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B. Tech. Information Technology

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Faculty of Engineering and Technology



CHITRAKOOT, SATNA (M.P.) - 485 331


CHITRAKOOT, SATNA (M.P.) - 485 331
Programme Offered : B.Tech. (Information Technology)
: B.Tech. (Food Technology)
: B.Tech. (Agricultural Engineering)

Intake : 30 Students in each course, can be increased with

permission of AICTE.

System of Education : Credit System on semester basis.

Eligibility for Admission : 10+2 With Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or


Mode of Admission : Entrance examination conducted by VYAPAM, Bhopal.

Duration of Course : 8 Semesters

Examination and : Internal (20%) + External (80%)


Grading : 10-point scale

Evaluation of the programme will be referred to as grading and shall be measured by the
quality of performance in that course by assigning course grade as indicated below :

Comulative Grade Point Average : Description of Performance

8.5 to 10.0 : First Class with distinction

6.5 to 8.4 : First Class

5.0 to 6.4 : Second Class

Below 5.0 : Fail

Student obtaining Grading point of less than 5.0 will be declared as Fail (F). The course
with grade point of 5.0 or more will be treated as cleared.
Minimum OGPA required for degree : To qualify for a degree the student shall
complete all the prescribed courses with CGPA of not less than 5.0

Grade : It is a measure of quantity of the performance of a student work done in a course

at the end of a semester. It is computed by dividing the percentage of marks obtained in a
course by ten. It shall be expressed on a 10-point scale upto first decimal place.

Grade-Point : A grade point is product of course credit and grade secured by a student in
a course. It shall be expressed upto first decimal place.

Grade-Point Average : It is a measure of Quantity of work done in a semester. It is a

quotient of the total grade point secured by a student in various courses registered in a
semester divided by the total course credit during that semester. It shall be expressed upto
first decimal Place.

Cumulative Overall Grade-Point Average (CGPA) : It is a measure of overall

cumulative performance of a student on completion of two or more semesters. It is
computed by dividing total member of course grade points earned by a student over the
semesters by the total number of credits. It shall be expressed upto first decimal place.

Attendance : Normally the attendance should be 100%. The Minimum required by a

student is 80%. The attendance can be condoned by Dean /Director/CSSC upto 10% on
justifiable grounds.

Maximum number of semesters permitted to complete the course : 12 semesters

Make-up examination : The students of final year shall be allowed for make-up
examination on one or more grounds such as hospitalisation; death of parents; own
marriage; attending interview and attending court case (s) etc.

Procedure for awarding sessional marks : For theory subjects one midterm exam of 10
marks will be conducted, 5 marks for assignments and five marks for quizzes are given
by the subject teacher .

Procedure for evaluation of practicals/extension etc. : The internal assessment will be

based on practicals, extension work, the submitted report, test conducted if any and
attendance (attendance valuation not more than 20%). End semester evaluation will
normally involve external examinar.

Fee : As prescribed by the VYAPAM/University from time to time.

Matters not provided for in this ordinance shall be governed by the orders of the
Chairman Academic Council.
Effective from Batch 2006-2007
Course curriculum of B. Tech. (Information Technology)

Ist Semester 2nd Semester

Sr. Course Name Credit CFA ESE Sr. Course Name Credit CFA ESE
1. Engg. Physics 4 20 80 1. Engg. Chemistry 4 20 80
2. Engg. Physics Lab 2 20 80 2. Material Sc. & Technology 4 20 80
3. Engg. Maths –I 4 20 80 3. Engg. Maths –II 4 20 80
4. Communication Skill 3 20 80 4. Engg. Mechanics 4 20 80
5. Engg. Graphics 4 20 80 5. Basic Mechanical Engg. 4 20 80
6. Workshop Practice 4 20 80 6. Engg. Mechanics Lab 2 20 80
7. Computer Programming – Lab 3 20 80 7. Computer Programming –I1 Lab 4 20 80
8. Fundamental Computer 2 20 80 8. Engg. Chemistry Lab 2 20 80
9. Basic Electrical Engineering 4 20 80 9. Fundamental of Computer 2 20 80
10. Basic Electrical Engg. Lab 2 20 80 10. Basic Mechanical Engg. Lab 2 20 80
11 V.S.R. 2 100 - 11 V.S.R. 2 100 -
3rd Semester 4th Semester
Sr. Course Name Credit CFA ESE Sr. Course Name Credit CFA ESE
1. Mathematics III 4 20 80 1. Information Theory & Coding 4 20 80
2. Instrument & Measurement 4 20 80 2. Analog & Digital Comm. 4 20 80
3. Digital Electronics & 4 20 80 3. Data Structure & Organization 4 20 80
4. OOP Methodology 4 20 80 4. Computer Architecture & 4 20 80
5. Energy, Ecology & 4 20 80 5. Discrete Structure 4 20 80
Environment Science
6. Instrument & Measurement 2 20 80 6. Computer Programming Lab 4 20 80
7. Computer Programming III 4 20 80 7. Information Theory & Coding 2 20 80
8. Digital Electronics & 2 20 80 8. Analog & Digital Comm. Lab 2 20 80
Microprocessor Lab
9. OOP Methodology Lab 2 20 80 9. Data Structure & Algorithms Lab 2 20 80
10. V.S.R. 2 100 - 10. Computer Architecture & 2 20 80
Organization Lab
11 V.S.R. 2 100 -
5th Semester 6th Semester
Sr. Course Name Credit CFA ESE Sr. Course Name Credit CFA ESE
1. Data Communication 4 30 70 1. Adv. Microprocessor & Interfacing 4 30 70
& Interfacing
2. Operating System 4 20 80 2. Software Engineering 4 20 80
3. Data Base Management 4 20 80 3. Digital Signal Processing 4 20 80
4. Principles of mgt. & 4 20 80 4. Computer Networking 4 20 80
5. Computer Graphics & 4 20 80 5. Cellular & Mobile Communications 4 20 80
6. Workshop (Computer 4 20 80 6. Adv Microprocessor & Interfacing 2 20 80
Hardware) Lab Lab
7. Data communication Lab 2 20 80 7. Software Engineering Lab 2 20 80
8. Data Base Management 2 20 80 8. Computer Networking Lab 2 20 80
System Lab
9. Computer Graphics & 2 20 80 9. V.S.R. 2 100 -
Multimedia Lab
10. V.S.R. 2 100 -
8th Semester
7th Semester
Sr. Course Name Credit CFA ESE Sr. Course Name Credit CFA ESE
1. Mgt. Information System 4 20 80 1. 4 20 80
2. Networking with TCP/P 4 20 80 2. Web Engineering 4 20 80
3. Elective - I 4 20 80 3. Elective – I 4 20 80
4. Compiler Design & Translator 4 20 80 4. Elective – II 3 20 80
5. Elective - II 4 20 80 5. Distributed Systems Lab 2 20 80
6. Networking with TCP/IP Lab 2 20 80 6. Web Engineering Lab 2 20 80
7. Compiler Design & Translator 2 20 80 7. Major Project 8 20 80
8. Minor Project 4 100 - 8. Seminar 4 100 -
9. Industrial Training 3 100 -
10 Seminar 2 100 -

Department of Electronics & Computer Sciences (List of Labs.)

Name of Labs Clubbed To

i. Instrument & Measurement Lab I .T

ii. Computer Programming – Lab I .T
iii. Digital Electronics & Microprocessor Lab I .T
iv. Data Structure & Algorithms Lab I .T
v. OOP Methodology Lab I .T
vi. Analog & Digital Comm. Lab I .T
vii. Computer Architecture & Organization Lab I .T
viii. Workshop (Computer Hardware) Lab I .T
ix. Data communication Lab I .T
x. Data Base Management System Lab I .T
xi. Computer Graphics & Multimedia Lab I .T
xii. Adv. Microprocessor & Interfacing Lab I .T
xiii. Software Engineering Lab I .T
xiv. Computer Networking Lab I .T
xv. Networking with TCP/IP Lab I .T
xvi. Computer Design & Translator Lab I .T
xvii. Distributed Systems Lab I .T
xviii. Web Engineering Lab I .T
B.Tech. (Information Technology) I Sem
Sub: Engineering Mathematics I (3+1+0)
Maclaurin's and Taylor's theorem. Partial differentiation. Euler's theorem and its application in
approximation and error. Maximum and minimum of one and two variables. Tangents and
Normal. Curvature, Indeterminate forms.
Definite Integral as limit of a sum, Application in summation of series. Beta and Gamma
functions. Double and triple integral. Length of the curves, Volumes and surfaces.
Ordinary differential equations of first order. Linear higher order differential equation with
constant coefficients. Homogeneous linear differential equation. Simultaneous differential
UNIT - 4
Rank, Solution of simultaneous equation by elementary transformation, Consistency of equation.
Eigen Value and Eigen Vectors. Calley-Hamilton theorem. Algebra of Logic, Fuzzy Logic.
Boolean Algebra Principle of Duality Basic theorems, Boolean expressions and functions.
Graph Theory, Graphs Sub graphs, degree and distance, Tree, Cycles and Network

1. Differential Calculus- By Gorakhprasad
2. Gigher Engg. Mathematics- By B.S. Grawal.
3. Integral Calculus- By A.R. Vashishta & H.K. Sharma.
4. Statistics- By Ray and Sharma
5. Boolean Algeba – By Thakur & Shrivastava
6. Higher Engg Mathematics- H.K.Dass
B.Tech. (Information Technology) I Sem
Communication Skill (3+0+0)
Linguistic Techniques, Modern usage and style – comprehension skills, English Phonetic
symbols/signs, Oral Presentation- Audition.
Writing of definitions of engineering terms, Objects, processes and principles (Listening). Topics
of General Interest, Reproduction from business, daily life, travel, health buying & selling,
company structure, systems etc.
Applications, Enquiry, Calling quotation, Tenders. Order and complaint.
Precise Writing, Noting and drafting, Technical Descriptions of simple engineering objects and
processes (Writing) Report writing, Précis writing, note writing, slogan writing comment, speech
Writing technical reports of the type of observation report, Survey report, Report of trouble,
Laboratory Report and Project Report on the subjects of engineering. (Speaking) Vocabulary,
Presentations, Demonstrations, Conversation- Telephone media, socializing, cultural events,
debates, speech.
1. Business Correspondence and Report Writing – By Krishna Mohan, Prentice Hall India
2. Living English Structure – By W. Stannnard Allen, Longmans.
3. Student's Grammar- By Dev Willys Collins (Harper)
4. Spoken English for India – By R.K. Bansal & IB Garrioson (Orient Longman)
5. New International Business English – By Joans and Alexander (OUP)
6. 6. Testing English as a Second Language – By David P. Harris (McGraw Hill Pub.)

Basic Electrical Engineering (3+1+2)

Review of Single-phase AC circuits under sinusoidal steady state. Active, reactive and apparent
power, power factor. 3- Phase AC circuits, star and delta connections. Three Phase source and
load. Analysis of balanced and unbalanced systems. Power in three phase circuits and their
Review of laws of electromagnetism. Flux, M.M.F and their relation. Analysis of magnetic and
electric circuits. Saturation, B-H curves, fringing and leakage. AC excitation in magnetic circuits.
Induced voltage, Hysteresis effect and eddy currents.
Single-phase transformer, Basic concepts and construction features. Types of transformers,
Voltage, current and impedance transformation. Equivalent circuits. Per unit system, voltage
regulation, losses and efficiency. Testing of transformers. Auto transformers.
Principles of energy conversion. Production of force and e.m.f. Singly and multiply excited
magnetic field system. Torque production and torque balance. General analysis of
electromechanical System.
General construction. Definitions and terminologies, generation of e.m.f in rotating machines.
Voltage in DC and AC machines. Airgap e.m.f in DC and AC machines. Rotating magnetic field.
Torque production. Principle of operation and application of DC Machine, Three phase
synchronous and induction machines. Single phase induction motors.Insulating materials, name
plate rating, frame size, duty cycles, cooling, enclosures materials and standards.


 Measurement of impedance of RL, RC and RLC circuits. Study of Resonance phenomenon

 Measurement of active and reactive powers in single phase and three phase
 Study of no load current waveform in a single phase transformer using CRO
 Study of transformer name plate rating, determination of ratio and polarity Determination of
equivalent circuit parameters of a single phase transformer by O.C. and S.C. tests and
estimation of voltage regulation and efficiency at various loading conditions. Verification by
load test
 Study of constructional features of DC machines. Magnetization and load characteristics of
DC generator
 Characteristics of DC motors. Study of 3 and 4 point starters for DC shunt motors
 Speed control of DC motor by armature resistance control and field resistance control and
armature voltage control
 Study of constructional features of three phase induction motors. No load, blocked rotor and
load tests on three phase Induction motors
 Starting methods and construction of Single phase Induction motors.

1. Electrical Machinery, A.E. Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley and Umans, Mc Graw Hill, 5th Edition,
2. Principles of Electrical Engineering, Vincent Del Toro, Prentice Hall, 1987
3. Basic Electrical Engineering, A.E. fitzgerald, Higginbotham and Grabel, Mc Graw Hill
4. Basic Electrical Engineering, I.J. Nagrath, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1991
5. Electrical Machinery, P.S. Bimbhara
6. Basic Electrical Engineering, V.N. Mittle

Engineering Physics (3+1+2)

Matter waves & its experimental verification. Wave. Group and particle velocity & their relation.
Uncertainty principle with elementary proof & application to Microscope & Single slit.
Characteristics and continuous X-rays. Duan Huntt limits. Moseley's law. ?Bragg's equation,
Laws of diffraction Bragg's spectrometer. Compton Effect. Electron reflection. Bethe's Law.
Electron gun. Working and application of CRT & CRD viz measurement of voltage, frequency
and phase etc. Bainbridge mass spectrograph & Electron Microscope.
Cardinal points of a co-axial lens system Nodal slide experiment. Idea of Spherical & Chromatic
aberration, coma, astigmatism and distortion Ramsden & Huygens‟s eye pieces and their cardinal
points, Fresnel's biprism. Newton's rings and Michelson's Interferometer experiments. Diffraction
at single slit, double slit and diffraction grating. Rayleigh criterion, resolving power of a
telescope, microscope, grating and prism. Concept of polarized light, Brewster's laws, Double
reflection , Nicol prism, quarter & mission Nuclear reactors, its sight selection and working
Giger-Muller Counter, Mass spectrographs, Idea of cosmic rays.
Static properties and applications of nuclear model: Gammow, liquid drop and shell models,
Linear Particle accelerator, Cyclotron, Synchroutron, Synchrocyclotron, and Betatron, differential
cross section, chain reacting, critical size. Nuclear fusion &n mission Nuclear reactors, its sight
selection and working. Giger-Muller Counter, Mass pectrographs, Idea of cosmic rays.
Sumber system used in digital electronics: decimal, binary, octa, hexadecimal. Conversion of
decimal to binary octal & hexadecimal & vice versa. Addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division flotation point numbers. Signed & unsigned numbers 2, 3 compliment Boolean algebra.
AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, EX-NOR, EX-OR gates &their representation & truth table, laws
of Boolean algebra, Dc Morgan theorem & Demorganization conversion of logic circuit from one
type to Universal logic gates circuits.
Dielectric constant, moment of charge distribution, potential field due to dipole Torque & force
on a dipole in an external field. Work done in rotating a dipole. Dielectrics polarization, polar and
non –polar dielectrics. Gauss's law, B.P and D vectors, Different type of polarization. Concept of
internal fieldsClausius- Mossotti relationship. Langevin theory of dipolar orientation. Ideal and
loss dielectrics. Loss tangent and ixea of complex permittivity.
Stimulated and spontaneous emission, active medium, population inversion, pumping Optical
resonators, properties of Laser beam. Principles of Ruby, Nd YAG, He-Ne & Carbon dioxide
Lasers and their engineering uses & applications.
 To determination moment of inertia of a Fly wheel about its own axis of rotation.
 To determination of value of modulus of rigidity of the material of a given wire by a
dynamical method using Maxwell Needle.
 To determination the restoring force per unit extension of a spiral spring by statically and
dynamically method.
 To determination the frequency of an electrically maintained tuning fork by meld‟s method.
 To determination the value of “g “by kater‟s reversible pendulum bar pendulum.
 To determination the moment of inertia by inertia table.
 To determination the value of specific resistance of wire by post office box.

1. A.T.B. of Optics by Brijlal and Subraminyan
2. Feynman Lectures on physics by R.P. Feynman R.B. Leighton, A- W Publications
Massachusetts U.S.A.
3. Concepts of modern physics – A. Beiser- Mc Graw Hills, New York
4. Engineering Physics By M.N. Avadhanulu and P.G. Kshirsagar.
5. Engineering Physics By Gaur and Gupta
6. Atomic and Nuclear Physics by Brijlal and Subrammnyam
7. Electricity and Electronics by D.C. Tayal
8. Introduction ot Atomic and Nuclear Physics- Harvey. E. White-east west press New Delhi
9. Elements of Modern Physics- S.H. Patel – Tata Mc Graw Hill New Delhi

Engineering Graphics (1+0+3)

Scales: Representative fraction, lain scales, diagonal scales, scales of chords. Conic sections.
Construct ruction of ellipse, parabola and hyperbola by different methods. Normal and Tangent.
Special Curves: Cycloidal, Epi-cycloid, Hypo-cycloid. Involutes. Archimedean medium and
logarithmic spirals.
Projection points and lines, True inclinations and true length of straight lines, fraces of straight
lines. Auxiliary planes.
Projection of plains and solids: Projection of plains, Projection of polyhedral Pyramids. Cylinder
Cone and Spinier.
Section of solids: Section of right solids by normal and inclined planes.
Development of Surfaces: Parallel line and radial – line method for right solids. Method of
triangulation for oblique pyramids. Cones and transition pieces.
Intersection of Surfaces: Intersection of prisms. Pyramids, cylinder, cone, line method, cutting
plane method.
Isometric Projection: Isometric scale, isometric axes, isometric projections of planes and solids.
1. Engineering drawing – By N.D. Bhatt
2. Engineering drawing – By Venugopal
3. Engineering drawing – By Gufral & Shende
4. Engineering drawing – By Laxminarain & Vaishwakar

Fundamental of Computers (2+0+0)

History and Organization of computers, Data representation-Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal
representation, Conversion do Decimal Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal and viveversa.Binary
addition and subtraction by complimentary method.
Introduction to various types of input/output devices of a computer, Computer Memory:
Introduction to RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, magnetic hard disk, floopy disk and magnetic tape
Computer languages: Need of a programming language, low level and high level language,
introduction to compiler and interpreters.
Operating System: Need of an operating System, Types-Batch O.S., Multiprogramming O.S.,
Time Sharing O.S., Online and real time O.S.
Problems solving on computer, Algorithms and flow charts, Elements of BASIC, Control and
Input-Output statement, subscripted variables.

Functions and subroutines, writing a simple computer programs in BASIC, Introduction to Disk
Operating System-Its Internal and External Commands, Application packages-Wordstar, Lotus-
123, Introduction to dBase III Plus (Assist mode)

1. Fundamental of Computer by P. K. Sinha
2. Fundamental of computer by V. Rajaraman

Workshop Practice (1+0+3)

Smithy forges, maintenance and control of fire and fuel used in smithy shop. Use of various
smithy tools such as swage block. Anvil, Different types of Hammers, Tongs, Flatters, Cold set,
Hot set, Hydraulic swates, fullers, set hammers punches, Drifts and rivet headers )rivet snaps) etc.
Use of measuring rule. Callipers (outside and inside), Templates and gauges used in forging.
Introduction to forging and forging cethods heating metals for forging.
Forging operations:
Upsetting, Drawing down, Fullering. Swaging, Platening, Cutting down, forge welding Punching
and drafting
Three jobs to cover above course such as
Forging of chisel
Forging of C-Ring.
Forging of Pan Hook (S-shaped)
Forging of screw driver
Forging of hexagonal nut etc.
Type, Qualities of timber, disease, Timber grains, Structure of timber. Timber seasoning. Timber
preservation, approximate conversion & Market forms of timber
Wood Working tools:
: Wood working machinery, joints & joinery.
Various operations of planning using various carpentry planes swaing and marking of various
carpentry joints.
Two jobs to cover above courses such as:
Carpentry joints such as cross halving joint, mortise and tennon joint, Dovetail joint etc.
Develiling plates. Wall bracket.

Metal Bench Work
Measuring instruments. Engineer steel rule. Surface gauges calliper. Hermaphrodite calliper
(Jenny calliper). Height gauges. feeler gauges. Try square and micrometer. Use. Care and
maintenance of hand tools such as hammer. Cold chisel of different type. Center punch Hack-
saw. Dot punch. Drift. Different types of files. File cuts. File grades. Use of surface plate. Surface
gauges type of drills. Taps and dies for drilling tapping and screw threads.
Fitting operations: Chipping filling. Drilling and tapping
Two joints to cover above course such as:
Preparation of job piece by making use of filling. Sawing and chipping operation.
Job having combined practice for drilling and tapping
Job having combined practice for drilling and reaning

Pattern Making:Students are required to prepare four jobs related to pattern making and moulding
and know about:
Pattern materials, pattern allowances and types of patterns
Core box and core print. Colour codes
Use and care of tools used for making wooden patterns
Properties of good moulding and core sand. Composition of green sand. Dry sand and loam sand.
Methods used to prepare simple green and bench and pit mould, dry sand bench mould using
single piece and split patterns.
Care and use of moulding tools.
Students are required to make three jobs related to Brazing. Soldering and welding and to know
Equipment used for Branzing. Solering and gas arc welding
Selection of material and flux and pipe for gas welding
Selection of welding machine, Electrodes and current for Arc welding.
Use of tools and equipments. Safety precautions.
One composite job related to advance fitting covering knowledge about allowances and limits,
Fits and tolerances.
Use and care of important precision tools used in fitting.
1. Manufacturing Processes – chapman Vol & II
2. Production Technology – P.N. Raw.
3. Workshop Technology – Raghuwanshi Vol & II
4. Workshop Practices – Hazara Choudhary. Vol. I & II
5. Production Technology – R.K. Jain.

Computer Programming I (0+0+3)

PRINCIPLES OF OBJECT – Oriented Programming
Procedure – Oriented Programming vs. Object-Oriented Programming. Basic concepts of OOps,
Advantages of OOPs. Object Oriented Languages.
Beginning with C++
What C++, Structure of C++ program, is creating. Compiling, Linking. And Executing a C++
Token. Expressions and Control Structures.
Tokens. Keywords. Identifiers. Basic Data Types, User- Defined Data Types Derived
Data Types, Symbolic Constants. Type Compatibility. Variable Declaration. Dynamic
Initialization of Variables. Reference Variables. Operators in C++. Scope Resolution Operator.
Memory. Management Operators, Manipulators, Type Cast Operators. Operator Overloading.
Operator Precedence. Control Structures.
Main function. Function Prototyping. Call by Reference vs. Call by Value. In-line Functions.
Default Arguments. Constant Arguments. Function Overloading. Friend and Virtual Functions.
B.Tech. (Information Technology) IInd Sem
Engineering Mathematics II 4 (3+1+0)
Fourier series and Half range Fourier series. Fourier Integral.
Laplace transforms and their basic properties, Application on solution of ordinary differential
Second order differential equation with variables Coefficient, Solution by series method with
emphasis on Legendre's and Bessel's aquatic. Analytic function and conformal Transformation.
Linear and Non-Linear Partial differential equation of first and second order with constant
coefficients, Separation of variable method. Application in solution of wave and heat conduction
Vector calculus, Vector Differentiation Divergence, Gradient and Curl, Vector Integration, gauss
divergence and stoke's theorem.
Binomial, Normal and Poisson's distribution, Curve fitting Index number, Reliability or casting
and decision theory.
1. Integral transform – By Vashishta & Gupta.
2. Laplace transform – By Spicel ( Schaum's Series)
3. Vector Calculus – By A.R. Vashishta
4. Higher Engg. Maths – By B.S. Grawal.

Material Science and Technology 4 (3+1+0)

Alloys- Introduction, purpose of making alloys, Types-Ferrous alloys- stainless steel. Nickel
steel, Vanadium steel, Non ferrous alloys - Aluminium, Copper, Nickel alloys, Heat treatment
Introduction, Heat treatment processes, Annealing, Normalising, Hardening, Tempering, Case
hardening, Surface hardening, Heat treatment furnaces, Heat treatment furnace atmosphere
control, Pyrometry, Defects in the heat treatment of steel.
Introduction, definition of terms involved in phase rule, Thermodynamic derivation of phase rule.
One component system, water system, General study of Eutectic system. Peritectic system,
Ternary equilibrium Diagram, Allotropy of Iron, Iron carbon equilibrium Diagram.
Powder Metallurgy, Introduction, Application, Advantages and Disadvantages, various steps
involved in powder metallurgy. Tungsten wires, cemented carbides and metal bonded ceramics.
Composites, materials- Laminates, Reinforced composites floor materials- Linoleum. Tiles and
seamless floor finishes.
Applications of Plastics in Engineering and Industry.
Corrosion – Introduction. Factors, types of corrosion. Dry and Electrochemical corrosion & its
Galvanic corrosion, specific types – Pitting, waterline, Intergranular, stress.
Microbiological corrosion, corrosion Fatigue, Erosion corrosion
Control and prevention of corrosion – Metallic and non – metallic coatings, Paints,
Varnishes and Lacquers, cathode protection.
Metallic Bonding, Drude and Lorentz theory, Sommerfield freee electron theory, Electron
energies in metal Brillions. Zone theory, Factors affecting electrical resistance of materials.
Outline of BCC Theory. Suprconductivity and superfludity, General features of cuprate super
conductors. Electron super condutors, copper-free oxide super conductros preparation of cuprate
materials. Applications of superconductors.
Structure of Metals – Bonds in Solids, space lattices, symmetries space points and space groups,
crystal systems and crystal structure of metals. Miller indices, Miller Bravis indices,
Crystallization of metals, grains and Grain boundaries, Crystal defects.
1. Materials cience – Narula & Gupta, Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Super conductivity today – Rama Krishnan & CNR Rao, Universities Press
3. Chemistry of Engineering Materials- C. V. Agrawal, Tara Book agency
4. Silid State Physics – Kittle
5. Solid State Physics – Seitz

Sub: Basic Mechanical Engineering 6 (3+1+2)

Materials of Construction
Classification of Engineering materials, Composition, Mechanical properties and uses of cast
iron, mild steel, high carbon steel and high speed steel.
Foundry Practice:
Introduction, Pattern, Pattern materials like wood, metals, plastics etc. Types of pattern like solid,
split, match plate, gated and sweep, pattern allowances, Mould materials, Properties of a good
molding sand. Composition of green sand, dry sand, loam sand. Types of mould gating
system.Core, Core materials, properties of good core materials, core preparation.
Gas Welding Method of preparation and accumulation of oxygen and acetylene. Equipment's
used in high pressure and low pressure gas welding plant. Function of flux. Types of gas flames
Arc welding various methods of producing are Ate welding equipment's comparison between AC
and DC welding ARC welding electrodes. Flux coating on welding electrodes.
Construction, care & uses of surface plate, Straight edge, Vernier calliper, Micrometer, Dial
gauge, Slip gauge, Sine bar and Combination set.
Description, definition, specification of machine tools, working, classification and specification
of Lathe and drilling machine.
Names and functions of principle parts, classification, Boiler mountings and accessories,
Draught-natural and artificial, Height of chimney, Equivalent evaporation and boiler
Sensible heat, latent heat, super heat, internal energy, enthalpy, dryness fraction and its
determination, steam processes at constant pressure, constant volume, and constant
Description and working, hypothetical and actual indicator diagram, diagram factor, H.P.
developed and efficiencies e.g. mechanical efficiency, brake thermal efficiency and indicated
Thermal efficiency, governing, cut off and throttles compound engines (Description and working
Description and working of four stroke petrol engines, two stroke petrol engines, four stroke
diesel engines and two stroke diesel engines, relative merits and demerits

 To study of foundry shop
 To study of dial gauge
 To study of Combination set
 To study of gas welding
 To study of lathe machine
 To study of drilling machine
 To study of boiler and its mountings and accessories
 To study of IC engines and its system
 To perform spark test
 To perform sieve analysis

1.Workshop practice Raghuvanshi
2. Workshop practice Hazra & chaudhary
3 Foundary Technology Sinha & Goel (Rastogi Publication)
4. Heat engines P.L. Sallaney
5. Heat engineering Kumar & Vasandani (Metropolitan Book Company)

Engineering Chemistry 6 (3+1+2)

Sources, Impurities, Hardness & its units. Industrial water requirement & characteristics,
softening of water by various methods (L.S. Zeolite, ion exchange resin) boiler trouble (carry
over, scale and sludge, caustic embitterment) Boiler corrosion causes, effect & remedies, internal
treatment to boiler feed water, Characteristics of municipal water & its treatment, water analysis
(determination of alkalinity, temporary and permanent hardness by complexometry, D.O, B.O.D,
C.O.D, Chlorides, Sulphates, dissolved CO2 & residual chlorine. T.D.S) Numerical problems
based on water analysis and water softening processes.
Fossil fuels & classification. Calorific value & its determination by Bomb Calorimeter & its
numerical. Proximate and Ultimate analysis of coal and their significance, calorific value
Computation based on utilization analysis data. Ranking of solid fuel. Carbonization.
Manufacturing of coke & recovery of by products petrochemicals derived from alkenes, alkenes,
alkenes, benzene & its homologues. Cracking of higher Hydrocarbons & mechanism of cracking.
Knocking, relationship between knocking & structure of hydrocarbon, improvement of anti
knocking characteristics of IC engine fuels. Diesel engine fuels. Cetane number, flue gas analysis,
combustion and it related numerical problems.
Introduction, Mechanism of lubrication, Classification of lubricant, Lubricating oils, grease &
semisolid lubricant, solid lubricant, synthetic lubricant, properties and Testing of lubricating oils
(Viscosity & Viscosity index, flash and fire points, cloud and pour point, Anline value, Steam
Emulsion Number, Neutralization no, Saponification Value. Iodine. Iodine value, carbon residue)
Numerical problems based on Viscosity Index.
(Fibers, Rubbers & Elastomers, Plastics). Introduction. Classification. Types of Polymerization,
reaction mechanism. Fibers-Cellulose & synthetic Nylon Decoran, polyvinyl, Polyacrylates their
manufacture & flow sheet diagram. Rubber-Natural rubber, Isolation from latex. Vulcanization &
its mechanism cis-trans rubbers.
Elastomers: Styrene rubber (GR-S) and Vitrile rubber (GR-A), Neoprene, Buty I rubber, thiocols,
Ployurethanes, Plastic- Plastic- Classification. Thermoplastic & Thermosetting plastics,
manufacturing of Polythene, PVC, PVA, polyacrylates, Acrylonitrils, phenol formaldehyde
resins, urea formaldehyde resin & glyptals, silicone resin & its flow sheet diagrams

Classification of Cements, 1.5.1. Specifications, Composition & Manufacture of portland
Cements. Setting & Harding of lime mortar, plaster of paris, Magnesium oxy chloride. Decay of
Cements. Refractrries. Refractories- Definition, classification. Properties & uses of silica bricks,
Fire clay, Dolomite, Magnesite, Carborundum, Chromite bricks.
Introduction, Infra red. Ultraviolet, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectrophotometry,
Chromatography – Gas chromatography, Colorimetry, Lambert's and Beer's Law.

NOTE: At least 10 of the following experiments be performed during the session.
1. Water Testing
(i) Determination of Total hardness by Complexometric, titration Method.
(ii) Determination of mixed aldalinity (a) OH & Co3 _ (b) CO3 _& HCO3
(iii) Chloride ion estimation by Argentometric method.

2. Fuels & lubricant testing

(i) Flash & fire point’s determination by
(a) Pensky Martin Apparatus (b) Abel's Apparatus
(c) Cleveland's open cup Apparatus
(ii) Miscosity and Visocosity index Determination by
(a) Redwood viscometer No. 1
(b) Redwood viscometer No. 2
(iii) Prcximate analysis of coal
(a) Mosture content (b) Volatile matter content
(c) Ash content (d) Carbon residue
(iv) Stem emulsificaton No & - Anline point determination
(v) Cloud's and power point determination of lubricating oil
3. Alloy Analysis

(i) Determination of percentage of Fe in an iron alloy by redox titration using N – Phenyl

anthranilic acid as internal indicator.
(ii) Determination of Cu and or Cr in alloys by iodometric Titration


1. Chemistry in Engineering & Technology – Vol II Kuriacose & Rajaram Tata Mc. Graw.
2. A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry – S.S. Dara.
3. Chemistry for Environmental Engineering – Sawyer, Mc Carty and Parkin- Mc Graw Hill
4. Engineering Chemistry – Gopalan Venkappayya.
5. Applied Chemistry – N.Krishnamurthy. jayasubramanium.
6. Engineering Chemistry – B.K. Sharma
7. Applied Chemistry Theory and Practice, O.P. Viramani. A.D. Narula New

Engineering Mechanics 6 (3+1+2)

Concurrent, Non concurrent and parallel forces in a plane, Composition, resolution of forces,Free
body diagrams, Moment of a force and Varigonon's theorem, Conditions of Equilibrium, Polygon
of Forces and Funicular Polygon of Forces, Principle of Virtual work, Equivalent Force System.
Analysis of forces in the members of a truss. Method of joints, Method of sections. Graphical
Method for Perfect Trusses.
Location of centroid and Moment of Inertia of plane areas, Perpendicular Axis and Parallel Axis
theorems. Product of Inertia, Principal Axes and Principal Moment of solid bodies.
Coloumb's law of friction. Friction on inclined plains. Screw and Nut friction. Ladder and wedge
friction, Friction in journal collar bearings. Uniform pressure and uniform wear, Lifting
Transmission of power through Belt, Rope and Gears, Ratio and tension on tight side and slack
sides. Centrifugal tension, Spur, Bevel .Worm gearing. Rack and Pinion gear, Gear Trains.
Epicyclic Gear Train.
Kinematics in cartesian and polar coordinates,Particle under uniform and non-uniform
acceleration.Tangential and normal acceleration,Radial and Transverse velocity and
acceleration,motion under gravity.
Kinetics of particle, motion under constant force, momentum and energy principle, Impulses and
angular momentum, D' Alemberts principle, Motion under constant forque. Flywheel, Collistion
of Elastic Bodies, Shear force, and Bending moment Diagram in Cantilever and Simply
Supported beam with concentrated, Distributed load, and couple, Overhanging beams, Point of
Cotraflexure, Relationship between bending moment and shear force pure bending.
1. To determine moment of inertia of a flywheel about its own axis of rotation.
2. To study the variation of time period (T) with length (l) for a compound pendulum and
then to determinate –
1. The value of acceleration due to gravity.
2. The position of center of gravity of the bar.
3. The radius of gyration (k) of the bar about an axis passing through C.G. and
perpendicular to its length.
3. To determinate value of modulus of rigidity of the material by dynamical method using
Maxwell„s needle
4. To determinate the movement of an irregular body about an axis passing through its
center of gravity and perpendicular to its plane by dynamical method of inertia table.

1. Engineering Mechanics by R. S. Khurmi S. Chand Pubication
2. Engineering Mechanics by S. B. Junarkar
3. Strength of Material and Engineering Mechanics by S. B. Prasad

Computer Programming -II 4 (0+0+4)

How Windows Works, MS Windows, Various features, Advantages, How Windows
program works, The Structure of Windows Program, Code and Resources, Program
Instances, Compiling a Windows Program, Windows Memory Management – Memory
options, stacks and heaps.Setting up Your System: Hardware and Software Requirement.
Installation and setup options.
Hungarian Notation. A Minimal Windows Program Structure, the Windows. H file, Win Main O
function, creating a new Windows class, Message Loop.
Operating Menus, Menus Defined as Resource Data, Popup Menu, creating a Menu as program
operates, Menu Functions, The System Menu.
MOUSE HANDLING: Mouse Shape. The Caret
Character Mode versus Graphics Mode, The Device Context, Windows GDI, Text Output, The
WM_PAINT Message, Changing the Device Context, Graphics Output, Animated Graphics
using Peek Message 0 Loop, Graphics Objects like Pen, Brush. Character Sets, Fonts, and the
The ANSI Character Set, Keyboard Message Processing, System Key Messages and Dead.
Characters, Selecting a Stock Font, Keyboard Accelerators.
Types of Windows Controls Static, Button, List Boxes, Combo Boxes, Scroll Bars, Edit,
Controls and their use in windows programs.
Creating a Child Window, Sending Messages to Child Windows. Fixed Child windows, Popup
Windows.Dialog Boxes, How Dialog Boxes work, Designing a Dialog Box, Using a Dialog Box,
Exchanging Data with a Dialog Box, Modal, Modeless, and System Modal Dialog Boxes.
OTHER RESOURCES: String Tables, User-Defined Resources Managing Memory: Local vs.
Global Memory. Using Fixed and Discard able Memory Blocks. Global Memory Allocation.
How Windows Support Printers. Printer Device Context Sending Special Commands to a Printer,
Scaling the Printer Output. Allowing Interruption of a Print Job, Getting Information. About A
Device, Calling functions in the Printer Driver.Dist File Access: How Windows Access Disk
Files, Various Operations like Create, Open, Read, Write, Close etc.
How Bitmaps Store Images, Loading and Displaying a Bitmap, BITMAP Data Format, DIB
Format. Dynamic Link Librarics: Compiler Runtime Libraries. Dynamic Link Libraries, Writing
a DLL, Using DLL, Alternate Ways to Reference DLL Functions
Windows API programs based on course contents.
(At least two program from each unit).
1. Windows programming Printer Plus – By Jim Conger 1999, Galgotia Pub.
2. Windows API Bible : By James L Conger, Galgotia
B.Tech. (Information Technology) IIIrd Sem
Mathematics III 4(3+1+0)
Analytic function, Harmonic conjugate, Cauchy – Rieman Equations, Line integral, cauchy‟s
theorem, cauchy‟s integral formula, singular points, poles and residues, residues theorem,
evaluation of real integral, bilinear transformation.
Different operators, errors and approximations, interpolation, inverse interpolation, method of
least squares, numerical differentiation and integration, Newton raphson method of solving
Solutions of algebraic and transcendental equations. Solutions of simultaneous algebraic
equations, solutions of ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations.
Simultaneous linear equations, matrices, vector space and subspaces, bases and dimension,
Linear transformations and their matrix representations, change of basis.
Eigen values and Eigen vrctors, cayley-Hamilton theorem, diagonalizxabie operators, Quadratic
forms and their diagonalization, bilinear forms. Hermitian forms, definite and semi definite
1. Engineering maths part 2 & 3, D.S. Chandrasekharaiah, prism books Pvt. Ltd., 1999.
2. Advanced Engineering mathematics, E. Kveyszig – Wiley Eastern Ltd.
3. Numerical analysis by Ralph J. Stanton.
4. Engineering mathematics by Lazpa thory

Energy Ecology Environment & Society 4(3+1+0)

Introduction of energy scenario, conventional and non-conventional resources of energy, utility
and waste management of thermal, hydra energy. General idea of solar, winds, bio-mass,
geothermal, tidal and wave energy, sources and waste management of nuclear power energy.
Electromagnetic energy, radio frequency and microwaves, its biological effects.
Global warming, depletion of ozone layer, human activity and meteorology, genetic and plant
bio-diversity, EL-Nino phenomenon and its effects. Solid waste, waste disposal methods,
recycling of solid waste and its management.
Atmosphere – introduction, structure of the atmosphere, chemical and photochemical reactions in
the atmosphere, primary air pollutants – sources, control and harmful effects of CO, NOX, SOX,
HC, particulars, sampling techniques, air pollution from automobiles, photochemical smog, acid
rain some case studies of
Air pollution.
Hydrosphere – Aquatic environment, organic and inorganic water pollutants, domestic and
industrial waste treatment, aerobic and anaerobic treatment processes, sampling and preservation,
some case studies of water pollution.
Lithosphere and noise pollution – introduction of land soil pollution, control and disposal,
harmful effects.
General introduction of noise pollution and its effects. Sound unwanted form of noise, changes,
and traffic noise. Prediction and control.

1. Environmental Engineering –Howand
2. Environmental protection- Emil T. Chanlett.
3. Environmental chemistry – A.K. Dey. Wiley Eastern Ltd.
4. Environmental science – Cumingham, Saigo, Mc.Graw Hill.
5. Ecology concepts and application- Manuel C. Mmoller, Jr. Mc. Graw Hill.
6. Environmental chemistry and pollution control – S.S. Dora,

Instrumentation and Measurement 6(3+1+2)

Measurement and error, accuracy and precision sensitivity resolution, types of errors, electronic voltmeter, AC
voltmeter with rectifier and amplifier combination electronic millimeters, DC ammeter, AC current indicating
instruments, AC probes, CROs, single trace and dual beam, CROS.
Measurement of inductance, capacitance and Q of the coil, Maxwell‟s, bridge, Wines Bridge, sharing bridge. Whether
earring, evictor impedance medley transducers classification of transducers, strain, gauge, displacement transducers,
linear variable differential transducers (LVDT), photoelectric transducers, temperature measurements, thermocouples,
photosensitive device, nuclear radiation detection instruments.
Signal generator function generator, sweep frequency generator, pulse and square wave generator, wave analyzers,
harmonic distortion analyzer, spectrum analyzer, heterodyne frequency, meter frequency counter, measurement errors,
automatics and computation counter
Digital instruments Advantages of digital instruments, Over analog instruments, D-A, A-D Compression Digital
voltmeter, ramp type DVM, Integrating DVM, successive approximation DVM, Displays ( LED, LCD AND Seven
segment etc.), Instruments used in computer controlled instrumentation, RS232 and IEEE 488, GPIB electrical
interface, interfacing transducers to electronic control.
Microwave instruments, scattering parameters, Transmission and reflection parameters, Network analyzer,
Measurements uncertainty measurement with scalar and vector network, Analyzers microwave power measurement –
sources and detectors, Fiber optic power measurement, stabilized calibrated light.
 To study the concept of CRO.
 To study the multimeter and component testing.
 Measurement of unknown inductance with the help of Maxwell‟s inductance capacitance bridge.
 Measurement of unknown inductance with the help of Ownes Bridge.
 To measure the value of unknown capacitance with the help of desauty bridge.
 To express the characteristics of strain gauge.
 To measure the intensity of light source with the help of following photo transducers.

1. Photo voltaic cell 2. Photo diode 3. Photo Transistor 4. LDR

1. Instrumentation and Measurement by A.K. Sawhney

Sub: Digital Electronics and Microprocessor 6(3+1+2)

Design of asynchronous and synchronous counter-modulo-n, up, down and up/down counters, left, right and
left/right shift registers.
MST and PLD binary adder & subtractor, decimal adder, magnitude comparator, Decoders and encoders,
multiplexers, ROM, memory reference addressing.
Analysis of clocked-mode sequential machines – state reduction and assignment, and design procedure.
Asynchronous sequential logic - Analysis and design procedure, reduction of state and flow table, race-free state
assignment Hazards.

Fault diagnosis & Tolerance – classes and models, diagnosis and testing.
MICROPROCESSORS (8085) – Internal architecture, Instruction set and its classification, counters delays, stacks
and subroutines, minimum configuration memory – mapping and its interfacing, assembly level programming.
EXTENDING CONFIGURATION - Programmable peripheral interface, Programmable interval timer,
Programmable interrupt controller, Keyboard & display interface, DMA controller, USART.Introduce on to
higher-level Microprocessor.

 Write a program to add two 8 bit numbers.
 Write a program to find 1‟s complement of a 16 bit number.
 Write a program to shift a 16 bit number left by 2 bits.
 Write a program to shift a 16 bit number right by 2 bits.
 Write a program to find the largest number in a data array.
 Write a program to find sum of a series of 8 bit numbers.
 Write a program to find square root of a number.
 Write a program to find the square root of a number from look up table.
 Write a program to find 2‟s complement of a 16 bit number.

1. Digital design, digital logic and computer design, by M.Morris Mano, PHI.
2. Microprocessor arch. Programming and application with 8085 by R.S. Gaonkar
3. Digital computer electronics by A.P. Malwino and J.N.Brown, TMH, 3/e
4. 000 to 8085 Introduction to microprocessor by P.K.Ghosh & P.R. Shridhar, PHI, 2/e

Object Oriented Programming and Methodology 6(3+1+2)

Objects, objects as software modules, objects interaction, classes, method lookup, Hierarchies of
classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstract classes.
Identifying objects and classes, representation of objects, Association between objects, aggregate
components of objects.
Object oriented programming languages, class declaration, object declaration, Mandatory
profiles, message sending, Association, recursive association, many to many association,
Argument passing.
Inherited methods, redefined methods, the protected interface, abstract base classes, public and
protected properties, private operations, disinheritance, multiple inheritance.
Study of C++ as object oriented programming language.
 Programs to implement class and object.
 Programs to implement the various types of inheritance.
 Programs to implement the concept of function overloading and operator overloading.
 Programs to implement the concept of polymorphism.
 Programs to implement the concept of abstract class.

1 Object oriented programming in C++ by Robert Lafore.
2 Object oriented programming with C++ by David parsons.
3 Object oriented design with C++ by Ken Barclay.

Computer Programming III 4(0+0+4)

Section A: VISUAL C++
Introduction, Building a application, Using Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library, Visual
C++ resources: Application Wizard, Accelerators and Menus, Toolbars.
Data Access Object (DAO) versus open Database Connectivity (ODBC), Database Building
Overview, Building a Database Application Using ODBC, Building a Database Application
Using DAO.
Designing Web Page, An Overview of JavaScript, Creating and ActiveX control, Creating an
ActiveX Document Application, Using URLS and Monikers, working with Internet Information
Server (IIS), Designing with security in mind, Building a Help File, packaging Your Application.


Creating first VB Application, Adding controls, Activation controls, creating menus, VB program
structure, Handing data, Fundamental Expressions, Working with Interactive Keyboard and
screen 110, adding loops, using arrays, procedures.
VB forms, Dialog boxes, Additional controls, printing with VB, Understanding objects and using
object browser, Accessing file, Adding OLE to a program.
Using graphics and Multimedia, using form Template, accessing database, using keyboard and
mouse I/O, Building Help Subsystem, using activeX, adding Internet access to the applications.
1. Mastering Visual Basic 6 by Evangelos Petroutsos, BPB Publication
2. Visual Basic 6 by Peter Norton, BPB Publication
3. Mastering Visual C++ by Michael J. Young, BPB Publication

Information Theory and Coding 6(3+1+2)

Uncertaininty, Information And Entropy Information Measures
Characteristics on information measures, Shannon‟s concept of information, Shannon‟s measure
of information, model for source coding theorem.
COMMUNICATION SYSTEM: source coding ad line / channel coding, channel mutual
information capacity (Bandwidth).
Channel coding, theorem for discrete memory less channel, information capacity theorem:
Error detecting and error correcting codes, types of codes: block codes tree codes hamming and
lee metrics, description of linear block codes by matrices, description of linear tree codes by
matrices parity check codes, parity check polynomials.
Lossless and lossy, Huffomann codes, Binary image compression schemes, Run length encoding,
CCITT group 3 1D compression, CCITT group 3 2D compression, CCITT group 4 2D

VIDEO IMAGE COMPRESSION: Requirement of full motion video compression, CITT H 261
video coding algorithm, MPEG compression methodology. MPEG-2 compression, Audio
(speech) compression.
CRYPTOGRAPHY: encryption, decryption, cryptogram (cyphertext).concept of cipher, crypto
KEYS: single keys (secret key) cryptography, two-key (public-key) cryptography. Single key
CIPHERS: Block cipher codes, stream ciphers requirement of secrecy, the data encryption
PUBLIC KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Diffie-hellman public key distribution, the Rivest-shamir-
Adelman(R- CCITT group 3 1D compression S-A) system for public key cryptography. Digital
1. To study of analogue signal sampling and sample hold and its reconstruction using low
pass filter.
2. To construct amplitude modulation and observe amplitude modulation wave.
3. How the msg signal can be form an frequency modulated by using phase locked loop.
4. To study of frequency modulation and construction of frequency modulated signal
generated and observe its wave form.
5. To demonstrate new message signal can be referred from an amplitude modulated carries
by using diodes detector.
6. Data coding techniques for NRZ format.
7. To study of 4- chanel TDM using pulse amplitude modulation.
1. Electronics Communication by George Kannedy
2. Digital Communication by Carlson
3. Electronics Communication by J. K. Methol

B.Tech. (Information Technology) IVth Sem

Analog and Digital Communication 6(3+1+2)
Review of Fourier transform, convention, signal transmission though linear system, signal distortion in
transmission poley wiener criteria, bandwidth and rise time, energy and power signals, spectral density
and persevals theorem for energy of power signals, Hilbert transform representation of band pass signal.
Linear modulation: definition, necessity of modulation, principle of amplitude modulation ,generation
and detection of AM, sidebands, the generation and detection of side bands, comparison of various AM
systems, FDM, synchronous detection.
Definitions and relationship between PM and FM frequency deviation, Bessel‟s function, spectrum and
transmission BW of FM signals, NBFM, WBFM, phaser diagram of FM signal, multitone FM,
generation and detection of FM non linear effects in FM systems comparison of AM and FM systems,
Radio transmitter and receivers: Different types of AM and FM transmitter and receivers, AM and FM
standard broadcast transmitter and receivers, image rejection, mixer.
NOISE: classification and source of noise, noise calculation for single and cascade stages, SNR,SNR in
DSB, SSB,VSB,AM and FM systems, pre-emphasis and de-emphasis.
Sampling theorem, quantization, PCM, Commanding intesymbol interface, Eye patterns, delta
modulation, adaptive delta modulation, DPCM, S/N performance of PCM and delta modulation,
bandwidth of PCM and delta modulation.
ASK, BPSK, QPSK, M-ray PSK, DPSK, BFSK, M-ray FSK, duo binary signaling base band signal
receiver, probability of error, optimum filter, matched filter, Coherent and non coherent detection, bit
error rate.
Random signals, random variables and processes, cumulative distribution function, probability density
function, average value, variance, standard deviation moment and moment generating function,
characteristics function, Tchebycheffs inequality, Binary, Poisson and Gaussian distributions, other
distributions, central limit theorem.

Unit of information, average information, joint and conditional entropy, mutual information, channel
capacity efficiency, BSS and BEC, Shannon‟s theorem, Shannon‟s- Hartely theorem, bandwidth-S/N
ratio trade off.
Coding separable codes, Prefix property, coding efficiency, Source coding, Shannon‟s-Fano code,
Huffman code, error connection codes, FEC and ARQ, Hamming distance, Minimum distance, channel
coding, Block code, Cyclic code, Convolutional code.
 Study of amplitude modulation and determinations of modulation index.
 Design AM generator and its implementation
 Design of AM detector and its implementation
 Study of FM
 Design of FM generator and its implementation
 Study of Waveform synthesizer
 Verification of sampling theorem
 Time division multiplexing
 Study of PCM System
 Study of DM System
 Study of ASK System
 Study of BPSK System
 Study of DPSK System
 Study of BFSK System

1. Communication system – S Hykinl
2. Principle of communication – Taub& schilling
3. Communication system – B.P.Lathi

Data Structures and Algorithms 6(3+1+2)

Structural Programming, top-down design, abstract data type, implementation of arrays,triangular
arrays, structures, character strings, Pointers dynamic memory management.
Singly linked list, implementation linked list using arrays, implementation linked list using
dynamic memory allocation circular link list, Josphus problem, doubly linked list, polynomial
manipulation using linked list, representation of sparse matrices.
Stacks-their concepts and implementation, multiple stacks.Conversion of infix to postfix notation
using stack, evaluation of postfix expression, recursion, how recursion-works, queues their
concepts and implementation, deque, primary queues, simulation.
Trees, Binary tree-their representation and operations, tree traversals, threaded binary trees,
conversion of general trees of binary trees, binary expression tree, applications oftrees sequential
searching, binary search , height balanced tree and weight balanced trees, multiway search
trees,digital search, trees, hashing and collision-resolution techniques.
Various sorting algorithms viz. Bubble sort, selection sort, inserted sort, Quicksort, merge sort,
address calculation sort and heap sort, complexity of the algorithm.
Graphs, terminology, representation of graphs, reachability, minimum path problem, critical
events, graph traversals, spanning trees, applications of graph.

 Classes teaching with more emphasis on problems and algorithms to give a better
understanding of subject.
 Programs implement stacks,queues, trees and graphs.
 Programs to solve josephus problem, simulation,polynomial manipulation.
 Programs to implement various searching and sorting techniques.
1. Data Structures using C by Tannenballam
2. Data Structures by TrembleySorenson
3. Data Structures using C by Rajiv Jindal

Computer Architecture & Organization 6(3+1+2)

Introduction to digital computer, Von Neumann model-CPU, memory, I/O, system bus, program
execution, instruction and data prefetcher, multilevel M/C architecture, concept of interpreters
and translators, hardware, software & firmware, scalable architecture.
Number systems- binary, octal, hexadecimal number system. Integer & floating point
representation and arithmetic, alphanumeric codes, BCD code, gray code.
Processor design- Instruction design- types – data transfer and manipulation, PSW and program
flow control instruction for stack manipulation, Formats- opcode and operands, addressing
modes. Control of CPU, hard wired control, wired control microprogammed control, RISC &
Memory organization-characteristics of Memory- ROM, RAM, memory technologies- static and
dynamic RAM, memory address mapping, memory hierarchy, virtual memory, associative
memory, cache memory-cache organization & management, auxiliary storage devices.
Input Output organization –I/O devices & interfaces, asynchronous data transfer, DMA, program
and interrupt driven I/O, software and hardware interrupts, ISR, priority interrupts, IOP.
Introduction to parallel processing, general pipelines, instructions and arithmetic pipelines,
instruction perfect, branch handling, data burreing, Internal forwarding and register tagging.
 To study of multimeters (Digital and Analog).
 To study of various types of electronic components and measurement by meter.
 To study of various types of mother boards.
 To study of interfacing cables.
 To study of SMPS power supply.
 To study of floppy disk drives (1.44 MB and 1.2 MB)
 To study of hard disk drives.
 To study of various types of keyboards.
 To study of various types of input output cards.
 To study of monitors (B/W and cloured)
 To calculate the internal Ohm‟s value of carbon resistance.
1. Structured Computer Organization, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, PHI, 3/e
2. Computer System Architecture, M.Morris Mano PHI 3/e
3. Computer Organization and Architecture, Williams Stallings PHI, 4/e
4. Computer Architecture & Organization, John P.Hayes, Mc Graw Hill Int.,2/e

Discrete Structure 4(3+1+0)

Introduction, sets, finite and infinite sets uncountable infinite sets, mathematical induction,
principles of inclusion and exclusion and multisets.
Relations and functions, a relational model for data bases, properties of binary relations,
equivalence relations and partitions partial ordering relations and lattices chains and antichains, A
job scheduling problem functions and pigeonhole principle.
Propositional logic, conjunction, disjunctions and negations interpretation of formulas in
propositional logic, validity and consistency, normal form in propositional logic and logic
consequences, introduction to finite state machines, finite state machines as models of physical
system equivalence machines, finite state machines as models of physical system equivalence
machine, finite state machines as language recognizers.
Introduction and basic terminology of graphs, planner graphs, multigraphs and weighted graphs,
shortest path in weighted graph, introduction to eulerian paths and circuits, Hamiltonian paths and
circuits, introduction to trees, rooted trees, path length in rooted trees prefix codes spanning trees
and cut trees.
Introduction to discrete numeric functions and generating functions, manipulation of numeric
functions, generating functions, introduction to combinational problems, introduction to
recurrence relations and recursive algorithms linear recurrence relations with constant coefficient,
homogeneous solutions, particular salutations, total solutions.
Introduction to groups and rings, subgroup generations and evaluation of power, cosets and
Lagrange‟s theorem, codes and group codes, isomorphism and automorphism, homomorphism
and normal sub groups, rings, integral domains and fields.

1. Elements of Discrete mathematics C.L.Liu

Computer Programming IV 4(0+0+4)
Section A: UNIX

UNIX overview:
UNIX features, the kernel, the shell File system:
Directory system, login directory, in code-user identification, permission bits, files sharing.
Process management:
Scheduling, interprocess communication, UNIX signals, pipes and filters, multithread execution,
Memory Management
Swapping in real-storage UNIX systems, address, mapping in a virtual storage UNIX system,
paging, swapping in virtual storage UNIX systems, dynamic storage allocation.
The input/output system
Devices, descriptors, I/O system calls, Non-blocking I/O
Working with C-UNIX
System calls and UNIX library functions, UNIX-C interfaces, working with UNIX C files and
graphics, UNIX program development: cc, make, and applications, UNIX Tools: grep, sed, TX,

Section B: LINUX

Installing Linux
Overview of features, Linux hardware requirements, partitioning hard drive, installing Linux,
installing Red Hat, Running Linux applications
System administration
Understanding System administration, Booting and Shutting Down, Managing user Accounts,
backing up data, system security.
Managing the file system
Managing and upgrading the file and directory system
Working with Linux:
Linux Shells, managing multiple processes, using the vi editor, using the emacs editor, printing.
Network administration
Understanding the TCP/IP protocol suite, configuring a TCP/IP network, configuring, domain
name service, using SLIP and PPP.
Using the internet
Accessing the network with telnet, ftp, and r-commands, surfing the internet with World Wide
Web, using electronic mail, Usenet news.
Setting up a Web Site
Working with apache, managing an Internet Web server.
1. Advanced UNIX: A programmers Guide – Stephen prata, the Wait group, SAMS pub.
2. Using Linux- The most complete reference, third edition QUE pub. –jack Tackett jr.and
David Gunter.

B.Tech. (Information Technology) V Sem

Data Communication 6(3+1+2)

Unit I
Basic Data Communication Concepts :
Host computer and terminal modems, parallel and serial transmission
Asynchronomy and synchronous transmission. Simplex, half duplex and
Duplex. Front –end processor, port-sharing device, Line splitters and remote
intelligent controllers. Multiplexer: TDM,FDM,VVDM. Data compression
devices, Inverse multiplexer.

Unit II
Data Interfaces and transmission :
Digital interface standards: RS-232 standard, hand shaking, connecting a DTE in RS-
232 C, RS –449, RS-422A and RS-423A standards. High-speed desktop serial
interfaces. Remote digital transmission carrier ISDN, Packet data network, Digital
access. Data communication Efficiency: Modems, AM, FM, Phase modulation,
multispeed modems, high speed modems, Error Correcting modems data compression in
modems. Short-wave modems, Facsimile and Fax modems.

Unit III
Data Integrity and, security:
Data Integrity, sources of error control approaches. Implementation of error
control Echo checking parity checking and cyclical purity, Hammering code,
checksums, Cyclical Redundancy check. Security and security measuring.

Unit IV
Architecture and Protocols :
OSI models, Traditional communication architecture: System network Architecture
and other communication architecture Protocols : polling and selecting , automatic
repeat request common link level protocols. Converters and code converters TCP/IP

Unit V

Data transport Network

Packet switching, LAN and indent working

References :

1. Data & Network Communication, Michael A. Miller – DELMAR (Thomson

learning) / Vikas Publication.
2. Data & Computer Communication, William Stallings – Pearson Education.
3. Understanding Data Communication & Networks, William A Shay – Thomson
Learning / Vikas Publication.

B.Tech. (Information Technology) V Sem

Operating System 4(3+1+0)

Unit I
Introduction to Operating Systems, Operating system services,
multiprogramming, time-sharing system, storage structures, system calls,
multiprocessor system. Basic concepts of CPU scheduling, Scheduling criteria,
Scheduling algorithms, algorithm evaluation, multiple processor scheduling, real
time scheduling I/0 devices organization, I/0 devices organization, I/0 devices
organization, I/0 buffering.
Unit II
Process concept, process scheduling, operations on processes, threads,
interprocess communication, precedence graphs, critical section problem,
semaphores, classical problems of synchronization. Deadlock problem, deadlock
characterization, deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance, deadlock detection,
recovery from deadlock, Methods for deadlock handling.
Unit III
Concepts of memory management, logical and physical address space, swapping,
contiguous and non-contiguous allocation, paging, segmentation, and paging
combined with segmentation.

Unit IV
Concepts of virtual memory, demand paging, page replacement algorithms,
allocation of frames, thrashing, demand segmentation. Security threads protection
intruders-Viruses-trusted system.

Unit V
Disk scheduling, file concepts, file access methods, allocation methods, directory
systems, file protection, introduction to distributed systems and parallel
processing case study.

1. Operating System by Silberschatz
2. Operating System by Deitel
3. Modern operating system by Tanneubacem.
B.Tech. (Information Technology) V Sem
Data Base Management System 6(3+1+2)
Unit I
DBMS Concepts and architecture Introduction, Review of file organization
techniques, Database approach v/s Traditional tile accessing approach,
Advantages of database systems, Data models, Schemas and instances, Data
independence, Functions of DBA and designer. Entities and attributes, Entity
types, Value, Sets, Key attributes, Relationships, Defining the E-R diagram of
database, Various data models : Basic concepts of Hierarchical data model,
Network data model, and Relational data model, Comparison between the three
types of models.
Unit II
Relational Data models: Domains, Tuples, Attributes, Relations, Characteristics
of relations, Keys, Key attributes of relation, Relational database, Schemas,
Integrity constraints, Intension and Extension, Relational Query languages:
Relational algebra and relational calculus, Relational algebra operations like
select, Project, Join, Division, outer union etc.
Unit III
Types of relational calculus i.e. Tuple oriented and domain oriented relational
calculus and its operations.
SQL: Data definition in SQL, update statements and views in SQL QUEL &
QBE: Data storage and
definitions, Data retrieval queries and update statements etc.
Unit IV
Data Base Design: Introduction to normalization, Normal forms, Functional
dependency, Decomposition, Dependency preservation and losless join, problems
with null valued and dangling tuples, multivalued dependencies. Distributed
databases, protection, security and integrity constraints, concurrent operation on
databases, recovery, transaction processing, basic concepts of object oriented
data base system and design.
Unit V
Case study of relational database management systems: Oracle and Microsoft
access, Oracle tools.

In this subject the students are supposed to prepare a small database application in
complete semester like financial accounting system, Railway reservation system,
institute time-table management system, student record system, library
management system, hospital management system etc. In RDBMS.

1. Data Base Management System by C.J. Date
2. Data Base Management System by Ullman
3. Fundamental of database system by Elmasri / Navathe the Benjamin / Cunnings
Publishing company inc.
4. Database Management System-Narang Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

B.Tech. (Information Technology) V Sem

Principles of Management and Manegerial Economics 4(3+1+0)

Unit I

Management Concept: Management, Administration and Organization

Difference and Relationship between Organization Management and
Administration. Importance of Management, Characteristics of Management

Unit II
Management: Scientific Management, Principles of Management, Process of
Management, Functions of Management, Levels of Management, Project Management

Unit III
Decision Making: Introduction and Definition, Types of Decisions, Techniques of
Decision Making, Decision making under certainity Decision making under uncertainty,
Decision Making under risk

Unit IV
Managerial Economics: Introduction, Factors Influencing Manager, Micro and Macro-
economics, Theory of the Cost, Theory of the Firm, Theory of Production Function.

Unit V
Productivity: Input-Output Analysis, Micro-economics Applied to Plants and Industrial
Undertakings, Production and Production system, Productivity, Factors affecting
Productivity, Increasing Productivity of Resources


1. The Practice of Management Peter Drucker Harper and Row

2. Essentials of Management: Koontz, Prentice Hall of India
3. Management Staner, Prentice Hall of India
4. Principle and Practice of Management T.N. Chhabra, Dhanpat Rai New Delhi
5. Industrial Organisation and Engineering T.R. Banga and S.C. Sharma,Economics
Khanna Publishers
6. Industrial Engineering and Management O.P. Khanna, Dhanpat Rai
7. Managerial Economics Joel Dean, Prentice Hall of India
8. Managerial Economics Concepts & Cases V.L. Mote, Samuel Paul, G.S. Gupta,
Tata Mc Graw Hill New Delhi
9. Managerial Economics V.L.Mote, Tata McGraw Hill
10. Analytical Models for Managerial and Engineering Economics Schweyer Reinhold
B.Tech. (Information Technology) V Sem
Computer Graphics & Multimedia 6(3+1+2)

Unit I
Introduction to Raster Graphics, Graphics System Architecture, Concept of scan
Conversion of Drawing Primitive 2D and 3D Geometrical transformation,
Concept of Windows and View port, 3D Viewing and perspective transformation

Unit II
Illumination and shading models, colors & colors models, geometric
transformation of images & image composing filling algorithm, managing
windows with bitable

Unit III
Multimedia: Definition, component text, audio, graphics, video & hypertext
Hardware: Peripherals Connection: SCSI, IDE, MCI

Unit IV
Memory: Optical Storage, CDs, Video Disc PlayersInput Methodology: Pens,
Scanners, Digital Camera, Digital Audio, Full motion Video, video camera
devices Multimedia data & File format standards: RTF, TIFF, MIDI, JPEG-, DIB,

Unit V
Multimedia Software: Basic Tools, Presentation tools Multimedia Authoring
tools: Types Of Authoring Tools,
Card and Page based Authoring tools, illustrations through some authoring tools
like author ware Professional
(Window based): Editing, Authoring, Presentations, Object Oriented Authoring
Suggested Experiments:
Image Processing & Pattern Recognition Animation of an object Program 2D &
3D image program Other related program


1. Tay Vaughan “ Multimedia: making it work” Tata McGraw Hill 1999, 4th edition
2. Prabhat k Andleigh, Kiran Thakral “Multimedia System Design”, PHI
3. Folay Vandam, Feiner, Hughes “Computer Graphics Principle & Practice”
Adison Wesley,2/e. 1997
B.Tech. (Information Technology) V Sem
Workshop (Computer Hardware-Lab) 4(0+0+4)

Essentials of Networking

Installation and implementation of:

1. Workstations in NOS.
2. Servers in NOS.
3. Enterprise servers in NOS
Options of NOS are
a. Microsoft Windows NT
b. Linux
c. Unix.
d. Sun-Solaris.

(H/W Examples: AS/400; RS-6000; IBM-Compatible Platform Silicon-

Graphics for multimedia; IBM-Net Finity Server)

B.Tech. (Information Technology) VI Sem

Sub: Advance Microprocessor & Interfacing 6(3+1+2)

Salient feature of advanced microprocessors. RISC & CISC processors. Review of evolutions of
advanced microprocessors: 8086, 8088, 186/286/386/486/pentium. Super scalar architecture of Intel
8086/motorola 68000 and assembly language programming with Intel 8086 microprocessor.
Introduction to the various interfacing chips like 8212,8155,8255,8755 and interfacing keyboards
printers LEDS motors ADC, DAC and stepper motors and introduction to programmable
keyboard/display interface.
General-purpose programmable peripheral devices (8253) 8254 programmable interval timer 8259A
programmable interrupt controller and 8257 DMA controllers.
Serial I/0 and data communication use RS 232C, Modem etc. & various standers.
Introduction to micro controllers, DSP processors & transporters, development tools like MDS, & logic
analyzer, Memory interfacing, floppy & CD ROM drives.
 Write a program for byte multiplication.
 Write a program for word multiplication.
 Write a program for if-then-else implementation.
 To study of DC motor controller.
 To study of serial display card.
 To study of analog to digital converter card.
 To study of keyboard display 8279 chip.
 Write a program for factorial by recursion.
 Write a program for 32 bit division.
 Write a program for BCD to Hexadecimal.
1. The INTEL Micro processors, Architecture programming & interfacing, B.B. Brey (PHI),
2. The 8088 & 8086 micro processor, A Triebel & Avtar Singh (PHI),
3. Advanced micro processor & interfacing,. D. Hall (Mc - Graw Hill),
4. Microprocessor principle & applications, A. Pal (TME),.
5. Interfacing techniques in digital design with emphasis on Microprocessors, R.L. Krutz (John wiley),
6. Introduction to Microprocessors”. Intel Corporation Microprocessors data manuals, A.P. Mathur
7. Microprocessors fundamentals & applications (Handson), Microprocessor training Inc.,

B.Tech. (Information Technology) VI Sem

Software Engineering 6(3+1+2)

The Software Product and Software Process Software Engineering –A layered Technology Assembly
Model, Formal Methods, Fourth-Generation Techniques, Requirement Analyses Modeling.
The Systems Engineering Hierarchy, Information Engineering. Information Strategy.
System Engineering.
Planning, Business Area Analysis, Product Engineering.
Project Management Concept & Software Project Planning.
Project Management Concept Project Planning objectives, Resources, Software Project Estimation,
Decomposition Techniques, Empirical Estimation Models, and Automation Estimation Tools.
Design concepts, Principle, and methods the software design process: Design Principles.
Design concept: Effective Modular Design, design Ileuristcs, Design Documentation, Design Methods:
Data Design, Architectural Design, Interface Design, Human-Computer Interface Design, Procedural
Software testing methods.
Software Testing Fundamentals, Test Case Design, Black-Box Testing.
Software Testing Strategies: Verification & Validation, Strategic Issues, Unit Testing, Integration
Validation Testing, System Testing.
Software Process & Project Metrics I.
Measure, Metrics in the Process & Project Domains, Software Measurement, Metrics of Software
Object Oriented Software Engineering & CASE.
The Object Oriented paradigm, overview of Object Oriented Analysis (OOA), Object Oriented Design
(OOD), Object Oriented Testing Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE).
Select any problem & using CASE tools (if needed).
 Analyze the problem & prepare the system requirements specification.
 Draw a context Flow diagram, Data flowing diagram for the system.
 Implement the problem in any language.
 Perform different kind of tests on the product.
 Explore the maintenance responsibilities.
 Find software complexity of the software product.
 Find the Software reliability of the software product.

1. Software Engineering: A Practitioner‟s Approach by R. S. Pressman Fourth edition McGraw- Hill pub.
2. An integrated approach to software Engineering – Pankaj Jlote 1991, Narosa Pub.
3. Software engineering – sommerville Oxford University press 1996.

B.Tech. (Information Technology) VI Sem

Sub: Digital Signal Processing 4(3+1+0)
Introduction of Digital signal processing. Discrete time signal and sequences, linear shift
invariant systems, stability & casualty. Liner constants coefficient difference equations,
frequency domain representation of discrete time signals & systems.
Discrete Fourier series transformers: properties of discrete Fourier series, DFS representation of
periodic sequences, discrete Fourier transformer: properties of DFT, liner convolution of
sequences using DFT. Computation of DFT, fast Fourier transform FFT – Radix 2 decimation in
time and decimation in frequency FFT algorithm, Inverse FFT.
Application of Z-transformer solutions of difference equations of digital filters system
function stability criterion frequency response of stable systems, realization of digital filters-
direct, canonic, cascade & paralle UNIT -IV
IIR Digital filters: analog filter approximation – Butter worth & chebyshev, Design of IIR,
Digital filter from analog filter – Bilinear transformation method, step and impulse in variance
techniques, spectral transformation.
FIR digital filter: Characteristics of FIR digital filters, frequency response, design of FIR digital
filter using.
Window technique. Comparison of IIR & FIR filters. Application of FFT in spectrum analysis
and filtering.
Application of DSP to speech processing reader signal processing.

1. DSP by Opentiem and Schaffer
2. Introduction to DSP by Prokis

B.Tech. (Information Technology) VI Sem

Computer Networking 6(3+1+2)
Introduction Theoretical Model for communication, analog and digital signal, bandwidth
Noise channel capacity, data-rate, concept of circuit switching, Massage switching and packet switching
with their timing diagrams, comparison of switching techniques, ISDN.
Evolution of computer network – Layered network architecture, OSI layers model, transmission media –
topology, error detection & correction techniques, parity checks, CRC, Asynchronous and synchronous
transmission, TDM, FDM.
Data – link layer: Different types of line discipline, simplex, half duplex and full duplex, flow control;
stop and wait protocol, sliding window protocol with their performance, HDLC.
LAN: Static & Dynamic channel allocation Media access control for LAN & WAN; ALOHA: pure,
ALOHA, CSMA, CSMA/CD IEEE 802 standards for LAN & MAN: 802.3, 802.4, 802.5, 802.6 and
802.2 & their comparison Fast LANs: Fast Ethernet, FDDI.

Routing: Definition, Elements of routing technique, least cost Routing algorithm Dijkstra‟s algorithm,
Bellman - Ford algorithm Routing strategies, Congestion control encryption & description technique.
Internet and Internet
Instructional Strategies:
All units required the lecture, Tutorial, Practical and seminar.
 Study of different types of LANs.
 Channel capacity performance.
 B/W – Noise relation working.
 Internet performance.
 Simplex, Half duplex, full duplex performance.
 TDM performance.
 FDM performance.
1. Computer networks – Tanenbaum A. S. PHI.
2. LANs - Keizer.
3. Computer networks – Stalling W., PHI.
4. ISDN & Board band.
B.Tech. (Information Technology) VI Sem
Sub: Cellular and Mobile Communication 4(3+1+0)

Introduction to cellular mobile system. A basic cellular system. performance criteria. Uniqueness
of mobile radio environment, operation of cellular systems, planning and cellular system. Analog
and digital cellular system.
Elements of cellular radio system design: General description of the problem, Concept of
frequency channel, Co channel interface reduction factor, Cell splitting, Consideration of the
components of the cellular system.
Interface: Introduction to co channel interface, Real time Co channel interface co channel
measurement, Design of antenna system, Antenna parameter and their effects. Diversity receiver
non co channel interface different types
Cell coverage for signal and traffic: General Introduction, obtaining the mobile point to point
mode propagation over water or flat open area, foliage loss, propagation near in distance. long
distance propagation, point to point prediction model characteristics, cell site antenna heights and
signal coverage cells, mobile to mobile propagation.
Cell site antennas and mobile antennas : Characteristics , Antennas at cell site , Mobile antennas .
Frequency management and channel Assignment : Frequency management, fixed channel
assignment , non fixed channel assignment , Traffic and channel assignment .
Hand off. Dropped call: Why hand off, types of hand off and their characteristics, Dropped call
fates and their evaluation.
Operational Techniques: parameters, Converge hole filter, leaky feeders, Cell splitting and small
cells. Narrow beam concept.
1. Cellular and Mobile Communication by Lee (McGraw I II II)
2. Wireless Digital Communication by Dr. Kamilo Faher (P H I)

B.Tech. (Information Technology) VII Sem

Management Information System 4(3+1+0)
Information system: Information, Importance, Taxonomy of information, Integrated information system,
Information Resource Management.
MIS: Definition of MIS, Evaluation, MIS component, Fundamental Aspects, Example of MIS,
Subsystem of an MIS, Model of MIS, DSS, ESS, GDSS, TPS, KWS.

Organization Structure: Characteristic Organizational Structure, Types of Organization, Managerial
issues Organization flexibility.
Study of Business information system, ERP, MRP-1, MRP-11, operation research latest MIS
Approaches of MIS, System analysis, Database Prospective of MIS, BPR, TQM, case studies.
5. Mgmt. Info. System, Jane P. Kaudon PHI, 1995.
6. Management information system, James A. O‟brien Tata McGraw Hill 1999.
7. Management information system, Gorden B. Davis, Tata McGraw Hill 1984.
8. Operation Research, J. K. Sharma BPB.
9. Management information system, Henry C. Lucys Tata McGraw Hill
10. Analysis design & implementation system, A. K. Sharma, Vikas Pub. House Pvt. Ltd., Delhi

B.Tech. (Information Technology) VII Sem

Networking With TCP/IP 6(3+1+2)
The view of network technologies and protocols – Needs of protocols, Comparison of TCP/IP with OSI, goals
of TCP/IP architecture. Reviews of wide area and local area networks, Ethernet tech, FDDI, ATM,
ARPANET. Internetworking concept & architecture model.
Internet addressing – classes of IP addresses, loop back address, mapping internet address to physical address
(ARP), determining an internet address at startup (RARP).
Internet protocol (IP): Connectionless data gram, delivery, routing IP data grams error and control massages
(ICMP), subnet and supernet address extension.
User data gram protocol (UDP): format of UDP massage, pseudoheaders, UDP encapsulation and protocol
layering, checksum computation multiplexing demultiplexing in UDP.
Transmission control protocol: properties reliable delivery sliding window concept architecture of TCP frame,
headers checksum, response to conjection time out. Connection establish and release. Routing algorithms,
course and peers gateway to gateway protocol (GGP), exterior gateway protocol messages (EGP), internet
TCP/IP over ATM networks, client server model of interaction socket interfaces, domain name service
Internet applications & security: Remote login, telnet, FTP, NFS, TFTP, electronic mail (SMTP, MIME).
Management (SNMP, SNMPV2).
Internet security & firewall design, the future of TCP/IP (Ipng, Ipvg).
 To study FTP, Telnet protocols using LINUX platform.
 Write a program to design the fork (), execlp () waitpid, getpid system call.
 Write a program to design a concurrent Server and clients using Sockets and TCP/IP
 Design a small project for railway reservation system, in which administrator has the power
to add trains, seats in a train, delete train, and clients can get reservation to particular train,
Authenticity should be checked while clients login to the system. This program should be
done using TCP/IP sockets and send (), fork (), receive () and system ().
1. Internetworking with TCP/IP – Vol. I – Dulgus E. Comer - PHI.
2. TCP/IP and ONC/NFS – Micheal Santifaller – Anderson Wesley.

B.Tech. (Information Technology) VII Sem

Compiler Design & Translator 6(3+1+2)
Compiler, Translator, Interpreter definition, Phase of Compiler introduction to one pass &
Multipass Compilers, Bootstrapping, Review of finite automata lexical analyzer, Input,
Buffering, Recognition of tokens, Idea about LEX a lexical analyzer generator, Error
Review of CFG Ambiguity of grammars, Introduction to parsing. Bottom up parsing Top
Down parsing
Techniques, Shift reduce parsing, Operator precedence parsing, Recursive descent parsing
Predictive parsers.
LL grammars & passers error handling of LL parser.
LR parsers, construction of SLR, Conical LR & LALR parsing tables, parsing with
Ambiguous grammar.
Introduction of automatic parser generator 1 YA error handling in LR parsers.

Syntax directed definitions, Constructions of syntax trees, L ~ attributed definitions, Top
down translation Specification of a type checker, Intermediate code forms using postfix
notation & three address code, representing TAC using triples & quadreples, Translation of
Assignment statement. Boolean expression and control structure.
Storage organization, Storage allocation, Strategies, Activation records, Accessing local &
Non local names in a block
structured language, Parameters passing, Symbol table organization, Data structures used in
Symbol tables.
Definition of basic block control flow graphs DAG representation of basic block,
Advantages of DAG, Sources of
optimization, Loop optimization, Idea about global data flow analysis, Loop invariant
computation, Peephole
Optimization, Issues in design of code generator, a simple code generator, Code generation
From DAG.

1. Write a program to construct deterministic finite automata from nondeterministic finite automata.
2. Write a program to construct an NFA from a regular expression.
3. Write a program to minimize the number of states of a DFA.
4. Write a program for top down parsing.
5. Write a program to construct SLR parsing tables.
6. Write a program to construct LALR parsing tables.
7. Write to calculate the operator precedence relations.
1. Principles of Compiler design By Aho-Ullman Narosa Publishing House.
2. Compilers: Principles Techniques & Tools By Aho-Ullman – Sethi Addision wesley.
3. Compiler Construction By Dhamdhere
Elective I (A)
B. Tech. (Information Technology) VII Sem
Robotics and Computer Vision 4(3+1+0)

Introduction Background, Robot arms, Kinematics and introductory dynamics. Manipulator,
Trajectory planning motion control robot sensing.
Robot arm kinematics, the direct kinematics problem, Different types of rotation and
transformation matrix DH representation.
Sensing: Different type of sensing method rande sensing, Proximity sensing, Types of sensior,
Force, Touch sensior, Sensior calibration.
Computer vision, Low- level vision, Image acquisition, Illumination techniques imaging
geometry, stereovision, and segmentation.
Robot programming languages: Characteristic of task level, Robot level languages, Sensing and
flow of control task specification, Robot programmed synthesis.

1. Robotics, K.S. FU.
2. Computer Vision, Brown.
Elective I (B)
B. Tech. (Information Technology) VII Sem
Very Large Scale Integration Circuit Design 4(3+1+0)

Introduction to CMOS Circuit, Circuit & System representation behavioral representation
structure representation. Physical representation MOS Transistor Theory. NMOS & PMOS
enhancement transistor threshold voltage, Body effect. MOS Device Design Equation. Basic
DC Equation, Second order effect, MOS models.
The complementary CMOS inverter – DC Charact, Static load MOS inverters. The differential inverter.
Tristate inverter. Bipolar devices, Diodes, Transistors, BICMOS inverters.
Review of silicon semiconductor technology & basic CMOS technology – n – well & p- well process
interconnect & circuit twin – tub process layout design rules & latch-up, latch-up triggering &
Circuit Characterization & performance estimation resistance & capacitance estimation, Switching
characteristics CMOS gate transistor sizing, Power dissipation. Basic physical design of simple logic
gates. CMOS logic structure.
CMOS design methods. Design strategies. Programmable logic, Programmable logic structure,
reprogrammable gate arrays. Exiling Programmable gate arrays. Algotonix, Concurrent logic, sea of gate
& gate arrays design /HDL as a tool.
1. Principles of CMOS VLSI design. Author: Neil, H. E. WASDTE, KAMRAN ESHRAGHIAN,
publisher Addison-Wesley

Elective I (C)
B. Tech. (Information Technology) VII Sem
Material Science & Technology 4(3+1+0)

Polymers – General introduction mechanism of polymerization plastics their manufacture
engineering properties & uses, thermoplastic resins – cellulose nitrates, polythene, polystyrene,
polycrylonitile, polymethyl, methacrylate polyvinyl acetate, P.V.C., fluorocarbons polyamides
thermosetting resins – phenolic resins, Amino resins, polyesters, silicones.
Elastomers – Natural & synthetic rubbers, Vulcanization preparation, properties & uses of Buna – S,
Buna – N, Bunty rebber neoprene polyurethanes.
Semiconductor & Superconductor – Structure, conduct process, type of doping, semiconductor junction
photo conductivity, HS & DHS layers. Elementary properties joshephosons effect & BCC theory, new
super conducting material application liquid He – I & HE – II, mercury material (Nitinol).
Dielectric & Magnetic properties – Polarijetion process, classius mossoti eq. Dielectric break down,
productive material, various types of dielectric capacitor & other application of dielectric
Classification of magnetic, materials, hysteresis loop, domain theory, soft & hard magnetic material,
ferrites application.
Ferrous & Not – Ferrous material & problems – Ferrous material: production of iron & steel heat
treatments of steel composition, properties, use of carbon steels, alloy – steel nickel steel, chrome steel,
Tool steel, the effect of alloying elements.
Non ferrous material: Al, Cu, Mg, Pb, Sn, Zn, Ni, physical & mechanical properties, techniques uses.
Non ferrous alloys: Cu alloy, Al alloy, Ni alloy, Mg alloy, bearing alloy. Corrosion, types of corrosion,
dry & electrochemical corrosion & mechanism, galvanic corrosion, specific type spitting water line,
intergranular, stress, corrosion. Fatigue, erosion. Control & prevention of corrosion-metallic & non
metallic coating protections.
1. Material Science – Narula & Gupta, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Engineering Materials – R. K. Rajput, S. Chand & Co. Ltd.
3. Super Conductivity today – C. N. R. Rao, University Press.
4. Engineering Chemistry – S. S. Dara, S. Chand & Co. Ltd.
5. Rubber Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Electronic Engineering Materials & Devices – John Allison, Pub. McGraw Hill.

Elective I (D)
B. Tech. (Information Technology) VII Sem
Simulation and Modeling 4(3+1+0)
Definition of systems:
Type of system, continuous and discrete modeling process and definition of a model. Common type of
Mathematical models used for Engineering and Non- Engineering system (Such as differential and partial
Differential equation models.)
Simulation process:
Discrete and continuous simulation procedures. Random number generation & it‟s testing discrete &
Continuous random variables density & distributive functions, Study of few distributions such as Poisson,
Simulation of queuing system:
Elementary idea about networks of queuing with particular emphasis to computer system, environment.
Verification & validation: Design of simulation experiments & validation of simulation experiments
comparing model data units & Real system
Simulation language: A brief introduction to important discrete & continuous language such as GPSS (study
& use of the
Language). Use of Data base & AI techniques in the area of modeling & simulation.
1. System Simulation with Digital Computers, Deo, narsing
2. System Simulation Gorden G., prentice hall.
3. Probability & Statistics with Reliability Queuing, Computer Science Shridhar Bhai trivedi, Kishore
4. Introduction to System Simulation, Payer, T. A Mcgraw hill.
5. Computer Simulation Application, Reitman.J, wiley.
6. Modelling & performance measurement of computer system, Barnes B,
7. Computer aided Modelling & Simulation (Academic Press), Sprite W.I.A.

Elective II (A)
B. Tech. (Information Technology) VII Sem
Cryptography & Data Security 4(3+1+0)
Internet & communication protocol a brief history of internet, OSI, TCPIP, The need for
Tunneling & encryption keys tunneling, internet protocol security.
Determining needs: the evolution of security assessment assessing needs in house. The
management role web access question continues networks vulnerability detection penetration
testing, internal security needs structure query language security & other specialties.
Trends in internet crime denial of service attack, tools that work for and against the network IP
spoofing attade, the telnet whole language vulnerabilities other threat – java & active X, UNIX
root control, Trojan horses.
Virtual private network, Firewalls & Disaster recovery planning security tools.
Different encryption & decryption algorithm concept of private & public keys.

Elective II (B)
B. Tech. (Information Technology) VII Sem
Artificial Intelligence 4(3+1+0)
Meaning & definition of artificial intelligence, various types of production systems,
Characteristics of production systems, Study & comparison of breath first search & depth first
search techniques, other search Techniques like hill climbing, Best first search. A* algorithm,
AO* algorithm etc. and various types of control strategies.
Knowledge representation, problems in representing knowledge, knowledge representation using
prepositional & predicate logic, comparison of prepositional & predicate logic, Resolution, refutation,
deduction, theorem proving, inferencing, monotonic & non monotonic reasoning.
Probabistic reasoning Baye‟s theorem, semantic network scripts schemas, frames conceptual
dependency, Fuzzy logic, forward & backward reasoning.

Grand playing techniques like minimax procedure, alpha beta cut-offs etc. planning, study of the block
word problem in robotics, introduction to understanding and natural language processing.
Introduction to learning various techniques used in learning, introduction neural networks, application is
a neural networks, common sense, reasoning, some example of expert systems.

1. Artificial intelligence, Rich E & Knight K., TMH, New Delhi.
2. Principles of Artificial intelligence, Nelsson N.J Springer Verlag, Berlin.
3. Artificial intelligence, Addison Wesley, Barr A, Fergsnbaub E.A. & Cohen P.R., Reading (Mars).
4. A guide to Expert system, Addison Wesley, Waterman D.A., Reading (Mars).
Elective II (C)
B. Tech. (Information Technology) VII Sem
Data Mining & Warehousing 4(3+1+0)
Information, Theoretic Approach to knowledge discovery – Data explosion in the Internet age,
Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD), Verification – Based Methods of data mining, Feature
Selection Methods, Learning issues, Information theory-the data mining perspective, Data
Modeling, Book Organization.
Automated data pre-processing – Discretization of Ordinal Features, Static Discretization Algorithms,
The partitioning Procedure, Computational Complexity of the Static Algorithm, Static Discretization and
Dimensionality Reduction.
Information-Theoretic Connectionist Networks – A unified Approach to data Modeling, constant
structure Information-Theoretic Network, Multi-Layer Information-Theoretic Network, Dynamic
Discretizationo of ordinal Attributes. Post-Processing of data mining results-rule Extraction &
Reduction, Prediction, From local to Global modeling.
Methodology of Application – Overview of the Discovery Process, Understanding the Problem Domain
obtaining & understanding the data, Preparation of the data, Construction of data, Construction of the
knowledge model from data, Evaluation of the model, Using the model (Interpreparation & Post –
Processing ) Advanced data mining methods – Any time algorithm for knowledge discovery, Data
Summary & Some Open Problem: Methods Benefits & limitation Future research.
1. Knowledge Discovery & Data mining by Oded Maimon & Mank Last. Kluwer Academic Publish

B.Tech. (Information Technology) VIII Sem

Distributed Systems 6(3+1+2)
Introduction to distributed system
Goals of Distributed system, Hardware concepts, Design issues.
Communication in distributed system. System, Layered protocols, ATM networks, the
Client-Server Model, Remote procedure calls and group communication.
Synchronization in Distributed Systems
Clock Synchronization, Mutual exclusion, Election algorithms, the Bully algorithm, A ring
Algorithm, Atomic transaction, dead lock in distributed systems, Distributed dead lock
prevention, and distributed dead lock detection.
Processes and Processors in distributed systems
Threads, System Models, processor allocation, Scheduling in distributed system, Fault tolerance
and real time distributed systems.

Distributed file systems
Distributed file systems design, Distributed file system implementation, Trends in , Distributed
file systems.
Distributed shared memory: What is shared memory, Consistency models, Page based distributed
shared memory, and Shared variable distributed shared memory, Object based
Case Study MACH
Introduction to ACH, Process management in MACH, UNIX emulation in MACH.
Case Study DCE: Introduction to DCE thread, RPC's Tim service, Directory service, Security
service, Distributed file system.
1. Write a program using HTML tags which includes tables, formatting, image maps,
hyperlinks, background images etc.
2. Write a program in JAVA and JSP using GDBC and ODBC driver to crate the employee
data base using front-end and insert the record, delete the record, update the record using
front-end. Proper login id and password should be checked for Administrator.
3. For above program (program no. 2) different queries must be designed to retrieve
information from database.
1. Distributed Operation System, Tanenbaum Andrew. S, PHI

B.Tech. (Information Technology) VIII Sem

Web Engineering 6(3+1+2)
Introduction, layering, DNS – encapsulation, de-multiplexing, client/server model, port numbers,
standardization process, the Internet.
Link layer: Introduction, Ethernet and IEEE 802 encapsulation, trailer encapsulation,
SLIP, PPP- Loop back interface, MTU.
Internet protocol: introduction, IP header, IP routing, subnet addressing, subnet mask-special case
of IP addresses, a subnet example.
Address Resolution Protocol
Introduction, an example, ARP cache, ARP packet format, ARP examples, Proxy ARP, ARP
RARP: Introduction RARP packet forma, RARP examples, RARP server design.
ICMP: Introduction, ICMP message types, ICMP address mask request and reply-
ICMP timestamp request and reply – 4.4 BSD processing of ICMP.
Ping Program
Introduction, ping program, IP record route option, IP time option.
Trace route program: Introduction, trace route program operation, LAN output, and‟
WAN output- IP source routing option.
IP routing: Introduction, routing principles, ICMP host, and ICMP redirect errors
Dynamic Routing protocols: Introduction, Dynamic routing, RIP-OSPF, BGP, and CIDR.UDP:
introduction, UDP header UDP checksum, IP Fragmentation, UDP Server design.
Introduction – basics, message format, simple example, pointer quires, resource records, caching,
TFTP: introduction, protocol, security. BOOTP: introduction, packet format, server design,
through router.
TCP: Introduction, services, headers, connection establishment and termination, timeout of
connection establishment- maximum segment size-half, close, state transition diagram, reset
segments, simultaneous open and close- options, server design.
Introduction, protocol, structure of management information, object identifiers, management
information base, instance identification.
Telnet: rlogin protocols, examples, telnet, protocol and examples. FTP, protocol, examples,
SMTP protocols, examples, NFS, TCP/IP Application.
 Write a program to understand Sockets, create sockets, bind sockets, listen, accept, send
and receive system calls.
 Write a program to design a concurrent server and clients using TCP/IP protocol, where
client login and enters login id and password and these login id and password are verified
at server end if login successful server gives the message that logic successful else
 Design the same problem for server and client using UDP sockets.
 Write server client a program for railway reservation system.
1. TCP/IP illustated Volume, I "The Protocols", W. Richard Stevens, Addison Wesley
2. TCP/IP Principles, Architecture, Protocols and Implementation, Jaiswal . S. First Edition,
Galgotia Publication Pvt.Ltd.

Elective I (A)
B.Tech. (Information Technology) VIII Sem
ATM Network 4(3+1+0)
Introduction to ISDN, B-ISDN, B-ISDN services, ATM basics, ATM Services, Architecture of
B-ISDN, virtual channel, Virtual path ATM performance Parameters, Signaling techniques
ATM – performance Reference Model (PRM) layered architecture, relationship between
ATM PRM and OST reference model. Layer functions, User Network Interface (UNI),
Physical layer of UNI, functions of transmission convergence sub layer, physical medium
characteristic ATM layer cell headers of B- ISDN, UNI & NNI, ATM adaptation layer,
operation and maintenance of B-ISDN UNL.
B-ISDN signaling, meta signaling, ATM adaptation layer for signaling, signaling protocols,
switches & cross connects.
ATM transmission network, Cell transfer factions, transmission systems, network
synchronization, B-ISDN local network Topology & Technology, trunk, network structure, ATM
network implementation and its equipments.
Evolutionary scenarios for BISDN fiber to the customer, integration of TV distribution, LAN's
Man's to BISDN, Voice delay & Eco problem, Tainting in BISDN, Telecommunication
management networks, Gigabits LAN's, Optical switching, ATM standardization.
1. ATM Network, Rainer Handel, Huber & Schooder Addison Wesley
2. ATM Theory & application, David E Mc Dysan McGraw Hill
3. Computer Network Tennenbaum,
4. An Introduction to ISDN, William Stalling McMillan publishing co. USA
Elective I (B)
B.Tech. (Information Technology) VIII Sem
Embedded System 4(3+1+0)
Introduction and Review of Embedded Hardware
Terminology Gates, Timing Diagram, Memory, microprocessors Buses, Direct Memory Access,
interrupts, Built, ins on the Microprocessor, Conventions Used on Schematic, Interrupts
Microprocessor Architecture, Interrupt Basics, Shared Data Problem, Interupt latency.
Pic Micro controller And Interfacing
Introduction, CPU architecture, registers, instruction sets addressing modes Loop timing, M,
Analog to digital converter, UART, Baud Rate, Data Handling, Initialisation, Special Features,
serial Programming, Parallel Slave Port.
Embedded Microcomputer Systems
Motorola MC68hll Family Architecture Registers, Addressing modes Programs. Interfacing
methods parallel I/O interface, Parallel Port interfaces, Memory Interfacing, High Speed I/o
Interfacing, Interrupts, interrupt service routing, features of interrupts, Interrupt vector and
Priority, timing generation and measurements, Input capture, Output compare, Frequency
Measurement, Serial I/O devices RS. 232, RS. 485. Analog Interfacing Applications.
Software Development and Tools
Embedded system evolution trends. Round, Robin, robin with Interrupts, function, one,
Scheduling Architecture, Algorithms. Introduction to, assembler, compiler, cross compilers and
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Object Oriented Interfacing, Recursion, Debugging
strategies, Simulators.
Real Time Operating systems
Task and Task States, tasks and data, semaphores and shared Data Operating system Services,
Message queues, Timer Function, Events, Memory Management, Interrupt Routines in an RTOS
environment, Basic design using RTOS.


1. An embedded software Primer, David E Simon, Pearson education Asia

2. Design with Micro controller, John B Peat man, Pearson education Asia
3. Embedded Micro Computer Systems. Real time Interfacin, Jonathan W.Valvano Brooks/Cole
Thomson learning.
4. Real-Time Systems and Programming Lnguages, Burns, Alan and Welling, Andy Second
Edition. Harlow: Addison, Wesley, and Longman
5. An Introduction to real time systems: Design to networking with C/C++, Raymond J.A. Bhur
and Donald L. Bialey ,Prentice Hall Inc. New jersy.
6. Real time Programming. A guide to 32 Bit Embedded Development. Reading, Grehan
Moore, and Cyliax, Addison, Wesley, Longman
7. Embedded Systms Design, Health, Steve, Newnes.
Elective I (C)
B.Tech. (Information Technology) VIII Sem
Software Engineering Methods & Standards 4(3+1+0)
Software Engineering
Scope, importance and roles of Software Engineering standards view relationships of standards,
standard organizations and groups like IEC, ISO, CS, EIA, etc. and their role in standardization.
Customer and Terminology Standards.
IEEE std. 610.12 – Software engineering terminology, IEEE P 729- fundamentals term of SE,
IEEE Std1002- Taxonomy for SE standards, ISO/IEC 2382 and ISO/IEC TR 12382 – information
Technology vocabulary, ISO/IEC DTR 12182 – Categorization of software, ISO/IEC DTR
14399- mapping of SE standards, 12207 Acquisition process IEEE std 1062 – Software
Acquisition, ISO 6592- Documentation of computer- based application system.
Process standards
IEEE/ELA 12207 software life cycle process, Overview, Primary Processes of 12207, IEEE std
1074- Developing Software life cycle processes IEEE- Processes std 1008- Software unit testing,
IEEE std 1219 and ISO/IEC WD 14761 – Software Maintenance Supporting Processes of 12207,
IEEE std 730- Software Quality Assurance plans, IEEE std 828 and 1042 – Software
Configuration Management Plan IEEE std 1012 and 1059 – software Verification and Validation
plan IEEE std 1028 – Software Review and Audits ISO/IEC TR 9294 – Management of S/W
Documentation ISO/IEC DTR 15504- Software Process Assessment. IEEE std 1228 – software
safety plans, IEEE std 1058- software project management plans.
Product standards
Product Evaluation Standards: IEEE std 1061- Software Quality Metrics Methodology, ISO/IEC
9126-Software Product Quality Characteristics, ISO/IEC CD 14598 – Software Product
Evaluation, Product Characteristic Standards: IEEE std 982.1 and 982.2 – Measures to Produce
Reliable Software, ISO/IEC DIS 14143-1-Functional Size Measurement, ISO/IEC CD 14756 –
Measurement and Rating of performance, Software Product Packaging Standards: ISO 9127 –
Consumer Software Documentation and Cover Information, ISO/IEC 12119, Software Package
Quality Requirements and Testing IEEE std 1063- Software User Documentation.
Resource and Techniques standards
Techniques: IEEE std 1044 and 1044.1- Classification of Anomalies, ISO 6593-Processing
Sequential Files of Record Groups, Reuse Libraries: AIAA G- 010-Reusable Software:
Assessment Criteria for Aerospace Applications, IEEE std 1420 – Data Model for Reuse Library
Interoperability, IEEE 1016- recommended practice for software design description, IEEE std
1430 – Concept of Operations for Interoperating Reuse Libraries, Tools: IEEE std 1175 –
Reference Model for Tool Interconnections, IEEE std 1348 and ISO/IEC DTR 14471- adoption
of CASE Tools.

1. IEEE Press IEEE Software Engineering Standards Collection : 1999 Edition Volume – 4
2. Software Engineering Standards: A User's Road Map, J.W. Moore,
3. Software Quality Producing Practical, Modechai Ben, Menachem, Garry S. Marliss,
Consistent Software, Vikas/Thomson.
Elective I (D)
B.Tech. (Information Technology) VIII Sem
Digital Image Processing 4(3+1+0)
Digital Image fundamentals, A simple image model, Sampling and Quantization. Relationship
between pixels. Imaging geometry. Image acquisition systems, Different types of digital images
Image transformations, Introduction to Fourier transforms, Discrete Fourier transforms, Fast
Fourier transform, Walsh transformation, Hadmord transformation, Discrete Cosine
Image enhancement, Filters in spatial and frequency domains, Historam based processing, Image
subtraction, Averaging, Image smoothing, Ned ion filtering, Low pass filtering, Image sharpening
by High pass filtering.
Image encoding and segmentation, Encoding, Mapping, Quartzer, Coder. Error free compression,
Lossy Compression schemes. JPEG Compression standard. Detection of discontinuation by point
detection, Line detection, edge detection, Edge linking and boundary detection Local analysis,
Global processing via Hough transforms and graph theoretic techniques.
Mathematical morphology – Binary, Dilation, crosses, Opening and closing, Simple methods of
representation, Signatures, Boundary segments, Skeleton of a region, Polynomial approximation
1. Digital Image Processing, R Gonzalez & Richard E. Woods,
2. Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision Sonka HLAVAC, Boyle, Vikas Pub.
3. Digital Image Processing Pratt K William, John Wiley
4. Analysis and Machine Vision, Sonka M, Hilvac V, Boyle R, Vikas/Thomson Learning.

Elective I (E)
B.Tech. (Information Technology) VIII Sem
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 4(3+1+0)
Manufacturing Industry – Management Characteristics and Information Requirements
Industry classification, Product/Market/Process Characteristics, Manufacturing planning and
control techniques EUP Concepts & Evaluation History, MRP-I MRP II ERP. Information
Technology Advancement. Client server technology, RDBMS.
Sales, Purchase & Inventory Control, Concepts
Classification/coding of material & finished goods, Sales enquiry, Uuotation, Order invoicing,
delivey finished good valuation, purchase requisiton, enquiry, supplier quotation, purchase order,
Material receipts, Material issues, Methods of issue Valuation (FIFO/LIFO/Weighed Average
Cost/Std. Cost) , Returns form operations Returns to supplier, Stock Adjustments, Physical Stock
verification, ABC analysis. Lot and Locations control, Replenishment order control (safety
stocks, report point, Economic Order Quantity)
Product configuration, Bill of material, Mater Production Scheduling, Material Requirement
planning, Capacity Requirement Planning, Loading and Scheduling. An overview of man power
planning and customer manufacturing planning.

Financial & Cost Accounting
Basic accounting principles, Day book-Cash, Bank, Journal, Purchase and sales. Ledges-General,
Supplier, Customer, Advances etc Bank Reconciliation, Trial Balance, Profit & Loss/Income &
Expenditure account and Balance Sheet. Fixed assets and depreciation. Budgeting-Revenue,
Capital Cash, Cost Elements-Direct material, Direct Labour, Direct expenses and overheads.
Margin at costing and Break even analysis, Standard Costin, Activity Based Costing.
Introduction to A Typical /ERP Software
Overview of ERP modules and tools of a software like BaaN.
Distribution Module
Module Architecture-an overview, Item data, Purchase order ordering/control, Replenishment
order control, Electronic Data
Manufacturing Module
Module architecture-an overview, Capacity Requirement, Planning, Engineering change control,
Engineering data Management, Master Production Scheduling, Materials Requirement Planning,
Product Classification/configuration, Production planning/control, Repetitive Manufacturing.
Finance Module
Module architecture – an overview, Accounts payable, Accounts recivable, General ledger, Cost
allocation, Cash management Activity based costing, fixed assets, Financial budgeting system.
1. Materials Requirement Planning, the New Way in Production and Inventory Management,
Joseph Orlicky, McGraw Hill book Company, New Delhi
2. Baan Student Manuals, Baan Educatin Centre, Hyderabad..
3. ERP, Alexis Leon, Tata McGraw Hill.

Elective II (A)
B.Tech. (Information Technology) VIII Sem
Wireless Networking and Computing 4(3+1+0)
Introduction to wireless, Cellular, Digital, PCS mobile radio, Speech coding for wireless system
and application like PCM, DPCM, DM, Vocoder & Linear Predictive coding, Performance
Media Access Control, Telecom System Satellite System, Broadcast System
Wireless LAN
IEEE 802-11 Hiper LAN, Bluetooth, Adhoc Network, Characteristic, Performance issue,
Routing in mobile host.
Network issue
Mobile IP, DHCP, Mobile Transport layer, Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP, Mobile TCP, Time out
freezing, Selective transmission, Transaction oriented TCP
Application issue
Wireless Application control Dynamic DNS File System synchronization protocol, Context aware
application security, Analysis of existing wireless Network.
1. Mobile Communication, J. Schiller, Addison Wiley
2. Mobile Comm. Design Fundamental. William C.Y. Lee, John wiley
3. Wireless Digital Communication, Dr. Kamilo Feher PHI
4. Design & Implementation of Wireless LANs, Mark Ceampa, Thomson Learning

Elective II (B)

B.Tech. (Information Technology) VIII Sem

Real Time System 4(3+1+0)
Introduction to real -time system, Definition, components of a real time system sensor and
transducers, signal conditioning, computer input and output, the processor output, the processor
output conditioning and power control, actuators. Computer hardware requirements for real time
system, general purpose computer, CPU, memory RAM, ROM, Cache memory DMA, selection
of memory, buses computer input and output. Real time operating system: Concepts basic
elements of an operating system, operating systems facilities, real time operating systems
facilities, real time operating systems, tasks and task scheduling, task synchronization and data
transfer factors in selecting a real time operating system.
Design of real-time system: Prelude to the design process General approach, the system
components, the design specifications, the development environment, hardware development
system software.
Analysis and design: Analysis of required documents, response-time specification on human
interface, preliminary system design, block diagram, representation of control flow and data
flow, functional decomposition and relationship among them, modular design, estimation of cost,
required development time, program length, execution time and required memory. Software
Design Structural flowcharts, stepwise development and programming, testing the model.
Selection of programming languages machine and assembly languages, limitations of assembly
language, High-level languages, advantages and disadvantages of high level languages, real time
languages, choosing a language. Integrating assembly-language components Processor
background information required, subroutine calls and returns, subroutine parameters, linking
high and low level programs, start up routines, computer interrupt systems and service routines.
Interface and control: Parallel input and output interfaces, D to A and A to D conversion
interface, digital representation of analog voltage full scale voltage, successive approximation
A/0. dual A/D. flash converter sample and hold circuit, the multiplexer, real time clock interfaces,
direct memory access interfaces. Input Systems: Sensors with binary-state supports, sensors that
produces, continuous analog signals, signal conditioning circuits, transmission circuitry, bus
compatible input systems.
Output Systems: output systems involving two state actuators, output systems with continuous
Board - based microcomputer systems, The Backplane Bus: Address and data lines data transfer
lines interrupt lines, and microprocessor control lines, Power supply lines, characteristics boards
or bus system CPU board, memory boar, peripheral device controller and 1/0 boards, selection a
bus system, Study of fautl tolerant systems.
Concept of fault tolerant in a system different characteristics and features of fault tolerant system.
1. Principles of Real Time System, Levi and Agrawala.
2. Real Time Systems, CM Krishna, and Shin KG
Elective II (C)
B.Tech. (Information Technology) VIII Sem
Data Mining and Warehousing 4(3+1+0)

Information, Theoretic Approach to knowledge discovery- Data explosion in the internet Age,
Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD), Verification- Based Methods of Data Mining, Feature
Selection Methods, Learning issues, Information theory-the data mining perspective, Data
Modeling, Book Organization.
Automated data pre-processing- Discretization of Ordinal Features, Static Discretization
Algorithms, The Portioning Procedure, computational complexity of the static algorithm, Static
Discretization and dimensionality reduction.
Information-Theoretic Connectionist Networks- A Unified Approach to data modeling, constant
structure information- Theoretic Networks, Multi-Layer Information- Theoretic network,
dynamic discrimination of ordinal attributes. Post-Processing of data mining results-rules
extraction and reduction, prediction, from local to global modeling.
Methodology of Application - Overview of the Discovery Process, Understanding the Problem
Domain, Obtaining and Understanding the Data, Preparation of the Data, Construction of the
Knowledge Model from Data, Evaluation of the Model, Using the Model (Inter preparation and
Post - Processing) Advanced data mining methods- Anytime Algorithm for Knowledge
Discovery, Data Reliability.
Summary and Some Open Problems- Methods Benefits and Limitations Future Research.

1. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Oded Maimon & Mank ,Kluwer Academic
2. Decision Support and Data Warehouse Systems, Efrem G Mallach, TMH

Elective II (D)
B. Tech. (Information Technology) VIII Sem
Robotics and Computer Vision 4(3+1+0)
Introduction Background, Robot arms, Kinematics and introductory dynamics. Manipulator,
Trajectory planning motion control robot sensing.
Robot arm kinematics, the direct kinematics problem, Different types of rotation and
transformation matrix DH representation.
Sensing: Different type of sensing method range sensing, Proximity sensing, Types of sensor,
Force, Touch sensor, Sensor calibration.
Computer vision, Low- level vision, Image acquisition, Illumination techniques imaging
geometry, stereovision, and segmentation.
Robot programming languages: Characteristic of task level, Robot level languages, Sensing and
flow of control task specification, Robot programmed synthesis.

1. Robotics, K.S. FU,
2. Computer Vision, Brown

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