Renationalizing Finance For Development Policy Space and Public Economic Control in Bolivia (Naqvi 2021)
Renationalizing Finance For Development Policy Space and Public Economic Control in Bolivia (Naqvi 2021)
Renationalizing Finance For Development Policy Space and Public Economic Control in Bolivia (Naqvi 2021)
Natalya Naqvi
To cite this article: Natalya Naqvi (2021) Renationalizing finance for development: policy
space and public economic control in Bolivia, Review of International Political Economy, 28:3,
447-478, DOI: 10.1080/09692290.2019.1696870
After years of placing faith in the markets, we are seeing a revival of interest in stat-
ist economic policy across the world, particularly with regards to finance. How
much policy space do previously liberalized developing countries still have to
renationalize their financial sectors by exerting direct control over the process of
credit allocation, despite the constraints posed by economic globalization? Under
what conditions do they actually use this policy space? Bolivia is an especially
important case because it is one of the few peripheral countries that implemented
strongly interventionist financial reform in the 2010s. Using Bolivia as a least likely
case, I argue that two factors, increased availability of external financing sources,
and domestic popular mobilization, create favorable conditions for developmentalist
financial reform because these make it possible to reduce external conditionalities
and overcome opposition by the domestic financial sector. Popular mobilizations
paved the way for reform by bringing developmentalist policymakers to power and
exerting pressure on them to 1. Maximize policy space by diversifying into newly
available alternative sources of foreign borrowing to reduce external conditional-
ities, and 2. Mitigate the importance of disinvestment threats by domestic economic
elites by incrementally increasing public ownership and control of the economy.
Globalization; policy space; business power; finance; development; industrial policy
In the aftermath of the 2008 crisis, the benefits of financial liberalization and
deregulation have come into question, and activist financial policies to direct credit
are once again being seen as vital to serving national industrial policy and climate
mitigation objectives (Griffith-Jones & Ocampo, 2018; Mazzucato & Penna, 2016).
Yet following over three decades of economic globalization it is not clear how
much policy space, defined as ‘the flexibility of international institutions to allow
sovereign states to deploy and coordinate desired policy outputs’ (Gallagher, 2015,
p. 7), developing countries still have to conduct such policies. Under what condi-
tions do previously liberalized developing countries renationalize2 their financial
sectors despite three main sets of constraints: the liberalization conditionalities of
external official and bilateral creditors’, the preferences of foreign private investors,
and the opposition of the domestic private financial sector, which may be con-
cerned such reforms will limit its profitability?
Using Bolivia, a highly liberalized peripheral country that nonetheless renation-
alized its financial sector in 2013, as a least likely case, I argue that two factors, the
increased availability of low-conditionality sources of external finance, and domes-
tic popular mobilization, create favorable conditions for even peripheral countries
to renationalize finance despite opposition by foreign creditors and domestic finan-
cial elites. While the supply of external financing options exogenously determines
how much potential a government has to increase policy space, the balance of
power between domestic financial elites, and countervailing popular sectors deter-
mines whether governments will actually increase their policy space, and also
whether they are able to overcome domestic opposition to reform. Policy space is
not purely exogenous, but also varies partly as a function of domestic political con-
ditions. This paper contributes to the literatures on policy space and business
power by offering a detailed causal explanation of how popular sectors can reduce
both the ‘instrumental’ or political and ‘structural’ or economic power of domestic
business, and increase external policy space.
Popular mobilization can bring developmentalist policymakers who represent
the interests of non-elite groups to power, reducing economic elites instrumental
power. Sustained mobilization then pressures policymakers to 1. Increase policy
space by diversifying into alternative external financing sources to reduce vulner-
ability to creditor conditionalities, and 2. Reduce the structural power of domestic
financial elites through a program of incremental reform that decreases the import-
ance of the private sector in the economy and reduces the credibility of disinvest-
ment threats. Mobilizations strengthen the hand of policymakers in enacting these
incremental reforms because policymakers are able to credibly threaten economic
elites with popular demands for even more radical reform.
liberal reforms, or send positive market signals to foreign investors (Bunte, 2019).
Similarly, policymakers also have to take strategic action to capture a greater share
of commodity revenue, for example, through increasing royalties on, or outright
nationalization of, resource producing MNCs. Otherwise conditionality free foreign
exchange earned from the export of commodities will flow directly to the coffers of
MNCs where it can be repatriated to headquarters.
While potential policy space depends on the exogenously determined supply of
external finance, and is outside the borrowing governments’ control, within these
bounds, governments do have some room to manipulate their external environ-
ments in order to negotiate access to new sources of finance and increase their
actual policy space. Domestic factors are crucial in explaining why some govern-
ments maximize their actual policy space, while others do not. Domestic factors
also explain why some governments are able to use the policy space they do have
to implement their preferred policies against domestic opposition, while others fail
to overcome these domestic barriers despite having the requisite policy space from
external constraints.
owned banks, but also implemented the Financial Services Law (FSL 393) in 2013, con-
stituting a drastic reversal of decades of liberalization policies. The new law intervened
in credit allocation decisions of private banks through instituting lending quotas to a
list of ‘productive sectors’,5 and limited profitability by capping interest rates. This was
done without offering compensation, making it one of the most strongly interventionist
financial policies in comparative terms, short of bank nationalization.
Existing literature on globalization and state autonomy predicts that reversal of
liberalization reform is only possible for industrialized core economies that make
the rules of the international economic system (Naqvi, Henow, & Chang, 2018),
and to a lesser extent for large emerging markets that have the resources to assert
themselves in global financial governance (Woods, 2006). The Bolivian case is puz-
zling when compared to the handful of other previously liberalized developing
countries that have also seen a recent increase in financial activism, because these
are either key emerging markets like Brazil and Korea, or countries that are so iso-
lated from the international system like Ethiopia, that we would expect them to
face less constraints.6
Bolivia on the other hand is a least likely case for heterodox reform both in
terms of its domestic political economy and its position in the international econ-
omy. Like most developing countries, Bolivia followed a statist model during the
1960s and 1970s, until the 1980s debt crisis (Conaghan et al., 1992). Since then,
high external indebtedness and continued dependency on international financial
institutions for financing investment resulted in shock treatment more extreme
than in comparator countries. (Kohl & Farthing, 2009, p. 66). ‘Big-bang’ financial
liberalization, including liberalization of all interest rates in 1985, opening of the
capital account, and privatization and closure of state owned banks through the
1980s and 1990s, resulted in an open, highly dollarized, and predominantly pri-
vately owned financial system by the early 2000s (Morales, 2003). These reforms
empowered private finance by increasing its ownership and control over resource
allocation, and created strong vested interests in favor of maintaining the liberal-
ized status quo. This made reversal less likely in Bolivia than in countries that had
experienced less extreme liberalization.
On the international level, as a lower middle-income country with a small
internal market, Bolivia has a peripheral position in the international economy and
little bargaining power in the institutions of global governance. Bolivia entered the
2000s heavily externally indebted, with open capital accounts, WTO membership,
and a bilateral investment treaty (BIT) with the US – a party to various institutions
of global economic governance, but with no voice in shaping their rules according
to its domestic priorities. Bolivia therefore provides an excellent case in which to
analyze the factors that enable previously liberalized peripheral countries to con-
duct heterodox economic policies that go against international norms.
Neither the increase in the supply of external finance, nor the presence of devel-
opmental ideology among policymakers can by themselves the pattern and timing
of developmentalist financial reform in Bolivia (Table 1). In period 1, increased
availability of low conditionality sources of external finance from the early 2000s
opened up potential policy space for Bolivian policymakers, but because private
business elites had strong instrumental and structural power over the government,
policymakers did not translate this into actual policy space by diversifying external
finance sources to reduce conditionality, nor were they interested in financial
The Ministry of Finance came out the clear winner in the negotiations. The pri-
vate banks were vehemently opposed to the FSL 393 and associated Supreme
Decrees, because these measures were expected to reduce the extraordinarily high
bank profits made between 2005and 2013 (Table 2), and reduced banks’ autonomy
of decision making over credit allocation. From the banking sector’s perspective:
‘You could say in a way the banking system in Bolivia has been nationalized. They
tell you where to lend to, at what rate. The private shareholders barely get anything
and they are angry’ (Interview 17, former ASOBAN).
Even though banks were given till 2018 to comply with their quotas, the FSL
393 had immediate and drastic effects on the distribution of credit and reduced
bank profitability (Figure 1). This shows that the FSL completely reversed of deca-
des of financial deregulation not only formally, but also substantively. Under what
conditions was such a transformative financial sector policy possible for the
MAS government?
Table 2. Major financial sector reforms under MAS, 2006–2014 and their effect on banks.
Law/decree Date Main changes Effect on private banks
– 2006 Government decides not Banks fear ’unfair competition’ from state-owned
to privatize Banco commercial banks with government
Union, and to increase guarantees and subsidized funding sources,
its capital instead which enable to give loans at more
competitive rates than private
commercial banks
– 2006–2009 Subordination of Central Banks fear developmentalists will be able to
Bank and ASFI to MEPF impose their agenda more easily, without
intervention by an independent Central Bank
and regulator
Supreme 1/1/2007 Establishment of Banco de Does not initially pose a direct competitive
Decree Desarollo Productivo/ threat as it is a second tier development
28999 Productive bank (which lends to clients through
Development commercial banks rather than directly),
Bank (BDP) serving rural areas where private banks do
not operate. Private banks still fear that in
the future it will expand its lending
operations and conduct first tier lending,
becoming a direct competitor. These fears
have since materialized, with BDP lending
directly to an expanded client base since
2015, and planning future expansion in to
export financing
Law 211 23/12/11 Creates the Additional Tax increases are directly subtracted from bank
Rate to the Business profits, reducing the amount that could be
Profits Tax (AA-IUE), by paid out in dividends to shareholders
which banks that
exceed 13% ROE have
to pay an additional
tax of 12.5% (excluding
development banks)
Supreme 05/12/12 Establishes a tax on US Banks are opposed to tax, as it eats directly into
Decree dollar exchanges in their profits, but benefit from dedollarzsation,
1423 banks and exchange as their clients income is in Bolivianos, and
houses in order to default is more likely in the case of Boliviano
encourage de- depreciation vis-a-vis US dollars. Banks see
dollarization this as an attempt by the government solely
to earn more revenue, and attribute de-
dollarization to exchange rate policy
Financial 21/08/13 Establishes a Financial Expected to decrease bank profitability because:
Services Stability board which 1. Interest rate caps on lending directly limit the
Law 393 regulates: amount banks can charge borrowers and
1. Interest rates including deposit floors establish a minimum banks
lending caps and have to pay depositors, translating to higher
deposit floor funding costs, and lower lending charges
2. Productive sector 2. Productive sector lending quota force banks
quotas to lend to sectors that are less profitable in
3. Legalizes central bank the short term, while preventing them from
financing of SOEs lending to highly profitable but
4. Introduces a list of ‘unproductive’ sectors like consumer finance
nonconventional 3. Banks worry that this will cause inflation and
guarantees that ban erode the value of their assets
can be given as 4. Nonconventional guarantees increase banks’
collateral against a risk exposure, as it means accepting a wider
bank loan range of assets as collateral
5. Creates a guarantee 5. Directly eats into bank profits, as the assets
fund from 6% bank on the guarantee fund do not remain on
profits to be used bank balance sheets. Reduces the amount of
to support profit that can be paid out to shareholders
collateral guarantees
Table 2. Continued.
Law/decree Date Main changes Effect on private banks
Supreme 18/12/13 Sets the minimum loan Banks prefer the interest rates to be set within
Decree portfolio levels for the FSL 393 itself, rather than as a Supreme
1842 loans to the productive Decree, because the former requires approval
sector, and establishes by both houses of parliament, while the
the maximum annual latter does not
interest rates for
housing credit
Supreme 7/9/2014 Sets the maximum annual Same as above
Decree interest rates for credit
2055 to the productive
sector, and minimum
deposit rates
Supreme 09/10/14 Creates Credit Guarantee Same as above
Decree Funds for the
2136 Productive Sector
Supreme 09/10/14 Creates Credit Guarantee Same as above
Decree Funds for
2137 Housing Sector
Law 771, of Modified law 211 to set Tax increases are directly subtracted from bank
December higher tax rate profits, reducing the amount that could be
29, 2015, paid out in dividends to shareholders.
Financial institutions (except for development
banks) with a return on equity index higher
than 6% must pay an additional income tax
of 25%.
Source. CEPB (2013); Gaceta Official de Bolivia; Various interviews.
65% 30%
Unproductive sector credit (LHS)
FSL 393
Productive sector credit (LHS)
60% ROE after tax (RHS) 25%
35% 5%
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Figure 1. Effects of the FSL 393 on credit distribution and bank profit (ROE).
Source. ASFI online database; World Development Indicators (WDI), World Bank.
1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014 -25
owned economic groups (Orellana, 2016; Salmon, 2007, pp. 172–174), whose core
interests lay in agribusiness, but had diversified into banking and other commercial
activities after the late 1960s (Salmon, 2007, p. 167).
The liberalized, predominantly private, bank-based financial system was highly
concentrated, with the largest five commercial banks holding the most structural
power due to their domination of the financial system with over 70% of bank depos-
its (ASFI, 2005). One of the largest banks was foreign owned, and one state owned,
and the rest are partially owned by family economic groups from Santa Cruz, La Paz,
Sucre, and Cochabamba (Eju, 2011), implying a confluence of financial, agribusiness,
and other commercial interests (Table 4). In 2003, out of partially dollarized econo-
mies, Bolivia ranked second in the world (Morales, 2003, p. 9) with over 90% of
deposits and 97% of loans in US dollars (IMF, 2006, p. 29). The highly profitable
microfinance sector, which was growing rapidly during the early 2000s, had high for-
eign ownership, but was not economically important, making up only 7% of total
credit and deposits, and lending mainly to informal sector firms (IMF, 2006, p. 16).
Since 1985, despite divisions existing along both regional and sectoral lines,
business elites exercised strong instrumental power through pervasive ties to
Bolivia’s traditional parties, which dominated the state apparatus (Fairfield, 2015,
pp. 228–230), especially through the CEPB, which aggregated the interests of
regional and sectoral associations, and historically played a key role in national pol-
itics (Eaton, 2007, p. 88; Fairfield, 2015, p. 226). The banking association ASOBAN
was highly influential in the government, especially at the central bank and
Ministry of Finance, where it was regularly consulted on financial policy due to its
perceived technical expertise (Interviews 1–5, Ministry of Finance; Interview 21,
Former Central Bank; 17 Former ASOBAN). Key government positions were filled
by technocrats such as former CAF economist and World Bank consultant Luis
Carlos Jemio as the Minister of Finance, and orthodox economist Juan Antonio
Morales as the President of the central bank, who did not have direct links to, but
were held in high regard by the financial sector.
During this period, the financial system was criticized for a lack of long-term
real economy lending, especially to the industrial and affordable housing sectors,
and for medium and small sized agribusiness firms, and for profiting instead from
providing consumer finance at high interest rates, and fees based activities
(Interviews 1–5 Ministry of Finance, 13, ASFI). The non-financial private sector
lobbied in favor of reviving public banking, prompting the Ministry of Economic
Development to prepare a plan to recreate a state-owned development bank
(Morales, 2005; Interview 21, former Central Bank). However, as a result of the
financial sector’s structural and instrumental power, interventionist plans were not
460 N. NAQVI
implemented, and market based solutions favored instead (IMF, 2003, 2005). For
example, in a 2005 presentation, Juan Antonio Morales stated that the solution to
lack of real economy lending is not the re-establishment of state owned banks, but
to enforce better contracts through strengthening the rule of law (Morales, 2005).
issuing government debt on the international bond markets in 2012 and 2013
(Mitchell, 2013).
Once Arce was appointed to the Ministry of Finance, the contrast in instrumen-
tal power that ASOBAN enjoyed was marked in comparison to previous adminis-
trations. According to a former Central Bank employee:
When I was in the Central Bank in 2005 in the previous administration,
ASOBAN had a lot of power over our policies … For example, once we increased
reserve requirements for USD deposits in April 2005. ASOBAN disagreed and told
us this would be catastrophic. So we immediately made the terms more generous,
the increase more gradual. After Arce came to power everything changed, he
wouldn’t accept the attitude of ASOBAN (Interview 21, former Central Bank)
According to private bank representatives, Arce in was particularly hostile
towards the industry, ‘Arce doesn’t trust the industry … All conversations start
with the fact we are making too much money, that we are not fulfilling our social
function’ (Interview 25, Foreign commercial bank). The financial sector claimed
that the Arce administration targeted banks in order to increase political capital
among supporters ‘His [Arce’s] point of view is that the banking sector is a good
way to make political gains because were in a socialist state and doing things
against the rich people and private sector is politically good’ (Interview 23, Private
commercial bank). However, ASOBAN was constrained in their ability to lobby
publicly against Arce’s policies due to the popular support the MAS party enjoyed:
‘ASOBAN couldn’t do anything because Morales … won the [2005] election by
54%, which hasn’t happened since the 50 s. He came with strong political support
and that changed the dynamics for ASOBAN, who had supported the opposition
parties’ (Interview 21, former Central Bank).
But the idea was always to direct credit’ (Interview 1, Ministry of Finance).
According to a former ASOBAN representative, the day after Morales was elected
‘he visited officially the banking association – why? Because he was a populist can-
didate who just won the election and he didn’t want the banks to bleed in terms of
deposits. He said he realises the banks are important for the economy and we
aren’t going to do anything that will put in danger the deposits of the public’
(Interview 17, former ASOBAN).
Extremely high levels of dollarization compounded financial fragility for two
reasons. First, under dollarization, the central bank’s ability to act as lender of last
resort is constrained by extent of its dollar reserves (IMF, 1999). Second, capital
flight in the form of withdrawal of dollar deposits exerts pressure on the dollar
liquidity of the banking system and therefore on central bank reserves (IMF, 2003,
p. 19, 2005b, p. 16). Capital flight was also expected to put downward pressure on
the currency, which if devalued would result in an increase in the value of external
debt, which was denominated in hard currency (Interviews 1–4 Ministry of
Finance; 8, Central Bank).
Bolivia’s long history of struggling with business elites moving capital abroad in
response to domestic uncertainty (Conaghan, 1992, p. 7) made the Ministry of
Finance wary. Due to high-income inequality, large private companies or wealthy
individuals held almost 60% of total deposits in 1% of deposit accounts, mainly in
US dollars (IMF, 2005b, p. 16), (ASFI, 2005, p. 6). This made the Bolivian banking
system particularly vulnerable to bank runs caused by these large depositors mov-
ing their dollars abroad (IMF, 2005b, p. 16). The Ministry of Finance was also cog-
nizant that depositors were anxious about the security of their deposits under a
leftist government, as Bolivia’s previous leftist government had frozen dollar depos-
its and converted them to local currency in 1982, in response to high inflation
(Interviews 1–4 Ministry of Finance; 8, Central Bank). Repeated banking crisis
through the 1990s and early 2000s, including runs on bank deposits as recently as
2002 and 2004 (IMF, 2005b, p. 12), as well as Argentina’s recent experience with
the corralito in 200112 brought back these traumatic memories (Interview 8,
Central Bank; IMF, 2003, p. 15).
Foreign investors were a secondary concern for Ministry of Finance officials,
and played a role in moderating the reform agenda. While the government did not
wish to attract foreign investment into the financial sector, foreign direct investors
in other sectors, mainly in hydrocarbons, were important, and the government had
plans to diversify into private borrowing on international financial markets.
According to Ministry of Finance officials outright bank nationalization was not
considered as a serious policy option because of the negative spillover effects it
would have on foreign investors (Interview 1–5, Ministry of Finance; 17,
Former ASOBAN).
A number of policies were put in place by the government over this period that
gradually decreased the structural power of both financial and real sector business,
laying the foundations for passing the FSL in 2013. Commodity revenues were
channeled via the Central Bank into newly established SOEs, which took the lead
in designated strategic industries (Interviews 6-7 Ministry of Finance). This
decreased the structural power of the private sector because the government
became less reliant on them for investment (Figure 4; Ministry of Finance 2012).
The Central Bank took advantage of the commodity boom to embark on a suc-
cessful program of de-dollarization to decrease financial fragility and regain control
of monetary policy, while the beginning of a period of high economic growth
boosted the health of the banking system by decreasing the risk of loan default
(Interview 8, Central Bank; WDI, World Bank). External debt to GDP ratios con-
tinued falling, and the central bank built up vast foreign exchange reserves, reduc-
ing the negative impact potential capital flight could have on the currency and
external debt (Figure 2; Interview 8, Central Bank). Frustrated by the private banks’
lack of real economy lending, the Ministry of Finance reversed the planned privati-
zations of the largely inactive remaining public banks, instead increasing their cap-
ital with funds from the treasury, and began using them to compensate for lack of
private finance (Interview 31, BDP; 27–30 Banco Union). In 2007, NAFIBO was
re-established as second tier development bank Banco Desarrollo Productivo (BDP),
and the commercial Banco Union took on a new role as the government’s ‘model
bank’, setting low interest rates and increasing lending to productive sectors
(Interviews 27–30, Banco Union).
threat of capital flight. After 2009, the political landscape also shifted significantly
in MAS’s favor, when the autonomist right became increasingly discredited after a
series of strategic mistakes, including an alleged assassination plot against Morales
(Reuters 2009). MAS won a landslide victory in the December 2009 election, with
Morales re-elected with over 60% of the vote, and a two-thirds majority in both
houses of the legislature (La Razon, 2016), leading to further declines in business
instrumental power.
This structural and instrumental weakness resulted in elite division, as it
prompted Santa Cruz elites to calculate that forming an alliance with the MAS gov-
ernment, and supporting financial reform was in their long-term interests. The
government was interested in reconciliation because it realized that when the com-
modity boom reached its end, it would once again need the agribusiness sector to
invest and generate foreign exchange (Interviews 12, Ministry of Development; 8,
Central Bank; 14, CEPB; 17, Former CEPB). This alliance reduced the remaining
instrumental power of finance, and further allayed policymakers’ fears of capital
flight, enabling the government to finally implement the FSL 393 in 2013, ten full
years since the start of the commodity boom.
External constraints
The IMF and World Bank were not consulted before the FSL 393 was passed
(Interview 45 World Bank; 46, IFC), and have been publicly and privately critical
(45 World Bank; 46 IFC; 20 ASOFIN). A 2015 IMF report on the FSL 393 warns
of the financial stability risks credit quotas and interest caps pose (Heng, 2015),
while the 2014 IMF article IV Consultation argues that the law will actually reduce
total lending, and recommends more market friendly measures to attain financial
inclusion goals (IMF, 2014). However, the Ministry of Finance, no longer being a
borrower, could afford to ignore this criticism: ‘from 2006 the opinions of IMF were
against everything we did, so we didn’t care about them … Even if they are right
we’re not going to listen to them’. (Interview 5, Ministry of Finance). According to
one former Ministry of Finance interviewee, an example of this was when the
Ministry of Finance noticed that the housing banks were unable to meet their social
housing lending quotas, and so considered lowering the quota. However, before they
did so, the IMF independently suggested the same thing. Because they did not want
their support base to see them as listening to the IMF, the Ministry of Finance
decided not to lower the quota (Interview 5, Ministry of Finance).
The private ratings agencies, Moody’s, Standard and Poor’s, Fitch, and Fitch’s
Bolivian subsidiary, AESA Ratings, had indicated they would react very negatively
to the FSL 393 (Interviews 32–35, Ratings Agency), and followed up by downgrad-
ing some individual banks, citing increased financial stability risks. However, this
was not a major consideration for the Ministry of Finance, since there was no for-
eign exchange shortage at the time due to the boom in international financial and
commodity markets, the government’s growth strategy did not rely on attracting
foreign or new private investment into the financial sector, and Bolivian banks no
longer funded themselves abroad13 (Interviews 1–5, Ministry of Finance; 9, Central
Bank). While banks were downgraded, Bolivia’s sovereign rating remained
unaffected. In late 2012, Bolivia even began issuing sovereign bonds on the inter-
national capital markets for the first time in almost a century, which allowed it to
Table 5. Continued.
Organization Representation position Rationale/arguments for position Current position
for its firms. Angry that most implementing
cheap credit has benefitted nonconventional
large firms, but continues guarantees
working with MEPF on the
implementation of non-
conventional guarantees which
will enable small and micro
producers to borrow
CNC Commerce, import/ Strongly Scared that since most CNC firms This did not materialize
export against were considered ‘unproductive’ yet, they have not
businesses credit would become more heard any complaints
expensive for them. Their fears from lack of credit
were assuaged after the law
was passed and this situation
did not materialize
Santa Cruz business associations
CAO Large and small Strongly In favor of the law because their Do not think the law
Santa Cruz in favor small and medium firms had goes far enough in
agriculture and serious financing problems, accepting rural land
agribusiness and their large firms also as a nonconventional
benefitted from lower interest guarantee? Complain
rates and longer maturities. that big agro
Initial demands included business has
allocation of 15% of banks benefitted but not
total portfolio specifically for small farmers
the agricultural sector, interest
rate caps of 6% for investment
capital and 8% for working
capital, the acceptance of
special forms of collateral,
including rural property,
flexible repayment terms, as
well as the creation of a
publicly funded Support Fund
to co-finance long-term loans
of up to 12 years. Don’t think
the law goes far enough in
accepting rural land as a
nonconventional guarantee
FEPSC Regional private Initially Initially reluctant because they Now in favor of the law
sector reluctant, thought it was excessively because it favors
association later in favor interventionist and ASOBAN agribusiness (which
representing had asked them for help, but makes up most of
Santa Cruz eventually they realized the their members)
law would favor most of their
members, especially
agribusinesses. Thinks the
interest rate controls and
lending quotas have worked,
forcing the banks to become
more efficient, but think the
taxes on banks should be
lowered, allowing them to
reinvest in their business,
rather than the government
spending the tax revenues
470 N. NAQVI
Table 5. Continued.
Organization Representation position Rationale/arguments for position Current position
CAINCO Santa Cruz Officially In their initial analysis of the FSL
industry, neutral 393 CAINCO criticized its
commerce ’ideological bias’, believing the
and tourism law to be too interventionist,
and the ‘productive’ and
‘unproductive’ sector
distinction to be arbitrary. They
helped ASOBAN to formulate
their negotiating position with
the MEPF. However, they also
realized their firms would
benefit from cheaper credit,
and decided not to intervene
in the public discussion unless
they felt financial stability was
being threatened. After
implementation, the FSL 393
improved member firms access
to credit, especially the
duration of loans
CADEX Large, formal Officially Believe the reform overregulates Neutral position. thinks
sector Santa neutral the financial sector and creates it hasn’t worked as
Cruz exporters market distortions, sending a well as it could
negative signal to foreign because of lack of
investors, but also that it does implementation of
not go far enough in nonconventional
improving access to credit for guarantees
small firms, due to lack of
implementation of non-
conventional guarantees. Large,
formal sector firms access to
credit has improved following
the reform, but CADEX believes
too much credit has gone to
construction, and not enough
to industry or agribusiness
Other players
SOEs In favor Were already receiving finance
directly from the central bank
before the FSL 393 legalized it,
so were not directly affected
by the other provisions of
the FSL
Hydrocarbons MNCs Neutral Finance themselves through
headquarters or home
country banks
Opposition Strongly Neoclassical economics, especially
parties against, but concerned with central bank
were financing of SOEs, out of
powerless to concern this would increase
stop the the public debt, and
government cause inflation
due to small
minority in
Source: Interviews.
(Interviews 19, ASOBAN; 23–25, Private banks; 16, CAO). Furthermore, supporting
the government in financial reform would bring concessions in areas more import-
ant to their core agricultural businesses, including a nonretroactivity clause exempt-
ing existing agricultural holdings from land reform, legalization of deforestation
and removal of limits on exports of foodstuffs (Interviews 15, FEPSC; 16, CAO;
22, CAINCO).
Structural power of finance. The Ministry of Finance’s initial FSL proposal had
included a higher 70:30 ratio of productive sector lending, lower productive sec-
tor interest rate caps, as well as caps for unproductive sector loans (Interviews
5, Ministry of Finance; 17, ASOBAN). During a negotiations between the
Ministry of Finance and ASOBAN, the banks claimed that reduction in their
profits would lead to a decline in credit in the medium to long-term, and harm
the poor the most. They also threatened to shut down their operations if the
FSL 393 was approved, and used the arguments from the 2014 and 2015 IMF
reports to support their claims (Interviews 19, ASOBAN; 23-25, Private banks;
32–35 Ratings agency).
The Ministry of Finance did not take these threats seriously because the danger
of capital flight by bank depositors no longer preoccupied Ministry officials
(Interview 5, former Ministry of Finance). Now that foreign exchange reserves were
plentiful, dollarization was at a historical low, and bank balance sheets were healthy
(Heng, 2015, p. 13), Ministry of Finance officials were reassured that the reform
would not cause mass capital flight. These fears were further allayed by the alliance
with key Santa Cruz business elites, which were among the largest depositors.
Although one of the major banks was foreign owned and threatened to leave
Bolivia in 2013, two factors prevented them. Firstly, it was difficult to find a buyer
given the recent FSL announcement, and secondly, due to the booming economy,
their venture in Bolivia was still relatively profitable compared to failed ventures in
Columbia, and limited operations in Chile and Panama (Interview 25, Foreign pri-
vate bank). The other most politically important universal banks were mainly
domestically owned, which meant that they had no easy exit option. Some microfi-
nance institutions were owned by foreign conglomerates, such as Banco los Andes,
which did sell their Bolivian operations following the FSL, these were not consid-
ered important to the functioning of the financial system by the Ministry of Finance
as they were lending mainly to informal, unproductive firms, at exploitative interest
rates, and so did not constitute a credible disinvestment threat (Interviews 1–5,
Ministry of Finance; 20, ASOFIN). Importantly, increased public ownership in
banking through the BDP and Banco Union meant that the government could com-
pensate declines in private lending, making its economic consequences less conse-
quential. Arce exploited demands for bank nationalization from mine workers,
cooperatives, and peasant farmers in order to frame the FSL 393 as a compromise
solution (Interview 1-5 Ministry of Finance; 14, former ASOBAN. Banks considered
nationalization a credible threat, due to the strong support the MAS government
enjoyed from its radical support base (Interview 25, Foreign commercial bank).
Some minor concessions were made to the banks so that profitability would not
become unsustainably low, as policymakers feared this could lead to financial
instability. The 70:30 productive lending quota was lowered to 60:40, interest rate
caps were lifted by two to three points, and unproductive loans were left uncapped.
A later concession was the inclusion of the construction, tourism, and intellectual
472 N. NAQVI
Fallout from the FSL 393 and lower commodity prices (2014–2018)
As intended by policymakers, the industrial, agribusiness, and construction sectors
have been the main beneficiaries of cheaper bank credit (ASFI, 2018, p. 10), but it
is still too early to assess whether the FSL is achieving its stated developmental
aims. Despite the predictions of private bankers and the IFIs, the FSL 393 did not
result banking or currency crisis due to mass capital flight, or foreign banks disin-
vesting. Instead total credit to the private sector grew at an average rate of 12% per
year between 2013 and 2018 (ASFI online database,; Heng,
2015). Private banks have accommodated themselves to the FSL despite lower prof-
itability, and the alliance between the MAS government and agribusiness elites
remains intact. So far no strong demands for reversal of the FSL 393 have emerged
(Interview 22, CAINCO; Interview 50, former Ministry of Finance).
The end of the commodity boom since 2014 raises questions about the sustain-
ability of this reform. Since commodity prices have fallen, a current account deficit
has emerged, external indebtedness is increasing, and FX reserves are declining.
However, at the time of writing, the sheer scale of reserves accumulated the boom
has meant the economy has not yet felt the full impact of low commodity prices
(Kehoe, Machicado, & Peres-Cajıas, 2019). From 2014, the government has been
compensating for declining commodity revenue by increasing foreign borrowing,
and by encouraging domestic private investment through their alliance with agri-
business (Interview 14, CEPB). At the same time, popular forces have become co-
opted by the government and de-mobilized (Farthing, 2019), which means they
may not be as strong a countervailing force if business power increases again. This
means that as reserves run low, the private sector could regain economic and polit-
ical power and may reverse financial reform.15 Furthermore, external imbalances
could eventually lead to a balance of payments crisis unless adjustments are made.
If this necessitates an IMF program, then interventionist reform could be reversed
under IMF conditionality, even if the domestic financial sector remains weak. On
the other hand, if the new financial regulation builds up a significant support base,
including among real economy business, then reversal may not occur even in the
face of adverse external or domestic circumstances.
Findings from the Bolivian case have important implications for the viability of
state-led growth strategies under economic globalization. These are difficult to
implement, because developing country governments are constrained not only by
official and private international creditors, but also domestic economic elites. On
the other hand, though external constraints are strong, they are not constant, and
vary at least partly as a function of domestic political conditions. Furthermore,
popular mobilizations can reduce not only elite instrumental power, but also struc-
tural power, if they exert sufficient pressure on policymakers.
1. Existing studies on the effectiveness of developmentalist financial policy show it has
been successful in some cases, but not in others (see Griffith-Jones & Ocampo, 2018;
Heng, 2015; Staking, 1997). This paper examines the conditions under which these
policies are implemented, but the question of their effectiveness is outside its scope.
2. By renationalization I mean policies that assert national public control over the
domestic financial sector to guide resource allocation according to domestic policy
priorities. I do not necessarily mean the nationalization of private banks, although
historically this has been one of the main tools used to guide credit.
3. Because industrial policy tools in the areas of finance, trade, and investment, are
governed by different sets of international arrangements and face different domestic
constraints, policy space is likely to be specific to the policy instrument used and the
regime that governs it.
4. Nonelite groups are defined as those that do not own or manage capital.
5. These include industrial manufacturing, agriculture and agribusiness, and extraction
and processing of metals, minerals, and natural gas. ‘Unproductive sectors’ are
broadly services sectors including wholesale and retail (IMF, 2015).
6. A number of countries, including China, India, Vietnam, and Nigeria, continue to
pursue varying degrees of activist financial policy, but are not included in the analysis
because they never seriously liberalised in the first place.
7. and the IADB in 2007.
8. Villegas was one of the key architects of the National Development Plan (PND).
9. While often termed a nationalization, the 2006 hydrocarbons reform did not involve
changes in ownership.
10. The government can however pass reforms as ‘Supreme Decrees’ rather than laws to
bypass parliament.
11. The official refers not to non-elite groups but capital owners and the professional
upper middle classes
12. The Argentinian government froze all bank accounts in order to stop capital flight
and converted US dollar deposits to pesos.
13. External financing was high in the 1990s but came down to 1.6% of bank liabilities in
the 2000s (ASFI, 2005, p. 9).
14. CAINCO and FEPSC sent a letter stating their agreement with the FSL, prior to final
negotiations (Interviews 1–4, Ministry of Finance).
15. This scenario appears to have materialized in the coup of November 2019, although it
remains to be seen how long the unelected government representing Santa Cruz elites
will last, and what their attitude towards financial policy is.
The author would like to thank Ngaire Woods, Robert Keohane, John Ikenberry, Diego Sanchez
Ancochea, Sylvia Maxfield, Tom Hale, Florence Dafe, Jose Peres Cajias, Linda Farthing, and the
participants of the Global Leaders Fellowship Colloquium at Princeton University for comments
on earlier drafts of this paper. Special thanks also go to Edwin Rojas Ulo, Peter Knaack, Bismarck
Averecilia, Pablo Mendietta Ossia, and Sara Shields, without whom conducting fieldwork would
have been impossible. All views expressed in this paper are the authors’ own.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.
Notes on contributor
Dr. Natalya Naqvi is Assistant Professor in International Political Economy at the Department of
International Relations at the London School of Economics. She was previously a postdoctoral
research fellow at the Global Economic Governance Program at Blavatnik School of Governance,
Oxford University and the Neihaus Center for Globalization and Governance, at the Woodrow
Wilson School, Princeton University. She holds a PhD from the Centre of Development Studies,
University of Cambridge. Her research interests revolve around the role of the state and the finan-
cial sector in economic development, and how much policy space developing countries have to
conduct selective industrial policies despite the constraints posed by economic globalization.
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