All in One Deceased Format
All in One Deceased Format
All in One Deceased Format
The Branch Manager
Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank
____________________ Branch
Dear Sir,
I/We lodge my/our claim for the balances with accrued interest lying to the credit of the above
names deceased who died intestate. I/We am /are the legal heirs of the above named deceased
and lodge my /out claim for payment as per the bank’s rules and discretion. The relevant
information about the deceased and the legal heirs are as under : -
Father :: …………………………………………………………………………………………
Mother :: ………………………………………………………………………………………...
3. Details of living (i) Husband (ii) Wife (iii) Children (iv) Father (v) Mother (vi) Brothers
(vii) Sisters (viii) Grand Children. If Hindu joint family, the name and address of the
karta and Co-parceners with their respective ages.
E:\RAO\OPR\Complain\Annexure - 4.doc
4. Name or names of Guardian/s
Of the minor, Children of the depositors ____________________________________
(b) Whether Guardian appointed by Court of Law in India. If so, attach a certified copy or
duly attested copy of such order ________________________________
i. _________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________________________________
I/ We submit the following documents. Please return the original death certificate to us after
We request you to pay the balance amount lying to the credit of the above named deceased
to ……………………………………………………………………………………. on my/our
I/We hereby solemnly affirm that the above statements are true and correct to the best of my/our
knowledge and belief.
E:\RAO\OPR\Complain\Annexure - 4.doc
Annexure – 6
Indemnity format ( To be duly stamped as per the stamp act
(for claims upto threshold limit Rs.25000/- applicable to the state.)
Dear Sirs,
02. We have further to inform you that he/her left behind him/her surviving as his /her only heirs
and next-of-kin the following
i. ……………………………………..
ii. …………………………………….
according to the law of Intestate, applicable to __________________ by which law he/she was
(Hindu, Muslim, Parsi etc.) governed at the time of his/her death.
03. We have further to inform you that the balance standing to the credit of the ______________
Account No. ________________ is Rs._________ in the name of the said deceased.
04. We have therefore approached you with a request to pay the aforesaid sum lying to the credit
of the ___________ Account to the undersigned Smt./Shri ___________________________
(Name of the person whom to pay/handover) (The person should be from amongst signatories
On our behalf without insisting on production of legal representations and you have kindly
agreed to do so on our executing an indemnity as is herein contained and on relying on the
information herein given by us and believing the same to be true.
E:\RAO\OPR\Complain\Annexure -6.doc
05. In consideration therefore, of your having at our request agreed to pay the balance standing to
the credit of the aforesaid account to the undersigned _________________________________
we, the undersigned (Name of same person whom to pay/handover) _____________________
____________ ________________ _________________ _____________________________
(name of heirs & next of kin ) and _______________________________ ________________
hereby jointly and (name of two sureties)
Severally agree and undertake to indemnity and keep indemnified, saved, defended, harmless
you and your Successors and Assigns for all times hereafter against all losses, costs, claims,
actions demands, risks, charges, expenses, damages, etc. whatsoever which you may suffer and
or incur by reason of your at our request paying/handing over as mentioned hereinabove to the
undersigned _____________________ the aforesaid balance of Rs. _______________ standing
(name of same person whom to pay/handover) to the credit of the aforesaid account without
insisting on production of legal representations.
Yours faithfully,
1. _______________________ ________________
2. _______________________ ________________
3. ________________________ ________________
4. ________________________ ________________
1. ________________________ _________________
2. ________________________ _________________
E:\RAO\OPR\Complain\Annexure -6.doc
Annexure – 7
( To be duly stamped as per the stamp act
applicable to the state.)
Declaration of oath
2. That he/she left behind him/her surviving the following persons as his/her only Heirs
according to the Law of intestate Succession applicable to ____________________ by which
Law (Hindu, Muslim, Parsi, etc.) he/she was governed at the time of his/her death :-
4. That no letters of representation to his/her estate have been obtained or are contemplated to be
5. That Rs. ______________________ is the amount due and payable to the deceased by Uttar
Bihar Gramin Bank being the balance standing to the credit of the aforesaid account.
E:\RAO\OPR\Complain\Annexure -7.doc
6. That the deceased has not left any debts and no amount is due to Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank
from him/her and that in the circumstances mentioned above, the above named deponents are the
only persons entitled to the amount standing to the credit of the aforesaid
________________________ Account and no other person is entitled there to or to any part
7. We hereby further state that we know that relying on the above representations and believing
the same to be true, Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank has agreed to pay the aforesaid sum being the
balance standing to the credit of the ___________________ Account to the above named
deponents, without insisting on production of legal representations.
E:\RAO\OPR\Complain\Annexure -7.doc
ज ाँच प्रतिवेदन
ृ क खाताधारी के उत्तराधधकाररयों को भुगतान हे तु जााँच अधधकारी द्वारा ककया जाने वाला जााँच
प्रततवेदन :-
1. मत
ृ क खाताधारी का नाम :-
2. मत
ृ क खाताधारी के पिता/ितत का नाम :-
4. मत
ृ क खाताधारी का स्िाई िता :-………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. मत
ृ क खाताधारी का वततमान िता :-…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. मत
ृ क खाताधारी के घर से सम्बंधधत बैंक शाखा की दरु ी :-
7. मत
ृ क खाताधारी के तनवास स्िान की चौहदी िर ककनका मकान है :-
उत्तर - दक्षिण -
िूरब - िश्चचम -
8. वंशवि
ृ (यदद मत
ृ क की दो शादी है तो दोनों शादी के ितत/ित्नी के नाम सदहत सभी ित्र
ु / िुत्रत्रयों
के नाम, उम्र, िे शा, तिा वततमान में कौन कहााँ रहते हैं का िूणत पववरण) :-......................................
Branch Manager
Uttar Bihar Gramin Bank
____________________ Branch
____________________ District
Dear Sir,
With reference to above account, we the following legal heirs of late ……………………..
(deceased ) have to declare that we have no interest in the above assets /amount and as such we
have no objection for your paying the balance amount lying in the above said account with you
in the name of deceased account late …………………………………………………..……. to
Sri /Smt. ………………………………………………………….. Husband /Mother/Wife/Son.
The making of payment of the balance of above said account will be completely binding upon us
and we shall not make any question for the Bank action in doing so, in any proceedings. We also
undertake to bind ourselves, our heirs and legal representations and not to revoke this declaration
(deceased) made herein.
Yours faithfully,
E:\RAO\OPR\Complain\Letter of disclaimer.doc
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