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POLYTECHNIC 2023-24 First Year Instructions To CandidatesPart Time

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Admission to Part-time Diploma Courses, 2023–2024


1. Application for admission to the Parttime Diploma Courses 3. ELIGIBILITY FOR ADMISSION
should be submitted
A pass in SSLC Examination (or) Equivalent /.
a) Online in the Portal www.tnpoly.in
SSLC + ITI / SSLC+ Experience / SS LC + IT I E xp er
2. Name of the Institutions, courses of study duration, i en c e.
Sl. Name of the Institution & Weightage of Marks will be given for the
service period in the relevant Engineering field.
Duration Candidates should have been employed within a
distance of 90 Km., from the Institution to which applicant
No. Courses of Study seeks admission within Tamil Nadu.
Exemption for the Distance :
1. Central Polytechnic College
Chennai 600 113 1. Staff of Government offices and Public Sector
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics, undertaking at Thirunelveli and Palayamkottai are exempted
Electronics & Comm unication Engineering 4 years from the distance rules for admission in Government
Polytechnic, Tuticorin, vide G.O. Ms. No. 1542 /
*2. Thanthai Periyar E.V. R. Government Education, dt. 30.9.1988.
Polytechnic College, Vellore 632 002
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics 4 years 2. L ab. Assist ants working in Arasa n
Ganesa n Polytechnic, Sivakasi are exempted
3. Tamilnadu Government Polytechnic College from the distance rules for admission to Tamilnad
Madurai 625 011
Polytechnic, Madurai, vide G.O. Ms. No. 401 Education,
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics 4 years
dt. 10.4.1989.
4. Government Polytechnic College
Coimbatore 641 014 3. Skilled Assistants / Lab. Assistants working
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics 4 years in Virudhunagar S. Vellaichamy Nadar
Polytechnic, Virudhunagar are exempted from the
*5. Government Polytechnic College distance rules for admission to Tamilnad Polytechnic,
Nagercoil 629 004 Madurai, vide G.O. Ms. No. 405, Education, dt.
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics 4 years 21.4.1993.

*6. Government Polytechnic College
Trichy 620 022
(i) The marks secured in X Standard qualifying
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics 4 years
examination shall b e re d u ce d to a base
*7. Government Polytechnic College of 80 Marks;
Tuticorin 628 003
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics 4 years (ii) Weightage be given for every completed year of
service after passing the qualification with a
*8. Government Polytechnic College maximum of 20 marks in the following manner. (a) For
Krishnagiri 635 001 every com pleted year ‑ 4 Marks. Selection shall be
Civil, Mechanical, Electronics & made as per ranking based on the total Marks
Comm unication Engineering 4 years secured in items (i) and (ii) above (80 + 20 = 100)
(Subject to reservation as per Government orders).
*9. Alagappa Polytechnic College
Karaikudi 630 004 (iii) Minimum of two years full time work experience in a
Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Electronics 4 years registered Firm / Company / Industry / Educational
and / Government Autonomous Organisations on the
relevant field on which admission is sought.

* The Commissioner of Technical Education reserves the rights to
cancel any course(s), if sufficient number of candidates are not Passed 10th Std. and 2 years I.T.I. after 10th Std.
available for admission to any course(s). Examination.

Marks secured in SS LC or equivalent alone shall be Passed 10th Std. or equivalent

taken into account, for the purposes of selection
irrespective of higher qualification possessed by the candidate.
Note: (ii) Candidates seeking admission against BC (O) / BC (M)
1. The candidates should s u bm i t th e certificate in various / MBC & DNC / SC / SC(A) / ST quota should obtain a
of counseling capacities under various employer in support of claim certificate of social status in the prescribed form (which
for experience at the time. is a duly numbered and printed one) available with
2. The period of service as Unpaid / Paid Apprentice Trainee / the Revenue Authorities concerned.
Helper / NMR / Under work charged establishment will not be taken as
service and such candidates are not eligible for admission.
The candidates should produce at the time of
3. Ser vices under W iring C on tra c tor / Building Contractor
/ Welding Shop / Lathe / Electrical Shop etc., are not recognised as
admission, the original community certificate along with
Services in Engineering Field. a xerox copy of the
4. Candidates possessing higher qualifications should also community certificate duly attested by Officers of Grade A or B.
satisfy the conditions above.
(iii) The applicants are informed that filled in employee
5. Com mercial Assistant ( TNEB) and persons working in similar
positions in the Government Departments and Government certificate should be sent only through their
undertaking are eligible to join Part‑ time Diploma Courses in Department / Employer concerned. The in employee
Polytechnics. (G.O. Ms. No. 1055, Education (EJ2) dated certificate should reach the Principals concerned.
5‑ 11‑ 1992). No candidate can be considered for selection /
6. Recognised workshop means a workshop registered under admission whatsoever in the absence of receipt of
Labour Act / Factories Act / SSI which includes Technical such in employee certificate through
Educational Institutions, ITI etc.
proper channel.
7. Experience will be computed only from the date of
registration of the firm in SSI etc. (iv)The list of the selected candidates will be published in
8. Experience mark will be counted according to be proper the Notice Board of the Polytechnic concerned. Intimation
S.S.I. Certificate produced. of selection will be sent to the selected candidates
by the Principal of the Polytechnic concerned
5. Se l e c tion will b e made under the under Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due.
following categories:
(vi) Certificate of industrial experience should contain the
1. Open Competition passport size photo, attested by the Employer.
2. Backward Class (Others)
3. Backward Class (Muslim)
4. Most Backward Class / Denotified Communities
5. Scheduled Caste Director
6. Scheduled Caste (Arunthathiyar) Directorate of Technical Education
7. Scheduled Tribe Chennai 600 025
The percentage of seats under the above categories will be as
per the orders of Government of Tamil Nadu.


6.1 Fees

Detailed information can be had from the Principals of the

respective Polytechnic College.

6.2 The following original certificates should be

produced at the time of admission or when required by
the Principal :
(i) Transfer certificate & Co n d u c t certificate inoriginal from
the Head of the Educational Institution in which the candidate
had last studied.
(ii) SSLC or equivalent C e r t i f i c a t e .

(iii) Experience certificates obtained from various

establishments as p er pra c tical e xperi e n c e
6.3 Other Important Points
(i) Applicants belonging to Tamil Nadu only will be
considered for admission. However the following categories
of candidates are also eligible to apply on par with Tamil Nadu

Candidates working in Central Government Departments, Registered

Stock Companies, Private or Public Sector Under tak ings and
also in Government Recognised Institutions, though not domiciled
in this State may also apply and compete with other candidates for
admission provided a certificate is produced from the Management /
Depar tment / Employer along with the application that the
candidate is a permanent employee of the Department / Firm /
Institution concerned and working in Tamil Nadu continuously for the
past 5 years, at the time of submission of application.


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