History Chapter 7
History Chapter 7
History Chapter 7
Japanese did the regularity of
nese history European printing.
emocratic. He
ant role to 2 What were the different thoughts
ed the power scholars on learning new ideas from
Europe? What did the slogan Fukoku-
kyohei' mean and what did Japanese
ecture? needed to achieve this?
ced by this
Ans Different Thoughts of Scholars
uilt in such a
Many scholars and to learn from An
the new ideas in Europe rather than ignore
n during
them as the Chinese were doing. Others
to exclude the Europeans even while being
rry ready to adopt the new technologies they
offered. Some argued for a gradual and limited
Matthew opening to the outer world.
overnment Fufoku-kyohei
eand open Apolicy with the slogan fukoku-kyohei (rich
country, strong armny) was launched by the
government, because it realised that they need
todevelop Japan's economy and build a strong
army, otherwise they would be subjugated like
dby British India. To achieve this, they needed to create a
pular ways sense of nationhood among the people and
n might be
transform them into citizens from subjects.
trade startedin 1859, Japan's silk
became a major
major source of
profit for the
economystruggling compete with Western
The silk from Nishijin came to be known
bestinthe world.
aabout the new
prscuss school systemin Japan.
system in Japan :
the new school An
.Fromthe 1870s,the new school system had
beguntobe built in Japan.
Schooling was made compulsory for
for boys and
girlsandby almost universal. Tuition
feeswere minimal.
.Thecurriculum had been based on Western
ls While there was an emphasis on
stress was also placed on
modern ideas,
loyaltyandthe study of Japanese history.
The Ministry of Education exercised control
and in the selection of
overthe curriculum
textbooks, as well as in teachers'
Moral culture was taught and texts urged
children to respect their parents, be loyal to the
nation and become good citizens.
try undeveloped. CHAP
9What did Qing
new ideas and reformers do to introduce
Ans The Qing reformers had
done severals things to
introduce new ideas and institution. These were:
. Students were sent to
study in Japan, Britain
and France, to get trained in modern
and bring back new ideas. subjects
. Many Chinese students went
toJapan in the
1890s. They not only brought back new ideas
but also became leading republicans.
" The Chinese borrowed even Japanese
translations of European words such as
justice, rights and revolution because they
used the same ideographic script, a reversal
of the traditional relationship.
" The centuries-old Chinese examination
system that gave candidates entry intothe
eliteruling class was abolished.
O of the Cultural
show howforeign and indigenous ideas were
create something new.
brought together to
marked physical contra st
13What are the Japan?
between China and
Difference beetween physicalfeatures of China
Ans follows:
andJapan are as
China is a large
Japan is a string of
continental country that islands.
has many climatic
It is dominated by
three Honshu, Kyushu,
important river systems Shikoku and Hokkaido
i.e. the yellow river are the four largest
(Huang He), the Yangtse islands of Japan.
river (Chang Jiang which
is the third longest river
in the world) and the
Pearl river.
Large part of the country More than half of the
is mountainous. land area of main
islands is
-Japan also builtbullet trains which ran at 200 Communists and the
Guomindang worked
Shinkansen or together but after the end of the war, the
now their speeds
miles per hour in 1964 and This Communists established themselves
are around 300 miles per Japanese to use and the Guomindang was defeated in powe
represents the ability of the and Finally, the Peoples Republic of China
advanced technologies to produce better government was established in
cheaper goods.
of the Communists.
1949 by the
Today Japan is one of the major powers
world politically, economicallysay
technologically. Thus, we can that the rapid SOURCE BASED QUESTIONS
rebuilding of the Japanese economy after its
shattering defeat was called a post-war 1 Afictionalise ddiary of the Heian court
written by Murasaki Shikibu, the Tale of the
7 "Communists established themselves Genji became the central work of fiction in
in power and the Guomindang was Japanese literature. That periodi saw the
defeated." Explain. emergence of many women writers, like
Ans Communists rose to power in the following Murasaki, who wrote in the
ways: while men wrote in the
Japanese script,
" The Communist Party of China was
founded script, used
Revolution. The for education and government. The novel
in 1921 soon after the Russian
Russian success had a powerful influence all depicts the romantic life of Prince Geni ana
around the world. is a striking picture of the aristocratic
"Mao Zedong emerged as a prominent leader atmosphere of the Heian court. It shows the
in the Communist Party. He followed a independence that women had in choosing
revolutionary programme which was based their husbands and living their lives.
on the peasantry. In this attempt, he became ) VWho wrote the Tale of the Genji? What was
successful and thus made the Communist o nbt the novel about?
Party a powerful political force which (ii) What was the contrast between men and
ultimately won against the Guomindang. women writers? What was Chinese script
Mao Zedong camped from 1928 to 1934 in used for?
Jiangxi region in the mountains to secure (iii) What was social message it had in it?
themselves from Guomindang attacks. He Ans (i) Murasaki Shikibu wrote the Tale of the
organised a strong peasants' council called
Soviet. It was united through confiscation and Genji.
redistribution of land. The novel depicts the romantic life of
" He was sympathetic to women's problems. He Prince Genji and was a striking picture of
supported rural women's associations, the aristocratic atmosphere of the Heian
promulgated a new marriage law that forbade (ii) Whìle women writers wrote in the
arranged marriages, stopped purchase or sale Japanese
of marriage contracts and simplified divorce. script, men wrote in the Chinese script.
Guomindanag was defeated in the following Chinese script was used for education and
ways: government.
. The defeat of (iii) It showed the
Guomindang was started when
it created a blockade against the Communists had in choosingindependence that women
their husbands and living
Soviet.This forced communists to look for their lives. This is a social
another base. snovel gives. message that
. Due to
blockade, the communists led the 2 The Japanese had
famous Long March i.e. 6000 gruelling and borrowed their written
script from the Chinese
difficult miles to Shanxi. Here, the in the 16th
Communists formed a base in Yanan and However, since their language is verycentury.
further developed theirnewprogramme to end different from Chinese they developed two
phonetic alphabets - hiragana and
katakana. Hiragana is considered feminine