Bec 301 ST2 2023-24
Bec 301 ST2 2023-24
Bec 301 ST2 2023-24
Course Outcomes:
Following are the course outcomes of the subject: Electronic Devices
CO Code Course Outcome(CO) Bloom's Level
BEC301.1 Understand the principles of semiconductor Physics. L2- Understand
BEC301.2 Understand the carrier transport in semiconductors. L2- Understand
BEC301.3 Analyze and find application of special purpose diodes. L4- Analyze
BEC301.4 Understand the working principle and design of Bipolar Junction Transistor. L3- Apply
BEC301.5 Realize the mathematical models of MOS transistors L3- Apply
Section: A
1. Attempt all questions. (2*5= 10)
Q.No. Questions Marks CO BL
a) Define Contact Potential and how does it vary with the Biasing? 2 BEC301.2 L2
d) Draw the circuit diagram of Fixed biasing using BJT and calculate 2 BEC301.4 L3
the operating point.
e) Find the current gain β in CE configuration of BJT, if α = 0.98. 2 BEC301.4 L3
Section: B
Sketch the circuit for BJT biasing using constant current source and
e) 5 BEC301.4 L3
show that output current Io = IRef
Define α, β and γ of a transistor and derive the relationship
f) between them. 5 BEC301.4 L3
Section: C
3. Attempt any one question (10 *1 = 10)
Q. No. Questions Marks CO BL
a) Derive the expression for diode current equation for a PN junction
diode. Also plot its V-I Characteristics 10 BEC301.2 L3