POLYTECHNIC 2023-24 First Year Instructions To CandidatesPart Time
POLYTECHNIC 2023-24 First Year Instructions To CandidatesPart Time
POLYTECHNIC 2023-24 First Year Instructions To CandidatesPart Time
1. Application for admission to the Parttime Diploma Courses 3. ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION
should be submitted
A pass in SSLC Examination (or) Equivalent /.
a) Online in the Portal www.tnpoly.in
SSLC + ITI / SSLC+ Experience / SS LC + IT I E xp er
2. Name of the Institutions, courses of study duration, i en c e.
Sl. Name of the Institution & Weightage of Marks will be given for the
service period in the relevant Engineering field.
Duration Candidates should have been employed within a
distance of 90 Km., from the Institution to which applicant
No. Courses of Study seeks admission within Tamil Nadu.
Exemption for the Distance :
1. Central Polytechnic College
Chennai 600 113 1. Staff of Government offices and Public Sector
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics, undertaking at Thirunelveli and Palayamkottai are exempted
Electronics & Comm unication Engineering 4 years from the distance rules for admission in Government
Polytechnic, Tuticorin, vide G.O. Ms. No. 1542 /
*2. Thanthai Periyar E.V. R. Government Education, dt. 30.9.1988.
Polytechnic College, Vellore 632 002
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics 4 years 2. L ab. Assist ants working in Arasa n
Ganesa n Polytechnic, Sivakasi are exempted
3. Tamilnadu Government Polytechnic College from the distance rules for admission to Tamilnad
Madurai 625 011
Polytechnic, Madurai, vide G.O. Ms. No. 401 Education,
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics 4 years
dt. 10.4.1989.
4. Government Polytechnic College
Coimbatore 641 014 3. Skilled Assistants / Lab. Assistants working
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics 4 years in Virudhunagar S. Vellaichamy Nadar
Polytechnic, Virudhunagar are exempted from the
*5. Government Polytechnic College distance rules for admission to Tamilnad Polytechnic,
Nagercoil 629 004 Madurai, vide G.O. Ms. No. 405, Education, dt.
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics 4 years 21.4.1993.
*6. Government Polytechnic College
Trichy 620 022
(i) The marks secured in X Standard qualifying
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics 4 years
examination shall b e re d u ce d to a base
*7. Government Polytechnic College of 80 Marks;
Tuticorin 628 003
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics 4 years (ii) Weightage be given for every completed year of
service after passing the qualification with a
*8. Government Polytechnic College maximum of 20 marks in the following manner. (a) For
Krishnagiri 635 001 every com pleted year ‑ 4 Marks. Selection shall be
Civil, Mechanical, Electronics & made as per ranking based on the total Marks
Comm unication Engineering 4 years secured in items (i) and (ii) above (80 + 20 = 100)
(Subject to reservation as per Government orders).
*9. Alagappa Polytechnic College
Karaikudi 630 004 (iii) Minimum of two years full time work experience in a
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics 4 years registered Firm / Company / Industry / Educational
and / Government Autonomous Organisations on the
relevant field on which admission is sought.
* The Commissioner of Technical Education reserves the rights to
cancel any course(s), if sufficient number of candidates are not Passed 10th Std. and 2 years I.T.I. after 10th Std.
available for admission to any course(s). Examination.
6.1 Fees