Jurnal Strategi Desa Wisata Smart Villag
Jurnal Strategi Desa Wisata Smart Villag
Jurnal Strategi Desa Wisata Smart Villag
1 (2019): 48-57
Abstract. Digital SMEs Village is a program initiated by Telekomunikasi Indonesia. The program is expected to grow entrepreneurial
spirit among business actors, as well as to facilitate business actors to expand their business network by utilizing technological developments
in Indonesia. The common problem of Digital SMEs Village Indonesia today is the number of human resources that still lack the
understanding of using smartphones and computers to interact with consumers in cyberspace. One of the Digital SMEs Village in Bandung
district is the Baraya Digital SMEs Village. This study aims to identify the formulation strategy in the development of the Baraya Digital
SMEs Village by SWOT analysis. Furthermore, Quantitative Strategies Planning Matrix (QSPM) is used to decide and determine
which alternative strategies can best be recommended. The research method used is qualitative method with case study approach by doing
depth-interview to several key actors in the Baraya Digital SMEs Village. The results showed that the Baraya Digital SMEs Village
needs to implement intensive strategy. The development of strategies that need to be implemented as a top priority is market penetration, by
expanding the market share of existing products through online marketing.
Dini Turipanam Alamanda, Grisna Anggadwita, Mochammad Raynaldi, When Digital Technology Knocking at the Door of Indonesian Villagers:
Some Strategies to Move Forward
The Asian Journal of Technology Management Vol. 12 No. 1 (2019): 48-57
profile matrix, and some other b. And for the EFE Matrix: 1 = Bad
analyzes; response; 3 = Response above
2) Both analyzes only identify and average; 2 = Average response 4 =
evaluate factors but do not help the Exceptional response
company directly in determining the
next strategic step or the best
3.2 Stage 2: SWOT and TOWS Matrices
EFE and IFE Matrices are used to compile
3) Each factor must be very specific to the SWOT Matrix. Then the TOWS matrix is
avoid confusion about the factors used to match the development of 4
must be determined. strategies, namely the S-O strategy (Strength -
Opportunity), W-O (Weakness - Opportunity)
strategy, SS-T strategy (Strength - Threat) and
3. Methodology W-T (Weakness - Threat) strategy. Then, an
IE matrix analysis is used to position a
This research used qualitative method with strategic business unit (SBU) of a company
case study approach. In-depth interviews were into a matrix of 9 cells.
conducted towards some key-informants. The
informants are all elements involved in the 3.3 Stage 3: QSPM Matrix
Baraya Digital SMEs Village which is divided The last step, a QSPM analysis is the only
into four parts of communities of knowledge analytical technique in the literature designed
but only represented by two communities of to determine the relative attractiveness of
knowledge, namely, community of practices alternative measures (David, 2011). This
represented by experts, and community of technique objectively shows which strategy is
interests represented by innovator. In best.
addition, secondary data is obtained through
articles listed in journals or scientific papers or After identifying alternative strategies that
other data sources. must be considered by the organization to be
implemented. In QSPM the determination of
3.1 Stage 1: EFE and IFE Matrices Total Attractiveness Scores-TAS is also
The results of interviews toward 5 key- carried out with the following conditions:
persons representing the community of (1) Value 1 = not attractive
knowledge and community of interest (2) Value 2 = rather interesting
produced 10 external factors and 9 internal (3) Value 3 = quite interesting
factors that needed further analysis. (4) Value 4 = very interesting
1) Weight is obtained from the results of TAS is obtained by multiplying weights by
the average of informants’ answer attractiveness scores.
regarding how important these factors
are compared to overall internal /
4. Results and Discussion
external factors;
2) Determination of rating on these 4.1. EFE and IFE Matrix Analysis
factors is done by filling out a After the calculation of the weight and rating
questionnaire with the following value of each internal and external factors,
provisions: then obtained the score of each factor shown
a. For IFE: 1 Matrix = Big weakness; in Table 1 and Table 2:
3 = small strength; 2 = small
weakness; 4 = Great power.
Dini Turipanam Alamanda, Grisna Anggadwita, Mochammad Raynaldi, When Digital Technology Knocking at the Door of Indonesian Villagers:
Some Strategies to Move Forward
Table 1.
IFE Matrix
Internal Factors
Strength Weight Rating Score
Opening jobs, because anyone can become a reseller 0.2 3 0.6
The biggest income from fashion products 0.2 4 0.8
Production activities went well 0.02 4 0.08
Ease and low cost in marketing the product 0.1 4 0.4
Strong brand 0.2 4 0.8
Not all members understand the technology 0.15 4 0.6
Expenditure is unpredictable 0.02 3 0.06
Resources are easily imitated 0.1 2 0.2
It is not easy to gain trust from consumers 0.01 2 0.02
Total 1.0 3.56
Table 2.
EFE Matrix
External Factors
Opportunity Weight Rating Score
Increased value proposition 0.15 4 0.6
There is another revenue stream 0.1 4 0.4
There are various trainings and seminars to add insight 0.15 3 0.45
Technology helps efficiency in general 0.1 4 0.4
Opportunity cooperation with new partners 0.1 4 0.4
Online media as a means of increasing business revenue 0.05 3 0.15
Ease in getting suppliers 0.1 4 0.4
Broad market segment 0.05 4 0.2
Not all products are in accordance with the wishes of 0.1 4 0.4
Many competitors 0.1 4 0.4
Total 1.0 3.8
Values range from 0.1 - 4.0, with an average of current opportunities and minimizes the
of 2.5. An average total below 2.5 represents possible effects of external threats. Based on
a weak internal organization, whereas above the above table, the results of the calculation
2.5 indicates a strong internal position. In the score is 3.8, which means Baraya Digital SMEs
above table obtained the average result is 3.56 Village respond very well to the opportunities
which means the position of Internal Baraya and threats that exist. Baraya Digital SMEs
Digital SMEs Village is in a strong position. Village realizes the great opportunity of the
business of selling products through online
In the Table 2, the highest score for an media, while business threats such as business
organization is 4.0 indicating that the competition will always happen, but it can be
organization responds very well to a motivation to always work better, and create
opportunities and threats. In other words, new innovations according to the
corporate strategy effectively takes advantage development of customer needs and lifestyle.
The Asian Journal of Technology Management Vol. 12 No. 1 (2019): 48-57
Figure 1.
IE Matrix
Figure 1. shows that Baraya Digital SMEs transact. In addition, the marketing coverage
Village is in division I of cell 1, that is strategy for Baraya Digital SMEs Village will be wider
which can be explained as growth and build, by reaching various customer segments.
and strategy development used is intensive
strategy (market penetration). Baraya Digital 4.2 SWOT/ TOWS Analysis
SMEs Village develops a business with online After getting a portrait of business model
marketing priority, as it is more profitable and Baraya Digital SMEs Village then perform a
reduces marketing costs. In the current era of SWOT analysis of the business model canvas.
technology, online business will make it easier Figure 1 below is the map of SWOT Matrix.
for customers and producers to interact and
Figure 1.
SWOT Matrix
Dini Turipanam Alamanda, Grisna Anggadwita, Mochammad Raynaldi, When Digital Technology Knocking at the Door of Indonesian Villagers:
Some Strategies to Move Forward
The Asian Journal of Technology Management Vol. 12 No. 1 (2019): 48-57
2) Maximizing the use of information 2014), especially the village of Ikisaya, built
technology in production and marketing the Smart Village concept with a focus on the
processes to increase business revenue; as main problems in their area, namely electricity.
stated by Court (2015) that new Both have slices in activities where public
technology tools are making adoption by education or value reform is part of the Smart
the front line much easier, and that’s Village ecosystem while in Kenya (Atiano &
accelerating the organizational adaptation Moturi, 2014), this education is needed to
needed to produce results. support the sustainability of renewable energy
3) Active in seeking information on various in the area. The slices between the two
technological advances to compete; the countries that adopted this different approach
increasing number of infrastructure of imply that the ecosystem approach can work
search, expansion and dissemination of in harmony with the sectoral approach.
information will be able to increase the
number of information seekers. (Cooke,
2001) 5. Conclusion
4) Always innovate to stay competitive; it
means innovation emerges, and under Based on the research, the results of the
which circumstances innovation can analysis with the IFE, EFE, IE, and QSPM
serve as a source for competitive matrix were made to decide and determine the
advantage (Brem, Maier, & best strategy recommended to Baraya Digital
Wimschneider, 2016). SMEs Village. The main strategy generated is
5) Better company name for business actors the intensive strategy (market penetration) by
incorporated in SMEs Digital Village developing a business with priority online
with better management; brand names marketing because it can reduce costs. Baraya
can influence consumer choice Digital SMEs Village expected to be an
(Hillenbrand, Alcauter, Cervantes, & example and also help the economic growth
Barrios, 2013). of villages in Indonesia. The result of the
6) Maintaining product quality to remain QSPM matrix is to improve HR performance
consumer choice; the positive the by providing regular training and seminar
perception of the quality, the greater the opportunities. Another alternative strategy is
volume of sales (Putra, Hartoyo, & to increase revenue by producing and
Simanjuntak, 2017). marketing products and services by utilizing
7) Expand order distribution network; technological developments. The addition of
network adjustments creates significant the number of employees who are competent
savings for institutions (Greenland, in the handling of work is an alternative
1995). strategy that get the last rating, because it is
8) Providing the best service; considered will add the cost structure on the
9) Open sewing lessons; Baraya Digital SMEs Village.
10) Conducting recruitment process to get Strengthening the business model in the
employees who have competence in their Baraya Digital SMEs Village is expected to
field. expand the business by maximizing
opportunities and anticipate existing threats.
From literature studies on the Smart Village In the customer segment, Baraya Digital
approach that exist in the world and also by SMEs Village can expand the market by
looking at the indicators used to calculate exploiting the growth of e-commerce. In
sustainable societies, it appears that each addition, key activities by opening sewing
approach has its own strengths. As seen in the lessons as a form of expanding the
use of Smart Village terminology, India and proportion of value to specific customer
Kenya have different definitions. India built segments can also be conducted to add new
the concept of Smart Village through revenue streams. Other key activities can be
ecosystems while Kenya (Atieno & Moturi, done by improving HR performance by
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Some Strategies to Move Forward
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