In The High Court of Delhi at New Delhi
In The High Court of Delhi at New Delhi
In The High Court of Delhi at New Delhi
+ W.P.(C) 3530/2011
1. Present writ petition has been filed challenging the decision of the
Central Information Commission (for short "CIC"), dated 11th May, 2011
passed in Appeal No. CIC/SM/A/2011/000237. The CIC vide the impugned
order allowed the appeal of the respondent and directed the Central Public
Information Officer, Supreme Court of India (for short "CPIO") to answer
the queries 1 to 7 raised by the said respondent in his application dated 20th
April, 2010. The CIC also directed the CPIO to provide information
This Bench further rules that all citizens have the right to
access information under Section 3 of the RTI Act and PIOs
shall provide the information sought to the citizens, subject
always to the provisions of the RTI Act only.
Details of Information required are as under:-
8. Requisite fee Rs. 10.00 vide IPO No. 86E 954536 dated
10.09.2010 enclosed.
that the SCR have been framed under Article 145 of the Constitution of
India and they provide for regulating the practice and procedure of the Court
and have the effect of law. He pointed out that the SCR provide for a
mechanism for inspection and search of pleadings on payment of prescribed
fees under Order XII. According to him, as it was open for the respondent in
the present case to obtain certified copies of the order sheets, the CIC was
not justified in directing the petitioner to furnish copies of the same free of
7. Mr. Luthra contended that as there is no inconsistency between the
RTI Act and the SCR, the RTI Act will not have an overriding effect over
the SCR. Furthermore, according to him, since Order XII of the SCR and
provisions of the RTI Act serve the same purpose, it would be a complete
waste of public funds to permit information to be provided both under the
RTI Act as well as the SCR, as erroneously held in the impugned judgment.
In support of his submission, he relied upon judgment of this Court in
Registrar of Companies and Others Vs. Dharmendra Kumar Garg and
Another, (2017) 172 Comp Cas 412 (Delhi).
8. He also pointed out that the Karnataka High Court in State Public
Information Officer and Deputy Registrar, High Court of Karnataka Vs.
N. Anbarasan (ILR 2003 KAR 3890) has held that as some of the
information sought in the said case was available under Karnataka High
Court Act and Rules made thereunder, it was not open for the respondent to
ask for copies of the same under the RTI Act. He stated that the information
in respect to Item Nos. 6 to 17 in the said case related to Writ Petition
No.17935/2006 and as the respondent was a party to the said proceeding, it
If either of these two conditions is fulfilled, the later law, even though
general, would prevail."
10. Mr. Luthra lastly submitted that any interference with the work of a
Judge in the discharge of his duties amounts to Contempt of Court. He
contended that by way of the RTI application, the respondent sought to
know in substance as to why his SLP had been dismissed, which is not
permissible under any law. He pointed out that the Allahabad High Court in
Baij Nath Prasad Vs. Madan Mohan Das, AIR 1952 All 108 has held that a
party making a private communication in the form of private letters was
totally out of place in Courts, as it is likely to give rise to a feeling that he
has familiarity with the presiding Magistrate.
11. Per contra, Ms. Deepali Gupta, learned counsel for the respondent
stated that the impugned order dated 11 th May, 2011 passed by the CIC was
well reasoned and justified.
12. She submitted that as the SCR and the RTI Act co-exist, it is the
citizens’ prerogative to choose under which mechanism he would like to
obtain information. She clarified that as both the laws, i.e. the RTI Act and
SCR were consistent, the applicant had the prerogative of choosing the law
under which he/she wanted to obtain information. She stated that for
instance in a dispute between a workman and management, a workman had
a right to proceed either under the Labour Law (Labour Court) or under the
Service Law (CAT). She stated that similarly in a dispute pertaining to
consumers, a person could proceed under the Civil Law or the Consumer
Protection Act. Applying the same analogy, she stated that the applicant is
free to choose a particular forum to pursue his/her remedies.
13. Ms. Deepali Gupta submitted that Rule 2, Order XII of the SCR
appears to impose a restriction on access to information held by or under the
control of a Public Authority which is prima facie inconsistent with the RTI
Act. She pointed out that under Section 6(2) of the RTI Act an applicant is
not to give reason for seeking the information and only nominal fee has to
be paid. According to her, the same is not so under Rule 2, Order XII of the
SCR, as good cause has to be shown. Hence, she submitted that purpose and
reasons for seeking information are called for under the SCR.
14. She contended that the RTI Act provides for a specific time period in
which information is to be provided. According to her, a procedure for
appeal is provided and penalty has been prescribed in case information is not
provided. She stated that the SCR does not provide any such procedure. She
also stated that under the RTI Act the information can be denied to an
applicant only under Sections 8 and 9. However, in the present matter the
information had been declined to the applicant without taking recourse
either to Section 8 or 9 of the RTI Act and hence the same was against the
statutory mandate.
15. Ms. Deepali Gupta submitted that Section 22 of the RTI Act being the
non-obstante clause specifically provides that the said Act shall have effect
notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in the Official
Secrets Act 1923, and any other law for the time being in force or in any
instrument having effect by virtue of any law other than this Act. Therefore,
according to her, in accordance with Section 22 of the RTI Act, the
provisions of the RTI Act shall override the SCR.
16. She further submitted that whereas the RTI Act is a substantive Law
and a statutory enactment, the SCR are subordinate legislation, being Rules
and Regulations framed under Article 145(1) of the Constitution, which lay
down the procedure to provide certified copies of documents, etc. The
scope of records that can be provided under Section 2(i) of RTI Act is much
wider than the records that can be provided under the SCR. In support of her
submission, she relied upon Dr. Vijay Laxmi Sadho vs. Jagdish, (2001) 2
SCC 247 wherein it has been held “Rules framed by the High Court in
exercise of powers under Article 225 of the Constitution of India are only
Rules of procedure and do not constitute substantive law.”
17. She submitted that the SCR have been framed under Article 145 of
the Constitution to govern the Supreme Court proceedings but not to control
proceedings under the RTI Act. The Rules are framed to provide certified
copies but not information and thus according to her the scope and object of
the RTI Act and SCR are altogether different. Consequently, according to
her, the finding of the CIC that, “Therefore this Commission respectfully
disagrees with the observation of the then Chief Information Commissioner
and holds that Rule 2, Order XII of the SCR, appears to impose a restriction
on access to information held by or under the control of a Public Authority,
which is prima facie inconsistent with the RTI Act. Therefore in accordance
with Section 22 of the RTI Act, the provisions of the RTI Act shall override
the SCR” is well reasoned and justified.
18. She lastly stated that the CIC had already held in case of Subhash
Chandra Agarwal vs. Supreme Court of India, Appeal no. CIC/WB/
A/2008/00426 dated 6th January 2009 that the contention of the respondent
Public Authority that RTI Act is not applicable in case of Supreme Court
cannot be accepted.
19. Since important questions of fact and law arose for consideration in
the present matter, the Court appointed Mr. Ramesh Singh, Advocate as
Amicus Curiae to assist it.
20. Mr. Ramesh Singh, learned Amicus Curiae submitted that the access
to the information under SCR 1966 / SCR 2013, which includes right to
inspection, search and copy is not the information covered / contemplated
under the provisions of RTI Act, as Section 2(j) of the RTI Act is concerned
with only that information which is under the exclusive control of the
„public authority‟. He submitted that this Court in Registrar of Companies
Vs. Dharmendra Kumar Garg (supra) has interpreted Section 2(j) of the
RTI Act in the said fashion.
21. He stated that even though a full Bench of this Court in Secretary
General, Supreme Court of India Vs. Subhash Chandra Agrawal, (2010)
166 DLT 305 defines the meaning of the words “held by” or “under the
control of” in the aforesaid Section 2(j), yet it does not deal with the aspect
of exclusive control as has been dealt with in the case of Registrar of
Companies Vs. Dharmendra Kumar Garg (supra).
22. Learned Amicus Curiae submitted that Section 22 of the RTI Act does
not contemplate overriding those legislations, which aim to ensure access to
information. In fact, according to him, the said provision contemplates
harmonious existence with the enactments which, like the RTI Act, also
provide for dissemination of information. He submitted that Section 22
comes into operation only in case of inconsistency between any other law
and the provisions of the RTI Act.
23. He stated that a Division Bench of this Court in Eliamma Sebastian
Vs. Ministry of Home Affairs and Ors., MANU/DE/0650/2016 has dealt
with the interplay of Section 22 of the RTI Act vis-a-vis Section 139 of the
Delhi Co-operative Societies Act, the latter provision dealing with „Right to
Information‟ under the said Co-operative Societies Act, and has held „that it
does not necessarily mean that any other legislation, which aims to ensure
access to information with respect to a private body, is overridden by
Section 22 of the RTI Act'. The Division Bench in the said decision further
articulated the manner of accessing information first under the provisions of
Delhi Co-operative Societies Act and thereafter under the RTI Act, qua that
information which a Co-operative society may not possess. According to
him, the aforesaid interpretation/position fits in with the well settled legal
position, namely of resorting to harmonious construction, which has also
been applied in the context of Section 22 of the RTI Act.
24. He pointed out that cases in which Section 22 of the RTI Act had been
invoked to direct access to information are those where the other statutes
completely bar access to information. He stated that in CBSE Vs. Aditya
Bandopadhyay, (2011) 8 SCC 497 the bye laws provided for a complete bar
as to „disclosure or inspection of the answer books or other documents'.
Further, in Reserve Bank of India Vs. Jayantilal N. Mistry, (2016) 3 SCC
525 the basic question formulated was „whether the Right to Information Act
2005 overrides various provisions of the special statute which confer
confidentiality in the information obtained by the RBI'.
25. Learned Amicus Curiae submitted that when there is no inconsistency
between the enactments/provisions and the RTI Act, the information is to be
accessed only through the mechanism provided in the said enactments/
provisions. He further stated that as under SCR, dispensation of information
is a part of the judicial function, exercise of which cannot be taken away by
any statute. Consequently, he stated that, the only recourse is to accord an
intra vires interpretation to Section 22 of the RTI Act, something, which the
Courts have repeatedly adopted failing which, the RTI Act would have to be
held to be unconstitutional insofar as it affects the functioning of the Courts
in the discharge of its judicial functions under the SCR 1966/SCR 2013.
26. He submitted that the Supreme Court in K.M. Nanavati Vs. The State
of Bombay, (1961) 1 SCR 497 harmonized the power of the Governor under
Article 161 of the Constitution of India, to order suspension of sentence with
Order XXI Rule 5 of the SCR, to hold that the said power of the Governor
does not deal with suspension of the sentence during the time when the
matter is sub-judice before the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court adopted
the said approach on the ground that Article 161 will not operate when the
matter is sub-judice, as the same can effectively interfere with the judicial
function and therefore avoidance of such a possible conflict will incidentally
prevent any invasion of the rule of law, which is the very foundation of the
27. He also submitted that the aforesaid view in Nanavati’s case was
affirmed in SCBA vs. UOI, (1998) 4 SCC 409, by holding that it is one thing
to say that “prohibitions or limitations in a statute” cannot come in the way
of exercise of jurisdiction under Article 142, but quite a different thing to
say that while exercising jurisdiction under Article 142, Supreme Court can
altogether ignore the substantive provisions of a statute.
28. Mr. Ramesh Singh stated that Section 28 of the RTI Act provides for
the competent authority to make rules to carry out the provisions of this Act.
He stated that the Delhi High Court had framed rules in terms of the said
provisions, wherein Rule 5 provides that the information specified under
Section 8 of the RTI Act shall not be disclosed, particularly such
information which relates to judicial functions and duties of the Court and
matters incidental and ancillary thereto. According to him, the said provision
has been framed to carry out the provisions of the RTI Act.
29. The learned Amicus Curiae submitted that even though Article 145 of
the Constitution of India (under which SCR 1966/ SCR 2013 have been
framed) starts with the phrase “subject to the provisions of any law made by
Parliament”, which phrase has been interpreted to mean that Parliamentary
law would prevail over Rules framed under Article 145, which Rules will be
subservient to the same [See in Re : Lily Isabel Thomas (1964) 6 SCR 229
at 233], then also it cannot mean that the RTI Act (a Parliamentary law) will
prevail over the power of the Court to decide on dissemination of
information, inasmuch as Rules made under Article 145 are in aid of the
powers given to the Supreme Court under Article 142 to pass judicial orders.
30. He stated that it has been held that function of a judge even in purely
administrative/non-adjudicatory matters amounts to administration of justice
as the said function is also in judicial capacity. In support of his submission,
he relied upon Shri Baradakanta Mishra Vs. The Registrar, Orissa High
Court, (1974) 1 SCC 374.
31. The learned Amicus Curiae lastly submitted that even if the
provisions of SCR dealing with dispensation of information is held to be
inconsistent with the provisions of RTI Act, then also it is the provision of
SCR which will prevail over the provisions of RTI Act.
32. Having perused the paper book this Court finds that the respondent
was holding the post of Postgraduate Teacher (Chemistry) in KVS and his
services were terminated by the Commissioner of KVS under Article 81(b)
of the Education Code on 05th November, 2003. The respondent challenged
conversant with the judicial process inasmuch as he has filed more than
double digit judicial proceedings before various forums and courts till date.
42. The restriction with regard to 'third party information' in SCR 1966
and 2013 is similar to restriction imposed under Sections 8(1)(j) and 11 of
the RTI Act. Therefore, it cannot be said that there is any inconsistency
between SCR and RTI Act, regarding providing information to the third
party. Both the RTI Act and the SCR enable the third party to obtain the
information on showing a reasonable cause for the same.
43. Not only that, the SCR are more advantageous with regard to charges
and time for delivery of copies than the RTI Act.
two. Thus, where the provisions of any other law can be applied
harmoniously, without any conflict, the question of repugnancy
would not arise.”
47. The non-obstante clause under Section 22 of the RTI Act does not
mean an implied repeal over all statutes, but only an overriding provision in
case of an inherent inconsistency. The Apex Court in Basti Sugar Mills Co.
Ltd. Vs. State of U.P, (1979) 2 SCC 88 has held as under:-
which other law, by virtue of the principle of ejusdem generis, would also
have to be of the same nature as the Official Secrets Act, 1923, namely, a
statute contemplating lack of transparency/access to information. [See:
F.C.I Vs. Yadav Engineer & Contractor, (1982) 2 SCC 499, paras 4, 10,
12; Ishwar Singh Bagga Vs. State of Rajasthan, (1987) 1 SCC 101, para 9;
and State of U.P. Vs. Harish Chandra and Co., (1999) 1 SCC 63, para 10].
49. Since both the RTI Act, 2005 and the SCR aim at dissemination of
information, there is no inherent inconsistency, other than the procedural
inconsistency at the highest between the RTI Act and the SCR.
50. Furthermore, the SCR is a special law dealing with subject covered by
the RTI Act. The Supreme Court in Justiniano Augusto De Piedade
Barreto Vs. Antonio Vicente Da Fonseca and Otheres, (1979) 3 SCC 47
has held as under:-
51. Consequently, it is incorrect to state that the RTI Act would prevail
over the SCR.
53. The preamble shows that the RTI Act has been enacted only to make
accessible to the citizens the information with the public authorities which
hitherto was not available. Neither the Preamble of the RTI Act nor does
any other provision of the Act disclose the purport of the RTI Act to provide
additional mode for accessing information with the public authorities which
has already formulated rules and schemes for making the said information
available. Certainly if the said rules, regulations and schemes do not
provide for accessing information which has been made accessible under the
RTI Act, resort can be had to the provision of the RTI Act but not to
duplicate or to multiply the modes of accessing information.
54. This Court is further of the opinion that if any information can be
accessed through the mechanism provided under another statute, then the
provisions of the RTI Act cannot be resorted to as there is absence of the
very basis for invoking the provisions of RTI Act, namely, lack of
transparency. In other words, the provisions of RTI Act are not to be
resorted to if the same are not actuated to achieve transparency.
55. Section 2(j) of the RTI Act reveals that the said Act is concerned only
with that information, which is under the exclusive control of the 'public
authority'. Providing copies/certified copies is not separate from providing
information. The SCR not only deal with providing 'certified copies' of
judicial records but also deal with providing 'not a certified copy' or simply a
'copy' of the document. The certification of the records is done by the
Assistant Registrar/Branch Officer or any officer on behalf of the Registrar.
In the opinion of this Court, in case of a statute which contemplates
dissemination of information as provided for by the Explanation to Section 4
of the RTI Act then in such situation, public will have minimum resort to the
use of the RTI Act to obtain such information.
56. There are other provisions of the RTI Act which support the said
position, namely, Sections 4(2), (3) and (4) which contemplate that if an
information is disseminated then the public will have minimum resort to the
use of the RTI Act to obtain information. In the present case, the
dissemination of information under the provisions of the SCR squarely fits
into the definition of “disseminated” as provided in the aforesaid
Explanation to Section 7(9) and the Preamble contemplate a bar for
providing information if it „disproportionally diverts the resources of the
public authority‟.
57. Section 42 also provides that it shall be constant endeavour of every
public authority to take steps in accordance with the requirements of sub-
Section (1) thereof and to provide as much information suo-motu to the
public at regular intervals through various means of communications
including intervals so that the public has minimum resort to the use of the
RTI Act to obtain information.
58. A Division Bench of this Court in Prem Lata CPIO Trade Marks
Registry, Delhi Vs. Central Information Commission & Ors., 2015 SCC
OnLine Del 7604 in the context of accessing information from the Registrar
of Trade Marks was concerned with the question whether information suo-
motu being made available by a public authority through means of
information including intervals in fulfillment of obligations under Section 4
of the Act can be requested for under Section 6 of the Act. For detailed
reasons therein, it was held that neither can information already suo-motu
made available by the public authority in discharge of obligations under
Section 4(b) be requested for under Section 6 of the RTI Act nor the CPIO
was required to reject the said request giving reasons. It was held that the
purport of the RTI Act is to make the information available to the public at
large and the same can be deciphered also from Section 44 of the RTI Act
providing for dissemination of information in a cost effective and easy mode
to the extent possible. Consequently, information which is already available
under any other statutory mechanism will not be covered under the provision
of the RTI Act.
59. In the present case, maintaining two parallel machinery: one under
SCR and the other under the RTI Act, would clearly lead to duplication of
work and unnecessary expenditure, in turn leading to clear wastage of
human resources as well as public funds. Also, request for hard copies of
information (as contemplated under Section 7 of the RTI Act) in respect of
those information which are already available and accessible in the public
domain, under the mechanism contemplated under the SCR, will further lead
to unnecessary diversion of resources and conflict with other public interest
which includes optimal use of limited fiscal resources.
60. A Coordinate Bench of this Court in Registrar of Companies and
Others Vs. Dharmendra Kumar Garg and Another (supra) has held as
"35. The mere prescription of a higher charge in the other
statutory mechanism (in this case Section 610 of the
Companies Act), than that prescribed under the RTI Act does
not make any difference whatsoever. The right available to
any person to seek inspection/copies of documents under
Section 610 of the Companies Act is governed by the
Companies (Central Government‟s) General Rules & Forms,
1956, which are statutory rules and prescribe the fees for
inspection of documents, etc. in Rule 21A. The said rules
being statutory in nature and specific in their application, do
not get overridden by the rules framed under the RTI Act with
64. In fact, the Supreme Court has framed rules with regard to
dissemination of information under Article 145 of the Constitution of India,
i.e. the SCR, 1966. The Rules under Article 145 of the Constitution have
been framed in aid of the powers conferred to the Supreme Court under
Article 142 of the Constitution to make such orders as is necessary for doing
complete justice in any cause or matter pending before it. The SCR provide
for regulating the practice and procedure of the Supreme Court.
65. It is pertinent to mention that during the pendency of the present
petition, the SCR, 1966 was repealed and replaced by the SCR, 2013. Under
the SCR, 1966, the relevant provision is Order XII, which deals with
search/inspection of all pleadings and other documents or records in the case
and for getting copies of the same on payment of prescribed fees and
charges. The said provision has two parts, one dealing with requests by a
party to any cause, appeal or matter and the other dealing with requests by a
person who is not a party to the case, appeal or matter. While in the first
case, the party concerned seems to be entitled to inspect the records and get
copies thereof as a matter of right, in the second case the said party, who is
only entitled to copies (and not inspection or search) has to first make an
application to the Court for the said purpose and the Court being satisfied
that there is a good cause, may allow the said application thereafter.
66. Rule 2 of the SCR cannot be read in isolation and needs to be read
along with Rule 1. Rule 1 of the SCR allows a party to a proceeding in the
Supreme Court to apply and receive certified copies of all pleadings,
judgment, decree or order, documents, etc. Therefore, both Rule 2 and Rule
1 of the SCR aim at dissemination of information. However, Rule 2 of the
SCR, merely imposes a condition on a person who is not a party to the case
(pending or disposed) to show a good cause to obtain a copy of the same.
67. Insofar as the SCR, 2013 is concerned, while Order X deals with
'inspection and search' by the party to any cause, Order XIII deals with
copies of the pleadings, judgments, decrees or orders, documents and
deposition. Like the SCR, 1966 the said provision also has two similar
parts; one dealing with requests by a party to any cause, appeal or matter and
the other dealing with requests by a person who is not a party to the appeal
or matter. Further, Rule 7 of the Order XIII deals with documents of any
confidential nature and the restrictions regarding obtaining copies of the
68. Since under Order V Rule 37 under the SCR, 2013, the application of
a person who is not a party to the case, appeal or matter, for inspection or
grant or search for grant of copies, is exercised by a Single Judge sitting in
Chamber, the obtaining of documents/inspection would fall within the
judicial functioning of the Supreme Court and thus such information would
be available under the SCR framed under Article 145 of the Constitution of
69. The right/access to the information under the SCR which includes
right of inspection, search of copies would all be judicial function of the
Supreme Court, therefore such information would not be covered or
contemplated under the RTI Act.
70. In Parashuram Detaram Shamdasani Vs. Sir Hugh Golding Cocke,
AIR 1942 Bomb. 246 the Bombay High Court has held that the discretion to
allow inspection of the record of the Court has to be exercised judicially.
The relevant portion of the aforesaid judgment is reproduced hereinbelow:-
"Under the Criminal Procedure Code, Section 548 gives to any
person affected by a judgment or order passed by a criminal
Court the right to have a copy of the Judge's charge to the jury
or of any order or deposition or other part of the record on the
terms specified in the section. Then Section 554 gives a right to
Chartered High Courts to make rules for the inspection of the
records of subordinate Courts. For many years after Section
548 was passed, there were no rules of this Court relating to
inspection, and I understand that the practice was for a
Magistrate or Judge to give inspection of the record of his
Court as he thought proper. I have no doubt that, except as
controlled by any rule made by the High Court, a Magistrate or
Judge of a subordinate Court has a discretion to allow
inspection of the record of his Court, but such discretion must
be exercised judicially. In exercising his discretion, a
Magistrate or Judge would be bound to have regard to the
terms of Section 548, and in my opinion it would be difficult,
and generally improper, for him to refuse inspection of any
document of which a party was entitled to a certified copy
under that section. The right to a certified copy seems to me to
presuppose a right of inspection, because a party cannot be
expected to make up his mind whether he wants to have a copy
of a document, if he is not entitled in the first place to read it,
and see what it is about. To require a party to take certified
copies of all documents on the record in order to determine of
74. Also, the RTI Act does not provide for an appeal against a Supreme
Court judgment/order that has attained finality. It is clarified that queries
under the RTI Act would be maintainable to elicit information like how
many leaves a Hon’ble Judge takes or with regard to administrative decision
an Hon’ble Judge takes; but no query shall lie with regard to a judicial
75. This Court is in agreement with the submission of the learned Amicus
Curiae and the learned senior counsel for petitioner that the CIC by the
impugned order could not have overruled earlier decisions of other
Coordinate Benches of the same strength. Judicial discipline required that if
the CIC did not agree with the earlier settled legal position, it ought to have
referred the matter to a larger Bench.
80. Keeping in view of the aforesaid conclusions, the present writ petition
is allowed and the order of the CIC dated 11th May, 2011 passed in Appeal
No. CIC/SM/A/2011/000237 directing the CPIO to answer the queries
raised by the respondent, is set aside.