Resume Somasekhar P
Resume Somasekhar P
Resume Somasekhar P
To engage in a career that will allow for progress in terms of expertise, socio-
economic development and innovation through exposure to new ideas for
professional growth as well as the growth of the company.
August 2020–Present | Tata Consultancy services, Bangalore, IN
Assistant Systems Engineer
Apr 2019 -
• Monitor applications and quickly respond to any issues with the appropriate Saveetha Engineering College,
workaround with a wide range of analytical and technical skills Chennai, TN.
B.E : Electrical and Electronics
• Collaborate with internal teams as well as the clients to develop and enhance the
application in a regular basis (GPA: 8.1/10)
• Getting continuous feedback from the clients to make the application ease to
access and utilize in full with the proper protocol to prevent the security violations Apr 2015 -
• Worked closely with the internal teams to implement automated monitoring jobs Narayana Junior College,
to bring down the major amount of efforts in the module Tirupathi, AP.
Intermediate: MPC
August 2019 – August 2020 | Tata Consultancy services, Bangalore, IN (GPA: 9.3/10)
Assistant Systems Engineer - Trainee
• Worked with team to get familiar with the application and clients to acquire the RELEVANT SKILLS
module wise knowledge
• Actively participated in multiple implementations and changes that are being Java
taken place in the application SQL
C, C++
• Worked with the linked modules in application to introduce the automation
concept to perform the repeated tasks.
Microsoft Office
• Cash award for the academic excellence in intermediate
Cycling, Gardening
• Couple of special initiative awards from Tata consultancy services Yoga, Long running