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Cst206 Operating Systems, June 2023

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B.Tech Degree 54 (R,S) / 52 (PT) (R,S) Examination June2023 (201

Course Code: CST 206

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours

Answer all questions, eoch canies 3 marks. Marks
I What are the major activities of an operating system with regard to file management? (3)
2 system.
Write the operations taking place during the booting of a (3)
J Explain the different buffering mechanisms used in message passing systems? (3)

4 Define the parameters for multilevel feedback queue scheduling? How it is better (3)

compared to multilevel queue scheduling?

5 What are the three conditions to be satisfied by a solution to critical section problem? (3)

6 deadlocks?
Explain with an example the improper usage of semaphore causing (3)

7 Differentiate Logical address Space and Physical Address Space (3)

8 Explain the terms (i) Dynamic Loading (ii) Dynamic Linking (3)

9 Discuss the steps in handling apage fault? (3)

I 0 How is disk formaffing done? (3)

Answer any one questionfrom each module

Module I
I I " (a) What is an Operating System? Explain any 3 types of Operating System. , (7\

(b) What is a system call? What are the different ways to pass parameters to system (7)

call? List basic types of system call with examples.

l2 (a) Write notes on the following operating system structures. (8)

(i) Microkernel structure (ii) Simple Structure (iii) Layered Structure

(b) Describe the differences between symmetric and asymmetric multiprocessing. (6)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of multiprocessor systems?

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Module 2
13 (a) Define process. With the help of a neat diagram explain different states of (7)

(b) With an example, illustrate the interprocess communication using Shared (7)
14 (a) Assume you have the following jobs in a system that to be executed with a (8)
single processor. Now,

Process ID Arrival Time Burst Time (ms)

PO 0 75

PI l0 40
P2 l0 25

P3 55 30
P4 95 45

i) Create a Gantt chart illustrating the execution

ii) Find the average waiting time
Iii) Find the average turnaround time
For the above processes, when the system uses
a) Preemptive Scheduling b) RR Scheduling (Time Quantum: 15 ms)
(b) What are threads? What are the benefits of multithreaded programming? List (6)
the ways of establishing relationship between user threads and kernel thread.

Module 3
15 (a) Explain Dining Philosophers Problem. Give a solution for the problem using (6)
monitors. .
(b) What do you mean by deadlock? WHat are the four necessary conditions for a (8)
deadlock to occur? Describe various deadlock prevention mechanisms.

16 (a) What is a semaphore? Describe how semaphores can be used as a process (7)
synchron isation mechanism?
(b) Consider the following snapshot of the system with five processes Pl. P2, (7)
P3,P4,P5 and four resources A, B, C, D. Using Bankers Algorithm, check
qhether the system is in safe state or not.

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Allocation Max Available

A B c D A B c D A B C D
PI I 0 2 2 J 2 5 2 J 0 0 I
P2 0 2 I 2 J 4 2
P3 2 4 ) 0 2 7 7 J

P4 J 0 0 0 5 5 0 7
P5 4 2 I J 6 2 I 4

Module 4
17 (a) With the help of a diagram explain how logical address is translated to physical (5)
address in case of segmentation scheme.

Consider the following segment table of a process.

Segment Base Limit

0 2t9 600
I 2300 t4
2 90 100
J 1327 580
4 1952 96
(i) 0,430 (ii) l, l0 (iii) 2,500 (iv) 3,400 (v) 4, tt2
| (b) consider the following page reference stream, R:3, 2, 4,3, 4,2,2,3, 4, 5, 6,7, (9)
7, 6, 5, 4, 5, 6,7,2, l. Assuming demand paging with three frames, how many
page faults would occur for the following page replacement algorithms.

i) LRU replacement ii) FIFO replacement iii) optimalreplacement

" OR* .

l8 (a) Define Demand Paging. Explain Swapping with a neat diagram. (6)
(b) Consider a fixed partitioned memory management scheme with fixed partitions (S)
are 150K,300K,550K,400K,250K and 200K (in order). Five processes are
ready for execution each with memory requirement as Pl(240K), p2(120K),
P3(380K), P4(300K) and P5(350K). Write the allocation in each of rhe
following cases and calculate the internal fragmentation and external
fragmentation (if any) in each case.
(i) First Fit (ii) Best Fit (iii) Worst Fit

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Module 5
19 (a) List out the logical structtrres of a directory with figures. (5)
(b) With neat sketches illustrate the following disk space allocation algorithms (9)
(i) Contiguous allocation (ii) Linked allocation (iii) Indexed allocation?
20 (a) Discuss Protection. Write notes about the protection strategies provided for (6)
(b) Consider a disk queue with requests for VO to blocks on cylinders 98, 183, (8)
41,122, 14, 124,65,67. The head is initially at cylinder number 53. The
cylinders are numbered from 0 to 199. Find out the total hcad movement
incurred while servicing these requests, if following scheduling algorithms ar€
used-(i) FCFS (iD SSTF (iiD C-SCAN (iv) LooK

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