s11104 014 2371 7
s11104 014 2371 7
s11104 014 2371 7
DOI 10.1007/s11104-014-2371-7
Received: 17 March 2014 / Accepted: 22 December 2014 / Published online: 9 January 2015
# Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
Baldocchi 2003; Baldocchi et al. 2001; Moncrieff et al. pulse labeling allows tracing the absolute input of C into
1997), whereas leading isotopic methods used nowa- various ecosystem pools.
days in agricultural and soil science allow a more inte- Previous discussions in the literature about combin-
rior view of the ecosystem (Kuzyakov and Domanski ing stable isotope methods with eddy-covariance tech-
2000; Yakir and Sternberg 2000). Both are occasionally nique were aimed at, for example, acquiring natural
combined with chamber methods to facilitate and ex- atmospheric iso-fluxes (Yakir and Sternberg 2000;
pand investigation of CO2 fluxes (Goulden et al. 1996; Bowling et al. 2001; Wichura 2009) or, in the case of
Davidson et al. 2002; Dore et al. 2003; Subke and pulse labeling, evaluating and comparing the C cycle of
Tenhunen 2004; Rochette and Hutchinson 2005). various ecosystems (Gavrichkova 2009).
While EC methods have the advantage of barely Today, European grasslands are predominantly con-
disturbing ecosystem processes during the experi- sidered as C sinks but there are uncertainties: the IPCC
ment, isotopic methods are mostly destructive due did not agree with this opinion and ascribed a potential
to the necessity of taking plant and soil samples. role of either source or sink to grassland ecosystems
Another difference is that isotopic labeling ap- (IPCC 2007). Janssens (2003) found a certain sink ca-
proaches are largely point measurements, while pacity but with an uncertainty that was larger than the
EC integrates the signal throughout a large flux- sink itself. Also Ciais et al. (2010) could not sufficiently
footprint (Vesala et al. 2008). prove the detected sink capacity. Future climate change
EC is generally the favored technique on grasslands will even increase this uncertainty by affecting C cy-
for measuring the C balance in terms of the net ecosys- cling in temperate grasslands due to increasing temper-
tem carbon exchange (NEE), i.e., the proportion of C atures (Luo 2007), varying precipitation amounts and
released and taken up by the ecosystem (Wohlfahrt et al. patterns (Knapp 2002; Chou et al. 2008), heat waves
2012). To evaluate underlying processes and responses and droughts (Ciais et al. 2005; Joos et al. 2010), and
of the ecosystem to environmental change, NEE has to rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Luo et al.
be separated into its components: ecosystem respiration 2006).
(RECO) and gross primary production (GPP), by flux The present study was conducted at an extensively
partitioning models (FPM; Falge et al. 2002; Stoy et al. managed grassland site in Central Europe during the
2006; Desai et al. 2008; Lasslop et al. 2010; Reichstein main vegetation period 2010. Besides addressing the
et al. 2012). These are also used to gap-fill missing or question whether grassland ecosystems function as C
rejected data (Stoy et al. 2006; Ruppert et al. 2006; sink or source, the main aim of the current experiment
Desai et al. 2008; Papale 2012; Falge et al. 2001; was to determine the absolute C input into various
Moffat et al. 2007). By determining temporal variations ecosystem pools.
and the absolute amount of assimilated and released C For these reasons eddy-covariance measurements
for a certain period, the atmospheric approach reaches and a 13CO2 pulse labeling experiment were conducted
its limits. To our knowledge, this is the first study combining
Further partitioning of total CO2 efflux or C input results of EC measurements and of a CO2 pulse labeling
(GPP) into various ecosystem pools is not possible experiment to determine the absolute amounts of C
based on EC, but can be achieved using isotopic tech- transferred to various pools of a grassland ecosystem
niques (Buchmann 2000, 2002; Kuzyakov 2006). in Central Europe.
Thereby, natural continuous (C3 plants grow after C4
plants or vice versa), artificial continuous and artificial
pulse labeling approaches have to be differentiated. Methods
Advantages and disadvantages of the different
labeling approaches were discussed in several Study area
publications (Whipps 1990; Nguyen 2009; Werth
and Kuzyakov 2008). Pulse labeling provides the The experiment was conducted during summer 2010
relative distribution of recently assimilated C into from June 16th (DOY 167) to July 6th (DOY 187) on
various above and below ground pools. a submontane grassland site at the edge of the low
EC delivers the absolute C fluxes above the ecosys- mountain range “Fichtelgebirge”, 624 m a.s.l. (50°05′
tem. Combining the results of EC with that of 13CO2 25″N, 11°51′25″E) in northeast Bavaria, Germany. For
Plant Soil (2015) 390:61–76 63
the last 10 years the experimental site was used as Utah USA) and collected daily by a computer system as
extensively managed grassland without fertilization or a backup.
grazing, but with sporadic mowing once or twice a year.
The soil type is gleysol (IUSS Working Group WRB Data acquisition and analysis
2007), with a thickness of at least 70 cm. The average
annual temperature and precipitation are 5.8 °C and The raw data for the turbulent CO2 fluxes were post
1066 mm, respectively (Foken 2003). The “Großer processed and quality controlled based on micrometeo-
Waldstein” (877 m a.s.l.) lies north of the study site rological standards, applying the software package TK2
and the “Schneeberg” (1051 m a.s.l.) is to the south. developed at the University of Bayreuth (Mauder and
These two mountains generate a channeled wind field Foken 2004). This still evolving software (TK3 is now
on the site with East and above all West as dominating available; Mauder and Foken 2011) includes all neces-
wind directions (prevailing wind direction 263°). The sary data correction and data quality tools (Foken et al.
plant community can be described as Molinio– 2012), was proved in comparison with six other com-
Arrhenatheretea R. Tx. 1937 – economic grassland. monly used software packages (Mauder et al. 2008) and
With 48 species, the biodiversity is quite high. The most successfully applied in numerous major field campaigns
dominant species are Alchemilla monticola, Juncus (Mauder et al. 2006, 2007; Eigenmann et al. 2009). The
filiformis, Polygonum bistorta, Ranunculus acris and included quality flagging system evaluated stationarity
Trifolium repens. These species were considered when and turbulence during the averaging interval of 30 min
to decide the exact location of the labeling plots to gain and marked the resulting flux data with quality flags
best possible comparability with the whole ecosystem. from 1 (very good quality) to 9 (very low quality; Foken
Except for single larger individuals, the canopy height and Wichura 1996; Foken et al. 2004). The flux data
was about 0.4 m at the date of labeling. were then filtered according to these flags and only data
with quality 3 or better were used during the whole
experiment. In addition to that, footprint analysis was
Micrometeorological determination of absolute C input performed (Göckede et al. 2004, 2006). It could be
assured that the signal measured by EC originated ex-
Experiment setup clusively from the target land use type grassland
(Rannik et al. 2012). Due to the channeled wind regime,
An automated weather station provided 10 min averages two clubbed footprints evolved in western and eastern
of a range of climate data to evaluate short term effects, directions. Thus, disturbances of the turbulent fluxes
but also to provide the input parameters for the measured by EC could be avoided by installing the other
partitioning of the NEE into its source and sink compo- experimental devices directly adjacent to the EC mast
nents. The most important collected parameters were but perpendicular to the main wind direction.
up– and down welling short– and long wave radiation,
air and soil temperature, humidity and soil moisture and NEE flux partitioning
precipitation. High frequency (20 Hz, 2.5 m above
ground) data were collected to determine turbulent In order to finally gain absolute C input into the ecosys-
fluxes, such as NEE by eddy-covariance. Water vapor tem from the NEE data, two tasks were performed: Due
and CO2 concentration were measured by an open–path to rejection of outliers and low quality data, small gaps
gas analyzer (LI–7500, LI–COR Biosciences, Lincoln, occurred within the 30 min NEE time series that had to
Nebraska USA) and wind vector and sonic temperature be filled and the NEE had to be partitioned into its
(TS) by a 3D sonic anemometer (CSAT3, Campbell underlying fluxes, assimilation (GPP) and respiration
Scientific, Inc., Logan, Utah USA). CSAT3 and LI– (RECO). To parameterize temperature dependant RECO,
7500 were pointed in a northerly direction, normal to equal to nighttime NEE due to missing assimilation, the
the prevailing wind direction of 263°. Thus, disturbance Lloyd–Taylor function was applied (Lloyd and Taylor
of the flux by the instruments was minimized (Li et al. 1994; Falge et al. 2001; Ammann et al. 2007; Reichstein
2013). Tower shading could be avoided completely due et al. 2005). Light response regression on the basis of the
to the channeled wind regime. Data were stored on a Michaelis–Menten function (Michaelis and Menten
data logger (CR3000, Campbell Scientific, Inc., Logan, 1913) was used to parameterize daytime solar radiation
64 Plant Soil (2015) 390:61–76
dependant GPP (Falge et al. 2001; Ruppert et al. 2006). of the labeling. The IR–sensor of this device detects
For both, the flux-partitioning model used a time–win- only about 30 % of the 13CO2 (McDermitt et al. 1993),
dow scheme instead of the conventional temperature but the concentration increased at the beginning to a
binning approach that was suitable for sites with distinct value of about 1400 ppm and a concentration next to
seasonal variation (Ammann et al. 2007). zero after the 3 h was measured indicating the complete
uptake of the tracer. Shortly before the labeling the CO2
C pulse labeling for determination of relative concentration within the chamber dropped down to zero
proportion of C partitioning due to assimilation. It is expected that this very short
lack of CO 2 had no noticeable influence on the
Experiment setup experiment.
Five stainless steel soil frames (each 1 × 1 m) with a u- Data acquisition and analysis
shaped bar at the upper end were inserted up to 10 cm
depth, 3 weeks prior to labeling in order to reduce Translocation of the assimilated 13C was analyzed dur-
disturbances. For 13CO2 pulse labeling the upper part ing a 21-day period in shoots, roots, soil and soil CO2
of the chamber, consisting of aluminum frames (base of efflux on all 5 plots. Samples were taken immediately
the frame 1 × 1 m, height 0.5 m, cross section 2 × 2 cm) (0), 1, 2, 4, 9 and 21 days after the labeling. Shoots were
were placed into the u-shaped bar, which was filled with sampled from a circular area of 10 cm diameter. Soil
water (containing a small amount of H2SO4) to ensure samples were taken in the middle of this area from 0 to
sealing of upper and lower parts of the chamber. The 30 cm depth using a soil corer (inner diameter: 4.6 cm).
aluminum frames were covered with transparent LDPE– Afterwards, the holes in the soil were plugged with
foil (thickness: 0.2 mm; total light transmission: ~ 90 %) PVC–tubes to avoid changing conditions around the
shortly before the tracer addition To minimize the influ- holes.
ence of the chamber on the tracer uptake, five cooling In addition, samples from unlabeled plots were taken
aggregates (EZetil Iceakku, 220 g) arranged in parallel in the same way close to each of the labeled plots to
were installed in each chamber. A fan positioned behind determine the δ13C natural abundance for calculations.
the aggregates guaranteed turbulent mixing of the cham- All samples were frozen (−20 °C) until further anal-
ber air and forced the air to pass the cooling aggregates. ysis. Roots were carefully separated from the soil sam-
High temperatures were thereby avoided and the humid- ples with tweezers. All shoot, root and soil samples were
ity was reduced by condensation of the water vapor at dried, weighed and homogenized by ball milling.
the cooling aggregates’ surfaces. Hence, the condensa- Total C and the δ13C (‰) signatures of the samples
tion at the chamber walls was reduced and better light were determined using an element analyzer – isotope
conditions for the plants were assured. For more detailed ratio mass spectrometer (EA–IRMS, Delta Plus;
information about the chamber construction see Drösler Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany, interfaced
(2005). A flask, containing the 13C tracer as Na213CO3 to an elemental analyzer (NC 2500; CE Instruments,
(5 g 99 % 13C-eniched Na2CO3), was placed behind the Milano, Italy) and calibrated with reference to the inter-
fan to assure homogenous distribution of the labeled national standard VPDB (Vienna Peedee Belemnite).
CO2. An excess of 5 M H2SO4 was added to the tracer The total CO2 efflux from soil was determined on all
solution from outside the chamber through the transpar- labeled and on unlabeled (natural abundance) plots with
ent LDPE–foil with a syringe. The puncture holes in the the static alkali (NaOH) absorption method
foil were afterwards sealed with tape. The labeling was (Lundegardh 1921; Kirita 1971; Singh and Gupta
done almost simultaneously for all five chambers with 1977) After cutting the vegetation to avoid any fraction-
only short time shifts of some minutes. Plants were ation of the isotopic signal by photosynthesis and shoot
labeled for 3 h to assure complete uptake of the 13CO2. respiration, a stainless steel soil collar (i.D. 11 cm;
To avoid noon depression of photosynthesis, labeling height 10 cm) was placed 5 cm into the soil. It has to
was conducted from 2:30 to 5:30 pm. In one of the be considered that cutting aboveground vegetation may
chambers the CO2 concentration was monitored with cause decrease in root respiration and increased turnover
an infrared gas analyzer (LI–820, LI–COR Biosciences, of dead root biomass. A jar with 1 M NaOH were placed
Lincoln, Nebraska USA) at the beginning and at the end into each collar and the collar was closed with a dark lid.
Plant Soil (2015) 390:61–76 65
Soil CO2 efflux was calculated using the following These standard errors may not completely characterize
equation: the uncertainty (Zobitz et al. 2006).
By multiplication with the total C amount (n(C)P, g C
xð C Þ P m−2) of the pool, the 13C amount (n(13C)P, g 13C m−2) of
F CO2 ;soil ¼ ; ð1Þ
A⋅△t the pool was calculated:
with the total amount of C captured x(C)P, the closed
n 13 C P ¼ xE 13 C ⋅nðC ÞP : ð3Þ
time of the collar △t and the area enclosed A.
Shortly after the labeling a NaOH trap was placed in Since all calculations were carried out with area units
each chamber. NaOH was exchanged at each sampling (m−2) it has to be mentioned that in the case of soil and
date and additionally on the 12th day after labeling. The roots all results referred to the sampled soil layer from 0
amount of NaOH was adjusted to the period by increas- to 30 cm. To gain a reference value for the recovered
ing from 40 ml at the beginning up to 80 ml at the end, to amount of 13C during the sampling period, the total
be sure that the neutralization did not exceed one–third amounts of 13C found immediately after the labeling
of the capacity of the NaOH (Gupta and Singh 1977).
(n 13 C Pt , g 13C m−2) were summed up over all inves-
The amount of collected C was determined by a C/N 0
analyzer (Multi N/C 2100, AnalytikJena, Germany). To tigated pools. Then the 13C amounts of every single pool
obtain δ13C (‰) values, SrCO3 was precipitated with at every point of time (n 13 C Pt , g 13C m−2) could be
SrCl 2 , neutralized and dried for the EA–IRMS related to this total value and the recovery (R, %) of the
measurements. tracer could be calculated using the equation:
For the calculation of the relative proportion of 13C
input into various pools (shoots, roots, soil and CO2 13 n 13 C Pt
R C Pt ¼ 4 ð4Þ
efflux were investigated) after 13CO2 pulse labeling X
several calculation steps were necessary. The enrich- n 13 C Pt ðiÞ
ment of 13C in a C pool (xE(13C), atom%) was derived i¼1
measured pools i could be summed, and then subtracted events were measured in August. The fluxes at the
from 100 % (Hafner et al. 2012). However, a slight labeling day and during the chase period (CP) are shown
overestimation of the soil respiration might occur due in Table 1. The mean daily sum of GPP at the labeling
to missing of small amounts of carbon leaching during day was −6.0 g C m−2 d−1) whereas a mean GPP of −7.1
the rainfall events. To assure that the 13C recovered no ±0.4 g C m−2 d−1 was determined for the whole chase
longer changed in time, i.e., that the allocation did reach period. Figure 1 provides a general view of the intra-
a steady state, the 13C recovery in all pools was checked annual variability of the ecosystem fluxes, indicating
by applying a repeated measures ANOVA with a post that a number of pulse labeling experiments would be
hoc Bonferroni test. Means and standard errors of the necessary to achieve detailed seasonal partitioning of
means (SEM) are presented in the figures and tables. absolute carbon fluxes. The labeling experiment was
To finally gain absolute C input into the particular conducted within a long time period with a quite uni-
ecosystem pools, labeling and eddy-covariance results form assimilation flux that did not end until the first
were combined, i.e., the relative proportion of the 13C cutting (Fig. 1).
recovered at the end of the C allocation was combined
with the total C input into the system C dynamics and allocation
nðC ÞP ¼ GPP⋅R 13 C Pt ð6Þ The sampling immediately started after the 13CO2 tracer
Fig. 1 Cumulative annual fluxes of NEE, GPP and RECO (flat pulse labeling and comprises the chase period (CP), beginning
lines), daily sums of precipitation (black bars), daily means of with the pulse labeling and ending shortly before the first mowing
global radiation (grey filled circles) and daily mean temperatures event (c). Time on x–axis in day of year (DOY)
(black filled circles). The box with dashed outline begins with the
partitioned for absolute C allocation into individual independently of the labeling by separating the NEE
pools based on the 13C recovery of the respective pool. by the FPM, the equal results verify our approach
The 13C recovery rates could only be applied to the GPP
from the chase period (Fig. 1), since the transferability
beyond this period was not validated by accounting for, Discussion
for example plant physiological factors. On average, 2.5
±0.2 g C m−2 d−1 were incorporated into the shoot and Discussion overview
0.8±0.3 g C m−2 d−1 into the root biomass. 0.5±0.1 g C
m−2 d−1 remained in the soil, whereas 2.3±0.3 g C m−2 By combining the results of atmospheric CO2 flux mea-
d−1 were released to the atmosphere as shoot respiration surements and 13CO2 pulse labeling, a new approach for
and 1.0±0.1 g C m−2 d−1 as soil CO2 efflux. The sum of partitioning ecosystem C fluxes was introduced. In the
the soil CO2 efflux and shoot respiration (3.3±0.4 g C following, the results will be discussed in detail, i.e.,
m−2 d−1) is in accordance with the RECO of 3.5±0.2 g C absolute atmospheric CO2 fluxes will be compared to
m −2 d −1 (Fig. 3). Since R ECO was determined further flux measurements under similar environmental
Fig. 2 Cumulative 13C label-incorporation into the various x–axis of (a) intersects at y=1 % for a better illustration. Only one
C-pools; a 13C dynamics during the chase period; b relative value remains below 1 %, the 13CO2 efflux immediately after the
proportion of 13C recovered, i.e., final distribution by percentage labeling accounting for 0.1 %. Error bars represent standard errors
at the last day of sampling (day 21) in the ecosystem C pools; the of the mean (±SEM)
conditions, and relative assimilate distribution will be carbon sink in relation to other comparable extensively
compared to those of other 13C labeling experiments. managed grasslands. In Table 2, recent studies dealing
Since there are no studies referring to comparable efforts with atmospheric CO2 fluxes on such grasslands at
in determining partitioned absolute C allocation in the elevations from 375 to 1770 m a.s.l., with mean annual
plant–soil–atmosphere system, on-hand results are com- temperatures from 5.5 to 9.5 °C and annual precipitation
pared to studies in which these quantities were sums from 655 to 1816 mm, were reviewed. Although
estimated. the sites were chosen in a range which was as narrow as
possible in terms of these parameters, there are notable
Atmospheric C fluxes differences in the NEE. However, the NEE of the pres-
ent study lies in the middle of those of the reviewed
NEE was directly measured by eddy-covariance in 2010 studies (Table 2). In general, the role of grasslands in the
(−249 g C m−2 a−1). After subtraction of the harvest global carbon cycle is still uncertain, as recently de-
output (158 g C m−2 a−1), −91 g C m−2 a−1 still scribed by Gilmanov et al. (2010). There a mean NEE
remained, identifying the site as being a relatively big of 70 g C m−2 a−1, but also maximum C sources up to
temperature (T, °C); all sites were managed extensively, some with temporary light grazing instead of cutting. Harvest means harvested C yield from field. All fluxes are presented in g C m−2
Table 2 Atmospheric C fluxes, determined on European grassland sites with comparable parameters: elevation (m a.s.l.), annual sum of precipitation (RR, mm), sorted by annual mean
This study
Separating NEE into underlying assimilation (GPP)
and respiration (RECO) fluxes using the short time win-
dow scheme was certain to capture the dynamics of this
fast changing ecosystem (Ammann et al. 2007;
Wohlfahrt et al. 2012), because it sufficiently accounted
for seasonal parameter variability (Lasslop et al. 2010).
Total annual sums in 2010 (RECO: 849 and GPP:
−1097 g C m−2 a−1) are within the range of those
extensive, grazed
extensive, 3 cuts
extensive, 3 cuts
extensive, 2 cuts
the warmer sites with low elevation, but higher than that
of high elevation sites. Ammann et al. (2007), who even
applied a similar flux partitioning model on an exten-
sively managed grassland in Switzerland, found C
fluxes more than one third higher, despite similar
Alinyà, Spain
No. Plant / Conditions Method Days after Shoot Below ground Root Soil RECO Shoot resp. CO2 References
labeling efflux
1 Lolium perenne / controlled cond. C pulse, % of recovery 7 49.8 40.7 21.8 1.8 16.6 9.5 17.1 (Rattray et al. 1995)
2 Lolium perenne / controlled cond. C pulse, % of recovery 2 40.0 60.0 14.6 30.0 15.4 (Bazot et al. 2006)
3 Festuca, controlled cond. C pulse, % of recovery 2 43.9 54.9 39.7 4.1 11.1 (Allard et al. 2006)
4 White clover / controlled cond. C pulse, % of recovery 2 56.9 43.0 9.0 7.2 26.8 (Todorovic et al. 1999)
5 Grassland / field conditions C pulse, % of recovery 32 28.9 58.7 34.2 7.3 29.6 12.4 17.2 (Wu et al. 2010)
6 Grassland / field conditions C pulse, % of recovery 27 38.0 20.0 0.5 10.4 51.0 42.0 9.0 (Hafner et al. 2012)
7 Pasture / field conditions C pulse, % of recovery 35 26.4 34.7 2.1 36.8 (Saggar et al. 1997)
8 Pasture / field conditions C pulse, % of recovery 35 31.0 27.0 5.2 37.0 (Saggar and Hedley 2001)
9 Lolium perenne / controlled cond. C continuousa, % of 47.8 52.1 39.7 2.6 9.8 (van Ginkel et al. 1997)
10 Brome grass / controlled cond. C % rep. pulseb, % of 27.0 5.0 14.0 54.0 (Davenport and Thomas 1988)
11 21 agric.plants Review % of net assimilatedd 60 36 19 5 12 (Jones et al. 2009)
12 Pasture plants, Review % of assimilatedc 30 40 20 5 45 30 15 (Kuzyakov and Domanski 2000)
13 Grassland / field conditions C pulse, % of recovery 21 34.9 32.0 12.0 6.4 46.7 33.1 13.6 this study
Continuously labeled with 14 C during the whole time of growing
Weekly repeated pulse labeling, as suggested to cover whole growth period
Recovery related to assimilated amount of tracer (shoot respiration is not considered, may underestimate final result by up to 30 %)
Recovery related to net assimilated amount of tracer (shoot respiration is considered)
72 Plant Soil (2015) 390:61–76
Up to now, partitioned absolute amounts of allocated C Application of EC showed that the extensively managed
were only roughly estimated, although in most studies grassland was a significant net carbon sink of −91 g C
addressing to C balance and turnover, total masses are m−2 a−1 in 2010. The NEE flux-partitioning model
important. Kuzyakov and Domanski (2000) calculated revealed a mean underlying assimilated amount of car-
mean absolute values for below-ground translocated C bon of −7.1±0.3 g C m−2 d−1 during the 21 days of the
by grasses and cereals from the literature: 179 g C m−2 13
C pulse labeling experiment. Pulse labeling and trac-
for all studies and 220 g C m−2 for studies longer than ing provided relative partitioning of 13C input into dis-
100 days (i.e., 2.2 g C m−2 on average). Absolute C tinct ecosystem C pools. First-time combining the re-
inputs found for an alpine Kobresia humilis pasture (Wu sults of these methods to an integrative approach
et al. 2010) were about one third smaller than in the allowed partitioning of absolute C input by assim-
present study in all compartments except the roots, when ilation into absolute C fluxes into shoots, roots
taking the length of the growth period into account. This and soil and the contributions to the respiration
results from the generally lower turnover rates in high fluxes CO2-efflux and shoot respiration. Two dif-
altitude grasslands (Budge et al. 2011). In addition to ferent areas benefit from this innovation: labeling
that, the percentage of root biomass is considerably approaches are upgraded by finally dealing with
higher in these regions (Ammann et al. 2009; Leifeld absolute instead of relative C allocation and fur-
et al. 2009; Unteregelsbacher et al. 2011). One further ther separation of the NEE beyond assimilation
comparison allows the rough estimation of total C in- and respiration fluxes is provided. Moreover, indi-
and outputs for pasture plants. Kuzyakov and Domanski vidual reactions of sensitive subsidiary ecosystem
(2000) measured fluxes that are on average 1.5 times pools and processes can be detected and evaluated
lower than that of this study, but the input into the root on the basis of mass units.
system matches very well. However, under the currently changing environmen-
Obviously, there is a lack of studies presenting abso- tal conditions, both approaches benefit from the reduc-
lute values of C input to distinct ecosystem compart- tion of uncertainties by the detection and evaluation of
ments. Coupling of atmospheric C flux measurements individual reactions of sensitive subsidiary ecosystem
with 13C pulse labeling provides partitioning of absolute pools and processes on the basis of mass units. The
C fluxes. In general, the combination of methods works results of this study are in line with the available litera-
well and allows a more detailed insight into the C cycle ture and should encourage combining methods of atmo-
of grasslands. One limitation is that the expansion be- sphere, plant and soil science also in future studies. The
yond the chase period has to be checked independently suggested method can be also applied to C pools such as
using other methods. Whereas the atmospheric fluxes microbial biomass and dissolved organic carbon. Also
are mostly representative, at least as long as weather for ecosystem modelers dealing with C pools and fluxes,
conditions and management activities are within a cer- it provides data on C incorporation in pools in absolute
tain range, plant physiological parameters – and thereby units.
partitioning patterns – vary too much to allow transfer of
the result of a single pulse labeling to the whole growth Acknowledgments The project “Investigation of carbon turn-
over of grasslands in a northern Bavarian low mountain range
period (Gregory and Atwell 1991; Kuzyakov and
under extreme climate conditions” was funded within the joint
Domanski 2000). In contrast, a series of labeling pulses research project “FORKAST” by the Bavarian State Ministry of
at regular intervals (Keith et al. 1986; Swinnen et al. Sciences, Research and Arts. The authors wish to acknowledge the
1994; Kuzyakov et al. 1999, 2001; Kuzyakov and support of the participants of the FORKAST project, especially
Prof. Dr. Anke Jentsch and Alexander Ulmer for evaluation of
Schneckenberger 2004; Davenport and Thomas 1988)
biodiversity and species determination on our site. Finally, the
could provide reasonable estimates of the relative authors want to thank Prof. Dr. Gerhard Gebauer and his team of
partitioning for the whole growth period, to be applied the Laboratory of Isotope Biogeochemistry for the abundance
to the more easily available time series of C input, analysis of the carbon isotopes, all colleagues, technicians and
research assistants who took part in the field and laboratory work,
obtained by micrometeorological flux measurements.
especially Martin Rimmler, Martin Pannek, Ilse Thaufelder,
This way, mowing events or grazing could also be Johannes Olesch and last but not least Peng Zhao for his support
considered. with the flux partitioning model.
Plant Soil (2015) 390:61–76 73
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