Week 1 2
Week 1 2
Week 1 2
Academic and
Quarter 4
WEEK 1 & 2
Writing a Position Pape
Copy the puzzle below in your notebook and encircle the terms that pertains to writing
a Position Paper. You can go horizontal or diagonal.
B. Body of the paper– this part illustrates the central argument which can be
presented through a brief description of the argument. Details, point of view,
evidences are used to support the claim. It can be divided into these sections
namely: background information, evidence supporting the author’s position,
and a discussion which addresses and refutes arguments that present both
sides of the issue.
C. Conclusion – this part restates the main points, then summarizes the
arguments made in the paper and then provides a call of action.
How did you find the new information you have learned? I hope that you now pay
attention on the basic elements of a position paper. Prepare to examine
one in the next activities. Good Luck!
Read the essay that follows. Examine its basic elements. Tell whether the
parts were expressed according to the standards that you have just learned from the
discussion. Write your observations in your notebook.
Further, education is the sole basis on which future of the human race depends.
Our quest for knowledge is unending and will continue till planet Earth exists.
Everyone speaks about education and its importance. Hence, let us understand
what defines education. Briefly, education means acquiring knowledge.
In broader terms, education means acquiring various skills in diverse fields that
are vital to our life and very existence. These skills can be acquired by classroom
training and during course of our life.
Write your observations here:
Observation Observation
(Introduction) (Body)
Copy and answer the following sample manifestos made by students. Read and
analyze what argument/s are posted by the writers. List it on the blank lines beside the
boxed items. Use your notebook in answering this activity.
Sofia Gabriel
I believe that creating a cohesive, vibrant
community that unites both the young and __________________________
the old is important to nurturing the growth
of individuals. I believe that community __________________________
artworks are the anchors of
__________________________ this community, __________________________
creating and maintaining this sense of
community. Therefore, I believe that __________________________
works of art, visual and otherwise, should
be created and supported by members of __________________________
a community as important reminders and
symbols of __________________________
cohesive community.
Katie Sipiora I believe that every child
has potential.
Regardless of race, socioeconomic
class, or IQ, every child has the ability to __________________________
contribute to our world. It can be
intellectual-- the next brilliant math or __________________________
physics theorem, the next great poem of
__________________________our time-- it can __________________________
be athletic-- representing fair play and
competition-- it can be artistic-- a song, a
dance, a play. __________________________
Every child has potential. No child is
confined by where they live, who their __________________________
parents are, what society expects of them.
Every child can contribute something __________________________
beautiful to our world. It can be a smile, a
laugh, one good thought. That is all it __________________________
takes to change someone's life. __________________________
Reflective Questions: Write your answers in your notebook.
2. Now that you have learned how to put basic items into its part, what do you
think should you develop more to be able to write a position paper well in the
Three elements
o Introduction
o Body o
Manifesto - a
declaring the
position or
program of its
Learning these, will guide a writer on what to include in each basic part of the
Copy the table below in your notebook and list at least 5 issues that you can
identify that the society, your community is facing right now. Identify particular
information that you would like to deal with in your paper.
Example: Cyberbullying Effects among young people
What should the government do to
address cybercrimes?
From the issues you have listed in activity 3. Make a manifesto of your own. A
sample is shown below. For your output, you can use a blank page so that you can be
as creative as you like. You can send your output via email (teacher’s email).
Retrieved from https://soasunion.org/pageassets/elections/manifestoegs/MANIFESTO-2014.pdf
(Rubrics Scoring Guide)
Criteria 5 4 3 2
The manifesto The manifesto The facts There are
contains many, contains used are only few facts
Content ample facts. several facts. limited. used.
The The
There is logical presentation of The ideas are
presentation of ideas is not
Organization of ideas is not
ideas. smooth. wellpresented.
so logical.
The language The language
The language is informal is very
The language
used is formal. and some informal and
used is formal
Vocabulary is words are not several words
and there is no
Language appropriate for
jargon or slang appropriate are difficult
the target
indicated. for the target for the target
audience. audience.
There is no
error in terms of
There is no There are few There are
error in terms errors in several errors
spelling, and
of grammar, grammar, in grammar,
Mechanics punctuation.
spelling, and spelling, and spelling and
The sentences
punctuation. punctuation. punctuation.
make clear
Manifesto is Manifesto is
Manifesto is Manifesto is
creatively creatively
creatively creatively
presented presented but
presented but presented but
which makes it important
Presentation some details many details
catchy, details are
are not are not
attractive and not
prominent. presented.
interesting presented.
Identify what are the items being described in the sentences below. These words are
important in presenting arguments. Write your answer on the space provided for.
Choose from the words inside the box. So, be ready for vocabulary work.
Factual Argument Defense Persuade Opinion
How did you find the activity? Keep your focus because you will come
across those words in the next activities. Good Luck!
There are two basic of writing which specialized at convincing. These are:
2. Argumentation relies on logic and evidence to build a case for a specific claim.
Argumentation de-emphasizes appeals to emotion.
Many students ignore the significance of doing well in their studies. They
often neglect their parents’ sacrifices by getting low grades or worst yet
getting a failing marks. On the other hand, psychologists say
performance in school is influenced by many factors which include
peers. However, to fair well in school is not only about influence but also
about being exposed to social realities such as difficulties of getting
decent job. Thus, funding students to school becomes a big sacrifice
among parents.
This table below will help you differentiate Persuasive writing from
Argumentative writing.
Claim is based on Claim is based on
opinion factual evidence
Asks audience to do Proves a point to the
something. audience.
Based on character and Based on stabilised
emotion. position and logic.
How did you find the new information you have learned? I hope it could help you as
you accomplish the exercises that follow. Good Luck!
Copy the table below in your notebook. Read the descriptions below and identify
whether it is a form of persuasion or reason. Put an X on the appropriate box.
1. Writer starts with a strong opinion and
researches reasons to support it
2. Writer starts with a topic, researches and
discusses all sides of the issue, and
chooses one side to support
3. Appeals to readers with logic
Copy the table below in your notebook and list at least three (3) issues/situations
in the society and state your opinion, stand about these issues by providing
Drug testing is a way to evaluate the type and the possibly the amount
The writer fingernails, saliva, or more commonly, your blood, urine, or hair. Almost sets up the 10 percent of
the nation’s teens report the use of illicit drugs within the The writer last month. The drug testing in high school
and college students is an
issue important and ultimately one of the best solutions made by the government officials to reduce and stop
the increasing amount of young his/her opinion
drug users in schools, universities, and state colleges. Schools have The writer made the
policy of random drug testing on students to serves as a warning to not get into peer
pressure. Because I believe “a friend in provides little
deed won’t make you smoke that weed.”
Drug testing in school has resulted in accurate, powerful and a positive outcome
in attempting to reduce the amount of young drug users in
The writer school. The purpose of drug testing is not to catch whose using an illegal drug, but to prevent them
from using it in the first place. Surely,
presents there should be action taken to punish those criminals. The current The writer gives
opposing method to attack drugs is at the source, by imprisoning dealers and
points breaking the supply chain is not so succeeding. Why drug testing is so explanation important and
necessary to be implemented, because it is important to about his/ her protect teenagers at
the age were, they’re easily get influenced by the opinion peers and at the time when their
attitude to education greatly affects their entire lives.
The writer Some sacrifice of human rights is necessary to eliminate the drug The writer ends presents problem.
Drug testing is a simple mechanism for examining the human with an appeal body because there is a multiple
option of detecting it by supplying
suggestion to urine, hair, or simply a breath. These small samples help to detect the by providing its
solve problem common drugs like methamphetamines, cocaine, and heroin. Also, if advantages on drug you know
that you are not breaking the law then there’s nothing to fear of.
addiction https://www.academia.edu/35946977/A_Position_Paper_of_Drug_Te
among sting_of_High_School_and_College_Student s students
How did you find the sample? I hope this will help you on how to evaluate a
paper and consequently will give you an idea how to make your own position
paper later. So, please do the next activity.
Read this essay and identify the stand/ reasons of the writer. Use your learned
skill in annotating a text. Follow the steps given for you. Write your answers in your
Step 1. Identify the parts and write your comments of each on the sides of the article.
Step 2. Box in the main points/ claims that you can find.
Step 3. Underline the reasons/ evidences that support the claim.
As online learning becomes more common and more and more resources are converted to digital
form, some people have suggested that public libraries should be shut down and, in their place,
everyone should be given an iPad with an e-reader subscription.
Proponents of this idea state that it will save local cities and towns money because libraries are
expensive to maintain. They also believe it will encourage more people to read because they
won’t have to travel to a library to get a book; they can simply click on what they want to read and
read it from wherever they are. They could also access more materials because libraries won’t
have to buy physical copies of books; they can simply rent out as many digital copies as they
However, it would be a serious mistake to replace libraries with tablets. First, digital books and
resources are associated with less learning and more problems than print resources. A study done
on tablet vs book reading found that people read 20-30% slower on tablets, retain 20% less
information, and understand 10% less of what they read compared to people who read the same
inforcause numerous health problems, including blurred vision, dizziness, dry eyes, headaches,
mation in print. Additionally, staring too long at a screen has been shown to and eye strain, at
much higher instances than reading print does. People who use tablets and mobile devices
excessively also have a higher incidence of more serious health issues such as fibromyalgia,
shoulder and back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and muscle strain. I know that whenever I read
from my e-reader for too long, my eyes begin to feel tired and my neck
hurts. We should not add to these problems by giving people, especially young people,
more reasons to look at screens.
Second, it is incredibly narrow-minded to assume that the only service libraries offer is book
lending. Libraries have a multitude of benefits, and many are only available if the library has a
physical location. Some of these benefits include acting as a quiet study space, giving people a
way to converse with their neighbors, holding classes on a variety of topics, pranswering patron
questions, and keeping the community connected. One neighborhood found oviding jobs, that,
after a local library instituted community events such as play times for toddlers and parents, job
fairs for teenagers, and meeting spaces for senior citizens, over a third of residents reported
feeling more connected to their community. Similarly, a Pew survey conducted in 2015 found that
nearly two-thirds of American adults feel that closing their local library would have a major impact
on their community. People see libraries as a way to connect with others and get their questions
answered, benefits tablets can’t offer nearly as well or as easily.
While replacing libraries with tablets may seem like a simple solution, it would encourage people
to spend even more time looking at digital screens, despite the myriad issues surrounding them.
It would also end access to many of the benefits of libraries that people have come to rely on. In
many areas, libraries are such an important part of the community network that they could never
be replaced by a simple object.
Reflective Questions:
1. Why do you think it is important to learn the various types of speech context?
2. Now that you have learned about speech context, what do think should a
speaker do to be able to make appropriate speeches in particular situations?
Conclusion - Restatement of main points and summarizes
arguments Suggestion of the course of action or possible
Taking a stand about an issue will empower someone to change the opinions
and attitudes of others. Thus, in bringing about societal change the challenge is to be
firm in making a stand.
Read this sample position paper and identify the stand/ reasons of the writer.
Use the reading guide provided for to facilitate better understanding of the paper. Use
the template below to make your own position paper.
Please identify the following:
Evidences/ Reasons:
I can almost see many students nodding along with me as I ask this question. Younger
generations overloaded with home tasks and numerous assignments have already raised this
issue many times.
I believe that homework should not be viewed as a mandatory part of education for
several reasons.
First, children spend seven hours every single work day at school. That is a huge chunk
of life, and with homework added on top of these hours, a child is left with no time to live his
life to the fullest, socialize, or grow in other areas.
Second, sitting at your desk solving problems does no good to your health. Kids need
time to get outside and have some fun, join a football league, or ride their bikes with friends
around the block. Otherwise, children will be very smart but surprisingly weak physically.
Another argument against this position is that homework is not always the best way to
obtain knowledge quality-wise. Students tend to ask their parents or siblings for help whenever
facing difficulties. Busy parents not always willing to spend extra time explaining school
material to their little one solve the problems themselves aiming to have more time for family,
not lessons. As a result, the child will have the homework done. But that’s really not his work.
So, the whole idea of dedicating time to self-education is lost here.
Finally, knowing that after classes you would still have to work at home makes a kid
less concentrated at school. This results in short attention spans and difficulty to concentrate
on something for too long.
All in all, homework should rather be an option. Students understanding that they are
left behind at some subjects will take their time to go over the material at home. However, in
other cases, they should have time after school for other activities.
Accessed from: (https://chiefessays.net/position-essay-examples-to-help-you-grasp-the-idea/)
From the issues listed below, choose one (1) to work on to develop into a
position paper. Second, do some researching/reading to gather information. Third,
defend your stand by writing a position paper with the intention of convincing your
reader to support your stand. Refer to the rubric on page 37. Write your position paper
on a sheet of paper.
List of Issues:
(Write your position paper here on the issue of your choice.)
Introduction ____________________________________________________________
• Catchy ____________________________________________________________
Topic sentence
• Your ____________________________________________________________ Position
____________________________________________________________ about the
Body ____________________________________________________________
• Evidences ____________________________________________________________
Personal ____________________________________________________________ experiences
relative ____________________________________________________________ to the
____________________________________________________________ issue
• Summary, ____________________________________________________________
Conclusion ____________________________________________________________ Action
Content and Takes a strong, well- Clear position Position not clearly No clear position
Development defined position; uses taken and stated; taken; reasons
(50%) at least three defined; some development is underdeveloped; no
appropriate reasons reasons brief, unrelated, supporting facts
with at least two and some unsupported used.
supporting details for details present, general
each reason. Counter but not fully statements,
arguments effectively developed. reasons, and
addressed, without Counter details, minimal
undercutting position. arguments facts used.
addressed. Counter arguments
not acknowledged.
Organization and Structure of paper is Structure is Structure of the Organization and
Structure clear and easy to mostly clear and paper is not easy structure detract
(20%) follow. Paragraph easy to follow. to follow. the message of the
transitions are logical Paragraph Paragraph writer.
and maintained the transitions are transitions need Paragraphs are
flow of thought present. improvement. disjointed and lack
Conclusion is transition of
throughout the paper. Conclusion is not
logical. thoughts.
Conclusion is logical logical.
and flows from the
body of the paper.
Format (10%) Paper follows Paper follows Paper follows most Paper lacks more
guidelines. Paper has guidelines. Paper of the guidelines. elements of correct
appropriate length as has appropriate Paper is formatting. Paper is
described for the length for the over/under word inadequate/
assignment. Format assignment. length. excessive in length.
enhances readability of Format is good.
the paper.
Grammar, Rules of grammar, Rules of Paper contains few Paper contains
Punctuation usage, punctuation are grammar, usage, grammatical, grammatical,
& Spelling followed; spelling is punctuation are punctuation and punctuation and
(20%) correct. Language is followed with spelling errors. spelling errors.
clear and precise; minor errors. Few/ Language lacks Language uses
sentences display no spelling errors. clarity or includes jargon or
the use of some
consistently strong, conversational tone
varied structure.
or conversational