Buffalo Bulletin (April-June 2017) Vol.36 No.2 Original Article
Buffalo Bulletin (April-June 2017) Vol.36 No.2 Original Article
Buffalo Bulletin (April-June 2017) Vol.36 No.2 Original Article
Buffalo Bulletin (April-June 2017) Vol.36 No.2
urethrotomy (Singh et al., 2010), urethrostomy was performed in the cases showing ‘water
(Stone et al., 1997), tube cystostomy (Williams belly’ appearance to confirm cystorrhexis, if any.
and White, 1991), bladder marsupialization (May Dehydration status was evaluated by physical
et al., 1998) and penile transaction with urethral appearance and skin tent test.
fistulation (Misk and Semieka, 2003) with little Intraoperatively the bladder was observed
practical value in treating obstructive urolithiasis. for its integrity and appearance (smooth, rough,
Tube cystostomy together with medical dissolution inflamed or necrosed). Animals which have
of calculi is considered an effective technique severe dehydration and uraemia were stabilized
for resolution of obstructive urolithiasis in small preoperatively with fluid therapy, corticosteroids
ruminants (Ewoldt et al., 2008). Advantages of and drainage of urine from abdominal cavity by
this technique include simple procedure, fewer centesis. Animals were prepared for aseptic surgery
recurrences, preservation of the reproductive and tube cystostomy was performed.
function of the animal (May et al., 1998), an
opportunity for the removal of cystic calculi, Surgical procedure
attains a full urethral patency in short period of All the animals were controlled in right
time and easy application in field conditions. The lateral recumbency with left hind limb flexed and
tube cystostomy gives passage for removal of abducted from trunk under mild sedation with
urine and prevents its accumulation which might xylazine hydrochloride 0.05 mg/kg intravenously.
lead to the rupture of bladder or the urethra (Dubey Prepubic paramedian left abdominal area was
et al., 2006). Animals with prolonged obstruction prepared for aseptic surgery. Site of incision was
have high morbidity due to subsequent uraemia. infiltrated with 2% lignocaine hydrochloride. A
Tube cystostomy, though reportedly successful linear skin incision was given (Figure 1). Fascia,
in small ruminants but it is not widely used in muscles and the peritoneum were separated by
large ruminants. The present study describes the blunt incision to open the abdominal cavity and
clinical signs, surgical management of obstructive the bladder was identified. The status of bladder
urolithiasis and its outcome in 108 cases of male was checked. If bladder was intact, a subcutaneous
buffalo calves. tunnel starting from anterior end of incision and
parallel to the prepuce was made by passing
straight artery forceps through the subcutaneous
MATERIALS AND METHODS tissue opening near the prepucial orifice (Figure
2). Foley’s catheter (#18G/ 20G) was passed
Animals through tunnel and stabbed at an acute angle into
A retrospective study was conducted the bladder at an avascular healthy area (Figure
on 108 male buffalo calves of age 1 to 5 month 3 and Figure 4). Once the urine starts to dribble
with obstructive urolithiasis presented to TVCC, through drainage channel then catheter bulb was
LUVAS, Hisar (Haryana) from November, 2013 inflated with sterile normal saline (30 ml) to fix
to February, 2014. Thorough clinical examination the catheter tip inside the bladder. Alternatively,
was conducted for vital parameters and the status in cases of ruptured urinary bladder, cystorrhaphy
of urethra and urinary bladder. Abdomenocentesis was done with chromic catgut (#1) followed by
Buffalo Bulletin (April-June 2017) Vol.36 No.2
Buffalo Bulletin (April-June 2017) Vol.36 No.2
Figure 2. Subcutaneous tunnel.
Figure 5. Cystorraphy in ruptured bladder.
Buffalo Bulletin (April-June 2017) Vol.36 No.2
Buffalo Bulletin (April-June 2017) Vol.36 No.2