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CPD Question

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1. What is the minimum requirement that alarm and warningsfor DP Control systems must do ? (Reference IMO MSC 1580)
a. Provide an audible and visual alarmand record in the vessel VDR
b. Provide an audible and colour coded visual alarm
c. Provide an audible and visual alarm and record the occurance and state of change together with an explanation
d. Provide an audible visual alarm and record the keystrokesof the operator at time of event

2. How is SINGLE FAILURE CRITERIA for DP equipment class 3 Vessel Defined ? ( Reference IMO MSC 1580 )
a. Redundacy of all active and static component with fire and flooding protection
b. Redundancy of DP Control system
c. Redundancy of thrusters
d. Redundancy of all active component

3. What is FMEA analyse? ( Reference IMO MSC 1580 )

a. To complete installation for DP vesselincluding but not limited to power system, Thruster System, and DP Control System
b. DP Control Station, OS, Thruster
c.Computer system,joystick system, control ststaion and display system associated cabling and cable routing network
d. Computer / joystick system, control station and display system, PRS, associated cabling and cable routing network

4. What sub systems are part of the DP system? ( Reference IMO MSC 1580 )
a. Power Generation, Power distribution and an automatic system
b. 2 DP control system and independent joystick
c. Power System, Thruster and DP Control System
d. A DP control system and 3 independent PRS

5. How SINGLE FAILURE CRITERIA for DP equipment class 3 defined ? ( Reference IMO MSC 1580 )
a. Redundancy of DP control system
b. Redundancy of all active and static component and A60 Physical separation with respect to fire and flood
c. Redundancy of all active componenet
d. Redundancy of Thrusters
6. What does IMO MSC 1580 require in a DP Annual survey ) ( Reference IMO MSC 1580 )
a. A FMEA proving trial program
b. Functional test of DP testing in the presence of class surveyor
c. Testing of important sytems and components to verify high level failure and redundancy groups
d. DP documentation review

7. What is DP syetm FMEA? ( Reference IMO MSC 1580 )

a. A study that identify single and multiple failure modes and asseses them against design worst case failure
to ensure vessel can maintain position under single fault condition
b. A set of trials conducted annualyto ensure the vessel can maintain heading and position under fault condition
c. A study that identifies single failure mode and asses them against a design worst case failure
to ensure vessel can maintain position under single fault condition
d. A set of test conducted every 5 years to ensure the vessel can maintain heading and position under fault conditions

8. In IMO MSC 1580 how are DP equipment classes categorized ) ( Reference IMO MSC 1580 )
a. Equipment class 1, class 2 and class 3
b. AUTRO 1, 2, 3
c. IMO MSC 1580 doest not define equipment classes
d. DPS 1, 2, 3

9. What action to be taken in the event advisory condition in the ASOG? ASOG may also be termed a WSOG, FSOG, LSOG?
a. Advise the master
b. Conduct risk assesment to determine whether to continue, change position and cease operation
c. Commence preparationto safelyy terminate activities
d. No action just monitor

10. How are boundaries for normal advisory. Reduce status and emergency status presented in the ASOG?( Reference IMCA M103 )
a. By critically matrix with a score multiplier to determine disconnection
b. By colour- Green normal, Advisory - yellow, Red- emergency status
c. Ny number - Level 1 Normal operation, Level 2 advisory status, Level 3 reducestatus, Level 4 Emergency status
d. By letter using acronym "NARE" Normal , Advisory, Reduced and Emergency
15. Within what parameters should a fully Opeational DP system be able to reliably keep a veesl in position ? ( Reference IMCA M103 )
a. Within 10m of desired position
b. As defined by the Safest mode of operation
c. As defined by the TAM ( Task Appropiate Mode )
d. As defined by the rated environment for DP vessel

16. With repsect go to environment , When should DPO suspend operation ? ( Reference IMO MSC 1580 )
a. In the prevaiing weather condition when the vessel no longer hold position with all thrus availabke
b. When environmental condition ( e.g wind, wave, current) are such that DP vessel
will no longer be able to keep positioning in the event of its worst case failure
c. When the weather is worsing and the vessel's thrust requirement is over 60%
d. In the prevailing weather condition when the vessel can no longer maintain its heading

17. What action should DPO consider at the first signs of fire in the Engine Room ? ( refer IMCA DP SKB )
a. Call the DPA and receive instruction on how to progress
b. The vessel should go to a yeallow alert state and prepare to terminate ops
c. Change over to manual thrust mode
d. Perform emergency termination of all activities

18. What is the defination of equipment class 3 vessels ? ( Reference IMO MSC 1580 )
a. a loss of position but NOT heading loss may occur in the event single fault or loss compartment due to flooding
b. A loss of position or heading will not occur in the event of single fault,
in any active or static component or systemor loss of compartment due to flooding
c. A loss of position or heading wil not Occur in the event single fault
in any static component or system or loss compartment due to flooding or fire
d.A loss of heading but not position may occur in the event of a single fault or loss of compartment due to fire

19. When should vessel operating in equipment class 2 and 3 terminate operation ? ( Reference IMO MSC 1580 )
a. when the environmental confitions such that DP vessel will no longer be able to keep position after loss one engine
b. when the environmental confitions such that DP vessel will no longer be able to keep position after loss one thruster
c. when the environmental confitions such that DP vessel will no longer be able to keep position with all thrust avaliable
d. when the environmental confitions or forecast are t such that DP vessel
will no longer be able to keep position if a WCFevent as identified in the FMEA occurs.
Section 2

21. How is current as shown at DP operationg station derived ? ( Reference MTS )

a. By measurement from accelerometers in the MRU sensors .
b. By calculation based on PRSnad known weather conditions
c. By calculation based all residual external forces acting on the vessel that cannot otherwise be accounted for
d. By measurement from current sensors that are integral to draft sensing devices

22. What is DPO correct response when CAM is BLUE " Advisory status". Where any of the GREEN conditions are not met ? ( Reference MTS )
a. Commenced and continue operation as planned
b. Commenced prepation to safely terminate operation.
c. Abandon operation, take immediate actioni.e initiate emergency disconnect sequence EDS to ensure safety of people , environment, vessel
d. Conduct risk assesmentto determine wether to continue change position or ceased operation

23. What does DP footprint plot show ? ( Reference MTS )

a. The capacity of the most effective thrsuter ubder WCF.
b. Major excursion of the vessel from required position.
C. The physical capability of the vessel( that can then be used as an inputto develop the DP capability plots
d. The accuracy of station keeping and comparison of the limitingwind speed envelope to the theoretical DP capability plot

24. What is the criteria for consequence analysis? ( ref IMO MSC 1580 )
a. Loss of thruster forward and one thruster aft
b. The wost case failure
c. Single thruster lossd.
d. The ASOG

25. What precautions should be take if a ' rip tide' ( trip current ) or loop current is seen approaching? ( ref IMCA DP SKB )
a. Call the master ( RA if necessary disconnect or limit efect such as changing heading
b. terminate operation immediately
c. Ensure busbar is split and vessel is in TAM mode or operation
d. No particular mitigation needed
26.A DP 2 diesel electric vessel with port and starboardredundancy group arrangement has a single engine room.
Within this single engine room there are two transformer, one supply from the port SWBD
the other supplied from stbd SWBD. The Port and Stbd SWBDwhich supply the transformer are in separate SWBD
room split by A60 and watertight compartment between each other. These transformer step down a 440vAC supply to a 230V AC supply
to support critical engine control function associated with their redundancy group
To meet Equipment class 2 notation as defined by IMO, should these transformer be separatedby watertight and A60 divisions?
a. YES
b. NO

27. What is DPO correct response when ASOG ondicates a Yellow Condition' Reduced status Pre-defined performance limits reached.
Component or system failure resulting in loss of redundancy. (ref MTS )
a.commence prepation to safely terminate operation
b. Abandon operation. Take immediate actioni.e initiate emergency disconnect sequence
c. Conduct RA to determine whether to continue, change positionor ceased operation
d. Commence and continue operation as planned

28. When changing from DP mode to independent IJS. What is most likely significant failure? ( ref IMCA DP SKB )
a. Loss of positioning capability and heading control only available
b. A temporary loss of trust whilst the DPO moves from one location to the other.
c. Loss of position reference equipment resultingin position being maintained by deck reckoning
d. A total loss of thrust

29. What should a Vessel specific DP operations Manual contain ? Ref IMO MSC 1508 )
a. Information regardingthe vessel such as checklist , test and procedures including
blackout recovery, operating modes, decision support tools and capability plot
b. The DP FMEA and associated proving trails
c. Information regarding the functionaloperation of the DP control system authored by DP equipmentmanufacturer
d. Manufactures operating manuals for the equipmentthat is part of DP system

30. CLONE - What should IJS be minimally capable off ? ( Ref IMO MSC 1580 )
a. Auto heading and position control
b. Auto position control
c. Auto heading control
d. Auto position control and manual heading control

31. What is the purpose of consequence analysis ? ( ref IMCA M 103 )

a. To provide a warning that WCF occurred
b. To provide a warning that if a predefined WCF occurs, there is insufficientthrust available to maintain position
c. To provide a warning that a position loss is imminent
d. To provide a warning that a major failure has occurred

32.What is power management system ? ( ref IMO MSC 1580 )

a. A system that ensures continuity of electric supply under all operating conditions
b. A microprocessor arrangement consisting a programmable logic controller in each main SWBD section
c. A system that ensure stanby electrical system will maintain power and prevent a failure in excess of WCF
d. A system ensures electrical protection system will open BUS tiebrekers in the event of fault.

33. What advantages do inertial navigation systems offer to acoustic PRS? ( ref. MTS )
a. Overcome update rate issues due to speed of sound in water
b. Overcome the effect of disturbed signals due to physical aquatic disturbance
c. Overcome the effect of downwash from tilted azimuth or propeller arrangement
d. Overcome white noise created as result of the vessel machinery and propellers.

34. IMCA station keeping Bulletin 03/19 event 1. A DP 2 vessel in 500 m engaged in cargo oeprations was operating with
1 DGNSS and 1 laser based system on line. For its DP2 notation is the vessel oeprating with correctnumber PRS ?
a. No, the vessel should be operatingwith at least 3 independent PRTS to meet DP2 notation
b. Yes , the vessel can operate with 2 PRS as it has a DP2 notion.
c. No, the vessel should be operating with at least 2 DGNSS and 2 relative PRS
d. Yes , the vessel can operatewith 2 PRS because one is based on an obsolute and the other a relative principle

35. How many independent PRS are required during operations on equipment class 1 vessel ? (Ref IMO MSC 1580 )
a. At least 2 inependent PRS
b. At least 3 independent PRS
c. At least 1 Independent PRS
d. Other vessel modelling dead reckoning of position is allowable and no PRS are needed

36. How many independent PRS are required during operations on equipment class 3 vessel ? (Ref IMO MSC 1580 )
a. At least 3 inependent PRS , 1 of which is based on the acoustic principal
b. At least 2 inependent PRS
c. At least 4 independent PRS , 2 of which are based on the DGPS correction
d. At least 3 independent PRS

37. How many independent PRS are requiredduring operations on equipment class 2 vessel? ( ref IMO MSC 1580 )
a. At least 4 independent PRS , 2 of which are based on the DGPS correction
b. At least 3 independent PRS
c. At least 2 independent PRS
d. At least 3 inependent PRS , 1 of which is based on the acoustic principal

38. Which is the following PRS group are ALL OBSOLUTE references? Ref MTS )
a. Laser,DGNSS, radar
b. DGNSS, Acoustic, Taut Wire
c. DGNSS, Artemis, Tautwire
d. Artemis, Laser, radar

39. With respect to sensing system what precaution may be necessary when helicopter is arriving ? ( Ref MTS )
a. deselect current and MRU sensing devices
b. Monitor gyro for avionic induced static magnetic effect
c. Deselect MRU's
d. Deselect wind sensors

40. The vessel is operating on 3 DGNSS system supported by different redundant supplies TWO GPS base and one GPS/ GLONASS
. Does this meet equipment class 2 requirement ? ( Ref IMCA DP SKB )
a. No, as DGNSS is a single reference as common mode failure exist such as scintillation, sunspot activity and multiptah issues.
b. Yes, though the 3 based upon DGNSS the use of GLONASS provides redundancy in the system
c. Yes, as three position references are provided which are supported from difeerent supplies
d. No because all satellite based systems that are used for marine functionss have common mode coding. This is an
IMO requirement of member states i.e US and Russia

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