Green Book Complete ,,,,,, GREEN BOOK
Green Book Complete ,,,,,, GREEN BOOK
Green Book Complete ,,,,,, GREEN BOOK
Table of Contents Enrollment ACH Payment Processing Nonreceipt Returns Reclamations Notification of Change Collections Contacts Glossary
Green Book
elcome to the Green Book - a comprehensive guide for financial institutions that receive ACH payments from the Federal government, and send payments (i.e. collections) to the Federal government. Today, the vast majority of Federal payments and collections are made via the ACH. With very few exceptions, Federal government ACH transactions continue to be subject to the same rules as private industry ACH payments. As a result, the Green Book continues to get smaller in size and is designed to deal primarily with exceptions or issues unique to Federal government operations. Federal agency contact information is included and, since so much information is available via the Internet, web site addresses are included where appropriate. The Green Book continues to be available on the Internet at and chapters can be printed as Portable Display Format (PDF) documents. We no longer print and mail hard copies. So, we encourage you to visit the web site for updates and news relevant to Federal government ACH transactions. The ACH regulation, 31 CFR 210, provides the basis for most of the information contained in the Green Book. However, there are other regulations that impact Federal government ACH payments. The following table summarizes these regulations: Regulation 31 CFR Part 210 Governs Federal Government Participation in the Automated Clearing House Management of Federal Agency Disbursements Payment of Federal Taxes and the Treasury Tax and Loan Program Electronic Transactions and Funds Transfers Relating to United States Securities Developed and maintained by: Financial Management Service Financial Management Service Financial Management Service Bureau of the Public Debt
Green Book
We still occasionally get asked, Why green? It is really simple. The first publication issued in 1975 dealing with the Direct Deposit of Federal government payments, when the ACH network was in its infancy, had a green cover. More than thirty years later, the world of Federal government payments has changed, but the Green Book is still green! We hope you incorporate the Green Book into your daily operations and visit us frequently. Department of the Treasury Financial Management Service August 2007
Green Book
Errors in the Direct Deposit enrollment process are the primary cause of misdirected payments. Financial institutions will be held liable for providing incorrect enrollment information and should, therefore, carefully review all Direct Deposit enrollment procedures.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
In this Chapter...
A. Automated Enrollment/ENR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Go Direct Online Enrollment Option for Financial Institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Payment Cycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
What to do if Direct Deposit does not Begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-26 Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form (SF 1199A) Sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-27 SF 1199A Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-28
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
Green Book
All reject or return item processing for these items is handled by the Research Division of the Processing Center. Financial institutions electing to submit enrollments electronically through Go Direct are relieved of the obligation of processing ENR return items (refer to: Appendix - Enrollments - Return Items).
B. Simplified Enrollment
There are a variety of ways for Federal payment recipients to enroll for Direct Deposit without visiting a financial institution.
Telephone Enrollment
As part of the U.S. Treasury sponsored Go Direct program, recipients can be enrolled by calling 1-800-333-1795 (English)/1-800-333-1792 (Spanish), or by visiting, or by completing FMS Form 1200. The Go Direct call center hours of operation are 8:00 am - 8:00 pm ET, Monday through Friday excluding Federal holidays. NOTICE: Benefit recipients can enroll individually by calling Go Direct at the numbers listed above. Financial institution representatives (i.e.: new accounts, customer service, etc.) can also assist their customers (recipient's) who wish to enroll by phone. However, when doing so, the benefit recipient - or their representative - must be present when the phone call is made. Go Direct personnel will ask to speak to the recipient or their representative and obtain approval for the 3rd party banking representative to provide their enrollment information. Financial institutions that elect to capture enrollment information on paper or through other means and process after hours or in a back-office environment may not use Go Direct telephone enrollment on behalf of their customer.
Green Book
The table below shows the Simplified Enrollment procedures for specific payment types.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
Simplified Enrollment Methods (continued) Payment Type Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Recipient As part of the U.S. Treasury sponsored Go Direct program, Financial Institutions can enroll their customers and/or recipients can enroll individually by calling 1-800-333-1795 (English)/1-800-333-1792 (Spanish), or by visiting, or by completing FMS 1200. The Go Direct call center hours of operation are 8:00 am 8:00 pm ET, Monday through Friday, excluding Federal Holidays. Additionally, Financial Institutions and/or recipients can call OPM at 1 (888) 767-6738 or (202) 606-0500 in the Washington, DC area,or visit for details. Enrolls automatically when he/she establishes a TreasuryDirect account for purchasing Treasury bills, notes, and bonds. Allows for the Direct Deposit of principal and interest payments. Investors use Form PD F 5182, New Account Request, to establish a TreasuryDirect account and to provide Direct Deposit information. Investors use Form PD F 5178, Transaction Request, to change Direct Deposit information. Recipients should contact a designated TreasuryDirect Servicing Office or visit for forms and other information. Veterans Compensation and Pension Enrolls at the same time he/she applies for benefits at the VA or at any time after he/she begins receiving benefits. Recipients should contact the VA National Direct Deposit EFT line at 1 (800) 827-1000 or visit for further details. Enrolls at the same time he/she applies for benefits at the VA or at any time after he/she begins receiving benefits. Recipients should contact the VA National Direct Deposit EFT line at 1 (800) 827-1000 or visit for further details.
(continued next page)
Note: OPM does not allow ENR enrollments for representative payees. more Bureau of the Public Debt TreasuryDirect
Note: VA does not allow ENR enrollments for representative payees. Veterans Education (MGIB)
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
Simplified Enrollment Methods (continued) Payment Type Veterans Life Insurance Recipient Enrolls at the same time he/she applies for benefits at the VA or at any time after he/she begins receiving benefits. Recipients should contact the VA Insurance office at 1 (800) 669-8477 or visit for further details.
Federal salary 2-3 pay periods Military civilian pay Military active duty Allotments Recurring benefit Military retirement/annuity 60-90 days.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
Additionally, new retirees, annuitants, and survivor annuitants may enroll in Direct Deposit by calling the toll-free customer service number at 1 (888) 767-6738. Those in the Washington, DC area are encouraged to call (202) 606-050 0. Recipients may also visit for instructions on how to change their payment address on-line. NOTE: The Office of Personnel Management do not allow ENR enrollments for representative payees,
Simplified Enrollment for Series H/HH Savings Bond Interest Payments (Bureau of the Public Debt)
Series H/HH savings bonds are current income securities that pay interest semiannually. Interest on bonds issued October 1989 to the present must be paid by Direct Deposit. Unless a recipient claims that it will cause a hardship, interest on bonds issued prior to October 1989 must also be paid by Direct Deposit. To enroll in Direct Deposit or to change their enrollment, recipients may: 1. Download PD F 5396 from, complete and mail the form as instructed, or 2. Send a letter to the Current Income Bond Branch, Bureau of the Public Debt, Parkersburg, WV 26106-2186. The letter should include the following: A. Recipients name
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008 1-11
Green Book
B. Social security number C. Account number D. Account type (checking or savings) E. Routing number of the financial institution.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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Agency/Payment Type Office of Personnel Management Annuity Retirement Annuity or Survivor Annuity
Railroad Retirement Board Railroad Retirement Annuity Benefit Railroad Retirement Unemployment/Sickness
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
Agency/Payment Type
Federal Housing Administration The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Debentures (Bureau of the Public Debt) issues these debentures in settlement of defaulted mortgages. The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia maintains the system. Payments are made by Direct Deposit. For more information, recipients should contact Housing and Urban Development at (202) 708-3423, or write to HUD at 451 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20410, Attention: multi-family or single family claims. Series H/HH Savings Bond Interest Payments (Bureau of the Public Debt) Completes PD F 5396. Recipients should contact the Current Income Bond Branch, Bureau of the Public Debt, Parkersburg, WV 26102-2186 or visit to download the form.
Only send completed SF1199A forms to the Federal Agency responsible for issuing the payment. The Go Direct Processing Center is unable to process the SF1199A form and will be forced to reject them.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
United States
Y r ea
15-51 000
03 02 07
Pay to the order of
Check No .
$ ** ** 3 7
1 * 84
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
Claim/Payroll ID Table The table below shows what to enter on the SF 1199A for the Claim or Payroll ID number (Box C) for the various payment types. Payment Type
Allotments (Savings and Discretionary) Black Lung (Department of Labor) Central Intelligence Agency/annuity Federal Employee Workers Compensation (Department of Labor) Federal Salary/Military Civilian Pay Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Department of Labor Military Active Duty and Allotments Military Retirement and Annuity Miners Benefit (Department of Labor) Savings Bond Agencys Fee (Bureau of the Public Debt) Series H/HH Savings Bond Interest Payments (Bureau of the Public Debt)
Leave blank Leave Blank
Claim Number
Social Security Number or Payroll ID Number Social Security Number
Leave blank 2 characters following the Social Security Number Leave blank Leave Blank
Social Security Number or Payroll ID Number File number assigned by the Federal agency Social Security Number Social Security Number Social Security Number
Leave Blank Leave Blank 1-or 2-digit number following the Social Security Number Leave blank
Leave blank
Issuing or paying agency code assigned to the financial institution Social Security Number
Leave Blank
Leave Blank
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
Leave Blank
Claim Number
8-digit number or 9-digit Social Security Number 4-to 8-digit number
Always a 2-digit number
1 to 2 letters
THEN... only his/her signature is required. both must sign the form. it must be witnessed by two persons who sign and date the form.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
When Using Witnesses When witnesses are used, they should sign to the right of the mark X, and print the word Witness above their signature. Power-of-Attorney A person appointed as a power-of-attorney by the court cannot sign the SF 1199A for the payee. The SF 1199A is, in effect, a power-of-attorney and one power-of-attorney cannot execute a second power-of-attorney. The SF 1199A can only be signed by the designated recipient or a representative payee. Questions regarding this item should be directed to the appropriate Federal Agency.
Green Book
Verify Federal agency name and address* Name and address of financial institution Routing Number and check digit Depositor account title* Make sure it includes the name of the person authorized to receive the payment
Note: Items marked with an asterisk (*) are where most errors occur.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
United States
15-51 000
03 01 00
Pay to the order of
Check N
$ ** ** 3 7
1 * 84
Note: This example applies to Social Security and Supplemental Security Income payments.
John Doe
A. B. Smith
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
The ACH Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form (SF 3881) is an optional threepart form that Federal agencies may use to enroll their vendors in the FEDI program (similar agency-specific forms or abbreviated check insert forms are also used). Federal agencies will stock the form and provide the form to vendors to initiate the enrollment process. Federal agencies will also discuss with the vendor the ACH payment format (CCD+ or CTX) to be used to transmit the payment. Also, the Federal agency and the vendor will determine the remittance information (e.g., invoice number, discount terms) to be included in the addenda record. The ACH Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form (SF 3881) is available at .
Enrollment Checklist
The table below is a checklist to assist the financial institution in enrolling the vendor in the FEDI program. Action Verify that the ACH format selected in the Agency Information section on the SF 3881 can be accepted and processed by the financial institution. Agree on HOW and WHEN remittance information (e.g., invoice number) provided by the Federal agency in the addenda record will be passed to the vendor once it is received by the financial institution. Note: The agreement is reached by analyzing recipient requirements and comparing those requirements against the level of support the institution can provide. Provide an example of how the addenda information will appear; or, Explain what type(s) of information to look for when the addenda information is received. Note: The vendor must be able to understand the information to properly identify the payment. Complete the Financial Institution Information section of the SF 3881. CHECK
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
Payee/Company Information
The Payee/Company Information section of the form is completed by the vendor or the financial institution, as appropriate.
Form Distribution
The vendor will return the original SF 3881 to the Federal agency. The financial institution and the vendor each keep one copy of the form.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Desktop Guide
Green Book
Using the ACH entry class code ENR is an enrollment process that allows financial institutions to use the ACH to begin Direct Deposit payments fast. Enrollments received and accepted by the paying agency at least 10 business days prior the customers next scheduled payment date will generally allow the recipients next months payment by Direct Deposit. A unique Standard Entry Class Code, Automated Enrollment (ENR) is used for enrollments where customers are converting their payment from paper check to direct deposit. ENR is not to be used to transfer existing direct deposit enrollments from one financial institution to another or changing an existing direct deposit relationship between accounts at the current institution. The ENR Standard Entry Class is a non-dollar transaction. It must contain at least one addenda record, and may contain as many as 9,999 addenda records. There are two conditions that must exist for multiple addenda to be included with one ENR. 1 All Direct Deposit enrollments must be for the same Federal agency benefit program. For example, do not mix enrollments for Veterans benefits with Social Security benefits. 2 Third-party processors that transmit ENR entries on behalf of financial institutions must make a discrete batch transmission for each financial institution. Addenda records pertaining to one financial institution should not be included under the same ENR entry as addenda records pertaining to another financial institutions Direct Deposit enrollments. The ENR is to be used for enrolling payment recipients who currently receive paper checks in the Direct Deposit Program. It is not to be used in place of the Notification of Change (NOC) process to change the routing or account numbers for existing records. Financial institutions should remind customers of the importance of reporting address changes to the benefit program agency.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Desktop Guide
Green Book
Approved OMB No. 0960-0564
Information obtained from the customer regarding the payment recipient for inclusion in the Addenda record. Benefit Recipients social security number (SSN) SSN ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (Do not include hyphens in the addenda record.)
The recipients own SSN may or may not be the SSN on which the benefits are drawn. However, the individual recipients SSN will always be included on the addenda record. In cases such as minor children the SSN will always be the CHILDs SSN and not that of the adult account holder named on the financial institutions records.
Benefit Recipients Name ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Last name (up to 15 positions) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ First name (up to 7 positions)
Last name: This is the recipients last name excluding any suffixes such as Jr., Sr., II, III, etc If the last name is hyphenated, the fully hyphenated name up to 17 characters is submitted. If the last name is comprised of two or more parts, generally, the first part is sent as the last name. (i.e. MaryJane S Public Doe) The last name would be submitted as PUBLIC and the Doe would be excluded. First name: This is the recipients first name excluding any prefixes such as Dr., Mrs., Miss, etc Middle initials are not submitted in this field. Middle initials are dropped. However fully spelt out middle names are included as part of the first name. (i.e. Mary J Doe would be submitted as Mary, whereas, Mary Jane Doe would be submitted as Mary Jane.) The parsed name will always be submitted exactly as the parsed section appears on the recipients benefit check. Therefore, incorrectly spelt or spaced items will be submitted as they appear on the check and not as they should be legally spelt. Example: Janie Ann Doe is trying to enroll; however, her check is printed Jane E A Doe. The enrollment would be submitted as JANE and DOE.
Representative Payee indication (See section on Representative Payee, page 1-38.) Information obtained at the financial institution. Depositor y Financial Institution routing number Depositor Account Number Transaction Type: Checking (Type Code 22)
For questions about submitting ENRs for a specific benefit payment, please call the corresponding Federal program agency:
Federal Agency Telephone No. Social Security Administration (for SSA and SSI payments) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (215) 597-1134 Office of Personnel Management . . . . . . . . . . . (202) 606-0540 Railroad Retirement Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (312) 751-4704 Department of Veterans Affairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . (918) 687-2532
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Desktop Guide
Green Book
Check Digit
Identification Number
6 1 01-01
(blanks) 17 13-29
(blanks) 15 40-54
(blanks) 2 75-76
(blanks) 2 77-78
Program Payment The following program payments are eligible for the enrollment service
Field 3 Receiving DFI Identification Use the following DFI Identification number for the corresponding program payment 65506004 65506004 11173699 11173699 11173699 11173699 11173699 11173699 11173699 11173699 (*) 11173699 (*)
Field 4 Check Digit Use the following number for the corresponding program payment 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (*) 1 (*)
Field 9 Receiving Company Name/I.D. Use the following codes for the corresponding program for which the recipient is enrolling for Direct Deposit SOCIALbSECURITYb SUPPbSECURITYbbb VAbCOMP/PENSION VAbEDUCATNbMGIB VAbEDUCbMGIB/SR VAbLIFEbINSUR VAbVOCbREHABbEMP CIVILbSERVbCSAbb CIVILbSERVbCSFbb RAILROADbRETbBDb RAILROADbUISIbbb NOTE: In the codes, the letter b indicates a blank space.
Social Security Supplemental Security Income Veterans Compensation and Pension Veterans Education MGIB Veterans Education/Selected Reserve Veterans Life Insurance Veterans Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Benefits Civil Service Retirement/Annuity Civil Service Survivor/Annuity Railroad Retirement/Annuity Railroad Unemployment/Sickness
7 1 01-01
05 2 02-03
22*12200004*3*123987654321*777777777*DOE*JOHN*0\ 80 04-83
(numeric ) 4 84-87
(numeric) 7 88-94
Field 3 - Payment Related Information The following uses sample information to illustrate the required information to be included in the Addenda record to effect the automated enrollment for Direct Deposit. The standard for submission of ENR records is for all alphabetic characters anywhere in the file to be submitted in UPPER CASE. Failure to do so may result in the submission to be returned by the paying agency. Refer to page 1-38 Return Reasons Codes. 22 = Checking Acct. 32 = Savings Acct. Transaction Code * 12200004 3 123987654321 777777777 DOE JOHN 0 = No Rep. Payee 1 = Rep. Payee \
Check Digit
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Desktop Guide
Green Book
Representative Payee
A representative payee is a person or institution that is legally entitled to receive payments on behalf of a beneficiary who has been deemed incapable of handling his/her own financial affairs. The majority of benefit recipients do not have representative payees. When a representative payee is present, both names will appear on the benefit check Minor children receiving federal benefits should always have a representative payee. Some examples of representative check payee styles are: Mary Smith for Jane R. Doe Harry D. Doe, Guardian for John Q. Public Admin Sunnyvale Nursing Home for Mary T. Resident Questions regarding the styling of Representative payee names by a particular paying agency should be directed to that specific agency. In processing an enrollment, it is important for the processing financial institution and enrolling benefit agency to know that the enrollment originated from the proper authority. In cases where there is a representative payee, a 1 will be entered as the last data element in Field 3 of the addenda. In instances where there is no representative payee, a 0 (zero) will be entered into this position. The Federal Government requires that the title of accounts receiving Direct Deposit payments bear the name of the payment recipient. Accounts established for representative payee payments reflect fiduciary interest of the representative payee on behalf of the beneficiary. (Example of an account title: John Doe for Mary Smith.) This same regulation applies to institutional representative payees. The Depar tment of Veterans Af fairs and the Office of Personnel Management do not allow ENR enrollments for representative payees.
For more complete information concerning return reason codes and their interpretation, refer to the National Automated Clearing House Association ACH Operating Rules.
NOTE: At least one paying agency requires that any alphabetic data in an ENR record must be submitted in all
UPPER CASE. Therefore, the de facto standard for submission of ENR records is for all alphabetic characters located anywhere in the file to be submitted in UPPER CASE. Failure to do so may result in the submission to be returned as an R44/R45 item even though all information is correct.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
If no, do you have or have you opened a checking or savings account? 2. If you are unable to open a regular checking or savings account and are interested in an Electronic Transfer Account (ETA), you can call toll free 1-888-382-3311. A representative would be happy to assist you in finding a bank that offers an ETA account (a low cost account). 3. The benefit recipient or representative payee must be present in order to sign up for direct deposit in person. If by phone, recipient or representative payee must be present to give permission. 4. Is the federal benefit check in the customers name only? If no, determine whether there is a representative payee relationship or not.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
If Enrolling through the Go Direct Call Center or via FMS Form 1200
12. The benefit recipients claim number or check number of the most recent federal benefit check received and the payment amount. The claim number can be located on any correspondence the benefit recipient has received from the paying agency. If it is a Social Security payment, the claim number can be found on the Medicare Card if applicable. If the payment is Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the claim number is the benefit recipient's social security number. If the payment is Railroad Retirement, we need the most recent check number the claim number will not process. If the payment is Civil Service (Office of Personnel Management), we need the most recent check number the claim number will not process.
13. The federal benefit check numbers are located in the top right hand corner of the federal benefit check. The check numbers are 12 digits long. It will start with 4 digits then a space and 8 more digits. All 12 numbers must be entered with no spaces and no dashes. 14. The claim number must be entered with no spaces or dashes. All numbers and letters must be entered side by side.
Payment Type
15. If the customer normally receives a payment on the 1st day of the month, it is either a SSI payment, a civil service payment, or a railroad retirement payment. 16. If the customer normally receives a payment on the 3rd day of the month, the 2nd, 3rd or 4th Wednesday, it is a social security payment. 17. If the customer has their benefit check in hand, payment type is printed to the left of the dollar amount on the check. 18. If benefit checks come in blue envelopes they are Supplement Security Income (SSI) payments.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Desktop Guide
Green Book
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
Air Force
Active Duty/Reserves Recipient should deliver the completed SF 1199A to his/her payroll office. Questions: (303) 676-7213 Air National Guard Recipient should deliver the completed SF 1199A to his/her payroll office. Retirement/Annuity DFAS-CL U.S. Military Retirement and Annuitant Pay 1240 E. Ninth Street Cleveland, Ohio 44199-2055 Retirement/Annuity: 1 (800) 321-1080 Allotments: (216) 522-5553
Active Duty/Reserves/National Guard Recipient must mail or deliver the completed SF 1199A to his/her payroll office. Questions: (317) 510-2800 Retirement/Annuity DFAS-CL U.S. Military Retirement and Annuitant Pay 1240 E. Ninth Street Cleveland, Ohio 44199-2055 Retirement/Annuity: 1 (800) 321-1080
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
Federal Housing Administration Debenture Payments Special Investments Branch P.O. Box 396 Parkersburg, WV 26106-0396 Questions: (304) 480-5299 Savings Bond Agents Fee Payments Bureau of the Public Debt Accounts and Reports Section Parkersburg, WV 26106-1328 Questions: 1-800-722-2678 Series H/HH Savings Bond Interest Payments Bureau of the Public Debt Current Income Bond Branch Parkersburg, WV 26106-1328 Questions: (304) 480-6112 State and Local Government Payments Bureau of Public Debt State and Local Government Payments Parkersburg, WV 26106-1328 Questions: (304) 480-5299
Send completed forms to Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 Attn: Compensation Division Office of Finance Active Duty/Reserves Mail or have the recipient deliver the completed SF 1199A form to his/her payroll office. Retirement Coast Guard (RPD) Commanding Officer USGC-PPC Pay and Personnel Office 444 SE Quincy Street Topeka, KS 66683
Coast Guard
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
Department of Labor
Black Lung
Send all completed SF 1199As to the district offices listed below. Questions? Call toll-free: 1-800-638-7072 or see the Department of Labor website: or contact your district office listed below.
Johnstown, PA
U.S. Department of Labor ESA/OWCP/DCMWC 319 Washington Street, 2nd Floor Johnstown, PA 15901 (800) 347-3754 (814) 533-4323 U.S. Department of Labor ESA/OWCP/DCMWC 1225 S. Main Street, Suite 405 Greensburg, PA 15601 (800) 347-3753 (724) 836-7230 U.S. Department of Labor ESA/OWCP/DCMWC 100 N. Wilkes-Barre Blvd. Room 300 A Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 (800) 347-3755 (570) 826-6457 U.S. Department of Labor ESA/OWCP/DCMWC Charleston Federal Center, Suite 110 500 Quarrier Street Charleston, WV 25301 (800) 347-3749 (304) 347-7100
Greensburg, PA
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Charleston, WV
Parkersburg, WV U.S. Department of Labor ESA/OWCP/DCMWC 425 Juliana Street, Suite 3116 Parkersburg, WV 26101 (800) 347-3751 (304) 420-6385
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008 1-45
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Pikeville, K
U.S. Department of Labor ESA/OWCP/DCMWC 164 Main Street, Suite 508 Pikeville, KY 41501 (800) 366-4599 (606) 432-0116
Mount Sterling, KY U.S. Department of Labor ESA/OWCP/DCMWC 402 Campbell Way Mount Sterling, KY 40353 (800) 366-4628 (859) 498-9700 Columbus, OH U.S. Department of Labor ESA/OWCP/DCMWC 1160 Dublin Road, Suite 300 Columbus, OH 43215 (800) 347-3771 (614) 469-5227 U.S. Department of Labor ESA/OWCP/DC 1999 Broadway, Suite 690 P.O. Box 46550 Denver, CO 80201-6550 (800) 366-4612 (720) 264-3100
Denver, CO
If the district office is unknown, mail the completed SF 1199A form to: Department of Labor Black Lung Program P.O. Box 37227 Washington, DC 20013 Department of Labor Federal Employee Send all completed SF 1199As to Workers U.S. Department of Labor Compensation Division of Federal Employees Compensation Central Mail Room P.O. Box 8300 London, KY 40742 Questions? See the Department of Labor website: or contact your district office listed below.
1-46 A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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For CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT (617) 624-6600 For NJ, NY, PR, VI (646) 264-3000 For DE, PA, WV (215) 861-5481*, 5482 *The Interactive Voice Response System can also be accessed from this number. For AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN (904) 357-4777, 4778* *The Interactive Voice Response System can also be accessed from this number. For IN, MI, OH (216) 357-5100 For IL, MN, WI (312) 596-7157* *The Interactive Voice Response System can also be accessed from this number. For IA, MO, NE; DOL employees (816) 502-0301 For CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY (720) 264-3000* *The Interactive Voice Response System can also be accessed from this number. For AZ, CA, HI, NV (415) 848-6700 For AK, ID, OR, WA (206) 398-8100 For AR, LA, NM, OK, TX (972) 850-2300 for DC, MD, VA; outside U.S. and its possessions; special claims (202) 513-6800* *The Interactive Voice Response System can also be accessed from this number.
SAN FRANCISCO District 13 SEATTLE District 14 DALLAS District 16 WASHINGTON, DC, District 25
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
Green Book
Department of Labor
Send all completed SF 1199As to U.S. Department of Labor ESA/OWCP/DLHWC Frances Perkins Building Room C4315 200 Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20210 Questions: (202) 693-0925 Mail the completed SF 1199A form to the office that maintains the veterans records.
Alabama VA Regional Office 345 Perry Hill Road Montgomery, AL 36104 Questions: 1 (800) 827-1000 Anchorage VA Regional Office 2925 DeBarr Road Anchorage, AK 99508-2989 Arizona VA Regional Office 3225 N. Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85012 North Little Rock VA Regional Office Building 65, Fort Roots P.O. Box 1280 North Little Rock, AR 72115 Los Angeles VA Regional Office Federal Building 11000 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90024 San Diego VA Regional Office 8810 Rio San Diego Drive San Diego, CA 92108 Oakland VA Regional Office Oakland Federal Building 1301 Clay Street, Room 1300N Oakland, CA 94612
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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Denver VA Regional Office 155 Van Gordon Street Lakewood, CO 80228 Hartford VA Regional Office 450 Main Street Hartford, CT 06103 Wilmington VA Regional Center 1601 Kirkwood Highway Wilmington, DE 19805 Washington DC VA Regional Office 1120 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20421 St. Petersburg VA Regional Office 9500 Bay Pines Boulevard Bay Pines, FL 33708 Atlanta VA Regional Office 1700 Clairmont Road Decatur, GA 30033 Honolulu VA Regional Office 459 Patterson Road, E-Wing Honolulu, HI 96819-1522 Boise VA Regional Office 805 W. Franklin Street Boise, ID 83702 Chicago VA Regional Office 536 S. Clark Street Chicago, Il 60605-1523 Indianapolis VA Regional Office 575 N. Pennsylvania Street Indianapolis, IN 46204 Questions: (317) 226-7860 Des Moines VA Regional Office 210 Walnut Street Des Moines, IA 50309
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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Wichita VA Regional Center 5500 E. Kellogg Wichita, KS 67211 Louisville VA Regional Office 545 S. Third Street Louisville, KY 40202 New Orleans VA Regional Office 701 Loyola Avenue New Orleans, LA 70113 Togus Center One VA Center Togus, ME 04330 Baltimore VA Regional Office Federal Building 31 Hopkins Plaza Baltimore, MD 21201 Boston VA Regional Office John Fitzgerald Kennedy Federal Building Government Center Boston, MA 02114 Detroit VA Regional Office Patrick V. McNamara Federal Building 477 Michigan Avenue Detroit, MI 48226 St. Paul VA Regional Center One Federal Drive, Fort Snelling St. Paul, MN 55111-4050 Jackson VA Regional Office 1600 E. Woodrow Wilson Avenue Jackson, MS 39216 St. Louis VA Regional Office Federal Building 400 S. 18th Street St. Louis, MO 63103
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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Fort Harrison Medical & Regional Center William Street off Highway Fort Harrison, MT 59636 Lincoln VA Regional Office 5631 S. 48th Street Lincoln, NE 68516 Reno VA Regional Office 1201 Terminal Way Reno, NV 89520 Manchester VA Regional Office Norris Cotton Federal Building 275 Chestnut Street Manchester, NH 03101 New Jersey VA Regional Office 20 Washington Place Newark, NJ 07102 Albuquerque VA Regional Office Davis Chavez Federal Building 500 Gold Avenue, SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 Buffalo VA Regional Office Federal Building 111 W. Huron Street Buffalo, NY 14202 New York VA Regional Office 245 W. Houston Street New York, NY 10014
Winston-Salem VA Regional Office Federal Building 251 N. Main Street Winston-Salem, NC 27155 Fargo VA Medical/Regional Office Center 2101 Elm Street Fargo, ND 58102 Questions: (701) 232-3241
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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Cleveland VA Regional Office Anthony J. Celebrezze Federal Building 1240 E. Ninth Street Cleveland, OH 44199 Muskogee VA Regional Office Federal Building 125 S. Main Street Muskogee, OK 74401 Portland VA Regional Office Federal Building 1220 SW 3rd Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Questions: (503) 326-2511 Philadelphia VA Center 5000 Wissahickon Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19101 Pittsburgh VA Regional Office 1000 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Providence VA Regional Office 380 Westminster Mall Providence, RI 02903 Columbia VA Regional Office 1801 Assembly Street Columbia, SC 29201 Sioux Falls VA Center P.O. Box 5046, 2501 W. 22nd Street Sioux Falls, SD 57117 Nashville VA Regional Office 110 9th Avenue, South Nashville, TN 37203 Houston VA Regional Office 6900 Almeda Road Houston, TX 77030
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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Waco VA Regional Office One Veterans Plaza 701 Clay Avenue Waco, TX 76799 Salt Lake City VA Regional Office 550 Foothill Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84158 White River Junction VA Medical & Regional Office Center 215 N. Main Street White River Junction, VT 05009 Seattle VA Regional Office Federal Building 915 Second Avenue Seattle, WA 98174 Huntington VA Regional Office 640 Fourth Avenue Huntington, WV 25701 Milwaukee VA Regional Office 5000 W. National Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53295 Cheyenne VA Medical/Regional Center 2360 E. Pershing Boulevard Cheyenne, WY 82001 Guam Vet Center 222 Chanlan Santo Papast Reflection Center, Suite 102 Agana, GU 96910 Questions: (705) 475-7161 Manila Regional Office 1131 Roxas Boulevard, Ermita 0930 Manila, PL 96440 Questions: (011) (632) 528-2500 San Juan VA Center 150 Carlos Chardon Avenue Hato Rey, PR 00918
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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Saint Croix Vet Center Box 12, R.R. 02, Village Mall, #113Affairs Saint Croix, VI 00850 Questions: 1 (809) 778-5553 Saint Thomas Vet Center Buccaneer Mall Saint Thomas, VI 00801 Questions: 1 (809) 774-6674
Federal Salary The employee should mail or deliver the completed SF 1199A form to his/her payroll office. Marine Corps Active Duty/Reserves Director DFAS Kansas City Center (AF-FA) Kansas City, MO 64197-0001 Questions: (816) 926-7673 Retirement/Annuity DFAS-CL U.S. Military Retirement and Annuitant Pay 1240 E. Ninth Street Cleveland, OH 44199-2055 Questions: 1 (800) 321-1080 Navy Active Duty/Reserves Mail or have the recipient deliver the completed SF 1199A form to his/her payroll office. Questions: 1 (800) 255-0974 Retirement/Annuity DFAS-CL U.S. Military Retirement and Annuitant Pay 1240 E. Ninth Street Cleveland, OH 44199-2055 Questions: 1 (800) 321-1080 Office of Personnel Management (Civil Service Annuity) Send completed forms to. . . Office of Personnel Management Change-of-Address Section-ROC Retirement and Insurance Group P.O. Box 440 Boyers, PA 16017-0440 Questions: (202) 606-0500
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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Send completed forms to the local Railroad Retirement Board as listed in the telephone directory; or, if you cannot obtain the address of the local office, mail to: U.S. Railroad Retirement Board P.O. Box 10792 844 N. Rush Street Chicago, IL 60611 Attn: Direct Deposit Coordinator ORSP Questions: (312) 751-4500 or (312) 751-4707
Social Security Send completed form to Administration the local Social Security District Office; or, the address Social Security has specified for your financial institution.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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H. Termination of Enrollment
The ACH enrollment authorization may be revoked by the recipient or, under certain circumstances, by the financial institution.
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Courtesy Notice
The recipient or beneficiary is not required to inform the financial institution if he/she revokes or transfers his/her enrollment authorization. As a courtesy, the recipient should be encouraged to inform the financial institution of any changes.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2008
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Payment Processing
In this Chapter...
A. Financial Organization Master File (FOMF)
Purpose Financial Institution Responsibility Changes to Financial Institution Name and Mailing Address Changes to Routing Numbers New Depository Institutions
2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-4
2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-5 2-5
2-6 2-6
2-7 2-8 2-8 2-9 2-9 2-10
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Identifying the Paying Agency/Payment Type for Non-Treasury Disbursed Payments 2-11 Identifying the Payee for Non-Treasury Disbursed Payments 2-12
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Payment Processing
The Financial Management Service (FMS) relies on the FOMF data to validate RTNs used to originate payments and to send financial institutions the following: reclamation notices trace inquiries marketing materials
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED JANUARY 2010
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The Federal government prenotification process is handled in accordance with NACHA Operating Rules. Social Security originates prenotifications for all new Direct Deposit enrollments.
Payment Formats
Federal government ACH payments are originated in the Prearranged Payment and Deposit (PPD) with or without addenda, Corporate Debit or Credit (CCD) with or without addenda, or Corporate Trade Exchange (CTX) formats. Refer to the NACHA Operating Rules for details on payment record formats.
Account Requirements
All Federal government benefit payment enrollments must be established for a deposit account at the financial institution that is in the name of the recipient or beneficiary with the following exceptions: Where authorized payment agent has been selected. Where the payment is to be deposited into an investment account established through a securities broker or dealer registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or an investment account established through an investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 or its transfer agent. The payment may be deposited into an account designated by the broker or dealer, investment company, or transfer agent. Where Treasury has granted a waiver.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED JANUARY 2010
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Payment Processing
Misdirected Payments
On rare occasions, a Federal payment is directed to an account number other than that owned by the entitled payee. These payments may be unpostable, or they may be directed to a valid account owned by someone other than the entitled payee. Financial institutions (FI) may conduct a manual search of their unpostable ACH payments to determine if the payment can be posted. In some cases, the owner of an account to which a Federal payment was erroneously delivered brings the error to the attention of the RDFI. Also, if an RDFI becomes aware that an agency has originated an ACH credit entry to an account that is not owned by the payee whose name appears in the ACH payment information, the RDFI shall promptly notify the agency as required by Code 31 CFR Part 210. If the payees account number is different from what is contained in the ACH entry, but the FI can identify the correct receiver, the FI may post the payment to the correct account, as long as there is no change in the title of the account or in the interest of the recipient or beneficiary in the account. The FI does this at its own risk and may be liable to the issuing agency if the FI is incorrect and there is a resulting loss by the agency. If the FI does post the payment to an account other than that identified in the transaction, then an appropriate NOC with the correct account number should be sent to the agency. Please see Chapter 6, NOCs, for more information. Alternatively, the FI may return the payment to the agency with an appropriate reason code, rather than deposit it to an account other than that which it believes to be correct. If a payment cannot be credited to an account, the payment must be returned to the agency with the appropriate return reason code. Please see Chapter 4, Returns, for instructions on returning Federal payments.
Availability of Funds
In accordance with NACHA Operating Rules, consumer payments (i.e., Federal salary and travel payments, benefit payments) must be made available for withdrawal no later than the opening of business on the settlement date (provided the entries are made available to the Receiving Depositary Financial Institution (RDFI) by its ACH operator no later than 5:00 p.m. on the business day prior to the settlement date). Corporate payments (i.e., vendor payments, non-benefit payments) must be made available for withdrawal on the settlement date.
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A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED JANUARY 2010
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Payment Processing
Questions? Contact the Austin Customer Assistance Staff: (512) 342-7300
Birmingham: 449 Debt Management Operations Center Questions? Contact Birmingham: (205) 912-6181 Kansas City 310 Questions? Contact the Kansas City Customer Assistance Staff: (816) 414-2100
SSA PMA (Adjustment) SSA CMA/Recurring SSA CMA/Recurring Preauthorized Debits Prime Pay PAD Federal Salary Travel Thrift Savings Plan Annuity Vendor/Miscellaneous IDD SSI Monthly SSI Daily
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED JANUARY 2010
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San Francisco 312 Questions? Contact the San Francisco Customer Assistance Staff: (415) 817-7300
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED JANUARY 2010
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Payment Processing
Payment Types
Types of payments that utilize fall into the PPD standard entry class category include the following: benefit annuity travel salary allotment IRS tax refund Public Debt payments.
Bureau of the Public Debt/TreasuryDirect Federal Housing Administration Debenture Payments . . . . . FHA/HUD_ _ _ Marketable Securities (Bills, Notes, and Bonds) . . . . . . . . . . PAR_AMOUNT PAR_&_INT_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTEREST_ _ REFUND_ _ _ _ Savings Bond Agents Fee Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AGENT_FEES Series HHH Savings Bond Interest Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H/HH_INTST State and Local Government Series Security Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SLG_PAYMNT Central Intelligence Agency CIA Annuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CIARDSANNU Department of Veterans Affairs Compensation and Pension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VA_BENEFIT Federal Salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FED_SALARY Federal Travel Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FED_TRAVEL Office of Personnel Management Civil Service Retirement (Annuity) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CIVIL_SERV Railroad Retirement Board Railroad Retirement/Annuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RR_RET_ _ _ _ Unemployment/Sickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RR_UISI Social Security Administration Social Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOC_SEC_ _ _ Supplemental Security Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUPP_SEC_ _
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Bureau of the Public Debt/TreasuryDirect Marketable Securities (Bills, Notes, and Bonds) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Account Number Central Intelligence Agency CIA Annuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Individuals SSN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Positions 1-6 of the agency location code Federal Salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Individuals SSN or Employees Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number and agency location code Federal Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Individuals SSN or Employees Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number and agency location code Office of Personnel Management Civil Service Retirement (Annuity) . . . . . . . . . . File Type = A or F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Claim Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Claim Number Suffix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Type of Payment Railroad Retirement Board Railroad Retirement/Annuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beneficiary Symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beneficiary Prefix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Claim Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Payee Code Railroad Unemployment/Sickness . . . . . . . . . . Social Security Number Social Security Administration Social Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Claim Number Supplemental Security Income . . . . . . . . . . . . Claim Number Department of Veterans Affairs VA Compensation and Pension . . . . . . . . . . . .Claim Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Payee Code Department of Labor Miners Benefit/Black Lung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Type of Payment
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Air Force Active Duty Active Duty Allotment Annuity Individuals SSN Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retirement Retirement Pay Allotment Army Active Duty Annuity Individuals SSN Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retirement Marine Corps Active Duty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letters KR Active Duty Allotment Annuity Retirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Individuals SSN Retirement Pay Allotment Reserve Navy Active Duty Active Duty Allotment Annuity Individuals SSN Retirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retirement Pay Allotment Reserve
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED JANUARY 2010
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3 Nonreceipt
This chapter describes the role(s) of the Financial Institution in resolving a claim of non-receipt for a Federal payment.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED NOVEMBER 2009
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RDFI role in response to customer inquiry on the status of a Direct Deposit Federal Payment
RDFIs should be aware of the following situations that often result in unnecessary nonreceipt claims. The RDFI should make every reasonable attempt to locate a payment prior to redirecting a recipient to the authorizing Federal agency. RDFI employees should have an understanding of the various posting techniques utilized to assist customers who are concerned with the status of their direct deposit Determine if the payment was posted late RDFI should be able to explain why there was a delay. Determine if the payment was memo posted RDFI customer service personnel may sometimes be unaware of, or do not check for memo posted items. Memo-posting is a temporary credit applied to a payees account during the day. Memo-posted transactions are finalized in the RDFIs end of day processing.
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Determine if the payment was posted early Due to volume and processing considerations the RDFI may receive ACH payment files a few days prior to their settlement date. Early posting occurs when an RDFI posts a payment to a recipients account prior to the settlement date. Determine if a third party processor is used and confirm funds availability through the processor RDFI should confirm if the funds were made available to the recipient. Determine if the payment was an exception item The RDFI should be aware that the payment may have been posted incorrectly, manually posted, or returned due to incorrect account information. In some instances the RDFI may never receive a payment for the recipient. Ask the recipient if he/she has: Changed financial institutions Revoked the Direct Deposit authorization Verified entitlement with the authorizing Federal agency Note: The RDFI should process an NOC entry if they are responsible for the change information. The RDFI may request the benefit recipient to update their information with the issuing agency if the customer has a closed account, new account, etc. Title 31 CFR 210.8(b)(2) specifically addresses the liability placed on RDFIs for the correct preparation of ENRs and NOCs.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED NOVEMBER 2009
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Type of Payment TreasuryDirect Vendor, Miscellaneous and All Other Payment Types
Action Refer to Contacts, Chapter 8. Advise recipient to contact the Federal Agency that authorized the payment. Refer to Contacts, Chapter 8.
C. Nonreceipt Process
Upon notification from the recipient that a payment has not been received, the authorizing Federal agency will notify the Financial Management Service (FMS). FMS will research the claim either via the Tele-TRACE process or traditional FMS form 150.2 and 150.1 to determine the status of the claim.
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A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED NOVEMBER 2009
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The FMS 150.2 is used to trace payments dated the current month or previous month. Upon receipt of the FMS 150.2, the RDFI should follow these steps: 1. Verify the status of the payment in question by making all attempts to locate the payment at the RDFI. 2. Credit the payment immediately if the payment was not previously credited or returned. 3. Return the payment by ACH if it cannot be credited for any reason. 4. Use the recipients copy of the FMS 150.2 to notify the recipient of the disposition of the payment. 5. Originate an NOC entry if corrections are needed for future payments. See Chapter 6, Notification of Change and the NACHA Operating Rules for detailed instructions. 6. The RDFI should inform the recipient of the payment status.
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Dear Financial Organization Representative: One of your customers has led a claim for nonreceipt stating that their direct deposit payment has not been credited to their account. Your customer authorized the payment indicated below to be sent to your nancial organization through Treasurys Direct Deposit Program. TRACE NO. PAYMENT DATE
Treasurys records show that the payment was authorized and sent to your nancial organization through the Federal Reserve Banking System. Please research your records, mark the block in the Financial Organization Action Section below that describes the action taken by your nancial organization, sign the Financial Center Copy and return within 3 days to: Department of the Treasury Financial Management Service Regional Financial Center P.O. Box Director, Regional Financial Center FINANCIAL ORGANIZATION ACTION (Date) (Date) (Date) We have the payment listed above but cannot post it. We are returning the payment to the Federal Reserve on (Date) Account Owners name(s) does not match the above stated individual. Action being taken (Check box below): Returning the funds through ACH per Reason Code R06 Returning the funds by an O cial Bank Check Funds are not available for Return Note: be disclosed, under the authority of 12 USC 3413 (k) - Disclosure Necessary for Proper Administration of Programs of Certain Government Authorities) ADDITIONAL REMARKS
PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT AND PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT This information is provided in compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (PL. 93-5791) All requested information is mandatory by authority of USC 301, 31 USC 391, and 31 CFR Part 210. This information will be used to determine if payments are being credited properly by nancial organizations. Failure to provide the requested information may delay or prevent the settlement of claims for nonreceipt of payment to organizations through the Direct Deposit Program.
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The FMS 150.1 is used to trace payments with an issue date two (2) months or older, or as a follow-up notice for previous trace requests, issued on an FMS form 150.2. Upon receipt of an FMS 150.1, the RDFI should follow these steps: 1. Verify the status of the payment in question by making all attempts to locate the payment at the RDFI. 2. Credit the payment immediately if the payment was not previously credited or returned. 3. Return the payment by ACH if it cannot be credited for any reason. 4. Complete the FINANCIAL INSTITUTION ACTION section within three (3) business days of receipt of the form by the RDFI. 5. Return the DISBURSING OFFICE COPY to the Government Disbursing Office identified on the form. 6. Use the recipients copy to notify the recipient of the disposition of the payment. The RDFI must respond to FMS within three business days by completing and returning the FMS 150.1 to the FMS Regional Financial Center indicated on the form. FMS will verify acceptance of the return. If no reply is received, FMS will contact the FI and will pursue the case until it is resolved. If still no reply a letter will be sent to the President of the RDFI The authorizing Federal agency may also contact the RDFI to resolve payment problems. Keep in mind that RDFIs can be held liable for ACH payments not processed timely or correctly. If the Federal government sustains a loss as a result of a financial institutions improper handling of an entry, the financial institution is liable to the Federal government for the loss, up to the amount of the entry.
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4 Returns
This chapter describes the return process for Federal payments.
In this Chapter...
A. General Information on Returns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Return Reason Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Death Notification Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Problems Resulting from Incomplete/Improper Flagging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 Effect of Returning a Payment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 Notice of Misdirected Payment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 Manual Posting of Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 Holding Payments in Suspense Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 Recipients Without Current Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
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A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED JUNE 2007
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Note: Financial institutions using data processors could receive reformatted data which may contain errors or omissions. The original payment information must be used in its exact format to avoid rejections. Financial institutions should carefully track returned benefit payments to ensure that the returns are not dishonored. This could create an additional liability for the financial institution in a reclamation case.
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A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED JUNE 2007
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D. Dishonored Returns
ACH return items will be dishonored by the Government Disbursing Office if discrepancies exist between the data on the return item and the data on the original payment.
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E. Obtaining a Refund due from the Government, including Payments Returned in Error
If you are due a refund from the government under ACH, regardless of whether you have returned too much, or returned the wrong item(s), or the government debited you too much (e.g., on an ACH reclamation), follow these instructions to claim your refund. Note: Any payment returned for death will cancel both the Direct Deposit authorization and the recipients entitlement to that payment. Please also note: An RDFI is not required to advance credit to the recipient for a payment returned in error. However, if it did advance credit, the RDFI should state this in any communication with the Federal Government.
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Action Steps
1. Contact the Federal agency that authorized the payment. Do not contact the Government Disbursing Office, e.g., the Treasury Department
Payment Type OPM Annuity (formerly Civil Service Retirement) CIVIL SERV Social Security SOC SEC Supplemental Security Income SUPP SEC Contact U.S. Office of Personnel Management P.O. Box 45 Boyers, PA 16017 (724) 794-2005 SSA Program Service Center (Refer to p.4-9 and 4-10 for appropriate addresses). Social Security Administration Certification and Accounting Branch, Analyst Room 3-A-2 East High Rise Building 6401 Security Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21235 (410) 966-5353 Bureau of the Public Debt Customer Assistance Branch P.O. Box 426 Parkersburg, WV 26102-0426 (304) 480-7591 Note: Include with your letter a debit advice, Return Item-Credit Form, and any other documents that confirm the duplicate or erroneous return. None. Note: Returned VA payments cannot be recalled. They will be reissued to the recipients home address.
Railroad Retirement Board Railroad Retirement Board Direct Deposit Coordinator (312) 751-4704. For all other payment types The Federal agencys local office listed in the telephone directory.
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3. Be aware that your incorrect notification of death to a Federal authorizing agency (OPM, SSA, RRB), may result in a DNE being sent by the agency.
If a DNE is received, be sure to remove any electronic indicator or flag that would automatically return future payments to the account.
4. Initiate a new enrollment to reactivate ACH payments. Please see Chapter 1, Enrollment, for more information.
Note: The financial institutions copy of the original enrollment form may be photocopied and sent to the Federal agency if all the information is still correct.
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SSA Program Service Center Social Security Administration Southeastern Program Service Center 2001 Twelfth Ave., North Birmingham, AL 35285
SSN Range 223-231 237-267 400-428 587-595 654-658 667-675 681-690 752-763 268-302 316-399 700-799 303-315 429-500 505-515 525,585 627-645 648-649 659-665 676-679 501-504 516-524 526-576 586 600-626
Social Security Administration Great Lakes Program Service Center 600 West Madison Street Chicago, IL 60661 Social Security Administration Mid-America Program Service Center 601 East 12th Street Kansas City, MO 64106
Kansas City
Kansas City
Social Security Administration Western Program Service Center P.O. Box 2000 Richmond, CA 94802
San Francisco
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Restoring Funds
The authorizing Federal agency will restore the funds after researching and verifying the request. The restoration will be made, via the appropriate method, as mutually agreed by the Federal agency, the financial institution, and the recipient.
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NOTICE: Effective 6/1/2010, the Birmingham Debt Management Center will no longer process ACH Reclamations. If you have any questions, please contact the San Francisco Financial Center at (510) 594-7183
5 Reclamations
Section 1 defines reclamation and provides some background information on the subject. Section 2 covers an RDFIs liability in the reclamation process. Topics include full and limited liability, calculating the limited liability amount, and exceptions to the liability rule. Section 3 gives RDFIs guidance on processing reclamations and provides an updated contact list for individuals needing additional information/assistance with reclamations.
Section 1. Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 Section 2: Liability of a Receiving Depository Financial Institution (RDFI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
A. Full Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
Conditions for Full Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
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General Reclamation Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16 Incomplete or Inadequate RDFI Replies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-16 How to Respond to the Notice of Reclamation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17 Steps to Take Under Full Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17 Steps to Take Under Limited Liability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-18 Time Limits for Federal Reclamations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-20 Follow-up to the Notice of Reclamation (FMS-2942) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-20 Federal Agency Collection from Withdrawers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21 Debit of the RDFIs Account (FMS-135) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21 Sample (FMS-2942) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-22 Sample (FMS-135) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-23 How to Prevent or Limit the Amount of a Debit to the Federal Reserve Account . . 5-24
E. Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-29
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Section 1: Background
Reclamation is a procedure used by the Federal government (government) to recover benefit payments made through the Automated Clearing House (ACH) to the account of a recipient who died or became legally incapacitated or a beneficiary who died before the date of the payment(s). The governments right to reclaim funds is established in Title 31 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 210, Subpart B, Section 210.10(a). The governments reclamation process is found in 31 CFR 210.9 through 210.14. The reclamation provisions of 31 CFR 210 completely preempt the reclamation provisions of the NACHA Operating Rules with respect to Federal benefit payments. By accepting a recurring benefit payment from the government, a receiving depository financial institution (RDFI) agrees to the provisions of 31 CFR 210, including the reclamation actions and debiting of the RDFIs Federal Reserve Bank account for any reclamation for which it is liable. This liability provision of the Federal reclamation regulations is part of the contract between the government and the RDFI. The two parties thereby agree to share liability for post-death payments. This contract is renewed by the RDFI each time it accepts an ACH enrollment and is agreed to by reference each time it credits an ACH payment on behalf of a depositor. Note: In this chapter, death always means the death or legal incapacity of a recipient or the death of a beneficiary. And government always means the Federal government.
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Agencies that initiate reclamations must do so within 120 calendar days after the date that the agency receives notification of the death. An RDFI is not liable for any post-death payments made more than six years prior to the date of the notice of reclamation, except under the following circumstance: If the account balance at the time the RDFI receives the notice of reclamation exceeds the total amount of all post-death or post-incapacity payments made by the agency during such six-year period, this limitation shall not apply and the RDFI shall be liable for the total amount of all payments made, up to the amount in the account at the time the RDFI receives the notice of reclamation and has had a reasonable opportunity (not to exceed one business day) to act on the notice. [31 CFR Part 210.10(d)] RDFI REACTION TIME: The RDFI, upon receipt of the governments Notice of Reclamation, has UP TO ONE BUSINESS DAY to react to that Reclamation by determining the account balance, and by preventing any further withdrawls of post-death Government benefit payments from the account, if possible under the terms of the contract with the account holder. RDFI RESPONSE DEADLINE: The RDFI has up to 60 days from the issue date of the Reclamation to provide a full and accurate response to the proper Government Disbursing Office. Failure to respond timely may result in a debit to the RDFIs Federal Reserve account or the account of its correspondent for the total amount of the Reclamation. This debit action will be final. It is important that RDFIs understand the reclamation process and the associated liabilities. RDFI liability is discussed in Section 2. Section 3 provides RDFI guidance on processing reclamations. Note: Recipients may be receiving multiple benefit payments from the same or different Federal agencies.
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B. Limiting Liability
An RDFI may qualify to limit its liability by full compliance with the regulations if it: had no actual or constructive knowledge* of the death at the time of the deposit of any post-death benefit payments. returns all post-death benefit payments it receives after it learns of the death. responds to the Notice of Reclamation (reclamation) so that it is received by the Government Disbursing Office within 60 days of the date on the reclamation. *Note: In this chapter constructive knowledge of the death means that the RDFI would have learned of the death if it had followed commercially reasonable business practices. for example, receiving notice of death in the mail demonstrates constructive knowledge, even if the RDFI fails to open the notice received.
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$ 800 $ 0
Amount collected by government from withdrawers $ 250 Outstanding total Amount to be debited from the RDFIs Federal Reserve account = (lesser of Outstanding Total or 45-day amount)
$ 250
$ 50
$ 800
$ 200
$ 50
$ 200
RDFI had no actual or constructive knowledge of the death at the time of deposit or withdrawal of any post-death benefit payments. RDFI returns all post-death benefit payments it receives after it learns of the death. RDFI accurately responds to the Notice of Reclamation so that the appropriate amount is received by the Government Disbursing Office within 60 days of the date on the Notice.
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Example 2: Four payments of $200 each were received after death. Three of the payments were received before the RDFI had actual or constructive knowledge of the death.1 The 4th payment was received by the RDFI after it had received a DNE and the RDFI promptly returned the payment using an R15 return reason code.2 The 1st and 2nd payments were received within 45 days following the date of death (4th payment will not be listed on the Notice of Reclamation since it was promptly returned by the RDFI). Ex. 1 Total Amount of post-death payments on the Notice of Reclamation Amount of the Account Balance paid by RDFI in response to the Notice of Reclamation 3 Amount due from withdrawers Amount collected by government from withdrawers Outstanding total Amount to be debited from the RDFIs Federal Reserve account = (lesser of Outstanding Total or 45-day amount)
Ex. 4 $ 600 $ 0
$ 600 $ 0
$ 50
$ 600
$ 250
$ 50
$ 400
RDFI had no actual or constructive knowledge of the death at the time of deposit or withdrawal of any postdeath benefit payments. RDFI returns all post-death benefit payments it receives after it learns of the death. RDFI accurately responds to the Notice of Reclamation so that the appropriate amount is received by the Government Disbursing Office within 60 days of the date on the Notice.
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* A document which names the executor or administrator of a deceased persons estate and is issued by a court. A certified copy of the Letters Testamentary must contain a raised seal or stamp from the clerk or court issuing the letter.
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What to do upon Notification of Death with Payments Already Posted and Subsequent Payments
When an RDFI receives actual or constructive knowledge of the death, it may decide to await a Notice of Reclamation before returning the already credited post-death payment(s). However, the RDFI must immediately return all subsequent (i.e., subsequent to receiving notice of death) post-death benefit payments to the Government Disbursing Office. The RDFI also must notify the sending agency of the recipients death, which it may do by using "death" as the return reason code on the returned payment. When returning payments, the RDFI must be careful to use the correct return reason code: R15 Beneficiary Deceased The beneficiary is the person entitled to the benefits. In this case, there is no representative payee or guardian involved, or they are still alive. R14 Representative Payee (or Guardian) Deceased or Incapacitated The representative payee (or guardian) is the person who receives benefit payments on behalf of the (underaged or incapacitated) beneficiary. E.g., payment is payable to "John Doe, for [another person]". In any event, the beneficiary is not deceased. Note: See Chapter 4, Returns, for more information on DNEs. Care should be taken when "flagging" accounts in response to DNEs, specifically when the account is a joint account. Any information of the death received by the RDFI or any of its employees, from whatever source, establishes the full legal liability for ALL SUBSEQUENT post-death Federal benefit payments from all agencies, as well as any post-death benefits in the account, which the RDFI then allows to be withdrawn. This includes post-death funds withdrawn by executors or other representatives of the deceased persons estate. Any release to an executor or other party clearly acting on behalf of the deceased person or his/her estate will be deemed by the government to have demonstrated the RDFIs knowledge of the death. If the RDFI fails to return one or more payments it receives after it has actual or constructive knowledge of death, the RDFI will not be able to limit its liability as to those payments. If the RDFI returns any post-death benefit payments to the government before it receives a Notice of Reclamation, we suggest, but do not require, that the RDFI notify the account owners as a courtesy.
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If at the time the RDFI first receives information of death, all or part of the post-death benefit payments have already been withdrawn from the account, the government does not authorize the RDFI to try to recover the funds from the withdrawer. If the RDFI does so, it acts under its own authority in terms of its contract with its depositor or under state law.
Holding Payments
Under no circumstances should an RDFI hold payments indefinitely in a suspense account, or by any other means, nor should payments otherwise be held if any of the conditions apply on when to return a payment. Holding payments may constitute a breach of the RDFIs warranty for the handling of Federal government ACH payments under 31 CFR 210 and could result in an RDFIs inability to limit its liability.
Repayment by Survivors
If the survivors or other withdrawers state that the withdrawn post-death payments have already been repaid to the Federal agency, the RDFI should obtain a written confirmation from those persons, including a copy of the front and the back of the check(s). If all post-death payments have been repaid by the survivor(s), the RDFI should not receive a Notice of Reclamation. If a Notice of Reclamation is received, the RDFI must return it to the Government Disbursing Office that issued it, attaching an explanation and any other documentation it has. The RDFI will not be held liable for any post-death payments that have already been repaid to the originating agency.
B. Notice of Reclamation
The Notice of Reclamation (FMS-133), initiates the recovery of post-death benefit payments that have not been returned to the government. The Notice of Reclamation is mailed to the RDFI by the Government Disbursing Office upon instructions from the authorizing Federal agency. The Notice of Reclamation is mailed to the RDFIs address listed on the Treasurys Master File for that routing number. Each RDFI is responsible for updating any address changes needed to Treasurys Master File (see Chapter 2, page 2-2, Financial Organization Master File). Failure to do so may result in a debit to the RDFIs Federal Reserve account because the Notice of Reclamation was mailed to an obsolete address.
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Table 3-B How to Respond to the Notice of Reclamation 1. Immediately determine the account balance amount. While not required under 31 CFR 210, it is in the RDFIs interest to protect the funds or return immediately any remaining balance up to the amount of the Reclamation. This minimizes the risk of incurring liability for the withdrawal of any post-death benefit payments. 2. Check for other types of Federal benefit payments that the deceased may have been receiving and take steps to ensure prompt return of all subsequent post-death benefit payments. If the account remains open and additional Federal benefit payments on this case are credited to the account before the RDFI replies, then those deposits become part of the amount that must be paid in response to the Notice of Reclamation, not to exceed the outstanding total. 3. Promptly mail the Notice to Account Owners* (Part 5) to the last known address(es) of the account owner(s). 4. Notify the account owner(s) of any action that the RDFI has taken or plans to take against the account. 5. If you have met the criteria listed in steps 1 - 4 and have also complied with the Limiting Liability section, then proceed to 5b and then 6. If not, proceed only to 5a. 5a. Steps to take Under Full Liability Respond to the Notice of Reclamation so that it is received by the Government Disbursing Office within 60 days from the date of the Notice. If the RDFI fails to meet the qualifications for limiting its liability, it is liable for all benefit payments received after the death or legal incapacity of a recipient or death of a beneficiary. The RDFI must return all post-death payments listed on the reclamation and any subsequent benefit payments received after receipt of the reclamation, so that payments are received by the Government Disbursing Office within 60 days of the date on the reclamation. This is the final action RDFIs take under full liability.
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Some withdrawers may wish to restore all or part of the withdrawn post-death payments to the account upon receipt of a Notice of Reclamation to Account Owners. Repayment to the account by the withdrawer upon receipt of the Notice of Reclamation is not required or requested by the government.
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Table 3-B How to Respond to the Notice of Reclamation (continued) 5b. Steps to take Under Limited Liability
Respond to the Notice of Reclamation so that it is received by the Government Disbursing Office within 60 days from the date on the Notice.
The RDFIs obligation to the Federal government has been satisfied and the RDFI must return the Notice of Reclamation, attaching proof of the repayment, so that it is received by the Government Disbursing Office within 60 days of the date on the Notice. (See Types of Evidence).
THEN The RDFI must return the full amount listed on the Notice of Reclamation by ACH, not to exceed the outstanding total, within 60 days of the date on the Notice. The RDFI must also return the Notice of Reclamation so that it is received by the Government Disbursing Office within 60 days of the date on the Notice. Complete and sign Certification #1*** and, if the RDFI had no knowledge of the death at the time the payment(s) was received or with drawn, also sign. Certification #2**** on the back of the Disbursing Office copy of the Notice of Reclamation. Original signatures are
required. Less than the outstanding total Return an amount equal to the account balance. Complete and sign Certification #1*** and, if the RDFI had no knowledge of the death at the
continued next page> ** *** The Outstanding Total is the sum of all Federal benefit payments received after death or legal incapacity, minus any amount returned to or recovered by the government. Certification #1 on the back of the Disbursing Office copy of the Notice of Reclamation certifies that: the Notice to Account Owners was sent; account owners were notified of any action the RDFI has taken or plans to take against the account; and the RDFI took proper corrective action regarding any error in date of or fact of death. Certification #2 on the back of the Disbursing Office copy of the Notice of Reclamation, certifies that the RDFI had no actual or constructive knowledge of the death at the time of deposit or withdrawal of any of the postdeath payments; and, that the RDFI has returned the amount of the account balance to the government.
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time the payment(s) was received or withdrawn, also sign Certification #2**** on the back of the Disbursing Office copy of the Notice of Reclamation. Original signatures are required. If the Notice of Reclamation is incorrect due to error in fact or date of death, see Learning of an Error (page 5-27). In the case of payments for Social Security Federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (SSA) or benefit payments certified by the Railroad Retirement Board or the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)*****, provide the Government Disbursing Office the following information: Name(s) and most current address(es) of: the recipient and any co-owner(s) of the recipients account; all other persons authorized to withdraw funds from the recipients account; and all other persons who withdrew funds from the account after the death or legal incapacity of the recipient or death of the beneficiary. If this is impossible, explain in writing why this information cannot be furnished. If that is impossible, give the names and addresses of all co-owners and other authorized signers on this account. If some or all of the withdrawals were by ATM, debit card, or by fraudulent means, then state that in the response, and list names and addresses of all persons authorized to use the ATM or debit cards, in addition to the names and addresses of account co-holders. If all of the above requirements are impossible to fulfill, then the RDFI must certify that no such information is available and explain why; AND, as a last resort, provide the last known address of the deceased recipient.
Acceptable proof of payment can be... a statement of the date of return, if returned by ACH; or copies of canceled checks used to return any partial payments (include front and back of check). If the Government Disbursing Office rejects the proof, it will send the RDFI a Reject Notice (FMS-2940). The Disbursing Office or authorizing Federal agency will verify whether the ACH returns were accepted. If all ACH returns were not accepted or if only a partial amount was repaid, the RDFI is still liable for the balance and the reclamation process continues. Note: Retain your copy of the Notice of Reclamation, including your reply, and any returns for your records.
***** In the case of payments for other than SSA, RRB or VA, RDFIs are prohibited by the Financial Privacy Act from releasing information about individuals other than the payment recipient. Even though the RDFI cannot provide the information, they still can limit their liability by complying with the procedures defined in this chapter.
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How to Prevent or Limit the Amount of a Debit to the RDFIs Federal Reserve Account
RDFIs should make certain that their processing of government Reclamations is carefully controlled and monitored, and that all employees responsible for handling Reclamations are thoroughly familiar with the rules and procedures. As soon as any RDFI employee learns of a death, he/she must immediately pass the information to RDFI employees responsible for handling Federal benefit payments. The RDFI has one business day to act on such information. Notify all paying benefit agencies of the death. Return immediately, by ACH, any subsequent post-death benefit payments to the Government Disbursing Office. Respond to the Notice of Reclamation accurately, completely, and promptly. Anything an RDFI can do to learn of the death of recipients sooner will help to minimize the chances of a debit action. Note: ACH Return Reason Code R15 constitutes proper notification to the Federal Agency.
C. Errors in Death
If the Person did not Die
The RDFI is authorized by the government to terminate the reclamation if it obtains satisfactory proof that the recipient or beneficiary is alive. In such cases, the RDFI must still return the Notice of Reclamation on time. Failure to respond to the Notice of Reclamation so that it is received by the Government Disbursing Office within 60 days from the date of the Notice, will result in a debit to the RDFIs or its correspondents account at the Federal Reserve for the outstanding total. Such debits can be restored only after a verification process by the authorizing Federal agency.
Types of Evidence
The following are acceptable types of proof for verifying that the person did not die: Drivers license, picture ID or other evidence similar to that required for cashing a check, if the recipient or beneficiary appears at the RDFI. A signed, dated, and notarized statement attesting to the fact that the recipient or beneficiary is alive if, he/she is unable to appear at the RDFI. A written statement from the authorizing Federal agency verifying that the recipient or beneficiary is alive. The RDFI is not obligated to accept the proof or to contact the authorizing Federal agency if any disagreements or questions arise with the person presenting the proof. Prudence is
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required, as the action taken by the RDFI may affect its liability. Disagreements will be adjudicated by the authorizing Federal agency after it has been contacted by the person presenting the proof.
Restarting Payments
Once a reclamation has been processed, all further benefit payments will be stopped. Presenting acceptable proof that the death report was in error and stopping the reclamation process does not restart the payments. The recipient or beneficiary must contact the authorizing Federal agency to restart the payments and to re-enroll for Direct Deposit.
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1. Enter the correct date of death on the back of the Disbursing Office Copy of the Notice of Reclamation. 2. IF the correct date of death is Later than the reported date of death Earlier than the reported date of death THEN go to Step 3. the RDFI must... Inform the account owners of the error; and check the appropriate box on the back of the Disbursing Office Copy of the Notice of
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Reclamation; and pay the amount listed on the Notice of Reclamation. Note: Additional payments will be collected by a subsequent reclamation. However, if the RDFI is aware of any additional post-death benefit payments, it is in its best interest to return them immediately. Refer to Subsequent Reclamations, page 5-28. Go to step 6.
3. Sign Certification #1 on the back of the Disbursing Office Copy of the Notice of Reclamation. 4. Complete the worksheet for adjusting the outstanding total. Refer to page 5-28. 5. Pay the appropriate amount using the adjusted outstanding total. If the amount returned is less than the adjusted outstanding total... sign Certification #2 on the back of the Disbursing Office Copy of the Notice of Reclamation; and list by name and address all withdrawers, co-owners, and authorized signers, as described in Step 6 (except as stated in Table 3B, page 5-19. 6. Return the completed Notice of Reclamation so it is received by the Government Disbursing Office within 60 days of the date on the Notice. Note: If the outstanding total was adjusted, a copy of the worksheet or a brief explanation of the adjustment must be included with the Notice of Reclamation.
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Worksheet for Adjusting the Outstanding Total if the Date of Death is Wrong
The worksheet must be used by the RDFI to calculate the adjusted total if there is an error in the date of death. When an RDFI needs to make an adjustment, it must photocopy the worksheet (Table 3-H), and return it with the Notice of Reclamation. Table 3-H PMT 1 List the month/day/year of each payment shown on the Reclamation form. For each payment (shown on the Reclamation) did the person die before the date of the payment? (Enter yes or no) For each yes, enter the dollar amount of the payment. (Do not enter the dollar amount if no.) Total all yes payments $_______________ _____ PMT 2 _____ PMT 3 _____ PMT 4 _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
(This is the adjusted outstanding total to use on the Notice of Reclamation). Note: The RDFI must photocopy the worksheet and return with the Notice of Reclamation. If the worksheet is not completed and returned, it may delay the process and/or cause the Notice of Reclamation to reject.
What to do
The table below shows what actions the RDFI must take if it receives a subsequent r reclamation: Table 3-I Step Action 1 2 Respond as it would to an original Notice of Reclamation (See Table 3-B, p. 5-17). Attach a brief cover letter, indicating that this is a subsequent Notice of Reclamation and cite the date of the original Notice of Reclamation.
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Previous debit
If the RDFI has already been debited on a reclamation case, it will not be debited for an additional 45-day amount on a subsequent Reclamation on the same case, provided it qualified to limit its liability in response to the original Notice of Reclamation. However, the RDFI is still required to respond to all official Notices of Reclamation in order to maintain its limited liability.
E. Contacts
Regional Financial Centers Claims Telephone Numbers Regional Financial Centers Kansas City Financial Center Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Social Security Administration (SSA) Philadelphia Financial Center Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) Social Security Administration (SSA) San Francisco Financial Center DC Pensions Department of Labor (DOL) Department of State Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Social Security Administration (SSA) U.S. Coast Guard (510) 594-7183 (215) 516-8154 Claims Telephone Numbers (816) 414-2100
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Notification of Change
In this Chapter...
A. Introduction to Notification of Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
When to use NOCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 When not to use NOCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Processing Timeframes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 If an Agency does not Respond to an NOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 Change Reason Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3 Claim Number Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4 Claim Number Structure Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED SEPTEMBER 2007
Notification of Change
Green Book
Benefit Payments
Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Personnel Management Railroad Retirement Board Social Security Administration Supplemental Security Income
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED SEPTEMBER 2007
Green Book
Notification of Change
Processing Timeframes
Generally, NOCs will be processed for the next ACH transaction. (Due to operational limitations, it may take two payment cycles for some NOCs to be processed.
What to do if an agency does not respond to an NOC within two payment cycles
Verify that the NOC was properly formatted. Make sure that the NOC contained the correct original RDFI routing number. If the NOC was correctly formatted, contact your FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC). See Contact information below. The RFC will work with the agency for resolution. Make sure that rejected NOCs are acknowledged and resolved. (See below) Questions? Contact the nearest FMS Regional Financial Center (RFC): Austin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (512) 342-7300 Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (816) 414-2100 Philadelphia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (215) 516-8015 San Francisco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (510) 594-7300
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED SEPTEMBER 2007
Notification of Change
Green Book
When to use the Change Reason Codes (continued) Change Reason Code C03 C05 C06 Change Reason Incorrect RTN and Incorrect Account Number Incorrect Transaction Code Incorrect Account Number and Incorrect Transaction Code When to Use Accommodate a merger or system consolidation. Change from checking to savings or savings to checking. Correct a data entry error in the account information, and change from checking to a savings or savings to checking. Issue a new account number and transaction code. C07 Incorrect RTN, Incorrect Account Number and Incorrect Transaction Code Accommodate a merger or system consolidation.
Note: The only Transaction Codes For checking (demand) 22 (credit) 27 (debit)
recognized by the Federal government for NOCs are: For savings For General Ledger 42 (credit) 32 (credit) 37 (debit)
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED SEPTEMBER 2007
Green Book
Notification of Change
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED SEPTEMBER 2007
Notification of Change
Green Book
Instructions for financial institutions not using NOCs (continued) Fewer than 100 payments, SUBMIT corrected photocopies of SF 1199As or letters to: More than 100 payments, CONTACT
Type of Payment Bureau of the Public Debt Federal Housing Administration Debenture Payments TreasuryDirect
Bureau of the Public Debt Special Investments Branch P.O. Box 396 Parkersburg, WV 26106-0396 Bureau of the Public Debt Customer Assistance Branch P.O. Box 426 Parkersburg, WV 26102-0426 Note: Financial institutions should submit systemwide changes to TreasuryDirect with the understanding that they agree to pay the Treasury and security owners for any losses resulting from errors made by the institution. (31 CFR Part 370.12)
(304) 480-5299
(800) 722-2678
Savings Bonds
Federal Reserve Bank of Pittsburgh P.O. Box 299 Pittsburgh, PA 15230-0299 Bureau of the Public Debt Special Investments Branch P.O. Box 396 Parkersburg, WV 26106-0396
(800) 322-1909
State and Local Government Series Securities Payments United States Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Company Tax and Loss Bonds Payments
(304) 480-5299
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED SEPTEMBER 2007
Green Book
Notification of Change
Instructions for financial institutions not using NOCs (continued) Fewer than 100 payments, SUBMIT corrected photocopies of SF 1199As or letters to: Commanding Officer (Code PS) US Coast Guard Pay and Personnel Center 444 SE Quincy Street Topeka, KS 66683-3591 Commanding Officer (Code RES) US Coast Guard Pay and Personnel Center 444 SE Quincy Street Topeka, KS 66683-3591 Commanding Officer (Code RPD) US Coast Guard Pay and Personnel Center 444 SE Quincy Street Topeka, KS 66683-3591 More than 100 payments, CONTACT (785) 339-3506
(785) 339-3506
(785) 339-3416
Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Compensation, VA Regional Office that Pension or Education (MGIB) maintains the veterans records Veterans Life Insurance Federal Salary and Allotment payments (including payments by the military to civilian employees)(FED SALARY) Marine Corps Active Duty/Reserve Active Duty Allotments
Federal employing agency authorizing the payment (address where original SF 1199As were mailed). If address is unknown, contact recipient/member.
DFAS - Kansas City Center 1500 E. 95th Street Kansas City, MO 64197-0001
(888) 332-7411
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED SEPTEMBER 2007
Notification of Change
Green Book
Instructions for financial institutions not using NOCs (continued) Fewer than 100 payments, SUBMIT corrected photocopies of SF 1199As or letters to: DFAS - Cleveland Center/JFECA 1240 East Ninth Street Cleveland, OH 44199-2055 DFAS - Cleveland Center Retired Pay Operations P.O. Box 99191 Cleveland, OH 44199-1126 More than 100 payments, CONTACT (216) 522-5855
Type of Payment Navy Active Duty Reserve Retirement Pay Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps
(800) 321-1080 fax: (800) 469-6559 Washington, DC Metro area ONLY: (202) 606-0500 (888) 767-6738 fax: (724) 794-6633
Office of Personnel Management Civil Service Retirement Office of Personnel Management (Annuity) Retirement Operations Center (CIVIL SERVE) P.O. Box 45 Boyers, PA 16017 Railroad Retirement Board Railroad Retirement (RR RET) Railroad Retirement Board Direct Deposit Coordinator 844 North Rush Street Chicago, IL 60611
(312) 751-4704
Processing Timeframes
NOCs that cannot be processed are usually refused to the financial institution before the next payment is submitted.
Green Book
Notification of Change
The table below shows the refused NOC code and the reason why the original NOC was refused. Code C64 C65 C66 C67 C68 C69 Reason Incorrect individual identification Incorrectly formatted corrected data Incorrect discretionary data Routing Number not from original Entry Detail Record DFI Account Number not from original Entry Detail Record Incorrect Transaction Code
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED SEPTEMBER 2007
Green Book
7 Collections
This chapter provides information about Federal government tax and non-tax collections through the ACH.
Green Book
EFTPS Enrollment
Taxpayers using EFTPS to make their Federal tax payments must complete an enrollment process prior to making their first payment. An enrollment may be completed online at or by a paper enrollment form. Paper enrollment forms can be obtained by calling EFTPS Customer Service. (See EFTPS Assistance at end of this section.)
Unless the taxpayer elects to bypass the bank account verification process, EFTPS will originate a pre-notification entry to the taxpayers account as part of the EFTPS enrollment process. It is the responsibility of the RDFI to review the prenotification entry and respond accordingly. A financial institution may be assessed late fees by Treasury where the RDFI failed to respond to a prenotification entry containing incorrect information.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2007
Green Book
EFTPS originates ACH debit entries using the Corporate Credit or Debit (CCD) format for business taxpayers and the Prearranged Payment and Deposit (PPD) format for individual taxpayers.
EFTPSDirect follows the NACHA Operating Rules for reversal entries.
EFTPS requires financial institutions to originate the ACH Credit tax payment in the Corporate Credit or Debit +, Tax Payment Addenda Record (CCD+TXP) format. The format is contained in the taxpayers enrollment confirmation package, and financial institutions should refer to the NACHA Operating Rules for additional information regarding the TXP record format.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2007
Green Book
EFTPS Assistance
Taxpayer Customer Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 (800) 555-4477 (Business), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 (800) 316-6541 (Individual) Financial Institution Customer Service . . . . .1 (800) 605-9876
The Federal agency receiving payments from remitters by means of a debit must obtain a completed SF 5510 (Authorization Agreement for Preauthorized Payments) or other approved authorization form from the remitter. This authorization allows the agency to process a debit against the remitters bank account. The agency must advise the remitter of the amount and frequency of the debits and any changes to the amount or frequency unless the remitter has specifically waived the right to this notice. There are two types of debit applications that the Federal agency may use: (1) recurring and (2) single debit.
Recurring Debits
Recurring debits are authorized by the remitter in writing, in advance, to occur at regular intervals. For the life of the agreement with the remitter, only one authorization is needed unless the terms of the agreement change.
Single Debits
Single debits allow a remitter the opportunity to maintain control over his/her funds by a separate authorization for each payment.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2007
Green Book
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2007
Green Book
For further information, contact the Customer Assistance Staff for your area of the country. You may also contact the Financial Management Service-General Revenue Collection Division: Lockbox Program Manager (202) 874-6577 Lockbox Program Specialist (202) 874-7026
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2007
Green Book
Remittance Express
Remittance Express (REX) is a program which allows the Federal government to receive ACH credits directly from the private sector, for payment to the agency by receiving ACH credit transactions at a unique routing number at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.
REX Enrollments
To enroll in the REX program a Federal agency must first sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the FMS and complete a REX Agency Account Set-up Form.
REX accepts the Corporate Credit or Debit Plus Addendum (CCD+) and the Corporate Trade Exchange (CTX) ACH formats.
For questions concerning REX, contact the Customer Assistance Staff for your area of the country or call: General Revenue Collection Division (202) 874-7026
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2007
Green Book is a free service offered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury for businesses and individuals to initiate various Federal payments online ( 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Registration
A registration may be completed online at It allows for convenient access and payment, but is not required.
Format originates ACH debit entries using the Corporate Credit or Debit (CCD) format for businesses and the Internet-Initiated Entries (WEB) format for individuals. Assistance
If there is an issue regarding, the help desk can be contacted via phone or email at: Hours (EST): 6:00 AM 7:00 PM, 800-624-1373 (Option #2),
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2007
Green Book
Customers are notified that their checks will be converted into an ACH debit
Processing agencies are responsible for notifying their customers that the conversion of the check payment to an EFT entry may occur. This notice may be by mail or physical postings at drop box or point-of-purchase locations. This notification, combined with the customer going forward with the transaction, constitute authorization for conversion of the check payment to an EFT entry.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2007
Green Book
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED MAY 2007
Green Book
8 Contacts
This chapter includes addresses and/or phone numbers of ACH contacts. These contacts are provided to handle any problems or questions that you may have concerning ACH payments and collections.
In this Chapter...
A. FMS Regional Financial Centers (RFCs) ........................................................ 8-2 B. FMS ACH Liaison ............................................................................................ 8-2 C. EFTPS Assistance ............................................................................................ 8-2 D. Major Paying Agency Contact Information................................................... 8-3 E. Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Contacts ......................... 8-3 F. Go Direct Contact Information ...................................................................... 8-3
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED JUNE 2011
Green Book
Kansas City, MO RFC........................ (816) 414-2100 (Veterans and Misc. Payments) Philadelphia, PA RFC........................ (215) 516-8154 (Social Security Payments) San Francisco, CA RFC ..................... (510) 594-7144 (IRS Payments)
C. EFTPS Assistance
If a taxpayer is initiating Federal tax payments using EFTPSThrough a Financial Institution (ACH Credit) see below for the appropriate customer service helplines. Routing Number............................................................... 061036000 Account Number.............................................................. 23401009 Taxpayer Enrollment/Helpline....................................... 1 (800) 555-4477 (Businesses) ........................................................................................... 1 (800) 316-6541 (Individuals) Financial Institution Helpline ......................................... 1 (800) 605-9876
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED JUNE 2011
Green Book
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED JUNE 2011
Green Book
9 Glossary
ACH Rules
The Operating Rules and the Operating Guidelines published by the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA), a national association of regional member clearing house associations, ACH Operators and participating financial institutions located in the United States.
Any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States Government, or a corporation owned or controlled by the Government of the United States. The term agency does not include a Federal Reserve Bank.
A retired Federal employee or his/her survivor who is receiving payments from the Office of Personnel Management; a retired railroad employee, his/her spouse, or his/her survivor who is receiving payments from the Railroad Retirement Board; a retired military service person, his/her spouse or his/her survivor who is receiving payments from a military service.
A recurring payment made to a retired individual, his/her survivor or spouse.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED OCTOBER 2007
Green Book
Authorizing Agency
The Federal agency that authorized the initiation of the payment.
Banking Day
With reference to a financial institution, any day on which such financial institution is open to the public during any part of such day for carrying on substantially all of its banking functions, and, with reference to an ACH Operator, any day on which the appropriate facility of such ACH Operator is being operated.
A natural person who is entitled to receive all or part of a benefit payment. The beneficiary may or may not be the recipient.
Benefit Payment
A payment for a Federal entitlement program or for an annuity, including, but not limited to, payments for Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, Black Lung, Civil Service Retirement, Railroad Retirement annuity and Railroad Unemployment and Sickness benefits, Department of Veterans Affairs Compensation and Pension, and Workers Compensation.
Business Day
A calendar day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or a Federal holiday.
A cash concentration and information system used to manage the collection of Federal government funds. It also provides agencies with financial information to verify bank deposits, ACH transfers, wire transfers, as well as information to reconcile their accounts.
Claim Number
A number which identifies the recipients or beneficiarys records at the Federal agency that authorizes the payment; usually a Social Security Number or an equivalent identification number.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED OCTOBER 2007
Green Book
Correspondent Bank
A bank that provides settlement with the Federal Reserve and/or processing services for another financial institution.
Direct Deposit
A Federal Government payment program for consumers who authorize the deposit of payments automatically into a checking or savings account via the ACH.
Direct Payment
An electronic transfer of funds authorized in advance by the remitter, permitting a Federal agency to collect payments automatically on a predetermined date. It is sometimes referred to as a preauthorized debit (PAD).
Discretionary Allotment
An amount permitted by the employing Federal agency to be deducted from a Federal government employees net salary amount and paid to a recipient. The amount of discretionary allotments may not exceed the net pay due the employee for each pay period after all deductions required by law are subtracted.
Green Book
ETA Provider
Financial institutions that choose to offer ETAs. They must enter into a Financial Agency Agreement with the Treasury Department.
An abbreviated SF 1199A form used to enroll and/or make changes to Direct Deposit information.
Federal Payment
Any payment made by an agency. The term includes, but is not limited to: (1) Federal wage, salary, and retirement payments; (2) vendor and expense reimbursement payments; (3) benefit payments; and (4) miscellaneous payments including, but not limited to, interagency payments; grants; loans; fees; principal, interest, and other payments related to United States marketable and nonmarketable securities, overpayment reimbursements; and payments under Federal insurance or guarantee programs for loans.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED OCTOBER 2007
Green Book
Financial Institution
A bank, savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union or similar institution.
The automated marker on an account indicating that one or more account holders is deceased, and that all future Federal payments for that account should be returned.
45-Day Amount
The dollar amount of all the ACH payments received within 45 calendar days following the death or legal incapacity of a recipient or the death of a beneficiary.
Legal Incapacity
A legal declaration that an individual is unable to manage his/her affairs properly.
Lockbox (paper)
A post office box established by a financial institution for the purpose of receiving paper-based payments to an agency.
Lockbox (electronic)
An account established by a financial institution for the purpose of receiving ACH payments to an agency.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED OCTOBER 2007
Green Book
Notice of Reclamation
A Notice sent by electronic, paper, or other means by the Federal government to an RDFI which identifies the benefit payments that should have been returned by the RDFI because of the death or legal incapacity of a recipient or death of a beneficiary.
Outstanding Total
The sum of all benefit payments received by an RDFI from an agency after the death or legal incapacity of a recipient or the death of a beneficiary, minus any amount returned to, or recovered by, the Federal government.
See Enrollment (Automated) ENR.
A procedure to recover Federal government recurring benefit payments that were paid through ACH after the death or legal incapacity of a recipient or the death of a beneficiary.
A natural person, corporation, or other public or private entity that is authorized to receive a Federal payment from an agency.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED OCTOBER 2007
Green Book
Representative Payee
A person or institution authorized by an authorizing Federal agency to accept payments for the benefit of one or more other persons, such as legally incapacitated adults or dependent children.
A research method where a Government Disbursing Office representative will contact a financial institution, by telephone, to resolve a payees claim that he/she did not receive a ACH payment.
Trace Number
A fifteen-digit number assigned to identify each ACH item by the issuing Government Disbursing Office. The first eight digits are the Disbursing Offices routing number and the last seven digits are the trace item number. It is also part of the original payment data forwarded to the financial institution and is included in each Entry Detail, Corporate Entry Detail, and Entry Detail Addenda Record.
TreasuryDirect is a book-entry securities system in which investors accounts of book-entry Treasury marketable securities are maintained. It is designed for investors who purchase Treasury securities and intend to hold them until maturity.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED OCTOBER 2007
Green Book
Vendor Payment
The electronic transfer of funds and payment-related information used by the Federal government for payments to businesses that provide goods and services to Federal agencies and other payment recipients, such as State/local governments and educational institutions.
A Guide to Federal Government ACH Payments and Collections REVISED OCTOBER 2007