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3 authors, including:
Prabodh Yerawar
Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Dehradun
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All content following this page was uploaded by Prabodh Yerawar on 21 February 2020.
Assistant Professor, Department of Basic Principles, Faculty of Ayurved, Main Campus,
Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Dehradun (U.K.).
Associate Professor, Department of Prasuti Tantra and Stri Roga, Faculty of Ayurved, Main
Campus, Uttarakhand Ayurved University, Dehradun (U.K.).
Lecturer, Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, R.G.G.P.G. Ayurvedic
College, Paprola (H.P.).
Article Received on
21 July. 2019, Point by point depiction of the subject and explanation of the substance
Revised on 10 Aug. 2019, is the interest of time. The Commentators audit the writings as per the
Accepted on 01 Sep. 2019
DOI: 10.20959/wjpr201910-16814 time and by criticizing the root verses, they increment the importance
and reasonableness of the writings. The Sarvangasundara commentary
*Corresponding Author
of Arundutta is one of the commentaries written on 'Ashtanga
Dr. Prabodh Yerawar Hridaya'(AH). The stream and style of this commentary is so engaging
Assistant Professor, contrasted with different commentaries that the importance and
Department of Basic embodiment of the subject is caught even without perusing the root
Principles, Faculty of
versus of AH. The element of this commentary is to address the
Ayurved, Main Campus,
Uttarakhand Ayurved
inquiry in various ways by bringing up the issue through agreement.
University, Dehradun The profound information on the different controls of writing was
(U.K.). unmistakably noticeable in the analysis. The Terminologies (TN)
utilized by Arundutta can be ordered into 19 classifications.
Sarvangasundara is an epitome and versatile commentary which gives significant
comprehension into the AH.
Currently, only Samhitas are available in the form of primitive texts of Ayurveda. In this
sequence, there are Charaka, Sushruta and Vagbhat’s Samhita of Ayurveda. With the course
of time, the knowledge multiplies many folds in respect to scientific approach. From Satyuga
to Kalyuga neither the age of people is same or the knowledge. Detailed description of the
subject and clarification of the content is the demand of time. In this view, the roles of
commentators have been important. The commentators review the texts according to the time
and by criticizing the original texts, they increase the relevance and practicality of the texts
and make them great. There have been most commentaries on the Ashtanga Hridaya, among
them the Sarvangasundara commentary has its own special place. From the point of view of
clinical utility of all the subjects from Charaka period and to clarify the fundamental
principles of Ayurveda, the Arundutta’s Sarvangasundara commentary has an important
4. Content review
The contents present in the commentary were analyzed and categorized into 6 major groups
on the basis of the description.
also mentioned Bay of Bengal as Prachya Udadhi[17] and Arabian Sea as Paschim Udadhi.[22]
He has mentioned Indian Ocean as Sagar.[17]
4.6 Terminologies
After the analysis of terminologies (TNs) given in the Sarvangasundara commentary, it was
found that they can be categorized into 19 categories. The total percentage of TNs in each
category were: Anatomical terms (6.34%), Herbal Drugs or products (2.61%), Animals or
animal products (1.49%), Place related (5.22%), Psychological terms (15.29%), Physiological
terms (1.49%), Language related (14.17%), Disease related (4.1%), Basic Principles of
Ayurveda(BPA) (1.49%), Signs and Symptoms related (9.7%), Treatment/Procedures related
(9.7%), Spiritual terms (0.75%), Pathological terms (5.22%), Instruments related (1.87%),
Objects related (3.36%), Time/Age related (1.49%), Pharmacological terms (3.73%), Food
related (9.7%) and Measurement related (2.24%). [Table – 1].
Sarvangasundara is an embodiment and adaptable commentary which gives profound
understanding into the Ashtanga Hridaya. It likewise illuminates various ideas of Ayurveda
to think in new creative manners. It will be extremely valuable to the objective populace like
Ayurveda and life science understudies, doctors, academicians, scientists in an incredible
1. Vagbhata. Ashtanga Hridayam, with Sarvangasundara and Ayurved Rasayana
Commentary by Arundutta and Hemadri respectively, Pt. Hari Sadashiva Shastri
Paradkara, editor. Sutrasthana, 1st Adhyaya, 1st verse (prayer), Sarvangasundara
Commentary. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashana; Reprint, 2010; 1.
2. Vagbhata. Ashtanga Hridayam, with Sarvangasundara and Ayurved Rasayana
Commentary by Arundutta and Hemadri respectively, Pt. Hari Sadashiva Shastri