SCR 2024 - Book
SCR 2024 - Book
SCR 2024 - Book
SCR I Sustainability and Climate Risk
Sustainability and
Climate Risk Exam
Copyright© 2024, 2023, 2022 by the Global Association of Risk Professionals.
All rights reserved.
This copyright covers material written expressly for this volume by the editor/s as well as the compilation itself.
It does not cover the individual selections herein that first appeared elsewhere. Permission to reprint these has
been obtained by Pearson Education, Inc. for this edition only. Further reproduction by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, must be
arranged with the individual copyright holders noted.
All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their
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00033034-00000001 I A 103001321001
1.11 Mitigation 19
Chapter 1 Foundations of 1.12 Geoengineering 22
Climate Change: 1.13 Mitigation Targets 23
What Is Climate Summary 24
Change? 1
References 25
Questions 27
Introduction to the Problem 2 Answers 29
Observations of Climate Change 4
1.1 Modern Climate Change 4
1.2 Climate Change before Humans 5
Chapter 2 Sustainability 31
Causes of Climate Change 6
1.3 Energy Balance 6
1.4 T he Greenhouse Effect 7 Sustainability 32
1.5 How Humans Are Changing 2.1 Introduction to Sustainability 32
the Climate 7 2.2 Sustainability, ESG, and
1.6 Attribution of Modern Warming 10 Climate Change 33
1.7 Summary Statement on Attribution 2.3 Sustainable Development Goals
of Modern Warming 11 (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda 34
2.4 Ecosystem Services & Natural
Future Warming 12 Capital 39
1.8 Shared Socioeconomic Pathways 12
2.5 Sustainability at Corporations and
1.9 Impacts of Modern Climate Change 14 Financial Institutions 40
Policy Responses 17 2.6 Private-Sector Sustainability
1.10 Adaptation 18 Coalitions and Frameworks 45
References 48 4.3 Climate Risk and Financial Policy 85
4.4 Climate Risk and Financial
Questions 49 Supervision 89
Answers 50 4.5 Private-Sector Sustainability and
Climate Risk Frameworks 91
4.6 Nature, Biodiversity, and Climate
Chapter 3 Climate Change Change 92
Risk 51 4.7 Broader Societal Implications and
Conclusions 93
References 95
Climate Change Risk 52
3.1 Introduction to Climate Risk 52
Questions 96
3.2 Types of Climate Risk 53 Answers 97
3.3 Physical Risks 55
3.4 Transition Risks 61
3.5 Stranded Human Capital and the Chapter 5 Green and
Just Transition 66
3.6 Transmission into Finance, the
Economy, and Key Sectors 67
Finance: Markets
and Instruments 99
References 69
Questions 71
Answers 72 Green and Sustainable Finance:
Markets and Instruments 101
5.1 Introduction to Green
and Sustainable Finance 101
Chapter 4 Sustainability and 5.2 Trends and Flows in Sustainable
Climate Policy, and Climate Finance 101
Culture, and 5.3 Sustainable and Green Financial
Products and Instruments 104
Governance 73
5.4 ESG and Climate Integration
in Investing 110
5.5 Existing and Emerging Definitions
Sustainability and Climate Policy,
and Taxonomies 115
Culture, and Governance 75
5.6 Conclusions and Prospects 117
4.1 Introduction to Sustainability and
Climate Policy, Culture, and References 118
Governance 75
Questions 120
4.2 International Sustainability and
Climate Policies 75 Answers 122
iv ■ Contents
7.3 Scenario Parameters and
Chapter 6 Climate Risk Applications to Physical and
Measurement and Transition Risk 162
7.4 Scenario Analysis Use Cases:
Management 123 Corporate 168
7.5 Scenario Analysis Use Cases:
Finance & Investment 168
Climate Risk Measurement and
7.6 Conclusions 170
Management 124
6.1 Introduction to Climate Risk References 172
Measurement and Management 124
Questions 173
6.2 Introducing Climate Risk
Transmission: Micro and Macro Level 126 Answers 175
6.3 Micro (Company-Level) Climate
Risks 128
6.4 Macro Climate Risk: Systemic Chapter 8 Net Zero 177
Risk and Financial Stability 132
6.5 Climate Risk Measurement:
Data and Analysis 135 Net Zero 179
6.6 Climate Risk within Enterprise 8.1 Introduction to Net Zero 179
Risk Management 141 8.2 The Spread of Net-Zero
6.7 Conclusions 147 Targets 181
References 147 8.3 The Implications of Net Zero
for Different Actors 185
Questions 148 8.4 Transition Plans 189
Answers 149 8.5 Interim Targets and
Pathways 192
8.6 Use of Metrics 195
Chapter 7 Climate Models 8.7 Reporting 200
and Scenario 8.8 Conclusion 201
Analysis 151 References 202
Questions 205
Climate Models and Scenario Answers 206
Analysis 152
7.1 Introduction to Scenario Analysis 152 Glossary 207
7.2 Global Reference Scenarios 155 Index 213
Contents ■ v
To our SCR Candidates: Integrating climate factors into a business strategy requires
the company to ensure that all its major functional areas
In a very short time, sustainability and climate risk have trained personnel to test climate strategies' resiliency
management issues have started to up-end economies and and effectiveness.
drive financial institutions, companies, and governments to
Climate risk is complex for institutions, investors, analysts,
develop strategies to prepare for climate change.
and the global regulatory community. Data is still a chal
Assessing climate risks and developing scenario analyses lenge. Related analytics can be misleading, or so uncertain
of the physical adjustments, transitions costs, and financial as to affect transactional due diligence, risk exposure calcu
implications that will accompany climate change requires lations, or even reporting requirements.
a broad-based understanding of science and an analysis of
GARP's Sustainability and Climate Risk (SCR®) certificate
related risks. This is especially true as global economies and
program considers these issues and more. The program's
institutions move from carbon-based economies to those
curriculum is dynamic, fact-based, and unbiased. Its
driven by sustainable energy sources.
coverage is directly informed by senior climate risk-related
Real economy and energy firms have focused intensely on practitioners from around the globe who participate
the physical and transition consequences of climate change as members of the SCR Advisory Committee, in addi-
to assets, supply chain, and operations, among other areas. tion to GARP's own senior SCR certification program
Financial institutions are focusing heavily on the costs of professionals.
transition, evolving policy, regulations, financing, credit, and
This year, to remain current, the SCR's content expanded to
global macroeconomic outlooks.
build on its basic climate risk-related theories and concepts.
Building strategies to prepare for climate change neces Its curriculum has been enhanced to include geoengineer
sitates recognizing and understanding the broad number of ing techniques, natural climate risk-mitigation strategies,
threats and opportunities it presents. Understanding how recent examples of greenwashing, clarifications around
related risks interconnect presents numerous and unique evolving sustainability standards, net-zero transition plan
challenges. ning, and updated case studies.
vi ■ Preface
Simply being a bit ahead of peer organizations in We wish you the very best in your pursuit of the SCR
addressing climate risk issues is no longer an acceptable certificate and in achieving your individual or company
goal for firms. Integrating climate issues and concepts into related sustainability and climate risk-related achievements.
a firm's risk appetite and overall risk profile must now be a
Preface ■ vii
Congratulations on your decision to increase your aware SCR eBook. The official eBook for the SCR Exam includes
ness of sustainability and climate risk and join a growing required readings across the eight chapters of the curricu
community of Sustainability & Climate Risk (SCR) certificate lum. Each chapter begins with a set of learning objectives
holders. to guide candidates through key concepts of the chapter.
Review questions at the end of each chapter provide can
The SCR Exam is practice oriented. Exam questions reflect
didates with regular knowledge checks. A Glossary of key
the theory presented in program materials and true-to-life
terms and an abbreviations list appear at the end of the
work experience. Exam candidates must not only under
book. NOTE: The abbreviations list is available for reference
stand sustainability and climate-risk concepts, but should
during the SCR Exam.
also be able to apply these concepts in real-life settings.
The program curriculum covers skills and knowledge areas Required Online Readings. In addition to information
necessary to understand today's rapidly evolving climate contained in the 2024 SCR book, the SCR Exam covers a
risk landscape. The SCR Exam is comprehensive, testing selection of online material from leading academics and
candidates on a number of sought-after sustainability and practitioners. These online readings are a required part of
climate-risk standards and practices. the SCR curriculum and may be reflected in the SCR Exam
In an effort to offer optimized learning tools for SCR Exam
candidates, GARP created study materials to increase the SCR Practice Exam. This SO-question multiple-choice exam
likelihood of a successful Exam outcome. Access to the fol includes sample questions similar to questions covered on
lowing Study Materials is complimentary for all candidates the SCR Exam. These questions broadly reflect material
registered to take the SCR Exam in 2024: assigned for 2024 and represent a multiple-choice question
style the SCR Advisory Committee considers appropriate.
SCR Study Guide and Learning Objectives. This guide
Explanations are included for correct and incorrect answer
includes a complete list of chapter topics, required online
readings, and key learning objectives.
Piyush Agrawal Novera Khan
Deputy Chief Risk Officer Chief Risk Officer
BMO NRG Energy
Daren Smith
Chief Investment Officer
Public Equities
Abu Dhabi Investment Council
xii ■ Attributions
Chapter 5: Green and Sustainable Chapter 7: Climate Models and
Finance: Markets and Instruments Scenario Analysis
Ben Caldecott, PhD Ben Caldecott, PhD
Director, Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme and Director, Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme and
Lombard Odier Associate Professor of Sustainable Finance Lombard Odier Associate Professor of Sustainable Finance
University of Oxford University of Oxford
Director Director
UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment
Attributions ■ xiii
xiv ■ Attributions
Foundations of
Climate Change:
What Is Climate
■ Learning Objectives
After completing this reading you should be able to:
• Define climate change and differentiate between • Know the primary greenhouse gases and aerosols, their
weather and climate. sources, and relative contribution (e.g. global warming
potential, atmospheric lifetime) to climate change.
• Know the general trends of modern climate change,
such as observed surface temperature, sea ice • Explain non-human and human mechanisms that
coverage, etc. contribute to climate change.
• Describe the Earth's climate history, and different • Understand the distribution, frequency, and intensity
methods for measuring non-anthropogenic climate of climate driven environmental impacts across
change. geography and time.
• Understand how the Earth's energy balance, • Understand the distribution, frequency, and intensity
greenhouse effect, and radiative forcing affect the of climate driven socioeconomic impacts across
climate. geography and time.
• Explain the different approaches and key 1.12 Geoengineering
considerations of climate change adaptation,
1.13 Mitigation Targets
including maladaptation.
1.1 Modern Climate Change of the weather over a period of several decades, typically
30 years or more.
1.2 Climate Change before Humans
Climate change describes the long-term differences in the
1.3 Energy Balance
statistics of weather measured over multi-decadal periods.
1.4 The Greenhouse Effect For example, if the average temperature of a city during
1.5 How Humans Are Changing the Climate the period 1990-2020 is warmer than the average tempera
ture during the period 1900-1930, then we can say that the
1.6 Attribution of Modern Warming
climate changed between these periods. If we go back to
1.7 Summary Statement on Attribution of Modern our weather dice analogy, climate change means that the
Warming dice are changing. As the climate warms, for example, we
would find that hot temperatures now appear on 4 of the
1.8 Shared Socioeconomic Pathways
6 sides of the temperature die. Note that cold temperatures
1.9 Impacts of Modern Climate Change can still occur in a warmer climate-but not as often.
1.10 Policy Responses
Climate change is sometimes referred to as global warming.
1.11 Mitigation In its most literal sense, someone might think global
G 1.25 E o.6
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1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
60 ---------------------------------------------
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1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
lif!(ijlJd• 0
(a) Global annual average temperature ( C), relative to the 1850-1900 average; data have
been smoothed to remove short-term fluctuations. (b) Satellite measurements of the global monthly
average temperature anomaly (0 C), relative to the 1991-2020 period. (c) Arctic sea-ice extent (in millions of
square kilometers) in September of each year. (d) Global average cumulative mass change of the world's
glaciers, tonnes/m2. (e) Ocean energy content (Joules) of the top 2000 m of the world ocean, relative
to the 1979-1994 mean. (Boyer, Tim P.; Smolyar, Igor V., et al. [2018). World Ocean Atlas 2018. NOAA
National Centers for Environmental Information.) (f) Global-average sea level change, measured by
satellite-borne instruments, in millimeters. The seasonal cycle has been removed.
3.0 the total amount of water in the ocean increases and sea level
rises. Figure 1.1d shows that we are losing grounded ice on the
2.0 planet, and we expect that to drive an increase in sea level. Sec
1.5 °C ond, water expands when it warms. Figure 1.1e shows that the
oceans are indeed heating, and the resulting thermal expansion
1.0 should also raise sea level. These two processes have contrib
uted about equally to sea level rise over the past century.
Putting all of this evidence together, recent reports from the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have
@jijUjf.j The distribution of modern warming described the confidence in the warming of the climate
(in °C). Warming is calculated as the difference system since the early twentieth century as unequivocal,
between the 1850-1900 average and the meaning beyond doubt. This arises because the conclusion
2009-2018 period. is supported by many independent data sets and statistical
tree rings. Tree growth follows an annual cycle, which is Figure 1.3c shows the last 11,000 years, since the end of the
imprinted in the rings in their trunks. As trees grow rapidly in last ice age, a period known as the Holocene. This estimate
the spring, they produce light-colored wood; as their growth shows that temperatures peaked about 7,000 years ago and
slows in the autumn, they produce dark wood. Because trees then started a slow, long-term decline that bottomed out in
grow more and produce wider rings in relatively warm and a period 200 to 300 years ago, known as the Little Ice Age.
wet years, the width of each ring yields information about After that, the Earth began warming, and in the late 201Os,
temperature and precipitation around that tree in that year. °
it was about 1 C warmer than the Little Ice Age-roughly
Scientists today can measure the size of the rings of a tree and comparable to peak temperatures of the mid-Holocene.
then estimate the local climate around the tree for each year
These estimates of the Earth's past climate allow us to
during which the tree was alive. Trees can live for centuries,
reach several important conclusions about the modern
and by combining the record from modern trees with trees
warming we are presently experiencing. First, the global
that were cut down centuries ago and, for example, used in
average temperature difference between an ice age and an
timber of old buildings, we can extend the tree-ring record to ° °
interglacial is about 6 C, so the 1 C warming the Earth has
give us climate information going back about a millennium.
experienced since the nineteenth century is not an insignifi
There are many different proxies that cover different cant amount of warming. In addition, human society, made
regions and different time frames. For example: up of mega-cities and trillions of dollars of infrastructure
• Tree rings: These measurements can reveal climate on a global scale, has only been around since the indus-
variations in regions where trees grow and experience trial revolution (around 1800) and, since that time, society
seasons for the last millennium. has experienced a small range of global temperatures. As
• Corals: Analysis of the skeletons of these sea creatures can our climate continues to warm, we will soon be departing
yield climate conditions in the ocean over millions of years. from conditions under which human society developed and
• Speleothems (e.g., stalactites and stalagmites): These cave thrived. More troubling, the warming we are experiencing is
structures can yield estimates of the climate in the region very rapid. For example, the warming over the past century
around the cave over the past few hundred thousand years. (approximately 1 C in about a century) is around 16 times
• Ice cores: Measuring the chemical composition of ice faster than the average rate of warming coming out of the
(mainly in Greenland and Antarctica) yields estimates of last ice age (roughly 6 C in 10,000 years corresponds to an
the climate over the past million years or so. average warming of 0.06 C/century).
(l) 0
>, 260
ni 0.0 ---------- ----------
(l) >,
� l1l E (l)
" 0
C 240 C
� 0
-2.5 l1l
.3 +'
l1l (l)
� >
(l) ·-
+' -5.0 l1l
E� 0 ----------------------------------------- --- 0..
� E 200
� -7.5
-5 --------------------------------------------- -10.0
60 40 20 0 400 300 200 100 50
Millions of years ago Thousands of years ago
-0.4 ------------------------------------------------
10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0
Years before present
blh'ilJi1 (a) Reconstructed global average surface temperature over the past 70 million years, relative
to today's temperature (Westerhold, T., Marwan, N., & Drury, A. J., et al. [2020]. An astronomically dated
record of Earth's climate and its predictability over the last 66 million years. Science, 369, 1383-1387,
doi: 10.1126/science.aba6853.) (b) Temperature of the southern polar region (solid line) over the past
410,000 years, relative to today's temperature, constructed from an Antarctic ice core. Carbon dioxide
(dotted line) is from air bubbles trapped in the ice. (Petit, J. R., Raynaud, D., Lorius, C., Delaygue, G.,
Jouzel, J., Barkov, N. I., and Kotlyakov, V. M.. Historical Isotopic Temperature Record from the Vostok Ice
Core. United States: N. p., 2000. Web. doi:10.3334/CDIAC/cli.006.) (c) Global temperature of the last
11,000 years, relative to the 1961-1990 average, based on multiple proxy records (CDIAC; Marcott, S. A.,
Shakun, J. 0., Clark, P. U., & Mix, A. C. [2013]. A reconstruction of regional and global temperature for
the past 11,300 years. Science 339, 1198-1201. doi: 10.1126/science.1228026.)
CAUSES OF CLIMATE CHANGE 340 W/m2 of energy to the Earth (global and annual
average). About 30% of this incoming sunlight is
reflected back to space by clouds and other reflective
1.3 Energy Balance
elements of the climate system, meaning that net solar
The source of energy for the Earth's climate is sunlight, energy absorbed by Earth is 238 W/m 2. In the 1820s,
which is mainly visible radiation and provides about Joseph Fourier recognized that this meant that the
Note: ppb = parts per billion (how many molecules of the species there are in every billion molecules of air). Carbon dioxide is removed
from the atmosphere on several time scales. The lifetime in the table is the time to remove 75% of the emissions. Ozone does not have
a GWP because of its short atmospheric lifetime.
energy balance because aerosols reflect incoming solar radia 1.5.3 Summarizing Human Impact on The
tion back to space, so their net effect is to cool the climate. Climate
They also can affect cloud formation and make clouds more
In the past 250 years, the Earth has experienced signifi
reflective, which is an additional cooling mechanism.
cant anthropogenic changes to radiative forcing, which
As a result of human activities over the past two centuries, quantifies the difference between the incoming energy
the abundance of these aerosols has increased, and this (sunlight) absorbed by the Earth and the outgoing energy
has generated a cooling effect that partially offsets the (infrared radiation) emitted by the Earth back to space.
warming effect of the increase in greenhouse gases. As Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have caused
an example of how humans generate aerosols, when fos- a combined positive (heating) change to radiative forcing,
sil fuels containing sulfur impurities are burned, the sulfur whereas aerosols have caused a negative (cooling) change
is released into the atmosphere with the other products of to radiative forcing. The net human contribution, including
combustion. Once in the atmosphere, the sulfur gases react several other small forcings, is positive, which is illustrated
with other atmospheric constituents to form small liquid in Figure 1.5.
droplets known as sulfate aerosols. Other types of aerosols
You might be wondering why water vapor does not appear
produced by humans include black carbon aerosols, such as
in Figure 1.5, particularly because it was stated that it was
soot, which is produced by such things as the incomplete
our climate system's most important greenhouse gas. The
combustion of a smoldering fire or two-stroke gasoline
main source of water vapor in the atmosphere is evaporation
engines. Mineral dust is produced by agricultural activities
from the oceans, and it is primarily removed from the atmo
(e.g., harvesting, plowing, overgrazing), changes in surface
sphere when it falls out as rain or snow. Because the amount
water features (e.g., drying out of lakes such as the Aral Sea
of water vapor in the atmosphere is regulated by evapora
in Central Asia and Owens Lake in the Western US), and
tion and condensation, it is fundamentally set by the Earth's
industrial practices (e.g., cement production).
1£.!jiikJd-j Radiative forcing caused by changes that has experienced changes in cyclical patterns over the
past thousands and millions of years. Here, we first describe
in the climate between 1750 and 2019. Values
all of the mechanisms that are known to change the climate.
are adapted from chapter 7 of the IPCC's Sixth
We will then assess the evidence of human influence for
Assessment Report. (Forster, P.,T. Storelvmo,
each mechanism and identify the one that is most likely
K.Armour, W. Collins, J.-L. Dufresne, D. Frame,
responsible for the majority of climate change.
D.J. Lunt,T. Mauritsen, M.D. Palmer, M.Watanabe,
M. Wild, and H.Zhang, 2021:The Earth's Energy Here are the natural processes that can affect the climate:
Budget, Climate Feedbacks, and Climate
• Tectonic processes: The Earth's continents are moving
Sensitivity. In Climate Change 2021: The
and, over tens of millions of years, this continental drift
Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working
can substantially alter the arrangement of the continents
Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the
across the Earth's surface. Such changes can lead to
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
changes in the climate through several mechanisms. For
[Masson-Delmotte,V., P. Zhai,A. Pirani, S.L.
example, the movement of a continent toward the poles
Connors, C. Pean,S. Berger, N. Caud,Y. Chen,
can lead to the growth of an ice sheet on the continent.
L. Goldfarb, M.I. Gomis,M. Huang, K. Leitzel!,
Because ice sheets are reflective, the growth of a con
E. Lonnoy, J.B.R. Matthews,T.K. Maycock,
tinental ice sheet will lead to more incoming sunlight
T. Waterfield, 0. Yelekc;i, R. Yu, and B. Zhou (eds.)].
being reflected back to space, which will tend to cool the
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United
climate. However, this process is exceedingly slow-the
Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 923-1054,
movement of the continents occurs over geologic time
doi:10.1017/9781009157896.009. Reprinted by
scales, e.g. millions of years. Thus, this cannot be respon
sible for modern warming because it is simply too slow.
• Output of the Sun: The ultimate energy source for the cli
temperature-if the Earth warms, the amount of water vapor mate system is the Sun. The observed warming trend could
in the atmosphere increases. If the Earth cools, the opposite be explained if the Sun had been getting brighter over the
happens and the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere last two centuries. Scientists have been directly measuring
100 ------------------
-*----------------------------- 120
.!: 80 -----------------ssp2-----------------------------
rn a,
:-' 80
� 60 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5s_p_5 - a,
� 60
0 40 - � 40
� 20 20 -------------------- ------------------ ---------
a..a, 0 ----------------------------------- --------------
SSP3 ------ -- SSP1
0 +-�*�-�- - - �- - � -- -
�- -
200 400 600 800 1000 2010 2025 2050 2075 2100
GDP in 2100 ($T) Year
400 0
2010 2025 2050 2075 2100 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100
Year Year
6J!jljk$1:J (a) GDP in 2100 (trillions of 2005 US dollars) versus the sum of wind and solar capacity as a%
of total (final) energy consumption in 2100.
(b) Emissions of carbon dioxide (billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide per year).
(c) Atmospheric carbon dioxide (ppm). (Panels a-c are based on the SSP database hosted by the IIASA
Energy Program at Reprinted by permission from INTERNATIONAL
(d) Computer simulations of global and annual average surface temperature change under the SSP
scenarios. Temperatures prior to 2014 are from model runs driven by historical forcing. Geosci. Model
Dev., 9, 1937-1958, 2016 doi:10.5194/gmd-9-1937-2016
© Author(s) 2016. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 License.
No one knows which emissions trajectory will turn out to not yet been made. However, as of 2023, it seems that the
describe reality because emissions will be determined by SSP2 emissions scenario is the one we are on track to most
political decisions and technological advancements that have closely follow. Obviously, the future is not yet certain and the
1. 9. 1 Temperature
1. 9 Impacts of Modern Climate Change One of the most certain predictions of climate science
is that the long-term trajectory of the climate is towards
A few degrees of global-average warming over the next
warmer temperatures. However, the warming will not be
century would have significant impacts to life on Earth.
uniform across the globe. In a continuation of the observed
Although local temperatures can vary considerably over time,
patterns seen in Figure 1.2, we expect continents to warm
the global average temperature of the Earth is very stable,
more than oceans and to have more warming in the north
with random variations of just a few tenths of a degree per
ern hemisphere than in the southern hemisphere. Given
year. Moreover, seemingly small changes like those in the dif
that most people live on land of the northern hemisphere,
ferent SPP scenarios in global average temperature are asso
this means that the average temperature increase expe
ciated with massive shifts in the Earth's climate. For example,
rienced by humans will be larger than the global average
the global annual average temperature during the last ice
° warming in Figure 1.6c.
age was about 6 C colder than that of our present climate.
At that time, glaciers covered much of North America and Higher temperatures will have many negative impacts for
Europe and, because so much water was tied up in glaciers, society. Temperature extremes can be fatal-for example,
sea level was approximately 100 m (330 ft) lower than it is a 2003 heat wave in Europe caused tens of thousands
today. The net effect of these changes was a completely dif of excess deaths. Higher temperatures also reduce the
ferent distribution of ecosystems. productivity of people who work outside. In some regions,
temperatures are getting high enough that people cannot
Thus, warming of a few degrees Celsius over the coming
work outside in the middle of the day in summer. Higher
century (Figure 1.6d), would be comparable to the warming
temperatures, especially when combined with precipitation
since the last ice age and implies enormous changes in our
changes, can reduce agricultural yields. Higher tempera
environment. This would be challenging for human progress
tures also require people to run the air conditioners more,
because humans are adapted to our present climate. We
and this costs money.
have built trillions of dollars of infrastructure in places where
it makes sense in today's climate. We invest in agricultural
1. 9.2 Precipitation
infrastructure in regions that today are good for farming.
We build cities at today's sea level. We construct storm Precipitation is another key aspect of climate. As the sur
water infrastructure to handle storms that occur today. If face temperature increases, there is an increase in the rate
the climate changes, these assumptions will no longer make of evaporation at the surface. Because precipitation must
sense. We will have to rebuild agricul-tural infrastructure in balance evaporation, precipitation must therefore also
new regions where agriculture makes sense in a changed increase. More quantitatively, total global precipitation is
Sea level rise is a direct impact of climate change with the water for use in their shells or skeletons. Eventually, ocean
main future driver being the melting of grounded ice. The chemistry will increase to the point where it is fatal for these
melt water eventually reaches the ocean, increasing the total species.
However, leaving adaptation up the individual has the Insurance policies can lead to maladaptation. Home or
significant disadvantage that some of the most effective building insurance policies, a seemingly adaptive risk
adaptive responses take enormous resources or require management practice, can lead to rebuilding in areas at
large-scale societal coordination. For example, consider increasing risk from climate impacts or provide a false sense
the complexities in building a seawall. Effective sea walls of security. Building sea walls or other coastal defense
cover an entire community and therefore require consen structures can sometimes lead to increased erosion and
sus from that community on whether to make that signifi damage to neighboring areas, thus creating new vulner
cant investment, and how to best make that investment. abilities and negatively impacting ecosystems. Planting
Because of this, many of the possible adaptive responses trees is often seen as a way to address climate change but
require a significant role be played by the government-in planting non-native or monoculture tree species can have
both organizing decisions about large-scale infrastructure unintended consequences such as reduced biodiversity,
and in providing resources. This requirement for significant increased vulnerability to pests and diseases, and potential
resources has profound implications for equity and justice disruptions to local water cycles.
of adaptation. Because not everyone has those resources,
Another issue with adaptation is that the ability of societ
policies that rely extensively on adaptation policies run the
ies to adapt to climate change varies. Financially stable
risk of exacerbating existing inequalities.
and well-governed countries like the United States and
It is also worth noting that one person's adaptation can transgovernmental organizations like the European
modify impacts elsewhere. A good example of this is Union will be able to adapt far more effectively than less
building a levee on a river. While that may reduce flooding financially stable places without strong public institutions.
UMntsfJ Carbon intensity of various fuels. GHGs can be measured in grams or kilograms per million
British thermal unit (MMBtu) and organizations typically report total emissions in metric tons. Methane
(CH4) and Nitrous Oxides (N20) are measured in smaller amounts, grams. However, due to their higher
Global Warming Potential, small emissions of these GHGs can have significant impact
Fuel 1 kg C02/MMBtu g CH4 /MMBtu g N20/MMBtu
Coal 1002 11 1.6
Propane 63 3 0.60
A final option to generate dispatchable power without Ultimately, to reach a zero-emission economy, as many
emitting carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is known as economic activities as possible must be electrified. This will
carbon capture, utilization, and storage, often shortened to greatly increase consumption of electricity compared to a
carbon capture, carbon sequestration, or by its abbrevia scenario where we continue to rely on fossil fuels. That in
tion, CCUS. CCUS refers to a process by which fossil fuels turn will require enhancements in infrastructure, such as
are burned in such a way that the carbon dioxide generated enhanced transmission lines. An enhanced transmission
is not vented to the atmosphere. Rather, the carbon diox system will also help reduce the impact of intermittency of
ide is captured and used in a range of applications, such as solar and wind energy by allowing the transfer of energy
being incorporated in cement or plastic. from regions with excess renewable energy to regions
where demand exceeds supply.
The carbon can also be stored. The most promising place to
store the carbon dioxide is to inject it deep underground in Some important economic processes may be difficult to
depleted oil and gas fields, coal beds that cannot be mined, electrify, including international airline flights and long
or deep saline formations. Such storage is technically fea distance trucking. For these, hydrogen energy might play
sible and has been demonstrated to work in preliminary a role due to its large energy per unit mass. The hydrogen
tests. Overall, it is presently unclear if CCUS is economically must be produced in a way that does not produce green
feasible at the scale necessary to allow fossil-fuel sources to house gases, such as from electrolysis of water powered
continue to be an important source of energy without the by renewable energy. Hydrogen could also be used in
carbon emissions. place of batteries for storage-it could be produced when
there is excess renewable power and then converted back
Battery energy storage systems (BESS) may also play a role
to electricity when more power is needed. A downside
in two ways. Short-term storage (a few hours) can be used
The clean-energy transition must be carefully managed. There are, however, important disadvantages with these
A reliable and climate-safe energy system will contain a approaches. To begin with, such schemes may have serious
mix of power sources: wind and solar will produce a lot of side effects. We expect, for example, that solar radiation
power, but it also must contain dispatchable power that management will change precipitation patterns, poten
will pick up the load when wind and solar are not able tially causing droughts in some regions or floods in others.
to generate sufficient energy. One of the biggest risks is In addition, solar radiation management is a governance
that our existing fossil fuel energy sources are shut down nightmare, potentially leading to misunderstanding around
too soon, before climate-safe energy sources are able to causes and effects, and subsequently instigating politically
provide the 24-hour-per-day reliable power that everyone destabilizing conflicts.
expects. Maintaining reliable power may require keeping A second category of geoengineering is known as carbon
open economically non-competitive fossil fuel plants dioxide removal. This is an effort to implement processes
until the gird can be robustly maintained by climate-safe that rapidly remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
energy. Planting trees is an example. As the trees grow, they pull
The transition must also be managed in a way that ensures carbon dioxide out of the air and sequester it in wood. The
that it is economically and politically feasible. This includes problem with trees as a carbon storage device is that they
ensuring that the transition is equitable and that access to are not permanent. You can plant a forest and, as the trees
clean energy is available to all, regardless of income level grow, carbon is indeed pulled out of the atmosphere. But
or location. Finally, it is critical to ensure that the transition that forest can burn down, thereby releasing all of the car
is done in a way that does not result in too many "stranded bon back into the atmosphere. Even in the best case, trees
assets," such as coal-fired power plants that may become typically only live a few centuries.
obsolete due to the shift to clean energy. Another option is to remove carbon dioxide from the air
chemically, a process often referred to as direct air capture.
This is like CCUS (discussed in the last section), but CCUS
1.12 Geoengineering
removes carbon dioxide from the exhaust gas of a power
A final category of solution to the climate change prob plant, whereas air capture removes carbon from the free
lem is known as geoengineering, which refers to actively atmosphere. A related approach is referred to as bioenergy
manipulating the climate system in order to prevent the with carbon capture and sequestration, more commonly
climate from changing despite continuing greenhouse gas referred to by its initials, BECCS. In this process, plants are
emissions. Geoengineering efforts can be roughly divided grown, which removes carbon from the atmosphere. The
into two categories. plants are then burned to produce power, and the carbon
dioxide produced is captured and sequestered.
The first category is known as solar radiation management,
and these efforts attempt to engineer a reduction in the A final category is what are referred to as natural climate
amount of solar energy absorbed by the Earth. The most solutions. These are practices and technologies that can
frequently discussed way to do this is to inject sulfur into help sequester carbon from the atmosphere and reduce
the stratosphere. Once in the stratosphere, this gas reacts emissions, thereby reducing the impacts of climate change.
with ambient water vapor to form droplets that reflect These solutions often involve the conservation, restoration,
sunlight back to space, thereby increasing the reflection and management of natural systems, such as forests, grass
of incoming solar energy back to space and cooling the lands, and wetlands, which can absorb and store carbon
This chapter has provided a short introduction to climate Humans have a range of options in response. We can try to
science and policy. The scientific community is confident prevent the climate from changing (mitigation), adapt to
the Earth is warming, and humans are the main driver of the changing climate (adaptation), or try to engineer a more
this warming. It is possible that warming over the coming hospitable climate (geoengineering). Most of the discus
century will be a few degrees Celsius, an amount compa sion and conflict over climate policy is over efforts to miti
rable to the warming since the last ice age. According to gate climate change, which requires us to transition from
the IPCC, the exact amount will lead to vastly different fossil fuels to renewable energy.
outcomes in different places.
Under the Paris Agreement, the countries of the world have
This warming is already and will continue to bring agreed to a mitigation target of limiting warming to well
with it changes in many other aspects of the climate °
below 2 C above pre-industrial temperatures, with an aspi
system, including changes in the distribution and inten °
rational goal of limiting warming to 1.5 C. Achieving this will
sity of precipitation, increases in sea level, changes in be challenging and will require emissions reductions to accel
ocean chemistry, and many others. There is also a chance erate and reach net-zero sometime in the second half of this
the climate system will experience a tipping point, where century. It will also require negative emissions, where humans
the climate suddenly transitions into a new climate pull more carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere than they
regime. These changes will affect many of the things that °
emit, with much more necessary for the 1.5 C target.
Garbe, J., Albrecht, T., Levermann, A., Donges, J. F., & IPCC AR5. (2013). Observations: Ocean. In Climate change
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Hurricane Harvey. Environ. Res. Lett., 72124009. https://
Petit, J. R., Raynaud, D., & Lorius, C., et al. (2000). Histori
cal isotopic temperature record from the Vostok ice core, in
Trends: A compendium of data on global change. Carbon Westerhold, T., Marwan, N., & Drury, A J., et al. (2020).
Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National An astronomically dated record of Earth's climate and its
Laboratory. doi: 10.3334/ CDIAC/cli.006. predictability over the last 66 million years. Science, 369,
1383-1387, doi: 10.1126/science.aba6853.
Ritchie, H. & Roser, M. (2020). Energy. Published online at Retrieved from: https:// ourworldindata Zemp, M., Vincent, C., et al. (2015): Historically unprec
.erg/energy. [Online Resource]. edented global glacier decline in the early 21st century.
Journal of Glaciology, 67(228), p. 745-762.
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Land/Ocean Temperature Record, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12,
1.1 How much has the climate warmed since the nine cool it, so the final effect will be the difference of
teenth century? these offsetting terms.
A 1° c
D. 4 C
B. 3 C
1.2 How confident are experts that the climate is pres
ently changing?
C. °
6 C
D. 9 C
A. It is beyond doubt that the climate is warming.
C. It is likely (66% confidence) that the climate is B. Building a seawall to protect from sea level rise
C. Adding sulfur to the stratosphere
D. It is more likely than not (51% confidence) that the
D. Expanding forested areas to improve water quality
climate is warming.
1.7 One way to geoengineer a cooler climate is to
1.3 Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?
A. add chlorine to the ocean.
A. CO2
B. add sulfur to the stratosphere.
B. CH 4
C. add oxides of nitrogen to boreal forests.
C. H 20
D. add ozone to the atmosphere
D. 02
1.8 Which of the following is an example of carbon
1.4 If a climate policy reduces both greenhouse gases dioxide removal?
and aerosols in our atmosphere, what happens to the
A. Phasing out coal power
temperature of the climate system?
B. Building a seawall to protect from sea level rise
A. A reduction in greenhouse gases and aerosols
both tend to cool the climate, so the combination C. Adding sulfur to the stratosphere
will lead to large cooling. D.BECCS
B. A reduction in greenhouse gases tends to cool 1.9 The Paris Agreement states that the world should
the climate, while a reduction in aerosols tends to work to hold the increase in global average tempera
warm it, so the final effect will be the difference of tures to
these offsetting terms. °
A. "well below 2 C above pre-industrial levels" while
C. A reduction in greenhouse gases and aerosols "pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase
both tend to warm the climate, so the combination °
to 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels."
will lead to large warming. °
B. "well below 3 C above pre-industrial levels" while
D. A reduction in greenhouse gases tends to warm "pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase
the climate, while a reduction in aerosols tends to °
to 2 C above pre-industrial levels."
C. "well below 2 C above today's temperature" while 1.10 Keeping warming below the 1.5° C threshold will
"pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase require
to 1.5 C above today's temperature."
A. reducing emissions rapidly, beginning today.
D. "well below 2 C above 1950-2000 tempera
B. solar radiation management.
ture" while "pursuing efforts to limit the tem
° C. negative emissions.
perature increase to 1.5 C above that period's
temperature." D. Both A and C
1.1 B 1.6 A
1.2 A 1.7 B
1.3 D 1.8 D
1.4 B 1.9 A
1.5 B 1.10 D
• Define and explain sustainability and its three • Define ecosystem services, subcomponents, and
different aspects. natural capital. Understand how organizations
depend upon and can impact ecosystem services.
• Define and explain Environmental Social Governance
(ESG), Corporate Responsibility, and Sustainable • Trace the evolution of sustainability in governments,
Development. Understand how different entities use corporations, and financial institutions.
these concepts to implement and report sustainability
and climate practices. • Know the different types of greenwashing. Describe
how organizations can greenwash and "greenwish"
• Explain the relationship and intersection among sus sustainability claims as well as actions to counteract
tainability, ESG, and/or climate change. these practices.
• Describe the key features of the United Nations • Describe the life-cycle assessment (LCA) process and
(UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how organizations use this tool to advance sustainability.
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
• Know the major sustainability reporting frameworks
• Discuss strategies for implementing and aligning with and initiatives, their objectives, and to whom they are
the SDGs and how the SDGs and sustainability can be targeted.
material to companies.
• Sustainability is a broad category; ESG, or measuring
This chapter discusses the broad topic of "sustain the environmental, social, and governance performance
ability," particularly as it relates to public policies, of firms, often by financial counterparties, sits within
corporate actions, and financial institutions. The broad sustainability.
examination of sustainability in a policy, corporate, • The UN's 2030 Agenda, particularly the Sustainable
and investment context is important background
Development Goals at the heart of it, have become an
before examining climate risk analysis (Chapters 3 and
important reference point and benchmark for both poli
6) and policy frameworks (Chapter 4) in greater detail.
cymakers and for the private sector.
This chapter starts by defining sustainability and differ
• Corporate sustainability practices have evolved
entiating it from the concept of ESG (environmental,
from being primarily motivated by corporate
social, and governance issues) and from climate risk.
social responsibility-that is, branding or moral
This chapter also discusses international goals on sus
considerations-to considerations of financial
tainability, notably the UN Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs). The chapter takes a broad approach,
• Frameworks and coalitions have been crucial in
touching on economic development, issues of social
justice and equity (e.g., human rights), and environ promoting sustainability practices among private
mental protection (e.g., biodiversity), and focusing pri sector actors.
needs without overburdening the environment or weak • Social sustainability means that a minimum standard
ening societies. of basic necessities and human rights is afforded to all
• The modern concept of sustainability originated within people, who have sufficient resources to keep them
the context of sustainable development, that is, selves, their families, and their communities healthy and
that does not overexploit natural resources or overbur • Economic sustainability means having economic
den society. But sustainability is now applied to govern systems that are accessible to everyone and that help
ments, corporations, and financial institutions alike, and to spread and generate prosperity globally. These three
to actions by individuals. elements, then, make up "sustainability" writ large.
Chapter 2 Sustainability ■ 33
embedded into the UN Principles for Responsible Invest sustainable development or topic specific language, such as
ment, launched in 2006 (see Section 2.5). climate policy or social policy. Thus, the relationship of ESG
to government policy is very one-sided.
ESG criteria are used as a set of standards by responsible
investors to gauge companies-and sometimes other enti It is important to note that ESG has faced increasing political
ties such as governments-on their environmental, social, criticism recently, especially in the United States. Some have
and governance performance. argued that ESG is an opportunity to drive social change, with
others then viewing it as politicized and an offshoot of the
• Environmental criteria consider a company's relation
Green New Deal agenda (Eccles & Crowley, 2022). Other argue
ship to climate change or to nature: Typical metrics
that the integration of material ESG risks into financial deci
include a company's carbon dioxide emissions, water
sions is not politically motivated, but is in fact required under
usage, or its impact on deforestation.
interpretations of fiduciary duty. This has created a tumultu-
• Social metrics examine how a company treats its employees
ous environment in which some investors integrating ESG find
and manages relationships with suppliers and communities.
themselves in the epicenter of a heated political debate, and
• Governance deals with a company's leadership, includ have faced political pressures, or even litigation threats, espe
ing board composition, executive compensation, risk cially from politicians that view ESG as politically motivated.
management, and other internal procedures.
Climate change-related issues, including climate risk, are
ESG information is sometimes disclosed by companies and
sometimes thought of as a subset of ESG. While they do fall
is often collected by data firms or by investors. Often, ESG
under the "E" (environmental) category, in reality climate is not
information is condensed into specific scores or ratings (see
exclusively an ESG issue. The impacts of climate change, both
Chapter 5). ESG scores and metrics are then used by financial
its physical impacts (e.g., sea level rise, increased incidence of
firms in various ways. One important purpose is their use in
extreme weather) and impacts that are related to the transition
screening companies for inclusion in ESG investment funds.
to a net-zero emissions economy, affect all stakeholders-from
Another use is for insight into banks', insurers', and investors'
companies and financial institutions to governments and indi
firm-level ESG policies that are integrated into their lending,
viduals, including those not currently acting in sustainable ways.
underwriting, and investment practices. This can mean that
As for responses to climate change, governments set climate
certain types of clients or projects are favored over others,
policies to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change,
and that certain types of projects are restricted or even fully
which is considered part of sustainable development but not
excluded. For example, coal-fired power plants are highly
of ESG per se (see Chapter 4 for more on policies). Corpora
emissions-intensive and not compatible with reaching interna
tions set corporate-level climate goals, but these can be moti
tional climate goals. Consequently, many banks have stopped
vated by bottom-up consumer pressure or government policy
financing them, insurers have stopped insuring them, and
just as much as by ESG-related pressure from investors or
investment firms have excluded coal firms from portfolios.
lenders. Figure 2.1 seeks to map out the overlapping spheres.
While non-financial corporations are more focused on sustain
ability than ever, the use of the term "ESG" (as opposed to
2.3 Sustainable Development Goals
CSR or sustainability) occurs for them mainly in an investor rela
tions capacity: that is, companies communicating performance
(SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda
to shareholders, lenders, and other financial stakeholders Sustainability is an area in which policymakers have set
using ESG metrics that have become standard in the financial many goals and concrete policy. A lot of sustainability ini
industry. tiatives have occurred at the international level through
At the country level, investors can and do use ESG metrics voluntary and aspirational goals or guidelines. Despite the
for certain purposes, such as sovereign bond portfolios. relative lack of strict laws, sustainability goals have become
To give just one example, MSCI, an ESG data provider, an important focal point for many stakeholders. This is most
provides country-level ESG ratings. However, governments notably the case in the United Nations' Sustainable Devel
themselves rarely if ever use the language of "ESG" to refer opment Goals (SDGs), launched in 2015 as part of the UN's
to their own policy actions. They prefer the language of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
This graphic seeks to clarify the relationship between development, but government policies are not typi
the sustainability subtypes (sustainable develop cally discussed in terms of ESG, which is a moniker
ment, sustainable consumption, sustainable business, mainly used by the financial industry and corpora
and sustainable investing) and ESG Climate change's tions. A firm's or financial institution's climate finance
impacts are cross-cutting and do not just fall within and climate risk management can be seen to sit fully
sustainability. Climate policy falls under sustainable within ESG.
2.3. 1 Leading up to the 2030 Agenda agreements, from the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to the 2015 Paris
Agreement, have occurred under the aegis of the UNFCCC.
The UN has played an important role in promoting sustain
able development, as evidenced by the Brundtland report, In 2000, the UN adopted eight Millennium Development
and it has established multiple frameworks in this area. In Goals (MDG) to be achieved by 2015, including eradicating
1992, at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, 178 countries extreme poverty, achieving universal primary education,
adopted Agenda 21, a plan for a global partnership on sus reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, and
tainable development. The Earth Summit introduced the ensuring environmental sustainability. While these MDGs
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change were helpful as benchmarks for generating discussions with
(UNFCCC), a major convening body for global climate governments and civil society, they ultimately fell short:
decisions. The UNFCCC has played a crucial role in coor Notably, the flagship goal to eradicate poverty was not
dinating communication regarding the scientific consensus achieved. Also, the MDGs never deeply involved or engaged
built by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change private-sector stakeholders such as corporations or financial
(IPCC) with governments. All major global-level climate policy institutions.
Chapter 2 Sustainability ■ 35
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was sub health (SDG 3), quality education (SDG 4), and gender
sequently developed and launched in 2015. It is mainly equality (SDG 5), among others. Economic goals include
a product of the UN, its member countries (i.e., govern those for good jobs (SDG 8), innovation and infrastructure
ments), and to an extent, civil society. The Agenda, which (SDG 9), and responsible consumption (SDG 12) (see full list
specifically set out to "build on the Millennium Develop in box).
ment Goals and complete what they did not achieve," cen
The broad scope of the SDGs has allowed a wide range of
ters on "people, planet, prosperity, and peace."
stakeholders to find strong agreement about at least some
of the goals. The MDGs were designed in a top-down
2.3.2 The SDGs and their Targets process and primarily targeted at achieving development
A key strength of the 2030 Agenda so far is that it man aims in poorer countries through the use of bilateral devel
ages to be broad, all-encompassing, and detailed. At its opment aid flowing from high-income countries. The SDGs
heart lie 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which on the other hand, were designed in a bottom-up process
cover a much broader set of policies and areas than the and explicitly drafted to be universally applicable across all
MDGs (see Figure 2.2). They range from environmental countries, reflecting the recognition that challenges to sus
and economic to social goals. Environmental goals include tainability also exist in high-income countries.
those on climate action (SDG 13) and nature-related goals In addition, the SDGs were successful in drawing in a much
to protect life on land and life in the water (SDGs 14 and wider range of actors into the debate on sustainability. The
15). Social goals include those dedicated to ensuring good MDGs were primarily used as a frame of reference by the
iif? SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. Reprinted with permission of the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals []. The content of this
publication has not been approved by the United Nations and does not reflect the views of the United
Nations or its officials or Member States.
public sector, multilateral institutions and civil society stake all children to primary and secondary education; access to
holders. The SDGs, on the other hand, are also increas early childhood care; access to technical, vocational, and
ingly being used by the private sector to define entity-level higher education; and eliminating gender disparities in
sustainability aims and monitor progress. education, as well as a more short-term goal (set for 2020)
of "substantially expanding" the number of scholarships
The 17 goals are also subdivided into 169 targets, which
available to developing countries. Goal 7, on affordable
provide specificity and enable accountability and the track
energy, has detailed targets on energy access, renewable
ing of progress. While the broad goals help bring about a
energy, and energy efficiency (see SDG Example of Targets).
wide span ambition of action, the breakdown of each large
lofty goal into smaller targets helps in concretizing their Even if these targets are not necessarily quantitative, their
implementation. This subsection will highlight examples specificity nonetheless is helpful in developing targeted
from a few of the goals. metrics and policies to better gauge progress.
Chapter 2 Sustainability ■ 37
7.1 By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, 7.b By 2030, expand infrastructure and upgrade technology
reliable, and modern energy services for supplying modern and sustainable energy services
for all in developing countries, in particular least
7.2 By 2030, increase substantially the share of
developed countries, small island developing States,
renewable energy in the global energy mix
and land-locked developing countries, in accordance
7.3 By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in with their respective programmes of support
energy efficiency
7.a By 2030, enhance international cooperation to Reprinted with permission of the United Nations
facilitate access to clean energy research and Sustainable Development Goals [https://www.
technology, including renewable energy, energy sustainabledevelopmentl]. The content of this
efficiency and advanced and cleaner fossil-fuel publication has not been approved by the United
technology, and promote investment in energy Nations and does not reflect the views of the United
infrastructure and clean energy technology Nations or its officials or Member States.
Carbon storage
Chapter 2 Sustainability ■ 39
• Supporting services, such as species habitat and genetic provisioning, ecosystem services such as water and timber,
diversity, are fundamental conditions that enable the as well as land and habitat protection, which can maintain
existence of all other services. regulating services that take place in wetlands and forests.
• Provisioning services generate resources, such as fresh Increasingly, market mechanisms, borrowing conceptually
water and food, for society that can often be traded in from more traditional emissions markets, are applied to
This report shows much progress. But Shell must further Source: 2019 & 2022 Shell pie. sustainability reports.
step up efforts on all fronts, from climate change to [*the above quotes contain cautionary notes]
Chapter 2 Sustainability ■ 41
term was coined in the 1950s, its use was regularized in the for financial institutions analyzing corporate performance.
1990s, with many large multinational corporations launching It is now a lens used to screen companies and analyze
CSR initiatives. For example, Shell pie., a large Anglo-Dutch entire investment portfolios. As an example, MSCI, an
oil & gas firm, formed its internal Social Responsibility investment data company, offers an SDG Alignment Tool
Committee in 1997, and the firm started issuing stand that covers 8,600 companies in a way that measures a
alone sustainability reports in 1998-one of the first major "holistic overview of [a company's] net contribution to
global firms to do so. The first one was titled "Profits and the UN SDGs". In parallel, using SDG alignment allows
Principles-does there have to be a choice?" The firm has for an easy way to present outcomes and priorities to
issued annual sustainability reports ever since, with the con investors in a way that is cross-comparable between
tents evolving somewhat over the years (see case study on financial firms.
Shell pie).
tions and advise firms on how to integrate SDGs in their green features of their operations or products in their
operations. This can occur through the development of communications to distract from larger environmentally
appropriate key performance indicators (KPls). Data firms damaging activities being conducted elsewhere;
provide information on SDGs. Understanding SDG align • Greenshifting is when companies shift the blame for
ment has also become increasingly important and relevant environmental issues to the consumer;
sustainability challenges, when they aren't. Examples could are typically conducted for a few key products. There are
include, for example, buying an electric vehicle when the multiple software systems that help organizations conducts
grid electricity used to power the car comes from coal-fired LCAs. LCAs also focus primarily on environmental impacts,
power stations or buying soy milk for environmental reasons not social or governance issues. Thus, these other ESG
when the soya is sourced from suppliers causing deforesta issues must be considered when developing recommenda
tion in the Amazon. tions based off of LCAs.
Perhaps the only way to really address greenwishing is to LCAs are a building block of developing a more circular
enhance consumer and company understanding of the scale economy, in which economic growth is "de-linked" from
of sustainability challenges, as well as their understanding consumption of finite resources. Ultimately, waste and
of what actually makes a difference. But this creates poten pollution are reduced and eliminated by design from prod
tial risk, namely people and organizations feeling disem ucts and economies. LCAs provide the data and information
powered given the scale of sustainability challenges, and essential to show evidence of progress in advancing circular
then becoming disengaged. economies. Circular economy thinking can also advance the
Chapter 2 Sustainability ■ 43
Goal# SDG Example Material Concerns Key Sectors
1 No poverty Fair wages in operations; Supply chains All
2 No hunger Food supply chains; Agriculture
SDGs, particularly SDG 12: Ensure sustainable consumption Reputational risk, for example, can be a material risk. If all
and production patterns. corporations are expected to have a CSR policy, and then
some corporations either do not have one or are exposed
2.5.4 Moving Toward Sustainability as a (e.g., through investigative journalism or a non-governmen
Source of Risk tal organization) to not have abided by their own policy,
these companies can sustain real losses. Serious perceived
While sustainability issues were once seen as a supplementary
breaches of sustainability can lead to reduced demand for
add-on by many companies, they are now increasingly being
a firm's products and services, and increased scrutiny from
viewed as potentially material sources of corporate risks that
creditors or regulators.
can directly or indirectly cause financial impacts and losses.
But there is increased recognition that sustainability issues can coalitions, which have helped develop best practices on
affect firms materially in ways beyond reputational risk. If a for sustainability issues (see Table 2.3).
estry or fishing firm overexploits resources through excessively
The World Business Council for Sustainable
wide-scale logging or fishing, forests or fish stocks could be
Development (WBCSD) was formed after the UN Rio
severely depleted. If a mining firm does not properly maintain
Summit in 1992, and it does research on corporate social
tailings dams (for storing liquid waste), they can burst, caus
responsibility and shares best practices on sustainability
ing floods that inflict severe damage. For example, in January
among its members.
2019, the Brumadinho dam in Brazil, owned by the mining
firm Vale, collapsed. The ensuing flood killed 270 people and The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) group,
polluted the downstream river's ecosystem, which prompted launched in 2006, has played a similar role to the WBCSD
an outcry from many of Vale's investors; the firm's share price for investors.
also crashed, falling by 24% on the first trading day following
By joining PRI, investors commit to
the incident. These sorts of incidents can lead firms to face
pressure on many fronts, such as from regulators, making it 1. incorporating ESG in investments and decisions;
more difficult or costly to secure permission to operate in the 2. being active owners;
future, or from skeptical investors putting heavier scrutiny on
3. seeking disclosure on ESG issues from investee firms;
companies' practices. Too many such destructive incidents can
even risk a business' "social license to operate."
4. promoting acceptance and implementation of the
Many key sustainability risks that are financially material on
5. collaborating to implement the principles; and
reasonably short timescales are climate change-related.
Therefore, climate change forms a large portion of risk 6. reporting activities and progress toward implementing
based sustainability analyses (see Chapter 3). the Principles.
Chapter 2 Sustainability ■ 45
General/Corporate Initiatives
Name Members Description
World Business Council for Cross-sectoral An organization of over 200 global firms, formed in the wake of
Sustainable Development the 1992 Rio Summit. Members come from a range of industries,
(WBCSD) such as consumer goods (Nestle), chemicals (Dupont), or oil & gas
(BP). Firm CEOs act as council members.
Business for Social Cross-sectoral A network organization that helps develop resilient business
Responsibility (BSR) strategies and connects member companies with sustainable
business experts.
UN Global Compact (UNGC) Cross-sectoral A UN pact to encourage businesses to adopt sustainable practices.
It has 13,000 participants and representation from 170 countries.
The framework is based around ten principles on human rights,
labor, environment, and anti-corruption.
Business Roundtable Cross-sectoral Historically a "normal" business advocacy group in the United
States, but it is included on this list for redefining the purpose
of business in 2019 as promoting "an economy that serves all
Americans" and serves all stakeholders.
Financial-Sector Initiatives
Principles for Responsible Asset managers The six Principles for Responsible Investment are a voluntary and
Investment (PRI) and owners aspirational set of investment principles that offer a menu of possible
actions for incorporating ESG issues into investment practice.
Principles for Sustainable Insurers Launched in 2012, the four Principles for Sustainable Insurance
Insurance (PSI) are designed to guide better management of ESG issues and
strengthen the insurance industry's contribution to building a
resilient, inclusive, and sustainable society.
Principles for Responsible Global banks The six Principles for Responsible Banking provide the framework
Banking (PRB) for a sustainable banking system and help the industry to
demonstrate how it makes a positive contribution to society. They
embed sustainability at the strategic, portfolio, and transactional
levels, and across all business areas.
Global Impact Investing Net- Asset owners, asset GIIN is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing the scale
work (GIIN) managers, and and effectiveness of impact investing. Some of its resources
service providers include the IRIS+, an impact accounting system for investors to
measure, manage, and optimize their impact.
Natural Capital Finance Alli- Financial sector NCFA provide the knowledge and tools that help the financial
ance (NCFA) sector and other partners work together to reduce and manage
the risks of environmental impacts and dependencies. NCFA has
a tool called ENCORE, which helps financial institutions to better
understand, assess and integrate natural capital risks in their
Chapter 2 Sustainability ■ 47
Environment Social Capital
• GHG Emissions • Human Rights &
• Air Quality Community Relations
Leadership &
Governance Business Model
& Innovation
• Business Ethics • Labor Practices
• Competitive Behavior • Employee Health &
• Management of the Legal & Safety
Regulatory Environment • Employee Engagement,
• Product Design & Lifecycle Management
• Critical Incident Risk Diversity & Inclusion
• Business Model Resilience
• Supply Chain Management
• Systemic Risk Management
• Materials Sourcing & Efficiency
• Physical Impacts of Climate Change
economic shift to a net-zero economy (see Chapter 3). The Chow, S. Y. C. (2010). Cross-country Comparison of Share
work of the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials holder Engagement for Responsible Investment. University
is even more specialized, and provides guidance for how of Melbourne. Melbourne.
financial institutions can measure and report their financed
Friedman, M. (1970, September 13, 1970). The Social
Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits. New York
Times Magazine.
2.1 How is sustainability best defined? 2.4 What are nature-based solutions and how can they
A. Practices that avoid all use of natural resources, address climate change?
private sector, whereas ESG is mainly used by gov found to contain compounds that can help treat
ernments and the public sector to set policies and certain forms of cancer.
ing public and private action; ESG is typically used challenges. For example, vegetation naturally
by the private sector to measure companies and absorbs carbon dioxide, so restoring and replant
screen investments. ing forests can help remove carbon from the
C. Sustainability relates to compliance with SASB
recommendations, whereas ESG relates to compli 2.5 What role have private-sector coalitions played for
ance with GRI recommendations. sustainability?
D. ESG is limited to environmental and social action, A. Coalitions have encouraged the diversion and divi
whereas sustainability also encompasses other sion of sustainability reporting and frameworks
2.3 What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? B. Coalitions have provided frameworks for com
panies to report financially immaterial impacts to
A. A set of goals developed by the Business Round
table for businesses to implement sustainable
practices C. Coalitions typically have strict, legally binding con
ditions on sustainability to join, providing strong
B. A set of goals developed by the World Bank to
pressure for companies to conform to the relevant
govern financing directed to emerging markets
C. A set of goals developed by the Principles for
D. Coalitions can act as collective actors, pressuring
Responsible Investment (PRI) for investors to allo
companies to change their practices or policymak
cate assets in a sustainable manner
ers to tighten regulations.
D. A set of goals developed and agreed to by the UN
and its member countries to shape global policy
and private-sector action
Chapter 2 Sustainability ■ 49
The following questions are intended to help candidates understand the material. These are not actual SCR exam questions.
2.1 B 2.4 C
2.2 B 2.5 D
2.3 D
• Describe how climate risk can translate to financial • Define and provide examples of indirect risks.
• Discuss how physical and transition risks can provide
• Differentiate physical and transition risks. opportunities for companies and sectors.
• Understand how hazards/drivers, exposure, and vul • Identify the drivers of transition risk. Categorize
nerability interact to manifest physical and transition transition risks (e.g. technology, market) and provide
risks. examples.
• Define stranded assets and discuss how different sec • Discuss human capital as a stranded asset and the
tors may experience stranded asset risk. challenges associated with asset stranding and a just
• Define and differentiate acute and chronic hazards.
Provide examples. • Understand current industry trends for transition and
physical risk categories and strategies companies
• Discuss uncertainty, variability, and accuracy in hazard can take to reduce risk or manifest climate-related
model predictions (e.g. frequency, timeframes). opportunities.
• The economic transformation required to reach climate
This chapter provides a comprehensive introduction change targets, which is a source of transition risk, is
to the financial risks linked to climate change that huge and unprecedented in speed and scale.
throughout this text are referred to simply as climate
• Transition risks manifest not only through policies but
risk. It explains the two main subtypes of climate
also from technological change, reputational risk,
risk: physical risk (resulting from the physical weather
litigation risk, and market risk.
impacts of climate change) and transition risk (result
• Climate risk transmits into the economy through corpo
ing from the economic transformation to a net-zero
rate and financial balance sheets and consumer spend
carbon economy), delving into the causes and impli
ing patterns; however, the effects vary significantly by
cations of each type. Chapters 6 and 7 return to,
and expand on, the topic by explaining how financial
institutions can measure and manage climate risk
(Chapter 6) and how climate modeling is carried out,
including through scenario analysis (Chapter 7). CLIMATE CHANGE RISK
3.1 Introduction to Climate Risk
Chapter Outline Climate-related financial risks, referred to throughout this
3.1 Introduction to Climate Risk text as simply climate risk, are the financial risks linked to
climate change. Climate risk can affect financial balance
3.2 Types of Climate Risk
sheets and lead to losses through standard channels such as
3.3 Physical Risks diminished asset valuations or increased loan defaults.
3.4 Transition Risks Anthropogenic climate change is a huge subject that
3.5 Stranded Human Capital and the Just Transition involves intense and multi-disciplinary scientific inquiry,
inspires passionate political and social movements, and
3.6 Transmission into Finance, the Economy, and Key Sectors
raises as many political, social, and moral questions as it
does economic and financial ones. Science shows that it is
Key Learning Points indisputable that human-caused emissions of carbon diox
ide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases, such as methane,
• Climate risk can be caused by the physical effects and
are warming and disrupting the climate. Some arguments
changing weather patterns that result from climate change-
persist over the most appropriate means and timeline
physical risk-or by efforts to reduce and eliminate the
for reducing and/or eliminating emissions to mitigate
greenhouse gas emissions that cause it-transition risk.
climate change. However, increasing numbers of govern
• Climate risk results from an interaction of hazards or driv
ments are converging on a goal of net-zero emissions by
ing factors with exposure and vulnerability.
2050. This is in line with recommendations by the Inter
• Environmentally unsustainable or otherwise climate governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the
affected assets can suffer from unanticipated or prema goals of the Paris Agreement of 2015 to keep the aver
ture write-offs due to either physical or transition risk, °
age global temperature rise "well below 2 C above pre
thus becoming stranded assets. industrial levels" and to "pursue efforts to limit the rise
• T here is significant variability between hazards as to the to 1.5 C" (UNFCCC, 2015). One area where debates still
accuracy with which historic data and climate models can rage is over how best to address and adapt to the physi
provide precise estimates. Global average temperatures cal impacts of climate change, including what entities
are near certain to increase, but uncertainty persists on (companies, rich countries, etc.) should bear the main
precipitation patterns. the cost.
• Physical risks can have strong direct effects, but also Although the notion of climate risk is clearly linked to broader
indirect ones through supply chains, legal liability, or sys discussions around the phenomenon of climate change, and
temic and second-order effects. to international goals such as those of the Paris Agreement,
TCFD recommendations state that firms should disclose According to the TCFD 2022 Status Report, over 3,800
on four key parameters, ranging from the concrete to organizations have become supporters of the TCFD
the abstract, so that firm shareholders and other stake Recommendations, including over 1,500 financial insti
holders are aware and fully informed of the progress the tutions responsible for assets of $217 trillion. Based on
firms have made in their preparedness to tackle climate the fiscal year 2021 reporting of over 1,400 companies,
change. These are metrics and targets, that is, the met 80% of companies disclosed in line with at least one
rics used by the firm in question to assess climate-related of the 11 recommended disclosures; however, only 4%
risks and opportunities; risk management, that is, what disclosed in line with all 11 recommended disclosures
processes the firm has in place to manage climate risks; and only around 40% disclosed in line with at least five.
the firm's strategy surrounding climate change; and the Europe remains the leading region for disclosure, and
governance structures the firm has in place to address reporting on climate-related risks and opportunities is
and take responsibility for climate issues, including at higher than any other recommended disclosure. Despite
board level. this, the resilience of companies' strategies under dif
Key features of the recommendations are that they are ferent climate-related scenarios continues to have the
intended to be lowest level of disclosure, while governance remains the
least disclosed recommendation.
• adoptable by all organizations;
Source: TCFD 2022 Status Report
• included in financial filings;
Physical risks result from hazards that are usually subdi 3.2. 1 Stranded Assets
vided into acute and chronic hazards. The former includes
The notion of stranded assets is particularly important in
weather-related or weather-exacerbated events, whose
the context of climate risk, and it has grown to be an impor
incidence are increasing with climate change, such as floods,
tant focus of research and analytical efforts in recent years
hurricanes, droughts, and wildfires. The latter includes
to better understand climate, environmental, and broader
gradual, long-term trends such as rising average tempera
sustainability risks. Stranded assets are assets that have
tures and sea levels. The equivalent drivers of transition
"suffered from unanticipated or premature write-downs,
risk include factors such as tighter government policies to
devaluations or conversion to liabilities" (Caldecott, 2013).
reduce emissions (e.g., through carbon taxes), technological
changes (e.g., cheaper renewables making fossil fuel-based The concept of assets being left behind by external forces,
power generation less economical by comparison), and leading to reduced valuations or complete write-downs, is not
bottom-up consumer pressures for sustainable products. new, and it links to the idea of creative destruction. While the
metaphor is obviously a physical one, the concept was first
But for both kinds of risk to become manifest, hazards (or
significantly applied to climate risk in the early 2010s in relation
driving factors) are not enough alone. In the face of these
to the notion of "unburnable carbon" (for example, known oil
hazards and factors, different kinds of assets and companies
or coal reserves that cannot be fully exploited if the agreed
will have differing levels of exposure and vulnerability. ° °
goals of limiting warming to 2 C or 1.5 C are to be met,
Exposure, here, is used in the classic financial sense of
thus making coal mines or oilfields into "stranded assets").
assets or firms that are in a vulnerable place or setting. A
From there, the concept extended quite naturally to high
factory or warehouse in a low-lying coastal area would be
emitting industrial assets such as coal-fired power plants (see
exposed to sea level rise, and consequently so would the
Section 3.4.1) or steel plants. The concept of stranded assets
firm that owns the factory. A high-emissions facility, such as
still refers most commonly to these assets with high transition
a coal-fired power plant or a steel plant, would be exposed
risk, though the definition has been steadily expanding.
to tighter climate policy, such as a higher carbon price.
For instance, physical risks can equally create stranded
Vulnerability-a concept linked to notions of resilience, flex
assets, indeed harkening closer to the physical meaning
ibility, and adaptation-is less of a focus in traditional finan
of the original metaphor. Just as a boat stranded on a
cial risk, but it is integral to considerations of climate risk,
lakeshore after a drought lowers the water level, a bever
especially physical climate risk. It refers to the propensity or
age factory can be stranded by the increased frequency of
predisposition of the asset (or firm) to suffer adversely from
climate-induced droughts limiting availability to fresh water.
its exposure to hazards. At the facility level, vulnerability to
Unlike stranded assets due to transition risk, which are likely
physical climate risk typically depends on physical infrastruc
to be more concentrated in the energy and industrial sec
ture: for example, of two neighboring factories in a flood
tors, stranding due to physical risk can occur across nearly
zone, only one may have flood pumps installed.
all sectors, but it is more likely to be concentrated geo
Vulnerability can also be discussed at the facility level graphically: for example, sea level rise and increased coastal
for transition risk, referring to the ease of reducing or flooding may strand any number of facilities-warehouses,
eliminating emissions-for instance, through conversion to factories, commercial or residential properties-in
hydrogen-based production-as opposed to having to pre vulnerable areas without adequate flood defenses (see
maturely close a facility, thus stranding it (see Section 3.2.1). Section 3.3). That said, some sectors are more vulnerable
Hazards /
Climate Risk Exposure Vulnerability
than others-see Section 3.6 for a discussion of physical risk Current policies put the globe on track for 3 C or more
in agriculture and real estate. of warming, though commonly used scenarios range from
° °
4.5 C of warming by 2100 to 1.5 C if the most ambitious
Although it is beyond the scope of this chapter, it should be
Paris goals are met. Global GHG emissions in 2030 associ
noted that stranded assets can also refer to assets stranded
ated with the implementation of nationally determined
by non-climate environmental risks. Habitat destruction and
contributions (NDCs) announced prior to COP26 would
biodiversity loss can lead to declines in, or even collapses
make it likely that warming will exceed 1.5 C during the
of, ecosystem services (for example, a lack of pollination in
21st century (IPCC, 2022). Often underappreciated, how
a particular area stranding fruit orchards). Tighter restric
ever, is that even if the world manages to hit these ambi
tions on local air pollution, such as particulates and smog,
tious targets of 1.5 C or 2 C, the physical impacts will still
° °
can end up stranding assets such as polluting factories or
be severe. One important reason is that the distributional
old vehicles in areas that impose stricter curbs on pollution.
° °
consequences are uneven: 1.5 C or 2 C of warming on
average still means more intense heat waves, more intense
precipitation, and more droughts, among other phenom
3.3 Physical Risks
ena. For example, the IPCC reports that a world with an
Before considering physical risks as such, it is important to average of 1.5 C of warming compared to pre-industrial
understand what the physical impacts of climate change times-the most optimistic of all climate outcomes-still
entail. Rather than being an abstract future phenomenon, means heavy precipitation and flooding events will intensify
the physical impacts of climate change are already here, and and become more frequent in most regions of the planet
specific events can be definitively linked to climate change (IPCC, 2023). Additionally, it should be noted that other
through attribution science (see Section 3.3.1 ). And in the variables and potential setbacks could be detrimental to the
near future, it is certain that the effects of climate change implementation of these policies; for example, the impact
will continue to worsen. The exact outcome will depend of geopolitical and macroeconomic risks (e.g. war in Ukraine
on future emissions, which affect the amount of warming. or economic slowdown/acceleration in countries like China
• Heatwaves
• Wildfires
"' 4.0
mean temperature
ii change for high
0.8 0 [I! emission scenario
C :,
�::, Q. 2.0
0.4 ro
0.2 E mean temperature
� <ii
.D change for low
0 emission scenario
nd data prepared by Berkeley Earth and combined 0 "iii
6 RCP2.6
with ocean data adapted from the UK Hadley Centre -2.0
Global temperature anomalies relative to 1820-1900 average
-0.2 1.9 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100
Vertical lines indicate 95% confidence intervals Year
1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 Source: Collins, M., R. K nutti, J. Arblaster,
J.-L. Dufresne, T. Fichefet, P. Friedlingstein,
Source: Robert Rohde "Global Temperature Report for 2020" published by X. Gao, W.J. Gutowski, T. Johns, G. Krinner,
Berkeley Earth on 14 Jan 2021. Licensed under Creative Commons BY-4.0. M. Shongwe, C. Tebal di, A.J. Weaver, and
M. Wehner, 2013: Long-ter m Climate Change:
Projections, Commitments, and Irreversibility.
In: Climate Change 2013: The Physical
Science Basis. Contribution of Working
Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change [Stocker, T.F., D. Oin, G.-K. Plattner,
M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels,
Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley (eds.)].
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.
(i!jijZfffj hlW!Uiii
Mean temperature change
at 1.s•c GMST warming
Temperature ("C)
0.5 1.5 4 6 8
Mean preeip1taUon change Mean precip1taUon change
at 1 .S-C GMST warming at 2.o·c GMST warming
-zo -10 ·5 0 5 10 ?Q JO 40 59
Source: I PCC
Of course, some climate hazards will require an interac To point out the shortcomings of, and disagreements
tion between climate events and local conditions, such between, models is not to say that they are not useful,
as flooding or wildfires. Large amounts of rainfall within merely that given some uncertainty in the models them
a short period of time make it more likely that a river will selves, calculating actual direct physical risk is a step more
overflow its banks, but the particular topography of a difficult (see next section).
specific river valley also affects how and where flooding
For acute physical hazards, it is not necessary to rely on
will occur (not to mention the presence, or absence, of
models exclusively. The increased incidence of acute haz
human-built flood defenses). Droughts make it more likely
ards is already visible in the natural catastrophe data from
for fires to start, but wildfires need vegetation to burn,
the past several decades of (see graph, below), and this
meaning models must take both climate and land cover
trend is expected to continue.
into account-and, ideally, human land-use patterns as
well. The interaction of these multiple factors makes it par Moreover, a relatively new offshoot of climate science, attri
ticularly difficult for models to accurately predict wildfire bution science, is now able to show how specific events are
locations. One study to validate models, which compared (partially or almost completely) caused by climate change.
five different model-predicted wildfire areas (panels 1-5 According to research of this type, the devastating Australian
of Example 2, above) to measurements of the actual area wildfires of 2019-2020, for example, were made at least 30%
burnt from satellite data (see the panel labeled GFEDv4S more likely by climate change, and the huge Thai floods of
above), showed that many models overestimated the burn 2011 would likely not have occurred without climate change.
ing potential in North and South America while underesti The July 2019 heatwave over France and the Netherlands
mating it in Africa. would have been extremely unlikely to occur without human
(/) 600
LU 500
<ii 400
ll ,� ;t l�
100 I I -
0 II IJ a ll ll ll I I II � I I � � ll 1 I �� I � Iii! 11
influence on climate. Similarly, the Siberian heatwave of 2020, Getting precise enough data on these hazards is not neces
when temperatures reached a record 38 C in Verkhoyansk, sarily straightforward either. Some is available open source
far above the Arctic Circle, would have been almost impos or free from academic institutions or international organiza
sible without human-caused climate change.The floods in tions or non-governmental organizations such as the World
Germany in 2021 and the 2022 drought in the US are also Resources Institute; other climate data can be bought from
considered to have been exacerbated by human activity. specialist consultancies, some of which also offer their own
ready-made ways to evaluate exposure and vulnerability.
3.3.2 Direct Physical Risks and Data For some hazards, such as flooding, which depends on
Granularity hyper-local topography, resolution matters tremendously: for
instance, JBA Consulting, an industry leader in its field, sells
Understanding direct physical risks as they apply to a spe
flood map data at a Sm X Sm resolution. Much of the other
cific asset or company, or even country, is not straightfor
climate data that is downscaled from global climate models
ward. Beyond the differences between the different global
appears at a much rougher resolution, such as 100 km x 100
climate models' estimates for various hazards (see above),
km, and even still suffers from lack of robustness over shorter
readjusting these climate models to derive regional or local
timescales, as discussed in Section 3.3.1.
estimates leads to less precision.
Moreover, climate hazards do not, alone, cause climate risks With climate data in hand, mapping exposures is not exces
to become apparent. Firstly, certain types of physical risks sively difficult, and it only requires precise location data to
require an interaction between climate events and local cross-compare with climate hazards. Investors in, owners
conditions, as discussed above in Section 3.3.1 with regards of, or lenders to specific physical assets, such as a particu
to wildfires. Droughts make it more likely for fires to start, lar warehouse or wind farm, should already know where
but wildfires need vegetation to burn. Secondly, and per the asset is located. And although a firm should know the
haps more importantly, as discussed above in Section 3.2, location of its own production and office facilities, inves
physical risks occur only when there are also exposure and tors in, or lenders to a firm may not currently know precise
vulnerability. geolocations.
3.3.3 Indirect Risks: Supply Chain, Legal, and tion, for instance, estimates that by 2030, when the global
Systemic Risks temperature is expected to have risen by 1.3 C, the share
of total working hours lost will be 2.2%, or the equiva-
Physical risks do not only affect assets and the companies
lent of 80m full-time jobs (up from 1.4% and 35m jobs as
that own them, through exposure to hazards, but there are
recently as 1995). In monetary terms, it estimates this loss
several other ways in which climate-related physical risks
at USD 2.4 trillion in purchasing power parity terms (com
can affect assets and firms.
pared to USD 280 billion in 1995, meaning a net loss of
Perhaps the most straightforward of these is supply chain over USD 2.1 trillion in 35 years of climate change alone).
risk. Of course, this risk is partly a matter of classification. Two It further warns that these are likely to be underestimates,
identical firms, one that is vertically integrated and another as they are based on the assumption of limiting warming to
that has outsourced production to suppliers, may both be 1.5 C by 2100, which looks extremely unlikely (ILO, 2019).
subject to the same physical risks in the production process
only for the first, this would be counted as affecting the firm 3.3.4 Opportunities, Resilience, and Adaption
itself, and for the second, it would count as a supply chain
While many climate risk management discussions seek to
risk. Nonetheless, all firms rely to an extent on suppliers.
balance risks with opportunities, when discussing physical
Other severe indirect impacts with financial implications
risk specifically, the argument is harder to make. Physi-
include the infrastructure (roads, railways, airports) needed
cal risks, at least for private-sector counterparties, tend to
to transport things in and out of factories and the housing of
bring more downside than upside. Occurrences such as hur
employees. For example, if a plant is well protected from a
ricanes, wildfires, or floods can bring huge losses through
flood but workers have to deal with their own homes being
facility destruction and business interruption. Paying large
under water, or if the roads to and from our plant are not
amounts to adapt and fortify facilities against physical risks,
usable, a company might not able to operate.
such as through building firebreaks, floodwalls, or better air
A second important kind of indirect risk is legal liability conditioning systems, does not produce a profit or revenue
risk, where firms suffer financial consequences after being stream per se, but rather simply avoids large losses that
held legally liable. Liability risk can exist for both physical would have otherwise happened. For corporations, insur
and transition risks (see Section 3.4.1 on transition-related ance availability is crucial to mitigate financial losses, and
liability); for physical risk issues, liability usually comes into thus insurers' willingness to pull out of coverage in cases
play with regard to the duties and responsibilities of cor of particularly severe exposure to physical climate risks, as
porate management or a company's board of directors. has already occurred on a limited scale in fire-prone areas
most vulnerable to physical climate risks, such as low-lying take a step back to contextualize just how large the "tran
coastal areas, leaving only the most vulnerable there, such sition" in question is. Business-as-usual scenarios assume
as homeowners unable to sell residential properties, and that with no economic transition, CO2 levels will continue
allowing physical climate risk to become a problem for gov to rise from the current level of around 40 gigatons (Gt) per
ties. Insurers, rather than simply threatening to pull cover an aspiration of the Paris Agreement, is nearly impossible
age, can work proactively with firms and communities to at this stage through emissions reductions and eliminations
encourage the uptake of adaptive measures (e.g., through alone (see Figure 3.9), as it is the stock of greenhouse gases
premium discounts) and share expertise on resilience. in the atmosphere that matters, not the flow. Therefore,
140 +---�---�--�--�---�---
Data: SSP database (IIASA)/GCP/Riahi et al. 2017/Rogelj et al. 2018
Scenario group
Forcing target and temperature range in 2100 °
1 • >5 C
"' 100 6.0 W/m (3.2-3.3"C)
0 W/rr12 (2 'i-2 7°C:l
� 4 s·c
u 3.4 W/m 2 (2.1-2.3"C)
2.6 W/m 2 (1.7-1.8 °C)
1.9 W/m 2 (1.3-1.4°C)
.!!! so 3-4•c
z 0+-------------=�� �.:'�'--t
"' 0
"i:j 20 ---=--c.-------,--7=__----"'----'�I-- ---------
.E m 0
8 10 --------I\ C
C -10
o�- - --.....,.,.=
�- � 1.S"C-high-0S
1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100
Reprinted from UNEP: 1.SC climate target "slipping out of Source: IPCC
reach," Figure 3.10
target-slipping-out-of-reach/. Reprinted by permission from
Carbon Brief.
most models and scenarios for reaching a 1.5 C equilib tax and, despite hitting record levels in the EU on 2023, the
rium, including ones used by the IPCC, assume very large price of carbon is not anywhere close to high enough on its
amounts of net-negative global emissions (see Figures 3.7 own to reduce emissions sufficiently to reach internationally
and 3.10). Natural ways to remove carbon from the atmo agreed-upon targets.
sphere, such as planting more trees, can only address a
Therefore, more recently, there has been a recognition that
small fraction of these needs: To reach the scales assumed
the means through which emissions (the drivers of transmis
in these models would require massive and extremely rapid
sion risk) will actually be reduced will be both more varied
rollout of technologies and practices such as directly captur
and less neat than simply imposing a high carbon tax that
ing CO2 from the air (known as direct air capture, or DAC),
would seem an optimal solution in economic models, but
or bioenergy with carbon capture and storage-growing
that has so far struggled to gain ground in light of political
plants, which absorb CO2 from the air, then burning them
realities. This section follows TCFD-outlined best practices
to generate electricity, but capturing the CO2 from combus
in describing transition risk drivers as including policy and
tion and burying it, thus resulting in net removal.
legal risks (encompassing factors ranging from mandatory
shutdowns to legal liability); technology risks (e.g., cheaper
Seeing the pace and change required to meet any of these
renewables making fossil fuel-based power generation less
climate goals, it is easy to imagine that these would be
economical by comparison); reputational risks (e.g., from
pursued mainly, or even exclusively, through government
bottom-up consumer pressures for sustainable products);
policies, and therefore that policies would be the primary
and other risks, such as market risks.
or even only source of transition risk. For decades, both
policy developers and academic economists have discussed This section concludes with a discussion of the various
the optimal way to reduce (and eventually eliminate) green opportunities presented by the transition. More so than
house gas emissions, and these discussions have revolved with physical risk, where the main focus is on avoiding or
around centralized policy options such as imposing a price reducing the potential for losses, the converse of transition
per ton of carbon dioxide emitted through a carbon tax or risk can be found in a myriad of economic and investment
limiting quantity through a cap-and-trade scheme-both opportunities presented by the speedy, wholesale transfor
of which have been implemented in various jurisdictions mation of the economic structure that much of the world
worldwide. However, currently, there is not a global carbon has committed to undertake.
0.358 64%
� 0.20
- 17%
LCOE Total installed Capacity O&M WACC LCOE
2010 cost factor 2020
3.5 Stranded Human Capital and the These issues are already being felt acutely in different parts
Just Transition of the world. In 2016, China announced a USD15 billion
compensation fund for unemployed iron and steel work-
Assets that can become stranded are not just limited to
ers and coal miners (Wood Mackenzie 2016). The structural
physical or tangible assets. Intangible assets, such as intel
challenges facing coal mining communities in Germany and
lectual property, social networks, and company reputa
Poland have also become a significant issue for national and
tion can also become stranded, and so can the skills and
provincial governments in each country, having a significant
expertise held by workers and professionals. This strand
influence on burden sharing negotiations within the Euro
ing can be caused by exactly the same drivers that result
pean Union (Krukowska 2016).
in stranded tangible assets. This is important as the size
of intangibles relative to tangibles has grown over time, This is a particularly salient issue for developing countries
with intangible assets, particularly in advanced economies who have a right to development and access to affordable
becoming an ever-larger share of total enterprise value. energy (Swilling and Annecke 2010) while at the same time
Intangible assets for S&P 500 companies, for example, hit facing the consequences of global warming and dwindling
a record value of USD 21 trillion in 2018: intangible assets levels of cheap oil, productive soils, metals, clean water sup
account for around 90% of total assets. plies, and forest products? How do they address widening
inequalities in income as well as the need to rebuild ecosys
There is also growing interest in and concern for a "just
tem services and natural resources. The book considers the
transition," where those that could suffer most from asset
theme of a just transition, which reconciles the sustainable
stranding, for example communities and individuals depen
use of natural resources with a pervasive commitment to
dent on industries most likely to experience asset stranding,
sufficiency, where overconsumers are satisfied with less so
are supported, including, for example, through retraining
that underconsumers can secure enough. The reallocation
provided by companies and governments.
of resources and compensation for those individuals and
Distributional challenges associated with asset stranding communities affected by climate change and related poli
can create political economy frictions within countries and cies could help facilitate a just transition (Caldecott et al.
across countries. Net-zero carbon transitions, particularly for 2016; Newell and Mulvaney 2013). This might be more
countries endowed with natural resources, imply stranded likely to occur in developed countries, where citizens tend
assets in carbon-intensive sectors. In the energy sector, to be able to demand higher relocation costs and stron-
stranded assets could occur upstream (e.g., reserves), mid ger unions demand higher settlements for loss of earnings
stream (e.g., transmission), or downstream (e.g., genera (Funk 2014). Rosemberg (2010) suggests that job losses are
tion). But other sectors could be affected too, for example, not a direct result of national climate policies, but rather are
► ► ► ►
rise & Effects on
more Lower Effects on
Greater risk residential
frequent property mortgage
of current, and
storms values securitization
future commercial
and mortgage-
flooding property
backed assets
Figure 3.12
(Lenders, Investors)
o Lower returns
o Loss of o Rising default risk
o Asset Electricity Utilities
Fi ure 3.13
REFERENCES Caldecott, B., Kruitwagen, L., Dericks, G., Tulloch, D. J., Kok,
I., & Mitchell, J. (2016). Stranded Assets and T hermal Coal:
Bernstein, A., Gustafson, M. T., & Lewis, R. (2019, An analysis of environment-related risk exposure. Stranded
2019/11/01/). Disaster on the horizon: The price effect Assets Programme, SSEE, University of Oxford, 1-188.
of sea level rise. Journal of Financial Economics, 134(2),
ClientEarth v. Enea, (Regional Court in Poznan 2019).
jfineco.2019.03.013 Conservation Law Foundation, Inc. v. Shell Oil Products US,
(United States District Court for the District of Rhode Island).
Caldecott, B. H., Nicholas; McSharry, Patrick. (2013).
Stranded Assets in Agriculture: Protecting Value from Fiedler, T., Pitman, A. J., Mackenzie, K., Wood, N., Jakob,
Environment-Related Risks (Smith School of Enterprise C., & Perkins-Kirkpatrick, S. E. (2021, 2021/02/01). Busi
and the Environment Working Papers, Issue. https://www. ness risk and the emergence of climate analytics. Nature Climate Change, 11(2), 87-94.
agriculture-report-fina I.pdf s41558-020-00984-6
Jagger, N., Foxon, T., & Gouldson, A. (2013). Skills con Swilling, M., & Annecke, E. (2010). Forthcoming. Just Transi
straints and the low carbon transition. Climate Policy, 7 3(1), tions: Explorations of Sustainability in an Unfair World. Cape
43-57. To. Just Transitions, 1-54.
Keenan, J., & Bradt, J. (2020). Underwaterwriting: from Wood Mackenzie. (2016). Analysis-Four points about
theory to empiricism in regional mortgage markets in the China coal sector overcapacity I Wood Mackenzie. Wood
3.1 What does the TCFD stand for? C. An asset that has been neglected and poorly
A. Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Decisions
D. An asset that is uneconomical to operate
B. Taskforce on Climate, Finance, and Development
3.2 What four key parameters does the TCFD recom B. Policy and legal
A. An asset that has been surrendered by its owners D. Lack of adaptive capacity
3.1 C 3.5 A
3.2 B 3.6 B
3.3 C 3.7 A
3.4 B
■ Learning Objectives
After reviewing this chapter, you should be able to:
• Discuss the evolution of international climate policy. • Explain how climate policy occurs at the national and
subnational levels.
• Understand the relative scale of emissions by country.
• Describe and differentiate Scope 1, 2, and 3
• Summarize the history, outcomes, and obligations of
major international climate agreements, and distin
guish from the goals set in the Paris Agreement. • Recognize the challenges associated with accounting
for Scope 3 emissions.
• Understand characteristics of the Paris Agreement.
• Differentiate the types of private-sector sustainabil
Explain the structure, benefits, and drawbacks of
ity and climate investment policies, and how public
carbon pricing policies, including carbon taxes and
policy has been used to promote adoption of green
emissions trading schemes.
Describe sector-specific climate policies, such as the
• Describe the function, purpose, and challenges of
transportation and power generation sectors.
green taxonomies.
• Discuss how central banks incorporate climate change Key Learning Points
into supervision practices.
• There have been various attempts to agree on inter
• Identify methods used to enforce sustainable invest national climate policy globally. These efforts have
ment and disclosure policies. been complicated by disagreements over the optimal
amount of emissions reductions, the inherent difficul
• Describe the trends in private-sector climate frame
ties of collective action, and the fact that countries that
works and identify important climate groupings.
have sharply increased their share of emissions in the
• Understand climate-related risk and nature-related past two decades (e.g., China, India) are different from
risk. those responsible for accumulated historical emissions
(e.g., US, EU, Russia, Japan) and those expected to drive
• Explain the broader societal and cultural impacts of
future emissions unless they adopt green growth models
climate change and policies.
(e.g., Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Brazil), raising "fairness"
questions around the potential trade-off between emis
sions and economic development.
This chapter examines the wider policy and cultural
• The first global agreement on climate established the
context in which the move toward sustainability
and climate risk integration in the private sector United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
has occurred. It starts by describing international Change (UNFCCC) in 1992 at the Rio Summit.
sustainability and climate policy frameworks to • The first global compact on emissions reductions, the
date and the challenges inherent in attempts to Kyoto Protocol of 1997, took the form of a legally bind
reduce emissions through global agreements. It ing treaty, according to which high-income countries
then describes how sustainability and climate have agreed to reduce emissions by 5% from 1990 levels by
become part of various policy frameworks, both 2008-2012.
public-sector and private-sector-oriented, rang- • The subsequent Paris Agreement of 2015 took a differ
ing from promotion to supervision and regulation. °
ent direction, agreeing on a 1.5-2 C reduction aspiration
Finally, consideration is given to potential implica and inviting all countries to submit (non-binding) plans to
tions, both at the micro and macro level, of how get there, relying on the mechanism of peer pressure.
policies and other transition drivers may impact
• At the national level, carbon pricing is a widely used
society and corporate culture.
policy to reduce emissions; the principal ways to estab
lish a price on carbon emissions are through carbon
taxes or cap-and-trade schemes (which are not mutually
Chapter Outline exclusive).
4.1 Introduction to Sustainability and Climate Policy, • However, carbon pricing is not the only policy option
Culture, and Governance to achieve emissions reductions; countries have also
4.2 International Sustainability and Climate Policies used sector-specific policies, such as feed-in tariffs and
quota requirements for renewable power generation,
4.3 Climate Risk and Financial Policy
and fuel efficiency and CO2 emissions standards for
4.4 Climate Risk and Financial Supervision automobiles.
4.5 Private-Sector Sustainability and Climate Risk • In the investment space, societal and cultural trends and
Frameworks sustainability and climate investment policies, led by
governments, international financial institutions, and pri
4.6 Nature, Biodiversity, and Climate Change
vate investor coalitions, are helping to frame the private
4.7 Broader Societal Implications and Conclusions sector's transition to a sustainable, green economy and
8 billion t
6 billion t
United States
4 billion t
2 billion t
Ot ..-----�����§ United Kingdom
1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2019
Source: © Author(s) 2022. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 License.
19 billion I
■ -=•1.2%
20 billion tonnes CO2
global emissions
Europe Africa South America
43 billion tonnes CO2 40 billion tonnes CO2
514 billion tonnes CO 2 3% global emissions 3% global emissions
33% global cumulative emissions
Source: Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser (2020) - "CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions". Published online at
This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
However, the history of concerted global political action on of emissions reduction obligations and many experienced
climate starts with United Nations involvement. The 1992 skyrocketing rates of emissions growth during this time.
Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, introduced several This made even Annex 1 countries less committed to the
new UN initiatives and bodies, including the United Nations Protocol. Indeed, the United States ended up never ratify
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). ing the Protocol for this reason. Additionally, other reason
In 2015, COP21 in Paris built on some of these new In addition, the framework around the Paris Agreement
ideas first tentatively floated in Copenhagen. The Paris explicitly recognized for the first time that many kinds of
Agreement is based not on legally binding emissions stakeholders, ranging from subnational actors such as cit
reductions targets but on a commonly agreed aspiration to ies and regions to private-sector businesses and financial
keep global temperature rise "well below 2 C above pre institutions, could help to contribute to climate goals. The
industrial levels" and to "pursuing efforts" to limit the rise UN High-Level Champions have been instrumental in foster
to 1.5 C, combined with national efforts by each individual ing collaboration and engagement among these diverse
party in this direction (UNFCCC, 2015). These national stakeholders. One notable example is the "Race to Zero"
plans, now called Nationally Determined Contributions campaign, which the High-Level Champions have been pro
(NDCs), are to be submitted to the UNFCCC, and moting to mobilize businesses, cities, regions, and investors
periodically re-evaluated. However, one of the shortcom to commit to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
ings of the Paris Agreement is that the combined NDCs This ambitious campaign demonstrates how the Champions
submitted by countries are insufficient to achieve the goal can encourage a wide range of actors to take action and
of limiting global temperature rise to well below 2 C. For share best practices that contribute to the global climate
instance, the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimated goals (see section 4.2.4 and Section 4.5).
that the initial NDCs would lead to 3 C or more of warm
ing, demonstrating a significant gap in global climate
ambition. Specifically, the Paris Agreement establishes a
4.2.3 National Climate Policies
"ratchet" mechanism, where countries are expected to Achieving NDCs requires having a domestic climate
tighten their NDCs every five years, and these are to be policy. This section briefly reviews the principal types of
evaluated at COP meetings. climate change mitigation (i.e., greenhouse gas emissions
approximately USD 53 billion in government revenues, specific industries or sectors, allocating each company
an 8% increase compared to 2019. Carbon taxes can be permits based on their allowed greenhouse gas emissions.
implemented at different stages of the production and con Companies can sell, buy, or trade permits according to their
sumption process: upstream, midstream, or downstream. needs and reduction strategies. Selling credits incentivizes
Upstream taxes target the production or importation of green technology investments, while banking unused per
fossil fuels, midstream taxes are applied at the processing mits provides flexibility and smooths market fluctuations.
or distribution stage, and downstream taxes are imposed However, trading schemes can cause volatile carbon pric
on end-users or consumers. Each approach has its benefits ing, and exogenous shocks like financial crises can lead to
and drawbacks. Upstream taxes are usually more straight permit oversupply, decreasing incentives to reduce emis
forward to administer and have broader coverage, while sions. Borrowing permits from future allocations manages
downstream taxes offer more direct incentives for consum short-term emissions or price fluctuations but may pose
ers to reduce their carbon emissions. Midstream taxes fall in risks if companies become overly reliant on future permits
between, balancing coverage and incentives. One concern and neglect emission reduction investments.
with carbon pricing is the potential for carbon leakage, Various mechanisms enhance the functioning of emis
which occurs when carbon-intensive industries relocate to sions trading schemes and address potential challenges.
jurisdictions with less stringent climate policies, leading to a Price floors and ceilings help reduce market volatility and
shift in emissions rather than an overall reduction. This can ensure permit prices remain within a desirable range, miti
undermine the effectiveness of carbon pricing policies and gating the effects of volatile carbon pricing. Monitoring
may negatively impact the competitiveness of businesses and enforcement ensure system integrity, with penalties
in countries with stricter regulations. Currently, carbon for non-compliance maintaining the scheme's effective
taxes exist in many jurisdictions, though they vary in scope: ness. Offset projects allow companies to invest in external
Other policies have also had significant effects in reducing deployment of renewable energy by reducing project costs
emissions in specific sectors. Perhaps the sector where spe and improving their economic competitiveness compared
to conventional energy sources. In addition to cost reduc
cific policies have had the largest impact so far is in power
generation. Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPSs) are tions, tax incentives can provide, if designed well, market
stability and predictability, enabling investors and project
an umbrella term for a range of quota-based regulations
that aim to increase the supply of renewable electricity by developers to make long-term investment decisions. The
requiring commercial power producers to source a specific Inflation Reduction Act in the United States incorporates
over 20 new or modified tax incentives, along with tens of
portion of supply from renewable energy sources, such as
billions of dollars in grant and loan programs. The Act aims
wind or solar power.
to stimulate investment in and deployment of new clean
RPSs have been deployed in 173 countries, including
energy technology, thereby accelerating our transition to a
the Renewable Obligation in the UK and the Renewable
clean energy economy.
Automobile fuel Transport A requirement that individual cars, or fleets, must satisfy a
efficiency requirements minimum standard of fuel efficiency to be legally allowed
Fuel tax Transport, heating A fuel tax can lower the demand for fuel or be used to
disincentivize the use of dirtier fuels.
Building heating / Buildings Building requirements can be used to forbid the use of
energy-efficiency carbonemitting heating technologies (e.g., natural gas furnaces,
requirements oil heating) in new buildings in favor of renewable alternatives.
Ban on burning peat Agriculture and land use Generally, peat bogs and wetlands are a huge store of carbon.
bogs / wetlands Some peat bogs have historically been periodically burnt for land
management purposes, but banning burning (as in the UK) will
reduce emissions.
Green I low-carbon Transport, buildings, other Governments can use their purchasing power to opt for green
public procurement and sustainable alternatives (e.g., for public-sector buildings,
public transport, etc.), helping to spur more general uptake and
develop technologies.
porations and investment firms. The US rejoined the Paris approach for estimating the GHG effect of policies and
ues to be a prominent example of the increasing collabora • The Mitigation Goal Standard-guidance for designing
tion between the public and private sector in these kinds of national and subnational mitigation goals and a stan
coalitions (see also Section 4.5 on private sector coalitions). dardized approach for assessing and reporting progress
toward goal achievement.
No matter the exact format of non-state and sub-
national actor (NSA) climate commitments, these types of According to the GHG Protocol, 92% of Fortune 500 com
commitments are, in aggregate, becoming more and more panies responding to the CDP used the GHG Protocol
impactful. One recent comprehensive assessment examined directly or indirectly and it is the world's most widely used
nearly 80 regions, 6,000 cities, and 1,600 companies across GHG emissions accounting standard. The Corporate Stan
ten large, high-emissions economies. It found that full imple dard and other GHG Protocol standards are integrated
mentation of NSA commitments would lower emissions by into and referenced in GHG reporting guidance prepared
3.8-5.5% more by 2030 than national pledges in those ten by different jurisdictions, including guidance produced
countries would do alone (Kuramochi et al., 2020). by EU, US, and UK regulatory agencies, and international
4.2.5 GHG Emissions Accounting at the At the heart of the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard is the
Corporate Level concept of direct and indirect emissions, as well as Scope 1,
porate level is increasingly standardized, in particularly • Direct emissions are emissions from sources that are
through the Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard owned or controlled by the reporting company.
(the "Corporate Standard") from the GHG Protocol.
• Indirect emissions are emissions that are a consequence
The GHG Protocol was established by the World Resources of the activities of the reporting company, but occur at
Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for sources owned or controlled by another company.
Scope 3
goods and
services •
and distribution
� purchased electricity, steam,
heating & cooling for own use
leased assets
� company
goods '
p rocessing of
fuel and commuting sold products
energy related
travel company leased assets
use of sold
transportation vehicles
and distribution waste end-of-life
generated in treatment of
operations sold products
Emissions are further divided into three scopes: For many companies, particularly those facing climate risks
that could result in stranded assets, Scope 3 emissions from
• Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from owned or
the products and services they sell are by far the largest
controlled sources.
part of overall emissions, and thus the most vulnerable to
• Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the
potential climate transition risks. For example, the emissions
generation of purchased energy.
embedded in the oil sold by an oil and gas company will
• Scope 3 emissions are all indirect emissions (not included typically be a much larger share of overall company emis
in Scope 2) that occur in the value chain of the reporting sions than the emissions from the company's operations.
company, including both upstream and downstream Similarly, the emissions financed through loans to pollut-
emissions. ing companies will likely be a much larger share of overall
Direct emissions are included in Scope 1. Indirect emissions emissions for a bank than the emissions resulting from the
are included in Scope 2 and Scope 3. While a company operation of its offices or data centers.
has control over its direct emissions, it has influence over
Companies are under increasing pressure to announce
its indirect emissions. Figure 4.3 above shows the different
and implement net-zero targets encompassing emis
Scopes and the relationship between them.
sions across all three scopes. But of over 4,000 corporate
have set up the TCFD Consortium of Japan to facili 4.3.3 Green Taxonomies and Financial
tate dialogue between investors and companies on Regulation
climate risk disclosure. In Hong Kong, the territory's
Another strand of emerging public policy and regulatory
financial regulator and quasi-central bank, the Hong
responses to climate change and environmental challenges
Kong Monetary Authority, has launched the Centre
is green taxonomies.
for Green Finance to spread best practices and help
to green Hong Kong's financial services industry. In Until recently, policymakers and regulators had not felt
Singapore, through its Green Finance Action Plan, the the need to create lists of economic activities considered
Monetary Authority of Singapore has proposed guide "green." Such green lists or "taxonomies" are now being
lines on environmental risk management for banks, created in a number of jurisdictions, including ASEAN,
asset managers, and insurers. In 2019, the UK set up a Canada, China, the EU, Malaysia, and the UK.
Green Finance Institute, backed by the government but The furthest along in this regard is the European Union.
staffed by bankers, to convene and lead sectoral coali The EU Taxonomy, first published in draft format in March
tions of experts to broaden and promote the growth of 2020, sets performance thresholds (referred to as "techni
a green finance ecosystem. Luxembourg has a body with cal screening criteria") for economic activities, by sector
a similar mission, the Luxembourg Sustainable Finance and subsector. To c ount as "sustainable," activities must (a)
Initiative. make a substantive contribution to one of six environmental
Some of these networks are themselves transnational. objectives, (b) do no significant harm to the other five, and
Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S), founded in 2017, (c) meet minimum safeguards (e.g., the OECD Guidelines
is a network to promote sustainability among 30 financial on Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles
centers, with public entities promoting their respective cit on Business and Human Rights).
ies serving as the FC4S members. Green taxonomies are intended to inform policy, regulatory,
The FC4S has a permanent secretariat, which provides and market decisions. For example, they are often accom
research on emerging issues, guidance on best practices, panied by requirements to disclose the quantity of green
and project development and support services to its economic activities in investment products. This can then
members. result in green labels for such products to help guide retail
An important subsequent initiative bringing together intention to incorporate the forthcoming ISSB standards
central banks and regulators to work on climate integra into their mandatory disclosure frameworks (refer to Chap
tion, and helping to spread best practices, has been the ter 2 for more details).
Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS). It Where the potential impacts of climate risks are assessed
promotes collaboration and the sharing of expertise on to be material, supervisors may then expect or require firms
climate risk among supervisory institutions. It was founded to demonstrate how they will mitigate these risks. In gen
by three European central banks-those of the UK, France, eral, climate-related prudential policies do differ somewhat
and the Netherlands-but the network now counts over across countries, due to the different mandate scope of
120 members from all continents. relevant institutions and systematic differences in the use of
climate denialist politicians and public figures. sors Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS). Its
first comprehensive report, published in April 2019, stated
that "there are compelling reasons why the NGFS should also
4.6 Nature, Biodiversity, and Climate look at environmental risks [beyond climate change] relevant
Change to the financial system. For instance, environmental degrada
tion could cascade to risks for financial institutions, as reduced
Climate risks are material and are already affecting asset
availability of fresh water or a lack of biodiversity could limit
values in different sectors and geographies, with implica
the operations of businesses in a specific region. These could
tions for both individual companies and the global financial
turn into drivers of financial risks and affect financial institu
system. To help address this, the Task Force on Climate
tions' exposures to those businesses. Also, it is important to
related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) was launched at
be aware of potential greater impacts due to the combined
COP21 in Paris and charged with "developing voluntary,
effects of climate and environmental risks. Against this back
consistent, climate-related financial risk disclosures for use
ground, the NGFS expects to dedicate more resources to the
by companies in providing information to investors, lenders,
analysis of environmental risks going forward."
insurers, and other stakeholders."
In April 2021, the NGFS launched a Study Group on "Biodi
However, climate change is not the only significant, non
versity and Financial Stability," and in June 2021, the Task
linear, and potentially existential environmental risk facing
force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) was
companies and investment portfolios, and GHG emissions
formally established with widespread support from financial
are not the only environmental impact arising from invest
institutions, corporates, governments and civil society,
ments. Habitat degradation and the resulting loss of natural
including endorsement from the G7 Finance Ministers and
capital are also material to a range of sectors and geogra
G20 Sustainable Finance Roadmap.
phies, and they have the potential to create systemic chal
lenges to global economic and financial systems, and to The TNFD framework will adopt the four-pillars of the
societies around the world. These broader nature-related TCFD: governance, strategy, risk management, metrics, and
future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation. In an beyond in all of the policy scenarios explored in the
analogous way, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Plat report, except those that include transformative change
form on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is an due to the projected impacts of increasing land-use
independent intergovernmental body that provides similar change, exploitation of organisms, and climate change,
assessments on biodiversity and nature to governments. although with significant differences between regions.
IPBES's last Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and This scientific assessment, combined with the TNFD and
Ecosystem Services was published in 2019 and was the first growing supervisory interest from members of the NGFS,
in almost 15 years (since the release of the Millennium Eco suggest that nature-related risks will be a growing practice
system Assessment in 2005) to assess the status and trends area within sustainability risk management. It is also an area
of the natural world, the social implications of these trends, with strong mutually reinforcing connections to climate
their direct and indirect causes, and what actions can still be change mitigation and adaptation. Increased concentrations
taken to stop biodiversity loss and habitat destruction. The of GHG result in global warming, with significant impacts
following conclusions can be made: on the stock of natural assets. Similarly, changes in biodi
versity affect carbon, nitrogen, and water cycles, negatively
• Three-quarters of the land-based environment and about
impacting the climate system. Biodiversity loss and habitat
two-thirds of the marine environment have been signifi
destruction at unsustainable levels, as is currently the case,
cantly altered by human actions;
undermines the capacity of planetary-scale cycles to limit
• More than a third of the world's land surface and nearly rising temperatures and makes humans less resilient to the
three-quarters of freshwater resources are now devoted physical impacts of climate change. The recommendation
to crop or livestock production. from a recent joint IPCC and IPBES workshop was clear:
• The value of agricultural crop production has increased Mankind needs to solve both the climate and nature crises,
by about 300% since 1970, raw timber harvest has risen or it will not solve either ( sites/default/
by 45% and approximately 60 billion tons of renewable files/2021-06/20210609 _workshop_report_ embargo_3pm_
and non-renewable resources are now extracted globally CEST_ 10_june_0.pdf).
every year-having nearly doubled since 1980.
• Land degradation has reduced the productivity of 23%
4. 7 Broader Societal Implications and
of the global land surface, up to US$577 billion in annual
global crops are at risk from pollinator loss and 100-300
million people are at increased risk of floods and hurri Reviewing policies formulated at international summits,
canes because of loss of coastal habitats and protection. and at the national level by governments and regula
• In 2015, 33% of marine fish stocks were being harvested tors, may make policy sound like a top-down affair. But
at unsustainable levels; 60% were maximally sustainably on the issue of climate change, corporate and financial
General/Corporate Groupings
Name Members Description
TCFD Cross-sectoral A set of recommendations on disclosing climate-related risks
that has been endorsed by hundreds of firms, both financial
and non-financial
Institutional Investors Asset The organization aims to support and enable the investment
Group for Climate Change managers community in driving significant and real progress by 2030
(IIGCC) and owners toward a net-zero and resilient future through capital allocation,
stewardship, and successful engagement with companies, poli-
cymakers, and fellow investors.
Climate Action 100+ Investors of all A coalition of 575 investors with over USO 54 trillion in assets
kinds under management that targets the world's hundred most
carbon emissions-intensive publicly listed companies, seeking
through collective shareholder engagement to pressure these
companies into alignment with climate goals
Net Zero Asset Owners Asset owners 37 investors who have committed to aligning their entire portfo-
Alliance lios with the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050,
including full alignment with a 1.5 C scenario
Net Zero Asset Managers Asset managers Similar to, and founded on, the model of, the asset owner alli-
Initiative ance, this asset manager initiative is a group of asset managers
that support the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by
2050 and alignment with a 1.5 C scenario.
Net Zero Banking Alliance Global banks An initiative of global banks that have signed up to align with net-
zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and a 1.5 C scenario,
with plans for stringent interim targets for 2030
Glasgow Financial Alliance All financial players GFANZ main goals are to increase net-zero commitments among
for Net Zero financial institutions and establish a forum to address sector-wide
challenges, ensuring high ambition meets credible action.
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. (2020).Under Climate Risk and Financial Institutions: Chal
IFC. (2011).
standing and managing the financial risks of climate change. lenges and Opportunities. Retrieved from Washington, DC:
Retrieved from
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related and environmental risks: Supervisory expec- Kuramochi, T., Roelfsema, M., Hsu, A., Lui, S., Weinfurter,
tations relating to risk management and disclosure. A., Chan, S., . . . Hahne, N. (2020). Beyond national climate
Retrieved from https://www.bankingsupervision.europa. action: the impact of region, city, and business commit
eu/ legalframework/publiccons/pdf/climate-related_risks/ ments on global greenhouse gas emissions. Climate Policy,
ssm.202005_draft_guide_on_climate-related_and_environ 20(3), 275-291. doi:10.1080/14693062.2020.1740150
Monetary Authority of Singapore. (2020).
Hansel, M. C., Drupp, M. A., Johansson, D. J. A., Nesje, F., Guidelines on Environmental Risk Management (Banks).
Azar, C., Freeman, M. C., ... Sterner, T. (2020). Climate eco (P003-2020). Retrieved from sg/-/
nomics support for the UN climate targets. Nature Climate media/MAS/News-and-Publications/ConsultationPa
Change, 10(8), 781-789. doi:10.1038/s41558-020-0833-x pers/2020/Consultation-Paper-on-Proposed-Guidelineson
(2020).Taxonomy: Final report of the Techni- Napoli, C. (2012). Understanding Kyoto's Failure. The SAIS
cal Expert Group on Sustainable Finance. Retrieved review of international affairs, 32(2), 183-196. doi: 10.1353/
from https:// sais.2012.0033
4.1 What was the first international legally binding climate 4.5 What are examples of climate microprudential
accord to agree on specific emissions reductions? policies?
A. The European Union for cumulative, the 4.6 Which of the following is a common climate-related
United States for current macroprudential policy?
B. The United States for cumulative, China for current A. Climate stress-test
C. China for cumulative, India for current B. Stranded asset quality review (SAOR)
D. The United States for both C. Requirement linking executive pay with climate
4.3 What are the two carbon pricing policies that cover
the most sectors economy-wide? D. Mandatory firm-level climate metrics and targets
B. EV purchase subsidies and renewable portfolio A. An activity where environmental activists pour
standards green paint on symbols of pollution, such as power
plant smokestacks
C. Carbon taxes and cap-and-trade schemes
B. Illicit financial flows where money laundering is
D. Green public procurement and building heating
conducted under the pretense of investing in
clean, sustainable technologies
4.4 What is a feed-in tariff?
C. Misrepresenting the degree to which a particular
A. A guaranteed price per unit of electricity, at which
asset or portfolio is exposed to climate-related
producers can sell for a fixed period of time
physical and transition risks
B. A long-term price for a natural gas contract, as
D. Marketing that portrays products or activities as
priced at a particular node in a pipeline network
producing positive environmental outcomes when
C. A tax imposed on newly produced cars with CO2 this is not actually the case
tailpipe emissions above a certain threshold
4.1 C 4.5 B
4.2 B 4.6 A
4.3 C 4.7 D
4.4 A
■ Learning Objectives
After reviewing this chapter, you should be able to:
• Understand the application of sustainable, green, and • Define and describe sustainability-linked bonds and
climate finance. loans.
• Identify trends and flows in sustainable, green, and • Explain the core components of the Sustainability
climate finance. Linked Loan and Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles.
• Describe green, social, and sustainable bonds. • Describe sustainable funds, green funds, and other
sustainable finance products.
Explain the core components of the Green Bond
Principles. • Understand the integration of ESG and climate issues
into investment and lending decisions.
• Explain green loans and their markets.
Understand how shareholders impact sustainability Key Learning Points
strategy of a company.
• Sustainable finance refers to any kind of financial product
Describe the existing and emerging approaches to or service that takes sustainability into account. Green
defining sustainable and green finance. finance is specifically environmental financing, and climate
finance is climate-related financing.
• Explain the trends in ESG disclosure requirements for
• Sustainable finance and climate finance have both seen
significant growth in recent years. The single larg-
• Identify regulatory trends in sustainable and green est actor providing financial flows for climate projects
finance. are public-sector development banks. The growth in
membership and total size of climate- and sustainability
related private-sector coalitions highlights their
This chapter focuses on financial-market develop
• Green bonds are bonds whose proceeds are ear
ments relating to sustainability issues and climate
related risks and opportunities. The chapter begins marked for environmental projects. They combine
by explaining what constitutes "green" and "sustain several innovations: They are separately labeled, their
able" finance and covers trends and investment flows. proceeds are ring-fenced, and the (planned) use of
It then includes a detailed examination of specific sus proceeds is reported both to prospective bondholders
tainable and green finance instruments and products, ex ante and to current bondholders once projects are
such as green bonds, green loans, and sustainability implemented.
linked bonds and loans. The chapter considers the • Other sustainable financial instruments include social
integration of environmental, social, and governance bonds, where proceeds are earmarked for social ben
(ESG) issues into investing, both through analysis and efit; sustainability bonds with dual environmental
through investor engagement. The chapter finishes and social benefits; green loans, which are similar to
with existing and emerging taxonomies and regula green bonds but are loans; and sustainability-linked
tory definitions, building on the policy material cov bonds and loans, where the bond coupon or loan
ered in Chapter 4. interest rate is tied to the achievement of sustainability
• The market for sustainable funds is large and growing
Chapter Outline and consists of both funds composed of sustainable
instruments (e.g., green bond funds) and funds with
5.1 Introduction to Green and Sustainable Finance
shares in sustainable companies.
5.2 Trends and Flows in Sustainable and Climate Finance • Many financial institutions practice ESG integration,
5.3 Sustainable and Green Financial Products and which involves using and collecting data on material ESG
Instruments issues, integrating it into investing and lending decisions,
and engaging with investee companies.
5.4 ESG and Climate Integration in Investing
• As the market has matured, there is greater regulatory
5.5 Existing and Emerging Definitions and Taxonomies
involvement and a move to standardize definitions
5.6 Conclusions and Prospects across borders.
Given the increasing awareness of sustainability, there has A similar trend can be seen in the field of climate finance.
been a temptation and tendency on the part of financial A common way to measure trends in this market is to track all
firms to label their offerings or their practices "sustainable" the financial flows that are used for climate change-related
without a harmonization of definitions. Industry standards projects and investments, regardless of their source-whether
and oversight has evolved both through self-policing from in the public or private sector or in financial or non-financial
industry associations and as a result of regulatory action. firms. Here, the comprehensive datasets compiled by the
$900 bn
$850 bn
$800 bn
$700 bn
$655 bn
$600 bn
$605 bn
$500 bn $539 bn
$471 bn $454 bn
$400 bn
$391 bn
$300 bn
$200 bn
$100 bn
$0 ------------------------------
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Climate Policy Initiative, provide a good reference point the Net Zero Asset Owner Coalition, a group of investors
(see Figure 5.1), and similarly show the rapid growth in this dedicated to aligning their entire portfolios with the goal
space in recent years. of net-zero emissions by 2050, grew from 12 members
representing USD 2.4 trillion in assets to 84 members with
Yet another way to gauge the surge in sustainable and cli
11 trillion (see Table 5.1).
mate investing is to look at the proliferation and growth of
investor groupings and coalitions dedicated to sustainability Finally, one can also see this growth when looking at the
and climate issues, as covered in Chapter 4. For example, evolution in the market of sustainable finance instruments
in under two years from September 2019 to spring 2021, and financial products.
M#1J:j!IM NQ-JkhiM
Which type of organizations are sources or What mix of financial Government funds to ot�r What types of What is the
intermediaries of capital for climate finance? instruments are used? public. sources o� not f!!stimated activities are financed? finance used for?
Buildings & I
inlrastrudure $52,
cross-sedoral $48
(/1 market rate debt Land Use $1§_
C: Energy systems
:I Mitigation
(debt portion)
!! $112
s: Balance sheet
financing Transport
(equity portion)
Reprinted with permission of Climate Policy Initiative.
r+ dH'ik¥fJ
Climate Action 100+ 2017 225 $26.3tn 700+ (2022) $68tn (2022)
5.3 Sustainable and Green Financial and the (planned) use of their proceeds is reported both to
prospective bondholders ex ante and to current bondhold
Products and Instruments
ers once projects are implemented. In this way, they differ
This section reviews sustainable financial instruments and from typical corporate or government bonds, which func
products. These come in various forms, and different instru tion as general-purpose borrowings, where the issuer can
ments involve different sorts of counterparties. Green or then use the proceeds as needed.
sustainability loans, like typical corporate loans, tend to
be an agreement between a small number of banks and a Green bonds were pioneered by multilateral development
borrowing company. Green and other sustainability bonds banks. In 2007, the European Investment Bank issued a
are used by all kinds of private and public entities to raise "climate awareness bond," and in 2008, the World Bank used
funds; as with other kinds of bonds, their issuance is under the term "green bond" to describe debt issuance. Since
written by banks, and they are traded on secondary mar these early developments, the use of these instruments has
kets. For institutional or retail end investors, sustainable or increased exponentially. The EIB's initial USD 800 million
green fund products are available. These may consist of sus green bond issuance has grown to USD 270 billion in 2020.
tainable instruments (a bond fund made up of green bonds) One of the challenges in this market is that green bond issu
or of other assets (e.g., shares of sustainable companies). ances are, so far, largely self-defined and self-policed by the
market under broad, industry-led principles and definitions
In general terms, sustainable financial products come in three
such as the Green Bond Principles from the International
broad varieties. For some, the use of proceeds is earmarked
Capital Market Association (ICMA). However, regulators are
and ring-fenced for sustainable use (e.g., green bonds). For
also moving toward setting definitions, as exemplified by the
sustainability-linked instruments, the financial instrument
E.U. green bond standard (see Section 5.4).
itself is linked to sustainability targets, such as through an
interest rate penalty or reward on achievement of a specified As issuance has grown, the issuer base of green bonds has
target. For still other products, sustainability acts as selection diversified and the market has matured. From its origins
criteria for inclusion (e.g., in a sustainable equity fund) or for within public-sector development banks, green bond issu
targeted engagement with the management of a company. ance has been embraced by both private- and public-sector
borrowers, ranging from companies and banks to national
and municipal governments. An ecosystem has sprung up
5.3. 1 Green, Social, and Sustainable Bonds around green bonds. As with traditional bonds, investment
Green bonds are bonds whose proceeds are earmarked for banks handle the underwriting of issuance. In addition to
environmental projects. They combine several innovations: seeking credit ratings, it has become established industry
They are separately labeled, their proceeds are ring-fenced, practice for green bond issuers to seek a rating or "second
• pollution prevention and control Green Bond Frameworks: Issuers should explain
the alignment of their Green Bond or Green Bond
• environmentally sustainable management of living
programme with the four core components of the
natural resources and land use GBP[ ...]in a Green Bond Framework or in their legal
• terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity conservation documentation. Such Green Bond Framework and/or
legal documentation should be available in a readily
• clean transportation
accessible format to investors.[ ...]
• sustainable water and wastewater management
External Review: It is recommended that issuers appoint
• climate change adaptation (an) external review provider(s) to assess through a pre
issuance external review the alignment of their Green Bond
• circular economy adapted products, production
or Green Bond programme and/or Framework with the
technologies and processes four core components of the GBP[ ...]as defined above.
• green buildings Post issuance, it is recommended that an issuer's man
[. . . ] agement of proceeds be supplemented by the use of an
external auditor, or other third party, to verify the inter
2. Process for Project Evaluation and Selection: The issuer nal tracking and the allocation of funds from the Green
of a Green Bond should clearly communicate to investors: Bond proceeds to eligible Green Projects. [ ...]
- the environmental sustainability objectives of the eli
Source: Green Bond Principles Voluntary Process
gible Green Projects; Guidelines for Issuing Green Bonds June 2021 (with
- the process[. . .]determin[ing]how projects fit within June 2022 Appendix). Reprinted by permission from
the eligible Green Projects categories; International Capital Market Association.
opinion" on the environmental credentials of green bonds evolved. Social bonds are bonds with earmarked proceeds
from organizations such as CICERO, a Norwegian research for projects that will bring social benefits. As with green
organization, or Sustainalytics, a consultancy. Although bonds, the impetus initially came from a public-sector
green bonds were the first labeled sustainable bond and financial institution, in this case Spain's lnstituto de Credito,
make up the largest portion of sustainable bond issuance, which issued the first social bond in 2015 to finance small
in recent years, other types of sustainable bonds have and medium enterprises in disadvantaged parts of Spain.
■ Green ■ Social ■ Sustainability
SLB ■ Transition
0 iiiii
<2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
© Climate Bonds Initiative, 2022.
UBS ETF (LU) MSCI World Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis 3.37
Data from JustETF, 2023. JustETF is a brand of JustETF GmbH. Reprinted by permission from
5.4 ESG and Climate Integration A good anecdotal example of issues with ESG scores is the
in Investing case of Tesla, the American electric vehicle company. It is
ranked very highly by MSCI on environmental issues and
This section reviews the ways in which investors and lend
moderate on governance, whereas FTSE, a competing pro
ers integrate ESG and climate considerations into their
vider, ranked it poorly on both. In this case, FTSE only took
financing activities, building on the discussion of ESG in
into account emissions from Tesla factories, not emissions
Chapter 2. T his kind of broad integration is becoming more
saved by Tesla's electric vehicles during their lifecycle, as
necessary as financial institutions commit their entire corpo
MSCI did. On governance, FTSE scored Tesla poorly due
rate strategies and portfolios to certain climate goals, such
to lack of disclosure of information, whereas MSCI used an
as alignment with net-zero emissions by 2050.
average score for the auto industry.
5.4. 1 Use of Data and Scores On climate change specifically, the available data is not
straightforward either. For transition risk, carbon dioxide
Integrating climate or broader ESG issues into investment
or greenhouse gas emissions seem like a neutral and easily
and lending decisions starts with metrics-a numerical
cross-comparable quantitative metric, but they are often
gauge for ESG and climate risks and exposures. On broader
estimated rather than reported by the company itself. On
ESG topics, scores and ratings are the most widely used
physical climate risk, investors and lenders are typically reli
approach by investors and lenders to gauge the perfor
ant on physical risk scores that have similar shortcomings to
mance of investee or debtor companies. A number of data
ESG scores (see Chapter 3).
providers offer their services in this space, including Bloom
berg, Refinitiv, MSCI, Sustainalytics, FTSE, ISS, and Vigeo
Eiris, to name just the main ones. 5.4.2 Integration into Investment Decisions
and Portfolio Analysis
ESG ratings are intended to express and distill a holistic
assessment of a company into one, easily understood and Many investors and lenders are increasingly integrating ESG
cross-comparable score or rating. ESG ratings methodologies and climate considerations into their operations, or they
typically use a scoring approach, incorporating a wide range are planning to do so given their firm-wide sustainability
of quantitative and qualitative indicators. T he underlying commitments.
Each pillar is organized into underlying themes: Pillar and Theme Scores derive
from the weighted average of underlying Issue Scores
Indicators: Indicators:
Indicators: Indicators: Indicators: Indicators:
Business Business
Strategy Strategy Business Strategy
Segments; Segments;
Programs & Programs & Geographic Programs &
Geographic Geographic
Initiatives Initiatives Segments; Initiatives
Segments; Segments;
Performance Performance Co-spec Performance
Co-spec Co-spec
Controversies Controversies indicators Controversies
indicators indicators
Raw Data:
Company financial and sustainability disclosure, specialized government & academic data sets, media searches
Adapted from MSC/ "Comparing Risk and Performance for Absolute and Relative ESG Scores. An Empirical Analysis
Using MSC/ ESG Scores 2020."
Chapter 5 Green and Sustainable Finance: Markets and Instruments ■ 111
In practice, there is a spectrum of organizational structures for the financing of tar sands, offshore oil & gas, hydrau
and states of readiness within financial firms. At some firms, lic fracturing, and Arctic oil projects (Rainforest Action
there is a separate ESG or sustainability division, separate Network et al., 2020).
from the main investment or lending functions of the firm,
that informs and guides these functions indirectly. Their
ESG division output, in the form of sustainability research
5.4.3 Shareholder Engagement
and company level analysis, is available for portfolio manag Investor engagement with company management around
ers and other staff who are initiating transactions to con sustainability has become an increasingly important channel
sider if desired. At other firms, a separate division exists, for the financial sector to exert influence and thereby bring
but it is more closely integrated into the work of portfolio about corporate change. Financial firms practice engage
managers and investment teams, with investment decision ment for a variety of reasons, including gaining credibility
makers required to complete some kind of ESG assess with clients, mitigating financial risks resulting from ESG
ments in their investment analysis and consult with the related issues, aligning with corporate strategy, and pres
firm's in-house experts. Full ESG integration is where every sure from regulators. The scale of engagement activities
analyst, portfolio manager, and decision-maker is trained, pressures can pressure large, emissions-intensive corpora
understands ESG issues, and applies ESG to their job func tions to become more sustainable and, in aggregate, pro
tion. Here, ESG expertise and practice is so widespread that duce macroeconomic effects.
a separate team is not as important.
Initially, a principal focus of shareholder engagement was to
There are also a number of means through which investors push companies for better disclosure of ESG performance
and lenders can collect ESG data on investee and debtor metrics (e.g., carbon emissions, water usage) and sustain
companies. The primary sources for ESG scores and ratings ability policies. Investors have used shareholder resolutions
are 1) external providers, 2) discussions with the company, and engagement as well as public advocacy, to call for
3) corporate sustainability reports, and/or 4) regulatory dis increased and improved calculation and disclosure on ESG
closures. Finally, ESG issues can be integrated throughout factors (Srinivas, 2015). Part of the push for disclosure has
investment, management, and operational processes, from also come from regulators, notably through the TCFD.
initial investment through to regular portfolio and risk man
In 2021, shareholder engagement went even further,
agement analysis (see Figure 5.5).
demanding that investee companies align with certain
ESG integration is practiced in a number of ways by various targets, such as, Paris alignment, or publishing credible
institutional investors and banks, with slightly differing pro plans for implementing a corporate transition to a net-zero
cesses and emphases on different sorts of information sources emissions-compatible business model. Companies that do
(see examples). However, ESG integration does not occur in not oblige are "named and shamed," and their sharehold
isolation. Often, it is paired with engagement with companies ers draw up, and pass, resolutions forcing management to
(see next section) or decisions about company over- or under tackle these issues. Some investment firms have had suc
weights in loan books and investment portfolios. cess at exerting this kind of climate pressure from within.
For example, Legal & General Investment Management
Indeed, although the notion of "divestment" is promoted
(LGIM), a UK asset manager, grades investee companies on
much more enthusiastically by activists than by investors,
their climate performance according to in-house Climate
there are some cases where investors have started to rule
Impact Pledge scores, which LGIM uses to rank companies
out certain kinds of investments on ESG grounds. For
(see LGIM Case Study).
instance, many funds exclude sectors such as weapons,
tobacco, alcohol, and gambling. On climate issues, grow More often, however, investors are finding success as part
ing numbers of banks are announcing the phase-out of new of larger coalitions, such as Climate Action 100+. With
coal lending (BankTrack, 2020). Many have also commit 700 members representing USO 68 trillion in assets under
ted to restrictions, exclusions, or additional requirements management, signatories to Climate Action 100+ make up
ESG partly
In-house research
Parts of the investment and operational chain where ESG can be integrated
Investing Risk
Internal and Portfolio management
lending analysis and internal
decisions audit
The American asset manager uses two pillars to inte In 2017, Columbia Threadneedle decided to build a solu
grate ESG into its investment process, the first focusing tion for itself to cut through the tangle of different com
on material environmental and social issues, and the mercially available ESG ratings. Drawing on its own 130
second on governance. The firm uses the Sustainability financial analysts and research staff, it developed a pro
Accounting Standards Board (SASB) framework to iden prietary ratings system intended to provide useful invest
tify the factors that are likely to affect companies, indus ment signals. The ratings are based partly on proven
tries, and sectors. The lead portfolio manager or analyst academic models that have demonstrated their reliability
for a company evaluates the firm in detail, including its as strong indicators of companies' financial stewardship.
supply chains, through the use of company disclosure This model is then paired with a second model focused
documents and meetings with firm executives. Neuberger on the financial materiality of ESG factors, which makes
Berman then blends this data, which it sources itself, use of SASB standards to help define materiality. Colum
with ESG ratings from third-party providers. Neuberger bia's model is on a rating scale of 1-5. The asset manager
Berman uses its own scoring model to put together these applies these ratings to approximately 6000 companies.
data points and determine the weighting of a particular
Sources: SASB (2020), SASB (2019).
firm in its portfolio.
a substantial proportion of the shareholders of any publicly enough to show up in third-party data (Barko, 2017; Dyck
listed company, and therefore Climate Action members are et al., 2019).
able to exert much more pressure on management than any
Often, engagement is paired with the threat of divestment,
individual investor could.
which is the ultimate penalty, if all engagement efforts are
There is strong evidence of the power and results achieved unsuccessful. This is also the case for the LGIM approach.
by shareholder engagement in the academic literature. But this threat obviously requires market power and flexibil
One review found that companies comply with shareholder ity to be effective, meaning it can only be credibly made by
engagement requests at success rates ranging from 18% larger asset managers or hedge funds. Passively managed
to 60% (Kolbel et al., 2019). Shareholder proposals have funds, by definition, follow an index and therefore cannot
also been linked to subsequent increases in the ESG rat divest by their own choice. They shift the fund composition
ings of the firms targeted for engagement, meaning that only if the underlying index composition is changed, or if
the results of shareholder engagement can be significant the tracker index of a fund changed.
5.5 Existing and Emerging Definitions information. Naming and marketing rules will restrict the use
of certain sustainability-related terms unless the product has
and Taxonomies
a sustainable investment label, and distributors must ensure
Amid the proliferation of sustainable finance and invest product-level information is available to consumers. The FCA
ments, the need for harmonized definitions has grown. has proposed a general anti-greenwashing rule for all regu
So far, much of this has been satisfied through bottom-up lated firms, emphasizing the need for sustainability-related
approaches from market participants coming together claims to be clear, fair, and not misleading. The industry
through industry associations that agree to voluntary guide feedback from the consultation will continue into 2023.
lines and frameworks. However, there is also growing regu
The new guidance also restricts how some sustainability
latory involvement in this area.
related terminology can be utilized in marketing for prod
Regulatory involvement has come in many different forms and ucts that don't qualify for sustainable labels. The aim is to
depends to some extent on the regulatory frameworks and avoid misleading marketing of products and to increase
traditions in different jurisdictions (as covered in Chapter 4). transparency and consumer confidence in investments. It
places a significant emphasis on the importance of investors
Common-law jurisdictions, such as the UK and its former
to properly substantiate their sustainability claims, rather
colonies, typically rely more on evaluating situations as they
than the regulator itself trying to define every permissible
come up, whereas civil-law jurisdictions tend to specify laws
type of sustainability claim, recognizing that this is a rapidly
and rules in advance. The UK Financial Conduct Authority
evolving area of practice.
(FCA) has taken a case-law approach with its proposals to
clamp down on greenwashing. The FCA aims to enhance In the E.U., regulators are focused on specifying green
consumer trust in sustainable investments by introduc- bond definitions, sustainable fund marketing parameters,
ing sustainable investment labels and consumer-facing and the limits of sustainable economic activities in advance.
disclosures, pre-contractual and ongoing sustainability Indirect regulatory action has also played a role. For instance,
related performance information, and a sustainability entity in jurisdictions where central banks practice monetary easing
report for institutional investors and those seeking more through large-scale bond purchases (i.e., quantitative easing),
Any cogeneration technology can be included in the tax eration of electricity and/or heat, or upgraded to
onomy if it can be demonstrated [. . .] that the life cycle biomethane for injection in the natural gas grid, or
impacts for producing 1 kWh of heat/cool and power are used as vehicle fuel (e.g. as bioCNG) or as feed
below the declining threshold. stock in chemical industry (e.g. for production of H2
Declining threshold: The Cogeneration Threshold is the com and NH 3).
bined heat/cool and power threshold of 100 gCO2e/ kWh.
• This threshold will be reduced every 5 years in line Source: Taxonomy: Final report of the Technical Expert
with a net-zero CO2e in 2050 trajectory Group on Sustainable Finance. Copyright © 2020. This
work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
• The threshold must be met at the point in time when
4.0 International License.
taxonomy approval is sought for the first time
Barko, T. C., M.; Rennebog, L. (2017). Shareholder Engage Cui, Y., Geobey, S., Weber, 0., & Lin, H. (2018). The Impact
ment on Environmental, Social, and Governance Perfor of Green Lending on Credit Risk in China. Sustainability,
mance. S. S. R. N. (SSRN). 10(6).
papers.cfm?abstract_id = 2977219 Dyck, A., Lins, K. V., Roth, L., & Wagner, H. F. (2019,
Berg, F. K., Julian F.; Rigobon, Roberto. (2019). Aggregate 2019/03/01/). Do institutional investors drive corporate
Confusion: The Divergence of ESG Ratings. Social Science social responsibility? International evidence. Journal of
Research Network (SSRN). Financial Economics, 131(3), 693-714.
Chatterji, A. K., Durand, R., Levine, D. I., & Touboul, S. FCA (2022) FCA proposes new rules to tackle green
(2016). Do ratings of firms converge? Implications for washing.
managers, investors and strategy researchers. Strate fca-proposes-new-rules-tackle-greenwashing
gic Management Journal, 37(8), 1597-1614. https://doi. ICMA. (2021). Green Bond Principles. Voluntary Process
org/10.1002/smj.2407 Guidelines for Issuing Green Bonds.
5.1 What is the difference between sustainable and green 5.4 What makes a sustainability-linked bond different
finance? from a green bond?
A. Sustainable finance complies with the TCFD, A. A sustainability-linked bond must always be tied to
whereas green finance complies with the E.U. an SDG.
B. A sustainability-linked bond must be underwritten
B. Sustainable finance refers to finance tied to by a bank, whereas a green bond can be under
sustainability targets, whereas green finance is written by any counterparty.
general-purpose corporate financing.
C. A sustainability-linked bond must be linked to a
C. Sustainable finance includes finance targeted particular project, whereas a green bond is general
at any number of environmental or social goals, purpose.
whereas green finance refers only to environmental
D. A sustainability-linked bond has its coupon linked
to the achievement of specific sustainability
D. Sustainable finance is for the Sustainable Develop targets, whereas a green bond's use of proceeds
ment Goals, whereas green finance is directed at must be earmarked.
5.5 How are ESG ratings typically used?
5.2 Which type of organization is responsible for the A. ESG ratings are used to determine which
greatest share of all climate finance flows?
companies should be included in a sustainable
A. Private-sector banks equity fund.
C. Shareholder engagement is when investors engage B. The EU Taxonomy defines which types of economic
with company management to pressure them to activities, by sector and subsector, count as sus
adopt sustainable business practices and align with tainable, with specific thresholds and conditions.
international sustainability goals.
C. The EU Taxonomy defines which types of finan
D. Shareholder engagement is when shareholders cial instruments are sustainable, with separate
coordinate to organize a leveraged buyout of conditions for green bonds, green loans, and
a company. sustainability-linked bonds and loans.
5.7 What is the EU Taxonomy and how does it define D. The EU Taxonomy defines which types of
sustainability? financing are excluded from eligibility for public
sector climate change adaptation and mitigation
A. The EU Taxonomy defines which types of compa
nies must report which types of ESG information,
with public-interest companies required to adhere
to TCFD recommendations.
5.1 C 5.5 A
5.2 D 5.6 C
5.3 B 5.7 B
5.4 D
■ Learning Objectives
After reviewing this chapter, you should be able to:
• Explain how climate risk manifests as financial risk • Understand transmission channels of climate risk,
through micro and macro economic transmission and how related systemic risks potentially threaten
channels. financial stability.
• Describe how climate risk affects company-level • Describe CVaR and its uses.
risks including operational, credit, liquidity, and
underwriting risks, and whether these risk types pose • Describe the data types, analytical tools, and their
macro-level risks. sources to measure transition and physical risks at the
• Understand the associated risk metrics for and com
ponents of each risk type. • Understand how to measure transition and physical
risks at the portfolio level.
Examine the effects of climate risk on micro
(company-level) risks such as operational, credit, • Examine how climate risk drivers can be incorporated
• Climate risk can also constitute a systemic risk and a
This chapter describes how climate risk, both physi potential threat to financial stability through its impacts
cal and transition risk, is measured and managed, ((as on entire sectors and swathes of the economy.
described in Chapter 3). After an introduction, this • Corporate greenhouse gas emissions are classified by
chapter covers in detail how climate risk transmits
scope. The classifications are as follows: Scope 1 (direct
into more traditional risk categories at the company
emissions), Scope 2 (emissions from energy inputted)
level, including operational risk, credit risk, liquidity
and Scope 3 (indirect emissions from supply chains and
risk, and underwriting risk. It then covers how climate
risk can be a systemic risk with potential threat to
• Understanding transition risks requires data beyond
financial stability, transmitting either through one of
current emissions, notably on emission trajectories, as
the previously mentioned channels or through mar
well as data on a number of drivers ranging from policy
ket dislocations (market risk) or effects on countries
and technological changes to consumer preferences and
(sovereign risk).
market sentiment.
The chapter goes on to describe available data and • Physical risks can be analyzed at the asset level, or, for
analytical tools for measuring both physical and transi
ease of use, through company-level scores. Asset
tion risks, building on material from Chapter 3. Finally,
level analysis is more thorough but also more difficult;
this chapter examines how climate risk can be, and
scores are easier to use and integrate but can some
is being integrated into existing enterprise risk man
times suffer from methodological opacity or lack of
agement (ERM) processes, ranging from governance
cross-comparability between providers.
structures and strategy setting to risk evaluation and
• Climate risk can be integrated into enterprise risk man
disclosure. The material in this chapter sets the stage
agement in all its facets. This includes risk governance,
for Chapter 7, which builds on these topics by looking
strategy, risk assessment, review, and disclosure.
specifically at the application of scenario analysis to
climate risk management.
6.4 Macro Climate Risk: Systemic Risk and Financial Stability impacts of uncertain occurrences. It has long been practiced
by non-financial corporations and financial institutions alike.
6.5 Climate Risk Measurement: Data and Analysis
As with other kinds of risks, climate risk management, when
6.6 Climate Risk within Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
practiced proactively, can help mitigate the impacts of climate
6.7 Conclusions change, both from physical impacts and transition impacts, on
a financial institution's portfolio or corporation's operations.
Key Learning Points
To understand and manage climate risk, it is helpful to
• Measuring and defining climate risk is a prerequisite for examine how climate risk affects various types of financial
being able to manage it-even more acutely so than for risk, such as operational, market, insurance, liquidity, and
many other kinds of risks. credit risk. This is not only because risk managers are more
• Climate risk affects many company-level risks, including familiar with these "traditional" categories of risk, but rather
operational, credit, liquidity, and underwriting risks. because climate change transmits through these various
D Physical hazards
► ► ► ►
rise & Effects on
more Lower Effects on
Greater risk residential
frequent property mortgage
of current, and
storms values securitization
future commercial and mortgage-
flooding property backed assets
• Topographical
maps • Distribution of risk
• Data on flood ■ Disclosure I access to
defenses granular data
Chapter 6 Climate Risk Measurement and Management ■ 125
6.2 Introducing Climate Risk and households can be impacted by property damage,
business interruption, loss of income, changes in demand,
Transmission: Micro and Macro Level
and declines in asset valuation through asset stranding. The
Climate risk drivers can transmit to financial risk through macroeconomy can be affected by shifts in prices, changes
a number of risk types, ranging from operational risk and in productivity, socioeconomic changes, or labor-market fric
credit risk to market risk. This section contextualizes the clas tions. All of these can then cause financial risks to manifest.
sification of these risks before the transmission channels are
However, the micro- and macroeconomic split, with finan
covered in much more detail in Section 6.3 and Section 6.4.
cial risk relegated to a separate category, de-emphasizes
Many classification schemes of climate risk transmission the impacts on the broader financial system, as well as any
channels come from central banks (and umbrella organiza feedback effects between it and the economy.
tions made up of them, such as the Basel Committee on
This chapter's focus is on corporations with less empha
Banking Supervision or the Network for Greening the Finan
sis on households or on the macroeconomy. Section 6.3
cial System). Given these institutions' focus on the health
focuses on company-specific risks, whereas Section 6.4
of the macroeconomy, including maintaining price stability
combines macroeconomic risks with systemic risks and
and employment, their schemes distinguish between micro
those that potentially threaten financial stability. The
economic, macroeconomic, and financial consequences and
following section focuses on six main risk categories,
drivers (see Figure 6.2).
some primarily at the company- or macro-level and others
The NGFS schematic clearly shows how both transition affecting markets. The summary table below highlights
and physical climate risks can cause microeconomic and these risks, which are then analyzed in greater detail in
macroeconomic effects. At the micro level, individual firms the following sections.
Environment- and
Economic transmission channels
climate-related risks
Transition risks Micro Credit risks
• Policy and regulation Affecting individual businesses and households • Defaults by businesses
• Technology and households
Businesses Households • Collateral depreciation
• Property damage and business • Loss of income (from weather
• Consumer preferences
disruption from severe weather disruption and health impacts, Market risks
• Stranded assets and new capital labour market frictions) • Repricing of equities,
expenditure due to transition • Property damage (from severe fixed income, I C
• Changing demand and costs
• Legal liability (from failure to
weather) or restrictions (from
low-carbon policies) increasing
commodities etc. I .Q
mitigate or adapt) costs and affecting valuations
Underwriting risk I u
From A call for action: Climate change as a source of financial risk, April 2019. Reprinted with permission of the Network
for Greening the Financial System.
126 ■ Sustainability and Climate Risk Exam
Micro-level: How do climate risk Macro-level: Potential for
drivers cause company-specific climate to cause systemic /
Risk Type Risk Metrics risks? financial stability risk?
Operational risk • Proportion of facilities Physical risk leading to more frequent, LIMITED-The likelihood of
in risky areas more severe extreme weather can risks occurring increases when
cause property damage and business a sector exhibits high geo-
• Level of company
interruption, both to a business' own graphic concentration.
preparedness facilities and to supply chains. Heat can
also affect worker productivity.
Credit risk • Probability of default Physical risk causing property dam- SIGNIFICANT-Sector-wide
(PD) age and business interruption can asset stranding or changes
lead to loss of revenues and lower in demand can impact sec-
• Loss given default
profits, worsening a firm's financial tor revenues and increase
(LGD) position and increasing probability of sector-level PD, posing finan-
• Exposure at default default. cial stability risks in the case
of important sectors and for
(EAD) Transition risk causing asset strand-
exposed financial institutions.
ing can worsen a firm's financial
position, increasing its probability of
default, ands well as increasing the
loss given default for a lender given
the lower asset valuations.
Liquidity risk • Loan-to-deposit ratio Abrupt physical and transition SIGNIFICANT-A "climate
(banks) risk-related events such as natural Minsky moment" could cause
disasters or abrupt policy changes abrupt and wide enough
• Liquidity ratios
can prompt sharp repricing and sud- repricing and dislocation to
• Bid-ask spread den market re-evaluation of firms' constitute a market liquidity
(markets) viability, leading to liquidity shocks. shock.
This can lead to widening of bid-ask
spreads. Abrupt climate events can
prompt large demand for deposit
withdrawals at banks, raising their
loan-to-deposit ratios.
Underwriting/ • [Change in] insurance Physical risk can lead to higher insur- SIGNIFICANT-If a number
insurance risk premiums ance premiums for corporations, of insurers withdraw or refuse
or, in more severe cases, for certain coverage, this might leave
• Availability of insurance
facilities in extremely vulnerable firms completely without cov-
areas to become uninsurable, with no erage, potentially amplifying
insurance available. risks to financial stability.
Market risk • [Weighted average] Physical and transition risk can SIGNIFICANT-Climate risk
carbon intensity become more widely incorporated is expected to produce sector
in asset prices, both through abrupt and market-wide repricing of
• [Climate] Value at Risk
repricing as well as more gradu- many, if not most assets and
• Portfolio risk scores ally. Large-scale shifts in input and commodities, causing disloca-
product markets affect non-financial tion and potential systemic
corporations. Shifts in asset prices risk.
increase the risk of financial institu-
tions' portfolios.
Sovereign risk • Proportion of budget Physical risk can cause countries that MIXED-Many countries
revenues from fossil are particularly vulnerable, such as have diversified economies
fuels Bangladesh, to have higher costs of and geographies, but some
damage and lower GDP growth, ham- countries are heavily exposed
• Vulnerability to physical pering long-term ability to repay debt. to physical or transition risk
climate risks and are likely to be severely
Transition risk can heavily affect
countries reliant on fossil-fuel produc-
tion for a substantial proportion of
GDP and of government tax revenue.
6.3 Micro (Company-Level) Climate in vulnerable locations and various measures of company
preparedness against external risks Climate models com
bined with detailed data can allow at least some degree of
An important way in which climate risk manifests as anticipation on what physical facilities will be affected by
financial risk is through its effects on microeconomic these external risks.
company-level risks such as operational, credit, liquidity,
One of the strongest effects of climate risk on operational
and insurance risk, each of which are examined in turn
risk is through its effect on external risk. Acute climate
in this section. (Some of these channels can also pose a
change hazards, such as wildfires or floods or chronic cli
systemic risk, which is discussed in Section 6.4 along with
mate hazards, such as sea level rise, can damage or destroy
other transmission channels).
the factories, supply lines, or warehouses needed by a cor
poration or the offices, data centers, or bank branches of a
6.3. 1 Operational Risk financial institution.
Operational risk is the risk inherent in doing business, and To the extent that climate risk transmits into systems risk, it
it reflects potential losses from inadequate or failed internal does so in ways similar to external risk. For example, physi
processes, systems, human error, or outside events such as cal climate hazards such as floods or fireswild can destroy
extreme weather or terrorist attacks. These various causes data centers, causing systems risk to a both financial and
of operational risk can be classified into external risk (from non-financial corporations.
outside events), systems risk; people risk (from human
Climate risk can manifest through people risk in a few differ
error); internal process risk, as well as legal, strategic, and
ent ways. Inadequate staff training or management's lack of
reputational risks.
attention toward physical and transition climate effects can
Since operational risk is multifacted, it can be more difficult lead to these issues being ignored or underplayed within
to measure, but metrics include the proportion of facilities an institution's operations, potentially leading to losses.
Increased temperature
and heatwaves
Diminished worker
productivity [ Systems risk
More frequent floods,
storms, hurricanes
Business and supply
chain interruption
[ People risk
Transition impacts
Facility shutdowns
External risk
Abrupt policy shifts
transition risk
Original PD
and requires high degrees of customization (ed assessment to transition risk, if a company's high emissions factory is hit
(UNEP Finance Initiative, 2018). In general, climate risk is with a regulatory shutdown mandate or a higher carbon tax.
expected to shift the entire PD risk distribution of a bor
The oil & gas sector is a good example of a sector that
rower (see Figure 6.4, labeled for transition risk but appli
has been hit by the stranded asset transmission channel.
cable for all types of climate risk).
Historically, much of the value of such firms has been
One important transmission channel from climate to credit in their reserves and the expectation of their consistent
risk runs through operational risk. A company whose fac or growing revenues. The fact that many of these firms'
tories, warehouses, or supply chains are particularly vulner assets may become stranded because oil demand is
able to extreme weather impacts (physical risk) or to abrupt expected to fall means that these firms may become less
policy changes (transition risk) will have greater business creditworthy than they would in the absence of climate
interruption, resulting in a loss of revenues and profits. Fur change. (Of course, there are still differences within the
thermore, it weakens the company's ability to repay loans sector-for instance, oil companies with very low extrac
compared to a similar company that is not exposed, thus tion costs on their reserves will tend to have a smaller
translating into increased PD and credit risk for a lender. proportion of stranded assets than companies with
Project finance tied to a vulnerable asset, such as a ware assets that are more expensive to extract.)
house at risk of flooding, would be subject to even higher A final, related channel is that of pricing effects-both
PD and LGD than the exposure of an entire company own through markets for inputs (raw materials) and outputs
ing a mix of vulnerable and non-vulnerable assets. (products). If climate risk causes a company's raw materials
to become more expensive, or makes its products less valu
Another important channel operates through valuation
able, this, too, can increase its credit risk. Pricing effects can
effects; that is, asset stranding (as covered in Chapter 3). If
also work the other way and reduce a company's credit risk.
a company's core assets fall in value or even become worth
For instance, companies in the mining sector that extract
less, this significantly affects the financial health of the firm.
minerals important for mass electrification, such as copper
With less valuable assets, a company's liabilities suddenly
for wiring or lithium for lithium-ion batteries, can benefit
weigh a lot heavier on its balance sheets and make it more
from higher prices of these commodities, make greater rev
likely that the company will default on future debts and that
enues and profits, and become more creditworthy than they
LGD will be greater,not to mention that the company will
would have been without climate change.
also hasve less collateral to use to secure funding. The asset
stranding can be due to physical risk, such as a warehouse Policy considerations regarding the rise of credit risk due
in a flood prone area with a much lower resale value, or due to climate risk are being increasingly incorporated by major
Banks are particularly affected by climate risk since liquidity Key metrics to gauge underwriting risk from a corporation's
is of critical importance. Climate risk drivers can prompt perspective are changes in insurance premiums and the
depositors to draw down deposits and debtors to draw availability of insurance. The insurance industry itself uses a
down credit lines at the same time, dramatically increasing variety of metrics and models to arrive at estimates of the
loan-to-deposit ratios. riskiness of the entities it insures, many of which are propri
etary and not the focus here.
Some empirical evidence suggests that this occurs due to
physical climate risks, specifically in the wake of natural Insurance works best when a large pool of participants
disasters, as households and corporations withdraw depos (motorists, corporations, homeowners, etc.) all have a small,
its and draw on credit lines to finance cash-flow needs for and close-to-equal, chance of being struck by misfortune,
recovery. This combination puts pressure on banks' liquidity and when these accidents or other losses follow predictable
and can lead to crystallized liquidity risks (Basel Commit patterns discernible from historical data. Climate risk, partic
tee on Banking Supervision, 2021). This phenomenon could ularly those related to physical impacts, present a challenge
potentially affect other types of financial firms as well. For as they can become highly concentrated. This concentration
instance, if abrupt climate-related drivers prompt inves can result in underwriting damages to facilities and proper
tors to liquidate their fund holdings at the same time as ties in affected areas that are no longer economically viable.
climate drivers are causing market dislocations, this could Examples include buildings in low-lying coastal areas subject
cause some asset managers to suffer liquidity risk. (Market to sea level rise and coastal flooding or buildings in wooded
Another potential concerning source of systemic liquidity risk Of more concern to most market actors, however, are quicker,
would be a "climate Minsky moment." A Minsky moment, in more abrupt pricing shocks and increased volatility. These are
general, is a sudden, major collapse of asset values. In 2016, reflected in key metrics such as Value at Risk (VaR), or the
Mark Carney, then Governor of the Bank of England, warned climate version thereof, climate VaR (see CVaR box). Other
of the potential for a climate Minsky moment in the case of a metrics are useful for individual institutions to gauge their
wholesale, abrupt and broad-based re-evaluation of climate own exposure to climate-related market risk, such as the
risks by markets, causing massive repricing of assets and a weighted average carbon intensity of a portfolio, which is a
pro-cyclical crystallization of losses (Carney, 2016). If severe proxy for transition risk exposure, or portfolio-level physical
enough, such a climate Minsky moment could provoke a risk scores (see also next section, Section 6.5).
-- -r
� 25
u 0 �,- -,-
..J� _; -r-
-- <
en ,-
�en -25 -r
c,O "--.('I>
20 Riskiest Sectors
◊ Weighted Average aggregated Arithmetic Average aggregate Spread between the highest and lowest
Climate VaR in sector I Climate VaR in sector H aggregated Climate VaR in each sector
banks' emissions are categorized as Scope 3, as are the majority But transition risk is not only about current emissions but
of oil & gas firms' emissions (from the combustion of vehicles or also about whether companies have solid and credible
in the power plants of the oil and gas they sell). Meanwhile, utili plans to reduce emissions in the future and to ultimately
ties have a lot of Scope 1 emissions (see Figure 6.6). align their corporate emissions trajectories with national
These carbon emissions data (also called corporate carbon and international goals, such as alignment with the Paris
footprints) have some shortcomings. Most data currently Agreement 2 C target or the target of net-zero emis
come from self-reporting by companies themselves, through sions by 2050. Various approaches seek to measure the
mechanisms such as an annual questionnaire by CDP, an degree of corporate alignment. At the corporate level,
• • •
• .-,-••
- --·
0 50
• •
Ol 40 -----------------•-------------
• ·-•-•
Ql 20 -----------------------•--------
e Scope 2 and 3 Upstream (Supply Chain) e Scope 1 0 Scope 3 downstream (Product Use)
Adapted from Chart 5 Scope 3 of the publication Investor Guide to Carbon Footprinting, published on the 23 of
November 2015 (Kepler Cheuvreux).
Power plant C
ABC Electric Power Inc. (Wind farm)
C o po ate-le el
O PTION1: r r
of emissions
- ABC Electric Power Inc_
� � �
� - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - -
OPTION 2: Corporate-level
estimate of emissions Corporate-le el disclosure of
\ o Plant-level
climate alignment and
\ emissions
phyical/transition risk plans
\ o Plant-level
\ data
More sophisticated transition risk analysis typically requires the Some physical climate risk tools that are one notch above
use of climate scenarios, which is covered in Chapter 7. But for simple raw data (e.g., combining climate hazard data with
the purpose of this chapter, the last important point to men topographical or vegetation data) are available for free
tion regarding transition risk is that even data on both emis from governmental or non-profit organizations. Examples
sions and emissions trajectories are not enough without an include the dataset from Climate Central on projected sea
understanding of the drivers of transition risk such as policies, level rise, which combines sea level estimates with local
changing technologies, shifts in consumer preferences, and topography; the World Resources lnstitute's (WRI) data on
market sentiment (as discussed in Chapter 3). There are inter water stress; and the Max Planck lnstitute's index on wildfire
national agencies, such as the International Energy Agency vulnerability, which combines drought and precipitation
(IEA) or International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA); estimates with vegetation cover.
specialist consultancies, such as Bloomberg New Energy
That being said, many physical risk indicators have been
Finance or Rystad Energy; and large data firms, such as S&P
developed by, and are sold by, specialist for-profit consultan
Global, that offer quantitative and qualitative data on policies
cies. One recent survey identified eight firms or organizations
and new technologies, such as data on pricing of solar mod
that provide investors with physical climate risk analysis tools
ules or lithium-ion batteries. Some types of data are quite dif
of some kind: Acclimatise, Moody's, WRI, Four Twenty Seven
ficult to come by and valuable to market participants, which
(since acquired by Moody's, the credit rating agency), Car
means purchasing information can be quite expensive.
bone 4, Carbon Delta (since acquired by MSCI, a data firm),
Mercer, and a collaboration between Ecolab, Trucost, and
6.5.2 Company-Level Physical Risk Data Microsoft (ClimlNVEST, 2019). Since the survey, Trucost, a divi
sion of S&P Global, the ratings and data firm, has also started
The basic data for gauging physical hazards is provided by
selling physical risk data on firms. McKinsey & Co, the global
global climate models developed by climate scientists for
management consultancy, acquired Vivid Economics and
the periodic reports of the IPCC; an example is the Coupled
Planetrics, two other firms that have also worked with inves
Model lntercomparison Project, versions 5 or 6 (CMIPS
tors on physical risks. Other consultancies beyond these, such
and CMIP6). Only some corporations and financial coun
as XDI or South Pole Group, have been hired by investors on
terparties have the ability and desire to bring the specialist
an ad hoc customized basis on issues of physical climate risk,
knowledge in-house to make direct use of these models.
but they do not provide scores or analysis for broad use.
Moreover, for them to be relevant and usable for firms or
investors, the output of the different models must be rec Company or asset-level physical risk data and scores are argu
onciled and downscaled to give regional or local estimates. ably the most easily interpretable approach to physical risk
Then, it needs to be combined with exposure and vulner analysis in a way that is accessible to lenders, investors, and
ability data (see Schematic: Reaching Physical Risk Esti other stakeholders. Although some of the free datasets offer
mates). The use of climate models to run different scenarios a high level of geographic precision, the output is fairly unre
is covered in Chapter 7 as part of scenario analysis. fined (e.g., whether a given location is above or below the
Global climate model .....
o Data on
o Downscaled
To reach an understanding of physical risks, global must be mapped geographically and combined with
climate models must be downscaled, both in spatial and information on vulnerability and resilience to arrive at
temporal resolution, as they are usually designed for an estimate of physical risks.
global use on multi-decadal timescales; then, exposures
2050 coastal flooding line). A real estate tool such as Moody's, to Ford or Microsoft without the need to delve deeply into
by contrast, allows real estate investors to easily gain a sense the climate models themselves or figuring out exactly where
of the exposure of their assets by overlaying the location VW or Ford have their factories or Microsoft its data cen
of buildings with the tool, which uses normalized numerical ters. The scores are normalized on a 0-100 scale, and they
scales to give a sense of the relative severity of extreme pre are available both by hazard type, and as an overall score.
cipitation, hurricane-force winds, sea level rise, water stress,
These "heavily digested" scores do have their downsides,
and heat stress for a given geographical location or address.
however. The proprietary methods and datasets that they
Company-level scores, as sold by Four Twenty Seven, derive from remain a "black box" to the investors who pur
Carbone 4, and Trucost, take this approach a step further. chase the scores, which is why some investors have opted to
The competing offerings all combine the proprietary meth work with "raw" data themselves or construct in-house scores.
odologies of downscaling and normalizing climate model Many of these scores also attempt to capture several hazards
data with detailed facility-level location information of firms, in one score, meaning that the weighting and averaging meth
mainly of those that are publicly listed. By combining data odology can matter as much to the end result as the underly
on climate hazards with the location of companies' factories ing raw climate data. Due to the inclusion of different hazards,
and warehouses and an estimate of vulnerability, the physi different ways of measuring, and different methodologies,
cal climate risk scores can tell investors about the relative scores from competing providers, or compiled internally by
physical risk of investing in, say, Volkswagen as compared different financial firms, are not necessarily comparable.
D 1% □ 2% □ 4% □ 6% □ □ 8% 9%
Carrefour ■ Orange
■ I ■
Kering LVMH Sodexo
Michelin D
-:t Airbus Accor ■■
� p eugeot Saint-Gobain
u Bouygues
Ul TechnipFMC □ Nokia .Tate l
Schneider Electric
a::: VINCI
V) D Safran
Essilor International --0
·,:; Pernod Ricard ■ □ Sanofi
Air Liquide
Veolia Environnement
■ Danone Valeo □
1. Exercises Board 6. Analyzes Business 10. Identifies Risk 15. Assesses Substantlal 18. Leverages
Risk Oversight Context Change Information
11. Assesses Severity
2. Establishes Operating and Technology
7. Defines Risk Appetite of Risk 16. Reviews Risk
Structures and Performance 19. Communicates
8. Evaluates Alternative 12. Prioritizes Risks
3. Defines Desired Culture Risk Information
Strategies 17. Pursues Improvement
13. Implements Risk
4. Demonstrates In Enterprise Risk 20. Reports on Risk,
9. Formulates Business Responses
Management Culture and
Commitment to Core Objectives
14. Develops Performance
Portfolio View
5. Attracts, Develops and
Retains Capable
Reprinted with permission of Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO).
SB Supervisory board
Level Risk committee �:,
Executive Management board _!)
Level CRO
Risk committees
ALCO bank
Non-financial risk committee
Regional and
BU risk managers
Helpful Harmful
Internal origin Strengths: How can a company apply Weaknesses: Do any peers face similar
its existing strengths to the physical and weaknesses or risks from climate change?
transition challenges of climate change?
External origin Opportunities: Can the company create new Threats: are climate-related (physical or tran-
solutions to climate-related challenges? Is sition) challenges creating threats to future
there a gap that can be addressed? business value?
Source: Adapted from COSO and WBCSD. (2018). Enterprise Risk Management: Applying enterprise risk management to
environmental, social and governance-related risks. Documents/COSO-WBCSD-ESGERM-Guidance-Fu/1.pdf
Two other key components of strategy with regards to climate Risk identification starts with examining the transmission
change, and emphasized by the TCFD, are time horizons channels of climate risk drivers into financial risk (Sections
and outcome variance by scenario, which can be addressed 6.2-6.4) and then identifying which of these are the most
through scenario analysis. Climate-related risks and oppor relevant for a particular organization. Not all climate risks
tunities vary significantly over the short-, medium-, and long present an enterprise-level risk to all companies, and it is
term, and organizational strategy-setting and ERM processes part of risk managers' remit to translate external trends into
to address climate change need to examine different time identifiable risks and assess the impact and severity on the
horizons separately. Climate outcomes also significantly vary organization in question. Beyond simply "listing" pertinent
based on emissions trajectories, for which scenario analysis risks, risk identification involves articulating the potential
can help corporate preparedness (see Chapter 7). impact on business operations and strategy.
Finally, strategy is also about setting goals and targets. On Risk assessment involves gathering data on the actual
climate change, a lot of corporate goal setting revolves around scope of these risks. Investors and banks can use company
climate change mitigation and emissions commitments, level data, including scores on physical and transition risk
including alignment with net zero emissions (for example, as exposure, and they can also conduct portfolio-level analysis
the members of the Net Zero Asset Owners Coalition have to determine whether they have excess overall risk at the
done}, or even commitments to being carbon negative (e.g., portfolio level-or if they would have such a level in an
Microsoft has pledged to remove all carbon dioxide attribut unfavorable climate scenario (as described in Section 6.5, as
able to its historical operations from the atmosphere by 2050). well as in Chapter 3 and in Chapter 7 on scenario analysis).
T hese goals may be driven by a range of motivations, and they A financial institution will tend to do this sort of analysis at a
seek various different risk objectives, such as corporate social counterparty level (see McKinsey case study on banking).
responsibility and keeping up with peers and societal norms
Non-financial companies looking inward at their own
(avoidance of reputational risk) or protection from asset valu
operations will be able to source some data from external
ation through pre-emptive corporate transition (avoidance of
providers or from publicly available sources, such as maps
stranded asset and market risk). But, once these targets are in
of projected sea level rise that can be compared against
place, they also then help to shape future business decisions.
facility and asset locations. But internal risk assessment for
a company will also require assessing the vulnerability and
6.6.3 Performance: Tracking and adaptive capacity of these facilities.
Measuring Risks Risk prioritization is especially important in an ERM con
According to the COSO ERM framework, tracking text, as any large enterprise will be exposed to a multitude
performance for ESG and climate risks consists of three of risks, and it is important to rank these in order of impor
sub-components: risk identification, risk assessment and tance. Ranking methods include ranking by likelihood
prioritization, and the implementation of risk responses. of occurrence, adaptability and complexity, or severity.
0 0 0 0
A. Idiosyncratic Carbon intensity
adjustment Reliance on fossil fuels
0 0
Inherent risk score Inherent transition-risk score
0 0
B. Mitigation
and adaptation , '·1 .,.
Business-model protection '"
in response to climate change "
"l ' -•, '
' '
' , � ·.:- ...,,.,�•)��"': ;,1 ' ;
0 0
; ,_ _
& Company
Exhibit from "Banking imperatives for managing climate risk", June 2020, McKinsey & Company,
com. Copyright (c) 2021 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission.
Fi ure 6.12
related risk drivers and their transmission channels. https:// Klusak, P. A., Matthew; Burke, Matt; Kraemer, Moritz; Mohaddes, Kamiar. (2021). Rising Temperatures, Falling Rat
Bernstein, A., Gustafson, M. T., & Lewis, R. (2019, ings: The Effect of Climate Change on Sovereign Creditwor
2019/11/01/). Disaster on the horizon: The price effect of sea thiness (Bennet Institute Working Papers, Issue.
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6.1 Which of these risks has only limited potential for sys C. Upstream (supply chain) and downstream (product)
temic impact on financial stability? emissions, excluding energy consumed
B. Operational risk 6.4 What are some key shortcomings of physical climate
risk scores?
C. Liquidity risk
A. Physical risk scores incorporate corporate carbon
D. Sovereign Risk
footprints, but not emission trajectories or Paris
6.2 Which of these is not an important climate risk trans
mission channel?
B. Physical risk scores incorporate multiple hazards,
A. Physical risk leads to damage and business inter
but the methods by which these are calculated and
ruption, increasing operational risk and credit risk.
combined remain a "black box" to investors.
B. Transition risk leads to asset stranding, worsening
C. Physical risk scores only account for drought and
companies' balance sheets and leading to higher
rain-based flooding, not coastal flooding or sea
probability of default and higher credit risk.
level rise.
C. Physical risk leads to certain vulnerable geogra
D. Physical risk scores are only available in absolute
phies being very highly exposed and requiring
and not in relative terms.
higher insurance premiums, or even becoming
6.5 Who in a financial institution is increasingly tasked
with being the first to evaluate climate risk in
D. Physical risk leads to damage and supply chain dis
ruption, increasing market-wide liquidity risk.
A. Climate risk experts from the firm's sustainability
6.3 What are Scope 3 GHG emissions for a company?
A. Only emissions produced from direct company
B. Internal auditors
assets (e.g., factories)
C. Risk managers from the firm's risk department
B. Upstream (supply chain) and downstream (product)
D. Transaction decision-makers, such as portfolio
emissions, including energy consumed
managers or relationship managers
6.1 B 6.4 B
6.2 D 6.5 D
6.3 C
■ Learning Objectives
After reviewing this chapter, you should be able to:
• Define climate scenario analysis and explain how • Describe how scenarios and models are used in
organizations use scenario analysis. scenario analysis to assess transition risk.
• Explain the definition and purpose of global net-zero • Explain how scenario analysis is used for assessing
scenarios including carbon removal processes. physical risk.
• Understand IPCC scenarios and associated repre • Examine how all types of corporations (financial and
sentative concentration pathways (RCPs) and shared non-financial) use climate scenario analysis.
socioeconomic pathways (SSPs).
• Describe how financial firms use climate scenario
• Describe IEA scenarios and other key global reference analysis for investment processes and climate risk
scenarios. exposure management.
Understand the key choices that organizations need • Explain different aspects of climate scenario analysis
to consider for scenario development and analysis. using case studies.
pathways (RCPs) and accompanying shared socioeco
This chapter describes how climate change risk nomic platforms (SSPs) that allow for more societal and
can be modeled and analyzed through the use of economic nuance, as well as policy changes, to be incor
scenarios, which can help companies and financial porated into RCPs.
institutions to prepare for various possible physical • Other important providers of reference scenarios are
and transition climate-related outcomes. The chapter
the International Energy Agency (IEA), Greenpeace,
begins with an introduction to scenario analysis as
IRENA, and the NGFS.
a general planning tool for companies. The chapter
• Scenario analysis, while often starting with these refer
then reviews various reference scenarios used by
ence scenarios, requires a number of decisions to be
climate scientists, policymakers, and corporations.
taken. Firstly, various parameters/assumptions must be
Then the chapter examines climate scenario analysis
set, analytical tools chosen, and outputs analyzed and
as applied to physical and transition risk, building on
the material in Chapter 3. The chapter ends with a
• Transition risk scenario analysis can make use of inte
detailed look at use cases of scenario analysis both in
corporations and in a financial context. grated assessment models (IAMs), economic models
that also include representations of societal and environ
mental phenomena and sector-specific decarbonization
Chapter Outline • Physical risk scenario analysis uses physical climate
7.1 Introduction to Scenario Analysis models, but it also benefits from resilience planning. The
physical impacts of climate change are projected to be
7.2 Global Reference Scenarios
relatively similar between now and 2050 under any plau
7.3 Scenario Parameters and Applications to Physical and sible emissions trajectory, which is why short-term sce
Transition Risk nario planning is more about preparedness than variation
Key Learning Points • Financial firms, in addition, use scenario analysis for
portfolio risk management and stress testing as well
• Scenario analysis refers to the use of narratives to
as pre-emptively in portfolio selection. The Securi
sketch out potential future states of the world. While it
ties Exchange Commission (SEC) has been proposing
originated in academic research in the 1950s, it was soon
climate resilience disclosures for public companies.
applied by some large corporations, and it is now widely
used to analyze climate risk.
• Global reference scenarios have been proposed or
adopted by various NGO's including projections of
future emissions, sometimes with socioeconomic narra
tives attached, which are a crucial input for climate sce
nario analysis.
7.1 Introduction to Scenario Analysis
• The most widely-used reference scenarios are from This chapter examines how climate models and sce
the IPCC, including representative concentration nario analysis can be a useful tool for both non-financial
Scenario analysis, in its broadest sense, is the practice wisdom regarding the future using plausible, distinctive,
of planning through describing and sketching the future consistent, relevant, and challenging scenarios (see box).
using plausible narrative stories ("scenarios"). The concept The TCFD essentially recommends flexible, corporate
originated in academic research in the 1950s and is often specific, forward-looking analysis that is not dissimilar to the
credited to Herman Kahn, an American researcher, though approach pioneered at Shell in the 1960s.
In recent years, climate scenario analysis, that is, the use Scenario analysis for climate change varies quite signifi
of climate scenarios for analysis and decision-making, has cantly between the two main types of climate risk, namely
become a preferred tool of both non-financial corporations transition and physical risk (Section 7 .3). For transition risk,
• message.[ ... ]
Scenario analysis is a tool to enhance critical strategic
thinking. Consistent: Each scenario should have strong internal
• A key feature of scenarios is that scenarios should logic. The goal of scenario analysis is to explore the way
challenge conventional wisdom about the future. that factors interact[ ...]
• In a world of uncertainty, scenarios are intended to Relevant: Each scenario, and the set of scenarios taken
explore alternatives that may significantly alter the as a whole, should contribute specific insights into the
basis for "business-as-usual" assumptions. future that relate to strategic and/or financial implica
tions of climate-related risks and opportunities.
Scenario Characteristics
Challenging: Scenarios should challenge conventional
Plausible: The events in the scenario should be pos wisdom and simplistic assumptions about the future[ ...]
sible and the narrative credible (i.e., the descriptions[... ] [and] business-as-usual assumptions.
should be believable).
Source: Reprinted with permission of the Task Force on
Distinctive: Each scenario should focus on a Climate-Related Financial Disclosures.
different combination of the key factors. Scenarios
non-financial corporations or financial institutions typically or financial institutions between continued flat or rising
examine whether their facilities, strategies, and portfolios emissions ("business as usual") as compared to hitting goals
align with one of the global projected emissions trajecto such as net-zero emissions by 2050, which requires drastic
ries. Or else, they examine the potential effects of climate cuts by 2030.
policy tightening (e.g., a higher carbon tax) on their opera
tions and plans. For physical risk, emissions trajectories, Finally, the use cases of scenario analysis are varied and
when "plugged in" to a physical climate model, allow for ever broadening. Besides its use in high-level strategy set
producing estimates of temperature rise, precipitation, ting and corporate disclosure, as recommended by the
weather extremes, and other phenomena. But, due to the TCFD, scenario analysis is being integrated in concrete
lag in the global climate system, the physical outcomes ways by non-financial firms and financial ones alike. For
of climate change are practically the same for the next non-financial firms, climate scenario analysis can allow for
few decades (until about 2050) regardless of emissions. concrete preparedness actions to be taken with regard to
Therefore, to improve firms' preparedness and resilience, specific facilities (offices, factories, etc.), and it can be used
for physical risk specifically, scenario analysis is more for capital expenditure investment decisions. For financial
about using the sorts of physical climate impacts that are firms, climate scenario analysis can be useful to gauge
already occurring and expected to continue. For physical portfolio alignment with goals such as the well-below 2 C
risk, emissions trajectories only make a difference on very goal of the Paris agreement, to pre-empt or shape new
long timescales, whereas for transition risk, emissions tra investment decisions by portfolio managers, or to provide a
jectories make a very significant difference even on short top-down "stress test" approach where a portfolio is tested
timescales. There is an enormous difference for companies under certain assumptions and conditions.
UK banks and insurers are making good progress in some peratures, at whatever temperature and over whatever
aspects of their climate risk management, there is still much timeframe, end up at net zero. Figure 7 .1 below shows
to be done to fully understand climate risks, and a lack different pathways for stabilizing temperatures at 1.5 C or
of available emissions data is a big issue. The US admin 2 C, respectively. Some scenarios assume we reduce emis
istration under President Joe Biden has also mandated sions later or more slowly, and although we ultimately reach
America's financial regulators, as of May 2021, to develop net zero, the emissions produced over a slower and later
most widely agreed upon, and the most widely used refer
ence scenarios, come from the Intergovernmental Panel on Cl)
Climate Change (IPCC), with those from the International O
Energy Agency and a few other key organizations also in 10
common use.
7.2. 1 Net Zero 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070
Net zero means reducing global emissions ("sources") to zero
in almost every sector of the global economy and balancing @jljlfl• Different net-zero pathways result in
out any residual emissions that cannot be eliminated with different temperature outcomes.
in areas such as population, economic growth, education, climate modelers now use a combination of SSPs and RCPs.
level of globalization, level of urbanization, and the rate of When examined purely through the output of emissions
technological development. pathways, the outputs look fairly similar (see graph), but
the SSPs nonetheless add value in significant other ways.
The five SSP scenarios range from better to worse climate
For example, SSPs may be useful for transition and liability
change outcomes. SSP-1 sketches out a scenario of signifi
risk assessment, and for evaluating opportunities. In gen
cant focus on sustainability; SSP-2 is a "business as usual"
eral, because they allow many ways to achieve the same
scenario; SSP-3 involves regional rivalry between countries;
(or similar) emissions outcomes, they provide more flexibil
SSP-4 has a high degree of inequality; and SSP-5 posits
ity for models and scenarios.
fossil-fuel development.
The SSP base scenarios deliberately do not include climate Having the SSPs alongside, but separate from, RCPs allows
policies. The reasoning is that the SSPs can be combined the two to be mixed and matched. This permits the explo
with different RCPs to explore the climate policy options ration of climate policy options and their impact on energy
and assumptions that are necessary to limit global warm use, land use, emissions, and economic activity in a matrix
ing to a particular target level. Specifically, shared climate type format. To compare matrix rows is to compare differ
policy assumptions capture key policy attributes such as the ent levels of climate policy stringency (as rows are different
goals, instruments, and obstacles of mitigation and adapta RCPs); to compare matrix columns is to compare different
tion measures, and they introduce an important additional baseline socioeconomic situations, but the same level of
dimension to the scenario matrix architecture. climate policy stringency (different SSPs) (see Figure 7.3).
For instance, RCP2.6 and RCP1.9 are both possible to However, not all RCPs are achievable under all SSPs-a
achieve under the baseline SSP1 assumptions, but with high-mitigation scenario is not feasible under the SSP3
tighter climate mitigation policies in the latter. RCP2.6 is a "regional rivalry" assumptions. The models that can assess
plausible emissions pathway under both SSP1 and SSP2, the combination of social, economic, energy, emissions, and
but the underlying socioeconomic drivers and outcomes climate factors are called integrated assessment models.
are different.
As important as the IPCC's RCPs and SSPs are as a refer
Because the SSPs took longer to elaborate than the RCPs, ence point, the IPCC is not the only organization to have
they were not included in the 2014 or 2018 IPCC reports, put out scenarios. Several other organizations' projections
but they are included from 2021 onwards. So instead of are also used widely by governments, companies, and finan
sketching an emissions pathway that is merely RCP2.6, cial institutions.
V) 60.0
1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100
When compared side by side, the pure RCP emissions much larger expected negative emissions at the end of
trajectories previously used by the IPCC (dotted lines) the century than in the original scenario. The SSP sce
and the combined SSP-RCP trajectories that will be used narios are also useful in adding flexibility because they
from 2021 onwards (solid lines) do not look radically allow for multiple ways to achieve the same (or similar)
different. But there are some notable differences. For emissions outcomes.
instance, the mix of CO2 and non-CO2 (e.g., methane)
emissions are different even between trajectories that "Explainer: How 'Shared Socioeconomic Pathways'
result in the same amount of end-of-century radiative explore future climate change" (April 2018) Chart
forcing. Also, the old RCPs started in 2007, and the new produced for Carbon Brief by Glen Peters and Robbie
pathways start in 2014. The 2°C-compliant SSP1-RCP2.6 Andrews from the Global Carbon Project, https:/lwww.
has a higher starting point than the old RCP2.6, reflect
ing higher emissions in the 2007-2014 period and a pathways-explore-future-climate-change/. Reprinted by
slower initial decline, both of which are made up for by Permission from Carbon Brief.
7.2.3 IEA and Other Reference Scenarios The IEA has also modeled net-zero emissions by 2050 sce
narios. After years of being criticized for consistent underes
There are a limited number of global, macroeconomic cli
timation of the potential for renewables and expecting the
mate scenarios and predicted emissions trajectories from
persistence of fossil fuels, the IEA's report on net-zero of May
organizations beyond the IPCC that are used widely enough
2021, its most comprehensive up to that point, laid out a much
to be considered reference scenarios.
more ambitious path to the achievement of net-zero (see box).
Most important among these are the scenarios developed The IEA has occasionally modeled other scenarios as well, such
by the International Energy Agency (IEA). The IEA's two as a delayed economic recovery scenario in 2020 in response
core scenarios are the 1) Stated Policies Scenario, which to the global COVID-19 pandemic, and the impacts of Russia's
reflects existing policy frameworks and announced policy invasion of Ukraine on Global Energy markets.
intentions, and 2) the Sustainable Development Scenario
(SDS), which combines climate and social targets and limits Besides the IEA, there are a handful of other energy
warming to 2 C in line with Paris targets. transition and climate scenarios in wide use, such as the
-0-- --
---0-- - -
---0-- ---0-- ---0-- ---0-- ---0--
---0-- ---0-- 0 ---0-- 0
---0-- 0 0 0 0
■ Baseline O Feasible for all IAMs O Feasible for some IAMs O Infeasible
This graphic shows how the baseline SSP assumptions Reprinted from Senses (2020), Climate Change Scenario
map onto RCP emissions trajectories (blue bars), Primer with permission of the Potsdam Institute for
and it maps which RCPs are achievable under which Climate Impact Research.
SSP scenarios, using integrated assessment models.
tive global assessments of the energy sector. However, 120.0 __. PV History please send comments to:
it has been criticized in the past for its perceived excess - WEO 2018 New Policies Scenario (NP$)
caution and friendliness toward the fossil-fuel sector. WEO 2017 NPS
100.0 - WEO 2016 NPS
For instance, for well over a decade, the /EA forecasts
- WEO 2004 REF
on renewable energy uptake have consistently under 80.0 - WEO 2002 REF
estimated their growth. This discrepancy has been the WEO 2015 NP$
largest and starkest within the amount of solar photo - WEO 2014 NPS
voltaic capacity added annually (see Figure 7.4). 60.0 - WEO 2013 NP$
- WEO 2012 NPS
In recent years, the /EA has moved towards analysis of
- WEO 2011 NP$
deeper decarbonization scenarios that do in fact embed 40.0
- WEO 2010 NPS
a strong and quick transition. In 2019, after pressure - WEO 2009 REF
from large institutional investors to include an energy 20.0 WEO 2008 REF
model compatible with 1.5 °C goal, the agency did so in
its 2020 outlook.
By 2021, the /EA published a detailed report and sce 1995 2005 2015 2025 2035
nario for achieving global net-zero emissions by 2050
that represented its most ambitious and comprehensive
analysis of this target to date. This new Net-Zero Sce exploration. To be on track, by 2030, the world needs to
nario left far less room for continued fossil-fuel produc achieve 60% of vehicle sales being electric, a phaseout
tion and use than previous /EA models had. of existing coal plants in developed economies, and over
1 TW of additional solar and wind capacity needs to be
Specifically, the 2021 net-zero scenario sets out a num added per year. By 2040, 50% of buildings need to be
ber of sector specific milestones that the /EA argue retrofitted and electricity generation emissions globally
need to occur to actually reach net-zero by 2050. From need to reach net-zero (see graphic).
2021, the agency says there should be no new coal
power plants, no new coal mines, and no new oil and gas Reprinted with permission of Auke Hoekstra.
Universal energy access
35 Net-zero emissions
electricity globally
30 Almost 70% of
Phase-out of all electricity generation
unabated coal and oil globally from solar PV
25 and wind
power plants
N 20
u 2045
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
Peak Net-zero
emissions emissions
IEA Stated Policies The Stated Policy Scenario reflects the impact of exist- 2030 Not modelled
Scenario (STEPS) ing policy framework and announced policy intentions beyond 2040
to show how current policy ambitions affect the energy
sector through 2040.
Sustainable Devel- The Sustainable Development Scenario is fully aligned 2021 Not modelled
opment Scenario with Paris agreement goals, and it holds global tern- beyond 2040
(SDS) perature rise to below 1.8 C with a 66% probability and
without relying on global-level net negative emissions.
Net-Zero Scenario The Net-Zero scenario is aligned with fully net-zero 2019 2050
[2021] emissions by 2050 across buildings, transport, industry,
and power and heat.
IRENA Planned Energy A scenario based on governments' current energy plans 2030 Not modelled
Scenario and nationally determined contributions beyond 2050
1.5 ° C Scenario A pathway aligned with net-zero emissions by 2050 and 2021 2050
thus with maintaining warming below 1.5 C
Greenpeace Advanced Energy Pathway to a fully decarbonized energy system by 2050 2020 2050
Institute for Deep Decarbon- Country-level pathways for emissions reductions that n/a n/a
Sustainable ization Pathways are consistent with a global 2 C goal
Development Initiative
NGFS Orderly Scenario Climate policies are introduced early and gradually 2020 2060
tightened, leading to a steady fall in all greenhouse gas
emissions. Warming is likely to be limited to below 2 C.
Disorderly Transi- Climate policies are introduced later and more abruptly 2030 2050
tion Scenario from 2030. Emissions reductions are sharper, leading to
higher transition risk.
Hothouse Earth Current policies are preserved, and Paris goals are not 2080 No net zero
Scenario met. Emissions continue to grow until 2080, leading to
more than 3 °C of warming and significant physical risks.
Source: /EA (2021), Net Zero by 2050, /EA, Paris https:/, License: CC BY 4.0.
International Renewable Energy Agency's REmap (from of central banks and financial supervisors. While their mate
2016) and Greenpeace's Advanced Energy Revolution. rials have been primarily intended for central banking and
There are also the sector-specific scenarios of the Deep financial supervision, private-sector financial institutions
Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP), run out of the have also made use of NGFS scenarios. All these scenar
Institute for Sustainable Development, a French think-tank. ios can then be plugged into various modeling ensembles
A final set of scenarios relevant particularly due to uptake to estimate impacts. As an example, central banks and
by the financial sector is that developed by the Network for private-sector banks making use of the NGFS scenarios
Greening the Financial System (NGFS), which is composed have tended to use the REMIND model, a holistic model
trajectories. (For more on the different kinds of analysis and IAMs can answer both general questions and specific ones. For
how it varies between the financial and non-financial sector instance, "What will the world look like with no climate policy
see Section 7.4). action?" and "What will the world look like if all countries
impose a USD 200 tax per ton of CO2 emissions in 2025?"
On a broad, global-level scale, economic models incorpo
rating climate change and climate policy can be helpful. For most sectors, or for firms exposed to multiple sectors
Integrated assessment models (IAMs) are broad-spectrum (such as banks or institutional investors), sector decarbon
models designed to allow analysis of how societal and ization pathways are a highly useful way of gauging transi
economic choices affect each other and the natural world, tion risk. Many of these exist, including those laid out by the
including the causes of climate change. Used extensively by IEA, the Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project, the Transi
the IPCC, they are also frequently used by academics and tion Pathway Initiative, Mission Possible Partnership (MPP),
sometimes by policymakers and corporations. or the Science-Based Targets Initiative. These kinds of
decarbonization pathways are constructed to be compatible
The most basic IAMs compare the costs and benefits of
with Paris Agreement targets, so a firm making use of these
avoiding a certain level of warming using highly simplified
to gauge Paris Agreement alignment can mainly restrict
equations. However, most IAMs in use are far more com
itself to the question of gauging whether it is possible for
plex, and they include representations of relevant interac
the firm to align with the trajectory (although as with any
tions among important human systems (e.g., energy use,
thing, some understanding of underlying assumptions and
agriculture, trade) and physical processes (e.g., the carbon
any model uncertainties will still be helpful and necessary).
cycle). IAMs are most heavily rooted in economics and eco
nomic models, meaning they typically assume fully function There are also external bodies evaluating alignment with
ing markets and competitive market behavior, and they are various scenarios. For example, the Transition Pathway
calibrated to optimize outcomes as measured by minimizing Initiative, a collaboration between academia and industry,
the aggregate economic costs involved. grades publicly listed companies on their level of alignment
• Consider interlinkages across sectors and structural shift (e.g. demographics) • IEA
l��BI Overview of current state of sectoral net-zero pathways used by financial institutions as of
Q3 2021
Network World Business
One Earth for Greening International Mission Transition Council for
Climate the Financial Energy Possible Climate Pathway Sustainable
Model System Agency Partnership Action 100+ Initiative Development
Agriculture V' V' V'
Aluminium V' V' V' V'
Cement V' V' V' V' V' V'
Chemicals V' V' V' V' V' V'
Coal V' V' V' V' V'
Commercial &
Residential V' V' V'
Sector work
Real Estate
more focused
Steel (& Iron) V' V' V' V' V' on SDGs rather
than explicit
Oil & Gas V' V' V' V' V'
Power Generation V' V' V' V' pathways
Transport V' V' V' V' V'
a. Aviation V' V' V' V' V'
b. Shipping V' V' V' V'
c. Trucking V' V' V'
d. Autos V' V' V'
Source: From Our progress and plan towards a net-zero global economy Nov 2021. Reprinted by permission from
The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero.
with Paris-compliant sector trajectories. These assessments Finally, a lot of transition risk scenario analysis is done by
can then be used by stakeholders or investors in various commercial data providers such as Carbon Delta, Car-
ways. Just one example of a secondary application is the bone 4, Oliver Wyman, WTW, Ortec Finance, NGOs such
family of TPl-linked indices that FTSE Russell, a data firm, as 2 Degrees Investing Initiative, and consortiums such as
offers in which companies are weighted by their transition Climatewise, which is part of the Cambridge Institute for
readiness. Legal and General Investment Management Sustainability Leadership. Most of these entities provide
(LGIM), launched the first index-tracking fund linked to one detailed data on different asset classes by scenario (RCP) and
of these TPI indices in December 2020. time horizon for firms to be able to do in-house analysis. One
PACTA for Banks currently covers five climate-critical Source: PACTA for Banks.
sectors: Power, Fossil Fuels, Automotive, Steel, and
methodology that provides an illustrative example is PACTA, disorderly and delayed but quick transition; and "Islands,"
developed by 2 Degrees Investing Initiative, which has seen with a late and slow transition. Perhaps unsurprisingly, both
significant uptake among large global banks (see box). "Sky 1.5" and its predecessor, the 2 C compatible "Sky,"
assume a much larger continuing role for oil & gas through
A final, ambitious approach to transition risk scenario analy
2100 than do scenarios drawn up by neutral bodies such as
sis is to build fully original emissions trajectories. Building
the IPCC or IEA, showing how companies' businesses and
bottom-up global models of energy demand and emissions,
interests potentially shape projections.
similar to the IPCC or IEA pathways, typically only makes
sense for large fossil fuel and commodity firms whose for
tunes are closely tied to global changes in the energy mix.
7.3.3 Use of Scenario Analysis for Physical Risk
Shell, for instance, constructs and periodically updates its Use of scenario analysis for physical risks is significantly
own climate and energy scenarios. The latest iteration in different from transition risk scenario planning in multiple
the wake of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic includes three ways. One difference is that, to the extent emissions trajec
scenarios, "Sky 1.5," which is 1.5 C compatible; "Waves," a tories matter, physical climate models are required as a first
The relationship between physical climate models and to get an estimate of portfolio alignment. Meanwhile, for
emissions scenarios goes in both directions. On the one physical risk, all sectors and a wide range of assets and
hand, physical climate models are used to calibrate emis facilities are potentially affected.
sions scenarios to make sure that the amount of radiative As discussed in Chapters 3 and 6, examining facility-level
forcing resulting from the posited emissions correspond physical risk requires having detailed data on hazards, expo
roughly to certain temperature targets for global average sure, and vulnerability, including adaptive capacity, which
temperature rise. But on the other hand, these emissions many firms choose to source from commercial data pro
trajectories can then be re-inputted into models to gain an viders such as Four Twenty Seven, Carbone 4, or Trucost,
estimate of various hazards. whereas others evaluate these in-house.
The growing sophistication of newer climate models allows
Finally, and importantly, the combination of the lower
them to present forecasts with greater granularity, including
importance of emissions scenarios for physical risk in the
at the regional level, and for a greater range of phenomena,
shorter term (through 2050) and of physical risk's opera
ranging from heat waves to precipitation patterns. This
tional nature means that the type of scenario analysis that
does come with the caveat, as discussed in Chapter 3, that
tends to be conducted for physical risk is, in fact, much
physical climate models can disagree on the particulars of
closer to the original tradition of scenario analysis as pio
many hazards when it comes to future trends. For instance,
neered by Herman Kahn or Shell. That is to say, plausible
essentially all major models predict that precipitation pat
scenarios of physical impacts can be drawn up that can then
terns will change going forward due to climate change, but
help prepare for impacts. For this sort of planning, physical
there are disagreements among these models as to the
climate models can help to an extent in pinpointing vul
magnitude and particular regions affected.
nerable areas. But they cannot predict incidence precisely
Both because of the lag in the Earth's climate system and enough to be of use for forward planning, especially not for
because of the way the physical models are designed, acute physical hazards (e.g., when a flood will hit). There
these models give the best accuracy on decadal timescales. fore, using scenarios that are based on historically plausible
Emissions trajectories do make a significant difference in circumstances, especially of the types of hazards that are
predicting physical impacts in the second half of the twenty expected to increase in frequency and severity with climate
first century, which can matter for very long-term planning, change, can provide an excellent way to build preparedness
such as for physical infrastructure that is generally expected and resilience (see Section 7.4.2).
$2.5 2
C $2.0 1.6
2030 2050
■ "Paris" scenario ■ "Failed" scenario ■ No Climate change
10 10
Ill Ill
..0 4 .•·
..0 4
Ill Ill
Q) Q)
Ill Ill
3 Ill
"' :::,
2 C
1950 1970 1990 2010 2030 2050 2070 2090
Reprinted with permission of Ortec Finance (, Climate PREDICT solution (www.climatepredict.
app). This information is dated as at 13 August 2020 and reflects Ortec Finance's modelling, views and available data at
the time of its publication. This information is prepared for discussion only and should not imply the acceptance of any
liability by Ortec Finance.
Chapter 7 Climate Models and Scenario Analysis ■ 167
7 .4 Scenario Analysis Use Cases: opportunities and future demand for products. A good
example is BHP Billiton, a mining and fossil-fuel firm, which
uses four scenarios to model differences in commodity
This section examines how climate scenario analysis is used demand over the coming three decades (see box).
for different corporate use cases, ranging from strategy
setting and stakeholder communication to preparedness 7.4.2 Operational Risk and Resilience Planning
planning meant to increase resilience. In fact, many corporate
Another important reason for firms to conduct scenario
board of directors have created climate-related committees
analysis is to mitigate operational risk and improve pre
to regularly report and analyze climate risks broadly on a
paredness and resilience. A company can sketch out scenar
company's financials and strategy. This section focuses on cor
ios where its crucial operational or supply chain assets are
porate actions applicable to all kinds of corporations, financial
hit by transition or physical risk-related shocks (e.g., a sud
and non-financial. Section 7.5 then examines the use of sce
den large carbon tax hike, or a huge storm) and then assess
nario analysis specifically in financial and investment contexts.
how materially this would affect the business.
7.4. 1 Strategy and Stakeholder These can be based on plausible but not realized events
Communication (as with the Citi case study) or recent true events, and are
equally applicable to financial and non-financial firms, as all
An important reason for firms to engage in scenario analysis
types of firms use at least some physical facilities and rely
is for setting corporate strategy and communicating that
on some network of suppliers and customers. This type of
strategy to investors and other stakeholders. Much of the
scenario analysis is notably good for addressing the poten
impetus for this use of scenario analysis has come from the
tial for business disruption. Climate-linked business disrup
wide uptake of TCFD recommendations, which many firms
tion relating to physical climate risk is not a distant future
have signed onto, and which shareholders increasingly
prospect but is already occurring. Examples include the
expect, or regulators require. Thus, many scenario analy
2011 Thai floods or 2020-2021 Taiwanese drought, both of
ses have been published in firms' TCFD-compliant climate
which disrupted semiconductor production, and the 2019
change reports, from which many of the case studies in this
European heatwaves and drought. The latter forced produc
chapter are sourced.
tion pauses in certain German industries, including at BASF
While communication at first may sound like a public chemical plants, due to the inability to transport materials
relations exercise, this use of scenario analysis in fact has by barge on the Rhine with its historically low water levels.
important consequences. If companies do not make climate
change plans and conduct analyses that are seen as credible
7 .5 Scenario Analysis Use Cases:
and thorough, investors can come after companies. A vivid
Finance & Investment
example occurred in May 2021, when an investor campaign,
spearheaded by an activist hedge fund, Engine No 1, voted This section examines how climate scenario analysis is spe
to place two independent directors on the board of Exxon cifically useful for financial firms, notably for portfolio-level
Mobil, the American oil & gas giant, against management's analysis and stress testing and for ex-ante integration into
wishes. Increasing numbers of institutions have committed investment decisions.
explicitly to the alignment of their operations and strategies
with Paris agreement goals and/or more-precise targets, 7.5. 1 Portfolio Analysis and Stress Testing
such as net-zero emissions by 2050. But these institutions
An important use case of scenario analysis in the financial
cannot make these changes in practice without conducting
sector is to examine portfolio-level exposures, and gauge
scenario analyses and communicating these analyses clearly
how these would vary in different climate outcomes (i.e.,
to investors.
scenarios). Stress testing, a practice that has been in wide
Another important reason why scenario analysis matters for use by financial regulators for over a decade, has now
companies is self-interest-scenario analysis can help chart been taken up by both the public and private sectors.
I \
I \ 350
I \
Potash Energy coal Uranium <3> Oil Natural gas Copper !2l Nickell21 Metallurgical Iron ore 11l
.. •· · Climate Crisis scenario -+- Lower Carbon View � Central Energy View • • • 1.5 °C scenario
(1) Iron ore and Metallurgical coal demand accounts for Contestable Market= Global seaborne market plus Chinese domestic demand
(2) Nickel and Copper demand references primary metal
(3) Nuclear power was used as a proxy for historic cumulative demand for Uranium
As regulators such as the Bank of England start implement Often, the results are then published and used as a way for
ing climate stress tests, an increasing number of financial institutions to communicate their soundness and solid ERM
institutions, especially banks, are choosing to voluntarily practices to their own investors and other stakeholders. This
conduct stress tests internally and not just when mandated is exactly what HSBC, a large global bank, has done with a
by a regulator. transition risk stress test on its loan portfolio (see Figure 7.10).
7.5.2 Ex-Ante Investment Integration to properly understand the impact of climate change. The
space does have a lot of background knowledge and ter
Although stress testing and portfolio-level analysis of climate
minology to wade through, as a lot of the groundwork, as
exposures is increasingly well-established, ex ante integra
well as global-level scenarios, were originally developed by
tion of climate scenarios into investment processes is a
scientists for scientific use. The reason to become familiar
newer phenomenon. Analogous to ESG, where integration
with representative concentration pathways (RCPs), shared
has followed on from exclusion or ad hoc analyses (as cov
socioeconomic pathways (SSPs), and integrated assessment
ered in Chapter 5), more proactive use of scenarios in invest
models (IAMs) is because they have broadened from their
ment decision-making does seem to be the next frontier in
original scientific use cases to be the mainstay of anyone,
investment management. Some early movers have already
including corporations or financial institutions, seeking to
announced moves in this direction (see box). Having scenario
understand climate change and integrate climate risk into
analysis as part of the toolkit of portfolio managers and
investment and strategic decisions.
other investment decision-makers can potentially preempt
undue exposure to climate risk or serve as an early indication But it is equally important to recognize how scenario analy
for where investment firms can focus engagement efforts. sis, to be useful to non-financial and financial firms, must be
done differently for transition and physical risk, and for dif
ferent use cases. Transition risk analysis does typically mean
7 .6 Conclusions
starting with global reference scenarios on emissions trajec
This chapter has sought to demonstrate the utility, and tories, but it also requires the use of sector-specific path
indeed the necessity, of using scenario-based modeling ways and firm-specific information. For physical risk, global
Consolidated transition risk heat map across six high transition risk sectors - illustrative results of sub-sectors
Increasing negative impact- - - •
•■ : ____________________
Construction and building materials Sector not expected to be significantly impacted
Hot house
0 from climate transition and benefits from
0 Disorderly
GDP growth in the Hot house scenario
Large impact in Disorderly scenario as higher Orderly
carbon costs outweigh the benefit from
GDP growth
...►---1-----,o Metals and mining
w Smaller impact in Disorderly scenario than
u Orderly as total vehicle sales are higher due
0♦ ■
Ill I
V> to significant EV adoption
J: AutomC:.tive (OEM)
Small average impact due to balancing effect
•Po!, and utilities (PowerGen) . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from winners (e.g. producers with high wind/
solar) and losers (e.g. coal-based producers)
Adapted from HSBC Holdings PLC "Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures ('TCFD') Update 2020."
Fi ure 7.10
scenarios matter only for very long-term planning because analysis, as well as increase the data necessary, to create
the significant physical differences between emissions sce consistent scenarios required to understand the impacts of
narios only really manifest after 2050, in the second half of climate change in a cohesive way.
the century. Instead, the use of scenario planning for cor While corporations of all kinds can and do use climate
porate contingency planning can be more fruitful. We must scenario analysis to decide on strategy, communicate with
also be cognizant that there is not broad alignment nor stakeholders, and increase preparedness, financial firms in
the data fidelity necessary for consistent scenario analysis particular can also benefit from the use of scenario analysis
across companies and organizations. Over time, all stake for portfolio stress testing and as an input for investment
holders will need to continue to advance and refine the decision-making.
7.1 What is scenario analysis? D. RCPs are developed by the IPCC, whereas SSPs
are developed by the IEA.
A. Analysis through deductive reasoning and directed
questioning 7.5 What is the IEA known for having historically done in
its renewable energy projections?
B. Analysis using several plausible narratives about
the future A. Inconsistently uses RCPs generated by the IPCC
C. An analytical framework that produces specific rec B. Inconsistency in its treatment of hydropower com
ommendations as output pared to wind or solar
D. The use of quantitative models about the future C. Consistently underestimating the annual increases
under plausible assumptions in solar and renewable capacity
7.2 What is radiative forcing? D. Consistently using the same name for its central
A. A measure of radiation from nuclear power plants
7.3 What is a "representative concentration pathway" C. Both have high transition risks, but the hothouse
world also has high physical risk.
D. Both have high physical risks, but the disorderly
A. A projected pathway of human-caused greenhouse
transition also has high transition risk.
gas emissions, usually until 2100
B. A model with detailed representations of social,
7.7 How do climate models differ from integrated assess
ment models (IAMs)?
economic, and environmental factors
A. Climate models are based on physical science,
C. A plausible socioeconomic narrative of environ
whereas IAMs are only grounded in economic
mental change
D. A projected pathway of climate policy stringency
B. Climate models only model the physical climate,
7.4 What is the difference between RCPs and SSPs?
and IAMs only model social and economic factors.
A. RCPs only deal with oil & gas firms, whereas SSPs
C. Climate models only model the physical climate,
deal with all kinds of corporations.
and IAMs demonstrate how social and economic
B. RCPs are narratives, whereas SSPs are quantitative factors affect each other and the climate.
D. Climate models and IAMs do not differ, but climate
C. RCPs only deal with projected emissions, whereas models are a type of 1AM.
SSPs provide societal and economic context.
7.8 How does physical risk scenario analysis for corpora C. Transition risk scenario analysis is only applicable
tions differ from that for transition risk? to energy firms, but physical risk analysis is appli
cable to all firms.
A. Physical risk never uses IPCC models, whereas
transition risk analysis always does. D. Transition risk scenario analysis makes heavy use
of emission trajectories, whereas physical risk sce
B. Physical risk analysis involves calculating impacts
nario analysis mainly looks at operational risk.
on a firm's own facilities, but transition risk analysis
does not.
7.1 B 7.5 C
7.2 B 7.6 B
7.3 A 7.7 A
7.4 C 7.8 D
• Explain the concept of net zero and how it relates to private-sector actors can use to verify the credibility
global climate goals. of net-zero commitments.
• Discuss the types of key alliances in the UN Race to • Describe how net-zero pathways and interim targets
Zero. are key to achieving credible and attainable net-zero
targets across sectors.
• Describe the attributes of net-zero targets, and the
challenges of navigating the net-zero transition. • Identify cross-industry principles and metrics and dis
cuss how climate-related metrics are used in reporting
• Explain the key attributes of national and subnational and project selection.
net-zero target strategies and emissions reduction
approaches. • Understand metrics used for net-zero portfolio align
ment, considering strengths and weaknesses.
• Describe the factors that affect different sectors' abili
ties to achieve net zero. • Describe the net-zero disclosure landscape and key
• Describe how organizations use transition plans
to pursue net-zero carbon emissions and the tools.
Key Learning Points
T his chapter provides an overview of the concept of
net zero and its implications for different players in the • To stabilize global temperatures, it is necessary to reach
economy. It begins with an introduction to the scien a balance between global sources and sinks of green
tific background behind net zero and its link to global house gases (i.e., global greenhouse gas emissions must
climate ambitions enshrined in the Paris Agreement. reach net zero). To have a chance of limiting global aver
It further provides an overview of the key global initia age temperature increases to 1.5 C, the IPCC estimates
tives that are mobilizing entities across the world to that global emissions need to halve by 2030 and reach
make bottom-up commitments and pushing them to net zero by 2050.
begin the journey of reducing the climate impact of • Although we are currently witnessing a wave of coun
their own organization. T he chapter then outlines the tries, sub-national governments, and companies submit
various elements required to ensure the credibility of ting bottom-up net-zero pledges in support of this goal,
these targets. It explains the crucial role that transition these differ greatly in their ambition and credibility. For
plans can play in demonstrating that an organization example, some pledges will only apply to carbon emis
is integrating decarbonization ambitions into its core sions, whereas others cover emissions of all greenhouse
strategy, and emphasizes the importance of interim tar gases, such as methane. Some pledges include only
gets and pathways and the transparent use of metrics Scope 1 and 2 emissions, whereas others cover all
to measure progress. It ends with a discussion of the 3 Scopes.
emerging landscape of net-zero disclosure standards.
• What reaching a net-zero target implies depends on the
type of organization submitting the pledge. National
Chapter Outline pledges generally cover all emissions produced within
8.1 Introduction to Net Zero its geographical boundaries. Reaching these targets will
require reducing all domestic greenhouse gas emissions
8.1.1 The science behind Net Zero
and directly removing any remaining net domestic flows
8.1.2 Net zero and the 1.5 C target via carbon sinks. In contrast, there is no single globally
recognized standard for setting the scope of net-zero
8.2 The Spread of Net-Zero Targets
pledges for sub-national communities or corporations.
8.3 The Implications of Net Zero for Different Actors It remains to be seen whether the work by the UN High
8.4 Transition Plans • Transition plans can be an important tool to add credibility
to net-zero pledges. In such plans, entities have a chance
8.5 Interim Targets and Pathways
to demonstrate how their climate pledge aligns with their
8.6 Use of Metrics broader organizational strategy, and that they have a mean
8.6.1 Cross-industry principles & metrics ingful action plan to back up their commitments.
plexity and robustness, allow financial institutions to gets. It highlights why net-zero transition plans will become
assess if their counterparties are on a net-zero transition increasingly important for measuring and managing climate
path by measuring how far they are diverging from a related transition risk. The chapter then introduces key met
benchmark and what this would imply for global warming. rics for the non-financial and financial sectors and discusses
The challenge of these tools is that portfolio decarboniza the emerging landscape of net-zero reporting standards
NET ZERO CO2 and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) on the one hand,
and changes in global surface temperatures on the other
(for further detail, see Chapter 1 ). In short, any increases
8.1 Introduction to Net Zero
in the global concentration of greenhouse gases in the
This chapter is designed to introduce the concept of net atmosphere lead to further warming which translates into
zero and its role in global climate architecture. It begins by increases in frequency and intensity of extreme weather
Anthropogenic carbon
flows in and out of each sphere Atmosphere
are balanced; temperature
stabilized sustainably
Emissions from
Emissions from land-use change
fossil fuels and
Sinks from
industrial processes
land-use change
© 2021 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Climate Change 2021 The Physical Science Basis. Working Group I
Contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Name Actors Description
Cities Race to Zero Cities Coalition of cities that have publicly joined the Race to Zero and
committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.
Under 2° Coalition Governments Coalition of states, regions, provinces and other subnational
governments committed to achieving net zero emissions by
2050 at the latest.
Glasgow Financial Alliance Financial sector A global coalition of over 550 financial institutions which covers
for Net Zero (GFANZ) various subsector alliances. Although many of its member firms
and alliances are part of Race to Zero, GFANZ announced in
2022 that it would not require member firms to sign up to the
Race to Zero Campaign.
UN Environment Financial sector Initiative that provides guidance to advance market practice to
Programme Finance Initia over 450 financial-sector institutions (including banks, insurers,
tive (UNEP Fl) investors) with the goal of ensuring that financial systems sup
port both people and planet.
Commercial banks
Net Zero Banking Alliance Banks An alliance of global banks that have committed to reaching net
(member of GFANZ) zero by 2050.
Net Zero Asset Managers Asset managers An initiative designed to mobilize climate ambition among inter
Initiative (member of GFANZ) national asset managers. All members have committed to reach
ing net zero by 2050 and are using the forum to develop and
share best-practices.
Asset owners
Paris Aligned Investment lni- Asset owners A collaborative, investor-led forum of 118 institutional investors
tiative (member of GFANZ) representing USO 34 trillion in assets that are seeking to align
their operations with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Net Zero Asset Owner Alli- Asset owners A coalition of 7 4 pension funds and insurers that are collaborat
ance (member of GFANZ) ing to Paris-align their investment activities.
Net Zero Insurance Alliance Insurers A group of 30 leading insurers that have committed to aligning
(member of GFANZ) their insuring and reinsurance underwriting portfolio with the
1.5 C target enshrined in the Paris Agreement.
Net Zero Financial Service Financial service An alliance of investment advisors, auditors, rating agencies,
Provider Alliance (member of providers index providers, ESG research and data providers, and exchanges.
GFANZ) All members have committed to aligning their activities to achieve
net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner.
Net Zero Investment Con Investment A coalition that sets actions that investment consultants will take
sultants Initiatives (member consultants in the context of their legal and fiduciary duties, as well as specific
of GFANZ) client mandates, to support reaching the global net-zero target
by 2050 or sooner.
The Climate Pledge Corporates A campaign co-founded by Global Optimism and Amazon which
seeks to call businesses and other organizations to action on cli-
mate. Its signatories have pledged to reach net zero by 2040.
Certified B Corporation Corporates A Certified B Corp is a corporation that has been certified by B
Lab, which is a non-profit company. B Corporations are compa-
nies that meet high standards of social and environmental per-
formance, accountability, and transparency.
SME Climate Hub Small and medium- A hub that provides the tools, resources, and frameworks that
sized companies allow businesses with fewer than 500 employees to commit to
reaching net zero by 2050 or sooner.
Business Declares Corporates Non-profit organization that seeks to raise awareness for climate
emergency in the private sector, accelerate private-sector action,
and amplify the voices in the business community that are calling
for regulatory action.
Pledge to Net Zero Environmental A pledge through which organizations from the environmental
sector sector are committing to reduce their own emissions in line
with Science Based Targets' 1.5 C climate change scenario, and
actively contribute to the conversations on how targets can be
achieved (e.g., by publishing thought pieces).
Race to Zero for Universities Higher education Collaboration by UNEP, the alliance for sustainability leadership
& Colleges in education (EAUC), and second nature, which are mobilizing uni-
versities and colleges to commit to Paris-align their operations.
Fashion Industry for Climate Fashion industry Pledge by stakeholders in the fashion industry to drive the fash-
Action ion industry to net-zero Greenhouse Gas emissions no later than
2050 in line with keeping global warming below 1.5 C.
Healthcare Without Harm Healthcare sector Alliance that focuses on mobilizing the healthcare industry to
move toward a net-zero future.
Fankhauser et al. (2022) usefully summarized the debate 5. Equitable transition to net zero: Deciding how the
and derived seven attributes that net-zero targets need
costs of the transition are shared across different
to fulfil to provide a meaningful framework for action.
actors creates challenging equity considerations. The
These are the following:
Paris Agreement calls on countries to set their own
1. Front-loaded emission reductions: Given that global ambitions in line with the principle of "common but
temperature change is determined by cumulative differentiated responsibilities and respective capaci
emissions, and not emissions in any given year, it ties," emphasizing that developing countries will
matters when emissions are reduced. To increase the need more time and financial and technological sup
chances of meeting the Paris targets, entities must port to transition. Effective net-zero target setting
reduce emissions as soon as possible. must take such considerations of fairness into account
2. Comprehensive approach to emission reductions: and recognize that some actors will need to decar
Reaching net zero requires tackling all emissions. For bonize at different speeds, to help ensure that the
governments, this means pushing forward decarbon transition does not exacerbate existing inequalities.
izations in hard-to-abate sectors. For private corpo 6. Alignment with broader socio-ecological objec
rations, this implies pursuing best efforts to reduce tives: There are complex interlinkages among
emissions across Scopes 1, 2, and 3, and engaging climate change and other critical socio-ecological
with all stakeholders along the value chain whose challenges such as ocean acidification, the erosion
actions are required to achieve these targets. of biosphere integrity, economic inequality, or the
3. Cautious use of carbon dioxide removal: Theoreti marginalization of indigenous communities (Steffen
cally, net zero could be reached by combining high et al., 2015). A narrow focus on mitigation may over
residual emissions with significant CO2 removal. In look negative repercussions in other dimensions. For
practice, however, there are unresolved issues for example, there are cases where commercial refores
most forms of removals, which make it important to tation projects rely on large-scale monocultures to
prioritize deep emissions reductions generate offsets, which have negative implications
for local populations, ecosystem resilience and ulti
4. Effective regulation of carbon offsets: Given that
mately, reliable carbon storage.
some organizations will be unable to reach net zero
purely by adapting their own operations, we will 7. Pursuit of economic opportunities: It is becom-
continue to require a mechanism to balance global ing increasingly apparent that there are also eco
sources and sinks (e.g., carbon markets). It is critical nomic opportunities that arise through the net-zero
that these mechanisms underlie governance struc transition.
tures that meaningfully address the concerns out 8. Effective net-zero planning should consider where
lined in Box 8.3 and allow for monitoring, reporting, such opportunities are likely to arise, and address
and verification of removed carbon. what steps need to be taken so these can be realized.
Negative emissions
BECCS, DACCS, and green
polymers offset
for residual emissions
____Ii_■ -
----; 7
2018 2030 �=20�4-5__..,.2---,--
H2 • Hydrogen
• This includes electricity generated from renewably generated hydrogen.
•• This figure mere ly extrapolates the trend after 2045, further emissions reductions are possible.
Prognos, Oko-lnst tut, Wuppertal Institut (2021 ); Towards a climate-neutral Germany by 2045. How Germany can reach its climate targets before 2050. E)(ecutive Summary conducted for
Stiftung Klimaneutralitat, Agor., Energiewende and Agora Verkehrswende.
are applying different standards matters, as the emissions seeking to reach their targets will face similar challenges
inventories define the goalposts of what it means to reach regarding the need to decarbonize urban transport systems
"net zero". In general terms, however, cities and regions and reduce emissions from buildings.
Scope Definition
Scope 1 GHG emissions from sources located within the city boundary (equivalent to territorial emissions).
Scope 2 GHG emissions that occur as a consequence of the use of grid-supplied electricity, heat, steam, and/
or cooling within the city boundary.
Scope 3 All other GHG emissions that occur outside the city boundary as a result activities taking place within
the city boundary.
From Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Inventories, copyright © WR/. Reprinted with permission.
8.3.3 Private sector early, as well as to scale climate solutions that will replace
these assets. For example, steel producers can only reach
Non-Financial Sectors
net zero if they find energy carriers to replace the fossil
How the net-zero transition will affect firms in the real fuels they traditionally use to generate the large amounts
economy differs across sectors. For firms in energy-inten of heat required to produce steel. Although first trials using
sive industries whose climate impact is largely driven by hydrogen produced from renewable energies have been
Scope 1 emissions, the core challenge will be to develop successful, significant investment in research and infrastruc
alternatives to current production processes. This requires ture is needed before the sector can transition to fossil-free
investing in technological innovation and developing production at scale. In other sectors, firms' individual Scope
solutions that are less emissions intensive and can be 1 emissions will make up a much smaller share of their
deployed at scale. overall climate footprint. This is the case, for example, for
Indeed, many high-emitting sectors may require increased many supermarket chains, whose own emissions are typically
investment to decarbonize and retire high-emitting assets miniscule when compared to the emissions arising across
1.2 Business model 3.2 Engagement with 4.2 Financial metrics 5.2 Roles, responsibility
2.2 Products and services
implications industry and targets and accountability
living up to each of these attributes. They further allow 8.5 Interim Targets and Pathways
investors, governments, and other stakeholders to hold
entities accountable to their own targets and assess Detailed net-zero pathways and interim targets are the
whether these are taking meaningful steps or using most important way of ensuring that net-zero targets are
vague pledges to distract from inaction. Finally, transi credible and attainable. This section discusses how these
tion plans can play an important role in communicating methods are used by countries as well as corporations
how companies are measuring, managing, and reduc to control their transition and increase the credibility of
always allude to the four key transition risks outlined For countries, Climate Action Tracker has defined ten key ele
in chapter 3 (policy and legal, technology, market, and ments of good practice national net-zero target setting (see
reputation risk). For example, developing a transition Table 8.4). These are jointly used to assess whether a national
plan can help an organization prepare for anticipated commitment is robust in terms of scope, architecture as well
regulatory changes (policy and legal risk); identify which as transparency. One of these key quality criteria is compre
technologies will be key in the climate transition, and hensive planning underpinned by scientifically robust path
develop strategies for harnessing them (technology ways and clear interim targets. Firstly, this planning is needed
risk); assess how demand and supply changes will affect to show that countries have a clear sense of how their tar
prices of resources used (market risk); and grasp how gets can be realized, and an action plan to achieve them.
climate awareness could change how an organization is Secondly, interim targets are critical because the timing of
perceived by the public (reputation risk). emissions reductions matters. As discussed in Chapter 1, the
In summary, writing a transition plan forces decision makers total level of radiative forcing is determined by the cumula
to rethink how their business model fits into a decarbon tive stock of greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere. Pathways
ized economy and take appropriate action. Remember that which delay emissions reductions have a much higher cumu
"no decision" is a decision for the status quo. The following lative effect on radiative forcing than those which achieve
case study on Kellogg Company highlights how moving early and deep emissions reductions over the next five years.
along a predefined transition plan can help a company man Long-term targets are therefore only credible if they are sup
age and reduce transition risk. ported by interim targets with clear action plans.
Adapted from Climate Action Tracker's evaluation methodology for national net-zero targets (2021). Reprinted by
Permission from Climate Action Tracker.
At the moment, however, many national commitments that there is currently no country with a credible and
do not fulfil these quality criteria. Governments' Nation attainable pathway to reach net-zero emissions by 2050
ally Determined Contributions (NDCs) illustrate this issue. (Climate Action Tracker, 2023).
Many NDCs do not outline clear and attainable short
It is similarly important that we develop the tools to
term targets and milestones. The targets that are set,
ensure the credibility of private sector targets. Figure 8.5
are often not underpinned by robust plans. For example,
illustrates how many companies from the Forbes Global
many governments are currently failing to keep pace with
2,000 list have, as of February 2023, committed to a net
their 2030 interim emissions targets. This undermines
zero target, and in which fashion they report this (Net
the credibility of governments and lessens our chance
Zero Tracker, 2023). While around 40% of the companies
of staying within the 1.5 ° or 2 C pathways. T his is com
have committed to net zero, less than 30% have set
monly referred to as the Credibility Gap (e.g., Climate
interim targets. This indicates that some of the already
Action Tracker, 2021). To overcome this, it is essential
low numbers of pledges might be unsubstantiated and
that governments present comprehensive emission reduc
therefore not particularly credible. A review conducted by
tion pathways with adequate interim targets. While some
Hale et al. (2022) concluded that of the companies that
countries, such as New Zealand and China, have recently
published a target, only around 26% met a set of minimal
updated their NDCs to reflect more ambitious interim
robustness criteria.
targets and reduce the credibility gap, analysis shows
L'Oreal Groupe (L'Oreal), the French personal care Symrise AG (Symrise), a German producer of flavours
company, has set out to achieve net zero by 2050, in and fragrances with over €3 bn. in turnover, aims to be
alignment with the 1.5 °C scenario. This effort started climate positive by 2030. Even though this target lies less
in 2005, when the company aimed to reduce 60% of than 10 years in the future, Symrise set an interim target
emissions at plants and distribution centers by 2020. To of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 60% in relation
achieve this, it used a strategy based on three pillars: to value added by 2025, compared to 2016.
(1) Reduce energy requirements across facilities, (2)
To accomplish these ambitious feats, the company
increased use of renewable energy, and (3) achieve
focuses on energy efficiency at production sites.
targets without carbon offsetting projects.
Beyond Scopes 1 and 2 emissions, Symrise involves its
The company exceeded the initial target by 18% and key suppliers in the climate strategy and encourages
now builds on these accomplishments. L'Oreal aims to them to commit to targets themselves. By now almost
achieve carbon neutrality at administrative, industrial, 90% of its suppliers have started emissions reduction
and research sites by 2025. By 2030, the beauty product initiatives. To increase transparency, every year the
specialist will reduce Scopes 1 and 2 emissions per firm releases a thorough sustainability report based
product by 50% and emissions resulting from the use on SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board)
of products by 25%, compared to 2016 values. Further standards.
initiatives include a reduction of per product emissions
linked to transport by 50% and an absolute decrease of Adapted from CDP: Running Hot, Accelerating Europe's
50% direct emissions from L'Oreal's strategic suppliers. Path to Paris (2021).
Why then, have so few of the large companies committed to documents often contain useful external benchmarks that
net zero, and even fewer defined pathways for their targets? can help company executives from any sector define firm
Besides lacking regulatory pressure, part of the answer prob level interim targets and allow external stakeholders to com
ably lies in the complexity of understanding what net zero pare a company's ambition to industry peers.
implies for their operations, and the challenge of developing
To define transition plans that are granular enough to sup
a realistic pathway towards that target. This is not helped
port ambitious net-zero pledges, companies should con
by the complex landscape of GHG accounting standards,
sider a few key points. Firstly, they should take advantage
disclosure frameworks and recommendations. Important
of above-mentioned, industry-specific benchmarks and
tools that can help organizations unpack these complexities
consider joining the Race to Zero initiatives in their sector,
are sectoral transition pathways. T hese are being developed
which can often provide a baseline for more companyspe
by various organizations such as Industry Tracker, a research
cific measures and targets. Secondly, it should be ensured
organization that helps develop decarbonization pathways
that any defined transition plan does not collide with exist
for hard-to-abate sectors, or the Transition Pathway Initia
ing or anticipated local net-zero policies. T hirdly, companies
tive, a global initiative formed by asset owners that provides
must determine specific short- and medium-term interim
sectoral benchmarks against which company ambitions can
targets. Case studies of L'Oreal and Symrise show how
be assessed. Such organizations aim to provide coherent
interim targets are used in practice to steadily inch closer
data on transition pathways of companies to asset manag
towards net zero.
ers and owners. As part of this process, they independently
To ensure that the goals defined by companies amount to
define benchmarks for sectoral transition pathways based
more than just greenwashing, further measures should be
on key metrics and target dates. These pathways define tra
considered. For example, consulting key stakeholders for
jectories for how a sector can transition towards a net-zero
their opinions and publicly disclosing both targets as well as
future. While mainly intended for financial institutions, such
Internal carbon prices • Internal carbon price (e.g., a company internal tax on emissions that is invested into
sustainability projects)
• Shadow carbon price (an estimated cost of carbon used for project selection
Adapted from TCFD, Guidance on Metrics, Targets and Transition Plans (2021)
However, typical ESG ratings lack the depth needed to assess 4. Implied temperature rise (ITR): translates the distance
whether a company is on a net zero path by 2050, or whether form a measured pathway into a projection of likely
it is ahead or behind a benchmark schedule. To answer these end-of-century global warming outcomes.
questions, portfolio alignment tools are needed. In 2022,
T he quality of reporting based on these portfolio alignment
GFANZ published a report on the use of portfolio alignment
tools is always subject to the scientific robustness of the spec
tools for financial institutions (GFANZ 2022). In that report,
ifications and choices made in the modelling of these scores.
they distinguish between four broad categories of alignment
For the binary measurement, for example, an asset manager
metrics, which are currently being used:
and owner should carefully consider what is classifiable as
1. Binary target measurement: provides insight on the per a net-zero target. Does a public announcement suffice, or
centage of portfolio companies with science-validated must the target be mentioned in the counter-party's financial
1.5 degrees-aligned reduction targets. disclosure? Benchmark divergence and ITRs provide many
more parameter choices that could significantly alter results.
2. Maturity scale alignment metrics: groups portfolio
It is essential, for example, to determine appropriate bench
companies into alignment categories (e.g. aligned,
mark net-zero paths. To ensure credibility, it is crucial that any
aligning, and not aligned).
underlying assumptions are transparently communicated.
3. Benchmark divergence: evaluates the distance from a
Financial institutions should also consider using portfolio
net-zero aligned pathway.
alignment tools to set sector-specific targets. For example,
The German company BASF is the largest chemical The next figure depicts BASF's value chain and the emis
producer in the world and has committed to achieving sions caused along it, measured in million metric tons CO2
net-zero Scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 2050 and has set equivalent. To calculate the carbon footprint of products
an interim target of a 25% reduction to the base year the company produces, it implemented a new method of
2018 until 2030. Figure 1 depicts these commitments, the calculating emissions for over 45,000 different products. To
Schematic overview: development of the BASF Group's greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2)
MM l•
20.8 20.2
gas emissions
Reprinted with permission from BASF. (2022). BASF Report 2021.
Suppliers Transport Other
Purchased products, services and Transport of products, (C 3b, 3c, 5,
capital goods (C 1, 2, 3a) employees' commuting and 8, 13, 15)
business travel (C 4, 6, 7, 9)
a According to Greenhouse Gas Protocol; Scope 1, 2 and 3; categories within Scope 3 are shown in parentheses. Scope 3 emissions in category 10 ("Processing of sold
products") are not reported according to the standard for the chemical sector. Only direct use phase emissions are reported in the customer category (Scope 3.11 ). For
more information on our Scope 3 emissions reporting, see
Reprinted with permission from BASF from BASF Report 2021.
No tool is perfect, and each of the four described herein evaluation of progress toward net zero, and allows for
have both strengths and weaknesses. Binary measure results to be aggregated meaningfully to the portfolio
ment is simplest to use, based on easily attainable data, level. It poses challenges, however, in that it is com
and broadly applicable to any asset class. It's limited, plex and requires climate-scenario expertise to use, is
however, in that it offers no insight into the degree of net based on potentially difficult-to-obtain data (such as
zero alignment/misalignment; and meaningfully aggregat company-level emissions projections and benchmarks),
ing results to the portfolio level can be a challenge. and delivers technical output that can be challenging to
Maturity scale alignment metrics provide a more holis
tic understanding of the trajectory that portfolio compa Implied temperature rise (ITR) offers all the advantages of
nies are on. The pitfall of these metrics is that there is no benchmark divergence plus the added benefits of a mea
commonly used approach for categorizing companies, sure of the consequence of alignment/misalignment and
making it difficult to compare across entities or assess easily understood output. As with benchmark divergence,
the robustness of individual assessments. it poses challenges in that it is complex and requires
climate-scenario expertise to use and is based on poten
Benchmark divergence, to its credit, generates a mea
tially difficult-to-obtain data and/or extensive assumptions.
surement of degree of alignment/misalignment, allows
Adapted from Portfolio Alignment Team, Measuring Portfolio Alignment- Technical Considerations (2021)
asset managers can use benchmark divergence to assess the EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy) can also help to
whether industry-specific sub-portfolios are aligned with net categorize investments in terms of their contributions to
zero pathways (see ING's Upstream Oil & Gas finance reduc high emissions or decarbonizing activities. While most tax
tion pathway for ING against IEA's SDS scenario in Figure 8.8). onomies provide less detail than portfolio alignment tools,
This granularity helps prevent approaches which decarbon they have recently gained traction because they are simple
ize the portfolio, but do not decarbonize the economy to use, understand and are increasingly being included in
or reduce climate risk. Indeed, when addressing portfolio regulatory frameworks. One exemplary taxonomy for fossil
decarbonization it is crucial to focus on sectors with the fuel producers is provided by the UK Climate Financial Risk
most (including Scope 3) impact. Use of taxonomies (e.g., Forum in Table 8.6.
Sustainable finance taxonomy for fossil fuel producers
Financing activities that could Financing activities that could stabilize Financing activities that could reduce
increase emissions and devi or prevent further emissions (neutral or emissions and transition the portfolio/
ate away from alignment incremental effect on alignment) company (positive effect on alignment)
• New exploration and • Making operations more efficient and • Carbon removal technologies (e.g.,
production reducing emissions (e.g., CCS, fugitive CCS, BECCS)
• Expansion of current explo and flaring prevention) • Alternative fuel/energy finance to
ration and production • Decommissioning "high carbon" displace fossil fuel assets
• Alternative fuel/energy finance as
additional assets
From Climate Financial Risk Forum Guide 2021 on Scenario Analysis with permission Oct 2021. Reprinted by permission from
•··· SOS Trajectory
• • • • NZE2050 Trajectory
- Market (Global) ti 2,000 -36% · ·•....
8 1,000 -53% .. ... - ING Portfolio
°' 100 - ING Portfolio
• ING Target
• ING Target
'l,�O ...... Con vergence Pathway
........ -- - B2DSEU
� 08
- B2OS Scenario
j :: ---------------
- ING Portfolio (NUDE/PL) - Market
• ING Target - ING Portfolio
a, 10 · ··· Convergence Pathway 2030 0 0.2
• ING Tar get
0 · · · · Convergence Pathway 2050 0.0 · · · · Convergence Pathway
'l, ''%,-f
'l,o'l, 1,
-f'"" 'l,�
'l,�" 1,0"
-f''' '\-
,t, ""
1 ,,s,"
%, fJ
<-, "'
o 0
Figure taken from 2022-ING-Climate-Report, Page no: 55.
publishes-climate-report.htm. Reprinted by permission from ING Group.
Key disclosure and reporting standard setters
Organization Description
TCFD Initiative launched in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board, which developed recommendations for
how companies can report on climate-related risks and opportunities. Their recommendations have
since been integrated into the regulatory reporting requirements across several jurisdictions.
SASB Non-profit standard setter which launched in 2011 to develop accounting standards for sustain
ability issues. They have set sector-specific ESG reporting standards across 77 industries. Their work
was consolidated first into the Value Reporting Foundation in 2021, and then into the International
Sustainability Standards Board in 2022.
ISSB A new standard-setting body established in 2021, which sits under the IFRS Foundation. The ISSB
aims to deliver a global reporting standard for sustainability-related financial information.
GRI An initiative focused on developing standards for impact reporting. Their work goes beyond that of
the ISSB, SASB and TCFD by focusing on how companies can report their external impacts on issues
such as climate change, human rights and corruptions, rather than focusing on the disclosure of
financially material ESG issues.
of requirements to existing disclosure recommendations, keep in mind for the future of net-zero financial disclosure.
as companies are for the first time being explicitly asked First is the TCFD, which often acts as a baseline-setter of
to publish a roadmap towards a decarbonized future. The ideas and recommendations. Second is the ISSB, who are
efforts in the UK are supported by a high-level Transition aiming to create comprehensive and lasting carbon-related
Plan Taskforce (TPT), which is developing recommendations financial disclosure standards. Lastly, one should also keep
on gold standard transition plans. Its recommendations are in mind national regulatory bodies, who are increasingly
expected to be finalized by early 2024, after which the gov looking to include net-zero disclosure requirements (e.g.,
ernment will develop its rules. The Corporate Sustainability via transition plans) in their jurisdictional policies.
the EU's social market economy, and lay the groundwork for explaining the science behind the concept and the dif
° °
sustainability reporting standards at global level. ference between the 1.5 and 2 C targets. It highlighted
the urgency with which countries, sub-national govern
It is still unclear whether other jurisdictions will take a similar
ments, and the private sector must strive towards net zero
approach. As discussed in Section 8.2, most parts of the
to achieve the goals set out in the Paris Agreement. It
world are still far from making net-zero commitments, not to
then briefly discussed the landscape of initiatives within
mention codifying them in law and requiring their disclosure.
these three sectors and emphasized that while an increas
Given the current complexity of the sustainability disclosure ing number of actors are publishing net-zero goals, the
landscape, there are ongoing efforts to align requirements underlying ambitions vary widely. To make net-zero targets
internationally. A key initiative is the IFRS' International more credible and allow us to hold entities accountable for
Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). In March 2022, the their progress, organizations need to develop and disclose
ISSB published initial exposure drafts of its general sustain transition plans. The chapter outlined key characteristics
ability and climate-related corporate disclosures, which of meaningful transition plans and argued that they are an
were discussed. Finally, the chapter provided an overview & Deng-Beck, C. (2021). Global Protocol for Community
of the regulatory landscape governing net-zero disclosures Scale Greenhouse Gas Inventories.
and identified the TCFD and ISSB as key leaders in this GFANZ (2022) Financial institution Net-zero Transition Plans.
emerging area. Fundamentals, Recommendations, and Guidance.
CPD. (2021). Running Hot-Accelerating Europe's D. Roberts, J. Skea, P.R. Shukla, A. Pirani, W. Moufouma-Okia,
Net-Zero Insurance Alliance (2021). Statement of commit UNFCCC. (2022). Race to Zero Campaign. https://unfccc.
ment by signatory companies. int/climate-action/race-to-zero-campaign
wp-content/u ploads/2021/07/NZIA-Commitment. pdf
TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Dis
Net Zero Tracker. (2023, February). Net Zero Tracker. closures). (2017). Recommendations of the Task
https:// zerotracker. net Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.
Net Zero Tracker. (2022). Net Zero Stocktake 2022.
Our World in Data based on the Global Carbon Project.
(2022). Production vs. consumption-based CO2 emis TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial
sions per capita. Dis-closures). (2022). Status Report.
prod-cons-co2-per-capita company/sites/60/2022/10/2022-TCFD-Status-Report.pdf
Oxford Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures).
(2020). (2021). Guidance on Metrics, Targets, and Transition Plans.
reports/Oxford-Offsetting-Principles-2020.pdf P141021-2.pdf
8.1 Which of the following was a key finding of the 2018 those arising from electricity, energy use, heating
IPCC Special Report on 1.5 C? and cooling.
A. The difference in the global impacts on human B. Defining targets to reduce the physical
societies and the natural world are not likely to be intensity of investments and loans in a set of
° °
starkly different between a 1.5 C and a 2 C warm emissions-intensive sectors.
ing scenario.
C. Increasing investments in companies operating
B. Under a 2 C scenario, the share of global popula in "green" sectors, such as renewable energy,
tion exposed to severe heat is likely to be signifi hydrogen production, and electric vehicles.
cantly higher than under a 1.5 C scenario.
D. Divesting from emissions-intensive industries.
C. The estimated share of species that would lose 8.4 Which among the following is not a typical challenge
over half their habitat range and face a significant
posed by carbon-credit projects?
risk of extinction would likely be the same under a
° ° A. Displacement of emissions vs. avoiding emissions.
2 c and a 1.5 C warming scenario.
B. Long-term storage of carbon.
D. The probability of extreme drought and water
stress is likely to be lower under a 2 C scenario, C. Accurate measurement of the amounts of carbon
compared with a scenario where the world man stored.
ages to limit global average temperature increases D. Carbon reduction pledges of organizations vs.
to 1.5 C. availability of carbon credits.
8.2 In national net-zero pledges, countries largely commit 8.5 Which of the following financing activities poses the
to which of the following: greatest threat to stabilizing or preventing further
A. Reducing all emissions generated via the produc emissions?
tion of goods and services consumed in their A. Making operations more efficient.
B. Decommissioning high carbon assets.
B. Reducing all emissions that are directly produced
C. New exploration and production.
within their territory.
D. Sourcing raw materials from local suppliers.
C. Balancing all emissions that are directly produced
within their territory with GHG removal via sinks. 8.6 Which of the following objectives is needed to provide
a meaningful framework to achieve net-zero targets?
D. Balancing all emissions generated via the produc
tion of goods and services consumed in their terri A. Understanding the emission pathways of competi
tory with GHG removal via sinks. tors in the same industry.
8.3 Which of these approaches are currently outlined by B. Pursuing best efforts to reduce Scope 1 and 2
the Science-Based Targets initiative as science-based emissions.
ways for financial institutions to develop a decarbon C. Engaging with stakeholders that have a
ization target? well-publicized net-zero commitment.
A. Setting a pledge to reduce only Scopes 1 and 2 D. Understanding economic opportunities that arise
emissions, such as direct operational emissions and through the net-zero transition.
8.1 B 8.4 D
8.2 C 8.5 C
8.3 B 8.6 D
Attention Deflection When organizations or companies conceal Carbon Taxes A form of carbon pricing in which a government
unsustainable practices with incomplete disclosures or misleading sets a price per ton of CO2.
Changes in Insurance Premiums A metric to determine the
Avoid Refers to renewable energy projects, or similar initiatives amount of money an individual or business must pay for an insur
that do not add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. ance policy.
Bid-Ask Spreads The difference between what a buyer is willing Climate The long-term patterns or statistics of the weather.
to pay and the selling price of an asset.
Climate Action A set of actions and policies to address climate
Biomass Energy A form of renewable energy created by change risk. Necessary to address sustainable development,
combusting plant-based material. climate action and risks are broader than ESG, impacting all aspects
of society.
Cap-and-Trade Schemes A form of carbon pricing in which a
government caps emissions, but emissions permits can be traded Climate Change The long-term differences in the statistics of
between participants. weather patterns measured over multi-decadal periods.
Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) A process Climate Finance Financial flows related to adaptation and/or
by which fossil fuels are burned and carbon dioxide is captured mitigation climate change projects.
and used in a range of applications, such as being incorporated in
Climate Risk The financial risks linked to climate change.
cement or plastic, or stored underground.
Climate Risk Management A form of risk management that can
Carbon Intensity The level of GHG emissions normalized by the
help identify, analyze, mitigate, and manage the impacts of climate
market value of the portfolio.
Carbon Leakage When carbon-intensive companies relocate to
Climate Scenario Analysis A planning tool that firms use to
areas with weaker climate policies.
develop narratives to sketch out potential future states of the world
Carbon Pricing Refers principally to two types of policies as climate change advances.
carbon taxes and emissions-trading schemes (often known as
Climate Stress Tests Simulations that are used to assess how a
cap-and-trade schemes).
firm responds to climate-induced physical and transitional risk.
Climate Tipping Point A low probability, high impact event in Double Materiality A concept that encourages companies to
which the climate system undergoes a large and rapid shift to an disclose all activities, opportunities, and risks that may be material
entirely new climate state. to the company, society, and the environment.
CO2 Emissions Standards A set of European Union regulations Economic Sustainability An aspect of sustainability that pro
to reduce the quantity of CO2 emissions from cars and vans. motes accessibility of economic prosperity around the world.
Commercial (Climate) Data Providers Entities that provide Ecosystem Services Benefits that humans derive from ecosys
detailed climate-related data for transition and physical risk sce tems, including provisioning, supporting, regulating, and culural
nario analysis. services.
Company-Level Scores A measurement of a company's physical Emission Trajectories A projection of the level of GHG that an
climate risk exposure. entity emits, based on current and proposed practices and policies.
Company-Level Risks Microeconomic risks that impact the func Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Comprehensive approaches
tion of an individual firm, including operational, credit, liquidity, to managing risk across and within an organization.
and underwriting risks.
Environmental Criteria Criteria that assess how a company
Consumption-Based A GHG accounting method which measures impacts environmental factors such as water use and GHG
the cumulative emissions which arise from the production of all emissions.
goods and services consumed in that country, regardless of where
Environmental Sustainability An aspect of sustainability that
production took place.
involves maintaining and balancing ecological and biological
Corporate Alignment A process in which companies develop systems.
approaches to reach a common goal.
ESG A set of criteria investors use to gauge companies and
Corporate Carbon Footprints Carbon emissions data of a firm's sometimes other entities such as governments on environmental,
Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, as defined by the GHG Protocol. social, and governance performance.
Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions The combination of a ESG Criteria The standards investors use to assess ESG perfor
firm's Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, as defined by the GHG Protocol. mance of companies and governments.
Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR) When companies under ESG Integration Involves using and collecting data on material
take social or environmental activities in an attempt to benefit ESG issues, integrating it into investing or lending decisions, and
wider society. engaging with investee companies.
Corporate Strategy High-level decisions on an organization's EU Taxonomy A European Union framework that sets perfor
priorities and mission. mance thresholds for economic activities, by sector and subsector,
to determine which investments are environmentally sustainable.
Credit Risk A measure of creditworthiness, or ability a borrower
has to pay back a loan. European Economic Area European countries that participate in
the European Union's single market.
Culture Defined by COSO as the "attitudes, behaviors and
understanding about risk[ ... ] that influence the decisions of man EV Purchase Subsidies Government-funded subsidies that pro
agement and personnel and reflect the mission, vision and core mote purchasing electric vehicles.
values of the organization"
Exposure A measure of whether assets or firms in a vulnerable
Decoupling When organizations or companies do not fulfill place or setting could be adversely affected by climate hazards or
stakeholder expectations of sustainability claims. drivers.
Development Financial Institutions (DFls) Institutions that Extreme Event Attribution Science A branch of climate change
finance projects in developing countries. science that quantifies the contribution of climate change to
extreme events.
Direct Emissions Emissions from sources that are owned or con
trolled by the reporting company. Feed-in Tariffs A form of carbon pricing which sets a guaranteed
price per unit of electricity generated at which producers can sell
Disorderly Transition A delayed and less organized economic
their electricity for a fixed period of time.
transition to net zero CO2.
208 ■ Glossary
Financial Performance A traditional metric to gauge company (Green) Taxonomies Frameworks that are used to define what
performance. products are considered sustainable.
Financial Stability A set of conditions in which economic pro Greencrowding A form of greenwashing in which an organization
cesses operate as expected. depends on the sheer volume of other companies in its sector to
obscure its sustainability record.
Financial Supervision A toolkit of strategies and regulations to
ensure the stability of financial institutions. Greenhouse Gases Gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane,
that trap heat energy emitted by the Sun and Earth.
Fuel Efficiency Standards Regulations that set a target average
consumption of fuel in motor vehicles (often indicated as mpg, Greenhushing A form of greenwashing in which an organization
I/km, g CO2/km). undereports sustainability successes to avoid investor or public
Geothermal Energy A form of renewable energy generated by
heat in the Earth's crust. Greenlabelling A form of greenwashing in which an organization
misleads on sustainability claims.
(Global) Reference Scenarios A set of agreed-upon and widely
used projections of future emissions with accompanying socioeco Greenlighting A form of greenwashing in which an organization
nomic narratives and estimates, which are a crucial input for climate focuses on only one small or specific sustainability success.
scenario analysis.
Greenrinsing A form of greenwashing in which an organization
Global Reporting Initiative An organization that provides widely regularly changes its ESG targets before completion.
accepted sustainability reporting standards.
Greenshifting A form of greenwashing in which an organization
Global Warming Though often used interchangeably with climate shifts blame for unsustainable practices to consumers.
change, specifically refers to the increase in temperature caused by
Greenwashing Practices that include companies not fulfilling
increased greenhouse gases.
green claims made to consumers or deflecting attention away from
Global Warming Potential (GWP) A measure of a gas's abilty to unsustainable practices.
trap heat relative to carbon dioxide. For example, methane's GWP
Greenwishing Well-intended efforts that may not make a signifi
of 28 means that it can trap 28 times more heat than carbon dioxide.
cant difference toward sustainable outcomes.
Governance Issues that pertain to company leadership, compen
Growth An increase in utilization.
sation, and risk management strategy.
Hazards Events with the potential to cause harm and enhance risk.
Green Bonds Bonds whose proceeds are earmarked for environ
mental projects that can, but are not required to, include climate Hothouse World A lack of action in pursuing net CO2, leading to
related goals. enhanced physical risks.
Green Car Loans Loans that are dedicated to financing environ Hydroelectric Energy A form of renewable energy generated
mentally friendly cars, such as electric vehicles. when water running through a damn spins turbines.
Green or ESG Indices Stock market indices that include compa Impact and Dependency Mapping A tool that describes impacts
nies according to various sustainability performance standards. and dependencies in terms of stock and flow in relation to various
types of capital.
Green Finance Sustainable finance focused on environment-related
risks and opportunities-often, but not necessarily, climate change. Indirect Emissions Emissions that are a consequence of the
activities of the reporting company, but occur at sources owned or
Green Labels A standardized recognition/confirmation/certificate
controlled by another company.
that a financial product, project, or organization has a measur-
able positive contribution to the environment, climate change, Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) Broad-spectrum models
renewable energy, or other types of recognized green/sustainable designed to allow analysis of how societal and economic choices
activities. affect each other and the natural world, including the causes of
climate change.
Green Loans Loans whose proceeds are used for environmental
and climate-related projects. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) The UN
entity that is responsible for assessing and reporting on climate
Green Mortgages Mortgages for energy-efficient homes.
change and its impacts.
Glossary ■ 209
International Climate Policy Binding and nonbinding multina Natural Capital The stock of the world's natural resources, which
tional agreements that primarily focus on reducing greenhouse gas include living and geological resources.
Natural Capital Protocol A framework that allows organizations
International Energy Agency (IEA) An international organiza to assess their impact and dependencies on natural capital.
tion that collects data, conducts analyses, and produces reports on
Natural Climate Solutions Practices and technologies that
energy use across the global energy system.
equester carbon from the atmosphere by conserving, restoring, or
International Financial Institutions (IFls) Banks that are estab managing natural systems.
lished and managed by two or more countries.
Nature-Based Solution "Nature based solutions are defined as
Key Performance Indicators (KPls) A quantified measure of actions to protect, manage, or restore ecosystems that also address
advancement toward a predetermined goal. societal and human challenges."
Kyoto Protocol Established in 1997, a legally binding treaty Net Zero Reaching a balance between the greenhouse gases
in which high-income countries agreed to reduce emissions by entering the atmosphere and those removed via sinks.
5% from 1990 levels by 2008-2012.
Net-Zero Scenario A climate scenario that models the pathways
Leakage Refers to displacing rather than avoiding emissions. and outcomes of reaching a balance between greenhouse gas
emissions and elimination.
Liability Risk When firms suffer financial consequences after
being held legally responsible. Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) An initia
tive that joins central banks and regulators to work on climate inte
Life Cycle Assessment An assessment of the environmental
gration, and helping to spread best practices.
impacts of a product through its entire life cycle, from production,
to use, to disposal. Nuclear Energy A dispatchable form of energy produced by
nuclear reactions.
Liquidity Risk Potential loss due to an institution's inability to
meet its obligations or losing access to liquidity. Operational Risk The risk inherent in doing business that reflects
potential losses from inadequate or failed internal processes, sys
Loan-to-Deposit Ratios A ratio to compare a bank's total loans to
tems, human error, or outside events.
the bank's total deposits.
Orbital Variations Driver of climate shifts that are caused by
Loss Given Default (LGD) The amount a lender loses when a
changes in the shape of Earth's orbit around the Sun.
borrower is unable to pay back a loan.
Orderly Transition A focus on a swift economic transition to net
Macroprudential Supervision The oversight of the broader finan
zero CO2.
cial system for financial soundness.
Output of the Sun Driver of climate shifts that result from fluctua
Materiality/Material The relative significance of an issue to an
tions in the Sun's brightness.
organization's finances and business operations.
Paris Agreement A nonbinding multinational 2015 agreement
Materiality Assessment The process of assessing the relative
that set an emissions target to limit warming to 1.S-2°C. The agree
importance of various climate risk and sustainability risk drivers.
ment depends upon mutual accountability from member nations
Measurement Refers to the challenge of accurately assessing the to adhere to the emissions reduction plans that each country
amount of stored carbon. establishes.
Measuring and Defining (risk) The process of identifying and Permanence Refers to the capacity for long-term storage of
analyzing threats (and opportunities) to an organization. carbon.
Microprudential Supervision The oversight of specific financial Physical Climate Models Computer simulations that model the
institutions (usually banks and insurers) for financial soundness. functioning and operation of the Earth's climate system, and are
Multifaceted (risk) Risks with a variety of features and elements. now used for scenario analysis.
Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) Multinational institu Physical Risk Risks that arise from the physical climate (and
tions that support financial growth in developing countries. weather) impacts that result from the changing climate.
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) National plans to Portfolio Alignment Tools A set of tools financial institutions can
reduce greenhouse gas emissions in alignment with international goals. use to analyze and set investment sustainabilty targets.
210 ■ Glossary
Portfolio (Climate) Risk Management Using scenario analysis to (Scenaro Analysis) Analytical Tools A wide range of models and
assess portfolio-level exposures, and gauge how exposures may scenarios to understand and respond to the challenges of climate
vary in different climate outcomes. change, including physical risks and transition risks.
Portfolio Selection Using scenario analysis to inform decisions (Scenario Analysis) Outputs The results of climate scenario
about investment strategies. modeling, which can include, but not limited to, revenues or costs
to asset valuations and impacts on productivity.
Probability of Default (PD) The likelihood that a borrower will be
unable to pay back a loan. (Scenario Analysis) Parameters A set of assumptions that can
range from macroeconomic variables (e.g., GDP growth) to energy
Production-Based A GHG accounting method in which a
demand and mix to policies.
country's emissions are those which directly arise within its geo
graphical boundaries. SDG Bond Bonds that are linked to UN Sustainable Development
Removal Refers to activities that directly sequester carbon or
other greenhouse gases. Sector-Specific Decarbonization Pathways A set of approaches
designed to demonstrate how various sectors can reduce their
Renewable Portfolio standards (RPSs) An umbrella term for a
greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with Paris Agreement goals.
range of quota-based regulations that aim to increase the supply of
renewable electricity by requiring commercial electricity producers Sector-Specific Policies Policies (including, but not limited to
to source a specific portion of supply from renewable energy renewable portfolio standards and fuel efficiency standards) that
sources, such as wind or solar power. are tailored to reduce the emissions from unique industries.
Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) Adopted Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) A set of scenarios that
by the IPCC, RCPs are scenarios that model the level of radia show how the climate is influenced by social and economic factors
tive forcing that is caused by a given level of greenhouse gas (including but not limited to population, economic growth, educa
concentrations. tion, and level of globalization).
Resilience Planning Using scenario analysis to mitigate opera Social Bonds Bonds with earmarked proceeds for projects that
tional risk and improve preparedness. will bring social benefits.
Review and Revision Additional checks and balances on the ERM Social Metrics Metrics that measure how a company manages
framework to reassess risks when considering susbstantial changes employees and relationships with suppliers and communities.
to a firm's business context.
Social Sustainability An aspect of sustainability that focuses on
Risk Assessment Evaluating gathered data on the actual scope of securing a minium standard of basic human necessities and rights.
identified risks.
Solar Energy A form of renewable energy that uses solar panels
Risk Governance The process of managing risk properly within to gather light and heat from the Sun's rays.
an institution, by utilizing structures and staff to diffuse knowledge
Standardize The process of ensuring definitions and standards
and monitor risks.
are consistent.
Risk Identification Examining the transmission channels of cli
Stranded Assets Environmentally unsustainable or otherwise
mate risk drivers into financial risk.
climate-affected assetscan suffer from unanticipated or premature
Risk Management A structured approach to monitoring, measur write-offs due to either physical or transition risk.
ing, and managing exposures to reduce the potential impacts of
Strategy and Stakeholder Communication The process of dis
uncertain occurrences.
closing a firm's climate-related opportunities and risks.
Risk Prioritization Ranking risks in order of importance (can
Stress Testing A set of simulations that are used to assess a firm's
include likelihood of occurrence, adaptability and complexity, or
stability and how the firm responds to threats.
Supply Chain Risk Risks that arise from disruptions from
Risk Responses COSO ERM Framework counts five possibilities:
acceptance, avoidance, pursuit, reduction, and sharing.
Sustainability Humankind meeting its economic needs without
Scenario Analysis The use of narratives to sketch out potential
overburdening the environment or weakening societies.
future states of the world.
Glossary ■ 211
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) An organiza Tectonic Processes Driver of climate shifts that occur as a result
tion that provides standards for reporting material sustainability of continental drift.
Temperature Scores A shorthand way of understanding what
Sustainability Bonds A combination of green and social bonds, level of warming a company's plans are aligned with.
meant to simultaneously address both environmental and social
T ime Horizons A predetermined point in the future that marks an
important threshold.
Sustainability and Climate Investment Policies A broad range
Transition Risk Risks that arise from the economic transforma
of policies established by multinational institutions (e.g. The World
tion and any dislocation needed to drastically reduce, and even
Bank) to guide sustainable finance.
tually eliminate, net greenhouse gas emissions to reach net-zero
(Sustainability) Coalitions Private sector-focused groups that emissions.
develop best practices on a range of sustainability issues.
Triple Bottom Line An assessment of corporate sustainability that
(Sustainability) Frameworks A set of metrics to guide and pro equally weights social and environmental perform with financial
mote the disclosure of financially material sustainability information peformance.
by companies to their investors.
Unforced Variability Driver of climate shifts that naturally occur
Sustainability-Linked Bonds (SLB) Bonds whose coupons are over a period of a few weeks to years, but cannot fully account for
linked to the issuer firm's achievement of pre-agreed sustainability recent climate change.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Sustainability-Linked Loans (SLL) Loans whose interest rates are (UNFCC) A multinational UN treaty, signed in 1992, to address
linked to a company's achievement of certain sustainability targets. the risks of human-induced climate change.
Sustainability Performance Targets (SPTs) Measureable Use of Proceeds A brief statement summarizing how investments
advancement of KPls in accordance with a timeline set by the issu are used.
ers of an instrument.
Value at Risk (VaR) A metric for quantifying(or measuring) the
Sustainable Credit Cards Credit cards that donate a percentage potential loss/the level of financial risk in a firm, a portfolio, or a
of purchases to environmental charities. given investment.
Sustainable Development Country-level economic development Vulnerability Degree to which assets (or firms) could suffer losses
that does not overexploit natural resources or overburden society. due to exposure to climate change impacts.
Sustainable Development Goals An international initiative the Weather The exact state of the atmosphere at a particular loca
UN started in 2015 that advances the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustain tion and time.
able Development.
Weighted Average Carbon Intensity A portfolio's exposure to
Sustainable Finance Any kind of financial activity that takes sus carbon-intensive companies.
tainability into account, across asset classes, products, and services.
Wind Energy A form of intermittent renewable energy that relies
Sustainable Funds Funds that consist of sustainable instruments on wind turbines to harvest kinetic energy from wind.
and funds with shares in sustainable companies.
World Business Council for Sustainable Development An inter
Sustainably-Linked Instruments that are linked to sustainability national organization that conducts research on corporate social
targets. responsibility and shares research with members. It developed the
Greenhouse Gas Protocol along with the World Resources Institute.
SWOT Analysis A form of risk assessment that focuses on identi
fying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. World Energy Outlook The IEA's annual report; a comprehensive
assessment of global energy use.
Systemic (risk) Risk of a breakdown or collapse of an entire sys
tem (rather than failure of individual parts). World Resources Institute Ecosystem Services Review A frame
work that allows organizations to assess their impact and depen
Tax Incentives A policy option that can significantly increase
dencies on ecosystem services.
renewable energy competitiveness and deployment.
212 ■ Glossary
Central bank-led supervision, 89-91 types
Clean development mechanism (CDM), 78 physical risk, 53, 55-61
Climate action, 36 stranded assets, 54-55
Climate Action Tracker, 192 stranded human capital and just transition,
Climate Biennial Exploratory Scenario, 155 66-67
Climate change transition risk, 53, 61-66
causes Climate risk measurement/management, 123-147
attribution of modern warming, 10-11 data and analysis, 135-141
energy balance, 6--7 company-level transition risk data, 136-138
greenhouse effect, 7 corporate alignment, 136
human activity, 7-10 corporate carbon footprints, 136
description, 2 market participants, 138
future warming (see Warming) physical risks, company-level, 138-139
impacts portfolio-level analysis, 140-141
agricultural infrastructure, 14 products and services, 136
Albedo effect, 16 temperature scores, 137
cold-season temperatures, 14 enterprise risk management, 141-147
distribution of ecosystems, 14 corporate strategy, 142-144
extreme events, 16--17 culture, 142
human society and natural ecosystems, 17 investors and lenders, 146
modern, 14-17 materiality assessment, 143
polar amplification, 16 review and revision, 146
positive feedbacks, 16 risk assessment, 144
precipitation, 14-15 risk governance, 142
sea level and ocean acidification, 15 risk identification, 144
temperature, 14 risk prioritization, 144
observations risk responses, 146
global annual average temperature, 3, 4 scenario analysis, 144
global average surface temperature, 5, 6 time horizons, 144
high-quality weather, 4 kinds of risks, 124
before humans, 5, 6 macro climate risk
independent scientific groups, 4 climate impacts, 132
thermometers, 4 climate Minsky moment, 133
warming, 4 credit risk, 133
policy responses, 17-24 financial counterparties, 132
Climate, definition, 2 insurance risks, 133
Climate finance, 101 liquidity risk, 133
Climate groupings, 94 market risk, 133-135
Climate impact, 9-10 operational risk, 132-133
Climate integration, central bank-led supervision, 89-91 potential threat, 133
Climate models, and scenario analysis, 152-172 sovereign risk, 135
Climate policies, 75-78 systemic risk and financial stability, 132-135
ClimatePREDICT, 167 micro and macro level, 126-128
Climate risk, 33-34 micro (company-level) climate risks
definition, 52 credit risk, 129-131
finance, economy and key sectors, 67 liquidity risk, firm-specific, 131
introduction, 52-53 operational risk, 128-129
measurement/management (see Climate risk measurement/ underwriting risk, 131-132
management) transversal risk, 147
214 ■ Index
Climate scenario analysis, 153
Climate tipping point, 17
DAC. See Direct air capture (DAC)
Climate transition risk, 132
Data granularity, 59-60
Climate value at risk (CVaR), 134
DDPP. See Deep decarbonization pathways project (DDPP)
Coalitions, 45-48
Decarbonization, 66
Cold-season temperatures, 14
Decoupling, 42
Commercial data providers, 164
Deep decarbonization pathways project (DDPP), 161
Common Ground Taxonomy, 89
Delta Blue Carbon Project, 45
Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories,
Development Financial Institutions (DFls), 85
186, 188
Direct air capture (DAC), 22, 62
Comprehensive approach to emission reductions, 184
Direct emissions, 83, 84
Computer simulations, 11-13, 16
Double materiality, 201
Concentrated solar power (CSP), 64
Dynamic integrated climate economy (DICE) model, 76
Consumer pressure, 64-65
Consumption-based accounting methods, 185
Corals, 5 E
Corporate alignment, 136 Economic sustainability, 32
Corporate carbon footprints, 136 Economy, 66
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 33, 41 Ecosystems, 14, 17
and greenwashing, 42-43 Ecosystem services, 39-40
Corporate strategy, 142 Electricity generation, 67-69
Corporate sustainability reporting, 41-42 El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), 11
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), Emission reductions, 191
201 Emissions scenarios, 24
Corporate use cases Energy balance, 6-7
operational risk and resilience planning, 168 Energy storage, 20
strategy and stakeholder communication, 168 Energy system, 19-22
Corporate Value Chain Standard, 83 Engagement, 33, 42
Counterparty climate risk assessment, 145 Enterprise risk management (ERM), 141
COVID-19 pandemic, 165, 170 Environmental criteria, 34
IEA, 158 Environmental impact, 41
recovery fund, 88 Environmental, social and governance (ESG)
sustainability bonds, 106, 107 and climate integration, 110-114
T CFD reporting, 116 data and scores, 110
Credibility gap, 193 investment decisions and portfolio analysis, 110-113
Credit risk, 129 shareholder engagement, 112, 114
macro climate risk, 133 policies, 33
micro (company-level) climate risks, sustainability and climate risk, 33-34
129-131 Environmental sustainability, 32, 33
Cross-industry principles & metrics, 195 Equitable transition to net zero, 184
CSR. See Corporate social responsibility (CSR) ESG. See Environmental, social and governance (ESG)
Culture, 142 European Development Finance Institutions (EDFI) association,
Culture, and governance, 75-95 85
collective action problems, 78 European Economic Area (EEA), 40
COP meetings, 79 European Investment Bank (EIB), 85
global COVID-19 pandemic, 88 E.U. Taxonomy, 87, 116-118
joint implementation, 78 EV purchase subsidies, 82
Paris Agreement, 79 Ex-ante investment integration, 170
Cumulative CO2 emissions, 76-77 Exposure, 54
Index ■ 215
Extreme-event attribution science, 16 Greenhushing, 43
Extreme weather events, 16-17 Greenlabelling, 43
Green labels, 109
Greenlighting, 42
Green loans, 106
Feed-in tariffs, 82
Green mortgages, 110
Finance, 67
Green or ESG indices, 109
Finance & investment
Greenrinsing, 43
ex-ante investment integration, 170
Greenshifting, 42
portfolio analysis and stress testing, 168-171
Green/sustainable finance
Financial performance, 41
ESG and climate integration, 110-114
Firm's strategy, 53
data and scores, 110
Forest conservation, 23
investment decisions and portfolio analysis, 110-113
Fossil fuels, 165
shareholder engagement, 112, 114
combustion, 8
markets and instruments, 101-118
sustainable finance taxonomy, 199
green bonds, 104-106
Frameworks, sustainability risk, 45-48
green labels, 109
Front-loaded emission reductions, 184
green loans, 106
Fuel efficiency standards, 82
institutional or retail, 108
216 ■ Index
Legal liability risk,60
Legal risks, 60, 63-64
IAMs. See Integrated assessment models (IAMs)
Levelized cost of electricity (LCOE), 64
Ice ages,5
LGIM. See Legal and general investment management (LGIM)
cycles, 11
Liability risk,60
Ice cores,5
Life cycle assessments (LCA), 43
IEA. See International Energy Agency (IEA)
Liquidity risk
IFis. See International financial institutions (IFls)
macro climate risk,133
Impact and dependency mapping, 143
micro (company-level) climate risks,firm-specific, 131
Impact assessment,43
Little Ice Age, 5
Implied temperature rise (ITR),198, 199
Loan-to-deposit ratios,131
Indirect emissions,83, 84
ING's 2021 Climate Report, 200
Loss given default (LGD),129
Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), 91
Lyxor Asset Management (Lyxor),199
Insurance premiums, changes in, 131
Insurance risks,133
Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium, 12
Integrated assessment models (IAMs),157,163 Macroprudential supervision,89,90
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 4-5, 9-12,35, Material financial effects, 42
Interim targets and pathways, net zero,192-195 Maturity scale alignment metrics,198
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD),85 MDBs. See Multilateral development banks (MDBs)
International Climate Agreements, 78-79 MDGs. See Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), 47-48, 200 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), 35
Keeling curve,7
Nationally determined contributions (NDCs),23, 79, 193
Key performance indicators (KPls),42, 106
and national climate policies,79-82
KPls. See Key performance indicators (KPls)
National net-zero target setting, 193
Kyoto Protocol,78
Natural capital,40
Natural Capital Protocol,40
L Natural climate solutions,22-23
Land degradation,93 Natural ecosystems,17
Legal and general investment management (LGIM),164, 172 Nature-based solutions,38, 39
Index ■ 217
NOC. See Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) Paris Alignment Capital Transition Assessment (PACTA), 165
Network for greening the financial system (NGFS),89, 161 Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials,48
Net zero, 179-202 Physical climate models, 162,166-167
alignment with broader socio-ecological objectives,184 Physical risk,53, 55
community-scale greenhouse gas emissions inventories, acute and chronic hazards,56-59
186,188 changing climate,53
country-level emissions,185-186 data granularity,59-60
durable,179 distributional consequences,55
economic opportunities, 184 electricity generation, 69
equitable transition,184 emissions trajectories, 162,166,170
in global climate architecture,179 exposure, 54
implications of,185-189 opportunities, resilience and adaption,60-61
interim targets and pathways, 192-195 real estate,67-69
metrics,195-199 scenario analysis, 165-167
private sector, 188-189 supply chain,legal and systemic risks,60
reporting, 200-201 very long-horizon portfolio, 167
SBTl's guidance for the financial sector,189 vulnerability, 54
scenario for Germany, 186-187 Plastic pollution, 93
scientific discussions,179 Polar amplification, 16
spread of,181-185 Policy and Action Standard,83
sub-national governments, 186-188 Policy enforcement, sustainable investment and disclosure,91
temperature increase to 1.5°C,180-181 Policy options, ecosystem services,40
transition plans, 189-192 Policy responses
Net-Zero Insurance Alliance (NZIA),183 adaptation,18-19
Net zero scenario, 155-156, 159 geoengineering,22-23
NGFS. See Network for greening the financial system (NGFS) mitigation, 19-22
Non-state and subnational actor (NSA) climate commitments,83 mitigation targets, 23-24
Nordhaus's dynamic integrated climate economy (DICE) model, Policy risk,63-64
76 Portfolio alignment tools, 196
Nuclear energy,20 Portfolio analysis,and stress testing,168-171
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK),162
0 Power, 165
Precipitation, 14-15
Ocean acidification, 15
Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI),45
Ocean sediment cores,5
Private sector,net zero
Operating Principles for Impact Management (OPIM), 86
financial sectors,189
Operational risk
non-financial sectors, 188-189
macro climate risk,132-133
Private-sector sustainability
micro (company-level) climate risks, 128-129
frameworks and coalitions,45-48
investors, 45
physical risk,60-61
sustainability risk, 47-48
transition risk,61-66
Probability of default (PD),129
Orbital variations, 11
Production-based accounting method, 185
Production-vs. consumption-based emissions estimates,2020,
Ozone (03),8
p Product Standard,83
Project Protocol,83
Parameters/assumptions,162 Provisioning services,40
Paris Agreement,83, 179 Public policy,green finance adoption,86-87
218 ■ Index
R SSP3, 12
SSP5, 12
Race to Zero campaign, 181-183
Shareholder activism, 114
RCPs. See Representative concentration pathways (RCPs)
Small modular reactors (SM Rs), 20
Real estate, 67-69
Social bonds, 105
Reference scenarios, 153
Social impact, 41
Reforestation, 23
Social metrics, 34
Renewable portfolio standards (RPSs), 81
Social sustainability, 32
Reporting, net zero, 200-201
Soil carbon sequestration, 23
Representative concentration pathways (RCPs),
Solar energy, 20
156, 170
Solar radiation management, 16, 22
Reputational risk, 45, 64-65
Sovereign risk, 135
Resilience, 60-61
Speleothems, 5
planning, 168
SSPS vs. RCP-SSP, 158
Risk assessment, 144
Stakeholder communication, 168
Risk governance, 142
Stalactites, 5
Risk identification, 144
Stalagmites, 5
Risk management, 53, 60, 124
Standard Value at Risk, 134
Risk prioritization, 144
Steel, 165
Risk responses, 146
Stranded assets, 54-55
Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), 45
Stranded human capital, and just transition, 66-67
RPSs. See Renewable portfolio standards (RPSs)
Stratosphere, 8
Stress testing, 89, 90, 154-155, 168-171
Subnational climate policies, 82-83
SASB. See Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Sub-optimal targeting, 88
Scenario analysis, 144, 153, 154 Sulfate aerosols, 9
asset management, 172 Sun's output, 10-11
BHP, 169 Supply chain risk, 60
global reference, 155-162 Supporting services, 40
introduction, 152-155 Sustainability
outputs, 162 climate policy (see Sustainability and climate policy)
parameters, 162 at corporations and financial institutions, 40-45
physical climate effects, 166 definition, 32
physical risk, 165-167 Delta Blue Carbon Project, 45
TCFD recommendations, 154, 168 ESG and climate risk, 33-34
transition risk, 162-165 introduction, 32-33
use cases private-sector frameworks and coalitions, 45-48
corporate, 168 products and systems, 43
finance and investment, 168-171 source of risk, 44-45
SDG bond, 106 Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), 47, 48, 200
SDGs. See Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Sustainability and climate policy. See also Culture, and governance
SDS. See Sustainable Development Scenario (SDS) broader societal implications, 93-95
Sea level, 15 cap-and-trade schemes, 80
Sector decarbonization pathways, 163 carbon pricing, 80
Sector-specific decarbonization pathways, 153 climate risk
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 201 and financial policy, 85-89
Shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs), 12-14, 156, 170 and financial supervision, 89-91
SSP1, 12 EV purchase subsidies, 82
SSP2, 12 feed-in tariffs offer, 82
Index ■ 219
Sustainability and climate policy (continued) Technology risks, 64
financial supervision Tectonic processes,10
capital management,91 Temperature,2,14
Central Bank-led supervision,89-91 Temperature scores,137
EU Taxonomy, 87 Territorial-based accounting method, 185
macroprudential supervision,89,90 Time horizons, 144
microprudential supervision,89,90 Transition plans,net zero,189-192
frameworks, 91-92 Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT),189,190
fuel efficiency standards, 82 Transition risks,53,55,195
global warming,75 analysis,162-165
greenwashing,91 carbon prices/cap-and-trade,63
investment policies,75 economic transformation, 53
nature,biodiversity and climate change,92-93 electricity generation,67-68
private financial sector,86 exposure,54
private-sector sustainability,91-92 HSBC,169,171
roots stretching,75 market risk,65-66
sustainable investment and disclosure,91 non-financial corporations/financial institutions,153,154,162
types of policies, 80 and opportunities
Sustainability bonds,106 business-as-usual scenarios, 61
Sustainability-linked bonds (SLB),104,106-108 cap-and-trade scheme,62
Sustainability-linked instruments,104 DAC, 62
Sustainability-linked loans (SLL),104,106-108 policy and legal risks,63-64
Sustainability risk,47-48 reputational risks and consumer pressure,64-65
Sustainable credit cards,110 technology risks,64
Sustainable development,34 real estate,67-69
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) scenario analysis,162-165
corporations,41-42,44 vulnerability,54,60
ecosystem services & natural capital,39-40 Tree rings, 5
leading up to 2030 agenda,35-36 "Triple bottom line," 41
materiality and alignment,42
targets and cross-cutting solutions,37-39 u
and their targets,36-37
Unforced variability,11
United Nations,34,36
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Sustainable Development Scenario (SDS),158
(UNFCCC), 35, 53, 75
Sustainable finance,101
UN Race to Zero campaign,181-183
Sustainable finance taxonomy for fossil fuel producers, 199
Use of proceeds, 104
SWOT analysis,142
Systemic risk,60
T Value at Risk (VaR),134
Vulnerability, 54,60
Targets, 53
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), 53,92,
framework and recommendations, 53 Warming
220 ■ Index
Water quality trading, 40 World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), 45,
Water vapor, 7, 9-10 83
Water vapor feedback, 10 World Energy Outlook, 159
WBCSD. See World Business Council for Sustainable Development World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 78
(WBCSD) World Resources Institute (WRI), 83
Weather, 2 World Resources Institute Ecosystem Services Review, 40
Weighted average carbon intensity, 140 Worst-case scenario, 156
Wetland restoration, 23
Wildfire predictions, 58
Wind energy, 20 z
WMO. See World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Zero-emission economy, 21
Index ■ 221