EC Trainings Session 6 FoundationObjects
EC Trainings Session 6 FoundationObjects
EC Trainings Session 6 FoundationObjects
Foundation Objects
The training facilitator:
In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact the training facilitators directly:
Caroline Bock
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MDF Objects 08
Wrap up and QA 37
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Overview of EC Foundation
2019 Deloitte
Overview of EC Foundation Objects
W hat are Foundation Objects?
Employee Self-Service
HR Data
Role Based
Foundation Objects
Manager Self-Service
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Overview of EC Foundation Objects
W hat are Foundation Objects?
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Overview of EC Foundation Objects
W hat are Foundation Objects?
A generic object definition is an easy UI-based way to define a database object in its entirety.
An object definition contains information about fields, associations, workflow rules and security for an
You use generic objects for settings and information relating to the people working for a business.
This information includes, for example, position information.
For MDF Foundation Objects (generic objects), custom fields are no longer restricted to set number of
fields per datatype. Instead, you can now assign any number of fields, subject to a maximum of 200
fields, depending on your requirement to a datatype.
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MDF Objects
2019 Deloitte
MDF Objects
Object Header
Code: Unique identifier for Object. All custom object created automatically
prefixed with cust_.
Effective Dating: This defines if object instance can have only single
record or multiple records based on different dates. Not to be confused with
audit which can be enabled irrespective of configuration of this field.
None: Only single record can be maintained for given object instance.
Whenever any changes are done it overwrites previous saved information.
Basic: Multiple records for given object instance can be maintained but
only one record can be added for given date.
From Parent: This is used for child objects so that they will match the
parent’s effective dating. Object instance for such object cannot be
maintained independently and can only be maintained along with parent
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MDF Objects
Object Header
API Visibility: All MDF Objects data and some of MDF Object
configuration can be accessed via oData API using this flag.
Not Visible: This is the default value, object would not be allowed to be
accessed via oData
Editable: Object instance can be accessed with both Read and Write
capabilities like Create/Update/Insert and Delete.
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MDF Objects
Object Header
MDF Version History: The MDF Version History allows you to capture
Audit data for any changes done to object instances. Any operation such
as Create, Update, Insert or Delete will add audit records in the system.
Currently Change Audit Log self-service tool is available to access such
data but only for GDPR relevant MDF objects.
Complete History: Audit Records will be created for all operations like
Create, Insert, Update and Delete.
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MDF Objects
Object Header
API Sub Version: This field controls whether the technical fields are
exposed in the oData API or not.
V1.0: System fields which are not of much use, will be exposed in
oData API
Subject User Field: Defines which field contains subject user information
for the object, which is then used to determine workflow routing. Only
fields which are of Data Type User can be used for this configuration. If
External Code is defined with Data Type User, it will be used as default
value for this configuration.
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MDF Objects
Object Header
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MDF Objects
Object Body
MDF automatically adds certain field depending on the choices made within Object Settings section. It is recommended not to alter field properties for field name
prefixed with mdfSystem.
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MDF Objects
Field Details
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MDF Objects
Field Details
Name: This is identifier for the field and must be unique within current object
definition including association names. Application automatically prefix “cust_” in
front to name of all custom field.
Maximum Length: Applicable only for String, Translatable, Number and Decimal
Data Type. It defines how many characters can be entered for this field. The
default length for fields is 255 for String and Translatable, 38 for Number and 21
for Decimal but this can be changed. Maximum allowed value for pre-delivered
field can vary from one object to another object and controlled by different
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MDF Objects
Field Details
Data Type: This determines what kind of values can be supplied for a field.
There are several different Data Types to choose from.
String: Accepts any text.
Translatable: Same as String but value entered can be translated into
available languages.
Number: Accepts only number without decimal values. The display of this field
value will be determined based on the logged-in user’s chosen locale.
Decimal: Number along with decimal values. The display of this field value will
be determined based on the logged-in user’s chosen locale.
Auto Number: System automatically generates a new number for each record.
This field should always be set as read-only, end user must not be allowed to
enter values manually.
Boolean: Provides Yes or No as the allowed values.
Picklist: Choice of option from pre-defined values which are configured in
Generic Object: Creates reference to another Generic Object and end user
can select any instance of referenced GO while entering data.
Foundation Object: Creates reference to Employee Central Foundation
Objects. Location is one such example for which configuration is managed
outside the MDF.
Data Source: This field is property is used only for pre-delivered fields and
cannot be changed by end users.
User: References any active or inactive user in the system.
Date: Accepts a date value. Display of this field value is determined based on
the logged-in user’s chosen locale.
DateTime: Along date value this field accepts also the time (hours, minutes
and seconds)
Time: Accepts only time (hours, minutes, seconds)
Attachment: Allows uploading a document or file to object instance.
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MDF Objects
Field Details
Valid Values Source: This attribute is applicable only for Data Type Picklist,
Generic Object, Foundation Object and Data Source. The id/code of the
referenced object can be entered. On save system validates and ensures that
value is correct.
Hide Old Value: For Effective Dated Object, field values which are changed from
previous effective dated records are shown along with old value with
strikethrough. If this is set to Yes, then such old value will not be displayed.
Decimal Precision: Applicable only for Decimal Data Type. This specifies how
many digits past the decimal point is allowed.
Include Inactive Users: Applicable only for User Data Type. If value is set to
Yes, then inactive users will be included for selection. Default value is No.
UI Field Renderer: This field can change UI behavior or in some cases values
which can be Displayed for selection while creating data on UI. For example,
setting value displayPickListWithoutExternalCode will hide Code for picklist
dropdown and using displayGOWithoutExternalCode will hide external code for
GO selection. These are pre-delivered values and are applicable for specific data
type. If applied incorrectly, it will result in undesired behavior or application
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MDF Objects
Field Details
Transient: Set to Yes to make the field transient. Values of transient field are not
stored in the database, but are populated at runtime in the user interface. Usually
this is done with the help of rules. Example age of a person based on Date of
Help Text: This is a translatable field where instructions to filling out field can be
provided. If provided it will display icon next to field to show such instruction.
Show Trailing Zeros: Applicable for Decimal Data Type. If set to Yes, it will
show trailing zeros for decimal precision if number of digits after decimal are not
matching the Decimal Precision.
Default Value: You can set a default value that displays for that field. Not all
Data type support this property.
Hide Seconds: Used for the DateTime and Time Data Types. Removes seconds
part if set to Yes.
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MDF Objects
Field Details
Required: If set to Yes, field become mandatory and user must be entered for
this value before a record can be saved.
Status: Field can be set as Active or Inactive. If field is Inactive, field will not be
available to use at all places (UI/ Rules) . Please note customer defined field can
not be set to inactive.
Label: Is a Translatable field which allows to Define to change the field label
displayed on UI and other part of application.
End Of Period: Applicable only for DateTime Data Type, this is to distinguish
between if 00:00:00 is start of the date or end of the date.
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MDF Objects
Field Details
Rules: This section allows to add one or more Business Rules to the field. When a field value is changed these rules are triggered.
Field Criteria: Set this to restrict the possible values for the field by specifying the related fields under this section.
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MDF Objects
Object Body
Valid When(VW): For this association type, associated objects have their own lifecycle and they exists even without the object on which it has been defined. This is often
used to create filtering capabilities between fields on a given object. The associated object with other then Effective Dated ‘From Parent’ are allowed for this association
Composite: This association type creates parent-child relationship. The entity being associated is a child entity and it can not exist outside the parent object. Child object
must have effective dating ‘From Parent’ for this association type. Also such child object can be association with only one parent object.
Join by Column(JBC): This association type allows you to associate two objects with One to One Relationship and in on object always has reference to the other object.
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MDF Objects
Object Body
Searchable Fields: Searchable fields can be used in the search panel on the
Manage Data page to search for objects.
Business Key Fields: Business keys ensure that certain field combinations will
always be unique within the system.
Security: This ensures that Permissions can be given to certain roles, so that
only a defined group has access to the datasets of that object.
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MDF Objects
Object Body
Rules: Rules for MDF Objects can be attached here. With these rules Workflows
as well as Alerts can be triggered for example.
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MDF Objects
Extra Information
You can now create up to 250 MDF custom objects by default and a maximum of 400 custom objects
on request. This has been changed with the Q4 2019 release.
Extension Center
The SAP SuccessFactors Extension Center is a significant enhancement and replacement to the
extensibility framework, which was formerly known as the Metadata Framework. The Extension Center
was released in Q3 2016.
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System Demonstration
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Legacy Foundation Objects
2019 Deloitte
Legacy Foundation Objects
Corporate Data Model
Custom fields in
Corporate Data Model
Corporate Data Model
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Legacy Foundation Objects
Corporate Data Model
Location Workflow
Pay Components
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Legacy Foundation Objects
Export of Legacy Foundation Objects is not possible. The only option to receive a table
of data is via Reporting.
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Legacy Foundation Objects
Export of Legacy Foundation Objects is not possible. The only option to receive a table
of data is via Reporting.
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System Demonstration
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Best Practice and
Lessons Learned
2019 Deloitte
Best Practice and Lessons Learned
• Don’t add too many Test Legacy Object Datasets have to be deleted manually
• Always sort fields in Position Object so that they have the same order as in UI
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Client Example
Extra fields on Legal Entity for Letter Creation
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Guides / KBAs for further Information
• 2304803 - How to create Country Specific fields for Legal Entity
• 2080139 - How To Import Foundation Objects or Foundation Data - Employee Central
• 2513078 - Is it possible to hide external code of picklists, Foundation Objects and MDF Objects of
HRIS elements? (
• 2080801 - How to update Foundation Objects, and the respective Employee Data - Employee
Central (
• Implementing the Metadata Framework (MDF)
• Employee Central Master
• Employee Central Company Structure Overview
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Foundation Objects
Search Command
Configure Object Definitions; Manage Organization Pay and
Manage Data Job Structures
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Any questions?
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Thank you!
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Field Criteria on HRIS Field to be filtered
2019 Deloitte 40
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