Qudit Entanglers Using Quantum Optimal Control: Somanakuttan@unm - Edu Ideutsch@unm - Edu
Qudit Entanglers Using Quantum Optimal Control: Somanakuttan@unm - Edu Ideutsch@unm - Edu
Qudit Entanglers Using Quantum Optimal Control: Somanakuttan@unm - Edu Ideutsch@unm - Edu
high-fidelity entangling gates. As a test of our theory, we study the case of qudits robustly encoded
in nuclear spins of alkaline earth atoms and manipulated with magnetic and optical fields, with
entangling interactions arising from the well-known Rydberg blockade. We applied this in a case
study based on a d = 10 dimensional qudit encoded in the I = 9/2 nuclear spin in 87 Sr, controlled
through a combination of nuclear spin-resonance, a tensor AC-Stark shift, and Rydberg dressing,
which allows us to generate an arbitrary symmetric entangling two-qudit gate such as CPhase.
Our techniques can be used to implement qudit entangling gates for any 2 ≤ d ≤ 10 encoded in the
nuclear spin. We also studied how decoherence due to the finite lifetime of the Rydberg states affects
the creation of the CPhase gate and found, through numerical optimization, a fidelity of 0.9985,
0.9980, 0.9942, and 0.9800 for d = 2, d = 3, d = 5, and d = 7 respectively. This provides a powerful
platform to explore the various applications of quantum information processing of qudits including
metrological enhancement with qudits, quantum simulation, universal quantum computation, and
quantum error correction.
other background noise [43–45]. Also, the recent signif- {H0 , H1 , H2 , . . . , Hk }, are generators of the desired Lie
icant achievements of quantum information processing algebra,
h e.g., su(d). Then i ∃ c(t) such that U [c, T ] =
using the Rydberg blockade [46–48] make this an ideal RT
T exp −i 0 H[c(t)]dt = Utar for any target unitary
platform for exploring quantum computation. Using a
combination of a tunable radio-frequency magnetic field in desired Lie Group, e.g., Utar ∈ SU(d). In addition,
and interactions that arise when atoms are excited to we require T ≥ T∗ , where T∗ is known as the “quantum
high-lying Rydberg states, the atomic qudit is fully con- speed limit,” which sets the minimal time needed for the
trollable. The analysis here extends our previous work on system to be fully controllable.
single-qudit SU(d) gates to the case of two-qudit entan- We consider here open-loop control determined by a
gling gates. We find that one can use quantum optimal well-defined Hamiltonian of the general form,
control to implement high-fidelity entangling qudit gates
H(t) = H (1) (t) + H (2) (t) + Hent , (3)
even in the presence of decoherence arising from the finite
Rydberg-state lifetime. where H (i) (t) are time-dependent Hamiltonians acting
The remainder of this article is organized as follows. In on the individual subsystems, and Hent is the interac-
Sec. (II) we review the fundamentals of quantum control tion that entangles them. Here we include the time de-
and define two approaches that we use here: the Lie alge- pendence in the Hamiltonian that acts on the individual
braic and Lie group theoretic protocols for the generation system as these will be generally easier to implement ex-
of any arbitrary qudit entangling gates. In Sec. (III), we perimentally. In this formulation, Hent = H0 , is the drift
study how control is achieved using numerical optimiza- Hamiltonian. However, one could in principle include
tion based on the well-known GRAPE algorithm [49] and time dependence in the entangling Hamiltonian as well
obtain control waveforms using the Lie-algebraic method. and this may achieve faster gates.
We also use a gradient-based approach to find a digital
sequence of unitary maps that achieves the desired gate
using a Lie group theoretic method. Finally, we study B. Lie-group approach
how decoherence affects the fidelity of these gates. We
give conclusions and outlook of our approach in Sec. (IV).
In the digital, Lie-group approach to quantum con-
trol, we consider a family of unitary maps in the desired
group that are easily implementable, U (λj ), where {λj }
are the parameters that specify the unitary matrices at
our disposal. The relevant Lie group of interest here is
A complete universal gate set for qudits requires one SU(d2 ), the group of two-qudit unitary matrices in d2
entangling gate. A standard choice is the CPhase gate, dimensions, where the overall phase is removed. The
which is the generalization of CZ gate for qubits, defined system is controllable if ∀Utar ∈ SU(d2 ), ∃{λi } such that
CPhase |ji |ki = ω jk |ji |ki , (1) j=1 U (λj ) = Utar . Similar to the Lie-algebraic quan-
tum control approach, the goal is to find {λj } through
where ω = exp(2πi/d), the d-th primitive root of identity numeric optimization, e.g., via gradient-based methods.
for a subsystem of dimension d. We can see that for d = 2 For the case of two-qudit gates, a controllable Lie group
we recover the CZ gate. This gate is equivalent to the structure is given as,
qudit-analog of the CNOT gate, known as CSUM gate,
Uλj = Uent ∗ (U1 ⊗ U2 ), (4)
CSUM |ii |ji = |ii |i ⊕ j(mod d)i (2)
where U1,2 ∈ SU(d) and Uent = exp(−iHent t) ∈ / SU(d) ⊗
by Pthe local Hadamard gate for qudits, Hd |ji = SU(d). Thus, we can achieve the target gate to the de-
√1 ij
d i ω |ii. Previous works have studied how to im- sired fidelity by intertwining a sequence of local SU(d)
plement these gates through a well-defined sequence of gates and the available entangling interaction in alter-
maps generated by one-qudit and two-qudit Hamiltoni- nating layers of single qudit gates and entangling gates,
ans [24, 50–52]. We study here the use of numerical op- as shown in Fig. 1(b). This approach is similar to the
timization and the theory of optimal control. construction based on Givens rotation [27]. Here, the
possibility of accessing arbitrary local SU(d) gates makes
this protocol very powerful. A schematic comparison of
A. Lie-algebraic approach both these approaches is shown in Fig. (1).
FIG. 1. Comparison of Lie algebra versus Lie group approach for quantum control. (a) Schematic of the continuous-
time Lie-algebraic Papproach for quantum control. The physical systems are governed by the time-dependent Hamiltonian,
H[c(t)] = Hent + kj=1 cj (t)Hj , here with a time-dependent entangling Hamiltonian, Hent . The time-dependent waveforms
{cj (t)} are found through numerical optimization, and this defines the target unitary map of interest through the solution to
the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. (b) Schematic for a digital, Lie-group approach to quantum control of entangling
two-qudit gates. The target unitary is achieved through a discrete series of layers consisting of unitary maps from a given family.
One layer of the scheme consists of single-qudit gates on each subsystem and an entangling interaction between them, applied
for a given time tj . Through numerical optimization, one finds the parameters of the local SU (d)-gates and the entangling
time tj in each layer.
high-lying Rydberg states. We use the Rydberg dress- magnetic dipole moment, which substantially increases
ing paradigm in which one adiabatically superposes the the speed of gates, but this comes at the cost of increased
Rydberg state into the ground states to introduce inter- sensitivity to background magnetic fields and residual
actions between dressed ground states [53–58]. Rydberg tensor light shifts from the trapping lasers. By choosing
dressing has been studied with multiple applications in- the metastable 3 P0 clock state, one retains the robustness
cluding the dynamics of interacting spin models [56–58] of having J = 0 at the cost of much slower gates, since
as well as to prepare metrologically-useful states [59]. the magnetic coupling is now solely to the nuclear spin.
Entanglement between neutral atoms via Rydberg dress- We consider here coherently transferring qudits from the
ing has been theoretically proposed for creating qubit S0 ground state to the F = 9/2 state hyperfine states
entangling gates [54, 60, 61] and experimentally imple- of the 3 P2 manifold, which provides for faster and more
mented [55, 62, 63]. flexible control [64], putting technical noise aside.
We study here encoding a qudit in the spin of 87 Sr. In To achieve the entangling interaction, we consider Ry-
the ground state there is neither orbital nor spin angu- dberg dressing, generalizing the mechanism discussed
lar momentum in the electrons, J = 0, and only nuclear in [54, 55, 60]. The AC Stark shift (light shift) asso-
spin, I = 9/2, giving us ten possible levels in which to ciated with a dressed state when a laser is tuned near a
encode our qudit, labeled from |0i = |mI = 9/2i , |1i = Rydberg resonance is modified for two atoms because of
|mI = 7/2i , · · · , |9i = |mI = −9/2i. The nuclear spin is the Rydberg blockade. The deficit between the two-atom
highly isolated from the environment and thus serves as a light shift and twice the one-atom light shift determines
robust memory for quantum information. In [42] we stud- the entangling energy [54]. For the case of qudits, the
ied how we could implement single qudit gates in these same physics holds, but now with a multilevel structure
systems through a combination of a laser-induced ten- and a spectrum of entangling energies. When the spec-
sor light-shift and radio frequency (rf)-induced Larmor trum is nonlinear, the system is controllable.
precession. We generalize to the two-qudit case here. Figure (2) depicts the basic scheme. The levels of the
To implement entangling two-qudit control, we will qudit that will participate in the gate are excited to the
make use of the excitation to the 5sns 3 S1 Rydberg se- first excited 3 P2 state. The Rydberg states in 87 Sr have
ries from the metastable 5s5p 3 PJ first excited states. well-resolved hyperfine splitting. We consider tuning a
The choice of energy levels depends on practical consid- UV dressing laser from the 3 P2 , F = 9/2 magnetic sub-
erations. By choosing the metastable state 5s5p 3 P2 , the levels to the 3 S1 Rydberg states near resonance with a
total electron angular momentum gives rise to a large well-chosen hyperfine manifold, e.g., F ′ = 11/2. In the
FIG. 2. Schematic for designing two-qudit entangling interactions in 87 Sr neutral atoms. (a) A k ≤ d-dimensional
qudit is encoded in memory in the nuclear spin with d = 10 magnetic sublevels in the electronic ground state (5s2 ) 1 S0 . When the
gate is to be performed, the k levels (here k = 3) are transferred coherently to the metastable clock states (5s5p) 3 P2 , F = 11/2 in
the presence of a bias magnetic field. The system becomes controllable by adiabatically dressing the 3 P2 with Rydberg character
through the application of a near-resonant laser with Rabi frequency ΩL and detuning ∆L with respect to the hyperfine manifold
(5sns) 3 S1 , F ′ = 9/2 in the Rydberg series. Control is then achieved through the application of a phase-modulated rf-field with
Rabi rate Ωrf which acts on the dressed states to generate a nonlinear Larmor precession. The entanglement arises due to the
Rydberg blockade. The coupling of the state of two qudits for a perfect blockade as depicted in (b), where i is a state from the
first qudit and j is from the second qudit, excited by E two Rabi frequencies and detunings determined by the Clebsch-Gordan
coefficients and Zeeman shifts. The state |iji → ij is the dressed state given in Eq. (6). The spectrum of eigenvalues of the
entangling Hamiltonian Eq.(5) is given in (c) as a function of i and j where the function chosen is f (i, j) = 10i + j; 0 ≤ i, j < 10.
The spectrum indicates 10 parabolas, where each parabola corresponds to the effect of a single state in the first atom sees due
to all the states in the second atom. This nonlinear spectrum arises through a combination of the tensor AC Stark shift and
the Rydberg blockade, making the system controllable, allowing us to implement any symmetric two qudit gate in this system
of interest.
presence of a bias magnetic field, due to the difference combination of the tensor light shift and Rydberg block-
in the g-factors, the manifolds will be differently Zeeman ade. This nonlinearity makes the Hamiltonian control-
shifted. The different magnetic sublevels that define the lable; further details are discussed in Appendix (B).
qudit will thus be differently detuned to the Rydberg The time-dependent Hamiltonian necessary for the
magnetic sublevels. Due to this and the Clebsch-Gordan Lie-algebraic control can be chosen as phase-modulated
coefficients associated with the different transitions, each Larmor precession, Hmag = −µ · B(t), with µ = gF µB F
sublevel will be differently dressed (equivalently, there is the magnetic dipole
vector operator, and
where B(t) =
a tensor light shift). When two atoms are dressed, the Bk ez + BT Re (ex + iey )e−i(ωrf t+φ(t)) . Defining the
effect of the Rydberg blockade modifies the spectrum as auxilary subspace, a, for the levels in hyperfine mani-
discussed above. An example of two sublevels (one from fold {5s5p 3 P2 , F = 9/2} and the subspace, r, for the
each atom) is shown in Fig. (2 b). Diagonializing this levels {5sns 3 S1 , F ′ = 11/2} in the Rydberg hyperfine
atom-laser Hamiltonian under the approximation of a manifold, we have gF (r)/gF (a) ≈ 2. Thus defining the
perfect Rydberg blockade yields the representation Zeeman shift ω0 = gF (a)Bk , the Larmor precession fre-
X ED quency Ωrf = gF (a)BT , and choosing rf drive on res-
Hent = e
E ij ij e ,
ij (5) onance in the a-manifold, ωrf = ω0 , in the co-rotating
ij frame at ω0 , the Hamiltonian is
where the tilde indicates dressed states, Hmag (t) = Ωrf cos φ(t)Fxa + sin φ(t)Fya ,
E (r)
Hmag (t) = 2Ωrf cos φ(t)Fxr + sin φ(t)Fyr + ω0 Fzr ,
e = Cij |iji + Cri j |ri ji + Cirj |irj i ,
ij (6)
where Fia , Fir are the spin angular momentum operators
and E ij are the light shifts originating from these in- in the respective subspaces along axis i ∈ {x, y, z}.
teractions. The spectrum of the entangling Hamiltonian As the Hmag acts on the laser-dressed states defined in
shown in Fig. (2c) gives us insight into the controlla- Eq. (6), which are superpositions of a and r states that
bility of the system. As ordered, the spectrum reveals have different g-factors, one needs to find the action of
the structure of 10 quadratic potentials arising from a the magnetic interaction in the dressed basis. Due to
the nonlinearity, the action of the rf-magnetic driving on Considering a global rf-magnetic interaction, the Hmag
the dressed states is no longer simple Larmor precession. acts on both qudits as
E h i h i
e = Cij Hmag
(Hmag (t) ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ Hmag (t)]) ij (a) (a)
(t) ⊗ Hmag (r)
(t) |iji + Cri j Hmag (a)
(t) ⊗ Hmag (t) |ri ji
h i (8)
(a) (r)
+ Cirj Hmag (t) ⊗ Hmag (t) |irj i .
Thus in the dressed basis, the Hamiltonian is H(t) = is symmetric with respect to the exchange of the qu-
He [φ(t)] + Hent , where the action of the magnetic field in dits, we consider here symmetric gates, with global con-
the dressed basis is given by the Hamiltonian, trol. We seek, through numerical optimization, the time-
dependent rf-phase, φ(t). To achieve this we employ
e [φ(t)]
H the well-known GRAPE algorithm [49]. To implement
X D E ED GRAPE we discretize the control waveform, φ(t), and
= ij e ij
e Hmag (t) ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ Hmag (t)] kl e kle . numerically maximize the fidelity by gradient ascent.
i,j,k,l We choose here a piecewise constant parameterization
(9) (as in [41]) and write the control waveform as a vec-
By modulating the phase φ(t) one can generate any tar- tor c = {φ(tj )/π | j = 1, . . . , n} where t = j∆t and
get unitary gate. n = T /∆t. The waveform is thus a series of square rf-
pulses with constant amplitude and phase over the dura-
tion ∆t.
III. NUMERICAL METHODS The minimum number of elements in the control vec-
tor c is determined by the number of parameters needed
We consider encoding a k-dimensional qudit in the to specify the target isometry. A K-dimensional par-
d = 10 dimensional Hilbert space associated with 10 mag- tial isometry is defined by the K columns in a D × D-
netic sublevels of the nuclear spin of 87 Sr. To implement dimensional unitary matrix, as can be seen from Eq. (10).
gates based on optimal control for k < 10, we use tech- Hence, to find the number of free parameters for a
niques based on the structure of partial isometries. A K-dimensional isometry one can count the number of
partial isometry of dimension k ≤ d in a physical system parameters needed to specify K orthonormal vectors
of dimension d is defined as, uniquely in a D-dimensional vector space. This is given
Vtar = |fi i hei | (10) nmin (K, D) = 2(D − j) − 1 + K − 1
where {|ei i}, {|fi i} are two orthonormal bases for the K(K + 1)
=2 KD − +K −1
qudit. This gives the unitary of interest to us in the form 2
Utar = Vtar + V⊥ , (11) =2KD − K 2 − 1,
where in the first line, we subtracted one from the pa-
where V⊥ is acting on the orthogonal subspace of dimen- rameter count in since the overall phase of the isometry
sion d − k. To find the control waveform, one then opti- is neglected. Equation (13) recovers well-known limits.
mizes the objective function When K = 1 and D = d, nmin = 2d − 2, which is the
2 number of free parameters needed to specify a pure state
FV [c, T ] = Tr Vtar V [c, T ] /k 2 , (12) in a d-dimensional Hilbert space. When K = D = d,
nmin = d2 − 1, which is the number of free parameters
the fidelity between the target isometry and the isometry needed to specify a special unitary map in d-dimensions.
generated using quantum control [65]. In the Lie-algebraic protocol for designing entangling
gates, the control Hamiltonian, as well as the target uni-
tary matrices, are symmetric under the exchange of qu-
A. Numerical results for Lie-algebraic approach dits. In this case, one can work in the symmetric sub-
space for two qudits. Using the hook length formula [66],
As discussed in Sec. (II c), one can implement an ar- the dimension of the symmetric subspace of the total vec-
bitrary entangling gate through a combination of Ryd- tor space and isometry is,
berg dressing and phase-modulated Larmor precession d(d + 1) k(k + 1)
driven by rf-fields. Because our control Hamiltonian D= ,K = . (14)
2 2
FIG. 3. Waveforms of the CPhase gate. Quantum control is achieved by modulating the phase of an rf-field as a function
of time, φ(t). We parameterize this by a piecewise constant waveform. The figure shows proof-of-principle examples of φ(t)
that generate the CPhase gate, optimized using the GRAPE algorithm for different qudit dimensions. (a) The case of the d = 3
for a total time of T = 50π/Ωrf with 700 piecewise constant steps. (b) The case of the d = 5 for a total time of T = 240π/Ωrf
with 1600 piecewise constant steps. (c) The case of the d = 7 for a total time of T = 400π/Ωrf with 2500 piecewise constant
steps. For all of these calculations, the rf-field is on resonance with the Zeeman splitting ωrf = ω0 and we choose the rf-Larmor
frequency Ωrf = ωrf . Control is achieved by Rydberg dressing with laser Rabi frequency ΩL = 6Ωrf .
d Nmin Nlocal Nglobal employ symmetric global control of the local unitaries,
3 3 6 7 ~ (j) = β~ (j) , but to reverse the sign of the entangling
5 7 10 12 Hamiltonian Hent → −Hent in alternating layers. This
7 13 14 15 allows for effective optimization, and the corresponding
result is given in Table (II).
TABLE II. The number of layers of primitive gates in the Lie-
group approach required to achieve the CPhase gate. The
theoretical minimum is Nmin according to Eq. (18). If we
allow locally addressable single qudit gates, the number of C. Decoherence
layers required is Nlocal . If we have only global control, but
allow for a sign change in the entangling Hamiltonian, the In a closed quantum system, quantum optimal control
number of layers required is Nglobal employing either the Lie-algebraic or the Lie-group ap-
proaches can be used in principle to implement any qudit
entangling gate to any desired fidelity. In our numerical
In this analysis, we included locally addressable control optimization, we took the target infidelity to be 10−3 . In
on each qudit. Though the CPhase gate is symmetric un- the absence of decoherence, we could achieve that tar-
der exchange, we find that this symmetry breaking is nec- get in a reasonable time for d ≤ 5. For d = 7, more
essary for effective optimization of this parameterization, time is required. However, fundamentally the fidelity one
similar to that seen in [69]. An alternative protocol is to can achieve is limited by decoherence associated with the
-4 -2 0 2 4
an entangling Hamiltonian that is symmetric under the where the total angular momentum operator for the two
exchange of the qudits and thus does not require local qudits is
addressing. To show that a Hamiltonian is controllable,
we use the operator basis of irreducible spherical tensors Jz = 1 ⊗ jz + jz ⊗ 1. (C2)
on spin j defined as [72, 73],
We employ the same procedure for optimal control as
s we discussed in the main text in designing the waveforms
2k + 1 X to implement the CPhase gate. Numerical examples of
Tq(k) = hj, k + q|k, 1; j, mi |j, m + qihj, m| .
2j + 1 q the waveforms that create the Mølmer-Sørenson gate for
θ = π/2 are given in Fig. 9. The figure shows φ(t), the
These satisfy the fundamental commutation relations, piecewise constant of the control waveform, obtained us-
ing the GRAPE algorithm. Fig. 3(a) shows the case of
h i
jz , Tq(k) =qTq(k) ,
h i p (B2)
(k) 1
j± , Tq(k) = k(k + 1) − q(q ± 1)Tq±1 .
The set of operators form a complete orthonormal
Tq -1
operator basis. Merkel et al. [74] showed that given a
generating set of Hamiltonians {hi }, if -2
Tr hi , Tqk 6= 0 (B3)
for k > 2, the system is fully controllable. That is, the
set generates the whole Lie algebra of interest, which thus -5
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
allows us to implement an arbitrary unitary map on the
spin of the system using quantum control.
We consider two-qudit systems, where the relevant Lie FIG. 8. The decomposition the entangling Hamiltonian Hent ,
Group is SU(d2 ); here d2 = 100. We expand the en- (K)
Eq. (5) in different orders of spherical tensors, Tq , for
tangling Hamiltonian in the operator basis of spherical j = 99/2, an operator basis of dimension D = 2j + 1 = 100,
tensors with j = 99/2, spanning the space of dimension spanning the two-qudit space for d = 10. The expansion co-
D = 2j + 1 = 100. Fig. 8 shows operator decomposition (K) (K)†
efficients are given by Cq = Tr(Hent Tq ) . We have
of the entangling Hamiltonian Hent in different orders of
spherical tensors. One can see in this figure that there ordered the expansion coefficients according to g(K, q) =
(k + 1)2 − 1 + q, where 0 ≤ k ≤ j, and −k ≤ q ≤ k. The
are contributions from higher rank tensors, making the
existence of contributions from higher-rank tensors makes the
system controllable. system controllable when combined with time-dependent rf-
fields that act locally on the atoms.
Appendix C: Creating other symmetric qudit the k = 3 the qutrit encoded in d = 10. The total time
entanglers for the Lie-algebraic approach is T = 50π/Ωrf and we divide the time into 700 time
steps for the quantum control. In Fig. 3(b) we plot an
Since the Hamiltonian described in Eq.(3) can be used example waveform for the case of the d = 5 into our 10
to create any symmetric two-qudit Hamiltonian, we can level system. We have a total time of T = 240π/Ωrf and
also generate the Mølmer-Sørenson gate for qudits de- we divide the time into 1600 time steps for the quantum
fined as, control. In Fig. 3(c) we plot an example for the case of
the d = 7 into our 10 level system. We have a total time
of T = 400π/Ωrf and we divide the time into 2500 time
UMS (θ) = exp −iθ . (C1) steps for the quantum control.
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