The document lists holidays to be observed in 2024 by staff of the South Central Railway divisional office and other offices in Guntakal, India. It includes general holidays, restricted holidays and national holidays across four annexures. The holidays cover various religious and cultural occasions for both 5 and 6 day work weeks.
The document lists holidays to be observed in 2024 by staff of the South Central Railway divisional office and other offices in Guntakal, India. It includes general holidays, restricted holidays and national holidays across four annexures. The holidays cover various religious and cultural occasions for both 5 and 6 day work weeks.
The document lists holidays to be observed in 2024 by staff of the South Central Railway divisional office and other offices in Guntakal, India. It includes general holidays, restricted holidays and national holidays across four annexures. The holidays cover various religious and cultural occasions for both 5 and 6 day work weeks.
The document lists holidays to be observed in 2024 by staff of the South Central Railway divisional office and other offices in Guntakal, India. It includes general holidays, restricted holidays and national holidays across four annexures. The holidays cover various religious and cultural occasions for both 5 and 6 day work weeks.
Sub: General, National and Restricted Holidays to be observed
during the Calendar year 2024 by the Divisional Office, Subordinate Offices and Open Line Staff on Guntakal Division. Ref: PCPO/SC's letter No.P(R) 332/XX dated 13.12.2023. The list of General Holidays, Restricted Holidays and National Holidays to be observed by the Divisional Offices, Subordinate Offices and Open Line Staff in Guntakal Division during the Calendar year 2024 is enclosed herewith to note and notify to all the staff concerned.
This has the approval of the competent authority.
Encl: As above.
CJ- PCPO/SC for kind information please.
C- PS to DRM for kind information to DRM/GTL please. C/- PS to CMS/GTL for kind information to CMS/GTL please. C/- ADRM/Opern.JGTL for kind information please. CJ- ADRM/Infra./GTL for kind information please. C- All Branch Officers/GTL Divn for kind information please. C/- DS/SCRMU, DS/SCRES, AISCTREA & OBCEA GTL Divn for kind information please. List of GeneralHolidays to be ANNEXURE-A observed by the Staff of Divisional (Observing 05 (five) days a week) during the Calendar YearOffice in Guntakal (16 Holidays only) 2024 S.No. Name of the 1) Festival /Occasion Date 2) Sankranti/ Pongal 1S.01.2024 Monday Day Republic Day 3) Maha Shivaratri 26.01.2024 Friday 4 Good Friday 08.03.2024 Friday 5) Ugadi 29.03.2024 Friday 6 Eid ul Fitr (Ramzan) 09.04.2024 Tuesday 7) Sri Rama Navami 11.04.2024 Thursday 8 Eidul-Azha (Bakrid) 17.04.2024 Wednesday 9 Moharram 17.06.2024| Monday 10 Independence day 17.07.2024 Wednesday 11) Varalakshmi Vratham 15.08.2024| Thursday 12) SriKrishna Astami 16.08.2024 Friday 13) Mahatma Gandhi Jayanthi 26.08.2024 Monday 14) Maharnavami 02.10.2024| Wednesday 15) Deepavali 11.10.2024 | Friday 16) Christmas 31.10.2024 | Thursday 25.12.2024 Wednesday Including three National Holidays i.e., Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanthi Independence Day and Mahatma The following festivals/occasions 2024 have been excluded from thewhich occur on above list. Saturday/Sunday during the Calendar Year |S.No. Name of the Festival /Occasion Date ) 2) Bhogi Vinayaka Chavithi 14.01.2024 Day Sunday 3) Vijayadasami 07.09.2024 Saturday 12.10.2024 Saturday List of General Holidays to be ANNEXURE-B Observed by the Staff of Ofices situated in Guntakal DivisionalOffices and Other (Observing 06 (Six) days a week) during the Calender Year 2024 (16 Holidays only) S.No. Name of theFestival /Occasion Date Day 1) Sankranti / Pongal 15.01.2024 Monday 2) Republic Day 3) Maha Shivaratri 26.01.2024 Friday 4 Good Friday 08.03.2024 Friday Ugadi 29.03.2024 Friday 6 Eid ul Fitr (Ramzan) 09.04.2024| Tuesday 7) Sri Rama Navami 11.04.2024 Thursday 8) Eidul-Azha (Bakrid) 17.04.2024 Wednesday 9) Muharrarm 17.06.2024 Monday 10) 17.07.2024 Wednesday 11) Independence day Sri Krishna Astami 15.08.2024 Thursday 12 Vinayaka Chavithi 26.08.2024 | Monday 13 Mahatma Gandhi Jayanthi 07.09.2024 Saturday 14 02.10.2024 | Wednesday 15 Vijayadasami 12.10.2024 Saturday 16 Deepavali 31.10.2024 Thursday Christmas 25.12.2024 Wednesday Including three National Holidays i.e., Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanthi. Independence Day and Mahatma The following festivals/occasions which occur on Sunday during the Calendar Year 2024 have been excluded from the above list.
S.No. Name of the Festival /Occasion Date Day
) Bhogi 14.01.2024 Sunday List of GeneralHolidays to be ANNEXURE-C the Calender Year 2024 Observed by the Open Line Staff Guntakal wherein the Essential Technical Staff are eligible forDivisionduring NHA with the approval of CA as per IRE code No.1424 S.No Name of the Festival /Occasion 1) Date Day 2) Sankranti/ Pongal 15.01.2024 Monday Republic Day 26.01.2024 3) Good Friday Friday 4) 29.03.2024 Friday Eidul-Fitr( Ramzan) 11.04.2024 5) Bakrid Thursday 6 Muharram 17.06..2024 Monday 7 17.07.2024 Wednesday 8 Independence day 15.08.2024 Thursday Vinayaka Chavithi 18.09.2023 9 Mahatma Gandhi Jayanthi Wednesday 02.10.2024 Wednesday 10) 11) Vijayadasami Deepavali 12.10.2024 Saturday 12) 31.10.2024 Thursday Christmas 25.12.2024 Wednesday National Holidays as per the Negotiable Instrument Act 1881 1) Republic Day 2) Independence Day 26.01.2024 3) Mahatma Gandhi 15.08.2024 Jayanthi 02.10.2024 ANNEXURE-D List of Optiona/Restricted Holidays to be observed in - During the Calendar year 2024 GuntakalDivision S.No. Name of the Festival /Occasion Date Day 1 New Year's Day 2 Kanuma 01.01.2024 Monday 3 16.01.2024 Tuesday Guru Gobind Singh's Birthday 17.01.2024 Wednesday 4 Birthday of Hazrath Ali (R.A) 25.01.2024 Thursday 6 Shab-E-Meraj Sri Panchami 08.02.2024 Thursday 7) 14.02.2024 Wednesday Shab-E-Barat 26.02.2024 Monday 8 Holi 9 Jumuatul Wada 25.03.2024 Monday 05.04.2024 Friday 10) Buddha Purnima 11) Eid-E-Ghadeer 23.05.2024| Thursday 12) 9th Muharram (1445H) 25.06.2024 Tuesday 13) Rakhi Purnima/Sravana Purnima 16.07.2024 Tuesday 14) 19.08.2024 Monday Arbayeen 26.08.2024 Monday 15) Ed Miladun Nabi 16) Durgashtami 16.09.2024 Monday |17) Yaz Dahum Shareef 10.10.2024 Thursday 18) Naraka Chaturdhi 15.10.2024 Tuesday 19 30.10.2024 Wednesday Christmas Eve 24.12.2024 Tuescday The following Festivals/Occasions which have been excluded from the above list. occur on Saturdays/ Sundays during the year 2024