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BMG3 FAQ AUGUST 2022 v01

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AUGUST 2022 - v01

Q: Secure the Area deployment style, is it optional? Q: Can ROF1 weapons that aren’t templates can’t
A: No. lose all attack dice?
A: Yes. If you have enough negative modifiers, you
Q: What are “free” efforts? can be reduced to 0 dice.
A: Efforts that doesn’t incur a , but they don’t let
you Effort over your limit. Q: How does splitting dice work for ranged attacks?
A: Pool dice, assign to targets, apply modifiers, roll dice.
Q: Who assigns their Audacity markers first?
A: The player with initiative assigns Audacity first. Q: Can you block ranged attacks?
A: No.
Q: If I hit someone for more stun damage than is
required to KO, are the remainder converted to blood? Q: How does Dodging work?
A: No. Extra blood damage is only dealt if the target A: If you have an ability that lets you use the Dodging
of the attack was already KO before the attack was rule, when you’re attacked you can spend effort up
declared. to your Effort limit to subtract one ranged attack die
for each effort spent.
Q: When splitting your dice for attacking, do you
roll all dice simultaneously or can you roll against Q: With dodging, can you Effort all of a potential
one target first? E.g. to get around Bodyguard or ranged attack’s dice away?
Protect Me! traits. A: Yes (up to your effort limit).
A: Simultaneous. Thus traits like Bodyguard, Protect
Me!, or Protector (X) can be used.
Q: Can you make a ranged attack after going Q: I know an effort may be made to reduce enemy
through a sewer? Special dice when a trait compels them to make a
A: Yes, but the model counts as having moved for skill roll, but does the enemy get a chance to effort
purposes of losing attack dice, even with bonus dice back?
actions/Amphibious. A model going through a Same question, but for opposed skill rolls. Do both
sewer always counts as having moved, regardless of the attacker and the defender get to make efforts?
whether it performed a move action before going A: No to both.
through a sewers.
Q: By spending effort, can you reduce a target’s skill
MOVEMENT roll to zero dice?
A: No. It cannot be reduced below 1 die.
Q: If you fall off a building, do you suffer impaired
Q: How does effort work if a skill roll is targeting
A: If you choose to fall as part of your movement action multiple enemies?
you suffer impaired movement. If you fall due to other
A: When a trait causes multiple enemies to make a
effects, e.g. being pushed by an opponent, you do not.
skill roll, 1 effort removes 1 die from 1 model (not 1
die from every model affected).
Q: Can you keep moving after jumping/falling off a
A: If your current movement stat is greater than the
total distance travelled, yes, but the vertical distance
traveled is counted as part of your movement.

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Q: How do Explosive weapons work when moving? Q: Do you shuffle your objective deck at the end of
A: Template attacks: if you must subtract a die every recount phase?
from the attack then change the strength die into A: You must shuffle your deck at the end of the
an attack die. No matter how many dice you must recount phase (even if you did not discard any cards).
subtract you cannot lose that attack dice.
Q: Is your hand of objective cards secret?
Q: How does cover work with Explosive templates? A: Yes.
A: Cover is always determined from the attacker’s
point of view. So yes, you can take cover against Q: Are the contents of your Objective deck open
explosive templates attacks. information?
A: Yes, but when the game starts, you cannot look
Q: Can I apply any Effects only if the strength die anymore into the opponent’s deck.
(or attack die, in case of negative modifiers) is
successful? Q: What is the timing for objective cards in the
A: Yes, provided that the attack or ability deals recount phase?
damage. If you are using, say, a grenade that doesn’t A: All recount phase cards are played simultaneously.
deal damage (like a Smoke Grenade), you would This means that, for example, you could not score
simply place the template and apply any Effects to Stick to the plan as a result of your opponent
models under the template. removing their suspects with a card like flanking.
The board state at the start of the recount phase is
Q: With Dodging, can you effort twice to dodge a
used for all objectives.
Spray template? The idea is that the first would
change the strength dice to a regular hit dice then Cards drawn as a result of scoring in this manner
would the second effort get rid of the hit dice? cannot be scored in this recount phase.

A: You can effort once to change the strength dice Q: If you have an objective that has a countdown
into an attack die, and you cannot get rid of the per activation, like Joker’s teeth, what happens if
resulting attack die. you roll a number higher than the model activations
left in the current round?
Q: Does the Blind effect that comes from Smoke A: Continue counting it on the next turn. If it’s the
persist until the end of the round, or is it removed final turn and there are not enough actions to finish
when exiting Smoke? the counter, the card is not scored.
A: It is removed when the model is no longer in the
smoke. Bear in mind that the Impaired Movement Q: Some objective cards ask you to nominate
penalty will not retroactively be added back to the something. Like “Die hard” or “Aerie Two”.
model’s movement after exiting the smoke’s area of 1. What happens with the card? You put it in front
effect. of you so the opponent knows what is nominated
and how to counteract it?
2. Does this count as you playing a card?
3. Do you draw another card after you play so you
have 4 in hand and card(s) in play?
4. Can you play multiple different cards this way?
(Both “Die hard” and “Aerie two”)
1. Yes
2. Outside of a model’s activation, you can play
as many cards as you like (as long as they have
different names)
3. Yes. You always have 4 cards in hand.
4. As long as they don’t have the same name and it
isn’t in a model’s activation, yes.

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Q: Can you score multiple copies of the same card at

the same time during the Execute the Plan Phase? SUSPECT MARKERS
E.g., if a character has multiple copies of Paying Q: Can a model end a move/place on Suspect markers?
Tribute in play can he score all of them from placing
A: A model can finish your move on top of Suspect
a single suspect?
markers (and/or other markers). If it does, any model
A: For cards that score off a timer or trigger in the in contact with that model is also considered to be in
Execute the Plan phase (e.g. Paying Tribute) the same contact with the marker.
action/effect can only trigger 1 objective card (is
the same with cards like Pretty Birds played as a Q: What’s the difference between Reveal and
icon). A different thing happens with cards with a Remove for an Objective card?
timer like Bite the Dust!, if the conditions triggers A: Reveal can be performed on any Suspect markers,
for both cards at the same time (in the example, both enemy or friendly, requires an action.
Explosive Teeth markers inflict damage to a model),
Remove is a game effect to take away a suspect
both cards are scored.
marker, not requiring an action, can only remove
Q: For 0 cost resources, do you have to actually use friendly suspect markers unless the card explicitly
the resource to play the card? says otherwise.

A: No matter the resource cost, you must complete Q: And is there a difference when cards say to
the text on the card, you cannot play it for no effect. Remove compared to traits?

Q: Enemy activates Grapple Gun, can I play a A: When a card says remove that’s only friendly, if a
card between that and them moving? Such as the trait does not specify its any.
resource of the Deathmatch card?
Q: Can you place a Suspect under a model?
A: Cards can be played between actions (can only
A: No. Suspects must be placed in base contact with
Interrupt an action if the card says that directly).
the model placing them (unless other traits or rules
Q: Can you play Die Hard on a model which is not dictate otherwise).
currently on the table? (ie a plant that has not yet
been placed or Oracle if she’s been removed via her FORMING THE CREW
Intel Support ability)
Q: Can you recruit more than one model with the
A: Yes. name “Unknown”?
A: As long as they don’t have the same alias, yes.
Q: If an objective says ‘Remove Suspects’ — can you
remove enemies to score this?
Q: Can models in teams take upgrades (e.g., Bat-pod,
A: You can reveal friendly or enemy suspect markers Horse, etc. in Bat Family)
but “remove” effects can only remove your own,
A: Yes.
unless stated that the Suspect can/must be an
enemy Suspect.
Q: If my crew has a character that has more than
one objective card related to them (like Batman
Q: For the “They Will Know Pain” objective card,
(Frank Miller) with Back to Arkham and I’m the
the condition says: “Inflict at least 6 damage (of
Surgeon) can I include all of them?
any type) with a single Melee Attack.” Let’s use a
Willpower 5, Endurance 5 model as an example. This A: Yes, as long as the rank on the card matches
model would only have 5 stun markers on it when the model’s rank. Bear in mind that if an objective
knocked out. Can I feasibly inflict 6 stun or 6 blood card requires a specific model, other models with
damage to this model? that name may not be able to take that objective.
For example, Batman (Frank Miller) can take Back
A: Yes  and  markers above a model’s limit are
to Arkham (requiring Bruce Wayne) and I’m the
discarded, but they still count as having been inflicted.
Surgeon (requiring Batman (Frank Miller)), but other
versions of Batman cannot take I’m the Surgeon
Q: How works the Lord of the Pits and I’m The
because they are not Batman (Frank Miller).
Surgeon objective cards?
A: Both are attacks that counts as the Tactical action
of the model during its activation, and you cannot
declare any effort during these Attacks, unless the
free ones.

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BONUS ACTIONS Q: When attacking a model with the Bat-Armor

trait, can a model split attacks to use the strength
Q: Is there a difference between the words ‘free’, die against a different target?
‘bonus’, and ‘extra’ when it comes to actions? A: No. You lose the strength die if you target a model
A: No. They all mean the same thing. with Bat-Armor (a version of it that removes the
attack die) with any attack.
Q: Can a model perform more than one action of the
same type in a turn? Q: When attacked by an attack with the Devastating
trait, does Bat-Armor Mk I cancel both strength dice
A: If it has those actions.
or only one?
Q: Does Handyman + Inspire stack? I.e., two bonus A: You cannot roll any strength dice against Bat-
manipulate actions. Armor Mk I.
A: Unless stated otherwise, yes.
Q: When someone fires a template against Batman
Q: Can you manipulate, then move, then manipulate with Bat-Armor Mk I, do you still roll the strength
again if you have one or more free manipulate die against him?
actions? A: No. The template attack’s strength die would be
A: Yes. replaced with an attack dice.

Q: Can I use a Sewer more than once in the same Q: How does Martial Expert or Brutal work against
activation? (E.g., with Inspire and Handyman) models with Bat-Armor Mk II, do 4s and 5s still
count as crits?
A: No. A model can only use (enter and exit) any
sewers once per activation. In addition, a sewer A: Mk II stops everything but 6s. 4s and 5s do nothing
marker counts as being used when a model enters against Mk II, even with Martial Expert or Brutal.
the sewers via that marker, and when a model exits
Q: Can a model with Climbing Claws be deployed on
the sewers via that marker.
a wall during setup?


Q: What happens if your Crew Boss have the Intel Q: Do hits on the strength die count as successful
Support trait, and it is removed from the game area attack rolls for the purpose of Combo?
via its Intel Support rule? What happens to the A: Yes.
A: The Intel Support model is not removed as Q: In the Counter Attack trait, what does “preferred
Casualty as a result of Suspect removal, so it remains melee weapon” mean?
the Crew Boss. However, it is not in the gaming area A: You choose with what melee weapon (if that model
so it does not provide Inspire and similar rules. has more than one) when you use the Counter Attack
Q: Is a model considered friendly to itself for the
purpose of traits? Q: Can you defend against hits from Counter Attack?
A: Yes, a model is always within range of itself. A: No.

Q: Can you take both of Harley’s hyenas, Bud and Q: Can you use Counter Attack when attacked by a
Lou, without violating the Affinity trait in a Joker model with Reach while not in base contact?
crew? Or not because you treat them as free agents? A: Yes.
A: Yes. Treating a model as a free agent via the
Affinity trait is optional, and so you can choose to not Q: Can Desensitized models continue to Effort if the
treat them as free agents (and instead treat them as  would be converted into a , even though that
their actual rank). Additionally, they are already wouldn’t make them KO?
in the Joker crew. A: No.

Q: If Commissioner Gordon and Batman are taken Q: Does Exploit the Weakness work if the target is
in the same crew (via Affinity), can Commissioner not within 8”?
Gordon be the boss?
A: Yes, only the attacking model has to be within 8”.
A: No. At the time you hire Gordon via Affinity: Batman,
you have already designated Batman as your boss.

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Q: How exactly does Greed work? Q: Does the Manipulative trait, to redeploy 2 models,
A: Greed means that during a Greedy model’s trigger before or after the deployment of models
activation, if it deals damage or causes a model to with the Hidden trait?
become a casualty, and you would normally use this A: After.
to contribute towards an objective, do not contribute
this damage or KO/casualty towards that objective. Q: If you are playing a scenario where each player
For example, a model with the Greed trait cannot has two deployment zones, can Manipulative trait
score e.g. Dirty Job, Catch a Bullet, They Must Know be used to redeploy friendly models into a different
Pain, and so on. And a KO/casualty caused by a deployment zone than where they were?
model with the Greed trait will not add a  marker on A: Yes.
the Psychopaths objective.
Q: Does a trait that interacts directly with attack
Q: Can smoke grenades be thrown beyond their dice (like Master Marksman) affect the strength die?
effective range? They automatically hit, so would A: No, because it is not an attack die, even if it is part
there be any penalty? of the attack roll.
A: No. See compendium entry on template weapons.
“....place the template completely within the Q: Can you target the same model twice with a
Effective range...” single action of Modified Pheromones?
A: No.
Q: Can the Hacking trait be used to move sewers and
lampposts? Q: Can a model using One Shot Gun shoot a target
A: Yes, because they are markers. outside of 8”, losing a die from the attack?
A: No, because is a trait that has a maximum distance
Q: Are the extra resource points from the traits indicated on it.
Hidden Plans and The Professional just for the
round or do they persist? Q: Can you use Order to have a model with the
A: Just for the round. Stupid trait place a suspect marker?
A: Yes, that model is not performing a Manipulate
Q: Can you do both attack and manipulate actions action.
with a model Hypnotized model? I.e., while resolving
the effect of one failed Willpower roll due to the Q: When a trait mentions “When a model within 4”
Hypnotize effect. scores an Objective” what does that means exactly?
A: No. Both of them are tactical actions. A: If a model’s controller scores an objective during
that model’s activation, that model is considered to
Q: Do the actions of a model suffering the Hypnotize have scored that objective.
effect happen after the turn of the model that inflicts
the effect, or do they interrupt the activation? Q: When should you place the additional sewer and
A: They interrupt the activation. After resolving the streetlamp markers granted by a trait?
actions caused by Hypnotize, the model that caused A: At the same time as you place the regular sewer
Hypnotize resumes its activation. and streetlamp markers.

Q: How does Incorporeal work with Stun from Effort? Q: If you have multiple characters with Scheming,
A: Making effort is not taking damage, so Incorporeal can you move the same counter more than once?
does not prevent the stun counters being assigned A: Yes. For example, if you have a model with
from taking efforts. Scheming (3) you cannot move the same Suspect 3
times. If you have 3 models with Scheming (X), all
Q: Does a Boss inspire themselves, if able? of them can use that trait to move the same Suspect
A: Yes, a crew boss could inspire themselves if they one at a time.
have the Rank: , for example.
Q: Can you move Suspects between different heights
Q: Does a Boss that is KO’ed still grant Inspire? (off buildings for example)?
A: A KO’ed Boss does not inspire. A: Only if you have enough movement to get the
marker completely off. Markers cannot ‘fall’.
Q: Can a model perform the same action twice if he
has a free action (Inspire or Handyman, for example)? Q: Does Self-Discipline protect you from goad?
A: Yes. A: Yes.

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Q: Can the Survivor trait save you from being

A: Yes. Q: Playing Taking Sides, can I use Secure the
Perimeter as a resource to attack an enemy model
Q: The Stealth / Master of Stealth traits read that even though we are on opposite sides of the barrier?
models with these traits that are under the effect of A: Yes, because that resource doesn’t require the
the Night Rule can only be “seen” by models within active model to have line of sight to the target.
8”/6” instead of the usual range. How exactly should
this interact with ranged attacks and Blind Firing?
A: They can be shot at when they can’t be seen, but
the Firing Blind penalty should be applied if outside AND CHARACTERS
the 8”/6” range.
Q: Does Terror affect free actions?
Q: When the Resource of the Get Them Off the Streets
Example 1: GCPD Cop gets Terror 3 and he’s all alone
card is used to cancel another card used as a Resource,
with no free actions. If you activate him, he cannot
does the opponent still pay that card’s resource cost?
perform any actions.
A: Yes.
Eg 2: Same scenario but GCPD Cop by the crew’s
leader, Commissioner Gordon, so he gets a free
Q: When using the Secure the Perimeter card as a
manipulate action from Inspire, and can perform
resource, can the target benefit from cover?
the Arrest special action for free. Additionally, this
Cop has an audacity marker. There are 5 actions he A: No.
can perform, 2 of which are free. Am I only allowed
to perform the free actions? Or do I just pick the 2 Q: When using Secure the Perimeter as a resource,
actions I want to perform? does it also ignore the Protective trait?

A: 1: Correct A: Protective trait works unless the effect/rule says

that ignores the Protective – which the Secure the
2: In that case GCPD Cop has 4 actions. The
Perimeter resource does not.
Commissioner trait says that GCPD Cop CAN Arrest
as a free action if he were next to Commissioner
Q: Can a KO’d model prevent scoring Snitch?
Gordon, but that is just if he decides to perform
that action. It is not an additional action he gets A: Yes.
at the beginning of his activation. GCPD Cop could
Q: With the Wait for Backup card, when you restore
“sacrifice” any of his 4 actions (he could choose not
a model, does it come with its upgrades or effect
to use his free manipulate and attack instead).
tokens such as poison?
Q: Is 360 Strike a single pool of hits that gets A: No damage, no effects but yes to upgrades,
blocked by all targets or you roll once and each set equipment, and full ammo. It counts as a new model
gets blocked individually? except it starts with all the same equipment it had
A: Perform the 360 Strike roll once, and count it as when the game started.
a separate attack against all models affected. So, if
Q: While using the Tonight, We Are The Law you KO
there are 4 hits, the first model attempts to block, but
a model you’re removing the blood damage of the
any hits blocked aren’t removed from the pool for the
KO model? Or off yourself?
other targets that need to attempt to block separately.
A: Off the KO model.
Q: When a model uses the Bullet Time trait does the
extra ranged attack have to be made immediately Q: When using the Canary Cry trait, does the Special
after the first or can they Ranged Attack – Move – penalty from Sonic apply during the willpower roll
Ranged Attack? for this action, or only after the action is completed?
A: It can perform those actions in any order, as normal. A: It applies straight away. So, targets take a -1
penalty to their Special during this action.
Q: Does count if i Reveal a friendly Suspect for the
Unveiling the Truth objective card?
A: No.

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Birds of Prey Q: Is Oracle’s rank able to be either rank in both the

Batman and Birds of Prey crews, or is it a set rank
Q: Do plants give a pass marker when they are placed? for each crew?
A: No, plants are always considered to be in the A: Oracle can be hired as either rank by either crew,
gaming area for purposes of calculating pass and in-game you consider yourself having both.
markers and assigning audacity.
Q: Can Oracle be nominated for Ivy’s Protect Me
Q: If I have a model with Primary Target, can I use ability?
an opponent’s suspects for placing a plant? A: No. Models with Intel Support cannot be targeted by
A: During that model’s activation, yes. attacks, and thus cannot have the attack “transferred”
to them via abilities or traits like Protect Me.
Q: How do the objectives work?
A: You can play any as a regular objective card Q: Does Mortal Kiss need 3 hits or 3 unblocked hits?
and if you fulfill the requirements above bold text, A: Blocks cancel hits. So, you need to have 3
you score it. successful hits after blocks to activate Mortal Kiss.
If at some point during the game the condition in
bold is accomplish then you can play face up your The Court of Owls
icon card and if you fulfill the requirements below
Q: Can the extra healing from Reanimated Owl
bold text you score it. That will be the only objective
be used while KO, and will this recover the model
card you can play during that activation. You have to
discard any non-scored card played in the same way
(face up because bold condition is accomplished) if A: Yes, if the model uses it to remove a  marker.
you have one on the table.
Doom Patrol
Q: With the Resource of the Sisters in Arms card, do
you get to use traits like Master marksman? Q: For Doom Patrol rule Losing Control, does this
apply to the model who rolled only, or everyone at
A: Yes.
once the moment any model rolls a double 2?

Q: With the Resource of the Sisters in Arms card, can A: Only the model who rolled the double 2.
the active model use the attack/traits of a friendly
KO/Casualty model? The card doesn’t specify a The Joker
friendly model “in the list”, nor “in play”.
Q: What do you do if there are fewer suspects
A: The other friendly model is considered the one available than the number rolled when playing the
attacking for all purposes except those specifically Showtime card?
listed on the card. A KO model cannot attack, so
A: If the enemy player doesn’t have enough suspects
cannot be chosen for Sisters in Arms. The same
to match the die roll, move as many suspects as you
applies to models that are casualties, out of play, etc.
are able to.
Q: Can you use the resource of the In Position card
Q: Does the Poison Fish marker get removed or
on Poison Ivy to use the same special action (for
converted to a regular suspect when this card scores?
example Control Pheromones) again this activation?
A: No. It stays in play as a Poison Fish marker and will
A: Yes.
still cause poison if revealed. Note however that you
can only score It Doesn’t Look Fresh with the Poison
Q: Can you target the same model twice with
Fish placed when the card is played during the same
Control Pheromones in the same activation?
A: Yes, via separate Control Pheromones actions. You
cannot target the same model twice with the same
use of Control Pheromones.

Q: Will you get a second extra special action from

Scientific by using “In position” card as a resource?
A: Yes.

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League of Assassins Soldiers of Fortune

Q: With the Lazarus Pit card, if I move a model Q: If an enemy picks up Osito, is the 4” range from
within range of the Lazarus pit that already has it still in effect from the controller’s base, or is only
damage on it does the damage I have go to the Pit? the controller affected?
A: The Lazarus pit only receives damage markers by A: If the Osito is being carried, Bane only gets his
a model in range of the pit at the moment damage is bonus against the model carrying it. The 4” bubble
suffered. only applies when the Osito is not being carried.

Q: Are efforts counted as damage for the Lazarus pit? Q: For the Deathmatch card, Is the enemy model
A: Effort are never counted as damage received. ‘with the highest reputation cost’ the highest one
in their entire list or just the highest on the board
when the card is played?
Mr. Freeze
A: The highest one on the board when the card is
Q: Does Exposure effectively turn freezes gun into
double blood for every shot after the first? played.

A: Yes.
Teen Titans
Q: If I use an Ice Age card on an enemy objective
card, does that card still count as being in my Q: How does the resource effect on Sisters in
opponent’s hand? Arms card interact with Teamwork traits and
A: No. Your opponent must draw a new card.
A: Do not gain any benefit from Teamwork for the
Q: If I remove a streetlamp using a weapon with attack. If the other friendly model chosen has an
the Cryo-Weapon trait, can I also damage a model Inexperience penalty assigned to it, that penalty will
within 2”? apply.
A: No. To remove a streetlamp you simply have to
declare an attack, not perform it. Although bear in Watchmen
mind that if you declare a ranged attack to remove a
Q: The Bubastis equipment gives Ozymandias
streetlamp, that ranged attack will still cost ammo as
the Claws trait. Does this force you to override
Reinforced Gloves?
A: No. As with weapons, you can choose what trait is
The Penguin activated for each attack.
Q: Can Penguin on Duck go through sewers?
A: No, because a model with an upgrade card cannot
use sewers.

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