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Panda 2022 Clinical Outcome and Comparison of

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Journal of

Clinical Medicine

Systematic Review
Clinical Outcome and Comparison of Regenerative and
Apexification Intervention in Young Immature Necrotic
Teeth—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Pratima Panda 1 , Lora Mishra 1, *,† , Shashirekha Govind 1 , Saurav Panda 2 and Barbara Lapinska 3, *,†

1 Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Institute of Dental Sciences,

Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar 751003, Odisha, India; pandapratima085@gmail.com (P.P.);
shashirekhag@soa.ac.in (S.G.)
2 Department of Periodontics and Oral Implantology, Institute of Dental Sciences,
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar 751003, Odisha, India; sauravpanda@soa.ac.in
3 Department of General Dentistry, Medical University of Lodz, 92-213 Lodz, Poland
* Correspondence: loramishra@soa.ac.in (L.M.); barbara.lapinska@umed.lodz.pl (B.L.);
Tel.: +91-889-526-6363 (L.M.); +85-42-675-74-61 (B.L.)
† These authors contributed equally to this work.

Abstract: This systematic review aimed to evaluate interventions individually and compare the
clinical outcome of young, immature teeth treated with regenerative endodontic therapy (RET) and
apexification procedure. The protocol was registered with PROSPERO (International Prospective
Register of Systematic Reviews), bearing the registration number CRD42021230284. A bibliographic
Citation: Panda, P.; Mishra, L.;
search in the biomedical databases was conducted in four databases—PubMed, CENTRAL, EMBASE
Govind, S.; Panda, S.; Lapinska, B. and ProQuest—using searching keywords and was limited to studies published between January
Clinical Outcome and Comparison of 2000 and April 2022 in English. The search was supplemented by manual searching, citation screening
Regenerative and Apexification and scanning of all reference lists of selected paper. The study selection criteria were randomized
Intervention in Young Immature clinical trial, prospective clinical studies and observational studies. The search found 32 eligible
Necrotic Teeth—A Systematic Review articles, which were included in the study. The quality assessment of the studies was performed using
and Meta-Analysis. J. Clin. Med. 2022, the Cochrane risk of bias tool for randomized control trials and non-randomized clinical studies. The
11, 3909. https://doi.org/10.3390/
meta-analysis was performed using Review Manager software (REVMAN, version 5). The results
indicated that a clinicians’ MTA apexification procedure was more successful compared to calcium
Academic Editors: hydroxide. In RET, apical closure and overall success rate is statistically same for both apical platelet
Emmanuel Andrès, Massimo Amato, concentrates (APCs) and blood clots (BC). Both interventions have similar survival rates; however,
Giuseppe Pantaleo and RET should be preferred in cases where the root development is severely deficient, there is insufficient
Alfredo Iandolo dentine and the tooth’s prognosis is hopeless even with an apexification procedure.
Received: 28 May 2022
Accepted: 30 June 2022 Keywords: apexification; endodontic therapy; immature permanent tooth; pulp; regeneration
Published: 5 July 2022

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral

with regard to jurisdictional claims in
1. Introduction
published maps and institutional affil-
iations. In permanent dentition, traumatic dental injuries (TDI) are a worldwide health issue
and the most frequent cause of pulpal necrosis [1]. In 85% of TDIs, patients have injuries
to the oral region [2]. Globally, around one billion people are affected by trauma [3], and
one-third of these patients have injuries to their immature teeth that might cause pulp
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. necrosis [4].
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Pulp necrosis due to trauma or caries in children and adolescents may hinder per-
This article is an open access article manent tooth root growth, resulting in thin dentinal walls, wide-open apices, and an
distributed under the terms and insufficient crown:root ratio [5]. According to Cvek, the classification of root development
conditions of the Creative Commons in an immature necrotic permanent tooth can be at stage 1, where less than half of the root
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
formation with open apex is present; stage 2 is where half of root formation with open apex
is present; and stage 3 is when 2/3 of root development with open apex is present [6].

J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm11133909 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jcm

J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 2 of 35

In conventional root canal fillings, immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulps are
difficult candidates and have an increased susceptibility to root fractures after treatment [7].
Hence, early intervention for non-vital immature teeth is critical. However, it is incredibly
challenging, time-consuming and technically complex [8]. Apexification and regeneration
are interventions routinely practiced in such cases [9]. RET is recommended in short
roots with thin canal walls, a wide-open apex and for teeth lacking the potential for root
formation, whereas apexification is done in the tooth which has nearly completed root
formation with an open apex [5].
Apexification is a method to encourage the development of an apical barrier to close
the open apex of an immature necrotic permanent tooth in which filling materials can be
placed within the root canal space [10].
In contrast, RET or regenerative endodontic procedures (REPS) are biologically based
procedures designed to replace damaged structures, such as the root and dentin, along with
cells of the pulp–dentin complex [11]. The main aim of REPS is to establish a suitable envi-
ronment (biomimetic microenvironment) in the root canal to facilitate mesenchymal stem
cells such as osteo/odontoprogenitor stem cells, pulp tissue regeneration and continued
root development.
The basic principles underlying both interventions involve removing necrotic pulp,
debridement of the canal and control of infection with or without antiseptic medicament.
Total treatment time may vary in multi-visit apexification, depending on the medicament
used, the initial presence of periapical pathology [6], the frequency of medicament replace-
ment [12], and the age of the patient [13].
This present review compares and assesses both interventions individually to manage
immature necrotic young permanent teeth. This review aims to critically evaluate the
outcome of regeneration and apexification procedure, which will impact clinical discussion

2. Materials and Methods

The review protocol was registered at PROSPERO (International Prospective Register
of Systematic Reviews), bearing registration number CRD42021230284. This review fol-
lowed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA)
statement guidelines [14].

2.1. Search Strategy

The following PICO components were established: Population (P)—systematically healthy
patients with necrotic young, immature permanent tooth; Intervention (I)—regeneration proce-
dure; Comparison (C)—apexification procedure; Outcomes (O)—clinical and radiograph-
ical successful outcome. The research question was: “Which intervention between and
within the two that is regenerative and apexification, has a more successful outcome in the
young permanent non-vital tooth?”
The electronic search strategy is described in Table 1. A comprehensive electronic
search for relevant articles was performed in the PubMed, CENTRAL, EMBASE and
ProQuest databases using the search keywords and combining the keywords using “AND”
and “OR”. For all these databases, Boolean operators (OR, AND) were used to combine
and narrow down searches that included appropriate MeSH terms, keywords, and other
terms following the syntax rules of each database. All references selected in the search were
saved in Mendeley Desktop software to remove the duplicates.
A manual search was performed in the following dental journals: International En-
dodontic Journal; British Dental Journal; Journal of Endodontics; Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral
Pathology, and Oral Radiology; and Endodontics. The search was supplemented by manual
searching, citation screening and scanning all reference lists of the selected paper. Addi-
tional studies that were likely suitable for inclusion were screened from the bibliographies
of potentially eligible clinical trials, case reports, case studies, and systematic reviews.
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 3 of 35

Table 1. Search strategy.

Search Strategy
#1 immature teeth/immature tooth/immature permanent tooth/immature permanent teeth/young permanent tooth/young
permanent dentition
#2 pulp revascularization/pulp regeneration/pulp revitalization/PRF/PRP/blood clot
#3 apexification/calcific barrier/apical closure/root end closure/root apex closure/root end formation/root apex closure/apical
plug/MTA plug
#4 survival rate/dentinal thickness/pulp vitality/root completion/successful rate/periapical healing/decrease in apical
foramen width

2.2. Study Selection

The literature search was limited to articles available in English and to those published
between January 2000 and April 2022. Each article was assessed carefully and in detail.
Two independent reviewers (P.P. and L.M.) read abstracts and titles, and studies not about
the research question were excluded. The remaining relevant studies’ full texts were read
and analyzed independently. In this selection, a third reviewer (S.G.) was called to achieve
a consensus if there was a disagreement of opinions.
The selection of studies was performed with no restrictions on place or year of pub-
lication. However, a language restriction was applied, and only those articles written in
English were included. Titles and abstracts were analyzed to determine whether they
fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The inclusion and exclusion criteria are depicted in Table 2.

Table 2. Inclusion and exclusion criteria for selecting studies in the systematic review.

Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria

Study design: Randomized controlled trials, clinical studies,
Case reports, comments, conference proceedings
observational studies (Retrospective study)
Patients with immature necrotic permanent teeth Studies experimenting on vital teeth
Animal studies, case reports, in vitro studies,
Studies in which either one of the interventions or both are compared
laboratory studies
Articles published in English language

The relevant data of the included trials were extracted in detail using an Excel spread-
sheet (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA) independently by two review authors (P.P., L.M.)
and recorded in spreadsheets. In case of missing or unclear information, the authors of the
included reports were contacted by email to provide clarification regarding data given or
any missing information. The data of all included studies were entered in the characteristics
of included studies tables in Review Manager (RevMan, Version 5).

2.3. Study Quality Assessment

Two review authors (P.P., L.M.) independently assessed the risk of bias in the included
studies. In case of disagreement, a third review author (S.G.) was consulted. For the
randomized control trials, the assessment was conducted following the instructions and
the approach described in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interven-
tions [15].
For each study, the following domains were considered: selection bias (random se-
quence generation and allocation concealment), performance bias (blinding of participants
and personnel), detection bias (blinding of outcome assessment), attrition bias (incomplete
outcome data addressed), and reporting bias (selective reporting).
For the non-randomized controlled trial, the risk of bias in included studies was
assessed using the ROBINS-I risk of bias tool. The bias tool considered: bias due to con-
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 33

For the non-randomized controlled trial, the risk of bias in included studies was as-
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 sessed using the ROBINS-I risk of bias tool. The bias tool considered: bias due to con-4 of 35
founding, selection of participants, classification of interventions, deviations from in-
tended interventions, missing data, measurement of outcomes and selection of reported
founding, selection of participants, classification of interventions, deviations from intended
The overall riskmissing
interventions, for individual studies was of
data, measurement assessed
outcomesas low,
selection of serious or crit-
reported results.
ical based The
on the following
overall criteria:
risk for low or moderate
individual studies was riskassessed
of bias ifas
domains were atserious
moderate, low or
risk of bias; serious
critical based on risk
bias if at least onelow
criteria: domain was at serious
or moderate risk of risk
bias of bias
if all but not were
domains at at
lowrisk of of
risk bias in any
bias; domain;
serious critical
risk of bias ifrisk of bias
at least oneif domain
one domainwas was at critical
at serious riskrisk of but
of bias
bias. not at critical risk of bias in any domain; critical risk of bias if one domain was at critical
risk of bias.
3. Results
3. Results
3.1. Selection of Studies
3.1. Selection of Studies
The search in the selected databases allowed for the identification of 1430 articles
(Figure 1).The search
After in the selected
eliminating duplicates,databases allowed
the included for the
articles were identification
selected fromofa1430 pool articles
814 articles 1). Afterfrom
eliminating duplicates,
digital sources andthe included
a manual articles
search. Thewere
text wasfromreadafor
pool of
814 articles obtained from digital sources and a manual search. The full text was read for
53 articles, and 21 studies were omitted for the reasons specified in Appendix A (Table
53 articles, and 21 studies were omitted for the reasons specified in Appendix A (Table A1).
A1). A total of 18 randomized clinical trials and 14 non-randomized clinical trials were
A total of 18 randomized clinical trials and 14 non-randomized clinical trials were included
included in this systematic review to assess the successful outcomes in managing imma-
in this systematic review to assess the successful outcomes in managing immature young
ture young necrotic permanent teeth.
necrotic permanent teeth.

Figure 1. PRISMA 2020 flow diagram for systematic review that includes searches of databases.

Figure3.2. Characteristics
1. PRISMA of Studies
2020 flow diagram for systematic review that includes searches of databases.
3.2.1. Design
3.2. Characteristics
Thirty-twoof Studies
articles were included in this study (Table 3). Eighteen articles [16–33]
Design the clinical outcome of regenerative endodontic procedures (REP) and five
articles [34–38] on the apexification procedure. Only nine articles [39–47] evaluated and
compared the clinical outcome between regeneration and apexification procedure.
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 5 of 35

Table 3. Data extraction from included studies – the clinical protocol.

Presence of
Etiology of Pulp Irrigation Intracanal Recall Time Preparation Protocol
Author Periapical Instrumentation Access Restoration
Necrosis Method Medication (in Weeks) of APC
PRP was prepared
according to the
2.5% NaOCl description by
(20 mL), sterile Dohan et al. [48]. PRP was
Alagl et al., Secondary to saline (20 mL), and combined with equal
Yes No TAP 3 NR
2017 [16] trauma/caries 0.12% CHX (10 mL), volumes of sterile solution
followed by 17% containing 10% calcium
EDTA after 3 weeks chloride and sterile bovine
thrombin (100 U/mL) to
achieve coagulation.
PRP was prepared Final restoration was
according to the completed with white
2.5% NaOCl
description by MTA (Angelus, Londrina,
(20 mL), sterile
Dohan et al. [48]. PRP was Brazil), reinforced GI
saline (20 mL), and
Bezgin et al., Secondary to combined with equal cement (Ketac Molar
Yes No 0.12% CHX (10 mL), TAP 3
2015 [17] trauma/caries volumes of sterile solution Easymix; 3M ESPE,
followed by 5%
containing 10% calcium Seefeld, Germany) and
EDTA (20 mL) after
chloride and sterile bovine composite resin (Filtek
3 weeks
thrombin (100 U/mL) to Supreme XT; 3M ESPE,
achieve coagulation. St. Paul, MN, USA)
PRP was prepared
according to
Dohan et al. [48], after MTA, using a layer of
20 mL of 5.25% which concentrated reinforced GI (Riva
NaOCl. At recall, platelet-rich plasma (cPRP) self-cure, SDI limited,
Secondary to
20 mL of 2.5% was prepared and Bayswater, Victoria,
Elsheshtawy trauma and
Yes No NaOCl, followed by TAP NR introduced inside dry root Australia), followed by
et al., 2020 [18] Dens
20 mL sterile saline canals using a sterile 30 G resin composite (Filtek
and 10 mL of 17% syringe. The canal was Z250 universal restorative,
EDTA solution then backfilled with cPRP 3 mol L, 3M ESPE,
to a level just beneath the St. Paul, MN, USA)
CEJ and left to clot for
10 min
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 6 of 35

Table 3. Cont.

Presence of
Etiology of Pulp Irrigation Intracanal Recall Time
Author Periapical Instrumentation Preparation Protocol of APC Access Restoration
Necrosis Method Medication (in Weeks)
PRP: 8 mL of blood drawn by
venipuncture of the antecubital
vein was collected in a 10 mL
sterile glass tube coated with an
anticoagulant (acid citrate
dextrose) and centrifuged at
2400 rpm for 10 min to separate
PRP and platelet-poor plasma
(PPP) from the red blood cell
Resin-modified GI cement
Jadhav et al., Secondary to Minimal 2.5% NaOCl fraction. The topmost layer
No TAP NR (Photac-Fill; 3M ESPE,
2012 [19] trauma/caries (#60H file) (copious irrigation) (PRP + PPP) was transferred to
St. Paul, MN, USA)
another tube and again
centrifuged at 3600 rpm for
15 min to separate the PRP to
precipitate at the bottom of the
glass tube. This was mixed
with 1 mL 10% calcium
chloride to activate the platelets
and to neutralize the acidity of
acid citrate dextrose.
PRP was prepared according to
the description by
Dohan et al. [48]. PRP was An MTA orifice plug
combined with equal volumes extending 2–3 mm in the
of sterile solution containing canal was used to seal the
20 mL 2% NaOCl for 10% calcium chloride and canal orifice then GI (GC
Rizk et al., Secondary to
Yes No 5 min, followed by TAP 3 sterile bovine thrombin (100 America, Alsip, IL, USA)
2019 [20] trauma
20 mL 17% EDTA. U/mL) to achieve coagulation. and composite (Z250, 3M
PRF: 10 mL blood was collected ESPE) were applied to
in a sterile tube without give an effective and
anticoagulant and centrifuged durable seal
immediately for 10 min at a
speed of 3000 rpm.
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 7 of 35

Table 3. Cont.

Presence of
Etiology of Pulp Irrigation Intracanal Recall Time Preparation Protocol of
Author Periapical Instrumentation Access Restoration
Necrosis Method Medication (in Weeks) APC
PRF was prepared by
drawing 12 mL sample
20 mL of 5.25% of whole blood
Ragab et al., Secondary to MTA plus Light Cure
Yes No NaOCl followed by DAP 3 intravenously from the
2019 [21] trauma GI cement
20 mL sterile saline. patient’s right antecubital
vein and centrifuged at
3000 rpm for 12 min.
PRF was prepared by
drawing 5 mL of venous
Mittal et al., Secondary to Minimal 2.5% NaOCl blood from the patient, GI cement followed by
Yes DAP 4
2019 [22] trauma/caries (#30k file) (copious irrigation). collected in a dried glass composite resin
test tube, and centrifuged
at 2700 rpm for 12 min.
Shivashankar Secondary to 5.25% NaOCl
No Minimal TAP 3 NR NR
et al., 2017 [23] trauma/caries (copious irrigation).
20 mL of 2.5%
NaOCl followed by MTA, using a layer of GI
PRP and PRF was
20 mL of 17% EDTA. (GC America, Alsip, IL,
Hazim Rizk prepared according to
Trauma, Caries Yes No At recall 20 mL TAP 3 USA) followed by
et al., 2020 [24] Dohan and Choukroun
sterile saline composite (Z 250,
(2007) [49] method.
followed by 20 mL 3 M ESPE)
17% EDTA solution
A layer of Filtek Z250
composite resin (3M
20 mL 1.25% NaOCl.
Jiang et al., Trauma, Broken Ca(OH)2 ESPE, Irvine, CA;
Yes NO At recall, 20 mL 2 NR
2017 [25] central cusp paste 3–4 mm) was placed over
17% EDTA.
the capping material for
the final restoration.
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 8 of 35

Table 3. Cont.

Presence of
Etiology of Irrigation Intracanal Recall Time
Author Periapical Instrumentation Preparation Protocol of APC Access Restoration
Pulp Necrosis Method Medication (in Weeks)
Resin-modified GI cement
was placed extending
3–4 mm in the canal.
Narang et al., Secondary to 2.5% NaOCl
Yes Minimal TAP 4 NR Access cavity was sealed
2015 [26] trauma/caries (copious irrigation)
with composite (Clearfil
Majesty, Kuraray Medical
Inc., Tokyo, Japan).
20 mL 1.5% NaOCl Blood samples were
Trauma, and subsequently centrifuged. Fibrin clots were
Caries, with 20 mL saline. collected after centrifugation, Tooth was sealed by
Meschi et al.,
Anatomic Yes No At recall, 30 mL DAP 2 and 2 of them were means of a GI lining and
2021 [27]
anomaly (dens EDTA 17% 1 mm transformed into membranes composite restoration.
invaginatus) short of the after 5 min of pressure under a
working length. sterile glass plate.
PRP: Citrated blood was
centrifuged in a standard
laboratory centrifuge PK 130
(ALC International;
ColognoMonzese, Italy) for MTA coronal barrier was
20 mL 1.25% NaOCl. 15 min at 1250 rpm to obtain sealed with a thin GI base,
Ulusoy et al., Secondary to At recall, 2% CHX, PRP without erythrocytes and and final coronal
Yes No TAP 4
2019 [28] trauma saline and 1 mL leukocytes. PRF: 10 mL blood restorations were placed
17% EDTA. was collected in a sterile tube at the same visit using
without anticoagulant and acid etch composite resin.
centrifuged immediately for
10 min at a speed of 3000 rpm
(Andreas Hettich Group, Ltd.,
Tuttlingen, Germany).
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 9 of 35

Table 3. Cont.

Presence of
Etiology of Irrigation Intracanal Recall Time
Author Periapical Instrumentation Preparation Protocol of APC Access Restoration
Pulp Necrosis Method Medication (in Weeks)
A-PRF or PRF was freshly GI cement (GC, Fuji IX,
prepared using a centrifuge GC India) was placed
1.5% NaOCl (R-8C Laboratory centrifuge, gently in a thickness of
solution (20 mL) Remi Lab, Mumbai, India). For about 3–4 mm over the
followed by saline PRF, 10 mL of intravenous Biodentine and the access
and 17% EDTA. blood was drawn into a tube was temporized with
Jayadevan Minimal
Trauma No Recall session, TAP 4 without anticoagulant and Cavit. Post regenerative
et al., 2021 [33] (#80–120K file)
copious and gentle centrifuged at 2700 rpm for treatment consisted of
irrigation with 12 min. For A-PRF, 10 mL of non-vital bleaching or
saline and 20 mL of intravenous blood was drawn composite restoration.
17% EDTA. into a tube without These procedures were
anticoagulant and centrifuged performed after a period
at 1500 rpm for 14 min. of one week.
Conventional GI cement
(Fuji IX, Fuji Corporation,
Osaka, Japan) was placed
over the blood clot at the
level of CEJ, followed by
phosphoric acid etching
for 30 s, a single-bond
adhesive agent, and
Peng et al., Anatomic, Minimal 5.25% NaOCl
Yes TAP 1–4 NR placement of Filtek Z250
2017 [29] Caries, Trauma (#30K file) solution (20 mL)
composite resin (3M ESPE,
Irvine, CA, USA). Instead
of GI cement, mixture of
ProRoot MTA (Dentsply
Tulsa Dental, Johnson
City, TN, USA) with 3 mm
thickness was placed
at the level of the CEJ.
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 10 of 35

Table 3. Cont.

Presence of
Etiology of Pulp Irrigation Intracanal Recall Time
Author Periapical Instrumentation Preparation Protocol of APC Access Restoration
Necrosis Method Medication (in Weeks)
PRF was prepared as described
by Choukroun et al. [50]. A 3-mm-thick layer of
Immediately before surgery, MTA was placed followed
5 mL of whole blood was by a moist cotton pellet
20 mL of 1% NaOCl drawn into 10 mL test tubes and Cavit. One week later,
Lv et al., Dens evaginatus, Minimal followed by 10 mL without anticoagulant reagent the Cavit was removed
Yes TAP 4
2018 [30] Tooth fracture (35 K-file) of 17% and was centrifuged at 400× g and replaced with a
EDTA solution for 10 min. The PRF layer was bonded resin restoration
separated using sterile scissors, (Filtek Z350 XT: 3M ESPE
and PRF clots were pressed into Dental Products, St. Paul,
a membranous film with sterile MN, USA).
dry gauze.
Teeth were restored with
CGF was prepared from the a bio-ceramic material
patient’s intravenous blood. [i.e., MTA (Dentsply
0.5–1.5% NaOCl and
After immediate differential Sirona, Ballaigues,
saline or NaOCl in
Cheng et al., Secondary to centrifugation of blood, CGF Switzerland) or iRoot BP
No Minimal or No combination with TAP 2
2022 [31] trauma was represented as the buffy Plus (Innovative
saline and
coat in the middle layer. Then Bioceramix Inc.,
17% EDTA
the CGF layer was separated Vancouver, BC, Canada)]
using sterile scissors. followed by various
restorative materials.
The access was sealed
Chueh et al., Ca(OH)2
Trauma Yes No 2.5% NaOCl 1–2 NR with temporary filling
2009 [32] paste
materials or resin.
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 11 of 35

Table 3. Cont.

Presence of
Etiology of Irrigation Intracanal Recall Time
Author Periapical Instrumentation Preparation Protocol of APC Access Restoration
Pulp Necrosis Method Medication (in Weeks)
Bonte et al.,
Trauma Yes No Active 3% NaOCl - - - Composite resin
2014 [34]
A 5 mL blood sample was
taken from the patient’s
anticubital vein. The blood was
centrifuged without
anticoagulant at 3000 rpm for
10 min, and PRF gel was
obtained at the bottom of the Triple sealed with MTA
test tube and was removed (ProRoot MTA), type II GI
Santhakumar Trauma and 3% NaOCl followed
Yes No TAP 3 with a sterile tweezer. After cement (Fugi 2) and
et al., 2018 [35] Dental caries by saline
obtaining PRF gel, it was composite material
squeezed using especially (3M ESPE).
designed PRF compression
device to remove the excess
fluid. The membrane obtained
was cut linearly in the shape of
root canal space for ease
of placement.
2.5% NaOCl
Kandemir Trauma, Dens solution. At recall,
Demirci et al., invaginatus, Yes No 2.5% NaOCl, 17% 1 - Bonded composite resin
mixed with
2019 [36] Caries EDTA followed by
2% CHX
2.5% NaOCl
solution. Recall 2.5% Resin composite (3M
Tek et al. 2021 Ca(OH)2
Trauma Yes Yes NaOCl solution 1 - ESPE Filtek Ultimate
[37] paste
followed by Seefeld, Germany)
distilled water
Kinirons et al.,
Trauma NR No NR - - - NR
2001 [38]
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 12 of 35

Table 3. Cont.

Presence of
Etiology of Irrigation Intracanal Recall Time
Author Periapical Instrumentation Preparation Protocol of APC Access Restoration
Pulp Necrosis Method Medication (in Weeks)
20 mL 1.5% NaOCl,
Secondary to
Lin et al., Minimal (#25 0.9% physiological GI cement followed by
trauma/Dens Yes TAP 3 -
2017 [39] K file) saline, 20 mL composite resin
17% EDTA
The pulp tissue for hDPSC
isolation was harvested using
standard sterile techniques.
Xuan et al., Secondary to
Yes No NR NR 4 Autologous hDPSCs were NR
2018 [40] trauma
obtained from the patient’s
maxillary deciduous
canine tooth.
An MTA orifice plug
extending 2–3 mm in the
PRP and PRF were prepared canal was used to seal the
Alobaid et al., Secondary to according to the method of canal orifice then GI (GC
Yes No 20 mL 17% EDTA TAP 3
2014 [41] Trauma Dohan and Choukroun America, Alsip, IL, USA)
(2007) [49]. and composite (Z 250,
3 M ESPE) to give an
effective and durable seal.
Casey et al., Secondary to concentrations of
Yes Minimal TAP 2 NR Resin bonded restoration
2022 [42] trauma NaOCl, CHX,
and/or EDTA
1.5–2.5% NaOCl and
Jimenez et al., Trauma, Caries Yes No TAP 2 NR Composite restoration
17% EDTA
2022 [43]
6% NaOCl, 2% CHX,
saline solution, and
Pereira et al.,
Trauma No Minimal EDTA 17% or TAP 3 NR Resin bonded restoration
2021 [44]
Ca(OH)2 and
2% CHX gel
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 13 of 35

Table 3. Cont.

Presence of
Etiology of Irrigation Intracanal Recall Time
Author Periapical Instrumentation Preparation Protocol of APC Access Restoration
Pulp Necrosis Method Medication (in Weeks)
Jeeruphan Secondary to
No Minimal 5.25% NaOCl TAP 3 NR NR
et al., 2012 [45] trauma/Caries
Secondary to 1.5–2.5% NaOCl
Silujjai et al., Ca(OH)2 MTA plus bonded
trauma/Caries/Dens Yes No followed by NR NR
2017 [46] or TAP restoration
evaginatus 17% EDTA
Chen et al., Dens Minimal (#25 Copious 2.5%
2016 [47] evaginatus K file) NaOCl
Legend: APC = autologous platelet concentrate; NR = not reported; NaOCl = sodium hypochlorite; CHX = chlorhexidine; EDTA = ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid; DAP = double
antibiotic paste; TAP = triple antibiotic paste; Ca(OH)2 = calcium hydroxide; GI = glass ionomer; PRP = platelet-rich plasma; cPRP = concentrated platelet-rich plasma; PPP = platelet-poor
plasma; PRF = platelet-rich fibrin; CEJ = cementoenamel junction; MTA = mineral trioxide aggregate; hDPSC = human dental pulp stem cells.
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 14 of 35

3.2.2. Participants
In total, of the 18 articles [16–33] evaluating regeneration outcomes, 14 articles [16–28,33]
were randomized clinical trials, and 4 articles [29–32] were non-randomized clinical articles.
In randomized clinical trials, a total of 393 participants and 412 teeth were included. In
non-randomized clinical trials, 144 participants and 156 teeth were included.
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEWFive articles [34–38] evaluated apexification outcomes, of which two articles 12 [34,35]
of 33
were randomized clinical trials and three [36–38] were non-randomized clinical trials. In
RCT, a total of 68 participants and 68 teeth were included. In NRCT, a total of 198 partici-
pants and 200 teeth were included. One NRCT article was a multicentric study.
3.2.2.Nine articles [39–47] compared the outcome between regeneration and apexification
procedure, of which two articles [39,40] were RCTs, and seven articles [41–47] were NRCTs.
In theInRCTs,
the of18133
articles [16–33] and
participants evaluating regeneration
133 teeth outcomes,
were included. In the 14 articles
NRCTs, [16–
a total
28,33] were randomized clinical trials,
of 439 participants and 446 teeth were included. and 4 articles [29–32] were non-randomized clinical
articles. In randomized clinical trials, a total of 393 participants and 412 teeth were in-
3.2.3. In non-randomized clinical trials, 144 participants and 156 teeth were included.
Of thearticles [34–38] evaluated
total eighteen RCTs, four apexification outcomes,
studies [16–28,33] of which
evaluated thetwo articles [34,35]
procedure outcomes, two studies [34,35] were on the apexification and two studiestrials.
were randomized clinical trials and three [36–38] were non-randomized clinical [39,40]In
RCT, a total of 68 participants and 68
compared revascularization versus apexification. teeth were included. In NRCT, a total of 198 partic-
ipants and 200
Among teeth were
fourteen included.
four studies article
[29–32] was a multicentric
investigated study. of the
clinical outcome
revascularization procedure, three studies [36,38] were on apexification andapexification
Nine articles [39–47] compared the outcome between regeneration and seven stud-
ies of which regeneration
[41–47] compared two articles versus
were RCTs, and seven articles [41–47] were
NRCTs. In the RCTs, a total of 133 participants and 133 teeth were included. In the NRCTs,
3.3. Analysis
a total of 439ofparticipants
Quality of the Studies
and 446 teeth were included.
The risk of bias in included studies is summarized in Figure 2 for RCTs and Figure 3
for Intervention
Of regeneration RCTs,RCTs,
the total eighteen two studies [18,24][16–28,33]
four studies were assessed to be the
evaluated at low risk, whereas
procedurestudies [16,17,19–23,25–28,33]
outcomes, were
two studies [34,35] at moderate
were risk of bias.and
on the apexification In apexification RCTs,
two studies [39,40]
two studies [34,35] were assessed to be at
compared revascularization versus apexification. moderate risk of bias. In regeneration versus
apexification RCTs, two
Among fourteen studiesfour
NRCTs, [39,40] were[29–32]
studies assessed to be at moderate
investigated risk of bias.
clinical outcome of the re-
In most of the
vascularization randomized
procedure, threeclinical
studiestrials, there
[36,38] were was
onunclear or no information
apexification about
and seven studies
allocation concealment,
[41–47] compared blindingversus
regeneration of participants and blinding of outcome evaluation in a
few studies. The factors mentioned above resulted in a moderate overall risk assessment in
3.3. studies
Analysiscited above.
of Quality of In
themost non-randomized control trials, there was unclear or no
information on sample selection, exact treatment
The risk of bias in included studies protocol
is summarized and deviations
in Figure 2 for RCTsfromand planned
Figure 3
interventions in a few studies. The variables mentioned above resulted in a moderate to
for NRCTs.
serious overall risk assessment.

Figure 2. Quality assessment of included RCT studies summary: review authors’ judgements about
each risk
risk of
of bias
bias item
item for
for each
each included
included study.
ed. 2022, 11,J.xClin.
2022, 11, 3909 13 of 33 15 of 35

Figure 3. Quality Figure

assessment of included
3. Quality assessmentNRCT studies NRCT
of included summary: review
studies authors’
summary: judgements
review authors’ judgements about
about each risk of each
bias item forbias
risk of each included
item study.
for each included study.

In regeneration In regeneration
RCTs, two studiesNRCTs, onewere
[18,24] study [32] wastoassessed
assessed be at lowto risk,
be at whereas
low risk of bias whereas
three studies [29–31] were
twelve studies [16,17,19–23,25–28,33] were atat moderate
risk.ofIn apexification
bias. NRCTs,
In apexification one study [37] was
two studies [34,35] were to be at moderate
assessed to be atrisk of bias and
moderate risk two studies
of bias. [36,38] were assessed
In regeneration versus to be at serious
apexification RCTs, In regeneration
studies [39,40]versus
assessed to be NRCTs, one study
at moderate risk [47] was assessed to be a low
of bias.
risk of bias, five studies [42–46] were assessed to be
In most of the randomized clinical trials, there was unclear or no information a moderate risk, and one study [41]
was at serious risk.
allocation concealment, blinding of participants and blinding of outcome evaluation in a
few studies. The factors mentioned above resulted in a moderate overall risk assessment
3.4. Synthesis of Results
in the studies cited above. In most non-randomized control trials, there was unclear or no
information on sample Theselection,
meta-analysis (Review Manager,
exact treatment protocol and RevMan version
deviations from 5.3, Copenhagen: Nordic
Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane collaboration) was performed
interventions in a few studies. The variables mentioned above resulted in a moderate with quantitative
to outcome
data extracted
serious overall risk assessment. from the six included randomised controlled trials in REP, which compared
the effectiveness
In regeneration NRCTs, one of APCs
study inwas
[32] comparison
assessedto toBC
be for treatment
at low of young,
risk of bias immature, necrotic,
three studies [29–31] were at moderate risk. In apexification NRCTs, one study [37] wasthe data from the
permanent teeth. However, it was not possible in case of the NRCTs, as
assessed to be atincluded
risk ofshowed
bias andheterogeneity (Table were
two studies [36,38] 4). assessed to be at seri-
ous risk. In regeneration versus apexification NRCTs, one study [47] was assessed to be a
low risk of bias, five studies [42–46] were assessed to be a moderate risk, and one study
[41] was at serious risk.

3.4. Synthesis of Results

The meta-analysis (Review Manager, RevMan version 5.3, Copenhagen: Nordic
Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane collaboration) was performed with quantitative outcome
data extracted from the six included randomised controlled trials in REP, which compared
the effectiveness of APCs in comparison to BC for treatment of young, immature, necrotic,
permanent teeth. However, it was not possible in case of the NRCTs, as the data from the
included studies showed heterogeneity (Table 4).
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 16 of 35

Table 4. Data extraction from included studies for qualitative analysis – clinical evaluation parameters.

Follow Up Parameters to Assess Clinical Evaluation

Type of Comparative Sample
Author Intervention Time (in RA
Study Group Size Months) DWT IRL AFW AC VR PAH BD
11.80 ± 445.44 ±
BC 15 - - 53.33% 53.33% -
Alagl et al., 3.28 mm 153.54 HU
2017 [16] 12.14 ± 485.88 ±
PRP 15 - - 93.33% 86.66% -
3.32 mm 154.15 HU

Bezgin et al., BC 10 - 12.6% - 60% 20% - -

2015 [17] PRP 10 - 9.86% - 70% 50% - -

Elsheshtawy BC 11 ICC = 1 ICC = 0.998 ICC = 1 - - - -

et al., REP RCT 12 CBCT
2020 [18] PRP 11 ICC = 0.997 ICC = 0.999 ICC = 0.998 - - - -
S = 50%
S = 70% S = 40% S = 30%,
BC 10 - G = 30 - -
G = 30% G = 60% G = 70%
Jadhav et al., E = 20%
2012 [19] S = 20%, S = 10% S = 10%
G = 30%,
PRP 10 G = 50%, G = 50% - - G = 40% -
E = 70%
E = 30% E = 40% E = 50%
0.68 ± 2.2 ± 58.96 ±
BC 13 - - - -
Rizk et al., 0.44 mm 3.97 mm 19.95 Grey
2019 [20] 1.48 ± 2.49 ± 65.08 ±
PRP 13 - - - -
0.37 mm 3.93 mm 30.043 Grey

Ragab et al., BC 11 - 14.8% - 45.4% - 80.5% -

2019 [21] PRF 11 - 12.8% - 63.6% - 70.2% -

Mittal et al., BC 4 100% 25% - 25% - 75% -

2019 [22] PRF 4 100% 0 - 100% - 75% -
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 17 of 35

Table 4. Cont.

Follow Up Parameters to Assess Clinical Evaluation

Type of Comparative Sample
Author Intervention Time (in RA
Study Group Size Months) DWT IRL AFW AC VR PAH BD
2.07 ±
BC 15 93.3% 86.7% - - 13.30% -
0.594 mm
Shivashankar 1.32 ±
et al., 2017 REP RCT PRP 19 12 IOPAR 84.2% 73.7% - - 15.8% -
0.478 mm
1.85 ±
PRF 20 70% 65% - - 15% -
1.040 mm
1.48 ± 0.97 ± 65.08 ±
Hazim Rizk PRP 13 - - - -
0.37 mm 0.75 mm 30.043 Grey
et al., 2020 REP RCT 12 IOPAR
[24] 1.24 ± 1.003 ± 53.44 ±
PRF 12 - - - -
0.54 mm 0.392 mm 22.165 Grey
22 21.2 ± 19.5% 15.4 ± 13.6% −55 ± 34% - 18% - -
Jiang et al., Bio-Gide
2017 [25] With
21 21.5 ± 22.5% 16.4 ± 13.6% −65 ± 34% - 33% - -
MTA 5 0% 0% - 0% - 58% -
Narang BC 5 50% 40% - 66.67% - 60% -
et al., 2015 REP RCT 18 IOPAR
[26] PRP 5 60% 99% - 40% - 98% -
PRF 5 20% 40% - 60% - 80% -

Meschi et al., REP-LPRF 13 30% 0% - - - 100% -

2021 [27] REP + LPRF 6 10% 10% - - - 100% -
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 18 of 35

Table 4. Cont.

Follow Up Parameters to Assess Clinical Evaluation

Type of Comparative Sample
Author Intervention Time (in RA
Study Group Size Months) DWT IRL AFW AC VR PAH BD
BC 21 14.91 ± 3.38 mm 7.15 ±1.39 mm - - - - -
Ulusoy et al., PRP 18 complete 19.01 ± 4.20 mm 4.74 ± 0.91 mm - - - - -
2019 [28] PRF 17 healing 9.80 ± 3.03 mm 6.00 ± 1.57 mm - - - - -
PP 17 8.55 ± 3.55 mm 4.17 ± 1.33 mm - - - - -

Jayadevan PRF 10 50% 80% 45.5%

et al., 2021 [33] APRF 11 91% 72% 40%
32 26.3% 10.5% - - - - -
Peng et al., GIC
2017 [29] ProRoot MTA 28 30.7% 11.0% - - - - -

Lv et al., BC 5 80% 80% - 80% 100% 100% -

2018 [30] PRF 5 80% 80% - 80% 100% 100% -
BC 32 F = 17.4 ± 16.4% F = 8.3 ± 11.7% F = 76.4 ± 30.9%
Cheng et al., L = 52.5 ± 24.8% L = 23.8 ± 18.1% L = 69.3 ± 43.9%
2022 [31] CGF 30 Ci = 26.0 ± 37.3% Ci = 10.3 ± 16.6% Ci = 45.0 ± 37.7%
A = 37.0% A = 12.0% A = 100.0%
MTA 8 - 87.5% 87.5% - - - -
Chueh et al.,
2009 [32] 15 - 93.33% 80% - - - -

Bonte et al., MTA 15 - - 76.5% - - 82.4% -

2014 [34] CH 15 - - 50% - - 75.0% -

Santhakumar PRF Gel 19 - 94.73% - - 100% - -

et al., 2018 APP RCT PRF 18 IOPAR
[35] 19 - 89.47% - - 100% - -
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 19 of 35

Table 4. Cont.

Follow Up Parameters to Assess Clinical Evaluation

Type of Comparative Sample
Author Intervention Time (in RA
Study Group Size Months) DWT IRL AFW AC VR PAH BD
MTA 39 - - 74% - - 92% -
Demirci et al., APP NRCT 12 IOPAR
2019 [36] CH 34 - - 79% - - 91% -

Apical plug
10 - - - - - 50% -
with MTA
Tek et al., Collagen
2021 [37] sponge + apical
10 - - - - - 62.5% -
plug with
CH in
43 - - 100% - - - -
Kinirons et al., Newcastle
2001 [38]
CH in Belfast 64 - - 100% - - - -

Lin et al., BC 69 82.60% 81.16% - 65.21% - 100% -

2017 [39] Vitapex paste 34 0% 26.47% - 82.35% - 100% -

Xuan et al., hDPSC 20 - 5.24 ± 0.92 mm 2.64 ± 0.73 mm - 43.43 ± 0.86 mm - -

2018 [40] CH 10 - 0.88 ± 0.67 mm 0.62 ± 0.22 mm - 0.17 ± 0.16 mm - -

Alobaid et al., BC 19 - 20% 10.2 ± −4.0% - - - -

2014 [41] CH & MTA 12 - 12.5% 1.4 ± −3.2% - - - -

Casey et al., BC 93 - - - - 19% - -

2022 [42] CH & MTA 118 - - - - 0 - -
34.57 ±
BC 9 12.76%
Caleza- 16.62%
Jimenez et al., REP vs. APP NRCT 6–66 IOPAR
2022 [43] MTA 9 0.29% −3.36 ± 4.13%
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 20 of 35

Table 4. Cont.

Follow Up Parameters to Assess Clinical Evaluation

Type of Comparative Sample
Author Intervention Time (in RA
Study Group Size Months) DWT IRL AFW AC VR PAH BD

Pereira et al., BC 22 0.21 ± 0.35 mm 1.42 ± 1.25 mm 0.88 ± 0.77 mm - - 95.45% -

2021 [44] MTA 22 0.03 ± 0.07 mm 0.88 ± 0.7 mm 0.6 ± 0.51 mm - - 86.36% -
BC 20 - 14.9% 28.2% - - 80% -
REP vs. APP NRCT MTA 19 24 IOPAR - 6.1% 0.00% - - 68% -
et al., 2012 [45]
CH 22 - 0.4% 1.52% - - 77% -

Silujjai et al., BC 17 - 9.51 ± 18.14% 13.75 ± 19.91% - - - -

2017 [46] MTA 26 - 8.55 ± 8.97% −3.30 ± 14.14% - - - -

Chen et al., CH, BC, MTA 17 - 94.12% - - - - -

2016 [47] CH, MTA 21 - 85.71% - - - - -
Legend: REP = Regenerative Endodontic Procedure; APP = Apexification Procedure; RCT = Randomized clinical trial; NRCT = Non-randomised clinical trial; DWT = Dentin wall
thickness; IRL = Increase in root length; AFW = Apical foramen width; AC = apical closure; VR = Vitality response; PAH = Periapical healing; BD = Bone density; BC = Blood clot;
PRP = Platelet rich plasma; PRF = Platelet rich fibrin; PP = Platelet plug; MTA = Mineral trioxide aggregate; CH = Calcium hydroxide; hDPSC = Human dental pulp stem cells;
RA = radiological assessment; IOPAR = Intraoral periapical radiographs; CBCT = cone-beam computed tomography; S = Satisfactory; G= Good; E= Excellent; ICC= Intraclass Correlation
Coefficient; HU= Hounsfield units F= Fracture; L = Luxation; Ci= Combined injuries; A= Avulsion.
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 33
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 21 of 35

Forest plots were plotted individually in a random effect model for dentinal wall
thickness plots were
(DWT), plotted
increase individually
in root length (RL),inapical
a random effect
closure model
(AC), forresponse
vitality dentinal (VR)
thickness (DWT), increase in root length (RL), apical closure (AC), vitality
and success rate (SR). Meta-analysis was also performed to compare REP and Apexifica-response (VR)
and success
tion rate The
procedure. (SR).meta-analysis
Meta-analysis was
was made
also performed to compare
from six included REP Forest
trials. and Apexification
plots were
procedure. The meta-analysis was made from six included trials. Forest plots were plotted
plotted for survival rate (SR), success rate (SR), increase in root length (RL) and decrease
for survival rate (SR), success rate (SR), increase in root length (RL) and decrease in foramen
in foramen width (FW).
width (FW).
3.4.1. DWT
DWT in in REP
REP with
with APC
APC Compared
Compared to to BC
BC in
in Young Immature Permanent
Young Immature Permanent Teeth
Four studies
studies [19,22,23,26]
[19,22,23,26] compared
compared the the DWT
DWT in in REP
REP between
between APC
APC and
and BC.
BC. Data
were pooled to assess the dentinal wall thickness (Figure 4). The overall
were pooled to assess the dentinal wall thickness (Figure 4). The overall risk ratio risk ratio is 1.07,
at 95%
1.07, atCI
95% [0.77, 1.49] of
CI [0.77, achieving
1.49] adequate
of achieving dentinal
adequate wall thickness
dentinal was found
wall thickness to be insig-
was found to be
nificant among
insignificant thesethese
among two group (p = 0.68).
two group The heterogenicity
(p = 0.68). between
The heterogenicity the study
between was mod-
the study was
erate, at I =at38%.
I2 = 38%.

Figure 4. Meta-analysis of dentin wall thickness (DWT) in regenerative endodontic procedure (REP)
Figure 4. Meta-analysis of dentin wall thickness (DWT) in regenerative endodontic procedure (REP)
using APC or BC.
using APC or BC.

3.4.2. Increased
Increased Root
Root Length
Length in
in REP
REP with
with APC
APC Compared
Compared to
to BC
BC in
in Young Immature Per-
Young Immature
Four studies
Four studies [19,22,23,26]
[19,22,23,26] compared the effectiveness of APC to BC and assessed the
increase in
increase in root
(Figure5).5).The overall
The risk
overall ratio
risk waswas
ratio 1.001.00
the 95% CI [0.71,
the 95% 1.39]
CI [0.71,
of achieving
1.39] excellent/good
of achieving root length
excellent/good foundfound
root length not to not
be significant amongamong
to be significant the twothe
p = 0.95. The heterogenicity between the study was low, at I2 = 38%.2
groups p = 0.95. The heterogenicity between the study was low, at I = 38%.

3.4.3. Apical Closure Formation in REP with APC Compared to BC in Young Immature
Permanent Teeth
Six studies [16,17,19,23,26,28] compared the apical closure of APCs to BC. Both the
procedures showed no significant difference between the groups with a RR of 0.97 and
95% CI [0.84, 1.13], p = 0.19; this suggested a similar rate of apical closure at the end of
follow-up (Figure 6). The heterogenicity between the study was low, at I2 = 30%.
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, x3909
of 33

Figure 5. Meta-analysis of increased root length (IRL) in regenerative endodontic procedure (REP)
using APC or BC.

3.4.3. Apical Closure Formation in REP with APC Compared to BC in Young Immature
Permanent Teeth
Six studies [16,17,19,23,26,28] compared the apical closure of APCs to BC. Both the
procedures showed no significant difference between the groups with a RR of 0.97 and
95% CI5. Meta-analysis
1.13], p of increased
this root length (IRL) in regenerative endodontic
closureprocedure (REP)
Figure 5.[0.84,
Meta-analysis =of0.19;
increased suggested a similar
root length (IRL) rate of apical
in regenerative endodontic at the end
procedure of
using APC or BC.
using APC (Figure
or BC. 6). The heterogenicity between the study was low, at I = 30%.

3.4.3. Apical Closure Formation in REP with APC Compared to BC in Young Immature
Permanent Teeth
Six studies [16,17,19,23,26,28] compared the apical closure of APCs to BC. Both the
procedures showed no significant difference between the groups with a RR of 0.97 and
95% CI [0.84, 1.13], p = 0.19; this suggested a similar rate of apical closure at the end of
follow-up (Figure 6). The heterogenicity between the study was low, at I2 = 30%.

Figure 6. Meta-analysis of apical foramen width (AFW) in regenerative endodontic procedure (REP)
Figure 6. Meta-analysis of apical foramen width (AFW) in regenerative endodontic procedure (REP)
using APC or BC.
using APC or BC.

3.4.4. Vitality Response in REP with APC Compared to BC in Young Immature

Permanent Teeth
Three studies [16,17,23] compared the effectiveness of APC and BC. Both procedures
had significant difference with RR 0.48, at 95% CI [0.28, 0.84], p = 0.01 (Figure 7). These
Figure 6. Meta-analysis
findings suggests thatofpositive
apical foramen
vitalitywidth (AFW)atinthe
response regenerative endodontic
end of follow-up was procedure (REP)
higher in the
using APC or BC.
APC group. The heterogenicity between the studies was low at I = 16%. 2
nent Teeth
3.4.4. Vitality Response in REP with APC Compared to BC in Young Immature Perma-
nent Three
Teeth studies [16,17,23] compared the effectiveness of APC and BC. Both procedures
had significant difference with RR 0.48, at 95% CI [0.28, 0.84], p = 0.01 (Figure 7). These
Three studies [16,17,23] compared the effectiveness of APC and BC. Both procedures
findings suggests that positive vitality response at the end of follow-up was higher in the
had significant difference with RR 0.48, at 95% CI [0.28, 0.84], p2 = 0.01 (Figure 7). These
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 APC group. The heterogenicity between the studies was low at I = 16%. 23 of 35
findings suggests that positive vitality response at the end of follow-up was higher in the
APC group. The heterogenicity between the studies was low at I2 = 16%.

Figure 7. Meta-analysis of vitality response (VR) in regenerative endodontic procedure (REP) using
APC or BC.
Figure 7. Meta-analysis
Meta-analysis of
of vitality
vitality response
response (VR)
(VR) in
in regenerative
regenerative endodontic
endodontic procedure (REP) using
APC or BC.
3.4.5. Success Rate of REP with APC Compared to BC in Young Immature Permanent
3.4.5. Success
Success Rate
3.4.5. Rate ofof REP
ComparedtotoBC BCininYoung
Young Immature
Immature Permanent
Permanent Teeth
TeethFour studies [16–18,23] were pooled to assess the success rate. The overall risk ratio
Four studies [16–18,23] were pooled to assess the success rate. The overall risk ratio
was 1.00
1.00 with
with aa 95%
95% CI [0.92,
CI [0.92, 1.08]
1.08] and
and pp == 0.96
0.96 (Figure
(Figure 8).
8). The
The success
success rate
rate between
between both
Four studies [16–18,23] were pooled to assess the success rate. The overall risk ratio
groups was
was found
found not
not to
to be
be statistically
statistically significantly
significantly different.
was 1.00 with a 95% CI [0.92, 1.08] and p = 0.96 (Figure 8). The success rate between both
groups was found not to be statistically significantly different.

Figure 8. Meta-analysis of success rate in regenerative endodontic procedure (REP) using APC or
Figure 8. Meta-analysis of success rate in regenerative endodontic procedure (REP) using APC or BC.
Figure 8. Meta-analysis of success rate in regenerative endodontic procedure (REP) using APC or
3.4.6. Survival Assessment in Young Immature Permanent Teeth Undergone either REP or
3.4.6. Survival Assessment in Young Immature Permanent Teeth Undergone either REP
Apexification Procedure in Young Immature Permanent Teeth
or Apexification Procedure in Young Immature Permanent Teeth rate. The procedures
3.4.6.Five studies
Survival [39,41,42,45,46]
Assessment were
in Young pooled toPermanent
Immature assess the Teeth
Undergone either REP
or Fiveno
studies [39,41,42,45,46]
Apexification difference
Procedure were pooled
in Young toPermanent
RR 1.01, assess
at 95% CIthe[0.97,
survival rate.
Teeth1.06], p =The
(Figure 9).
showed no significant
These values difference
suggest that with RR 1.01,
both interventions led at
to 95% CI [0.97, similar
a statistically 1.06], p rate
= 0.55of (Figure
Five studies [39,41,42,45,46] were pooled to assess the survival rate. 2The procedures
the end values suggest The
of follow-up. that heterogeneity
both interventions led the
between to astudies
statistically similar
was low, at I rate
= 0%.of survival
showed no significant difference with RR 1.01, at 95% CI [0.97, 1.06], p = 0.55 (Figure 9).
at theHowever,
end of follow-up.
a subgroupTheanalysis
heterogeneity between
observation was the
thatstudies was low,
apexification withat MTA
I2 = 0%.and REP
These values suggest that both interventions led to a statistically similar rate of2 survival
exhibited a similar survival rate at RR 0.99, with 95% CI [0.93, 1.05], p = 0.76, I = 0%. In
at the end of follow-up. The heterogeneity between the studies was low, at I2 = 0%.
the same forest plot it was observed that the Ca(OH)2 apexification procedure had a low
success rate compared to the MTA apexification procedure.
The funnel plot suggests low publication bias, with all studies placed within the
inverted funnel (Figure 10).
24 of 35

Figure 9. Meta-analysis of survival rate of young immature permanent teeth that underwent regen-
erative endodontic procedure (REP) or apexification procedure.

However, a subgroup analysis observation was that apexification with MTA and REP
exhibited a similar survival rate at RR 0.99, with 95% CI [0.93, 1.05], p = 0.76, I2 = 0%. In the
same forest plot it was observed that the Ca(OH)2 apexification procedure had a low suc-
cess rate compared to the MTA apexification procedure.
Figure funnel plot suggests
Meta-analysis ofofsurvival
survival ratepublication
rate ofofyoung
bias, with
immature all studies
permanent teeth
the in-
erative funnel (Figure
endodontic 10).
procedure (REP) or apexification procedure.
ative endodontic procedure (REP) or apexification procedure.

However, a subgroup analysis observation was that apexification with MTA and REP
exhibited a similar survival rate at RR 0.99, with 95% CI [0.93, 1.05], p = 0.76, I2 = 0%. In the
same forest plot it was observed that the Ca(OH)2 apexification procedure had a low suc-
cess rate compared to the MTA apexification procedure.
The funnel plot suggests low publication bias, with all studies placed within the in-
verted funnel (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Funnel plot showing publication bias of studies on survival rate of young immature
permanent teeth that underwent regenerative endodontic procedure (REP) or apexification procedure.

3.4.7. Comparison of Success Rate in Young Immature Permanent Teeth Treated with REP
or Apexification Procedure
Seven studies [39,41,42,44–47] were pooled to assess the success rate between two
interventions. However both the procedures showed no significant difference with RR of
0.95, at 95% CI [0.87, 1.04], p = 0.27; suggesting similar success rates at the end of follow-up.
The heterogeneity between the studies was low, at I2 = 33% (Figure 11).
3.4.7. Comparison of Success Rate in Young Immature Permanent Teeth Treated with
3.4.7. Comparison of Success Rate in Young Immature Permanent Teeth Treated with
REP or Apexification Procedure
REP or Apexification Procedure
Seven studies [39,41,42,44–47] were pooled to assess the success rate between two
Seven studies [39,41,42,44–47] were pooled to assess the success rate between two
interventions. However both the procedures showed no significant difference with RR of
interventions. However both the procedures showed no significant difference with25RR of
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 0.95, at 95% CI [0.87, 1.04], p = 0.27; suggesting similar success rates at the end of follow-
of 35
0.95, at 95% CI [0.87, 1.04], p = 0.27; suggesting similar success rates at the end of follow-
up. The heterogeneity between the studies was low, at I = 33% (Figure 11).
up. The heterogeneity between the studies was low, at I2 = 33% (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Meta-analysis of success rate in young immature permanent teeth undergoing regenera-
Figure 11.Meta-analysis
11. Meta-analysis
tive endodontic
procedure success
rate inin
young immature
permanent teeth undergoing regenerative
procedure.permanent teeth undergoing regenera-
endodontic procedure
tive endodontic (REP)(REP)
procedure or apexification procedure.
or apexification procedure.
The funnel plot
The plot suggests
suggests low publication bias, with all studies placed within the in-
The funnel
funnel plot suggests low publication
low publicationbias,
studies placed
placed within
within thethe
invertedfunnel (Figure
funnel(Figure 12).
verted funnel

Figure12. Funnel plot
12. Funnel plot showing
biasofof studies
studies onon success
success raterate in young
in young immature
immature per-
permanent Funnel
teeth plot showing
undergoing publication
regenerative bias of studies
endodontic on success
procedure orrate
(REP) or in young immature
apexification per-
manent teeth undergoing regenerative endodontic procedure (REP) or apexification procedure.
3.4.8. Comparison of Increase in Root Length in Young Immature Permanent Teeth Treated
3.4.8. Comparison of Increase in Root Length in Young Immature Permanent Teeth
3.4.8.REP or Apexification
Comparison Procedure
of Increase in Root Length in Young Immature Permanent Teeth
Treated with REP or Apexification Procedure
Threewith REP [39,40,44]
studies or Apexification Procedure
were pooled to assess and compare the increase in root length.
Three in
The increase studies [39,40,44] were pooled to assess and compare the increase in root
Three studies [39,40,44] were pooledgreater
root length was significantly in theand
to assess regenerative
compare procedure compared
the increase in root
to The increase
apexification, in root
with ainmean length was
difference significantly greater in the regenerative procedure
p < 0.00001 (Figure
length. The increase root length wasMD 1.98, 95% CI
significantly [-0.36,in4.32],
greater the regenerative 13).
However, the heterogeneity between the studies was high, at I2 = 98%, questioning the
reliability of the finding.

3.4.9. Comparison of Decrease in Apical Foramen Width in Young Immature Permanent

Teeth Treated with REP Or AEP
Three studies [39,40,44] were pooled to assess and compare the decrease in apical
foramen width. The decrease in apical foramen width was significantly greater in the REP
compared to the apexification procedure with a mean difference (MD) of 0.65 at 95% CI
[−0.83, 2.14], p < 0.00001 (Figure 14). However, the heterogeneity between the studies was
high, at I2 = 98%, questioning the reliability of the finding.
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 23 of 33

compared to apexification, with a mean difference MD 1.98, 95% CI [-0.36, 4.32], p <
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 0.00001 (Figure 13). However, the heterogeneity between the studies was high, at I2 26 of 35
= 98%,
questioning the reliability of the finding.

Figure 13. Meta-analysis of increase in root length (IRL) in young immature teeth treated with re-
generative endodontic procedure (REP) or apexification procedure.

3.4.9. Comparison of Decrease in Apical Foramen Width in Young Immature Permanent

Teeth Treated with REP Or AEP
Three studies [39,40,44] were pooled to assess and compare the decrease in apical
foramen width. The decrease in apical foramen width was significantly greater in the REP
compared to the apexification procedure with a mean difference (MD) of 0.65 at 95% CI [-
0.83, 2.14],
Figure p < 0.00001 (Figure
13. Meta-analysis 14). However, the heterogeneity between the studies was
Figure 13. Meta-analysisof
young immature
young teeth
immature treated
teeth with
treated re-
high, at I2endodontic
generative = 98%, questioning
procedure the reliability
(REP) of the finding.
or apexification procedure.
regenerative endodontic procedure (REP) or apexification procedure.

3.4.9. Comparison of Decrease in Apical Foramen Width in Young Immature Permanent

Teeth Treated with REP Or AEP
Three studies [39,40,44] were pooled to assess and compare the decrease in apical
foramen width. The decrease in apical foramen width was significantly greater in the REP
compared to the apexification procedure with a mean difference (MD) of 0.65 at 95% CI [-
0.83, 2.14], p < 0.00001 (Figure 14). However, the heterogeneity between the studies was
high, at I2 = 98%, questioning the reliability of the finding.

Figure 14. Meta-analysis
Meta-analysis of apical
apical foramen
foramen width
immatureteeth treated
teeth with
treated re-
generative endodontic
regenerative endodonticprocedure
apexification procedure.

systematicreview reviewwas wasintended
intendedtotoanalyzeanalyzethe thevarious
parametersthat thataffect
the survival of the immature necrotic tooth in the oral cavity after regeneration(REP)
survival of the immature necrotic tooth in the oral cavity after regeneration (REP)or or
apexification(AEP). (AEP).The Thebodybodyofofevidence
evidencefor foreach
comparisonand andoutcome
outcomewas wasassessed
consideringthe overall
the overall risk of bias
risk in the
of bias in included
the includedstudies. The directness
studies. The directness of the of evidence,
the evi-
the inconsistency
dence,14. the of
inconsistency the results, the
of theforamen precision
results,width of the
the precision estimates and the risk of publication
Figure Meta-analysis of apical (AFW) inof the estimates
young immature and teeththe risk with
treated of pub-
bias werebias
lication considered.
were considered.
generative endodontic procedure (REP) or apexification procedure.
REPisisbasedbased on on tissue engineering, where
tissue engineering, whereaascaffold
consistingofofstem stem cells
cells andand es-
essential growth factors support the proliferation and differentiation of stem cells [51].An
growth factors support the proliferation and differentiation of stem cells [51].
Discussion An
ideal natural scaffold should have a suitable porosity for cell seeding, potency to transport
natural scaffoldreview
systematic shouldwas haveintended
a suitabletoporosity
analyze for
thecell seeding,
various potency tothat
parameters transport
the nutrients, oxygen and waste, proper physical and mechanical strength, minimal inflam-
the nutrients,
the survival oxygen
of the and
immature waste, proper physical and mechanical strength, minimal in-
matory response and a similar necrotic
biodegradabletooth in the oral
ability cavity with
compared afterthe
regeneration (REP) or
tissue regeneration
apexification response
(AEP).clots and
The body a similar biodegradable
of evidence for each ability
comparison compared with
and outcome the tissue regen-
process [52]. Blood (BC) and autologous platelet concentrates (APCs) are
eration processthe [52].overall
Blood riskclotsof (BC) and autologous platelet concentrates (APCs) are evi-
used as scaffolds in REP [51]. BC is the process of forming a natural clot where thethe
by considering bias in the included studies. The directness of blood
dence, theused as scaffolds
inconsistency in REP [51]. BC is the process of forming a natural clot where the
changes from a liquid to aofgel. theItresults, the precision
has several advantages of the
alternativeand the risk such
scaffolds, of pub-as
blood changes
lication bias were from a liquid to a gel. It has several advantages over alternative scaffolds,
no allergic reaction, reduced cost and visiting time, convenience and comfort for patients.
suchREP as no is allergic
based onreaction, reduced cost and visiting
tissue engineering, time, convenience andcells
comfort for
The clotting process involves many bloodwhere cells anda scaffold
factors [51].of stem and es-
sential The
growth clotting process
factors supportproducts involves many
the proliferation blood cells and clotting
and differentiation factors
of stem cells [51]. [51]. An
APCs are blood-derived with an above-baseline concentration of platelets
ideal APCs are
natural blood-derived
scaffold should haveproducts
a withporosity
suitable an above-baseline
for cell concentration
seeding, potency tooftransport
and an increased number of platelet-derived growth factors [53]. The principle of APC
and an increased
the nutrients, oxygen number and of of
proper physicalgrowth factors
and mechanical [53]. The principle of APC
formation is the collection the most active constituents of a small strength,
blood sample, minimal which in-
flammatory is the
response collection
and a of the
similar most active
biodegradable constituents
ability of a
are plasma, platelets, fibrin, and leukocytes in most cases [54]. APCs are a cost-effective small blood
with the sample,
tissue which
and process
useful [52]. Blood endodontics
in regenerative clots (BC) anddue autologous platelet
to their high concentrates
concentration of (APCs)
growthare rou-
that used as
induce scaffoldsproliferation,
migration, in REP [51]. BC and is differentiation
the process of forming
of stem acells,
theirclot where
dense the
blood changes
matrix that serves fromas a liquid to a gel. and
stable scaffold It has several
their advantages
bacteriostatic over alternative
properties [55]. scaffolds,
as no allergic reaction,
plasma (PRP)reduced
is a gelcost
withand visiting
a high time, convenience
concentration and comfort
of autologous for
patients. The
suspended in clotting
a small process
amountinvolvesof plasma manyafterblood cells and clotting
centrifugation factors [51].
of the patient’s blood. The
platelets are blood-derived
in PRP play an essential products
role in with
treatingan above-baseline concentration
the healing of damaged tissueof dueplatelets
to the
and anof various growth
increased numberfactors such as PDGF,growth
of platelet-derived VEGF, IGF-1,
factorsFGF [53].and
TheEGF. The granules
principle of APC
in plateletsiscontain
formation cytokines,
the collection of the chemokines
most activeand many other
constituents of aproteins that help
small blood sample, stimulate
proliferation and cellular maturation [56]. The platelet rich fibrin (PRF) is achieved with a
simplified preparation, with no biochemical manipulation of blood. This technique does
not require anticoagulants [57].
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 27 of 35

The teeth included for RET intervention were those that were affected by either
trauma [58], secondary caries [59] or developmental anomalies [58]. Factors that can affect
the outcome of RET are irrigation protocol, final rinsing of canal and intracanal medica-
ments (ICM). Six out of twelve studies [16–18,20,22] of the included clinical trials followed
standardized irrigation protocol given by the American Association of Endodontists (AAE)
and the European Society of Endodontics (ESE) [60]. The other six studies [16,17,19,21,23,24]
did not follow the irrigation protocol religiously. The ideal concentration of NaOCl is 1.25%,
but if a higher concentration is used, it reduces the viability of stem cells and their odon-
togenic/osteogenic differentiation [61]. EDTA reduces the deleterious effect of sodium
hypochlorite and improves cell survival and differentiation [61]. It also liberates the growth
factors present in dentin that positively affect stem cell adhesion, migration and differentia-
tion [62]. Studies in which EDTA was not used as final irrigant also affected the outcome.
The most preferred ICM used in RET is a triple antibiotic paste containing minocycline,
ciprofloxacin and metronidazole, followed by calcium hydroxide paste [63]. AAE recom-
mends 0.1 mg of TAP, but at high concentrations, it has a cytotoxic effect on stem cells
and reduces mineralization [64] and when minocycline is included, it can cause significant
tooth discoloration [65]. Overall, it can be concluded that RET is a successful intervention
for the management of immature necrotic permanent teeth with high to moderate certainty.
The meta-analysis conducted in this systematic review concluded that APCs signifi-
cantly improved apical closure and response to vitality pulp tests. In contrast, no significant
difference between APC and BC was observed in root lengthening, dentin wall thickness
or the success rate of immature, necrotic teeth treated with regenerative endodontics. This
finding agrees with the outcome of other studies by Panda et al. [66]. The possible reasons
could be due to intentional induction of bleeding from the periapical region and the for-
mation of a blood clot into the root canal in the revascularization procedure of immature
necrotic teeth acts as a scaffold supporting angiogenesis, providing a pathway for the migra-
tion of stem cells from the periapical area, and inducing pulp regeneration and maturation
of the root [67]. Some vital pulp tissue and Hertwig’s Epithelial Root Sheath may remain in
teeth with open apices and necrotic pulps. When the canal is sufficiently disinfected, the
inflammatory process reverses, and these tissues may proliferate [68]. The second factor
is the apex diameter. A tooth with an open apex allows the migration of mesenchymal
stem cells into the root canal space, allowing the host cell homing to form new tissue in
the root canal space. An apical opening of 1.1 mm in diameter or more is beneficial, with
natural regenerative endodontic treatment occurring in approximately 18–34% of teeth
with immature roots [68]. The third factor is the patient age. It is directly related to the
stage of root formation and apical diameter; it is likely a modifying factor in regenerative
endodontic procedures [69]. RET was capable of regenerating the pulp–dentine complex
to restore the vitality of tissue damaged in the canal space and increase thee thickness of
the canal walls to strengthen the fragile immature permanent teeth [70,71]. The possible
reasons that APC performed better than BC in these two parameters could be difficulties in
sensible evaluating because of the layered coronal seal over the BC scaffold [72].
Among APC, PRF had better outcomes in terms of AC and VPR. Possible reasons
could be that PRF is collection of a dense and stable fibrin network [73] that allows a slower
release of growth factors compared to PRP; PRP releases significantly more growth factors
when compared to PRF during the first 15–60 min after clot formation. In a short time, high
concentrations of bioactive molecules released by PRP could be responsible for the apparent
beneficial effects over PRF. From these observations, it could be concluded that there is
a trend of PRP showing better results than PRF in regenerative endodontic procedures.
However, more clinical studies with large sample sizes are required to confirm or deny
this trend over a long follow-up period [74]. The outcome of teeth in Apexification studies
evaluated the outcome in terms of calcific barrier [30,32,34], periapical healing [30,34], and
success rate [29,30,34]. The material used for apexification is Ca(OH)2 and MTA in both
RCTs and NRCTs. The traditional method for the treatment of young, permanent, non-
vital teeth is apexification. Traditionally, the approach has been to use calcium hydroxide
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 28 of 35

(Ca(OH)2 ) to induce apexification after disinfection of the root canals in a conventional

manner [75]. Ca(OH)2 is readily available, easy to use, relatively inexpensive and widely
used in clinical procedures [10]. The disadvantages of traditional, long-term Ca(OH)2
therapy include variability in treatment time, the unpredictability of formation of an apical
seal, difficulty in following up with patients and delayed treatment [76].
The traditional use of Ca(OH)2 to achieve apexification is being gradually replaced
by mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) as a one-step technique [51,52]. The advantages
of using an apical plug include the requirement for fewer appointments to complete the
treatment, more predictable apical barrier formation and reduced need for patient follow-up
appointments [77].
The results showed that both materials had similar clinical success rates, radiographic
success rates and apical barrier formation rates; there was no significant difference between
these two groups. To obtain complete closure of the root apex, Ca(OH)2 based apexification
procedure requires long-term application of the dressing material (from 3 to 24 months).
However, MTA was associated with a significantly shorter time to achieve apical barrier
formation than the calcium hydroxide [74]. The clinical protocol for apexification may
involve one or multiple monthly appointments to place calcium hydroxide inside the root
canal and eliminate the intracanal infection, which stimulates calcification and produces
the apical closure [78]. A systematic review [79] evaluated the outcomes of the apexification
method using Ca(OH)2 or MTA in young, immature permanent teeth. The authors found
that the MTA barrier is a better procedure compared to Ca(OH)2 apexification, because it
does not require many appointments and the conformation of the barrier does not require
an external factor to develop, as it does with Ca(OH)2 apexification and pulp regeneration.
These findings are in agreement with the present systematic review.
Calcium hydroxide can induce underlying tissues to produce large amounts of miner-
alized matrices. In the matrix attached to calcium, calcified foci induce calcification of the
newly formed collagenous matrix. The high pH of calcium hydroxide also plays a vital role
in inducing hard tissue formation [80].
The MTA can be placed as an apical plug with previous applications intracanal with
Ca(OH)2 to produce the disinfection of the same [53,81], or even the MTA can be used as a
material for canal filling. MTA is not bonded to dentin, but the interaction of calcium and
hydroxyl ions components with a phosphate-containing synthetic body fluid results in the
formation of apatite-like interfacial deposits [82].
This systematic review included studies that compared regeneration procedures and
apexification procedures. Both the interventions are aimed at saving immature necrotic
teeth. However regeneration is best attempted when the root formation is less than two-
thirds [6] according Cvek’s classification.
The studies included compared both the interventions, involving the teeth with the
apex open more than 1 mm. In this scenario, both regeneration and apexification have a
similar outcomes. Overall, both interventions are comparable and successful.
The clinical outcome of teeth in RET versus APT studies was evaluated in terms of
increase in root length [39,40], apical foramen width [40,41,45,46], periapical healing [39,45],
survival rate [39,41,45,46] and successful rate [39,41,45–47]. The scaffold to initiate regener-
ation was BC, and apexification was calcium hydroxide or MTA.
Meta-analysis showed that the regeneration procedure resulted in significant improve-
ment in root length and apical foramen width, but there was no significant difference
concerning ‘overall outcomes’ (clinical and radiographic) and survival rate outcomes
between revascularization and apexification.
Revascularization generates a new pulp-like tissue inside the root canal to restore
the tooth physiology and significantly reduce the risk of tooth loss [10,12,70,71,83]. This
could be the reason for revascularization to yield significantly better results in terms of root
maturation than apexification, and to be slightly more effective in providing an increasing
lateral dentinal wall thickness and promoting the continuation of dentin thickness and
root width with a reduction of periapical radiolucency. However, further investigation is
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 29 of 35

required into whether this increase in DWT is truly from dentin deposition or cementum-
like and bone-like structures [84]. Another systematic review [85], evaluated the clinical,
radiographic and functional retention outcomes in immature necrotic permanent teeth
treated either with pulp revascularization or apexification after a minimum of three months
to determine which one provides the best results. The authors found that although pulp
revascularization procedures may increase root length and width, some attempts should
be made to use standard methods to quantify the ‘real gain’ in root development because
some X-ray distortions may overestimate its increase. Moreover, it was concluded that
there is still a need to establish proper concentrations for root canal disinfectants that might
enhance the survival of SCAP, but also reduce the microbial load and risk of reinfection.
Based on their meta-analysis, the results do not favor one treatment modality over the
According to AAE [60], irrigation with 1.5% NaOCl followed by 17% EDTA and
intracanal medicaments with either TAP in concentrations of 0.1–1 mg/mL or Ca(OH)2
with 1 mg/mL provide a higher survival of stems cells of the apical papilla (SCAP) that
may play an essential role in root maturation. However, the treatment protocols adopted in
the included studies comparing apexification with RET [53,56,58] did not use this proposed
concentration. This could be the reason why reinfection occurred more in RET compared to
Only one study evaluated the reinfection post intervention and concluded that it was
seen more in RET than in apexification. The possible reasons could be the use of higher
concentrations of irrigating solutions that may be harming the SCAP, precluding a potential
benefit of root maturation in both the interventions. Some failures were observed due to
reinfection of the canal, perhaps due to residual bacteria in the root canal as effectively
observed in histological analyses [86]. There is still a need for further investigation on this
topic because most of the failures observed in these studies were due to persistent infection
or reinfection.
In another systematic review [59] evaluating the clinical and radiographic outcomes
for nonvital immature permanent teeth treated using RET, the authors found excellent
success rates regarding tooth survival and periapical pathology resolution following RET.
However, the results for more favorable outcomes, such as continued root growth, were
uncertain. This study is also in agreement with our systematic review results.
Discoloration to the tooth was seen more in RET than in apexification [39]. Only one
study [39] analyzed crown discoloration in the regeneration procedure. This study reported
that 2 out of 19 teeth (10.5%) treated with BC revascularization presented crown staining.
The possible reason could be the use of intracanal medication TAP containing minocycline.
Only one study [39] analyzed the root fracture in the apexification procedure. In this
study, dens evaginatus (DE) premolar was analyzed, and Ca(OH)2 was used to create the
calcific barrier at the apex. Of 21 patients, 2 had cervical fractures, and one had an apical
fracture. The possible reason for this outcome could be the fact that DE frequently occurs on
the lingual side of the buccal cusp, which is part of the functional cusp, and thus fractures
easily when the occlusal force is exercised. In the same study [39], pulp canal obliteration
was observed in RET. The possible reason could be internal replacement resorption during
the hard tissue regeneration inside the root canal [87]. A longer follow-up period would be
required to observe the results and whether this influences the dental treatment. However,
this is the only study with a moderate risk of bias. Hence, the inference of this study should
be analyzed with caution.
Out of 32 studies included in this review, 17 studies were randomized control trials;
3 had a low risk of bias, and 14 had a moderate risk of bias. Most of the studies failed to
ensure concealment of allocation and blinding of the outcome assessment. In addition,
due to the nature of the treatment, most studies found it impossible to ensure blinding of
the patient and personnel because the patients receiving platelet concentrates knew which
groups they were assigned since they were submitted to blood draw. In non-randomized
control trials, there was uncertainty in defining the proper selection of participants in
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 30 of 35

most studies, along with the classification of interventions and deviations from intended
interventions in a few studies. Therefore, these reasons led to moderate to serious overall
risk assessment.

5. Conclusions
Clinicians should consider employing the REP in cases when the root development is
severely deficient, with insufficient dentine, and where the tooth’s prognosis is hopeless
even with an apexification procedure. With moderate to high certainty, APCs used in
the REP procedure significantly improved apical closure and response to vitality pulp
tests. However, overall both APCs and BC showed similar successful outcomes in the
regeneration procedure. In the apexification procedure with moderate certainty, it can be
concluded that both MTA and Ca(OH)2 are equally effective in forming the calcific barrier.
With moderate certainty, it can be concluded that both regeneration and apexification
procedures are equally comparable interventions and result with similar overall outcomes.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.M. and P.P.; methodology, P.P.; software, S.P.; validation,
L.M., P.P. and S.G.; formal analysis, B.L.; investigation, P.P.; resources, B.L.; data curation, S.P.;
writing—original draft preparation, L.M.; writing—review and editing, L.M. and B.L.; visualization,
P.P.; supervision, S.G.; project administration, L.M.; funding acquisition, B.L. All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable for secondary research.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A
The list of 21 articles [88–108] excluded from the review, with reasons for exclusion, is
shown in Table A1.

Table A1. List of excluded studies after reading the full text.

Study Reason for Exclusion

Alhaddad Alhamoui et al., 2014 [88] In vitro study
Alkaisi et al., 2013 [89] Animal study
El Arshy et al., 2016 [90] Animal study
El-Tayeb et al., 2019 [91] Animal study
Huang et al., 2013 [92] Animal study
Peng et al., 2017 [93] Chinese language
Jamshidi et al., 2018 [94] In vitro study
Moradi et al., 2016 [95] Animal study
Ok et al., 2015 [96] In vitro study
Pagliarin et al., 2016 [97] Animal study
Rafaei et al., 2020 [98] In vitro study
Ritter AL et al., 2004 [99] Animal study
Sogukpinar et al., 2020 [100] In vitro study
Thibodeau et al., 2007 [101] In vitro study
Valera et al., 2015 [102] Animal study
J. Clin. Med. 2022, 11, 3909 31 of 35

Table A1. Cont.

Study Reason for Exclusion

Yang et al., 2018 [103] Animal study
Yoo et al., 2014 [104] Animal study
Zhang et al., 2014 [105] Animal study
Zuong et al., 2010 [106] Animal study
Beslot-Neveu et al., 2011 [107] Study protocol
Bukhari et al., 2016 [108] Case series

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