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Aqa 80351 MS Jun22

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Paper 1 Living with the Physical Environment

Mark scheme
June 2022
Version: 1.0 Final


Mark schemes are prepared by the Lead Assessment Writer and considered, together with the relevant
questions, by a panel of subject teachers. This mark scheme includes any amendments made at the
standardisation events which all associates participate in and is the scheme which was used by them in
this examination. The standardisation process ensures that the mark scheme covers the students’
responses to questions and that every associate understands and applies it in the same correct way.
As preparation for standardisation each associate analyses a number of students’ scripts. Alternative
answers not already covered by the mark scheme are discussed and legislated for. If, after the
standardisation process, associates encounter unusual answers which have not been raised they are
required to refer these to the Lead Examiner.

It must be stressed that a mark scheme is a working document, in many cases further developed and
expanded on the basis of students’ reactions to a particular paper. Assumptions about future mark
schemes on the basis of one year’s document should be avoided; whilst the guiding principles of
assessment remain constant, details will change, depending on the content of a particular examination

Further copies of this mark scheme are available from aqa.org.uk

Copyright information

AQA retains the copyright on all its publications. However, registered schools/colleges for AQA are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their
own internal use, with the following important exception: AQA cannot give permission to schools/colleges to photocopy any material that is
acknowledged to a third party even for internal use within the centre.

Copyright © 2022 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved.


Point marked questions marking instructions

The mark scheme will state the correct answer or a range of possible answers, although these may not
be exhaustive. It may indicate how a second mark is awarded for a second point or developed idea. It
may give an indication of unacceptable answers. Each mark should be shown by placing a tick where
credit is given. The number of ticks must equal the mark awarded. Do not use crosses to indicate
answers that are incorrect.

Level of response marking instructions

Level of response mark schemes are broken down into levels, each of which has a descriptor. The
descriptor is linked to the assessment objective(s) being addressed. The descriptor for the level shows
the average performance for the level.
Before you apply the mark scheme to a student’s answer read through the answer and annotate it (as
instructed) to show the qualities that are being looked for. You can then apply the mark scheme. You
should read the whole answer before awarding marks on levels response questions.

Step 1 Determine a level

Descriptors for the level indicate the different qualities that might be seen in the student’s answer for that
level. When assigning a level you should look at the overall quality of the answer and not look to pick
holes in small and specific parts of the answer where the student has not performed quite as well as the
rest. If the answer covers different aspects of different levels of the mark scheme you should use a best
fit approach for defining the level and then use the variability of the response to help decide the mark
within the level, ie if the response is predominantly Level 2 with a small amount of Level 3 material it
would be placed in Level 2 but be awarded a mark near the top of the level because of the Level 3
content. For instance, in a 9 mark question with three levels of response, an answer may demonstrate
thorough knowledge and understanding (AO1 and AO2) but fail to respond to command words such as
assess or evaluate (AO3). The script could still access Level 2 marks. Note that the mark scheme is not
progressive in the sense that students don’t have to fulfil all the requirements of Level 1 in order to
access Level 2.

Step 2 Determine a mark

Once you have assigned a level you need to decide on the mark. The descriptors on how to allocate
marks can help with this. The exemplar materials used during standardisation will also help. There will
generally be an answer in the standardising materials which will correspond with each level of the mark
scheme. This answer will have been awarded a mark by the Lead Examiner. You can compare the
student’s answer with the example to determine if it is the same standard, better or worse than the
example. You can then use this to allocate a mark for the answer based on the Lead Examiner’s mark
on the example. You may well need to read back through the answer as you apply the mark scheme to
clarify points and assure yourself that the level and the mark are appropriate.
Indicative content in the mark scheme is provided as a guide for examiners. It is not intended to be
exhaustive and you must credit other valid points. Students do not have to cover all of the points
mentioned in the indicative content to reach the highest level of the mark scheme.
An answer which contains nothing of relevance to the question must be awarded no marks.


Assessment of spelling, punctuation, grammar and use of specialist terminology

Accuracy of spelling, punctuation, grammar and the use of specialist terminology will be assessed via
the indicated 9 mark questions. In each of these questions, three marks are allocated for SPaG as

• High performance – 3 marks

• Intermediate performance – 2 marks

• Threshold performance – 1 mark

Responses with SPaG marks that gain a mark of 0 for the content/skills of the question can still be
awarded SPaG marks if the response is judged to be a genuine attempt to answer the question.

General guidance
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Examiners should look for qualities to reward rather than
faults to penalise. They are looking to find credit in each response they mark. Unless the mark
scheme specifically states, candidates must never lose marks for incorrect answers.
• The full range of marks should be used. Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, ie if
the answer matches the mark scheme.
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme to a candidate’s response,
the team leader must be consulted.
• Crossed out work should be marked unless the candidate has replaced it with an alternative response.
• Do NOT add ticks to level-marked questions – use the highlight tool/brackets to signify what is
• Sometimes there are specific “triggers” in the mark scheme that enable higher level marks to be
awarded. For instance, an example or case study may be required for Level 3 if it is stated within the
• Where a source, such as a photograph or map, is provided as a stimulus it should be used if
requested in the question, but credit can often be given for inferred as well as direct use of the source.
• Always be consistent – accept the guidelines given in the mark scheme and apply them to every
• If necessary make comments to support the level awarded and to help clarify a decision you have
• Examiners should revisit standardised script answers as they apply the mark scheme in order to
confirm that the level and the mark allocated is appropriate to the response provided.
• Mark all answers written on the examination paper.


Section A

Qu Pt Marking guidance Total


01 1 Which one of the following events is not an example of a natural hazard? 1

D: Oil spill

No credit if two or more answers are shaded.

AO1 – 1 mark

01 2 Using Figure 1, which one of the following statements is true? 1

C: Hurricane Dorian passed close to the east coast of the USA

No credit if two or more answers are shaded.

AO4 – 1 mark

01 3 Using Figure 1, measure the distance travelled by Hurricane Dorian at 2

hurricane force.

Any value between 2600–3200 km (2 marks).

2400–2599 km or 3201–3400 km (1 mark).

Add two ticks if 2 marks are awarded.

AO4 – 2 marks


01 4 Using Figure 2, identify two features of Hurricane Dorian. 2

(Largely) circular shape of hurricane (1)

Bands of (swirling) cloud/ dense cloud/storm cloud/circling cloud/spiralling
The clouds are more extensive to the east of the eye than the west (1)
Max 1 for cloud description.
Anti-clockwise (rotation of the storm/clouds) (1)
A central (circular) eye of the storm (1) where there is no cloud (1)
Eye (1)
Eye wall/vortex (1)
Credit use of scale eg It is (600-1100) km across/W to E.(1)
Alow locational features eg it is north of the Bahamas/to the east of the USA
(1). Max 1 mark for locational features. Must be evident from the map. No
credit for vague locations/reference to the northern hemisphere etc.

No credit for clockwise rotation, or heading towards the north west.

Do not accept “cloud” or “lots of cloud”

Note the requirement for two separate features.

AO4 – 2 marks

01 5 Use the data from the following table to complete Figure 3. 2

Number of tropical storms Number of hurricanes

and hurricanes scale 1–2 scale 3 and above
2018 13 2


Accurate plotting of total number of 15 hurricanes (1)

Correct proportion (13:2) and differentiation (of shading) obvious (2)
Accurate plotting of 13 and shading correct (1)
Allow 2 marks if the 2 lines are correctly plotted and the bottom part is shaded,
but not the top part.(2)
The horizontal lines shouldn’t touch the grid lines.
Allow any width.

AO4 – 2 marks


01 6 Suggest one reason for the increase in the total number of tropical 1
storms and hurricanes shown in Figure 3.

Rising (sea) temperatures (1)

Climate change (1)
Longer storm season (1)
More places above 27 °C (1)
Global warming /greenhouse effect (1)
Improved recording of weather events (1)

No credit for simply stating that there is an increasing number of hurricanes

AO3 – 1 mark

01 7 Outline one way that planning can reduce the impact of tropical storms. 2

Hurricane Preparedness Week/evacuation plans etc (1) encourage people to

plan what they need to do in order to minimise loss of life and injury (d)(1)
Preparing disaster supply kits (1) means people have what they need in the
event of a tropical storm (d)(1)
Evacuation centres/evacuation plan (1) so people know a safe place to go in
the event of a hurricane / to minimise loss of life and injury (d) (1)
Storing loose objects/storm shutters/hurricane straps (1) to prevent damage
and injury from flying objects (d)(1)
Remove trees or cut loose branches from trees close to buildings (1) to
prevent damage and injury from flying objects in the event of a tropical storm
Restrict building in hurricane risk areas (1) to limit the number of people and
buildings at immediate risk from storm surges and flooding(d) (1)
Coastal flood defences such as levees and flood walls (1) can reduce the
impact of storm surges (d) (1)
Early warning systems are installed in some countries (such as Bangladesh)
(1), helping to reduce the number of deaths (d) (1).
Advice to stock up on food and water (1) as people may be housebound for
several days following a storm (d) (1).
Building of storm proof houses/ adapting building structures (1) enables
people to be protected against strong winds (d) (1)
Providing a warning (1)

(Allow long term protection strategies as part of planning)

Only ONE developed strategy to be credited. First mark for strategy, second
mark for developed point.

AO1 – 2 marks


01 8 ‘UK weather is becoming more extreme.’ Do you agree? 6

Use Figure 4 and your own understanding.

Level Marks Description

3 (Detailed) 5–6 AO2 Shows thorough geographical understanding of
the evidence for extreme weather in the UK.

AO3 Demonstrates thorough application of

knowledge and understanding in making a
supported judgement about whether the weather in
the UK is becoming more extreme.
2 (Clear) 3–4 AO2 Shows some geographical understanding of
the evidence for extreme weather in the UK.

AO3 Demonstrates reasonable application of

knowledge and understanding in making a
judgement about whether the weather in the UK is
becoming more extreme.

1 (Basic) 1–2 AO2 Shows limited geographical understanding of

the evidence for extreme weather in the UK.

AO3 May include limited application of knowledge

and understanding in making a judgement about
whether the weather in the UK is becoming more

0 No relevant content

• Level 3 (detailed) responses will be developed responses with supporting

evidence for answer. Appropriate use of Figure 4 (direct or inferred) and
specific own understanding.

• Level 2 (clear) responses are likely to be linked statements with some

elaboration. Some use of Figure 4 (direct or inferred) and/or own

• Level 1 (basic) responses will be simple statements with limited

understanding or development. May consist of listed points, using
information taken largely from Figure 4

Indicative content

• The command is “do you agree” and so the focus of the question is an
evaluation of the degree to which they feel weather events are becoming
more extreme in the UK eg fully agree, partially agree, disagree.
• The question also requires the student to “support your answer” with
reference to Figure 4 as well as their own understanding. Answers should
therefore make some reference to Figure 4.
• Figure 4 shows examples of two extreme weather events – moorland fires
and flooding. Whilst these only represent two extreme weather events, the
text suggests that their occurrence is becoming more common.


• The effects on the people and/or environment from these two events are
likely to have been significant compared to normal seasonal temperatures
and rainfall totals in the UK.
• The moorland fires shown in Figure 4 can be linked to higher temperatures
and lack of rainfall which have become more common in the UK in the
summer months. Drought conditions like this make areas of dry land more
vulnerable to fire (though actual ignition is often caused by human
activities). These fires would likely have extreme economic, social and
environmental impacts.
• The flooding shown in Figure 4 is the result of excessive and persistent
rainfall which has become more common in the UK in the winter months.
Flood events also have extreme economic, social and environmental
• Students may refer to examples of recent ‘extreme’ weather events in the
UK including strong winds (Storms Ciara, Dennis 2020), drought and
heatwaves, cold weather (Beast from the East 2018) and record rainfall and
flooding (Cumbria 2009, Somerset Levels 2014, Shrewsbury 2020)
• Evidence from the Met Office suggests that the UK is experiencing more
extreme weather events but that all weather is subject to great variability.
However, there is evidence that more winter rain has fallen in heavy events
since the 1980s and this has increased the frequency and magnitude of
river flooding. Likewise, the UK has seen a temperature increase of 1 oC
since 1980 which has been linked to hotter summers and greater chance of
drought (although the latter also relies on lower seasonal precipitation
• Students may discuss the need to look at long-term weather trends in order
to decide whether the weather in the UK is becoming more extreme. They
may rightly acknowledge that reference to only a handful of recent events is
not evidence of a trend and that many parts of the UK are not experiencing
significantly different weather patterns.
• Credit reference to causes of extreme weather trends. Links to global
climate change

AO2 – 3 marks
AO3 – 3 marks


01 9 Explain why earthquakes and volcanic eruptions take place along 4

destructive plate margins.

Level Marks Description

2 (Clear) 3–4 AO1 Demonstrates accurate knowledge of
earthquakes and volcanoes and their link
to destructive plate margins.

AO2 Shows some geographical

understanding of why earthquakes and
volcanoes take place along destructive
plate margins.
1 (Basic) 1–2 AO1 Demonstrates limited knowledge
about earthquakes and/or volcanoes and
their link to destructive plate margins.

AO2 Shows limited geographical

understanding of why earthquakes and/or
volcanoes take place along destructive
plate margins.
0 No relevant content

• Level 2 (clear) responses are likely to have clear reasons why

earthquakes and volcanoes take place along destructive plate margins.
• Level 1 (basic) responses will be simple statements with limited
understanding of why earthquakes and/or volcanoes take place along
destructive plate margins.
• Top Level 2 requires explanation of both earthquakes and volcanoes.
Low level 2 for clear explanation of one of volcanoes or earthquakes
• No credit for explanation of volcanoes and/or earthquakes occurring
along constructive or conservative margins.

Indicative content

• This question requires an explanation of why earthquakes and

volcanoes take place along destructive plate margins.
• Destructive plate margins occur when two tectonic plates move
towards each other and one is subducted under the other.
• Allow reference to collision boundaries. If two continental plates
collide, the pressure and strain may cause an earthquake.
• If an oceanic and continental plate collide, the denser oceanic plate is
subducted and sinks below the continental plate and into the Earth’s
mantle. This causes part of the mantle to melt and hot magma may rise
up through the overlying mantle and lithosphere. This may eventually
erupt out of the earth’s surface causing a volcano.
• Accept explanations that refer to slab pull and gravitational movement
of plates: the denser plate sinks into the mantle under the influence of
gravity, which pulls the rest of the plate along behind it (slab pull).


• An earthquake may occur because as the plates converge, pressure

builds up, the rock may fracture and the pressure is released as an
AO1 – 2 marks
AO2 – 2 marks

01 10 To what extent do the effects of a tectonic hazard vary between areas 9

of contrasting wealth? Use one or more named examples in your

Level Marks Description

3 (Detailed) 7–9 AO1 Demonstrates detailed knowledge of the
effects of a tectonic hazard and illustrates this
through use of example(s).
AO2 Shows thorough geographical understanding
of how the effects may vary between areas of
contrasting levels of wealth and illustrates this
through use of example(s).
AO3 Demonstrates application of knowledge and
understanding in a coherent and reasoned way in
evaluating the difference in effects between areas
of contrasting levels of wealth.

2 (Clear) 4–6 AO1 Demonstrates clear knowledge of the effects

of a tectonic hazard and may illustrate this
through some use of example(s).
AO2 Shows some geographical understanding of
how the effects may vary between areas of
contrasting levels of wealth and may illustrate this
through some use of example(s).
AO3 Demonstrates reasonable application of
knowledge and understanding in evaluating the
difference in effects between areas of contrasting
levels of wealth.
1 (Basic) 1–3 AO1 Demonstrates limited knowledge of the
effects of a tectonic hazard.
AO2 Shows slight geographical understanding of
how the effects may vary between areas of
contrasting levels of wealth.
AO3 Demonstrates limited application of
knowledge and understanding in evaluating the
difference in effects between areas of contrasting
levels of wealth.

0 No relevant content

Level 3 (detailed) responses will be well developed and have accurate use
of geographical terms. Reasoned examination of the extent to which the
effects of a tectonic hazard vary between areas of contrasting levels of
wealth with detailed use of example(s).

Level 2 (clear) responses will have linked or elaborated statements and

some accurate use of geographical terms. Will outline the effects of a
tectonic hazard. May start to make an evaluation of the extent to which the


effects of a tectonic hazard vary between areas of contrasting levels of

wealth. Likely to include some use of example(s).

Level 1 (basic) responses are likely to consist of simple statements, with

limited use of subject vocabulary. Might be limited to generic statements.
May be limited to discussing the effects of a tectonic hazard with limited
evaluation of the extent to which the effects of a tectonic hazard vary
between areas of contrasting levels of wealth. May lack any use of
example(s) in support.

• Max Level 1 for effects of non-tectonic hazard such as tropical storms,

unless the effects could apply to both types of hazard.
• Max Level 2 if answer does not refer to named example(s).
• Credit responses to tectonic hazard if linked to impacts. It is acceptable
for answers to refer to responses as part of the discussion
• Any examples with differences in wealth can be credited, even if both are
in HICs/LICs

Indicative content

• The command is ‘to what extent’, so the focus of the question is an

evaluation of the degree to which the effects of a tectonic hazard vary
between two areas of contrasting levels of wealth.
• The question only asks for one type of tectonic hazard which is most likely
to be an earthquake or volcanic eruption. Tsunamis caused by tectonic
activity are also valid. Credit only effects and not causes of the tectonic
• Answers are likely to refer to the effects of a tectonic hazard on two
different areas of contrasting levels of wealth. This is likely to be but does
not necessarily have to be an LIC/NEE v HIC.
• Tectonic hazards do not discriminate by wealth. However, discussion is
likely to focus on how the effects may vary according to how well the
country is able to predict, protect against and prepare for a tectonic
hazard. This tends to be linked to wealth and is likely to be exemplified as
such. There may also be some discussion about how wealthier countries
tend to recover more quickly (therefore short v long term effects).
• Effects may be categorised into people and the environment//primary and
secondary effects /social and economic effects.
• Social and economic effects may include:
people being killed or injured, bereavement, homes being destroyed,
transport and communication links not working, infrastructure destroyed,
businesses damaged or destroyed, unemployment, looting and other
crime, local economy disrupted, including manufacturing and tourism,
reduced trade, longer term health effects, insurance claims, destruction of
crops, loss of livestock (overlaps environmental effects) water pipes burst
and water supplies contaminated (overlaps with environmental effects).
May lead to disease risk.
• Environmental effects may include landslides, coastal flooding, disruption
of ecosystems, sewage leaks and water pollution.
• Credit knowledge and understanding of specific examples of tectonic
hazards. These might include L’Aquila earthquake 2009, Haiti earthquake
2010, Christchurch and Japanese Tohoku earthquakes 2011, Nepal


earthquake 2015; Boxing day tsunami 2004, Japan tsunami 2011;

Nyiragongo volcanic eruption, Congo 2002, Eyjafjallajökull eruption,
Iceland 2010. Other tectonic examples are valid.
• The 6.3 magnitude L’Aquila earthquake in Italy in 2009 killed about 300
people and made over 60 000 homeless. In comparison, the more
powerful 7.8 magnitude Gorkha earthquake in Nepal in 2015 is estimated
to have killed over 8000 people and made more than 1 million homeless.
Historic buildings, school and hospitals were destroyed in both quakes
and access to food, water and electricity was reduced. Both areas
suffered aftershocks triggering landslides and rockfalls. An avalanche
swept through Everest Base camp in the Himalayas killing 19 tourists and
Sherpas. In Italy, a mudflow was caused by a burst water pipe near
Paganio. Responses to the two quakes varied considerably. A state of
emergency was declared in both areas immediately after the quakes and
international assistance was provided. Students might discuss
differences in responses to the two events including availability of
international aid and long-term rehousing of residents.
• Discussion about why the effects of tectonic hazards vary between areas
of contrasting wealth is valid. This may focus on levels of preparedness,
protection and response.
• Credit responses which argue against wealth being the controlling factor.
Magnitude might be the most important factor for some events, eg Nepal
earthquake magnitude was 31 times greater than Aquila.
AO1 – 3 marks
AO2 – 3 marks
AO3 – 3 marks

Spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG)

Responses with SPaG marks that gain a mark of 0 for the content/skills 3
of the question can still be awarded SPaG marks if the response is
judged to be a genuine attempt to answer the question.

High performance
• Learners spell and punctuate with consistent accuracy 2
• Learners use rules of grammar with effective control of meaning overall
• Learners use a wide range of specialist terms as appropriate.

Intermediate performance
• Learners spell and punctuate with considerable accuracy 1
• Learners use rules of grammar with general control of meaning overall
• Learners use a good range of specialist terms as appropriate.

Threshold performance
• Learners spell and punctuate with reasonable accuracy
• Learners use rules of grammar with some control of meaning and any 0
errors do not significantly hinder meaning overall
• Learners use a limited range of specialist terms as appropriate.

No marks awarded
• The learner writes nothing


• The learner’s response does not relate to the question

• The learner’s achievement in SPaG does not reach the threshold
performance level, for example errors in spelling, punctuation and
grammar severely hinder meaning.


Section B

Qu Pt Marking guidance Total


02 1 Using Figure 5, which one of the following statements is true? 1

D: Coniferous forests occur in large areas of North America, Europe and


No credit if two or more answers are shaded.

AO4 – 1 mark

02 2 Using Figure 5, name the continent with the largest area of savanna. 1


Do not accept south/southern Africa

AO4 – 1 mark

02 3 Which statement describes the characteristics of temperate deciduous 1


B: The trees drop their leaves because of lower temperatures in winter.

No credit if two or more answers are shaded.

AO1 – 1 mark


02 4 Suggest how plants are adapted to the climate in tropical rainforests. 6

Use Figure 6 and your own understanding.

Level Marks Description

3 (Detailed) 5–6 AO2 Shows thorough geographical understanding
of ways that plants are adapted to the climate of
tropical rainforests.

AO3 Demonstrates thorough application of

knowledge and understanding in interpreting the
characteristics shown in the photograph in relation
to the climate of tropical rainforest environments.

2 (Clear) 3–4 AO2 Shows some geographical understanding of

ways that plants are adapted to the climate of
tropical rainforests.

AO3 Demonstrates reasonable application of

knowledge and understanding in interpreting the
characteristic(s) shown in the photograph in
relation to the climate of tropical rainforest
1 (Basic) 1–2 AO2 Shows limited geographical understanding of
ways that plants are adapted to the climate of
tropical rainforests.

AO3 May include limited application of knowledge

and understanding in interpreting the
characteristic(s) shown in the photograph in
relation to the climate of tropical rainforest

0 No relevant content

• Level 3 (detailed) responses will be developed, with supporting

evidence for answer. Appropriate use of Figure 6 (direct or inferred) and
specific own understanding.

• Level 2 (clear) responses are likely to be linked statements with some

elaboration. Some use of Figure 6 (direct or inferred) and own

• Level 1 (basic) responses are likely to consist of simple statements, with

limited use of subject vocabulary. May consist of listed points, using
information derived from Figure 6.

• Responses should refer to the photograph and information in the climate

graph in Figure 6 (directly or inferred) to access Level 3.

• Credit is given at all levels for features of vegetation and their adaptation
to climate beyond those shown in Figure 6.


• Explanation of buttress roots only without any inferred link to climate

limited to Level 1.

• Max Level 1 if answer just refers to the climate of the rainforest (as
prompted by the climate graph Figure 6) with no adaptations.

Indicative content.

• The command word ‘suggest’ is used, which means to provide an

informed account of the ways plants adapt to the tropical rainforest
climate illustrated in Figure 6. Interpretation of the characteristics of the
vegetation as evidenced in Figure 6, eg the buttress roots of the trees,
limited undergrowth, straight trunks, climbing plants or lianas, ferns, trees
with different widths and heights, few branches.
• The link to climate can include any reference to rainfall, winds, sunlight or
• Interpretation of the climate of tropical rainforest environments as shown
in Figure 6. The climate is much the same all year round and there are
no seasons. The graph shows uniformly high monthly temperatures (28–
29 °C). There is high to very high rainfall in every month, varying from a
low of 150 mm in August to a high of 350 mm in March, with a total of
over 2000 mm. There are two rainfall maxima (Nov and March), perhaps
linked to the position of the overhead sun. The atmosphere is therefore
hot and humid.
• Consistently high temperatures mean that plants grow all year, and will be
competing for sunlight. High rainfall and high humidity encourage rapid
growth of tall trees and fast rates of nutrient cycling.
• Because of the favourable climate, tropical rainforests have high levels of
biodiversity. Around 50–60% of all plant species are indigenous to the
rainforests. Two-thirds of all flowering plants can be found in rainforests.
• Plants drop their leaves gradually throughout the year, meaning they can
go on growing all year round.
• Due to the high rainfall, leaves often have drip tips which allow the water
to be channelled to the end and fall so the leaf does not break.
• Leaf stems are flexible to allow leaves to move with the sun.
• The bark on the trees is thin and smooth to allow free flow of water.
Because of high temperatures, there is no need for protection against
• The waxy upper surface of the leaves protects against the heat.
• Some plants, such as lianas, climb up the trees to reach sunlight for
photosynthesis, while others live on branches in the canopy for the same
reason ie epiphytes.
• Buttress roots support the trees as they grow very tall (over 50 m in some
cases) as there is great competition for sunlight.
• The high humidity and plentiful rain of the rainforest enable some plants
to actually grow without soil – called air plants or aerial plants. They get
nutrients from plant debris and bird droppings that land on their roots and
are not dependent on the poor soil of the forest.
• The forest floor receives only 2% of the sunlight. Only plants adapted to
low light can grow in this layer apart from river banks, swamps and


clearings, where dense undergrowth is found. Decaying plant and animal

matter disappear quickly, because the warm, humid conditions promote
rapid decay. Many types of fungi help to decay the plant waste.
• The understory includes mid-range trees and smaller plants. This area
typically receives only about 5% of the sunlight in the area, because of
the density of overhead canopy. Even the largest plants in this area don’t
typically grow over 3 m, and include shrubs, herbs and vines.
• The canopy is the highest level of the rainforest, consisting of branches
and leaves of the area’s largest trees. Many trees reach over 40 metres
and have dense foliage, so little to no sunlight reaches lower areas of the
• Emergent trees can be found above the canopy. They are successful in
maximising the greatest amount of sunlight but must endure high
temperatures, lower humidity, and strong winds.
• Large evergreen trees typically dominate the sunlight of the rainforest
• Smaller orchids, bromeliads, and types of moss and lichen are also found
in the canopy level, accessing sunlight and living in harmony with the
larger trees.

AO2 – 3 marks
AO3 – 3 marks

02 5 Using Figure 7, describe changes in tropical primary forest loss 2

between 2002 and 2018.

From 2002 to 2015 forest loss fluctuated up and down (1) varying between
2.5 and 3.5 million hectares (d)(1).
Between 2002 and 2015 forest loss was fairly constant (1) at around 3
million hectares (d)(1)
There was a sudden increase in forest loss in 2016 (1) doubling in a year
from 3 million hectares to just over 6 million hectares (d)(1).
Between 2016 and 2018 forest loss decreased (1) from 6.1 million hectares
to 3.7 million hectares (d)(1).
Fluctuated over the period 2002–2018 (1) between 2.5 – 6.1 million hectares
Between 2002 and 2018 there was an increase (1) of about 1 million
hectares (d) (1)

AO4 – 2 marks

02 6 Give one reason why deforestation has decreased in some countries. 1

International agreements (to reduce deforestation)/buying certified timber (1)

New/stricter laws have been introduced.
Consumer pressure (not to use products from deforested areas) (1)
Government restrictions on illegal deforestation (1)
Greater awareness of environmental problems caused by deforestation (1)
Concerns about climate change /loss of species/ destruction of habitats (1)
More sustainable farming practices (1)


Debt relief (1)

Selective logging (1)
Ecotourism, conservation, education needs to be qualified

AO2 – 1 mark


02 7 Using Figure 8, outline one environmental effect of deforestation. 2

Where the trees were cut down, the soil was left exposed (1). It appears to
have washed away / been eroded (d) (1) The rain has cut into the surface
and created gullies(d)(1)
The removal of trees has meant that animal habitats have been destroyed
(1) There is little sign of animal life in the foreground of the picture (d) (1)
Less biodiversity (1), therefore animals lose their homes/habitat (d) (1)
There is a great deal of loose soil and sediment where the trees have been
cut down (1). This material is being washed away and could clog up the
rivers or lead to flooding (d)(1)
Less CO2 is absorbed (1) as fewer trees have leaves for photosynthesis (d)

Credit only one environmental effect.

The initial point must be environmental eg loss of biodiversity, but the
developed point could be social eg leading to loss of potential medicines.
Do not credit points that cannot be deduced from the photograph.
Do not credit idea that animals have become extinct

AO4 – 2 marks

02 8 Explain how ecotourism can be a sustainable management strategy in 2

tropical rainforests.

2x1 or 1x2

Ecotourism aims to educate visitors (1), increasing their understanding and

appreciation of nature and local cultures (d) (1).
Ecotourism is small-scale (1), employing local people (d)(1) and using local
produce (d)(1).
Ecotourism provides money for the local area (1) without damaging the
environment/trees (d) (1)
Profits stay in the local community(d)(1) and the environment is protected
Tourism may take the form of replanting trees /other conservation projects
(1). This helps to minimise negative environmental impacts (d)(1).
Ecotourism projects use local materials for building (1). This limits the
consumption of non-renewable resources imported from abroad(d)(1).
Ecotourists arrive in small groups (1) so the impact on the environment is
limited (d) (1) eg by making sure waste and litter are disposed of properly
Ecotourism is tourism that minimises damage to the environment (1) and
benefits the local people (d)(1).
Ecotourism can help to raise awareness of conservation issues (1) and
bring in more money for rainforest conservation (d)(1).

AO2 – 2 marks


02 9 Discuss the challenges and opportunities for development in either a 9

hot desert environment or a cold environment.
Use either Figure 9 or Figure 10 and a case study.

Level Marks Description

3 (Detailed) 7–9 AO1 Demonstrates detailed knowledge of
challenges and opportunities for development in a
named hot desert or cold environment.
AO2 Shows thorough geographical understanding
of the challenges and opportunities for
development in either a hot desert or a cold
AO3 Demonstrates thorough application of
knowledge and understanding in discussing the
challenges and opportunities for development in
either a hot desert or a cold environment, using
source and case study.

2 (Clear) 4–6 AO1 Demonstrates clear knowledge of

challenges and/or opportunities for development
in a named hot desert or cold environment.
AO2 Shows some geographical understanding of
the challenges and/or opportunities for
development in either a hot desert or a cold
AO3 Demonstrates reasonable application of
knowledge and understanding in discussing the
challenges and/or opportunities for development
in either a hot desert or a cold environment, using
source and/or case study.
1 (Basic) 1–3 AO1 Demonstrates limited knowledge of
challenges and/or opportunities for development
in a named hot desert or cold environment.
AO2 Shows slight geographical understanding of
the challenges and/or opportunities for
development in either a hot desert or a cold
AO3 Demonstrates basic application of
knowledge and understanding in discussing the
challenge(s) and /or opportunity(ies) for
development in either a hot desert or a cold
environment, using source and/or case study.

0 No relevant content

Level 3 (detailed) responses will be well developed with accurate use of

geographical terms. Reasoned discussion of several opportunities and
challenges for development in either a hot desert or cold environment with
evidence from Figure 9/10 and some developed case study support.

Level 2 (clear) responses will have linked or elaborated statements and

some use of geographical terms. May outline some opportunities and/or
challenges for development in either a hot desert or cold environment. Will
include some case study support and/or refer to evidence from Figure 9/10.


Level 1 (basic) responses are likely to consist of simple statements, with

limited use of subject vocabulary. Might be limited to generic statements.
May be limited to a single opportunity and/or challenge in either a hot desert
or cold environment. Answer may be largely reliant on Figure 9/10.

• A purely generic answer without exemplification is limited to Level 2.

• An answer that lacks (direct or inferred) reference to Figure 9 or 10 is

limited to Level 2.

• An answer that discusses only opportunities or challenges for

development is limited to Level 2.

• If the answer refers to both environments credit the one that is more

• Allow reference to more than one case study if relevant. Credit detail
about different desert/cold environment areas to illustrate challenges and

Indicative content for hot deserts

• The question requires discussion of ways in which a hot desert area

provides challenges and opportunities for development.
• Answers may focus on the nature of economic opportunities, the scale of
development and control over the inhospitable conditions.
• Challenges include environmental constraints, costs/remoteness, and
conflicts with indigenous populations.
• Due to the lack of cloud cover, daily temperatures can range from over
40 °C during the day to below freezing at night.
• Deserts have low annual rainfall (less than 100 mm in places). Rainfall is
unpredictable and most rivers are intermittent. Providing enough water
for industry or irrigation is difficult.
• Opportunities include resource exploitation relating to agriculture,
recreation and tourism. Economic benefits include employment, spending
in the local economy, multiplier effect, and improved infrastructure. Many
hot desert environments are increasingly important economically.
• Application of knowledge and understanding to Figure 9. Photo 1 shows
a barren, inhospitable environment with sparse vegetation. The land is
uneven, with hilly or mountainous terrain in the background. The area
appears to be remote, with no sign of communications and lacks water
• Photograph 2 shows the use of a desert landscape for mining
development. Despite the challenges of a desert environment, the
large-scale mining for gold may be worthwhile as it produces a good
financial return.
• Support for answers may be based in poorer or richer parts of the world.
In HICs, south west US may be used. Economic activity may focus on
water supply and how it is managed, provision for commercial farming,
mining activity, supplying water, possible provision of a power source to
facilitate development, development of tourism on a large scale, building
areas for retirement.


• In LICs, areas such as the Thar Desert may be cited. Economic activities
include subsistence farming, including nomadic pastoralism, and hunter-
gathering. Commercial farming supported by irrigation may be
emphasised. Resources such as limestone and gypsum are found in this
desert, valuable for the building industry. Hydroelectric power is supplied.
Tourism is a growing industry.
• Discussion may consider relationships between the nature of the
challenges and the desire/ability to overcome them in order for
development to take place. This might reflect, for example, the value of
resources and the technological advances enabling their exploitation.

Indicative content for cold environments

• The question requires discussion of ways in which a cold environment

provides opportunities and challenges for development.
• Answers may focus on the nature of economic opportunities, the scale of
development and control over the inhospitable conditions.
• Challenges include environmental constraints, costs / remoteness, and
conflicts with indigenous populations, extreme low temperatures, low
precipitation, variable daylight hours, permafrost/active layer, fragile
ecosystems, and relief barriers.
• Construction disrupts and melts the permafrost, creating unstable ground.
Exposure to extreme cold can injure and kill, and healthcare may be
many miles away. Restricted employment opportunities are a real
problem for people living in remote areas, and there is a lack of services
due to low population density. Climate change may lead to widespread
and rapid changes which are difficult to adapt to.
• Opportunities include resource exploitation, including agriculture,
recreation and tourism. Economic benefits include employment, spending
in the local economy, multiplier effect, and improved infrastructure. Many
cold environments are increasingly important economically
• Application of knowledge and understanding to Figure 10. Photo 1 shows
an inhospitable environment with sparse vegetation and hollows filled with
surface water and ice. In the background is a wide glacier, and a steep
mountain front on the right. The area appears to be remote and
inaccessible, with no sign of communications
• Photograph 2 shows the use of a cold environment in Alaska for oil
extraction. Despite the challenges of a cold environment, the large-scale
drilling for oil may be worthwhile as it produces a good financial return.
• Credit answers that focus on Arctic or Antarctic regions. Allow reference
to tundra as well as polar areas.
• Support for answers may be based on Northern Canada and/or Alaska.
Challenges to development include getting access to resources, finding a
workforce to exploit them, and providing protection from the extreme
weather. Drilling and mining activities occur, there is considerable
hydroelectric power potential, large parts of the coastline offer wind and
geothermal energy potential and the region has a large seafood fishing
industry. Providing buildings and infrastructure that can cope with the
ground and weather conditions is difficult and expensive. The value of
some resources means that people find ways to overcome the
challenges, eg some parts of the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline are raised on
stilts, to prevent it melting the permafrost, which would make the ground


• Discussion may consider relationships between the nature of the

challenges and the desire/ability to overcome them in order for
development to take place. This might reflect, for example, the value of
resources and the technological advances enabling their exploitation.

AO1 – 3 marks
AO2 – 3 marks
AO3 – 3 marks


Section C

Qu Pt Marking guidance Total


03 1 Using Figure 11, what is the mode of annual rate of erosion along the 1
Holderness coastline?

B: 2.0 – 2.9 metres per year.

No credit if two or more answers are shaded.

AO4 – 1 mark

03 2 Using Figure 11, describe how the rate of erosion changes from north 1
to south.

It increases/generally increases. (1)

It tends to increase, but drops at the southernmost site. (1)
It changes from 1.5 to over 5 metres per year from N to S. (1)
The rate of erosion more than triples between site 1 and site 5. (1)

AO4 – 1 mark

03 3 Using Figure 11, what is the coastal landform that has formed at Spurn 1

C: Spit

No credit if two or more answers are shaded.

AO1 – 1 mark

03 4 Using Figure 11, suggest why there is a headland at Flamborough 1


Chalk is a harder/resistant type of rock than the rocks to the south, so is

eroded more slowly (1)
It is made of chalk/hard rock (1)

AO4 – 1 mark

03 5 Using Figure 12, give one reason why the rate of erosion of the 1
Holderness coast is high.

The rocks appear to be soft/weak (1)

The cliffs are liable to slumping/mass movement (1)
The cliffs are made of soft boulder clay (1)
Because of (powerful) wave energy/sea hits base of cliff (1)
There are no hard engineering defences in place (1)
There is no beach at the base.
(It consists of ) clay


AO3 – 1 mark


03 6 Explain how a wave cut platform is formed as a cliff is eroded. 4

Use one or more diagrams to support your answer.

Level Marks Description

2 3–4 AO1 Demonstrates accurate knowledge about coastal
(Clear) erosion processes and wave cut platform formation.
AO2 Shows a clear geographical understanding of the
interrelationships between coastal environments and
processes. Explanations are developed.

1 1–2 AO1 Demonstrates limited knowledge of coastal

(Basic) erosion processes and wave cut platform formation.
AO2 Shows limited geographical understanding of the
interrelationships between coastal environments and
processes. Explanations are partial.
0 No relevant content

• Level 2 (clear) responses are likely to contain linked statements showing

some knowledge or names of the processes involved and the sequence of
formation. Diagram(s) will be labelled and clear. Appropriate
geographical terminology.

• Level 1 (basic) responses will comprise simple ideas with limited or

partial sequence and little reference to the processes involved. Diagrams
may be unlabelled or unclear. Geographical terminology will be limited.

• Max lower Level 2 if diagram is not used.

• Credit full marks at L2 if annotated diagram clearly shows formation

Indicative content

The command is ‘explain’, so responses should provide a reasoned account

of how and why a wave cut platform is formed as a cliff retreats.

• Waves cause most erosion at the foot of a cliff.

• This erosion forms a wave-cut notch, which is enlarged as erosion
• The rock above the notch becomes unstable and eventually collapses.
• The collapsed material is washed away and a new wave-cut notch starts
to form. Repeated collapsing results in the cliff retreating.
• A wave-cut platform is the surface that’s left behind as the cliff retreats.
Pebbles grind over the rocky platform, often causing it to become smooth.
• Hydraulic action is the power of the waves as they smash onto a cliff.
Trapped air is forced into holes and cracks in the rock, eventually causing
the rock to break apart.
• Abrasion or corrasion involves fragments of rock being picked up and
hurled by the sea at a cliff.


• Labelled and annotated diagram(s) can substitute for written text, showing
the sequence of changes and processes involved.

The diagram above, fully labelled, would be awarded 4 marks

AO1 – 2 marks
AO2 – 2 marks


03 7 Assess the effectiveness of strategies used to protect coastlines 6

against erosion.
Use Figure 13 and your own understanding.

Level Marks Description

3 (Detailed) 5–6 AO2 Shows thorough geographical understanding
of strategies used to protect coastlines against

AO3 Demonstrates thorough application of

knowledge and understanding by making reasoned
assessment of coastal management strategies.
2 (Clear) 3–4 AO2 Shows some geographical understanding of
strategies used to protect coastlines against

AO3 Demonstrates reasonable application of

knowledge and understanding by making clear
assessment of coastal management strategy(ies).
1 (Basic) 1–2 AO2 Shows limited geographical understanding of
strategies used to protect coastlines against

AO3 Demonstrates limited application of

knowledge and understanding by making basic
assessment of coastal management strategies.

0 No relevant content.

• Level 3 (detailed) responses will be developed responses clearly

assessing effectiveness / costs and benefits of coastal management
strategies. Appropriate terminology will be used. Appropriate use of
Figure 13.

• Level 2 (clear) responses are likely to show understanding of coastal

management strategy(ies) and their effectiveness / costs and/or benefits.
Some assessment and some geographical terminology may be evident.
Likely to use Figure 13

• Level 1 (basic) responses will be simple statements with limited

understanding or development. May consist of listed points or random
statements about general coastal management strategies. Answer may
be largely reliant on Figure 13

• Max Level 2 for answer that does not refer to Figure 13.
• Max Level 2 for answers that refer to a single strategy. Full marks
available for assessment of two or more strategies.


Indicative content

• Understanding of hard engineering schemes, which involve using artificial

structures to control natural processes. These are designed to reduce
wave energy or create a barrier between the land and sea, so storm
waves can’t reach the cliffs.
• Understanding of soft engineering strategies. Beach nourishment,
reprofiling and dune regeneration are listed in the specification. Soft
engineering works with nature rather than against it, blends in with the
environment and can improve it eg adding sand to beaches, doesn’t
interfere with processes elsewhere and affect other areas, and is
• Application of understanding to Figure 13, showing coastal management in
the form of rock groynes, rip rap or rock armour and regraded cliffs.
Expect some assessment of the costs and benefits/effectiveness of these
approaches. Other types of hard and soft engineering may also be
• Figure 13 shows two large rock groynes or barriers that are built down the
beach at right angles to the coastline. They are designed to stop material
being moved along the beach by longshore drift. They work by building up
the amount of sand and shingle on the updrift side. They act as a buffer
against wave attack, helping to protect the cliffs. Both groynes appear to
be trapping beach material, providing protection to the cliffs and coastal
settlement. However, immediately downdrift of the south groyne, cliffs are
being rapidly eroded, as this part of the coast is starved of beach sediment
and much more exposed to wave attack.
• Groynes create a wider beach, which can be popular with tourists and
boost local economy. They reduce the risk of damage, making residents
and local business feel more secure. Not too expensive. If well
maintained, can last up to 40 years.
• Rip rap / rock armour consists of massive blocks of natural rock piled up at
the base of a cliff. These can be seen downdrift of the south groyne and
between the two groynes. The rocks are dumped on top of each other
leaving gaps between them that allow water through. The rock armour
protects the base of the cliffs from erosion. Credit idea that although rock
armour has been placed at the base of the cliffs, some slumping still
occurs, so effectiveness might be questioned.
• Benefits of rock armour. It disperses the energy of the waves and reduces
their erosional power. Structure is quick to build and easy to maintain.
Much cheaper than a sea wall. If well maintained, rock armour lasts a long
time. It is versatile, as it can be placed in front of a sea wall to lengthen its
lifespan or used to stabilise slopes on sand dunes.
• Cliff regrading (a form of soft engineering) involves cliff slope angles being
reduced to increase stability. These are re-vegetated to reduce surface
erosion and mass movement/slumping. Combining cliff regrading with
rock armour means that the cliffs here are stabilised. It works on clay or
loose rock where little else will.
• Credit other hard engineering strategies. Gabions are wire cages filled
with rocks that can be built up to support a cliff or provide a buffer against
the sea. Often constructed on site using local pebbles.
Benefits. Cheap to produce and flexible in the final design. Can improve
drainage of cliffs. Will eventually become vegetated and merge into the
landscape. Much cheaper than sea walls, rock armour or groynes. Ideal


as a quick-fix solution. For the cost, they are good value for money, as
they may last 20–25 years.
• Sea walls aim to protect the coast using concrete, steel and/or stone.
Benefits. Effective in protecting cliffs from erosion and also act as a
barrier to prevent flooding. Deflect wave energy back to sea. Give people
a sense of security. If well maintained, sea walls can last for many years,
but they can be undercut by wave scour over time. Sea walls do not
impede the movement of sediment downdrift, so they do not disadvantage
other areas.
• Other hard engineering strategies include revetments, offshore barriers
and reefs.
• Soft engineering strategies. Beach nourishment replaces beach or cliff
material that has been removed by erosion or longshore drift.
• Beach reprofiling is the artificial re-shaping of a beach using existing
beach material. For example, after winter storms, bulldozers may move
shingle back up the beach.
• Dune regeneration is the artificial creation of new sand dunes or the
restoration of existing dunes using strategies such as marram grass
planting or fencing them off from human impact.
• Disadvantages of soft engineering – areas can just be left at the mercy of
the sea, more gentle intervention may not be effective, people can lose
homes and livelihoods.
• Overall assessment of hard engineering strategies. The groynes and rock
armour are effective solutions which help reassure the coastal community.
However, they are expensive to install and maintain. In addition to this by
installing hard engineering solutions in one place this can have a
detrimental effect further along the coast.

AO2 – 3 marks
AO3 – 3 marks


Qu Pt Marking guidance Total


04 1 Plot the width of the river at Site 6 on to the graph below. 1

Use the following data.

Distance from source (km) Width of river (m)

66 9.0

Correct plot as shown in figure above.

Allow dot or other method of showing correct plot

AO4 – 1 mark

04 2 Using Figure 14, describe the change in river width downstream from 1
the source.

The river increases in width downstream (1)

The width increases from site 1 to 2/ decreases between sites 2 and site 3
The river increases in width between sites 3 and 5 / decreases between sites
5 and 6 (1)
The river changes from a width of 1.9 metres near the source to almost 15
metres at 78 km from the source (1)
The width is almost 8 times greater at site 7 compared with site 1 (1)

No credit for the width fluctuates.

AO4 – 1 mark


04 3 Give one reason why the median size of sediment tends to decrease 1
downstream from the source of the river.

The river load is broken down by erosion (1).

Erosion (1)
Attrition between particles reduces the size of sediment (1).
Heavy river sediment is left behind when the river floods, but takes finer
particles downstream (1).
Allow reference to other specific erosion processes eg abrasion, solution

AO3– 1 mark

04 4 Identify the landform shown in Figure 15. 1

A: Interlocking spurs

No credit if two or more answers are shaded.

AO1 – 1 mark

04 5 Using Figure 15, describe the shape of the valley sides. 1

The sides are very steep/steep/quite steep/moderate/uniform/constant (1).

The valley is V shaped (1).
The left side is steeper than the right side of the valley (1).

Do not accept gentle sided.

AO4 – 1 mark


04 6 Explain how a meander may be formed by both erosion and deposition. 4

Use one or more diagrams to support your answer.

Level Marks Description

2 3–4 AO1 Demonstrates accurate knowledge about river
(Clear) erosion and deposition processes and meander

AO2 Shows a clear geographical understanding of the

interrelationships between river environments and
processes. Explanations are developed.

1 1–2 AO1 Demonstrates limited knowledge about river erosion

(Basic) and deposition processes and meander development.

AO2 Shows limited geographical understanding of the

interrelationships between river environments and
processes. Explanations are partial.

0 No relevant content.

• Level 2 (clear) responses are likely to contain linked statements showing

knowledge or names of the processes involved and the sequence of
formation. Diagram(s) will be labelled and clear. Appropriate geographical

• Level 1 (basic) responses will comprise simple ideas with limited or partial
sequence and little reference to the processes involved. Diagrams may be
unlabelled or unclear. Geographical terminology will be limited.

• Max lower Level 2 if diagram is not used.

• Credit full marks at L2 if annotated diagram clearly shows formation

Indicative content

• The command is ‘explain’, so responses should provide a reasoned account

of how and why meanders develop. Processes may be outlined as well as
the sequence of formation.
• The development of meanders is due to both deposition and erosion.
• A meander is a winding curve or bend in a river. Water flows fastest on the
outer bend of the river where the channel is deeper and there is less friction.
Lateral erosion results in undercutting of the river bank and the formation of
a steep sided river cliff.
• On the inside of the bend, where the river flow is slower and water is
shallower, material is deposited on a slip off slope, as there is more friction.


• Over time, because of erosion and deposition, meanders gradually change

shape and move across the floodplain and migrate downstream.
• Accept reference to initial formation (riffles and pools) if change and
development over time are explained. In low flow conditions bends in a river
are initially formed by the deposit of sediment on the river bed, resulting in
the variations in the river’s flow. Shallower areas with deposits are known
as riffles, while deeper areas are called pools. The flow of the river naturally
increases in pools, where there is less friction and more erosion, causing
the river to bend.
• Labelled and annotated diagram(s) can substitute for written text, showing
the sequence of changes and processes involved (either cross section or
plan view)

Either of the two diagrams, fully labelled, would be awarded 4 marks

AO1 – 2 marks


AO2 – 2 marks


04 7 Assess the benefits of using hard engineering and soft engineering to 6

reduce the risk of river flooding.
Use Figure 16 and your own understanding.

Level Marks Description

3 (Detailed) 5–6 AO2 Shows thorough geographical understanding
of hard and soft engineering strategies used to
reduce the risk of river flooding.

AO3 Demonstrates thorough application of

knowledge and understanding in analysing the
benefits of hard and soft engineering used to
reduce the risk of flooding.

2 (Clear) 3–4 AO2 Shows clear geographical understanding of

hard and/or soft engineering strategies used to
reduce the risk of river flooding.

AO3 Demonstrates reasonable application of

knowledge and understanding in analysing the
benefits of hard and/or soft engineering used to
reduce the risk of flooding.

1 (Basic) 1–2 AO2 Shows limited geographical understanding of

hard and/or soft engineering strategy(ies) used to
reduce the risk of river flooding.

AO3 Demonstrates limited application of

knowledge and understanding in analysing the
benefits of hard and/or soft engineering used to
reduce the risk of flooding.
0 No relevant content.

• Level 3 (detailed) responses will be developed responses, with

understanding of how hard and soft engineering strategies reduce the
flood risk. Reference to Figure 16 (direct or inferred) and own
understanding, with some analysis. Considers advantage(s) of both hard
and soft engineering. and may reach a conclusion. Appropriate
terminology will be used.

• Level 2 (clear) responses are likely to have linked statement(s) showing

some understanding of how hard and soft engineering strategies reduce
the flood risk. Some use of Figure 16 (direct or inferred) and/or own
understanding. Considers advantage(s), although coverage of hard and
soft may be imbalanced. May reach simple conclusion. Some
geographical terminology evident.

• Level 1 (basic) responses will be simple statements with limited

understanding or development. May consist of listed points, using
information taken largely from Figure 16.


• Max Level 2 is answer is limited to either hard or soft engineering.

• Max Level 2 if there is no (direct or inferred) reference to Figure 16.

Indicative content

• Answers should emphasise the benefits of soft and hard engineering.

There should be reference to at least one hard and one soft engineering
strategy. Credit exemplars where relevant.
• The command word is ‘assess’, so expect some analysis of the (relative)
advantages of both.
• Credit references to costs/disadvantages as part of the assessment of
• There is a need to explain how both hard and soft engineering can
contribute to managing the risk of flooding and so a link needs to be made
between the strategy and the flood risk.
• Responses may mention the possible effects of climate change or on the
fact that more people are likely to be affected by flooding in the future due
to increased building on floodplains. The economic cost of flood damage
and flood prevention schemes (hard engineering) will therefore rise.
• Hard engineering involves using man-made structures to prevent or
control natural processes from taking place. This form of flood
management is usually very expensive – individual projects can cost
several million pounds. But this is the preferred option for protecting
expensive property or land, such as housing estates, railways and water
treatment works. The costs have to be weighed against the benefits.
• Soft engineering involves working with nature and natural river processes
to manage the risk of floods. Strategies that can be implemented include
using floodplains only as temporary water stores, restoring old peat bogs
in upland areas and planting more trees.
• Application of understanding to Figure 16. Differing views are expressed,
with the local resident feeling that hard engineering solutions are needed
to protect vulnerable properties on river floodplains, paid for by central
government. The use of dams and floodwalls/levees keeps the water in
the channel and helps to control its floodwaters more effectively.
• The Environment Officer emphasises the benefits of soft engineering,
indicating that this is now the more favoured approach. Soft engineering
has minimal impact on the environment and is socially sustainable. The
costs are significantly less than hard engineering alternatives and they
also cost very little to maintain. As they have lower technology
requirements they can often be implemented by local people.
• The spec includes:
o hard engineering – dams and reservoirs, straightening, embankments,
flood relief channels
o soft engineering – flood warnings and preparation, flood plain
zoning, planting trees and river restoration
Credit other strategies if relevant.


• Reservoirs store water, especially during periods of prolonged or heavy

rain, reducing the risk of flooding. The water in the reservoir can be used
as drinking water and to generate hydroelectric power.
• River straightening means that water moves out of the area more quickly
because it doesn’t travel as far – reducing the risk of flooding.
• Embankments enable the river to hold more water so it will flood less
frequently, protecting buildings on the flood plain.
• Planting trees increases interception of water in the catchment area and
reduces the amount of precipitation reaching the river and therefore
reduces the risk of flooding. Trees absorb CO2, manage and reduce soil
erosion, reduce pollution, improve aesthetics, provide habitats for wildlife
and thus increase biodiversity in an area.
• River restoration involves returning a river to its natural state. This can
involve removing man-made levees or removing river straightening.
Discharge in the river is reduced, meaning there is less risk of flooding
downstream. Little or no maintenance is required which makes this a
low-cost solution. Biodiversity is maintained along the river.
• Credit overall assessment which compares hard and soft engineering.
Hard engineering projects are generally very successful and have a large
impact on the river. Soft engineering projects are more sustainable. They
are low maintenance and low cost unlike hard engineering projects. They
don’t disturb the natural processes and ecological systems in a river basin,
instead aiming to integrate with them and in some cases improve them.
• Credit exemplars of hard and soft engineering schemes.

AO2 – 3 marks
AO3 – 3 marks


Qu Pt Marking guidance Total


05 1 Using Figure 17, complete Figure 18, a cross section showing the 1
depth of ice between X and Y.

Correct completion of the cross section showing steep drop in ice depth
close to Y

Line must go to 0 at Y. Allow for variation in shape-could be a straight line.

AO4 – 1 mark

05 2 Using Figure 17, compare the maximum depth of ice over the British 1
Isles with the maximum depth of ice over Scandinavia.

Over Scandinavia the depth was (over) 2500 metres whereas over the
British Isles it was (just over) 1500 metres (1)
It was (much) deeper over Scandinavia than the British Isles (1)
It was around 1000 metres deeper over Scandinavia (1)
1000 metres difference in depth (1)

AO4 – 1 mark

05 3 Using Figure 17, which one of the following statements is true? 1

C: The ice sheet extended westwards from Scandinavia to the British Isles.

No credit if two or more answers are shaded.

AO4 – 1 mark

05 4 Identify the feature shown at X. 1

A: Moraine

No credit if two or more answers are shaded.

AO1 – 1 mark


05 5 Suggest one reason why the material deposited by a glacier is mixed in 1

size and shape.

It was transported by ice which picks up all sizes of debris (1).

The glacier bulldozed all types of material in its path (1).
Ice is solid so it can move large boulders as well as fine debris (1).

AO3 – 1 mark


05 6 Explain the formation of a glacial trough (U-shaped valley). 4

Use one or more diagrams to support your answer.

Level Marks Description

2 3–4 AO1 Demonstrates accurate knowledge about glacial
(Clear) erosion and depositional processes and glacial trough
AO2 Shows a clear geographical understanding of the
interrelationships between glacial environments and
processes. Explanations are developed.

1 1–2 AO1 Demonstrates limited knowledge of glacial erosion

(Basic) processes and glacial trough formation.
AO2 Shows limited geographical understanding of the
interrelationships between glacial environments and
processes. Explanations are partial and limited in

0 No relevant content

• Level 2 responses will contain linked statements showing knowledge or

names of the processes involved and the correct sequence of formation.
Appropriate geographical terminology.

• Level 1 responses will comprise simple ideas with limited or partial

sequence and little reference to the processes involved. Geographical
terminology will be limited.

• Max lower Level 2 if diagram is not used.

• Credit full marks at L2 if annotated diagram (s) clearly shows formation

Indicative content

• The command is ‘explain’, so responses should provide a reasoned

account of how and why a glacial trough forms. Processes should be
outlined as well as the sequence of formation.

• Ice occupies a former river valley, often V shaped. The glacier is fed by
several tributary glaciers that start in corries. These join together and
cause the ice to erode powerfully.

• Processes include abrasion-where moraine within the ice to the sides has
a sandpapering effect on both sides and base, and plucking – where the
ice following melting under pressure, freezes to the rock and tears part of it
away when it moves.


• The valley is widened and deepened and the cross profile becomes a
steep sided trough with broad base and steep valley sides (U shaped
valley). The ice removes the interlocking spurs of the former river valley.

• After the ice melts, the valley floor is filled with glacial debris and river
deposits. In places there may be ribbon lakes where water fills hollows.

• Labelled and annotated diagram(s) can substitute for written text, showing
the sequence of changes and processes involved

The diagrams above, fully labelled, would be awarded 4 marks

AO1 – 2 marks
AO2 – 2 marks



05 7 Assess the economic and environmental impacts of tourism in a 6

glaciated upland area of the UK.
Use Figure 20 and your own understanding.

Level Marks Description

3 (Detailed) 5–6 AO2 Shows thorough geographical understanding
of the economic and environmental impacts of
tourism in glaciated areas.

AO3 Demonstrates thorough application of

knowledge and understanding in assessing the
economic and environmental impacts of tourism in
glaciated upland areas.

2 (Clear) 3–4 AO2 Shows some geographical understanding of

the economic and/or environmental impacts of
tourism in glaciated areas.

AO3 Demonstrates reasonable application of

knowledge and understanding in assessing the
economic and/or environmental impacts of tourism
in glaciated upland areas.
1 (Basic) 1–2 AO2 Shows limited geographical understanding of
the economic and/or environmental impacts of
tourism in glaciated areas.

AO3 Demonstrates limited application of

knowledge and/or understanding in assessing the
economic and environmental impacts of tourism in
glaciated upland areas.
0 No relevant content.

• Level 3 (detailed) responses will be developed responses, with

supporting evidence for answer, making use of Figure 20. Answers will
show understanding of both economic and environmental impacts
although coverage may not be balanced. Answers may make an
assessment of the scale of both economic and environmental impacts or a
relative judgement about their importance. Appropriate terminology will be

• Level 2 (clear) responses are likely to have linked statements showing

some understanding of environmental and/or economic impacts of tourism.
Answers may make an assessment of economic vs environmental
impacts. Answers may make use of Figure 20. Some geographical
terminology evident.

• Level 1 (basic) responses will be simple or generic statements with

limited understanding or development. May consist of listed points or
random statements about the benefits of tourism and/or the environmental
damage caused. May rely heavily on Figure 20 with little development.


• Max Level 1 if economic or environmental impacts are not pertinent to a

glaciated upland area.

• Max Level 2 if there is no assessment of impacts.

Indicative content

• Responses should consider both environmental and economic impacts of

tourism, before assessing whether one is more important than the other, or
whether the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. This may be done in
the context of a named example such as the Lake District.
• Economic impacts of tourism in glaciated areas.
o Tourism offers employment to local people
o eg in hotels, shops, cafés and the outdoor industry. By diversifying,
farmers can generate an alternative source of income, ie B+B,
campsites, open farms.
o Money spent by tourists boosts the local economy and can be used to
improve facilities. Tourism may help to preserve rural services like
buses, village shops and post offices.
o Increased demand for local food and crafts.
o Tourists mainly come to see the scenery and wildlife, so there is
pressure to conserve habitats and wildlife.
o Spectacular glacial scenery attracts tourists who enjoy outdoor activities
and the cultural heritage. Adventure activities include abseiling, gorge
scrambling and rock climbing.
o Credit disadvantages as well eg the work may be seasonal and
employment opportunities limited and low paid.
o House prices have risen rapidly because of holiday and second homes,
and making it it very difficult for local people (especially those on low
wages) to own their own property.
• Environmental impacts of tourism.
o The main tourist (‘honeypot’) sites and footpaths are often overcrowded.
Litter increases during the tourist season and some tourists light
bonfires or BBQs, which can damage the ground.
o Tourists may park on grass verges, causing damage to vegetation.
Potential damage to local flora such as the rare arctic alpine
o Footpath erosion is often a problem due to the large numbers of
walkers. Vegetation is destroyed and exposed soil is washed away –
this damages the landscape and leaves large erosion scars.
o Water sports (eg jet skiing and power boating) create noise pollution.
The waves created by the boats can erode the shoreline and fuel spills
can pollute the water, harming fish, birds and plants.
o Pollution (oil, fumes) from vehicles can damage ecosystems.
o Walkers can damage farmland by trampling crops or leaving litter. Dogs
can disturb sheep and cattle.
• Credit environmental benefits as well, eg Some of the money spent by
tourists in National Parks can be used for conservation projects.
Increasingly, there is a trend towards more sustainable tourism initiatives
that help to protect the environment.


• Application of understanding to Figure 20. Almost 4 million people visited

Snowdonia in 2015 including 600 000 visiting Mt Snowdon, a significant
increase on 2013 and 2014 figures. They spent over £120 per head on
average, much of which would have helped support local shops, cafes,
hotels, camp sites, transport and tourism businesses. The majority were
day visitors but almost 1.5 million stayed for longer, so would be paying for
overnight accommodation.
• The photograph shows the huge number of tourists at the summit of
Snowdon. This is likely to contribute to footpath erosion, trampling of
vegetation, damage to ecosystems. Other effects might include traffic
congestion and pollution, disturbance to farm animals, dropping of litter.
• Assessment of economic and environmental impacts. Answers may take
the view that the economic impacts are largely beneficial whereas
environmental impacts are damaging. Some may take a more balanced
perspective, with supporting evidence. Others may suggest that as
attempts are made to ensure that tourism becomes more sustainable,
environmental damage will be reduced.
• Credit reference to examples.

AO2 – 3 marks
AO3 – 3 marks


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