicate where the following sentence
could be added.
However, they were denied seats and barred from addressing the assembly because
they were women.
5. According to the information in paragraph 5, what can be inferred about the Seneca
Falls convention?
(A) Men had not been invited to attend.
(B) Douglass was the only journalist present.
(C) Issues in addition to voting rights were discussed.
(D) The Declaration of Sentiments was rewritten by the attendees.
7. According to paragraph 5, how did Stanton feel about the newspaper articles covering
the Seneca Falls convention?
(A) Cautious because she was not sure how men would react
(B) Angry because they expressed disagreement with her goals
(C) Happy because they brought public attention to her cause
(D) Sad because she thought few people would read them
13. An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is given below. Complete
the summary by choosing THREE answers that best represent the main ideas in the
passage. This question is worth 2 points.
Women in the United States fought for the right to vote for a long time .
Answer Choices
(A) Margaret Brent was an unusual figure in colonial America because she was a female
landowner and lawyer.
(B) Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott met while working in the anti-slavery movement
and worked together to draw attention to the cause of women's rights.
(C) The New York Married Women's Property Act, granting women property ownership rights,
was passed in 1848, eight years after Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott first met.
(D) Lessattention was focused on the women's rights movement during the Civil War, but there
was renewed interest following the war, particularly when black men were given the right to
(E) NAWSAworked to get individual states to grant women the right to vote until women
throughout the country were granted voting rights by the 19th Amendment to the U.S.
(F) NAWSA,as the League of Women Voters, is still a prominent political organization for women
voters today.
1 Body language can be as simple as a raised eyebrow or more laden with meaning than
the spoken word-and it is not limited to humans. From lizards doing push-ups to
squirrels twitching their tails, creatures throughout the animal kingdom have fine-tuned
the art of information exchange. One of the most remarkable and elaborate forms of
communication is the waggle dance of the honeybee. This insect version of the hokey
pokey not only communicates that a first-rate food supply is at hand, it also details how
far away and in what direction the food is located, using the sun as a reference point.
2 Honeybees live in colonies of about 50,000 to 60,000 bees. Each hive has a single
queen, a few hundred male drones, and many thousands of sterile female workers. The
queen and drones have a straightforward job description: Reproduce. The workers do
everything else-feed the queen, drones, and developing larvae; clean and ventilate the
hive; build the wax combs to house the queen's eggs and to store food; collect nectar and
pollen and process them into honey; and protect the home territory from invaders.
Keeping the hive running efficiently and the residents healthy is a monument,ll job, not
unlike running a small city. A well-organized system with a clear-cut division oflabor and
reliable lines of communication is a must.
4 Inside the hive, a vertical comb doubles as a dance floor. If the clover is nearby-
within a hundred yards or so-the scout delivers a quick, nonspecific message. She
gyrates in a tight circle in a jig dubbed the "round dance" that tells her sisters f()od is
close by. The dance prompts them to go out and forage, but they will use their own
senses of smell and sight to find the food.
S The waggle dance comes into play when the food source is farther away. The scout
struts along the comb in a straight line waggling her abdomen, shaking her tail, and
beating her wings to make buzzing noises. She stops and loops in a semicircle back to the
starting point, waggles down the same path, and then circles back again in the opposite
direction, outlining a wide figure eight in the process. Her sisters watch and decipher: the
length of her straight line tells them the distance to the clover, and her orientation on the
comb tells them the direction relative to the sun. A downward path means the clover lies
directly away fi'om the sun, straight up means it is directly toward the sun, and all other
directions specity the angle between the hive and the sun; for example, a horizontal path
on the comb means it is at a 90° angle to the sun.
6 People had long been aware of the waggle dance but not its meaning-not until some
60 years ago when an Austrian zoologist named Karl von Frisch proposed that the dance
was a coded message to lead hive mates to food. In 1973, he won a Nobel Prize for his
work. His theory met with widespread acceptance from the start, although a few
naysayers doubted the existence of such a complicated process in insects and believed
individual bees simply followed the scout toward the fi)od, and used their own senses of
sight and smell to find it once they got close. A study in 2005 confirmed von Frisch's
theory, with scientists putting tracking devices on bees and then following them as they
made a direct path the hive to the vicinity of the food. From that point, the bees
searched around until they located the food on their own.
7 Today, most scientists agree that worker bees use the distance and direction
information in their dances to locate food, but they generally agree that smell also plays
an important role. While the scout dances, she flings pollen into the air, and waggle
watchers get a good whiff of the scent of flowers. It may help them recognize the scout's
distant clover field, or it may simply stimulate their appetite. Although they probably
observe the whole dance, they do not all follow the dancer's directions. Some forego the
long trek to the clover field and simply head to their favorite flower garden instead.
1. The author mentions lizards and squirrels in paragraph 1 in order to make the point that
(A) lizards and squirrels are as interesting as honeybees
(B) the use of body language is common among animals
(C) lizards and squirrels do not communicate with dances
(D) honeybees are better communicators than other animals
4. According to paragraph 3, what is the first thing a honeybee does when she finds food?
(A) She tastes some.
(B) She hides bits of it.
(C) She does a special dance.
(D) She takes it back to the hive.
6. According to paragraph 4, when a honeybee finds food close to the hive, what
information does her dance convey?
(A) The distance the bees will have to fly
(8) The type of food that is available
(C) The exact location of the food
(0) The fact that food is near
8. According to paragraph 5, which part of the dance describes the route the bees will have
to follow to find food?
(A) The shaking of the abdomen
(8) The direction of the dance
(C) The type of buzzing noise
(0) The length of the dance
10. Which of the following sentences best expresses the information in the highlighted
sentence in paragraph 6?
(A) Those who accepted von Frisch's theory tried to prove it by following honeybees as they
went out to scout for food.
(8) Although many accepted von Frisch's theory, others said that honeybees simply followed a
scout and used sight and smell to find their food.
(C) A few people doubted von Frisch's theory, but they thought it would be too complicated a
process to show that he was wrong.
(0) Many people accepted von Frisch's theory at first, but as he tried to explain the
complicated process used by bees, some began to doubt him.
12. According to paragraph 7, all of the following are true about the honeybee dance
(A) Bees generally watch the entire dance.
(B) Pollen is thrown around during the dance.
(C) Watching the dance probably makes the bees hungry.
(D) Bees always follow the instructions of the dance.
13. An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is given below. Complete
the summary by choosing THREE answers that best represent the main ideas in the
passage. This question is worth 2 points.
Answer Choices
(A) A honeybee colony is quite large and consists of a queen, some male drones, and many
female worker bees.
(B) According to the clearly defined division of labor in a honeybee colony, the worker bees are
responsible for all the work of maintaining the colony, especially finding food.
(C) After a worker bee finds a source of food, she uses a dance to describe to the other bees the
location of the food relative to the position of the sun.
(D) The honeybee dance involves waggling the abdomen, shaking the tail, and making a buzzing
sound by beating the wings.
(E) An Austrian zoologist won a Nobel Prize for his work on honeybee dances and
(F) Scientists have confirmed that honeybees use information from their dances to locate food,
and also believe that the sense of smell plays an important role.
Listen to the tollowing lectures and conversations and answer the questions. You may take
Lecture 1
6. Based on information in the lecture, indicate at what age a baby can perceive the colors
listed below. For each color, put a check in the correct column. This question is worth 2
0-1 month 2-3 months 4-5 months
Black and white
Red and green
Pastel shades
Shades of gray: 5% contrast
Shades of gray: less than 5%
9. Which color pigments are present in leaves during the growing season?
(A) green only
(B) green, yellow, and orange
(C) red only
(0) red and purple
11. According to the lecturer, indicate which of the features of leaves listed below contribute
to the changing of leaf colors in the fall. For each feature, put a check in the YES or NO
column. This question is worth 2 points.
Chlorophyll levels
Protective coating
Watery sap
Thin tissues
12. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.
14. listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.
15. Why does the professor mention the cholera outbreak among miners?
(A) To explain how Snow got his medical training in England
(B) To describe some of the early treatments for cholera
(C) To illustrate how primitive medical practice was at the time
(0) To show an early inspiration for Snow's thinking
18. What happened after the Broad Street pump handle was removed?
(A) Snow was asked to test other sources of water.
(B) Residents protested the removal of the handle.
(C) The local cholera death rate went down.
(0) Snow's ideas gained wide acceptance.
23. Based on information given in the lecture, indicate which of the following characteristics
of weaving belong to which period. For each characteristic, put a check in the correct
column. This question is worth 3 points.
24. Listen again to part of the lecture, then answer the question.
27. Indicate which of the items below need to be included in the student teaching portfolio.
For each item, put a check in the YES or NO column. This question is worth 2 points.
Observation forms
Book reviews
Teacher evaluation
28. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.
29. How does the student feel about the student teaching experience?
(A) It was too easy.
(B) It was too much work.
(C) It was hard but worth it.
(D) It was a waste of time.
Conversation 2
31. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.
Question 1
p lWWw.drnotoenb •.com
R •• d the question about • ramlHar topic. You have 15 aeconds to prepare your
~ and 45 second. to respond.
Think of. friend or ,....tfvII who h •• been • rol. model for you, and explain why thl. person'.
example hu bHn Importlnt for you. Giv. reaaona and apeclflc delIill.l" your ana.r.
Pre~ratlon time
C 0000:00 =l
Question 2
I) eet O£
Some people Ilk. to get exen:l•• by wortdng out at. gym. Other people ~f.r to get uerd •• by
pI~lng apotU. Which way of gettJng 'nrcl •• do you prefer? Why?
Preporationlime: 15_.
__ tim.: 45 SeaJndo
Preparation tim.
00:00:00 J
Question 3
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~"'lIrolwnIlyWiddownklwr'l .
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I~ the quHlion. You hIM! 30 seoonct. to prepent your~ •• end eo second' to
A~ •• ~d.lllngwgeapokllroby •. CClII'mIlftty;peopIeoThll--
r IInguIlgeva-letlM•• ~6IMdsolthlo"""Wog~""wherllMy_
wa-on ~chMclDl*
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EJlp'-ln wtIM. dialKt ••• llId gl••• "''''Pl. of lRffteultlM ttwt me)' ••• In de",",",,1og the
Question 5
Question 6
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Integrated Writing Task
Read the passage. You have three minutes.
Ethanol fuel, made from various types of plants, has been touted as the answer to
our country's dependency on foreign oil and all the accompanying economic and
environmental problems. Most cars currently on the road can run on a mix of90%
gasoline and 10% ethanol, and indeed this type of mix is sold in many places. Ethanol
can be produced from sugarcane, potatoes, corn, and other plant material, but corn is
the most popular material being used in the country.
To say that converting to ethanol would solve our dependency on foreign oil is a
false dream. It would take well over 97% of the land in the United States to grow
enough corn to produce fuel for all the cars currently being driven in this country. In
addition, land that is used to grow corn for ethanol is land that is not being used to
grow food. Clearly, ethanol fuel is not the answer to our transportation problems.
You have 30 minutes to respond. (Write on a separate piece of paper, or write on a computer.)