Multiple Disease Prediction Systemsynopsis
Multiple Disease Prediction Systemsynopsis
Multiple Disease Prediction Systemsynopsis
Submitted to
Abhinav K 4SU21CS002
Deepika R 4SU21CS026
Jeevitha S 4SU21CS039
Lochan S 4SU21CS046
Bachelor of Engineering
In today’s healthcare landscape, the rising prevalence of chronic conditions such as heart
disease, diabetics, Parkinson’s disease presents a significant hurdle to effective
diagnosis and treatment. The complex interaction of various clinical symptoms within
each patient often complicates accurate disease prediction, resulting in delayed
intervention and compromised patient outcome.
Current healthcare systems face challenges in fully leveraging advanced technologies,
especially in predicting multiple diseases simultaneously. Many machine learning
models in healthcare focus on analyzing one disease at a time, such as liver analysis,
cancer analysis, or lung disease analysis. This fragmentation forces users to navigate
different platforms for each disease prediction, lacking a unified system for
comprehensive analysis. Moreover, some existing models exhibit lower accuracy rates,
posing risks to patient health.
1. Early Disease Detection: The system can help in early detection of multiple
diseases by analysing various clinical symptoms and risk factors. This early
detection can lead to timely interventions and improved patient outcomes.
3. Reduced Healthcare Costs: Early detection and targeted interventions can lead
to reduced healthcare costs by preventing disease progression, complications, and
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