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Hebrew Exegetical Paper

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African Bible College

Malawi Campus
Hebrews and General Epistles

Exegetical Paper on Hebrews 1:1-14

Aubrey Chimadzuma

Pastor Felix Nyika
25,May 2015

One day I had an argument with a Moslem, I went to watch football game and I stood

close to him as we waited for the game to start. We talked about the game and some other few

stories about sports. The subject of our conversations changed when he realized that I was

carrying a pocked bible in my pocket. He asked whether i believe that Christ is the son of God

and God himself. I told him that I believe it because it is what the bible says and I read him

John1:1-18. He said he disagrees with that view for he said it is not true and advised me not to

believe that for I read it in the New Testament which he said has been distorted a lot and many

issues written in it are not trues and one of which is that Christ is God. Just like him many people

do not believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and God himself, they even rank him as less

superior to angels.

Jesus Christ was born from Mary under the power of the Holy Spirit, he came and lived

among us in the bodily form, he was fully human in every sense, and he possessed the body

similar to ours and being God at the same time. In the Old Testament the birth of Christ was

prophesied and depicted in so many ways and we find this in many verses e.g. Micah 5:2, and

other texts foreshadowed Christ’s coming Exodus 11-12.

Many people believe and agree that it was promised that there will be a messiah of the

world, they find it hard to believe that the promised one is the Christ whom we Christians follow

today. Many deny that the messiah being talked about is Jesus Christ the son of Mary the wife of

Joseph. So this book serves as a means through which Jesus Christ is displayed to be the one that

has been talked about in the past, he is the true eternal prophet, the king and high priest that was

talked about. Hebrews 1:1-14 is the passage that stipulates Jesus as God’s final Word. God’s

final word include, Christ as God’s revelation of himself, and Christology claim that Christ is
greater than the angels on Christ’s superiority includes God as the father of Christ, the angels

worshiping the son, son’s rule, Christ sovereignty over the universe, Christ’s victory over those

who oppose him. This study will follow the five basic exegetical steps which include historical

analysis, literally context and genre, exegesis and exposition, theological analysis and application

and contextualization.

Historical Context

The name Hebrews was like the name that was used by the non-Israelites referring to the

people of Israel. This led the Israelites begin using this name whenever they were

communicating with the people who were not Jews. This name is said to have been originated

from the ancestors of Abraham and the book of Hebrews inherited this name because it was

addressed to the people of Hebrew origin. (Freedman p, 567).

During the life of Jesus Christ there were no books of the new testament that were

written. Immediately after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ there was a period about

three decades during which many people believed and were putting their faith to Christ. The

Christian church expanded and many people from different ethnic groups were joining the faith.

At the same time there were pagan religions and schools of Greek philosophy who posed many

questions and important issues that the apostles had to respond to and resolve. Some of these

philosophies were Neo-Platonism and Gnosticism which brought many distortions to the

perceptions of who Jesus Christ was the goal of salvation and moral issues on how Christians

should live. (Jobes, 2011).

Hebrews and the general epistles were occasional letters, these were letters that were

written to address specific problems. The author of Hebrews was well identified with the leaders

of Jewish community. The book of Hebrews was written during a time when Israel was not
stable. There was a crisis in the assembly and many members begun to leave out as their

confidence in their convictions begun to go down, they begun losing their commitment to God.

Their stand as God’s people was shaken. They were no longer obedient to God and could not act

according to His word. They did this because they were discouraged with persecution being

experienced. During this time of persecution the Jews received public abuse to the extent that

some were imprisoned and other lost their property. They were deeply discouraged and they

found no reason of sustaining their faith during this time of trouble. (Martin P, 453, Dictionary of

the Later New Testament). The writer seeing how the people were behaving he knew that they

were heading the direction in which they would end up falling away from the faith into the state

of apostasy. So the book was written in response to this.


Determining the audience of this book has been a great controversy and a source of

scholarly debates because there are different suggestions as to who wrote it, in the book there is

no record of the name of the author, the time and place where it was written, the character of the

book, its canonical authority, the language in which it was composed. (Barnes, 1982).

The book of Hebrews was written by someone who was well conversant with the

theology of Judaism and probably to the Christians who would understand him in his references

and arguments. Job asserts that the word Hebrew in Greek (hebraioi) was used to refer to Jews

when distinguishing them from Gentiles. Again the books content has many practices of the

ancient Israel so these would be difficult for Gentile converts to understand. This then live the

Jewish converts to be the suitable audience. From this we can conclude that it was written to the

Jewish believers. Another controversy comes in to decide the place where these Jewish believers

were. Others give Rome, a small number of scholars support Jerusalem and others Alexandria.
Those for Jerusalem as the destination of the book are not right because the time when

the Christians were persecuted was when Stephen and Apostle James were killed. This is too

early for by then the author of the book who is Paul was not yet converted so he wouldn’t have

written that for he was by then fighting the same gospel that he later was defending. This could

also not be true based on the fact that the original readers did not hear Jesus Christ or his

disciples teach which makes Jerusalem more unlikely depending on when the book was written,

the exclusive use of the Septuagint and the Greek literary style (Jobes, 2011).

Those who are for Alexandria as the destination pare also probably not right for the time

when there was persecution of the Jewish people was way back earlier than the Hebrews would

be dated. Those who go for Rome get their evidence from the older the book of Hebrews was

placed in the extant manuscripts of the Hebrews. It is located in the middle of Paul’s other letters

just after the book of Romans. In Hebrews 13:24 the author sends greetings from Italy, so the

association with Italy puts Rome as the best candidate for the destination.(Jobes, p 33).


The date of the book of Hebrews from the writing of Clement asserts that it was written

in around 95 A.D. There are arguments to this due to the presence of the present tenses of the

verbs in Hebrew that describes the sacrificial rituals implies a date not later than 70 A.D., The

offering of sacrifices did not continue taking place when Titus destroyed the temple. For the

author could have used the argument from the temple rituals. Lack of the Hebrew reference

favors the date to be before A.D 70 (Robert H. Gundry, p335).


The author of the book of Hebrews is anonymous. The authorship of Hebrews has raised

many debates among people and there are different views at people’s hearts as they try to decide
who the real author was. Some Christians from Alexandria give the authorship to Paul. Evidence

against Pauline authorship has been dug out by some scholars. Their argument is that the letter

had well polished Greek style that Paul was not conversant with and could not write that style,

for the letter possessed the style similar to that of the Rhetoric masters, the style used in Hebrews

differed with the style that Paul’s other books had so he could not e the author. Another

argument that was brought forward was that the vocabulary, figures of speech found in Hebrews

and even the manner of arguments showed that the writer was inclined towards the Alexandrian

an Philonic influence. Finally, the writer’s and Paul’s way of introducing quotation were

different. (Douglas, Tenney. p, 427) New International Dictionary).

Other people think that the book was written y Appolos. Appolos was a Jew and was

born in Alexandria. He came to know the Lord Jesus Christ through Priscilla and Aquila.

Priscilla was Aquila’s wife. These two were also Christians. Appollos began teaching and

preaching the gospel after knowing of the Lord Jesus Christ. His Greek was good and he used

rhetorical style very well, and was once a co-worker of Paul (p, 428). In perception to these

qualities it is not amazing but logical enough to think that the writer was Appolos. His time spent

with Paul explains why Hebrews posses Paul’s logic, he might have learnt a lot from Paul’s

logic. A well polished Greek and style of Hebrews can be explained by his ability to write good

Greek with rhetorical style.

Barnabas is also suggested by some as the writer of Hebrews. He was a Levite, member

fo the Hellenistic party in the church of Jerusalem. He was thought of that he must have shared

ant temple perception similar to that Stephen had. Barnabas was once a collaborator of Paul, in

addition to this his name as a son of encouragement it was appropriate that he had to write a
word of exhortation. So those that argue for Barnabas authorship regard the book of Hebrews as

such an exhortation being talked about. (Carson, Moo and Morris).

Another group of scholars suggest that the book was written by Priscilla with help of her

husband Aquila. Some of the evidence supporting this is the use of pronouns I and We. Priscilla

and Aquila were well informed and they undertook Appolos teaching. They must have also

known Timothy for they worked with Paul at one time so as Timothy. The absence of the name

of the authorship, for there was antifeminism going on among the early church. This idea was

conflicting with the use of the Masculine singular that is found in Hebrews.


The book was written’ to help the Christians who were under persecution to still hold on

to Christ. For there were some who were heading for apostasy. Due to problems some people

were killed other imprisoned and even lost their property this led some people to begin doubting

God and were no longer obedient to the word of God. So the book was a means of encouraging

the people not to fall away from the faith.(Martin, p 436)

Literary Context

Hebrews’ outline presents different in the following order: the superiority of Christ over

the prophets (1:1-3), Superiority of Christ over the Angels (1:4-2:18), Superiority of Christ over

Moses (3:1-4:13), Superiority of Christ’s Priesthood (4:14-7:28), Superiority of Christ’ Covenant

(8), Superiority of Christ’s Sanctuary (9:10:18), a call to Full Assurance of Faith (10:19-11:40),

endurance of Faith (12), a call to Love (13:1-17) and a conclusion (13:18-25). The passage that is

being dealt with falls at the beginning of the book of Hebrews and it is followed by the

superiority of Christ over Moses. The book is an epistle that was written in a form similar to that
of a sermon, this is shown in the way it was introduced by the greeting, the oral style and the way

some remarks like “time would fail me to tell” and “I have written to you briefly”. (Gundry)


The book was written in a unique way for it displays many features of the formal Greek

rhetoric. This makes people to suggest that the book was originally to be delivered orally as a

sermon but it ended up being written and sent to its audience. Hebrew 13:18-25 contains many

personal references in a section that is different in style than the rest of the book (Jobes, 2011).

The absence of the popular Hellenistic style of opening letter also gives support to the idea that

the book was at first written as a sermon and sent to a particular church as written document.

Some other people speculate that the book contained the address at first concerning the place

where it was sent, but this lacks evidence from the manuscript.

Exegesis and Exposition

Hebrews 1:1- The author of Hebrews is saying that God spoke several times, more than once but

it is not clear and not said the exact times that He spoke. God spoke to the prophets, these were

the inspired speakers chosen by God who also qualified them. This is in line with what God said

that he would make Himself known to the prophet and speak to him, he did not ask for anyone

except the prophets (Numbers 12:6). The recipients of the message were the fathers; these were

the Old Testament saints who were under the dispensation (Mathew Henry). The preposition by,

says about the manner of speaking. The sundry times is sometimes said to mean several parts.

This is probably referring to different ages of the Old Testament dispensation. Barnes asserts

that, this was written to those who had the full understanding of beliefs and truths taught by the

Hebrews 1:2- God has spoken in these latter end days to us, hath spoken is a prolonged absolute

verb, it means to lay off or to utter. The mode of communication in these latter days is through

his son, the last times are the times in which there is the gospel. According to Matthew Henry,

says that now we should not wait for new revelation but only more of the spirit of Christ to help

us understand what has already been revealed and consists of two things. It is the final finishing

revelation and that it is the revelation that has been mad Christ. (Mathew Henry). Joel 2: 28

parallels this that in the last days there will be God’s spirit. Jesus Christ was appointed as the heir

or possessor of all things. In diverse maner (πολυτρόπως), the speaking is said to be in different

modes. The revelation of his son Jesus Christ is the last and final revelation. The revelation

being talked about is the one that was made between God and his son Jesus Christ, it has been

given in these last days and nothing will be added to it and we no longer accept new discoveries.

Through Christ all the creation relies and is supported iin such a way that without Him they

would not stand. The revelation by his son is more superior to those other revelations given

through the prophets, for we hear that Christ is more superior to them. (Mathew Henry). We see

that all power in heaven and on earth is given to Him, and also all judgments are committed to

Him (Mathew 28:18). These were the words of Christ to His disciples as he was giving them the

great commission to go out and preach the Gospel.

Hebrews 1:3- Christ was the representation of God’s glory, he was also the exact image of

God’s personality, Him and the Father are of the same character. All things were brought forth

by Him, the adverb upholding when translated literary of figuratively means bring forth, he does

this by speaking His powerful word. Christ sat down at the right hand of the Father after he had

executed our sins. He sat at a high place; this is the place of high authority. The glory of the

person of Christ proceeds to the glory of his grace. Henry asserts that, “the glory of his person
and nature gave to his suffering merit as was a full satisfaction to the honor God” he suffered to

clean the sins of man. The priests were usually standing when they were, and for Christ by sitting

down it shows the consummation of His sacrifice. (John Wesley explanatory notes) e. word.

(ἀπαύγασμα) this word appears only in the old testament it means “properly reflected splendor”

Hebrews 1:4-Jesus Christ was made better than the angels, and the name the he inherited was

more than that of the angels. The state of being better than the angels gives a clear picture of the

state of greatness attained by Christ. By saying that Christ was made better than Angels does not

mean that he was created, the statement mean that it was a change of existence. The Jews held

the angels as closer to God, in terms of their being. The sect of Judaism had a view that the

Angel Michael was more superior to Christ, (MacArthur, p 1866). So this idea can be argued

against in Hebrews, because we hear that Christ was made better than the Angels.

Being made better than the Angels was meant in the exaltation of rank and being a

mediator and the son of God he is ranked far much above the angels. In Clarke, the better state

being talked about was based on divinity. The Jews in their tradition regarded the angels as of

high excellence and were even associated with God, and they were supposed to have a good

position in the council of God. In Gen. 1:26 they are seen to be near to God, they stood near

Him. So Christ is holding a position greater than the angels’ (Clarke).

Hebrews 1:5- For unto which of the angels said he at any time. God has never said to nay of the

angels what he said to Jesus Christ that; “though art my son, this day have I begotten thee?”

these were the words of God talking to Christ. Christ will be the son of God and God will be his

father (Gill). This parallel with what is written in Psalms 2:7, and also with what Paul wrote in

quoting the same psalm 2:7 in Acts 13: 33 and Romans 1:4. Barnes also says about the way some
of the Jews pay a kind of homage to the angels for they were looked upon as mediators between

God and men. God proves the inferiority of angels over Christ.

Hebrews 1:6- And again when he bringeth in the first begotten, is not translated well in Greek. It

should have said that when he bringeth again or the second time, this may refer to his

resurrection considered as his second incarnation. God said to all Angels that they should

worship Christ.

Hebrews 1:7-God gave the angels an inferior name, and the angels were holding a more humble

position. The angels were made to be ministers ad sprits who, their responsibility was to minister

unto Christ. In one way the angels were made inferior even to man as the man was created by the

hands of God and again man was made in the image and likeness of God. In parallel to this it

was said in psalm.

Hebrews 1:8-God said to Christ that he had Christ that his throne, the rod of righteousness is the

rod of his kingdom. Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever. This is from Psalm, in psalm what

was spoken was contrary to Solomon, so the people understood that it was talking of a divine

being, and the objects of worship and the messiah, again Ezekiel 37:27 it ascribes to the son of

God, (Gill).

Hebrews 1:9-Jesus Christ has loved righteousness, and he hated iniquity and God anointed him

with the oil of gladness above all the fellows of Christ. The same issue of righteousness of Christ

is shown in psalm 45:7, Christ has always been obedient to the law of God, he was holly and

upright. For the fact that it was God who was describing Christ in this way then this is evidence

enough that was really that. For God knows everything as explained in Barnes that these

Character could only mean to Christ not Solomon, and this description could not be appropriate

to him for he was not without sin as what is being described here. Clarke says that the original
would be written and the sense would be sufficiently clear if it reads “Therefore God hath

anointed thee, etc.

Hebrews 1:10- And, though, Lord in the beginning hath laid the foundation of the earth. Christ

is being described as the creator of the heavens and the earth. The same story is found in

Hebrews 1:2 and his wisdom and skill are being displayed by his creation.

Hebrews 1:11- One time the earth and heavens will be no more and, they shall wax out , or they

shall be removed like a garment, a dress, and roe. The garment does not last long it easily gets

worn out, similarly all visible things will be gone. And the new havens will be made in which

only righteousness will be present, there will be no evil as 2peter 3:10-13 describes.

Hebrews 1:12- Jesus Christ will fold them as the mantle, and they will be change but Christ will

never be changed. He will remain the same, and Christ’s years will never end.

Hebrews 1:13- To which of the angels did God every say that at any time, sit at my right hand,

God never said to any of the angels for he designed to give that honor to only Christ not them,

the angels. The quote is from psalm, the customs of the conquerors was putting the feet on the

enemy’s neck.

Hebrews 1:14- The angels are ministers sent forth by God to minister those who will inherit

salvation. The angels were given responsibility of ministering unto the people , a ministering

spirit is the one who has been sent by to give or act upon the will of God. They were those who

provide aid to others and were helpers, or servants. Such is the implication as used here. They are

working to deliver “aid” or “support” to others- to witness to Christians. Appointed by Go for

this. They are “sent” are under his authority of subordinate capacity. (Barnes)

Theological analysis
According to the passage Christology, anthropology and Divinity are the main focus in

this passage. And these doctrines contribute to the systematic theology in the sense that we see

the continuity of God’s redemption story. in Psalm 2: 7 talks about the proclamation of Christ

that God has is Christ farther, so this is also found in the passage under study and it is adding on

to the pattern that God established.

In 1 chronicles 17:13 God declares that Christ will be his son and him be his farther. This

is the one who was preached in the Old Testament that he would come to die on the cross to

serve human race. The fulfillment of this story of the messiah is being discussed here and the

Christ talked about in here is the one who was prophesied that he will be born. It is recorded in

many passages that there will be born a child from the virgin Mary and this child will take the

sins of the whole word.

The supremacy of Christ is found in Col 1:15- 18 and in him all things were created. This

again is showing the unity of the passage under consideration with the rest of the bible for we see

in many passages that it is in line with the systematic theology


One of the most important contributions of this passage to Malawian Christians is that it

gives the real picture of the Messiah that was talked about in the past that it is Jesus Christ being

preached by many Christians who was promised that he would come to save the word. John 3:16

says that God love his son and sent him that we should believe in him and he will give eternal

life. This passage will also help many people understand that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and is

the exact representation of God that we all need to believe in and trust for he is God.

In conclusion
The passage specified that the Messiah that was preached is the Christ that was born from the

virgin Marry. This Christ is the exact representation of God the farther. In the past God spoke

through the prophets and some people took their word of prophesy and pleased God. In these last

day we should listen to Christ and only then we can please God.

Works Cited
A,B. (1981). Notes on the New Testament, Hebrews and Practical. Michigan:

Grand Rapids.

Albert, B. (1963). Notes on the New Testament, Hebrews explanatory and Practical. Michigan:

Barker House. Grand Rapids.

Douglass J, M. C. (1963). New International Bible Dictionary. Michigan: Zondervan Grand


Jobes, K. H. (2011). Letters to the Church: A survey of Hebrews and the General Epistles.
Michigan: Zondervan.

Mathew, H. (2002). Mathew Henry’s commentary on The Whole Bible. Peabody: Hendricks

Publishing Company.

Noel, F. D. Dictionary of the Bible. Michigan: Grand Rapids Publishing Company.

RH, G. (1981). A survey of the New Testament. Grand Rapids.

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of The Bible, Hendrickson Publishers, P.O Box 3473,

Peabody, MA 01961-3473. Printed in US.

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